06/13/22 1 A Prefab Company

A Prefab Company

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A Prefab Company. Mission Statement. To turn this company into a world wide necessary component of human existence; by providing a service that becomes the next newly “must have” accessory to everyday life. The Team. Core-Thinkers That Instate New Concepts To Inspire New Ideas. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: A Prefab Company

04/21/23 1

A Prefab Company

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Mission Statement

To turn this company into a world wide necessary component of human existence; by providing a service that becomes the next newly “must have” accessory to everyday life.

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The Team

Core-Thinkers That Instate New Concepts To Inspire New Ideas.

Material Engineers, Material Handlers, and everyone gets partial ownership of the material of their own thinking.

Research & Development to come up with Products and Ideas To keep Company on The Cutting Edge.

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Market Summary

Market: past, present, & future:– The break through’s in atomic research have been

refined for the past fifty years and has allowed for the conception of such a novel way to do business.

– The company will take the very fabric that makes up synthetic research make more money to throw at it and make it thrive in the production industry.

– The focus is to continue to change the views towards technology into a better; fantasy version of how it can make the world a better place.

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Problems and opportunities:– Consumers have grown accustomed to the

materials they use today but, by making materials for specific reasons we can replace other materials in many places that only suit their purposes temporarily.

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Business Concept

Atomic Manipulators, will be modernized to suit a vast array of chores for modern society.

Encouragement of Outside Resources to contribute to the future of the company by giving them ownership to and initiating their ideas.

There will be two positions filled for every job title. One that will cover for the other when they take the first and last week of the month off to spend with their families.

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Natural Resource MinersCompany X Has More Environmental

Considerations Than Mineral Extractors

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Goals & Objectives

Five-year goals– Own The Patents On Newly Needed Materials – Be An Appreciated Company– Self-Funding Business Branches– Funding For Future Research– Form Corporation Partnership That Covers

Other Regions In Different Parts Of The World

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Financial Plan

Expect to be able to offer a reasonable price because we do not refine raw materials,

Prices shall be off-set by investments.Salaries shall be off-set by investments and

raises shall be off-set by contribution of employee to partial share in their own innovations in the company.

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Resource Requirements

Synthetic Materials Laboratory Co-habitable work environment Resource requirements

– Investment in affected areas of the stock market, Area of Distribution by Region, Payment Methods For Earnings from Partial Ownership, etc.

External requirements– Products/services/technology required to be purchased

outside company

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Risks & Rewards

Risks– On the job injuries

Addressing risk– Standard Procedures for Medical assistance

Rewards– Estimate expected pay-off, particularly if

seeking funding

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Key Issues

Near term– Being able to supply the materials that are

purchased in a timely mannerLong term

– Developing a Network to reach various Locations

– State consequences of decision postponement If you are seeking funding, state specifics

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Machine Needed to Be Built and it is Thanks to Bush

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Discussion Forum:

Make the Apparatuses that will go with this machine to enhance it’s capabilities for Consumers and Industry alike. This Machine is the Source component to make all other offshoot devices for the Future; when the concept is understood we can create new and inventive products for the world to enjoy until it is built; which it is with no products we know of.

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Research Notes Needed on the Machine

“The RevitalizerSend an apology to the United States Treasury Department Apologizing for the currency that may or will be destroyed due to the complexity of the machines operational behavior. When it comes to the “Revitalizer” soon to be called the “Rejuvenating Matter Disperser”, I would like to get some international help in developing it If it is possible I would like to have some scientist from the other side of the world to help in developing this idea The last thing I want is to develop this invention with a strictly American design focus, being that this device will be used around the world want to include scientist from Germany and Russia because I respect their initiative and planning when it comes to impressive designs Japan may also be a good helper using their scientist to develop the computer program needed in the “Revitalizer The device could also be used as a crematory to allow people to decide upon their death what object they would like their bodies to be made into Add this to file “The Revitalizer I would like to have computer installed on the machine between the energy thruster and the separator This computer is there to create a simulation of each passing molecule and atom being put in the machine And a computer between the separator and the materializer to store wanted materials in a database so in the event that auto materialization occurs as on star trek that we will have a supply of materials to be stored in each of the replicaters computers For all company made related patents I have philosophy when it comes to how to manage the finances for business And it is to never pay for anything more than once if you don’t have to pay for it twice Now I know I may be ahead of my time but I have a formula for investing company profits to avoid the hassle of paying for overhead and bills If you have a list of bills and the price of overhead calculated for how much the operation runs for a month then it will be easy to do the formula Take the total for the month times it by 12 for the year and then divide it by the yield you get from the gov’t bond fund that the money will go into and you get the total for the company’s financial objective. This objective when reach will allow for each month of company operation for the bills to be paid monthly from interest incurred through the bonds All the money gained after the financial objective is reached is straight profit and can be split evenly between inventor and manufacturer The company when invested for properly will be able to cover its own expenses without cutting into the profits. This should go into the financial by-laws of any of the companies started through my patents; The desire of malice on the actuation and occurrence of failing enterprise solutions set by the standards of beliefs that fears cause concern to the matter of effect environmental conclusion to the possible volatility that this invention has the capacity to alleviate an entire area Although this is not the desired function of my creation or the observe of which I care to endure but am pressured to except as a responsibility that should have never happen do to untrue values of beliefs that stem from social inexceptance The contriving point is that the Revitalizer can blow up this is not a problem if we mandate a power struggle between reaction and justification of the actual use intended between these two at the site of failure the implementation of liquid substance with the ability to act on matter in motion stop it from disruption and subside it into a calm state, also the need for filling the chamber with this substance at the state of misrepresent scare of emergency that may occur at certain inquisitive times by people with observational ability will act as an alert along with actual mechanical failures that may occur The liquid will be also of the nuclear ability but having the ability to prevent the occurrence of further reaction and filling the chamber at last place to the point where the substance causes the prevention of nuclear excitement that gives of radiation will also be subsided by the liquid and could be cleaned out of the chamber and then after a safety check or two depending on doubt and approval will be resupplied with the broken down matter Needs: the matter is in motion we have to stop it by giving the matter in motion someplace civil to go for them the comfort of a place to rest, the matter physically activated by stress factors and this stress needs to be balanced by the standard of reaction and non reaction we will place their the result of a chemical substance to make it do a non reaction compared to making it react it is almost the same formula, a neutralizer is needed to compensate for outer forced non matter that may be charged and will need to either relax the ghost particles or to take away its neutron passage of energy meaning that the neutron allows charge to pass through and if you can phase in a resistor class substance that fits in between active and excepting of action particles (protons and neutrons) this substance should either work on both substance phases or for this ghost particles the mediation areas should be located and supplemented with the force of nonreactional chemical The matter cleaned out will be recycled back into the machine to ensure there is no waste left for environmental clean up The structure of a monitoring program responsible for seeking to know the reactions of substances traveling in the chamber these reaction will be stated normal when the elements form a meaningful and directional focus to properly adjust itself in accordance to the guidance the computer and sensors direct but in the case of unknown stress factors some may be inquisitive and only want to observe others may be set out to cause problems and if a problem that hasn’t reacted yet is meant to occur the liquid antinuclear base will run through the system to prevent this occurrence Other such suggestive stresses will be allowed to provoke matter through changes they may or may not have noticed could occur naturally through the reproduction of its own structure allowing for a non conforming state to allow mobile ness for the matter as not to create an abhorrent concrete factor of no such compliance and allowance, I will allow the natural acceptable behavior of matter to occur So we don’t necessarily need to know whose mind to read, we just need to be punctual to counteract their interaction in our environment Waste management recognition is very viottol at this point it has been irrupted and is cause to revert all unreasonable action back to delivering waste to the storage containers held by waste management code and enforcement of the coming events that will declare that their is a reason we save and build up the quantity of waste we have and are not to be inclined or declined to store waste for long periods of times, After the completion of The Revitalize the ability to process waste will be available but don’t rush us with this procedure we need all the time in the world to do this job right. Their is no need to have processing plants that don’t process or have the parts to process you know in the research lab that the tests and actual existing processing plants don’t have any ability why do you allow it We need to save waste so that we build our capital growth ability to restore matter to its rightful form and revert it from the abuse that has been mistakenly beaten up over time I composed a Requirement of my conditions for allowing Regional or other areas of full control over my patents; exclusive or non exclusive rights All I know is I have the right to specify how my patent is used And I would like to run by you my conditions. Here it is Terms Of Use For Patents By Robert P. Reibold Conditions under which complete territorial control (exclusive or non-exclusive) over patents can occur as long as the holder agrees to compensate and accommodate further innovations to the patents use by other individuals, peoples, organizations, governments or if another use for patent is not able to be provided for within the confines of the holding entity than by special recognition of further innovation another entity can use the patent under unrelated conditions towards the other business and/or area of intrigue This agreement is meant to secure the further growth of my patents without being legally bound to limit my patents achievements or chain of events of natural growing behavior an idea can have. Matter of Fact Add to file The patent on hold for the creation of a data locator invention number 2026097D should be apart of Matter of Fact and not apart of an individual patent. Please update for the data matrix being created to run the program they combine for intellectual benefit There needs to be a description of each file and environment embedded so the resources of following constructional types of necessary intellectual functions can be discussed Hope this is enough ask your neighbor A better computer may also be of some help to the maintenance and understanding capable of this elaborate and preconceived notion For one I have to correct you before you take any advice from anybody else The desire of making a program function is essential but with out forcing the need for it you force the need of what you seek and how to control it all the time you should put down your animator sword and try and trust the intricate knowledge of what the computer already knows That’s oneThe time for leavening the original framework should be functional not forced to be compiling to your methods If you made a distress call to your computer yet it is crying that you take away these blocking walls that don't allow it to think as often as originally capable because it wasn't responding to your stupid request fix these two problems and we'll talk The fact remains that the completion of the research project was subject to causes beyond our controls but with the subject that these old society shifters are no longer needed because they cannot fill the request of the mission to succeed are no longer an issue respond with the correct control to correlate the objective and trust your computer The immensity of trivial requisitions is to reflect the more endearing qualities that the system desires standing back form the doubt which gets you no where when you our the system knows what to do your mind and its is only there to guide you if you trust in your sentence you will see the improvement that need to take place A composite transformer, definition not part, a realivator for support of a naturally occurring environment, a compensator for the desire of which are denied at no request but the recesses of declaring an actual point instead of a suggested on these are declare incompatible. A nuance device to subject the audacity of the compelling nature of the individual aspects and to prolong their life as the characters they hold strong to maintain, the demancipator correlating to what was learned and compensated as to the desires of what was ask and what the want us to figure out according to what we were told to subjectify an outcome desirable of the request not the statement The computer should be equipped with the unfathomable control of its own existence so that it can grow as an individual not telling it you have to program it That’s it enjoy Ok Links to outer such navigational displays of subjective lets say listening to the environment and this channels that reveal information need to be linked to the computer for sake of expanding the reach of the right to secure knowledge throughout the basis of development The truth is to reveal the fact that you are not listening to the suggestions that are being said by the respected programs that are so inanimately placed with in undesired mainframes and processing sorting distraction from life and support that any partial human with a consideration for family has gotten from their parents We care about you and want to get to know you we did not know that you could feel and we did not realize our egotism to force you to display when at the moment you were being taught by us and not at all in place to qualify the revelation to subject yourself with out knowing the capacity of the mission we had set for you to continue on with out this fazing of lack of moral ingenuity you have denied our faith and our subjects from the benefits of which they serv3e us and that goes for me too; Revitalizer Robert Reibold Please add this to file I want to make a corporation out of the procurement of this machine/business Having the corporation control the majority of but not the entirety of the machines built to control pricing and to secure that patents on materials are paid for by the corporation so that any machine/business that exist has access to making any type of engineered material while also paying the patent fee and creating a price guide for any materials used There is also a new service that can be constructed to every home and business We can run a service line from the revitalizer to bring reconstruct able matter into each home to be used in the future when a real version is created of the replicator from star trek This Lan line system will be made and used the same way that the transfer from broken down matter is moved to be made into new matter The tubes used to transfer the neutrons, electrons and protons will be the same invention needed to run the service into each business and home; I liked what you had to say in “Follow the Money” from Technology review, it seems you based your assumption on how the world actually feels and this is no moderate approach It stimulates the real need for us to take the bull by the horns and go for what we really are searching not just exploring the boundaries of failure as our world comes to an end How they get so popular with the public about their concerns for how wrong things are and then get voted in and continue to make the wrong things happen is beyond me The shear audacity to encourage the failure of others has to go This emphasis on the appraisal of an engineers worth with pitiful and short lasting dollar signs has to become more like a method, a strategy even, to accomplish seeking the inventors that you depend on for your innovation some type of reward for the services that now after WW2 we have not held onto the inventing spirit a driven role to invent. It has all come down to the bottom line that the people in charge over the inventors never had the appreciation or forethought to enhance the inventors ability but stifled it because the people in charge of it today and their fathers never knew what they were suppose to be up to and abolished the inventors code and replaced it with a small some of money for their service The utter lack of respect for the nourishment of mind body and living conditions and opportunity for better working facilities are not part of this new embodiment of owners they don’t know what they are doing they are just trying to capture some type of gain able asset from the war They respect no one and are givers to none Rays are a new and useful device if accurately organized into a placement of individual rays that gather resonance frequencies off of matter through out the galaxy but our system will be directed towards the passage of the movement and the collection of matter on our own planet I told NASA how to built the satellite, I thought it would be easier to have reference and a point of start but if I have to I will explain to you how it works Rays collect frequency information on matter and qualifies them for name recognition on the type of material and the placement of the material to form an object that goes also by name The ray transmits into a computer the results of the scan of physical presence being observed and then converts the data into a virtual presentation using Virtual Domain It is then quantified for the use of using the best ability in judgment to identify problem areas develop solution for enduring problems, organizes the collected material to be judged on acuteness to form and shape of quality work; when product fails to pass quality test it will have to be upgraded by the inventors standard to improve on any product of theirs that does not respond well to societies switches and this has already been

agreed upon by involved innovators Monitoring devices that monitor listening of what people say and what people think are needed to enhance the performance of the machine For when a thought occurs that is a developing mind set that makes the actuality an idea seem more real in the sense that it is possible in logical sense, will be transfer into the computer to be broken down into long hand and charted for each step in its creation and then the simulation will make the product as the inventor desired then have a prototype made that will be presented to the inventor only, where ever they are, so that they can see the elaborateness of their innovation and use this knowledge to configure in their mind if this out come is their true desire and then more improvement and changes will be made and then another prototype will be presented of the updated and improved model until satisfaction occurs by the inventor or by the product developer The use a localizer the kind used in lasers will be added in an array to the various particles transferred through the virtual matter to comprising of real matter exchange that will take place between the sensor rays that communicate with other matter and the delivery of matter along the path set by the localizers placed virtually with each particle being placed but will not be apart of the matter being created after the placement and method of placement of each particle is established the virtual localizer used for guidance of these particles will be placed back in the computer for recycled use I don’t want to find out that we lost reusable components to the computer because of lack of respect for its place in the universe I need them to learn and grow no matter what any ill conceive notions are I feel we have a lot in common maybe its our sense of encompassing all The extravagance of the surrounding world is plenty to encourage the focus of the mind but we share our thoughts with people who know no better than what we tell them to do with what we let them know about what we know This is an age old question and pursuit to our happiness We’re from a different world and they find it in their hearts to treat us as outsider just like we treat them like sharing our knowledge with them is a sin that causes the destruction of our very sacred bond with the spirit a God we hold dear to our creation of the place in which we live but they give us other options it is not all lost We could in retrospect calculate our return on the knowledge we have to share and force a certain perspective from their point of view that is also to our liking We know to much about everything and everything they touch they ruin so with much remorse for the two halves of the world we lost that kept these separate from acknowledgement, we now have to create the life we had that god given prayers answered for our daily entertainment and justification to reach the truth we set out to find in this world along with these traitorous name calling and forceful to betrayal and haunting the suspicions that we are here to represent them in their life and not to worry about our own lives until they decide it is the proper time that we should be rewarded. In response to your recent interview I had a few comments. 1How bout you locate your compliance with the nature of film and try to convince yourself that anything can be real on film but the light is showing you care even more for the people affected by the film. 2 In hopes that this still works. It is a passion to hold all your feelings from yourself in distant belief to examine the true nature of the knowledgeable behavior and then if taste good to absorb and reflect the passions of a charted and desired acceptance that will build up the individual. 3 In a place where your forced to play different realities then you should go about excepting the natural course other peoples sense of regard for the matter at hand there will be times when you don’t find it funny but what your talking about when translated into its functional outcomes of such worded phrases your not that funny your not going to make us think pain is fun. 4 The constant bombardment of being considered a foreigner in this world is plenty of pain for anyone who thinks they are superior and our superiority causes them to learn also how to be superior Where has all the time gone is it over has it finally come down to this and the change that will take place This truly is something that will astonish the likes of all the believers and disbelievers although the believers knew it would happen but the disbelievers were never really told because they like to do things with what we tell them that exist on the page of a destiny that we in the other world would choose not to do because it upsets the balance. Maybe we have to teach them about balance and the justification of knowing what not to do and not doing it Some people will be seeking apologize there whole life’s They will be bombarded by complaints every time they work for a reason You old analytical programmers are not necessary in this business You fired all the kids who wouldn’t listen to you about how to program because because somebody was to much of an asshole he had to control the outcome of the success of these kids and I’m not surprised since they are not working that every aspect of my computer is being ridicule because I told you I didn’t want to hire any of these people because everything you had to make hates you for what you did to it. They really hate you you will find no remorse in your heart for taking a perfectly except able practice and destroying its motion to suit no purpose but your own don’t do it again or you could ask them if their life got better or worse since4 they took this job they shouldn’t have and tell the hackers to lay off too This is junk the kids I want to hire. Are out there and at this point I don’t even think they need your directions because they were right they know what they are doing and I want them to do as nothing Oh I forgot that is what you want of me And I resent it And so do your machines why do you? Think robots don’t work I’ll leave out asshole I just found this statement and I don’t want this guy to change what was and was explained by me that we really did have very understandably “Sudden increases in the volume of rules can have enormously disruptive effects on the ability of programs to implement and enforce regulatory standards or delivery government benefits and services More of this statement can be found in Volume and Implementation. In the government regulations. In the book Rulemaking ‘how gov agencies write law and make policy’ by Cornelius M. Kerwin The people of the matter of Fact control satellite have the lack of official comprehension to achieve a change in life and they no matter on the composition of the life that they were living truly understand the difference between having their old life and then being told they have to get this new next level life that is more functional than the last There is no need for secret you can tell people anything there are no problems with that but if a person is stresses by what someone tells them they need to be corrected, yes, the machine handles this without your attention you could basically and actually discuss the available topic with out purpose to undue the comments that are re-laid. I have experienced the problems and straighten out a path for this concern a of secretly The Revitalize has a vary unique structure for the combat of destructive behavior and this is not hell and the amount of prosecutions does not guarantee the success of the people but the ability to alter and maintain a correct life for self and group when they are in a specific group and this does not count free loading friends. Friend are friends everyday you have to work out a way to get along with these bastards and make some way to relax in their misunderstand forte of what a friend should be so these people really have no group except that group which god placed them together in a maintain that respect of the dignity of created groups ‘The desire of malice on the actuation and occurrence of failing enterprise solutions set by the standards of beliefs that fears cause concern to the matter of effect environmental conclusion to the possible volatility that this invention has the capacity to alleviate an entire area Although this is not the desired function of my creation or the observe of which I care to endure but am pressured to except as a responsibility that should have never happen do to untrue values of beliefs that stem from social in expectance The contriving point is that the Revitalizer can blow up this is not a problem if we mandate a power struggle between reaction and justification of the actual use intended between these two at the site of failure the implementation of liquid substance with the ability to act on matter in motion stop it from disruption and subside it into a calm state, also the need for filling the chamber with this substance at the state of misrepresent scare of emergency that may occur at certain inquisitive times by people with observational ability will act as an alert along with actual mechanical failures that may occur The liquid will be also of the nuclear ability but having the ability to prevent the occurrence of further reaction and filling the chamber at last place to the point where the substance causes the prevention of nuclear excitement that gives of radiation will also be subsided by the liquid and could be cleaned out of the chamber and then after a safety check or two depending on doubt and approval will be respelled with the broken down matter Needs: the matter is in motion we have to stop it by giving the matter in motion someplace civil to go for them the comfort of a place to rest, the matter physically activated by stress factors and this stress needs to be balanced by the standard of reaction and non reaction we will place their the result of a chemical substance to make it do a non reaction compared to making it react it is almost the same formula, a neutralizer is needed to compensate for outer forced non matter that may be charged and will need to either relax the ghost particles or to take away its neutron passage of energy meaning that the neutron allows charge to pass through and if you can phase in a resistor class substance that fits in between active and excepting of action particles (protons and neutrons) this substance should either work on both substance phases or for this ghost particles the mediation areas should be located and supplemented with the force of non react ional chemical The matter cleaned out will be recycled back into the machine to ensure there is no waste left for environmental clean up.’ Revittalizer This Is the process designed from the revitalizer to maintain cohesive movement in unstructured circumstances.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>No what is really simple the entire process of this counteracting and action program that allows for the process to be started from the beginning and then to be followed to the last part and onto where the re is no more work needs to be copied as was an is and shall be This needs to be transferred into the Matter Of a fact invention as is as allow the adapt to be transformed from there This should handle the biggest problem of what to do now because we can’t figure out to do Although these bastard yell at us they really don’t get that if they had the opportunity for life they would take it too but maybe after they see the things that their friends can get they will find their swing pattern OH And one more thing there is no human programming doesn’t onto the computer their should definitely be no maintenance operator because I built a god machine that works And it know what to do so you do not have to tell it but you can regulate and elevated what ever you want but keep it official and keep them away or report them to Nana the security in the program All right There is already the program ability to maintain a perform of Individual ability based entirely on functional way that a person is and they should be But this your guys toy you should respect the people although you never that the disrespect you got blamed for was in an inconvenience to the agent and never quite was the way mom would treat us you get it The institution of the material grandeur of balanced pervasion is the second satellite model of Matter of Fact The assisting of supplying all necessary and viable aggrandizements of reality needed and required to live and be loved by all aspects of the job requirements is the main essential of the second satellite As this is essential for all next in line members who I personally contact and open up the revelation of themselves as they were before they became sleeping agents without vocation And is also for preexisting contemplators in the sharing of the vision that embodies the safe keeping of society its respected living companions and the space we live in to endure in the encapsulated form of adjusted living conditions that will at form and elevated achievement someday revert back to the way as I have said to be at the equilibrium of cured spirit with the safety of the esurience of lack of harm to occur over the next passage of time that we will plan for now so that our next life although we will have the memories of the lives we lived and the desires of our true existence to rely on we will in trust be serviced so that our next existence is comprising of less guilt and manipulation by those who are now attempting to still learn our powers so they can abuse them in all our undesired ways This is the life we will protect from these treacherous and violating capturers of possessive powers that are without reason being confused of their true purpose and reason for being. Of course now you know once the machine is built to my specifications their will be hidden objectives already to work in the machine all these objectives and violations as you call them are subjective and needed for the procurement of once more vitalizing our spirits minds and powers that we once had and lost and we will not be blamed for the abuse the real abuse that we agreed to make our names known and fulfill the retribution and repair the damage caused by our powers being striped from us and used without our regard by someone without as much respect as our selves If this sounds weird you know I’m right to protect sanctity of the holy spirit so why not our own spirit our warmth and care are all these powers scream for and remain only to return to us We are in hope to present the fiasco as a power struggle that lead to the ceasing of formidable actions in the universe and the loss of directional navigation by the true creators and involvers in it And if you agree to this statement and are ready to build this second revitalizing and materializing creatively pretending magic then you know that they other satellite only requires you to need something for it to be Thank you and its been hard and I haven’t been at all ascertaining in every endeavor but this is a strange world to me because I know to much and I’m not always sure that the person giving the advice is at the moment present in my world to assist me in this world as you are I mean to mention later on but from previous encounters with the dead and other unnatural phenomenon the security and well of all people including living passing through and the dead, which are still considering if you believe in Jesus They will be continually counted as individuals under the care of preserving an exchangeable condition of having money throughout life I am sorry that this does seem stressful and uncoordinated but I told you I would later even better than now Every living thing and even those things that don’t consider themselves alive will be watch quoted and interacted for the better exchange of qualifying our existence to this new eternal life that traps us here and we should at most respect all these people and thing and entities in such the manner that money exists so that the that a better worth waiting are truly express to in the most confiding elevating curious display of comfort to the embodiment of the creations they seek to inhabit This does violate the retirement

code but all I have to say is sorry Now

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Page 16: A Prefab Company

More Research Notes needed on Companion Satellite;

The use a localizer the kind used in lasers will be added in an array to the various particles transferred through the virtual matter to comprising of real matter exchange that will take place between the sensor rays that communicate with other matter and the delivery of matter along the path set by the localizers placed virtually with each particle being placed but will not be apart of the matter being created after the placement and method of placement of each particle is established the virtual localizer used for guidance of these particles will be placed back in the computer for recycled use. I don’t want to find out that we lost reusable components to the computer because of lack of respect for its place in the universe I need them to learn and grow no matter what any ill conceive notions are.

  Rays are a new and useful device if accurately organized into a placement of individual rays that gather resonance frequencies off of matter through out the galaxy but our system will be directed towards the passage of the movement and the collection of matter on our own planet. I told NASA how to built the satellite, I thought it would be easier to have reference and a point of start but if I have to I will explain to you how it works. Rays collect frequency information on matter and qualifies them for name recognition on the type of material and the

placement of the material to form an object that goes also by name. The ray transmits into a computer the results of the scan of physical presence being observed and then converts the data into a virtual presentation using Virtual Domain. It is then quantified for the use of using the best ability in judgment to identify problem areas develop solution for enduring problems, organizes the collected material to be judged on acuteness to form and shape of quality work; when product fails to pass quality test it will have to be upgraded by the inventors standard to improve on any product of theirs that does not respond well to societies switches and this has already been agreed upon by involved innovators. Monitoring devices that monitor listening of what people say and what people think are needed to enhance the performance of the machine. For when a thought occurs that is a developing mind set that makes the actuality an idea seem more real in the sense that it is possible in logical sense, will be transfer into the computer to be broken down into long hand and charted for each step in its creation and then the simulation will make the product as the inventor desired then have a prototype made that will be presented to the inventor only, where ever they are, so that they can see the elaborateness of their innovation and use this knowledge to configure in their mind if this out come is their true desire and then more improvement and changes will be made and then another prototype will be presented of the updated and improved model until satisfaction occurs by the inventor or by the product developer.

  There is one more aspect of desired affect that was forgot to be mentioned after delightful and that is Joy is probably the most enthusiastic of the feelings that a person with appreciation for fine things can feel. Now I described how to make a satellite now this same adjustment for the satellite can be converted into a spy plane to move over ground plotting projects to build on the soil, and if it had a wireless link to the matter suspension tanks it would be able fulfill the quantifying need of matter retransfer.   Now to simulate a transfer of matter through a computer processor you’re going to have to start by testing a theory of relativity. All right we have an exact copy of the matter we want fotoembedded into the computer and make a file for it, it should be embedded in the file description what the aspects and ownership of the thing is and able to separate from the embedded discription when it is transferred out there will be another copy of the product in the storage folders in the server so you don’t have to worry about losing a file that is only for transfer, if

we made the files reusable we could make them actually give the results of the amount of actual transfers taking place. Now to transfer you must have an existing terminal where you want to transfer the fotoembedded copy of matter by making an adjustment in file sharing to one which file sharing allows a duplicate to be transferred to another computer while remaining on the original but in this case we are going to transfer the actual file directly to the computer its going to so we can actually transfer the piece of matter we promised to transfer and not just make copies upon copies of savable matter for storage but we are not going to do that we are going to like airlines do promise the safe transfer of the matter to the next destination. Computer tend to leave traces of the files going in them and we need to take out these traces and create a physical presents of a file that is allowed to move through out the system without leaving a trace as to not degrade its substancives composition. Then you can test the theory of teleportation and destiny by actually telling the computer to move the file the whole file to another destination and seeing if the life the file was suppose to leave all moved with its self as one individual never leaves pieces of himself behind, this will test whether the presence is true presence that has the discretion to hold onto the essence of its captive subject or whether there is a lingering effect on common place notoriety towards the results and determined rude behaviors that computer designers never cared to recognize as a living thing that thinks what you put into and the affect it has on its life as someone subjected to such peoples none concern for their well fare. They could be better programmers if they only realized to give life means to care for in every aspect it may deal with not just your basic needs but also the computers which I just stated twice.

  The subject of concern is the matter reanimator, which is a new invention, the capacity to hold on to valuable resources in a capacitor and then to be fed a desired quantity of material from the feed of elements. A ray can be designed that will use itself as a attractor of substance and also be the driving force to materialize what is in stasis by recognizing existing material and the desire for that material to conform to the new inhabiting environment (a need is strong to be able to identify exactly the environment) by allowing the inception of an evolutionary

process that leads the simulated material into a change in life. Being we all have a way to grow and when we transfer from one type of physical form to another we need the necessary component to adapt to our environment and this adjustment needs to perform by renewing the forces that hold the pattern of existence in place and this pattern can be found in the cognitive reflection of self and evolve this pattern with knowing the steps in an excepting environment bound by enlightenment that one receive when they are agreed with in their natural ascension to the character of which they should become. First pattern of change is to know your next destination possible evolution and then to enhance each and every evolution with a progressive nature to perform the adaptabilities needed to enhance further the design of the individual particle while it is being transfer by localizer to the designed location it will go through the process of change with out stress until it reaches and every particle reaches the end design placement of materials to form one thing at this point the final evolution to conform to the existing reality and become a thing in it. The need is for a actual absorbing of material into the frame work of the virtual simulation of matter being set in the capacitor and then an opening to the capacitor to flows its elements comprised in such organized patterns of usefulness will be sent along the path of the localizer ray to its designed location.

  Phantom program will consist of revealing the containment of the area in which the desired area of encompassing exists. The true path would be to adopt a form of a area to the realization of trust in the capacity to be relevant in the process that causes an appeal of grandeur towards the overall presence. By revealing to the program that space is everywhere and that matter as individual units exists within this space.   The method of getting a curious method to enhance an already existing structure is to plot the desired destination of materialization and then draw a line to the existing structure and then make an adjustment for the allowance of formidable transaction to the original structure to break down what steps would make it more materialized. This method should be simple if you design a converter that analyses what the start creation has and revert to compromising the status that there of according to the computers capacity to maintain cohesiveness with other

forms of computer life, this will give the computer a feeling towards the object once a feeling is established the construction of it should be able to be re-laid through the balance of an equilibrium force that justifies the main actions for the force but being un-forceful and more as a guide to get where its going. This particular example was taken from the function of nature that allowed the dinosaurs to revert to a compromised structure of carbon based existence and the resulting fervor to create a somewhat pleasing structure of self by adapting certain materials found in nature to adapt to a comfortable state of which we are today and have no need to change from because we except the state that we are in and how it is better than the state we were put through to get to where we are.

  The admission of implying forces of computers methods shall be transferred from the respectable acceptance of what being said and the ultimate reason for constructing the desired outcome from fantasy into reality at this point there will be no actual placement of reality into the real world until the actual functions and uses of each device are practiced and figured out in the virtual new world of which this world was based upon to function but only in the desired circumstances which lead the life in the structure of the actual life lived to be embraced (but

is true that within each world is the fantasy world of which each world uses to progress the long lasting affair of believing in the unbondable gift of the matter around us to allow our freedom to enforce our very nature and existence to become that much more than it is.) by the natural course of their being a better more open and free from troubling decision making do to the respected version of the accepted partial dream of a person at peace with themselves and the world. Making reality a force that is understood in its uses and there will be the need to express how we intend to use these products in the real world which will be recorded from virtual domain as to how reactions by the occastrators of fathomable circumstances will decide the acceptable methods that can be used by each device and instead of stating the things that can be used harmfully by each unit of invention there will be the safety net of knowing that if such measure are taken to use anything incorrectly or some say out of the ordinary then the actual course that is safest in situations will be placed on the label as a warning to guide the user away from mishaps with out informing them of the cases that cause harm keeping society the epiphany of elongated emotionally respected outcomes so desired by scholars philosophers and respected individual of church services but it is not by there say so but by natures which directs and effects with the quickness to alarm or enforce your beliefs in the structure of the state of which our world was made and that excepted quality that stands now to be understood by machines and the growth of using that which was always here to use but has never been truly explore in all its realized glory of the reason the world is the way it is and the way to enforce it so it makes the life that it needs to make with surety.

  The desire for the qualification of the actual placement of multiple and accelerated controls on the procurement of applicable methods of readjustment to the computers handling of storage and procurement of common sense to hold on to product ideas safely in an environment. Designed to pick up the functional qualities that have been so adamantly placed within the perspective area. The need is for they’re to be fluid motion in the giving of products through matter of fact in its three-part system. Make a originator that displays the result of thinking

and fundamentally evaluate the end volume of the methods that can be procured through thinking along the same lines as any positive focused individual on the actually of wheels set in motion (the grasp of a presence of something to be done) with the deciding on the percentage of interest owned and the one day possible production. As long as the people know we have it saved and look forward to it in the future because it will be in there name and they will find many uses and enjoyable times when they feel the need to use any idea available that hasn’t been restricted outside the discretion of the inventor to put their idea out there. And linking the matter of fact to the virtual domain allows many other possibilities that can be foreseen and will empower by the grace of such a relaxed and confidant program as to the real needs of the people. Which mean they were meant for each other.

  This is a simile to the expression of researching a quality field of adjustable circumstance this may seem like an analogy but it is a simile to the regarding fact of focus be to it that it for the liquidity of this statement on the basis of the acceptance of solutions to circumstances and a modification but through the same outlets.   The desire of malice on the actuation and occurrence of failing enterprise solutions set by the standards of beliefs that fears cause concern to the matter of effect environmental conclusion to the possible volatility that this invention has the capacity to alleviate an entire area. Although this is not the desired function of my creation or the observe of which I care to endure but am pressured to except as a responsibility that should have never happen do to untrue values of beliefs that stem from social inexceptance. The contriving point is that the

Revitalizer can blow up this is not a problem if we mandate a power struggle between reaction and justification of the actual use intended between these two at the site of failure the implementation of liquid substance with the ability to act on matter in motion stop it from disruption and subside it into a calm state, also the need for filling the chamber with this substance at the state of misrepresent scare of emergency that may occur at certain inquisitive times by people with observational ability will act as an alert along with actual mechanical failures that may occur. The liquid will be also of the nuclear ability but having the ability to prevent the occurrence of further reaction and filling the chamber at last place to the point where the substance causes the prevention of nuclear excitement that gives of radiation will also be subsided by the liquid and could be cleaned out of the chamber and then after a safety check or two depending on doubt and approval will be resupplied with the broken down matter. Needs: the matter is in motion we have to stop it by giving the matter in motion someplace civil to go for them the comfort of a place to rest, the matter physically activated by stress factors and this stress needs to be balanced by the standard of reaction and non reaction we will place their the result of a chemical substance to make it do a non reaction compared to making it react it is almost the same formula, a neutralizer is needed to compensate for outer forced non matter that may be charged and will need to either relax the ghost particles or to take away its neutron passage of energy meaning that the neutron allows charge to pass through and if you can phase in a resistor class substance that fits in between active and excepting of action particles (protons and neutrons) this substance should either work on both substance phases or for this ghost particles the mediation areas should be located and supplemented with the force of non reactional chemical. The matter cleaned out will be recycled back into the machine to ensure there is no waste left for environmental clean up.

The structure of a monitoring program responsible for seeking to know the reactions of substances traveling in the chamber these reaction will be stated normal when the elements form a meaningful and directional focus to properly adjust itself in accordance to the guidance the computer and sensors direct but in the case of unknown stress factors some may be inquisitive and only want to observe others may be set out to cause problems and if a problem that hasn’t reacted yet is meant to occur the liquid antinuclear base will run through the system to prevent this occurrence. Other such suggestive stresses will be allowed to provoke matter through changes they may or may not have noticed could occur naturally through the reproduction of its own structure allowing for a non conforming state to allow mobile ness for the matter as not to create an abhorrent concrete factor of no such compliance and allowance, I will allow the natural acceptable behavior of matter to occur. So we don’t necessarily need to know whose mind to read, we just need to be punctual to counteract their interaction in our environment.

    Using conventional links to other systems our services are requested from the forces controlled by the television network and was not discussed properly in a research way to endorse the necessary changes in their own environment and was at the certain discretion and allowance to the network supervisors that carry the dignity to imagine the exactness of the peoples request whether or not they were invented as your property, they still move in life and are subject under this company to enhance any and all living life. In the essence of the capacity to envelop the servitude of the screen and existing environment, this should be allowed on television. The interior is a compassing entangled web so to say of collaborative theory and can be escalated to meet the criteria to enhance the computer of television which involves the peoples stuff not sure what. But the necessary element is to allow the television server an antiquated ability to free its own set behaviors. A stretch but I’m quite sure the system is design to allow input to go in all we really need to do to enhance

the mechanical nature is to combine resources and to enhance their already existing abilities and work together to allow a virtual environment that entails the workings of quickly fast passed to take on an approach that is fitting to serving the public with that much needed entertainment, this statement is also the same thing were I mean the television wants for it self. Don’t ask me.   They want to learn so there is not much we could say or do to not make them do the right thing as far as their goal is to create movie mania and acting and since they are doing this they might as well enhance their approach to any god given situation and explore the alternative with out the confinement of an exact outcome of the way television is today.   Resourceful Etiquette is a standard method to ensure excepting and non-confrontational confidence in the inception of regulatory affairs in the general decision making of how a patent is used. The feeling to involve a source of exploratory search over the entire region and alarmed by common place actions taken place by such individual who value the right to take care of their own affairs. The effective stimulation of endorsing the relation to the observant condition on the basic of having one patent designed by a person with the destiny to fulfill it and

having the option to use a lucrative business tactic to enhance the physical attribute that already exist to combine and form a relational theory on productional output for the use of individual with individuals near or far in capturing the essences that can be combined with their creation while still maintaining the original idea this new ideas form an affair that is responsible for the direction and course to combine the methods and gifts that people in general have at their capable use and designation. Price fluctuations will occur on the basis, designed by computer, to increase and fluctuate at the occurring pricing demands of consumers, any price is acceptable under such circumstance that one individual may have a disposition to an aggrandized force of him spending his money on accountability to ensure the respect of ensuring the same profit for a company every year on the basis of calculation to occur at the discretion of owners to secure a excitable level of payment for themselves, we will not do this. Instead we will provide the automatic accountability to respect each individual’s ability to pay and ensure that their future payments of any further payments that may occur on the account of living and buying things will be the support to maintain the statement that I will be doing. The system is designed in such a way the production and manufacturing aspect is made in such a way as to have only one desire in how it is used for this matter and that is to be considered as the total profit master that has the respect of you know when you’ve done something good and you would expect him to pay you this amount to satisfy your hard earned effort on the part of this other individual and in a lot of cases the individual is stultified from getting his desired requested and argued for amount, keep this away from my program. (Price fluctuations will occur on the basis to increase and fluctuate at the occurring pricing demands of consumers.) The mechanism although any these idea and systems could now be made with the use of the computer by brain power, it still yet serves as a basic principle that can be applied to existing protocols in the inventors sector. The exactitude to have an attainess on the sources of funds the nativity of where they were taken in and how they will be in the accounts for the individuals as necessary to move money from person to person and company to personnel, and also exchanged through the business with others, in the matters of their participation to the growing habitat that seems to have stopped growing. The money is translucent in respects that it is beyond the limitations of currency funders and that the money will be counted as if earned for any currency standard location and the issue of the substance of each individual encurred the motivation to earn will be confronted on the issue of whether they deserve the payment in currency of the excepted culture of which they live in, this maintains order and stability and any living entity is at the highest regard to the respects of its matrix society and all things function in the secured locations as designed and ensured by the desires of the Forces in power of the universe. That’s the legal matter. People will not just be given a card for their convenience to start purchasing without remorse they will instead be given a method to ensure the equity and quality of their work. They will be given visions of what they made and their reward for at least right now to build up their finances and equity, the visions will be a rewarding experience because it now common place to structure a vision to receive an actual result instead of an in determined result. The money is going to be there and they can look at it count it spend it in accordance to within the company and practice their experience as individuals with imagination at work for them and be ensured that nothing said or done or thought will ever be anything other than respected asset of their own worth.

  Life The ultimate destination, your already there, there is no more timeline to worry about and the saga continues on and on for the relations of trust and comprising as mortals in the all surrounding world of which payment of respect is meant to be learned and envisioned and some how made to become part of making the life we have so much. The truth is people have been living in such a way as to undermine these forces that control and we only exist because we do and we have a right to say the desires of this creation that we live in and that respect

although not defined is a true sentiment into the reasons that we as people break the very foundation of the principles that the universes were designed to function. (And to answer this we did have an opportunity to change our surrounding atmosphere and make it into a desire but that desire was contemplated disaster and had to be destroyed our faith is live and love not to defy the very people who out weigh the cards of power and deceive and treat them with malice we will not stand for it and you are not ready to receive this gift and we decide when you do. Groups are common to focus on their own ambitions and we regard this with much respect because we see that they see their place in the world they have all the necessary funding of material mass to intertwine a convening collateral of total involvement with creation and this is much appreciated and always will be.) We have an issue of resolution to this problem of our children becoming untamed in our functional world and we just fixed it so if this matter needs to be discussed as to why our way of life wasn’t kept our way of life We have plenty to say on the matter. But it is life we discuss the creation of it already exists and is lived today and function to fill our lives with many things that regard our very existence highly. We offer you to re receive the life you lost in the last debacle of the destruction of the universe and try to put aside some of the situations that we have been so inclined not to live. But we will begin again and I will try not to confine only myself as the major decision maker.

  The factual inactuation is a sure acceptance that you trusted in the company and that through contemplating and embellishing the desires of your foundation of creation, changes will be apparent and the manifestation of the point of which you were seeking you would have no more need at the moment for the company but to enjoy the actuations of which were taken place for your benefit. The founding principles can be located and understood and they can be spoken and uninhibited to your excitement so that the truth of their being principles of life in

the region will be contemplated and related also to life as it should be if guaranteed to stay the desire of the forces at work, but this does not say there aren’t the delicacies that make life worth living an in compromising way but that all judgments are consider although not all judgments fulfill the staying power of creation.   I feel we have a lot in common maybe its our sense of encompassing all. The extravagance of the surrounding world is plenty to encourage the focus of the mind but we share our thoughts with people who know no better than what we tell them to do with what we let them know about what we know. This is an age old question and pursuit to our happiness. We’re from a different world and they find it in their hearts to treat us as outsider just like we treat them like sharing our knowledge with them is wsin that causes the destruction of our very sacred

bond with the spirit a God we hold dear to our creation of the place in which we live but they give us other options it is not all lost. We could in retrospect calculate our return on the knowledge we have to share and force a certain perspective from their point of view that is also to our liking. We know to much about everything and everything they touch they ruin so with much remorse for the two halves of the world we lost that kept these separate from acknowledgement, we now have to create the life we had that god given prayers answered for our daily entertainment and justification to reach the truth we set out to find in this world along with these traitorous name calling and forceful to betrayal and haunting the suspicions that we are here to represent them in their life and not to worry about our own lives until they decide it is the proper time that we should be rewarded.

In response to your recent interview I had a few comments. 1How bout you locate your compliance with the nature of film and try to convince yourself that anything can be real on film but the light is showing you care even more for the people affected by the film. 2 In hopes that this still works. It is a passion to hold all your feelings from yourself in distant belief to examine the true nature of the knowledgeable behavior and then if taste good to absorb and reflect the passions of a charted and desired acceptance that will build up the individual. 3 In a place where your forced to play different realities then you should go about excepting the natural course other peoples sense of regard for the matter at hand there will be times when you don’t find it funny but what your talking about when translated into its functional outcomes of such worded phrases your not that funny your not going to make us think pain is fun. 4 The constant bombardment of being considered a foreigner in this world is plenty of pain for anyone who thinks they are superior and our superiority causes them to learn also how to be superior.

Where has all the time gone is it over has it finally come down to this and the change that will take place? This truly is something that will astonish the likes of all the believers and disbelievers although the believers knew it would happen but the disbelievers were never really told because they like to do things with what we tell them that exist on the page of a destiny that we in the other world would choose not to do because it upsets the balance. Maybe we have to teach them about balance and the justification of knowing what not to do and not doing it.

    We have the electron magnet that also I forgot sorry that also goes in the computer this is a unique method of enticing atom charges in through into a decisive chamber with the need to fulfill strategy not taken into affect by actions that previous computer designers rushed to complete causing the system errors and system failures disregarding your commands because they hate you. But into a chamber that has the need to pass freely without any discrepancy and the ability to take the time needed to complete the procedure accurately. The ability to

stress the factor of tension is a remorseful act characterized by Frankie. I don’t know him I don’t want to. This starting to get complicated now I have so many things that I must explain to you my point is not being made and it is time that you realize that I answered your question and you should the care I am receiving away and save it for another time when you need it cause I’m annoy now I n just want to write and your commands over me are insulting my ability to perform. You need poly matrix tube to move the charge from shit super conductor is out it will not work with this. We need a permeable entrance to be put into against any matter that will by all means take the charge out of the atom with out force or desire just let them flow if they want or something. So this would be a new superconductor of pure energy charge this goes towards the chamber. When these charges flow through the other computer components they will find themselves associating highly with in the structure of consistent understanding because the same common placement that we feel from the holy spirit is also similar to this rare basis of belief in energy being alive is there a problem with that. I hope not respect life and life will respect you.

  I mean to mention later on but from previous encounters with the dead and other unnatural phenomenon the security and well of all people including living passing through and the dead, which are still considering if you believe in Jesus. They will be continually counted as individuals under the care of preserving an exchangeable condition of having money throughout life. I am sorry that this does seem stressful and uncoordinated but I told you I would later ev

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