what whot whart towads towards towords wald warld world quality quolity quorlity wasp warsp worsp watch wotch wortch waf fle wof fle worf fle wa war wor a, or and ar after w words Here are some different sounds which come after the letters w or qu: TIps Circle the words that are spelt correctly. Check Add a , ar or or to complete the words with parts missing. My brother and sister wil l often argue and qu r rel. The sailor travel led a l l around the w ld. I am very hungry and w nt to eat. Can you add another example to each row? Some parts of these words are missing. Add a , ar or or to make them complete. qu ntity w rd tow ds squ sh w w th w drobe ‘o’ sound This is mostly spelt ‘a’ after w and qu. want squash ‘ur’ sound This is mostly spelt or after w. work ‘or’ sound This is mostly spelt ‘ar’ after w. warm Spelling Workouts: Spelling Workouts:

a, or and ar after w words - Plazoom

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what whot


towads towards towords

wald warld world

quality quolity


warsp worsp

watch wotch


waffle woffle


wa war wor

a, or and ar after w words

Here are some different sounds which come after the letters w or qu:


Circle the words that are spelt correctly.Check

Add a, ar or or to complete the words with parts missing.

M y b r o t h e r a n d s i s t e r w i l l o f t e n a r g u e a n d q u r r e l .

T h e s a i l o r t r a v e l l e d a l l a r o u n d t h e w l d .

I a m v e r y h u n g r y a n d w n t t o e a t .

Can you add another example to each row?

Some parts of these words are missing. Add a, ar or or to make them complete.

qu ntity w rd

tow ds squ sh

w w th w drobe

‘o’ sound This is mostly spelt ‘a’ after w and qu.want squash

‘ur’ sound This is mostly spelt or after w.work

‘or’ sound This is mostly spelt ‘ar’ after w.warm

Spelling Workouts: Spelling Workouts:

Want Work

Below each picture is a word. Use that word in a sentence to describe the picture.Use

Read each sentence and change the underlined word or phrase for a new word. Your new word should have the same meaning and contain a, ar or or.


The knight used his long, pointed blade against the dragon.

Because we found the lost wallet we were given a prize.

Dad will give us some money if we clean the car.

I opened the window so that the black and yellow insect could fly out.

My uncle is not a talented cook. He made the least good meal I have ever eaten.






Rex has been playing in the garden. Write a short story about this image. How many of these blue words can you include in your writing?

Extra challenge: Can you include
