A Political Love Affair

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  • 8/14/2019 A Political Love Affair


    Steve Baron

    Cambridge's Eye on Democracy

    A Political Love Affair

    475 words)

    Once upon a time I fell madly in love. She was the most gorgeous, intelligent and

    successful woman I had ever met, she changed my life forever. Unfortunately she went

    back to the devil she knew rather than the devil she didn't. Obviously she wasn't happy in

    her previous relationship, just as many voters aren't always happy with the previous

    government. Like this woman, we get tired of being dominated, controlled, manipulated,

    threatened and cheated on, so we flirt with something else to fill that empty chasm. In New

    Zealand politics there have been numerous third parties like Social Credit and New

    Zealand First. These flirtations have all come and gone but ultimately we keep returning to

    one of the two major parties. We keep going back for more punishment election after

    election. Every election they beg and plead with us and always promise to change their

    ways... but they rarely do. Alas, even though we know we can't really trust them anymore

    and our love for them is not the same it once was, we give them yet another chance. Our

    memories are very short. Over the years parliament has become a den of iniquity, full of

    broken election promises, ignored referendums, abuse of taxpayer money, fraud, racism,

    physical violence and arrogance. Just like some marriages I guess. Falling voter turnout

    only goes to prove the lack of trust New Zealanders have in their political system and their

    politicians. We complain, moan and groan but mostly we grin and bear it. Will we ever

    move on from this or are we destined to keep repeating history ad infinitum? What can we

    do about it anyway, this is our lot and we just have to accept it don't we? Well no we don't.

    We need to be prepared to make a stand, take back the control we have abdicated,

    become more aware, and more outspoken. We must become as some academics have

    referred to as the gladiators of society. The politically active and motivated who are not

    prepared to let politicians do all the thinking for them. For me, I've moved on, I no longer

    have a blind faith for any one political party. They all have their good and bad points. I

  • 8/14/2019 A Political Love Affair


    want more say on issues that can profoundly affect my life. I haven't given up on love, or

    politics. I will continue to comment, provoke and suggest new ideas, but I will refuse to

    vote any longer (as do twenty percent of the population). Some will argue that if I'm not

    prepared to vote then I can't complain. However, like workers who can withhold their

    labour when they are being unjustly treated, I can withhold my vote. Just like in a marriage,sexual favors can be withheld, so sorry, not tonight, not even next election my dear

    politicians, I have a headache.

    Steve Baron is an author, Founder of Better Democracy NZ, and a

    regular contributor to publications throughout New Zealand. He

    resides in Cambridge. [email protected]