A Report on stock

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  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    A Report on

    Stock Oferings and Investor Monitoring

    Dr. M. Farid Ahmed

    ProfessorFinancial Markets and Institutions

    Course no: F-304Department of Finance

    Faculty of Business Studiesni!ersity of D"aka

    Atia Tahira

    Section B

    ID:19-056Department of Finance

    Faculty of Business Studiesni!ersity of D"aka

    Date of Submiion



  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    #ckno$led%ementFirst o a!! I e"press o#r gratit#de ro$ %eart to t%e Bene&cent' t%e Merci#! (A!$ig%ty A!!a% or giving #s t%e strengt% and patience to prepare t%is ter$ paper

    )it%in t%e progra$$ed ti$e*

    I a$ deep!y inde+ted to o#r co#rse teac%er Dr& M& Farid #"medProfessorDepart$ento Finance' Fac#!ty o B#siness St#dies' University o D%aka' or %is co,operation andprecio#s contri+#tion in preparing t%e report*

    I %ave taken %e!p ro$ internet ( vario#s +ooks* I a$ t%ank#! to t%ose a#t%ors ort%e %e!p i %ave gat%ered ro$ t%eir reso#rce#! )ork*

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    !etter of Tranmitta"

    # $015

    Dr& M& Farid #"med


    Department of Finance

    Faculty of Business Studiesni!ersity of D"aka

    Subject: Submission of Term Paper

    Dear Sir-

    It is an i$$ense p!eas#re or #s to s#+$it t%e Ter$ .aper on "stock oerings andinvestor Monitoring)%ic% is prepared as a partia! re/#ire$ent o t%e co#rsena$ed Financial Markets and institution F!#$% o BBA progra$ #nderDepart$ent o Finance o t%e Fac#!ty o B#siness St#dies' University o D%aka* T%est#dy is $ain!y oc#sed on process o stock oferings in stock $arket and stock$arket is #sed to contro! and $onitor &r$s* T%e e"perience t%at i gat%ered t%ro#g%t%is st#dy )i!! %e!p $e in o#r career indeed* It )as an opport#nity o rediscoveringpotentia!s* It )as o e"cite$ents too*

    I )o#!d !ike to convey o#r specia! t%anks and gratit#de to yo# or patroni0ing $yefort ( or giving $e proper g#idance and va!#a+!e advice* I %ave tried o#r +est tocover a!! t%e re!evant &e!ds*

    I t%ank yo# and !ook or)ard to receive yo#r cordia! approva! o $y s#+$ission*

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    %&ecuti'e Summar(

    Stock offerin%s and monitorin% 'y in!estors are !ery critical issues $it" respect to financial

    market and institutions& Stock offerin% is t"e prime function of a corporation and later it ismonitored 'y in!estors to make sure t"at t"eir capital is $ell protected and 'ein% taken care of&

    ("is report is prepared in t$o parts& First part descri'es stock offerin% and t"e later part talks

    a'out monitorin% 'y in!estors and financial mana%ers& ("e first portion of t"e report is a'out

    "o$ firms raise t"eir capital) "o$ stock markets facilitate secondary market tradin% )in!estors

    participation in t"e stock markets) process of initial pu'lic offerin% and secondary market

    offerin%s and t"e second portion of t"e report "o$ t"e stock market is used to monitor and

    control firms&

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    Tab"e of )ontent

    )ha*ter no. )ontent of )ha*ter +a,e number

    0* Introduction *

    0+ ,'ecti!es +

    03 Met"odolo%y and .imitations 3

    04 Stock offerin%s 4

    0/ Initial pu'lic offerin% /-4+

    0 Secondary Market 43-/*

    01 In!estor Monitorin% /+

    02 Conclusion and Bi'lio%rap"y /3

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock




    Stock offerin%s and monitorin% 'y in!estors are !ery critical issues $it" respect to financial

    market and institutions& Stock offerin% is t"e prime function of a corporation and later it is

    monitored 'y in!estors to make sure t"at t"eir capital is $ell protected and 'ein% taken care of&("is is $"y I "a!e c"osen t"e topic Stock offerin% and in!estor monitorin% as my topic for t"e

    report of t"e course Financial Markets and Institutions 5F-3046& ("is report is prepared in t$o

    parts& First part descri'es stock offerin% and t"e later part talks a'out monitorin% 'y in!estors and

    financial mana%ers&

    Firms raise funds so t"at t"ey can e7pand t"eir operations smoot"ly& ("is fund can 'e raised

    pu'lically or pri!ately& If t"e corporation is pri!ately mana%ed) it can raise funds from pu'lic& It

    cannot issue its stock it market& It $ill "a!e to %o for pri!ate e8uity funds or !enture capital& But

    pu'lic limited corporations can raise fund from pu'lic 'y sellin% t"eir s"ares to t"em& If t"e

    corporation %oes pu'lic for t"e first time) t"e process is called Initial Pu'lic ,fferin% 5IP,6& It$ill "a!e to sell its s"ares in t"e primary market& #fter$ards it can sell t"ose in t"e secondary

    market like DS9) CS9 $it" t"e "elp of t"e 'rokers& ("e second part of t"e report comprises

    monitorin% 'y in!estors and financial mana%ers& In!estors are t"e o$ners of t"e corporations 'ut

    t"ey do not mana%e its operations& ("is responsi'ility is !ested on t"e mana%ement& But

    in!estors and mana%ement often "a!e conflictin% interests $"ic" results in a%ency y pro'lems&

    ("is creates t"e need for monitorin% 'y in!estors& ("ey take different initiati!es like

    s"are"olders acti!ism) s"are"older la$suits) pro7y contest etc&

    ("e operation of a corporation is also monitored 'y ot"er corporations of t"e same nature& ("is is

    'ecause t"ey $ant to capitalie on t"at& If t"ey feel t"ey can 'etter mana%e t"at corporation) t"eytake it o!er& But takeo!ers are no piece of cakes& It in!ol!es a difficult process& Many people are

    laid off as a result of it& So) t"ere are 'arriers to t"e market of corporate control like antitakeo!er

    amendments) poison pills) %olden parac"ute $"ic" makes t"e process muc" more difficult to

    "andle and e7pensi!e& ;o$e!er) markets for corporate control are important 'ecause t"ey make

    sure t"at e!ery corporation is 'ein% mana%ed $ell& If t"ere $ere no suc" mec"anism)

    mana%ement $ould feel free to operate accordin% to t"eir o$n interest $"ic" could "arm t"e

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    in!estors& But corporate control keeps mana%ers on track since t"ey "a!e t"e fear to lose t"eir o'

    and po$er&

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock



    T%e o+1ective o t%is report is to #nderstand-

    23 %o) stock $arket aci!itates secondary $arket trading43 t%e process o initia! p#+!ic ofering and secondary ofering

    53%o) stock $arket is #sed to $onitor and contro! &r$

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock




    #t first) I tried to understand "o$ stock market actually $orks from our te7t 'ook& Secondary

    sources of data "a!e 'een used in preparin% t"is report& #nd $e "a!e collected t"e data from !arious

    'ooks) $e' sites and ournals


    .ack of 97perience

    .ack of

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock



    +art neStoc fferin,

    Stock offerin% is t"e process of raisin% capital t"rou%" t"e sale of s"ares in an enterprise& It

    essentially refers to t"e sale of an o$ners"ip interest to raise funds for 'usiness purposes& 98uity

    financin% spans a $ide ran%e of acti!ities in scale and scope) from a fe$ t"ousand dollars raised'y an entrepreneur from friends and family) to %iant initial pu'lic offerin%s 5IP,s6 runnin% into

    t"e 'illions 'y "ouse"old names suc" as =oo%le and Face'ook& >"ile t"e term is %enerally

    associated $it" financin%s 'y pu'lic companies listed on an e7c"an%e) it includes financin%s 'y

    pri!ate companies as $ell& 98uity financin% is distinct from de't financin%) $"ic" refers to funds

    'orro$ed 'y a 'usiness&

    Stock can 'e offered in t$o $ays to raise e8uity:

    +ri'ate %2uit(

    +ub"ic %2uit(

    +ri'ate %2uit(

    >"en a firm is created) if founders typically in!est t"eir o$n money in t"e 'usiness) it is called

    to 'e financed 'y pri!ate e8uity& ("e founders also in!ite t"eir friends and family to in!est e8uity

    in t"e 'usiness& ("is is referred to as pri!ate e8uity as it is pri!ately "eld& ?oun% 'usinesses use

    de't financin% from financial institutions and are 'etter a'le to o'tain loans if t"ey "a!e

    su'stantial e8uity in!ested& ,!er time) 'usinesses commonly retain a lar%e portion of t"eir

    earnin%s and rein!est it to support e7pansion& ("is ser!es as anot"er means of 'uildin% e8uity in

    t"e firm&

    ("e ultimate aim of pri!ate e8uity in!estors is to create !alue& #s suc") t"ey look for

    "i%" 8uality mana%ement teams $it" a credi'le plan to %ro$ t"eir 'usiness& Pri!ate e8uity

    in!estors are lon%-term in!estors and $ork $it" t"e company@s mana%ement to impro!e t"e

    company@s performance and strate%ic direction 'y ali%nin% incenti!es) impro!in% 'usiness plans)

    makin% operational impro!ements and stren%t"enin% corporate %o!ernance& >it" t"is mentality

    to 'uy and "elp 'uild) coupled $it" a disciplined approac" to or%aniational %o!ernance) pri!ate

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    e8uity in!estors display a nim'leness and adapta'ility t"at raises t"e !alue of t"eir in!estment

    and ensures t"at !alue can 'e realied in t"e future&

    Pri!ate e8uity can 'e financed 'y:

    3enture )a*ita" +ri'ate %2uit( Fund

    3enture )a*ita"

    Aenture capital is a source of financin% for ne$ 'usinesses& Aenture capital funds pool in!estors

    cas" and loan it to startup firms and small 'usinesses $it" percei!ed) lon%-term %ro$t" potential&

    ("is is a !ery important source of fundin% startups t"at do not "a!e access to ot"er capital&

    Most !enture capital comes from %roups of $ealt"y in!estors) in!estment 'anks and ot"er

    financial institutions t"at pool suc" in!estments or partners"ips& ("is form of raisin% capital is

    popular amon% ne$ companies) or !entures) $it" a limited operatin% "istory t"at cannot raise

    capital t"ou%" a de't issue or e8uity offerin%& ,ften) !enture firms $ill also pro!ide start-ups

    $it" mana%erial or tec"nical e7pertise& For entrepreneurs) !enture capitalists are a !ital source of

    financin%) 'ut t"e cas" infusion often comes at a "i%" price& Aenture firms often take lar%e e8uity

    positions in e7c"an%e for fundin% and may also re8uire representation on t"e start-ups 'oard&

    Term of a 3enture )a*ita" Dea"

    >"en a AC fund decides to in!est in a 'usiness) it $ill ne%otiate t"e terms of its in!estment)

    includin% t"e amount of funds it is $illin% to in!est& It $ill also set out clear re8uirements t"at

    t"e firm must meet) suc" as pro!idin% detailed periodic pro%ress reports& >"en a AC fundin!ests in a firm) t"e fund@s mana%ers "a!e an incenti!e to ensure t"at t"e 'usiness performs

    $ell& ("us) t"e AC fund mana%ers may ser!e as ad!isors to 'usiness& ("ey may also insist on

    "a!in% a seat on t"e 'oard of directors so t"at t"ey can influence t"e firm@s future pro%ress&

    ,ften) t"e AC fund pro!ides its fundin% in sta%es) 'ased on !arious conditions t"at t"e firm must

    satisfy& In t"is $ay) t"e AC fund@s total in!estment is ali%ned $it" t"e firm@s a'ility to meet

    specified financial %oals&

    %&it Strate,( of 3enture )a*ita" Dea"

    #n important aspect of !enture capital in!estin% is t"e e7it strate%ies& Aenture capital funds

    primarily in!est $it" an e7it in mind after a fe$ years& #fter successfully fundin% at seed) pre-

    production) production and e7pansion sta%es) a !enture capitalist $ill start assessin% e7it

    strate%ies& ("e e7it in t"e form of disin!estment or li8uidation is t"e last and final sta%e of t"e

    !enture capital fundin%& ("e key types of li8uidationdisin!estment are trade sales) sale of 8uoted

    e8uity post initial pu'lic offerin% 5IP,6) and $rite-offs& .et@s look at eac" of t"ese in detail:

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    Trade Sa"e: In t"is type of strate%y t"e pri!ate company is sold or mer%ed $it" an ac8uirer for

    stocks) cas") or a com'ination of 'ot"&

    I+: If t"e company "as done $ell) t"e !enture capital in!estors $ill take t"e IP, route) 'y

    issuin% s"ares re%istered for pu'lic offerin%& #n e7ample is t"e upcomin% Face'ook IP,) $"ic"

    is e7pectin% to raise a'out */ 'illion t"rou%" IP, and is !alued at appro7& *00 'illion& ("e!enture capital in!estors and ot"er pri!ate in!estors $ill %et t"eir portion of s"ares $"o can put

    t"em in t"e open marketplace for tradin% after an initial lock-in period&

    4rite-off: ("ese are !oluntary li8uidations t"at may or may not result in any proceeds&

    #part from t"e a'o!e t"ree types of disin!estment) t"ere are a fe$ ot"er options:

    Banru*tc(: ("e Company may ust %o 'ankrupt&

    Bu(-bac: In t"is met"od t"e entrepreneur 'uys-'ack t"e in!estment s"are from t"e !enture

    capitalists and takes it 'ack to 'ein% a pri!ately "eld company&

    In!estors $"o in!est in a !enture capital fund %et distri'utions of pu'lic stock or cas" from

    realied !enture capital in!estments& Sometimes t"e fund may re8uire furt"er in!estments from

    limited partners& #t ot"er times) t"ey may make cas" or s"are distri'utions at random times

    durin% t"e lifetime of t"e fund& In!estors can sell t"eir interests to anot"er 'uyer if t"ey find one&

    In a 'ad case scenario) some funds find t"emsel!es $it" "i%"ly illi8uid) 'arely t"ere companies&

    In a %ood scenario) t"ey "a!e %ood in!estments) $"ic" t"ey disin!est from at a sta%e and find

    ne$ in!estments to fund&

    +ri'ate %2uit( Fund

    Pri!ate e8uity funds pool money pro!ided 'y institutional in!estors and in!est in 'usiness& ("ey

    also rely "ea!ily on de't to finance t"eir in!estments& nlike AC funds) pri!ate e8uity funds

    commonly take o!er 'usiness and mana%e t"em& ("eir mana%ers typically take a percenta%e of

    t"e profit t"ey earn from t"eir in!estments in return for mana%in% t"eir fund& ("ey also c"ar%e an

    annual fee for mana%in% t"e fund& Since t"ey commonly purc"ase a maority stake or all of a

    'usiness) t"ey "a!e control to restructure t"e 'usiness as t"ey $is"& ("ey sell t"eir stake in t"e

    'usiness after se!eral years& If t"ey $ere a'le to impro!e t"e 'usiness su'stantially $"ile t"ey

    mana%ed it) t"ey s"ould 'e a'le to sell t"eir stake to anot"er firm for a muc" "i%"er price t"an

    t"ey paid for it& #lternati!ely) t"ey may 'e a'le to take t"e 'usiness pu'lic t"rou%" an initialpu'lic offerin% 5IP,6 and cas" out at t"at time&

    +ub"ic %2uit(

    >"en a firm is financed 'y issuin% its s"ares in stock market and raisin% fund from pu'lic) it is

    called to "a!e a pu'lic e8uity& =oin% pu'lic "as t$o effects on firm& First) it c"an%es t"e firm@s

    o$ners"ip structure 'y increasin% t"e num'er of o$ners& Second) it c"an%es t"e firm@s capital

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    structure 'y increasin% t"e e8uity in!estment in t"e firm) $"ic" allo$s t"e firm to eit"er pay off

    some of its de't or e7pand its operations or 'ot"&

    4h( o +ub"ic

    Most companies %o pu'lic to:

    7aie ca*ita"for e7pansion efforts or to pay 'ack de't&

    +ro'ide an e&itfor e7istin% in!estors E $"et"er t"e company is P9-o$ned) AC-'acked)

    or o$ned 'y a small %roup of indi!iduals or a sin%le person&

    7e8ard em*"o(eeE Makin% employees $ork cray "ours for /-*0 years is tou%" to pull

    off) 'ut t"e lure of an IP, t"at $ill make t"em all $ealt"y is a %reat incenti!e for t"em to

    stick around&

    Maret theme"'eE 9specially for lesser-kno$n companies in 'orin% industries) an

    IP, is a %reat $ay to increase presti%e and attract ne$ in!estors) partners) and customers&

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    )ha*ter -5

    Initia" +ub"ic fferin,T%e &rst sa!e o stock +y a private co$pany to t%e p#+!ic* I.Os are oten iss#ed +y

    s$a!!er' yo#nger co$panies seeking t%e capita! to e"pand' +#t can a!so +e done +y

    !arge private!y o)ned co$panies !ooking to +eco$e p#+!ic!y traded* In an I.O' t%e

    iss#er o+tains t%e assistance o an #nder)riting &r$' )%ic% %e!ps it deter$ine )%at

    type o sec#rity to iss#e 6co$$on or preerred3' t%e +est ofering price and t%e ti$e

    to +ring it to $arket*

    o8 to +re*are an Initia" +ub"ic fferin, I+;

    >"en a corporation decides to %o pu'lic) a portion of it $ill 'e put up for sale to t"e pu'lic

    t"rou%" t"e sale of stock& #n Initial Pu'lic ,fferin% 5IP,6 is t"e first offerin% of s"ares of a

    pri!ately "eld corporation to t"e pu'lic& ("e main reason to "a!e an IP, is to 'rin% money into

    t"e 'usiness& It is often t"e main $ay t"at a start-up company $ill 'e a'le to make t"e money it

    needs to succeed in t"e market&

    Determine if (our com*an( i e"i,ib"e to ,o *ub"ic. In order to 8ualify for an IP,) %enerally

    t"e 'usiness must 'e pro!en to 'e profita'le and "a!e a si%nificant amount of assets& Since t"ere

    are no set re8uirements to define eli%i'ility) consider sc"edulin% a meetin% $it" an in!estment

    'anker or outside consultant to determine $"et"er your company is of t"e type t"at t"e pu'lic

    $ould $ant to in!est in&

    )ontract 8ith an in'etment baner.#n in!estment 'anker $ill "elp determine "o$ muc"

    money you s"ould raise) at $"at price t"e s"ares s"ould 'e sold) and $"at portion of t"e

    company s"ould 'e offered in t"e IP,& ("e in!estment 'anker ser!es as an under$riter in t"at it

    $ill a%ree to purc"ase all of t"e s"ares t"at t"e company decides to offer&

    Draft a *ro*ectu and fi"e it 8ith the Securitie %&chan,e )ommiion S%);. ("e S9C

    calls t"is document S-*& Its purpose is to disclose t"e details of t"e company& In t"e initialprospectus -- t"e first document filed -- t"e terms of t"e IP, 5t"e num'er of s"ares and t"e price

    per s"are6 $ill likely not 'e finalied) 'ut t"ey are included as an estimate of $"at t"e final terms

    $ill 'e& ("e initial prospectus is filed early on in t"e IP, process& In t"e final prospectus) filed

    s"ortly 'efore t"e IP,) t"e amount of s"ares and s"are price of t"e offerin% are fi7ed&

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    +reent the o**ortunit( to *otentia" hareho"der.Before t"e actual IP,) t"e 'anker and t"e

    corporation@s top officials $ill %i!e presentations to indi!iduals and ot"er or%aniations to entice

    t"em to purc"ase t"e s"ares of t"e IP,& ("e in!estment 'anker selects t"e potential in!estors

    'ased on t"e type of 'usiness t"at $is"es to %o pu'lic and t"e interest t"at t"e potential in!estor

    may "a!e in t"e corporation& ("is process results in non-'indin% commitments) called

    su'scriptions) to purc"ase s"ares& It is lar%ely used as a tool to determine $"et"er t"e pu'lic

    $ill 'e interested in in!estin% in t"e company) as discussed in t"e first step) as $ell as to

    determine t"e price of t"e s"ares&

    Se"" the hare to the in'etment baner.,n t"e day of t"e IP,) t"e in!estment 'anker $ill

    purc"ase t"e s"ares and simultaneously sell t"em to in!estors& ("e 'anker@s purc"ase price is t"e

    IP, price minus t"e commission) $"ic" usually "o!ers around 1 percent& ("e s"ares can no$ 'e

    pu'licly traded&

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock



    Secondar( Maret

    # market $"ere in!estors purc"ase securities or assets from ot"er in!estors) rat"er t"an from issuin%

    companies t"emsel!es& ("e e$ ?ork Stock 97c"an%e and t"e #SD#G are secondary markets&

    Secondary markets e7ist for ot"er securities as $ell) suc" as $"en funds) in!estment 'anks) or entities

    suc" as purc"ase mort%a%es from issuin% lenders& In any secondary market trade) t"e cas" proceeds %o to

    an in!estor rat"er t"an to t"e underlyin% companyentity directly& # ne$ly issued IP, $ill 'e considered a

    primary market trade $"en t"e s"ares are first purc"ased 'y in!estors directly from t"e under$ritin%

    in!estment 'ankH after t"at any s"ares traded $ill 'e on t"e secondary market) 'et$een in!estors

    t"emsel!es& In t"e primary market prices are often set 'efore"and) $"ereas in t"e secondary market only

    'asic forces like supply and demand determine t"e price of t"e security&

    'bligations of Stock!brokers to T(eir )ustomers

    #cceptin% a customer to open a customer account for tradin%

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    97ecutin% t"e customer@s order for 'uy or sell as per t"eir $ritten or telep"onic order

    Pro!idin% trade confirmation report on t"e e7ecuted order $it" details $it"in +4 "ours

    of tradin%

    (o replace t"e defecti!e script or refund t"e money to t"e customer $it" interest +&/Jper mont" from t"e date of settlement of transaction to date of refund) alon% $it" t"e

    'enefit accrued) if any) pro!ided complaint is lod%ed $it"in *0 days of 'ook closure or

    mont"s of settlement date) $"ic"e!er is earlier) for t"e defecti!e script as per t"e

    settlement of transaction re%ulations of stock e7c"an%es

    (o settle t"e customer@s complaint) if any) a%ainst t"e stock-'roker concerned

    (o keep separately t"e customer@s securities from ot"ers@ securities

    (o keep separately t"e customers@ money t"rou%" consolidated customer@s 'ank account

    from t"e 'roker@s money

    *esponsibilities of investors to t(eir stock!brokers

    Si%nature of t"e in!estorclient in t"e Customer account information to form an

    contractual a%reement

    (o kno$ t"e client code num'er for tradin%

    Introducer@s information

    (erms K condition attac"ed in t"e form for mar%in facilities

    (o set rate of Commission for tradin% 'y ne%otiation

    (o take ackno$led%ement receipt for s"are deposit $it" t"e si%nature of t"e aut"oried

    person of stock-'roker

    (o take money receipt for fund deposit $it" t"e si%nature of t"e aut"oried person of


    Declaration %i!en in respect of s"ares tradin% 'y director or sponsor etc&

    b"i,ationof t(e investors for t(e market

    In!estors s"ould not 'e in!ol!ed to Create artificial price t"rou%" Syndication and

    Manipulation 'y in!ol!in% $it" issuer companies

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    ot to Influence issuer companies to inflate financial report and declarin% artificial


    ot to Influence Mis%uide ot"ers in!estors for tradin%

    ot to open more t"an one account in different 'rokers and merc"ant 'anks for illmoti!es

    ot to in!ol!e for spreadin% rumor or p"ony information in t"e market

    +o, to Trade in t(e Stock -.c(ange

    (radin% of securities on t"e stock e7c"an%es can only 'e done t"rou%" 'rokers of t"e

    concerned e7c"an%es

    #n in!estor is re8uired to open an account $it" a 'roker 'y fillin%-in a prescri'ed

    Customers #ccount Information Form

    For tradin% in t"e demoted securities@ it is re8uired to "a!e a Beneficiary ,$ners 5B,6

    account $it" a Depository Participant 5DP6 in addition to t"e aforesaid account

    #n in!estor can trade t"rou%" a 'roker eit"er in cas" or credit

    ("e credit transaction) "o$e!er) is su'ect to t"e pro!isions of Mar%in Lules) *

    (radin% in t"e securities can 'e e7ecuted t"rou%" $ritten orders su'mitted to t"e

    concerned 'roker

    (elep"onic orders can also 'e su'mitted pro!ided t"at suc" orders s"all 'e confirmed in

    $ritin% $it"in +4 "ours

    ("e price of t"e securities cannot %o 'eyond specified circuit 'reaker ran%e and an

    in!estor can 8uote at t"e tick price of t"e securities as specified 'y t"e e7c"an%es&

    S"ort-sellin% of t"e securities are pro"i'ited if it is not done under D"aka Stock 97c"an%e

    5S"ort Sale6 Le%ulations +00

    Baed on *rice# order ma( be of the fo""o8in, cate,orie# name"(:-

    .imit orderH and

    Market order

    !imit order: .imit order must "a!e a price limit $"ic" ensures t"at t"e order s"all 'e

    traded at t"e price e8ual to or 'etter t"an t"e limit price&

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    Maret order: Market order is t"e order to 'e e7ecuted at t"e touc"line price& # market

    order is matc"ed immediately on arri!al in to t"e tradin% en%ine at t"e touc"line price&

    #ll orders $ill matc" automatically&

    ,rders $"ic" are at t"e most fa!ora'le price) t"at is) at t"e lo$est sellin% or "i%"est'uyin% price) s"all 'e e7ecuted first& If t$o or more orders are listed in t"e order 'ook at

    t"e same price) t"e oldest order s"all 'e e7ecuted first&

    ,rders t"at cannot immediately 'e e7ecuted s"all 'e 8ueued for future e7ecution in a

    specific order of priority mainly 'ased on price and time of entry&

    If an order is e7ecuted partly) t"e remainin% part of suc" order s"all not lose its priority&

    ("e 8ueue priority is determined 'y t"e system t"rou%" an interacti!e process&

    Trade )onfirmation

    (rade confirmation note is a proof of t"e transaction issued 'y 'rokerH

    ("e 'roker s"all issue a trade confirmation note to "is client $it"in t$enty four "ours of

    t"e e7ecution of order and it s"ould 'e num'ered and time stampedH

    ("e trade confirmation note s"all s"o$:

    Date of t"e tradeH

    ame and 8uantity of t"e security 'ou%"t or soldH

    Price of t"e security) 'rokera%e and ot"er c"ar%esH

    ("e order and "o$la or contract note num'er and dateH etc&

    Some /asic points for making 0nvestment in t(e

    secondar1 market

    In!estments in capital market are primarily made eit"er for capital %ain or for %ettin%

    re%ular income as di!idendH

    Before makin% in!estment decision one s"ould determine "is o$n o'ecti!e for


    Common o'ecti!e of in!estment in secondary market is to ma7imie profit from 'ullis"

    market and or minimie loss from 'earis" market&

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    #fter determinin% t"e o'ecti!e) t"e in!estor s"ould analye t"e financial statements of t"e

    company and decide to in!est in t"e s"ares of t"at company&

    Industry of t"e company and t"eir a!era%e return for last fe$ yearsH

    Mana%ement of t"e company

    9arnin%s per s"are 59PS6) Price 9arnin%s ratio 5P96) Di!idend) Di!idend payout ratio)

    et asset !alue per s"are) o& of s"ares outstandin%) Market price and its fluctuation)

    %ro$t" rate) market position etc& of t"e companyH

    Product) tec"nolo%y) market position of t"e product etc& of t"e companyH

    (urno!er rate of t"e s"ares or li8uidity position etc&

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    )ha*ter-"en t"e stock price declines or does not rise as e7pected)

    s"are"olders may 'lame t"e $eak performance on t"e firm@s mana%ers&

    Shareho"der Acti'im

    S"are"older acti!ism is t"e $ay in $"ic" s"are"olders can assert t"eir po$er as o$ners of t"e

    company to influence its 'e"a!ior& #cti!ism co!ers a 'road spectrum of acti!ities& #cti!ism

    includes !otin% $it" ones feet 5e7it6) pri!ate discussion or pu'lic communication $it"

    corporate 'oards and mana%ement) press campai%ns) openly talkin% to ot"er s"are"olders)

    puttin% for$ard s"are"older resolutions) callin% s"are"older meetin%s and E ultimately - seekin%

    to replace indi!idual directors or t"e entire 'oard&

    In some cases s"are"older acti!ism is directed a%ainst ot"er lar%e s"are"olders) not a%ainst

    directors& S"are"older acti!ism can 'e colla'orati!e) in particular $"en it is conducted in pri!ate&

    S"are"older acti!ism is contro!ersial& Proponents ar%ue t"at companies $it" acti!e and en%a%ed

    s"are"olders are more likely to 'e successful in t"e lon% term t"an t"ose t"at are left to do $"at

    t"ey c"oose& Ai%ilant s"are"olders are said to play t"e role of fire alarms and t"eir mere presence

    can alle!iate mana%erial or 'oardroom complacency& >"en companies perform poorly)

    s"are"olders acti!ists are said to play t"e role of fire 'ri%ades t"at 'rin% a'out c"an%e and more

    8uickly t"an $ould "a!e 'een t"e case "ad t"e fire 'ri%ade 'een on strike&

    ,pponents say t"at Ns"are"older acti!ismN is a eup"emism for disrupti!e) uninformed) populist

    rantin% or Ntake t"e money and runN& In its e7treme forms acti!ism is said to 'e an e7tortion

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    sc"eme t"at $eakens stron% companies& More fundamentally) t"ere is disa%reement a'out "o$

    muc" po$er s"are"olders s"ould dele%ate to corporate 'oards and $"en direct s"are"older action

    'ecomes necessary and on $"at terms&

    +ro&( )ontet

    # strate%y applied a %roup of s"are"olders are persuaded to oin forces and %at"er enou%"

    s"are"older pro7ies to $in a corporate !ote& # pro7y contest occurs $"en t"e ac8uirin% company

    attempts to con!ince s"are"olders to use t"e pro7y !otes to install ne$ mana%ement t"at is open

    to t"e takeo!er& ("e tec"ni8ue allo$s t"e ac8uired to a!oid payin% a premium for t"e tar%et& It is

    also called pro7y fi%"t&

    Shareho"der !a8uit

    In!estors may sue t"e 'oard if t"ey 'elie!e t"at t"e directors are not fulfillin% t"eirresponsi'ilities to s"are"olders& ("is action is intended to force t"e 'oard to make decisions t"at

    are ali%ned $it" s"are"olders interests& Many la$suits "a!e 'een filed $"en corporations pre!ent

    takeo!ers) pursue ac8uisitions) or make ot"er restructurin% decisions t"at some s"are"olders

    'elie!e $ill reduce t"e stock@s !alue&

    Monitorin, b( Financia" Mana,er

    Financial mana%ers of firms closely monitor t"eir o$n firm@s stock price and t"e stock price of

    related companies& If t"ey 'elie!e t"at t"e stock is under!alued) t"ey may attempt to capitalie

    on t"is discrepancy) as e7plained 'elo$:

    Stoc 7e*urchae

    Stock repurc"ase is usually an indication t"at t"e companys mana%ement t"inks t"e s"ares areunder!alued& ("e company can 'uy s"ares directly from t"e market or offer its s"are"older t"eoption to tender t"eir s"ares directly to t"e company at a fi7ed price& In %eneral studies "a!efound t"at stock prices respond fa!ora'ly to stock repurc"ase announcements& It implies t"at t"eannouncement si%nals mana%ement@s perception t"at t"e s"are price is under!alued& ("e marketresponds fa!ora'ly to t"is si%nal&

    Benefit of Stoc 7e*urchae

    *& Si,na" to the maret that the board thin the com*an( i tron,. >"en a company is'uyin% 'ack s"ares) it sends a messa%e to t"e market& Since t"e company 'oard kno$st"e 'est a'out t"e company) t"e markets often t"ink t"at t"e company is %ettin% "ealt"ierand puts lesser pressure on t"e 'oard from acti!ist in!estors&

    +& )om*enate for toc o*tion = bonue. Companies %i!e out stocks to t"eiremployees in t"e form of options K %rants& ("is increases t"e num'er of outstandin%s"ares& Many companies $ant to keep t"eir outstandin% s"ares sta'le& So) t"ey

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    compensate from t"e issue of ne$ s"ares 'y 'uyin% 'ack some of t"e old s"ares frompu'lic&

    3& +uh u* the toc *rice. ("e stock repurc"ase reduces t"e float 5num'er of stocks "eld'y t"e pu'lic6 t"ere'y causin% a scarcity of t"e companys s"ares in t"e market& ("ecompany could t"en use a fa!ora'le market condition to reissue t"ese stocks to pu'licand make a %ain 5t"ese %ains $ill not 'e reflected in t"e profits) as a tradin% %ain on oneso$n s"ares is not allo$ed to 'e reported in income statement6&

    4& Su**ort the *rice. >"en a company is pummeled 'y t"e market) key institutionals"are"olders $ould press t"e company to support a priceN& ("is is 'ecause t"e poorperformance of t"e company $ould reflect 'adly on t"e institutions 5portfolio mana%ers)pension funds6 $"en t"ey send out t"eir periodic statements to t"eir in!estors&

    +otentia" Dan,er of Stoc 7e*urchae

    ("ere are some real dan%ers $it" stock repurc"ase pro%rams& ("ese include:

    If mana%ement spends too muc" cas" as part of t"e stock repurc"ase) li8uidity could 'e"urt& >"en t"e economy %oes off a cliff) its possi'le t"e firm $ould "a!e to declare'ankruptcy 'ecause t"ey didnt "a!e enou%" current assets to make it t"rou%" t"e crisis&

    If t"e price paid for eac" s"are as part of t"e stock repurc"ase is too "i%") a stock

    repurc"ase can literally destroy !alue& It $ould 'e like purc"asin% * 'ills for +& Despiteo$nin% more of t"e company) lon%-term s"are"olders $ould 'e poorer follo$in% t"etransaction&

    If an ac8uisition comes alon% t"at mana%ement really $ants) it may do stupid t"in%s to

    close t"e deal) suc" as issuin% ne$ s"ares at a lo$er price t"an it paid as part of t"e stockrepurc"ase plan&

    Stock 'uy'ack pro%rams take ad!anta%e of supply and demand 'y reducin% t"e num'er of s"aresoutstandin%) increasin% 9PS s"are"older !alue) float and ultimately t"e price of stock& Inaddition) t"ey are often a $ise use of e7cess cas" and can create ta7 opportunities for t"ein!estor& ;o$e!er) not all 'uy'acks are actually implemented so caution and researc" isad!isa'le&

    Maret for )or*orate )ontro"

    Market for corporate control) sometimes called e7ternal corporate control) usually comes intoplay $"en a firm@s internal %o!ernance 5'oard of directors6 fails& It often refers to a takeo!er

    market $"ere underperformin% or under!alued firms 'ecome attracti!e takeo!er tar%ets 'ypotential ac8uirers& >"en firms perform poorly it often reflects poor internal %o!ernance andt"erefore e7ternal %o!ernance control $ill kick in& Potential ac8uirers mi%"t 'uy up a lar%eamount of a tar%et firm@s e8uity in order to take control of t"e 'oard and su'se8uently replace t"etop mana%ement team 'ecause poor performance often reflects poor mana%ement& ("e aim of atakeo!er is to re!italie a poorly run company and ac"ie!e "i%"er profita'ility after restructurin%&Potential ac8uirers 'elie!e t"at t"ey can mana%e t"e tar%et firm more effecti!ely t"an t"e currentset of t"e top mana%ement team& ("e t"reat of takeo!er can ser!e as a last %o!ernance

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    mec"anism 'y ali%nin% t"e interests and %oals 'et$een e7ecuti!es and s"are"olders and t"us putadditional pressure on mana%ers to perform more efficiently&

    Barrier to Maret for )or*orate )ontro"

    ("e po$er of corporate control to eliminate a%ency pro'lems is limited due to 'arriers t"at canmake it more costly for a potential ac8uirin% firm to ac8uire anot"er firm $"ose mana%ers arenot ser!in% t"e firm@s s"are"olders& Some of t"e most common 'arriers to corporate control areindentified ne7t:

    Anti taeo'er Amendment

    Some companies use formal met"ods t"at are put into place prior to an actual takeo!erattempt&

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    announcement of a cas" tender offer or t"e ac8uisition 'y an outsider of a specified percenta%e of

    t"e tar%ets s"ares& ("us) a poison pill is effecti!e 'ecause it dilutes t"e economic interest of t"e

    "ostile suitor in t"e tar%et) makin% t"e transaction 'ot" economically unattracti!e and impractical

    if pursued on a "ostile 'asis&

    How it works/Example:

    ("ere are many poison pill strate%ies t"at "a!e 'een used 'y companies a%ainst "ostile takeo!ersand corporate raiders& For e7ample) offerin% a preferred stock option to current s"are"oldersallo$s t"em to e7ercise t"eir purc"ase ri%"ts at a "u%e premium to t"e company) makin% t"e costof t"e ac8uisition suddenly unattracti!e& #not"er met"od is to take on a de't t"at $ould lea!et"e company o!erle!era%ed and potentially unprofita'le&

    Some companies "a!e created employee stock o$ners"ip plans t"at !est only $"en t"e takeo!eris finalied& In addition to a dilution of t"e stock !alue) suc" employee 'enefits may result in anemployee e7odus from t"e company lea!in% it $it"out its talented $orkforce 5$"ic" is often oneof t"e dri!ers of t"e ac8uisition6&

    #not"er e7ample is to offer a series of %olden parac"utes for company e7ecuti!es& ("is couldalso make t"e takeo!er of t"e company pro"i'iti!ely e7pensi!e t"e 'uyer "ad planned to replacet"e top mana%ement&

    Finally) one non-financial met"od of a poison pill is to sta%%er t"e election of t"e 'oard of acompany) causin% t"e ac8uirin% company to face a "ostile 'oard for a prolon%ed period of time&In some cases) t"is delay in %ainin% control of t"e 'oard 5and t"erefore t"e !otes necessary toappro!e certain key actions6 is a sufficient deterrent for a takeo!er attempt&

    #n e7treme implementation of a poison pill is called a suicide pill&

    o"den +arachute

    =olden parac"ute is t"e name %i!es to t"e 'enefit pro!ided) usually to top e7ecuti!es) t"at

    pro!ides income $"en t"e person is terminated or forced out of t"e company 'efore t"e end of a

    specific period of time&

    Many employees "a!e a se!erance pro!ision as part of t"eir employment contract& ,ften it is

    somet"in% like a $eeks pay for e!ery year you $orked for t"e company if you are laid off& Some

    e7ecuti!es $ill "a!e lar%er se!erance %uarantees) like si7 to t$el!e mont"s salary) if t"ey are let%o& =enerally) t"ese are ust called se!erance packa%es and not %olden parac"utes&

    ("e term %olden parac"ute usually is reser!ed for t"e lar%e se!erance arran%ement paid to a top

    e7ecuti!e& In an attempt to make a o' offer more attracti!e to a top candidate t"e company may

    offer t"at e7ecuti!e a lar%e salary) a 'i% 'enefit packa%e and a num'er of ot"er incenti!es& ,ne of

    t"ose incenti!es often is a packa%e of cas") stock) continuation of insurance and clu'

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock


    mem'ers"ips) and anyt"in% t"e e7ecuti!e re8uests t"at $ill 'e paid if t"e e7ecuti!e is terminated&

    ("is packa%e is called a %olden parac"ute&

    ("e %olden parac"ute is called t"at 'ecause it pro!ides a Nsoft landin%N for a terminated

    e7ecuti!e& =olden refers to t"e fact t"at its money or ot"er income&

    Sometimes t"ere is a le%itimate concern t"at t"e e7ecuti!e mi%"t 'e forced out& For e7ample) if

    t"e company is 'ou%"t 'y anot"er company t"e C9, $ill lea!e 'ecause t"e com'ined company

    doesnt need t$o C9,s& In suc" cases) t"e %olden parac"ute makes sense& ("e sie of t"e %olden

    parac"ute may 'e out of proportion to t"e se!erance packa%es of employees or ot"er e7ecuti!es)

    'ut t"ere is ustification for it to e7ist&

    In ot"er cases) t"e C9, is forced out 'ecause of poor performance of t"e company under "is

    direction& In t"ese cases) t"e %olden parac"ute is still paid 'ecause it $as part of t"e contract t"at

    $as ne%otiated as part of t"e deal to "ire t"at person& 97ecuti!es lo!e %olden parac"utes& Boards

    of Directors comprised mostly of ot"er e7ecuti!es) like t"em too& S"are"olders %enerally dont

    like t"em 'ecause t"ey can re$ard poor performance&

    #s a rule) re%ular employees "a!e a pro!ision in t"eir contract t"at t"eir se!erance $ont 'e paid

    if t"ey are fired for cause& ("at same pro!ision s"ould 'e in all %olden parac"ute a%reements) 'ut

    it eit"er isnt t"ere or is i%nored&

  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock



  • 7/23/2019 A Report on stock



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