Android SDK / API Documentation DOCUMENT VERSION 4.7 Android SDK Version 4.7 DATE REVISED December 2018

A n dr o i d S D K / A P I D o c u me n t at i o n · Tab l e o f C o n te n ts 1. Application Setup 6 Step 1: Add Spreo SDK to you project 6 Step 2: Add Google dependencies 6 Step

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Android SDK / API Documentation     


Android SDK Version  4.7 

DATE REVISED  December 2018 




Table of Contents  1. Application Setup 6

Step 1: Add Spreo SDK to you project 6

Step 2: Add Google dependencies 6

Step 3: Set the required SDK level 6

Step 4: Set the required permissions 6

Step 5: Handle permissions 6

Step 6: Set your SPREO API key 6

Step 7: Set your Google API key 7

2. Update and Load the Required Data 7

Step 1: Implement ConfigsUpdaterListener interface 7

Step 2: Subscribe to update events and start the update 7

Step 3: Subscribe to sdk messages events 7

Step 4: When the download ends you can start the location service 7

3. Implement the SpreoDualMapView 8

Step 1: Add a SpreoDualMapView to your XML layout 8

Step 2: Add a SpreoDualMapView member in your activity 8

Step 3: Initiate the SpreoDualMapView 8

Step 4: Add methods required for Google map functionality 8

4. Enable Application to Receive and React to SpreoDualMapView Events 8

Step 1: Implement SpreoDualMapViewListener interface 8

Step 2: Register to map events 9

5. Interact with the SpreoDualMapView 9

Example 1: Change the map zoom level 9

Example 2: Present a specific campus 9

Example 3: Present a specific facility. 10

Example 3: Center map to present a specific POI 10

Example 4: Center map to present the user location 10

Example 5: Center map to present a location 10

Example 6: Get the ID of the presented floor 10

Example 7: Get the title of a specific floor 10

Example 8: Change the default user icon 10

Example 9: Redraw pois 10

Example 10: Register/Unregister from mapView events 10

Example 11: Register/Unregister from navigation events 11

Example 12: Open poi bubble 11

Example 13: Close poi bubble 11

Example 14: Customizing my parking icon 11

Example 15: Open my parking bubble 11

Example 16: Close my parking bubble 11

Example 17: Show/hide all pois on map 11

Example 18: Change icon for a poi 11


Example 19: Change icon for poi list 11

Example 20: Set visible pois list 12

Example 21: Return to default zoom 12

Example 22: Present a specific floor 12

Example 23: Present multi point navigation 12

Example 24: Remove the multi point navigation 12

Example 25: Set the visible labels 12

Example 26: Hide all labels 12

Example 27: Show all labels 12

Example 28: Displaying friends locations on the map 12

6. Navigation 13

Example 1: Start navigation 13

Example 2: Stop navigation 13

Example 3: Simulate navigation 13

Example 4: Getting total route distance 13

Example 5: Using feet units for distance measurement 14

7. Enable Your Application to Receive and React to Navigation Events 14

Step 1: Implement the SpreoNavigationListener interface 14

Step 2: Register to the navigation events 14

Step 3: Use INavInstruction object from OnNavigationInstructionChanged callback to get the instruction details14

Example 1: Display distance to next navigation instruction 14

8. Save and Navigate to Parking Location 15

Example 1: Save your current location as parking location 15

Example 2: Save a location as parking location 15

Example 3: Remove parking location 15

Example 4: Check if there is a saved parking location 15

Example 5: Get the saved parking location 15

Example 6: Navigate to the saved parking location 15

9. Enable your Application to Receive and React to Real Time Location 15

Step 1: Implement MyLocationListener interface 15

Step 2: Subscribe to location events 15

10. Working with the POI list 16

Example 1: Get the POI list for a specific campus 16

Example 2: Get the POI list for a specific facility 16

Example 3: Get the POI list for a specific floor 16

Example 4: Get the POI categories list 16

Example 5: Set the list of the visible categories on map 16

Example 6: Get POIs sorted alphabetically 17

Example 7: Get POIs sorted by distance from location 17

Example 8: Get POIs with category 17

Example 9: Get POIs sorted alphabetically with categories 17

Example 10: Get POIs sorted by distance from location with categories 17

Example 11: Getting distance to POI or to the list of POIs 17


11. Change Settings 17

Example 1: Set the type of Google map 17

Example 2: Set the navigation route color 17

Example 3: Get the navigation route color 18

Example 4: Set the visibility of the navigation instructions 18

Example 5: Get the visibility of the navigation instructions 18

Example 6: Set the status of the instructions sound 18

Example 7: Get the status of the instructions sound 18

Example 8: Set simplified instruction 18

Example 9: Set the interval for the map auto follow mode 18

Example 10: Set the map rotation type 18

Example 11: Get the map rotation type 19

Example 12: Set the map navigation type 19

Example 13: Set whether to include the parking in the multiPois or not 19

Example 14: Set whether to include entrances in the multiPois or not 19

Example 15: Set whether to include switch floors in the multiPois or not 19

Example 16: Set the ui options for multi point navigation 19

Example 17: Set the dual map default zoom 19

Example 18: Set the visibility of the floor picker 19

Example 19: Set feet as measured units for the distance to next navigation instruction 20

Example 20: Hide content of the top floor 20

Example 21: Set up location analytics 20

12. Data Provider 20

Example 1: Get the SDK version 20

Example 2: Get the selected campus ID 20

Example 3: Get the campuses list 20

Example 4: Get the facilities list for a specific campus 20

Example 5: Get the title of a specific floor 20

Example 6: Get info for a specific campus 21

Example 7: Get info for a specific facility 21

Example 8: Get info for a specific floor 21

Example 9: Get the facility of the floor picker (the facility with highest number of floors) 22

13. Interfaces 22

Interface 1: ILocation 22

Interface 2: IPoi 22

Interface 3: INavInstruction 23

Interface 4: ConfigsUpdaterListener 23

14. Enum Types 23

Enum 1: MapRotationType 23

Enum 2: NavigationState 23

Enum 3: ResUpdateStatus 23

Enum 4: LocationMode 23

Enum 5: NavigationType 23


15. Listening to Geofences 23

Step 1: Implement the ZoneDetection interface 23

Step 2: Subscribe to the geofence events and set the geofences names (types) 24

16. Change Log 24



1. Application Setup 

Step 1: Add Spreo SDK to you project Copy spreo-sdk-lib.aar file to the “<project>/<app>/libs/” folder on your project. If The libs folder doesn’t exists create it.

Add the following code to the <project>/build.gradle:

allprojects {

repositories { jcenter() flatDir { dirs 'libs'




Add the following code to the dependencies on the <project>/app/build.gradle:

compile(name:'spreo-sdk-lib', ext:'aar')

Step 2: Add Google dependencies Add the following code to the dependencies on the <project>/app/build.gradle:

compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:10.2.6' compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:10.2.6'

Step 3: Set the required SDK level 

Add these lines in your AndroidManifest file:

<uses-sdkandroid:minSdkVersion="18"android:targetSdkVersion="25" />

Step 4: Set the required permissions Add the following lines in your AndroidManifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />

Step 5: Handle permissions Beginning in Android 6.0 permissions are not granted when users install the application. Some of the permissions are now considered as dangerous, so user must accept it at runtime. More information about the new permissions can be found on Google's https://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting.html.

A sample of handling the permissions request can be found on the attached sample Application.

Step 6: Set your SPREO API key 


Add this line to the application element in your AndroidManifest file:

<meta-data android:name="Spreo_api_key" android:value="<PUT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>" /> 

Step 7: Set your Google API key 

Add these lines to the application element in your AndroidManifest file.

<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.maps.v2.API_KEY" android:value="<PUT_YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>" />

2. Update and Load the Required Data Important: you have to update the data before you can start working with the SDK.

Step 1: Implement ConfigsUpdaterListener interface

public class MainActivity extends Activity implements ConfigsUpdaterListener {public void onPreConfigsDownload() {} This method will be called when the update starts.

public void onPostConfigsDownload(ResUpdateStatus status) {} This method will be called when the update ends.

Step 2: Subscribe to update events and start the update public class MainActivity extends Activity implements ConfigsUpdaterListener, ConfigsLoadListener { SpreoResourceConfigsUtils.subscribeToResourceUpdateService(this); SpreoResourceConfigsUtils.update(this); . . .

Step 3: Subscribe to sdk messages events 

SDKMsgsManager manages the messaged on the system level public class MainActivity extends Activity implements SDKMsgsListener{ // subscribe to sdk messages events SDKMsgsManager.getInstance().subscribe(this); . . @Override public void onGPSproviderStatusChanged(boolean isEnabled) { // check here if the GPS provider is enabled or not // you need to turn it on.

String msg = (isEnabled == true )? "GPS PROVIDER IS ENABLED":"GPS PROVIDER IS DISABLED";

Toast.makeText(this, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } . . . //unsubscibe from messages manager SDKMsgsManager.getInstance().unsubscibe(this);

Step 4: When the download ends you can start the location service 


public void onPostConfigsDownload(ResUpdateStatus status){ SpreoResourceConfigsUtils.unSubscribeFromResourceUpdateService(this); SpreoLocationProvider.getInstance().startLocationService(ctx);

Note: for stopping the location service use the following method: SpreoLocationProvider.getInstance().stopLocationService(); . .

3. Implement the SpreoDualMapView 

Step 1: Add a SpreoDualMapView to your XML layout 

<com.spreo.sdk.view.SpreoDualMapView android:id="@+id/SpreoMap" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

Step 2: Add a SpreoDualMapView member in your activity 

SpreoDualMapView mapView;

Step 3: Initiate the SpreoDualMapView In your activity onCreate method add the following lines:

mapView = (SpreoDualMapView) findViewById(R.id.SpreoMap); mapView.onCreate(savedInstanceState);

Step 4: Add methods required for Google map functionality 

In your Activity override the onResume, onPause, onDestroy, onLowMemory, onSaveInstanceState methods and call the following SpreoDualMapView methods:

protected void onResume() { mapView.onResume(); super.onResume(); }

protected void onDestroy() { mapView.onDestroy(); super.onDestroy(); }

protected void onPause() { mapView.onPause(); super.onPause(); }

public void onLowMemory() { mapView.onLowMemory(); super.onLowMemory(); }

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { mapView.onSaveInstanceState(outState); super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); }

4. Enable Application to Receive and React to SpreoDualMapView Events 

Step 1: Implement SpreoDualMapViewListener interface 

void mapDidLoad();

This method will be called when the map load finished. Important - you should wait for this call before you start interacting with the map view.

public void onPoiClick(IPoi poi) {}


This method will be called when the map detect a click on a POI.

public void onBubbleClick(IPoi poi)

This method will be called when the map detect a click on a POI bubble

public void onMyParkingMarkerClick()

This method will be called when the map detects a click on my parking marker

public void onMyParkingBubbleClick()

This method will be called when the map detects a click on my parking marker bubble

void onUserlocationClick();

This method will be called when the map detects a click on the user location icon.

void onUserLocationBubbleClick();

This method will be called when the map detects a click on the user location bubble.

void onLabelClick(ILabel label);

This method will be called when the map detects a click on the label.

void onMapClick(LatLng latlng, String facilityId, int floor);

This method will be called when a click on the map detected.

void onMapLongClick(LatLng latlng, String facilityId, int floor);

This method will be called when a long click on the map detected.

void mapDidLoadFloor(String campusId, String facilityId, int floorId);

This method will be called when the map load floor in a spesific facility.

public void OnFloorChange(int floor) {} This method will be called when the map change floor.

Set a custom view for the poi bubble:

public View aboutToOpenBubble(IPoi poi) { View view; . . . return view; }

Note: The bubble that is drawn is not a live view. The view is rendered as an image at the time it is returned. This means that any subsequent changes to the view will not be reflected by the bubble on the map. Furthermore, the view will not respect any of the interactivity typical for a normal view such as touch or gesture events.

Step 2: Register to map events public class MapListener implements SpreoDualMapViewListener { mapView.registerMapListener(this);

5. Interact with the SpreoDualMapView Important: you should wait for the "mapDidLoad()" event before you start interacting with the map.

Example 1: Change the map zoom level mapView.mapZoomIn(); mapView.mapZoomOut();

Example 2: Present a specific campus mapView.presentCampus(campusId);


Example 3: Present a specific facility. 

mapView.presentFacility(campusId, facilityId);

Example 3: Center map to present a specific POI IPoi poi; . . . mapView.showPoi(poi);

Example 4: Center map to present the user location mapView.showMyLocation();

Example 5: Center map to present a location ILocation location; . . . mapView.presentLocation(location);

Example 6: Get the ID of the presented floor String facilityId; . . . int floorid = mapView.getPresentedFloorId(facilityId);

Example 7: Get the title of a specific floor int floorId; . . . String title = mapView.getFloorTitleForFloorId(campusId, facilityId, floorId);

Example 8: Change the default user icon Bitmap userBitmap; . . . mapView.setUserIcon(userBitmap);

Example 9: Redraw pois mapView.reDrawPois();

Example 10: Register/Unregister from mapView events mapView.registerListener(this); mapView.unregisterMapListener(this);


Example 11: Register/Unregister from navigation events mapView.registerNavigationListener(this); mapView.unregisterNavigationListener(this);

Example 12: Open poi bubble 

IPoi poi; . . . mapView.openPoiBubble(poi)

Example 13: Close poi bubble 

IPoi poi; . . . mapView.closeBubble(poi)

Example 14: Customizing my parking icon Bitmap icon; . . . mapView.setMyParkingMarkerIcon(icon);

Example 15: Open my parking bubble 


Example 16: Close my parking bubble 


Example 17: Show/hide all pois on map mapView.showAllPois(); mapView.hideAllPois();

Example 18: Change icon for a poi 

IPoi poi = null; Bitmap icon = null; . . . mapView.setIconForPoi(poi, icon);

Example 19: Change icon for poi list 

Bitmap poiicon; List<IPoi> poilist; . . .


mapView.setIconForPoiList(poilist, poiicon);

Example 20: Set visible pois list 

List<String> poiIdsList; . . . mapView.setVisiblePoisWithIds(poiIdsList);

Example 21: Return to default zoom 


Example 22: Present a specific floor 

int floorId; . . . mapView.showFloorWithId(floorId);

Example 23: Present multi point navigation 

List<IPoi> poilist; List<IPoi> visitedPoiList; . . . mapView.presentMultiPoiRoute(poilist, visitedPoiList);

Example 24: Remove the multi point navigation 


Example 25: Set the visible labels 

List<String> labelIdsList; . . . mapView.setVisibleLabelsWithIds(labelIdsList);

Example 26: Hide all labels 


Example 27: Show all labels mapView.showAllLabels();

Example 28: Displaying friends locations on the map You can use methods of the com.spreo.ui.utils.FriendsManager class to display friends locations on the map.


To add (or update) friend location on the map you need to call FriendsManager.updateFriend(String id, Bitmap icon, ILocation location, String name) method. If you already displaying a SpreoDualMapView on the screen you have to call FriendsManager.updateFriendsOnMap(SpreoDualMapView dualMapView) after adding all friends location to the FriendsManager to update the map. Otherwise friends location will be displayed on the map as soon as SpreoDualMapView component would be added to the screen.

You also can use FriendsManager.updateFriendsOnMap(SpreoDualMapView dualMapView) FriendsManager .removeAllFriends() methods to remove friends from the map and Friend FriendsManager.getFriend(String id) methods to get the data associated with previously added friend.

6. Navigation 

Example 1: Start navigation Choose one of the following methods: Navigate to a specific POI: IPoi poi; . . . mapView.navigateTo(ipoi); Navigate to Location: ILocation location; . . .


Example 2: Stop navigation mapView.stopNavigation();

Example 3: Simulate navigation Choose one of the following methods: Simulate navigation to specific POI: IPoi poi; . . . mapView.simulateNavigationTo(poi); Simulate navigation to a IPoi from a specific origin location: ILocation origin; IPoi poi; . . . mapView.simulateNavigationTo(origin, poi); Simulate navigation to the saved parking location: ILocation origin; . . . mapView.simulateNavigationToParking(origin); Stop simulation: mapView.stopSimulation();

Example 4: Getting total route distance IPoi poi; .


. . mapView.navigateTo(ipoi); double totalRouteDistance = mapView.getRouteDistance();

Example 5: Using feet units for distance measurement If you want to retrieve distance value in feet units just enable this options with the SettingsProvider: SettingsProvider.getInstance().setUseFeetForDistance(true);

7. Enable Your Application to Receive and React to Navigation Events 


Step 1: Implement the SpreoNavigationListener interface public class NavigationListener implements SpreoNavigationListener { public void onNavigationStateChanged(NavigationState state) {} This method will be called when the map detects change in the navigation state.

public void OnNavigationInstructionChanged(INavInstruction instruction) {} This method will be called when the map detects change in the navigation instructions.

public void onNavigationArriveToPoi(IPoi arrivedToPoi, List<IPoi> nextPois) {} This method will be called when the user arrive to a poi.

public void onInstructionRangeEntered(INavInstruction instruction) This method is deprecated.

Step 2: Register to the navigation events mapView.registerNavigationListener(this);

Step 3: Use INavInstruction object from OnNavigationInstructionChanged callback to 

get the instruction details 

public interface INavInstruction {

// instruction text String getText();

// instruction icon Bitmap getSignBitmap();

// distance to next navigation instruction double getDistance(); }

Example 1: Display distance to next navigation instruction 

public class NavigationListener implements SpreoNavigationListener { public void OnNavigationInstructionChanged(INavInstruction instruction { // when the instruction changed update the custom layout with the new instruction if (instruction != null) { String txt = instruction.getText(); if (txt != null) { // output the distance to next navigation instruction with instruction text txt += String.format(", distance: %.2f meter(s)", instruction.getDistance());insTextView.setText(txt);


} } }


8. Save and Navigate to Parking Location 

Example 1: Save your current location as parking location mapView.setCurrentLocationAsParking();

Example 2: Save a location as parking location ILocation location; . . . mapView.setLocationAsParking(location);

Example 3: Remove parking location mapView.removeParkingLocation();

Example 4: Check if there is a saved parking location boolean hasparkinglocation = mapView.hasParkingLocation();

Example 5: Get the saved parking location ILocation location = mapView.getParkingLocation();

Example 6: Navigate to the saved parking location mapView.navigateToParking();

9. Enable your Application to Receive and React to Real Time Location 

Step 1: Implement MyLocationListener interface public class LocationListener implements MyLocationListener { public void onLocationDelivered(ILocation location) {} This method will be called each time device location changes.

public void onCampusRegionEntrance(String campusId) {} This method will be called each time the user gets into the campus.

Public void onFacilityRegionEntrance(String campusId, String facilityId) {} This method will be called each time the user gets into a facility.

Public void onFacilityRegionExit(String campusId, String facilityId) {} This method will be called each time the user exits a facility.

Public void onFloorChange(String campusId, String facilityId, int floor) {} This method will be called each time the user change floor.


Step 2: Subscribe to location events public class LocationListener implements MyLocationListener { SpreoLocationProvider.getInstance().subscribeForLocation(this); Notes:

● For unsubscribing from location events do the following: SpreoLocationProvider.getInstance().unSubscribeFromLocationService(this);

● For checking if the location service is tracking user location use the following method: ● boolean istracking = SpreoLocationProvider.getInstance().isTrackingUserLocation() Returns true if is tracking

user location. Otherwise, returns false. ● If you want to get the user location use the following method ILocation =

SpreoLocationProvider.getInstance().getUserLocation(); Returns ILocation object containing the location info of the user

10. Working with the POI list 

Example 1: Get the POI list for a specific campus String campusId; . . . List<IPoi> pois = PoisUtils.getAllCampusPoisList(campusId);

Example 2: Get the POI list for a specific facility String campusId; String facilityId; . . . PoisUtils.getAllFacilityPoisList(campusId, facilityId);

Example 3: Get the POI list for a specific floor String campusId; String facilityId; String floorId; . . . List<IPoi> pois = PoisUtils.getAllFloorPoisList(campusId, facilityId, loorId);

Example 4: Get the POI categories list 

List<PoiCategory> cats = PoisUtils.getPoiCategoies();

Example 5: Set the list of the visible categories on map 

List<PoiCategory> categories; . . . PoisUtils.setPoiCategoriesVisible(categories);


Example 6: Get POIs sorted alphabetically 

String campusID = SpreoDataProvider.getCampusId(); List<IPoi> pois = PoisUtils.getAllCampusPoisList(campusID); List<IPoi> sortedList = SortingPoiUtil.getPoisSortedAlphabetical(pois); 

Example 7: Get POIs sorted by distance from location 

String campusID = SpreoDataProvider.getCampusId(); List<IPoi> pois = PoisUtils.getAllCampusPoisList(campusID); List<IPoi> sortedList = SortingPoiUtil.getPoisSortedByLocation(pois, myLocation);

Example 8: Get POIs with category String campusID = SpreoDataProvider.getCampusId(); List<IPoi> pois = PoisUtils.getAllCampusPoisList(campusID); List<String> categoriesList = Arrays.asList("services", "workstations"); List<IPoi> sortedList = PoisUtils.getPoisWithCategories(pois, categoriesList);

Example 9: Get POIs sorted alphabetically with categories String campusID = SpreoDataProvider.getCampusId(); List<IPoi> pois = PoisUtils.getAllCampusPoisList(campusID); List<IPoi> sortedList = SortingPoiUtil.getPoisSortedAlphabetical(pois); List<String> categoriesList = Arrays.asList("services", "workstations"); List<IPoi> filteredList = PoisUtils.getPoisWithCategories(sortedList, categoriesList);

Example 10: Get POIs sorted by distance from location with categories String campusID = SpreoDataProvider.getCampusId(); List<IPoi> pois = PoisUtils.getAllCampusPoisList(campusID); List<IPoi> sortedList = SortingPoiUtil.getPoisSortedByLocation(pois, myLocation); List<String> categoriesList = Arrays.asList("services", "workstations"); List<IPoi> filteredList = PoisUtils.getPoisWithCategories(sortedList, categoriesList)

Example 11: Getting distance to POI or to the list of POIs //getting distance to single POI IPoi poi = ... double distance = PoisUtils.getDistanceToPoi(outdoor, poi); //getting distance to the list of POIs ILocation location = ... List<IPoi> poisList = ... List<PoiDistance> poiDistances = PoisUtils.getDistanceToPoiList(location, poisList, true); PoiDistance distance = poiDistances.get(0); System.out.println("distance to"+ distance.poi + ": " + distance.getDistance());

11. Change Settings 

Example 1: Set the type of Google map int mapType = GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL; (use the Google map types) SettingsProvider.getInstance().setMapType(mapType);

Example 2: Set the navigation route color String routeHexColor = "#701E84"; SettingsProvider.getInstance().setRouteColor(routeHexColor);


Example 3: Get the navigation route color String routeHexColor = SettingsProvider.getInstance().getRouteColor();

Example 4: Set the visibility of the navigation instructions boolean display; . . . SettingsProvider.getInstance().setDisplayNavigationInstructionsOnMap(display);

Example 5: Get the visibility of the navigation instructions SettingsProvider.getInstance().isDisplayNavigationInstructionsOnMap();

Example 6: Set the status of the instructions sound boolean mute; . . . SettingsProvider.getInstance().setNavigationInstructionsSoundMute(mute);

Example 7: Get the status of the instructions sound boolean mute = SettingsProvider.getInstance().isNavigationInstructionsSoundMute();

Example 8: Set simplified instruction Boolean isSimplified; . . SettingsProvider.getInstance().setSimplifiedInstruction(isSimplified);

Example 9: Set the interval for the map auto follow mode Set the interval for the map auto follow mode: Sets user auto follow time interval (in milliseconds). After the specified time interval the state of auto follow will be reset (interval from the last map interaction). Set this value to -1 if you want to disable follow me mode. long interval; (interval in Milliseconds) . . . SettingsProvider.getInstance().setUserAutoFollowTimeInterval(interval);

Example 10: Set the map rotation type MapRotationType rotationType; . . . SettingsProvider.getInstance().setMapRotation(rotationType);


Example 11: Get the map rotation type MapRotationType rotationType = SettingsProvider.getInstance().getMapRotationType();

Example 12: Set the map navigation type The NavigationType is related to three states:

● ESCALATORS in which the navigation algorithm prefer to choose escalator in navigation route path. ● DISABLED in which the navigation algorithm prefer to choose elevators in navigation route path. ● DEFAULT no preference to be chosen when navigation route path is built.

NavigationType navigationType= NavigationType .DEFAULT ; SettingsProvider.getInstance().setNavigationType(navigationType);

Example 13: Set whether to include the parking in the multiPois or not boolean include; . SettingsProvider.getInstance().setIncludeParkingToMultiPois(include);

Example 14: Set whether to include entrances in the multiPois or not boolean include; . . . SettingsProvider.getInstance().setIncludeEntrancesToMultiPois(include);

Example 15: Set whether to include switch floors in the multiPois or not boolean include; . . . SettingsProvider.getInstance().setIncludeSwitchFloorsToMultiPois(include);

Example 16: Set the ui options for multi point navigation MultiPoiUIOptions options; . . . SettingsProvider.getInstance().setMultiPoiUIOptions(options);

Example 17: Set the dual map default zoom float zoom; . SettingsProvider.getInstance().setDualMapDefaultZoom(zoom);

Example 18: Set the visibility of the floor picker boolean visible; . . .



Example 19: Set feet as measured units for the distance to next navigation instruction SettingsProvider.getInstance().setUseFeetForDistance(true)

Example 20: Hide content of the top floor You can choose which of the floors of your buildings would be shown on the map (see Example 22 of the Section 5). The buildings can have a different number of floors. When you choose a floor higher than the last floor of some buildings, we show the contents of the last floor for these buildings. You can configure your project to hide the contents of the last floor in this case:


Example 21: Set up location analytics //Configure SDK to report location every 20 seconds to server for location analytics SettingsProvider.getInstance().setAnalyticsInterval(20000); SettingsProvider.getInstance().setUserAnalyticsEnable(true);

You can limit location reports using SettingsProvider.getInstance().setLocationReportLimitation(reportLimitation) method. Call it with ReportLimitation.INDOOR to report only indoor locations, use ReportLimitation.IN_CAMPUS to report all location which are inside campus area or ReportLimitation. ALWAYS to send all locations. Default value is ReportLimitation.IN_CAMPUS.

12. Data Provider 

Example 1: Get the SDK version String version = SpreoDataProvider.getSdkVersion();

Example 2: Get the selected campus ID String campusid = SpreoDataProvider.getCampusId();

Example 3: Get the campuses list List<String> campuseslist = SpreoDataProvider.getCampusesList();

Example 4: Get the facilities list for a specific campus String campusId; . . . List<String> facilitieslist = SpreoDataProvider.getCampusFacilities(campusId);

Example 5: Get the title of a specific floor String campusId; . . .

String facilityId; . .



int floorIndex; . . .

String title = SpreoDataProvider.getFloorTitle(campusId, facilityId, floorIndex);

Example 6: Get info for a specific campus String campusId; . . . HashMap<String, Object> campusinfo = SpreoDataProvider.getCampusInfo(campusId); The method returns a map containing the following key/value pairs:

key value / type

id id of campus (String)

name name of campus (String)

location center location in lat/lon (LatLng)

Example 7: Get info for a specific facility String campusId; . . . String facilityId; . . . HashMap<String, Object> facilityinfo = SpreoDataProvider.getFacilityInfo(campusId, facilityId); The method returns a map containing the following key/value pairs:

key value / type

Id id of facility (String)

name name of facility (String)

location center location center location in lat/lon (LatLng)

floors list of floors numbers (List<Integer>)

Example 8: Get info for a specific floor String campusId; . . .


String facilityId; . . . int floorIndex; . . . HashMap<String, Object> floorinfo = SpreoDataProvider.getFloorInfo(campusId, facilityId, floorIndex); The method returns a map containing the following key/value pairs:

key value / type

title title of floor (String)

Example 9: Get the facility of the floor picker (the facility with highest number of 


String facilityId = SpreoDataProvider.getFloorPickerFacilityId();

13. Interfaces 

Interface 1: ILocation JSONObject getAsJson(); JSONObject getAsJson(); void parse(JSONObject jsonobject); double getX(); double getY(); double getZ(); double getLat(); double getLon(); LocationMode getLocationType(); String getCampusId(); String getFacilityId(); void setLat(double lat); void setLon(double lon); void setType(LocationMode locationMode); void setCampusId(String campusId); void setFacilityId(String facilityId); void setX(double x); void setY(double y); void setZ(double z);

Interface 2: IPoi List<String> getPoiKeywords(); void setPoiKeywords(List<String> poiKeywords); String getPoiuri(); void setPoiuri(String poiuri); List<String> getPoitype(); void setPoitype(String poitype); String getpoiDescription(); void setpoiDescription(String description); PointF getPoint(); void setPoint(PointF point); double getZ(); void setZ(double z); String getUrl(); void setUrl(String url); String getDetails(); void setDetails(String details); boolean isShowPoiOnMap(); void setShowPoiOnMap(boolean showPoiOnMap); boolean isShowPoiOnSearches(); void setShowPoiOnSearches(boolean showPoiOnSearches); boolean isShowPoiBubble(); void setShowPoiBubble(boolean showPoiBubble); boolean isPoiPlayMultyMedia(); void setPoiPlayMultyMedia(boolean poiPlayMultyMedia); String getPoiID(); void setPoiID(String poiID); String getPoiNavigationType(); void setPoiNavigationType(String poiNavigationType); double getPoiLatitude(); void setPoiLatitude(double poiLatitude); double getPoiLongitude(); void setPoiLongitude(double poiLongitude); boolean isShowOnZoomLevel(); void setShowOnZoomLevel(boolean showOnZoomLevel); float getX();


float getY(); boolean isPoiClickAble(); void setPoiClickAble(boolean poiClickAble); boolean isInstructionsParticipate(); void setInstructionsParticipate(boolean instructionsParticipate); String getPoiofficeinstuctions(); void setPoiofficeinstuctions(String poiofficeinstuctions); boolean isPoishowincategory(); void setPoishowincategory(boolean poishowincategory); String getMediaurl(); void setMediaurl(String mediaurl); String getKeyWordsAsString(); ILocation getLocation(); void setLocation(ILocation location); List<String> getActivehours(); void setActivehours(List<String> activehours); List<String> getPhone2hours(); void setPhone2hours(List<String> Phone2hours); List<String> getPhone1(); void setPhone1(List<String> Phone1); List<String> getPhone2(); void setPhone2(List<String> Phone2); String getEmailaddress(); void setEmailaddress(String Emailaddress); Bitmap getIcon(); void setIcon(Bitmap icon);

Interface 3: INavInstruction String getText(); Bitmap getSignBitmap(); int getId();

Interface 4: ConfigsUpdaterListener public void onPreConfigsDownload(); public void onPostConfigsDownload(ResUpdateStatus status)

14. Enum Types 




Enum 4: LocationMode INDOOR_MODE, OUTDOOR_MODE; 


15. Listening to Geofences 

Step 1: Implement the ZoneDetection interface public class MapActivity extends Activity implements ZoneDetection {


void onZoneEnter(GeoFenceObject zone); this method will be called when a zone enter detected.

void onZoneExit(GeoFenceObject zone); this method will be called when a zone exit detected.

void setListeningTo(List<String> to); deprecated List<String> getListeningTo();deprecated

Step 2: Subscribe to the geofence events and set the geofences names (types) List<String> geoFenceingListenToList = new ArrayList<String>(); geoFenceingListenToList.add("trigger");

GeoFencingUtils.subscribeToService(this, geoFenceingListenToList);

* add all the types of the geofences that you want to listen to

 16. Change Log 

Version 4.7 ● New API to download data ZIP without maps. Should be used only if the project is using url tiles.

SettingsProvider.getInstance().setUseZipWithoutMaps(true); ● Support for drawing polygons on the map. ● Improved algorithm for parking Navigation. ● Improved support for bridges navigation. ● Internal improvements and bug fixes.

Version 4.5

● New labels mechanism. ● Support for dashed navigation route.

Version 4.4

● Map rotation logic for MapRotationType.NAVIGATION had been reworked. ● Fixes for POI icons sizes, now icons on all android devices have physical dimensions similar to icons

dimensions for iOS version of the SDK. ● GPS usage optimizations for indoor mode, reducing battery consumption for this mode ● Some extra data has been removed from logcat output ● Minor fix for instructions text ● Internal bug fixes and improvements

Version 4.3

● Switching to new version of google play libraries (15.0.0). Starting from this version we strongly recommend to use this specific version of google play libraries on the app level. Check “sdk lib/adding .arr dependency.docx” file for details.

● Adding “onLocationModeChange(LocationMode mode)” callback to MyLocationListener. This can break client app code compilation. You can easily fix it by adding empty "onLocationModeChange" callback to all MyLocationListener implementations.

● Internal bug fixes and improvements Version 4.2

● Internal bug fixes and improvements ● New api to get instructions list ● Navigation line thickness was increased to make look & feel similar to iOS version of SDK

Version 4.1

● Improvements in location analytics implementation ● Ability to limit location analytics to some location types


● Internal bug fixes

Version 4.0 Adding API for displaying friends on Map Version 3.9

● Storage location for internal data had been changed. Now system will remove all sdk internal data when uninstalling client application from device

● Internal bug fixes and improvements Version 3.8 Adding ability to hide the contents of the top floor Version 3.7 Internal bug fixes and improvements Version 3.6 Minor bug fixes and improvements Version 3.5

● Added support for bridges between facilities ● Added ability to switch to another project in run-time

Version 3.4

● Added API for calculating distance to POI / list of POIs ● 3D buildings feature was disabled for underlying Google Map

Version 3.3

● Added API to retrieve full distance for the route ● Added API to retrieve the distance to next navigation instruction ● Added API to retrieve POIS which are belong to specific categories

Version 3.2

● Improvements in sorting POIs by distance approach ● Added ability to hide/show navigation markers on the map ● Added ability to get camera position from the map ● Added ability to animate map camera to specific position (including tilt) ● Minor fixes for map UI and behaviour ● Minor stability improvements

Version 3.1

● Now supporting floor/outdoor tiles ● Route building performance improvements ● Additional indoor location mechanisms based on proximity beacons ● Minor fixes related to location simulation functionality

Version 3.0 Fix labels issue