"SI. [WO" WINS MANY HMDS AT StATTIt IHEAIRf Capacity Audience Gieeta the Fir»t Production of Popular Drama .it the Third Avenue piayhou*e Uthough million*. old and young. t,a*e read Mwuata Kvana Wllaon'a Itofv of '!*» Kin*'. ,hf ' rwpularltj *, ,h*i lnt«*re*tln* character h*a In no »»* tllmlßiahed becaua* of thl* fact Tlito »»* evidenced l**t night at Seattle Theatre when Mi andtence that fa*' 1 '! the capacity nl the hou*e welcomed the flrat pro- duction of the ««ek of Vaughn Gleaer't dramatltatlon of the novel, only authorlied vera lon The character of Si Klmo ta one thai appeal* atnuigly lo erarvone He I* a wonderful, atrong compell Ins man who, though embittered by the duplicity of a weak woman and a weaker friend. again takea up the thread of life and aceompllahea much good The Hallev * Mltrhell player* \u25a0cored a big aocceaa laal night, and the audience waa not sparing In It* applauao The ca*t I* excellently balanced, and every character I* true to life The *tage aettltiK* are elaborate, even for the high atand ard aet by the Seattle Theatre Every detail la perfectly carried out Th*r* la no advance in prlcos for thia production The best aeat mar lv« had at nlaht performances for flft* casta, or for twenty-five conts ?t matlneea Wedaesd-k* otxht the Tlllkums of Klttaes «tH bsve rhar*>- of the feouae. but ' St. Kino ' * til !*# th«< play.?Adv. EEC CHOP OFF THE EXPENSE AND TROUBLE OF WASH DAY. Let Do the Work. WET WASH f/ic Per Pound, Dry Wal|M ROUGH DRY 40c Par Do ran axiw w hit* m>ai Call Queen Anne The Wa*hin'» CENTRAL II AH LAUNDRY AUTO SER VICI Eta-BSC DR. L. R. CLARK. O. D. t. There's Another Reason than looks why your teeth should be kept In ?your health Without gfld teeth It's Im- possible to masticate your food properly, and so Indlgeetlon ensues snd a long trail of troubles Re- member. Dr. Clark will examine your teeth free of charge and tell you what you need and how much It will cost. You will be under no obligations to have anything done unlearn you so desire. Our prices are exceptionally l<»w We will make you an extra heavy $10 Oold Crown for 14. or one of ( ir famous $10 Never Hlip Plates for 16. All work guaranf»'d WE GIVE GAS Regal Dental Offices Dr. L. R. Clark, D. O. 8-. Manager, Third Ave., N. W. Cor Union. Note?Bring Thie Ad With You. REJECTED SUITOR MURDERS BRIDE ' IIANCISt'd, Kelt. 34 Abraham Pepper, a late aaleamaa, to »la> »lio anil altuont Inatunih killed Mrr Dorothy Johpaon of Tacoma, a Iwlde nf a week, here with her buaband ou a honeymoon trip Then «\u25a0 l»I er (lied a bullet Into hla own head, hut doctora any he probably will recover Pepper «ai a aultur for the deud «oiuan'a hand for a vear before her marriage Mr* .lohnaon before her marriage w,ta Mia* DaithaUer She wit* .1 year* old, and a brunette of a Mtrlklngly beautiful type \i>out 10 ii clock Pepper called up Mi* Johnton over the telephone and mild lie wi«hed to *»e her on an Important matter She con*«tit*d to *ee him Pepper flattened hlmaelf ngalnat the wall bealde the door or the lootn occupied tiy Johliaon mid hla wife A* »he emerged from the room, clad In a dreaalng gown and felt allppera. Pepper drew a re volver, pie**.-d It again*! the back of her head and flre.l To make ?ure of aotttmpllahlng hi* purpoae. Pepper Mooped and fired another ?hot Into the proeirate body. Then he »ent a bullet Into hi* own tem Pie, ju*t above the ear epper met the Johnaona at the ferry building when thev arrived here, five daya ago, and congratulated them Again, two daya latei, lie aent them flowera, profea*lng pleasure at their marriage and wlalilng them many year* of happlm «» learning that Mia. Jxhuixin had come Into an eatate of $!.'?,OUO from a relative. Hermann Klaber, who went down with the Titanic, he made ihla an eicuae for Becking an Interview, and that wa* the tmixir tant matter referred to ah.n he telephoned her Police Serjeant Fred 1.. Klbbach I *m suspended by Chief of I'ollce . Itsnnlck for SO ilaya thla meruit *, and order* may be laaued reducing Itltn In rank a* th«> remilt of hla ahuotltiK at a llmoualne ambulance convoying a woman, critically 111. Ito a hoapltal at 1 0.1 a in. today. Chief llannlck acted on a report filed with him by ( apt J) K WIV i lard. In which Klbbach admitted he ahot at the ambulance The driver* of the car declaro I Klbbach *ai Intoxicated. llutterworth haa the atalntnent of Prank l>uic»il. proprietor of tbo AJax cafe, First nv and Virginia »t , that he Haw Klbbach In an In- toxicated condition on a street car at ft 45 Monday night. Tho ahot waa embedded In tho gaaollno tank, IS Inchoa out of line of Mrs. M L. Wllllama, 2234 Bpokana av? whom Orlwor Harry taundors and Attendant Benjamin Lyon* ware hurrying to medical aaaiatance. In a But- tsrworth ambulance. Rlbbach ahot when ftauadatrs failed to comply with bla command to halt as the ambulance approach- ed Bell *t. on Drat av . en route | to tho Pacific hospital The ear. according to Saunder* and Lyons, waa traveling at a *P«ed not exceeding seven mltoa an hour, proceeding slowly because of the serious condition of his pas scatter Maunders and I.yons were al- lowed to proceed to the hospital. After safely lodglug the woman there. Ssunders then drovo np flrat av.. In aewrch of the sergeant. Locating him atsndlng In a door way with two other policemen. Saunders demanded a better oi- planatlon. Rlbbach replied by tell- in* him to "go about bla bualnoM." he saya. Lyons than reported tbo affair to Captain D. F WUlard at head- quarter* and dotnanded that a man I be sent out to report Rlbhach's con- dition. Thla. Lyons says, waa re- fused. NEW TRIAL FOR LIEUT. BECKER ALBANY. N Y , K*h. 14?Por- mor Police Uniit. Charles Hecker of Now York city, under senteoce of death In Htng Bin* prison for tbe murder of Herman Rosenthal, was granted a new trial todajr. HYOMEI RfLltVtS IN FIVE MINUTES You Breathe It Ifyour bead I* all atuffed up from S cold or catarrh, you auffer with dull headachea and s«em lacking In vitality, or are constantly sniffling and coughing, you need a remedy thst will give the quickest, moft ef- fective and lasting relief possible? something that will go right to the Spot, clear the head and throat and end your misery. Surely use Mrcmel -nil drugent* aell It. It I* Just such a remedy, and entirely harmless and pleaa- »nl to use you breathe It?no stomach doelng The antlaeptlc olla of llyomei mix with the all you breath" Ita heal'h- givlng medication Immediately reaches the aore rnd Inflamed mu- con* membrane -you feel (>etter In five nil cute*. It Is practically Im possible to use Hyomel and not only be relieved but perniHnently liene filed Your money refunded If you are not satisfied Ask for the com- plete outfit |I.<W alze Did You Ever Compare the Cost of Gas With Other Household Expense? Did it ever occur to you that you were re- reiving thithe mo*t faithful of servitor*, at a very low cost ? If your gas hill is $.1 00 per month, ami u»>*t hills ,-iie le-s, the cost of this great service ha* averagrc' 10 cent* per day. If there arc five in y iir i.mily, the average cost per individual is two cents. A great service for >>o small a cost, isn't it ? SEATTLE LIGHTING CO. Henry Bldg. Phone Main 6767. PICKED BY AN ARTIST AS IDEAL OF BEAUTY Mr*. Leonard Thomas Mm Been Honored by the Well-known Artitt, Renheyn Stanataua. Who Haoea Mor on tha Clot of the light Moot ?eswtlful Woman In Now York. CITY NEWS Chief Seattle Tribe No. 26. Im- proved Order of Rod Men. will five their uaual Washington's birthday celebration tonight at * o'clock at K. of P. hall, First a*, and Pike at a e a Tho work of Woatarn artlata I* b<*ln* ah'iwn thla week In the an- nual exhibit of the California Horl- ety of Ktchers In thn Fifth a* Kill lerlra of the Waahlngton State Art aaa<x-latlon. ? ? e Capt. Zlmroa 8. Moor#, veteran Alaskan aeaman. «n ahorn nearly four year*, will again go to sea In the aervlce of the Admiral line ? ? ? Making a mraatap. Mra. Sarah Ht«"«al. blind, plunged down a flight of ate pa In her home at 1527Vk Hpruce at., and auatalned anrloua Injuries. ? ? ? Dr. John Mackay, preaident of the Federated Canadian club*, will address members of (he Seattle Canadian club tonight. ? ? ? Despondent. Mlaa Mary Cornelius. 2*. attempted to end her life In her home. 1820 24th a*.. Monday by shooting herself. Hhe will re- cover. a ? ? Funeral aorvlcea for Charles liulln. engineer, killed when hi* lo comotlve was derailed at Mlack Itlver Junction, will be held Wed nesday. a ? ? Charged with cutting harness on an Kyret Transfer Co team. lames Cox, Tacomu teamster, has been arrested. ? ? ? Mra. Mary Nichols, former wife of George Reynolds, killed by high waymen who were subsequently lynched. In IBS 2, I* dead. GEORGE DID IT (If-ortri WaahlnKton »»i lauded hk the man who made the American republic a poaalblllty In an addreaa by John O. Pouter, l> I). at the 19th annual banquet of the Waahlnglon \u25a0oclety, Hon* of the American Rev- olution, Id the Lincoln hotel Imit nlnht. EASY PICKmil KRKDONtA, Ky . Feb. 24 - The bank <>f Kr.'ilonlH wan entered la*t ntKbt by ye***, an old fashioned xafe tilown and between $7,000 and $10,000 jitolen. WILL RECOVER Jullu* Kuenatle. 12. accidentally ahol through the cheat with a .22 (til I lire rifle by hi* companion, I'i-lor Deiuan, 11, la rwoverliig. TO CELEBRATE Guarantee Raincoat Company Quits AT tit SECOND AVE. EMPIRE BLDQ. Sold Out te Goodyear Raincoat Company Al3ocontheDoilar Store Closed Today and Wednesday to arrange for the biggest t'oat bargain event ever wltneaaed In fteattle Kee niinnunwmcnt in Wednesday and Thursday (ta- pe ra. THE ST^R?TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1914 MILLIONAIRES ARE ARRESTED ON GIRL'S STORY CINCINNATI, Fib :li Colonel llrent Arnold, Sited CO, general fr<<lMht agent (or the I. A N mil road, mid a prominent wctoty mid clubman, todny wn> nerved with n Juvenile eourt warrant, i lunging him with contributing to the dellti- gusiicy of Mildred Crime, aged K. h formet employe of * manicure parlor. Warrants alio were Untied fur three other prominent uivn, Iml ml ink a millionaire manufacturer The warrant* were Issued ut lh« request of Mlaa Crane's motlmm Tim Kl<l told of many automobile ride* unit liitv suppers, and Mild ?he timl been meeting Arnold mid Ili«* others *lnce November I'AHHAIC, FVIi U Half guilt?. Miner Friedman. IT, told Judge Cimtello. when charged with the theft of ISO, He admitted »teallng lis POLICE SERGEANT SHOOTS At Ambulance Containing Woman BOYLE IS NEW U. S. MARSHAL WASHINGTON. K»b. 24 The \u25bafoil * lug nomination* wnri- nut to the * Willi #* t o<l m > John .M Boyle. to bt l ! 8 mar ahal for the Weateru IMntrlit of Waablngton. The appointment of ttoyle, It la underatood. *«« urged by Hugh Wallace In op|«j«ltlon to the *tati» ami counfv rtemiwratlc orgnnlaa- Uona of Washington Oeorite Waahlngton a birthday celebration. poatponed once from Sunday to Monday, will be celebrat- ed with a banquet tonight at 6:15 by the Seattle Commercial club. The ai<eak«»ra w:ll be Prof Kd S 11- any and l»r. Carter Helm Jonea The regular bualnea* meeting will be held after the banquet. TO TALK TO 'EM Acting Prealdent Landna of tha atate unlveralty will make hi* flrat addreea to the atudenta next Thura day. Guarantee raincoat co . at ?t« SECOND AVENUE. EM- PIRE BUILDING, QUITS BUSINESS Bella out to Goodyear Raincoat Co. at 3" centa on the dollar The atorw will ha cloaed today and Wed neaday. arranging tha atocka for the biggest coat bargain avwnt evnr wltneaaed In Seat tla The people will reap the benefit of the amailnglv low price at which this »tnrk of double service \u25a0II weather coat* *** purchased Kvery coet *111 be tagged ami priced la plain red figure*. l*ay no mor» They anticipate a tremen- dous rNpnriM. The prlcea will be an low thai buying will be Irre- sistible Advertise ment Get MUSTEROLE Today for Lumbago! It'a an amaalngly quick relief. And It'a ao eaay to uae. You juat rub MI'HTKKOI.K In hrlakly, and. preato, the pain la gona?a dellrloua, aoolhlng com- fort cornea to take It* place. MI'BTEKOLK I* a clean, white ointment, made with oil of inuatnrd. I'ae It Inatend of muatard plaater Will not bllater. Doctora and nuraea uae MI'STKH- OI.K and recommend It to their pa nnrr*. They will gladly tell vou what re- lief It give* from Worn Throat. Ilron- chltla. Croup, Stiff Neck, Aafhma, Neuralgia. Congoatlon, I'leurlay, Hheiimatlam, Luinhago, I'alna and Achea of the Hack or Jolnta, Hpralna, Hore Muaclaa, nrulaea, Chll- hlalna, I'roatod Keet, Colda of the Cheat (It proventa Pneumonia) At your drtigglat'a. In 2f>c and f>Oc Jara, and a special large hospital size for $2.50. Accept no auhatltute. If jour drugglat cannot aupply you, aend 260 or r.O( to the MCBTKHOI.K Com pany, Cleveland, Ohio, ami we will mali yon a Jar, postage prepaid. (571 fir .1 .1 Oordon. a wall kni»*n* l>atroli phyßi'-latp, rnym "Muaternl# in IrgMluuble In my practice and my hom/ M Q? | atlmlra fvmr Hi a*w- anli l»ai nil; (\u25a0« taailaaallr a - »Im , uu*i la iwiM» «a "I" 11 '' la \u25a0 lllih'i rawer" Imt k»lp" I "la lhal «??». la ?>» tmtnw tlo imh al lb» aae ml Ik. I aaa r.*fi«alnl a Ilk a aifrtratl wr»k- Im li- iaa aa »mlu< girl I r«*mpa4l»4 la u»k «Wf« from ?9raa***a I Wl«t»4 l*»t» ad. Ira. a»IW la lk« aha* a, thaw W whet I UiMfkl meat rraaawahta. awlr ?? Had I had bee* Hnwtr l'Ml'< aa4 lm«l tela alalia «l»i«r IWiwaieg awat (raan thai Ufa -tl*taa fcalk at Iha ftrat aawar- \u25a0wallr. aa< aerartaia awe raalilaa atlM aawl h#f, aalf la aa Ilarkart«4 aflar my paal lataN* haataa. I bate row* ?? It# raerlaaiaa lhal wa »rr4 aura I baa <**>4 ? p..«»r la Balda aad ?Marl aa ?we »i»4 Immrdlata |««a far SUM and III.NI: far Ihr pr.lar- IWa af hamaally, aa Irl aa hrar mar* nf lha 'liat!h**lla*4 af maa ' A *MTI* CM ailim BARGAINS iC In Used Machines J !;' Nsw Machlnea rented It'HITKa KKUIMi M\( IIINK CO. 1124 Third (Naar riHa) Main Iftfß I LITERARY BUREAU ?Olllritt «*T6-W %pt. H, lO'J'J I nlon. BECRAFTS SPECIALS W edneaduy and Thursday ICslra Ooaltty, Kitra Cheap l .eg »»f l,smii, lb t Hi* Lamb l.oln Chop®, lb. Lamb l um b i"bop», lb Mutton Leg 111 lH'ir Mutton Loin ('hopa. Jb. Mutton Itlh Cbopa. lb Mutton fore, lb . , Finn Hsrr llrsf pot Hoaat, 11. 12^ Hump Itoast, lb Hound Kleiik. lit llff 41 Hlrloln Hlenk, lb f Hi* T H"na Mt.«ak. lb lHc* 20<* K% er> tlilo« Muld Kmrllj ai Advertised Bccraft's Meat Market IAI2 I'lke I'lace, .Hunllary Markat COURT ASKED TO STOP SMOK4NG ON STREET CARS Hepreseutlng nearly IU.OOU mem hers of various Seattle organic.!! Holla, Attorney John Mills Day ha* declared war on the street c»r Nmoker In a ault started In Ills own name against the I'uget Hound Traction, Light a Power Co for M,soti and a permanent Injunction to prevent *iii"klng on all car line* In the city, Attorney Day btaud* the atreet ear llder who breiithea forth the fiitm * of elgjret, pipe or cigar, a* it common nuisance und a pent lie ha* the hacking of prominent clubs The atreet car company la de- flated to lie a party to the nul same In that It maintain* signs lit certain cars Inviting the public to smoke. aa follow* Smoking al lowed In mid hi hind the three reur Heat*." Attorney Day declare* that fre quently the foul stench of tobacco smoke ha* made his wife 111. "The company might aa well let them smoke all through the car," he said "The amoke la blown In- aide by the draft." Interested In the outcome of tt)Q case are the V W C. A , the Y M C A., K-lall Clerka' association. I'srent Teachers' anaorlntlon, Unl- venilty of Washington cabinet and alumni. I'resbyterlati and Meth odlat Ministerial federatlona, Fed- erat. in of Women's clubs, and scores of other prominent organi- zations 'NOTHER PACKER IS ARRESTED ON ORDER OF WHITE RUN FOR OFFICE r Kil l AII I.l*ll V-,l* I*7A yH ac D°l) Wolrth wick fm mucllM dim JAM) .H McCREKRV A CO, r»ft innxil AV unit IMMr. «T <.l>»n B » in I<. « p m Another of tho e 'meat packing (?linen bobbml up today when Dep- uty Prosecutor Crawford White awore to a warrant before Juatlce Kix'd Drown, churglni: Murrlx Ar Co., packers, with mlabrandlng canned potted beef The complaint natnea l( A Kvaiia, manager of the Heiutlo brunch, na the nominal defendant The action la directed against the company iim a corporation The charge follow* an Investlgt* tlon by Htate Food ln*p«ctor Will H. Adam* It la only one phase of it MtrliiKeiit pure food lunipalgn lie Ing wag'd by Adama and Deputy White Several convict lon* and plea* of guilty have beeri aeeured by the two men In "rotten meat" arreats. The warrant Issued today charge* that the Morris Co. eon aliened a ahlplfient of potted beef to Schwaba' her Itro* . Inc., of He little, with an art of enngrea* label of June 311, ItMMt, paat»d over the old label of March 3, IHVI The good* wire sold here and also to Irwin Me«t Mt titocery Co, of North Yakima, where Inspector Adam* discovered the alleged mlshrand In* CHICAGO. IVh 24 Kluhf worn ?n <"« randldatca tor alderman In today'! election It la the ftr»t ch*nr« the women havr had at the polla NOW FOR LENT! Hevarent onf« In Seattle made merry today, Shrove Tnm!#r, In preparation for which begin* tlila evening A Splendid Showing of v, New Wash Dresses Sizes 14 to 20t Hundreds nf charming l f >l4 Spring MTh,f ifllM I and Summer Wash Dresses for women 1 '£%% ami mt»!>(«, alt ready to wear \u25a0(gPMI/ Dresse* of extra quality gingham, chambray and ratine crepe, in check*. / ,£. stripes and plain colors, including pink, M : f 3. \u25a0 lavender and Copenhagen blue, with /Ti P , * trimmings of embroidery and white fill pique I'riced from JM.7J* to $5.00. "iJfl l '''Httj A Dress of chambray has sailor col- 1 MT* lar. cuffs and vest of pique, edged with uii. embroidery, in pink, ("open and lav- < \uiW ender, SU.-'iO. B>VVVb|MB Attractive Dress of ratine crepe in j . ' \tß white, blue, lavender and black | V\ Has vest of embroidery, piping and X y *i\ .«# ? buttons of ratine, and is finished at "T ' the waist with a white kid belt. 55.00. Third Floor. v A JOB FOR BILL THEY'LL KEEP MUM Announ< >-m< nt waa nißd<- to day by A. G Ha). chief aiwclal asm! for tlif (ireat Northern that, under no circumstance! would the ntmr of Informant! In connection with the rwcnt train hold up at Hamlah, dl vulrml. Ik (tlven In confidence Thl« anawera nuraeroua In- iiulrlia In r<*l"'ct to aurh »e rrecy.. For Information leudln* to the arrest and conviction of the men a reward "f 115.000 will fx- (tlvpn for the flrat man captured and $7,f>00 for each of the other men PHILADELPHIA.. Keh 24 - Former Prealdent Taft. profeaaor on International law at Harvard. I* to be offered the pre*ldency of l.a f.iyi tti- i <\u25a0!!\u25a0 >f l..i»t i I'm CYNTHIA GREY'S LETTERS AND ANSWERS A.?You sre right Wo do n»»d better laws. and better execution of tbe law* »» have Moat of all, we need the law of brotherhood, of which you apeak Jesua. when teaching. aald If ye love not your BAD COLD? YOUR HEAD STUFFED? "PAWS COLO COMPOUND" GIVES QUICK RELIEF- CONTAINS NO QUININE Tali# "I'ape'e Cold Compound"* ?v#ry two bottra until you hava tak*n threa dosea. then all grlppa misery goes and your cold will be broken It promptly ripens your clo^ged-up'nostrils and the air pia- angt»a of the head, atopa naaty dla- charge or noae running; relieves the headache, dullneaa. feverish* neaa. sore throat, aiieexlng. aoro- neaa and stlffneas 7 BANKS 6ET IN IVin't atay stuffed- ip' Quit blowing and anuffllng Kase your throbbing head nothing elae In the world gives such prompt relief aa ' I'ape'e Cold Compound," which oosts only 26 cent* at any tlrtig ? tore It arts without asalatsnr- nana nice, and t-auaea no ln<<> "nlen' - e Accept no aubatltu' THH / "ft PIKE sr I ?Tlir. KR or I'RINT" ? Two parta) "TIIK IMII.M Ol Till. IMII.IK#" ?THF. MRJM (H * COOl*" Th<- follow lug national banka of Seattle have Joined the federal re aerve ayatern. Seattle National, [letter Morton National, National Hank of Commerce. Hank of Tall-! fornla. National City bank. Plrat National bank and Mercantile Na ! tlonal bank brother, whom ye have aeen. how >an ye lota God?" No one etands firmer for the brotherhood of man than I. The power of the Intelli- gent* that la back of each of ua embrace* that brotherhood, and the more of It wa embrace the bet- ter cltlten* we will be, and Ih* better lawa wa will hava. If you had an exampla to work In arithmetic, algebra, or trtgonom otry. you would not blame the principle of mathernatlea because you failed to solvo It, would you? When I apeak of Ood. I do not mean a treat. big person away off aomewhere. who aenda lioth good and evil, but the Intelligence all around tut that will (tilde tia to aolve llfe'a pmhtema just aa the principle of mathernatlea helpa ua to work an example In arithmetic There la aomethlng better ahead of roil, and there are good people who will help you In aplte of your experience. Aa far aa possible, dwell on every little bit of rood you know, or see. even In your en ernlea Do not allow dlsmurage- ment to deter you. If you don't succeed once, keep trying until you do. If I can help you, let me know. Q ?|*ln»« a4rlM a* I M V# mn ..Id, and una a-ag«a<-4 b> a ?"»?« Mian ..» II talalf bf hu I«I4 aaamrthliig about hlmaelf. nrki thai It a*n«H pnlMl>l; In lb* raw* ml ail lining all raapea-t (or hint. but b> frit aboulil tell me. I hair not wra him alar*, bat I know that I \u25a0Itall ?><?> fael tk> Ma> la hi* prrarar# I baft giaae with him two fear* M laa l.rrj. .hall I laka him tor ? Hal haa la»a nhllr r»ni|aiai aalth mr. «r |l\r lilm up f»ir m hat hr liaa Krrn prrrlmia In that tltnaT Thanking Ton la aaltaarr. HHOHKM-HKAHTKn TWENTY. A - The man la what he la now The fact that he told-vou hla paat. while expecting your knowledge of It to separate you. marka him for honorable If yon are sure hi' ha* outlived hla paat. why regard It? The thing for you to do la to clear your mind of the adverae Impreaalon you have If hid goodness doea not count more with you than his paat. you are not In n state of mind to associate with him g?| nm \u25a0 tmini msn. Ju*l pa«t 91 ymir* of sir I lias# l>fm In I hla eonntry eight *mr», i»nd nin \u25a0 »h«»f ahlnlna parlor of my own I ha%e kepi eompau) mli h « young |lrl for Ihrse ye«r». and now she la old enough to l»f her «wn boaa, mid «r# both m iso I t?? |rt murrled. but her folka utije* I. on aerount of the bu»l- --lir-w I Mill In *t|»r H tillIwme ?aa elope till bw Pit?? rmw rr pmnpHi mid tell me If I should marry the girl or turn her down and get uwuy from her? Your* truly, TONI. A. lam sure there Is nothing to he ashamed of In a shoe-ahlulliß buslneßs, If honestly conducted. You and the girl are of age, and must decide for yourselves. If the business la the only objection. It aeema aniall to me. If the parents were going to object tliev should have done ao during the three years they have known you. ICxpcrliinriid nrwapupar wom®ii, I'orrcctn and MHS. 1.000 i word a, 91 00; additional 1,000, 50c. T.vppwrltlnic, 50c 1,000; carbon, 2f»c. Uuarantead <) ? \\ lim run a 6 niontha-old huby begin to wear an embroidered ro;»t ? >11 hiiwhanil puts the don up lo the bnby and let* him pull Its ear* mid play with It* pawn. l»o you think It rlaht ? Thnnk you for your kind ad%lre. I VI TIOI H YOI NCI MOTIIKH A. ?There Is no limit to the time a baby may wear an embroid- ered coat. They are used at all ages. If (ho do* in Rontlo. I poo no harm in the buby playing with It. 'Q ?I wl«h to Mk you to Kindly lirlp ni* In m mntlrr of irw»t Import ? till** to mr I Ntn mnrrlrd to \u25a0» mnn who, Ht tlir tint*, I lovnl; Itilt In tlln l»nat thr** month* I »ffm to tire of lilm I Imvr trl«*d Imrd to m«k«* m> *.?>1 f lotr lilin, hot koinclion I rtin't. ll* In v*ry good to in*, iind protiilr* Ilio bent of pvfrirlhlim for m*. ll* him *f»«»d hdhlt*, ntny* lionir every nl*hi. »nd I llkr lilm v*ry much. hut don't lov* him lll** I *hould lit* think* tli* wiirld of ni*. Ilr In fair looking and him n good hrnrt. I ttttutrd fo leave laftm to go home to my fslks. but hs lw*|«l n»s stay, aa | did l>« >«»« think It riflit far me t«» afar If I 4«a't ls*s hint? I 4«»a'i know >ad mat makr up my at la 4 m Hal Is 4s lis rsallj 4«wnM a |un 4, Imlaf »M*. I am alas ts In* i-ra# a mnihff. I thtak II U all my fawlt. as I hsts awful »»w|»r Hindi? ad«lM> ws ss U lha ri«lil thins ?? Tit aa king fon for four aaasser la a4»aara. I «Ul walck tmr y<mr reyly i m>etinn* A?l am glad you honeatly ad- mit (he error 11m with you. I think your condition may have a treat deal to do with your feeltng. Pay aa little attention aa poaalble to any little out hunt of temper at thla time and try to realiae that It do<-»n't amount to anything. At the nam* time, try each time to aupplant It with a better atate of mind. A (short vacation might he of great benefit to you. thankful you have a htiaband broad enough to overlook thla, and to help you. The beat of ua at tlmea tire of even th» onea we love beat. Juat What Tha Hun Baya About the Seattle Engineering School W. lUjr fit. Plione Q A. JM "The School u intended for men of limited mMna who wlih to Improve ihemeelvea." Resinol heals itching skins RESINOL OINTMENT. wit* Rrsinol Soap, atops itching instantly,quickly and easily heala the moat distressing caaea of ec- aema, raeh or other tormenting \u25a0kin or acslp eruption, and clear* away pimple*, blarkheada, red- \u25a0ees, roughneaa and dandruff, when other treatraeiita have proven only ? waate of time and money. Beware of imit»tK>m. lUaino) told br pmrtWltj aaarr dnw- (tat la tha Unttad Si.taa. bat nn <aa tMt It at oar nraiM. Wrtia taHw to D.iii, tO-S. Raatsul. Baltimore Mil. for ? llbaral trial of Raaloai Omunaat and Raalnol Soap. Free Theatre Tickets TO. READERS OF STAR WANT ADS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week a message will appear in the want ad>, telling some Star reader that a set of "-eat*, await them for a stated performance at the SEATTLE THEATRE Last week tickets were awarded to J. L. Dumas and L. H. Seelcy. This week your name may he the one printed. These tickets are free. Read Star Want Ads a Charge purchase* made Wednesday placed on March bill, rendered April Ist. Special Sale of Silk and Lace Waists Special at $4.75 A special purchase the reason w<- are offering tlie-c exceptionally attra<tive Waist- at tin- remarkably low price. Kvery waist is a new exclusive Spring model. Taffeta and C repe de Chine Waists, Shadow Lace Waists and Chiffon Waists in plain white and some colors. Are all made in the low neck, 100-e blouse effects, long and short sleeves and the new drop shoul- der some have the popular high stand-away «..Ilar. 91.75. Second Floor. icDougall-Southwick Second Av. and Pike Si./ Jok alonß easily, (Eivinn and (aline alt the stood you can each day, and th«- sky will clear beautifully. If you ar« DEAF Three Electric Hearing Aid* will make you HEAR Free Demonstration ? DAILY From 9 to 5 of Audiphone Ear Vibrator and Operaphone Attachment. All aold at »hp price of one. on monthly payment* Call or wrlt« tor particulars 4154 ARCADE BUILDING SEATTLE, WASH. I RHOADS DENTAL CO. Third and Pike Dental Experts. Wh»n It come* to a *o>d flrr: rlaae dentil *#rvl« at a raaeonabl* price. theae dentist* can offer yon entirely n*w in method* and re*ult* Ut them tel! you «)', about your teeth. what to <lo « nd what not to do: rat an estimate of your dental need* and have them quote yo«> terma You will he treat- ed courteously. and vhoutd you have dental work done hv them, vou will certainly raceive valua lt> full N'ot only that but yo\» will *>ir«ty f«*i *«rl*flod to It* laatlna reaulta The** dentlata bava »-een In practice for many veara. and th*lr adMoe wilt be valuable to you An office fitted entlrelv In nhlte enamel and aanltary In every way. Pa* them before going elaawhera tlold Crown* tA no Ttridare Work MAO Filling® ."Mir I'p Fitmct lng and fir «nlng Fro* with Other Work. Rhoads Dental Co. Third and Plka

a SI. [WO WINS REJECTED SUITOR MANY BRIDEchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1914-02... · "SI. [WO" WINS MANYHMDS AT StATTIt IHEAIRf Capacity Audience Gieeta the Fir»t Production

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Page 1: a SI. [WO WINS REJECTED SUITOR MANY BRIDEchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1914-02... · "SI. [WO" WINS MANYHMDS AT StATTIt IHEAIRf Capacity Audience Gieeta the Fir»t Production


Capacity Audience Gieeta the

Fir»t Production of Popular

Drama .it the Third Avenuepiayhou*e

Uthough million*. old and young.t,a*e read Mwuata Kvana Wllaon'a

Itofv of '!*» Kin*'. ,hf ' rwpularltj*, ,h*i lnt«*re*tln* character h*a In

no »»* tllmlßiahed becaua* of thl*

fact Tlito »»* evidenced l**tnight at Seattle Theatre when

Mi andtence that fa*'1 '! the capacity

nl the hou*e welcomed the flrat pro-

duction of the ««ek of Vaughn

Gleaer't dramatltatlon of the novel,only authorlied vera lon

The character of Si Klmo ta one

thai appeal* atnuigly lo erarvoneHe I* a wonderful, atrong compellIns man who, though embittered by

the duplicity of a weak woman and

a weaker friend. again takea up thethread of life and aceompllaheamuch good

The Hallev * Mltrhell player*

\u25a0cored a big aocceaa laal night, and

the audience waa not sparing In It*

applauao The ca*t I* excellentlybalanced, and every character I*true to life The *tage aettltiK* areelaborate, even for the high atandard aet by the Seattle TheatreEvery detail la perfectly carried out

Th*r* la no advance in prlcos forthia production The best aeat marlv« had at nlaht performances forflft* casta, or for twenty-five conts?t matlneea

Wedaesd-k* otxht the Tlllkums ofKlttaes «tH bsve rhar*>- of thefeouae. but

' St. Kino ' * til !*# th«<play.?Adv.




Let U» Do the Work.WET WASHf/ic Per Pound, Dry Wal|M

ROUGH DRY40c Par Doran

axiw w hit* m>ai


DR. L. R. CLARK. O. D. t.

There's Another Reasonthan looks why your teeth shouldbe kept In ?your

health Without gfld teeth It's Im-possible to masticate your foodproperly, and so Indlgeetlon ensuessnd a long trail of troubles Re-member. Dr. Clark will examineyour teeth free of charge and tellyou what you need and how muchIt will cost. You will be under noobligations to have anything doneunlearn you so desire.

Our prices are exceptionally l<»wWe will make you an extra heavy$10 Oold Crown for 14. or one of( ir famous $10 Never Hlip Platesfor 16.

All work guaranf»'d


Regal Dental OfficesDr. L. R. Clark, D. O. 8-. Manager,

Third Ave., N. W. Cor Union.Note?Bring Thie Ad With You.

REJECTED SUITORMURDERS BRIDE' IIANCISt'd, Kelt. 34 Abraham Pepper, a late aaleamaa, to

»la> »lio anil altuont Inatunih killed Mrr Dorothy Johpaon of Tacoma,a Iwlde nf a week, here with her buaband ou a honeymoon trip Then

«\u25a0 l»I er (lied a bullet Into hla own head, hut doctora any he probably willrecover Pepper «ai a aultur for the deud «oiuan'a hand for a vearbefore her marriage

Mr* .lohnaon before her marriage w,ta Mia* DaithaUer She wit*.1 year* old, and a brunette of a Mtrlklngly beautiful type

\i>out 10 ii clock Pepper called up Mi* Johnton over the telephoneand mild lie wi«hed to *»e her on an Important matter She con*«tit*dto *ee him Pepper flattened hlmaelf ngalnat the wall bealde the dooror the lootn occupied tiy Johliaon mid hla wife A* »he emerged fromthe room, clad In a dreaalng gown and felt allppera. Pepper drew a revolver, pie**.-d It again*! the back of her head and flre.l To make?ure of aotttmpllahlng hi* purpoae. Pepper Mooped and fired another?hot Into the proeirate body. Then he »ent a bullet Into hi* own temPie, ju*t above the ear

epper met the Johnaona at the ferry building when thev arrivedhere, five daya ago, and congratulated them Again, two daya latei, lieaent them flowera, profea*lng pleasure at their marriage and wlalilngthem many year* of happlm «»

learning that Mia. Jxhuixin had come Into an eatate of $!.'?,OUOfrom a relative. Hermann Klaber, who went down with the Titanic, hemade ihla an eicuae for Becking an Interview, and that wa* the tmixirtant matter referred to ah.n he telephoned her

Police Serjeant Fred 1.. KlbbachI *m suspended by Chief of I'ollce. Itsnnlck for SO ilaya thla meruit *,

and order* may be laaued reducingItltn In rank a* th«> remilt of hlaahuotltiK at a llmoualne ambulanceconvoying a woman, critically 111.

Ito a hoapltal at 1 0.1 a in. today.Chief llannlck acted on a report

filed with him by ( apt J) K WIVi lard. In which Klbbach admittedhe ahot at the ambulance

The driver* of the car declaroI Klbbach *ai Intoxicated.

llutterworth haa the atalntnentof Prank l>uic»il. proprietor of tboAJax cafe, First nv and Virginia

»t , that he Haw Klbbach In an In-toxicated condition on a street carat ft 45 Monday night.

Tho ahot waa embedded Intho gaaollno tank, IS Inchoa outof line of Mrs. M L. Wllllama,2234 Bpokana av? whom OrlworHarry taundors and AttendantBenjamin Lyon* ware hurryingto medical aaaiatance. In a But-tsrworth ambulance.Rlbbach ahot when ftauadatrs

failed to comply with bla commandto halt as the ambulance approach-ed Bell *t. on Drat av . en route

| to tho Pacific hospitalThe ear. according to Saunder*

and Lyons, waa traveling at a*P«ed not exceeding seven mltoaan hour, proceeding slowly because

of the serious condition of his pas

scatterMaunders and I.yons were al-

lowed to proceed to the hospital.After safely lodglug the womanthere. Ssunders then drovo npflrat av.. In aewrch of the sergeant.

Locating him atsndlng In a doorway with two other policemen.Saunders demanded a better oi-planatlon. Rlbbach replied by tell-in* him to "go about bla bualnoM."he saya.

Lyons than reported tbo affairto Captain D. F WUlard at head-quarter* and dotnanded that a man

I be sent out to report Rlbhach's con-

dition. Thla. Lyons says, waa re-



ALBANY. N Y ,K*h. 14?Por-

mor Police Uniit. Charles Heckerof Now York city, under senteoce

of death In Htng Bin* prison fortbe murder of Herman Rosenthal,was granted a new trial todajr.


Ifyour bead I* all atuffed up fromS cold or catarrh, you auffer withdull headachea and s«em lacking Invitality, or are constantly sniffling

and coughing, you need a remedythst will give the quickest, moft ef-fective and lasting relief possible?something that will go right to theSpot, clear the head and throat andend your misery.

Surely use Mrcmel -nil drugent*

aell It. It I* Just such a remedy,

and l« entirely harmless and pleaa-»nl to use you breathe It?nostomach doelng

The antlaeptlc olla of llyomei mix

with the all you breath" Ita heal'h-givlng medication Immediatelyreaches the aore rnd Inflamed mu-con* membrane -you feel (>etter Infive nil cute*. It Is practically Impossible to use Hyomel and not onlybe relieved but perniHnently liene

filed Your money refunded If youare not satisfied Ask for the com-plete outfit |I.<W alze

Did You Ever Compare

the Cost of Gas With Other

Household Expense?Did it ever occur to you that you were re-

reiving thithe mo*t faithful of servitor*, at

a very low cost ?

If your gas hill is $.1 00 per month, ami u»>*t

hills ,-iie le-s, the cost of this great service ha*

averagrc' 10 cent* per day. If there arc five in

y iir i.mily, the average cost per individual is

two cents.

A great service for >>o small a cost, isn't it ?

SEATTLE LIGHTING CO.Henry Bldg. Phone Main 6767.


Mr*. Leonard Thomas Mm BeenHonored by the Well-known Artitt,

Renheyn Stanataua. Who HaoeaMor on tha Clot of the light Moot?eswtlful Woman In Now York.

CITY NEWSChief Seattle Tribe No. 26. Im-

proved Order of Rod Men. willfive their uaual Washington'sbirthday celebration tonight at *

o'clock at K. of P. hall, First a*,

and Pike ata e a

Tho work of Woatarn artlata I*b<*ln* ah'iwn thla week In the an-nual exhibit of the California Horl-ety of Ktchers In thn Fifth a* Killlerlra of the Waahlngton State Artaaa<x-latlon.

? ? e

Capt. Zlmroa 8. Moor#, veteranAlaskan aeaman. «n ahorn nearlyfour year*, will again go to sea In

the aervlce of the Admiral line? ? ?

Making a mraatap. Mra. SarahHt«"«al. blind, plunged down aflight of ate pa In her home at

1527Vk Hpruce at., and auatalnedanrloua Injuries.

? ? ?

Dr. John Mackay, preaident of

the Federated Canadian club*, willaddress members of (he SeattleCanadian club tonight.

? ? ?

Despondent. Mlaa Mary Cornelius.2*. attempted to end her life In

her home. 1820 24th a*.. Mondayby shooting herself. Hhe will re-cover.

a ? ?

Funeral aorvlcea for Charlesliulln. engineer, killed when hi* locomotlve was derailed at MlackItlver Junction, will be held Wednesday.

a ? ?

Charged with cutting harness onan Kyret Transfer Co team. lamesCox, Tacomu teamster, has beenarrested.

? ? ?

Mra. Mary Nichols, former wife

of George Reynolds, killed by highwaymen who were subsequentlylynched. In IBS2, I* dead.

GEORGE DID IT(If-ortri WaahlnKton »»i lauded hk

the man who made the Americanrepublic a poaalblllty In an addreaaby John O. Pouter, l> I). at the 19thannual banquet of the Waahlnglon\u25a0oclety, Hon* of the American Rev-olution, Id the Lincoln hotel Imitnlnht.

EASY PICKmilKRKDONtA, Ky . Feb. 24 - The

bank <>f Kr.'ilonlH wan entered la*t

ntKbt by ye***, an old fashioned

xafe tilown and between $7,000 and$10,000 jitolen.

WILL RECOVERJullu* Kuenatle. 12. accidentally

ahol through the cheat with a .22(tilI lire rifle by hi* companion,I'i-lor Deiuan, 11, la rwoverliig.


Guarantee RaincoatCompany QuitsAT tit SECOND AVE.


Sold Out te

Goodyear RaincoatCompany

Al3ocontheDoilarStore Closed Today

and Wednesday

to arrange for the biggest t'oatbargain event ever wltneaaed Infteattle Kee niinnunwmcnt inWednesday and Thursday (ta-

pe ra.



llrent Arnold, Sited CO, generalfr<<lMht agent (or the I. A N milroad, mid a prominent wctoty midclubman, todny wn> nerved with nJuvenile eourt warrant, i lunging

him with contributing to the dellti-gusiicy of Mildred Crime, aged K.h formet employe of * manicureparlor.

Warrants alio were Untied furthree other prominent uivn, Iml ml

ink a millionaire manufacturerThe warrant* were Issued ut lh«

request of Mlaa Crane's motlmmTim Kl<l told of many automobile

ride* unit liitv suppers, and Mild?he timl been meeting Arnold midIli«* others *lnce November

I'AHHAIC, FVIi U Half guilt?.Miner Friedman. IT, told JudgeCimtello. when charged with thetheft of ISO, He admitted »teallng


POLICE SERGEANT SHOOTSAt Ambulance Containing Woman


WASHINGTON. K»b. 24 The\u25bafoil * lug nomination* wnri- nut to

the *Willi #* t o<l m >

John .M Boyle. to bt l! 8 marahal for the Weateru IMntrlit ofWaablngton.

The appointment of ttoyle, It launderatood. *«« urged by HughWallace In op|«j«ltlon to the *tati»ami counfv rtemiwratlc orgnnlaa-Uona of Washington

Oeorite Waahlngton a birthday

celebration. poatponed once fromSunday to Monday, will be celebrat-ed with a banquet tonight at 6:15by the Seattle Commercial club.The ai<eak«»ra w:ll be Prof Kd S11- any and l»r. Carter Helm Jonea

The regular bualnea* meetingwill be held after the banquet.

TO TALK TO 'EMActing Prealdent Landna of tha

atate unlveralty will make hi* flrataddreea to the atudenta next Thuraday.

Guarantee raincoat co . at?t« SECOND AVENUE. EM-


Bella out to Goodyear RaincoatCo. at 3" centa on the dollar Theatorw will ha cloaed today and Wedneaday. arranging tha atocka forthe biggest coat bargain avwnt evnrwltneaaed In Seat tla

The people will reap the benefitof the amailnglv low price atwhich this »tnrk of double service

\u25a0II weather coat* *** purchasedKvery coet *111 be tagged amipriced la plain red figure*. l*ay nomor» They anticipate a tremen-dous rNpnriM. The prlcea will bean low thai buying will be Irre-sistible Advertise ment

Get MUSTEROLEToday for Lumbago!

It'a an amaalngly quick relief.And It'a ao eaay to uae.

You juat rub MI'HTKKOI.K In

hrlakly, and. preato, the pain lagona?a dellrloua, aoolhlng com-fort cornea to take It* place.

MI'BTEKOLK I* a clean, whiteointment, made with oil of inuatnrd.I'ae It Inatend of muatard plaaterWill not bllater.

Doctora and nuraea uae MI'STKH-OI.K and recommend It to their pa

nnrr*.They will gladly tell vou what re-

lief It give* from Worn Throat. Ilron-chltla. Croup, Stiff Neck, Aafhma,Neuralgia. Congoatlon, I'leurlay,Hheiimatlam, Luinhago, I'alna andAchea of the Hack or Jolnta,Hpralna, Hore Muaclaa, nrulaea, Chll-hlalna, I'roatod Keet, Colda of the

Cheat (It proventa Pneumonia)

At your drtigglat'a. In 2f>c and f>OcJara, and a special large hospitalsize for $2.50.

Accept no auhatltute. If jourdrugglat cannot aupply you, aend 260or r.O( to the MCBTKHOI.K Company, Cleveland, Ohio, ami we willmali yon a Jar, postage prepaid. (571

fir .1 .1 Oordon. a wall kni»*n* l>atroliphyßi'-latp, rnym "Muaternl# in IrgMluubleIn my practice and my hom/


Q? | atlmlra fvmr Hi a*w-

anli l»ai nil; 4° (\u25a0« taailaaallr a-»Im , uu*i la iwiM» «a "I"11 ''

la \u25a0 lllih'i rawer" Imt k»lp" I "la

lhal «??». la ?>» tmtnw

tlo imh al lb» aae ml Ik. Iaaa r.*fi«alnl a Ilk a aifrtratl wr»k-Im li- iaa aa »mlu< girl Ir«*mpa4l»4 la u»k «Wf« from

?9raa***a I Wl«t»4 l*»t» ad. Ira.

a»IW la lk« aha* a, thaw W whet

I UiMfkl meat rraaawahta. awlr ??

Had I had bee* Hnwtr l'Ml'< aa4lm«l tela alalia «l»i«r

IWiwaieg awat (raan thai Ufa a«-tl*taa fcalk at Iha ftrat aawar-\u25a0wallr. aa< aerartaia awe raalilaaatlM aawl h#f, aalf la aa Ilarkart«4aflar my paal lataN* haataa. I baterow* ?? It# raerlaaiaa lhal wa »rr4aura I baa <**>4 ? p..«»r la Balda aad?Marl aa ?we »i»4 Immrdlata |««a

far SUM and III.NI: far Ihr pr.lar-

IWa af hamaally, aa Irl aa hrarmar* nf lha 'liat!h**lla*4 af maa


A *MTI*CM ailim

BARGAINS iCIn Used Machines J !;'

Nsw Machlnea rented


1124 Third (Naar riHa) Main Iftfß I


?Olllritt «*T6-W%pt. H, lO'J'J I nlon.

BECRAFTS SPECIALSW edneaduy and Thursday

ICslra Ooaltty, Kitra Cheap

l .eg »»f l,smii, lb t Hi*Lamb l.oln Chop®, lb.Lamb l um b i"bop», lbMutton Leg 111 lH'irMutton Loin ('hopa. Jb.Mutton Itlh Cbopa. lbMutton fore, lb .

, Finn Hsrr llrsfpot Hoaat, 11. 12^Hump Itoast, lbHound Kleiik. lit llff41

Hlrloln Hlenk, lb f Hi*T H"na Mt.«ak. lb lHc* 20<*

K% er> tlilo« Muld Kmrllj ai


Bccraft's Meat MarketIAI2 I'lke I'lace, .Hunllary Markat


hers of various Seattle organic.!!Holla, Attorney John Mills Day ha*declared war on the street c»rNmoker In a ault started In Illsown name against the I'uget HoundTraction, Light a Power Co forM,soti and a permanent Injunctionto prevent *iii"klngon all car line*In the city,

Attorney Day btaud* the atreetear llder who breiithea forth thefiitm * of elgjret, pipe or cigar, a*

it common nuisance und a pentlie ha* the hacking of prominent

clubsThe atreet car company la de-

flated to lie a party to the nulsame In that It maintain* signs litcertain cars Inviting the public tosmoke. aa follow* Smoking allowed In mid hi hind the three reurHeat*."

Attorney Day declare* that frequently the foul stench of tobaccosmoke ha* made his wife 111.

"The company might aa well letthem smoke all through the car,"he said "The amoke la blown In-aide by the draft."

Interested In the outcome of tt)Q

case are the V W C. A , the Y MC A., K-lall Clerka' association.I'srent Teachers' anaorlntlon, Unl-venilty of Washington cabinet andalumni. I'resbyterlati and Methodlat Ministerial federatlona, Fed-erat. in of Women's clubs, andscores of other prominent organi-




rKil l AIII.l*llV-,l* I*7A

yHacD°l) Wolrth wickfm mucllM dim JAM) .H McCREKRV A CO, r»ft

innxil AV unit IMMr. «T <.l>»n B » in I<. « p m

Another of tho e 'meat packing(?linen bobbml up today when Dep-uty Prosecutor Crawford Whiteawore to a warrant before JuatlceKix'd Drown, churglni: Murrlx Ar Co.,packers, with mlabrandlng cannedpotted beef

The complaint natnea l( AKvaiia, manager of the Heiutlobrunch, na the nominal defendantThe action la directed against thecompany iim a corporation

The charge follow* an Investlgt*

tlon by Htate Food ln*p«ctor WillH. Adam* It la only one phase ofit MtrliiKeiit pure food lunipalgn lieIng wag'd by Adama and Deputy

White Several convict lon* andplea* of guilty have beeri aeeuredby the two men In "rotten meat"arreats.

The warrant Issued todaycharge* that the Morris Co. eonaliened a ahlplfient of potted beefto Schwaba' her Itro* .

Inc., of Helittle, with an art of enngrea* labelof June 311, ItMMt, paat»d over theold label of March 3, IHVI Thegood* wire sold here and also to

Irwin Me«t Mt titocery Co, of NorthYakima, where Inspector Adam*discovered the alleged mlshrandIn*

CHICAGO. IVh 24 Kluhf worn?n <"« randldatca tor alderman Intoday'! election It la the ftr»tch*nr« the women havr had at thepolla

NOW FOR LENT!Hevarent onf« In Seattle made

merry today, Shrove Tnm!#r, Inpreparation for which begin*tlila evening

A Splendid Showing of v,

New Wash DressesSizes 14 to 20t

Hundreds nf charming lf>l4 Spring MTh,f ifllM Iand Summer Wash Dresses for women 1 '£%%ami mt»!>(«, alt ready to wear \u25a0(gPMI/

Dresse* of extra quality gingham,chambray and ratine crepe, in check*. / ,£.

stripes and plain colors, including pink, M : f 3. \u25a0lavender and Copenhagen blue, with /Ti P , *

trimmings of embroidery and white fillpique I'riced from JM.7J* to $5.00. "iJfl l '''Httj

A Dress of chambray has sailor col- 1 MT*lar. cuffs and vest of pique, edged with uii.embroidery, in pink, ("open and lav- < \uiWender, SU.-'iO. B>VVVb|MB

Attractive Dress of ratine crepe in j.

' \tßwhite, blue, lavender and black | V\Has vest of embroidery, piping and X y *i\.«# ?

buttons of ratine, and is finished at "T '

the waist with a white kid belt.55.00. Third Floor. v


THEY'LL KEEP MUMAnnoun< >-m< nt waa nißd<- to

day by A. G Ha). chief aiwclalasm! for tlif (ireat Northernthat, under no circumstance!would the ntmr of Informant!In connection with the rwcnttrain hold up at Hamlah, dlvulrml. Ik (tlven In confidenceThl« anawera nuraeroua In-iiulrlia In r<*l"'ct to aurh »errecy.. For Information leudln*to the arrest and conviction of

the men a reward "f 115.000will fx- (tlvpn for the flrat mancaptured and $7,f>00 for each ofthe other men

PHILADELPHIA.. Keh 24 -Former Prealdent Taft. profeaaoron International law at Harvard. I*to be offered the pre*ldency of l.af.iyi tti- i <\u25a0!!\u25a0 >f l..i»t i I'm


A.?You sre right Wo do n»»dbetter laws. and better executionof tbe law* »» have Moat of all,we need the law of brotherhood, ofwhich you apeak Jesua. whenteaching. aald If ye love not your




Tali# "I'ape'e Cold Compound"*?v#ry two bottra until you havatak*n threa dosea. then all grlppamisery goes and your cold will bebroken It promptly ripens yourclo^ged-up'nostrils and the air pia-angt»a of the head, atopa naaty dla-charge or noae running; relievesthe headache, dullneaa. feverish*neaa. sore throat, aiieexlng. aoro-neaa and stlffneas


IVin't atay stuffed- ip' Quitblowing and anuffllng Kase yourthrobbing head nothing elae Inthe world gives such prompt reliefaa ' I'ape'e Cold Compound," whichoosts only 26 cent* at any tlrtig? tore It arts without asalatsnr-nana nice, and t-auaea no ln<<>"nlen' -e Accept no aubatltu'

THH/ "ftPIKE sr I

?Tlir. KR or I'RINT"? Two parta)


Th<- follow lug national banka of

Seattle have Joined the federal reaerve ayatern. Seattle National,[letter Morton National, NationalHank of Commerce. Hank of Tall-!fornla. National City bank. PlratNational bank and Mercantile Na

! tlonal bank

brother, whom ye have aeen. how>an ye lota God?" No one etandsfirmer for the brotherhood of manthan I. The power of the Intelli-gent* that la back of each of uaembrace* that brotherhood, andthe more of It wa embrace the bet-ter cltlten* we will be, and Ih*better lawa wa will hava.

If you had an exampla to workIn arithmetic, algebra, or trtgonom

otry. you would not blame theprinciple of mathernatlea becauseyou failed to solvo It, would you?When I apeak of Ood. I do notmean a treat. big person away offaomewhere. who aenda lioth goodand evil, but the Intelligence allaround tut that will (tilde tia toaolve llfe'a pmhtema just aa theprinciple of mathernatlea helpa uato work an example In arithmetic

There la aomethlng better aheadof roil, and there are good peoplewho will help you In aplte of yourexperience. Aa far aa possible,dwell on every little bit of roodyou know, or see. even In your enernlea Do not allow dlsmurage-

ment to deter you. If you don'tsucceed once, keep trying untilyou do. If I can help you, let meknow.

Q ?|*ln»« a4rlM a* I M V#mn ..Id, and una a-ag«a<-4 b> a?"»?« Mian ..» II talalf bf hu I«I4m» aaamrthliig about hlmaelf. nrkithai It a*n«H pnlMl>l; In lb*raw* ml ail lining all raapea-t (or

hint. but b> frit h» aboulil tell me.

I hair not wra him alar*, bat Iknow that I \u25a0Itall ?><?> fael tk> Ma>

la hi* prrarar# I baft giaae withhim two fear*

M laa l.rrj. .hall I laka him tor? Hal h» haa la»a nhllrr»ni|aiai aalth mr. «r |l\r lilm up f»ir

m hat hr liaa Krrn prrrlmia In thattltnaT Thanking Ton la aaltaarr.

HHOHKM-HKAHTKn TWENTY.A - The man la what he la now

The fact that he told-vou hla paat.

while expecting your knowledge ofIt to separate you. marka him forhonorable

If yon are sure hi' ha* outlived hlapaat. why regard It? The thing foryou to do la to clear your mind ofthe adverae Impreaalon you have Ifhid goodness doea not count morewith you than his paat. you are notIn n state of mind to associate withhim

g?| nm \u25a0 tmini msn. Ju*l pa«t

91 ymir* of sir I lias# l>fm In I hlaeonntry eight *mr», i»nd nin \u25a0 »h«»f

ahlnlna parlor of my own I ha%ekepi eompau) mli h « young |lrl forIhrse ye«r». and now she la oldenough to l»f her «wn boaa, mid «r#both m iso I t?? |rt murrled. but herfolka utije* I. on aerount of the bu»l---lir-w I Mill In *t|»r H tillIwme ?aa elopetill bw Pit?? rmw rr pmnpHimid tell me If I should marry thegirl or turn her down and get uwuyfrom her? Your* truly, TONI.A. lam sure there Is nothing to

he ashamed of In a shoe-ahlullißbuslneßs, If honestly conducted.

You and the girl are of age, andmust decide for yourselves. If thebusiness la the only objection. Itaeema aniall to me. If the parents

were going to object tliev shouldhave done ao during the threeyears they have known you.

ICxpcrliinriid nrwapupar wom®ii,

I'orrcctn and MHS. 1.000i word a, 91 00; additional 1,000, 50c.T.vppwrltlnic, 50c 1,000; carbon, 2f»c.Uuarantead

<) ? \\ lim run a 6 niontha-old hubybegin to wear an embroidered ro;»t ?

>11 hiiwhanil puts the don up lothe bnby and let* him pull Its ear*

mid play with It* pawn. l»o youthink It rlaht ? Thnnk you for your


A.?There Is no limit to thetime a baby may wear an embroid-ered coat. They are used at allages.

If (ho do* in Rontlo. I poo noharm in the buby playing with It.

'Q ?I wl«h to Mk you to Kindlylirlp ni* In m mntlrr of irw»t Import ?

till**to mr I Ntn mnrrlrd to \u25a0» mnnwho, Ht tlir tint*, I lovnl; Itilt In tllnl»nat thr** month* I »ffm to tire oflilm I Imvr trl«*d Imrd to m«k«* m>*.?>1 f lotr lilin, hot koinclion I rtin't.ll*In v*ry good to in*, iind protiilr*Ilio bent of pvfrirlhlim for m*. ll*him *f»«»d hdhlt*, ntny* lionir every

nl*hi. »nd I llkr lilm v*ry much. hutdon't lov* him lll** I *hould lit*think* tli* wiirld of ni*. Ilr In fairlooking and him n good hrnrt. I

ttttutrd fo leave laftm to go home to

my fslks. but hs lw*|«l n»s t« stay,

aa | did l>« >«»« think It riflit farme t«» afar If I 4«a't ls*s hint? I

4«»a'i know >ad mat makr up myatla 4 m Hal Is 4s lis rsallj 4«wnMa |un 4, Imlaf »M*. I am alas ts

In* i-ra# a mnihff.

I thtak II U all my fawlt. as Ihsts s« awful »»w|»r Hindi? ad«lM>ws ss U lha ri«lil thins ??

Titaa king fon for four aaasser laa4»aara. I «Ul walck tmr y<mr reyly

i m>etinn*A?l am glad you honeatly ad-

mit (he error 11m with you. I thinkyour condition may have a treat

deal to do with your feeltng. Pay aalittle attention aa poaalble to any

little out hunt of temper at thlatime and try to realiae that It do<-»n'tamount to anything. At the nam*time, try each time to aupplant It

with a better atate of mind. A (short

vacation might he of great benefitto you.

thankful you have a htiabandbroad enough to overlook thla, andto help you.

The beat of ua at tlmea tire ofeven th» onea we love beat. Juat

What Tha Hun Baya About the

Seattle EngineeringSchool

W. lUjr fit. Plione Q A. JM

"The School u intended for men oflimited mMna who wlih to Improveihemeelvea."

Resinol healsitching skinsRESINOL OINTMENT. wit*

Rrsinol Soap, atops itchinginstantly,quickly and easily healathe moat distressing caaea of ec-aema, raeh or other tormenting

\u25a0kin or acslp eruption, and clear*away pimple*, blarkheada, red-\u25a0ees, roughneaa and dandruff,when other treatraeiita haveproven only ? waate of time andmoney. Beware of imit»tK>m.lUaino) l«told br pmrtWltj aaarr dnw-(tat la tha Unttad Si.taa. bat nn <aa

tMtIt at oar nraiM. Wrtia taHw to

D.iii, tO-S. Raatsul. Baltimore Mil. for? llbaral trial of Raaloai Omunaat andRaalnol Soap.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of eachweek a message will appear in the want ad>, tellingsome Star reader that a set of "-eat*, await them for astated performance at the

SEATTLE THEATRELast week tickets were awarded to J. L. Dumas and

L. H. Seelcy. This week your name may he the oneprinted. These tickets are free.

Read Star Want Ads


Charge purchase* made Wednesday placed on March bill,rendered April Ist.

Special Sale of

Silk and Lace WaistsSpecial at $4.75

A special purchase i« the reason w<- are offeringtlie-c exceptionally attra<tive Waist- at tin- remarkablylow price. Kvery waist is a new exclusive Springmodel.

Taffeta and C repe de Chine Waists, Shadow LaceWaists and Chiffon Waists in plain white and somecolors. Are all made in the low neck, 100-e blouseeffects, long and short sleeves and the new drop shoul-der some have the popular high stand-away «..Ilar.

91.75. Second Floor.

icDougall-Southwick Second Av. and Pike Si./

Jok alonß easily, (Eivinn and (aline

alt the stood you can each day, andth«- sky will clear beautifully.

If you ar«

DEAFThree Electric Hearing Aid* will

make you

HEARFree Demonstration ?

DAILYFrom 9 to 5

of Audiphone Ear Vibrator andOperaphone Attachment.

All aold at »hp price of one. onmonthly payment*

Call or wrlt« tor particulars4154 ARCADE BUILDING



Third and Pike

Dental Experts.Wh»n It come* to a *o>d flrr:

rlaae dentil *#rvl« at a raaeonabl*price. theae dentist* can offer yon

entirely n*w in method*and re*ult* Ut them tel! you «)',

about your teeth. what to <lo « ndwhat not to do: rat an estimate ofyour dental need* and have themquote yo«> terma You will he treat-ed courteously. and vhoutd you havedental work done hv them, vou willcertainly raceive valua lt> full N'otonly that but yo\» will *>ir«ty f«*i*«rl*flod a« to It* laatlna reaulta The**dentlata bava »-een In practice formany veara. and th*lr adMoe wilt bevaluable to you

An office fitted entlrelv In nhlteenamel and aanltary In every way.

Pa* them before going elaawhera

tlold Crown* tA no Ttridare Work MAOFilling® ."Mir I'p

Fitmct lng and fir «nlng Fro* withOther Work.

RhoadsDental Co.

Third and Plka