The Principal’s Perspective Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 As the New Year begins, we are blessed with many activities to take stock of what was happened to us in the year that just passed and for all of the opportunities that are on the horizon for the year 2016. We are currently in the middle of our second quarter, yet beginning to plan for the next academic year. But there is still much to do this month! As you can see from the dates on the right, we have retreats, financial aid nights, concerts, and our Winter Formal. As always, I am grateful for your support of Archbishop Ryan High School and for your support of Catholic Education. May the Lord bless you and your family during 2016. Important Dates Tuesday, January 12 Closer Look and Financial Aid Night Wednesday, January 13 Senior Financial Aid Night Monday, January 18 Martin Luther King Jr. Day No Classes Wednesday, January 20 Closer Look and Financial Aid Night Friday, January 22 March for Life Saturday, January 23 SAT Testing Thursday, January 28 Junior Retreat No Classes for Grades 9-10-12 Saturday, January 30 Winter Formal Sunday, January 31 Mother-Daughter Fashion Show and Luncheon Monday, February 1 Catholic Schools Week Tuesday, February 2 Class of 2020 Scholarship Reception Friday, February 5 – Sunday, February 7 Kairos LIX Friday, February 5 Second Quarter and First Semester Close Saturday, February 6 Jamison Beef and Beer sponsored by the Archbishop Ryan Alumni Association The Messenger A monthly newsletter for the families of Archbishop Ryan High School 11201 Academy Road Philadelphia, PA 19154 January 2016 Are you receiving phone calls from the school? Make sure you stay up to date with all the news and schedule updates. To add your phone number, contact Marie Mastalski at 215-637-1800, ext. 269 in the President’s Office.

A monthly newsletter for the families of The Messenger€¦ · Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot:

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Page 1: A monthly newsletter for the families of The Messenger€¦ · Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot:

Time truly does pass quickly. I can say without

reservation that my first year as President of

Archbishop Ryan has been the most fulfilling and

rewarding of my career. As proud and excited as

I was to receive my appointment I am even more

thrilled to be your President today.

Inside these walls is something very special –

something of lasting value. The school’s

leadership as always been steadfast in our

mission and in our Catholic identity. The

opportunities for faith based personal growth,

community engagement, lessons in leadership,

athletic competition and extra-curricular

activities provide an experience that is truly

second to none. Archbishop Ryan High School

faculty and administrators remain committed to

academic excellence and challenging students to

strive for their greatest potential .

One of my biggest assets during my first year,

was having Mr. Jim Meredith leading our efforts

to educate our students in body, mind, and spirit.

He had a clear vision and unique talent for

educating and empowering each and every

student and ingraining in them the leadership

qualities to prepare them to be saints for this life

and the next. Mr. Meredith's leadership and

commitment to excellence made us all want to be

better and do better in our professional and

personal roles. He changed us forever and on

July 1 he was appointed principal of Pope John

Paul II where he will do the same. His biggest

legacy was the mentoring of Mr. Joe McFadden

'97, Assistant Principal of Academic Affairs, who

was appointed principal of Ryan on July 13.

Together we are committed to securing Ryan's

position as a premier center of secondary

education in Philadelphia. Know that at

Archbishop Ryan students experience a deep

sense of community while receiving an education

that will serve as a foundation for a life that is

productive, rewarding, and socially responsible.

Students join us at a critical time in their lifelong

journey of awareness and faith. We take

tremendous responsibility for increasing their

knowledge, enriching their faith and helping

them become the next generation of leaders in a

world that cries out for leadership.

Students who enroll at Ryan and firmly commit

to avail themselves of as much as they can of

what we have to offer will leave us after four

years with a joy and a foundation for the future

that will serve them honorably and that they will

The Class of 2015 P.1

Principal’s Perspective P.2

Non-Profit Solutions P.3

Trends & New Software P.4

From the Office of the President Calculators

Archbishop Ryan students are

expected to have a TI-84 graphing

calculator for their Math class. The

TI-84 can be purchased at any store.

Look for sales and rebates as the

summer progresses.

Please save the UPC seal (bar code)

and send it to Miss Gradel (Math

Department Chair) in September.

The school can use the seals to get

additional Texas Instruments

resources for your child’s Math

class. Thank you for your

cooperation in this matter. Summer Reading

Summer Reading can be found on the

school website under the Academics tab

or by clicking here. Students are to read

one book from the list and complete the

assignment through the Google Form.

Summer reading:

helps students avoid the summer slide

sharpens literacy skills

increases vocabulary acquisition

opens new worlds

fosters a lifelong love of reading

The Principal’s Perspective Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97

As the New Year begins, we are blessed with many activities to take stock of what was happened to us in the year that just passed

and for all of the opportunities that are on the horizon for the year 2016.

We are currently in the middle of our second quarter, yet beginning to plan for the next academic year. But there is still much to do this month! As you can see from the dates on the right, we have

retreats, financial aid nights, concerts, and our Winter Formal. As always, I am grateful for your support of Archbishop Ryan High

School and for your support of Catholic Education. May the Lord bless you and your family during 2016.

Important Dates

Tuesday, January 12 Closer Look and Financial Aid Night Wednesday, January 13 Senior Financial Aid Night Monday, January 18 Martin Luther King Jr. Day No Classes Wednesday, January 20 Closer Look and Financial Aid Night Friday, January 22 March for Life Saturday, January 23 SAT Testing Thursday, January 28 Junior Retreat No Classes for Grades 9-10-12 Saturday, January 30 Winter Formal Sunday, January 31 Mother-Daughter Fashion Show and Luncheon Monday, February 1 Catholic Schools Week Tuesday, February 2 Class of 2020 Scholarship Reception Friday, February 5 – Sunday, February 7 Kairos LIX Friday, February 5 Second Quarter and First Semester Close Saturday, February 6 Jamison Beef and Beer sponsored by the Archbishop Ryan Alumni Association

The Messenger A monthly newsletter for the families of

Archbishop Ryan High School

11201 Academy Road

Philadelphia, PA 19154

January 2016

Are you receiving phone calls from the school?

Make sure you stay up to date with all the

news and schedule updates.

To add your phone number, contact Marie

Mastalski at 215-637-1800, ext. 269 in the

President’s Office.

Page 2: A monthly newsletter for the families of The Messenger€¦ · Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot:

Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot:

Students should be dropped off in the back outside the cafeterias, not at the front lobby


Do not park along the curb in the fire lane. It limits two lanes from driving in the lot.

Please drive slowly in our lot and do not drive around cars.

You should drive completely around the lot. Do not use the side parking areas to turn

your car around. Students and adults are parking and getting out of cars in these areas.

To those parents who insist on dropping off their children on Academy Road, please

exercise caution pulling back into traffic and be mindful of our students crossing the road.

From the Office of the President Mrs. Denise LePera

Hoping that you and your families had a very Merry Christmas! Be assured that Archbishop Ryan remains

steadfast in its mission and Catholic identity with the strategic purpose of transforming the

students who enter our halls into the citizens and business leaders of tomorrow. Our commitment to academic excellence challenges

all students to their greatest potential. Together we strive for excellence for our students and are

dedicated to securing Ryan's position as a premier center of secondary education in Philadelphia.

It is worth repeating...All of us at Archbishop Ryan High School are grateful to you for entrusting to us the spiritual, academic, and social formation of your child. We take seriously our commitment to your family and thank you for the sacrifices you make to partner with us. This

year as an administration we are challenging ourselves, the faculty and staff to ensure that every interaction and every decision meets one or more of the following virtues:

Enthusiasm, Excellence, Innovation, Collaboration, Respect, Integrity

Daily Announcements If your sons and daughters are like my sons were, you are more than likely not having forms and information make their way to you. So here are two upgrades in our communication efforts to make it more convenient for you. The website under Student Life should have any form that

was sent home for a signature. We are committed to sharing all updates and information that are shared with our students during homeroom with you. So under the Parents tab on the

website you will see Daily Announcements which are updated by 10:00 AM each day.

Page 3: A monthly newsletter for the families of The Messenger€¦ · Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot:

From the School Minister Father Richard Smith

March for Life Many from the Ryan Family will travel to Washington, D.C. on January 22 for the March for Life.

Let us thank God for people who courageously stand up for and rally for life! Let us thank God for those who work to eradicate the evil of racism and prejudice from our society and Church. Denying people the dignity, respect, and justice they deserve as human beings is also an attack

against life. May each of us recognize our need for Jesus to keep a spirit of love and justice healthy and alive within us. May we, as Christians, be the instruments by which God eliminates

the evil of racism from the face of the earth. May we be the instruments that enable all people to reverence and respect life.

Catholic Schools Week The final Sunday of every January marks the start of Catholic Schools Week in the United States.

This week-long event, jointly sponsored by National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is a time to honor the mission of

Catholic education and its impact on individuals and the community. The theme for Catholic Schools Week (January 31 – February 6, 2016) is “Catholic Schools:

Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” The theme encompasses several concepts that are at the heart of a Catholic education: schools are communities—small families in their own

right, but also members of the larger community of home, church, city and nation. Faith, knowledge and service are three measures by which any Catholic school can and should be judged. Archbishop Ryan High School will observe Catholic Schools Week with a variety of

celebrations and events. Please see the schedule contained in this newsletter for more information.

Christian Service Program – Grade 11 All students in grade 11 are required to complete 20 hours of Christian service by March 11. Students have received a packet of information pertaining to the program. Parents and guardians are urged to look over the material (also available on the Ministry section of the Ryan

website by clicking on the Christian Service tab). Questions about the Christian service requirements can be emailed to me. By March 11 each junior student should have submitted to

his or her Theology teacher the completed verification forms and the reflection questions. As was stated on the Christian Service information packet: “Failure to complete the minimum

amount of service hours, not turning in the Service Hours Verification Form(s), or not submitting the reflection questions will result in failure for the third quarter report card and prevent

participation in the Junior Dance (Prom).” Please contact me if you have any questions.

From the Office of Academic Affairs Mrs. Nancy Kurtz ‘88

It is hard to believe, but we are nearly half way through the school year. This week Progress Reports came out for the second quarter. This is a crucial time of year to ensure each students' success at the end of the year. I encourage you to talk with your child about their progress in

each class. Talk about what is working and what is causing difficulty. Engage teachers in a dialogue. Ask questions you may have or share concerns. You can even tell them what is

working for your child. We love to hear the good things too. I continually return to the theme of open communication and its role in the education process. The growth and development of

Page 4: A monthly newsletter for the families of The Messenger€¦ · Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot:

your child involves many people. The open sharing of information between all involved helps to increase the chances of success.

This past week also marked the beginning of our second Performance Series testing

window. The testing will be done through our English and Math classes over the next few weeks. The individual student results of these important standardized tests are used by our

teachers in all subject areas. The administration also spends time examining the overall results of these tests. Ask your child when they are having their test. Discuss with them the importance

of taking the test seriously and encourage them to do their best. If you have questions about your child's results, you can contact his or her teachers or the Academic Affairs Office.

As you know, literacy is a key academic focus of Archbishop Ryan. Literacy takes on many forms. Just in the area of reading, emphasis must be placed on many different types of

materials. In school we work with students on how to read a textbook, how to interpret charts and graphs and how to analyze a poem. We work with students on how to understand a

diagram and how to decipher an historical document. However, reading is so much more than a way to get the information. Reading in and of itself is a pathway to increased learning. Creating lovers of reading is not an easy task but it is one we take seriously. Helping students read more

often and find genres they enjoy is part of the reason we have our Summer Reading Program. Encouraging reading by creating a shared community experience with a book is why

we have our Our Book, Our School program. However, a child's school experience is just one part of their growth. What they see and hear at home about reading and the love of reading plays an important part in their overall development. I have shared with you an article from the

New York Times about books in the home and their relationship to education. I encourage you to read the article and then talk about it as a family.

Our (Bare) Shelves, Our Selves

As a related reminder, our school community is still in the process of reading the Our

Book, Our School selection, Legend. I completed it in just a couple of days over the Christmas break and I found it very enjoyable. Once again, I ask you to open the

lines of communication with your child. Ask about his progress with the book. Talk about the characters, the plot, what she likes or does not like. Help your child build an interest in reading by being interested in what they are reading.

Finally, as many of you know, the SAT will be changing in March. We have arranged for a test

prep class to be offered here at Ryan through Kaplan. This course is specifically designed to help students with the new SAT. You will find a flyer with all pertinent information at the end of

this newsletter. Please contact the Academic Affairs Office if you have any questions.

It is a pleasure to work with you in helping your child become a strong, happy, successful, ethical adult. We are grateful that you entrust your children to us and understand the

partnership we have with you in their development.

Page 5: A monthly newsletter for the families of The Messenger€¦ · Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot:

From the Office of Student Services Mr. Charles Panepresso ‘79

Happy New Year. The start of a new year is a time of hope. It is my wish that our students continue to experience God’s many blessings and continue to grow and develop in their time

here at Archbishop Ryan. The winter season is upon us. I ask that you check your child’s school uniform before they leave

home for the day as the uniform code is enforced. If you need to request an early dismissal for your child, I ask that you complete the early dismissal form found under the Student Services

link of our school website and have your child bring the form to the Office of Student Services before homeroom.

Our Winter Formal will take place on the last Saturday of January. I ask that you read the form regarding our expectations at the dance that will be given to your child when they purchase a

ticket. School policy regarding student behavior as noted in our handbook will be enforced. Students with excessive absences and or demerits may be held from the dance.

Finally, late detentions are held each Thursday after school at 2:30 PM in the north cafeteria and general detention is held each Friday at 6:50 AM in the north lecture hall. The list of students

expected in detention is posted the day prior to the detention both outside my office and in the cafeterias. It is the student's responsibility to check to see if their name is on the list. I thank you for your continued cooperation and support with your child’s education. Please contact my

office at extension 207 with any concerns or questions. May God bless you and your family this New Year.

From the Office of Student Affairs Mrs. Kathryn Schafer ‘72

New is the year; New are the wishes; New is the spirit; And new are the wishes from the Office for Student Affairs for you. May you find all the wonder, hope and joy the New Year brings.

RYANO Winners

Congratulations to our three winners of RYANO. Three individual winners have all been validated.

Winners Ticket # Seller Lisa Scheidt 15113 Diana Sears

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Naylor 11737 AJ Naylor Donald Lindsay 11208 Sean Devine

Page 6: A monthly newsletter for the families of The Messenger€¦ · Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot:

Seat Belts Save Challenge! What is the Seat Belts Save Challenge? - The 2015 National Organizations of Youth Safety

(NOYS) Seat Belts Save Challenge is a four-week campaign designed to educate teen drivers about the dangers of riding in a car without wearing a seat belt, and increase the number of

teens who regularly wear a seatbelt while driving or riding in a car. Under the direction of Ms. Nora Kramer a team of AR students proudly took part in this year’s

Seat Belt Save Challenge. In December students conducted a random survey by counting the number of students/adults who drove on campus wearing/not wearing seat- belts. The student

team then designed posters with seat belt safety facts and hung the posters throughout the 1st floor of the building. One week later the team quizzed the entire student body and the winning homeroom (A1) was given a special morning treat! After the quiz the team again went outside to

survey drivers. Periodically the team will be giving reminders to the school community via posters and morning announcements as to the importance of wearing a seatbelt.

As a part of the Seat Belts Save Challenge two members of Student Council spent A Day at Jefferson University. Matt and Jessica, along with students from other area Archdiocesan High

Schools, were invited, as part of Seat Belt Challenge, to the Teen Safety Driving seminar. The visiting students listened to and actively participated in the seminar which was conducted by two

students from Roman Catholic under the direction of Nora Kramer. After lunch students visited the Jefferson Hospital Trauma Center, and the Heliport area.

Mr. Gene Ciccimaro, Kim Williams, and Sister Kate Shelley dared to… and with a talented cast, orchestra, and crew produced

another successful fall production. Cinderella was seen by 15 grade schools, over 2,500 students, over a two day period, and by large audiences over a three day period. Our students’ talents

never cease to amaze the audience!

Archbishop Ryan’s Theater Department is excited to announce…..

as our Spring production. Show dates are as follows: April 22, 23, 24, 29, 30 and May 1.

Auditions will be held on Wednesday, January 20th at 2:30 in the auditorium.

Page 7: A monthly newsletter for the families of The Messenger€¦ · Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot:

All-Catholic Honors

All Catholic Concert Band Sarah Mooney, Clarinet

Derek Moskal, Alto Saxophone Ikirah Sanders, French Horn Jiwon Lee, Trombone

Alison Hopkins, Trombone Jeremy Ren, Tuba

All Catholic Chorus Cecelia Jaskel, First Soprano

Kayla Smith, First Soprano

All Catholic Orchestra Sean Krumpe, Cello

Parents Association News

Thank you to all who participated in the Yankee Candle Fall and the Barnes and Noble

fundraising events. The events raised almost $700.00 for Archbishop Ryan. Mother-Daughter Fashion Show and Luncheon will be held on Sunday, January 31st at

2:00pm in the South Cafe. Check out the AR website for details. National Honors Society

Congratulations to the juniors and seniors who were inducted into the National Honors Society on Friday, January 8. The AR community wishes all continued success in their academic


AR Color Games Color Games will begin on Monday, February 8 and end on Thursday, February 18. Throughout this time students will participate in games ranging from Academic Bowl to Name that Tune to

Chariot Races. Color Games t-shirts can be ordered ($18.00 for S, M, L, XL, and $20.00 for XXL or XXXL) beginning Friday, January 15 through Friday, January 22 during all lunch periods.

Color Games t-shirts may be worn in place of the school sweater and collared shirts from Monday, February 8 through Thursday, February 18. WE ARE AR!!

Athletics The Winter Sports Season is underway! Check out the Ryan Athletic calendar for game dates and

times. Our student athletes would love to see you at a game or two!! Basketball

Ryan Ragdolls and Raiders have played in the Wildwood Boardwalk Classic

Ryan Ragdolls have played in the Showcase Play Tournament

Wrestling Raiders have participated in the Fear the Tribe Duals, the Penn Jersey Duals and the

Octorara Duals


States in Hershey, PA - January 22 and 23

Nationals in Orlando, Florida - February 6 and 7

Indoor Track Ragdolls and Raiders have participated in the Burdette Invitational and the Lavino Relays

Congratulations to senior Monte Guess who is currently ranked #1 in the State (3 weeks

now) and #8 in the nation for the 60m hurdles.

Page 8: A monthly newsletter for the families of The Messenger€¦ · Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot:

Some Recent News Articles

Monte Guess

Charles Wallace

Freddie Killian

Check Us Out

Ryan Review http://archbishopryanreview.com/

From the Guidance Office Mr. Jerome O’Connell


Apply for transcripts after you applied to a College or University. You must go to the tuition office to pay the $3.00 fee for each transcript (If you pay by check and you request more than one transcript at the same time you can use one check). You may pick up a transcript request

form at the guidance office anytime. Bring the completed form and the receipt for the transcript to the guidance office.

SAT Dates and Deadlines


January 23, 2016 December 28, 2015 March 5, 2016 February 5, 2016 May 7, 2016 April 8, 2016

June 4, 2016 May 5, 2016

NCAA Seniors that plan to play Division 1 or Division 2 sports may register on line for the NCAA

Clearinghouse www.ncaaclearinghouse.org Make sure you request transcripts. You do not have to pay for transcripts sent to NCAA and you do not need an envelope.

Working Papers

Archbishop Ryan is now a working paper center. Applications are available online, under Student Life. Complete the form and have a parent sign it and return to Mrs. Wilusz in the Main

Office or Mrs. Fuller in the Academic Affairs Office. You will need evidence of your age. A school ID with your photo is acceptable. There is NO CHARGE for this service.

When severe winter weather strikes, please follow us on Twitter (@ARHS), check our Facebook status, visit our website, listen to KYW1060 Newsradio, or receive our School Messenger phone call for the latest AR Schedule Update!

Page 9: A monthly newsletter for the families of The Messenger€¦ · Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot:
Page 10: A monthly newsletter for the families of The Messenger€¦ · Drop-off and Pickup Mr. Joseph McFadden ‘97 Please remember the following as it applies to our school parking lot: