A Psychic Dream and Prediction...Will This Come True?

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There was a major highway bridge collapse in the Midwest of the United States. I had a premonition of this two days before, witnessed by my partner while driving in a car. Someone asked me to tell a prediction that has not yet come true. This is one I believe is real, one which struck me with the same intensity that the bridge premonition did. It's very weird and I find it hard to believe I dreamt this real person without knowing he existed.

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Psychic Dream? I Dreamed This A Few Months Ago.... Someone asked me to publish a psychic prediction I had experienced that had NOT YET occurred on my blog since the last one was after the fact. Well, there is one dream I had that really messed with my head, because unlike some "psychic" feelings or knowledge I feel (and I stress this is infrequent...like 3 times a year on average) this one was very detailed. It left me feeling really spooked. I had a dream a few months ago in which a scientist named Hideo had left behind scientific papers that were used by a third world country...I'm fairly certain this was an AFRICAN country...could have been Asia but I'm almost certain it was in Africa...anyway, used these papers to create a superweapon....in the dream I thought it was a nuclear detonation, but after doing research after the dream I wonder (see below). Three people appeared in a video statement (government officials) announcing their achievement to the world with a high degree of hubris and implicit threat. I believe this took place in the Southern part of Africa...I don't know which country. When I woke and Googled this I think I used "Hideo" and "nuclear weapon" and I forget what else and that's when I found the name HIDEO MURAI and the weird biography of this dead scientist and strange figure. The Wiki entry is below and it reads like the biography of a science fiction figure...the connection to Tesla is just out of this world...there are so many weird stories floating around out there about what Tesla may have discovered that never made it into mainstream science...in fact I wonder as I reread it if I'm reading a hoax created by a Wiki hoaxer? I did not remember ever consciously hearing Hideo Murai's name but of course it seems quite possible I had. But it would not have been anytime around the time of this dream, as I had NO IDEA who this Hideo was in my dream. I expected to find nothing that "clicked" with the dream...but this biography clicks oh so well with the dream. The state which demonstrated the weapon of mass destruction was a politically volatile and renegade state; it had become a real threat the dream made clear. One of the three people in the video was not African. I can never remember Hideo's name. In fact, I had to Google for five minutes before I could even find his name. I could not even remember his first name. I had relegated the dream to "just dream." But since the bridge foreknowledge thing happened, and since someone asked, I will share this here. I hope it was just a weird dream and that Hideo Murai is some weird coincidence or buried engram that re-emerged in my dream. Because the dream, if precognitive, means bad news in the future. Here is the Wiki article on him...did he really live and die or is this some weird hoax...he seems so improbable... HIDEO MURAI --from Wikipedia Life Best known as head of Aum's Ministry of Science, Murai was a talented astrophysicist and with an IQ of 180, which is higher than that of Albert Einstein. He received a Ph.D. in astrophysics from Osaka University, studying Xray emissions of celestial bodies, and was also a talented computer programmer. After graduation he embarked upon a respectable career at Kobe Steel in research and development, but soon joined Aum Shinrikyo, a new Buddhist religious group

founded by shoko Asahara. The brilliant Murai quickly became head of Aum's team of scientists assembled by Aum Shinrikyo. He was researching a diverse and unusual range of topics, such as electromagnetic pulse weapons, microwave weapons, artificially induced earthquakes and giant plasma weapons positioned in Earth orbit. On a number of occasions Murai travelled to Eastern Europe in an attempt to retrieve the papers of scientist Nikola Tesla, but discovered they were seized by Allied forces at the end of WWII. Murai also travelled to the U.S. to gain access to the documents, but it is unknown whether he was able to access anything besides the publicly available materials, or if any classified Tesla works detailing the classified technology indeed exist. Reportedly, Murai was persistent in his attempts to acquire the materials, and employed various means. He also visited Russia, where he met with a number of scientists, including Nobel laureate professor Nicolai G. Basov. He was also reportedly involved in the purchase of computer and laboratory equipment that theoretically could be used in experiments with biological substances such as viruses; it is unknown whether any such experimentations did actually bring any results and what they might have been. The bacteria reportedly produced by Murai which initially was claimed to be anthrax was later found to be absolutely harmless. Murai also designed the plans for underground 'dokubo' ("retreat") chambers--small completely sealed rooms equipped with sensors to measure oxygen consumption. He also developed many of the electronic devices used by Aum Shinrikyo members, of which most widely used is the PSI ('Perfect Salvation Initiation') helmet, which translated the electromagnetic recording of Asahara's brainwaves directly into the brain of the wearer. Death Murai was mortally wounded when an ethnic Korean man named Hiroyuki Jo ( Jo Hiroyuki), a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi (the largest organized crime Yakuza group in Japan), stabbed Murai repeatedly, in the presence of 10 police officers and about a hundred reporters recording the events and broadcasting them live. The attackers didn't attempt to flee and were peacefully arrested on the spot. Murai died in an ambulance. The yakuza have been implicated in a number of attacks of public figures in Japan who have angered the political right and certain business interests especially, such as that of Nagasaki mayor Hitoshi Motoshima, who criticized Japan's role in World War II; the photographer W. Eugene Smith who helped to publicize the corporate mercury poisoning of the citizens of Minamata, and the U.S. Ambassador to Japan under John F. Kennedy, Edwin O. Reischauer. Murai's research Immediately before the Tokyo subway sarin gas attack, Murai lectured at a press conference at the facilities of the Tokyo Foreign Press Club, where he announced the results of his research at Aum. Some of the topics he spoke of at length that day were as follows: The possibility that the Kobe earthquake was caused by an electromagnetic weapon that was created based on the theories of physicist Nikola Tesla The utility of powerful microwave weapons with a wide range of applications on the

battlefields, from annihilating armored enemy combatants to causing temporary mental illnesses or inducing extreme states of mind such as fear "Plasma weapons" resembling a chain of sputniks placed in Earth orbit and fueled by nuclear reactors that would emit plasma rays that could be quickly focused to attack any moving target with a wide radius of attack, as well as being able to penetrate deeply underground. The possibility of manipulating the weather, again based on Tesla's theories, causing radical climate changes and natural disasters such as typhoons or extremely high or low temperatures. Circumstances surrounding Murai's death Murai died six hours after the stabbing and Jo and another man were charged with murder. Hiroyuki Jo originally claimed that his personal decision to attack Murai was the result of his anger at the Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway that killed 12 people and injured thousands, but he soon confessed that his Yakuza boss ordered him to commit the murder. Being a yakuza member, he had no choice other than to obey. Shortly after these revelations, Jo was found dead in his prison cell, reportedly a suicide, reasons unknown. Equipment used by Murai and documents related to the research activities he performed were seized by the PSIA (Public Security Investigation Agency, Japan's equivalent to the FBI) during the raids. Crimes According to testimony during the trials of a number of Aum Shinrikyo members, Murai was involved in the Sakamoto family murder and the production of the chemical gas sarin, which supposedly was manufactured at his orders and under his supervision. This testimony contradicts the theory introduced by the prosecution that Asahara was aware of and personally ordered all of the crimes, not Murai. The judge in Asahara's trial later ruled him guilty in issuing orders, thus agreeing with the prosecution. Murai was never tried, as he died before he was brought to trial. Some think Murai's exclusion from the process was unfortunate. It is difficult to say with certainty whether Murai's testimony could have helped Asahara's defence by shedding more light on the most importaint point--whether Asahara was aware of what was going on and whether he actually ordered all of it.