, •• • Mx*.nstw . ■■ fcfaUonut K‘.'.iK95>eper Mppl m :;f!IE3^YSiIORE;::A:KEA State-Couiify in Art Awards i-cur finalist winners of (Ills year’s Art Merit Awards ol the Monmouth Arts Foundation display their works nt (lie- Red llank Vubllc. Library. Left to right, Vincent Acerrn, Middletown Township lllr.il School; .Jerrl-l.ynn Shapiro and llurharn Jo Katz, liotli ol Free- hold High School, and Penny Nixon, of Henry Hudson Renlniml High .School, the loundnllon'*i Merit Awards luiiiniltlco chairman, Mra. Krlc 0. Holmgren Jr., reports other winners are t.yna Marin Kortenliain, Uurbnra Wok'i and llelnlno IvlNenberi;, all ot Mnlawan Meglonnl llljli Schiini; llelli Lu f’eiitn, of Freehold Ui|;li School; .left IHartln, of Mmmimitli Regional lllph School; Kenneth I’nrklns, of Middletown Town-.ltlp llltth Srlinnl; Joan M. L'nldelra. of Howell llljjli School; and Hand! l.nyne of Occnn Township High School, The Mon ■ mouth Arts foundation plvefl annual merit awards to Monmoutft County lil^ii t'Chool bcolors tdioivlnfl oulalandliiK talent ultlier in urt or music, _ MATAWAN, N. JL. THURSDAY, WAY sW Fir^-W m cked ■■■ - ;... - "N ew , . ’ms;- Copy Ten C m !*. MUftsry1 unu ^ov^rmnent u f f . c <1‘; a! I’oit Muit- mouth will c.itw to the general public op. Saturday, Way i h MUfeirig -an aD-day Arm ed Fox'C-as D jy -show at the .Post., Oueti house to I lie thousands of visitor* ex- pecff>(J l<v tlie 20lh ttraiiiai eekbiahoa of the* li'.sni will >>«- in>iu r- ov U ITS !3 5 p nl. ••.••.'Munloipal-: -leaders; from -•• communities'- throughout- the state will be btiefi'd May 19 ofi the provjuio’u. of ths :■ .-.proposed :lau<i '.-lists-. planning and development law et a «pbcJal iriOPliag called by tha New Jersey State League 1 >£ M unicipal;‘‘IP':. • > Sr.l, Ci;(foid I*. Caw rwpnfjy nrini«,n«'cl plait1 ' i■ '< -him i-fi selecting Itls nominees for the U. S. A t I-’oicf* Aeadcfny, the IL S, Military Aca-ieuiy, tap I 1. S Naval Atackv.v, and ihe V. S. Merchant Ae.mt'iuy, for ilut cla.>s<a, «),it<-riiig in the- sumraev of 107o. -r- F » o d ■ m e rc h a n ts •: j n . •. M o n m o u t h County wishing.-'• to . .take part-.ia:;.tlw Federal ,-Food'-:Stamp •-Program -scheduit ed to start Jvmo 2 ara invitecV ta attend oat; of -twO" sjwc ..cial flritettnga that the U. S.".. Department; , yi. Agrt.cn 1- " tiwes'Consigner-'eud -Ivlttrkuuiig Swrvie# will coiiauct on -the, Program. ,. •-••>" :• Col. Joseph T: Avella, Stata Director of Selective Service, aanoucced : today that: the state’s induction call far June U ioK 548 mea, 37 less than the M ay call. The board* of directors of the National Bank of Westfield. wid-- the. Centr.il Jersey Bant- tod Trust Co. .have approved the. tarns cf a " -proboaeid • 'm erger be- tween^ the twfif. tetitdtions. The merged ■ institution would be called The Central Jersey Bank aud Trust Co. It will to e -18. branches.iu- Monjaiouth County nnd two in Un*.-. ion County. " Municipal A Superior Court order to forcc Matawan, Keyport •nd Keansburg to provide sewage disposal p]*iu» with • secondary treatment systems was obtained this week by tha State Department of Health. , Matawan Borough Council Ptfwidenl George Connor lias been appointed niavov for the balance of the year sue- eeeding Edward JS. Ilyina who stepped down from*the post: Monday. Matawan Township officials are making, tu r n bid to h»ve:}jQy3e“to-hou»* msill delivery approved for Cliffwood •teas. , Newsmakers j The Class of 1944, Keyport High School, will hold Its 25th reunion at the Old Union House In Red Bank on Friday, June; 27, at 7:30 p.m. Class members should tnako their - reservatiotu . with ihe class president. Jack Jefiridron, 80 Main St., Keyport, as soon as possible. Lout* E. Granata, 809 Brady Ave., Steubenville, Ohiid^;.Wakoneapplicants who passed the March bar examination, the Ohio Supreme Court announced. The oath of offi.ee. for'the new attorneys was adminis- tered in Columbus May 3, Religion A feature of the 11 a.m. Sunday worship service In First United Methodist Church, Matawan, on May 18 Will be the burning of the. $40,000 mortgage placed on the church property three years ago. It was secured to as- sist the congregation in purchasing for $50,000 a 7.5-acre site for a new, church complex at Atlantic Ave. and Church St. in Matawan Township. Parishioners of St. Ambrose Church, Brownlown. will participate in a dual celebration honoring the 25th SMnivci'Sctry of Ihe ordination of their founding pastor, the Rev. Bernard A. Coen. The observance will begin at 7 p.m. on May. 30 with a testimonial dinner in honor of Rev. Coen. The event is under thu direction of the Par- ish Silver Jubilee Committee. Fire Chief George Viator out Dtputy Chief Coctge Hudstjj i;o over (ha cb«r'r««! ruin* of th* of » iiome at U Valley Dr. which W duwagctl by fire Tuestiay. Firemen made a good s(i»(t on th« btai-a which damaged thi second flour and aHU: »i «h»: ilome. All tmroup.h (Ire 'equipment as well as I bo Matawan Tovvusltlp verial i ruck nnd IheMorgaavlito tajiktruck were at thu jceue for kboul tv/9 hours. . No iujurlcn were reported. . Discusses Plan For Sewers In Freneau <$ee roajp pug* four) Dutiuiu ,1. Day; caniliddiec for the Republican nomination for the Borough Council in Matftwan tiiis v^eek commented on plans 'to provide sewers for the Freneau ■■ - section. •; •, - Accorilmg to Mr. Day, >: . “Many sections of Freneau have a serious probiota .without sewers. I have spent a good deal • of time during the past several weeks with many Freneau resi- dents and have seen first hand what.lt is io havu a continuous scptic tveiflow in your backyard, to never use the washing ma- Chino ucvrtii:^ you cdiutut. Ly fiav« your septic ’tank pumped out peri- odically bnoau.se it Just doesn’t .•work,; v ' ■ - :•• ••• ... . . , ■ ^These people have been protn- }se-J sewers for nany yeare ' For the last three yeara it mhs the Pfjet’a Dream Apartments that vould solve their problem. This was not true for those r«siden».s along Route 79 and to the west of Routq 79. These arc the areas In which the scptic tank problems are the worst. It is for ihia urea that I have worked out a feasi- bility study ifrom which I con- clude the liorough of Matawan could advertise for 'sewer bids in tho near future. “Tho engineering work of Cun tract . N u .. 1 that waa • completed1 t-vu yoaJS ago is s.huwiv m_the at- .tached.ptau. Alsu shown:artf tho approximate distances ,ia feet nnd the number of existing rcstdwictf*. Note that the entire iiciw.orK.ffo^s into the existing sewer !iu« lo- cated at Main St. and the rail- road crossing. No. pumping aU« lions are rcKjuired^ • ' ■ ' ' rv j ‘ ^The tola! cost for ’this’iitttwirk ’ was; based ..on' thtt -use. of etght inch translte pipe. (3300 psi cw\w- pressive strenKth), and a sewer' manhole oii an average of 300 apart.. Thft contractors cost of laying the street lines tunued * from around $9.35 per foot where .bituminous roadway mu*t be dug up to $4..il per foot v;hcre just dire is involved. In addition thr.re are staking costs at aW^ut $150 per 1000 feet. To put a four inch 'tit* in from the sewer main-io t!;e curbiine at each residence would cost about 5135. Based on my caU; culations, tha total project cost would be approximately $123,000. “The plan , calls for a sewer line across the property belong- ing tn St. Clement’s Church; This .should be a major benefit to tlu* church over h septic system. "As for the line along the rail- road track, those who own th*.* Uind z<'.ruid f«:r sp*H»'.il buvinoss adjaciMit to th(; crack shjuM p.iv -thbir fair shato Which -would re» Heel tha-marked increase.lu vat- ue this ; land .would have with' sewers. I would also suggest that any vacant' land along the .sewer rfehi-of'W&y bo assessed in fair niAuner that would also ba related (not equal) to its ii\orease land/value. The one hundred residences Li thi.s section of F r ^ ' neau would most likely pay for •the balance of th« sewer costs on derived’* basis,: rather than by the front foot. This /nay be less than $950 per residency -(with a ien year payment option). • “Our Borough •codes should ba modernized to allow for the use of tour inch transits pip« oi\ the homeowner's property h\Mead of the cast iron that is now rorjuired. Titis would; greatly reduce the homeowner's costs uf hooking Into the sewe? main which, incidental- ; 3yf is transite.. ' “ [ realUe that not everyone ak>»" the proposed sewer line needs sewern but there are so many ia this area that have s«r- iocj septic tank problems that I felt as a candidate in this Juno primary I should speak out oil this issue. *'1 wish to acknowledg*? ihe help of my running nuto, John Webster, who ohrained cost data {torn svvc.-al contractors In the Ct k... ]our Superior Court Judge Klvin R. Simmill, in Freehold Friday, xlonied a motion by Ralph S. Ueuser sr., Matawan, as a:t»»niuy for Kenneth McDonald, !J) Ravine Dr., Matawan. to iiave con- demnation commissioners now holding app<ant» monl by the court remove.} ami three new com- missioners appointed lo appraise ih«;* of ;hu land taken I>y ihf Donui.uh ;o eliminatr a sharp aniV.i' of the iistio section ol I-J:ivinn Dr. and Mtd- dh*st:x Rd. Mr. Heuscr contended that it had been a year since t!ie mauet wus initiated and that Mr. Mc- Donald was still far front getting uny recoin* prnse for hind taken from his property by thu Borough of Matawan to construct the new turn- about al the intersection. Mr. ifcuser declared his client had acceded to a takim; by the ho roue, h that const rucuup. of th*.» turnabout to eliminate a dan^erou*> sharp anglu (urn could go iinc.til, Hut. Mr. Huimm* tonuner.t- ed, this wa> pretty nnu It wh.it he hud «*Npcriem> vd in past condrmtuiion (\is-.s, that onco a e.nv- ernmi-ntal unit or nn uu.honiy I hi* laiVi i» wants, hy an uiikr of piking, it is very dilatni'v nbont making payment. Thi* commissioners whose removal Ml', dens- er sought for failing to arrive at an award to Mr. McDonald to this time were Philip J\ Hlanda jr., Ila/.let attorney, and John W, Applegate and Rusi Maghan, both of Matawan. f.ouis R. Aiidns, !amg Hraiwh, the borough at- torney, defended the cotirsa taken hy the bomugh and tho commissioners. The land taken gops back IU! ft. on Ravine Dr. und U9 ft. on Middlesex IM. NOTK'K I will not he resjxinsib'c for any debts Incurred by anyone other than myself, Knrico V, Stella fl/hl n Ihe lul\V- • thu set* pid>* •\ ik- Old) WAGON FAUM Visit display — A/alrtiN, UluHlodeodrons, Koses, Geraniums, and annuals. Nt> ,15 fr Lnurul Ave,< llolmdel, Open Wod, to Monday 9-tl, otoseti '1‘uesdays. li/15 Mr. Aikins blamed any delay m the mat,- i!i.si;itL*Jice of the owner und his uituii. ’y to '•road returns” inclmied in ihe liavis for sward, when tlw* borough witrf ready to n;aK. tlemoni oti the area that had been ost-d f.»r a lie road enough years as < m» open roail. Mi. Ins avowr-.l the bor<'U;;ii could n^t a.-viunu' ;!> pense of an exhaustive legal study and siarv the nutter. 'continued on page four) Killed In Aulo lh nry i'.irtenfeldcr. (il. of Hi t [■;i:;|-th S; . Keansburg, killed Friday, May 9, l‘»e). iu a two car cash on Route 35 in Mata-.van w hut ted Monday morning in .Sliotel.md Mu::>r-d Garth-n;;, I la/let. Services were In tlu* Laurel fla/l”!, wilh the Rev. William ('..s town mixl Church offici.ilmg Suniviiu' aro Mr. P,irtcnf.-id>- Charlotte Partenfelder; a so-jv.m Virginia Meach, Vu.; two daugh* Slewai t of Hazlet and Mis. ihlda Welbv Keansburii: a brother. Karl r’ariimfeldcr. in Ciei- many, and live grandchildren. Police in Matawan Township said il'e hea l-ou tvjliisioa iu 'i lu'ifil nl 6:11 a.m. i .u.iv oo n.*i near Riverdnle Dr. They cited lain and a <on- aeipieut skid as tho ptoliahle cause. Mi. P.irien* felder's car was in collision with a \etii'le dtiven by John Mercoglinno, 77, of Newark, who v u ad milted to Riverview Ho:,j»iial wuli cb* m;u-;- > Ulld eul.s. Mr. Partenfelder died In Uivereieu |i> , H:,in n.m. from multiple Injiuie.; «>f th*• he...I body. Police saitl they charged Mr. Mercoidi. causing death by auto, b'niuM'al ii ui Tv o! MM-! John M"il "t s. Mrs. .loan of L.a*! ew Ma;awn.n '.^orougii L'uuacil . Pi\-biueiit G w .^ a •-■•Cottnoc ‘; vM5v;:}:iy ; nil:}:: : v j ' i / c k c t c d sUKy.o/.. .to,'.. scrya j'an> I, .1^.0'.: M r.' Conr?'>f ‘ '.V j> ,1 -itie ie/in, fit' Mavor- rd.. Uy*Vi; vvnosa • - rt5ftgr.aiie.Tj ‘•erK^Uvr::.M;/h,d:,.y'. IV . fdrm«h : 'nwyor i-f:si'^n<id; beciva^e o l inore^sf,nL pvej;;;uve. of '.■hj* piivutc .bu>smeii.'1 }. ' ,, ;; ...• .•' Approval On New .. Shop-Rito cn Lt'jydR',1, near Route 3- i .’¥hauid ; bit up anil ia business by w « t .Uccemberv Thia '. was., ihe. opinion, of - llany Marion, Eiitabsthf,'-" arciiii-^ct, wh'.i dt!3it-.tip.| - th.* iif-w «tore Th^: • MS tawajj ■Township j PlanningBoard Kavc ap- ptuvai to ihe pcc/j^ct.-in'-'the-.-.uriOersiantljing con-:. : Jtruc!i''n> will t>; uncle,- v;ciy':by Jync 15. :; . . ,' . FoiH>ar.in>A Inf.'; Fr»eh<)idj the applicants,' / «t'e lociiting Uio-32,WM sql It, store structure on .. A-4..S. acre true! thut wlji allow for.;3M; parking: spots 'when ii'ily :l6e «ire.. nec(lo<l,,:Mr.: Muslow, 1pollut'd ont,' t-la addod thal a phartiiacy nnd » : bakery will go in, along with the food center,. , ' .. ’ .'llieodorc Eo'dresca,'. chatrmaii"Of:'th«;'»uMiyt.r •• , sion :cnm.rn>tt<“;, -.Vaivtcil to know , abijiit store'-'j hoiirs. Mr. 7\k*sia\v eytoerned thty Wdulil bu fryrn d.lll. IO Id luliw an 5 n.m. io 8 p.m. limit Sunilays.-’l'he-ttrehitwt cjutionecl' there woukt have to ba a midnight to S a.m. *hit't at the cpntpr for -'receiving yt stiitk for tiie ; ntor«.and putting it o» (lispiay, - . . . ...... Cwiditioiis Were set by the board, A shielding Ho* o! trees will go across the-"westerly.boundary. (oontinuexj on pag« four) '• . i'u: oppirsca by... L-uu;,v.-ii .iieuwtr.aLs. .iocne-r or D';'Riirha,rd.’;SiS3.:7.'u?.?day:sl!h£!Ui;a\lJi2 y':: ^bltxlEcd'. US'raptwintirient ' a wtek Hgo.' AL- tifJt ^tifl3«, £h t-y - ->aiu ilipy w.iptvii .uiOK- time o 'ciin-. ; .sids’r'. ts's;3pi>p>nfjitrtr.-” :.-::':'V:!-:- . : ’ ' i:’ . . . ,M.!,Vvr Coiino: ur,-:i;d t;:al tl',^ C(,uncitinon con- .' sitter a sircc'-'iisor'to council pj'eiud'.'rti ^Md : u !so v5 i . :ip; <!ttf';t)ie::ba!anC';.:of;';i:ii', term, cxpirn Pu-c 31 put::?puneiS on, upljca{ that ho plans to pi o- ;,‘pus©:’-'tli*j;: appoinjtirient---. 6i?-":’fr>rri*ei;.--jGOl*.Cbanjril^/ iiiar, .yerinm. Ei'.isnn, to corr;plcre his, U-rro. ;' -. Tuesday '-niiibi's .-i.r-t'c'tii iiit..t:ny w as. Dtvesi aitjtct!.:. by a jirnanv; ^iyvo'! ti-^H re- . quircd. thu, 3Ji'.«tiuie uf the. jnayur. : ., . :: Mayor:-^ Kywi-s: resisoanca: .beciii'nei'^ffe Monday : aad th.; n-.-x! wpiiiar oouni.il; meeting is jet'.for TiiS’iday 6r "five/'d^ys.^ aftPr: tile May /ll', :payrcvii,-:' : Demrir.-.Utc Cuunciiman Stanley. .YacKcr ad- - rnitttfd--he'.a.sk^j', for- a dte.lay'in-Hppoirijing eotino.r: last week, to j>ermit council disciuaion of tbe ap- {Hiiniment. U'oniinuea on page tour) : -Slate Bringing Suit Against Three Boroughs >r C‘,Vi|rt Jtsd'je .^frrH t 'l,aoi jr." Tues- day sot I't'ytw 6 for i-hearing for..l.hi;ee:bayshor* - inunR-lpj litirs to show cause v;hy they are not coimilyim;' with a directive to upsradf sflA-age: '.'treatment facilities. . : ..... The' municipalities, Keyport.: .Keatisburg and . M.itawio Boruimhs operata. treatment plants dis- chatg.f); mio waterfj. tiiat i«ad tv (!i« Kxtitan aay;- ' . ' . . . 1 .' : ..■■ ■■■.... ; Afifr much, prodding: the Sttite Hoa'ih r>c-. (continued on page four) - Township Seeks Post O ff ic e N o d F o r C liffw ood Service Tho Mauwaa Towsihlp Cmuidl has (equated post.:! a'jU',',ritivs to (ron‘;id*.-r i ''..■'in.-,o!id’.’.'if;n and extension ot service" in the CUif'.vfjod area in order to ncoomplish iiottio aeiivery service to that portion of tho township.-\ -The request was made following a meeting with John F..Kayos o' the post office’s Pliiiadeipbia regional office and Frank y/il!i?ms representing the Mnnmouth County Office ttma on Thursday. According to Councilman Walter Gehrlcke, tha consolidrtiion "will leave the Cliffwood mail- ing address intact together with Its present lip code number and it will pre.serve the present Cliffwood Post Office. These are ail items which were wry meaningful to trio local residents who have very Hirong fe<‘lin|-n about bemj> identified as Cliffwood residents in Matawan Township. . Mr. Hayes told the council there are several solutions to the delivery problem, and he urged them'to select one of. them so tiie <*.epsrtt»cnt; could proceed with plaas. Iri explaining ihe. post office policy to the . council, Mr. Hayes noted that an area must meet two criteria-tn qualify fur, home delivery, He said an area tmist have $10,000 in annual* postal revenue and tt populiilvjti.o' 2500 befora: it can qualify, . Cliffwood-Genoa nr.ect3 the first requirement, but falls short on the second, ; : : Mr. Hayes did say, however, that there ara Ways of pelting around this population require- ment. . . :. - Among them, he said, would be the consolida- (contmueit on pa{• c four) Dedicate ?.um-Library William (filler ccnler, president of Madison houislrp I’oird o| I hieallon, presents deed for (lu* I tMar <.iro\'.' Sih<M.| (<> Mrs. I.hu-r fi M :rij*i, pri-.ni'-’U ut Itic* Mad.sun hav ^sti!p |l«!iO«i' Sinietv. as tiilmau It. Uarne, hit. looks nn. Ihe pr sen:atiini took |ihicc I j id:ty cseainj* at th o dedication dinner of (he Thomas Uarne Historical Museum nnd l ibrary, vshl-.'h will he locaied In the lorou r svltual. d with NOTICIi All> groups Interested ht pariicipdiuK In the Memorial Day parade in Matawan Honiutdk not yol coidacted, tiica.so call Borotmh liall, fi/13 I lie Madison I'eem.;,,,, H^ v.oi ie.,1 Sonelv h«*!»| n ih’dicm .or d.o" 'i i' tin- I ): nn-'ii.l .1 Jin K ■t . 1 :• - i ant, |{.»o'.. : I, I'.. ", i. i'. i*. li.tlav 'I hr i ni-. ( ed M t I ••e. • S' I. ,, , |,-,|ie.u-• I th.- l;'‘Hiias \\11 in- HiMni u ,il ih v in n aiol l:te'.n;:, lo t a h ’tl i in I'i uie HI, iii-' tme-ioom f,cli"i<| housf-. I lie aihl.ut',. [Mp.-i.i nnd hooks tl'Mlini’ di- ced Iv with Mndi-.ou 'lo.siiship and the Mirtound- Ui|{ area, h^dieation of th" bmhhnj': will be h“ld al 2 pan, Sunday and in Mm* event ol rain the fob lowing Sc.iuhr M ay '.!H, tu flu- r . ' l ’v'iin* At tl’o dinnej David F.nf'f'bictson was mailer 0* cereinomc'i nnd u biief history of thj Hi'.'lofi<’;d Soen-'v anti Th<tm:in V/arnc, proptie* ! - i 11 1 l,.i -' I ; y, Im. v‘,lni|M He- r,iu eion haX h* >r* riiMMi il. 'Iii” a * -1 -mne wa* i-iven hy Mis, ! ‘ iu-: i- ' ! • • ■ , {■< .. •. nl i ; e Ki-\ . Hal M:-y- «'l \ < !aii t, h t>f Dm Saviiiut, ( h-' -'eMjiuike, pro- noui.i i I it--' - 1 .v;m,jr<>-.q. \b‘i N--hulas Pomano had in Iho pi<*di;u of alh'eiame and tlm National Ault,-ni wa; sum' by Mrs. John low, (Jt'eotiruil wer- j'jven hy Mavor Spiio.s ( ohimbus, of Madl- .son Township. I lie :;ur'.l '.pcalo«r, John T. Cunniiu'Jiam, l?lor hum l^urk, noitd author and lecluror on New Jop (wmtinuml on pa ({0 four)

a Sewers In Freneau - digifind-it.com · iocj septic tank problems that I felt as a candidate in this Juno primary I should speak out oil this issue. *'1 wish to acknowledg*? ihe

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■ , •• • Mx*.nstw ■ . ■ ■fcfaUonut K‘.'.iK95>eper

M p p l

m :;f!IE3^YSiIORE;::A:KEA


in Art Awards

i-cur finalist winners of (Ills year’s Art Merit Awards ol the

Monmouth Arts Foundation display their works nt (lie- Red llank

Vubllc. Library. Left to right, Vincent Acerrn, Middletown Township

lllr.il School; .Jerrl-l.ynn Shapiro and llurharn Jo Katz, liotli ol Free­

hold High School, and Penny Nixon, of Henry Hudson Renlniml

High .School, the loundnllon'*i Merit Awards lu iiin iltlco chairman,

Mra. Krlc 0. Holmgren Jr., reports other winners are t.yna Marin

Kortenliain, Uurbnra Wok'i and llelnlno IvlNenberi;, all ot Mnlawan

Meglonnl l l l j l i Schiini; llelli Lu f’eiitn, of Freehold Ui|;li School; .left

IHartln, of Mmmimitli Regional lllph School; Kenneth I’nrklns, of

Middletown Town-.ltlp llltth Srlinnl; Joan M. L'nldelra. of Howell llljjli

School; and Hand! l.nyne of Occnn Township High School, The Mon ■

mouth Arts foundation plvefl annual merit awards to Monmoutft

County lil^ii t'Chool b colors tdioivlnfl oulalandliiK talent ultlier in urt

or music,


s W F ir ^ - W m c k e d ■■■ - ;... -

" N e w , . ’ms;- C o p y T en C m !*.

M U ftsry1 unu ^o v ^ rm n e n t u f f .c <1‘; a! I ’o i t Muit-

m o u th w ill c . itw to th e genera l p ub lic op. S a tu rd ay ,

W a y i h MUfeirig -an aD-day A rm e d Fox'C-as D j y -show a t

the .P os t., O ue ti h ouse to I lie thousands of v is itor* ex-

pecff>(J l<v t lie 20 lh ttra iiia i e e k b ia h o a of the* li '.s n i w ill

>>«- in>iu r- ov U ITS !3 5 p nl.

••.••.'Munloipal-: - leaders; fro m - •• communities'- th ro u g h o u t-

the sta te w ill be b tie fi'd M ay 19 ofi the p ro v juio ’u . o f th s

:■ .-.proposed :lau<i '.-lists-. p la n n in g and deve lo pm e n t la w et a

«pbcJal iriOPliag called b y tha N e w Je rsey S ta te L e a g u e

1>£ M u n ic ip a l; ‘‘IP':.

• > S r .l, C i ; ( f o id I*. C a w rw p n f jy nrin i« ,n « 'c l p la it1' i ■'<

- h im i-fi se lecting Itls nom inees fo r the U . S . A t I-’oicf*

A eadcfny , the I L S, M il i ta r y Aca-ieuiy, tap I 1. S N av a l

A ta c k v .v , a n d ih e V. S . M e rc h an t A e .m t'iuy , fo r

ilu t cla.>s<a, «),it<-riiig in the- sum raev of 107o.

-r- F » o d ■ m e rchan ts •: jn . •. M o n m o u th C o u n ty wishing.-'• t o .

.take part- .ia :;.tlw F e d e ra l ,-Food'-:Stamp • -Program -scheduit

■ ed to s ta rt Jvm o 2 a ra invitecV ta attend oat; of -twO" sjwc

. .c ia l flritettnga th a t th e U . S.".. D epartm ent; , y i . Agrt.cn 1­

" t iw e s 'C o n s ig ne r- 'e u d -Ivlttrkuuiig Swrvie# w il l co iiauc t o n -the, P rog ram . ,.

•-••>" :• C o l. Jo se ph T: A v e lla , S ta ta D irec to r o f Se lec tive

Serv ice , a an oucced : to d ay t h a t : th e sta te ’s in d u c t io n c a ll

fa r J u n e U ioK 548 m e a , 37 less th a n the M a y call.

■ T he board* o f d irec tors o f th e N a t io n a l B a n k of

W estfie ld . wid-- th e . C e n tr .i l Je rsey B a n t - t o d T rust C o .

.have app roved t h e . t a r n s c f a " -proboaeid • 'm e rg e r be-

tween^ the twfif. t e t i t d t io n s . T he m e rged ■ in s t itu t io n w ou ld

be c a lle d T h e C e n tra l Je rsey B a n k a u d T ru s t Co. I t w i l l

t o e -18. branches .iu- M on ja iou th C o u n ty nnd tw o i n Un*.-. io n C o un ty . "

MunicipalA S u p e r io r C o u r t o rd e r to fo rcc M a ta w a n , K e y p o r t

• n d K e an sb u rg to p ro v id e sew age d isposal p ]* iu » w ith •

secondary tre a tm en t system s was o b ta ine d th is w eek b y tha

S ta te D e p a r tm e n t o f H e a lth . ■ ■ ,

M a taw an B o ro u g h C o u n c il P tfw id e n l G eorge C o n n o r

l ia s been appo in ted n iavov fo r the ba lance o f th e year sue-

eeeding E d w a rd JS. I l y i n a w h o stepped d o w n f r o m *the p o s t :

M o n d ay .

M a ta w a n T o w nsh ip o ffic ia ls a re m ak ing , t u r n b id to

h»ve:}jQy3e“to-hou»* m s ill d e liv e ry app roved f o r C lif fw o o d

• te a s . ,

N e w s m a k e r s

j T he C lass o f 1944, K e y p o r t H ig h Schoo l, w i l l h o ld Its

25 th re u n io n a t the O ld U n io n H ouse In R e d B a n k o n

F r id a y , J u n e ; 27, a t 7 :30 p .m . C lass m e m be rs sh o u ld

tnako the ir - re se rv a tio tu . w i th ih e class p res iden t. J a c k

Je firidron , 80 M a in S t., K eypo rt, as soon as possib le .

L o u t* E . G ra n a ta , 809 B ra d y A ve ., S te u b e nv ille ,

O h i i d ^ ; . W a k o n e a p p l i c a n t s w ho passed the M a rc h

b a r exam ina tio n , the O h io S up rem e C o u r t announced .

T h e oath o f offi.ee. f o r ' t h e new atto rneys w as a d m in is ­

te red in C o lu m b u s M a y 3,

ReligionA fea tu re o f the 11 a .m . S u n d a y w o rsh ip service In

F ir s t U n ite d M e th od is t C h u rc h , M a ta w an , o n M a y 18

W ill be the b u rn in g of the. $40,000 m ortgage p laced o n the

c h u rch p roperty three years ago. I t was secured to as­

sist the congregation in p u rch as in g for $50,000 a 7.5-acre

site fo r a new , chu rch com p lex a t A t la n t ic Ave . and

C h u rc h St. in M a ta w a n T ow nsh ip .

P arish ione rs of S t. A m brose C h u rch , B ro w n lo w n .

w ill p artic ipa te in a d u a l ce leb ra tio n h o no r in g the 25th

SMnivci'Sctry of Ihe o rd in a t io n of the ir fo u n d in g pastor,

the R ev . B e rn a rd A . C oen . T he observance w ill beg in a t

7 p .m . on M ay . 30 w ith a te s tim on ia l d in n e r in honor of

R ev . Coen. T he event is u n d e r thu d irec tion of the P a r­

ish S ilv e r J u b i le e C om m ittee .

Fire Chief George Viator out Dtputy Chief Coctge Hudstjj i;o over (ha cb«r'r««! ruin* of th*

■ of » iiome at U Valley Dr. which W duwagctl by fire Tuestiay. Firemen made a good s(i»(t

on th« btai-a which damaged th i second flour and aHU: » i «h»: ilome. All tmroup.h (Ire 'equipment as

well as I bo Matawan Tovvusltlp verial i ruck nnd IheMorgaavlito ta jik truck were at thu jceue for

kboul tv/9 hours.. No iujurlcn were reported. .

Discusses Plan For Sewers In Freneau

■ <$ee roajp pug* four)

Dutiuiu ,1. Day; caniliddiec for

the Republican nomination for the Borough Council in Matftwan tiiis v^eek commented on plans 'to

provide sewers for the Freneau

■■- section. •; •, -

Accorilmg to Mr. Day, >:

. “Many sections of Freneau

have a serious probiota .without sewers. I have spent a good deal

• of time during the past several weeks with many Freneau resi­

dents and have seen first hand what.lt is io havu a continuous

scptic tveiflow in your backyard, to never use the washing ma-

Chino ucvrtii:^ you cdiutut. Ly fiav«

your septic ’tank pumped out peri­

odically bnoau.se it Just doesn’t .•work,; v ' ■ -:•• ••• . . . . . , ■

^These people have been protn- }se-J sewers for n any yeare ' For the last three yeara it mhs the Pfjet’a Dream Apartments that

vould solve their problem. This

was not true for those r«siden».s

along Route 79 and to the west of

Routq 79. These arc the areas In which the scptic tank problems

are the worst. It is for ihia urea that I have worked out a feasi­

bility study ifrom which I con­

clude the liorough of Matawan

could advertise for 'sewer bids in

tho near future.“Tho engineering work of Cun

tract . N u .. 1 that waa • completed1

t-vu yoaJS ago is s.huwiv m_the at- .tached.ptau. Alsu shown:artf tho

approximate distances ,ia feet nnd the number of existing rcstdwictf*.

Note that the entire iiciw.orK.ffo^s into the existing sewer !iu« lo ­

cated at Main St. and the rail­road crossing. No. pumping aU«

■ lions are rcKjuired^ • ' ■ ' ' r v j

‘ ^The tola! cost for ’this’iitttwirk ’ was; based ..on' thtt -use. of etght inch translte pipe. (3300 psi cw\w-

pressive strenKth), and a sewer' manhole oii an average of 300

apart.. Thft contractors cost

of laying the street lines tunued *

from around $9.35 per foot where

.bituminous roadway mu*t be dug

up to $4..il per foot v;hcre just dire is involved. In addition thr.re

are staking costs at aW^ut $150

per 1000 feet. To put a four inch 'tit* in from the sewer main-io t!;e curbiine a t each residence would

cost about 5135. Based on my caU; culations, tha total project cost

would be approximately $123,000.

“The plan , calls for a sewer

line across the property belong­ing tn St. Clement’s Church; This

.should be a major benefit to tlu*

church over h septic system.

"As for the line along the rail­road track, those who own th*.*

Uind z<'.ruid f«:r sp*H»'.il buvinoss

adjaciMit to th(; crack shjuM p.iv

-thbir fair shato Which -would re» Heel tha-marked increase.lu vat-

ue this ; land .would have with'

sewers. I would also suggest that

any vacant' land along the . sewer rfehi-of'W&y bo assessed in

fair niAuner that would also ba

related (not equal) to its ii\orease

land/value. The one hundred residences Li thi.s section of F r ^ '

neau would most likely pay for

•the balance of th« sewer costs on derived’* basis,: rather

than by the front foot. This /nay

be less than $950 per residency -(with a ien year payment option).

• “Our Borough • codes should ba modernized to allow for the use

of tour inch transits pip« oi\ the

homeowner's property h\Mead of the cast iron that is now rorjuired. Titis would; greatly reduce the

homeowner's costs uf hooking Into

the sewe? main which, incidental- ;

3yf is transite.. '

“ [ realUe that not everyone

ak>»" the proposed sewer line needs sewern but there are so

many ia this area that have s«r-

iocj septic tank problems that I felt as a candidate in this Juno

primary I should speak out oil

this issue.*'1 wish to acknowledg*? ihe

help of my running nuto, John

Webster, who ohrained cost data

{torn svvc.-al contractors In the

C t k... ] o u rSuperior Court Judge Klvin R. S im m ill, in

Freehold Friday, xlonied a motion by Ralph S.

Ueuser sr., M atawan, as a:t»»niuy for Kenneth

McDonald, !J) Ravine Dr., Matawan. to iiave con­

demnation commissioners now holding app<ant»

monl by the court remove.} am i three new com­

missioners appointed lo appraise ih«;* of ;hu

land taken I>y ih f Donui.uh ;o e lim inatr a sharp

aniV.i' of the iistio section ol I-J:ivinn Dr. and Mtd-

dh*st:x Rd.

Mr. Heuscr contended that it had been a year

since t!ie m auet wus initiated and that Mr. Mc­

Donald was still far front getting uny recoin*

prnse for hind taken from his property by thu

Borough of Matawan to construct the new turn­

about al the intersection.

Mr. ifcuser declared his client had acceded to

a takim; by the ho roue, h that const rucuup. of th*.»

turnabout to elim inate a dan^erou*> sharp anglu

(urn could go iinc.til, Hut. Mr. Huimm* tonuner.t-

ed, this wa> pretty nnu It wh.it he hud «*Npcriem>

vd in past condrm tu iion (\is-.s, that onco a e.nv-

ernmi-ntal unit or nn uu .hon iy I hi* laiVi i»

wants, hy an u i ik r of piking, it is very dilatni'v

nbont making payment.

Thi* commissioners whose removal Ml', dens­

er sought for failing to arrive at an award to Mr.

McDonald to this time were Philip J\ Hlanda jr.,

Ila/.let attorney, and John W, Applegate and Rusi

Maghan, both of Matawan.

f.ouis R. Aiidns, !amg Hraiwh, the borough a t­

torney, defended the cotirsa taken hy the bomugh

and tho commissioners. The land taken gops back

IU! ft. on Ravine Dr. und U9 ft. on Middlesex IM.


I will not he resjxinsib'c for any debts Incurred

by anyone other than myself,

Knrico V, Stella


n Ihe


• thu


pid>* •\ik-

Old) WAGON FAUM Visit display — A/alrtiN, UluHlodeodrons, Koses,

Geraniums, and annuals. Nt> ,15 fr Lnurul Ave,<

llolmdel, Open Wod, to Monday 9-tl, otoseti '1‘uesdays.


Mr. Aikins blamed any delay m the mat,- i!i.si;itL*Jice of the owner und his uituii. ’y to '•road returns” inclmied in ihe liavis for

sward, when tlw* borough witrf ready to n;aK. tlemoni oti the area that had been ost-d f.»r a

lie road enough years as <m» open roail. Mi. Ins avowr-.l the bor<'U;;ii could n^t a.-viunu' ;!>

pense of an exhaustive legal study and siarv the nutter.

'continued on page four)

K i l l e d I n A u l olh nry i'.irtenfeldcr. (il. of Hi t [■;i:;|-th S; .

Keansburg, killed Friday, May 9, l ‘»e). iu a two

car c a s h on Route 35 in Mata-.van w

hut ted Monday m orning in .Sliotel.md Mu::>r-d

Garth-n;;, I la/let.

Services were In tlu* Laurel

fla/l”!, wilh the Rev. William ('..s

town mixl Church offici.ilmg

S u n iv iiu ' aro Mr. P,irtcnf.-id>-

Charlotte Partenfelder; a so-jv.m

Virginia Meach, Vu.; two daugh*

S lew a it of Hazlet and M is. ih lda Welbv

Keansburii: a brother. Karl r’ariimfeldcr. in Ciei-

many, and live grandchildren.

Police in Matawan Township said il'e hea l-ou

tvjliisioa iu 'i lu 'if il n l 6:11 a.m . i .u . iv oo

n.*i near Riverdnle Dr. They cited la in and a <on-

aeipieut skid as tho ptoliahle cause. M i. P.irien*

felder's car was in collision with a \etii'le dtiven

by John Mercoglinno, 77, of Newark, who v u ad

m ilted to Riverview Ho:,j»iial wuli cb* m;u-;- > Ulld eul.s.

Mr. Partenfelder died In Uivereieu |i> ,

H:,in n.m . from multiple Injiuie.; «>f th*• he...I


Police saitl they charged Mr. Mercoidi.

causing death by auto,

b'niuM'al ii ui Tv o! MM-!

John M"il "t s. Mrs. .loan

of L.a*!

e wMa;awn.n '.^orougii L 'uuacil. Pi\-biueiit G w .^ a

•-■•Cottnoc ‘;vM5v;:}:iy ; nil:}:: : v j ' i / c k c tc d sUKy.o/.. .to,'..

scrya j'an> I, .1 .0'.: M r.' Conr?'>f ‘ '.Vj>,1

-itie ie/in, fit' Mavor- rd.. Uy*Vi; vvnosa •

- rt5ftgr.aiie.Tj ‘ •erK^Uvr::.M;/h,d:,.y'. I V . fdrm«h : 'nwyor i-f:si'^n<id; beciva^e o l inore^sf,nL pvej;;;uve. of

'.■hj* piivutc .bu>smeii.'1}. ' ,, ■; ; ...• .•'

A p p ro v a lO n N e w

.. Shop-Rito cn Lt'jydR',1, near Route 3-i .’¥hauid ;

bit up anil ia business by w « t .Uccemberv Thia '.

was., ihe. opinion, of - lla n y Marion, Eiitabsthf,'-" arciiii-^ct, wh'.i dt!3it-.tip.| - th.* iif-w «tore Th^: •

■ MS tawajj ■ Township j P lann in gB oa rd Kavc ap- ptuvai to ihe pcc/j^ct.-in'-'the-.-.uriOersiantljing con-:. : Jtruc!i''n> will t>; uncle,- v;ciy':by Jync 15. :; . . ,' .

■ FoiH>ar.in>A Inf.'; Fr»eh<)idj the applicants,'

/ «t'e lociiting Uio-32,WM sql It, store structure on .. A-4..S. acre true! thut wlji allow for.;3M; parking:

spots 'when ii'ily :l6e «ire.. nec(lo<l,,:Mr.: Muslow,1 pollut'd ont,' t-la addod thal a phartiiacy nnd » :

bakery will go in, along with the food center,. , '

.. ’ .'llieodorc Eo'dresca,'. chatrmaii"Of:'th«;'»uMiyt.r •• , sion : cnm.rn>tt<“;, -.Vaivtcil to know , abijiit store'-'j

hoiirs. Mr. 7\k*sia\v eytoerned thty Wdulil bu fryrnd.lll. IO Id lu liw an 5 n .m . io

8 p.m. limit Sunilays.-’l'he-ttrehitwt cjutionecl' there woukt have to ba a midnight to S a.m.

*hit't at the cpntpr for -'receiving yt stiitk for tiie

; ntor«.and putting it o» (lispiay, - . . . ......Cwiditioiis Were set by the board, A shielding

Ho* o! trees will go across the-"westerly.boundary.

(oontinuexj on pag« four) ‘ '• .

i'u: oppirsca by... L-uu;,v.-ii .iieuwtr.aLs. .iocne-r

or D';'Riirha,rd.’;SiS3.:7.'u?.?day:sl!h£!Ui;a\lJi2 y':: ^bltxlEcd'. US'raptwintirient ' a wtek Hgo.' AL- tifJt

^tifl3«, £h t-y - ->aiu ilipy w.iptvii .uiOK- time o 'ciin-.; .sids’r'. ts's;3pi>p>nfjitrtr.-” :.-::':'V:!-:-. : ’ ' i:’

. . . ,M.!,Vvr Coiino: ur,-:i;d t;:al tl',^ C(,uncitinon con­

.' sitter a sircc'-'iisor'to council pj'eiud'.'rti ^Md: u !so v5i. :ip; <!ttf';t)ie::ba!anC';.:of;';i:ii',

term, cxpirn Pu-c 31

put::?puneiS on, upljca{ that ho plans to pi o-

;,‘pus©:’-'tli*j;: appoinjtirient---. 6i?-":’fr>rri*ei;.-- jGOl*.Cbanjril^/ iiiar, .yerinm. Ei'.isnn, to corr;plcre his, U-rro. ;'

- . Tuesday '-niiibi's .-i.r-t'c'tii iiit..t:ny w as. Dtvesi aitjtct!.:. by a jirnanv; ^iyvo'! ti- H re­

. quircd. thu, 3Ji'.«tiuie uf the. jnayur. ■ : ., . ::

Mayor:- Kywi-s: resisoanca: .beciii'nei'^ffeMonday : aad th.; n-.-x! wpiiiar oouni.il; meeting

is jet'.for TiiS’iday 6r "five/'d^ys. aftPr: tile May / ll ', :payrcvii,-:' :

Demrir.-.Utc Cuunciiman Stanley. .YacKcr ad- -

rnitttfd--he'.a.sk j', for- a dte.lay'in-Hppoirijing eotino.r:

last week, to j>ermit council disciuaion of tbe ap- {Hiiniment.

U'oniinuea on page tour) : - •

Slate Bringing

Suit Against

Three Boroughs>r C‘,Vi|rt Jtsd'je .^ frrH t 'l ,a o i jr." Tues­

day sot I't'ytw 6 for i-hearing for..l.hi;ee:bayshor* - inunR-lpj litirs to show cause v;hy they are not

coimilyim;' with a directive to upsradf sflA-age:

'.'treatment facilities. . :

..... The' municipalities, Keyport.: .Keatisburg and .M.itawio Boruimhs operata. treatment plants dis-

chatg.f); mio waterfj. tiiat i«ad tv (!i« Kxtitan aay;- ' . ' . . . 1 ■ .' : ..■■ ■■■.... ■;

Afifr much, prodding: the Sttite Hoa'ih r>c-. (continued on page four) -

T o w n s h i p S e e k s P o s t O f f ic e

N o d F o r C lif f w o o d S e r v ic eTho M auw aa Towsihlp Cmuidl has (equated

post.:! a'jU',',ritivs to (ron‘;id*.-r i ''..■'in.-,o!id’.’.'if;n

and extension ot service" in the CUif'.vfjod area in order to ncoomplish iiottio aeiivery service to

that portion of tho township.-\

-The request was made following a meeting with John F..Kayos o ' the post office’s Pliiiadeipbia regional office and Frank y/il!i?ms representing

the Mnnmouth County Office ttma on Thursday.According to Councilman Walter Gehrlcke,

tha consolidrtiion "will leave the Cliffwood mail­ing address intact together with Its present lip

code number and it will pre.serve the present Cliffwood Post Office. These are ail items which were wry meaningful to trio local residents who

have very Hirong fe<‘lin|-n about bemj> identified as Cliffwood residents in Matawan Township.

. Mr. Hayes told the council there are several solutions to the delivery problem, and he urged

them 'to select one of. them so tiie <*.epsrtt»cnt; could proceed with plaas.

Iri explaining ihe. post office policy to the . council, Mr. Hayes noted that an area must

meet two criteria-tn qualify fur, home delivery,

He said an area tmist have $10,000 in annual*

postal revenue and tt populiilvjti.o' 2500 befora: it can qualify, . •

Cliffwood-Genoa nr.ect3 the first requirement, but falls short on the second, ; : :

Mr. Hayes did say, however, that there ara Ways of pelting around this population require­

ment. . . :. - Among them, he said, would be the consolida-

(contmueit on pa{• c four) ■

Dedicate ?.um-Library

William (filler ccnler, president of Madison houislrp I’ o ird o| I hieallon, presents deed for

(lu* I tMar <.iro\'.' Sih<M.| (<> Mrs. I.hu-r fi M :rij*i, pri-.ni'-’U ut Itic* Mad.sun hav ^sti!p |l«!iO«i'

Sinietv. as tiilmau It. Uarne, hit. looks nn. Ihe pr sen:atiini took |ihicc I j id:ty cseainj* at t h o

dedication dinner of (he Thomas Uarne Historical Museum nnd l ibrary, vshl-.'h will he locaied In

the lorou r svltual.




All> groups Interested ht pariicipdiuK In the Memorial Day parade in Matawan Honiutdk not

yol coidacted, tiica.so call Borotmh liall, fi/13

I lie Madison I'eem.;,,,, H v.oi ie.,1 Sone lv h«*!»|

n ih ’dicm .or d.o" 'i i' tin- I ): nn-'ii.l .1 Jin K ■ t. 1:• - i ant, |{.»o'.. : I, I ' . . ", i. i'. i *. li . t la v 'I hr i

ni-. ( ed M t I • • e. • S' I. ,, , |,-,|ie.u-• I th.-

l ;'‘Hiias \\ 11 in- HiMni u ,il i h v i n n aiol l:te '.n;:,

lo t a h ’tl i in I'i uie HI, iii-' tme-ioom f,cli"i<| housf-.

I lie a ih l.u t ',. [Mp.-i.i nnd hooks tl'M lini’ d i­

ced Iv with Mndi-.ou 'lo.siiship and the Mirtound-

Ui|{ area, h^dieation of th" bmhhnj': will be h“ ld

al 2 pan, Sunday and in Mm* event ol rain the fob

lowing Sc.iuhr May '.!H, tu flu- r . ' l ’v'iin*

At tl’o dinnej David F.nf'f'bictson was m a iler

0* cereinomc'i nnd u biief history of th j

Hi'.'lofi<’;d Soen-'v anti Th<tm:in V/arnc, proptie*

! -i 111 l,.i -' I ; y, Im. v‘,lni|M He- r,iu eion haX

h* >r* riiMMi il. ' I i i” a * -1 - mne wa* i-iven hy M is,

! ‘ iu-: i-’ ' ! • • ■ , {■< .. •. nl i ; e Ki-\ . Hal M:-y-

«'l \ < !aii t, h t>f Dm Saviiiut, ( h-' -'eMjiuike, pro-

noui.i i I it--' -1.v;m ,jr<>-.q. \b‘i N--hulas Pomano

had in Iho pi<*di;u of a lh 'e iam e and tlm National

Ault,-ni w a ; sum' by Mrs. John lo w , (Jt'eotiruil

wer- j'jven hy Mavor Spiio.s ( ohimbus, of Madl-

.son Township.

I lie :;ur'.l '.pcalo«r, John T. Cunniiu 'Jiam , l?lor

hum l^urk, no itd author and lecluror on New Jo p

(wmtinuml on pa ({0 four)

jSalmori 'JPkfper Box Cited... h i Nationwide Contest

,:V;®i!«W»-'-{StOWi tjtys, Ce.,:

W M , «r j> 3>t.6rtl 111 R Wlt'flS

fe¥-. v%^: ?fWtfl5>£KeviJf&!: 'iii*,; aasse ftis ’JBSStSE,., « t i shs ;5j^i;; -.A<k ..

C itm m am a f tfe* National

'■ al­

.;'. •; 'VM* -2®i.Gr4 4s? S&fow-'t Wfe? ftn»■ .fs£-5fr:£&H:i®iww/.si»S'««v»a'h<av- ■■

l.iffifrj ■■aniiyiBikii;-

litm , . fews HMWSTteitiBi, s • y w tn i itm <r* fcr th* Wi*w»

■jWf e ? : ' # N £ 5 f e +■'■■■:■

WffitJiiS Cik«K, ►*Wl«*tBl »>f NP-

_ . 8*«$a<wa» fT A

•IfesiiurViH# ftirtfif - Tw tS^r .**we<at«»H wan rWMjpuiimd ■ m

,#*- Vm$wyt&r «{■»»» ar. a : ”"** r»l)<srA

#? Mm MwwtHHh Coue- r PsnwM -*>11! T*.*i;!'■<['!

* <*i Ms*. Joseph Im D » , 4H**etot -aaiiatwl j» ti>*


‘JK» Mftswim *H w «* ms® In-

iv ittIM:..-Mw/'Kww W JPMstfpn,. 4P»*Sef«ni; Mx«. fiicltar^ w**il.,, * !* • Mn- Hn»*n< C.Ibhmvftt v m ' »1 nt.

Oterht*, tmtu-lmmp. rteoitfingu*^w»to»s^?J^jf^%t''ei*fctr5cer«=:-

' M cn tw jr i'-m * Mr*.'

Battau. j WtMOfW.WM tha HMM.IURS otftasr.r.:

M at BHMltof *15! M '« »v y,. fl&y 2* m tbe Mor**#- i

«tfto S^hsii *t « t m.

£ iifiVCJfl W> Jif.i-m -i L Site JT.V1!.1, *ry Has t'rt fs'cJJifcws sr.d revs! ifrti w . r-' p*" fiv*c* puti'.lj.;** 1** ic-i i.pr’ii’on al-

Sr rtrd -sSssat.'iW . • v

Mr. Citron.. sa;4 *. Airtlwr pur-

PUB i f >?.(■ wrtHrnt *s* I<> pro- ^Hl* .*umJ*iir** :■ w>wj>«- i.ndu.vl ry

r-,**refc*K< oavM ;*~,<fir~v4 iwt ,/,»■ *y &*:* jshjreii'fcS I'U .iv Vu!.

. sff '’ ’y’'jxijMi■' ':?i>mjrirwut<M!W-••': ■•'•'WiV: tfc''.

XlJiJt* :ip .fcV*• Mferi 1W U)« W*t

. wet*. A iww 4rs^.-4>Minct9v«-'kif«f.:iH' ! u i^ : 4&3i'' »,!l •'

tuiaiiJ4i.43jnian>Jtrp* to. whwh.. ifts.

'f^riiNMny -ships to- ii* tt*#'.

Tt«/ tiir tttsfe ec«j|tn. 'X>ffe 'tn- iry t » » wAwJU^ii by Wri.*!?«?* L.■,$zdm&K 'prt«d&&* :■■ :■■ •••,■■.-..,■..., :‘B»€..tttrlirst WM, jLt^rtl Apt. ■HQ ta ••l%i«4klph»-.. :0wr ••• win- • aero «>jnftm>£«<t tit tto eon^»n<

1 «-r» i*L8&Ufiy.

A r b o r D « y W *«tirvcp

Mkik C «<’>p<kin, Si.S thw l Prlncijwil, M»UW»J|. •>>■

Tj«lDnrfi( rt>dt Ihe s-ii’ tw! ArtX),- Stay f'ruKrun vv«$ very succttr-

ftil. Aiti fifth grade Mudtntt were

gtv*n kmiH Aiwtrian ttpUngx tn fUa»r PJirticifuitlng in the pro £»r;n Vrlt!) tS* <iiiuienta v,

Me K*t>fl«n: 'Valyi, 1 uiakovlch yrinc:p«t aftul Mrt. J<i-

« p h B»raett of »hf M»l*>ii»i» BftKHUfli Sh*<Hs T ie* Comipj*-

aiyo. Focms w»r« recited try At* Ami OiMng, .Marie Ceums-

CO, Jo^n Siut(t> tuid *i:c!'ai '1 Xll3»l.

■ s m c i mI' • 7


B $i«r* Hour*:g ' MOK. ?»«U FBI. 1 A.M. . ? r.U. —. 1AT. I AM. • t PM.S - ■ 1UKDAYS 1‘H A M . t o l M F.M.

S a . ■ n « PARKINS IH P|EAR,OF BUHDINS ...... '

V m m ^ ® i « s H n K ) G «

. y r ■ i n r . - i s s s r ^ - i ---- :

r e t ]

Trustees E y f ' - ' L ib ra ry fla iss

lijt: uf uf' fiiCFree Public Library uf Maduwi

T<tW3«-i>?p'■••■■{??■'■ l *ur«r»C4f- ^ib&i . *1 'V^eid.'iy1 'M r,v l,.flur- .«ttirc ju'fchuteuti fthis): during the mwrfil ©f Afrril

«»} JxiOAs awauit t)<.'fH>n, 83

tt? fuvffnMtf and )t* >mv«-

r t f h r . : ■ '.' •• ■’’■••,Tians. «ivf<cusM;4 f r. ihe ■

SujjiwWif- Chjij-, .fewl Sfecv\'±‘*xt:Ch' ~“if*.,r*' *-**> •

Jvly ‘7, find. wil;: t*aoh

, mucuing • rh#.of: JuS r-^Hd; A»sniir. My'*, ■

, - . .:;.-;^ichisoa ■ .• y.iJl • be;' hi

iff'.' th#-■Vw «»« pur>:l>*w4

• fe r ^ *>ei JvLM.:rhe.*Sttt<$mg C!«b and Surry Htvr; Jn the fall thrse books w*|l be-

itw^ii^ki -Ur i^yUf ■ -. Of th*u-?b)<iLry.

' l h « lj« ra ry « open-cwery-Mon*

3 u> 5

' -'^*ai« /jrvery■ Toc^ay ' dity• from 7 to' 4: p,m.:; wlU. .cv-;;

<«l> Saturday fiuin i to 3■ :A$! reKirfante r.f TnWni

ahtp ire Htl(.orne u> um the err-

vmjw tit Die bi>i«(y, fchich b sponssinS bv iiie Vronmi's Ovb

u t Lftiirenc« Katbor.

New Pastor Is

Honored GuestThe Rev. a»o Mrs. Jo«epft A

were gu^sH of honor at a r*c«pck>u held at the U u tenet

_ Harbor Coinniun;ty Coven*»i»t *Ch«f<.h Sunday tvenmg. Rev.

K t* n tly became paslor

ol the Co^imnnHy Church. Hi* - ha«l f>ce\iou.%lv »erv«d churches in Tioy. N.Y., SMyn<lquy»(,, M»n«.

aixJ Milford, Mhs#,

"OMind Nelson, cf. theBoard of Trustees, av.i s tnaslfe^

o f ceremonies. fUTntthmtnts

were furiiii4hed and. w rvtsl by

immbers vf the Covcnajit: Woni-

enoc^aiii/.uUon. Gui) fnck Nv. W, which (8 fipOH?wred by ibe Church.

- prestfltcd a ceramic figure ‘The Praying Hands'1 to Pa&tor and Mr». lU tn ff.

- Amoni; the: m any gu«5ts who ttUemifcd weru: Mayur .Sptro Co- lunibus. Mr, and Mrs. John PhJt- laps, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Muc-

rw , Mr, and Mrs,-Leonard-Horn--' sier, Hev. Wi)hum ^ebsterr Rw . Mctvln Stanczewskl, pastor ot St.1

1 ljawrenco Churrh, Rvv. kobvrt

-McN«uj’h(o«. pastor <>F'the'Smith. PJainfiuld Covenant Church, and

Rev, Herbert Mitchell; of Sayr*

Woods South.


jr'Sf. ]ji'$ J~h. Art’ll, . . $ tres* <& B■?X>r-X * &'■ ■• • m M K r •• */«?■'■

•'' itjjnes- f-tivf&c ' (tom corsagt ftwkinjg, film wjihout

,:3s:'<J«j'kr0oi.iJl rriiiosisi^.'u: <J<vibi»>?.it

to such preemptions fl? H/>v/ ToTf-fewi P-3.VIU ot <!. $»LW-

; MakiRg' lrisa^nn,

aiid ^i‘OOiYii;ig. as /rioie tfrdft 1.75 4-J4 iniys tnni girls, frwn

Middlesea County took, part fri* flay H’jjht in the Miwh^tvr. m*ujv

ty ^54 publHV 0>r»- .

•:'^£tr * k . ' UKiyewuy.:, . : faCl'tf lS».-tv.«a£ is. lo y»iu«jt*.-

ity an4 - s^Wirance ti farx m>V

«;t*V Iw mi-

{.ub .Xvsut f'atlt t l , MalSfKa/i.

wiil celebrase Armed. Forces Dny with * trvp to ■ F(irt Mw,pr*J.»Lvth Suturduy, Mi'y !7. lhe jruup WilL

»s«r»blit *1 Temple Sfutftjrn ml if « m . ret'jr^mg i l:cre hj 3 f' i"

A t tit* > l'n ,,iO ]i; A j ‘ I , Iti,ib* p«ck gTudus'erf itn first m«'m

ber> Sttv«n. Hab#r, Purlin, mto » bvy Scout I,; udditioit icmember* of >he pticJi. tm l their f»rents, tljre^ uffiLufc of In* rew

group tk>s Siout Troop V)5, Haz­let, «crc e 'w on hand for tlie ceremwy. They »cr* ScoutQivn-

ter I ’eu! Kobmaon aim Aisisiant Stoulmt lei« 'dints Sp«i uct> tw<! Robert Reift<;r Slev^n rf-, eiv^d

his Wtbillvs cunt and gref)uH(K»i

c*rtlfk*te from his (aiher, Shtl- «kwi Hab»r, v.tx, is tht* le«'kr ot

P»(k Cl’s Webelos Den 1.

In olher presentations. Msrk

Movtfs, <jt Cub S\out Dmi 5, rr w ived bi* Wnl( beiige with void srrow. points, oik! Jilso look, first p!*t« in ihe Tuiewood J>rby

»Vif»f »vcn;r” 1 r tusv* t^i'Vni .

honors went.to Robert Heid, stc-

ond ptact; Etlwurd ..Kvichmsn.

.third place, nnd Erie Si:i)a!!<r.best made ta t. ................... ■

.> ' CubiTifistcr ,.Mati,m Goroff nn- jounced that the Pack, which iv . spoiiHired b y ‘the Men’b' Club o( Ti-rtiple ..ShaUim, :ihnd won «n

award lor thtii; L'4>y Scvut Week ..dispJuy m lhe .window ol a Mum St. shoe repair shop.- Malawan.

The, Pock also .received Us 'official

.charter, and a cerlifictile for ns 100 per cent subM'nption to the

stouunf. m«i«v.mer Bov s Lite. .....

''."'Committeeman Steve: Sohneid- er, chairm an'■■ o f' (.MKiiij;*, an­nounced that the postponed trip

lo a New York baseball twn* would tw mt-.heduled a<i soon at

tickets could be obtained. .

T H E F I N E S T L A W N S A R E A U T O - L A W N S

A u t o - L a w nAI lawns Ar#


; Arto-bwa

'C U S T O M B U N D S '

T« Yc«f Laws CesdSsbas


2 4. ONLY

9 5

SEED 50% MERION( I lb. per i .000 tq. ft.)FERTILIZE 45-0-0

FERTILIZE 20-10-10





Per up to 4,000 »q. fl. «r*«. additional 1,000 wj. H. H .



S*«c} (2 Lba. Per 1000 Sq. a )

Pre-Emtrgent Crab CioiA Control

Grub Prpofing I Sfiot W®*d Control | Fvrfitlit 45-0 0 I P*rtiiii» 0- 1 0 -1 0

, Pow*r Aorato Ponur Roll


Complete W *rd i CompUt* WeedControl !


Chinch Dug Control M T Per Poit>Em«rg«nt

j SoJ W»b Worm Control M j m Fo«t Chinch Bug Control

Army Worm Control7'/j Lb*. NITROGEN P.r Control

Fongut Contrcl IOOO Sq. ft . P»r Y*ar Army Worm Control(4,000 iq ft. minimum) Fungiu Contrrl

Pric# Includat All 4 S«rvic«i Fertilise 45 0 -0Ferliliio 98 UF & Soil An^lyiit Fo riiliio U DF


S«rd (2 tbs. Pttr 1000 Sq . K . J

Spot W»«d Control

fortilii* 41-00

FviUlu* 70-10-10

Power Aor«fe

Pov«*f Roll






M 8D D L E T O W N


671-2229M rm b i’ f l ol MrtUw/in A M iddle^ iwn C I ia ih Ih-u tif C i'm m M m

In J i i i i i in l nnd iiit litu lio iiA l liiq m fifli tn v llrd .

I)ft«l<iithipk «>nd PiiNiljijtfriliifM Avrtil.»bl« • IrJonnflHon Upon R<iquott

. , l ’ nl r , M it I1.

, i » i r ,

l i o h n d e l C l u b

P l a n s F o r D a n c e

C'on^r«.ssM Jan .T n m rs .1, H o w a rd wil! be feaHit*d nt n

La d im ip r - tlwnoe to «*. h e if i in honor of O. !.f>viis ‘lontl nt tht* M o u n ta in In n , A'!;;?',t ic H iKM lar.d r,.

on Saturday, M«iy )“- ft will bp retailed thitl Hfj>, iltiwrnii pii- dnrsed Mr. Tunti f«.*r j»ovtirn»'ir- .ship.

llio nff^ir is sponsored hy lhe iTemornaic Club of Holmdel Township, which whs Ihe first p</- litical rltib in Mnnmmuh County

to Mipj>ot'l Mt. Tonli’s candidacy. Tirkrt rr-chainnt rs nre Frank Auriemma jr., 264 54*7. and Mis. John A. iiudim k ]r,, !*«** TilVG.


Isn 't ha lf ao

H e c t i c . . .

W h s n it Is

fo llo w ed by a

W e lc o m e W a g o n coin



: vm- ■ • •■ ■ .tnn^n,

A l C o m t* u t io ts

T^o.'sdisy, May 'S, 1% ^

Tim Join Auxiiii

formation th«y ; ve 5n--4'*11 lo othtr#.

Fui'*fCJjuant-a. ar«.r rr**uiafi;eiJ ;»r

.•'IweBeflt, lb*ir «ndtu»i r

hi'.tor*-, ioc-fli. f.voujw (hrtju^hout • yrt&i. T)pt nxv.ux. h .s^uwrr^d by tlw (,o-o«»erHtiV«

roHece <*P

AgncyHuii ajicl Environm in^!, #nd is opt'r'j to ary 4-H

m. th*' iH'Ojffty:-'8aS-i<f' ;-4*'- . H j>roi*ct-. ftr^ac. <>f+vtr-e4 -by the

■ prrfi«jrrt3t?or;fi mriurfed , fo<?*i« «^d; uyiriiion, gt«>d fcworrv*

irgu‘V;;iU>ffty,. pncHc.»gi,«phy,' elec-' fdrjty. afvnTtf? KO«*nc*. dojd csrff

*iid . lisbtHfi,; gardening,M ii tu i water cw>«rv»tjt‘n ccr-


JminfniJk crrsrj? itau }tvrt*#..tnnrwmatr^tiona And illur.trettd.

t£]&2 i.Wli'Pl. in length, fry.m four. i& 20 rnfnulMi.each, end yvtw, t,\th uute£ bv judgtc in cnch «r«a of

miert&L. v*> y jnx>d(

jewjd, fcr fair ra ttan were award- *d paitiVtpanlft if their prcsemu-

u«ns tork ftv« or irore WMvutM, ^h;lc those U’Wk-r five minutes

rtxvveq certJptJUfrt ot parunpa- tlon, award reccgiunon

will be mfcde »n Jun* to *iflht ■

members who ar* to bc--«elwt«l for hevmg dope ihe jm>»t out-

atanding work on iheir pi;r,^tnta-

Uc*rf : • • ’ • ■':. •:■ .

Mrs. WiHiii/n Wef:kat the h£vv- Ty-eJecttd president of the Worn-

iii'A'iSr Ch(}>. I.;r r.Jnrs‘i.*C£ H«.vbur.

wilt KVund th<* .State Conventr'ort

o f ?f W e w Jcrst'V Fec-.^wirkisj of

Wonw'n'*? C'Ubfi vi Atl.n/ilic Ctiy

fr.ia week. She w ill .fltct>iv:p£-.'

<;<*d bv Aii ik. Janit's llesb. \ict president, M tt. Joseph. P ^ r m ,

Mrs. . Harfrkl. iu Jau i nnd

Earl KrtkRtTJr.. '. '.■-. -'.,, -' • ■

.v.VJr*.. ; i>fer>n. nrd

w»i?. wrv*.' *#' rhfM5let5»es Rt. tne-'*Ae<5ntA<i;ty :

’ ' Th* /ol’oyyin^ T p^b^r i wiH i*-; •Iff-nid; jhp T.Hn*'2\dey fe<jt?.ioi!: '»?5,

J-HUr’erice Holder,',.: 'Mj'.*;.‘ . Rofn;rt,

>'atl«ti'sson, M iti Ciiilwri 0. I ser, Mr*. Richard 01d^nberg( M<*f

F i«d 'S^uin, M.ffi. Haroid HJr«c<!,

Aw.gu6i E < ^ I/ >/»•«. W iHerG*t>i'n Mskuk. •

.Mrsv Erikfitn And M j£t .Holdtn

sc.-vtr at, l*jLW ■ fbt- tix* Thu ft- 4ay a«ision- ■ • :

N e im :- O f M m * g iM iv U ie

Girt Scouts Plant Treehi otacrviinoe of Arbor Day,

;he R.)berumiJ« -Girl Seoul irvop*

of tbe Marlboro Neighborhood beVd R certiTiOfjy at ih« Roberta

. vill« School dunnj! which they presented a Uee \o lhe fcclwol,

-.- • imv • 1-CCpG pc :, iw-.*>Ti*.ir.g -A£: £.Browme Vrcopfl &j L and 547, Jun«.

tor Troop i nnd CadeOe Troop

m 'In ihe flag ceremony the Amen-

caii ^iaK v;a« i*{irri«d by C«dett<u Ix>rri MyU:a. Robyn- y/iLid pf

Biownie Troop 511 was lhe color ,

ftuard for tho nrowiue-Fla^ which’■ waa carried by Karcn Manlk of

.the.iiamfe.troop, lh e Juntor Mag

was earned, rbv . h im ; Kaneile,: 1 roop.A,‘-And'.the tcolor guard was I!c*n Swursbiick, 1 ru.»p 4. C.adtt-

te .VlMnttfi S^i.itd: cfllltd tht wr«**

nony» . r ,

Johnl |itihan<*y, lid op 4, inti)- jjave a welcoming speech nnd Sn« troduceri nionins tllsworth, prin*

tipaJ of .the KobcrUville School,

Tlie »ite plniiting follow id and

wfcs carried out by Joanne Tratch, Brownie Troop 511; Robin Picto-

lmi» brownie Troop 547, >‘atiici« WheliHQ. Junior Tr«>op 4. end Lflnor*. Gu7,mi\n? Cadette Troop

36). ' ■ : - ' .,

' i Appropriate poems wert*. recit*; fd by I nurie Bron»oi\ «nd KobJn

Bo.^sky of Brownio Troop 511.

’ . Junior Troop‘8 Diono Fox dis?*

cu^&ud lhe Iree wliich wav being

plunivd. fi Bradford’ J-Y-.'tr Tre-f, which bk*ai>oin.s out dovsn’i b*or

fiuit, Thc Coiiitrvation PiedKO

Wits ^Jvun by’J,iva lit ndricK^n oi

Brownie Troop 5il. , ,-V»di Scwfidi <‘f r«rl*'ttft' Tro<ip ‘

.%I reud a poem which she had

written for lhe occasion.

Mrs fohn Thatch. Robtfrisvilje Girl Scout Consultant, Tnfntioned

the tioop> which ps*rticipaled.

Chums For Explosion

■ "Ctaim*-stemming irom m w-

plosion at 8 Madison To-vvnshsp

service Staton thr«;e ycav*

wer« settled >» ; Superior Court ,for 919000

Judge Joseph Hslpern spproved

the )udjw«nts for H-yeer-oid l-ouJoXar/tor, who received V-500; hm mother, Juba. $10,500; 11-ytar-

o!d Robert PoM, (1000. and his

father, 'Henry Post ]n. J2C00. The Kanlors resided lii 21 Rut^er^

.Dr.' and thc Post* at #5 Prsncc* ion Rd. both Madison Pork.

The sward was;against Frank. E . Jooason, trftdiiif? *s ihe Fly*

A Tydol G<u»oli.ne Sfytion ut lL.rnst.on Rd. and Bcirdentown Avt--,'IU . aitui ir»v-

i id^vvaler Oil Company, owner of ’lhe properly. In addiHon, ihe

f>nsts were defendants in the t.uit brought by Mrs.- Kantor.: The two boys were injured on May *2, 1966, ^h^n gasolme es­caped from a. tank into! tbe men> iw>»n of, :he, service station., Th« -, youngsters ignited a maH‘h tftken. I Com the Post home, causing nn

explosion, the suit c h im e d - , : The piueofs of .the two'youn^

stcta v'Ijiiu»cd:lhe owmrs of the property; were negligent m jnaio-

taming the gasoline <ui>k.

S r i i i l VroUvvs

Eara A w a i ' d H

Awaids were pre-suited at Iht*

meeting of Vic Ford's TroirTrot-

tors, Holrodot's 4-H Horse C lub,. held at the Hohndei, Village School Library, . : .

For the test on the parts of the

horse, these members qualified for F.xcellent Ribbons: Ellen Ben*

ziuger, Peggy Butler, Victoria

Van CleVc, Pam Cullo'vay, Her* Vie Crowell, Ann .Ma'glo,- Philip

NV'rUcr, Eh>.abeth Welter, Maiy Wclrer and April R«tzma»v h al­so v.as an.tounecd i l it ’ iiuh

had recoivrd ijfe FxceHcnt Ribbon

for the Spring Window Display.

At >,ht May 1C.meeting club members will fcive 4 H Hor.se

Uemonstrationa ut the hoincc of

Mrs. Kobert Brendner and Mrs. Bruce Naukenis* both of ilolin*


ROTC AwardsTwo members of ROIC units

at Rutgers University were oil­

ed recently for outstanding achievement. Cadet Kichavd W, Sheryka, Park Ave., O I d

Bridge, a aophomore, received

the Air Force ROTC Supciior Performance Award while f ’a- det First 1 t. Raymond ,1, Sha-

uahiuj, Ncwhoid PI., Mata>>{nt,

a junior, rfeceivnd the Anu-rU-oi Legion Scholastic Award.

.. ‘The . Mc-rgs-.yvyi?] Pnv;-? _ Aid A y- jM»rv belo- m reguiBr montmy

. jr?«>e!ir;g-._ iifj; TfjufJofty i\'fcV.t-rtin,g. -

' Mi^s C^xrist " S«dtex' ’find . Mr«,'

-'JIJel'Ni- Trnver^ were as,aew irrtnisKiiz.

'. . JlfiR*', '> • '> ,f.ion'ij/ki.ed fcjr'. iKf

ru-^rn«£e &*d«-to Iks' held.on Ma.y ' 23 aiul ‘M. Mry.' S?*o5ch.; m -. .

and Mrs. Joseph i.apzaro/ttr.'wfW'- fcft m fharttJp;.. •_•

AtUndireg rn4»to>| ril-it’N;ck Bc.P^tw*,7.'"Mt.b; 'Ro5.»- ’

«rt • MacDs/fiki^- M n . Ruxlw^h .

:S u s p e m d e d :;:;:Z

Mrs. Vttyin^ YtowtH,' KfttarU- vO'e Kd .. . MarirK.ro To>yn.\h?•'

is free under:-■*.suspended! sen­; knee, for ift’'con- .

section with toe /aUsl sbootmg Sit hiZfrst Oct 1.3.' ..■ .•■"•" ..-',■ - • ■■■■

■Mra, Pow^U,. who wa* vojivicied M*r» JS by n. ;ury that d^’hberat^d •

3tv nours, was. placed on five

yeota protouou by.Momoouth. Ci>uoty Court Jud^e M. Raymond McGowan.. Jud^e McGowan sus- pMitk'd a soven to 10 year sen*

fence ai Chnum Reformatory for Women decl&unK be had top?.- fiKfrred “ whether it wul happen ogam, and I’m satisfied aod tore that It w on 't"

1he ^enten*;e wk* imposed aft­er Deputy public Defender Wil­liam J. Geaity renewed the self ttefcme liL a that apparently fad-,

td to »w*»y the j»ry, Vllie evi­dence dearly shows ihnt on the night in ijutstiOn Virginia Powell

--t atCS.1 B«v«^ctv vy I i:\Ia,-knees and a hammei; . until It

broke,’* Mr. Gearty said.'- '. :

Mrs. .Powell- had testifiedher husband\Ujreate»«l her at that

point, she locked him out. of the. i«»use end he forced his way. b a c k - ini “He wus coming iu to Kill

her,” Mi;. Oe#irf.y. cvntlnu<ed, - She. had, a : ^hoigun in her' hand nnd \ fired back, one ?hot;u 'Twenty*onv -

let tf rs were ‘ submitted 4o ihe court on behalf of Mrs. PoweH, t '

rtiother ot eight children. ... ,

,Vudge ,McGowttii..«oted " th e re are six children at home and it \ tvas through ihi> de/cnu;ou‘» ff-:

forts’ ,that Jhe tcimily has been :

kept together as long os it >so,s.’'' “Were it not for the children,

were it not fot the . family, I wouW. ^ ’Cl , some , punishment Bhould 'b t nieted out,'*;h« contiiK

ued. " I , watched them (ihe .ichil-

dren) for three duys during the trialt and very frankly, 1 was 'im; pressed.'1

Judge McGowan also commend-, ed Mr. Gearty's efforts on behalf Of Mis. Powell. *-Pm awarei?f the,,

effort Pud/sincerity you’ve put in­

to this case/', hc, told, the public .,defender. He dv»«ciiifvd Mr, Gf:ar«-

(y's wojIi as credit lo ihe,

public deftnder, syKtuin.”

• Itarbo.tf.r*..:. M rs/.':fec?b :.• .-vi#i9; iVlMWflrer, ■•.liflift

- Kik . * lrs L tH '.' j.r1* m- « rd

M js . Srn)t.h. •• , ... ■ -

RefrehhrnentA w f r e jtrrv e d h y M r* . it m i M rs , M a y ’?-..at. .,: ■ ■:••■ ■ ■•.... , • ■ . .. .-.

Lnrii T.anrflro. tffiUf ht.er‘ o{-Mr;;

sras-.Mrs.. Joseph, fisnza.ro frv. cd-\ -:- .. tbr&ted- her. - 8;ighiii /birthday,; oa.C '

11iyr«l«v. Ai?«?j ritng w r-e , turn- ■• piy \\tck, H l- ^bc ih ai>4 Patty -

E ugene1 f:*«Tird; Mrs,. /.•

• ■ Jcsepii-. l„anxAr«. -sr.,;; hSrs; .peter ’ . P ierson and Mra. \torent <»efi-

’Si.te. '/ '/.- '/ "-. V ''/'/; V '

Mrsi. Ijilft:l^mberson, Mr/ai>4. :-

Mrs. H y HaIk>, R*a, Hank, hav<? rtturntd h««TJe from * three-wedc.:?-.-

vacation n\ Mexico Mod tanlor*-

OIA. , ‘ ,

i VM«ctln. Smith; ip was’-, hp^*; /: ttss to Uie. -Club on -Tuesday, evening. Games vw*rV-"-' played. Mrs. i'torenc*/ Favred :

• ■. .... t -iii. '...■'...'.■ " <i";" -..•'- ••■"

lung. Ai.uindmjr. were Mrs. Ver» ■ Brown. Mrs. Jo »p h I.«n«iro *r„ -;

Mrs. Horence frarrell an<l Mrs.: ! . « « '.LtMura, Plans v j « f . mad* .

to decorate the honor ro il. ior OKorativn 13ay.

Mrs. William Rapplryra and "

too Willie sp«nt SuikIsv visiting . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M iller,.

Mr S'’''* ^P‘5 Mgri'n «ir- ••

MiterUinttf wn Day...when th« l»nlidays of M ri. John

Wilson and Mrs; Frank Smith : were ctltbrated. Attending wtre : Mr. and M rs,1 Wilson, Mr. and . Mrs. Franlc Smith and 5,‘m F'laiih.

M i. end Mrs. Robert Ov.tmz and .. ■on, Mrs, M ir im Smith jr., Mr. ;■ and Mi'?. Thi,ni*ifi Smith and c h il ­

dren Iris and Willi*, Donald, Tmm—t Hi’.d , J.Urtih Miller,'. Mr. .;■" and Mra. Franlc t,l*rUo and son

Christian, Mr. Htirf V,rs. U.,ji,

Rapone jr. and son I.ouis I I I . ;

. Miss.. Chriitin* :lLaiuaro,

. daiightei*. o f ; Mi*. Hiid MrB. JCiseph j Lamaro jr., (,'elebiated her 18th

birthday 'on SMnday.^■.:Attendin'*

were Mr a,id Mrs lowph Ian .

la n ia to ii'id daii^Iilcis Kinib^r-.

- ly to i l KtHy. M f ' ®11(i Mr«.. .P«y ter:'. PeterwHiJand.:.chiI0^'.'.‘OJei^; j-:

• Lyim Aw', :FaUy anil Kiiiatijjiiii, ::

Mt. aiid .Mi Vine,-in Gtiitiii; find ••.

chitdreti.LJihraro, Sievcn S«b*r, l.iibv Dat1 :•

kiowsky,. Un i and Eugene l.un-'

ELECTROLYSISu n w a n t e d h a ir


SYLVIA MYERS, R N.EicctrologUf .

. ■ . , Mctnb.i of .Electro!ogi,H A*»n. « rN . J . .






At The




WE SELL MORECause We Sell For Less!"- 30 DAY GUARANTEE -


‘66 Volkswagen

l<|u<)te SU fio n W p ycn ,



'66 Ford FalconS lfllin n Bui,


117 V'66 Ford Fflirlane Sq

R C'yl , A u io . Trfln*.



'67 PlymouthSfit>rf fu ry . 6 C y l ., A j I o .



'66 Tompest LeMan»8, Automatic.


IHIC'66 Ford 7 LHre


u?t'65 Falcon

/, D e n , I C / l , A l l . l iA K I .

$ 1095

00 O T H E R S T O C H O O S E FR O M


'66 Lincoln H.T.lo a d e d , A ir C ond .



‘6*> ThundorbirdM .T., U . d . J .


U t’JO68 Thtindorbird

4 D ro r I f ln d i i i . l ofided, A ir C o nd .


TOM S FORD200 H IG H W A Y 35 264-1600 KEYPORT

' * Si: . THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N, J. Paga. Tbre*--

' Township Lillie hmgue■■;-■■"■■ W!*!: s. sprfaSxImg;ql iy>-5sjt b»S

■ u$ge t^ ig o * chaptered-to'-Jte&i week of play. Both league and

f;v- tebsitiw^suit'-. gaStiaaiL-. '. :.-:

i**<£*$ lWi- i^rsiK*^.-:.ist# ' :;ra«fc&an:ir .Inssifaj)^;'

>o-: DzvYliZ'-i Por.tj-

.'..'.•*c;.,{j)ji*fi|' sw ti- - .: '■. ■ -.

f ;. ™:. 5i>w,ft 4wJ.'.Csbusmj? B>s!gt D u t$ bfM Viw's Agency fcnglcs iW,

■ A 7*7 U« was rhe rifault of ih«

sy i'm ss t^ :^. m iw d i Jswekns ftnd Disfrsansi

, Item ’s _____ . . •

.. ■ In ■ .

«or»> ths Shop CabsJ(am*e*<5. the l o a ' i F otiJ Faitem#

* R;: suathmor* Pharmacy G lu t*

i i; t;V 'y

: Th? MaUt‘ i l l Vli3^'«. iisS^ Ti-.’ ■■"■ jars beat the A'ffards Unlimited -

M«t* by (4 tc. 9. v-d Uw Shark.

-, .f t« n .V*.QoU<iti« Ion b w ^ o lM ’i.'j ir* fi-'rv/'e Stur* lj-9

SwwkI game* din \r% ibe we»l* law O’* CoJei’s Tirrf Serv'i.4

' tiiSfKs g*t revenge by Svfji'lrtjt

Jvi3taw4a ViJ.’gji-j Es*} Tigi»r» ll- « -

S^v l in t Occlusion Shop Cub* ex*

telwied tin ir streak to two by■ damning X« Colt### Jn» SiWifc#

7-1', atn) tha S:r»thmcr« Phifm f*

sy Giants kept p»ce by iv)xmp~ .mg tne Tom'* Ford Falcon* i?-S.

Mc/CVji>^W* Mcbfl HomcmeJi ' fbuted ih« Award* Unlimited

■ M»t» IK ,

„ Io the American J/iapuP (Ma* ]o: j J the Carvel (tou t? 53) C'o'<s

- bfli.1. the Mataw.vv J.C.'a 3-2 on • no-hfttw.with two uhenmed runs

\y John Zur-snoic. ‘

Th* Burgtr • Ch«( Route 34

“ Sets edged the Manzo Pavli.g■ jfcwfeM 9-7 while the Pollco

Benevolent A»<iociadon Piils were

Shower Honors Mrs. McGowan

' A surprise shower., was given tii honor of Mrs.. Ka^en' McGow*

,■ Bn, of Wickatunk. on Apr. 23.

. Mrs; McGowan is the former

Miss:-.''Karen -Yanis.' .ol' Union

■ .Th® . party was- heid,.at the,• hnme of Mrs. DorothyRc-nn In .

Union Bcach and was given by Mrs. Jeaans Williams, Mata-

|B> wan. ‘ ami .Miss Mary- Jane.. ” • Schamlng, Union B w h .

Coffee anil .cake wero served.

The ccntcvpiec-j of tha rcfresh-

- ment tnhla was a large stork,Attending were Mrs. Conatanco

Yarns, Mra. Edna Laccerre and

Mrs. Eisia. Williams, Matawnn;■ Mra. Ellz^Ueth ^cOowan, Min.

Dorothy Rcrrn, M i.y Jcar.ne

' Hahn, MU* . Ruth Wood, Mis*Sharon Foley, Union Beach:

Mias Juno Bradford, Hazlet;

Mrs. Betty Winldeman, Port

Monmouth, and Mrs. Joyca Me-■ Ckwfin, Wlckatunk. ...........

tv/ thtf SEiMthm'.’i's' Tax?.'..

■«« 4-J, • .

as ’ifii: tt'd BuFger- Cluef Raule 34 Jet* a>ntinued their winafaK ii'iya. " 2 svsr <>j; Ms'.-

awan J C.’». •1 ■ .:. Pa Kins :;'Pav«*/ ii«RE:

the‘:P.B.A» }>!»,'!T-.'5 aos ibe CV.r-

vol fRciUJe 35y. Qplla BoV*.

'AtiarilJe ^oini3«tra, 7-S,vs th-i Ni»tj«nbi 1-eiKU* (M«->

■ the StrffltbuKire Bath, arid TrHi:'.g Cii;b BftUS aud fhi?

; Atlantto '.Awsbers' •• plaved :ro. an

V . : '- / - i y .;- V jt t e ■. t^n*,„'9o vrJ V?,?«% id 34-. Cards. i « ««*. the Strathmora Texaco l>f«ii£*rs nn.'. pud tiw. sJ.«A . l ’sls !>.y tba, »ttmi1

later in tji* week Uw »»m»■ Pwlgssrsi • .the: i jw itesa : S iil’s

:S_i; C a r t f c . 9 - 2 - : 8st*i&imor# Bowieis. d«f«at«:d ih a .

Stratlimojw Bath, and Teanls Club

Sats M ,

First Aid Stjuad Answera 73 Calls

The M tUwan J'lr^t Aid anti R*ccue S<|'j»d haa Usued a r»- pert for the p an mouth. Aowrd-

■ jr>g ia Pelar Hsllo;!;, captam, ths

' i»<j>uad «n«w «m i .73. first aid catia and traveled HIS mllc-i, Man

hour* /voiiMifercd "w»r» -3W14 »•»«!'' ambulance hours w<r<’ VO.

Oi the total calls, U weri aa-

: «;tden?S, emergency tranipof- tat!on, J? tiai.sportatio'i, 15 fi.c= and two drills

. ■ High . taua wero FreU Iirandi-

gan, 3} calls; Joe Strack, 26;. Joh/i Conion ) r , Tl- Die* Waits*

i «r, 21 aud Kenneth K w hnvr, 18.

n Seventeen members completed

an advanced first aid course riv* en by. American, Red Cross ui-

structcra, Mike SzraKa and'Jamas

lance. ■■■ ■■ -■■.■:.■■ ■ .■-■ ■ ■..■■■■. -■ ■Accepted fur probationary

Madisos* Sctiool.

T e a c h e r ; ' C l t e 4 v r . > .

. ®K BlstRc'lw. liBlls. .

Xaymood. DaviA a *cisi)t«

tW-Cho? at C’ttdarj S.;(5k* IllKfi.' School. Madlaon Totriuhip h«a

rec«ntly h?<?h,,Don5WBted for.-the 1%3 Hiigstrom Award. This is

ofJe.Kfil to 5Kviiijary,seb&'iI *cl-. 7 «nc# m(Z~ ma.Uintnaticf teacflsi's

by t i » Asncrican institttte ot :.A<fr««ftuiJcs and A^.iaowtfca, lot uotnuuiding wachi,’ ; :n tho field of HttrospRce. . :, •.• .• "

Mr, Davis" latesl ariventurs n a i/l'Opgrttloa K*;*-.Orop". H it feashfiiaji aelbnca; claaici. were.

div iovi 'tet;,,' <*wl told Vo,

package.tuv 'tgg-:o» if it v/iffs to, lytr landed on anoMitr p '/utrt Th®

ob^ot was to pruKot t in en# Jioisi . fcrenkaiift v.heu tlm nMchor dropped the packages from n

.plojil' over ihe-t&hsxij:; •^h(*;:sti^.

. «jnpioy<.*j| .uiaxiy .*xoftllstt.. Klesss,: to .-’protect tlietijr egs '* - Wd

about 40 j«er c<'nt of ths did ntake tha drop cc the ground

without breakins v

Mr. Davlj studied at Samford t'ruveisity of Alabama where he

received a Bachelor of Science XV-proe. He liaa a .Master'.-* D®-. *re«-.i‘rom thif,Unh'er8j.ty o f;,M i..

■ • -1* ■ Va 9-..vi V-. f ,i • ■K.HU” *I.W;«»VM kitcai chemistry and -bfochetnlsiry. Prior . to cymlnft to Madison Towroihip, h« wan an . Instructor- at the Unlvarutv of Miami.

Sorha. of: hi?: ^'In^Sud^ fly-,■ lugi ■ scuba diving, salvage div- inti. **nd ..underwater v phntogra* pny,

n r? ■

i f i e g m n u i y l l 0 € i r d : : A g e n d 0

MstH-lug .coil U-f order ai,..?;!»S

p.lo Roll C»Sl‘. Moiioa - Minutfi-J

.«f.'.IV*y)ot» MHt.iiiiga, luptrit)*

tendem’a Report, .

' ' T e ^ ^ r £rc®>r<y/>!f!nt - Ca'rftnt

V.tiTt; Tf^c-’nor F, I o r, loy m £ it t- N .x t

Ytt.W,; - i'sycJiologists •.•' Eujjiksy’

ni'sst;. V>br:s.ry Suporvlsoiif 5®Karles; C5c,-k.-Typi-31 UMisii^tion;

C o u n t y Substitute Approval;

Tsachsr .R'fiisuaL'.Oin; SiufivijSual

lnstraction; Supplemental . In- Btructioa; 3«eaws . ; Abuwice;

Emsrgeney CertifiCStWD; Ssnwf

C iu K M * * *

• The tegular nsevtuig oi vhf . Wor.'^ii's Ciub of lia r ’

hor will b« held at tha Laurenct Hartw.r: Cornniuni.ty.. Cburch* s t . J

{i.fii. on Nforuiay #»d, ilitf pi;c,vr,*.r'i.

will. 1» presented, .by "'iha littte ■!

Wotnffn's Club, compo*K<J' of daughters of the Woman a d u l l . The Music. Department wilt mctiL

at the home uf tha chairman,

fulrs. Walter Vof.Uiii sr. At 1 j,p ), Tuesday. The American Homa

Department ■■'•'ill meet *t th? horns of the chainnai!,. Mrs..

Hrmtfn nn < *t

l-p.ni. . . . . . ..... ■". r :. . , .-,. ’.;.

Cittsjs Trips, L.'-a-.-j:-!

M A tecac# WahdrawaS. ’ T M d i i r .

■ 'E r ’ipioym-eiit; K .j; A i! S « l » :

Chorus; Bask^iball C linic Attend­

ance: Ai3ffi!iiisrritvV>5 . .Salnrie iu,..

Lay Adviajry . C o m ra iiw ; Sm n- :

’ W r EwpScyrfiWst; Ex tra OaSies,

Comjsensntion; T»#ch«r Train- .fsia. . .- . ■ ■

Secretary's .Report, .

Bu'i Drivcjt-js’ Sal’iry {jytdfry

Rfjhtot-Waj;; Custodian Etuploy- . Bitot;' Supjily! Coiujact Award:

; ?TOf»s«t Advcrtiiaiae^-Cafeler- t* fep(>rt.t; FlnMtcia? Seport*;

Miwthly Bills:^Secretary'* Report... Correiiprjudefli:^. , ’ >'

Committ«« Sepdris. ...Meeting opertwS to Public. . '

. . Sow.imig Parfy

Ltouaid. P.iuk^-.v, adviaor, r#-

, lii.t; the Aii7;iin a,'ki Chftv-W im Vouth Groii|ks of Tcmpli*

S*ih. Ahm .held, a bowling party

<iuil»ig tt<» spring vaeaii.o!< at the, Stiathmoie, [^anes. The high score ‘

boy wai Steve Christie with U2

■'points and sccond . was Rlcha'nj Klfim with 140 iJOit'tfi. High acure.

girl was Susan Shota wilh M(Ihi-ih - Ti*i||i n i '

-■ Kisluijj parent - -h«{y.’roi>e.

C h i k l r e s j .C u o a I s

, O f ^ i P ' v . r o w p a ' '

; Cfutiin'ert S-"JU':w4 . wish X.ni.W.V;v

Lsr and

bew.' wefa,tpi the “ Un With People’' *how

It^ii.r.seenLly at CoLivt-:;t»oii ifa.ll. •

A#hur>', Park, by rn«wvb<r» ol Centra’ ; tersiy- Ht«$r.se«cy. Ai4f Tfi y- of Mivf-Jersey Cunptef of thm Mu-sculdi

• Dystrophy Asvjciaijpfw cf. A-mtri- Cat Irc .: . .- . - . • .......

' • Ciwldreft'.fttteMdiitg *w«« Dt^-bi-tt Z«lepka. Ci7fr*vtKH?. Bsa^h;

Frank’? MiU’heH' a.u^

;'-Sj«ussvr3i, all' ofr- Vxtmr: Beai‘K; anti K tildi Kof.wiit.s^n o?

Fr€?M^,. . .

. Uden M. t>jnnr NVpAui>e

Cniy^lDAA pallenL .'>srvk« chairs mam, ca-ominate<J. the trip/: Co-: ordiuators lor th? Centra! JerKey

hmergtjxcy AiO, . compxi^?.M. .0/ Citixeis.. Biivd Radi-a OiierMor,*,. why yrt» callid m> awist ti}« pub-- lie m distress and disaster, were Fr«**r - Whi*'.?, CP

dei?i Anti W^yj»«trw ^ r^ r ,. Driving priyste wr§.';

.wsre Robert /Akins.-'- N'^ptvne: lA n y Moont, U'^wi and •

WBHam U*iher,.Brickr.ovvii, Miss

-'a-!:: Fr-:r,-'.( Hvidlsy Sc.;"h, al»« *.a.sisUMj.

■■:M y a n ' ^ i d ^ T o n r S u p p ^ ^ .

‘ '.Uf puh-iiC'Ait M-fty r3,h>: .Cirtdi-'

<5Ure llw inaa F. Ry&xi wid lo (« l Fricrj)'^ fhi>i \h*.

DeiixKi^Ui; - contrniled Matxiv,raj}

Hcj.ro't.^h . C ::iU/cll ,0 .?.r .ea: >y \. 195ya atartctl him U.-vrar«* joining

; cfe« 00^;. A.rr.ackm^ crit>c^ .'ti, h.is.‘ s^«ctM?r. to : Tica»j'. th*?.'GOP tickfii. fanner

crat tJ'jclaitsi:-. / •' ' 7

' ‘ **Rwub!.imi« !or yeart' ,h.\y?* '. WiJi-fr.i-ij Unnj* D*;*njoci:aia. info

. Iho fcid. Vrh.iiK t c:ii>ved H-.ro M;h - a ’.c£ka aU y<3i].'i a^a., .Cwtv:!.(. v,^,* .

rolkxi hy D em ocra t asd tht '. fw>r<n{ 'n was goir?*; I

Jhav« h;id Tithing tuV r^pert for ihe .vtKuy

i!:at ativt, have : ^ n ; r ^ orV th i1

goveruiuij body «rwi wi>rke<A with-ou? coif.'jmrx-wtior; n better J

y»t that GOP cvynci!- '

rijvj{> NVvt* n<H Always been ?.u

fvgretjiicnt with each, other o'.i kzy ?.53ue£, addled, thnt. ^

hf* Sia.« no: hi*eu in ’

msnt. . the GOP. in?.d?c5»re<I. '’’.caa Mil tu

r-sct'gnb:* chat the Hytne ttdmin- '

is.t.W iw wjsa u total mmv

■ &ZXC ty.Mat5v,*sr» votei^ ar.i the: Vit. t i^ajVcHy of Us actions drew

■ ov^tv/h^u'at'.uv supjxwt, / .a«v';-

t^ap-liyhWJis-.. u t '• t;r5r.twr* vvUi 1&1 b iT y-^- i^ft^^1-*-

' ■ V , . *■ T;5: Air; '.RvaivIusm or dr*w «'h lam . ^ -.-.

Re{»ul>Ucan Tift ,W ;

work is# (o e k t i K^pub?k:sriS Riv-et.: I ’}! be tffj'ir&g’" ray

tV«? Rfiipublicain

parfy in ■■;-,:v‘.',.y'*’-'-':' ;"/

The’ itepu.bUca.ij CJiib, ^vio«;5e<S, •

jhc candi«5a,ciea oi Mr. Ryao,-for-/

rortyv^.im) M,a.Vk-C. v-''

Dr B foe- D^iutrK ;

. Merutveri? /vyen?'- t«>Id* '*.nat'/th,ite*/r

«{ sbc o&iXJsmg.GOf- cwintyi«jn>'.i T»it».^e f:.4>wiiiJa'twr ave ji.pt ••.C'iri'eti ■ ua ilepubkcft{»S &iiU, r tftat;.:/ one. tff the ihre*t v/ss not :'

rcgisi*fed . voter wi-l beK lw-j,he. filmjj dtiAtilifie. :*. /■•.. / / , ' ' /y*-;/

T o S u b m i t R e p o H ; ■

Kfegiooftt ScfoooK-

I.tty Advisory:-

WUt. submit th'elV' rej^i;V 'ta/ tK«

Board /of EsiucaU^n at the/r*guv

- h r a\cetajft ct boar‘4 schsd'n.** » n r •’ ■*•’

Sch-xr.1, •. ■:■ '■ . .*■ ■ '■■■*• ■ - -■ ; ■•■' '• *

Annual ?pok Driy#

Earle Silverman, Veterans Af­

fairs Chairman of Bayshore Lodga

B’nai U’rith, announces thu-bpc- ot^i Annual Bouk Drive for th i

4 - benefit ’ cf the East Orango Vet­' srana Hospital Is currently open­

ed. Area residents ore requested to drop off their used books at

■ tho ffillo’.vlng • Iccation.i; Miles

Slioa Store, Routs 35, Hazlet,

■ Town nnd Country1 Liquor Store, ... Siratiimora , Slioppin^; . CanUir,. Route 34, Matayvan, Ryan Broth-

• ers. Main St., Matawan, Collec*: tions will be mado until today

oflor which a ir materials collect- *d will be donated to the Library

at the Veterans Hospital,

and voted to active membership..

■■wer*'Joe Rdlcr. Sal Longette and John Conlon j r , .

Little League In Marlboro

‘Ttio lipers and the Braves went'scoreless up to the Hurd In- '

ning Saturday, .whw -.the -Ttsers .■ started th(nj!!i roUint;. Joe Shead ■vas oi> base and vnunK Ed Cha*

: ven.. hit a s b ile brihginij. Shead,

Immtj, After this It became , pitchers .dual. There was a fine

double play executed In the top, of the fifth by the Braves, but,

other than that young Shead, had ( everything under control, with' a

fine job of pitchlnji. The TiSQts

took the game 1-0, “ l( :■ Th» Meta let loose with thbl(.. ;blg bati; again May 12 in the! sec­ond win ot the season bringing

them a tie for first place with •the Glar.ts. ' ■ ■. ., ; ;, :■

■■ Tom Popolla performed with

great confidence, pitching a one

hit shut out against the Yankees;, which carrte iii the last ' inning,,

w ith 'a hard h it1 triple by Keith Hurtling. "

., Of tlw' Ms'.tanlpgs phy td otity threo Yankee players reached first base. .

The Mc-ta biy bats were Tony

' PeLorehzo with a single,'Jeff Co* hen, Walt LeJduiiyon and Stu

Shuldman with, doubles, ending

the game 9-0.

There will be a Tag Day Sat­urday from 10 a.m. to 12 o'clock noon. ■ '

• A dance will bo held Saturday fiit tho Marihorn Fire Hcuso. A buff'-[ will be served and there

Will be music by the Lancers, For

tickets contact any manager or call Ed Chiiycn a t '591-9713.

O f f i c e r s

Are NamedMrs. Kathryn .. Bcazmickas, ■

■ pwsidont-dect- of Guadalcanal

.■■Auxiliary,- Veterans •. of1 Foreign Wars, post 474&, Chflwood.

announced her appoliWed,. offi-,• -- ifuso *7f| . . • vvi» iwi j.. v.;-. V........... ...

Officcr.i lire M is. Treno,, Hrei1.* on. secretary; Mrs. ilelKn Bien-

kowski, patriotic Instructor)

.Mrs. Dorothy Sclyir, color bear-: er. 1; M is. Irene Matovcjk. .colur'1

^Iwarer’vS;'/'Mrs.’’ St.epi%sinle LJiiilu-T

iirandt; cijlor bearer 3;.; .Mrs; Rl-

ta Siwrhorough.' .col'-’r bearer •!; . Mrs. ; Cnur.',‘llu Burley, fla^

. bearer; Mrs.. Irene ; Meehan;,

.banner bearer; Mrs, Ruth Wil- Haws, historian. - - ■ ■■■ ■

Serving " rcfroshments '■■: woro

Mrs: . Edith'. Kci'ti'' .Mrs.: Lorraine

Collins, Mrs, Geraldine. Fiusi.ni-: nions and Mrs, Schar. ■ : ,

On Pilgrimage To Arliiiglon

The Independent Order of Odd Fellows, with tho permission of tho , Department of the Army,

made its annual piigriniBgb to place wreaths tit the tombs of

the unknown soldiers in Arlington National Cemetery on Sunday,

May 4. Tho Odd Fellows are tha only fraternal order to. whom the

Army has given this special priv- iienp.

Grand Muitor Robert M. .Jes*

Arit ul ',Vi’ A,<... F'mm liilMviii**,

Grftiul Patriarch William.Sprul of Cranbury aod tho , President, of

the Rebekah State Assembly. Ha­

zel M. Seeds of Vineland, repre- cented the Jurisdiction of New Jersey nt the placing of the Mew

Jersey wreath on the Tomb. Sev­

eral hundred New Jersey Odd Fellows ami Robekahs liaveled to Arlington by bu& and private

enr making it one of the largest delegations to this iiiiini.il event.



— Now —

2 4 H O U K S A D A Y

A S p l i t P e r s o n a l i t y

S t a t io n O f T he S h o re



Prom MidniU fo A A.M.




Prom i A.M. to 10 A.M,




al 12 Noon — t l I P.M,

2 From Matawan

On €ra*Hi JurySuperior Court Judge Elvlti R.

• Simmlll tokl the May term of

tha Grand Jury that there can . be nq compromise with crime. Ho added that crime only exists

because of complacency of tho community.

Judge Simmlll noted that the J’umiory panel nnd one cf the best attendance records since he has been on the bench, about 10 years. ■

F. Leroy Garrabrnnt sr., As­

bury Park, was named fore­man; Winfleid H. Carey, Bri­d le , deputy foreman, nnd Leon Zuckerman, Middletown, ser­

geant at arms of the new panel,

Jnd memboro from this area will include Mra. Marfcnretta S. Lemalro, 32 Edgemere Dr.,

housowife, and the Rev. Donald T. Phillips, pastor of First Unit­

ed Methodist Church, 107 Main St., both i l Matawan.

New Hours f orMadison Bank

Robert S. MailUnd, president of the Madison State Hank, Mad­

ison Township, hns announced

that starting Monday, the local banking facility will extend its Satutday hours a full hour. Tor the convenience of patrons, tha

bank’s office und drive-in win­dow will now be open until 1 p.m., instead of 12 o'clock noon.

Located on Route D at Tice- town Rd. in Madison Township, Madison State Bonk is open dai­ly from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday

evening from 6 to I) p.m.; and

Saturday mornings from D n.m. to 1 p.m. Drive-in window hours are daily from 9 to 5, Fridays to

8 p.m. and Saturday from 0 to 1 p.m.

Madison Stale Bank is a mem­ber of the Federal Deposit In­

surance Corporation and th« Federal Reservo System.

RT. 34 SWEET SHOP(Formerly Half & Half Sweat Shop)

A Frlemlly Place

For T h e Family


43 E. RT. 34 6 6 6 * 9 7 IK M AT/,W AN


News Ilems In Morganville

Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Grnzlona

and children, Choryl nnd John,

Morganville, visited Mr. and Mrs, Willlum Rausch, Verona,

Mrs. I.nuis Kupono jr. nnd son,

l.oula IU and Mrs. Martin Smith

jr. vlsiled tho Misses Celeste and Rose Wenzel nnd James Ken* nedy.

Marlboro Township L I t 1 1 (I Longuo will hold a dnncu nt tin) Marlboro Fire House Saturday

at 0 p.m. lidwnrrt Clmvcnu la

uluilininn. Tickets may ha obtain­

ed hy culling him nl S'J1-971.1.

Mr. and Mrs, Frank Oi'iuhmo

entcrlaliied recently Mr. nn J Mrs, .lurk Zen^ani Iind children, I •’rii nr 1 tu.*, Philip nnd b'nink,

liiooklyn; Dr. end Mrn. ThomiiJ r.miii'T ,mJ jidii, Thumbs, Muun- I'.il'i [..'ill".''., end Sl.-inley SolcoloW-

slti mul 1,011, Mullhew, Mntnwnn.

S.O.S... . addstamps and savyour food budget!

•SO* l!; n r® Cflvnvi rer^0 ,*SLkJ’> VV*. n v*>*« suw* vr»i» Qt.'r v/c'd ^cr. lending outjha di.\‘r{jss signal, let's late it l. . . Jt Ink*! I t . . , chock for yount:!*! Naiuiclly your ^eir.g Iq find .morw )hafs v.of:lciy or ' ovoiydo/ k-w sK*.-lf . prtca vauuitcni, b-jf on.'your iotcil OfoVr yowfprius to fr.oivacj<j a -.vtckty food buJgft i.c-doy, Tho L.jJyo l Uu>/a) aiu^h. pio.yow'li bv tjcHincj txffOJ.Sinalichor.yo you thWQht yo »r.v«(l‘,«jyfr.* ( ./ «!ip n**v{i yoy vvcinf o.n.d need WJHi S 4 H Sta^pi. S’ort clftan'in-g »o ooSil) . *. w irv oddtJion to low ptiCbi' ACrne Moi:«*?fsy»p v/ith Aerie’s sfrosi iKcippcii and pe* iwo »or lh<iuNCiyov txfraiavint.)jthnf r*;qH il!c*y.. .5 & H G ;cer mor.oy. . , iow (>rkos pM'* -& H. •Sio^tpj,; , . .Stomp*. It Acrnu 9 «VD* S ^ H SionJps coA {hyi'1 prict'i -- . - . . * , .* ..

TWO FOR THE MOhEY!Low prices plus S&H stamps


I.AN CASTSR BRAN D O VEN -RiAD Y B e e f A r m S t r a k .- .

C a l i f o r n ia S t e a k . . . . . n ,UHCAJiHRWf lO

O to i S h a r i R ib s . . . . . . t ,o:o nicfc'«t ^f r a n k * • • • • • « • k • • • • • (■*'0;

P i» c « B n < o n .....................t

ftHouiofk . . ■ .; •

l a m b R o a c t ................ .... &.

' Unbvotabl* ''Froiwi Mm U"


C ro ss R ib R o a s t ,fJtrt'U. K'-f' U-ifJ •

P o r k C h o p s v .* . i

C hw c li S le a k

»iVMo;m: o;v.v

C a n n e d H a m ..............UMCAMCRQaAKO 90NUCSi

C h u c k R o a s t . . . . ..........lANCAJIlH WANll

C a l i l a r . u a B o a t ! . . . .

:v.:,r> h w i t:- , I . . — «

S a u s a g e .. . . ............. VI 0 5lAN'AMCHWAHOa.Hl , .-m A ,Bov)f SJetsks p “ S 9

' ' ■ Unbfotoblo “ DeH” Otpt!

fliCfn 10 BAXfD

V i r g i n ia H a m . . , . . . 79rTomato Soup

cCam pbell'slOVs-oz.


1 1

S.O.S. Soap Pads

m m °M0 R7* OFF



Vou»avS . 2-i", 2 S ‘(OH WAGh Hl

I d e a l S a u c e a . . . . . . .lutnwfit

P r u n e J u l c * .

C r a p * J o l l y .

ASSOV1ID--- " Uf4tATAH*VAll>| ^

B M fc$0»do Srttfart ecu^tur

K e e b lo r C o o k ie s

Wot BUftBthJ-aiuoscno.:atAII Uoi.............. J .1 J l f n d j e l e w n C o o k ie s r‘>

m n COMf AUUOW MIC*II y im

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. ^ 4 9 *u-,

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3 9 *43s4 ^ ‘

"Lfntnvjloblu” TroAru Food D«?pl.

rjozEfi. cwuvj ■ . 44 ur "V C tM rs . S m i t h 's P ie . . . . p.* • 9fctuiitswtncHM a m M ib lo H C o r n ............J t .... ^ 7

G r e e n C io n J P e a s A .'=■ 4 B■ o o u u j j . i T f t , ' „ C A , Ico C r e a m B a re . , . , . ‘ » ‘ V »

"*0/I“ m iu . s a o oL e n d e rs B u y e l s . . . $ * » v v

"Unbc-vtnbU" Pultf Dcj>:

cnK r a f i V e lv e e la .CPfV*t»JT|,|MM5

P i l l t b u r y R o l l s . .WINCIM Q0At!tk5

M a r g a r in oPMHA. kPAI.O

C r e a m C h e e *»

• u/• • ♦ t fk9 .

l-fc.► • a * » Pi>.

9 8 *29*17*29*"Ffe»hficu that'* out 9ay*'

S , v . . . ? 1 00W h i le B r e a df,*‘N o» 5fc:>€0 m

R y e B r e e d 4

B u t t e r m i lk B ro n c l ZVia&ifiiAtf*

A p p le H a .......................

$ 1 ® o59*49*F r e d r ip s

W aterm elonHOT HOU5Q

TRAYOf 39'


F i O R B D A

1 2 ^ 4 9 *

f r e e |f J ANCHOR HOCKING ^ . m K « i . c « v m » ,, ‘j<

BUTTCK OISM; .. t»«j V-rtVW*' *<*J SJ-OO ;•

oi >rts>f o (traUudux) tW<t>s p A>«Wt* byW**‘k?, bkM <«.<ilii.i«n.mt, e.}'

M W ' s

IS T U A 9 & H

G 8 I I N S T A M P S


f j . :..w ilh $10 •> mere

^ (.*cludwi7 itonu pcohlbjud by Ko*) o[

! • : ■ ■' ^ ■u^ 4m ta. *m D. Nil mi «m <w»m ru W l f

W i m i m m s M M M s i

C| 4% 4% ■ ■ ■'.-'. B '

i < 9 V E X T R A S A H $ £? f iB C I t t S T A M P S ""•,'F w ith purcKiiia o( two I-lb. p kg i.



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'£*! <£\

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With purihaic of any go), ^

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^ I11) ii *i <Tv:) I.:} ') :')■’;,'.■,',: n .1 i.) u ',’ :l 10 0

& S 0 C X 7 R A S & H yg CHEEM S T A M P S g

w*ih juirrl’Ot# of ony pkq.

I P o r k C h o p s IJra St

(... m.t !»..«,,« .ll < ^ A C M O 3%!> ? 46. v (.i'.f.v i'S W ^ im S S S S m k

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K'| T liif CoupD ti W orth

to^ufdi p4iff}to*.D if <J9-ji fikg, ^

w'?A SURF 1 1 D iTERG IN T |

* ■ - -* «k ta* >• If ItMiwi »M (ittii m! (.at | / T i f U f S

;10 v.5.0 i/.

{j (i 0) il ■’/ it) '‘i ‘10 -j 0 ’>1 j '■ 6;) 6 0 jj 006 •) ft i5"

This Coupon W orlh

tOwu<ili (xitvl.au f»)

2 0 *



UNt »M (HfM Ht I<l»MJa W iK '.W M vOI'v^ )


B n lli S lzo V .


ONLY v/mi ? wnAi'pr^v /iipmAN / 01 I Mt Sf

HAH fiOAl* (tA ff(.AfN*?

Sccrol Spray.......... 1 : 8 3MIUW.-; C4 1fl

Secret Spray.,:......./•'.'JU11IWA ,/t J - . . .

Scope................ 5 r

m w m iKOUTES 3 i iind 36


1 ATAWANRls. 31 nnd Cambridge Dr.

i ^ L x i l iU v s-s

’ ( f irags' THE Ta Vv'AM ■JOUR^W:H;: ^ ' ^ ^■rp^-ipy^^rygr.'i wy 1 gilyj. !/!»/<-1'lf>w» im lyMyjyji yp

© j e J E s f a f e w j o u r n a lX J3AGUEX W » * h , tf i j a w

.rv ..... ,.. ■ . • .■ nsTABLWiocjo i im . ■ • ■---- : •-• . ;. ..-. .. . ...........-£eie s-bane iww-'icjS •■ • • ••

.FuidtehfeV•every •/R;;4t>*(3»t at •i-4fl. Msae St. M.,';.iftiaa:>. ?%., 7.-• -.&y . «j?.cw*r-' p i/aussuH O an»* frRwrasG-c'cm'joiv. ■:..-

■ '• * . J . M.mJLmm tsw.’w it:.- Rtfifcui:- —»■ G»«raw2)r*« J3ro*.v«. ■ A£5*rt’aflj.q E-w*U*!r1-.;'■■■': UVtu;}j;«j..T:. .sS'j: .'jiXtDV. ' Airtxmj<x;?5 £.{tUfit • .

"r* •- 'jAw M4t&wa& JoyrttBj iff a ’jtKbpapGr "o f tixe jitopte, by t*»* people. .-mti*1 hit ih* i?*vj.;2 * .V a im . fc- r.<? wrvt i^e *?*?.« .{?i.te*e.su *<? ?-is v-?r? antf vii^ircyr to jtfe&eu.i ali. fit *h* rtfMfr% ;>f fijt- v«rJs wjfncvt b;u* r>:: ^/y-jwiks tt>a c^a«i sam.'• eonwvatjv* nr>£ur:ei\. resjXKTtwff Dw xnaJlenaiyte rjfihts

" i t Qiue wixzea&i. li»<tieby-iaAb&nu y-smS, ivortov o* 1i»fiir fcsnfidfiowa.

? • > JfcN&iS-. 4*4-jfl&lAwsw. Jit'? J-«r»*T?*■*■■>■• ■: ' ’.

* r ivcof;ri»onjT.#l t m t t is L*yi.t,*d. to «< U*eas im ucop^d bv wuor*

3ufc 'irlu*inc .TAtes.'psifJtWc. la ^vacto.- ......... Stiixl to TiS MaU S t , .■■• . .

y$' ?vjt4? ■ ■'. ■ ■

/v£*ri* ;'.y«suf'.'^yif )in' '..V.?/-*V.fci.M' ' .yfesi*;- li.M•'Six * £ 8 5 ^ ' ' * ^ ^ , . ^.•4);i* .-Y«#r '.our.s’4« *tat#> $9,00 •

[ M A T lO K A t «K W S P * ? E g

'M m sm z



What’s Kight?■■■■■ - H obs S . H a r liu i, uuht.y d-xtcutiv^, W o r ld W in : I A tr

F o r i* v e w t iiu «aid 4u,i ..k c liv e • -.ka<Wr • • »u ..y o u tK w ork ,

p o in t* '.o u t 8 £»w ot the th ing s th»c m e t iu m *U m > A»jj-

erW a. H m * a re “'jnifc o f th em “ F u r «vt>ry H e li's An-

j r k tno toreycV gutig, the it- t i v lhnu^<ui>lK of B o y Snout

< a n d G id . S c o u t troops ; « n d C a m p F ir e G i r l g roups. F o r

* v * ry lOTig-haired, u n co u th T ep iJsive bo-xHum, there

erf;, u n to ld m u lt itu d e s o f decen t, c lean , u p r ig h t y a u a g :

lad ie s a n d gentleoi^rx w h o a re the h o p e o f the w orld .

F o r every school d ro p o u t th c r# a te coun lie ss l ir u i ia n t

stwdfeiiU-. w h o ^study -inCtrutely - h a rde r/ t l ia n th e ir parents.'.

<]«!. F o r « v ( i y c rcok ia busm css , there a r? m n u im r a b lehOROysht® frtyft > n m itfK f w » w ■•■ v^bn g#j • Ivtjvcjryiinl b**-

fo re they w o u ld he d ishonest. F o r every d r a f t c a rd b u rn ­

er , .-there.", are thousands o f yo*tt»K ro«*» w hft « re . (giving

.th e ir la s t fill] q w r a n - v f devo tio n in d u ty in fftr-off ;Yi-

etuarit. T h is is vrfiat is r ig h t a b o u t A m e n c a .

t Sixty Y#*rs Ago

A m ee ting o f the B o ro u g h C o u n c il w a r h e ld last

F r id a y ' p ig h t a n d th e M a y o r a nd Messrs. • -Arco.w .«m ith,

D e v lin , M an «e and W a rd e l i w ere p resen t. A no tice w as

■ re c e iv e d . from ' th e B o a rd o f F reeho lde rs th u l th e conn-

ty w o u ld n o t t h u y e *r p a y f o r ' t h e w a te r used in protects

in g th e co un ty road , h u t w o u ld de fray th e expense of

■ iviitn for sprinkling. Last yeur ,$75 was paid for the wa­ter used.' ■ •

F in a l M ta in in s tlo a i w ere h e ld In the G rfld ix i Schoo l

h e re yesterday and todny , b u t it w ill be som e tim e be-,

fo re the re su lts nre k n o w n ,- as th e papers are sent to

.C o u n ty S u p e r in te n den t E n r ig h t , w ho , com putes the per­

centages. ■.

R u m o r says th a t tw o Mata-wan .'re s iden ts entered

th e B a p t is t parsonage a t K e y p o r t o n W e dnesday n ig h t

And w h e n they caw e o u t they were one . T he nam es of

th e m a rr ie d coup le w ere no t d iv u lged . .

T he R ic e F ood p la n t w il l s ta rt u p ag a in n e x t week.

T he G ra d e d School w d l observe A r b o r D ay on F r i­

d ay . \vith. app rop r ia te p u b lic exercises, ' in tn e a ud ito r ­

iu m a t 1 :30 o ’clock . T here w i l l h e n o trees p la n te d th is

y ea r , 8ft th e school g rounds a re ' fe lt .to be p rope rly

a do rned a t th is tim e , A few years afeo over twenty-five

. trees w ere set o u t a t pne tim e , w h ich w as be lieved to be

*11 tha t w o u ld be re q u ire d fo r som e years to come.

T ho con tin ued w et w ea the r has caused a severe

loss ta m a n y o f th e fa n n e rs n f M o rg anv iile , w h o w ill

h av e to re p la n t th e ir po ta to f ie lds b e c a u s e o f th e rot­

t in g o f th e seed heretofore p laccd . P e rhaps p ro p e r d ra in ­

age w ou ld have saved m a n y fie lds n n d the lesson m ay

re su lt )n be tte r crops n e x t year.

Thirty .Yoart Ago

W age ad ju s tm en ts effective M ay 1,

s u it in a n increase fo r Je rsey C e n tra l

C o . em ployees w ork ing on a n h o u r ly wage basis, w i re

a n n o u nced T uesday n ig h t by T hom as R . C n u n le y , p res­

id e n t of th e com pany , a t a m ee ting of em ployees ot th is

a rea h e ld a t th e K eypo rt H ig h School.

M a ta w a n P ost O ffice ranks 13 in p e r cap ita sale b i

th e state fo r second class post offices m the sale of

U n ite d S tates sav ings bonds, K e y p o r t P os t O ffice is 95tii.


T w o new hom es w ere so ld th is w eek in the L ake

l i t f f e r t s E sta tes subd iv is ion .

F ro m repo rts l t is expected th a t th e M a taw an C iv ­

ic C lu b P lant-A-Trea D r iv e w il l ex teed the 1 0 0 ' figure

l e t b y the com m ittee as the desired n u m b e r . T he most

p o p u la r v a r ie ty be ing p lan ted is N o rw ay m ap le , w h ich

ia fa m ilia r to residents in th is v ic in ity .

G ov . W i lb u r Cross, accom pan ied by m em bers of

h is fam ily , h a d lu nch co n at B u tto n w o o d M an o r S a tu r ­

day .

M a taw an phys ic ians have expressed a w illingness

.to co-operate w ith the M a ta w a n P u b lic H ea lth Associa­

t io n - in estab lish ing local c lin ics. ■

L o u is N . Paxienza waa elected pres iden t of ihe

M a taw an Parent- 'l'eacher A ssociation a t a m eeting he ld

lu s t n ig h t in tho h igh school a u d ito r iu m .

Wash ing! on Pi I grim age

w h ich w il l rc*-

P nw e r & L ig h t

Tlio ()ri;<iniz;iiion for (!n»‘ Umiy of the Puerto RU’ctiis, .’12 Hmad

Si., Keyport, sponsored a pi|. grirnajjf* to our nntInn’s rnpital.

Foremost in tho uciiviite.s of tin*

<luy, which M;trtr<l nitin r r.trly

in tlii* mnrninf;, w.ui a special visit tn tho John F. Knnu’dy Me­

morial ^nniiuls at tin* National Cum 'lt'iy in Arliitgltm, Va,

This appf’arsi tu he iln» ir.uli-

tion (J evt iy I'nei lo |<i, an Krrntp thnt visit*.

D. Ilirv uejt* also on hamt for special atnl very solemn

ct'remonies that were held ai the

silt: nf the Tomi) nf the Un­

known Soldier. Noel Gaivin, pr<‘f»idt*nf of OIM’K, tif-Ked IVml

J . Hivern to nrran^e for tin* tle-

trtils relevant lo Ihe Wrtbhin^ton

Vthit.Mr. HivwH, n Mntawnn resl-

<lrnt itiul former PitilU Hejnesen-

tutivu of the Mij'.nitinu Hivtsion

Office (tf Ihe ConiM^mwenlth nf

I ’uerlo Kiro w hifh i.1’ loent»'<l in

K^yjw rt, ifl prr*;fntly a f ie ld

fteprmMitativfl (jf Ihe Mew !er-

B(y Slale nepnrlinent of Int.t.lu

fckuiM am/ Af-encies.

The eeremoni‘*'i at the Jomo

rf i!iu I'nUuown Soktier were so

Impressive thev hiniif*ht tears to

everyone's tyi-s. "lie eoiikl be

one of rny triend>," was thr jmmi-

rral comment, as Mr. Hi. era menttoned that I’m.Tto (lieu's

lamed Itfth Infantry Kejiiment . was cumposcd of \ulim!(eis,

With a luiij; line iif vuhtnOMT re placemen! *i \vnitin|i «lttiinj; the

lime of ihr i'Unfan ( oidln t

when i ’iieilu Kieo sustained on a per capita Itoas more ra'iiat- ties ill,m evt-iy stale in ihe Un­

ion. Mr. Ktv t i .1 I Ih n aitded sol* eiunly that then* u n Ifi, IM)(I J'ueito Hn'rin irooD.s in \'ieoMin

nllhoiti'h they do not ctmslittiiii a Puerto Kn-nn unit. "O f cnnifie im l; we !i};hi as Amei n'an m<I- (JieiN us nlwny.s” .said Mr tiar-

fia. j'ueilo I’ ieo. an Ameilean rolony suut* July !'5. Is*is hejjan ihe pi im ''.ss of ti.';s(Miit»ii'it 'viih

the I ’uIImI .Slaiefi l!;t>n, and on

Mar. 'J, I'lIV j-.ained 1 It** Amrri- (■• || t , i : ]i a ih I.I: i-Hj.l*

Ii) I1. 'i i i f I'm* .1 ohi h Act the

\ i, ii ( Oils'll .ss,

L e t t e r s T o T h e E d i t o r

V ‘ !R.«r«fltiy my name was submit­

*- ~~ v «>■' ,» rt

c-<jo«dtira?.<wt-• .»s an alfcrviftv ■■ vf tne- }toar<) ,*>f A*iitwt- JHfint : Cvp tftiWWfStt fyWttftfitp,

Sjjc-nJy •ir»ci*ea^*r.- T revfcjveil a tetttri' «ummontD|? m e to an rmer-

vtyw wan tiie. ^ouftcii- m

t.h;U rny uualfj0.caf;n.’i';H myf.m- Ih1.

evalu^r«L 1 ■ • ■ -

I promjHfv ft “epK

to ;.ne fritisig. jwaiw^er 0»,i t.ud I &a 1 5*f,V«wJ

■ ttl,«H rtJlu. tt**nt}OKL MfJor a nyiTjb&r ot. years and lhat

evy quaiif.U'fitiofW.; w£/*e well

Ikowq.. to' ths CcunciL, Aiihpujjh; ‘ I , Arl not su&gesr it in mv letter. t ft‘U r^qi:cr-.t was-:r?. il\ft

• u tore: pt. an tnsuJc in' vjew oi rnyviccs to 'the Township arid.

. fn^r^ly. $t±v,'%(X VX ijitie Lhe,-ifr.At the inajoxu.y on the Council!., hud ulr^fl/Jy chosfrw th* up-

■■ ................

To the surprise of ny onu, nf,

the next Council^ meeting tne

dKJatr- sti^n«itctiT?y ‘ ?nc Repugn- c6rt mnjvrMy was ap^ku.t;4 to

tfce. -The. .JoHov.'iiic.dav'T.:

• ieameil that. /*jy. k‘tier U&tl- Ihjcr;' Vead uioud a' the xntefeln$£ ujid- ■cur M uyor that * w aa .

pot appoijnctd because I hacKteci--'

o®6tcate<J;' n. :,/-copiomptU9U5';- n'ui« • (vjAk. ioward "the.Coyp.rij.;-.. . .

^T ^ ijv ^ay o f1,;iy.^.tateme^t, vho.w*

<rver, uot <[urt«e accurate.

; : • f i i . my evaluation of th e pres^at.: Ritijij^jstrfiDO.A I took into conoid*

■ erabon: .the -Muimirlul campaign co nduc ted in . .1 a lso consid-

th« vttev' falKtre of- this CouriciMo prexnn^ any meaning* .

ful p^ogrsga; Cor. the ; bettcri:nlcnt:-

of tUle,:;'ll«^wnsh]p./"Th^/-A^ctai,Ie. of d) - concviv«d «mj improperly­

; tlrawr, - lcgis|a.tio?\: ' bejjig intror doced and then sheepishly wuh-

drawu was likewise fresh ul my mind. .'Hui veiy rcccni bicycle registration ordinance Is a pri(me

example of what I have come to

expect from this Council.1! the Mayor discenied in my

letter a contemptuous attitude to ward the Coimcil, he was partial­

ly in error. 1 do indeed feel con*

. tennpt;' but only- for the sorry pic- tu re the Mayor and his colleagues

; o r the majorttvhavft painted for,

the past year und a half. .


• pdward F . Kaufman

*• "! f? J > ? * :;K:y

preparing mvselt to debate the

• rib?')", f .n-fTir.r— r-• * t'; r . r ; n for

*77. >f > <ur ***< t r - try,

1 * t i V •> i t v m.y?e us'hr - - • ' • -.. .s>S.tjkT.tdl, • .

■ Jam ea E. $>»:■?. ' -• •

To'the E d w jv '

Infe grmae teachers at the

Strstnmore fcl.cix;c«i«ivMnfdVwiii, v.<oM<d. u»e- io txpK ’SR

appieciatii^n to thfc

*vl*L’iu*Jwui.i».• ». i ..!.k

Freehold, fox helping she .M.udtnU

»<)d ou rs^ 'ves t& a v e ry 3 u tC ‘jSS-

• ful concluoion ct OiJi' uuiL. ,ot>.

‘i'liinis and. More Plants,*’- • M tu jy ' thanks,■ to ’tb.e..'pork . sys-,:

tern -tor. n.i»Ki,nH uynMubt'? l,o u.*>

: resource ^v«;p|e iuch ay M«*U*rt

lUnschal v.ho ••Tecrored H' our.

chiidren on Indian AJttjfacts and; sho'-vf.'cl now, hfrfitu 'f of plant Ii*e

in Moump’uTb: County, ?hf* tnriirov*. were ab/.e £o- survive .many, years

: a.ttO-: Ajco. our : many thinks to.

a?,t ^he . «.t, the Hvimdci:; Par5t .NdW e.Trwis who. patiently

. and successfully led du.r cbtdren..-' c]&ss/V^y: claiis, : IQ. of the^X:

th/'oii^h 1 the- trail* :.espto.ming }n:.

. dtliiil, pbnt and aniraaj itte us ft/ exuts it). Holmdel- -Paric' todey.v

-.1 .’hops' this JeUejf wilt help to

inform., the public ot ‘th#? wond^i*:

ful facilities readily. inade"avai!r ftbie to iiU of ui; b>; the Monroonth County park System.

• 1 (Siened) :. Third. Grade ;.TuftcM>.r,v... . -

:-Stirtth»jiore ’• E«civ»tnta.ry -

. Schw l

To the Editor,

Around Apt. 1 the Jersey..Cenr-

traV Bank, of Maiawaii, stni no-- ;tic03. to the. S.taior Citizens, cus­tomers; over 65. thftt they would

get tree checks &nd bookkeeptn^»

(statements.)■■■■I think it was a. wonderful gift, on tne baok's part, rm ^laieiui. to the executiv^B for their interest

in Senior Citizens.(Signed).

; Florence McBride >. (Mrs. Bero.&rd)

To the Editor, . ..'■ .•••1 received with the deepest re-

-gret jas t week' Ihe nvw$ Of. May> or Edward E* Hyrne-s 'retirement

from public office. It is my (nm

h&if'f than /it) rt}3.>* il'i

selfless a dedication to hi?*, com-

■ Tn^ify^lfuatv did. Mri'yor Hyrne to ,'Mttiavva.n: Bon;«gh. . . '

' r{; ' early irfofhtfhs i*'«e wiih-

r/iJlel tn any pr«v.io»& ad*rjhr.n (USav»>]'- It v»r»* p;T*-

vided MaUivy&n Borough vv».r*;-

(I), th-r? jfiret'sy&te.m^lic road re

'btiJdmg/prcrtiraa-j, v2 &!:<•«miiJi-* ed: and ftDntt^alized admi^issrh* tivft d^Jitarfrficalii., {:}) he

tjottittiizfcd -<:wnmunnr;j{k»ns net­work for ail fruuugh servicer.,?4) • f» w- -Uff* fi<jKr t»t>»

and tiip■ xQlirfinaenz ot oui?r.c>ri^0

c^uiprosnt^ (-.«! r.t»u?;d and. •

ll.scal; 'po.L*cies (!&) n end---efficient police force, (7) new and

1 recreiitiona! facilities

and lhetfirsr y»i»r.- tound rwre.a’

tion nro^ratn. . ' ' . , .. It beca.u'!.*} tju.ife cvtdem tu me *a. .recent' ninths though that

wore bej.»sr:r.;ng so tsk»

' thVij: TofJ- on this man. 1 think M^yor Hyrt>e.i)ar» earned ',he.re«f

'that he, has' aski'd.'tb.e diizv))? of

. Matawan. -Bcvoush vt iclvc h)n% bufi I Know his ^ain w a trenjer.-*'

.:’ iis''io.5.t;-taiije'ct?mmxmlty.'.

booor o/.-havyjg rei^'iyed my first ■.'•'’appojptmeot to a pltbJic j»si! ion

ftoiiv Mayor Hyin^. a«d-;'tbe pri.Vr.' • Ueg*. of lserv*uig wi.th hi«v ami

learning;, from him. these past three years. 1 only hope that his successors wilj carry ouL the re-

fpOUJlibliiiies of this .office rs did

. Mayor Hyrne, a truly crea.Hye - and progr«s*iye : lea-der. 1 wnh.

Litit gotid .hw inh'snd g r e a t '' cess Ln his furure years. .

(Signed) .............

■ - jAmcii E. Sh««

To the Hditor, .

Now: tliat; the 1W8-69 dub year

is drawing to a cioue and. all re­ports .submitted, the Matawan Junior Woman's Club extends*»w*4»Fnl- •Jr»nr*»«,iH linn - Ul 'WOUTe***"-* . - - . -. * •newspaper for tne assihUinee

. rendered in publicUmg, our.nieeting^. programs and pro*

: jects. Due to your, help, nil our endeavors met with great sue-

"cess.-, . • ' . ' • : - .. ;

(Signed) : ::' 1, ’ Mri». H.‘- K taU •'; ' ;' ■ , ' v ^blic iiy ';,Chair

-‘Matawan Junior Woman’s

: :.: Club • - ■ •-•

Tn the Editor. • - :-I reUirned 'last Saturday from

niy annual iwo weeks of active miUtarv training to find myself engulfed Ui a political .campaign

here in Matawan Borough that

dlcturbi*. mo to r;j <T*ri. It has be

.come evident very quickly that . the Regular Republican Organi’ .

ration’s campaign director, find­ing that he i s : unable to refute rny expose of Iiis -‘Make Mata-, wan First” raid “ bream Ticket’*

sham, and the fact that Thomas F. Ryan is actually a full red-

blooded registered Democrat, has

decided to take the low road in political campaigning. .

I would first like to introduce

you to this campaign director. He is James NeUtaud, a party pro­fessional public relations- writer,

who led the disastrous 1908 Con- giostaon*! campaign of Stale Ser,

ator Richard Stout.

. Comments' have also been cir­culated to ;he effei t that I

not make a capable mayor be­cause I travel ioo much and I

am never around .when needed.I refute this by .stating thui dur­ing my two and a half years ot tenure as chairman of the Mata­wan Borough Planning Board 1 have maintained a 95 per eent

attendance record al both work

sessions and regular rm:et'mj*$- During this peuod, 1 successfully Completed courses in municipal planning and toning at K\itgers

University, and atituded numer­ous session,* and seminars throughout ihe state on. communi­

ty planning. Also, in 1967. the New Jersey Federation of Plan­ning Officials saw fit to select me to sit as a representative on their advisory council, a position 1 still

hold. Regarding the statement of

not being around when needed,I have never /ailed to f'o into the

fivld to diaries; problems regard­ing site pluns and htbdivisuais

when they arose.

I ’ve been fold tint by waging

this campaign I am assutiug my

political death. Well, I have hat one thinp to say, better to be dead, than to have to be led. 1

siiII contend, a* f did in mv Apr. '1\ statement, that \ am ihe :n<mf

qualified Pe^nlvn.an i ,n.didale for mayor of Maiawin i*>>rt>tilt 11. hv virtue of ?ny loyally to th..;

party, my b.vkpriHind, an<l ivy t-sperience m < urrent municipal .ilfaiis. I am willing io kick ?his ti|> thi a debate u i! h rit h 'i

of the Him r I’.VU C.indid ite ;, ,j i \ v l-ere, .levtune, ;,ud under any circumstance:!. reganllMc, ne <jmddicati{<ns, tin- ;>..-aies, nr m\ ideas reg.ai'dmi; eih i tive minin i

pat loadci ship, i ■ '■(>« ci.ib ; v. ,it,[ debate. Mr. Ky.m hcr.uise m

P r o c l a m a t i o n sWHEKEAS, the Traffic and

Safety Oivision of the Matawan

Township. Police Department has Instituted a traffic safety pro­

gram for the Township schools

which include the use. of the Green Pennant Safety Program;

and : .

WHEREAS, the Township Coun­

cil is desirous ot recognizing and

promoting this program;NOW, THEREFORE, ; X. Han?

H. Froehlich, Mayor of the Town­

ship of Matawan, proclaim the month of May as Green Pennant Safety Month and request alt res­

idents of the Township to recug- n;/.e and co-operati* in tMs pr<*-

gram dining the month of May

and throughout the. year.Hans H. Froehlich, Mayor, Township of Matawan

WHEREAS, the Traffic and

Safety Division of the Matawan Hmough Police! Department has

instituted n traffic safety program

for the children attending tho

Memorial and Ravine Dr. Schools which includes - the use of the

Green Pennant Safety Program;


WHKRKAS, the Borough Coun­

cil is desirous of recognizing and promoting safety throughout the

Unrough of Matawan;


the Rorou^h of Matawan, pro­

claim the month of May as Green

Pennant Safety Month and re­quest all residents of the fiorough

to recognize and co-operate in this program during the month of May and throughout the year.

Edward K. Hyrne, Mayor

Matawan Townsnip has a mor­al and l obligation to protect

tn the best of its ability the safe­ly. s« < ucity and wdi • being of

liio^o older residents to whom it

is so deeply indebted./he passing of the years (if life

have left many of ihese pen pie

p.mieuUu ly volnerahli; to acci­dents, to criminals, to unscrupu-

Im;'* purvevois of inferior i’mhIs

and ••'•! vi1 "s. *0 sudden dlne:- >ev fn m.nmiii i!nm. and ■<> lack of pi npei ( .i re «iud all > ilium.

Ii io '[ .law ,m ’township's

ln ,\''.mi.ie.e, ;is it is in libiiusit inn.

M p;trti'. r.!., | ly M i; 11 111 a is of ils

ie\f! 'd ehieis. ,md ilii'nuch tin*

list- n| eve. V liie^lUi "( » e n l II11111 i-

. t• 'i•!i *.i Irens public attention upon i' f dangers which may

tiii'-dten lia-m and steps which

inns! be taken to protect them.


Ii. 1-ROEHI H'll, Mayor of the

(!ondcmmihon Suit0-ontimied ftoni page one)

Mr. Heuser declared the owner was ready In

malte a Siuvey based on the lej'.d ilmumei.ta;y

ctA 'ering his piopeily, providing it u n d d be ud- nn tied nUo Miindini: in me enmlenmal inn ;n<i

cei dmg.'i. Mr Ilensi?r* has held Mi. McUonah! has n tight to ’J') ft. moie on one sloe anil 17 II. nn the ntlier. .Indp.e Heuser declined himsflf uell satis­

fied '.Mtli I he cumpelcin.-y of lh‘- men M'lvnip as cnmml.ssiniHMs. However, he fell Mr. Hchmi’s

cnmplninl over the liiHctivify on the bomugh’K ;.n!i v.'-ll jin iiliid . '1 he I'oort set a (h/'dline of

.luiu: 2 for receiving a competent iq xn t m Ihe mallei.

l o n u o r Mamed(continued fn».n papo one)

" I wan hopeful of havmg a dis*-us.sion with

the council mendn-r.s," Mr. Yucker said,“ I h'ad some/' he stated, ailmiliing It was only

about five minutes. ' It .'-a* a veiy v’.ni thuhilo

fi\e minutes,” hi; lelileu.After the tneeliaj; Mr. ( oiumi said lie pio*

pofied I'lli-son biM'auM* ol Iii; n-uneil expei irme. He explained |r aonhl l»»k*- a new man sev<iu|

months to unde; .• land Un f*iu< f n*ni^ id tin* ^ov«

erinj; body,Connor also said Id* cnunell replaremenj

Would H'ifHimo the dillit;. as kh.iliioail t»f the i|f«

commitli'e, n p<ed v.lmh -Mt, Lilison iieid lor

his nine yctiKs on ihe. eooncii,

' : flr-'vn:*' ;- »:-v ■’ on • ;' s ' . ! h . ■ • ’Ve< < fia- •

pt'-OiX' J.h to.^vveer?, 'v 'M?' ' t W h ' ‘

.'jutco' UjS- irDptir.iiijstt ul Jocid H .s io i'ca l

. Sock'tie? ir. a. conxmurdry a;ici itry ic w thur cnn...

' be. rtod««.«d by s.hcja,. Hz uisv !A. •

To:-vn',.h;p’s pi?i,-;e -t\ ;.he piit>\. hist try ef ^

Ct;’jn:.y- ar.<i K '-v Jtrj-ey M'r. Corlrdiyij-'hai^ ev'ro-

mtifiieri liu ii trie conjmoh m m the iocaJ A/mi'sy-

ttrd other tradesmen, farriers,, etc. 'vho co-ntri-

be.i.'r' to the society ;>f(d cOm^U* '..‘f ur?as iry':jx*.',!a.r;r ,*«. ! ' e V-H \inv'*n atvj-

'^cso»ages of the past. . . ' '

.-'.'FonoKiHS Mr. Curaunghaivj’i .spxitcii, OIir/;ar;

B.. W;frnfc mavir; a.. ureicni^Lioii o i n p-ivse J-:,* th-*

i?(.K:‘ety O.-oi*? !he. direci de&cendui)?.* cf TfjCmr-s,-

V/axne. Co’iUr'.huiorri wv-rp jro-*?. ffd (hft littiL-.

e*.1 .Stede.*}, R ero. Mev*.; Caldurniii; Maryland;

'Salt-'.'Lake City., V —h ; . F?or>'^i:, .maoy .from,

Nt*-. jersey.' ‘ ■ ’ . • . " ..

Some 70 descendants en.ended'the dinner. The

letmion was initiated by Mrs. y. -Nc json 'Hrohh,.

rRc^rdi;-;; sec/:t:;sry for the H.-i-.torkaV 5o<-5*;iy.

Mrs. Si'S'.h a st-v r/S.h- kienei'iiiinr; . -dii*.v

c<?odant of Teton;.-** Warne.

■ Wi)lir»»> rJo'Ua?. v ue v»n*J bjsK*r 'ftrf;

announced the approval by the Historic .Sites.

’Comi.nihMos-i. ’ of New of an historic Ms-nl-

side-marker that- wi)} be placed vvh^'re Route ,M6

crosses Lake (;.ef^ri?). fe'-rne.riy 'W^l'ntr.v

Tin? marker Wij.i fj.-.sinnate tb;s as. live hiad.

of nrtvi^ation On MantVkurt . Ctet:!;. and T?'Omr»3

Waxoe, East Je rsey Proprietor, as on i of the ear*

Mt-bl S»r'.tiri'S Ml Vn^1' .Kl TnOur»;?* V»<t •

IG52, died YltX. is buriyd' in the CoiomaJ Binia-l

(.ifuonds at-ToppojierniJi. Ic*.:-M^fibuxo... This .siU’ '.

has'a lready fec^tvvri. an hisUjric njarker by the

State of -New Jersfcy. ;

- At the C0 r.e.hjs)0/i of the program, Vumam

S. Pi Cputi- -presidenf, of tlic M adison Township

Board of -Education, .pre^entv’d the deed, to . the

CecUr Gruve SchcoJ to the Society's presi^r.t,

.Mrs. Ebner R . M artin. Airs. M;-.>rtin staU d th a tr

the pieseritation 'would f«vi’h.£iLc iu>ther the pK'in.s

for the future..growth of the. am.st-uin arid aliuw

for *u cxpai’.sion. of curninunity service pro- ,

g ianis;/ Ackriovyledgements; wore given Oy Mi s.

John Low. member oS ' the Historical . Societies ;

fk 'ard of Directors. Music ‘‘Through the >ear«;*‘

Vftsr- played by the’ Lys Granpcrs Orchestra unrl-r .

the direction of Charles Thompson.

Honorary members of th* Historical .v.'ciety

Include Annie R. Lambert-sort, Leighfon Ap}>leby,

R ichard Arrowsmrth. Grace iU i'e r, fia /r 'd

0.reero M arie Gaub, C lajencc -ILuser, Olga t>l-^ ..Mklr*! - -.im.Ij ,y,\, rt, A »\ t' 'i l i iW

Son Long, and, the late Louise Farrington...Frank.

Van iJorn and Joseph Maley.

; !:S,

Approval On

Township of Matawan, do here­

by proclaim the week of May lUh

‘ through Muy I?th; as SEN- JOR rm Z E N S - WEEK in tho

TuWasWp.of Matawan, and I urge "ait persons, and public and, prU : vate organizations to promote

. and make meaningful the theme o f. the Statewide observance, .

: ‘‘Safety in the Home" for our ol ti­

er residents.

. GIVEM, under my hand and

the Seal of the Township of Mat­

awan this 5th day of May in the year of Our Lord, One Thousand

Nine Hundred and Sixty-nine.(Signed)

Hans H. Fvot-hlich. Mayor

(continued, from -pafic one), 1 .

is .'-pine.--species ’-tree -4 fl. h ^h on ^ ft . centers. The board.requb.ed .that, k i ft,'sidewalk be 'pni,

down on -the: Lloyd Rd.. side- oi tbe: iu'0 ^ct;ty in keeping wlOv the ‘•’sidewaujs to schools” projver,

• Mr Masiow ruicd o u i; a. revolving sign, - let It be known the store people would bewell-coij-

tent; with a free-standing one within the lirniw

of the zoning cirdiname nnd reflectively ngbttd.. Ki’wers, Wuler. Kemaif;

The architect' found that1 with the action of . the planning / board completed, .there.-remains, ordy.-the malter of coming to uu agreement with'

the township utilities authority tonight on exten­sions of waior and sewers imp. the area from

mninsheads of, suitable capacity to carry .water . Iu and remove icwer effluent in a volume to he

expected from such au insiallation-. This may

mean e^ieiLsjons over some distances rather than

•just a tap in the street.While fhe board moved to conclusion with

Shop-Kde, Marvin Paris, the chairman, feared it was further aptort wUh Midland Glass Co. than

last week and withheld their proposal-to gel. op- proval for use of two 30.00*l-£nllon prnpune tanks to put their natural gas heating system cn an in­termittent n^e rale. More study Is necccd, the

chairman cautioned.

C h a m b e r E l e c t s

N e w O f f i c e r s -. . Mtmbcu* «ri the. of. Dirw-r.or^' h? ' tiw':

Mac.iWan Ctiamb'-'r.• '?*/ ’ w' «W:- p'CH/iisiy elated as s.- »rj?Tn;-ur5g o f. th**.: cbiU';i: er:.' ■i.ueffday at the. tiuai»mv<K.‘u- Manor,'^icostr- MaUM-isn.-‘ . . .. .'//'v.-;// ;.-

-by-iavys of Jhe chamber o-n ju?;c 4, ■; ic wa«;' iii?-■'

. .tbvuncr/d' UwL r.be- w e0]^;r?hsp.'of 'c fe ryiMT -

■-has reached 10L " -

■ Dirvct^rs elccied fOr ' Du'cc-ycar ifim x \\'sttr- Vsj|*r.j‘. Gti>&oo--Hof7>sin Inc.; ' if.

MandeviHsj, Central' Jersey Biyik: ffV T Ryiph

Fiiin iyKetJi; Vince {>;M aio‘a/,d ‘Viickfcrr;

•V clr^ , - - \??l.jj>rS; .S’f-'vg • lilffi-' M :

BeiL Foodtovvn. .

1 E le c te d '' 'to .'LVno-year f.ei'?W .w e r.ft Ch<Vr'iea"

Schtjck jr.> Far?>ir?r$ -. >i^d, M e rc ^ / irs wnal:

B aoK ; ?:,iii:abeth • Vrceiarui,■ Sut). Savinjp And 1-can; H-ijwaird >i*idw'.ith, Indir.ana! V«'ashia^ Machine Co,;

fi-.i.ss VVeoer. Rankl. and :.Weiwr: Mark MuJler,

My/Jer's f'hev.i;ol«.-fcji[d G ary H . v ?d*

• wa.rtt- SloCc. V- .

> .. Ejected, to f?^t*yxar r^rrp5: ’ ;ere Bill, M urphy, .

'"Jcricy Ccatr.il,T^-Wer 'aad:Ligln Co '., /r^ri Eyck

Rc-n.>cn, Ten Eyck' Ronton, J/iC.:" SciKrt-ta ,M^.rroy,'

I l ie MataVrin JoursiaJ: .Michael KuppL Town, ahd vV^»Kii:-, L*4V , a r; *J. * * *A*»irth HiU.1

W ^ Vrr i ^ iK l'.F rA ^L aM M rd .'- M o iiii.t 'P j.edM m t1/

■'•N.ursiB ;HjC«mtv:'‘,'i' . ". '/ / •- ■-/.- V//':/%’/:

State" . . . (continued, from paj?e o.ne> • " -

par^niepJ. -has gone to . court io tore*,/ (?j)t>.roy.e- menus in i;ne priwary treuirnen^ tyjH1 plants. ,/Fhe, rowm have held (t.hii t their systems, . wh>in.

state requirerriviils ^hd. that they, don't b^ve ’the. | njpney • to provide seccndary'-'treatment demanded^

. by ?.he' statr ”■ / . . .•:-../,-../ -. ,v;-

' The court,- order nr.ted rhe.mumclpalities. wer«/ to have submitted preliminary pla'hs ?ar . secood-/ ttry treatment i>y OcL./L l.%7, anti dctsjled.-piani,^ by Mar. 1 of this yea/:. . None we/e submitiedJ th« .

■ complaint reeked. ' / . . -: /-;. ■'//'.-'.; / / '/'-•'•"./:/

The three are among II a!on/i the Raritaa . and Sandy Hook Ways that axe' pmiiiiiiig a '.corn-/

rnoo: trunk s*^wer to tie in-with Jocai sv^tcrns arid

: carry efUuent to l>e dischv^ed ■ through a

. roi!*'outfall line huo the ocean. When this pcoj- ect is completed, use of bavfronr punipinj; st'a-

iiinw wi'l be- halted. • .". . / /.,. :Keyport and MaUwan Were scheduied to: form.'

a're^onuLse.wer district with, portions of Mati-i

'.Van Township-.aad tW ;'tow;i>.shfp£;:'or Wadiisun; arid;• Marlboro.. : / ' . ’.- 1 / : / ' ' / / '«-^/o: - O ;;

‘ ; To. date.; there have been no . talkA in.vohiGg :

/' these mufdeipa'itiei;,. Earlier ..this y?j r, Nii(t \v.i.*t;•: >ndic«tc<l; they wet<> u n r je r-ti)e im presr ■

s io n tha t 'Jiitil the propt>sed ;B ay tshorf? \oceao:.out«;

. ia).’ line sewi'raKe .a u th o r ity is /w t& b h s h e d by the county , there w as no need ta /n to y e ,, a h e ad ,

wtfb ent;tncerlntf p lans for u P r flJdirLg the- bor^ o u r i iV p i im a r y sewc-rar.c ?r i p lan t,/.

. 7lv* ocean line" *,von!d: tonfrum, Mauwan to Highlands, with pLaiu*? calling

for secomiary'tfeated sewage .effluent- from- the 10 towns i>) tlow through the line, to/the. oecan

o;f Highlands. ...... . . /

Tl*rt!. 05‘Pan line htis rstimuted to. cost

$10 MuHi(oo; To'daLr, the county. Board of Free­holders has not uppointed /members'to' serve on an aethoiiiy d^vipn«t<-d Vi plan, construct.;-and operate the out *.alj |in*«. from a list nt names for­

warded hom the communities which would b© involved. ■ •

Cake Sale l o

Iteiifd’it McmksA spring festival c^ike sale to

btucfil the Basilian Monastery wdl be held Saturday, May 17, on Main St., Matawan. near Har­

ris Hardware and Sandford’j

Piuitmacy. The sale wilt be con­

tinued Sunday a l the Monastery.Open house also will be held at

fhc monastery Sunday with a Oi-

vine Liturgy at 8 a.m. and a }-j!i!♦• Army Devotion with benc- dictiou at 2:TO p.m. Visitors may

see the pionk’s quarters. After Sunday, cloister regulation* will be observed. Rrfreshmenti will

be served.Sunday, youngster* may re^-

isteied for Our l.ady'6 Summer Camp for an eight week camping program be^mni-if' June R«*r.

ister with P.n»ther Marcel or

Hrolher La\m ence.

K o i - i i u m * Pastor

I i i Slale PoslTlic Slaie Hoard of Education

ti*!,fiiin. d tne appoint ment of

Roderick N. DeYouiii;. fnrmer iM..i siei nf die Keypo; J Reform- .il Chuich, to a supervivnry |>o-- ]« i . fi ' •if PA 1‘ M ill :c,. •

■ ,d a i!:■11 I- • 'C 1 d ' M - i n

Mr. I Vi ■ u • >v-is nun.-. .- i "f

•• • j;< -.’I- ' ■ ! ai i li Ir■■•ni IH'-1

i'li,|, \v'm i i e h ( .! me Ml,.n ■ 1 * - r (In* I • l-b-l-ir.o-l i ' b i > - h.

l-.i I tl’ .' •'! '■ ! d mi­: • .1 , H" .s -I . ...di s' e

nf Cent! .d 1 d n 'i', l'e!i,;. In.'.a,

.•iM r'.' !’■ u:1' '-viek 1 l-.enn ;'<« al

St i iin-n y.Ii,.- v.i'.nv if; m ’he Jlt'.^NV-

$iLI .| e.

Annual Memorial Parade On Mav 30

William R. Lawlor. reciXcitio*; d ire c to r, u rj'es

all area organizations and groups to enter a Hoar,

marching f.roup, musical group or band in the

annual Memorial Day jvnnide to be held m Mat­

awan Uorouj'h on. Eridav, May HO. Mv. l.awlor

emphasizes everyone Is wc!cone to participate.

Lineup for the parade will !.« at 9:15 a.m. at

the Freneau Rad mad Station. The starting time

wili be y-.ao a.m. and tho line of march down

Main St. to Memorial Park where memorial

services will be conducted hy American Legion

Post 176, Matawan.A fte r the services, ail partic ij*ants w ho tuok

pa rt in the p a rade w ill b e served re freshm ents

a t the M a taw an F ir« t A id B u ild in g on L it t le St..

-Township Seeks'/■' (continued from pa:;e.ohe) - . .

tion of the ?DS residents of the lownsnlp’s Riy^r Garden sect’on. Th» River Gardens section is

«td.I !.». in Ui ihe C!; . .Vi'ou-C r.ua sua'cn, but hua home delivciy provided by the Key|«rt Post Oai.ce. , - -

Mr. Mayes also su'v’ v.aed a onsoiidaticn with, the Mr’tv.'.vari office, but Louiurii in.m b'cs noted

tiuit C'i.nwocd r^M jrils have v. to d that l(*oa since they fear a (1| Utt-mity it their address­

es change to Mntawun.Ihulrr the first proposal, th^ address vvould

be unchaoyed. . .A spokesman for the Keyport Post Office

looked favorably on the consolidation idea despite the ftict that the office now serves secnofts of

four other rnuuicipaUties.“ We made this recommendation in 196*>,” he

said, "but Um* postal inspection service reported

it was impossible since the section did nol bav« street signs at trvat time."

“ In addition, thrre were no house numbers.’* He noted thut Loth sitirttftorus have l>een cor­


Sewer Line For Freneau

Mnp nhimlnjt »u|sgf<l,iJ nnilo lor enlt-mlon ol *r.*er Ptrvlte lo th« f-rtM tu ■•ellvn o l M*l»w»n


^ s j p

-» * i. 1

-XU& THC h*ATA\VAJs , 0 u^N'A

% Bridal Gmm$ Featured At Show-.

‘ A C«iilui> of fraslntro — Briuti lh u i <u.d fcjtuiria|> weiUiug sawm «> i » u a i hu .

jr ,( ,J, to iha I'.-PSCII*- ftfra modi-ted a l ihs* t.iMioa won jior.s >r <1 by (lie K olinJd \ux.li.if r,t

Baysbore Community Hospital tv'cntly in intBrntidlate Schusl, Miifsmii-I. Pli'iurod inndcillni- -hi.

Summnro, ielt, Ifi right, Mrs;’ William Van i ’clt. wearing this oirteu unwir hr- rti<* siv'w • ; 0OT firv>

fcorrt In. 18115 liy Mrs. Hwace 8*i/-ro»ii<, mother of Kerbferi t . (turn.v.ci, Kevpon; rylts l)ui'S<) Uilm'-r,

ni0(Jei!n(| * gown from 1811 b2'0U,*in* to M ri. .\s>wy»,-. tu ir le and Mrs. IVter Oemnc,!: wu.iriiiu t.er

• » " 'vuUmg gunn Iron- 39#* Tut tlov.r-r girl* .we lau Ann Kovsl, let*, unit K iltw t-olij, rl^lh, ii <! U*?» (iiresse* »ete Won: ai M is. Van Fell's tu r f in g iji i*W. James VmrnocR Is lhi> ri>ii> heater and

suit 14 b r a wciWng in l# » , C luuisua o! We ijjuw wjii Mra. David TriwMc aud ttiu 'coMiuKtiifcilor •M i Mrs, I'sul Hanctfc,

CUffwood School Ila& Science Fau*-

Ik e Cli/f\*t>cd FV iiim turj - ScluinI; -held its ' iwniial "Open Housp and S 'I'm e F i ” 'la v ?

: M nnj! parent* took th s oppgrmti;.:,, tv to. visit itm scliiiol and obstrvii *ht>.-work Lhftlr.snnA dmifflw t m had been dmiijt .throughout ■ i!)* y.-ur. . ■ / ' / .-r. ■[

Oiu> of the highlights of In i

: •veninp was thi,1 awarding .f>f- thu prlti»s to tfjt winners o£ the Scs-

9/ir:« pair.. Children. reotu.grade*

tl'M'i* .through ; six participated... Tht- : wiiimtr.v were demded 'bv the : judge,, Jo ‘ii, Palsha Director o!

Eliimt-iwiv fduum un . M i’ Ed

ward Ky me; High School $ct*nea , .'T,t'ac.tivi', ard Kichat'd .. Carter.'

. MisMIt School Science Teathnr.

< Tlie award winners m th* third rgradij were: Hrst. place, Sltellr

■ Johnson; second.; place, Uucltin# .

Burlew; third o'.ace, Momen Rus- ■ soil;, foutth,, grade, llrst

' Tarn :. Mitchell; second- placa, : StO|>liea.Bicnk6'A',,i.KI; thifd place, '

; wj-wi ;'hgMn>*n4: • --.tiri* p is te . Patri«lii;Mttciv(jU; sed- •

ood: plate, Suiauije .Bordeaux:

tiiii'd plate.,;Duris ^iankf.eyj sixth grade,,, lust, place,i Johu Dom­

. browslti; second place, Mary Ann

Straniero;. third placa, Deborah , Caruso--: The' grai\d pi’ii* for ;thg

tMfSt- over - alFeiifiy rii's/ .siiWdlfed ' bv lhe judges wenL to Sixth Gra­der R o b r f i ."G ro tV " • ' • ' ‘ '

The awards wimi? presented by

James Hutcheson,- orga.ni.zer 6* this viMr's Science fa ir .

Convention Delegates

. ■ Brownies AssistDrowniti Troop. 728 c»( tht Mai-

awjin NeighhoVh«y»d of -G irl'

Scouts, the memihg of*fIt ’k Better,to Give than to Re*

..ceiveV by .construction o! 75 pa*. pt?r bunnies with cundy and !ol-

, lifxjps on each of them.Jean Murphy of tfie MCOSS,

Matawan Heahh ..Cyiuer, came and acccDfed the ' Bunnies for

the Wetl Baby Clinic. Mrs. Fred­erick Wereuer and Mrs. MichaeJ

Suxno ire co-leadera.

, Fnm m-JJn^era of tho Mata*

Wfut Evonhig. Depurtmeiit v tli

Attvhd tne. 75lb anniversary ev>n*

vanHo.t a t The N*e^. Sia/^

'•Fedttratfon.--. <?f ■ W om ens Ctubs

*•“' 1 t I U ij *** r* I ' »-* VNt-K

'. Or. Evening ,M«rnber'ihij> d;i.y,

to .to* observed today, fegistra* * .tion ;fs. scheduled ;foi: ;10: )5. :

followed: by a business session ar r 12:30 p.m. Topics io be covered

. * t the business meeting will actions .'on resoJ.ytions, ; reports.

and Iwnor roll tributes. Cusst spuvk^n liiciu Je A i< M o ^ . i chiet tfngm ^r and ^eiitirat. man-

Shower GivenFor Miss Bannou

Mia* ftuthajm, Bdiinofi of Ju- dyvdlb, Ind., waa honored re* cently at sr hrtdal shower af tfw

homt* of Mrs. Russell Oti/'^-lor? -g^viile.: Mt^s. .Banncki ‘w ill be*

com^tiic I?rldij''b^'K?nt V ; SicW’* onjon, ion of Mr. and Mrs; Wil*

Haru-B Stevenson, Pleasant Val­ley Rd--, Holmdel, on Jun* 7.

Attending v/ere M ra. Clyde

Ro.nson,. Mrs. Rolnke A . Jenssei;

.aijdt, Mrs. Edw ard , Bresjiey ot • M prginv ilte ; Mrs.. W illiam W.

Stevenson, . Marlboro; > ' M,rs.

Ralph W. ftonson ,‘Misses Uncla,

Carol ur»d Nancy Ronson, M r1?.

W illiam B. Swvensou. Mrs. I.ou*

is* Hmice, Mrs. Taylor Sclianck,

Mrs. H-ury Pitcher and Mrs.

Harry Gari^oncj of Holmdel, Mrs,

George Caldecott, Miss He*h

Caldecott and Mis.s b.imso Cal­

decott of Englishto.wn, and Mrs.

Edward En^obi'cison, Mf.s. l*lng-

mac t'‘nge{>re!5on. M m . .Tod Osi-

powiti. Mrs. W illiam Mad^e,

Mrs. Douglas Fjutrun and Mm.

Anthony Owornikowskl. of Mat­

awan. Mrs. Linford Stevenson-

and Mrs. George Sthanck were

unable to attend. Gifts were also

sent by Nea' Janssen nnd Janet


agQt of tne .Palmadoi) [mcrtiiatt*

Park. Coinnns.s;on and Hoi:,’

R^iph A. DungM'L ch^notillnr. departmeqc of higher' education.,. BnJbhn^. ror otrifii'i n ^ !>ct‘

fronj 12:15 to. l w:or}u,hops

'al^O 'iVre planjied J'oi; .Ute dUec-. ‘ noon and at the h'ridpy rnoinir.i;

.business,, njeetmg. ahe ’ report ot

elections- will be givenu - -

; : Th?: KMD.: banquet; v/:l! b<? held ■'loduy at 5:45 p.rn, ifi the ChaJ- roriFHadd'nn Hy.S! Mrs, Jon-' \ If .

, Kinney. ' tmrnediate pasi. :i*hai^• man' of the-v’Mavziw'iVti;. Evening. Departmenf, ;■ will , 5ui.w(itule: for.-

Mr«; Victor- Fredda, newly elecc~' .cd chairman, in ihe procession-,

l’a l comprised of aH EMD 'chaiU' iiiCti from the stale bf/Nev.' Jer­sey. The procession, prf*rf*de«

th,e banquet.. Robert Mo/itgoiu-"

ery, actor, motidn ’ oicc'ure and.. teieviston. producer, and a for­

mer presidential advisoi. wiU.l>e

the guest speaker. Awards svitl be. presented lo the ouistzmding. Eveiiing , Member'vlup Depart' mentv after tlie d*mier.

Tho members JtH’Ovting tha convention.in addition to Mrs. Kinney are Mrs Americas C. .Stabilv, v4»o will be the voting delegate for ihe Matawan club,

Mrs. Arthur R. Kl.au aud Mi3.i Edwin M. Pierce.

Delegate To

Girls State







SupJl valua ijw-ncjl on Hall lo wall carpet fualurinq DOWNS — SEQUOYAH — MONARCH — ARMSTRONGo z it e — Ma g e e a n d m a n y o t h e r f a m o u s m il l s

• c a l l f o k s h o p a t h o m s SERVICEShiaII dapoiil holds ordsrl E lfa dilcounl for Calh and C>irryt

P o u r c ° n t r a c t a p t s .i E X T R A C A R P E T IN G u-9» V" i,,v "

I w iii ^ 5 9 ' ^ c '’u '?ci . r 'V/illSacrifice

vn unfq-* • ' 'C o lo f Schom-)!

f jr Yd, Ava.l..l>l*.|►I^ALIATIOH

O i









Kuolhvofl SJiop|nsi<i (!rnl< r

H W Y , 35 — C L IF F W O O D B E A C HI/, Mll.f: HOUIH o r PIRAU: SI Hi*



Mrs, 'I'hritC'i. ih :nnn tn of

Jt*rst»v Girls Stutv fi>t ih-* Afnei-

(<*an I ••iiiiiii An\iii.it y I nil IVf».

M.»}.l*V'iC., •.lllullilK •.•it tlvi;

Miss Audiey l.iv<*rn»» And<*rson.

daughter uf Mr, .tnd l.uMi-

er Anderson, ss A ihm iir \v*v,

Mutawan. has seU'i’ i'd by

file unit nu*mfu*rs- as « d^U-y.ate

to Jersey Girls Stuio In !>*.* fi>'kt

June 22-1*7 31 Douj»!ass Collout.*,

New Bnm-wirl:.

Mis>, And-Tsoii is a imnnboi o?

tho junior class al Mrttaw.m K-*-

yiona! ltip.li School w\um-o sin' i<5

a momher nf ilu* N.ition.it Homu

Society. Hor silm ol achvitics in ­

clude .IV t he‘*rk*;ul"r, so[»h!*-

innrti yuan s .usny tlu 'f i ,,,.hI *i . junior )’*Mr; ill short* 1 p<m ih

nu'inljLM 1'tr thri’o yiMis, V'usii-

ty Sin;.*,(M< n\i‘in}>'n, thuv y.Mr.'i,

and ii iiH-inlicr nt M aui’Viin H.*- j.»it>ital Siti\.t)l Druina \V\»i k

shop Slu* i > ;t memb'T of tho

Si'oond Hii|>!i*i (.Itiucli, tshtlii-

wan, wfu-ir slu* is tho Sunday

.Suhuul pi.tni.-.t Sh .* is \nv [ > i •

idunt of Um Sc.icoa-o A is**«.-i * -

lion of Church Svhooh.

Miss AndiM'.vtn Im |k's |i» a lim I

collc^o and lo Urcoinij m rttiU


Miss Kuu*n Ahn^ims, daiiiihlci

of Mr. and M i s. < mm i s Atin«'nas.

I G iant St,, Matawan, has Invn

.srh*( tftl t y thn unir in nn h fi m

altiM uatc.

A tea u ill I**.1 h"M nn Simdiv,

Juno 1, at tlu* Keyport /Xtn-.ni- au

l.t’Kion Hall, W*‘M i iuhl S!., nn

the Jersey Citi'N Si.ito d**h«..Mi«s

und Nltoina'f’s, \i-ii! |’i ' * nlv;h ,

aud dMMino;),

i l o s p f e r - U i i i t

O f f i c e r k

-.ft/,- ;>exf year eiftCie?! uri-1

. .v.Vi'iv’vp ' :i;.: ,-r s» ;.r?>/.ary‘ . • Mrs. Kicii Vi/--'

, . Vv;rs, K,;.-'o>: . I ^ h , ,ft*C'nAi’rg

A' repM.:'*.,r. ;•& S-v v• V.hc f'ivL'n Ji'/- ;V*y5i; JoivCu'^pnu’;.;•, v-vr*,'. ;.

• -fef • i:is ■ Tht j;L, jb'hup iticd& item?:.',.■ AiA’t.yr;oi. f*> f-ji'geE ioys - !or:: ih? •taj.i toy..^]^: r ;1 •’ 'Mr-s RiM '7 .e i.- » ;n * » ; '7 re » ? '

lii3.. ..fi'.N.J-'-.'.’L j.'if", •. tiu>. .. J^ii; fiiarJjnfi out with U- color, ies:

fVji*- or.fjia audience.>Stv.‘ •cl/nl-iljiariii,;- .

tftv- rjjn ^vp.perv, ■ ■l;-?r ;fie hoiif'

. nn -}-';t:\cK*!;.si'TV‘Vhisf^'f 'Vvj-.'- be t?eld-a.»id vnnjrim?r^/.«ri»' a«*K.?d

.iv- tirir- ' -t.rf'.ux's.’ / n ^ . ' Maliboii»■; AuxUia r y v<h’T'

' -prd^rajr..-lor-'jHc lV ' I-.OUis- T'V.>: ;. t<) sp^ik . fv?.v,dt Iiv*

’ hs>x-»*jitrtl. ; -

S h o v x ' t - l u H o n o r

Of JantisouA - shower . K ' l-onorv of ..Mr'S,

FvvaDj:ey . M: vJa.njjffOrir! M?it3.\van..

• iva-i $iven, by! M isa ,M at^i vt frill OH Fcidft,y::;- aii ■■ ih* {ijwse; of.

, M.cs. Mai iiU Cinniiu- W r>Tav-.’ ;Dri, Mata wa ik v;V '•• '"v':. •; ' Tlie. {>fdH>nOr :was>,seai^d

■ In. a cbajr.'dew j;atu ’d;.% ^iM ir.!v '^>' .

: Ariner Cariid.i A tuke ivas .mftde

hv- ,Mra. Leslitt ,and:tht?

c<s*i»e;p ,'ce. ..or. the^ refteshr/t'iui c».r-

; Vm 'o decorated, ini pi.nl?,'; t^yendej' and btue. . . .

AUc-ndiu^. fn addition 't o die

gd?st of - horspt , w\Te: Mrs. ’ Kdiii., AJumaxc-v M p«- n^veriy - A.ya!a>

Mrs, Cyrviirj/Miss. Margaret-Car-

-Jo;Ann.e Cannin.

tor&tyx- Connolly,.Miss Clairs D:x-

Jy. Mrs. Carol Goodenough. Mrs, Mary Nelson and Mrs. Winter

L i h r a r v P r o < y * a m

F o r Y o i m ^ s l e i ’s

■ ff- your- chihl wiil be ^taniny;

kind*-rgai;ten jn the fa ll the sto-

ty- hour jKpgtutti -at ..the ;IVlani-

wan jo n jt fret* . Public L ibrary

would be an excellent introddc- -

tion to tbe 'indepw id°nw he wil*

•'bs expected'- to as.sume,. .

. ChildreA four.and fivo ye^r*;-of

age may now regisUrr for lh« two remaining hail-hour : ses­

sions b> this school year, Th« Muiiday «rv?up will- meet at 10, im . on May 19. 2(1, Juae 2, <r ar.d 10. Friday's group, wit! mce».

on May Tj, June 0, 13 and *J0;’v ' These vounysters will alsu at­

tend a special entertaintncnt program schf*dulf?d for Monday. June 'p. - 1

V*# u , 4«jd Case ‘Vit

l i a t a w a s i

r at kihfr,.2«?.

fl-J- -A .«* ,>y ;;j(. % • V/


: ; l ! T

'Iv- lii'

te rn s . ■Tournament

and Mr. arid ' «nd "vin t r,

>U Y'-i;!;'1*,

. ;; Mr. jj'r

f rwh:<id;

Bariv’ a/M

i onaji

:or :tk‘- iiii;,. J Jmi'p. ■

Mrs ' \-

iy -liid-

Makes Dean's List ;

Mis** Conr.unce 0- fn.iiey,

duu^hlcr ;,f M. ami M-i. C-ilir-i'

}>, Insley. 2«*! Main St.. MaM*

wan, .bas .h w a named tu t!\e

Dean’s ' List a t Munldal? State

College Miss Insley is h po.vsi-

cat educatiori uiajor, Clair? of

-tl^o a nn’nibcr y{ !!::• CrjiK- ma l'.psilon Chajiwr of Kapp*

Delta t*i, a natioiri' honor s•jr*'*-

ty. '

C A F E T E R I A M E N UM a l j u v c i n H e g i o i i a l H i g h S c h o o l

(Mrs. Antoinette Chomic* Cateteria MamtRerV

l loyd Woiid School

(Mr*,. Mary yarasso, Cafeteria Manager;

Week of May 19, 1M9


Hot l.unclieon

Virginia llaked Ham

Rissole Potato^ Buttered Fr««cb Styta Bean*

Home Made Corn Bread and Butter Fruit Cu{»

A (.a Carte Special-*

Cold Sliced Chicken Salad Plalter Cora Bread aiut Butter

Uologna and Cheest; Sandwich

l>Cvi«H of Toiivmo Syup with Cr«cker-j


Hot Luuchcon

0vt*n tirlllwl FrnnMurtcr

Baked Beans Sauerkraut

Frankfurter It oil and ttuiter Appleiimca

,\ l.a Cart® Si>eelnl*

Tuna Fish Salad Matter Dr*.*ad aud BvMer

Haked Ham Sandwich

Chicken Klee Soup with ( rnrkeri


Hot Luncheon

Chopped Sirloin St«»«k

Hash Browned Potatoes Buttered .Sliced (arrolv

Hambot^or Hun and Uutlor Fruited J*jM->

A La (nrte Speelati

Cold Cut Saliid Plalter Biiu and Butter

(!li!ckun Salmi SuimUvIcIi

Bvef Barloy Sou,) \\Uh Ciack-.H*


Hot Luncheon

(lot K im-i I Hee( Snndwlrii with Clravy

Creamy Shipped Butt^rixl Uatdea SpJttauh

Uutter J.-cj

A La Cart# S|HHrli\!i

Chicken Salad Plattar Hroad ticui Utiif.o

IJverwurst S.unhvlch

Garden Vegetable Soup with Crncken


Hot { uncliritii

Hakc l Manii'oUu with Tomalu .Sai/Ci*

Buttered Miwd ti.imcn Vo^ciablei t^»in Nla’rt

Italian Itrcail anil Itudcr Honu* Mail<- t al<ti

A 1 a Carla SpccbiU

Haitdiou Salad Natlor

, 'rima l'l’<n Salad Siindvyhlt

; (>e;im IMwiiueoin Sout> with

Tu:-i;.:y R-ii :r, r,‘ip

A :o t ‘


iu - ( 'S!/»vv'; Viirk C- '

VIiv . 'i>>-->v .

- ?'v;t'r/st-j; .yv’TH-.r-jH .-‘iiincny •.

ner- T^d .Mrs '

wiiTvi. l ; . ..

. M.rs;- R a u b ,;

• aMf*-,v';Mrs; . ^CiKV-ies ..!.Vocio,vpoJ-.,

• V.'CJ'cr-'-ihc - TuL-^diiV j£l>CS!-.> wl Ml.."'

- ;u;d MiS-/r Vrty.ae ■ 'BruU'Ci, • S.iu• ' 'xerti^s. N. Y. ; ‘ ; ■ , -

. M.iii. Gr-rard ; Devllii eniei‘ta;r;!

i?d »$. bridge oo 'Wi.sjneS'iay and

th^ p ii/ ^ wifinfcis were the nose-

ws. M rs ,L e rov Siwkels/and Mrs.

Frederick Dp.-Jt*ru'k’ Other 'guests’

were; Mr;s.: ^osc*yh Dcrriborj^i;,

• Mn>: - MaryuCriie Laird /

VV. (), Dij^^ij), M j j*. • F rank ftliw /

and M.‘ .s Wiliian? J- ftabeh

M r. nnd Mr-?. Martio'. TosH ijv

wer’J th.f Sunday gucsU' of- Mr^.

Maigait-i -SmiOtj. N'ew’ Vork Ci-

vy. -■ ; ;.;■' ’

Mr. anU Mrs. .Tulius Samuels,.

TJmoklyiv were;. . th? : Sunday

guii.sLs ot. Mc. and M r1*. Bernard

Vi'Ctit. ; ’ .: ■: -

Mr.i, . G-. C. ' Cinrsay. ; AkVon.

Ohio 'lia v ietiijned hon ie ' alter

visiting her ’ aoft and dm t^hier*!^ ;

. laV,; M r. a;ui Mrs. Gimrlea Gers-

, ivy.- - ....... ;••; •;:• ■/ • ‘

. M r. and'NTrs. ThpiiW’j Cranij '

aUouded Movo -Up Day at. Hui- ,

soli Sag^v f.oltogo, Ivov . N . y .

last weekend. /

M r arid . M u , Ben ‘ Foxii!.ai{,

'Mrs.' Bernard Davis, Brooklyn,

and Mr. and . Mrs. Abraham Da ­

vis and son Gordon, M a tuvsm

dined at Fapp i's R i^'auranc.

Biooklyii on Saturday to ceie*

bxate the biabd.iv of Mr*. h'L»x*

man ’

' Mrs. Waller Pederson iind d'tugi'.Uirs Susatt, Uoris, l.,inJ;4

and Lori wero thu Sunday ^uesis of Mr. and Mrs. Wii!v?hr An

dre^sen. Point Pltfas.mr,

M r and Mrs. ftonjaniin. Drtn-

nis, Keyporl, were Um recent

dinner ^uc.vs of Me. aud

Robert Buti/c.

M»s. Hnri> Mun.^i,; ha.-, r-v

turned home ai;<*r vbming Mr.

and M ia, Wayne Ht‘<«nc(. San-

geities, NT. Y. and Mr. and Mr*.

Jam es Thompson,. WiMision. V’.M r. and Mr?. Kobcrl Halpern

were Mre v, ('vkc:.! quests of

Mr^>. H a ipen .’s Mr. anrt

Mr:;. Hortv.Tr Silver, New York


iJu.‘::lb,‘ ‘ oar’.‘;its', Mr.- vtnd’ -'Mr^V

nu:r . b i:uok!,v/:/....; v : '

,:r:- M ’-v . Ue^rUO; -Kiryi;;(

a:*ce /;[ .''.’My You.r-;,Daui;h-; i.'.s-' -md. had -uncheof•- .

^ u r i j o i ’.ne ’ - ■-•

V. M 'v ino1 \Mi- ,;'"‘Dc*hjj!d; -Le,v*s

were the Saiurdiiy dinnf*?: , '10'” ; . nf MJ.is. F ji> ; Grundor,: Bei/orcl'-: "

. ’ M r ’ an .!'M r';.' RiH;;»rd."M'>rpi?r'

■VXL>Jif(;.;.rhjljJr.'yi.. d jt ;* !/ a i ■ the.'

: Crystrti T jrv o k If? n .‘ Eatoc.(ow.’;,

on Sunday. ..; . .. : ..-

.M 'r...ahd 'M t;i,l:Jack BvjrW: were

tlift .Sunday ^uesrs of - *Mr> arid

' Mrs/ Sau{t>;:d Pc«ui>;‘,: PiaL’iview.

I . I; - -' n/-:- ; /; ■ : \M r, <v«d M rs. W db rd Farlpy,

Wa^hKi^ton, wmii tlu: Friday

guests of Mrs. .FarW «..-parents

M r. and Mrs\ W., Rulon Srriiih.

M r. and M»;s. George Suciro

fluid, d 'd ld tw ;yore . the. Sunday

•guescs-of/ f\'fr, anrf M rs ,1 Chw h‘3..

La das*;. ;>ayrevil(e. ,

; : M r ; arid.. Mrs. .(ie.0i>;e T wym aa

i:wer9f'.-.th'ei Sunday', gu.usts. of jh e lr

son - and daop.hter-in-tuw, . Mr.’ -

' ona M rs.iV /lliiam Twymaii, . . . .* _

; Mrs. David Mu’rtmv ;aud. .M ci."

Lytlia .Wallin**: ’. aciended rhe'

Lucky- Star .Reunion von Saturday "

■a.venia^ jn : South Orange/;

•" ■ Mias Donna Twymait. Jcl/.rey

• and Miys Margharita

Iwvman..- wero/ the woek«nd.

“guest«r-t>( [Mr**. Robert Marsh, Ah'xandriw, Va.

M rs. D .P . RsntoN, Bnwklyn

w'as rho Sunday’ guest ot Mr. and

Mrs. Bernard E lgart.

Mrs Don Spacjnuolo entertain­

ed a t hridgo on V>rednesday ave*

pmg and hor guest? weu* Mrs.

Ixjuis Eads,- M r i. Bob Kagi*.

Mrs. SuHj|«\v Vi'.tn^, Mrs. Craig

Hender, Mrs. Joe! Lass. Mrs,

'thorn,ts M iciie lftti and Mrs


Bc-lnijr on Sunday, : ‘ ’

} 1 s' ? • % , K, t'l -1',.•! ; ; . j'.'i

fh-' v».y:j;end •>[ ’ Mr. -y

i;Iri-;T. fe.1*. . ’ . ’ - .; Mio. v-;

.Mr-:. Hom!'{0 i: -W'5!r^fj -'r?.-.

■ <.«oY»e.rhoni**. auer,' >iX*utiio^->v'w.v

■erat aay .5 ’mV,;Virkjui-a.'.

- Mv- • und Mt'.s. A riiiur '

.M ;tJo;;;n.:-Mr:r ->;.d j-is-.Ifci!

_ ^r.v; ;• K 'l^rU 'tr1?^'. 'Vn-/

.dav-djjinsr guests ..'of: .'Mr; ai!»X

i/>i/^,.l'Roi^H.%Buri;:r ’ ; -;A;•,/.

.' . Mr...and ' Mf'sr Jiilnv-

■ ^ainrnpi'O, ^Md.. ‘-*/er« Mstj. wetfk-';

. Vlod; :

sod daughter. \?;r. -xnJ ;v?rs.T /f- 'v ,.'

' I'enti/dV’ "•'• ’’ -V1 ;•' '

' Mr.s,: Jphn .Young. ’

. Travels -C't.y. •-. MieiV•;. ere- '

.wan vifiicor^ - (yst ’• ’.-I-Vy ..

: nVom&ri McMiiVray’ sod, dfvu. .h-

•. k;r.3' Muo/ton. a iid ; Kcllv A/,in. . S\-

\ tended'; 5 ;b{r.‘:hday - • - party- , io r

..^hriJtin'e. . : . McMunray, ; .

N. V. oa Siiturday.

M i. and Mrs. 0 SickSes

have returned boo>e air.er.; visit*,

hig L a i Vegas. N^v. and San

Fr.a|icii>co, C-dlt : .

MiSH Irene-Oitawuy.. lau^hf.er

01 Mrs. W illism 0 ! taway hdiv re-,

tununi houui after completing

her jun ior year Rmr»ry a;id

Henry College/ Kmof.y..V a .

Misa tiizabeUi. Rosa was the

weekend jjuesr of M t. «J>d; M rj.

.cJernard Y u ch t.. / ■. ■' • >;•;•''•

V. M.r.. and Mrs.' LOuis Laser and

;M f. Jind ’ M ri.. David Pfeffer, •

BrooKlvis .were che Saturday

Ituesis of .Mr.'' ami Mra. Rav*.

mofid- Laser..; . . -

.■•Mis3.i-',y v iM.’ibei-: B?;^wn. Mif>t»-

CVleste Won/e!, Mr. and Mra.

Nelsotv Sm ith,; M r. tind Mr?. Ot-;

fo. Guub, Mr. ’and ‘ Mrs. S a m u e l'

T<e«d, .M r. and Mrs. Su>ckf.oo

Hopkiit.1, Mr. aud Mrs f<o*3

Ma^h&n, Mi's.. .M ary Brown. M r.

dOd Mrs. W illiam K e tr ,. Leon

Arrowsmith, Mcs. W illiam 0<f«y

tel, M t. and Mrs. John Shtifyx

M ri. Edw in H. LX»niiaick and

Misa M arion PeseuK • attended

tha d».*dicatioa dinner foe thu

Thomas Warns Historical Mu-

seam and f. ibrury . al. Diamond

.Iirn‘a on Friday evening.

" f.'ey, rv:i>LH-k ■

m ■ a,-.... i.'1.;1.Ui ' . '

B’ uas'vick, arid :MrV/•Vh'1,'-:' '■*,; - . f W . n * j b - -

■ ley, >'a!nh.iftr'trraLVyj., ’.'v "

A.u --*.. C-viii’uot Ba*vic^,. Dirrictor,;; and Mrs,;- Harold'

•ehrtiruiah’ .- -aiin'

winners’ .- pf- t-ie ^prev iiiV/'vr^O;-..• #» * i - A t .. irirv.■ , : ■ ni:,*/‘‘

>Jr*r, -.Oii! V*>fii, Cif-sii'iat.'.

: jj!ao;d- .{.irs;i wiin. Mrs, JohtV ) 'n-v'

. Licy and Mi's. CiyKjivSpr|o‘i[>i.M'nv- < id St ne Hi^l tn a/U in> :

''.'.ames’V Ca.i;t!j •:^r 'i: -Hi ■K'itini'-y :pt tc'edA

• nonh; 'ahd-: soujK-. .w,-d.lr'>'Mi?.s: -.A/•;

Cathei «r»e McDonald1 - aiid' ;Mrt>,'.:

Brady- -;setO!!d.;. T iM t ■ n o' jr lV y r j d .;:y.'es f,y. u;e r i>.: i\ I r-z.-. \ $!u>-ij;e’ •

tp '-t n1 /l/

j?C.r;:‘;n-.'sf;,tO?id- :p!a.Cf;.-‘; .-. ;;S ■:> '•■■■TljS' wai;. fma! tour‘u rrujnf

Hpr{pft.-a«d- suiyjrn.eij. A?- ; ' j&i-sr/1j .Tvi?>' Fojii; were •niohiHem’;,

th^ Mqlaw’ari Juiiior

.Club the £ycti»i /Ivlembt^-• ship Department. . •••■.■ ..■>• .■■: . - ;

Honorary S o r i e t v

E l e c t s ] \ l e n » b e r »

Tho R- .li'fis Cba i'R r o f

^Xiv/haUoijsr.howwiwy SiiitMice;so^. clcty, aUfiiiiicd te initiates, to fitli,.

. anil, 'imodatgh'. wcmbersSlp wiotK

m V !*-. . lltu - ilUJlOdfc . Jllll,.Nyrii Snmr-'.vick. . ::r;:

. . Sifjin.i X i Is to scienca v.hrn..

H i i lif-w -Kiipfia. is (i> .iix r .i! i r i s . .

Candida tc.s/ fm1, lidinission ir. Sig­

ma Xi av: 'selected, for their puK.;.

staiicji.n^ Mcomplisiimani^,^^ Ir sijfe:;

■ eiuilic- r e s e a r t l i , % : 4'j Amnng' fhossV^Iert^'.ta.; ?sstfil«’;-

njil memlwrsliip were I .inda .foan;

“A lterinan:■ ant!,; fyTichael, . Edv.’^ r i /

Ali.iji'mai;,. -Ijot.Ii. \ .of.;i,3 ; Anbury;;

. La tie,. M a l i» v in i /

■ Barbecue H elJ•M:a. Pcrcv VaRBracUlc V«&s,'th*;.

hosu!!is at a, barbecue Sunday afternoon in liuimr of her grand- liaugntor, Miss Suyan Snmoncit,

.who was cd«brat!ng hifi: sevcntlt: b iithday .1 Guests '.**[« Mr. and M ih , Joseph, Rodflques, Mr, and : Mrs. Jat:k VaU'.T, Mrs.. Myrtle Oldiuun, Mr; ami Mrs. John Mil!-:

oi, Mrs; Mary Carbone,-aiid Cliil-.: dren, Karen, Kary, M ary Beth,

and. Ann Marie, Judy Wisloti,

Mrs. '.jiida, Ravettinl'and Mrs. Jam; Semomfit. . ■



7-‘ iiu iii Ihcit* sm t-ai.t.uiK lh^il-raihT ■

k n 5aaw i t ijea« itivoiie ;i£t!^u-^ ->iv !'ot- '-

t.:'r Vf4»y.\j>55w;37* :eI U : J5 !i.;:i I J f e . / .

• - .Allison H M m k rAj.-'StK.-Mt' Shop;.: ■ ^ .'.Siffjjig'.fcslts

- ;iSe,' s!i<w! wU|i::s:vi'f>f ftf‘ h(sr;'' ' ■. V.-- =a>>ci y.’.rdx.■ ‘ : ' f i ; - / : -S*«r-.;;> ; : '«ttfy Aftfmry r-Jlr-. >,MS: I>W*.

■'’jywyy*#/ t.ed Bfink; M/s. An* ■'■

')■'■' uinr. Mtiraiv Spiing vX a ies; ijid


■'i: .■•■i f&Uirfia;: iv ■ Pnitfesdi: / of;;si.ir i-iffooi, Sluw nt". lur in*

: v » S « ^ j i i r B h i g . J ' ' i j i ! i i ! pie-;/.aHpudlfy by the Mori-

wS;V)! ibtt ‘jtfc//

:•' 'v'MoiiriioMUrOjii^Jer: •'■■'■ /■-■ "‘

*H w wnv be pw"cnjs«i, Irom

*i tiie Eoau Riwig« on Sawrdsy

Guest Speak**- Tty: S ia u t iM x l o t ‘A m p !* WiSr .

«c T ^ jiia y the jf»«v John Sflwv

f^^^U fe i.i- jdn^^inesO ngC ;v?i!f-' bsfe :• ptt promctly t i S:38 p.m... Rev.-

'::■: ■ J;i f c w A m e t i ^ 'w ^ ’Gapteiri; bf rttt, ■: •h ip "Exodus," io r nm* toanitw.y f l* h*s tw^r 2# yuan, help

' -tog Israel. Me, made t’nt cauMt c(

;;s. £*; l-anancn : ;>.,i : '.V.r,'

\ rtf: }*kw: JzitteY $ .e* ;^ ,;i ejeby^wl

.' ' t o fa r .1 'V i 6 ;!-

^- ^C K e s^ .M>.b*.h

■ Mills.,

gurcnasiiig due A v^cn . v. supply-

y ir ig - ';-rUt,. wrhich' M rs. ' Bartks: sc* le e U d a s , ht-?; u p rc i^ t s ro j^ c i £or VJks year/w'orc coRtnkxUiiki by.tH#

. B. «i-; 40'• i.j8.<t,if«-.. . lhroujgniHH - ^ie

.: s{rr,R,; Attending a.ruiicfteon jejv-: 'ey. by Che- HospitM pTfc^?dlog rhe

2 p:EsL.<ifrdi i5wln cwrtfrriony Htf«; Mf,Srv Bajik'5, ?i4At.i Npiic».o«J Ch^fj*

.t ii i i Mi.s. Lijy GuiUisi . of Point

snti CbHt'>iaiii Mrs H«‘-

ty B i e i i o M *ru o » i t y e c h ,;

X )E M n e r d i : S e m e m - :r ,tn g a g e m i i ' » s i »

M r s . | i « l t a H e a d s

' I ^ Q s a r y - S o e i e i v .

Rol>e,it: f t j l i wasi.ciecKd;

of st,Jy^st'ph's : fto»8fy'.*i)t,af-^/’Society;.'

;iieM May 6t, OtJiei'S /.-ic'ji.w} iv^rv.

M rs. G i’arge Ward, vice ptesi-"

: ia ^ ;;» r i^ /^ re .;./ jfr ^ a k Qji-/C oe to /’

’.: ,.Th* ’irlM aU ition/ ii iin e r Wifi be ".

bt'/<i. *'t Bu'.'.'*i.iv.v.-ir:d M.mor nn; 'Tueirtlgy tivtii.'iig, Jiinc 3.; Rc*€:r,

iruy , jijsdo fay . uint- ;

ta'.'tihg VMie.:■■. W uff lj' chaij in ifi,

2M-W39. . f* ’ / ’’"'y'/;':' ;< ';;'^/

/.«T w i); new’!':nief(iberj •; e t e ’/xefe/

CpineiJ;'; Mrs,,;. Eiyai>;;i<jtr;bsit ' 'r j id . 'r t-• MutfSV» fry-: *>■■ ■•'-■■

A food E^Je will b« fe w ^un-


A iw m . . Hfatncrald and. ; Mr#.

C be .'!«>H n i“ ry,



E « » f R id in g tv jow »r A v a i ia b ie — A iiy w iie r *


*36«20 In. St**l Dump C*rt with tho purchase of a Cub CadoV 60.Riding Mower. :: .

.•■. - ." 6tsJ-ry-'V..B-iUtrU:- .' • : ''.! st-tvices-.vy^re Jttjlf?-Siu-

‘■uiday zi i i 3u;n, tl iljc B td it Fii- :trf’ra? >Iovn«4- Kf-vp^>ftt f'. r /-i.'iny

it: JSiJ’f-.iU. 7z,;>4--*}2 f';l??f.. Avr-’. Morgan, \vht> died Tyesdoy. Msy

: 6,, A1*feirv ift th<i Ov:ir-:ge. Vet-

• bV.'gplisiL' Thtft Rev. b»)?>vtlc!

•■;IV I ’h iil jp s ,: pyfH'-?r- o r me First •

. U tm ^ i M?tVidh-vt piii:,‘ch,,vf.a.n, o(fif.»aLf!ud, Ct't'wauon ^cif al

■ ?4<is^iH C “emp..tciy, Linden. : • .'■'

;Ke war i/oxn;1.' aiV''V«rk,-.'i3r»,v,» ' .'>k/*s ‘A ihe iv.{«.'• >*«<! M in­

nie (M alchoro) iMr. ■■18Lu:

fp:U. was «• ftrur-U dri*-^ fo-r i?it[• '-Vhio K?tk!n^; Co^pfti’vi h** w«f

. & World War-11 Army/ veu ran .

Syrvivorsi iuclude (us w iK Mr$,.

’. .K^tA."(>r.ti^'hX B & cU iW o' idi>5,;. ; Hurry J;. ClIffvtood Beschf and

‘ Lwnsrd H,, v-ifh• ih<? VS. Nnvy ;rt Ca iforniu.; • ihfcii- tfauglri js; «" ’«r>)ibferi )2 tfriindchUdrvn ar.<],

four- f;r«oi'^re;^dch/k!r*-sri,

' ■ .;/ ■■:'. Jpbtt. it.- Ccxieita . ..'., ■ V'.

■ F\uaerat wryices were, fieW ,

hijju, S4 A.o,'ic/SV>rirrI ‘un«rurHo*ix<t3 aiitl n' jrVtsiiierA

V\vi.i offer**}-,»(/% ».»n- "S*..;'

Church, - R ^ d tor,. Johiv K. 0)U?:Ka, off, »f

.ton. : A v e , V ^ ^ n k , vrno. Uied

. /;iVueni>eia^«a'u'r .Mtv,.v*iyci -^«njv

S t c r y , \ •: - -:: - v; , Tt1 r-> C<if*5jo-v^a^ b<»r;* iii.

,.vMeK: S iii'i;^

v ylvor.s is * sjst«r; ; Mrn; VrillJam:

HMiry Gl#ve* (

>. ;Ftw»erfll .serv f.'ft$ \verQ h«'d. Fri*'. ...day..at S. p'nv..in; thfr v’flmts F«%

:»er,ah H o d > ^ A m u o y , • tot- ■ Henry OUver. ;65;, of Atlantfc ’St:4• ; ClifCwood, v/ho died Mond«yi May

- -••5> 1969; - -m A'lonmouth ivjedicsj

t'tf.lfii. Ih f hc-V Lf.ivlj?

pa or of WifU-r M dktm.•■ lis t Church, Morganvijle , offici­

ated, Interment ass in M idnay

Green Cemetery.' .

• ‘ M r i Oliyec vas-lht* .soiv pt sh«

laia Nfr. a«d Mrs. Sianev Ouver. He was r<ii!fe<J. ... \ ‘- Surviving '■ ®r« • *hre» *»atfr«,

■t Mra/ Llx*:'MvtcheH,- Mi >*Hicks and M ri. Ivfazie Wilhums, CilffwOOd,, : . .

D u M J1. FatUMl - Funeral service* were held Sal­

: urday at the. F»m tr»n Funeral Home, New»ik, And * mass waft

offered at 8 a.m. m St. Rose of Lima ChLrch, Newark, for Dan-

IpI J: Putton, 4f)» of 14 Norfh- Ninth St., Newark, sv.no dni<J luc.sdHy, May fi, 1869, in St. Mi-

chael'o Medical Center, Newark. Interment was in Holy Sepukhr*

, Cemttory, liust Orange. ', ,;. Jvlr. Pattna wss b lifelong real*

•vdent-of Newark, - Ho had be«n a

'• mechanic apd driver for the New­

ark Department ol Sanltanrm for

2i ye«;rs. lie \sas a niemtc-r ol the Teamsters Union. ■'

Surviving from this a/ea ar*

two sisiers, Miss Veroi»K*a Put- ton and Mrs. Jean Cerqua, both of K<?a.nshurg. ■

, : , Mrs* ’ vYtbrsj-s .Myj'Ci/n; , .. A Nph, rrq;jir»r; rr.^nc \v;f r of-

ftr^d ;tv-C'rning n\. CS iu rc l^ /J^d Joa fic !^

fVsT j.".o • /' irOnf:, • cU. ro:'-.rtn^riy c>f Beat;h, >vho ilj^d■ 'tVi'iUr-.e.niitiy.. MiiV 7, ir, Vr.t .

Vic^V'Nu/st'ng Horn*--, Ch«?r- ry H i l l . ' Jntp-rHRfijjt >va^ in S i. .;i>-

H^yCf Criuttf.iy, K>yporr, v.£n«j»:r •

.'■, tJjt?'-UjredtOij ??f the S.chafibau&yr F'.jr.cJral:'Mom#, OfMin^'.vooti,

■'■: ■ ’vtifAu>x* w«:;. l«>rn. i«v A'<•., c.en?« - ‘k* ■ U'nit^ti

’ - ’S“tHe ‘*c |»v JSS'i., fihe- >yas the'>yidcrA*-

of Auibro^e MiU'on«;i>rid hv»<4 !iv>

•. <?d '..'H •pKttifcMi Av<,','H?(rT^*;/C;‘ir- •

Uniovi lifcach,. tor 35 yca*s miiVjng fo HaddcHtiifcht lo

/ m iikc ))*•••. -wit^ prn? or :;htr

daughlers.;: '•’• .; Su rvtvtii|^ rr«)tn ar»:*-3 a rc a •

' ■' f.irfl. Cr .ih'Kt'ine • OcMur*-/

. CO, (* P.ivJui.rd,12 gs’iintichi'dri'jj arj<».

. ^ r ^ i ;gi^ndchiidrt*tv, .; '

- ••.'‘ L*‘-' Bi-uce. • '•" "l-‘ ? '^

^ ■ .■ w * l ? fd, 'T1u>c tKy «I.&;}>..ni.' aL. !bt' W'.vj'df-O; '

• F i j W e n H . foe . .Mrs.; Audrey-Mae Bruue, ■ ;i5.-. of

i^.-pepuTegi: Holrndci;^^vvmrijitid; o'Mor^)ii(yt;'> jay ’;'Jv :'J ^ iv vs. :Moh\ :. . raoutK: Medical C w U r. The. Rev*..

> >ViiU?vrn;:.'WU Coy'entry;;: piu;tgr. of■ • >4^ r'htsrf»h ••■'

:officwte;d,^,.lJi^€rTTient \v^ Rr.iday ;

>Horx»in^”ln ; n i r ,y iow ; C e/nr- je ^

'“ M M dhtow r,

;-;;V-:.Sh«:' bpfii-;!: ./Br^k,v-

'•./Jeffrey,: M_iddl':tbv.;n,,\fljid the. l*iz .,

si-:'Sl)ft : h?id •- I/ved in lio lm de i fiv^/yea rs. • . .

■' ;•':. Besides - -het-- m othm - she -Is ■ s«r-

vju 'ti ay rtt ^Ui-t.i/’ d, JonpH 1,

Bnji-e, 3 J e f f r y , and I'ao

•d a U K ^^ ^ Mui’ n re t and Ih e rv i.

lTaU--at Jiprrit}. 'sujd. ;tour: QfotljGrS,

Howard, Je/frev jr.; Msddleuwn; >- jono; %l«;ur«v( •. Ke« -aamfy

Jt»fipy, Jame%burg, and Geo»0«*

J d f i ty , ShiCAibu»>.

Plan Barn DanceA bum dance spouaorud by n ie . .

Coppertonas Color Guard hj tu be

held od: Saturdfiv^M ay 74, at fc‘ 30

p .m . at the Kevport t.od^e 2030,

B P.O.E., 24fl Broadv.ay, Keyjwrt.

• v‘A - E iffe l w|lf:.bjB served.; Tickets'

*r* available from anjr member

of the Guara or a tm e door. The -. CoppcrtoneS vvon another conlcft

sj)O»M)re0 liy the F.alontown Roy-

ales on Apr. 26. Ttoifl make*?, five

licst |»)ar:e ' uophici* for the Cop- peitonej*. •

ikwih® iiep^ried1 Daring Week

; r' Bif^BA.vr; • .;'.

Mr/?.fid"?vlr.v. Aifred Br bari,. 3M 'Paris:' AV i s i on : FAun'li','

fng;:geiti^i/ o; thcij:;. d ught«?/j\;Dontia,: to ftl'Aafrf Ric-. ca,: Mip-rK'f: Mr,/. Tr mafl■Kkca,' «75 M; d:« K'J., '.'■‘ .Miss',nrabiwfc «-.ait nd.inK .♦ly- port High School. /-;;K ’’ ■. .Mr< • . tcca -. fciUnded Rs.citaji.. High ScNwjf ; and fJi empioyojij by .Midland CJMsa‘,. o.v Oiffv/wdh* ,' -: No-, d ifc. .ha .h.ecn ,«ec - C*ir tn« . weddif'g.: - ';.::..r::;/t -.-'V-'V:---',: *;•;


Coupleties ClubA new Mr, und Mrs. sociat club

for pieiiibe.rs of the congregation

received approval from thgr 'I'L-m--

pic Shalom. Board :o f Trusiees last week-. The Mr,;and-Mri. Club 'Ail) mett Sunday at B: 30 p:m. yt

tho Tempte r.o plan the first of thoir nicnthly programs. Hiiioi Arlan, of 10 iCIldare Dr.. Ha2iet,

has been named temporary chair­man 0? the group, and further

information on imunbei^hip can be obiained from him at 264-3867,




I C a l !

I w h e n

J i t ’s

Icheap er. |Most long distance rates are cheaper

after 7 P.M. on weekdays in d a i i clay on Saturdays and Sundays. New Jersey BcH

1 Mr, and^Mra. W iliam Tremb-

,leyV 42 . M.oi'ningslde Ave., Union* »

Peach, annouvvr. Ihe enftaKvnicnt.: of their daughier- Pm rlc ia Ann;'

: to Wi0ir.m\Oeseli j r • son' of Mr.; -

and, Mrs^ William Ge-sell.sr., -269

Beers St., Keyport,

• . M iss ''Irem bley: !§■ in -the graduating class of Keyport Hik?h

Sfhck)!.;/ ; . ■■■'r: ■ ' ■ v Vv

; Mr, Gesell afiended. - Keyport; Hij*h School and at tho prc-stmt • time ifl .employed at Lanvin,

-Charh'.y of*the K iu. Vioimdet. '. No date has been,.stt /ur Hie wedding. , ............. ; •

:; Carv«t-Van Rljioorx

Mr, ana Mrs.-.TiC. Carver.. 1316 Allaire Rd., W^U Township, liave

' announced . the'engapemt?ni t'f Iheir- daughter Theresa, to Peter

,T. Van Fixoort. son or Mr. and

Mrs. Cajllon’H.. Poling, S8. Main *Sl.’f Keyport. . . ■

Miss Carver :« a sratlualr o f ;

St. Kf’^e Utgh ..School, Weimar, and is n ftintor at Ocu%rla<>s CoN

New i?-iun.sv;n:K.. .

M r V:»]i R i a u ' t was grudiifttod

fj’nm Keypori: H ifh School. He

recoived hi? Bachelor of Arts De-

£m > from Ru?fc;«rs University,

Class of !%7. M r \’en Jiivonrf

is eniplo^/fcd as P(irchasin« A^ent

for Wakefern Food 0*rp , E liza­

beth. .

Bargain Dollars for Thrifty People

Discerning people hove *n opportunity, during times of

inflation, to convert “ ensy money” Into hard cash for

future security and Inmlly happiness. This la especially

true tixlny, when very remedial iteps ore being taken

by government and business lo bring the economy Inlo

bellcr balance and restore tho purchasing power of the

American dollar. Such *<IJni!mciit» iruy not b« Im­

mediately apparent but, In due time, *U our people will

benefit from tiielr fiscal >«form«.

• Keyport

• HolmeUI

Ih lg means that th(*»e uhe ars Mvlng regularly ot

Shadow I.nun, particularly young marricds, tv ill turely

tee the value of their .saving dollar# enhanecd and slendlly

Inereascd with generous dividends, cempotintlid (junrttrly.

Ibcru ha* never been a thna when regulnr saving from

ineomfl> wus niora imp<ittant , , . c*r more promlslnH.

Hou sbuut youT

M r s . B e i 'n s l e . i n

I l o s l e s s M o n d a y

A meeiiiU' nf the. T imn and

Cotintry Chapter f i M i/rnohi

Women was hi Id Mw.day ul the

ho ne !'f M is. A-'roit in

Ua/let. Mrs. H<-nry r.in< !<r j.jci-

idont, pr<T,id! d.

'ihe opvupjj! |'rav«r i<i;id hy »he clii'phHU, Mis. josv|iii

v.vH u'.;o\\ \-y the ViUKni.s < Ii.tiina il, Mrs, .'nim

J'lrNii.'imn, KLMitsbia^, ?i ees;

Mrs. Sam M iller, P u ih Atiil'ny,

house bcxt.-s .*n\l dime bir.’ l's;

Mrs. J'.iiph J<ost-ff, Perth Am­

boy. I:\riifii inorthrtndii'.e. con-

doirnce nnd gift i’a rJs: Mry.

G lu fk , Isnu l? br*oks and grams;

Mrs. >.U;x llu itrr . SayrevilU*,

journal nnd j;'it:i:c3i;hip pityt".

Mrs. M k /« repoir<(j on the m em ­

bership rally held at Ihe Wal­

dorf Astoria Hotel In New York

City and thu changing of 42nd

St. to M i/rnchi Sipiiire for one


Mrs. Huttor pav<- n nmdmg nn

a hhei't story, “ ihe Source.’'

Mr. find Mrs. Uernstein, who «re

moving to Florida, were present­

ed with a parting gift from the


The next meeting will be held at the honi<’ of Mis. Jack Gold­berg m J la/let on Mondav, June



■ Adams,' 1X1, }$••• mop'rhv c.>;d., /jied. Suodai^, .M ty

I I , 19CS, lr». Riverview Hos?>ita.l>

' '. ,'i iii: \y&s we sun c,l Mr.'

■a»id r Ir.5. 5,’sn:ri' .»cvrpr;Ai. ■ ,v-*jitiRvv '?./ Vsv-f',, Mfi'a-

: Survtvnij,- in *f,'r . MS-

p3rer»ij<t.’af.« his 7>i»Jci-iiid. pai-ent’A .Vir,, erii?- Mrs. .ChrirU-j

'■ inborn oi. .ier^y '.,/iry pa-

te,r;.vl jrfft«id;wrsrii.s,; . Mr,' tr.d' ;..Mrp,. . AriflFTis' of P*nt) Am-

...-.'wy/. ’ ' : "■■■ ■’ ;' / : '/ ' ' ‘ ' '"■ ■ !., Fufte-a-/ ■ vr&’c .h ld-, &l9 :15}. y**;«‘rday in, iJ-h*. r.pi k&-

Kutvftr^J/Chrtpt?;.;; H;iU- Aye,,

Perth,. Arrib::*/, The , buried iii.liu iy 'rnni?.y. Cccit'Ciy, Tlopt’)a'^r(.

r.; -;/ Joh^ _'.

John. •• I-,. . AUaire; “V ; vf'-'i&S- Ch.ifch Si- Keyjjoi't, cUctl Fri­

day, ■ Ma y.. S.:. IMS,., ill |

.•••jv5edic*d ;;Cer't^ .; '- • • - - • "• ■

He ’Aar.- ■ s dtf-paiel)ei:,

• ?or Miller. lir«:Mhe,;iii : Trii(ift»tj{;


'; He .wAft a widavveri:' • > • -k'.-'i " JBOrn3A.’Bayo;Mie,./Mr..!.. AiUiije.

irved the. .past. Ai)..ye«»s fn;Key* .port

.‘Be. -. '.h/'U .‘V/ti.r.J, nip.• serving \vi(h _.U,:; ^ . • Ar nfy .*&/'

a serj’eant,

. .. auiviyjqjc flf.e-. a .uu^ji.btV/'v, Tv?^•

-Ruth, A. Schneider cf Pert Read*

and uue ^ ra n d c b »^ *

.^Fuheraic; services/ -Aere/.•held.,:

Tupaday. at '>t: tha B^u^r

.m u i ie r -Fimera^- .Home, JisjiL

■ ItoVd : $< tf * ‘ -1 n i V i r r 11 cj :

f ir}1( ,0^ea^Cv view-' Ceo>elety/

iv fire--’

. beld.,: 'Monday 'a f ;\S: / pf'rn. /: vViLlf- Sev, =T,r '-viri S. 7J k j< h> i i fi er, ~ of

; 'the Gxace y I A i t f i G r a t t r ‘ Church of .* Bay^nfit/^.otfjcja'vio'i.-..

. IVSm Hvluu thct.siie...

.' Miss Helvn Ag^ev Chn.«tVe.‘ 45,

of Route S IB, Miidison, TowsSship*

; died VMonday,; May . U. l^ ^ . at

Pine ; Aercs NuiMn'g Home hr /•Madisojt;

Misp Christie uas'born in Am.- .

S^olirt^ Citit- She .was.. the daughit*r of the btie Mr. and Mrs. Alexander (.hnstie. Mjss

Cluj&tte, was graduated from-Mat*-', awati' iligh Sduwl and whs a su-

"perr,sor of -Kiue Cross, - lii - the;-

;M«warK office, /or.' the past.. 25 yean

Surviving / are \ ftiui; '- brothtrfi, ;'

• Robert, Bernardsvjlle; AUc. Win­. sion y S.ilem, N.O.r Ernest J.;

Mstwan. sod Frank H. Chmtier

Kedwood Cuy, ChJif.. Funiirul sei vle^S are being held this afternoon at 2 d.o^. at :the

^edle Funeral ’dome, 'M&U.wan,

Ilie Rev.;'Chestfl'r, "A,. Gallownv. of the F'irst Pre.^bylerian Church.

: Matawan, will officiate and inter-/. m en!‘Will be /n Shoroland Mein^r iai Gardens, Hazlet.

Harry A, Uianey .Itacry A. Drancy, 6*S, of 366

Suttun Ave., Teaneek, died Sun­day, Mny 11, 1 69, in Hacken­

sack Hospital, lie was the father ol Mrs. ivlary Crawford, Hazlet.

xMHit’ iii Po tetjO*!,• M ». Oruney .

lived in 7Vaneck the fast 2S years.

H? waa a conii>(roUer‘» repre­

sentative for C'.'k'ni-il l if^J IhM»i-

ance Co., East Orange, for 32 years before he retiied in ISKtf.

The funeral was yesterday from

Peinecke. Funeral Home. Tea- neck, with a mass In Holy TrinU r.v Church, Huckonsnck.

Mibb Dorothy Hobbs

Miss Dorothy Hubbs, 46, cf 1 Walnut Terr., Ki.yport, died Mon­day, Mny 12, 1969, in Riverview

Hosp!l';d.Born in Keansburg, she whs

fhe diui*;hter of Mrs. Churlc.s P.

ilubbs. Uiron Beach, atid the late Air. iiuhb.s. She resided in this

area idi her life.Surviving, bo.‘>ules her mother,

nr«» two Msifts, Mrs. WiHiiJi'i H.

While and M is. Alfred D . While,

t ’-ilnn Hc;u'h.

Si-ivi:’( ' i r * ‘ ix'im? h<-Id tr-d.:v Tb‘'.;!c. Furu-ru! K'TH*. Kt f,

w'r.'l !i.e Kev. A br! Jia-i'

?or of F.mnnuv:! Assen*.t)ly <>t CoO, F:;ast K(rto:d>mi*, offir-iyiing. But-

iai will be in Gtn'n Giove Ceme-


Mrs. Cior^o llucbncr

Mrs lin.Ia I.. Ihicbner nf ^r’?

M,u.tw;in Hd , 1 jwrenct* Harbor, wuIua <.f f»eotm> Jiutbnei, died

Saftir<fny, May 10, 1.9C9. at home.

Daughter i f the late Mr. and Mrs. Georg* IJnper. she was born

in Hmolilyn, N.V.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Christian Uohtinj^ of I.mtrence H^rlx>r; Kix gnmdehUdren nntl

seven j:reat - grandchildren.

The Kev .Joseph A. Ilerner,

pastor of the I.mircncc Marbi'r Community Choich, cmidtjcnd

the fuiH'ial M'lvicis nt 11 n.m.

Tuesday h* Ihe Gimdium Sir vice, Home for 1 uncials, South AinNw. Cremation \w»s in Ho*ehtll C rt-

matoiy. I indrn.

* Middletown

* O a k H u r tt (2)

* L o ny Bronflh'

* Bng!t8hiow(|

* N e p ifu n * <£ltf/

® M ono lapo 'rt17 W . Pront Sfrool, Ktyport

T q peuuri tei7s& A d d i n g j M a e h i n e s






5 VP A R Hf t:.

S E R P i C O S101 Monmouth St., Rod Bonk

Phono 747-0405

- . v . . ' ■'WSiliat; <;»fi«y»/' /

\o‘}\\x h\ Old.', f ir d ied'

• ^ t i i r d a v , May IO, ?8Tv9. U\ - Perth.

■ Aflsboy P.cspiuL *le Wiis. tiU. :

• ni • • York. Mr,.

■ n-ey. in S'-d RowMfe.

•...■•before.rROvii:^; u? O ld .bridge . "

‘ yeuiif, ago',- K<: •*v*2r> .'employtd .• 25

yMt;v^ by i.v.e American Petroleum

■ ’ Jni-tityiel'- '.rreoivin, • •a.tid-'.wss.' re-.­

. kIolu I di.ree.nir at thcv tnTc of his 1

^et«rem,<^c.:(< !4Ar\ year5;agc,. . .;. . Hu- :» jjVember at SI A ^ f -

brose Ch.jj'.IV ar-d its Huiy N«iine.

.Soc'ciy. .He H«is. a Navy vvteran.,

»;-f World- Wiiy U ‘. ' l ie pas.t

. .t”0 » r«m a « id e ? .- U n ity Pom TJ9,, K^-Us;.,- ' • -i..,; • lie.,'-.i*i v.*VV«vtd by ’hi’s] w iir. M i’s-V

Ma.riOn (fJQody) Gaffney; a son,

V, V>;;iuH'mr . j ; . : j?;;,. Ail jf.a .jf n<u\ys>-}- \vm;'v • VrO Tftjyi^e f n|:

:. DitHrji;,’ Texrfis, «nd. 'W»vr» -<- S . . u f '

' Mk'dlero'.vn; H 'i?i?ier, Miss :\};nes

;, .Garf^wy o r ,' and -v. tiirtie-. grandchildren. ' - ' - /:. /•

;■ V The xunerru" w'!iK yc^i?;rd^y from .

.Hval^.FuiH'.raj.>fot>ie;' RosetV./vyith

' ' n%ic:T •'!*.:; i. j/ii.rA. ij: St; .Jj^eph*?;

:'/ Church,-' Ror-cbe, . /, / -r .-. . . . ' •' /

'-'ati:s;.’ Pnh.ick J .' K ^ « e d y :-.;.;'. .

.Ntrii. ...Fi ederickii. ,E ., Kenijody, /. ; ':M< :*?f >-^mt.ojL;,Pnrk,..’Al') 5>we/il^,. •

/• Kouk* di»Td I hurs-

: ' d^y,: Mav:.!i.. /Kt(j,X a:; hv‘n\. .•■ _ ; v . iiite y.-t.viim. widow- OJ,. f :a,Lijcit. :

■.'• J . ‘ .Kennedy.. . ' -

i'., :'i.-v^orj>)o Mass., -'she.;•

• wa.s- the . dau^hter,.;cf the !ato :

jv'FredeVielf: end;" J a h e ’ .IVhillirisv" 7 V,

■' 'V* '.Shei'.iv Survived - by. • .rsvb'-vsnwt/v

.lorfeph;1 Pi of; N ^w a rk r tn d . Fd- -

,; w ard ' d, of Ciiffw'Opri, si^; gra^Ur

: v ch ildren . and J ^ ' t - g r a o u t . h l l ' v

Vdri.Tr ■ ^

. ^Funeral/^ v sorvices:': ^ c r e , - held V

; M onday ' at J . p ’m :. f r o n i. the;.He.-; >

:'/d l« Funeral llo/r»o( G1 /lU'oad SC..

V Kc*y^)bil-. b\termiaiC wv.i' ul Clm-1■/ *.“??'" ir i/> rrv>)?p)Oi'?. : :

Kdwurd J . Manguu

/ E dw a rd . j . M a : i^ n iv -io, of .2

Breni>vw*d Rd., r,«keridge, di.ed •

Munday, : May 32, i9ti9, !n . Muh- •

leabei.g; Hospital. Plainfjeld, Afier

an accident.' Friday a t hiu p lacr .

. of em p loym ent........... . . •■■:■■

A veteran of World . V/ar IT ;

.with the U'.S. Army A ir Force,

: Mr, M angini v /a r manager of, the V \ Sears tAutomotive Center;r-Watch' ..

< ung, for -the last four years. He . ‘w is ’ -a ' member / o t .: the-;^Sayrc '.

•' WockIk Baptist Church and hart,

lived in. takendge . three vea rs ,..

'••/formerly' rusidmg In Kery.ttjfield.

He was born m Unton t^ty, the ■

: son of Mr. and M.i s. Charles -Mah-

giui of Strathmore, v- ' ■

Besides, Ids parents, he is sur­

vived by his-'wif^, 'Mri;,- Oor.s

. (Groves) Msngi.ni^ a daughter, _

.7ovr:e A, Mangim , ai home; two •

sons, E'dw.^rcl C- Munginl, of ihe-

: U.S. at,Vlhe ■1...C. .‘Hanscom^^fcCiai’/BeiJlorfl,' M-’tss.; 'and Richard AV MaViguiiJ •

at home; two brothers, John P Vv.

Maogioi of-Hagerstowhi‘;M dn -nnd

Alfred A. Manginj of Strathmore.

The- funeral w ill.be held today';;

at 11 a .m . at the Bedle Funeral

Home, Matawan. Burial w ill be

in O ld teJ))JtilL .Cerneiyiy, 'IVu* .

neiU., T,he • Rev. David Pollock,

pastor O f ' the Sayre Woods

Church, will r*f?iri;:jc.

Curt W.O. Nittsen

Curt W.Ch Nielsen, 51), a • car­

penter, died Saturday, May 10,

15169. ;

He re?;idKd in Areade’ fJii^dens.

Route 9, Old Bridge, du i.ng ihe

past y.?nr.

Mr. Nicl.isr. w \s q jrt^mber of

t)ie Carpenter^ t Tnion, lo c a l 2f)S

at Queens, New Vork City. He

c.as ixjrn in Hamburg, Germany,

and josidcd in {.evittown, I ..1 ,, be­

fore n«)\ini; in Old Bridge.

Ho was ihe husband of Mrs.

Fi;t*>-. <; ' *\i it«'ld>' Nielsen who

survives wjih iv.o daughters, Mrs,

Mari Ko^.er I.itsi'n uf Sayre \V«)0<ls

South a-id Mrs. Kobert Gi-.otgc l it17.;-.!? (>f P;'!'''s.?o\v!>; a ^on. Cnrt

W., :-f i:"t\ ,e:-;*rv.!

c-ii't J'*1,

Ki v . / !ci T. *• J11,!ir>* i'i,:-;••;■

iff t!,r Sii-t Coiled ''•*«: hrf.C-.i

<;hii!ch, 'vl;*Jaw>m, tondti'U 'd

funetal services at M p..?n, yes-

te/day m tne Hcdie l-uneral

Homo. Mitiawan. Mr. Nielsen. w:;s

buried in Old 'fei'nent (!tmete»y,

i ’ennfjiT.

Mrs, V ido r RosrelH

M»s A/neiia li«'Sce!h, 94, (>f 10

Gerard A\e., Mtidison Township,

died Salm driV , M ay 10, 1%!'.

Mrs. PoH'clll, born in Italy,

was the widow of Victor R ove lll

hnd i.H survived by her son, Jo ­

seph of New York City; h grand­

daughter nnd tw«; great - grand-

( h ildn o,

F'mieral services weie held tit

a .m . luesday from the Ktir-

/a n a l-unernl ilom e, South Am-

bov. A requiem high mass was

;u Hi a.m . nt St. Ambtose Church,

Old liiidge.

liHerment was in ( ’a h a ry Cem-

eteiv. W w Ymk.

/ / ■:; l rra«k' TL ■ Cav^i.*J S t. ; . 'V •;/; '•

•'/ Fr.ft.ak' JFf„. ?,?yro.'i. sr,, £4, .5.V!

RoiiFf- 52(1.. >Jt»r!bord,''di’t'd'-MfHv

d>?y. M ay 1 2 .19S9, ni bi&j.)iO!ne

.; Mr.."Layton, was born iu/Kfcy>

poet end na.d: h v ^ . irv M.ortnV'^^

C‘>w»;n.y. si* his.-'ijtc; lie- --la . a .e-

J>te(d '-iznvw: • ,

/ Ii‘e m j;ii rvc/rd;. by /h )a / w % '

Mrs. FMjiatx’Lh ’f)..ang*. 3.,syu>ri; four ^?ns, Fr»nk:; K'. .Layton ■•&•.’

'..»nd; K o ^ it G. l^yioo, bod) .of

• Colts jN'ct.-k, W iUi^in Tv Layton,

-?da!&wart..:,aiid ; On? f i , ?/HTy.l(>«.

M^r;fcy>;oi siy.eii daughters,M irsi

Chcwcr Dennis, Wwil >' p ;ng

Branch, Mt;&. -Robert:- Myers, and ­

; -Mrs. W‘i;die>; Dof«d>rovvbKi,chotbed

Pompano, ^ra'.'h',. F l* ’, Mcs.‘E)ra?

abefh. Jeffrie*-. Freehold.' Ml?*.;

Thomas Salmon', Red,J3ank/;Mrs,-

Grace: M iHe«.FarmnH’daltj/.and- M rs , Peter

made- his home;' 2) ‘j.:frodentjdrfcrt-

snd'23 gr^rtf •-' ^r’-ri’tidchndVeu; ' '

■/ 'Ftjoersii ^erviccs -.'wMi-.-.be,/held

' (od;*y at ] o.M/./ar ‘/ i« , l>fty ,e:n-'

. 'oti'-ftl I ioipc. -Keyp0t'rv;/-;.vi-'!iW::/-Che,

• Jiev / John .Hert., 'r.vctg^r’^ofi/.’OM;

/iK/u.'X .'Rfchii med- C.lUJrch^- M^ri-.

■ ^>ro, o ff’ cia tio^ . ‘ Jr.je rt^ ent w if i / b f / in , c ienw 'X K i/ C»ni^ttvry i, :.W.e,‘-t' Long Hr^iich. . : ; / ' . , / ' / ' ' j ./.'

. i>enn>« MoUnban ' • -:,• . Peatn* P., Ivii'i i i a.fi^ f»' o t >S?-Ju si -

p i,. New- Fou-ndl&ndi’ broiiier ':oF

/M n C i.,i) liy ii/ .W 3 r ,y i^

<JimJ 'Friday, M ay in' Uie

;*■Veterans.': Admitn^r.ra.d,^

.. Basl-

i v;v.;Dorri;; ini-■

ban;, li ye'ti:-7'i U ' jPci rrtjl't ch.'. -ItulH

; by Lea Fabrics, Newaik, ajt an/

e:::hp- rctije/J $• years h#.';Tvaj»-' a a 1,. Aimy; •Vcorld' W.'ii’ T velet'an. - .• • ■■•..•

.. 11;e ■ fungal'- Was ,b ^ id :;'-Jue5day/.

• froin S'ick?e Pohr.TVii''’-lknvf'«/'^ew<-’

a.i'insss.'- at.V.UV

a .m / in Sc SW on C.lnirch, Oteen

••pond..- -.' ,./•/■;;- ;'■■• i ' . . : OV---."/-•■'■ ,v-:

lu c e n e i f Pnhl

•■JSuflene H. Puht, of Great'

Kiver, N .Y . died Monday, May

husbaiut of l.tlltan (Selhck) Pabl^ a former resident ol Koyport.

Mr. Pahl was reared from

Grumn»aa-' A ^r'C raft. Beth P a g ^ :


, In addition to his wtftf, Mr. Pabt -

i-i ^iirviYCd b y .a d«ugbiQr,: M^*.':

R ichard Cnadwtck* .New Vork,-

?ind:two grandchildren. .•

» l u n e ra l, se rv tc ti wdi be be!4

tomorrow at I p .m . at the Bodla ■

Fsiuevat Home, KeypoiT 'l'he fleV*.

: Nortnan K. Rdtty, pastor -. of/St,; Tohn’s Ut‘lled Me*^«"K^^t -Church, • Hazlet, will o/ficiato./and -inter*

ment will, be in Gretjn Grova

r>n'eiety, Keyport. ; . . :

. Nirofo Tioltan

, Nicolo Troh!ai‘t 9*t of ’30-i Crovt

SC, North PlahifieUf,'dur<T*SAt»rr

day, Ala^v; 10, ,a

• Utnes^, :.' ' / ' - . . ' - ’

>ie \yas born in Italy and re-,

sidni in North' 1‘ iamhekl for ths

past' 60 years^ ' . ! - - Among his s\ir\1vof# ‘i®ra?»M^ -

IJomittiok. o f; Keypori,.; • .. ; ■ r.'Ihe funeral nas hfrid.‘fiNesday

from the Scaroa Funerai Home^

North PlaiidiohJ. . . . . ‘

M is . John S. V?*rca : /

Mrs. Edith 1. Varca, -46,-of 8$.

t->ccnd St., Keypori, ditv.l SHtur*

day, May 10, I960, iu Uivervtew .

ck’spiut!. ‘

Born in Carl, Cot,, Mrs. Varca

had lived in Keyport 20 y»ars.

She was known as a school cross*

ing guard. She was a-member of

the marching umt of the Keypon

Fire Department and the l adies

Auxiliaries of Lincoln Host1 Com- -

pany and Ungine Company No. i.

Surviving are her husband,

John S. ViM'cu jr.; four sons',

Br.bbv Smyihe, in fieorf^a, ■ imd

John, M id u id and L'.uis V'ar.a,

al; at home; four daughteis, Su-

.-annc, Nadine. Diaion. nr.-l Tnm*

mv, .ui .u hrnn*; her pan-ius,

f». Mi'ri. tHri'iIam fb ’h.vi nf

Awhurn, C.ia., a»;d a *.ister, M rs

i;k»i is Park.', ot Auburn and twu


Sci viccs wore held Tuesday M

the Bedle f-'uncral Home, w ith lho

Rev. Charles A. Bender jr., pas* .

tor of Calvary Cmted Melhc.dist

Church, officiating. Burial wus in

Green C»rove Cemetery.


Highway 3&(Hear Mvr* St.)

Koyport, N. J .

Select Your Memorial

From O ur Display• 5176 • COLOR c PRICE

W A I T TK l i N K I t A L



•MARI. BO fi O ’fwe.


A*»d Virtr.,Mwl'''t} Cornmiinit'M


..x O & v T v .- -






H W Y . 79 M O R G A N V IL L E 5 6 6 - 5 3 0 0



T H c M IA S A v v A N J O U R N A L

m bs c w w n ri>M 0 Nr> p o . r j «

-Mej.vW ona Melfs^a pnrkcr and t i CurfeT I tlmoodJ'cxt tr v.c-e


;© t & t? .n i: ( ; i I'airF-ix f ‘f " r. ;

JM,v«'r, V*“ ' . ‘ClmpuHj) Alian Hulln.s .Sircctr

tf ltC M M S</t)!f. t VKT.lUiiy ^The brigli; is, tlie iLsuijliUfr of

JTr M ' V. ThH.n*'ire H JPa'l.

#r,,29 Calhoun D i , Sumter, S\

flte t»cld«Kr0',m ‘‘ 'h f \<f nl 1,11 4 ,m M r* O a fit jt i, Pv»> 60 Viai-

f f iitS t K^ypo.S

Wwe VlUoi'laii Gown TPhf bride. piven »v warn-ige

V / nsr fatherM iOfwaii'ivory silk': trga iua ViUui'an t!i i*ss. fashion

• d tMtn htce bib. titli-ii ★tM1 Vlrto'ion nerliline, \Mile tilet.-

. #<t sieeve.v a mouiufv: ii iJvuv, nnd ehape! ■ Uin^th train atcach-

6*i at (he b.uk hvjitt- H?i-

(boulder - length veil o£ lUusion ail cfughi to « lau* .it'd »i»«t

■ jM W l.c ii’t'.Ifct aod.she^.carried;,-.# Boaejjay or .wSlie rose*, titepha- notis, {fui und baby's b! euiK.

A licu R»>ku, (. barle’.ton,

S C , gi-iUi nf the oiitlc, w » i tht tne.id uf, honor. She v.orcan ultra-.:

."IU3rioechii(oi*.^o1.vn .v/ith an/env

p lio vxHstKic, a m U h iiig . head-, juecn of itnffon. and carrifrt a

r? bresth. ar.d' bs»ke<*.-iem..\.■•>.•. - vt

J’elei *> tiiCt/n, Njvesiiik ail,, ,1., jii-javy u. uio Buoisryom.wSs best nian IM icm » * rn Ned

VJ PutU ’r. SunUei, SC., hroihri

.of the bude, nnd U . Ftiwk Self to, F W ‘ Wushuijjlort,

r i’i l> “ ’vtj&hit", lh» b) i'-ie't

-•■ iM&cr,. ■w^e;'«?:st'»; sjttSjt :: rfiMK (it 1,11k *»<( wmiSV«<J ftitn

Tti<f S?ildei!»oyiYi'<* w lh e r va* sttired ;n a pule pink dowb!* knit 'dre.'j *r,d coat cmiembla with * }c\s“M tierkl.ne Sh/» wore *

"matcfiine fluwoied ta t u id wh'MICS

, Afttr » fei'cpliwi *t th» C«d*f

rCHim Iittl, mODIh V s ,: tlie couple ;lett , oa' » motor, trip

*<> l.f:J Angeltfi. Calif, where t t .

'Post \uy be aMtuyji-d v/itli *-h* IM r lc i Eh{{1ii( !!h of the U I

Array.Ih e bruls 1« * gmdiiat* oi

Sumter, S C,, schools and hrnory

University, Atlantn. Gh,The ()■ idfgrown attundw! Key­

port Srhoois and recttlved lilt ■ B.3 in mechanical ens'Atering

from Rutgeis UnWeraity, New Brunswick

!-• .. ■.}

+ / * '

V. t T A Viy +1.-T; r:"r W j'

r v

& c S-


■ Tne mnri'iu.ijf; of Miss Eliza'

lirtti . Kiisan Tunis, ;■ Plainfield,

dnughicr of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mel vm Tuni;., Shurk Ti i vt; r llilis,

Neptune, niu| \YillUim Henry Oli­ver, snu nf Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert

N. Oliver. Neptuno City, took plnce i-riilay, May y, iiKili at 7

p.m, in the Mcniorlul Meihiitllst

Church, Neptune (.'ily. The Ri;v.

Robert Sapp performed- the cere­mony.. Tho bride was given in mnr-

flngo hy her Ipihcr. She design­ed and niuili! her whito eyelet

floor-lenijlh gnwn and ht'adplece. Bho carried an old fashioned bouquet of ruses and lily uf Ihe

valley. ,Miss Undn I.orralna Tanls, al

home, nisler of thn bride, wan


TOW . S . W A L L A C 6


Man *nd lajifc* furnUMn^i

\ front It, Kiyport

E le c te d To P os t

Tfio Oleo ('hih of t ’hflstiuil Hit! {'ollcgtt hnu Mi.su Patri-r ia L. ChnlowlnskI presidont for

tho coming year, MUa t.'hnlowln* ski, ii Junior English mujor, t« tho daughter of Mr. and M r ».

Ki'«d CholewinHkl of 9(1 Edgtr Hi!,, MatawJiu,



' PorfraHurn

)» MAIN »(., m.vfillet m«H()

j l l a t a w a i x :

: ' ' i i c j iC f i ' IV £ i i :

. S ilt? Stuaxor A if red - t:L ,Xfifjlitij. &zM c-'-’-1 Kl.•-' f:; ■ -i o

'rv .• (

V'i-'J-’Ji'iuJ i'.:Ci.'■!)’ ll-'iLi i

V7 nn;.; m O" ; u -:6 :i y' .'tsitfcv. H e SSB'/.tj.S'-’ s--'v-

' fngs Boffds. l(i iVJisif Susan o;siif,.i,. ;;?:V5t!;^r-r Ji':: ?

tirr;i! $s;vl<;»j, i / j i J S g f - J R '

Cran‘?m>?r,' n: v‘u.Jr:t..r 1 at r V' r ’.nl-i

•■'. ' thgiv-. SeliM!,.'' V sea;'' fs£hiew»\«!l>'(thirds /'(•ive.ii.

au.'sL'KUy u> 'la/'tii'-jijor.i

/ schwV' senio/tii : sel»"W;i (>v U* n A>r

-Master.' yf C w tiib n ifs Djiiii«td..K,; MuH-.H; l^/ior.UiV'.'iK arra.i d^d

cii«tifi!is ' tern!;1;'ihe. > Sr'-i'ii'iy 'KV.il’ ilifi ni' Ar-;nify P.l’ ii,

jggtoryl r ich of '-Ajbufy;;;,Stark,; Mr>. f.illian ■' M m ; Marii.n.: (>««"!« \nc« Man? Mnur'-f a.nrl

: ■ in' recfiftilitliirr . oul^uihgiiig;*s'i;Vfee; ia.TyjiiijIa iiii, aw ihl^d

V.l Mr. " "i/

sift. of.u. piyp,.to. —aohis as<>u;"'wha •xia-t w a d s pm-,­: -.-. . ioha. G, Li” :iif.iy. ^X'H Lci-./: ,-ji.

rhetor, Hoijstng Ao.'m.ri'/ ^ ,\r bury J'iJiU. V|K>kt*- iiiw iif:- .sjjiSisi

V ior I’no EutniiIcuppc.cJ

;JJr”«r,.-. P a it', k^vo

!NlX:'-i}irr.r s;r . viv'j;*.‘ ’ pi is 11 i' I. Gary

Simncuu txtfl M iss.■'riie :

■. Mr. ‘ •'.'.ll'.U.;.' Vrjjiiain;.

i.Nswtwi -.as/.! jiresfifeM;,;'^Wi.ii.iant:

'/.G i^forthy.ifrmndryS^Janie* A W ^ppi II, » r u v (.f

ju<!iiident M t« M ilium ‘jo<i \ilii, correspundinf; .e tt 'ta ry , Mrt. Joan , Oifford. ■ rer.ordm» .«(*(.-

> Telarv;: Miss.1 -Mat -THryor. tred .u .c i, A'u.Mi M»ry NUurer

f.' f i i i i i i n c j i ! r j W ; - V » f e h t f .

«nd Tom C’usliir ft il «ad ssei^id m c e w m s i i i iu , and dirMtrus

Mr. Axel), Don. inrvly/ Mr. Kan-

• »eii. . Marjoria . Smitli • and Ruth Hugncjs.

re*rj& S s fy '^

Coopei’ Srhool PTA S o l lcet

The. officers, for ths ne.<t scluiol y?-ir weia eleitfa bv lh« 1 urov Guidon Cuufv..- S;iu!o; Parent'

Teacher A iim ia ilon at It* April meeting including Pic“.ident,

W illiam Walteis. fust vies presi-

deiVt, ,Mrs. 'Arthur Lttnyer;; - see- ■ • <itid vice president, Mrs; 1 homa* SmiCi. cottespoiidiu^ iecretary,

Mrs Alfonse Reime. retoidln/j fcecu-tarv M r, tav ,.i.d Coicoi Bn, and tU’^u ro r, Mit, Robert Wesfon

Tha final meeting will be held 0>\ Monday, M iy I’i, at a p.m. IA th ra ll - purpose room. E-'llovv .(ng the installation oi officers will'

. be an .exhibition of tho andm-viv ual equipment (hat the children era now using : in Iho township

KfhfKils learning cemera. An in­

ternational covered dish buffut ■Will ba prepared by the hospitali­

ty chairiiiHii, Mia. Daniel Sgrul- lonl. ■ . .

Mi^u linm jv €. . (itasHl.. hn.d

’ I'tiiek pL-\'iiy jr. WS.-J': lim11ic'd

Ju><,plt i C h u n i i , K o p o r i

\v. ■ f lie ;Jpartjilij,;c?f ',M' f i d Mrs Antoiu'j Oussl, M t

Arbordal# Uf,, < lifWosd P«a«h, and Mr tmd M il lw v ik UtUno sr., 2; . jim a Pi A f

. The Revr John1 A: Dzems ctle- K,rstta lhe 1 p i t nuptial m a n ,»nc( otSiciuted a i tt® d<iijl)le ring cei^mony.

■(h'j b ride *a* g ;.en in aiar- iia(J» hy her fart p* SIi» Y,or* «

; Bvwn; slyled “-uh a pearl iaou b<id.ce ami )w»u dn. wia »kirt

bnr<iared With' pea^lixi: laco- '.and

. ft chapel. (Vain. Her eJboK-i'sngtljvcn or i renc'i, ;im.sK/r> w.t*

by <* foiv.rt.rd headplec:« ot peta.'* and she cairk'd-a -cascado bou--

sjuet of h IuIh rose* and . iiiy of tiio valtev. , 1 ■; • ,

Miss Cialniella.M:: tiiasst. at fiome, » « , the waid of.honurfor her: sister; T. I io ■; r^dl£. ,

werti Miss H vbnra " ■■Cornell;" Mra. James l.auro and iViti,-Ai^-

thiiny..-Crugo. *;a,ii o t ' .’ und Mis» Lmna Hartley, Cliff-

wood Beacli. .\iis* r«nw U Della­- Pietro, Brooklyn, , cousiu of tha

bridi:, ■ V,;iI9 ■ f>.« . jiinjor"nno.Q?;:. ai;i iii. ’ ■ • . ’ ......

wo: c fiiecu . olinijy'i r.

white ilu;ni pii.if d&~ J signed;■1 . with rout,id ’" ' ni.'ckU.'iei, short.; niefvej nnd largo.,, satin liriwi. In the) hiV'.k.. {'in.uiar veiia fell over their hi'adpieuu of clua-

,. le/ed lyyps nna they canted . basket* • ;0< iliauta etirvsunthe- ‘il.urili^r--;■•; ' .. 'V;j- ,'

.Robert' T.> v<t i- ....brother of' t!i® 'bridegroom," waf l!i« best wau. Ushering w «r* Jaino* Lauro, A lM Oallo. Sian- ley MadeJ end i-rank Potittl, cU

.of ;M^tawanJ ' - v":- '. A receptiun: ftiliowiidl in txia

Quixote Inn. Matawan; Whea

tti-.-y return froinVPuei'lt) Ricti, they will re«.;da lit: Treo. Havan,' Matawan,, ,. . ' , ■. , ■

. Th*. brido and th# ^rlticijkwWM:

«r« K-adtiates of- iyi(it<twa« R*- gtiinai High School'. Mr*. Dev'.nn

l.» employed by Farmer) %

Morehaiitj .National;. Bauk,. ’Mai-' aw.an

-'•'V'.^e;;^dcgrmin%'«Meh<l^(, ler- »ey -Citv- .State" Collet!*' and 1* employed : by hu fallior- t t

. Strathmore I.anes. Matawan: lie I* a .member of thn Army. R»- serves, f-ort llancoctc. ' ..

Wed A t Fort Monmouth

W ild f lo v y e r W a lk

Tom Kellers,. Miuimonlh Coim-. ty Naturalist, is conducting a

, ‘W'ildnuwiu\ Walk'’ this .Saturday, May 17, ut 10 a.tn. AH jnloroaied parties sre iiokcU to r»mct m llifi

north end of Pleasant Valk*y and Igoa Rds. ht Ntarlboro '1’ownship.

Tho walk is being *p<msore(V hy th,e ^li-usunt Val|u*y Prosotvation -

Committee nnd the public Is in­vited and there will be no f6o.

Diuno. Ptnjlle.so Kolas, daugh*

tm nf Mrs. Olympia Pugijesa, 7S HiaUsih Ave*,. Middletown, and

th« (atu l‘ re*d PufiUes©, an4' Pfo. Ronald L ee ‘RobineUe.' U. S. Ma-

TUies, -bun of Mr. und'Mrs. Paul

S. Rohmetlc. Davistin, Michi., were marru'd !iatuf'clayt Muy 10, 19(11). ; ■■

U . Col. William A . Watson,

Protestant .Chaplain. ofI(cu*ted at the double ring ceremony in the Chapel at Fort Maninouih. ,

p i . J . iv.', IJhi;K*^u, Yw.it 0 *~hw «U*‘CG »o th*i

altar. Kiic wore a noor*)f»Kth 'gown designnd with n turquoise lacu bodice with bell sloovcy and

a white chiffon skirt. Hor luv\<1- picce of chiffon petalii held a

her honor attendant. Site wore a blue eyelet Rown, siyfcd similar­ly lo the bride’s, and curried a

bouquet ul bluu ffaihercd tarim ' lions.

Michael Honovun, Neplufte Ci­ty, served as beat man. and Jef­frey Guy, .Rricktown. brolheiMn-

Uw of tho bridegroom, ushered.

A reception was held for 40 guests at the home of I he bridtVs parents. After a wedding trip tn Puerto R?cn, the rmiple will re*

hide in Neptuno City.

Tha brido Is n graduato of

Matawan Reghmal hiijjh School and GltiSfiboro State CoSlt-ge.

Sha teaches art lu tha J, F. Ken­nedy Elementary School, Soulh


Mr. Oliver attended Neplune Ilij'h School and graduated from Photography School diutiq; hit

four years of active duty in tht

U. S. Navy. I la Is employed by Rulkin Eleclric, Asbury Park.

two-tiered veil, ona.sJiouUtyr and one fioor«lehgtii.; Sho. ; carriod . ejscade bouquet of pastel dais- lex. ■.• -

.. Mis* Janet Antnnelll, Middlt- • town, wa» tho inaid of honor.

JVltas Jeanette Arena, Halford# served as bridesmaid* Of similar design,,their gowns wero mad*

With white lacs bodices and tur­

quoise . chiffon- skirls. Shoulder- length veils fell from their tur*

.quoiso chiffon petal, headpiece* and they carried fi resit!* bas­

kets nf - paste! daisies.

. t.anca Cp!, PhUfck Dt>.*>nf

li. S. Marino Corps. Cherry Hill, waa tho best man for the nuiita-

Ty y,;t:diiing; Ushering was Lunct CpI. Robert Clark, U. 5. Marino Corps. Davison, Mich. Nineteen!-

inonthttld Robert Kolas jr., aon of the biide, .served as tlm rinR

bearer dressed In Marine Corps JlCjil hluob',

A reception followed In thu Holmdel Motor Inn. The cnupia

motored to North Carolina whem they will reside uutii his diJ* clmrga In Seplember.

The hride wa3 i'raiiiiated hotn

Middletown Township High

School. She ii employed at th»

Mf^nmouih Counly NaMonal Bank, i.itlla Silver.

1'ha hrii|er»rrv.im was graduat ed from Davison Mi^h School and is serving i four-your en*

listnient. He served 13 months In Vietnam whera ha wns awarded lhe Purple Heart.

. iv/.V& • • , .. .


Miss I ols-Ann» Maria PetL*r- 8ou, duu|>hter of Mrs. Martha

PrteiMHi, *t111 Valley Rd., Clark, became the bride of William Sm­art Barnes, son of Mr. nnd Mi*i.

William Ross H;irnr.n, f>D7 Ilolin- del Rd., Ila/lrt, Saturday, May 10, 1%9. *

Hit’ R(!v, Norinan R. Riluy of­ficiated ai tl io double rtiiK ecu;- moiiy in Sl .lohn’.i United .\h*».h- odi.it Church, Ma/let,

Herman Mlauche, port Lau­derdale, Fla., fucorltx! Idi nleco tti thtj ullar. Sim worn u < li.uml-

ly laca gown with a full ikirt,

long sleeves aud v/.itloau chap- fll-I^iiKih train. Her tloor-leiiKili vo11 of French Illusion was held

by a hcadpleco of beaded flow­ers and leaves aud she carried a casc/ulu bouquet of whltu |hihi

pons.Mis. Robert Clan/, ( la ik , wai

thu matron of honor. Stm worp a floof-lnnf’th j'own of yellow crui'e. A circular veil fell ovei

har hoadpletQ of flowers stud­

ded with seed peailj and she carried a cosrade taiuquet of

yt'llow ptinipom with long

stroamers.Miss Mjrlcno (iredel, Urook*

lyn, cousin tif lln» hrid^, win tha bride.-iinaid, Sha wom ^rcen and cariied a rn:u;id* bmiquat i>f

grrcn pompon* with y*lloTfr blrcaniors.

Jeffrey Stekli'i, Pfr/lot, WM (hu ht'Kt, in.in. linica Rathbon*,

Ha/let, cousin uf th« bridt-

gtoom, u.shored.A reception followed In tho

liohudcl Motor Inn. Whin Uie/ return frnn^ th* po(onoft Ihoy will tesidu in Malawait.

'Mia Inula wa» f'lailuoled from Arihur I.. Johnson Regional iii^h

.Si-!iih>1, ( link. She w:h employed at heselcr Cotp., I.lnden,

'1 he bridegroom v.ns |{i'fulual ed 11oui Ktiiil.iu !!i^h Schoul, and I ichIom I -■( liiiK .il (naljtuk*, CIiish ot I'tii/. He is employed by

HeiiiMehein steel Kngtneerlng

Co , Fli/iabeih.

5 t h A i j n i \ 4 ‘ i s a f v

D i n n e r T l m r s d u v

The Soroptimi.ita h^ld ft fifth anniversary dinner celebration at

Bahra Reslauram, Jliphiands, nn Thursday.

Attending wure tnetuheri of tht

Twin I.lghts Club, Mr*. Co'orgt Drost, Mts. Ten F.yr*k Rnnsnn, Mrs. Oamillo D. Cienliio, Mr*.

John Kane. Mrs. Edward Down­ey, Mrs. ll€*rhert Staer, Mata­wan; Mrs Clifford Keitel, Mor­ganville; Mrs. Nicholas Ruisl,

Novf Monmouth; Mrs. Earl C. Sftilts, Holmdel; Mrs. C. Kltr-

hinn, Koyport; M ri. Uverott Fen-

wielc nnd M n , Rlchurd Fonwlck, Cheesc-quakd; Mrt, John A.

Bahrs, Highlands, and Mrs. George Burka, !.«onarr1f>; A8lmn'

Park Club, Mrs. Gwendolyn Met* ttfji North Atlntitla Region aecrt-

laryl Mr*. Vlolot E. Moor#. Hob tnai'i Mra. Dfcluie* Kofeit. Nej>-

tun#; Miss Edna Ellis, Noah A t­lantia District |, Atlantic City,

nnd Freehold Club, NTrs. Shir icy A. Anderson, pr«sld(frit; Mrs. Rittli A. Barclay nod Mrs. Flnlnt Illll, (.'oilw Neck.

'Ihn Asbury Pink .Snrnptimist

Club will ba hohte^sua at an In* fc.lall.Wiun dinner In tho l-.mpiet>» Motel, Asbury Puik, on lima 17.

A workshop nierting is .s<diediilcd for Jun t I I at Sinllbvilly Inn, Al> lecon.

a.s.e b i 1 '-

Miv sn4 Tvlrs/ M J s m . M i f c M i

T i^ft r An ; V j t 1 ** nri: tit* p rt-ut'* ft fvi-wr/

■ y* . -nAny 7 , i n •

riiiarr^-. '

- . : Khkj>atf Acic \ . • • •

iK \ & v.r

H o ip ir jl. un

* ! J a * M--:Y rV[ »*• 1 R in ­

I ■>

J-w raan

“ h d " I rVS

ir A\ f \

the pftretit’

••Av-uovMla 3

-Vnr.tf uOsj?. (is;.. . . .

SoiA 3^ v bt rt Vft i 4

" 5 ihi h If t V

pirat io M n ai.d M rs / -hdwara

: isouc, So 1-ordham O r., Ma;«vw*iu.

l l i c i i ... ..

i -A*a. auu ci*. UiClLThfmaH St ( ’d **'* *be

ItirauU - nr a sou. J.^rn Anr, U .

l ^ i l . Ui SuUi.rc.Axribov- rUtepitdi., -

I p *°»n

A SOU U>;f5 rtpv. !<i.,

...: in AnilX;y. ao:'.pi.z.a.i .Lo ^ i i ,> and M rs.. Ita. t-.c.sU;;it.

■v.«t CiardiMi.3. ..Old Jind^e.-. • -

", '. • = -, ' • ' ■ J.eSIiMp. .• ••• ■- • ..

• Mr^ • aiid M rs. .loNepn - ^^ssuo.

* J d S u i * e lu L l i v A«0

-- the -of- a son. bi'rn -’Anr,-

; i-5, Jatiil, oi South Am boy Hosptt&i..

..... •A sot; \viii born Apr. 'iO,

.. :n Sou u i: AitiUtiy Hospi till to f.’.K - 4.id. M rt. Nornian Klirijjeiismhb^

... 3x*A. .liiigliaht/jwn , Erl., O l d hi idx«


Mr;; nnd .Mr*.. Sttuncy . Wojnar jr .,. !0 Van ■ F.tbe! Dr.; Matnwan.

: irti-.iiw ,iw re»tj ct ,* .iyn, . bcrn;, v Api. 20. . f.Sifi, lft; S-’wih ,k/a->vjf


A daufihtor was born Apr, S4, 1569, in -South Amboy -Hospital (o Mr. sitd Mr*. Georfza Puracky,

W-Van Ethal Dr„ M alaw im .:■.:■;. . ■-. DavI * ' :... :....... .. ■■'

Mr. and M r j. . Larol'-iti Davit.. P.aviria.Minor, Matawan,:;*re tli*

parents uf n non. oorn Apr. 20,■ 1969, Ir. South Arolwy tfospitsl,

■ . ■ Cory . . . .

Mr, ond .Mr*. Joseph Coty. 5(1 !ai!io I,nno, M itawan. *r» th*

parent* of * *on. born Tuoiduy.

. -M*v S, J9t>9. b« 'RivervleW'.'Hot-,

pital. .v r:.;;v ; . ; ; -"................Swaos.. .. .... . .-.A *on wtt* born Tuesday, May

J, . ISOS, ir. Hivsrview UospiUl to Mr. and Mr*: AinaM Samen, 4 Dnbhn I.aiie, Haslet,

-.., •. Krynlckt '..... -

..'.Mr. and Mrs. -Richnrd K-rynlcUt: SO Nevada Ur.,■ ■■ llazlet; * ( • ;th* parent* tif « daugliter, bom Tues­

day, Muy fl, 1S59, in River view

' liosp iia l.' : .. ; ;■;

■ ' Lynch ' •• 'A son wa^ biitu Tuesday. May

0, 19tj‘J, it. Momviouth Medical

Ciinter to Mr. nnd Mrs, Willinm1.ynch, 80 Kllewlld L.in», M&tn-

w nn .. ■ ■ , . , ’ ■ ; ■Dannrdo

Mr. and Mri. Frederick Danar-

do. Dancniiiti nr., ^atawan, ar*. tlia paroiits of a son, born Thunt-

day, May S, 1909, In .Riverview Hospital. ' ,


A datiRhter wnj born Tuesday,

May 6. ’UG9, In P.r.ii Kimball Hospital, Lakewood, to Mr- and

Mr*. John l.iiddy, Old Drtdgii. lleul

Mr. attd Mra. Robert R«ul, M o­

hawk Dr., Matawan, are parent*

of a son born Saturday, May 10, I'ltiS, nt R U m iew Hospital,

Hi'rii.'SSV Mr. ami Mra. Richard Hennes-

ay, Brisco Torr., Hazlut, are par­

ents uf 1 son, iiorn Sunday, May i l , l!Ki9, a i Riverview Hospital.


Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kruuth, C.1YUI1 Lana, I(azlet, ar* patent* of u son, bom Sunday, May 11,

19S9, at Riverview Hospital.rilnrtll

Mr. and Mrs. Stophon Filardi, MtiKiiolin Avo., iinzii-t, ara par-

on!* of a daughter, hoin Sunday,

Muy il, IMS, at ItivervivW Hofl- pltai.

GcrdlngMr. nnd Mis. Augustin G*rd-

Ing, lloti^ysncklo I.ane, Mittawnri,

ara parent* of a daughter, born Friday, May fl, JtM.9, at River­view Hospital.

MoCarron Mr. nnd Mr*. Jnmrs McCnrron,

Groctt Grova Avt... Keyport, art; f.an nu of a tlsMgiitur, horn Sat­

urday, May 10, 1M9, at River­view Hospital.


Mr. and Mrn. .lohn Krlel*, Syl­van Way, Cliffwood Bench, ar*

parenl* of * dtuijjhler, iiorn Sat- urilay. .May 10, Iflfil), at Rlvnr- vlow Hospital.


Ml. and Mrs. Julin V.'arJ, Shorn

Blvd., Keiiitnhurg, are parenta of

a daughter, boni Saturday, May 10, 1%B at Itivei view liospitnl.

' Whltu Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfrttd M ilt*,

Oroon tirov* Ave., Keyport, »r»

paronlfl o/ it mu, htirn Monday, May 11, 1 Wl), at Riverview lios


f« R i , - n u K S i^ ite B .U U ) AUGfclL

Art Contor Tlcketi

'Ih t tijitlen Stal* Alt* Centci In Holnulnl will ba prfnemlng tli'

Rowan and Martin Conc«tt on WudniMday .veiling July 6, »:;<l tlie Sltiv* I.avvi euro utitl full'.'

Gnrmn Omi'crt on Tuesday nviv

iihix Auk. A. *1 *'.10 pm . The Ayelet Chapter of ll'nal B'rilli Women Ion i select f;nnip of Ilckt.’U foi both pcrfoi iiiant'tii.

All tickets, Itox Ollice priced nl 55.75 nre In Hit iIoii II. Tur infor­

mation uml ii'sc iv jllo in plouao

conl.ict Mrs. Hairy Cli'lsll, IJ Cork I’i., Huzlel, 2(H-9Hil.

; Misjs-. Ktumcen 1^1.1? Uiftpmao; iiiiM "i i;i i ciil.r' ij'av tU i-.itlji'.-y W '. e -.

''tu?,i'rird .‘."dturd-iy.May 1W;9B M St A o j i l iv i Choiuii A m ■!

Miss i» tha., (foil),-hbr;of M rs.. Robert.I . Ciuipuuti, 22

. Clark P.i_i .'Avenelj anil . the lata .. Robert .1 rtupmni> Tnfl b-;dc

Kr.jora i i the w n o ' and

Mr*. Goroun b. M Wy-1

y,;Ti.e h t i J i ' " i J . ripen celt-*

b im «d ;h» nupiifci mas* and of-

;,fl.clatt-‘a at the doubla r im cere-1 mory.

T'h* bride wan vscoried by her suicla, ,'Bf.^tw.v!l M itcfe !, ;. Shar-.

C.iUif. Sh» wore n ' peau do $oit A-lir,e gown styled

'with nn Alencoo Is^ce'buclice.end ; chapel trflin.:. Matching: lace botv

dercd tha neckline and lwnuuio.

Hur hsatlp.iocu oj tliy of .th* Vftf- . ‘ toy-'arid.petals hold h».r Frcncii

illusion' veil’which. <?sso;u!ed be-,; yond the tra,tn. ShO carried i. o ■■

'lonlal. bouquet of white rosas and carr,a;'ons

, Mrs. Robert 0 . Worth," Brig.- ■ ant.ine, was (he; matron. of ■ hon-: or. She 'wore a ..ctaweless' lime.

.fnill.O. gowit WUIj iti-indftnn .; ci>!-- ,. l»r and tuck detail. She selected

-■ pottd headpiece ana carried’;a

colonial bouquet" of pastel sprlnfs

titmer*. . :

'..The . bndalr .kttentfantr.-: w e if ’ "Miss -Mfchcite Giv^rd; Red ;BsuS^'

. ano ■ M rs .; 1 erry;;A lcG liucy,., C«4 • ar Grove, ilie y wer* aitlred;iik| the honor attendRiit. . . ■.-■■■■■:■ ■■■,

I h s flower girl* v»n/« Kdta^

Ami. cox and Ntyiey K;lora Co%

Fordti. Thay wore y^llyw- frocJJ

with pstal S«ad|ile«*.' and c * t - tied raluiaiure fireslii*. bants;* 4 pallet *prlr,g f!<;v,ei»,

Timothy Magee,

wa* the best man tor hi» fcrotli er. Itshfting Wrcro TlieodoU

Mattes, Mawvan, hrf»ther o f. CMbridegroom, and M cm n ■ M ion C'llff.vood.

A -rercpttoti foliowad

Molly 'Pltchei; Icn. Rcsl. B anS i. When they return from a : fliftht tn liorado Beach, f iia r t i

Hten. Ihey will reside , hi Mot.tft> . Wan; .v , /• . _ }:. -

t ’ha tu'itje via* sruduatod froa

Woodbrklpu Senior lllgh Schofli

and Olassboro - Slate College.

She ia a kindergarten .'teacher 1* Septen Pislns-Fanwoodl Pubil*

School.System.1.' ........'JlrtB bridegroom wa* Kraduai- ;

. ea Irom. Maiawan Regloiml iHigk School. He ta employed by Levitt

and Sons; Inc., . Lak* Succm*.

N V.


Misa Clalrt TTmmoho. daugh­

ter of Mr. and Mri. Joseph R.

Hiomuho, 10 Adam PI., Hnrlct. btMuino tha brido of Gcorgo M.

I-arnp, son of John Lamp. 41 Hancock St., Keansburg. and tha late Mrs. John Lamp, Satur­

day. May 10. lOGn.The Rev. Kevin Crowley cele­

brated the 11 a.m. nuptial matt and officiated at thu double ring

ceremony in St. Ann's Church, Keansburg.

Tho bride waa gWcn In war-

rlapo by her father, bno wore an A-liue white linen {'.own cusead* iny into a chapel train. Pearls

and sequin* outlined tha rolled

collar and rolled cuffs on tht three - quarter • lenylh sleeves. Her fingertip-lcnfith veil of French Illusion waa held by a

crown of sequins and pearis and she rarrird a ca$cario bouquet of

whita rosea and lily of tht val* ley.

Miss Judith Reinhardt, Hazlet,

was Iho maid of honor. Tho

b/idal attendants wart Mra. Ar* Chur Grace, llyda Park, N. Y„ and Mi/.. Francis Mulrooitey,


They wota A-Iln« yellow line i gowns with throe • quarto?

aleevcs. They carried old fash­ioned bouquott ot daitiiel wUh chart rouse netting and rlbboa

and tbey wnro hcadpieceg c4 chartreuse silk organza tluddtti

with pearls.Joseph Edward Hromoho,

home, brother of tha bride, wat tht best man. Ushering wsrt

Francis Mulroon«y, Matawan, und Gerald Huntington, A tlanta JliKhlands.

A reception followed la Rut* tonwnod Manor Matawan. Whoa they return from Puorto nloo,

they will reslda In Green Grovt

Gardon Apartment*, Keyport.

Tht btidt waa graduated frofll Red Bank Cathollo High School. Sho is employed by Sears Roc< buck, Middletown.

Tha bridegroom wai graduat­ed from Middletown Township Hiyh Schnnl and North E a * Business Institute, Red BanA.

Ha served iu Vietnam with tht U. S. Army and l i employed bp

Uendlx Corp., ttatnntown." - ’ '-".rrrjzz

for vACAtion of Your Drentm

b*for* yt»H tp . . .«oiuuli wUh m*

w* 4 * f i l l pUnnhtf «nd

«tfrtn<jing. V/het"f mor*

You hav* th* fun

Jliort't no «ifr» «oit for

our ««rv!e*i.

r ' l i l l u V * IJ » f f i H I — S i t Iin H U 8 l . , Pw/U i

T nro*<^v>>, n iy f io t l N lfb l 0«U

Brown T rave l Bureau

Area Religious Services^ W a y M o d 9 'I F i l i B u r n M o r t g a g e

tfe tsw ?*# , M * y “ §5 . i ? # ?

| G s r tp c i hsft: S'fiqiir |

■ Lf"r:""_-"I-Y =l“l

';: *jcasi'*• i»f.; S'dic^iss?/- ^ ■ •'

“Mortals -and .tromoi’iAl'f?- is ihe

•j-ffrtj'ti^1'Mdfi 10.' l. r s i t ^ > ;

;'- i&ixlhCH S'dif-p^: ; cfty rd&Hi,',■ 53.:,-'

’: fe* \ hr the'-fiatev&ay.'-. v har£; ;'is-,.v«Lk- &?aTh .;Trds:'' v<.j*si ‘.

fzO.** Pruvurbi 12 v* tfit Gol<Uir■ V -; V'..; ;:;; ■■','.; 1::i;;i'>;-.Y •',-■'

A r^fikici. ^as.ss/io; in,, tht*. {£*,■*:>*,• -

fttiiTi Sli iCcS UU(i J Ihrtllfi Vill*. Kr-v Ls. ).hr Si'1 Tr,f*JTv* ov \l»ry•; B'a^er.pd<j!yv-' atuivx. ;*'fvuyi«.;3 w *. -

;; Rntiike;:j .w ; r t ^ ’c‘rcaf«l.-'/ in;’'(<M * tMTi 'IIHJ * u» *

><■'■&Kiiil> bvat.iK <t,iifc .iMvI.fcul, A.v;.T»>-ttvUj.-.■ . last ;yi«M ta'-slW;..

fintkfic fact and, aisapptmr, and U»e re-.t1 «»«np r»f b'-nq pr'feU

• v ' g s d w i :[i :k})Pf^f:,*‘ ' AW anv Aetcom* 4 f-ari**

Church of Chnsft fsr.tr.nafd, S4 . B.tua^St., Kwypbrc. Services ■&&. gina* JO fr.ivt. &uMtay icnco} -nl* v

KSp-ttMivCBttS:at:50 a.m.. and: testk;

v.wwuai meetings . <rnuces) axe vhsVl fcvury Wwjrti'sday at & j>, :i\.

in $at church.Temple #\'ih *hm

“" i,h?Yl£ Kd * ! ».2;S!,&!s5 “ ‘ Consirvati'.e - ifm p e

.! Rabbi Morris-JEiiljfiistfcia:;1 v..; ? SKbMtv e v u n r j ‘ trv < t w<>!

fee ht'M ve FutSay as 5 rt p. ut.

At ths eofldufcion i?f services, there wtU fee sn Orjfg Stel.bat

iy; .V,*. Mp.d -Mrs.. Gl-juUI

'.Be[nsrcin, iu t 2 le!?tat!<in o f. t n e .,-

f it r V ‘W S it p? '.M r son Jtf-

trey* ,wfio\*lH participate m tins:-. ? ViCft/ ' .>;••;. i; • :r

, SeWw’Ii moruinR « r v n :« will

' h i held on Satutii’JV m ^ 31; a ta \it w iiith time Jeffrey Een iiem lpj» be a t I ted up to the f ie m to

a fiomou ,of iho iorali as a .

Sun lav ssrviw? are at 11) n.m.

■ (u*Im -• im ..'Fhursdav■■■.'. evtnniH,

-•Mny 'ii, tit 8 p.m. A t tb » sccth* . Ihp Temple's V n ««*e it , Plaque io' t!\o snnctiiary -wlll be :tkfjicnt*.

ed:, -iV S!i^VU{it:3 moaning; servicsft .wffl;:

tie h iM on F iiilu j, nluy ‘*3, fit b. JO a ,i(l, junior coi^it-^ai on nt10 * it. ; evening services at s 4S

ji.in.,;followe(Vby atv .Ones Vom

lo v . • .Saturday, MRy 24, «t S 38

. t.ro., Yiskor memorial service*

Will be recited at 10 30 * m.

■ Jckovjih’s WKbmsm' Keyport CongregaJion

KbCdsm H«ll. » pivblaB St.

Keyport •, A fr«? B1U« ta li entstltsd. VSat-.

fsfytng Mankind’s G r e a t e s t

N ttd ," will .•*»••• Sunday at f : 30. *.!«. JniBtealstely fallowing, : at 10 :W 'a.m , The Watchtpwer Bible

itudy will ba held. Ths aubjeci fe m e utUjor discussion will be

. "Serva Jehovah with Rejoicing,"

bssed on P»alm 144: IS.

FtratBapttet Cdurch t i l Mala St., Matewan

Rev. Paul l i . Jackson, Pastor- ClHireh sSclioo! will : be held at'.-.

5 45 a.rn: on Sunday a»<S morn­

ing worship services, 8:45 and 11 a.m Tii« Pi>stort sernibn topic

will be “Hobbling Oil This Faith A . Bupcrvi-seil iiurs-

sety iH provided during both ser-

1 vlefe•'and children’s; chuvph is i t .11 a.m. The Senior High and Junior High BYF - Groups meet

-At 8:33 p.m. and the Junior BYK,

7 p.m. ■. jlldweak scrvice Is Thursday

at 8 p.m.

Staraaatha Conservative Baptlut

: ChurchKeyport-Hoimdd Bd.

. Hoxlet

. Kev. Laivrenca Reed, Pastor

Bible School on Sunday con­

venes. at 9:43 a.m.; morning

worship, .11 a.m. when tho . pas­tor’s message will be "The Key

To Real Wealth." The family gojpei hour starts nt 7 p in. at which time the pastor's topic

will ba “Tho Unchanging Christ."Prttisc and prnyer hour Is held

ycdnetday at 7:38 p.m.

' Reformed t'kureh of Ktyparl

W anes and Osborn Sts.

KeyportRev. S. T, Sclioiten. Pastor

Morning Worship will be hold at 10:48 n.m. During the scrvice,

« new motion picture scrccn will

be dcdicatcd. Thn screen has been given in memory of Bonts-

wnin’s Mate Second Class Sieve l.uke, who wna killed in Vietnam last December. Sunday School

meets nt 9:31) a.m. The Youth Fellowship convenes nt 0:30 p.tn.

Calvary United Methodist Church Third St., Keyport

Claries A. Bender, jr.. Minister

Frank Sanliel, Assoc. Minister Morning worship: English ser­

vices will be held Sunday at 8:30

a.m. In the cliapel and at 10: IS a.m. In the sanctuary, Spanish service at 12:Tilt p.m. in the sanc­tuary. Speaking at the linglisli

Services will be Rev. Render and speaking at the Spanish Ser­vice will be Rev. Sanfiel,

Jr. UMYF will meet ut 8:311

p.m. and Sr. UM Yl’. 7:30 p.m.

First Presbyterian Church

Kmitu 34 nnd Frunltlln St. Mitnwnn

Rev. Chertor A. Galloway, Pastor

Morning Worship Services will b^ held nt W:IS nnd II a.m. The Hev. Chester A. Galtowiiy will

preach. The message will be “How Can 1 Find riotl?” ( hun li

School mef.ls nt 11: la uml 11 a.m.

'llio special clad.'* tor brain dam aged children will l>e held nt !): IS

u.m. only. Child earc in provided every Sunday morning dtwing

Imlli services fur children under

llircc yrars of mud.

• c- /'' Siitteraj>.Cfeiiri^ ;- ■;

......... ftXatisut'ut-MarHnw*. . -

, ■CutbiMge He, M s tw asHa\ Art..!,' * ...... h

- : ■. . piStor ■

y-.'Cwss oJ’ Gtorj- Lutherart Church

-?sij' «dw<5a5,i«! only or«'ssrvice ..Ibis Stimivy a! a m . It w:li'

'I sarvicfc with. }ioly O'-/:.mu:;-

ian.'frhe^sP^otfln1 tiilf. « . :n . t te S6;iii)w •ol.F.tensley.*' 'S iM oy Ciiurch...School wui ,meet at ..he

:iasiiai' tli^«!-''piSd«»''jiji>e-. ti>rwj?h ^ V - u v J!!(! tlx/'

st S aiTS. Efitdej.toui: atid si*''.as

well-a* ■Ko>wr,y:''airt,.'V^?Hj’cr.i!iir- ^.tm;.w.^./Uuruiji',..iha '0:3J 2 .m.

able, at that nour. ;■ Imm'Siisfelv fnllovemp the. ser­

vice there lyiii be a. spJicialJiitf of wi^mb^rship.i/i ord"r i'.‘

eoaiider the. 'sale.'o/ the cW chur<:h ,7>i\e:: oji Ito'iiti’: ;■{!».; .iuMtUy , d fi.e;- " ooou1, ;!M?g«uilhr(i' iii: jS:30 p.m. am i:

ftisting uhti? 'dtii'k; ibe re-.- wil! tie 15m annual l-’rmrch Pu-nic: w lur-

kev Swamp Park, near- f-r'.-'-'i-.os'J.

i All isimihes are expected. ■

-iThe. ta ltb M fH IK M Cuurcb

.".'i-itSv Si’., a.'.i "iC-is- - "■ - .■ ..-. .- i l a z l e t - 1

.•Rev..' i aeo^ore C;: Mtiiler. Pastor

, Simday ichool is held ac H:3U and 11 a m . Koinu.g Worsljp is

.feihl at -9;30. andl . t i I lieJ|l«^';;T l^lori};: /C, M ijller'w ill

preach on “ When You Peel LiSie

Rutipiuy Away.” ’

■ - First Saptist Church . ■ :Main »ad W. Tf-vd St“. : ......

Keyport' P -v, :nugefu: 0 ie;;nrj;, Vxsiuv

S'.»‘.day Scht'-j! for >1! :•;;?<;. through udulte,: ,9; JO a:m. :Morn-

in^ Worship isef^ico,.- )0--]f> a.m.

A nursery Is provided for Infants

and toddlers.. Vouiii Kight with

. ifustyn " and hi* ’I'p.m. AH .-youth aro \yeicome. to join in Giifpel Folk siijgoig. • :

Midweek Prayer Fellowship is held each Wednesday nt 7:45 p.m..

Church Of Our Saviour Jtpucppa! Church

Cottreil Rd., : :

; Mtuilaon TownshipI Rev. Hal (. Meyers, Vicar

ihursday, May 15; AscensionDay, day of obligation, > : 30 and #:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist. Mission

Council meeting at the Church, 8 p.m. Ptlday, May: 16, * p.m., Sacrament of Fcnanc* or any­

time by appointment.Sunday 7:10 and 10 ».m. Italy

E ud iariit and Sermon with Sun-

«iay Church School. ,. . .Wednesday. May l l , 8:30 a.m.

Holy Eucharist; 10 a .m .' Altar

Sewing Group meets; 8 p.m. Jun- lor and Senior Choir rehearsal at

tha Church. 1 :

: ; S t M a n ’s Episcopal Cliurck

. East Front St., Key^oH -

Rev- Vincent K. Pettit, Rector Today, Ascension Day, there

will be Holy Eucharist at 6:34

and 10 a.m. - .There wiil.be no service tumor*

low. ' - \-' ''. - ■■ pji Sunday, morning prayer

and Holy Eucharist will be held

at 7:45 a.m., Holy Eucharist and

Church School, !>:15 a.m. end morning piayer and sermon,. 11

a .m ..Weekday services for next week

will bo morning prayer and Holy

Eucharist, Wednesday ai (i a.m,

and Friday, ■ 6 : lfi a.m.

Second Baptist Church

203 Atlantic St., KeyportRev. Roland Hunter, Pastor

Sunday School convenes ot 9:30

a.m. with classes for all ages

through adults. Morning worship

is at 11 a.m . With music by the

Senior Choir. The Tabernacle Choir of tho Faith Baptist Taber­nacle, Asbury Park, will present

the "gospel in song” in a pro­

gram being sponsored by the Morning Choir at 3:30 p.m.

B.T.U., under the leadership ol

John King, meets at 6 p.m.Prayer and praise meetings era

held Friday nt S p.m. and Tues­

day at 10 a.m .'

Trlulty Church ( Episcopal)West Court and Ryers Lane


Kev. Carroll B. Hall, Rector Sunday, 8 a.m. Muttins and

Holy Communion; 10 a.m. Morn­

ing Prayer and Family Eucha­rist; Church School. Nuiscry lor

infants.Holy Communion will be cele­

brated on Friday, May 16, al 6:30 a.m. and on Wednesday at

9 a.m.The Spring Supper Dance ol

Ihe Trinity Church Couple's Club

will be held on Saturday evening. Reservations may be made

through Mrs. Donald Fry or Mrs.

Richard Frazier.

Monmouth Reform Temple 352 Sycamore Ave., Shrewshurj Itahhi Fdvvard I{1 lt:nbnj;fin, D.D.

Sabbath Eve Services will be

held lomcrrow nl 8:30 p.m. I.illi-

back sermon entitled "Campus

Revolt or Confusion. Which?"

conducted by Rabbi hdward Lil- lenbonen.

(irace United Methodist Church

St. James Ave,, Union Dench Kev. Franklin 11 llird jr., Pastor

Worship scrvice is nt 10 a.m. and Sunday School at 10 a.m. also with classes fur all ages, Junior

MYF meets Friday nt 7 p.m. anil Senior MYF, Saturday nt 7 p.in. Choir rehearses Thursday at 7


SI. Joseph's Church Maple PI., Keyport

Rev. Coriii'lhis .1, Katie, PaEtor

Massi-s will he held Sunday

morning at C:30, 7:30, 8:30, 0:45,

II ll.in. and 12: l!i p hi


. : JjKhcrua Church (Mjss.-ur! Synoaj

• SIS Tinwa Ave., ShsembentV': Rev. I&aaid L. ftiggs.. Paster

Sunday -School; iind Bible C.'UiV jss ;m«*t at. 3 ii m.: -,m.irniiig ser­

vice. 10:30 a.m, : -- ■ '"'- ' '

St. .(elw's Mctbodjsl: I, hurcli

t m Ftoieoce Avenue,. Macetot . pastor, Rcy. £l ki^ey

-- - As.’0!:'«!c .iVUafeierii': .. .. - . P t . O. F. Ja^ ’ie ■: ■- ■:

: » ' K^b*i;v 0*1 )//Pn(vV ■ ■. Idculir&l Sujwja.y ■ iBoriiii)g..-v/or-

ship services Wiil re held at :.5U

■md H a.m.: S:-3il:"p.iii, Scftior,

latermetliate arsl .’ ur.iOt M .Y .F .

Adiiii.-Hible Swoy.'. ■ .- ■'"

- Calvary 8»pS&l Church .-«» ftJidile »5d„ Hiisik-t

Bev. O w f t J. E liio i!, P».,;fW

Oil Suud»i; tti.Wo School for all

Mp.e# w iii be Held- a i, S .45, -a.in.

Morninid 2e<yiee v^ll a i I I

a .ia. and evening . gospel _.terv!,ce'

at 7 p.m.. 'rhe-Pastor w ill p/-each

»t (--Hh s'jW u-«. .-• 1 ■ ' - ..■

■: Prayer- mo^tinii is held nn. Wed* nesviny evtinirtij at. h p.m. , - . .

.. i t . rteiticmci» vvutcs

Vethanv Hd.. Hulmuct

. . Hev. Edwzrd p. Bhuks, Pastor. .

’C: .Masses w e.;' held. Sunday- « t:

"$:3fl, 7:30, S:30, 3:43, i l a.m. and 13:la p.m. .:■■■■ . • , -

i ’ourih Mt. Pitcairn 1 : Spiritual Church ■

MS Shore l\0., Uniuu Beach Rev. Katoeime Miller, Pastor.

' .Services, arc held on Sunday -:

Rod TburO'toy evenings at 8 p .m .',

and ;oii;. Friday- aftci^oons' at , ii ■ ■ . p ; m _ : .’

Kina oi Kini’S l-utheran Church': Cheri^ tree Farm Rd.i

: . , M idd le tow n.............Rev. Willmm A. lbmTOn. Pastot

■ Sunday .•School:. $:IS, a.o:;. io

a.in. and 10:45 a m. :.

(■etlucmane Lutheran Church

Maple PI., Ke.ypont

■■■■ Rev. Henry W. Kircher, Pastor . On Sunday-servlces are jieid at

. 8:30, S:4S arid 11. a.itv . Church . Sunday School is held at 9:45 a.m.

Lutheran Church of tho . flood Shepherd

Routes I and SIS

Madison Township

Rev. Harley E. Meyer/ Pastor

Family Bible hour is held at 9: IS a.m. on Sunday and family worship, 10- JO a.m.

Full Gospel Tabernacle

7S Main St., KeyportRev. Danny Gentile. Pastor

Service* will be heid Sunday,

morning warship, 10:30 a.m. and

evening service, 7 p m. ,Prayer meeting will bo held

Wednesday at 7 p.m.

Browntown Community Church ■rowntowu Union Sunday School

Route 18, BrowntownRev. Francis Cantet, Pastor

Sunday School is held from 9; 45 to 10:45 a.m. aud the church ser­vice is from 11 a.m. until 13 o'­

clock noon. Everyone is cordially Invited to attend,

Church Of God

Central Ave. off Union Ave.

Union Beach Rev. C.J. Talkinglon, Pastor

Sunday School is held ut 10

a.m.; morning worship, H 'u.m .; evangelistic service, 7:30 p.m.

David’s Tabernacle Apostolic Faith

Hlghfield Ave., Matawan Evangelist Ruth Depree, Pastor

Sunday School will be held al

10 a.m.; morning service, 11 «.m.; afternoon service, 3:30 p.m.

ond evening scrvice, 7:30 p in.

There will be n Tarry servies overy Wednesday at 7 p.m.

First Spiritual Church of DiViilC lift .iv

279 Main Si., Uelford Rev, Phoebe Dailey, P.istor

Services ore held Sunday and Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m.

St. Clement's Church Miilnwan Regionul High School

Atlantic Ave., Malawan

Rev. Joseph Rucinski Masses are rclrhratrd Sunday

Hi 7, S: 30. 9 .10, 10.30 .md 11.40 a.m,

Second Kaplist Church Orchard St., iHntawan

Rev. Howe 1*. Pi*riy. Pi.stur

On Sunday there will he Sun* day School at M a m. and morn­ing worship, li a.m.

A p rv v iv * oi i r «* V i-i^ nr k*<> V ui i . .v »..r ^Chairm an, M r .. R u Jy >ecot>0 fru ju h it , j t a oftisC tiwiacpifitg xniK wet;.. MK-e wftiurniai'Siipper-uance'winrubt pfact* SMm 'tey nvtn iag , M »jf'$Ji ».( &i*. Tojnpk\ ’ CNrt-h -St.. ;md

RyimefM Lime, jMaiawatt, Sliown as they ex.sinit»bd the- j».c-o>

»r4 mad. i«cd flt>wer*i vybkh'will btlp to sec Ou‘«K' hi<r eve- nrt, left to >lglu, Mfh. N*>il ShVbi'U*^ ‘Mrs^- Ktyb.-

Oajpie! Rcth* and, Mrs. I^onard Mud »iv;*?! -

nbte froso Mr*L 5^2^10,: qy a t ihtt Twnfle ofUct. .

.;, A i.'-V Ori i.i S>;.‘2>*. {hy vorth'.p rvi*.ct ir»’ K liK

CfKirch . on. iv.'.'iy v iu ixs ihe btiiii-

wuj of ihe £40.000 rriorTp.atie pi«rtHl

v-i ih i.‘ t.:n iCipj-.rty i.S;

^eGrs h. Cv. it was fi-ecu.rbd U> as- i^oi i H ’ p-.rvhi' i- ^ng:Jor SfrUv.f!W, a TSzc.rc sut fOi1

liiteiv ewu!'u'-. i:C'r.?.p--x a? Ai^r.'^iy Ave.. ar;d Cbur*:o. St, in Mats.-vaj'i . TOWKSiiip.’ - ••

fis.'ii! i'ayir ti.1 wv.$ n\:xU to' tht? Fv'r.faser.s ur;d •.Mei,c)/a:rlJr. Natic/u'iil hli-iuv'r n, v;y Fvb- •,v.'. rjc'jt )ZL-g deiiOni.a-.;j!joj5's District ^oard

t*f. Church loc<i.vnt(J I*™* i\S iXVi:r\W hii ibtf '.’iKMi-\a% o( a coD.'mct f'.jr thn' .■iioit ot zhc itjtsv buu«.iings» ,

Construction Ijas bmn started

hy ih? FJ, Tfw.'rui.von Consiruvtiof.- O'.,, Nep'.iine. wirii John MncV.'i!-

Jiajn, Aleluehe/i,* architect. A.dvw*

Interfaitk Concert

Reform IVmpIc

Holds Kit M'litMlMonmouth lit’form T'-mpIn

hold its Annual uici'im;; ><! the

(Ton^rejialiou mi M.ty 4, al 8

p.in. 'Ihe lnid)'H lor tin.1 year

19(50-70 was adupicfl, .ntuiial ri'-

porls were hy all romnnt-

U't'.s ol the 'I'finple ami clrrtion

of oTfiiM'i.s and liusicrf; wi-tc


Tlu- slate of nnd

trustees nro na follows: Presl- d(?nt, Robert f.nnc; first vice

preMdent, Monroe l'eutsfh; are- ond vico president, Howard Sad- with; third vice piTRident, Mil­ton Kli'in: trensvu'er, Dr, lark

Kohn; financial sccitttary, Mffi. Kdv.oi l.i(.*buioiari; cor respond-

inn Hi'crrtary, Mrs. S. Gold-

r»mith; tru'.tec'i for I hr***-* years, Max Karlmaii, Saul Hunt and Joseph Wcht.'i; (rustecn for twri

ye::iy, F*ank Smith and L'Dliut Schneider; tru.sti'ojj for one yenr, Chuflc'i Rublnsluln, Mr«. Albert

Marku and Gerald UuUui.

-• Neut.t>* 175 w:i!-:.*eo>i-tiabute their .muatcal^ t.a’cn's . io

an .'e.'^implc; of brotherTiood ’at WQrk, the annuul,,.UiUirfr.Hh Cboir

Cphc«rt, Saturday.’.ftl' 8:3.0 p tn. a i ..SL; John’s lioitod -M.ofhocIW Church, 2000. Florence Ave., Ha?.-

lot. '.-3Va .. pc rtormer^ a rp ”V,:i r,- be.!>, of’.'vijghli- 41.'!: . '_»s\e.r.£.it . aud .

tempi?, .'choir.'?, ?pined'' this y ; by 25 ir.usici2.ns of tno ’vj'cUlti,-- Ujwsi SyjnjilK-ny Oixht'^r^ ■/'■■■

The Invocation- for . the (»‘L:a*

stun, vvlUch.ty;.flp.Pn w ...p ub lic ;.- without'ch'argcV will- i>t* dc-Uvefed'• by Rev. Noruutn Riit»yr rnnM.sivJ of iho hc^t rhv.rc-t', "Iho iux •tion will be given by Rabbi Heu«. ry M . Weiner, spiritual Ivadcv ui*

Temp’t; Shalon*, MlUc;iv.>.n. whos«- Imerfy^th .. Cotnmiu^e C»ui*d«*<J

tuul Hns • sponsored thu wimxnx flshee 1. " ; - '.' ’ .. '■

Selection to he sun}« by ths mdividual choirs are:

Cross of Glory lutlieratt

Church, Matawaiir ‘-'Richard de- Castro's 'prayer to. Jcsas,” ,.WAU

Peop le Who Dwell, on •Eftrtb." and ‘‘Salvation*^ Temple • Sha­lom - “ May the Words” ami

“ V’Shonm i," with solo by Mrs. Fred Kudlsh -and the Junior

Choir, \, and . “ShlraMia-ehad'^

Faith Retained Church. Hazlet.- “ GlhI Who Made.tha liarth” and

♦•He is Our King’*; St. John’s Methodist Church - “ Hear Mv

Prayer’* snd “ Psalm 3"; and Firpt Baptist Church, Keyport,

•'Why-‘Should I Sing Any Other Sang?" ."and " In Times Like


The three other participating

choirs, Tri-dty Episcopal Church

nnd First United Methodist

To HonorOld TimersKightv-fivQ persons have

members o f First United Metho­dist Church, Matawan, for more than 2f> veurs. They will he hon­

ored at the 11 a.m. morning wor­

ship servicc this Sunday. .

Special recognition will bo

made of those who have been

members for '40 years or inuro,

all 23 of them. They include ihe oldest member, Mrs. Annie An- ;

derson who ia 101 years of age, und Mrs, Maude Emmons who •

joined the church on Mar. 5. i899.

70 years ago. Inasmuch ns it la impossible for these ladies, and

many others, lo climb the 17 step;; to the second story sanctu­

ary, a spccijl program has been arrang'd m their honor immedi­

ately following the benediction.

It will he in the church dining


The plus--40-year memborti will

have lunch served to them by

ladies who have been members for 40 weeks or less. The rest of

the congregation will enjoy a

“ finder food" type luncheon. Tha brief program will include q solo by Mrs. I.illian Bopp accom­

panied by her husband. Fn-denck Hopp jr., church organist and choir director, Certificates of rec­

ognition will he presented to each "O ld 'rimer” at the speaker’s

tabic.The Rev. Donald T. Phillips sr,

is pastor.

( l o n v c i i l i o n F o r

T e m p l e Y o u t h

The II.S.Y. of Temple Tlrth Ahm, Malawan, which is open to

.icwisli youth in the ninth through

K’lli piades. has planned a busy

sprtnf* and summer schedule,

l i ny have just recently held ft most .successful mystery bus rid®

in which moie than 30 children lelt earlv orifl Sumlav rooming

and wound up in New York at Radio City Music Hull and had

n delirious nuppcr back nt ths

Temple, where live entertainment

und music had been provided.

Tomorrow through Sunday

thorn will bo a USY Rej'Jonal Convention in Atlantic City, 'llio delegates attending will he Mar­ina Clan/, president of Iho j»nmp;

l.mdn Dworkl.i, president - ^ect; Mlchelo Wilsnn, Mnra Gray, Hel- aine Goldstein und Donna Win­

ters. Tho USY will have the In* stallntlon of officers at » Friday

niithL yervlco on Moy 73.

Church, wad -the l:van.v

•^(dical. Luthemn Church . o f . the;;SayYi*.v:l!«;.; v;.;n rioi

aing. tiioiie. but wii,! ](»,n the ottt*

^rxiicijr» fo:c 'iy‘.ci cunihilied se-. ■ /V ninth. pArtH. jjsirif,, the '

G^th.scnKinc • • CutKvvarx .Ch.u/'^j

Choir,."Keyport.. has withdrawn,

as’ a gi'OUU, -.iUL ‘-i -tuV .HK:ju.'; . • ber^ .i>f .7hf.u choir wi?l ,'ho -

•.jn fhe co.mb)nr-d cHond teiffc-

;tim;tii.. ' ' ' '\ '• •'■' •The ;?Aidd,ltt<{v.'ri Symphony 0 ^ ,

' ch^tra..' Conifttf.Jod.:; by.': JOlau;

-’WiUcnce^.' ’ will play” - Bach’s *'l;ut‘Ue- in C ’.VUnot'' a-c io-

• Iii piirfoi'm^sure. and «»rcr<r/iiv:r,y

the ‘choirs faz ail. ot uyr sel.ec Vi{'!'S. An»'d'< r ojhjr. '‘l-Vm*tax jo m .Ci I'Mv.or'' ‘.viSl ho. played

on ■ tf*** organ by \Vil!U*m T.nvv-

den; of St. John's, durjr.y »ho ot- fertnf'.

: W^tifr.,-Boroi -cbolrn.Msier of both. Cross of.Glory- and Temple Shalom, will, servo as conductor for the joint cho iw Mrs. Edwin

Kramer, chairman of Tomato

Shalom's Interfaith. .Committee, Is co ordinator of the concert. :

;Canveiittion .'.For- : L i i t h e i ' a i i : -S v i i o d y

• . rep i'e5 t?m ii^g I M f o r i -

^rfy-dtiens throughout Nt «v Jer-r,

. sev AvitI hi?, rneetirf! at, the .Mus­ic Pu*r, Ocesjp CV.v, M^.y ’).!} tc

•’32; foi'the eJj?.htSi'‘wwuat convex-’-- iion o fthe Hew. Jersey; Synod .o f

. tha lethfry.n K'b.n\xh ?:i ’ Amtci-

• ea. \ -.' •'.' r-'‘V ':; .. VHighU&hti.ttg , tha, ineetirjg i?esrV sJons'V/iU,be th« Service of 0 ^ 1-,;

"‘nutior. and Ho^V to .

‘ b<*. held in I>t. ^l^hn's I uthtrftir Church. Ocean Ciiy„- VtVsliesday

. uvomig. "iht* &«v,-.0r V -H,-..1

kuudtm of Trcnto.i, President;* of the • 11D.0C# f{}flinb'?r ■ church! .

•expects, to oiticiaw/at the • ord>,‘ jiaiion of three i.ien lido- the.' Christian nihualiy. Tho ' . Rc\’.

Swanson,': p:i:<Lor;'c-f 'Church,; Murray- H»H, ’.viU


Chaplain to the convmtion to

th*» HfV Richard G. C i^ .duk , pastor'of Ked^ew^r Charon ^ Kumsey. Rcpieseuiin^ the 'i.uth-

avajt (.'hiireh hi An'cric^ vii). b*» Mrs. Ruth Grigg Hortin#, LHP*

•mender of-thn Church’ii Fxecu-

tive- Council. Dr. . Hooting has

served In the. PennsyH^rda state

leijisiuturo nnd ag.a state cabi-: net n\emV>e,r Iu the Pwinsylv/mie. ‘

Division' of Health- and Publto Welfare under two governors. ;

’ k-.o-u. ban wen tr<&F, %t 51 to wy;h tit*

prefect wiwJi, v; =?if. cost c ‘ ■’ iaJJu tirtj /urnit/ijr.-ys, cxv:«eus p i.O M ,

The churcfe’ft i>r<>K*r{y c>h ,'M^‘n .

St., him subd iv i^

t d and D rug

C om paq p>.di>Ath;.! Furnrftrs and

. .Thtf

uid Ctuizxh f»ud Cb*j»rh H.ow,%-vvt]I

•coctirme to i>e used f t r worship,

f^uc.iiin.n, aud. ^.X'.at ■ functions

'ho c</r-j»«fs;Albn cat?

' lis sew. h±-jfwre i;(!,r4 Passer.- . : ’ ■ . ..

T*;&. Sunday nie-rji'

worship a»«rvice at H:'S$ a.m-.

has fcw.n. caDcelled -for this Sim- dA;*-. Thv- -ivp.id; u.sd-'

ally tLea i;i ^K cu ’ ibr d,-'ic-nd i\\<t 1), a.m* service sa ihev

.oa/>.’ lak« wirt .-te, the’.-histum- mortgage burning ceremony

A ‘Tinfier-foodM type luncheon v,'iil be.-served-to.-the ccr.^rega-

tb « in ihe chunks- social.- jwrm • f o l l o w ! t h e mort'.

ga»« ‘ burjiing. ' r?Everj,oi\e iff i»-

. v-ited,"- Mid tha pnst&r,- Rev., f c h aid Ty PhijHps .vr. . .....

l i i o e e s a i i C e j i s n r

1 ot- C'tithgiic £>k.kt-5v of

t',m j*t (x>Mducfi(;g a. w ide Cm s 'uS throughout the eight

csjuotjes of n il bupiiy.tfd Cti'bo-

J lc a In lU pticbfccs. am! irjasloiis.

M 'v r than- 15,!)iK ' vi.feu ijfta ,:

n^^tly- -wfJipTO. Will' fcfj

«s enufjienuurs U-( • ‘’Or/era;ton

.Soul, .Search/1- -’ /tcb'eddled' to ’ b*>" gir- Sunday.’ .M ay £>,’ • "'•

'The;I)j*(cesan,Census' wUJ‘ he ibe fu-it • iu. ;be h% -years hi.stq.*:y o f £he .I.>ioceso. The i.Icst' Rovei.-.

chd-.’.Cjwjs-gf W. Aiir,: Uisnop Vtf Irt.-.iicn, r>tr.r«xi • H - '.s ill ljpJa '0

parish reccrd^ and. iv.f.l provide d*o<y»’iaif o|fivi;d.<; wirh currs'U-

d,*tu v/!ikh wdt uid them in jol- iVy. und piano,ina decisions.. . .

' -During the Census, enumera­

tor* will visit ever.1 dsveiUng in

th* 'M''f/ jo.ilej? o f th-i -eight courv-

tie«, Mercer, Buriing^n, Msd*

•V ■ ' •.•J'USTVN RK.ES

. - Gc/sw'}

theme for Y^.utb N ^ht '-'a t-ivirnV* ’ at the Fust Ba»>rih» rhu r >.H ;Kcy-;-

•. SN>»'V on Sunday.: 8 f; T :p..ro.; 'T5n^V' f&fl&tHi; ot jnju-'c' tvi'1.•

fee Jicce^pafw^J* b~•; son-; : ihtJ ■ guitar • a /34 C.aroi. C h»>7; ;iV ihe 'pia-^. ’Xh^ • •

fraHvce £he'.r»jrr*»ir< .'ot ..V<ip? »v','. Re* s.. J^ar<ori'.!}.;e, ' On.^U'vor "a ycKr.u. - EnK liuhm jiii. wh<i ‘ h* li^t^g -.

io co^m un ica ting ' Chrt?ti.(n1iv 'in

a contemporary vst-vie. , : '■

Tr^n* -.- ' '•h iea^ li. ihi}, -nxedvuin‘ •:'’ ltiusic, Ihc^i-strlit^'^’.-iir;;,-

ihai: heand ‘■•i.i’ ijinj: •

.. .- ^ a of q wel.l - ,k?Kiv/^ ,Briti>(h: :

' hor*i' *n Lono\‘i», ; a:id/"iiisf'd id liii- .-fuihei '> ‘ •';v'.,a>.-*.n ;

Cf*??lc-i' sc !C«-ntr<;. irl.ddeobr^’ij^nh,-;lo u t's td l inv- V-n Sa->%i;A.'!d:r.

FrHJ’Cf: , U- rvyr- ' .to. .vtiie; :

..■0 »)l« l :SUEt;*J.'i3V)%?? -'to ;;■•'*,/.• 4 •

one - yea;: , ctvmm*iv:.?;«l, . -

course, .'at tho Naf.k-aal Avaificn

Acade^Jiy”- S t..Peivr.'i'.Mifg.' f i i ;... ‘in ’ -Juistyn’;fc/m'itl’p.nX-:oI -' thft ■ ' C-i •' " K-'*ik',:'

.r‘.i,.}|W> '"n»C

ivhich“tft;»v«f WriUdjv.'abd V '-uc5,; ',

Uj*i'-e‘iirh>j> before )-oirjg‘’v.‘ p.!e in -■ youth cluiw and au^litoriu*.4vS.'■ fee hin>>;es Ky-d dan*?e.hills:'Th#

jjroup made *cv<-*»} r ^ r r j ' i i g ^

dlcsex, : Ihm terdon ,: ba rren , u.sxl. ppijearwi on Uith- rad 'o

Oceau, Monmouth, Somerset, to fvievtNHia. ; ^ ‘

obtain, general ‘information o>\

Jh c religious practices of more

than 655,000 Ttam?n Catholics in’ the 189 parishes and 29 nils- siona In the Diocese. ^

- Since coming to North Am’erl- ‘ ca, Justyn has sunj# and siWKea

to. many youth ovpartiiathi^f, o r ­well as* appearing oa high

an<l urJversity ca^npuses., ,



The Central Jersey Bonk and Trust Company Easy Charge is teaming up with Interbank Master Charge on one dual membership card.

j u s t a s w i t h E a s y C h a r g e , w h e n y o u j o i n M a s t e r C h a r g e , y o u d o n ' t p a y o n e -

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A v e n u e , i n C a n a d a , F l o r i d a , C a l i f o r n i a , P a r i s , L o n d o n , R o m e i n f o c t , 5 1 | w

n a t i o n s i n a l l . Y o u p a y o n l y f o r y o u r p u r c h a s e s a n d r e c e i v e o n l y o n e b i l l . '


with Eosy Charge r i . v s

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• Extra safety, with no danger nf losing cash when you thop. ,

• Extended poyments of up to 24 month*, en­abling you to *prcod out thu cost of mojor purchoftcs.

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with M atter Charge

• More morchonti, here ot homo, offering a vrider iclcction of fine mercltanditi!, ta honor /our card.

• Shopping in Now York City, or oil over Hi* Hew York metropolitan area, vhete citablith- mcntt will welcome your cord.

• Over 200,000 placet, coast to coait andabrood, displaying tho dotted " i " emblflm of tho Interbank Syitom, wheta your M o ilo r Chorge card will bo honored.

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m th e

k r n d Services1


tt jBgs g c a ^

. I H E M a T a W A N SQ-M'-ifi. \* , r

■ : :

.Paga; N jw

Csi«r'*'«* Hawaii 'JisK



Cpl Bobcct A* Foster, U. S. V.aruw? Corps, son ot Mt, *»4 Mr*. Rcb?rt A. Fester, Merita, fviHR". itiKitnis <>t Matawaa, Sas conipli?;^ * w o-yw tout of defy in Hawaii.

: :Cp!. '.Fustet ■.; nstwuiii -.to. ths . •Irtle-i today and villi tepurt to a.

* w sivuvTi.OTt fc South Carol;- l< aii'jr a JC itiy if.no . i

H lfftw h Jn Vietnam

■■■■■-■■■.-■•• Tufew S«ot Tfatalng• • '-OsvJd -eeker,. U..'- s. N'?yy, sonaf Mr- 9nd:,f.l;'£ Finis-C;;;a’r, :3k ; Jlsif&ert 5l„. Uaiij.T Btuc.n, ra tai;- iiir IjnBic train.wR at .: 'Great.

/ UaSr.es; 1II'. H e ' e n te re i!, (!».• : m t~

vice ■ Apr,;. Seama'ii' Reci-a;: Coker. wiB jrrsiiuat^i M;.r.v :,M:

..Me wil!., retarn home oa a !6-day

leaii* teforc repotti/ig lo t e new assieninwit. .

■, Bwttku; tu iVtetnam■.:■ .'., •;; A’rmau..Fl>3(. Cl-’issO orf/.e M;

Butzto . J f i o i i : cf Mr; uml Mri. Ceulf,e ByjzJso, fcl Aliarit.c Ave., Matawau,' is on- dtfty .M, J?h» Cat;AJ#,;::V.ietBii.ai. ; : ;:

Airman Ki.tikb, s security po-'­

. Kcemsn, isj.io a. ;ujui 'r£. the .Pa-... eifio Air Force*.■ Bs(or« his itr-

.. rival.: t o . T h a J I be was., :a&- - tc . the 20^.1.^ ' S^ctiiiEv

3P<ilic£ Siiufeltwi.: a t , Offult AFB, Nib. ! ■ ■ -■- -

*-• ll*® alrmnn i»„ % ’ tf rad’Jif? .. of. ■ Matawan :Regtonal' Hi«l> School.

Traina l a Siippiy Fe ld

v ■■..,■.■ twiRiKifie' Jn Vietnam: : V ItyailMWW Opt-';&‘or CpiMtroe-

;4fror/^r.; C^rrarn - !

vt «icv "i.im-L‘v. .t C'^t.ral A . ^

!S .‘v;'-b jVk'b;-*.1tfnuT.i:yt J.;); in ?..-f<Kan#, Republic cf Vietnam,

•U-n-tf Iho f,-." v’.'-p. i'v •;?'

/S&i. H t ii w.-i-.v c;t. •?{.•; ;v^*

r- : yU*> li.-e

JXX'H Cri-l-rr; : s job :»r- i>:e v r \ 3< . :yp;,-: -;i

f i f i l }. list-.ynrd. • I «H; /.i-r;

r.i'n ui’ irf i!s; N aw . -TJv.y ."iu itbi C'.hir \r, dvl'r*;}]r-truc-jor. p’u« iiu.*.'.r mw,-;CiJrrjp.

Afttr r.'f5.r, thi' Navy, C o i l* !? c fv - ‘

nsrsn C f r f t i i p i ‘Jn?. *'n (;,*nr?r,ii-

in;» L-i ndvr.*r.ro huj'skins ru coi'-

Mrucricr^ i?q;.iyiTi>;!)C ::mi] piaris to working uri*!>

ticu anU road ' building cqM’t- Wf'm, '* ' : '. *••'■'

- : ••• Craiiaales' A f

Sert T»i Ct,honwto

l/ndur fee w a ithM eveli?f- '8n 'AJwMwn- V rovtog Clrotincf iu>ucommi^ibfted.; <i(l?cor, aeu ib tff* - of

a vlffitiDj* Boy Scout tr«jop futhl! <k*wr«- iivy*vfi. Blw*ys,Jw4 to <hnsb• over and Ig(« asi A fh » task*

Tlhiu.saiidi of bovy »jJ( »?«*. ajforfk'd th!w same ptivl lep;<? qI v*ewlag tuJa «tid clhtr Actyy cqulpmi?Pi ii»t>

wiCMf>ons tii the imfiual Am i^d rotccji Day ev«ni to be held at Aberdeen Proving Ground, ’Vld, SKturdav

Armed Forces Day Will

Be Observed SaiurdaV: /-


Spec, i Alan O. Richard^ son of Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Richards, Etlgrmerv Dr.. Matuwon, is with

the11098th Trmisportation Co.; new serving in Vietnam,. i

lie computed basic training at

Fort Dix ■ and traii5[wrtati{in •choo! at ’Fprt Eustia, Va. He is rtatloncd at Qui Nhan on lhe

China Sea. H t operates en ICM landing craft, transporting smj»- plies, , . ' ••■.•’ '■

lie is a graduate of Matawan Regional H igh’ School,' Class of


Airrnai! Richard . M, Swanson

Jr., son of Richard M Swanson. 271 Holland Rd., Holmdel, has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. H ; na.v been

an iga>*d to Lowiy Ah'B. Cot., for 'raining m the supply field.

Airman Siyanson, a , 1905. grad- uatv rf; Re<J Bank High 'School, attended Iowa Stats University,

.... Ilis mother, Mr*. Dorothy E.

Swanson, lives in Mkidletown:

Millfr Promoted

Harold L. Miller, ton of Mr. and Mr». George Miller, Mon­

mouth Rd., Jobatown, has been

promoted to aittiviR An;t d a « t : ' in the U. S. Air fw e t; .

.' Airman Miller is a supply in­ventory specialist s i McGuire

AFB, N. J.. in a unit of thc M il­

itary Airlift Command, The air­

man Is a graduate of Northern Burlington High School,

His wife,; Mary, is thc daugh­

ter of Mr."; and ;Mrs. v;iUam Stickie ot 271 Austin ‘ Ave,; ,01 d Bridge. '



A U T O - i i





H W V . 34 M A T A W A N


.rvltlilary and ^overpmejjt;. cZals.- at.;'’pm t ^ jr% u u (b •\y*U-:!car

■•■j.' I tr ' . public bri Sufc-' u/vjisy.' ' M ay H ; . • aj> iiii-

Arit’Wl; r«3iXcs TMv ni thn Past. Open }).j!ise to tu* thou­

" sauds of vi-siwrs exp^cV-’ri .ior the

2 0 ib f'-'Sr.-brHfion -of. •

CV0u( v&'i! Im-1 u.i,'?.. to

5 p i ­

' Thro^!>>«G‘ -t)v> O-hv.

■ »H<i dlJ.pi,iy>'».; Vriil bv IO,‘lhtf. public (iti G.rtviy Ficivl ainl in. ad-

jaccnt buiWinRS-.. On .f.he inornin^ portion oJ program . ihm**$ • 9

ju do and k a ra te liom ouM ruuo ’n

slated i/i, Jhc l’ k;!<J House, .start*

at.-9:45 a.m ........... •

There’s' action" oh;the main pa- .rade.^routtdt at')Q: tun.-when ihe R oya ls Drum }».rul itu^ie Coips

'o f Jtafontown puts oii u ■iO-mtn-

ute twrformam'c. S o ft ly before U a.m. there witt ba flyovt»rs of

Army aircraft. At ’ -II - a.oi. on Greely FiekJ, the c<»JorIui and traditional garrison review gets underway. Thousands of troops

v/Ul “pass in review" bft'ore thou*

«ands of visitors seatwl tn the

bleachers aud slamiiug on the. pMciin^s. ........• •....

• • Reviewing Officcr

F or the initial parade cf the 1969 season nt the Post, Maj.

Gen. W.B. Uitta, commanding the Army Electronics Command

and Fort Monmouth, will be the Reviewing Officer. Commandt-r of troops fur the Armed Forcos l>«y

parade i.s Col. Chester L. Myers, commanding officer of the Signal

Schooi Brigade.I:i tin?. afu-n.LHjh, iil! t‘xliibil.>

end dispUiVM ccnioring on elec­tronics, ct>jiinv.in!(.-ali')p;, roseart.h

and development, and traininp,

will cominue to be dcMnonslrarcd by exhibitors. Also fr<*m 2 iu *1

p.m. in the Post Theater, the

!t89lh Army H<md uT 1‘uri Mon­mouth will give an Armed Porcc3 Day CJ'ncort. Thi.s performar.re

wiii he followed with an all-sol' dier talent show on the stage of the 1000-sea? theater.

Among other exhibits listed will bo a .special Boy Scout display

in Van Kirk Park, just off Greely Field. Several buildings will be open tn the public, inrhicling the

Field House, Main Chapel, Fire House, MARS station and the mu­seum in Myer Mall.

Exhibits In Tent

A majority of ihe exhibits will be set up in four laryi cirius

tents 011 Greely Field. Had weath­

er would force the few outdoor events listed to be moved inside.

The only possible cancellation

due to inclement weather could be. tlie garrison review.

Advance inquiries indicate a hi;; turnout at the Post on Arm­

ed Forces Day, Scout ;roop.s and



nOOVW“ w»

* r \QCO'

I '.10 H\50




Asbury Park * New York Transit C o .

ROUND TRIPS DAILY DIRECT lo Ptti Authority Tormina!




•. kl*!u*>1. udtt'.ir-s coriiiijgV.in.’frobi; po ln is '- in : B rcok fy a and l.onft Is-■

iand . In add ition Co the-' i^rtny

Mojim.outh 0 ,Ki_nfy groups, yisit-

‘ in?;, ur.j vsili bi; f r o m . Westvvocd,

:OJd. ISruijje, P a r lm and Nuttey.-.' -

J»{un«'hiin^ s p e c ia l is fjeh ig iig-

fur the yotingNiers.' It's * Kfd-die Jump Tower prt Greyly

i-iehl This (ir:i/tr:e ia a ..sealed dov;n versioii ui Lhe 34-foot tu\yer

• located at Port Bcntiing; Ga.; ami wdl providiv u ride ut approxi-

. mutely. 100 feet. This Jump; towei;. simulaies actual cdmiitions. =. 'eh-.

ioiteretl by parachulisU." j^aci) junior jumper witl be harnessed' urid ^iven a protective helmet 10

wear while jumping. The . jump

lower w!U opisraU* ftlt day for ; youugaUrs b«twten eighi, bihI IS vears old. • • •

Assomhfed b the tents on the west cmt of freely Field will bt

- uumeroiu exhibits, while outside

ths canvas structd-es will be an­

t, teQjS*aa» radar, radio and Ide- phone sets. Helicopters will be

parked on the field. Communica­

tions * automatic data process­ing; combiU surveiUante, target

acquliiition; electronic compo­nents, and avionics are but a few ot the scientific features.

Th« use of microfilm will be shown, also the issuing nnd

guarding of patents, plus displays on maintenance L-ni.'.im'ering, {u?t

cells, mortar location rudar, and an airborne electronic flash for

night ph'.Mogruphy, Atmospheric sciences, computers, ar.d various r,!ftars :n*(> f 11*s 1 »’i r > ^ t<>

be ^rujv.n.

Also, ]i!0si.a;,,v,3 wiii be .sent Dy visitors thrmjo'n a 5df.e!!ite 10

ground staiiws. l :ovDay exhibiicrs at Port Monmoucn

-ir'diKir iHm LJtci-riPirs Co/r-

JTland , S ignal Seh(H->!, M a lla rd

Proieot, the Communications sys­

tems Ajjcnvy, and the Satellite Communications Aj*cney.

CempjeteA Phft.<e X■ ;U; ' S.v- Al'fir/ ' Nitfjonfd

; I.t. Cui. -SFi.ahth St:-.' son,

- \h' mi.; Ci-’Jl? .ivWj*jrf/85 Mnt’tiv St., .furif;y. Cr'y. •

pUrteU, Hv'i.-fc XI yfl !he le>:'/7tm'!n .. -jai.'d'^viieVrAi offiev'i:^ n/uft-s'•'».t>'r.hc ;U .-. S. Army . - GeiVt^a) o !afr ' FU

' •l.ea.venwe.riit, Kan , M'j’r. V* '' ' '■• Jc;tj\ L. oOTO-S, rom-

mandet of the l??rd *./. S.-Ar-iny’ Rv5.. rt.tf /.'.’oj- .rr.anti. v. iho India-

nu-;vlichi?o!! nrc:tf .Avas iiie

ApptMiver ni iLe ^ra».i^tiOn e>.er- ci;.-e.' ■ - •

• .’I'hi? itjurs'r, , which was' -corn*

p!c‘ed by 73. officers from, the

active Atmy, Army- Re.nerve and

Aitft#"National Ouard, 1* orgti* ni/ffd into )0 plinses and given

:■ uver , a five-year period vuth the ' ffjjal .twu-wetk phase conducted ttt Ft. Leavenworth. .

• _The ; Uainlng is designed to

.. piepare > selected officers for du­ty as general staff officers-of. di­visions and support commands*.

H also provides them with an

understanding of the .duties of genera! staff officers of corpa

and field army and of Army par­ticipation in Joint and combined

operations. .• Col. Moje regularly 5s assign­ed to Headquarters, Second Dat- talion, 50th Armored Division,

an Army National Guard unit, Red Bank.

lie is s 1937 graduate of Dick­

inson High School, Jersey City. He anil his wife, Stella, live at

thc West Keansburg addtes:*.

Finishes Basle Training

1 ' t '5

? t, ( ^

Vf iUNVAK ■ ■

Air.'Vr^} Joseph V. Sunyak, wsn '

of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. SunyaX 127 AVr-., Unti.ui:

ha.y co^»p-leUt'i' *>o.vi’o. inntf* ’ ;jt.

I , A c k T o y . ( it hvi>; hclerv

assigned *<>. ; ‘•■vry AF .n, k

for tr*;m;:g; in.. thc munitions: and

if:-^in;tfjee /?.e!d... ' •'

. Airflwjn■ Sur.y-i-r is a UfGV j_;rrUj-

uate of ?4kki!et0’.vn ; 'ij^wn^lMp

•Hiijh St.hocl, • ‘ v ■ •

; S t*■ V4rft 1st XUaUund • ' '

Df.air u j.v^ep.v ■ j . ■

Moote, sun o f . M rs .. Koiea.. M«

M«>oro of .76 C^nuu* A vj;. , Key-

P<?rf, ir? c*n ’.-.uty a* --SaKhon Fha*

nom KoyuJ Thai AFi-i,

‘ -'Moore.-. >i radar tcch/u-

cis.i*; is- a ii i^ c d 'tu .a - tiaif o f tthe

- Air • Hc.-prcvj- •

o i^ ly .-.served* ai Em pire Air

F'.’.1,o.\ .: v / 1

. Th?. ^.ir.^vriV' fiJ.-n'. gradujtT-.of.

Keypur: High. S;.hooL . •'

■ i-lU, vJk-,- Pi-dm'aTIs ih £ daujjlv ■' ter \}i Mr. ibij. Wrs, Joseph . V.

i ia u ic a . 'o f ..33 F;int;brook D;

O ld tlj'i-.h’e. ' • '. ' ' ■ . ■ . -•"

J u n e l n d t t * vl i f » n

: .CW, Jfir-t-.pk. f* Ave&v#.r*f#,.. S>irt<rmr af- ^e ff^ iye

'i&fiuv tfi-nt' ■' riii* ' .vtaje’s iRiiucxUity xk'd.;.)W.',i¥un#'-. b io? S. ait-riv V! tnir."*Uv call.

’H'stj »:.y>[ )a iw._u^hj5?-;ei4.

v -.o ibe- Army, aad 2 ^ , . in lo1 :

?r«e .M/iriiUi i.e tp i. Ti i* ■ \t

ed a auwh-.m.' 05

’Vetf .Icrsf.v.- vvLU1. l^ ..'

a.'-sij’ned iu tm1 Marine Corj«»'

J}y -he Tr<;r».

!.«« ;uid h >tat!o^,.':

' Afvr* tit:-ring jU*?ifa W.Cfi.-.

• Saif*- )a: $ £ <\rmr

mi. rxjim’nivig zpri Fiv-v*fTe»«v*J s'vv-V-'i in Ncwii'?, IVft. <

jjre - InUvciiesi physical ex^.mrjiiiiiiUli, ' ' • -• • •

Awarded P u rp le Heac^

V 5, Avtny ■ .Warrant %Vlh;e^;'

F ^K - rkV W.. nteker' jt'v Wicak': priTt'Oi.i v is Ni;;?h

KriU*.?.bijr;;, roceivird t!i't P « rp ;*

. ’.F'.:'.r; Aj.y;. 5 ' V itK

num. , ■•_ •' - •; ; '

*rt’0 r^rk '.'i re»;i?r.v<?d.- '.he. u,»vart|

for yvowds r'-'-'tWed. in : '' v*fet*c. servai^ la V ieuiaia

■).5,. ' v. ’ ;A pik-t in Ioj;

iachiJjouU ; e. cr.te:cd. U)fi A itjv :'

i:/ J ;;»!<* !%7 and v,‘a.i illy '

Alt -Ft. Sam Vu»}*u>»},. T*k .

»»r-ividi* : iivc^i*jas.',Jn . .September...

^ 8 . lie ai,so hoM. i tha Ai< Mod-.

fl). ' ' ’’ . • ' ' " .y--The .21-yeur-ciM war.raof. b!1,U

rer V/Jis. graduated, fton i ChijS*;

•Ib.h P.rctiier^. ;Vc:ui«'myf-

' in • lFii’5 8t‘ed:i»>d

Bernard. ' .;

In \imh, infantry', ; :. .-

, i ' S . . A rm y .

’•Ki'aus!’, . ^ '•o\i s i 'M r , .unit

.rS^scph' E .';'Kvaiw?, \c Dr., M 2.iav.-ar: was

•nif-t,t7b^r of },hc. .N 'hith.'- .lb^i.U ^--

Envision in V.ietnaiii.. Apr, 15:' ' ;

Stationed In Germany

WOHLrir U. rOS'fHK

. Seaat«r» ApprentH 'e Robert V»\

Foalcr, U. S. Ceast G*.i.ird(

of Mr. und Mrs. ftoi.mrr G. Fos­

ter, of 445 NVlhenvood D r,;

; Cliffwood. Bvuch. wac gra/Jean-d

fn>m recruit training nt; the U; S.

roast Gonfd Trahiing Cer/tcr, Cape. May. .:•* ' '■

l"he e ight'w eek schedule v d«^.

.gignod u,» transform him 'from' n ..civilian to 0 bftaicalJy-aralned »nd qualified Coast Gmitdsn?«in.

' Operating^ under ih t ■ Impart-

mc*U of .Transportation, the

Coast Guard conducts an jh-Iivp

program of. air sea stracch and .

rescue. ■I'hey also operate-)j>*ht- houses, hghlships, buoys, day

beacons and long nn<t £ho\-t

range eltc tion ic aids to navi^a*

tion. -

Squad I-eader

U. S. Army S "t. George In-.

w a ii, 22, son• of Harold W. In*

mao, ti03 Eighth St., Union

Beach, was assigned as a s<;ur.d

leader v/ilh the 173rd Alrhorne

Brigade in V ietnam, Apr. jo.

His wife, Eileen. Jives nt ^5$ Adams1 Ave., Klizabeih.

Y t/r mssf chinA.i* t*U In ih« hdnJ*

of i ur «ip*rt p*qi*ri «nd craWt. tiporl^nc* takoi the wo'ry cuf of ftwvSn-g.

.... .. ... •' £M


Airman Terrance M. Kevnolds.

son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Reynolds, 6 Dartmouth Dr.,

Hazlet, has completed p^s»c training nt Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been assigned to Good*

fellow AF1J, Tex., for traininK as a communications analysis spe­


Airman Reynolds is n W >8

graduate of Haritari Hi^h SehnoJ.

Assigned To Sheppard Ai N

V#*V• I *1 ViwH

VUTOR t v im

Vic. Viclur I . Piy/I, U.S. Ar­

my, non of Mr. and Mr>. l-iank

l ’ i//i, m Prospect Ave.. lliff-

wood, lias coiupletcd r'j'Jn necks

of basic »r;niunj* ut l-\»rt Dix. Ho

war, sent to I nrt Polk. J.u., for

four weeks of traimn^ hs a clerk

typist and then to Port U n ija in in

Harrison, In d . where lie com­

pleted e iiju weeks of financial


After gnidii.Uiiij; Irom fiiMnil.tl

school on Apr, 10 ho wns pre*

moled lo PiivMte l-ir.st (’ lass

lii now enrmite to Uennany for

a tour of duiy.

I-'fo. Piz^l was fjraduaUd from

Matawan l<t|;imi<ii I ln;li niu-ii|,

C lasi of pjtitl, and lui<l been em­

ployed nl Gale’s Hardware in

Keyport beforo tinicuuR Rtryict.

Sherlduti Promoted

ChORter (’ . Sherldun, son of

Mrs. l\vrlyn M, M-chan, 227

Second St., Iveypnrl, h.m been

promoted to airm an fn st <■;■■

in tho U. S. Air Pnrre.

Airman Sheridan h* ;*r» evafl inhtiument repainnm unit of thn Strntc(>,u An 1 .

iniind al l.oiinj: At M, M.iin-',

The. airman i.s n l!Hi7 Hindunte

oi Kuypoit Hiuh behuoi.

! - 4 ■ ' # * ' „ .

.«<<?* ' C ; l lSTrPllKN J. DROANDTR

Alrnum Stephen .1. Hro/nuler,

son r f Mr. nnd Mis. Gerald 8. Hronnd^r, 3 H1 <;;ir,cti : FM . K*-iuik-

bui>», has completed baUc tinln-

iii|» ot l ackland Ai 11, 'l\.x. He hns been ps^i^nfd <0 Rh<>pp(ud APTJ, Tex., for training; In air­

craft maintcnaiu.e.

Airman Uioawlrr l« n lWiii f'rarhmto of Middle■to,.\n Toau

■dilp JUBh School.

Afisl^nud In VicfnnmU. S. Army JTc. I.eo Mah,s»,

r>, .son of Mr. and Mrs, Fiank

Mnlyfia, 310 Pnc.in'cl Ave., Keyjxnt, was n'i.'di'.ned as n pro- vi'Mtlvn medicine t.pej iiillsl wilh lltu ilth Modienl Urlj'.tule In Vl« tfUmtvi, Mur, J.

100 Years of t.oitliniious

Puidii'iiliou In 'l his (louiinuidty

Th« Mafawrtn Journal and Tho Keyporl WuoMy will colobrats their Centennial this year,

Tho Anniversary Edition* of Tho Journal end The Woeldy will ba published July 11 end August 7 respectively In colebratlon of thli mileitone.

For Further Dolaili and

Advertising Rosorvatlont


XI-iE UM'AWAM JO URN AL N. J« • ••.TWsday, M$.y !5; 1.94$

SS. M a r v ’s .P i»

T « u n T . * w T i t l e

f s W w K f*-1-

*•'*}*. f e cnSiriffj.- IHfiv o ti \ '.' ■■ S> -

ii). «jJi U’MMonday

- •'-■' '• "■' I,1 "• - . ' - -V “ . • . ^ .'>***»**?£ » i.-i/i v Cl! rt {TrTi.«l\r■ *•*> _)X- taro jly ft, g4 at ihe.Regctars.fins ntw fjelri.

iu'-v3,n.. team ^onir

im g m T r t t a x M i s s e s N c s - H I t t e r

..v .. As Titans Top Rockets■ V “ tC3 Pi*;? **• • V rt'-' •

■'.&;■& itj'sK■ t>wo," games,- b-yt i « i

335 ■

v*ui Wa. ’UiiKj- - .gjine - to. '. "talvi tji#

bjf" wtii

iTt^£fi!ai -Of;; '■FiiSjlifyV m.3tw :' « ,; ; jre^SK s f f o j j V f t i . s . r sasitj

r ® : ?3"a!!j!;22Z;’far a &H s£r>S>». &tiS the team scare fsiJ short:. t>y

At! m InivrV jllHCO ;i »n d .-B3}fShijI3 ’

; t'allio!!*::,, in t'ourth

m i l i tilt- iselp of JJ4U- n.ohiDeclv-

;«r'‘t £p.rt],;;.; Pod; 21ii. ,:\...:r.

High Averag* of tha season: ;wat;.lOv tefcXc^toJB. -XvltVs !S7. He

af.'Ki hiMHi^s ihr’.!e game aeriyn ■

' Qf 6S*. }VU of I'i. M.'u'y1 Ua.fl tim fiigh . g«.tS4>: y (2i7. Hi^li-Tsaxsi’ S«rlt» went . u> .Hoi’/" '.with.': #':r3J9ft---98i.etid- fciynhore <.'aih6Lfc,]vTt>it t !lit

hlgts slnali} *ame ot- lliIJ .:...., .-.

m t i iM u m m

C M l 2 6 4 3 0 3 0

j A c t i o n -

■• l lu n d c i* t t ) * » t # r * - - ■: by-


O ccas ion ft j ip illx ; ,V

H aw Rookie* ’

A c * V a ta r a n i

Ctav*r M«n*qvtring I n s t a n t d i l a t o r ,

»r.- -.,. - : - .■■-■■„■ , ■•'. l^ ig n T t o r e m « m o ? f

Gr»«t Show S A T , N lT i • P .M .

*35_-Up TQ V * 30-Lap Lmtd Spte.


2 0 1 - A8C6400 fW . 14. M LM AR. N . J . ■•■:■. g

a^OxV 5 V «V league' sUnvirrs^s. py •Thoiftpson’.' Scbo<>i la .f

jvut. thfch: Fnday garot; v.hK R'e.y^ri - ' was . r.i>ijii‘dotsj. uiid wili I*® played j'-tiMa S.

- .<>£ inoire conc^fn tft?ho. I,!oyd Rd. Scho-r>j nin<» ;

Bettcb next ■\VJ.rcfe; w-hon;

ho 'anym;-1 f-7r ti-e : leagi.ir: }^^*irfihjp. But bi'for^ thu. .Bcacheig, nvw 4-1, g.e?.: ^>..-'b^.cru-.

<;iaj {eat, Ui<ry iny?if. jt^k. up.-sct uy au Improving.. K by^rt Grsns-rjiar

to^rn in.’ fi at ■ the.: Jw iorRiiiuertj <Jiumpiid lujnonovj*.

• Keyport Cr^jnmnr \vas Jn, a.

wny to pij)i an up?^ b ibe gam<i

Af|i»r l ^ f--ky Hym si?\- v gk il hoin« n run-/or the ir. rhe. first/-; tho K^yporl; h-oni

vauitsd ciit in front m/tbe top o?. thfHfrini ionh,‘ . Jnnrnj'i\Rfeyt tiw ,Bt*ach st.'ivt)jj^ 'p;tCa«r, ' wajked ; 15ib>tt»r Cost?c, thfi KGS , tr> rth^R pitcikir. imd Uav»e Newman con­nected /gr a Hings«. Clhippcj’ Cha­

ney SiUKJed, scoring: Costk- a^tl 'tc tK‘Xd *-*Vfirey

viim uu>. at !>«cuii\1 oil a doubl«

atji’al,: Nsil J w o * ski singlijil, scor­ing Newman, Mik« DbvIho. got k

Ijfti when an atlewpt to cut d(?wfi

Jai)owsl;S. on his, grounder failed,

Rey-ltwii walked. Charlie Carter.

Mi>d Joe (>i£ram, forcing in s run for Keyport. . - -.. .. /.. ..

Flynn camo on to pitch for Tfn- lon Ucach. Jor. Kennedy greetedW.»\i *wit|v n ■ 3rr.|-ipr r> .

' Vino but f.tt.rt«r was out down:at

sjth» Bin to trying tino to scor# on

■ ths M f Another walls kvsded. th*

t>a»s« anew, but Flynn struck out Costlc to roujr* trio aid*. .

-, Th* Eeaclier*. t>ehlnd +-1, ware

Ja t a i l 3haj>*. fiynn sent, home EKfd. !» Mark Kenney, with A two-bagger

[hr il-i'/.j TU’- '.wr.? VO j ' . / v i i ' - .M . .

iieiiiiit cncnigis OU‘ ■ -.i\ fRWt

.tSst tiiey Miiirf rtfls, it out. v-' F ly«w '* strong re lie f piti.hins;,

.(.l/'O'cS,. Miii. ttftil s ifti «!.v«ct. They, dropped btlUad Ti-iomp-«-:rW Scht-ni} i r i in thii sh'tV*iif’ .-f' Ust'ir -HiilHa ■ vj"A

Thuisi(i!i!»n>’s..-.Bu<Wy.Brad«'Jito!:.!i.-d.'.iockt'd iu a pltcJuw’j duel.' B o l;. . Flyatt- .'i)ad Jap ! the -..Matawan fe u d g'jisia w ilh a "lioiner .in. l i l ik . B iit. iii. ti\!! portom o?; riw s ix th , ..T.howpwd ic w w f Oirec riK is o ii.t iir i'i: S iia and n mi-splay i;i, vh»' ito y d R<1 , om.ftQid. Cr.Vist F is in 'r look. Ovt.M tlw ..M atawan

ifyysfmi-0 b:

BrudwtiLi):\ W J ita l Lrto'

aud'Flynn, at the start of the «e=v*f j i ih . ' Bob Crfitaii'ranric v.'hacked

our. n' ivkrbagpir■ and; JJ.oyd. Rd cratied only 4*3. Jiuv CuIishcM^ Ken., Lloyd, Barty .McCIuuo arid

.I thiikr MerU aU h ii ia.^iy Ur rt

xbvv, l.lnyd R^J. i>u\ ' a t a i

3KW by Ont' . . . .

T h a Middk-'tov/jiers v;hanjied.

pifcibyrs, bun tn nn avaH. Aft?r

Allen Smutko. roUed our, F^her singLed, theh tw o , ]plyjm ami

t oituu ftn wiiim* up « ?lt*Conti

time in, th». inning, gof safe hits,

ciakioH ilw gai.iif/ &-;~jnini'iy k«l t/> Lioy<i Rd. now a roat for them.

Keyport: Gmminnr went out

ahead st the start of their gamu with Mailiw io Cer.lxai on ’two

.'walks' aiid h iu by jRiiowskl and fl-lary iEiss, But It di<! not slay that way long for Marlboro acf’r-

cd thfeti time* In the. bottom, of tju iir it tm Klcn tiay i'jir* hit,

,two; : *nor!i and . Bump I'arrejl’*

I.W9-bagger. .. ■ : , '

, XLO\D Bl>. SCHOOL in 1 AU

t nyiin,- 3b ... .

rt ..Cyi'fl'belli, i i ........... .

•11i th* bottom of th* thlitd, Coach

Larry Rosen'* players sled tin score m tnn not turn oi ti*n xuariii' when Costtc filled ths base* with two outi on two walks nnd t hit tatsman. When lh« KG3 pltchar

walked In * run, ha was replaced

by Mark Orr on tha mound. Ken­ney rapped Orr fo* a »lngl* to.

send horns th* tying run., but Orr fsuned Flynn with the bases load-, ed to keep, th* Junior Ruldet* alive ijrtbe gam*.

But with one out in th* sixth,

Orr filled tha base* on walks and

Key, ilararcied out * hit tQ iieoi*

Mei-U, « Sr.iutko, iw .. Hermit, ti. .. Sti«hi>r7' yC. Autfts. 2i> . I/dW, 2b ......


An a aOoivan, lb ....Cyul.soj*, 3i> ........M acDonald , l b£<von. « ...... .Brndontuu, » Srt.J.iny/ ' p •’ .

• vi. L^tl^ri, U '...... ..Mackcy, .aa' Ifarfcsky.' k»

. Kpostra. rf .......

.Cahill* rt



: GROCERIES & FROZEN FOODS* * * * * * — P— — * — 9— IWB^«*WW— «1W K — l»il'nWllin>m n i


S&D: BAR & LIQUORSPackage Goods -- Cold Beer


Gall 264-9561 For Delivery

3.. 3 . 3

4. A.. 1 . A . 3 .. 2 ..•I . t • L V

0. 6li 0 0 0 Vn 0 0 .


• ‘S w pitth- •e-r, _ce/ntt'.vrjshi»' on« our, of a jj?> •i.;f JVs^Jay. th s .

'.But KvHi fri-jv

grounder eoj through r^e Ke^nr-

li-iV.-ld/ Thcii- Tnuijj

, jibu:out. ;wd, to . lieuk? for.a 5-2.. victory; Rut ji- was a biah-

' ly gralifymg-"<rn4'‘ (o r;Tr«ax- ^ id '• . h;* ifr;imis>viU:w.' as v]if;y j'ic-t'f'iHy

■; f,Ka( • ‘K'- ir-jj .Hii.t-ftan

’A'js Sho ii.ti itia-sod f0 V• . them- ■.; : ' ' .'

. .. Tbs tHurnph. was \h a ttiyra ^uw .L 'iw at ihe)r own field, for

»,*rt i>U« pUi UilTlJ iiOi-Vu,H-S in' their-first nifuirbijf. Hold­

ing wins over Raritan ttnd Ksy* port, ft fica! smhCiM.ihsnen,1 for- Uiu Titans. \vo»!d. b;? to bt-.U Ma-,

Hut tho Seraphs are hard

for t.ite best of te.Hr/.s «ruiij»d to copit wlrh.

TKq loss M Kv«T>J»' iry V.HJ. n

(Jiscmirygin^ ony for;- trie Rock­ets young • pitcher, Allfjn Wisher. Ho. bad pitched KOt'd bail, aj»yjnst * gtrojfig Red'Bank Cam-.

olic t<?imi, bi)t the, Titans wontU\ haw* hi** numh^)1' far |}»Is w<t«k

tho second tlmq. in * rpw* thoy

ahHlwJ tiinr off th^ rnound.’-n tha early innings,

■ FLeat IonUtg'TtouUleHo set up trouble for himself

by watking oRC'bafwr ond hit- . ting another'In. liio first, inning,

but then pitched his .way-out

it by #trikii»i? out Joo Mulevol. and gcti.ng Clenn ParU on a rot­

' l£!!; But wltjj Qf1 OUl 1-2 th“ ' ‘

..ond, Mike.-Walters and John Ac-

coiiza teed off with. hits,. Wisser then walked. Truax und Ken ■

JCiinaky, forcing In th* lira! « » • of, tho game, Joe Shannon deliv-

ored ths lethal Wow, » hit liito

Ct'cteideld that got away from

Joa Rlcca and thre* nuia sc.or-

act. ;

. Stover cam* on to replace V/isaer, Afror an «rror ll! left

-Si,Bid put another runner un base,

Stover strufilt put Mdfjvol and

Paris. ito retir* th* aide. The oii-

!y other K<;ansburg score caul* ; ..from TruaA'a triple to. right in

i i l iC i ’. V i l l i N cpu ;» i{ ; T n <3

ig t h e i r c h a p r e s a v a f;>'»re id

t:edc{;jii. st ;hh i, ly.■‘3 bv. ■a vu*1- t o

. iiT£A?&ui:nu tr„H n

iO i . iO iv . *a : ........................ .. ?. \ (!f.fcnurtc-j1., 'b ............................. •t lt

rf ...... ............. -2 ;l siM a Jo vo i.- » .................. s’> o-P a r is , Zb ......... ........... •............. . <1X e h tJ iU , c: . . -........................... . ;i. ,'i

tf- ............. ,'..... ........ s i 1n X K

L o o e s . ilb. ............. ..... , 0 0 0 'T n m s , p - .............. .............. ;, I

i l


5 a

A rt i ii f . 2o ....... ........... . . V 0--it -......................... .. 4 ' Cf 6

sj. ....................... . ........ ; . 1> ‘jM a n o n t i, c ................. ............ ft y 0Cttrn, ah , , . .... i, 0 0M<?RrirtC, 1 ' ..... . 5' 0 0

?•<'** 5* ........................... 3 ' » snu'c-in, ............. . ....... . 2 i 0BetWe), r f ' .................................... .1 0 eI 'c - ir n FT7Q, T) t .. ) 0 0T u f k c r . p i ............................. 0 n ft-¥>'/>n?cf f> ... ........... . ,. ^ ii




. t ta r ita j] ......... ........... w 'h} 1.W ,oCj. A—-fl

l.vr O ; ; ; ; S h a v ! :-?5

u h o : e s h a d x s ic e n n M n i v

b v / y i i - t o 51;.’ -jr*T-i

TV ‘ : , * f 11 * |

is i r v ff '- i’T’ .''••1. Aruiir.f- '.-r y

l-i is c U j .v ; , ! ^ ! i;f. 1

k<:>-' p (S iC ir ' !' ’

r VfAnv m i n i t f i r y h o s t .i. 1

TiP.v fii’.'.j!

tenin?i in lurj

:milBkhTo Modifieds, Official, announceinent, of...tht.

reopening,-'of:' tha Old . Bridge. Spfidwuy to sloe!;, £«f. racing

was .made a t vatittuj auto traclts over the weekend. This. u»-

nouucement spurted a ftnal meet-

liiK Tuesdnv between Jennie Nic-

o!, director of Wall Stadium, and.

the Bjodificd. -.'.Sportsmen drivers' syho hav* absented tlienijelyes!

from, Wo'i bv a dispiil.6 over pucs* ■distribatioim. . / ,

Norm Junwlch, Matawftn,. last year’s novire chomp st Wall, fin­

ished second in (ho limited sports­

men event at Wall Saturday. A

eew contestant f'oia this are#, I ’OL CoUb, ~ :

competiiion. But holding off with

tlm other drivers of IJne big jcodi- tieda.was J im H of (man, Roberts-

vllle, oiietim# Wall track cham­

pion, who drove a car for a Stiit,,

. . . . . on Island .owner , p.t East Wind-tha tourth.. Tho Keansburg pjtch- Su!Ulllv. . iM f ,nnoor scorch on Shannon* stjueez* • “ - . . . - . . . •'

t I


il?ofe by Inning sRd. .... OOtf b\$

Thujxipson Scho^L . .. Oyl W.’t


Ca^doz*,1;ab. ', ................... . ,< i 1b l. Xtjnney. sa ............ : . ............ 3 1 0B . Flynn, p, lb ... .. 4 0Coretfano, ii ........ :......

,*ih ........... .C«VHJ>»iugh, * ....... :,........ 3I^sbr}-!J, of ..... 1Roy, p, 1l> -...................... 4Builca, rt ......... ........ ............. 3

TT 8 * KEYS'OitT (tllAMMAH Mi

AH R H ..... 4 0 1

: : : : ! .{ *..... S 0 i....... 3 -0 0... . 2 0 0.. 3 0 0

::::; I I I..... i 1 0......- \ 0 0

W 4 4Sc or* by Innings

Keyport Grammar .... OOP 0—4U n io n H e<»rh ........... . 101 Ji.'H v —8

Chaney, m ........................JftnowukJ, ci —...........M- Devlno, if ...........Carter, if ........ .......Ingram, \b .......... .J , Kemwdy. Hb ..............Artfast, c .......... !.....

Sastic. p .... ..............r i. |» .................................

O. Kcw rtifiu, ..........A, L^Conw, 2b ..........


; Torn Battaglia walloped out

what looked like s home ran tor

tha Rockets at the . start of t.he , game but Jerry Sehulla pulled the driva down In d ionsatlona! catch. After that the Rockets

failed to cuiiM through with a

hit until Stovw’i poke that ruin­

ed Tniax’j ' no-hltt.er at the end,.

Ricca walked and Tony Pedrr.z- io , batting for John .Betiial, was safe on Klinsky’s error, lo.idinx

th» bases, Jack Douglas singled

homo two runners. When Rlcca,

tlio second haserutuier to como In, v.ai called safa at tha plate,

tho Keansburg bench descended an Unif v s Stan Carhart en

masso. But It did them no good and Battaglia had s chance to

lie up the ball game. But his

smash to the box was cut off by Truax for «n p«sy oi<l tit first

and h was al! ovor,

The Rockois now play four

home games, with Freehold to*

day, with Keyport 10 a.m. Satur­

day, with I.alcewood Monday

Is agodn.lKUjd (or the track near

H.ightslown. Kadng at East Wind­sor goes .on a Triday niylit ba-. sis this, weekend. |

In tha first of (wo lim ited

Sportsman,- Stock Car features, Bob MoColloujih1 of Mount Koily

grabbed the Iiead from last year’s

Novice clia.mpion, Norm Janwlch of Malawan on ihe '2()th. lap and held on for victory. Jatmich held on to finish second and was fol-

lowcd over, tha finish lias by

•'Dusty” Malsbary ot Highlitown.

This event was atartcd in ths 11th

Jap, the first tl) being run oil last week’s rain curtailed program.

In the second 30-lapper for th*

limited* Jos Gottlieb of Windsor who started in sixth position mov-

«d carefully through traffio, tooH over tha lead in tha 22nd lap then showed his exhaust lumes to tha

rest of tl’.a field. Bob Cress nf Freehold, who led for 1C laps,

came on to finish second v.iiiie Junwiel) Ltiabbcd litinl pijlc



E H 5 E V 0 77


'67 Chovclio $1895Malibu Sport Coup*. & Cytind*r, Fully: Equipped. Powir Steoring, Fully GuardntoucJ.

‘67 Chevrolet $1995ImpaU V-8 Sport Sadan. Fully Equipped, Power Sitnnnq, Factory A ir Conditioned, Fully Suarant*cd.

'67 Chevrolet $1995ImpoU V-8 Super Sport. Gold, Gold BlxcV-Jt $onti, Powor St»*ring, Fully [-quipped & Fully Guarantsid.

'66 Mustang $13956 Cylinder Sport Coup#, Standard Tramrrmtioit, Radio A Hottar, Evtra Cladn. Fully Guarantied,

'66 Chevrolet $1595Imprtlrt V-fl, 4 Door Sndnn. Fully Equipped, Powar Slaoririg, Fully GuArdnta^d.

‘66 Dodge $1195Panel. Doom Qact A Shia, E<ci>ll#nt Condition Throughout.

'66 Tempest $ I 195Sport CiHtjia. 6 Cylmdtir, fully Cquipp*d, hilly Guardntood. Eco* npmU.il,

'66 Mustang $1595& Clyindar fjfiort Coup*, Fully Equipped, Fully Guarnnlaad. CU*p, Economical.

'66 Pontiac $1495Catalina V-ft Sadan. Fully Equip, pad, Powar Steeriny, Poww BrsWl. '*A B«*uty.u

'66 Tempest $1995GTO, 0 Cyl, Sport Coupa, Red, BucUt Saati, 4 Sprod Traniminion, Factory Air Conditionad.

'66 Chevrolet $1795Impala V-8 Sport Coupa, Fully Equippad, Powar Steering, Factory Air Conditioned.

'66 Chevrolet $1695tmp.\ld V-8 4 Door Hardtop. Fully Equipped. Powar Steering, Fully Guaranteed "Showroom Condi­tion,“

'66 Caprice $1 795V-fl Sport Coupa, F.illy tquippajl, Power Stoerinq, Yinyl Roof, Fully Guaranteed.

'66 Ford XL $1795V-0 Spur I Coupa. Maroort, VinylTop, DUck OncVot Soaf*, Frt;tory A ir C ond itioned .

‘66 Cltevollo $I69!>Malil)'., Spoit Cc up*. F'illy F.qtiip- pad, Bronx*.

'66 ChevroletCa'Ppa


'66 Chevrolet $ I 295BolAir. 6 Cylinder, Standard Tiant* miuion, Radio & ‘‘MintCondition.'*

$1 195Fully

'65 Chevy IINova Wagon, 6 Cylind Equipped, Poit'ttr Steorirg.

'65 Pontiac $1495Catalina, V-8, 4 Door Hard Top, Fully Equipped. Pov/er Starring, Powar Bratoi, Etsctric Windtiwj, Spnr.ml Vinyl 'Vunlufa' Interior, E*- collant Condition, Fully Guarflntnnd.

'65 Chevy II $995SpO't Coup*. S» nft rd Tf.Ant

minion, Radio and Hoatar. Ecn- notnlcal. Claan.

'65 Pontiac $1495Catfilma 4 Door Hardtop. Tally Equipped, Pow«r SUnring, Pnwof DraU», Vinyl Venlur* Interior A-l

'65 Buick $1595Y-fl Gfdn Sport Comertiblo Auto* rnaHu Tramrn'mion, Power Stof»ring, Pow.r OraUv Y*llow, Top,BIac.Ii Ruviat Santf, Fully Guar, anteiad.

'65 Pontiaa $1795Grand PrU Spnff Coupa. ?,illy Equipped, Power Staarlnij, Factory Air Condltionad, Maroon, Blaeli Vinyl Top.

'65 Buick $ 1395Gran Sucrt Convoitibl*. F u l l y (iquippad, Powor Steering, White, BlaA loa. F'.or'^'nic.il, "Sporty M'65 Chevrolot $1395Irnprtla V-8 Sport Coup«, fully Equipped, Pc>*er S*s?fin3 .'65 Chovrolet $995Bitcayna. 6 Cylinder Fully £qj(p< pad, Fully Guarantoed. ''64 Jaguar $1195XE Sport Coupa. (At It Bargain— Naedt Soma Work.)'64 Chovrolet $1095Intprtla V-8 iport Sodan. Fully t quip ond. trnrnacuMa Condition.'64 Chevrolet $695Biicayno 1 Door Sedan. 6 Cylinder, Aulomfltic Trantmiisloti, Radio and llaiitnf. Economical, Claan, Ra«<tonnbla.

'64 Buick $1193Skylark Convorfibli, Fully Equipped, Powor jfuerinn.'64 O pel $695Waijon, Rad, "Mint GonJitlcn\.M Clean, Ifcononti cal.

'63 Valiant $693Sport C o u p * , Fu lly HqulppicJ, l s 4-< nomleat, Claan.

'63 Ford $698i’Aiilnna Sporf <0oUfJf, AulotniHt Tranirniiilon, fltir.let te itr , C l l in ,ticonomlcal, "Jporty,"



TELEPHONE 564-8000

Howling League Being .Formed

The Tuesday Nito Summer Mix­

ed noubl«H League will open its summer season of bowling wilh

a mecling of al! members ut tha

MiddlMov-’n Lanes on May *0 at, 8:30 p.m. AU team captains art

urged to contact the league fcoc* relary, Mrs. Wanda Oberlt) of 11

Dakota Ave,, East Ki'ansburg. «• soon ay possible, io verify their standings ond tflam rosteri.

Anyone wishing to Join thfi

kMguo muy do so by contacting

Mr*?. Obi;r!c at her fiorr\n plwi.ic, 787-U579, any evening after d:?.0

p.m. or by calling Middletown

Lanes, 671-154I, nnd lonvirif? their nninca at ihe desk, specifying th*

Icngno in which they witiii to b<nvi.

Fu’l namiM, uddri*ssofl nnd

phona r.urrtbiTH must b« submit* ted In order to bs cnntacied im- istcdiii'ely. N**w hnwlt'rn nre wei-

cutno, ltiis ii a t';ur num nu.scd <loub’0H using tnn handi­

cap system. Howling will star! on Muy 1*7 Hi 9 p.m. at th« Middle­town I .mcs.

Loagua Forming

A Slimmer Howling I nn juafor botn hij>btinh and ivivrs ia b<*im» fnnned now by t!i« H’rtnl

i?'riti» Women. AyoiK ('hiipti*r,

liia Un-»i;iio will bowl on 'ilium-

day al p.m. «t<inin^Juno 5 ot Airport r’l.i/n, Huzlet. i'or furl lit* v iiifiu'm\ I inn plcnsaconr.iit M u . Sprllm.tn ot:»fii 8ISN.



Painti Byt

W ool«*y P#tHt

Boatlifd - Sovcot*

Har<iw#r* • Rdpalri


Koypoil Bhii ineB.isin

340 W . Front St, Keyport 264-9421

skts'ri in six .Sunday be defeating

I ' i i M i t li i i ; 5r AilO-v. sfV;i-»h A ir .

liie Ba%W.iir<}v


“Jim* niJhs May, ?.t) t-Ki sonsf? ;i>c r<:n stai«.' ■

• Tr .• i‘u-4 nr»r

}uiyy.\,nvr.h ',•••■‘I be. hble U) r-<nryflscir slr^ {«k tbt* tour.ieviw wo ni v 'fs receivcvl this Vi'eek

some of the top pircbers on the /^astern. Seaboard w)l/ pf-i1- fbrmir<j4 qt, tho i ( ; t , j ; diumoiid ?n the De-fcorjiriun Pay ac>iori. MC i tJU^ba r. Mew;’, rk. :,i brln r.}

Minakoff, ironi ihe oia/f or Ihe Kaybestos Rwba on a loau

for'tiiat. v.'^rkvitd. ..• . The R.ubff, piu„v in tb^• Se l.k>arU Learie, Ihe trip’e-A al . syUbajf. Another fasi-piuh fci,*}/;■•

ert who will corny iri is. Carnjon Areano, also on F s i ^ r »»

' Leaguer, by tii«. , e<.v

.Rita liftr. i'lufi*: Orange, for tb«# occasion. Sran MaseLiij vvii:

: t.hr?nj. Aip for Sonny’s. South Riv-

yr. Mftk'ckl cne^ shut out ibn

Clearwater : Bombers, vheu thy Florida club 'was world champs.

Bayiihorea ..had ihy. aervic^s of Dan Lytwvn, ace hurler trom Metuchen, in' their g^nib at the

Reformatory. Th#.. .'fans found. I VLwyn>' phJin^fl of- pnf‘*

whicK he struck, 'out the- first fiv« Ruhwny, baUen to ; him a novelty that caught thoir fanc>',

Lytwyn had to bo at his best a* the -Reformatory pitcher, Cannou*.

bijilt 'Crockett, had a blazing mm bail thsit wm haid lo hit* Bay-

•; shore gut s girt rtm oiT htni in th* top of th« ?rccond. Bob Ran# ey goc a walk, went io second om

t pis:;r4l bn!i ar.d sccr'-d O'- zsi o\‘i*rthv(jv/ oil a grounder. T'm-4

ieeond rua for tho Bayshore* dk\m iu. tha top of th« third cm a •ingld. by Jacob*, • aacrific*

biint by Kd F!ymn rt.nd Snyder'i# ■inft’fl. This, was iho end of their scoring, against Crockett. ;

- Lytwya; had no iroyble . .unUl th» last inning when ,»n .putfteW'

• etior 4«d a pui men oft

third and first with one out,. On*

man scored but th* other wae called out for leaving . the , ba>6

too soon on a double steal,- end* Ing tho threat.

Hits by Flynn und Snyder irt tha first and Bill llo(Liau‘A hornet

in tha second gave Bayshore* & ?.~l cd^Q on Moada Si. to the top of the fifth. In that fiarne, Gono

Mitikiewics hit » two- bagger

wilh two men aboard to send Ui* Amboyans out ah^ad 1-2.

Bityshores bounced back, quick' ly in the bottom of the frama, A double l»y Hu^h Clurk, 3ay« •horea pitcher, and Flynn's ave* ond hit AH'ere followed hy a hum*

run wallop by Jacob i A single

by Spenco Madsen nnd Hogan's doubla put Bayshore ahead at tho end of the fran;a. Tiv.-n. hi tlm six-u, Kicky i-kl,

->t. f-Uchr.r gu ’W- wild, fiilrd th« b ine* on v,’»lk.< and

Bayshore ran in ths run* to

wrap it up.H.YVSFIOHR A.A. (1(M

\n « i(35. F ly n n , c f ................................... 4 3 'Jm-oba, lb ................................. Z 2M .\ dsen. d i ..................................... 4 0

r.nyrii'i', 3b ....................... 4 0ltaney, o ......................... . 4 1Ho^an, If .............................& 1Cottroll. 2t* ........................ 0 1t'omvnv. j-f ................. ............. a JClmK, p i Z

jrioMIOADE ST. ACF.# (3)

Ail n i

. $©tti}ai! fo r Womerj .

■ of

■; . srrii,- ‘the

tihr.i'ii ' Cr.C/.'t’ijMOfy pn>*gram has bc-;un v;? ;;k i.v softba’«i,A fiefti ct Indian f i i l i ! i .h w ! tho; i:io^i-ii.n.


Husko. a i McMjhtm Malkiuwi»: .C -JiC iya , 2bDim, p ..........Mybnk. )? ..f l , . tvvvsk'. r*RoKan. 4'f ..M«v»k«! r f . . .it

Mcadh St. A- ■.« B/i.».iliuio A A. .

! i I* i

.... i>* 020 9 .... l lll K--n>

tjee.-i K’Sivve;! ter th i womafi*'*1

ai ft:;!!), pi;.: In'.r».cr , u’far..-w aij& i:): r. ., . b- J b y ;

iaeiftifc Mrs. RitiJj . ' Ot tMSljCf*,;'.

nit, iypeivisiir' uZ .


ZENITH AFCJMmatlc FHit-hinlnfl Cotltrol

’X ...Color TV wilh t pielor* to tin'f to tun* jou o»r 4o H


S p e c i a l l y d e v e lo p e d I

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8<iautirui C o r iio m p o u rv Uylr-ti

com pac t console m >

W jin i i t co lor p n ^ ? e c t h o n i’.v o o ; .. .

♦oh'di And v cn ocd . Z e n ith V tir .

*nci UHP SootltU D iaJi,

$" *3 " Tw/n-C<?ne Speake*. •


, : . :SEH5AV1Q»M,IY .

........ rRICSD

^ ^sriith l i lS i f t j 8 0 handcrafted chassis

«5s6rev Kup*f perfonr.a^c." ;;nd ufWivA{'<J dcpenrljb*t*tV -, ^ T W te<v* longer with lianUicARi nsyv 2#nilh 8njjtnei.MiMg,

Wp 6riv.vnco» w johd-ktAt* tochrol^Ky combined vytih ^ prov<en hjbg rircuU .

• Ziinith AFC--Automatic Fi*w-timir,,c; Control

11 Advanced Zenith Super Video Rftnge Tuning SY ‘e in

• New Zenith CYRO-DRIVE UHF Channel Selector '

HURRY I Come in today! Supply limited/ ' €j

w y not get the best!WITH PERSONAL SERVICE :

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Ten Eyck Ronson. Inc283 UPPER MAIN ST., MATAWAN

{Near Hwy. 34) 566-1600



t H i, !l;»uUo|), 'liiiiia ..v Air ('mu! }’.<•• "t1 ;■>!«**•: •

fiiX I ’ .i a -*r IV il- V ■>*. (■■■ v I-.-!').' %

, ! r r $3550

'68 CHEV. Impala1 Du,ir I! I I A litn

s r ; : ...... . M,," : $ 2 4 9 5

'67 T-SIRD1 Hr ll.iiili.'H A . 1,1 i ' .,n i l>StriM id,:. I'd * 1 PUu B; i';>-

M l->t $2595

'67 C .H RYSI F:R 1001 l»u,u Huiithi|i, Si !■« i I ii f ,Pn"ur 11. tlv.'i, P- -.aiS S - ™ " '’ ' $2575

‘67 FO R D Falcon FuturaSjuiit Coupr. fl <’ ,1. Aiilonint".

n.',:;::;;;:::... . $1650'67 C H R Y S L E R

4 \ul<> ‘I'i .m P .'.utStP^i, r...sfi 11: <k«*«

III,-, rt $2475

'66 C H E V . ImpnlaA,II,, 'I'i , i , , , I II., .i 11,, i It 0

Z , ............. $ 1 6 9 5

Aulinii.il Sed »'iGuld

'65 P LY M O U T H Fury III•..til Sk-MU,*. 4Di .


*64 P O N T IA C G rand PrixVinyl It.>uf Wlrtn, Aut". T imI ’.nv.-t Slr.Mln,;. r».. ‘ *r Hi ike A"

‘64 P O N T IA C Catfllirin


67 JEEP Universal

si,-linn V,1 .t 1.1.11, A iilo. Tr«ii» I’.i'ii f l SI »■. 'i li i w .J*o;% fl fin->

5.".rv..Vv"’ri $2095

'66 FORDrtHiich W,u(‘»n, S C> 'i ..I.-,

....... $i6oo

D A IL Y C A R R EN TA LS — I..O N G TERM L E A S IN G Estflblishjd 1925


H W Y . 35, H A Z L E T - - 264-0190

.iftursgay. M iy-j.s, sw ?


THE m AT AW A ?4:'^O.MKi'iAL w. j ; ’.?'af*syv ctwvn

.iW .v* - 'O-jnKiU ia ^ e ’.'wM- jr.rei-jjit a 'vsrds. '

. ' F i f t s i ; ijf/jSSQ:cnnictuin-; , s ^ e n t i : r" pU :l-'; . 1*''»ro*

.'• ih ir4 p.^ve

.imJG, .CfcUs.; ;Jfcdi.'-xi'nii; V

place ?eanv Andy's P?«>rt Shftjv

. '"Vv.j.;.n<rc.. for' MjmI >m-

. ftrwtti.: &o>v-)|e.r -end- JDgh ’ Ss-cies.

■* >)!)■..j^sj. io Nurma., Tuyioi;., Thorns,

lo ‘y i^ -. ihe StrafjhTOC;r<5 S-.ane*

■ VkMJ-M; .e!yi>- s.?:q; :Nprma.' V<xylMt' *. >.Difk^sofc* ■ A n n l te n h cod

". Stfpfrte: tyssningv. z b&wte&t - wiii - "'he; KwW.'a.t < ^ a r th V r ea i d «n ce i i i '

-OjUi Net}.

:lVf5 r!/tfl i ^ l ?A ,«4TTr»■’■ 4.$jyt,\jti.n.iut,%, m # - * * jtjgf...



| M«y Service feaiutu;




1^. !N YOUR CA R


] sack cuffijjMHiOii by schools in

•hi? sre* rar: -• 'ft s -rw lev? ir.

difKvutty whcis thet«: w*r« 00 tjv-.; ir jf? ji! lfie s s n u il Long Bntnch

refitys. J !>9; 5i;l)(iptS: ?)av« h*cn M-

v-iivsii U>, parisdpjiie in inv)u»tio*i- :tii: mviis at .tosh Ocean Tow:)- ship mitl Ms(6f }3«i Saturday, a#

*s f uj-ups . 1» the annual Shore

Con feW 'tx meets,... ;■ ;.

’-iMro w>i Keyjiort won <5un!

mews MuihU}', ■: Marlboro edging.' om Wali *5:6! : v.iule KeY-jwt

. t, wi. ii r, hs .I j~.c f.i.

Totrs River, !'de iJ-M. Iu ® peft Ju; manias by Marlboro trackmen stood out,' a iG.l second iW>-yt),

da*h, by NaU Kelly and a 21.* 189 yd. low Im/U’ts ; by John

Vj>unj>. Keypor.t ath!w«« !• «A of iJ evpjv.a from Hit Gvif*

fins. but times and Oi&taricfs will

need, a iol of improving tu nmkti th« Key* compel itive in th* Shore Coiifr;.i tw;e. ::u*?t. . ' . ! ; .

.Matawan losi 6S50 lo Howell

Jiuiy 7, but (our Maroon and

■Steel pt!ri«j:mcrs-k«pt to a high

cojnpctHivS' . surnlajtl, Bruce Gardner wftli a 52.1 410, Jeff Wat­

son with, a two nil!*, ToiaCtniJivrM with 3'6i ri. s/t iti. smq

pu t: and . Tony. > Ku$sel), yvitb i : 20

fl., i m, hroad iiimp. . . : .

. Karilan lost 79-17 to FieelmM May 7, Signs of proKttso ..in llit

KocKet camp'were the 4-U m ilt that Warren Gordon rail plus a J# Jt. 6n i . pole vault by Don Callalian. • ■ ■ .


DODGE I40 m a in m .. m a t aw a n

M- ■ 5*6-6100 {flrieem- -■ -’i—’■ it1];t.;-ipiiinM '! luiiiihi~ 1

All-Breed Dog S'to*Tiie. Mor.rnouth Connty Kennel

.Club will hold its 39th annual

r.l! bii-rd ilog show.:, and Jobedi-:

. tiicc .trial on: Saturday. May. IM, ;

at Wol< Hill Farm,-.Occunport.

RariU n H igh ’s ba lito sw i» hiew

spother ona .Tuccday, 7-6 to Mid-

osetcwTf, tfcia out .«n bad - ing 'BJiji Vstwrs £ja in . Cusch W«!t

-Jubfmk;, HsrHao. sJiir/' /or giiphr.

;ng tajeiit. ii) a. (suxy sclsndule.

gay* Barry M cBride, his !c!t-

first 5aclt«r. * ch«)K«,

i.risg tjxeky s i; (tie. r.tart ;

but iharpl.y * i m vwrIxJqng deserveda better fat*

than tg hav* the gam e pulied

dot riwn widF! '!ti»! l>y eiru»*t.

(iifficijMv' 9f\ plleWag-' ttphi.U,.’« *th'.- Mifjdlf.iov.’D dlA.TTi .Til filoprs at .vjch fin thii.1. stse piatt1 *it

the ba tier’*' l.iox is stave the eKyation of t!ie wound :6n..which.

.■ the • jiltcliw stands. It Swk him t:Bit to net tiie <>! wvh an (>dd setup/The sti*i/v. c f throw-

;iitt the !>aii in n n d up ai the

mi»mt -tiin«-pr9V«d too muck t o tr.i: U*»s staitpr, Jim (Vil. amt

Bvbbto .Ytstnku had 1 to come, on

m relief to win it. The win put the Hons a i <-6-1 while the toss dropped me P.otket*. act 2- 1C nn tJjc ifasoii, ; , / /.;■

TJijj: . SL'ored twice with two out, in the first/H il! Mar-

ti.j; 3 H ,V ... .W .’J p iv-l!

walked; K-.n Halgriny, then js- pt'd out * h;t to brinjc in ?,<ur-

ieiltt Kovach went (o third and

scored whtu Tom :Hurst erred on .Mike W ard's grounder, Tony Pcdnnto, RockeLs cauhtr, cut ot! more; Middletown scoring' by 'throwing',oat Wwd steaiinj< sec- ■onil. ■■'.:■■ ■"' . : ■

tion* Look To K« In The I.10114' seemed to have (he

■ g-ijne. 'Wi-appsd up lylic.n. Ihey scored throe more ilim * in t;i«

second, f.raiiit Sloan ftol *>■ walk and was sacrificed along, <;ii|

hit safely '.0 ccora Sioau.1 Hon






for sanior citUens —* when you de«l with one of tK# ■five

friendly offices of PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK.

Carhfcrt advanced G in fcfiii Hugq

Branch! slsrorncd. ou! a hi>’ to

bring (p 't iiH and 'sund ;'C arh iv t .­

third; Ocrnsrt-...ttVo.'.: seo,-<d an,,

e iteubis s!e«i .«<; ihe t<wk'j<, Hi>

field pia.yed ii. badiy. > } * « « !•»

waited, U it MciBride.’ tightcm'd.

liu'VU to 1h!f KovacH1 and M-t

M- rtS on \ - .popup ending th«.

7iatt:e w i:h M iiidkiifw n j l n a d :

; '■ ■ ; /'■". ' 7he Rocket outfielders ; matt*

■Mime 'dJttirltag ealehe's m-sjSili

WcStWc {J:rB.ug&',{>? *:ra fcui... Sionchi tapped t!ic Rockets’

. ; for a homer : ia . ih t

Ib'jrih, tjli' KooiiCti

finally got on the scoreboard

, a£iir i.tt Q ill: io the /ouriji, K ick .

‘ Cere ervd McBrida led off' with '

hits, p.nd sdvsinced on aa inpcld

out;' A: Hi id piteh-iet i» a fun.-

Joe R icca - fanned, but P e t ite o

h il s ife iy to bring in McBride.

. CiiU 2c t bv the fifth but

showed e lta tly the ■ strain , of /.

Ditching . uphlil was Kett.ini} him .

. In the top of.jlus (i/th, he walked'

; two;' men with :■ two iitiid the side bv funning Kieca.; But. in the sixth Pctnzio got > .

■ ;life 011 m. error and Frank-Ervin• " , r . .. M. .■• — ; . A ’

I a i l UStfJi K IV U « » 'I> U M .

Jack; OouKia.i «rid '.i'om. Battai'- :i«,‘ loading the ’ bases. Wiien the J.lon pitcher: also got two balls■ on.;’Burst, he was yanked . and ■ Yesenko came on in relief .Yes- enko, trying to settle . down, walked Burst to force In a run .: Turn’ Manentl lofl/jd a fly back of- .second hjfic and Douglas'' scored after the catch. Cere then slammed a single down the third, base line to - briiij; in Dciuulas •.itxi KnU.iyiia wiih" the tying run. But the railv was kHlcd off. wh>»

Cere was cut down trying to .ni^ke .second, ■'.".. ; . . '

-.Th*. "R ocke t*•' had. « chance .

•,■.!.■• is Joh« Bcthet was walked lo

start the top of the seventh. But

Ypr.enrto rose to t-hp occasion '.. f , L ' : LwA |;y

fanning Ervin, and getting fjoug-

lU-i on a pt>p iotil. .With one out in the fcottom of

the seventh. Kovach got a hit for the T.ions. HaJarin* hit a perfect double-play grounder io Burst

bu( . Dougla* stspped off second on the fore® play fnd fletliel

off first oji the relay.' so there- were men on first ttnd second with one out Instead of the si«te; being retired. Warti then walked,

loading; the sacks: SkiptChildreM

then h it s bouncer-M‘ Cur j i r.i short that should; have been an MRV forcc at home. But Huist: was off balance, ihtcw wildly 'and'Kowich scored to end the liame. . ,■ RAKITAN <0


Hb, Ti . It ........lb


Mancnli. c, Cero. Jb ... McBride, p . Usthvl. Tl. II)Hici'n, *.f/ .....Ervin, z I ....Ptui/./o. e ...

A lt R R 2 I 0

M lim tK T O U S ' (« )


Carhart. if BinncW, M .... MtiiV/.eDu, saKovnch, cf ...HM gritiK . p ....Wrirci, ID .......Rlvow, . . , .

Clilldtew, .1b ..0 )11. p ...........Yciidiko, p ....

&i-<jrc bvn.irit.'ih -....... ...........

Mi(l<1Ie1ov,n ........


.... 0(M • 204.. i.'io 10a

7 &




(3) Kc>i>crt (1) Air(>ort J'lnva U) Uoton Beo,c.h llnzlcl

Small Boat CourseThe third annual Small Boat

Handling and Wau*r Safely

Class, the auspicts o l the

U.S.C.G. Auxiliary Flotilla 22 of

Red Dank, will be held on ihe

three Thursday nif'lus of June fi,

12 and 19, sm n in j' at fe p.m. af

lho M o lly P itcher Jnn,

Rod li/mk.

Bird In SpacerConstantin Brancusi Ihonzff '54 inches hl#h

^TrlmUno PInmis:

H e n ry D re y fu s s

M o d e r n p las tic s a n d

e le c tro n ic co n tpo /ie tiW

inches high.

. iofa«ior Trap «nd Fl»h TalUiAlexander CnltU'r ..Steel wire anil sheet aluminum

> i Jeel high

Part of th@ design exhibition In New-York’s Museum of ftSoden’S Art.'The Trimline® phone Is Ihe first] plione ever to be selected for the' jlcaign exhibii'm in New York's Mi

esign exliibit'm in New York's Museum of Modern Art.''Besides being bcautilul, the trimline phone introduces a

licit’, better way to phone.JSVIwit you pick i.j j the handset, flic lighted dial or optional ?T'oiich-Tonc pushbiittons,which let you "dial” twice as fust, 'tome to you. A new racali

button, which lets you make a\. second cull without first fianging up, also comes to you.1* ‘ “

In short, everything you' need to make a ctdl, you hold i in Ilie palm of your hand

Hecame it isn't nrre.tsary to see the base to call, tho Trimline phone can %<) atntost anywhere in your house. For, instance, under a counter or on, the side of a kitchen cabinct

■The Trlmllncphone Is not expensive — onty pennies a day.A nd there’s no extra charge for

i cotor. If you want Touch-Tone pciyice, ihe additional j .... Touch-Tone charge covets all Ilie phones on your line.1\, ’ i'o order Trimline phoiies t in cither wait or table models,' fjjjnst coll your Telephone Basinet's Office. Don't call the Museum V;/ Modern A rt. No w Jeticy Bu0

b »w i h i i i w w i* r wwwiiiY;7 ij^n jf« i» ia il

i„i{ » fB/} JUtll" O'iioiiue)/, fn?

1 ' *3} j/vj-h£ » r H-eyjJeri N?gjv in

this a leU r ss>•; Jiifesd £ r ta « ItaJi CiA-lege on art.ftchfjUrj-hip. ilc had ft nuj »>rv

«« caikgtv bJds > plav«rr \nx chaw#

the tftuitufioft m Souilj Orsng'?,

O'&euueU %w:S, tv Has!M. a propliiyu.1 time In. ih-nj Ihe';-

Hail s& rtt»iuning b»g-lif«e baa- in

-T^viwre GfifUfft sjuI «<rrk)og to buitd up Ua vxrsity s<juad i«

ro./wrnpcte with th*,. IJ es o l' St. iiohs'sj . V»»?.iiiVfVa

aad Bacvsn i-oSiege. I< O THhb- nijii cun nwb».* tbu grade as t Pirate- eager, hr wsll feavc

possSbiJity ot teaming wiih BiU fMcCrfR, Mfljjiwan, on ?iic S ticn

SrUM visfsfiv «n » y<r«t vr iwa.

M«Crea chow. th« Iwfititytiwi to

JWMth. Ory.HRe Jftat yettf b$ had rccvtv««i ituvsy hida from cyHege* an « fe a s k c ^ ii

ic&cinrshtp In view b iiuvHfnt play at the secondary

ftchool i e v « } far Christian* Orothfrs AcHdetn.V4

0 '!>5nncii started hia basket­ball cnrwr al Ktd Cfttiv

oils' us a frt^bmyji but cam *

to Kevpott the year Coach 3oheTr^wH tfwik- nv«»r ih«* onfl<‘hinff

r* li» wul played th re t year*'

of varsity hnU for the K<^


:K e ^ i :E W 'N ^ t ^ h f ^ e T i l t s ’- • JuJHWyft-y Vj-vjC'j. r»>M»T*rP( T’S? 4 t-ACSt c

Marlboro Tops Gnils

. M arlboro rouii.nued-to sumd out

bv lovoi intvrschoVa^Vic pi'^eUivU

the Mustangs ran th tir *rrtM.m/

n'QOUi t« '7*4 by. defeating Pt,

K tnsarit Ro^ch, a Shnie 'Confer*

enc*? -'C’' Ujftdcr, with two h*u

. Monday \’r \, St«u t.ukoif; did U

$10»HV on *Vio #«•«« jVirt

W\{iX, striking out nint> and v/^lk-

(«K tix . ^

M u r)k >/0 *cov«d f iis i iii th®

ffiurth HitMng y1,)\f‘i\ P,(ch Sheldon

rcached on an , f ln o r pnd Ken

Tnm ixrlirt'.ft^d Pete VandenvcU

alappKl *ingle8. . , • ‘

^,.711* Mustangs jiuMfid furthef

•w ay in tho next fram e when -

J im Van,Note, reached on an er­

ror, B ich NaroznUk- walked > nd

Kich Shcldon was hit 'by- a pUcH

to load Lhe baj?s. Tomb^tHn (hen

v/nlked forcing in the fiis l iv’ur®'

and the Gull third - sncker (urn*

hied Vamlerweiry grounder for a

tv/O'fun error. . . .

M adboi'o rounded out its acor*-

ing in sjxth wUh two outs,

Naro^niftk. Sheldon end Stan. Lu-*

koic nil .singled for one nm , Toni-

bfirlin walked a n d VundcrweU

singlf;d in the scrond run. .

. j;I in & KtW-.Ri .‘r.ti? .

vnd «•>( ?'tis \ve*-k Wft.li Tov.''n*Hij>.

at; U't-ay; s»\ i'ditii;b jfno rrw rtnd ?,«’J riU-'. V J.i>

j\ m. .SisU’rdsy . Th« Red ?i;d

W)n»e !fy*Ks tt.> ! ta v t * d?f«rttt«?.

th-rtnc^ i t M'jt'itH/ig in ?b-ch ot ih f^^.thr're jt^mcs, fo Ahvrt-.iry

raise iM 'ir vfusr>o's. Ttcord ,.u>

rtspecubK ' proporLif.ms than

ih< st which Shore lU-pionttJ

iclt ?.Uem If/t if idR y when dtle^l*

• th« K fd .KAk.iers S-l..’’ .

•>;.- fihm e u iw ine Kcvpuriw b »

ijfp p in z stone on \vrw:h tc n ^n ’tt

up mto a tie w dh The tb rf* other

in' iiiv “ C " <‘>t ;h<

Shore Conference, Point Bcaeh,

:Henry. Hwdsoh'.and 'Ocean Own-

■ ty SriuOtrrn Regional!, The- l*>ys

hav* nvo rsinif.niDjf yAih contendor^ fcir top honors in me

■’C * division,- vnth"Ocean South­

ern At ManahRVNkin Tutsday i» d

w hh .P t. PleasoTit ftecch M a y 'iX

They eyt> a spoilerB role ii\ these

. games.-' .' '■• Ii^ys riir vexwl ibal Shore

used e second string pitcher; against them '! h iz^day , the BJue

Devils "fiaviag iJstir ice. Skip De-

m aree to-t'orow agninst Kumfioni

i^c ir d i i '

pjopoi.tions ncock’d to club Shore/

into: submission*' ’ , ;Mjke Barker lirnited

to three’ hits enabling Snore to

surpass the Red Ruidctfi. . ; ,

ttBtkey la nn td teven and walk-

fd or.e In pushing his personal

6]jWo to [our w ins In. five >,k~■ d&ions on the hiound. i ’isul Ea-

pow o was piiuicd for . the loss.

>Jc tvvirkd the complete ^ u n e .fo r

Keypwrt, yielded, nine hits, sUsi'-k

out one, nnd J s *m i three passes,

J»hore broke a H its ia the

fifth with iwo. runR ..and uddud

iwo moro in lhe seyenOi for in*


Sfey* Pomer.?nii belted out *

. . S n d C U ’iStC

. tAnOiony w . Schv.’eiger of Cher­

ry Hill hau been apiX»ir,tttt wm- eral chairman ot th«> ]989 Jay- cce Football Classic--••according

to New Jersey Jt»ycee PmkU*nl , P. 0*She«. Tl'.c Jaycee' • 1 Football Classit?, an 'annua? y.re-

aeasorj gsme beUv^cn the Pbila-*

delphla Eagles and the New r. York (riants, w ill be'played Aug,

90 at Princeton's J’ltlmer fcta-

dlum. •• • - • ■:•■•

3*1I kctS

nrrop- ’iini’ifrd

Triple"."‘■•.hdiir-K ' Barker- i»

Ih*' k}T iht ;uC-O jn 'i l ie sJj^g^d-

Hifiierc.nu:.’ ■ -., ..

Kvcky Yameno

(i i);]? 7<n‘ 'lhe,um >, c

and Ittnky Kevjti LXn

hn ih« pair <>f runji scored.

McCofsViile !»»ngS«dr went <o *?£- ond on ii!i e itijr fc-sJ. pt'Sied

Shors’R tifs». run hv ine ih ird .^bca.

chased b,t*r/ ho.^ie wiUi

'» singie. : ..-Keyport H“d ’h® ?!»\*

fourth ’.vhcii ‘lo in Dtp>.o w a ikc^

took second on as ttizr, and

hcfjne on ft eingje by John

Schanck. ,' •' ' '. •■ Jfi'vV POH T ’ (IV '

Ai! a h>CJui.itS7i:ki, . ib . __ J 0 *1'.

X. :i. ' —-3$4f

MV h "I ktj ....... . - »>. '3 3 " '"

C::iU. Kt,-K Th^L'-..// ■ ', ».l. .6 5 41). i iV r-:.i i(T .•/,!-!■ ■ Vi''Va-lsy .'i.J_rr1 .. ■'jfiutrsn* ........ .. 4 ^4-T-rf-r.i<• i-.e‘j,- Sn .j,: *?v ;vvn hi . «

; .. ... M • ■•. t . k . .. /. ; ..... ;....

- '4C.C n J if l it* Fas'M ,V k.»H ft ! .. &5?<i'. i t ’-iTi Jitififiri k«;< : V-'li..Ct-U iiX r . v . .............. W'.Vi;!ri'.s . >'<)}’«. bic. „ .«• w - .C r i f . l t . li-.'Vff . . 51" ' f-i '

C ily C^rr.. .:.._____ ... s t H.V e iJ ir , j Thv<i}p»uJi to*: .%■' W s M M .A. DoIksi a ft.r- ...,...... M ■ & :■ :•H :I7h'l T ir.ftk. «(■ ■jBf.ojec's • f ia its rv : — : <7

}n?. . - ICfVl t o ' i1 r.*fl Ai? t-oc;. .. ’J •

..r. ... '-U1*.' Mfc'V

Cferprt .. . ; ,•. n:i • 63'-: .'C c rl'5 T fx if- : Se.rvU’C .. t2 z\y-“A irpo rt tb ir Ar L iuuo rs .. 40',ihi- ' f . . T . bUm\\ ... Hrtcnm iritu fv»-< t)ii M. es.'-,

DifJ’rHtnk-. 7b ...'. t c &s» % i C‘ M O S M O V T II ' < m * X T Y 1 'A .IH O L IC

tvU JM U '. fi .............. t 3 (/ J ffa i Wuw t . . Wtt U. 1.i b . a <y 0 ' M»,V. 4» — i i'Sttaj

S i;henk, v t. .-. . a } tt.*::ncvcr. c ..... . . , 3 0 0 • Si • 'vr^rr .....0:-urtr:r:v. ;«i .........

,1# ..... ... i .ti 1 H/.-iv frVniUy 3 J.,. 5fr • iO .

s 0 0 Si. - J{i>-«f-ph .-.. . f*7 -ca :T onks, r i ............ ........ - -.* fi « nAys^M.ire 'C riiljo iic M e n "s fS 4J? r’

--- U«y,stipr<" ■“ (TathO'ie M t ir a»;-.-.'£4 J a M e n 1 40

K N O A S .B *vs)«ore Ci)(fvt;ii<i A ir n .a b2 46n K ? i : Mary- I ; lv 52.‘ i « C 'i

Pam cfan t* .- 3fc .... . -'4- ; J Crt*rnen r ( f i ■;.;/ 9.t 47 'M cCultV ii!* , S# v .3' 1 si. A v ne s 2 ... a n t 47D o iw liu r, t l j ..... ...... . \ i i Si A im i 51 4^y ^ n ' I K rf _____ .. 4 V V St- Aiini*-* £ ___ W-v 4 » * i;.W tlcheil, Ji . 2 0 0 ? a»rH Y a .... 4 ^ 4tJ iio rtr ,' Jt • ■■, . j V V Ol. n-Bncb i .....-..... ............. ^ a . i.- '*D o iu jt’cry . »;f .......... . 3 0 ft lit . C«h»r?r*e V ...... 4 ^ 's 49 V*.U et/s ii, i--t :;./.;......... . .'...... .. 1 0 iW-. m 't « “ 4Ci’^Uo, .lb ' . ......... . . 3 0 1 - S t, A im ' t .... 4 *v S U V

C .......... .. 2 e 1 S t, E c n cr t lc t ........v .......^ 4 * ^ • H':kiJs rh c r , p ................ .. 3 t 1 '•■.St.."Ann >1/... 44 os -•

St-'-Ann ' 3 ' . v/ 43 Sit30 B V St. .Iam t*5 ■ <3


f icor* hy [»r».\nR« 5>f) 2 ......... 42•Shnr^ . '.............. ... m a 2e 2 l lo !y F’,viviiW. J. ,',.... *7 4 i

....... ........... .. «>0 too fl- •V y fa (er D (ri » .............. . - fry*—..... • —7~~

RANKL & WEBERGenera! ■ Gortfractor*



* pa'intiwo ; ; » .......



Do/nt®n * AjTetaiioni « Htaliinj

: Aliimim^n. Wmrjo.vi . .. ;.r

Rccfirg & -. .,

• >iNOW . PU>W|K«• COWME7tf.’LA I/m nLDLkiO -

■ ^ -XI -.••■■.,« ALUM IN UN* iyl'OiNG ■ ■ ’ ' ' « PVJUA TV-X SI’ONK -SM)jNO

. '« ESSUXJVTtOM • 1U.OWP? ,9 ArAtMJWUM, ., -

rut^HOLAss A\ vwwc»av


No Job Toe Bi<| — Mo Job Toe 5m#il ■,

566*3311H IG H W A Y 34 M ATAW AN, N. J.




O itm es schvduled In s t \vtu*h

were pu t off because o f co n fir ­

m a tio n obscrviinces a t nroa

churches w h ich tuok key p i^yyrs

frenn m any of the te am s in the

n u iio r d iv is ion . H ow ever, the

P ioneer P iv is io n got in a full

m u :o o f action .

Con in iissiw ner S a l M.v/.zucco

rr-ports the fo llow ing ten ms na

w inn ing n il the ir e a r ly gam es •

lo the Atnericn.n League , ih e

Wt’st K en n sb m ^ Y n n k c f '5?, the

O rio les, the W est K eansbu rg

T'iru Co. fu ll /Mi), the ?*lnh>iv.-ks,

the W<Hollanders (h iith !-U). in

!h*» Niiii-)!i,'il \ t .t.Mii?, m (, vv’,-.r-

j w n ;mk! ihe t rmrh 2-f)),

;bi> Bv-iv.-s ,iin\ ».h*’. U .nkv 'f i

(L iiih 1 -Uj, Th<-* G iim fs a i> 1-i.

}*’ f.suiis of j>,unrH p la y td in the

P iontet* D iv is ion w c r t:

May aJJ-.". kn e, Vofu: (*-•*.’ I ?», 6 On- 5eh 11. M»m:. 0

M r . 7 C>.n)Uib',H fl. Hf.:dcifc- 1

T4, firfiui"-s 2Slav JO

A-‘ trnM 12, M pu 1




- v-V '


/ f


G itm m .Iambi


3 Dr


264-7868'67 PORD Galaule

Dr., I Cyl Aulo., P/S, Burgundy,


’46 FA IC O N

jtanJard Trviru,, V/hlf*. JS9E,

’i i COP.VAlfi

J Dr. H.T., WIiIto.(&9B

'M CHEVROLtT Impflla A Pr„ H.I., 8 Cyl., Auto.,

P/S. Red.$895

'hi CHRYSLER N.wport fi Dr. H.T.. Aulo.. P/S,

P/B, WMif. l i l t

’61 FORD 6 *lo«;*\ Dr., fl Cyl, Aiifu,, filflclf.

*63 FORD Country fqulrf V/f.qC»l. • Cyl,, /ufo., P/S,


’iO CHEVKOltr D IAIrOLf/illon V/*<jof»

fi Cyl., Aulo., Tail.$m

'M FGP.D ("»a!a11 a 4 U , 6 Cyl., Auto., P/S,


*tA TORD C3fl!fliio XL J Dr. IU., 8 Cyl., Aulo.,

P/S. IUhn.


CROWN TIREHWY. 36 cor. Mich. Ave.

PORT MONMOUTH • 787-7272

v _ Oi'UHlv bf3/V; !?".’•-: fcto/^J..-- tn.-.v‘ .A;^u ry::; s^irk. { n;s"

:;;fet|}i« f/)jr1 oc'aviy .a.;:

a- .envlijrv.ir.. 'i','!';'. !-'';

".V’'i\t. :-:i)h>?T ok: '•

: .tW’:.hr*.oP*%*}, *rki,

•: t f t t ' i M A g A W A N J O U S M A ^ N

■ .A I Keyport d ie d


aO‘t l'Jc .t (M iu *1' ift v i '* J

- * ' . s c ' f ’c i t m .:- '*uui'• ^"- re-.-

-4;.y&gf&f'i:'■ 'T^'ofc il. Irii&alfr suid’ th’c-Mc*a-: l " ’

: . ^ r ; S t^ tiS : vf;

•;-Jj^--bu«;V‘ f > jn f v a f■ Kiijce-. l^sh'T” "^v ;ki-X:\Giaw«on4, .'y-'bo *'«*:.■•,: ,: School; /»*'. Drwft.mi'.,'; ?,*•• d'rC'?">r o£ VTn-:,

!<m Trcm»ci‘i'. lo&Ulua* a

ICfoooi, 1

$100s mouth ccifid sake ike iiiiferencg...

•v'^ q1’: j»rtUfyAc«n/:tfo .•• ■

; M» iU«'iru»or*nc<ji •,■■.■■'■' k T»dni.Ur-cof!unur' in ,-'rnif«:../: •,! la r lj could Kfelp A&slue .-.. tKfcm «. :jpwd 1.U<s» ViMVo\it : "- about’ the: Jflhn.. UarAocic

family Income Pitin. tor i»..yountf. i t 'COSM I\1

-v'UiUa ** |3.(fl>wa:y^e!cvCaU:- >;■ ofc ■write Xf>rV<*ftypV-«?fc. :•; tali* ■ ■ ■"'• ■ ■:'; •■■ v

G E U K & fc B A R K t rT


P.O. BOX 170

, RFD 8ANK, N. J.

' 842-JIM

. UWtBfl

1 ’ ' lW < s d i iy t M a v IS , V&&T

Sumetl Director A’'*'** A Of Siuumrr Camp 5Y\7-.,

V ** , i 1

. ru s b*:t‘vt a p n a m ’ea sir-r^'ior ot

. ! ~ t ”

«. >i 1 • • n '

J i . .

I T- -i <*»' t, _

Ii<« «l t‘i N «( j., ‘ U'<) • j

S'i> Hoard 1 1

, i tiTjpto.vc<ii of K crrG laur htaaurjCtunijg Corp., FuuknK'Hg Pj^iucLv l>fvliiort, woi-e honored a£ a dinner on Apr. 29 ut th« CobWrwones jRvsiaMr^n! in

Riiion of K^rvice i» Jau; i. ieU <i> HiV U'fiUi'r W ShMriilan. Vlnsif M«nn<»f*r* Mp)un KJv^ ?v (VfAhpl li’mmfiiw, >'Pirs' I «fv Mtitm K vo»r't< Tr>«;r*i *

Smith* 13 ycacSi fcleansr Burdiilv, 23 ynars; J . ii, Hob^rt5.Kti, YJe© Pievidual, Kerr, i'ackiigliif; IVgJuds Divijuvii; I-eulii Mitjor. .25 vettra; UfwkiT Ai»dor%on, il3 yiiAri ’

Land Use Law ChangeAj»hcIs iJstcd For Meirooolitau

MuurUiml <leaders '-, frglijv j.kpi- mu!ii(ies:thrpUffMut.;v!i« siaia will'

t«! I't'ieft'd M iy • !fi or', tho pt*?*.

iVistpis ;6 f ‘the - projKfSed >*-!«. piamimg and Ut'velopimint. I»w at

a-special:mnptmg oaiwd bv tfid Now J?rwy Stale League of Mu-IllctjlillUHSI, v . . ,. - -■

Tha legislation* - dui'elopnJ by

tha-Stale 'Dcpiirtmtinc of ?'nm- .--Airairs," is a" Dt'oanacalii

revision of New Jersey’s planning

and 'zoning taws.-'which•' empower' local gov«inmenU to control L-;>m-

Ross W. Maghan Agency- ”S»ve With Safeco

Ufa, Auto ami HonoowiMr Poli<let'

. MATAWAN 538 Main St. 56&*00G3



WUiiiiy ’ liTid use*. 71m: ’ nimsufy;-. i'i tliiv mora Tcc-siit 0 !;cmjK :ti m

fm'ininu': the. l>nut-use' laws whie !’.;;

Iihvb bsei\ under. SyoraJie'. sHidy ,: {or nearly it tlecadtv.,; .’’ - --. ,;. '-■

,.; Tlie prtsc-iit proprtja!, ivoulil hi',

croase stiit'a involvement in tha

local pfaoaing'atid zonittg process ••

hy-giving tho .Community AHuifi Department the-pe,we.r to raviaw

Iwl.ol lUtiU I’Sd plitnj’.^ fn d . dtrlt^.

would also be enitK>H'e?ecl to. su-.

parsfde local /'min;; in deslgoC^vJ;’. “ critical areas" adjacent «/ Hi .iln

hignways, auporU.' and flood-

p'aini. . -' ■ '

. Outlining thu bill’s provisfona ,Will ho Sidney I., Wllli.s,. Din-clol'

ot the Division, of State »nd. FW--

giona! PlaRnin^. Prayaatih; am alvses of the bill's effects oii mu­

nicipal powers will be t!u? intm-

?tnrs of a special I.cajjue land u'sa -

study coini!iliti(o clMired by. Hills- . Jala Borough Attornuy Walter T. Witnnun. .

The mooting, to ba hold In the.

O rsenhriff. Reslaurant in North

Brunswick, Is cxpccted ta d u «

representstlyes .from rnost nf-tli*

municipalitiea In tha state.

Ihw4tfa K. * v u i

\sr <P




“Matmvan’s Oldest Dealer”

n z a r o s

5 -








A L W A Y S BE R E M E M B E R E D ."

334 MAIN ST. 566-222.4 MATAWAN

Food Stamp Briefings

LOI'SS -V •: VA.iI

•ami i.i'rtn ftssoria^os?,. -Ur’as ’ .ccr-’. c j !•:> rj Cisr/i'.liv'xs ()f ■,ihy . Nv»v i'.SfV l.iiSj”.!*-

■ by -tmAt’f'.'jj: uf

'yv’hiOh : be Ql-..;

.' yi:s(Oijiay in.

' Aikiritic C iiv, ^ . ■• ;--v' '• y ; •.

M u M»v-i t‘. ill am -

. . iiiiiiiii', or j:\o .Nr.v .Jvi'sey ’

ff,»r tho noXt ihrcy years.

. l!o \\-\W r^pres^nt (he Hswiatfons

in ihd Len^ue'y thirvi Uistiict,

■which comuris^^ Mtddlt’Se.v, Mon-

uiouUs aiul (.i<.e.*ii, rVuti.-svV.-i, :: - .

RENT....... * I'.oibf or UlavK & \VhHt(

® Wet*?, ur Moitth-

*> Delivery AvuiHiMft

C a ll ~

7 3 9 - 0 7 3 3 or 5 3 3 - 1 4 4 6


<■ AM Mate-* - '° Coivr oi ttiuck & V/hUa

U S E D rv S E IS

HAZLET TVAirport Fiaza




-.-Asseta inVf::.l.t!ii i:> Ninv. .jeis^-y

by 'Mett'opolifiii't 1 if-? 11'-.t:f

Company amounind to-"SSiS mil,,

lion at lilt' eoii-'of l.itSS, H vaa aiv1. nou’nead recttitiyvby' Rogs;r.. A, Nitto' C.rr.1.1., Manager.; of "tha .

Company’s. Keyiwrt office;.

Metropolitan, l.lfc’s invest-, inents in New Jersey contribut-. cd fiienil'i^mit-y t-:3; the;

for capital to fina.tica Industrial oxpansion and rwarch.- to.-help.-

fhja needs of larg# and small bjisinesses, anii to spur tlie trend towatfria hiidvj ownership, Mr. Nittb jwlntad out.' ' ' ' ; . . -

•• For .ftx$w|>hM >«nr* tlun ?JW nnlliun was inv<*«!e4 in rOrjw^ raia -sacut;itie>i o( conipanie.s do;' iu(! business in New Jtrauy, and .

. fijetrpiiijlllan Life's m origagl;.

loans in the s.atu ttmountad to |3llJ inillian. . ' : - -

'.‘ ..Thd Afniy'* Gonoral F.ducatton-' al Development- prnaram pro­

vides acadsmin ftnd vocational

courses from elementaiy liuoiiah

voileyt). laval foi, perr»onnuJ wjv5;

>wi3h*io''t:orttlniia their e.tijoition

whila on acliv edntv.

l'ood rnei chanl:r in : Mcinrnuuth.

County «ishini< to. lake pait in tha - Pedtfra! i-VfOd Siyrnp Pro-

jtrain ;:;oiiedul«l to si art .Iiiim 3

are invited to atiend ona. of two special nicutlngs that the U. 3, Depaitrnent of A^riculu;-:'5 Con­

sumer and Marketing Servica

Will wntluct on tlia Pros ram.

-J’tulip 0. ..H«arii, Northeast District DirecLor for C&MS Con­

sumer Food Programs announc­ed in New York that his rcpra--

scntativea will conduct meeting*' for ihterestixl g'rocom . at ' tiw

;K. J r Naliona! Guard Armory on

Ciieatnu't St; in Red Bank on

Monday,. May : 19,. Tha .aeiinnd

■ session; will take place qi tha

Nv. J. National Guard Armory on Rotiia S!, east of Freehold oh r;

Tucsflav, Muy 20. Both nieetlng*" Wil( _a,ait at 7:30 plm.

Mr. Heant;'.cau(ldticd'. .'grocers who - fail k i f it le n d , oiw o f tha

meetings that they run tha rink

of-not being authorised to ac­

cept food, .sfa’inp couptijis by tlia

time lha program opium. .

At the sessions,; USD.V offl-

cials v.-i)l discuss retailers’ re­

sponsibilities under the Program

and also explain how It benefit.i

the grocer' aod cxniiniuuity, An

eight per cent increase in retail

food sales has' been re'pnrtsd ia

established i'ood Stamp Pro­

gram areas.

Authorization of f'.>"d mor-

chants, both retail and '.vii.iij.

sale, will he liaiuiled hy (’‘on-

sumef and Mai feeling -Servic?.

Itetall grocers must ba autho-

n/.ed beiiire they cuii aei:ept

coup .-ms tiom parliMp.ilinc! fa-

miiio.-i. Before a itKicer is au-

tliorl/.ed to accept coupons, lu

must aiiiee . to abide by tlie reg­

ulations of the food nrourum.

lha Footl- Stamp'•';.Pfi>-

iji aw . fatniii'i!) csriiftedl by tha

Burej-'J o? Assistance o f th.^: N .1.

DepartnmnV of -Institution*" attd

Aiteiicies ojtchanRa tha.,: amount

nt tiiottoy; they would normaily :

3pes:d on food each month for

USDA food "coupans. In addirion

thay recelva an a inoum .o ! cmi­

. pons free o f J ia ig e . t“ help ilium

buy' mora fotxl. The couixnis ar^

spent lika cash for any food, ox-

cept iniporte.l meats jnd cer­

ta in otiier imported foods, at the

•u thorited retail stores. .


C H E C K O U R P R IC E ' V '


• C h a m Linlt * W o o d • P rivacy F a n c a l

; . EXPf.tir INSrA ll.AnON —- EASV TERMS ■ ■ '

FREE H o rne S u rv e y • C A L L &79-6277

G U u t y B eJt,TvtYonttifql 1

n u n U N x x cB iumJK0 COAITOKT



l u u Doct*r Pr«i«rib<i

Rib 5upport«

T ra tf tofaortvlIlM IM *

I SlAStl* B o lt ,/I ftW pU, Saot Brszea#uricl{.4l kuil


Karaluf 9-tmMKUrttlii'Oirn«Dt«A rttf ic Ja lSriBitiGorvtc&l gft!l4r3



S t . , Koypori





(B U R IA L S P A C E ) iN O U R N E W V E T E R A N S M E M O R IA L !

S E C T IO N C O S i ; ,T Q ^ O U , O T H E R T H A N A SM A LL !

$ 2 0 . 0 0 L O T A N D E N D O W E D . 'C A R E C H A R G E PLU S A

D E ED S E R V IC E O P $ 1 .0 0 ( O N A D V A N C E R E S E R V A T IO N

B A S IS O N L Y ) ; '

B ocausa of-.'the l im i te d ' "space In N a t io n a l C e m e te r ie ? to d d y ,

B spsc ia ily a cu ro fo r v e ta r a n i a n d th e ir fam ilie s , S ho re land

M e m o r ia l G a r d o n s n o w o f ie r j o n a f irs t c o m e , f irs t sorvo bnsU

a lim ite d a m o u n t o f s p ace In ou r new V e te r a n 'j M e m o r ia l

S e c t io n now und o r d e v e lo p m e n t , . :

‘ 'W £ A R E A N O N - S E C T A R IA N - P R IV A T E C E M E T E R Y "

Von M ust lie . l / ; / c Tc, Show ' P ro o f O f H on o ra bid

D ischarge

For M o re In fo rm a t io n Fill O u l; A p p l ic a t io n Below In Full

a n d M a il T oday

| V e te ran 's N a m e ...................... .................................. |

B ranch o f S e rv ice .............................. ......................................................... Ij D a ta ? S n r v o d ............ ........ta ............... . jj H o m e A d d re s j ................... ......................................... .................. •

• C i t y a n d S t a t e ................................... Z i p .................. P h o n e ................ j

| I now ow n ce m e te ry p ro p e r ty . Q Ye j C l N o j

M A IL T O : “ A M E R IC A N V E T E R A N S S E C T IO N "

SHORELAND MEMORIAL GARDENSH w y . 35 a n d M a in S t. H a z le t , N . J , 0 7 7 3 0

a t e '

Transmissions Need Tune UpsALSO

vyt ALLPR0 At Our New Location


H o w L ong H a * It

Boon S ince You

C h a n g e d Y our

T ransm lt$ ion O i l W lter?


G o Tim Biv,l G o A L L P R O


C h o c k Y o u r F lu id, If

It's Brown, Y ou C o tild

H a v o A P rob lom .

T ow ing Serv ice

Fron D la g n o s li

H W Y . 36 A T P O O I.G AVt-lNUE H A Z L E T , Move Jot'soy

;.THE: ^TAWAN-JOURNAL, N. j.•y,- *

WM Pag* TV.Hcon

M u s t io i)g

(Usance r^tos ate chejpef

a f te r 7 P .M .

on *vc‘f,lff5ay'

a n d a l i d a y

o n S a tu r d a y s ’;

and . S u nd ays .

CitS when

it's r h e a per,

Maw Jtfawy Sirt*' : ■ ■

i S e n t e n d e d h i f r e e l m i dtOi* '>6*6*

' J u r y - i V j o t e s - r N m & a m e

jfton&fd Mf-'fUjo?;], - Rc.yc-'li. Ave., Morg&nvill&> was sentenced

•^Friday to coiicm'rer* wd?».»'ni)j?. nalo reformatory . ' ie«:rr.&1. <••*> charge? of i/rtrring forced cheeks Meriftuld w&s charged wiUi iiiu- ixi« a 32ft .fbfged cof'ck to Wi/lian H. SprccJi .jr. last Aug. 26 in F-wr

..HaVen, an $30 forged cn^ekto ihe Central Jersey Bai.k anu Tntst

Co. ia.vt Sept. 9 in Freehold, 4<n<] fi <H& ‘■fr'K'k t<> WO fjiti' Jj ilf.'rrjtir?*

boro Township, last Kcpf:-H.

. Alco sentenced lo state. prison for a ooe to thrue - year term, was Joseph W. Kruiikowski, Pine*



t in

%<' <*\v

*‘t i' 1



. Phone 739-011J









W ith Each Bridal Gown Purchased



■ ■s Perfect For Your Honeymoon!OFFtR LIMITED

HOURS: TUES ,llru SAT- to - «



H' l\\\

,\\X ^ V t *1 J-v, < ? s

v *

'f f 1m t m

' , iM - -f * •»

y i ' i f'j?:



Silk S Worsted

45" Crease Resistant

REG: $1,98

SALE:: $1.59 'Vf-t. *, * '*• ^ * -

•»> * * n-* it ■»' / • TL f. » f < *

^ ' t \ ^ S fa i , w * ' * \’ > ' •< >r~$ i*,‘ ,

f f" ^ -ff " 4 ^ ;

- -a *j4. r V ». ' c"


100% Acrylic44/45"

REG: $1.98

SALK: 81.59


Dacron Polyester

4 5 "

R E G : $2 .98

SALK: .S2.:i9

Scfifffif Embroidery Center

*14* ' ’ A Ki>tiV.hW*t%-: cr, . a ;

charge oj n:2 Ucious destru^lJur?

ot property. KnJli.Vn*v.skj war t»*r:efxl. tor buWiJH# ' 9' iMffcirdiVftlk jswn<l ^Sheehan la s t Dt:c. 2 in K^isnst-Ufi*,.

Piitnc.k .^L Crok«( Locust £v.f CJirfwood, w as p v o n ^uspsnc)-.

ed sentence and finfcd $10(» fur Ute.

?5sau)t end buttery of KeansbHrjr

Pairo'rnaii Frct3fi-rkk' Lodfrr, 'Jast Juiv 'J in wai jxi/ough.'

' Hob«Yt C. WajirieH; Jrrsey C'fy,

on iTi-ir^es of Jarct?»y-uf. a OF.r

btlon^ini? to Charles Mnrduifck". Feb. 23 iil Keiir.^burg and posfrts*

sion of.« kitfben K»ite 8»ft poii . •-knife tlte saase tby >tv.^.^aRsiwrg.

g l a s s b o r o O p € ? »

H o u s e ' i s M a y ]«>•

G/a^sbbro : State. -.College willnost parwus and guests its fn* nuttl Spring Open ,Hou*<e wr-Sutt..

dav.' May IS, from 1 in 5 p.m.'A conceit, award aiswipbly and

"Ghy NintUcs*’ ouldoor: banqi‘tl' are some \»f the jipectat fcatvtrcs

of the Op<?iv House. .

Ihe day wil» b*£in.v/ith. yisita*

tions to dormitories and;.class-.1, ruoius Dfitf a'ucrnujj^trutjoji.oMxjfc GSr ]angnnp,« laljoralory.

{-rom 2:30 to 4 p.m. there will

be en outdoor.-concert and aw urd

assembly* John Maxzei, Student

Government. . . Assoc ia tion ^resi* dc*nt, will extend greetings, foi*

lowed by presentation of awards

for .rcsld«nccl-hall- weekend corri* petHions by Dr. Stanton B. liinjir .

worthy, vice president for-aca­demic affairs.'Th« concert . choir .’

a n d w in d ensem b le then w ili

perform, •


_ Pf'«U-jr .Kennvth. L, .U'riikrr,

President, Walker and Walker

Realtors,-'with'offices‘ in Holm* del and Shrewibiirv, announces

' that ■ F»j;h;<* A . Fitzprirrick, «f

She firm ’s Hobnde) office, has

been-named a member of ihe Northern Multiple Listing Sers'-

• »f«* 1 r»n Ciub • fer the 2"c-

oiid successive year,-- ;

Mr. Fitzpatrick was presented

With a plaque and a United States. Savings Bond, in recogni­

tion of lhis, ot - tbe1'service's -an­

nual awards dinner, held at tbe Holiday "Inn, Harlot.

Mr, Fritzpatrich. hafi b»?ep tht

top salesman in ihe lloimdel of­fice for four years and in tin*

, past : h?s received , awards for ouistan/iing':': salesman, greatest. approved multiple -Jistin^R, great­est. dollar volume multiple )ist-

}np, sales, and a trip to Puerto Rico prevented by Mrv Wolksr*

IjvniJig ;(s »ooi-,’.r;f»r<fii tfrrn, iJ.eJhtm-Jry pf.nt-j o'f ihe TviO/.m^uih

.Ccur.!'y . Gr^nd .''Dry ' fiu »;HUM'S i'-r pvr­

* tnf.np Jr> r-rj-:<0r->-!tj ??-’S .

■-fete* ot\ cbai^cs.raftm-d lo ii by ■various municipal r.ouris in ’J-e court)': . '

■Cjeorgt* Sta!', t*5 Green Gay/e .Ave., Kcy'poji, « rocio*o.v 5 ss.r»uliaiid bant'ry; J uUJt Loptv

A l Convention

J o h i i G . U s l f j , s u t e i l ftVi<J

RoynJ J.. F!icdn$'r. senior vice

president. .Shadow lawn Savings and Lottn..,. Associfitlo#, . Ijong: Branch, are ac-tivety pjuticipat-

mg in thc propram ef the.SOrn'an* nual c.unvenlion ol tht New Jtr*

sey Savings league in Atlantic-

City. Today Mr. Fliedner is.Mirv- ing as a panelist for a 'spadal

open meetirfji of ■ the l eagued Mortgage Jnv^stnieni • Survey •

Committee.- Tomorrow Mr. L*tw- ley, will.preside at a spc-cmi dis­

cussion 'dealing .with the" Central ‘Corporation of Sav1r.f»? and Toao

As*nri.it\nn« o! v/h;ch hr. if: t p&U-

liirri.m Lcittit, 2B'East Fiunt/ St., Keyyx*r». r*7 Ksii, i<«h-

i'Tt "1 Po ( . I? Pu:in?:-Iy .'"t,. V\r>n u t. ’ fcrt'akir.^'.^d'+'ntf:?- ?njr. Ui r.K-fil iir.c r<titUu.triv: FrAjsk K>

^.^yvifv. Ave ., Hai-lfr,

i:iK ti'.Ve ia hfe. . . .

' reaserc; -Ajvare? ;'.r,d TloroUvv Ah';uc;;...il Si,, Ktsns-

bw.rg. io Hi.U: Edwnrd

T. MeUonneii. 5 Hawthprne' Sr.,

■ I rfr.s»sUftg'arre«f; Ma?« lens G, l^cnorH,- IJiS Mfttn St.. Kearisburfr, bnukinp, ard »-ntftf-

ing with intent to sttAi; iarceny and po?5C.Ms;:jn of-stolen proper*

iy; John R. -Gray, i Shore Cc.t Kfyport, r.jirrylnj? a weapon' with­out a |vijfniit. . .

. ApprpYe Merger

. The .boards or din-c.tnrs, of. ■ the ■..

National Bank '(ij Wcsifleld Mid . thc . Central Jersey. n<mh. aftd Tnit( Co., have sppiiivf-dthe

.terms ol.*. propose. merger l.'c-; Iwecn tlit. hvo institutions.' The

./mergea institutkm" would be c«U- .,. ed The Central Jersey Bank and Trust Co. It will have 18 brunch-' es in: Monmouth County and two . in Union County., : :


Bod Debts?.

/ We CollectPut



on fhtf job!

yCiU fi}* —

CALL US. , :. ,r

t m


Moi2i¥iouth Credit

AdjustersJ. 5ta*»lcn..

-f-Wt. '■ , ._

: IM- Mr HavM W.: f*u H*v«n; 74f~2^SC

: . . I N - S U R - E D .;

: E N O U G H ?

Check W ith U s !

/^ckercoR,'Van Suskirk I

| & E iilo tt , Inc. . ' j


| . J £ Fccr;t St. — . - I


Tr-t 2W-rH6‘ I


"-■- ’ ' ' -- j - — -•' ^

fs im eraa im a iB eB aw aw r1

I spiaAi owtgi I| T O W N » C O U N T R Y I


I May Service Feature •



Adjuat Front F-nd• J-Uioh'f' ‘ 1.h . . ^

C«mbtr ft Toe*(nCh«cV & Adjuit. Stuorm G»«rCheck Power SreeiJng Belfi Safety Chocl; .All Sftnring Compon*f>k -. .

P a r u E x tr a , l f N eeded

12.50| T O W N 4 COUNTRY |

' D O D G E .I « MAIN sr.. matawan II ■ ■ -. > ru. i.im ...... ■ ■ ®5W-4I00

SMOHiD BUTTS «SS» » 7 9SW JfT 'S F fltM lU M 'ST llH J | A < EAklY M OB N -StlttD


\W t 6 9 c

iw - n u i o i . »u


HARD SALAMIusT.rtrcm . _



SHNIESS FRANKS «, 6 5 ciwrtwunxt} „

DRIED BEEF -"SS:«UKm - n .

PORK CHOPS fc.59*ntSR uu M _


_SAYI Uf 10 10V ON LAftCI

SHORT RIBS U,T«» * 6 5 cm nm naoii>rian .

SAUSAGE S . -‘» 6 9 t« w » 9 » :ucct .u

BOILED HAM ^ 6 3 '


coZZZZZ S - H 08H tW R _ _

SWEET PEAS 4 s 8 9 ‘KtiOTfTiCTrHWiur _

CREEN BEANS 2 ■- 5 5 c

TomI u 0,'m Pcukii M»f. o* *09%

mnrmrtm . ^

BREASTS an RIB nk,0 3 cIUfFLANKEN RIBS . ,* .6 9 '


Qh>p 0/(£L«xf.'Cfaii>«, IfcCTTijeAiuAtrT^JtocfujLe. i«r7oltJ«.f


B A N A N A S . 1 2m m tmw wonB arlinka Grapes i 3 9 c M USHROOM S t'* .S 9 cujuss ruu

Boston Lettuce A tratnsuu


QtoM/FijofomMn-iucmncuNi A A

uttlemecks 2 * ,,9 8 cicu<iiuaik u i i i - .

COD STEAKS ft.3 9 ‘

StowCocrrAa3 V- 9 5 ‘

’s r 3 5 c 8 1

DUTCH APPLE 2 ’£ 8 9 c

u il d n u m


i m « m m

MUSHROOMSsarara v«tt»ai , _ _

ORANGES I t S 9 CnepiCAio Atm


m na/iB ^ %

t o p s o il S O -

BUD U in i l lM m. A b •M flA UAr.i w iw m ___ . _ A A .

FERTILIZER 50 2 GRASS SEED 5 w * l w CLOVER SEED 'A 9 8 ‘H r iC H w m in „ -L n H L « « « • fa tn T Q W U lO

* Put Bum®- I ?i *1” FwvwbdkBulk 69*






. \ DRINKS 4 . . 5 9 c :CAIhiit-S • ■’ 11 AVlrHl . If »y '«

.; SLENDEK / 9 C f .

/ *! Family Napkins '.‘•••'35* ^

•j TEABAGS. '--99 ' I'*f. ^vl k BLENDED OIL K sl 59 '1

I yki'i*- - ,j

ti poripoon f i,Ju 9 5 c M

Sffl^ iiLUAiiu co u£2 l!^ ^ ^ <

|| HUAB(|L00R JJM p -

cntncroict rmurciT ~ , t .-*» RL'iw«Afnmi

French rsirs 3 1 Stuitrd Cabbage» r t n m 'r - i in m f A _ i‘i: '. '* ( in P i',r

SPINACH 5 •••■ 9 o c Stuitcd Feppcrs

PEAS t CARROTS 4 9 l MAr.«.po.vu Cwcsi.Z


6 9 c SOLE DINNER ’ 3 9 c

6 9 c sPAGiirrrr 3SC

6 9 c Lemon J uice T:‘ S ' " 7 9 c

4 9 C SiRAWHEltl’.IES 3 51°°

! $ APPLESAUCE 4 i- 8 7 e

CkamSttoCokk 5 >U' 89c

wT kerkclCornS "" 89ci r r w m _ A ; 5

SWEET PEAS 5 89c 1


SOFT MARGARINE 4 7 l1f>V.rAl7!

COLGATEi c r. ni!/.i [ sun I»if h K

CTEAMCHEESE I-■ 2 5 c M l 'E l t e B P 0 S S I I BUi.TERIN

Y O G U R T 1 5 c Vt. ( Q l f i n * MISSBRECK ;i'..Ciui.ivioo , . . f" 11




^ I jjfw i^'nVrcoTiPQHH^

E3S3EEE1/O f o» UADI



rrms iifk. ir i i .i^u i * i , k u i t/v « l H iu / l il* m jir io

OEC33rtiiM iwr, tmi^jiUNn mkiuu or

«»» rtMl >AIAU UftUSWi6



MOtJfffc > ** ' i Ml 9 !»9 I"9M0I”9>S!........................ 1 ........................... .


•■THE;.W A 'fAW “X N ; JO U R N A L M.'. il-

C la s s ifie d A d v e r t is in g Rate®

TWiday,. May 15,


- - To Fiac* Your A d •■ - .:■-

•' D»sc3line For Copy 4:30 P.N i Tuwcisy

ivdAirj ttinf}. ^ .., , , , - -, , . .2,0$

A t}tiifii96-’j #5 Ufswi P ar lis t*

SoW F««* C #p ;.................. #0e Per Lin«

, Servic* CharQ* For Bax Wurrtb*™

■ 4'/j Avereg# Words Par Lin«

Contract Hales Upon.. Rtquast


i m m t o r



:C«!(:. ui • fo?: inffttm&floiv oo.f tt?* • t»fop«rw«y ♦<* i*l! your how» and

ihfougH- ou r • k M '* fttfwtl &yst«m, -





",,S>4-WhT ' ’ ‘ ’ ■


Wa Jmv* * buyer tor ■ Strath* .more * Hdm>. Ranch, In a posiilua to . assume present mortgage up to $12 ,000.


y/est Keansburg '


LARGE LOT 7,000 sq. It. with

many.ulitode trees in nic^ neigh­

borhood 264-7MO.' . tf

BU ILDW GTOTS for ‘ saleTUii ion

Beach, 75x100, Sixth St., $3,000 ■mi lGOxiuO Park Avi!. {5,300, Pleasa ropiy to P.O. Box 727, Unir-. Poach, N. J. tf

T " r o o m T h o u s e ' v.'itiV puTt;TT , Trees, 1.85; acres. , Owner on premises, J22,500; 'Call after 6

P-W.. 591-9157. j 5/8-5/23


FHA appraisal at $10,600 - Only |700 down, 3 bedrooms, living room, dininjj room, kitchen, bath,

' full basement. Cali 506-1881 now,

s Agency Realtors-Member o f Multiple !Jstinx Ht, 3 4 & Mnln St., Matawan -

• •' (At Traffic Li;j'nt) . ■-■ O PE N 1 l>AV8 .

.. : . / 5/15

So w e ie .W o o d ro w S. M a r /

Hughes, their home was up far n le for

_ One YaarY ev the ir tame was.for sain for

.c ub war, then: a representative

- of Rankl Weber- Realty Co,

'.showed them-an imaginative «u!« program for thaw twine *hr,t

would britifj results, sure whiuk1!.■ the h o u s e m •■ ■ -

■ Sold In I WookAre you smk"bccauso your house.'

/ doesn't Ml!?. An you tlis«iun:;<sd'

because you can't make your

; ptans? You want Top Dollar (or your house?

For lfonent & Fust Service Call

RANKL & WEBER•Realty Co., Realtors

Hwy. 34 Matawau, N. .7,

-566-331! -' J 1 - 5/13

UNION REACH 115,100, 6 "rnoinsT

v:.;, J:/bedrooms.’,,.$14,600 mortgage-.- avail»ble^2fl4-ll)7. . ■ > tf

W A1’AWAN:;>-' M'iiriiSt. :5 ; rooms, -and hath, enclosed pore*! 2

ci>r ;<arai>c' SH.5S0. fat! after 7 P.M. 5fig-72ail.- tf

VFRY GOOD - orm story7 3 bed­room,’ larje living room, kitch­

en, bath, 2 car garage, land- neaped, fully fonred yard mi lot.

. 90xl09t4' Dead-ont! for ’privacy,

quiet and safo for children, Cloae . to ParkiVay end Turnpike. Full price $15,500, easy tcrmj. 2M-4216.__________ _ ___ . ^ 5/15

HAZl.ET - 3 Bedroom Split T.ov-

el. Dining Room, 23x13 fjame . room baths, attached Bai^ge.

All this plui a large back yard llnrd with trees. N.Y. and New- ■rk bltsej I block away.

- - Only Vfi.SM



3 i P S M . C « C O O

lofal'Wi in r^stSpfs-llal MhidkiiftWiiTownship. SI75r©f (V?c.

m m m m mH w y . 36

■ . West Ka$nsburg ;• ■■■<*&«(.

/O i«£---

REFRKSHMKNT-; Siasii in UnioB..Bcach iocatwi 4U Front St.,

ia^achfmriE, 471-54SI aftet* 1pja _ ______

KH-4 Nsmmo -*3: rconrvfficiaacv • fumiihod, aS5 ■«hS:Jti«k».Y#ar

/round , tv^cupancv, Call eve. 4.>2-

t-ill. ' ‘ ' • 5/15\ :T, i v- i ^ 76 o b “7T ‘IT^nTCur.ga i^v~

1 Nwwty v?w>VHce4; Adults onl^v

Cull"after fi p.m/ , 66-ym ' 5/13,


RKAfi ESTATC OVNERS - r,\L i?i’Oli’-IV.*/"a1!

.. yourself of ajsh.equity In .vour. boi»» s i Ihe result of pnreient

day Increase in real-estate val­ues. Wo will free this tnsh equity by recalling your present ri-jrt-

gage. THE KIRWAN CO., Real­tors. Middletown 787-5500, West Keansburg 787-6600, Hazlet 264-­

; 7200, ncd;Bsn(t’::S42-«5iy.:• - 5/15


■ HAZLET ■>. 3 tacratf suitable for church. I.ocah;?n central, wlih

ai^Hf fron.rage. Additiun-

j»J' t«res3 througn roar .street. $17,500. Phone 2I5295-JJ64 or write box O c/ri Keyport Weekly.

• • . 5/fl - 5/22 .

fu rn i^ edT o o m T

' FURNiSHCD ROOMS - Horns ;awav.'frcm home. T.V., radio,

kiichen and -houno. prlvlli'fiC!., .central, very-, reasonable 7S7-

£71 _ ________5/lb

i-'UKNLSHr.D ROOM , centrally

: ; . localed. '.Call: 560-(l8:i3,. 5/15 '.

" .FUKN ISfllD 'ROOM i!'Stsrwiiift ■■ entrance,■. rr.en : only. 264-li;!25.

. '-. : -VO'.:..' 5/15


P H O 0 U C T IO M : : W o m m s







. ■ . . Otifjiandintj Benofhs '


M i d id nd GSossr; Co....... Cliffwood Av«., Cliffwood, N. J.



F.uil ur Part-timt*. Must be ie»i-

denta,. .i>f .Bayslior* Area. Vi-rih .car , ta to.’lU c t .people for a neiy

health:.sbiv ira. Call.87I-55S5. 10

ti,m. to 3 p.m. 5/15

WAW'I'ED, Cumpanioa io~assist

1 w ith invalid. nnO it;ht

■■ 'keeping.-1-'Honrs- *-i.- Kelerencei

and own trsnspartimon. 5fi6-j3£>5. .

____________ __________ _ 5/15

;F fiM A I.K :N u r3ca, .Aides, to ii."jih ift, 5 day wseit, over Ik. ,Ap-

. p ly in person B iw kda le - Nursing..

Home, 3325 Hwy. .55, Ifaziet. 6/15

W AlTR liSS wanted, must -he exp.­

- :No phone calls. Apply after 5.

p.m ,. Cottrell's Seafood Uestau-

rant, W, I'ront St., Keyixiri.

^ 5/8-5/13

, COUNTER HKLt> x .fe in S jij '- 'is ..

years ot age,: euI) shop. . 585-.

44(l5" : 5/13

' M 'A ln T c tA N S rnltpeTlenhed

. preferred 506-1777. 5/15

W AlTRESSijS , (li;iinj> room o r .

coffee, shop. Experienced .only..

Appiy. in person-at an-irB j-'ouu-

Inn , R t; 35, ll;u le t. 5/15.

BABY~ SiiT ER '--lS ture .~ "ileT l-

. able. ,2 days 8 a .m . to 8 p.m .

; ■References'. Pertnithent. O w n

trarispgrtallon to Strathmore. SCd-

752G fcvcnliij;s, .. . .,■ 5/lfi

TVI’ISr, Ctcurate and cUatiy,

... Voar round envoHnw typist tu

work In your iv.vn;- harm),; 5SB-:

0037.' .S/15

: S i A L ,E~. o ~ F E M rL E 7 T 5 c ii i)4 y

; teacher or .c o lle t '; , student'

. wanted to run bcachFroAt refresh^

mont stand for summer in Union

Beach. Call 171-5101 after 7 p.111,

p .m . “ 5/15


Excellent opportunity f o r : high

flchixfj. graduate to Bet with a

rapid growth company.1 Apply in• t u ir n f .n - A - ..w . I .. . .1... ts \* j n . i d v u « V (

: .. m id l a n d c l a s s c o :

Cliffwood Ave.

- : Cliffwood, N , J . '.-.

An equal opportunity employer

_____ - __ __5/15

HfiLPKR for maintenance man. Call 5C8-24D0 between 9 and 4.

: ■' 5/15

• » H P T -M AN AGIiRS and attencC

■ ants wanted. F u l l . aad . psirt

; tim e far new Hesli Station open­

ing on R l. .36 Union Beach op- ,

posite IJnirm Ave. cut off. Apply

8 - J2 and 2_- 5/15

LOTAL -PLANT - o'no ^riick drlV'

er and one lubiirer. Apply in

person N. i . Maleriais, Hwy. 34.

M 'atawan. ' ■ . ,5/15

SlTlPI’lN C r '

GUARDSFull it Part Tirrto

1 ‘ AJf Slilfft AvalUbU Top Banefilt

Ff#o Uniform*No Eiporlonca Roqulrod* lnmod»af& Op»nmg»

Local Aro*Apply WeoW.iyi

. '9 A.M, . 5 P.M,. Tuei. fo 8 P.M.S«t. 9 A.M. - I P.M..

' or Call 247-10*10 .

Security Service!52G Milllown Rd.

No. Brunswick Ground Fir. opp, E. J. Korvrffa


Mombsr Multiplo Litlitig



$ 1 6 ,5 0 0 ;

l iv e ly S Bdrm. Home, Beam­ed Coiling?, Firt^hico, Bcauil- ful Lot, Ifous* vacant and owner anxious for Quick Snle.


West Keansburg



ftiH L fiiN G 1JHH. Midiiit'tovvn.

Matawan, liointdel, RariMn, Marlboro, Keyport, etc. V.-'ill pay

top dollar. Call Jack Huatuck. 480-2900. tf

bLDEO^;u‘ii6uSF71t 'lon-dltion, larne plot, (.aod lor.a-

tioit. utilities. Ilolnidel-Matawiin,

private. Write Ilox J , Kevport

Weekly. 5/15 5/22

MATAWAN BO ilO -~1 ijedrra in

Ranch, 2 car j ’iirane, no bri/k-

ers please, cash deal. Wrilo

Box L, c/o RnyiK irt Weekly. 5/IB


ATTENTION JO B APPLICANTS■ The Heypnrt Weeltly ami The

Matawan Journal do rot knoiv-

ingly accept Help-Wantrd ads

from employers m vcrrd hy (lie

F a ir Labor iitandiuds .Act if they

offer less Ilian the lcj;al m in im um

wnf>e or fail to pay at !t\ii-t lim-j

and one-half for ovenime. h^'-i--

The m inimum watte for employ­

ment covered by Ihe F I SA prior

u tho IMS Amendments is SI Gil

an hour with overtime p*tv re­

quired after 40 hours a week.

Jobs covered as a result v’ tha

lWtf Amendment rcqu’ie $1.! nn hotir m in im um wilh overtime pay

required after -12 hours a v.-eek.

For specific information, contact

the Wacc aad Hour Office of the

U .S .‘ Department of I.nlinr, Fed­

eral building, 970 Broad St rod,Newark._______ tf

MAIDS. Dally or weekly. Start nt

51.-10 per hour plus tree door

to dour transportation. l;rce paid

vacation. Freo iri.sunnco cover-

H)!U 2GI-Q02I. tf

LPN Mount Pleasant Munor

Nursing llotnu, 506-463], tf


Require U.S. grtiduales with 4

years industriM el'jc;trlc?«in unrl

inechanical cxpt'rienccv, Will bo

required to' make olcctric-il and

mcchanicfll repairs. Must rotate

shifts. Qualified rcto is $3.77 an

hour pius shift differential. E x ­

cellent fringe benefit plan. Ap­

ply in person to porsomio! de-



C ’iffwwd Avo.Clilfwood. N. J.

An cqu;t' opjwrtunity employer

‘ _______________________ _________ 5/l.i

F IJ Iil. O IL D R IV E R and a irv lro

assist sine An oil burners and

air conditioning. Appiy Schanck,

Inc., 3S5 13roii(‘ St,, Koyptirr. ■

N. J. _ _ 5/13

I ummeF help "

FOR ...........



Apply in person only lo personnel



' Cliffwood Ave.

Cliffwood. N. J.Ar. erpial opportunity employer

_ ........... ............................ ............... 5/IA

ROt.ITl;! MAN part time to deliver

newspaper Wednesday o n d

Thursday aftenioonu. Car (vsscu

tial. Apply Keyport Weekly, 5'J

West F ront St., Keyport, N. J .


Clerk. Apply. Fraser

- Metal Pfuductc, 2t» New Bruns­

w ick' Ave., Matawan, '566-4676,.

' " ' - _ 5/:3 , s iip ivR VISOR forTaSttTrurfcins / .operation, Maiiat;ontent hack­

, ground Itelpfiti. Call Fred C

.Hormatm, Van Brunt & Son. Ziir

ritilO. ■ .. . . ' ; yiS-5/22

HART -TIMK' '--'fearn'Ji00' - '$200 -. per month. Demonstrate new,

..quabty- linu n! -homst eai’e prod-

uc(s. Save housewives DOLLAHS

not penniesl. Weekly , training.

.Call Mr, or Mrs. Krdmann at

565-79111 d'ay or eves., l'ur Ir-home interview and samples. tf

YOUNG MAN mechanically in­' clined tn operate tractor and

lawn combine for .progressive young company. Unlimited dp- portunity in .sales and- manage­ment. Benefits.- N. J. driver’s license required. Contact Mr.

Robert .MasdaJ>GG-06iXI. tf

NIC.HT'WATCHMAN warned for SinRlu System Laundry, Key

port. 264-0757 . 5/15

FL.OOK WAXIiR, cxperiunco

: needed. Tel. 566-6913. 5/15-5/22

PbsiTION- 6 PEN” a t-n8-v’'K!;y-’ p o ii ofrice. Stino nnd past ex-

psrlcr.cc preferred. An ccjual op- portmiitv employer. Metropolit'au Lifa Ins. Gi. 261-3100. 5/13


TRAINEEKxr ,*nt opiK)iiunily ,\vili\ rapid guuvtii >ilass mynufacturer. R<s qniM hi^ii sci'.OijI yrnduuLi v.’ith (IrafMi)^ (millin'' hnvi.'ip 0-1 y^ar

ojrptTionn? In mc<*hnnir:i* tin»fi- inj:. THIS IS A LJKG INNING

i ’OSrnON! Applv in pocstm to IVr^OMMcl Dept. v. ilh sHitiph.’s of

your (Iruitinf*.

MIDLAND GLASS(Jiiftuadd A'*o,

Cijflwood. N. J.An equal Mpp<>:tun;ly <‘in^’ou-r

1 M S .SC , r F O R S A L t : ;l* m<l,l,‘firli" rfi t i .numwtMirwnMiMiiiiiii '.iiiinft|i.ui.iili

: « ? ic iA i i« K O tA i'-AW AV ■ -1^*1 7.:>: Zagneter u-(ed. No avtaohmenta 'i'.6 ;t&d to r.!;;-:-.-!)

*«w fcattoR* on, b !M Hem dr«is- es, r»“faltG f^ iiry v.-i-': i in.or,-,'

i;ti-aran:;>?- (". .- t- .- H ;c e . -.-oiy

!'!!.&) or i-.-.y $5J8 put nut. Ca!i

c r * * t mznxger to 9 p m ; if tail ta ll c 'j l lm . . ■

. ‘ 5t?i ^SliO . tf

EriT> T AB ’.ES, W pr. Blond

Mr«fch wil!, f a!! »|-7JS1

■_■ ■ . : r./jr,

Ciiryite? Crrrvn engine, low.

lir t . ' Hydrnidia controls. Caii tiSSJ after 1 p.m, ; 5/<s«

MUSTi SKi.I... *iu^. to

- K E Y PO R T - Grocery-deli. Very

»d lvc business, Wetl >!Si1afc!tshcd

& equipped. Cstl JS4-93KS. 5/15'

3 PtT- L W lN G ^ ^ C M set.' BSiit offer. K iiclKn se! SiO. .2S4-S5.M.

. eistl after & p.nt. , : V i 5

R K l. p I i 6 1. S" i L-; S’. l r. n, K t*b u 111. A n -

. t iq u e Caur;h, Love'Seat, Chair. Phono 26<-;iM3. ' . tf

USED R E D "rikiCi<5"'T5SS)T'ex’

celienr shape. J . single m ee jl

heds with msltresses, 1 fr.uhlft

m iiip liy ii;;uin^ tx;c -.vitMdiii :nas. .

tress. J wardrobe, one dresser

.. w i l h ’ ln in'hr,: assort men! of

. Steamer., trunks, :am m o v in g .

Ca ll 462-32:13. : S/15»

R U M M A G E ’ s ALh '- M av I f &

.. 20 Riven by the Ladies Aaxiiiary, Engine Co.- No. 1. Main- St:. Key-

y port. ; : 5/15

GAKACH SALrl - 2s CoUnnai Dr.Matawan: May Id ■ IS. 12 to 5

p.m. Teen ag i girls', clothes, electric guitar, 2 mowers, wall-. to-wall, drupes, microscope, twin spreads ftnd drapes, 7 - records,; chubby drosses, new outdoor dry-­

- Oracle. ■ ■ 5/15

LARGE~SELECTiON ''Anhtiy'ds;': ceraipics, ^lass, Chinese wali .

: plaques and jf'.voled ciiests Jewel . Chest. .Hwy. 3(i, between Un'.in S: Rose La., Hazlet. Hours 10-S Mon. thru Sat. Friday 'til 10, 264-tMUf.

_____- . . . ' , ' t f .

SLOOP 20. 1’t. centerbo.'ird, all «itiipn'ent,- :.trailer.1 Cijnsider

. tradn for.;fi|M>rtscar.- 26'l-50r.tl ii:-

MAl'U-: (,'RIB with oiat-.rcss. ■

^Nevor used 52II. 5!lt-HM7; 3/13

ECONOMY ' Office Fiirnliurtj &

Eqiiinineiit . Co. Complete line , of desks,; chairs, ,'files.' .meta!

sholvinj;, fire|,roof equip.,, fold- iii£ tables & chairs, draft

equip, .Visit our showroom at 2!)9 -

Washington St„ .Koypbrt, N. J . / T«l. 264-i558. ■ ' • 5/1 -S/2#-'

RKMOVF, cxcem body’ fiuTd ‘witii , Fl.U!DI-:x tahitts. Only SI.45 . at SandfiKd Pharmacy, Mata- •wan. _ _ _ ■ S/S • 5/22 '

PEONIES best vtirieties,” pink,., white. 1.50 red $2, you dig, bring shovel. A; ILER Dairy Nursery, Middletown Llncroft '- Rd. 671-0073. , 5/S--5/2S -.

liotin MORTON Towitb- Pinh1sT . 264-0153, Allocco Farm Market, Hwy. 35, Holmdel. 5/IJ

klil-.r' CARPFT cleaning tirob- . lents snmll . use nine I.iiitrai .vvall-to-wall, Rent electric sharQ- ! IKiour $1, Harris Hardware, 130 Main St., Malawan. 5/15- -

MIKHOH. 52s2R Tvilh 5 irtch

Fruitwood frame $10(1. 566-7512.


. ; , Kf!SC.: fO R , SALE ' . ;

"BLACK- * 6 SO C K R 'n-b*£k efcxs..trie :aw^ . rnovi'ar. ^-it.ch r.

■ u«e<l for 1 ieasoa, like Of-

I ^ b i l ?135, for

‘ *;:^U • • • . ■ 3/15

•.FLOWERING SHRUBS. Kvl&vM.. i)rang«; fnAtiV Vftrjcus-V» - « fU 10 for S&. Ywi di- 54* •

-1735. ■ , ' ' _ _ _ ?/? V15 REPRICE PL TCV.R , jjixx? condi­

, ti on, >.pauroeu».. jfk*, Tel.

tf6?7. • ' . • • ■ . • • • ' 5/15


T«ng(«.;; E » d « jr»' .;:. ,Ahis,;.';

tt(« Co;iss5C «f!V ii.., Cong'reiftU'ioa,

*snw toc«- , t h « . gsncra^ .e’ccliotiS ■

w ill b» held on S unday ,; May IS

■■from-8 a m . to ! 2‘ t5 p.m.. »c lh »

•TssajpJ?'. Po!.i:nj-wi!l. b « b?isS fo r '

the t:.;.','. ol f lnancu l secreta­

ry ancl four trustee*.' All meni-

b in Ut good sunoii!.? are

b4e Is vote and are urijed to !>$

{/resent vojis-eftine' during- th»

period that the pells Will be op*

en. The m atter « f a« allocation-

Jor jiavlng the T «Bp ls .. pa t k ing

lot w iil itWt) be polled-. . .

WILL PAY Sift? up for fruitKI or

fldtal haugins domts. eiiw y.'ill bay tabic lamps, old £lasj iusd

•chin#, j«weiry.-: .pici<ute'.;^riim<M,. dobs, furniture from early ISOS’s

‘ before, etc. Call 4$'<:-2JS1. ;

_______________■ ■■■ S/t. : 5/29

AttSOLOTKLY"liO O N E . pay?mere than us. wfc“t ck'ltt

u&ed furniture, i*Tiliqties, wicker fuiniLut'e ur tertlcies made Vftir,.

1900. Quick service,, .Our- Attic.. 14-1 Brvuutwav, Lonfc Htawh. 22ft-7?yi or 222-7,157 evenings call .

- &3*-oH.V*. - • tf

CASH, scrap. copper, brass, all -

types hoii - ferrous ' joetalsJ" rio.-iipi pick up .service. C:ait iMi*-

",8)20. . .■_.,


1KM RD > l)U t c\ r! v>i u>

this . surinner. Individua! , cite, ', inima.cuiite, roomy .. ap ts .. ;for , every cat. ..-■■■■■, . .. . . . . . .’:"■- .

P u r R t v p e t c .v n i- R y■ -■ '■' 5-i:i-*;t;5 .. .::,

TOv” p(K)m.Ks ■ a k c t H e r:, .Silver Call 872-130.1.- AI.,o rrri'e

find femy.te . ;t''-.tit miniature poodles,: best offer. ; 5./!S

K IT l’ENS, 7 \weeks o ld ..

566-ii238 . -. - ; 5/15

FKt'i: Kirn-:N. 1 temaic Calico..kitten, it weeks old. Litter box

trained, stiti tiaii) 5/15


UiiAi’KS, CuiUilrirs, Siir.<-f)VL, ry,

. Window Sii’jdv's, l?p*uj!s,t?iy.

. ■ . Rea*sonAhlo,' V27-2VSS * •

'j ]••.-.- ' • .. .. . j/ i5-5-fy,i RO O Frw n Hoop; U k p a i us-

fn'Aj estiinato. Cali"Charih?

,4t)<52. . • . • ' .-: i l

'A.' -JKNSUN, • AUttlH,". •C e lla r :? 'an d . A ltou lkw s. -i

Kavine i>rr, Mrdnwan, 50‘vf»;5f).'>.'

. ... : ; o/i-5m

Choir Annivsrtary.Th* Mbrniug ClKiir of the'

aiid ii-aptist Church. 205 Atlantis

St.. Keyjwrt, will celebrat#1 theif

ICih auninsisary on.Siinday..M<ty 25. »t J:W p.m. The. Rev. NJcbi>-

ifu'.J. Tate, former ■ pastor'of tb*'.

'.Second 'B*pti*t Church, Keyport. now pai-rtortn the Shiloh Baptist

Church. Ocean City, .will. pieaUi the anniversary s^micti. A fcllw.v*

. sh ip , ho u r W ill fo llow the prograni

in : the- cliurch :dininjt room at which t ir a s lig h t refres'imebts.

wil! !>e served. The. public- is in-.

S'ite«l to attend, , ■ ■....


S IA W lS r CAT \ tcinity a# * 'J ■ i- Acme Plaza, kevport, nervls '

mcdic'aiioh.. 26-i-9l55. ' : ", .5/^3' :


1-67 LANDAIJ T-HIRO i doot, a ir :

. ; jond,.: tlitl.v equipped, privately . .-

. owned , Q i t l :,5G6-46ob or 566-2043. *

■>r•61 Ht.llCK:" l :.LKCT:i.'\ " coiiv-;"

; Euito,\ power S.tecrlng, windo\ys,\ ■

brakes, '.hiicket seats,..new top. .

C--iU 5.»-2>.5.t. "' .' . .. _ V5/_15. ' '

: lo a r R A M E i .E R .Classier*770; A ir-

: obiiditior.t'd,'! power■' -'ste’e r ln g .^ ^ '.

F^CDllcnt condition, 566:^297. :. .

■ " ' ■" ■■■_ ■' ' ■■' -V13 ' ■

-’62; ;CORVATR Monza, Standard - shift. Runs weli J295, fi66-9341.

' " ' ' ' ' 5/13 .

i960 t;l;lCK , H ood condition, >

.-•■ needs muftler S150. 5tjG-l5s 1 . ■ ■


. ’5:t O LD S-SU PER S-S A ir .can.V ..

- aitionod. All power;-very’-good -

. condition S750. : 506-5005. . 5/13 -

- iotis : MUSTANG 6 cyl,; execik-nt: ■

. condition C.ali. 506-^213. 5/15

1905 VW KARMAiS'N GHfA Con-- ; '

veiiihte, new hrViKcs, new itues,

-new clUU’t J75U. 58.,-lSB:. 5/15,

THE MflS TO SEEThe Prudential takes pride In Ihe

fact tha t Prudential Agents are

fjaretjr ynderwriters . . . well

qualified to help solve your life

and health insurance problems'.

For your insurance needs, see

• ,'i


fcii. 1906


PHONE 566*1797 W« Dolivor

; ‘ B03 ST.RANS

182 Bfoaciway, -Keyport, N. , 4

•■• 264-3227 '


Route 34, Matawan 566-2700


Service DirectoryCONTRACTORS

CERAMIC TILE Bathroom and kitchen, real tlio. Free estimates, Work guaran­teed.


w] tr

JDUDIilC & POLING F.lectrlCHl ControctorH

251-3068 20-I-7K745/85/29

ROOFING & SIDING Aluminum, Asbestos, Cedar,

Gutters, I..fadt?rs, rip off & repairs. McKenna & Dndn, 566­5057 or 5(i0-.1080, 5/«-5/2»


E l.U C IK tn .U X , ALL MODI-IS

local b .tla und setvu.e. C'iill

ifiO-25'M. vvjtf

V lililif.. C flA iHS. mitc.ht'R, r.-im1';

fur m i l or >ii«v C liiiij’c!

U'.cotjiits in v ifr j. Mal.iw.ui Drtir:'.

4!) Miiin Malawan. C.’ ill

}(i(t-fio:'i, w jii

U s e C l a s s i f i e d

PARKliU UOAUniNG HOME fur a|t«l rnen and women. St;ilo

licensed. Cull 500-0011, Matawiui, N.J. ____________________wjtf


BICYCLE need fixln'? Bring it in

to Western Auto, 112 Main St.. Matawan. Wu repair all makes, tf

IHCYCI.KS donieslic and foreign

repairs our specialty, n.tyshore Hardware Co., Pnmt St., opposite

Post Office. Kevport, C'till 201.1115._________________________If

YOU bust 'em we'll fix 'em. Glum and screen reptdrs, Hayshoro

Hardware Co., I'ront St., npposilu

Post Olfico, Keyport, ta ll 2iil- 11-15. _________ _____________ tf




GIANT SUN GLASSES I? Mtiin Sf., M-it,-v/.m


PART TIMEEarn Extra Money Now I

MEN AND WOMENMonday through Friday

Four Hour Shifti Available

Ideal Hours For Mothers

Saturday and or SundayEight Hour Shifts

Days and Nights

2.47'/j per hourPluj Night Shift Bonus


Monday through Friday 9 A.M. - 5 P.M.

Saturday and Sunday ') A.M. - Noon

Wodnosrl<iy Nighl until 8 P,M,

iMMrjiiAri: o p e n in g ?


W ILL HO IKONING !•; my !mim\

Caii 2114-2717 after 6 . 5/8-5/13

M O T lil'R OF 5 w ill "watch cliii-

dren days for working motliei. Trt^’ iti1 !; o 111 • ■. R,\isonaf>le 261­

3616. tf

W ILL IX) IRONING in my home.

Tel. 56li-4tiSQ.___________ 5/15-5/22


c o m b in a t io n a l i j ,m in u m




KARL A. FRANTZ 26l-.'iltl5

Sj-.ARST.AWN MOWCIt, 2 " yrs.'

old, $25. Call 560-1)501. 5/15

C t'lT A R with linn pick up. 19'iS

Jlonda 5(1 iMotoi .Scooter. IJmh

nKtellcnt i-ntnl ,')(i''i-098l. 5/15

I'lO llSKCI.FANINU >1 a” hag

?.ile. All you citti pot In a lia^

for f l . Hriog your hag F.vorv-

t Iii UK must g-i. Angel'1 ThrlTl Shop, 2I5 Campbell S t, Union

Reach. 2lil I621I. 5/13

Al’ I'l V Al

M iD lA N K ) GLASS CO.C lif fv /o u d A v e ,

C l i f fw o o d , I'I. ,i.

Ati L'ju.d i'! u/ttt


n i.U F STONF., SAND, oto.

ECICL'S TRUCKING Morganville, N. J.

5 9 1-9707wjtf

r Y i r 'm . iV T ^ N Y ' s i i i j . ' i i • Toffer, f ill 2ti I Vi/.'i -VI.1

FRU M J iY ^ V / iR E



C M . I. -! m

f e i ' S h\MWUH, MAI,\ ST., |v1ArA\VA\'









fiCEVP>ORT 264-4000i? cag.-sr.

•s ./

T%£S£s<2*y, M*»'/ IS, T> it MATAWAN. JOURNAL, Pay-

Shade TreeUnit (fleets

. .'.'h* M a l*aan V<‘vL-r.h S!ia<ig;.

t ’sw. 0>«imisji»fnV nj*:i . .fenday« i (Ml*. rwM. Ji

Wffe if® iews . Ufawtd by"■ iirfj e«£m»issfc'i> y>ii: be sprsyiid

by. m e Porter T r tc S « r v i« ©!

. Jttitpwai aod pruned ...toy'. Hctert;,■ EwSw'-'irf.T.Jst»W*NV■" ~

Two snembfiH * t tin*- c<Mnmt»“

mm. . Isavt (o ii t r i i i i

tn*i £Mi th® is w?w.

' -in: Slower w> if u*8tfcjrt»-fey E>»- ' ny inert ptiuvg wi

fvwtli Cl |>liV2f<r hy uvv.

rom m K nter e rr fhm w 4"«m t*>r-

euKh property and M corH nf tu a borough vw5msr.ee ar® th*

; propwty wm! ': rttftomi&Htif of :■ tfwi teiough. ;

Tlie Shade-.Tne Cmnnatoiim

ScfcS rMldcait . ECt t» N W W ihcst* t ie « 07 try <f n-jyia**

them. M anyone . ii0$ i . prcfol**! *r * ^uwltms ceocerninn a

in th is;. ’’plusnin^ . Str!p" e a it .ih * . torutmsh . ■ k tll es the ch»irm*3 o f th« Matawan .-Her.

«*h ■Shsds.-.-.Tziie,. Cesuauiise,- 'Kjjtizrn w*mtr«»b

■%3fr««* pl»i)i«I ty th« .cowml*.' tion (ire supported by two

eltkt*. Heme owner* .ar* ta jAss** T«i«M>vc fron*

traps plwittd prior tc the upriug tif ISSI, Th?, Jtcjrwcwrwr may wish tn u<* '.htlX B£akf» iri filH.lt fjij elSMchfrt on M « property.

On A rw>r E*y. Aj<r.- ^5. 45£ Austrian piotmrdUnK* w»c« di*- tnbuted to the fifth gnuit uf the M»t»wan Public , School courtrty

cf.v.the:.SlahwRn Borough: Sh««5e 7we ConxniMipn. T l* children

tribute to Arbor Doy .m * . *»n*ral aawmbly »ik1 then *»d> <

e lm 5)Umt*d‘« teedling on: the

■ckool giound. ■ -.

Society Al N€E- *-Ns>v»rt-'' Ctrffa’ge *#/

student itr T*w 'He-"*ft 5>*1 thft ttttfjcina! fcis uMu,-

ftwifclv, an jM junr^ it at*-

i '.^5. -. psiperinf • ■ sn.x^Tt.- fni©-.

;st*-..x®.bjw(‘Tm nfay;.'Im a ' trarfi-

Amor»jj \}&&t »5ocU d •mjs R*fc-

«-rt W. l\l Mim S i , ?*5w-

'• aVr3Ji,"";'.'V;; ■'■;■/

. Ih f i b o s -

^ ■TWrrifefr- wa® by . JwhovC.-:’ Cfrffem, pr»ei:- v w«pr.;«f ‘the , ' $ & & . aad .

*^a f/tewn3>f

. . ...Incliidwl hi the ns» mctniitarv ': «ff W CE> tojp. WSffli-

cii Su«»u ChiMA,, -Nbwirfc, tha flrrt «m 4 to I * ^,n u t l^ B55 # ttfud

on* *?f the. ‘f trs t ’ yowiR i&dUs& ita

lhe : suition U) tu}2

V w r^ ip m»*wfjng; . ■ •■

- Iti® 1 b&w ixxjAiy ■ h « .-total jnUiat^d nvwrfe^rnrfiijj

wft.h thMjnrirti At- ilS

lesdmg irjihtwlwtns, To fc« .ess­

: snfcred for la u ®rta l*». sriuil- are muflf b# hi the top cl^hU-? vf. ihctr rte«» Jn their jun ior y«3f

: nr vjn‘ tn t »ep. ^f?*v * ^ tr ciaai«

i-i ihth W iM i }’e t i . C w K l^ ‘tes

m usi also .tw uf eAtmpJary «;)\«r-

fitter ,*nd > exercise person*) ■

iegrity, tdiftpUbihly ■ and havt*

h io iid iftU rcstt > w iil^n arui «uU

: »U)e ihe f>«M ol eng if^r i?^ .

Siippoii lligli ASeii oor

Nursery lots Hold Party

Two of tt* »f: four-,year-olda uf the Matawan Pres­

bytErian Nurwiry School - honor­ed their ittothr.rs wUh. a Mulh>.

*rs Day P»siy on Frittay-aft«r- soon, May It in the Felteivshlp' Hnii of the church. -

■ / M u , Dorothy Me«*iiw’« morn­

. bi/, cla** joined Mr*. B*th' Wil-

Wnson’* afternoon class for, the jarty., Invitations, were sent, out',

tjjrSMi ■■ mothers ami cookies urti <J$fcn>ti(>ns were made prior ■ to

tiiiit afternoon. Song* were Rung

aud each-child wen {tiven the up- (.V>ttunlty to terve his own n-.oth- «r the punch snd cookies. '

In addition to. the four-year- old ciaM the school offers (1 two­

: 4v) three-year,old c lau ; Anyone

bter«*t«d in retlatering for. the- {all may do ao by calling the

'.church-.'office,: S«6-2«3, between t a.m. and i p.m. weckditys.


Ileads Auxiliary

: The monthly; meeting of the .Matawan Italian * American As- iwdalion Aujnlmry tor May i»a* heid Monday.: OSflctra for rit-»j year were *lecfed. ■ ■ •

Tbe new officer* mcluiiiv. Pren-

Went, Mrs. Patricia VaccumiHa;:'»*?»■■,'■ jretsiucnt; -

Tuccmo; recortfinj secrutaiy, :Mr». fesiber Paula; Irensurtr,

Mt*. Gild# Di Santo; cnmtipaiMi- in* Mcrttary, Mr*. Frances Tra-

himowicz; »trge«nt-iit-arms. Mnt. Dcrie.Darcca;. Uuueee, Mrs. Phil-1, omena-Stranlero, Mrs. -Phiiomena Testa. Mrs;- Jonephine Crapurn, Mis. Mary DiSanto and Mrs. Ad­rienne Bucco. .... ■ >

■ Mn,- Ann Mecd wat a««ept«d. a* a ik:w member.: • ' \

■ The r.n - chairmen, Mrs P«t

. Fijtope and MiSi Ann* Piperno, (vporicd a card party will be held at Don Quixote Inn on Sept.'

28. :

It was voted that funds will lie kept..in reserve for 11 needy.Ianir‘ Hv to cover their needs during

the year rather than just at Chnsimas - time. :

A [iriid was »worded to;;Mrs. Tiiccitto. ..

C o m p ie t ® G e i i r i «

. At graduation oxftTcis<‘9 *t the ...:P*rtb[Ampoy .Gm er^i Hospftnl,

M rj. Albtrta Ch«tnian, Cliffwood ■nrt MIm Patricia Weston, Cliff*

wood DeHch, nur&oc nklv». r«- ; C€iy«d certificates for completing

* new four - week, job method*

; prc^rikm' The course 'w as sponwrtd by the Health Oc-

cnpiiiion Trwinlng Program of the

Hew. Jersey Hospital Association.

Co • sponsors were the Hospital Research and Etlucniion Trust of

' New Jerst-y, the New Jersey Em­

ployment Service »nd Ihe U.S. |)epartment of Uibor.

StHhday Su.sao SfmoneU celebrated her

seventh birthiky Ht.a barbecue party Saturday afternoon given

' by. her; inctheb, Mrs; James Se-

-intmeil ai their Jwjne, 35 Park Ave.i Malawan. Guests uttending

were Linda Colabelli, Deonna

Dresbick, Amy Michael, nnd An­

thony Ciccia, Amy Tassini, Cheryl

Dodo, Diane Hinds, Sherry Craw*

ford,, Linda, Nancy und Susan

Behr, Donr\a and Judy Vmlon,

Kares Carbone, Donna Snod­grass, Mrs. Lorraine Bi'hr, Mrs.

V?rnon Magee; Mrs. Irving Cotip* er and Susan's grandmother, Mrs.

Margaret Van Braekie and her great - giaj)dmother( Mrs. K.B. Hulsart,

ft»r.’ft;C43*t-stilly fr'few- struciw . of e high 3t‘hi>o/ v.’tr®’

•.rw$>pc«H$d tty »n 3#6.‘

at & Uxti)m in t?re inw -rce<iu(t« &c*vi!*.A. 1 in'- swncn<*r

for jw / im m tie

^jnr<d o!, .teucatiwi ac^iuk m <irBwii5g plaf s lav a high school

«j«cnmiai>jy zcfr'wJ


ITs# lbT<^-bjt»p EV'OyiJ-

«S tha faaard znsi?y. f -r-or«a?? cornnHintff us U3if&vcrs.fc^

wv |3 of Jiw'iir-

tM ' J t tt bWrtlinfjt d is f ik t . {.tr K«4

H j^h Schiwl. Tne HwrM p pre««*iiiy $#tidz 32B. stwj*fit»- to K«:i';Bs:nhr.Sfiah. They .scipflei.'fc* ■ h«v« > l t mgh tchttol studantv rvefjei fftlf, ftSS?-An' )$?’i 5 ^ . iti

• 1W7. ' ' : :' . ■■■

Mad bank H ifh c a m under

"fire...Jriim.'weveral fw!«<;?« af vwnwI (HirrtcttiMm, frbn» port&tion tuitxm i^ ssp,

isniwijfifac-tofy :'ieach>»f! c%md)-

ifems f-mJ int;k « f *de^u#fe fsai-

tu^S:; Hut cs m any partTjts «*«**

rhs high school srtafr fcr

a fine jtrndemic program. All

p r « m t atfteeii lhat: ^w ticH lly

p;>e»l«ng irnuirtimle plana lo* * townwhlp hlnh school jrtwuM b* m the? mGkinjp. •■ ■.

Ptanc Ottev«4 •At •Ui« .pr*r5<,/ii tim e thu capac^

j ly m Ind ian H ill school >* 500

pupils, a.1 the.: ViHrtfte . ScImjoI,

909, and WO pup^?t «t th*r Jn tw *

mediate school. Only ths? V iH a ^

K hno l is i t c&pactrv a r present.

The hoard presented several

alternate overall growth plans

for hr«h the *!frmemxiry and th«

hi^h schctol levelc/ .' ,i . ,

Three prufjosalB t fe ta iM

•.•Wcrer..'. " : ;■•' ;■ '. ■ . :-'.;.L.

A 10'daasjnom fiddJtum to \ib lage School by I91J bringiax t*- paoity to 7JJS, fo llow ^ >r. IW4 by A n 6<10?U0n IO ig*«r d tu tu t i J l . I I

Schcx;) bnnymg ny pupil ctipaci-

ty lo in 1 !>77 st ntw building

f^r high SfhwJ grades »i thr la- termedjate Schw»i site, with a

totai caiMCkty of 1200 pupiis, and a Ihjfd elt'mentury whool in

...!»?& wuli « -cajiac-Uy -i>f-.5W pup­

A third elementary .'.-school by 1973, Jor 3<NJ pupils; a■■ JS7T high * school addition to the Intermed^-

‘•ate-'SelMwl'-wilh-a 12WI pupil c»«

pactty total, and a . fourth ele­mentary -school jn wuh *

capacity of 5W pupjls.

An -’addition- to : the Village

fcchoo] in 1971 bringing Hs capac­

ity to 750 ivuh a partia l high

school building for 600 pupils a l the interme<liate; site;-in 1*J72: a

1974 addition to the Tndian .-Hill

^ h c * r incre«aing it. to CM stu­

den ts ; > 1977 addition to the In - '

termediate. .School, totalling 1200

jtude^ta , completing the high

isch/voi and a third elementary

school/in 19M> for 500 students.

, 1 The board did not explain sj)e-

fc ifica lly . how a pariia l ' high

'.school would Ive set up. Superin*

tendeiit H. Victor Crespy' pointed

juut thAt if. th i« 'la tte r plan could

he devfiopi'd irrunediatdy ihe

present seventh grnclers would

be the first graduating ,class.

Several alternate plans were

viewed but several members of

the audience criticized the board

for “ taking such slow action”

And urged immediate cost study


Board member Alex A. THisse

streswd the board's position in

only presenting some of various

pifr5& that i^ 'd 'fe t t u til^ed jf

iiLxpttyers in^icat# th<Y wanted

to prfK«?d wilh p4»?)a ‘for

■' jiion.: ■■'-■ ■ .:- ' • -

/'W ertr fi Jitt.lt> feUft sty IroiH Jn

.for if?* Invenne'dwte*. in

19W Vr(« w w e MscusnTof trying

to jam plstoi? down-the ta»|»yef».

npcks;** >e . ■■ 1 ■ •

Cr»nstmctj^n rvf tr,e J,.>t«'trtvw»th“

. ats.SciKJOl wap h^Jd up owr.lv »■

•-yfrftV: after H waf! d»f*Mi«e i i« *- ' £s'rly in 1SSS. .' ■/'

’ ‘W* *V&At U> fee #»«'•• Vtf havfr

the- jpiulgfe wf the f^truTtuniiy i*«-

' JOr# svbm it Miy definite

plans, to.cof.t’ 5l\^y^-''-M.r»/lftu^Pft'.


litr<.ai’d Hrnt9(

•Kr^rnr,* a«’d »li 'pfO j«;tw f • fJfr ■ -iira^' *i«Ttr hj^t*rf tfw? thff..pre&wt


"A ny in the inastw

plan et>i)M c h u n ^

, oui - projcfcted , cnroih)Mm,t- w«5.

force ti» tc rartically; a lter <>ur

■ plonii/V" ■'■•'. ,/"'•'•/':v':' / / .; /.'_/:■

Mr, C rc «p y " .»4 sno it ««rt of

View' iiicjfity mmt be, o§K:n«i by

1973. J

"T h t vi4u iK72 A’i;l ftnd :us ?iil-

ed lo ..capacity BKa1. i t v/Ji5 f.ak«?

us *.p£f^xini£t£iy years' to

tsc^upy any 'structure jrom' the

' date if i* voted w t/* kb s t i i

“ If. ip a.lsQ possible Uiat «x tUt : next {»}n?e to /iv*6 yeftrs» we may

fre 6Mw*l by Red Bw ik

Sclwrd to find wh#* fhctMiit*- for

faiurfcnU. fr s ^ '* ^

■ «>.*M.lion'-'fcr?«- t 4>xi:P^ ihrvyftJt ty

K»d Shre*«vs;bury ati4 Vit-

tl« Siiv«-, jtboij: r«pi' fa>ciU(>es. ■

w ill pl»nw<i for tbeir w a um

■ernfyw'* : ■ ! ■ ;."■ ;. • ;• '.

. I h © three nnuiirspaiJtteir «res

•presefitly oonduaing re^tt'/t&lizA-

li& n . sriwlieG' on a grxsips-

.•turwjgh i t ' •

S®*.'pral ,fcn#rd mmnbers stgrtfri

rhiit vihilat » high schsul

NV*fo!d has m»ras 'costly at first ti 'w ould weiUtt*klty. 1» nw ro eco-

:»em iuaL Tuftkm U#r towpjrfnp

studcotr a t Eunli Higji

?>cNx*l w iil 'reach »n:

■.|1W fo i Uh? i?S)9-70 schw l ve*r.

Educator Speaks Tuesday; John Holt; nationally acclaimwK

educator And author, is coming to Marlboro High School Tue«-, day to express his unw^ue lansl

fmponvnt-'-views--- on .AmcricAH.-- elementary .educarion/;.; /-;.//

■•■:■ M r,"Holi has . lectuj^d * t :th e .

H«rvwrd Graduate School., of Ed­

ucation and the University of Oiifornsa tut^ Berkeley. . His Jwoifcs, “ llosv Children Fail” and “How Children Learn.1’ a ie con­sidered sinong tiie .most influen-

I and wuk-ly-read boohs tuj ucation today; 1h« New Yoclt'’ lime,*) says- l,Mr, HuJt has .a Jot

io say about children th4t is or-irtiHHl »r*uf<* tif ui1 K v o fo ijr

closest atiention/*

Mr. Holt luie taught children

for l i . years at all dcmcntary . school ieveis, lie hae written -bts observutioiis of how children Jefaru. lor-1 several promtnent mag-

turn's, Mich aa Har(jersr R « l

Class Makes Trip

To Stale (iipitolFifth grade stuow tn^M •‘ Cliff*

v»tKxl Hlemeniory- Srttcwtl f^rtlO' iput«J in a ujass trip to Trenton

on May 5. ,They visited the state tropiiol/.tlie suite museum and th? Hewisn Barracks. . , ,

As they were observing the as­sembly, , Assemblyman William K. Dickey jr. proposed the foi- lowing resolution; ■’;Be jl.resolV” ‘

ed by the members of the’ New

Jersey General Assembly that a cordial welcome be extended lo W students of.ihe Fifth Griide of

Cliffwood Elementary Schcwl of Malawan Township, who are

present today accompanied, by two teachers, John Walj-h’ and Joseph Dudzih, nnd six pu rents..

T>iis gyoup is sponsored by As- se»nMyin<n JuM-ph Azx^lina, Chester Apy, James M. Cole­

man and Louis R. Aikens.”

Senator Richard Stout also

Welcomed them in the Se*mte.

Assemblymen A//olino and Coltmau spoke to the 'students

following their visit to ihe cham­bers. Assemblyman Apy was at­

tending a speciiil u>mmiu«.*e

meeting and was unable lo meet

with the students.

Book, <cnd Parents' Magjmne,. JJis latest a.rticle, “ Schools. Ax«-

Not For:-.,Cbtldi'«n,M .appeared io /the,Feb. I issue of the Saturday

.Evening/Post.. •;. .• ., •• ■,;••■;•“ L*] : one of'h’Js ;.vprlts/ Mr.; Holt '

asserU',./.“School. tends' to be a dishonest well as -m nervous plnce. We/adults- are not often

; honest .with/children. Ifcast of - all

Jnischool. W e tell |he;hr not .wh^V, ■* we ■ think;'-but'what, we ftel th<y ought li> think; or what other jpftople-fw l or tell w:.th«y uu^ht. ti> think.“ Tie colis for a new

■Hind Of "person In our bi.Kirty w1k» ''seeks nnd find* weaning truth, and enjoyment ;n every- Hung her dues.”

- l o achieve this. .MK.lloll;asKs, . “Cm/t _we.clear._a ^pnoo lot hfm. 'iiaiy. aud op^Jinei.s- ’.and w*'f«

awarcnesr- in ihe lives of.grcw-..ing^chlldrenV” ':,.-/;;/v^7-.v;'.?./;^ :

.■v'MrV'-’Hol^ir. lecturej -scheduled for b p.m. Ju<*ftfjay; s.'wmhi he

- of * interest to tvnch^rb*, pmenU, •4*nd students, .and jihould .sp:ark ;er*thusiaVm/during' the; following

Quesuon-and-answer period/ The event, will be held at the Marl-

r b<n’o High School auditorium on Jtonte 7!).

Tickets may be obUinetl from the Piiieiiv-Teaeher. Asiooiations of the Marlboro,, Cent rut and Jtoljert5vllfe- 'Schools/ b y ca llin g Mrs. Jiang Muhier, M ib! Normon

Jamvich or Mrs. H. C. Johnson.

■;M Meeting ■_ frii^hM; It&xt

' Milt a v; an, tp« re^fSTlty s f t^ :

'Ixinv: 'tif M >v. ’ ii-fj-.es ‘Manic, Jitvjie 34. n wtrf-'p/«iftr.t r*( thi?' jMv.cn vs-h.urh VfftS

- i i v w mv M r* ;. O tV»Sl*

Wf-ynokis, psefid»;«j>t. ■ ■.

iih«* tli*4 M-.t*jn«r*nor)«l Tw v iw for county vfr cedsHsd motr/lXTi at Aibtrry F iiiL

l i . ihjfct. i/W/ TtT-trfj"

mw?h C<«jnry£fy- v»>H hturt s-eotm'fitirtn. 'in- ttiilUlk-rt hom'»rirt|f Cwjcty

Cctpon>»n<W Stvm ar**1.

AuxiHfwy pfrsw>«it M rt; K«rri«i

Nic« Sauudr.y, Au|^ 15> Colts

N*ck Jm>. at 7. j>.m, ;

RdiisofijKtticn L^«rm-*n Mrsi,

Mftrtin reported jw tnuj* eiwhtuft

to' Jiefedy ;.f»t?*jHw..A^i Tnernbw* nh)ft wur n*p<^t«l 1» p« : cen*.

by clwt rma d M rs-. • Mof <e-y,Mrs. Dorothy ftrntar* Pr'p^y

.ch»Jrntun, 'atnnwunced. -<trfF<»y>piiyti will- sttvrt May 23 *«d

will':w»nl»na» htiiii May ifr, • .

installation of Matawan Po«l V-C. .,-(«* *•.»«. ilir* f~l‘ H'(5J Vw i*{

$ p.ni. Sfalurday, 3©< ftt th* legion Hall. All memoerr *r* urg«d id .atteitd; / :

The. next niw lilig will ije held.:

'Iunr'9’ ut theLegion Hall whew

Mfs.-P*te wtiLbeth* guest »pe*»k'

er. . ■■

i l a / . l e t S c o u t s

O n ( ^ J i n i p o r w ;

Bov Seoul fronp >3^ Ha/let,

atteTJded . iheir annual DC«»rict ‘

Ciimporce, « i '|he;-.Brtsiliiip- I'uth-;

ers Monastery, ■ M o rganv ill^ /Jt-

was held! Friday ;n»ghtv -2,

Through Sunday, 4.

• At the .camp' fire Saturday nijs'id tho-'TriKiu awarded firs-t

cl«ss: - funk to Ronny Undh*.

Vutiick :|ruccL w«iS a.wordtd

<Hid :clabs rank, lviist A>d- .Merit ■

fi8'dges?'-.wrre -awarrieU Steven J a iu ’os,. Bre?uton Radigun, ,^nl*

»er Scluitsky, Pavid Asione, . Jo­

seph ,Dicker, nnd • Fi.ajicis. 'Mur*

phy.v i-Swiiriming/ '.Merit/; Hadge

went to Rrendon,Hsidigau.

L eave For GermanyM r. «>nd Robert Glenn

Mock and sons Robert Glenn jr.

and Clyde .Srotr left Tuesday for

a three year May' in Germany

nfter spf-ndmp a 1<nv tl«ys with

M r. M ock‘s uncle atul »unt, M r.

and M is Norman Powell, 00

ChcMniu Dr., Matinvan, .Mr. Mork

i.s wiih *hp U.S. Security Group

and has recently been sitoii-ned

in Charlefitun, S.L'.

Card of Thanks

The fum iiy of iht* Iwte F!i?a*

b fth L. Ryan wish-to tlv.mk oil

their friends and neighbors for

•iu:ir kuidi':. -h during !lu*ir i«>

ff-ot berft: »ur’u P i,

Affreft Casagrande, Dr. 7aven

Ayaniati, the M auw an i-irst Aid

Squad. Mr. Jam es Day and

Father Newman of Sl. Joseph’s.

Item an lttr , yoa de»fi baveto Sfwaul a m illion to look )ito a m ill too. Jua i be su n to

Act a lot nooie for yow snooty.K iM npk : S. H ie

Mie's gut Olds cIms ajod fljufthty wnttea all over i l

TTiere’s a Rockat 3i50 - V-8 ~that runs os regular gas. A genuine Okfa ride an)

handling action tfcat make you fed like a miUica, too.

Thare^even aa anti-th«4i siMrinjf column lock yoy

ean't ^el vn many card fit aoy pn'co.

Pt?t them all tog«ib«eSad th**y &dd up to c&.trt

value that gocu far b<*yood ibe modetit Cutlaas price.

H ow to lo o k like a m ill io n o n the same o ld budget y ou h sd before. .........

** • V * ** ,

■' '*-• v is'. •



M o t lK » i- - l ) a i i« j l i t e r

L i m c l i e o i i H e l d

Girl Scout Troop 149. Cliffwood,

held t>i»‘ir annual Mother^Daugh­

ter ‘luiid ieon at the Cliffwood

. Schfwl cafeUirium on May ij. Tlie

'ctiroinony opened w ith the salute

to the flag and ringing “ My

t ’ountry Tin Of TiK!t?..“ ..The. invo-

catioh w^s given by Linda Buys.

The dinncr was prepared by the

girls in (he troop. F.ach girl made

a girt; a decorative bar of soap,

and elso a carnation corsage for

h tr mother. The leaders thnnkwl

the mothers for 100 per cent at-

teiulauce and also for their help

during rher year. Mrs. Rudy Dm*

no and Mrs. Lharlt-s Silvers re*

ieiv<il pins fur their work with

ilic iroop. D. a U p

jv.stntative of the N .I.-N atura l

G>:> Company, preM-nted the pro­

gram , “Magic Suitcase.”

A Court o f Awards was held

when' the fiiil scouts were pre-

«*entcd the badges they had carn-

‘I’he Uudci.s, Mrs. Robert

MirchHI nnd Mrs. W arren Frew,

were each presented with «

pl.uiim for their outstanding ser­

vice to the Hoop,

Janice WheHe recited a poem,

“ Mother,’* and Donna Bruno and

Ku»hy Jurewic? read a poem,

“ My Mother.” Group singing was

led bv Janet and Joan Henry.

Ginn Silvers thanked the mothers

for attending nnd thc evening

was concluded with ' ‘ la p s ."

K ite Fly W in n e r s

Ted Hirst, Holmdel’s Rccre.atson

Director, has annoum:cd winners

of the Recrpation Commission’s

annual k*te fly, as follows: First

place winneis, most inmsnal, P<*-

ter Schollenberger, R ichard Stam-

k k , John l.aidig; largtst, Jean­

ne Sorenson, Thomas l.aidig;

siiuille.st. K im ;md Sco:t lil« s.s;ng.

Hersise l.ag^.Kuta; highest kite,

J im S iiik le . fi»Fl kite built and

aiiboroe by parrni - flu id team,

Kenneth Sormson. Tiie t \ent wa.*

held n c rn l ly .tl the Holmdel

County I'nrk and judge?; included

James M utiny, Mrs. Mary Abate

and I.ntrv Ri ^ cm.

Elect Officers

Miehiifl /au 'isky , M.iUtvs.ni,

luis been e liv lrd pn .su lrh l (.f the

Ti-mple SliaUnn Senior Vnuth

G um p for the lom ii;}' year.

S»t\ing ilh him \\ill be: Rlliot

(ji olfiiKin. M.iiiiwan. \ icr jmosi-

dt'iil in rh a ;^ r ><f mt niheiship;

H iuhn i T*M'dh'r. <>nl Hrirlj*e, vi<*e

pMMiieni in i l i . i i)',!1 of publicity;

i'l'gjjy Vuh.s. Mai,iw .in, leconl

hip '>‘‘1 retii ’ y; l.IN ii Wei.snn,

) I n /h i . «'i .t i e.*. | ii mth up «,n i i-tn i v:

Sir vi*n .\l< .in tui t, i.id i.iuan , tit ;i%-

urcr; I'.u J': *• * mm , Mm,iu :m,

tlmphim; imd Si,icy Hoi'dnnoff,

M.i|,i\s.m, |Ht'r.i<iin ' Ii.tn niiin,

Cftnv> fcif OkUrMjhllc’a Rprtnff PuJitoii Cli«WiifKlnU* t-nrOt'tlc«i(ti»l<ir women —And YouiiflnwibileThinhMiouu wIhtJb

aMd-pl yow OKU tWakr'l ax<t,

^ ; ; m

% K s r -

• > Spring fashion piuie:.« .> -•v<3 •• -X v;-; ; '- V . , \ ■■

1 o S liow F ilm

l-llnvi :.il.eti iin111>j.' the Mon

mouth ( * ■;I*-;**’ M.1 *.i. I I i>a 11 Ii-.him tup lo ill, :,\A.i.A. r; .iiMHitl |;,l;

k« tbiill I't" i ' ii ' :i'1 •’( :h b:nn* -

< 'tl s’. »\ iil h'r!i!i;' 'I t’ .e lir? 1 mi­

nimi O’ I r ! ■ 1 f ■■ (• • :fm liX'lubei

Monmonilt t ot|c; r Aiiinmi

iii'lion , I'liilnv. * .ni' H \Vo|

f i l l . .'Iiiiimi < n on'm .tttn t ...i>tJ

flu* inert , • v I it- ir tr ni ■ •

T ' l i f A I Mi\o|. l,i imh i IlinEil

itij*, l.ci lu ic liiiil I, at p.m.

.•Trc;pi: d.-ai de-r Mi'/n to OcewfiJ\>i. fjshff/ It lh<.1 SfU'^et -Spofr

fans’ .fir’d T't:'.-«by but m.i!!

s . fa\>vr« l jwisiLMn io

iVtfciii fhftir. Shura t.jonfJ:renc* .-'tt'* ti!!t-. They' play A*tn4f y .TVvk, ' H ”!ast p-lirice Ltui/n, »t h<»ir.<! toriay -und a- mmi-h? it.sl pUiCtf t«e»rr„ at’ .^Cl^dp.y.'

T<.’V'j;K!up., tb*’ii tWo' t'.'Jyf ;

w il* t«r Vi WO rw*j owe.

"•umy’her-^tiiie" Matawan ',f- h«v- mjg ibese e«5i«4' -aftsijeoikieniis;.

. Tha: Hu.^kies‘ U»»s; ut OiMitt

was due lo an inability ;.Ui‘ comt ; tbrOUjfh. in the clutch' In the l>-t« •/norntts. ..They. ^ o i ‘e<l in the fouith on. TWilli* Curry's thr««*

bagger »nd Fe«'n>f>n-'s- ?sn*git. TfiTn th^y h ^ i men. on .first jiiTtil • thir-d i» the fifth -b4it a

, strikeout' n:in«-.t it. Tliey trie ;; tyin^ run /io.; '.'^coring, jxwitiea irpum m .ihc yjxtb i/ut the rime­

. v nrt wtia-siot ■.comiT.ts'- fvrrh.John: Villapino was .the Occwn -

PHd;.er who had it '.when ib<

A n n u a l B a n q u e t

H e l d O n F r i d a y s ­

: ::^ie :anDUsd; Jvtother; and :.?kc banquet, oi. llw', htrst. J3apf.iM . Church; •Mam'wan. was1 held ';‘Frk».,!-

day evening in the Frlhiw'shjp • l i a j ! , '\\yh. : William-;/-.Bi.sgr6ve/, •

'N'enc Monniouih, y;as'h‘tl}e1 ftuesr. o f ; honor' imd ipoke' on ihe sub^

; jet"t -<i ,‘,Chi'ff-.t;jn Mothers arid-

•'';DiivghwrK.“ ; -•■;/i'V;:. , , / / \ -J•: r:.; Hdvv«i ci.(bvens- ltd an - old fitshv

ioned s'm^fej-t/ urxl ;the Church:.

:; School orchfMra ,retertain*d. .’•vit'h'.'several svlectionv. Instrii* m ental. soioi.s.ts .. vverf» Stifphea

jwid' F.onnie. Hver »nd David and -

Ctiiiv Giblock. Mrs. Louis' Jawes- iir'riMnpkJOiHl oo the p;ano.. Miss

. i.i^ i dimmer and Willwie'.iKdi .sanj} ’* d u « . . . . •.

. . : r io ra l;/pieccfi/. wet*e; ,presented to Mrs.: Adam :MAUke,:"„>oldest ; motlitr, Mrs; Kaymond l.wrnher . son. voun^t.st. most ■ recent, Mr.H; •

Paul L. J LU'k'.un and .3.ii>;. F1-^;; lei Lassen for ihe most chib

; d r e i ) ^ " / ; V; Z\ ' v ; :^V-;


I’ o iH w .ir ii, N f i i i i N J .

K . H aue r A l*errti«n Ka.si Ap«. K . !^ M M DV .an, N. J .

.1 S/Ji-S/22 J l l t ‘6

prr v.-’N'-s- wiJp.'J?*. Hi- iiVitVH o if 1.1. of- aivd m a ‘iv tritv. Itir.v.t p.ivched Furtne -Mamin »nd 5xei ,'. striking;-' «:*o( ‘Mrfre1'Slid «?so waJkm . only ’ cnf. . . ' . . . '•■•', •.;•>.

li ■ Vf a*v 0 »'WE«. who h*id ihe. h its •; - when w^e m tb*

■ ta,fly tn;ij£i£. 'M3 cc Se^.vrofi ' Pp- '

'*%•: fh » Mftjfrie fvjf ihe? borne

iiife' •;& lh » • F rsi. ‘ Yra?'. v«U:rifksKf •

' » 5<\nK; £n<J . B ruc4 Baift'j«r:- prt>-’'

In « j>».nrh to'

scor*.1 .ifira, A'jtain,, in the:.: thttxl., :-

Prwvk Vamelm • ■ opened u ith-: a on .WiUi\

.ttc! hen SB-ure*- cam «

■up "with th« hr? to h im . -

- Mttawtm -. 'Ctoech • pU-y\ »vwr '* :

j i£ « a imfu-o’.wniprx m . th-* jw v

rreiW sloppy ?'KM»'t>f'*bore '

iveli /se^swi. ..';BiiV:>yhU«. t te y ./

'uer^-7 Juiv- ns-. “it - out.' / them. L aB'‘ M il^i;- ’w ij»:-|>itch?afl

.M anaoquan.tu -a.44 victory ^ W v

J ackson TOwnilup to: r-eatort ike

lei li ie top*; i UoR.;- vt f,He/.

iaddm . :..:--/y: - / :

A vjoe To The | I ^ o v e L a w n I

8 /

S J i S i

Elect Mrs. Bradl*y

:.:! fvlrs. JJa rb a ia ; ‘Bia'dley,,- .Mata-

■wan. was elected Executive Sec-

reiary'.flt the 45th- Armual' B a n ­

quet and Graduuiion. of the H.»}-

w x County Chapter of The Am^ri*

enn Institute of Banking -held;

■'VWdne.sdt'y, May 14, in the Re­

gency Room of The Mancr, Prc>s-

pect Ave., -West-Orange, . ,-


N O T IC KTAKPJ N O T IC E th iil V cro /nn o

C t'.[ I'l'B tion ; trn d u tf1. «5 T he P o c t ’i In n . n*»« to lh e M a jo r a n il,C ow .m I v f the U orouch of M a i» w « n t i.r *'if P leniir.v Hetnit C*on>j'oa ipM no No. C-S for p tem *

MtUHffC .tt erf} F rtv it;c* A venue , in ty.t f l iin m iih of. J*t«i*<^ an. C«'ia»iy

Mr>niM«i:t(h nnd ■ St>«le of H ew J v ' i v . T h« rtf.iur nitd veM rifncc «’t ■ • ii ^ ' f i t v t s *.»ul »<i: <» ic fU n .1* •* lit* fiavi: m i f lh c r nun 'it’rf t JftcC I'i’ d tho •K t in o .-cut I'tj'rH 'iK 'et «>t >?'•«><• .'iitltii-i.v hf-Jtliiiif m u re u>au. ten per (,‘ent o f . a n y o f Ihf* M ock 4*tthe h.iit? corpomthm **■«’ «♦ foU‘^v*»:

Ctin*i;e ■ V era ,. Pre.s»deni . .4iu i t€*M Pesch- t.an«fc, '

OU\ HilUKt. N. J. :Olp« V cro. .Set*.-'I'rciiw. 4!**^

I ft B Pfneh l^»ne,Ofti R r lC .je , N . J .

V lt'lor W fl» /f l. V K ' f P l f f • 3 % 4?I M rn .y M .Ktttilh AmiIh’V. N. J,

OhJtHjtinnv, if any , ahoiilrt. Im marte im inw lia te l.v . In ^ r J ttn p tu th e OJevk of tho fUir'H'Kh «'t Mnt- nw *n . C oun ty tif M an m oa th , Mew

•Je r*ey .V ET tO ZA K O C O n P C H A T lO NUy V rt*nrau A venue .MBlkU'iir:, New Jrr^rv

J S/15 • 5/22 |»» 7S__________________

HOAT l OtlMT nkc no tice t)uU U onn lil K .

>l»*;er has u p ^ ile d to iht- t i i n r t n r nt »>.*■ Dt'"-:tvi %-.t A l« ..->'!*«• H*-V- *-rApe C?iutr«»l f*»r a I ’ M ii im H etn ll T ihn*.lt liirn&i- to i-oii Jilt<;tit‘l ' .. U cvcrji^ fs lor • u n s u n ip o o n ir .lv «m tlie bon l iiHiutMi S«*a h«t* '\lnle tn tr a n s it \wUnn the S tate t f I l e a J t t*ey.

OhJuctU"!.*-, lf 41 ft V , ►ll'KlUl ilt!m m le im ioed 'fltr t.v in \*ritinji to 1hr Divcclt-r o f th e !3 !m m *’:i >'f Al- e«*ht»uc Bi*vt*rnre C on tro l. M(<0 H h v

Lee Bogarl

P«ti«n«e A t*irc^(Qmnibtg

F tw . Uvai ■ . . . .; _

1>r MUldm of a ,r*ne lnwn> ano.ee the mo** conf.iolleO con-

.of: the.><id;:(rtrm f.i*M ** to ’4 t fM b/. Hie

..J'ntnerw 'fT-can■ rnmc. clm-c:to tlr.jr v* he rs wilbo? to r\tjca to. « i/p r^ .'it f ’nV and '

.accept tftOitfict ihat'he cannot C t r J i I ^ / ; i nd/ ci t t -

linf*;; as”-:\v e I l/'HS./'t!ie/,‘ s't«l.

f. vt’/i.hete v:are/ tiVariy - setbuckR: alorij* ihe -v.siy. In s> vei-v dry •year.- , uv;%f ciH • and I a c k ,0f water ' are constant problems iti Spite t>i ip.iectk’idc.v. t>r>d irrtgijiii'o. J*i:n very 'wet year fungus uud. WA'i'ds are • prob- lettis 'irt'spH*1""of fanRicldes nnd horhicides.' With the use :of a planned piev<?utiit>ve ; pro­gram'. the homeowner, can kiiep ulf these; problems.under .control if not eliminated. ;

•The nm>it common cause of lawn failure is giving op when a problem occurs. Many thnefc

I have heard liomf*owners:*ay. “J pot ‘.vceel killer down bat

t still ’"haw’ ’weed.', nothmfc works, 1 .quit/* lu this cube the weeds tnii'Nt hove died front his first application of

w_.m! killer and this »ni»*ht be i I.I; 1 it >I|. All he is

a-.;*, mp!'-'’’"»v' . by viui'.i.inp.: in­stead ot pulling down mote

wttfjd control is that now he will surely lose: his total in­

vestment. ^o reim-mber. fol­low a jyni^ram setup for the

type of lawn yon desire. He- to problems in the lawn

with positive action even if several ap p lic a tio n s of a par­ticular 'chemical a r e neefs-

saiy. Keep in mind thnt the lawn like n n y other living thing is n e v e r completely

without blftniNb.

A tor nl ly perfect htwn is al­most hnpttssihle to ncbiev^,

Remember « Is o the «»d

farmer hns one impo/tant ud- vnrnape over the homct*w-.cr and that is that nfu*r one or

two years ..-f yood proiiimn- mine p r o p e r fertilization, m e n to fijilit Ihs. of nitrogen

per 1000 s(|tiaie foet per year,

all the herbitides nnd insec­ticides, he then g*»es ahead nnd strips the |{ih.h1 sod leav­

ing the bare spots and sick areas behind.


i I i I

Largo Seloction of . . . GERANIUMS •—• Thousandi To Choose

From In Our Greenhouses!• ANNUALS • ROSE BUSHES



• VEGETABLE PLANTS - 50c D0 7 . and up




I ' f v i l o p t d Hy K i jt g m Unb#.r&ilyfJz

"W u Grow Our Own PldnhM

CERISO^E'S C-KEE^HOUSES— O p o n / D t i y i —

l-l'tjli.v.iy Tifi l lolrndoli • .’v.i i !. m/./u i * uiL'Mitown. noi.MDri


S is f t a a r n e m ^ t a w a m j o u r n a j ; n , .j. vTfc.ir;d5yij; May !5.

; P ts’AiidlWMfs Topic Of Meeting Stars Ai Club BerneTm:' ttSBsfoe'-iaaBilsJy--' tacetisiR':..........................*s

O? Ctt& V w l f'ftT'i {•( v. b *••<.’!<{ tlvs Cliffy"?'- SrfjK'l Den J

' . I «» .y i 1 s.tj-ti*. u .,

ceremnntes.' In ' !ce^pjnj; wiih ths

■ thstnfc ‘ 'Pet# an<5. ths

.Scuuts dispisysd •tnair.r.va.iioas..

:: fobbte?. s»4 '.wsisy: of. ltelr.;-- siruMJ

: .A>VLii'ci^. hy th" i* ji■

1.:. ,1»ysr;..',: K n ,;3,;Wit'hai:i'Tjie''i:

; Vt*!;. .i?e?,r,. iaj&V. Eusacit .'■ Frew,

gfifj srrt>.', tlsm z;'vef ar

M'Vi, P.".'pb S.!-.'". i !f b->U'

^ 5 fe ^ p W ;.'J3eB' ■--ft Mar!;. Speer.

.: go ld arrow,. Xiffltwie, PhfiSijH*' :

EKtH/it fewis-.)' > s tr ip s ; :

:.W3 3iier. silvof: arrow..., denner

J f* r tfubi* , >-rofts7rii>r;

-ann firhtilar - - ■ -,-...

:. The b«y$/ had a uniform fc-

..'.trpesitiea-. ■ aud wt t t drilistj in

■ ■ .n iarctw s i)» , ' f e iK B U t Vo-.-,

Cnb:ivj.5C‘.T, Tne sr.'f.'nd^r.ce bar­. ib*>r for the, mooth .was W(.wi by

Dcti 1. ■ Cor*ibtK f‘vvn::y v.-il! bn

Kecojjnltidn Dimi.*,-.

: i'Arcncd’ ;i;orcW Day: trip' Fort.

Al;W::i:c.i:‘h l Kn!'jrM:!v; iitl: Pack;;

.,• Mttttinj!, TvUy i’-S .

' , 't to j1 parade, M a y 3D," ■ ; .


AT | e U k iiia g e

I .......... . ," ;•


ufou^afid.-your..family wiii enjoy, +he charming ■

Cape Cod atmosphere . . . and ths finest,

sfriciiy fresh >

sea fooband a varied menu of Fine Food To Suit Your

Mood and Fancy I

“ kt


Hour*: 12 Noon to I I P.M.

TeL 264*1263 , Ample Free Parking



V ' On President Truman'S „ bi.-thchy,". last ' Thursday, hi‘J

;. daughter, .'Margaret,' gaye-'a/.<fe

' Jig'ti.tful pirformance. aa the moth­er. E^Uh’ Lambert,/in'/ the. i-Om-

;■ tidy ‘'Never:-Too . Latt” at Club

fli-uc in Morgan

Miss' Tiuirifsri was, ably support­

ed in - Ihe production i>y Mason

■'■'Adaybs./ M her costai portraying -}thu-jnidtile-sgcdexpuctant'.: f^thV

.er; Juy Miirtit» and Donsld Mir-. ; lett ns (heir son-m-iaw'an'ii V.latigh-:

ser, awl ilie rest (if ' Ih? east Ann . Huston. .-..Arthur-:'. 'Ed-.. .Furman,,

Oeori’e Spelvm,: Robert .Colson:

and To-.n Hull. ' . '

“ Never Tiio.Late," dlrnctod by William Andrews, will run Might-:

iv, except Mondays, through Juns i, .: '.. " '. : :': ' : ."' . :L : .

Af the opniiiiig-uf th« sh-iw on

IlroHdway when tho lead role*'

were played by Maureen O'Sullir van and: Paul F o rd ,' the New

York Time* said, “ If you : hava wondered: what Broadway has

needed alt along to dispel tha

"Klnoni and spread joy, ‘Never Tod I.at«‘ ha# the answer. . .Try

to put yourself In Harry I.am- bcrt’j place, He doesn't drink)

smoke., gamble.or stay out late. He runs a'successtu! business' ai'nt

tries to bear up In the face of


80t U

Now you can get a regulation Rawlings baseball autographed by major leaguers for just $1.50 with anything you order.

You can send for a specially priced Rawlings bat and glove too.

Slide Into Burger Chef for the full score. Quick. First come, first served.

BURGER CHEFROUTS! 36 n@ar doolie Ave.


B u rg e r Q ie fJfeod good enmigh to lemw home for.

th^'t9 Wn'k-'as woJI as ;Anil his witv tcUs. hirn '

they're, goiag-Ui.bave n baby. No

woriticr : hv* is;'.h«\m|ftU .by somijwhat';;: : pnispcct/-

tiiat;; when newciomfir gets .

: out'--of icoiiega .VII ]v?f gbihs ;6q<' ' ; v

''SMisrii.-XraniH.n’. has,, through Cun« 'j :skk-ra1ble' ta l6nt’; 5Lnd much dcdi*> c a h q r . s i j i r ’a.s .on^ .

of : the'“ -catertanirne*!t industry's' -

most vesppctcd. i>irid popular por-‘. •.former*.--Shu.'.svas born .in Inde-:

jkmderice, Mo,, ' aftnritle-.i ? bi^h school thcry and later .grHduatv2<l; from Gunston-'HaU and Gcor^?.

Washinof.on I'Divorsity. After col- U'Ktt, she enjoyed a succcssfuL amgmg:career, She. has hew ac- :. live ih tcUwtfioa and summer .

stoclt‘ audiences havo hailed her • » 11 vu ioatiieac iccsa. '

.Mtsa Truman . was married In

19W tO rCHftciv, Panlei Jr.x man* aging cditDr ’ jjf . Thrt; Nev.* • York: lim es, and they hav<? fo«r chil™

tlren(VClifton» William, 10; Harrisun, six,und Thott^m ,thre«.

In the leading; role of “ Never Too Late,*’ M ija Truman give* ■­

a polished and believable perfor-

mancfi without .extreme rmakU'Up; or attire. She usunlly Hwr*’ Fnu* -

tana of Rome/; in classic rather than far-out lines, which she says,

neither tier figure nor her hus­

band could stand. She is presently

Writing a hook, . ‘‘White House

.Pets,’' to be published by T^vld McKay, sometime in the full. ;

Miss Truman And Adams are

pcrfect tofiother, her charming

p«trenc* offsetting his sputterinK exasperation as they bring un

aura of wholesome fun to thv

homey comedy.Adams is especially good a9 he

gives his ’definition of fun, strict* ly from n businessman's point of

view: “ Fun is when I go over the bills and G’ cU*r3 in the office ev­

ery morning. Pun is when 1 call

& customer und toll him he's Jong overdue in paying his bill.

When I close R hard deal for u iupply of new lumber, that's fun."

Adams, while still nt the Uni­versity of Wisconsin, began his professional career in the theu«

tre, acting and directing In Bum­mer stock in Vermont and up* gtatt* Nl*w York. It was at <•<'!.

lege that his first play was per­formed, a one - acter -'titled

“ Daughter of Zeus/' and It was over the university radio station that the first programs which he

wrote and produced, an educu* lioual scries, were hoard. lli\s professional earner in the N<?w

York theatre he^un with his ap­

pearance in a pluy by William

Saroyan, “ Got Awav Old Man.’*

Thereafter, he appealed in a suc­

cession of f>ve Uroudwuy piavs, all flops. At tlic same time, his careor in network radio was Lv-

Ijinnin.K, and in 13-14 he became. Peppor Y(njn{» on the daytime

serial “ Pppper Young’s r.im ilv,”

a ru!(‘ he was ro play until the show went off th..i air in 1051*.

Last su irm rr. he starred with

Tom Kwell and Rosemary M ur­

phy in i Iil* l.onJon cnmj)aiiy ■>(

“ You Know I Can ’t Hear Y(U»

When The Water's Uunninf'.”

Playing A t Town

-'■■-New ' • ( > ^ r a e r s l a p ; ' ;;;

For TlHvilers. MU ton Hc-;iiOiir president cfiii*:* Muau: <:•."* *’vfr>iip 'htc',/'

Rn/iouncea ihy accjVilsvrJon ol. ^. mo!.u>!t Diciurs IheiUeri, -ii.

t o . shore.,. . .TI;C thf.atur.i, from

. A}1!; of N «v szrzcy.'ft re "the'- .Hlnza Th^atn*.

Township: ir-ft FreehoM MaH

ThuiM'e: two in ^rick. To'.vnshi-i,

1 tl'.r Bi'iok rhvsitie. ^ iv i iivs\ Mall Cinema, : and - heoses . in

' ‘Ramsev ',*h(5 Port Chester.,- H. Y .

' 7he. the<itres wtU t«<'-operated■

by a whoHy-uweei! ^uh«ididry, The Mu^ir Makers *nieafri’-> Jnc- V/i'bur S;uper, Kurrr.f;un. wiii btj ,

the operating head of this divi­

sion, Mr. .Snr-.p r has r^er ae-

. tiyely engaged in."the.- : jaen t, and r.>pe:jl!v:.*:t - uf *ho>Jou .

picu;ro th'.'o^T.s, for mar.y y^ur-,

Mr;.-.. lh*rso;j said additional thcaUrr site;* aro under"- cun"id-..’

i»ratk>n uiul. r,evcrHf. leases a ft now in various stages of ne^o*

Hatinn, - sornt’. ai short.*-.

. . ' A m i A c t r e s s -

€as? lloi^ V­, - : Center Dr;;::",a Y/orkshop,' tmdor

Hie- auspices nf MoRmouHt ‘VM-.

‘ YV/HA -'of.-JJotie.Branch; will pre- ■ sent os'; its : spring'cftering Ira. W':ti!;n'h'* :,Tiv.' O f A.;.

Cello'1'-at the Savoy 'flteatre, As- tiiiry i ’ark, ior a two weekend

ruH.ojH'i'.inj; Sfttut'day at 8:30 p.m.

.Otlter-. perfiinimnee;;. will be San-.. day,. May :1S and 24 nnd 25. ';; llicjdi-.r",.tiie seven mernb>;r !;^5t::

' is,-Mark. EJientucU'. at WananwSr •-sa. X'hsv as his wii« .Ir, Kegina

: Kaiinah o f . Mutnwatt. Mrs. - Kalv

• -.a»ai», •• mother• ot- - three, -has ep- pearcd aa Aima in "Summer .And Smoke'* and as Connio. in

."Coma Uiow You? Horn" tor

COW and with. Wagon Wheel /■Moyers iu "Guya Ami Doiis. ' ;

W M urm ^

I-IM.f'MK OKU\\rtV



A chiincK meetlnj: Iii Home ho-

(wikmi Dr. Ruth F a lw (Unrhar* Jeiford) and l ’opa Klrll I (An- tlipny Quinn), chnnijes her lit# forever ill "Tiie Shneu Of Thn

l-'I.'ilimnim" now plnylnn at Tin Town Then ter, Middletown.

Thn dl.itliiiiulclied cft'it also Olnr.1 Oiiknr Werner, Diwld Jiuif.si.Mi, Vltlorlo Iii1 Siiii. I.i'o Mi'Kent, Sir .IiJiii Oie![!U ', '!nfir>.

nw iln iJcxiei- nnd Sir Ijiiii'cik.u Olivlur,

The June opening of the Gar--- <i:n Si.aiO Arl.a "ii^copdlSticiRle) eeas'-n be- a ■(Jiaisi'-'

sat ..Festival: ..’Ktvntl)’..t«aturt>'<g ,

three of the world 's greatest >vnv

phonic orchestras.' , - Tha Ph.Hudelphia-preheotr*, the-

Ke-.y YorK PhtltiannontCi- arnt -the

Wttshit’gtCni ■'National'; '.Syiiij>niir.y are scheduleti. io/ sppear,' each

with prominent: guest periormers..

durlnj; the opi'niuj' iiioiiiii of tiw

Arts Center's 1953.season.,,; , / With tis subatription, progiiim

, having licen,. extended Ho threy dassicai acric-s of six events'each /

this year, then;! afs still', excellent

: season , seats uvaila'nle from the Arts Center for the top-rated

nymphonic .performances. , , ,;, Subscription •. order'; brochures

for any of the three claswcal ser- ;

le* as well as six popular series tun iw ubtumed by wriiiug to tha ,

To Perform A t Center■ Thd Garden State Arts <>nter, tunsmoi' showaise for jume of the

world'* bestknoyi-n performing talent, will present « New Jer- *ey high seluwl production'of tho fmued musical “Tho King arid I" as * apeciat program Friday, Jlin^ at R 'p.m , - ' 1 ",

Tho prodiictlon by .-th* Matet Del W i'h School of Js’evi- .Mon­

mouth :n Middletown Township

Jimmy L<>we At Motor Inn

Peter Yuredco, proprietor of

Tho Holmdel Motor fnn, nn- nounce^ that this weekend show

wilt feature "Jim m y Lowe and the Bachelors.0 Jimmy I.owe,

whose hit record of “ Little Green AppJes" 1ms made him a sought

atior entertainer as well ns.a re­

cording attist, will perform at

the Inn as a return engagement by popular demand.

Mr. Yurecko said, “ I apolo^izt to all those swinging people who

were unable to be seated Satur­

day night, but It.wns one of those

Standing Room Only Oceurances that has happened here ut The

Holmdel Motor Inn." Also on

hand will bo the Don Lepore Trio for dnneimt pleasure.

Chef William Cooper's weekend “ Gourmet Special’* will bo “ Flaminj* Duck.”

The Holmdel Motor Inn’s Sin­

gles Club will have a meeting* at

fl p.m. Friday ni^ht in the lnn’8

I.ounfte. Anyone who is single und

intere.'Ued should ask for Lh»b ftnlh or Frank f^oll in tho iounj'.e.


H O U S E o f E N Gf f * 34 E. FRONT ST. — KEYPORT


'jgjfe Authentic Cantonese Chinese Fooil'f alS'’ Ct'jfjy O jr S'lmpluous 1 BiifftiJ

Pri*dt« Piiiing floom F iJU u 'i






B U R L E W ’S

Cliffwood In nand RATH SKFLLER

• I t a l i a n A i n t M ' i c i i n


® Pizzns Om- S p e c i. i I l y

LuttchooriJ a n d P iz im A ll D a / TIi i i i s . A Fri.


H wy. 3E> & Cliffwood Avo. C l Q ^ t 1 1Cliffwood, n . J. 3 o J ' - . l I Z t )

Gard«^n SUttw Aris. Ceoter, Box

■UU,' IW m de l,- N .J : 07?J3'or

Tho w ro p ** sr-a.von of the

Arts Center,- Jo*:a tod -ai;lV;-lcgraph:

Jlii? ; P;\rk‘ o n : the G;>:rU-wi Sraf'cV-

Pa.rkv.'Dy, Ex it .U 0 .V

starts 3i.tne u ^ u u PlnlacJt']-.- .p’nm . Of-^h'JSin\. ‘'oriducted;by .-Bu--

^;en‘e / O? rriftfidyi, The ‘; Ko'rricio^,

‘Spn iifs 'rirst' fnp}iJ.y

•p^riorm w)Hi tlv> vrrhes»ra- that

nftjbt «nd the-fol.lowirin Saturday/.

'; Almost ••'cve^ fnig]it.:- d fJu r ie d

curtain at: 5:3(1 p,m.' Mom tiyi

thiou^h Tliurfniays ;«ud ut >i p..nv: Fridays and.; S&turdays/ - will _ be;

filled bv- a symphonic perfor-:

mau'ce of: one of. thc threp 'world' renowne^; orehestros with uuch

guest stars as soprano ; Dotothy

KirsU n, piunisU Van.Cliburn. fly?- ron' *7anis, and Benny-Goodman.--

; Un caeh of the ihree .r.'iassieai 8ubscripti(ms for ^he season,

tho American tiaiiel 'I'heutre wi’i

perform lak* In. July and at.least one : additional ' sympHoillc pro­

gram is schedulwl ‘during. August.’

A s t s i s i . . . S i u d e i ^ - % : ; ; - :;

Tber? avs just # lev v,!•:> nbtairs T.idw*."-- the OiiJ.ue

. Sofiety's' .armutu card.-party'lay . b? • hoid un W J i: e ^ iy eventr>g*

Nxy ;at ■th.e.P'ivsi Ai-d7,Buiid< ' in L'liffvv'oud. A supper “•<* •

Chinfcs food" >'?!* b<i " ;(Contact Mrs. Euieue FuviiL; -K't.. $Ji?2 for any infornoMtan.y.. '.. Pr'.K’ c ^ trom 'h ii svw t >vt't be toward..tWy first-- a^bokr® - sf-'tttt. 3w4',r-.‘i t>> be -pnyjwK'd . Jut:*. U wd* be awarded va «;«uu* \leni j?;3'AciiuU/.ng , trom:High Heh<»l; Madison To^vn^nijs

Hi;*!’ Sch<K or Mst.aw&R£n inyn ocnijii}. >.mV ■ n»-terestod shoold contact his guid-

■ iasu.ut officc for details*.. ■ ’ .

C o m p M e s Courso- -.

■. -David; ?'l, - Ji/ya .MStAn9'_f*er?rsl -' agent.; Or ' .ey :

!. for 'they O^cctietit-y^M u t :u ;V| - . Ltfe .-.Insurance' C om pany ,has-

fust !-cpropieu\t; ut,e’’ .wee**, eeorse gtven- by tn r Lifet

n.vura A/’tnu A . tA^n;tlatjoa.v“An ii;U*;|s..itic*iial ' c ^ '"

; cpcruti\ r'y';;o ;rr c.S;■ of over-'-50u iilV v\tauraj’A'.ei


.■■ .srewB

will follow bv « we«k t!i«.close of

..th* Art* .O u te r 's , month' - ;!pti(£.

lerk'J of -fre« Young. P eopV *.

/Concerts- for .New Jersey school* and precede by a week tho open-

Injt or its second regular summer

season June 13. -

Proceedn of ths apeclal p:v-

grain ard tu Ro to tha Garden

State Arts Cttiuer ratid ,' wliietl

finances tho free performances for schools and other youth events

»t tha Center. The Fund was es­

tablished by tho New Jersey Highway. Authority, which built

and operates the Center at it*

Telegraph Hill Park, on Ute Gar­den Stato Parkway.

Three hundred young men and women, nearly half th# student body of the parochial school lo­

cated near the Center sit«, ar«

Involved in tlio production. The

cast itself numbers 153, ranging lit age from 3;.j to IS.

Thli ai'clrtliTii>d nrniluctlnn nf

“The King und T* was first per­

formed at iMater Dei High School last month. Rated highly by re­

viewers, the school show was In­vited by the Authority to repeal

tha performance In the Center.

Ticket.) will .he priced nt $2 for

front section seating only in the Arts (Vntcr amphitheoter, nnd Ji

elscwhera - all nn nn unreserved

basis. They will be sold at the

High School, nt Steinbach’s De­partment Stores in Asbury Park

and Ucd Bank, and ut the Mon­mouth Shopping Center in Eaton-

town For ticket or other Infor­mation. Ihn pnlilh; can call (2 0 0


Paul K»vr man P j COOL 1

h a m o l u k i>.



AT TM6S8 : .


m MWOUTOWNTOWN P a r it o n■ tn-Kuo III w m t


Anthony Oikar Dovid

Quinn Werner Janssen

And Sir Laurence Olivier in .i n . I , ' _______ _— ' ' '■ i -i <

A modern-day story of faith, courage, and intrigue!.. MGMwenU » Gw^> Ei^und pwfe'M V

PinavisterfVj MttrocolM

FEATURE TIMES:!:30 - 9:30



N O W thru TUES.


A SENTIMENTAL DRAMATIC, EMOTIONAL JOURNEY3 ivooks after thn war... Israel... an historic ro n re r l atop Mount Scopus





ISAACS FERN • Jcni'iiti Tnutel • Ntlani.i D,ivi,ilh • Die Israel PMIhnimonir,In I-,,' A'-’’’ H ' r l >'.i& f i , . ’ily Ufel'<‘!!r. .jnJ The tci A y t y C S < t t »

I’ruJuCiiiilJl'ecleJliytilnjikitil MinulilrJl. Uolribulud by ijigmaHI-AT ilrrmaysconipaliy

— ALSO —

m to u o n rnoM wMfiNBn onos.-e3r/«N Arms tf? j




»« » M » W lW W » t M > M W > W 9 W »* • ft*BXMMMKi*