A Spectral Shading Model for Human Skin Craig Donner Henrik Wann Jensen University of California, San Diego Two layer skin model Spectral absorption coefficients Renderings Photographs Caucasian Asian African Textured Caucasian Different skin types simulated with our model (top) compared to actual photographs of real skin samples (bottom). For Caucasian skin, C m = 0.5%, β m = 0.7, C h = 0.5%, and ρ s = 0.3. For Asian skin, C m = 15%, β m = 0, C h = 1%, and ρ s = 0.3. For African skin, C m = 50%, β m = 0.7, C h = 5%, and ρ s = 0.3. The far right image applies an albedo texture to the Caucasian skin. We have developed an analytical spectral shading model for human skin. Our model accounts for both subsurface and surface scatter- ing. To simulate the interaction of light with human skin, we have narrowed the number of necessary parameters down to just four, con- trolling the amount of oil, melanin, and hemoglobin, which makes it possible to match specific skin types. Using these physically- based parameters we generate custom spectral diffusion profiles for a two-layer skin model (shown in the top left figure) that account for subsurface scattering within the skin. We use the diffusion profiles in combination with a Torrance-Sparrow model for surface scattering to simulate the reflectance of the specific skin type. The images above show examples of simulated Caucasian, Asian and African skin types compared with photographs of real skin. We generate the spectral diffusion profiles by modeling the skin as a two layer translucent material using the multipole diffusion model [Donner and Jensen 2005]. Each homogenous layer has spec- tral absorption and scattering coefficients depending on its chemical and physical structure. The top layer, the epidermis, absorbs light depending on the amount and type of melanin in the skin. Its spectral absorption coefficient σ epi a is defined as σ epi a (λ )=C m (β m σ em a (λ )+(1-β m )σ pm a (λ ))+(1-C m )σ baseline a , (1) where C m is the total volume fraction of melanin in the epider- mis, σ em a is the absorption of eumelanin, σ pm a is the absorption of pheomelanin, and β m linearly interpolates between the two melanin types. These two melanin types are the basic building blocks of real melanin in skin. σ baseline a is the baseline absorption of skin due to mesostructures and other small concentrations of chemicals. The baseline absorption spectra of skin and of melanins are broad and fairly featureless, and are described well by power laws σ em a (λ )=6.6×10 1 0×λ -3.33 mm -1 (2) σ pm a (λ )=2.9×10 1 4×λ -4.75 mm -1 (3) σ baseline a (λ )=0.0244+8.53e -(λ -154)/66.2 mm -1 (4) Absorption in the lower layer, the dermis, is dominated by hemoglobin. Hemoglobin appears in the dermis in both oxygenated and deoxygenated form, each has a slightly different spectrum as shown above 1 . The total absorption in the dermis including baseline absorption is σ derm a (λ )=C h γσ oxy a (λ )+(1-γ ) σ deoxy a (λ ) +(1-C h )σ baseline a , (5) where C h is the volume fraction of hemoglobin in the dermis, and the oxygenation ratio γ is 0.7. 1 Hemoglobin data courtesy Scott Prahl: omlc.ogi.edu/spectra/hemoglobin/ Figure 1: The left images shows how our model captures the scattering of light through thin areas such as the ear, while the right shows the skin illuminated from several directions. For both images, the parameters are C m = 0.2%, β m = 0.5, C h = 1%, and ρ s = 0.25. Rendering took under 5 minutes on a modern workstation. Scattering in skin is due to high frequency changes in index of refrac- tion between different tissues, and is modeled well by a combination of Rayleigh and Mie theory σ s (λ )=14.74λ -0.22 +2.2×10 11 ×λ -4 . (6) When rendering images of skin, the user chooses the three param- eters C m , C h , β m to generate spectral data for the multipole, which computes the subsurface scattering component of skin. In our model, epidermal thickness is fixed at 0.25mm, with a semi-infinite dermis. This subsurface component is modulated by an albedo texture as described in [Donner and Jensen 2005]. To account for surface scattering from an oily layer, we model light reflected at the surface with the Torrance-Sparrow BRDF f r ,TS [Tor- rance and Sparrow 1967]. We have found that a roughness value of 0.3 is sufficient. The oiliness of the skin is controlled by a linear scale factor ρ s . Figure 1 provides examples of our method in different lighting conditions. References DONNER, C., AND JENSEN, H. W. 2005. Light diffusion in multi-layered translucent materials. ACM Trans. Graphic. 24, 3, 1032–1039. TORRANCE, K., AND SPARROW, E. 1967. Theory for off-specular reflection from roughened surfaces. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 57, 1104–1114.

A Spectral Shading Model for Human Skingraphics.ucsd.edu/~henrik/papers/spectral_skin_shading/spectral_skin_shading.pdfA Spectral Shading Model for Human Skin Craig Donner Henrik Wann

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Page 1: A Spectral Shading Model for Human Skingraphics.ucsd.edu/~henrik/papers/spectral_skin_shading/spectral_skin_shading.pdfA Spectral Shading Model for Human Skin Craig Donner Henrik Wann

A Spectral Shading Model for Human Skin

Craig Donner Henrik Wann JensenUniversity of California, San Diego

Two layer skin model

Spectral absorption coefficients







Caucasian Asian African Textured CaucasianDifferent skin types simulated with our model (top) compared to actual photographs of real skin samples (bottom). For Caucasianskin, Cm = 0.5%, βm = 0.7, Ch = 0.5%, and ρs = 0.3. For Asian skin, Cm = 15%, βm = 0, Ch = 1%, and ρs = 0.3. For African skin,Cm = 50%, βm = 0.7, Ch = 5%, and ρs = 0.3. The far right image applies an albedo texture to the Caucasian skin.

We have developed an analytical spectral shading model for humanskin. Our model accounts for both subsurface and surface scatter-ing. To simulate the interaction of light with human skin, we havenarrowed the number of necessary parameters down to just four, con-trolling the amount of oil, melanin, and hemoglobin, which makesit possible to match specific skin types. Using these physically-based parameters we generate custom spectral diffusion profiles fora two-layer skin model (shown in the top left figure) that account forsubsurface scattering within the skin. We use the diffusion profiles incombination with a Torrance-Sparrow model for surface scatteringto simulate the reflectance of the specific skin type. The imagesabove show examples of simulated Caucasian, Asian and Africanskin types compared with photographs of real skin.

We generate the spectral diffusion profiles by modeling the skinas a two layer translucent material using the multipole diffusionmodel [Donner and Jensen 2005]. Each homogenous layer has spec-tral absorption and scattering coefficients depending on its chemicaland physical structure. The top layer, the epidermis, absorbs lightdepending on the amount and type of melanin in the skin. Its spectralabsorption coefficient σ

epia is defined as

σepia (λ )=Cm(βmσ em

a (λ )+(1−βm)σ pma (λ ))+(1−Cm)σ baseline

a , (1)

where Cm is the total volume fraction of melanin in the epider-mis, σ em

a is the absorption of eumelanin, σpma is the absorption of

pheomelanin, and βm linearly interpolates between the two melanintypes. These two melanin types are the basic building blocks of realmelanin in skin. σbaseline

a is the baseline absorption of skin due tomesostructures and other small concentrations of chemicals. Thebaseline absorption spectra of skin and of melanins are broad andfairly featureless, and are described well by power laws

σ ema (λ )=6.6×1010×λ−3.33 mm−1 (2)

σpma (λ )=2.9×1014×λ−4.75 mm−1 (3)

σ baselinea (λ )=0.0244+8.53e−(λ−154)/66.2 mm−1 (4)

Absorption in the lower layer, the dermis, is dominated byhemoglobin. Hemoglobin appears in the dermis in both oxygenatedand deoxygenated form, each has a slightly different spectrum asshown above1. The total absorption in the dermis including baselineabsorption is

σ derma (λ )=Ch

(γ σ

oxya (λ )+(1−γ) σ

deoxya (λ )

)+(1−Ch)σ baseline

a , (5)

where Ch is the volume fraction of hemoglobin in the dermis, andthe oxygenation ratio γ is ≈ 0.7.

1Hemoglobin data courtesy Scott Prahl:omlc.ogi.edu/spectra/hemoglobin/

Figure 1: The left images shows how our model captures the scattering of lightthrough thin areas such as the ear, while the right shows the skin illuminated fromseveral directions. For both images, the parameters are Cm = 0.2%, βm = 0.5, Ch = 1%,and ρs = 0.25. Rendering took under 5 minutes on a modern workstation.

Scattering in skin is due to high frequency changes in index of refrac-tion between different tissues, and is modeled well by a combinationof Rayleigh and Mie theory

σ ′s(λ )=14.74λ−0.22+2.2×1011×λ−4. (6)

When rendering images of skin, the user chooses the three param-eters Cm, Ch, βm to generate spectral data for the multipole, whichcomputes the subsurface scattering component of skin. In our model,epidermal thickness is fixed at 0.25mm, with a semi-infinite dermis.This subsurface component is modulated by an albedo texture asdescribed in [Donner and Jensen 2005].

To account for surface scattering from an oily layer, we model lightreflected at the surface with the Torrance-Sparrow BRDF fr,T S [Tor-rance and Sparrow 1967]. We have found that a roughness value of≈ 0.3 is sufficient. The oiliness of the skin is controlled by a linearscale factor ρs.

Figure 1 provides examples of our method in different lightingconditions.


DONNER, C., AND JENSEN, H. W. 2005. Light diffusion in multi-layered translucentmaterials. ACM Trans. Graphic. 24, 3, 1032–1039.

TORRANCE, K., AND SPARROW, E. 1967. Theory for off-specular reflection fromroughened surfaces. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 57, 1104–1114.