A Review of the Current Education offered to European Neuroscience Nurses Carol Kirrane EANN Representative for UK

A Review of the Current Education offered to European Neuroscience Nurses Carol Kirrane EANN Representative for UK

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Page 1: A Review of the Current Education offered to European Neuroscience Nurses Carol Kirrane EANN Representative for UK

A Review of the Current Education offered to European

Neuroscience Nurses

Carol Kirrane

EANN Representative for UK

Page 2: A Review of the Current Education offered to European Neuroscience Nurses Carol Kirrane EANN Representative for UK

Aim of this survey

•To evaluate what education is currently being offered to neuroscience nurses throughout Europe

•To use the information generated from this study to improve & meet the educational needs of neuroscience nurses in the future

•To provide a baseline of information for future audits/projects such as NEUroBlend

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•Given to all EANN Representatives via email and post

•Response Rate 8/14 = 57.1%

•6 email & 2 postal replies

•Countries that replied United Kingdom (UK), Belgium (B), Netherlands (N), Denmark (D), Sweden (S), Italy (I), Finland (F), Greece (G)

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•To present an overview of the results of the questionnaires analysed for EANN representatives

•To promote discussion & debate for future work: Our vision for the future education of neuroscience nurses throughout Europe

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•19 questions- mostly open-ended or yes/no answers

•Qualitative data - to elicit information re: types of courses & resources used

•All of the questionnaires were filled in by EANN Representatives in conjunction with the relevant personnel from education

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Presentation format

•Easiest to present answers question by question as very different & few similarities

•Summarised so overview provided

•Code for countries (initial letter) & questions IN BLUE

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•Do you currently have a specialist educational programme for Neuroscience Nurses in your country?

•4 x countries - YES (N, UK, G, F)

•4 x countries - NO (D, B, S, I)

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•Do you currently have a formal curriculum programme for Neuroscience Nurses in your country, recognised by your government or accreditation institution?

•Only 3 countries: YES (UK, G, D)

• ‘Not Yet’ (N)

• Rest of 4 countries: NO (S, B, I, F)

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Added Information from No answers (6b)

•(S): Working towards establishing a Specialist Diploma in Neuroscience Nursing so far they have not succeeded

•(B): The BVNV organises 2 courses for Neuroscience Nurses a year (1 in north & 1 in south of Flanders)-linked to Nursing Schools

•(I): No specialist education but can go to annual meetings by AINN or search internet

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Added information from Sweden (6a&b NO)

•After basic training for nurses (3 yrs in University) end up with BSc•Study 1 more year for MSc•Swedish nurses can study for specialist diplomas in various fields but not Neuro• You need 40pts for specialist Diploma•Some universities offer short neuroscience courses (5 & 10pts) - theory & clinic focus

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Is your specialist neuroscience programme linked to an Institution?

•7 countries YES programme is linked to an Institution

•Only Italy has No programme linked to an Institution but they have an information source provided by their national nursing association (ANIN) & medical associations

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If your answer is YES state the type of Institution & how the

programme links? •UK: Oxford Brookes University, Oxford

•D: Centre for Adult Education (CVU)

•N: Several General & University Hospitals

•B: Artveldehogeschool Gent

•F: Oulu Polytechnic

•S: No answers up to question 10

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If your answer is YES state the type of Institution & how the

programme links?

•G: After sometime of working in a relevant area you may have financial support from the state to follow a course in another country

•Therefore, a wide range/type of institutions used across Europe for supporting neuroscience nurses’ education

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Please state the level of training & certification used for your

neuroscience programme

•UK: 3 modules make up the Neuroscience course (60 credits at level 3) Student can go on and do a Diploma / Degree after the course with 4 more modules and 60 credits •D: Neuroscience module (9 ECTS points) as part of clinical Diploma (60 ECTS points) •F: Not sure ?higher education (Polytechnic) •B: Specialisation programme/ Diploma

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Please state the level of training & certification used for your

neuroscience programme

•N: Students need higher education to follow the neuroscience programme

•I: No Diplomas or Certificates available- by working in our departments and putting this on our CV’s it recognised as an academic qualification

•G: The approach is life long learning

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How long is your specialist neuroscience programme?

Amount of time/study points

•UK: Whole programme is over 1 academic year (2 semesters)- 2 modules taken in semester 1 at 15 credits each then 1 double module taken in sem 2 at 30 credits- total 60 credits at level 3

•I: N/A

•D: Neuro module is 6 week module worth 9 ECTS points-Clinical Diploma = 60 ECTSpts

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How long is your specialist neuroscience programme?

Amount of time/study points

•N: 25 days divided over 1 year- certification is under the control of Neuro-Association of Neuroscience Nurses of the Netherlands

•B: 8 day course = 2 days congress

•F: 1 year

•G: Varies from 3-6 months

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How many times a year does your Neuroscience programme run & how many nurses attend

each programme?•G: Once a year

•B: Once a year in 2 colleges, 1 in N& 1 in S

•D: Once a year in the E & W of the country - approx 20 nurses nationwide

•N: In some institutes once a year, in others twice a year, average group is 20 students

•I: N/A

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How many times a year does your Neuroscience programme run & how many nurses attend

each programme?•UK: Our programme runs once a year with 7-9 nurses, other Universities around the country offer a similar programme once or twice year with the same numbers.

•F: 20 nurses the first time & probably the same amount in Turku

•S: Not possible to obtain information

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Is your neuroscience programme only for nurses or is it

Multidisciplinary (MD)? •D & UK: MD

•S: Last year had a MD course in stroke for nurses, OT’s and physical therapists

• Only for nurses: (F, N, G, B)

•I: N/A

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Please state who funds or pays for your neuroscience education?

•I: The hospital funds a convention to Italian Association meeting at 500-600euros per person

•UK: Hospital NHS Trust funds Neuro course approx £5000 per person with replacement costs

•D: The hospital pays a course fee. State pays an educational salary & CVU partly

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Please state who funds or pays for your neuroscience education?

•B: The hospital , but the nurse can also have support of 250euros from government.

•G: The government- you receive double salary for not more than 5 years

•N: The hospital

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Please state who funds or pays for your neuroscience education?

•F: Some will get funding from the hospital & free time from work but some hospitals make the nurse pay themselves

•S: Hospitals that employ nurses pay them to do courses e.g. stroke course, usually 1500-2000euros for a 10pt course

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What educational philosophy underpins your neuroscience programme?

•UK: Competence-based, reflective course

•N: Competence-based with ‘training on the job’

•G: Class-based and ‘training on the job’

•B: Knowledge, especially medical knowledge

•D: Knowledge & skills based

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What educational philosophy underpins your neuroscience programme?

•S: Scientifically orientated and concentrate on the latest research- exchange of experience between participants. Also problem-based learning & case methodology.

•I: N/A

•F: Don’t know

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What philosophical view on the profession of the neuroscience

nurse do you have? •See 13a: (S, F, I, D)

•B: ‘You can give a better care when you know about the cure’

• G: Task-orientated

•N: Knowledge of neuro anatomy/psychology, skills in neuro rehabilitation, ethics/palliative care

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What philosophical view on the profession of the neuroscience

nurse do you have?

•UK: Having a competent, skilled & reflective practitioner

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How is quality assured on your programme? How is accreditation


•UK: A national body audits our School of Health Care every 3 years and reviews quality of modules etc. We also have yearly audits to assess the learning opportunities on each ward and an external examiner who visits each term as part of University procedures.

•N: Dutch Association focus group that will control the quality of future programmes

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How is quality assured on your programme? How is accreditation


•G: Passing exams and demonstrating knowledge in placement

•D, F, B&I: No answer

•S: Through University procedures as with the specialist diploma

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What qualifications, certificates & experience does the educator providing the course require &

how many are needed?

•S: To be a tutor at BSc level - minimum MSc level, at MSc level minimum PhD. To be a course leader you must have MSc minimum then engage different lecturers in specialist fields e.g. a professor in neurology.

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What qualifications, certificates & experience does the educator providing the course require &

how many are needed?•F, D,: Masters degree

•B: Most educators are physicians, degree level nurses or lecturers in nursing schools.

•G: Usually 2 educators, often Drs for the classroom & nurses with experience in the placement area

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What qualifications, certificates & experience does the educator providing the course require &

how many are needed?

•I: N/A

•N: Specialist nurses & educators

•UK: All tutors need a specialist neuroscience course, a degree and experience of caring for patients within the field of neurosciences

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Do your teachers have a link to an organised national association or other professional community?

•UK: Most neuroscience teachers are BANN members but it is not compulsory, they link at national conferences

•N: AVVV(National Association for Nurses)

NVNV (Neuroscience Association)

G: May be members of the Hellenic National association of Nurses - not compulsory

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Do your teachers have a link to an organised national association or other professional community?


•D: No

•I: The teachers on the convention we attend are all specialists who actually teach & work in neuroscience

•F: Yes they have discussions, the programme is so new we are just doing a newsletter

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•UK: Modular programme 3 modules= full neuro course at 60credits at level 3, course + 4 more modules =Diploma, +4 more = degree

•Modules are competency based, classroom teaching 1 day a week, 2 days a week supernumerary in neuro practice areas

• 3 modules:A&P, Acute care & chronic care

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•UK: Learning materials are case studies, scenarios/handouts/worksheets devised by lecturers to promote reflection- property of School of Health Care, Oxford. All videos & books used are copyrighted by specialist groups such as MS society & British publishers.

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•D: Course consists of Neuro module linked to Clinical Diploma over 6 weeks worth 9 ETCS points (Full Dip = 60 ECTS)

•Also a Neuro introduction course at Glostrup Hospital - 3 weeks

•A rehabilitation course planned by DANN - 1 week

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•D: The educators have copyright on their own material, there is no material that has been centrally developed.

•Teachers, hospitals, institutions, groups of authors & the national association have developed training materials

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•N: There are 5 Institutes with an extensive programme for approx 25 days. These Institutes work together and are linked with several hospitals (General & University).

•6 modules-most last 4 days, competency based curriculum, 1st- general module on ethics & function profile, 2nd A&P & neuropsychology, 3rd Brain injuries: stroke

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•N: 4th: Neuromuscular diseases, 5th: neuro degenerative diseases, 6th: Epilepsy, the law & communication.

• Learning materials used = books, computers, interaction presentations, tasks to practice, research education & developing e learning

•School owns copyright. Teachers developed the materials and the Association focus group

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•I: The ANIN meeting- the following topics are covered-Organisation in the operating theatre, nursing assistance in ICU, rehab of patients, neurology, head injuries.

•Use face to face instruction & video

•Given a CD about the topics they have covered on completion with a certificate

•Copyright belongs to ANIN solely in Italy

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•F: Course linked to Oulu polytechnic and there are plans to expand to 2 others, Turku polytechnic is starting a programme this or next year.

•Await information from teacher of programme details. Think some of the learning materials are free, good library system in Finland

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•B: The BVNV organise 2 courses a year(N&S of Flanders), no specialised registration, In Bonly have 1 specialisation for nurses: intensive care & emergency nurse

•Educaton is linked to Nursing Schools as want to link with a Nursing Diploma

•8 days course + 2 days in congress for 1 year

•Teachers own their teaching materials

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•G: After working in a relevant area you may have financial support from the state to follow a course on another country

•A compulsory neuroscience module is available (undergraduate & post graduate level), learning through practice in hospital settings

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•G: National standards should be met from each school, however the situation varies from school to school. Best curriculum is the only school of nursing (Athens) at undergraduate level, however don’t have any details. •Most of the materials used are face to face instruction, books and study guides. Training materials are sponsored by government

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What type of neuroscience educational programme does your

country provide?What learning materials are used?

•S: Swedish nurses can study for a Nurse Specialist Diploma but not in the field of Neurosciences. There are specialist courses in different fields of neuroscience nursing as 5p, 10p or 15p (full diploma =40p over 1 yr)

•Usually use books in English & Swedish literature. Copyright from book publishers

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List 3 strengths of your current Neuroscience course?

•UK: Very good regional neuroscience unit for placement areas, Expert lecturers from the hospital, small numbers of students

•F: ‘that there is one’

•I: The information given on EBN, update information on new techniques and how to improve organisation & patient care

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List 3 strengths of your current Neuroscience course?

•D: Too early to answer as first time course is being held

•B: The nurses find it easy to follow course, hospitals encourage nurses to go to school again because of low fee & only 10 days, we only invite the best specialists to teach

•N: Knowledge& possibility to train skills, interaction, & creative

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Do you feel specialist neuroscience education for nurses

could be improved? How?

•All replied Yes, such as: More links with other units & sharing work materials (UK), more contact and information worldwide to improve our work (I), need more neurosurgery (F), specialist registration & expansion (B &G), specialist registered diploma (S), more help with costs from state (I), longer & more detailed education (D)

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In Summary

•Many differences between the current neuroscience education offered to nurses within Europe

•Many opportunities to improve the sharing of information & to support those countries wanting to improve neuroscience education within their country

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