Take a moment and connect with Kenya and the wonders of this beautiful God's finest work of art .

A Moment In Kenya

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Enjoy the best of kenya and East Africa

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Page 1: A Moment In Kenya

Take a moment and connect with Kenya and the wonders of this

beautiful God's finest work of art.

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Lake Nakuru The land of outstanding beauty and wildlife minutes away from the city and

extending to the deep interior filled with beautiful people of the wild.

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The soul connecting and breath taking sceneries and landscapes portray the

finest of the porters touch since the times of creation.

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  Kenya coast - Mombasa

It is a must that you sample the white sandy beaches whose cool breeze blows onto your face wiping away all the heat and sweat of the savannah mainland's if you are from a game safari.

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The land of very social happy people who are proud of their cultures and will take you in any time to share with you cultural moments, an experience of culture to tell home about.

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There is something wild, primitive and unbelievably beautiful that a visitor to Kenya experiences.

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This goes beyond the vast herds of grassers, the immigrant wild beasts, creation time landscapes like the Rift Valley these all of course bred to get you in the undying rhythm of life.

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The experience from the visit truly exalts the soul bringing images deep inside of you to surface and therefore helping you come to terms with the natural experience of this virgin lands of Africa.

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Begin your journey to day with Nature Exploration Safaris

Explore the vast Nature Of Africa



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The park lies in Central Kenya, 140km north-west of Nairobi, in Nakuru district of the Rift Valley Province. The ecosystem comprises of the lake, surrounded by mainly wooded and bushy grasslands.

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The Joint mass of Tsavo West and Tsavo East National Parks forms one of the largest National parks in the world and covers a massive 4% of Kenya’s total land area. Tsavo East the larger of the two, lies to the east of the Nairobi –Mombasa road, equidistant between Nairobi and Mombasa, and offers a vast and untapped arena of arid bush which is washed by azure and emerald meandering of Galana River. Guarded by the limitless lava reaches of Yatta plateau and patrolled by some of the largest elephant herds in Kenya

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Amboseli National Park is located in Loitoktok District, Rift Valley Province of Kenya. The ecosystem mainly savannah grassland spread across the Kenya-Tanzania border. The park is famous for being the best place in Africa to get close to free-ranging elephants among other wildlife species

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Nairobi National Park is a unique ecosystem by being the only protected area in the world close to a capital city. The park is located only 7 km from Nairobi city centre. Animals include buffalo, giraffe, lion, leopard, baboon, zebra, wildebeest and cheetah---100 mammal species.