June 2012 Glendale Public School 24 Farnham Avenue Welland ON, L3C 3R1 Telephone: 905-735-5213 Fax: 905-735-2231 Email: [email protected] Web: Glendale.dsbn.org PATRICE JOHNSON Principal WES HAHN Superintendent 905-641-1550 SUE BARNETT Trustee 905-228-3132 A note especially for you... So much going on! With age comes wisdom. Really?? Does it not make more sense to start out with some of that wisdom so that we can do things right the first time instead of learning from our mistakes? Geez! For so many years I ran around working, working, raising a family (still continues with extended family), working, attempting to be active and healthy, coaching my daughter’s ringette team, coaching my son’s hockey and soccer team, working (did I mention this one before?), searching for my husband’s birth parents, running a business, returning to university, accessing diagnosis and support for my husband who has ADHD, working, volunteering in my community, being a good wife, mother, daughter, daughter-in- law, sister, grandmother, neighbour, oh yes, and working. Whew! There is more to life than the running and perhaps it is only now after all my running that I can truly appreciate the simple things and live in the moment. I know I'm not going to do a full 180 and radically change my life because other than a severe medical issue, I know I won’t. It’s just not me. BUT I am becoming aware that if the running, crazy days slow down or stop, I will still move forward. Baby steps! The expectations I have for myself need some adjusting. Play is a big part of my life. I enjoy playing! I am attempting (baby steps) to bring joy and play into every part of my life. Give it a go yourself. Stop what you're doing and laugh your heart out, just laugh. . .out loud and at nothing, grab someone at lunch and go for a walk, play ball or try a little bike riding. It doesn't have to take up your whole life; but it feels great if you can inflict some PLAY into your life! Have a lovely summer, Patrice Johnson Proudly Soaring toward success with Spirit, Strength & Responsibility”

A note especially for you - Glendale Public Schoolglendale.dsbn.org/documents/June2012newsletter.pdf · A note especially for you... June 2012 Glendale Public School 24 Farnham Avenue

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June 2012

Glendale Public

School 24 Farnham Avenue

Welland ON, L3C 3R1





Email: [email protected]











A note especially for you... So much going on! With age comes wisdom. Really?? Does it not make more sense to start out with some of that wisdom so that we can do things right the first time instead of learning from our mistakes? Geez! For so many years I ran around working, working, raising a family (still continues with extended family), working, attempting to be active and healthy, coaching my daughter’s ringette team, coaching my son’s hockey and soccer team, working (did I mention this one before?), searching for my husband’s birth parents, running a business, returning to university, accessing diagnosis and support for my husband who has ADHD, working, volunteering in my community, being a good wife, mother, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, grandmother, neighbour, oh yes, and working. Whew! There is more to life than the running and perhaps it is only now after all my running that I can truly appreciate the simple things and live in the moment. I know I'm not going to do a full 180 and radically change my life because other than a severe medical issue, I know I won’t. It’s just not me. BUT I am becoming aware that if the running, crazy days slow down or stop, I will still move forward. Baby steps! The expectations I have for myself need some adjusting. Play is a big part of my life. I enjoy playing! I am attempting (baby steps) to bring joy and play into every part of my life. Give it a go yourself. Stop what you're doing and laugh your heart out, just laugh. . .out loud and at nothing, grab someone at lunch and go for a walk, play ball or try a little bike riding. It doesn't have to take up your whole life; but it feels great if you can inflict some PLAY into your life! Have a lovely summer, Patrice Johnson

“Proudly Soaring toward success with Spirit, Strength & Responsibility”

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We continue to have heavy-duty garbage bags for sale at the cost of $8.00 per package of 50. See the

office or send in payment with your child. These are perfect for your spring cleaning!

We also have chocolate bars remaining at a reduced cost of $1.50 a bar. Get them while they are cold (we are

storing them in the freezer).

Please continue to send in your Canadian Tire money towards the purchase of a new BBQ for the school.


In our continued efforts to ensure quality data, it is important that parents provide updated address information as soon as possible in the event of a move. The transportation department relies on this information for the establishment of bus routes. The transportation department is open all summer, and will be happy to update your data. You can reach them at 905-346-0295. It is probably a good idea

to let the school know as soon as possible. Also, if you are living or have moved outside of the Glendale area, please make sure the proper paperwork has been completed. Alternate School Requests are needed if you wish to have your children remain at Glendale. The office will be open the last week of August to receive this information or you can send an email to [email protected].

Dogs on the Yard

With the nice weather upon us, some folks are bringing their pet dogs along for the walk when they pick up or drop off their children. We ask that you refrain from doing so. Some of our students are afraid of dogs and some have allergies to dogs. As well, some dogs behave in an unpredictable manner in a school yard full of noisy, active children. For the safety and comfort of all of our students during dismissal and entry times please do not bring your dog to school. Thank you for your co-operation.


Some safety issues to remind your children about when playing on the playground equipment:

. students must be wearing closed toe, low heel shoes – flip flops are not permitted.

. students should not be on the play equipment until a teacher is out on duty in the morning (8:35 am) and not at all

after school unless a parent is present – there is no playground supervision after school.

. the playground equipment is for climbing and sliding only, not for playing tag.

. only one person should be on an item at a time (ie one person sliding at a time).


The District School Board of Niagara offers students in Grades 5 to 8 the opportunity to take musical instrument lessons during school

hours. This is an amazing, affordable opportunity for students. Applications are available at the office or by calling 905-641-2929

x52296. Visit www.freewebs.com/niagaramusic for more information.


Our Father’s Day store will open from Tuesday June 12 to Friday June 15, or while supplies last. Students will be able

to buy special gifts ranging in price from $1.50 to $3.00. If you are available to help set up or work the store please contact Mrs. Jolliffe. Thank you!

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The Glendale Griffins Track and Field Team travelled to Ridgeway Crystal Beach High School on Wednesday May 16th for the Group 2 Meet. Forty-five students from grades 4 through 8 competed against some of the best runners, jumpers, and throwers from our school Region. Many of our students placed and received ribbons. All of our athletes are to be commended for their positive attitudes and best efforts. The following students will move on to the DSBN Track and Field Event on June 11th at the Niagara Olympic Club (behind West Park Secondary): Emily Campbell Hayley Williams

Tyler Haymes Curtis Egert Kennedy Seebach

Lee- Ann Skulj Olivia Watson

Congratulations to all team members! Mr. Rumsby and Mr. Neuman

FAMILY FUN NIGHT – THURSDAY, JUNE 21 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Come out and join your fellow Griffin families. We have some exciting things planned for everyone – paintball, BBQ, clowns, kiddie train rides, guessing jars, basket raffles and much, much more. Mark your calendars. You won’t want to miss this event! To volunteer, please complete and return the slip at the end of this newsletter.

School Council

Attached you will find nomination forms for School Council. Glendale School boasts a very supportive,

involved council who genuinely cares about our students. We would be pleased to have you join us! Councils

function best with a wide representation from all divisions. Meetings are held throughout the year from 6:30-

8:00 p.m. Please complete the form (either to nominate another or to nominate yourself) and return it to the

school as soon as possible. Thank you for your support



The Grade 4/5 and 5/6 Classes enjoyed two days and one night at Cave Springs Camp in Beamsville. They explored

the environment through hiking, bug and insect catching, pond and wood scavenger hunts and a roaring and musical

camp fire (with songs, skits, s’mores and spider dogs). The students completed critical thinking and team work

challenges which developed cooperation and collaboration skills. We especially enjoyed the candy we purchased at

the tuck shop and free time in our cabins. We learned to hit a target with a bow and arrow and

challenged the councillors to a game of Capture the Flag. We very much enjoyed all of the

spectacular meals provided by the camp and we ate a ton of pasta!!!! A huge thank you to all

the parents and teachers who supervised during the trip! We really appreciate all that you

do. A second huge thank you to all the staff at Cave Springs for making our trip

soooooooo outstanding!


The 2012-2013 School Year Calendar for elementary schools of the District School Board of Niagara which has been approved by the Ministry of Education, is available on our home page (see the column on the right side). You can also view the calendars on the Board website at www.dsbn.org.

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REPORT CARDS Term 2 final report cards will be going home with the students on Friday, June 22, except for the Grade 8 graduating students who will receive them on June 27. If you cannot return Page 3 by June 28th, please do so the first week of school in September. Although staff are in the school on June 29, there are many organizational meetings, end-of-year tasks to be completed, reports to be filed, and clearing out of classrooms. We will be busy, but would, however, be happy to discuss any issues arising from the report cards. Please call the school to arrange a time if necessary or to speak with a teacher.

School Supplies

A chart outlining what your child(ren) will need, according to grade, for next year will be included in the report card envelopes and is always on our website. Please note there are some supplies that the school cannot provide and ask that you make every effort to keep your child prepared for class throughout the year.

STUDENT PLACEMENT POLICY As student demographics and the primary class size regulations result in the necessity of split grades in some classes across the school, it

is critical that parents understand the process used to identify students who would be placed in a particular class. When split classes

occur, the following criteria will apply when decisions about student placement are made:

. the student’s learning style

. the student’s social maturity

. the student’s ability to undertake some work with relative independence

. the student’s innate ability

. the student’s attitude toward the commitment to school work

. the student’s organizational skills

. the student’s peer relationships

. the student’s need for specific type(s) of role models

. the number of identified special needs or IEP students in one class

. separation of siblings where suitable

. resulting class size

Depending on student needs, the priority given to one or more of these criteria may vary.

At this time, for the school year 2012-13, it is very difficult to commit to having certain grades (ie. 2/3 and 3/4 splits or straight grades).

This is due to our student numbers in the junior grades at this time of the year. If you have any concerns about your child’s placement in

September, please contact Mrs. Johnson.

CONGRATULATIONS GLENDALE!! The top three schools for Make Change for Children averaged $4 raised per student in their schools – and Glendale was one of them (we raised $800)! These three schools will be receiving a Carousel Players presentation for September 2012. So far, all of the DSBN schools involved have raised almost $15,000 towards the Poverty & Emergency Relief Campaign which is fantastic, as it is estimated that for 2012 we will be allocating twice that amount to individual student needs. All funds raised go directly to our DSBN students to assist for things such as medication and clothing. We cannot thank our schools enough for the effort, support and enthusiasm that was put into the campaigns. Thank you so much for your support! Dara Goulet Program Assistant and Event Coordinator Education Foundation of Niagara

HOT TEMPERATURES The very hot weather will soon be upon us. Please remember to dress in cool, comfortable clothing within our dress code. Undergarments may not be visible Hats may be worn outdoors only Midriffs may not be visible

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CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS Please mark your calendar for Thursday June 28 at 9:30 a.m. to attend our year-end Assembly and Volunteer

Appreciation. This event gives the staff and students a chance to properly thank you for all your hard work and

dedication to our school. Kindly complete the rsvp portion below and return to the school by Thursday June 14.

Please return this portion to the school before Thurs June 14.

❍ I/We will be attending the assembly.

❍ I/We will not be able to attend the assembly. I/We volunteer in the following area[s] (name of classroom, project, etc):

Name[s]: _________________________________________

FAMILY FUN NIGHT – THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2012 I/We are able to help with the event preparations. We prefer to set up supervise a booth for 30 minutes be a “go for” person serve clean up any of the above all of the above other Name(s) _________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone: _________________________________________________

MILK DRAW WINNERS Congratulations to the following students who were our Milk Draw Winners for the month of May: Sam J, Caleb A, Angelika K, Hanah L, Xandre P, Adelle E, Keon H, Emily C, Avigayle D, Ethan P, Hannah W


Fill in the answers to the following “skill-testing” questions, then hand into your teacher who will ensure it is placed in

the draw box at the office for a prize. Winners of last month’s draw were: Mitchell & Matthew W, Nicola & Quinne G,

Leigha & Nick R, and Keana B.

Are dogs allowed at school? __________________________________________________________________________

When is the Father’s Day Store ? ____________________________________________________________________


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Recently, our school was the recipient of a new video surveillance and electronic access system. It is expected that the installation will take place within the next week. This new system is the culmination of a project which began at the DSBN in May 2010. After much research, consultation and a year-long pilot at three DSBN schools, the project was deemed to be beneficial for both DSBN students and schools. We strive to maintain our school as a safe and secure learning environment for our students. The new system will bring some changes to our school which will enhance our safe school practices already in place along with monitors in the secretary’s and the principal’s offices. Video surveillance will consist of one camera installed at our front entrance. While the surveillance video camera is just one of the tools we will use to foster a safe and secure learning environment under the Safe Schools Act, it will be in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Should you have any questions about this project, please contact Mrs. Johnson by calling the school office at 905-735-5213.

June 2012

Safe and Secure Schools Project

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SUMMER PROGRAMS Occasionally, we receive information regarding summer programs in our community. Any such notices will be posted on our Community Bulletin Board at the front of the school, as an information service to our families.

A world of fantasy and fun at the Welland Public Library this summer by joining the 2012 TD Summer Reading Club. On June 8 you can pick up a brochure at the Library for details about fun summer programs for all ages or you can visit their website at www.welland.library.on.ca

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I wish to nominate the following individual for an elected position as a parent/guardian representative on the GLENDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL.

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________


Home Telephone:_____________________________ Business Telephone:___________________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________________________

Position Sought: Member Secretary Treasurer Vice-Chair Chair

I am the parent/guardian of ______________________________________________________________________

who is/are currently registered at GLENDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL.

The above mentioned nominee is the parent/guardian of _______________________________________________,

who is/are currently registered at GLENDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL.

The person I have nominated is an employee of the District School Board of Niagara. yes no


Nominator=s Signature



Please include a brief biography of the candidate you have nominated on a separate sheet and attach it to this form.

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I wish to declare my candidacy for an elected position as a parent/guardian representative on the GLENDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL.

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________


Home Telephone:_____________________________ Business Telephone:___________________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________________________

Position Sought: Member Secretary Treasurer Vice-Chair Chair

I am the parent/guardian of ______________________________________________________________________

who is/are currently registered at GLENDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL.

I am an employee of the District School Board of Niagara. yes no

________________________________________________________________ Candidate=s Signature

_____________________ Date

Please include a brief autobiography on a separate sheet and attach to this form.

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Memorial Public School SAC and PTA proudly present:

An Evening with Laurie Flasko,

author of “Bullying is Not a Game:

A Parents' Survival Guide”

Ms. Flasko is a highly regarded professional speaker who will share her powerful story of torment,

trauma and healing. Her book chronicles her daughter's and her own poignant struggles through

bullying and how to support, guide and empower a child who has fallen victim. This information

session is for parents, and we will provide baby-sitting during Ms. Flasko's speech.


Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

6:00 p.m.- 6:30 p.m.: Pizza dinner and refreshments

6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.: Ms. Flakso's keynote speech

7:30p.m.-8:00 p.m.: Questions and answers

Ms. Flasko will have copies of her book available for purchase at the

school on June 6th.

_________________________________________________ In order to adequately provide food and handouts, we require families return this form to the

office indicating the number of people attending, and the number of children who require

babysitting. Tickets will be sent home prior to June 6th and MUST be presented at the door on

June 6th. Those tickets will be entered into a draw to win a copy of her book “Bullying is Not a

Game: A Parent's Survival Guide”.

Family Name:__________________ Student's Name:__________________

# of people for dinner:___________ # of children for baby-sitting:_______

Deadline for registration is May 31, 2012