A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

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Page 1: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho




A.„. ,,, »J 10*jQ,B3££UL^ E S F W I R E E E W


J „ I AAIRISF m *rnmxmn'mmQi —

Page 2: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

A SfTfW 0? TA0¥XZ£*SXSSS7K&TX0 »II fQl lW


t a n a s

Presented, to the Gfntoet® Uoonoll of the

Swfch ?*j»» Stint# t fe iws i iy tn P»rtUl

FalflXXatnt of %im

Ww tfa* 0»®p®« of

MAS9BR Of SeiBiai

0»ttltott if B. g<

Dinton, ¥•*»•


Page 3: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

m&m m c o n n


list OF m u m s . IT

U m OF ItLffSTHkTIONS • <f


i* urrsoxyjonoM akd bacxoroohd . * . * i


in, Rsani/rs AIIP ANALYSIS of *HK mm • • • • • • • 14

If. SUMHAHY JU© OOHCmiOMS . . . . . • 38

&M1M3C . 44



Page 4: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


Teble fug®

I* The Mean Xnteaeifcy Dlffereooee in BeoibeXe of VooeX ftrodaetlon* tm %im Mm*til* U n d Condition • • « • • • • • • • • • * * 1#

11* 9ht Meen Xnteneltjr Oiffmmmm In DeelbeXe of VooeX Produotlone for the FiXtered Condition « • 87

HI# fl» i«#o Intensity Derietlone of VoeeX ?rodaetloae Under Condition* of FIX* teving end Hon«*flXterlng • * • • • • • « • 88

IV# The Neen Intensity Devi*tlone of VooeX Prodnotlone for the Twined »«d tfntrelned Orotape * « • • • • • • • « • • » 90

V. Reak Order VefeRtetion of fleet VoweXe Chcnt-lag itfin Intensity DiffteteaM* Uttdev the It oa« filtered Condition for Weltied end Untrained Group# . • » . M

?1# Rank Order Tabulation of feet Vovele Show* lag Meea Xnteneltjr Differencee for the fxwlned Group Under Coadltloae of FIX* tering end Hon-fllterlng • M


Page 5: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


H & m ftojp

Xm SehMM t u Dl*gr»a of fete# fcqpljpntAt £*plof*d la Production and Recording of Spteeh a«»pi9« » • • • • • • • » • « • is

Page 6: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

QmffUM I

iwmmmtim sm MQmmum

tho baalo mnmtomy of tho fammm wtc© aoaalata of

parlit tho aotlvator which aapplloa air pew#r# tho vibrator

which tranaforma W m flow of sir Into oo«u»d aad torn

m m m t o r whloh omplifloa ooaad by rolnforooitoat* Howovor,

voleo production In both apoaklag and singing ii aado poa-

alblo only through • highly apoalallaad and ooordlaa tod

iatorootioa of thoao roaplratory traot orgima.1

Tht axtromoly roptd variation* la tho production of

"pitch* voloa* and quality «ro only poaalblo la aoch an

extraordinarily ooaipllaatod apparatus*"8 Tba oo~oporatloa

of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba

pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th*

mo*tii ®wl tho pharynx, la ealXod for In tho produetloa of

volco* At tho oono tl«o# tho iatrlnalo and axtrlnolo It-

ryngeoX anaaoloo ooaataatly adjtiat tho olaatlelty, ahapo,

•ad poaltion of tho vocal fold*. Tho latrloa ta aaaoKblaflo

*!*&*/ lfcad by |>* 4d9»

!• Kuodl, *Soao Obaarratlon* on tho HIotology and tion of th© larynx**

Otology. LKXXXX (January, or X»ctiwok»ct «a&

Page 7: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

of organ* aad misoXas Involwd la rooaX production i i ax~ s

prasvad by n v t n l authora* Including Judaon aad 4 &

Lftvln* and Povtmna**

Hot uaXltoa other burasn ac t iv i ty , tha aovaaant, oo~

ordination, and eoatvoX of tha organ# aad *tsaoXea invoivad

la vooaX produotloa la ta gra tad throagh aaaaory f#®d«

baok eiret t l ta . Thu«, dorlag aaqaaatlaX aotloa, lafov»a«

Uoa l i oooataatly peX&yad to tfaa bra la eoaoaralag tha

pro gra at and tha a f fao t of tfeaaa aovaaaata whiah la la tarn

utad In tfaa control of sabaaqpaat aatloa* I t I s @n»reliy

agraad that tha sanaory oireui ta wtaioh ava importaat l a aa-

tab 11 shins and maintaining tha saqttaatlaX aetioaa of spaaeh

and voloa * n ( tha auditory, the kinaathatla* sad tha to#*

tlXa faad-back oiroalta* Prjr,7 nod Jttdaoa sad Waa*ar^ ha*a

contributed to tha understanding of theaa re la ted fu not ions

of the m i n i a»rwu» aystes.

in dpi oar Jodaon »ad Andrew Thornsa *oarer, Voloa ftftimwi. (Haw Torn, I W i * » . AMP*

*S»ath»aial X* Levin, "AppXied Anstowy •«* Physiology of the Vole* and Speech Jiaohaalsaa," foico §aX Sfltwfr PI a-

*0aopa»a Por*«aaa# "Tha Paysiology of Phoaetion." Tha © f f i * 4 3 4 a * 3 2 ® - U D 0 U u , n a " 7 ' " 6 T 7 7

®D. B« Fry* "Speech a ad h*n&XB&0* The Journal of

k m m t o M SM s m s k * * « * u « o r , w w l ? mr 5 *** • f M S * * PP« 444-446. aJu4eon aad leaver , fo lee SolemNi, ?p« 87-ao«

Page 8: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

Vha lnpoptiaoi of it*## faad-baoic ayatama la faolXl*

tating tha artioalatory aapaots or apoaeh baa vaoolvad ooa-

aidarabXa at t ta t ion la voioa aolaooa Htaratura . Aaaag

thoae who few?# ©ontributod are »«baf* Tjpavla#*0 and lonag#^

f l » pvlaolpaX mamm of infonaatlon oonoarnlng tb®> latavao*

tloa b*tv«aa mm&wf olroulta »aA articulator?- parfoyaaae*

baa baaa tha study of tb® affaota of doXayad auditor? food-*

baefc on apaaob output# BXaott,18 tfairbaoka,13 and Laa1* to

alto feat a f)a« bay* daaumatratad that uada* auoh oonditioaa

artlouXatloa, •peach aound duration, fuadanaataX fraoaoaoy*

and tha aound praaaara XavaX aharaotorlatioa of apaaoh

%• P. Haba, "Diaouaaioa of tha {foto«klaaaathatlo ItetfcoA of Ssaoeh Gorraotion." f lu Qofttttoift* of &KfiS# * v (Ootobor, 1939),

8« Travia, *Tba ?»dagogioaX Sigalfloaaeo of tba ttoto~klaaaa thatie Matbod la Bp*mh Tbmvpr, Jonntml of SB—«h f (6*pt—b—» 194G), i0X*®®I*

lHt« H« Yoaag, *fh» Xoto*K:taaaath«tlQ ttathod of fip—afe *m tolas** figs *0i>§a»l of Sjjiftfllj fiMMiftfix* v (topl—tofty* X940)§

*®Jobft *• BXaok* "Tha Kffaot of DaXayod fclda-Toaa apoa VooaX Est® a ad Xataaftltor," imxmX gf Spt—h sM m m i m - *|gf# XVI (Xarob, X95X); 8e-i«0^r

**Waat Fatrbaaita* tt8rataawtlo Kaaaaroh la Bxparloan-taX Fheaatloa* Fart X* A Tmwf of tta» Spaaoh MaehaaiOR aa

M ^ U u l S ^ i S l ffiSK'LS? ~ Mmlm BJBEteS#

^Barnard a* Ua# "ArtifloiaX Statta*," Journal of Sb—«h and H—rta* Pl—rdara,. XVX (Marob, • l9ft£J7W«7

Page 9: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

output are aodlf ied* Rlngel,1® SUnabfUld-llawlc,1® ?st»

ton#*7 #u4 other reeeorohera tew i s M i M d t t e cont r ibu t ion

of t a c t i l e #o& iclneftthetlo feed-baolc l a f a o l l l t a t l n g »!«•

t lou la t lon* I t I t generally agreed tha t d l r e o t l o n l a cor*

r e o t t a c t i l e and felneathetle recogni t ion can beoooe dotal*

nant over defiaetlve f#«4»fea#t pe t te roe wrongly acquired*

fh» refer*nee» o i led from t t * l i t e w t w r e «<m«MMmlag

the r e l e t l oneh ip between apt*eh and eenaory fo#d-b«ok gye-

tevtn a re thoae found only In the wore widely ueod textbooks

end profess iona l journela and In no way exhaust the r e f e r *

eneee wede througi the body of speech pethology l i t e r a t u r e ,

but should s u f f i c e to i l l u e t r a t e t h a t the r e l a t i o n s h i p l a

obviously reoognised by apeeeh pathologis ts*

Although reaeareh e f f o r t s whloh ehow the apeeeh neoha*

s i ® to be w r y esna l t ive to In te r fe renee with aenaory

fee4»bsok e l r o u i t a have beea ex tens ive , r e l a t i v e l y l i t t l e

reeeareh hea been oonduated to assess the cont r ibut ion o r

the l a t e r a o t l o a of theae o l r o u l t a In voloe production*

*®Robert I*# Klngel# m E f f e c t s of Tee t i l e bad Audi* tery Al tera t ion* on Speech Output," | ou r»3 l of end iiMrliM mm&mh, vx (December, l i i l l #

l 6&sre S*tnohfieldr»Hswk, "Xoto-Xlnsesthetlo Training f o r Children with apeeoh Handles pa.* Journal of Soeeoh Die* ordere . VII (Deeeaber, 19*2),

*7Preneee K* Fetton, "A Comparieon of the Kinaestbet le S e n s i b i l i t y of Speeeh-defeotlve end *orasl«epesklng Chll*

&£ I B J E S t e l # (d»omK»», 1948),

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The apeclfla attributes of the voloe itaelf ere gener-

ally reoojgnlied e» pitoh, quality* end loudness* Theee

eh*raoterlatlas *ir@ »id to lend little wore than shade* of

meaning to apeeoh.1^ Perhaps the paucity of research in

this »m» m*y tee attributed to tht» reason* Srodnlts

points out that "the study of aowal sod disturbed s pee oh

with all Its implication baa absorbed m aatoh time and

enargy la research and therapy thet the problems of the

volo« are frequently neglected#"1® Alto, as ?erkins points

oat, moat epeech clinicians #re highly "sound conscious\

unfortunately, not aeny mmm to bo wry voice conscious**80

"Whatever the res son* voice therepy hss rensined largely sa

art snd ssems to be predicated upon the Intuitive incllns*

tlons of the thsreplete#"8*

In goners1, tha present procedures used la voice

thswiy often consist of teething the patient tectmiipes

of auditory monitoring for control of pitch aod loudness*

Frequently, aa an initial etep la volm therapy, tha

idOeorfia Matthe*a Maraha11» "A Study of Kinesthetic Feedbeck and Vocal Intensity* nnpablishsd oaeterU thesis* School of Medicine* Venderbllt University* tfeshvllle* Venaseses* 196,% ?• I*

18f?rladrlch 8* Brodnlts* "Voice Problem* of the Aator an& stntMP." Joarn»X of ggjjjah egi H««rtng Pt»oraor». XIX C»®««»si>®r# X§»|* sr8«

OA " *• H. Perklne* **he challenge of ifunctlonel Llaotv

dere of Voloe," jtsmttook of & m m b Pathology. edited by Z m 1* frsvis I w S , XBWT, K S87.

^Marshall* "A Study of Kinesthetic Fssdbsok and Vocal Xntenelty* p* 1*

Page 11: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

patiant I t ixpdMd to * taaaaura of ear training vhioh a*-

phaaiaaa pi toll and loudoaaa diaorimioation* Tha primary

objaotivo of auoh traialag i s to lncroasa tbo pa t ioa t ' s

ab i l i t y to aonltor mm aooaratofy varioua or salaotad

pitch and/or loudnaaa lara la utlXiaiag auditor? food-baok:*

Tha inportanao of auditor? f*od~baok la «et«bli»hing, ooo-

t r o l l i n g aad maintaining tha voool a t t r ibute* of plfcoh ana

Xoadaes* cannot bo denied, Hoeever, *t£>erepieta ming

theae teohnlquee have noted %tet steajr voice defectives ep*

perentXjr how «» exoeeeive mmnut of diffiouXty oontrollIns 22

fcheae vooeX attribute**" feiaiXarix, in the treetaent of

artlaulatov? defective a, the laitieX plan of therapy 1* to

ioareeee the p t U i n t U ®mmmm of auditory etlmull. l a

t reet ing putieata with ertiouXetory dieordere* the thera-

p is t attempt# to tmm*m tha paUtn tU evereaeea of other

feed-beak clroult* whloh be way u t i l i s e la monitoring tad

correcting defective • peach petterns* fba« the s r t ieu ie*

tory headloeppad individual, la taught to reoognise aod ut i*

l t M visual clues, tsotiXe«klneethetlo eeneetiofia, «a « i l l

aa auditory sensations. Training la the ue« or these sddi~

t lonal sensory modalities oonstltute* a m j o r eaphsels of

sr t iouiet ion therapy* ftaa des i rabi l i ty of using th i s muXt&»

aonaory epprosoh la artloaXatloa therapy has boaa ver i f ied 88Jew &iseneon and SbaXani th Xaeteln* "An Irrroetlea-

tion into the Ability of Voioo Defectives to Meorialnate A»oag Differences in ?itoh and Loudoeee* #oa»a l of Sneeoh <u*» sasxm mams&> *«" t )*»»••*>•». i»wj;W?.

Page 12: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

toy Stlnohflald-Hawk,9* Pattoa,8* Xallouk,*® tad Van Rlpsa&®

Howsvsr, l a vols# tharspy, the pa t l an t , e f t a r • psrlod of

• s r I n t n t n g I s sxpsctod to raproduoa and •s tab l l sh s nor*

a da quote volo* quality relying, for tho s o i t pi*lp aspon

auditory fftiUssttoa of only audi lory fs®d*tf#«i§£

l a f0ie® tharspy nay wsll bo on* of tb* ? i i | 9 » i fo r ths «p»

p»rent Xsok of suoosss tharaplats ha»s aitparlanosd In tlsatr

afcfcampta to oorroot phonatory dtaordors#

I t would sppssr tbst u t i l i s a t i on of taet l ls«kls*sthst«

lc s s woIX s i auditory fssd-bsok would too of

bonaflt whsn attwaptlns to correct voles disorders,

both the auditory a ad ttotlXs-klnssthatlo sensations ara jg*t

prsssnt whsn voles la producsd# Ths sooustlo ssnsstlons

of ths roloa »m easily dlsosrnad both by the apsaksr and

ths l l s t s n s r ; on tba otbar hand, klnsathst ls asnsatlons am

much *ors d i f f i c u l t to Idsntlfy* Parkins hal low s that ths

majority of physiological rsadjuatwsnta oas w**t malca to 8*Btlnohflsld-Hawk# *8oto*»Klftseath»tls Training for

Chlldran with Spaaob Handicaps** pp« 36**860*

®^?stfton# *A Comparison of Xlnssstfastlo Sensibility** pp» 308-510.

2alioak„ Visual-Tactile By a tan of Phonstlosl X?Xb?]uSa t l X§S4) J | ? 1^3oT: — telii £lSBS£Ea*

^Char les fan Hlpsr and John V. Xrwla* 'Voles and &i culatlo?! (isn«lo»ood C l i f f s , Haw Jerssy, l i l f f f*pp*

mm *fJ«dson and Isaver, Toio# p. 78.

Page 13: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

vvj pitch, qunllty, end tuts! ocour l a laryngeal

end pharyngeal »mm which mm devoid of klncethetlo

Mat* In dlMMMlng nornel vooel production, ho says, *«•

havo l i t t l e , if any, eoneeloue eeoee of moventnt or tension

la the anaolet of tot* larynx not storym#®88

Th* fact that on* way not ba ooneoloualy twar® of the

kinesthetic •aneetlona arising during phonatloa, doaa not 09

mean that they play no pert in vocal production* ' Repeated

references ere nede la the 111ernture on voice to kine®-SIC!

thetic Maiftt lwi aoaaoa to e f f i c i ent voice production*

Jadeon end fteever state that "because one aeldou tries to

ralae a«ch aeneetlons to a eoneeloue level , they ueuelly

give one bat l i t t l e Information#^ Further obeervetlone

on this aspect of vocal oontrol eho* that by concentreted

e f for t . Information can bo obtained from kinesthetic n a n *

tlone and with practice theee aeneetlons can be raleed to e M

high degree of coneoloueaeeeft

I t I t reeeoneble to essntse that tho teotHe«kloesthet»

lo feed-back olrcalt pleya • aore In portent role In the ^Perlcios, "The Challenge of Functional Dleordere of

Voice," p. 987, UH

"Judson ind. I i m t , M S S SoUnoa. p. 78, I . town, Xntrodaotlon J60 Sg—oh (Uentopid^,

Meseeehusette, 1956)# pp» 24-2S. 51Jfcdeon end teever, Voice Science. p. 78.


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voioo of t troiaod singtr tbrnI i t doos In ths aatrsiaod

voloo siaoo tho slapmp wast porfont with & grostor ooasist~

oaoy of voosX production thsa 4 m i tho spoototr# Tho singes1

Is confronted with • vsrioty of sooustiosX oaviroamats in

hi* psrfovnsaoo, yot bo I s obi® to maintain roXfttivs ooa-

s is toat voooi ohsrsotorist ios «na though savi~

roaaoatsX sounds » r sXtor h i s suditory perception. Far~

thor ovidoaoo of the trsiaed ftiag»r*s tsotiXe»klaosthotio

sbiXity in vtkMiwd try X*via« '8® eoatoads thst *on sooas-

t los l ly trostod roan i s more pXessiag to § Xistoaor boooaso

the toaadff oont m m oXeerer sad louder, PeredoxiasXXy, sb

sooostloeXXy trestod roo» mmj bo considered »pa»rf by the

e r t i e t for ho dooo aot hour htaseXf «oXX ead his voioo

seoas doXX sad fX#t» t t^ Vhet Is Biased I s tho ref lect ion

of the sound from the wrsXls* tho norloi ainger, not hosr-

lag hi* voioo, toads to beoono disturbed oad s t a r t forcing X4

his voioo, i f hs thinks tho production i s poor* loodrutff

msiatsias thst some siagors to thoir I n i t i a l porforsaeaoo In

sa soousticsXXy trsetod auditorium find i t to bo s disturb*

iag experience. However, tho trsiaed singer Xeeras to reXy,

aot apoa ths sound of h i s ova voioo ss ho hosrs i t , but ap*

oa tsotiXo«lcta*sthetle seasstioas ia maintaining s good


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vote® quality art U , fkmmtmm, not eoaoaraad with how ha MS

ban*® hlnaalf. Lavln roporta aladlar axparloaoas or

guaat artlata la thalr first parfomaaoa m tb« MatropoXl*

tan Opar* ataga which is acoaatlca U y traatad.** Vataoa

•tataa that tba taQtUa~kla»ath»tlc fa*d~toaofc utllliad tor

•xparlaaood aingare 1« dovalopad ta a high degraai « • • w q #n oxtrawaly flan alagerU vol©# t» Uttia dlatartood toy uncesfehetiling tba 1*171131 with eoeilm. «ht*ti throw# m m m U m m * organs la tn® auutou* aar-*•«•» <»t of gaar, tout does not tffaot tU® a«as» or*

pins In the mccles sod taadoaa*"'

ftm Htaratura la tba fiald of ®»®1# auggaata that

training and davaloping a taotUa~kloaathatlc ivsnmii and

control la utilised la singing laa traction* ¥ha extent to

•blob «a artist la taught to rely upon the *fssl" of bit

vocal Kscbaaleai la eoatroverslslf however, the feat that

Hinging la not purely a re flax action tout la alao an eo*

quired skill and 81*% from the development of « ae*ir<wit*a-

cular ooordiao tioa, la recognised toy aoet professions! JM

singing lastyuetevs* For tba matt partt a aInger la

to control bla voice toy relying upon teetile and

kinesthetic oue«. Lsvia auggsats that It la the combination

S^Xatsrvlew witti wiUlam Woodruff, Hesldeat Tenor, $aiveralty of Ohiosgo, Delia*, ?«»«» March *6, 1964,

^Levin, "Tba Professional 8la@ar#* p. 469*

^Lavln, "The Professions! &lnger»" pp. 495~4J4.

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of feeling# and mamtiom whlX® singing, which gradusllj Kg

bulXds up th# singer1® t®©ta»ltu#*

Stsnlty, la describing sensations or fi«Uage fop wp»

tain ton**v reported that out ton* osy fee f e l t in the fore~

pert of the heed while snothsr In the bsok of ths hMd* and

so on#*0 Woodruff, In tsaohlng w i « j , sxpXslns th is oon-

eept i t "ton® pXsoswsnt#* Aeoording to Woodruff, i f ths

student sthieves good resultc by lnsglning his too* I s

placed a t s oirtfiln point, th».t la six that oounts.41 fhas

in actual perform nee the trained singer esn rssdlly seln*

tsin spseifle volelngs sithough ths ocouetio envlrom&ent

does not permit him to monitor his voloe accurately through

ths auditory fesd»bsok circuit* On the other head, the

i |i«feir tends to rely heavily upon auditory feetf-back sad

in doing so he adjusts his voles to a variety of sooustlosX

backgrounds in order to conpsnsste for ths chsngss hs hears*

Ma re ball1 a Investigation of the roXs of tsstll*«kinss»

tht t lo Monitoring la vocal production suggests that singers

sre dors capable of u t i l i s ing tsotile«klnesthstie feed-back

when controlling voosl intensity in ths presence of ovsiv

riding seeking tones then were untrsiasd persons.** mBM* 4%ouiX»s Stenley, "the Science of Voles,* Joawisl of

ths ftwiBitUii iipm^sitt* ocxi u p m , x»ax), 4oa* i n t e r v i e w with vixxien Woodruff, Resident IPs nor.

University of Ohlesgo, Dsllsa, Tsxss, March 86, 1964«

^Marshall, "A Study of Xlnsethetle Feedback snd Vocal intensity*

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m «*y be mo a from the foregoing, investigators heve

been concerned with fseasory feed-bsek In both ar t icula t ion

end voool production,. although in th« l a t t e r cese enphsste

has been centered largely on the role of auditory pcroep*

tlon »nd conjeoture regarding the contribution* of t e c t l l e -

kinsethetlc f*ed~becfc» I t i t tubalt ted thet teatile«kln*e«

thetlo monitoring sad I t s pole in irocel production »e r i t s

considerable study before I t# application say be thoroughly

exploited in c l in ics1 tho**py«


Whethsr persons with trained voioee learn to rely mm

upon teetlle~iclaesthetlo eenestion* la controll ing the to*

eel neehenlsn then do untrelned i s e Question not

«severed la the l i tereture* investigation of th le subject

oould revolve eround the influenoee of perceived vooal

<***llty on voosl production. Such l e the ooneern of th le

etudy. Basically the purpose of thle study le to ooxspere

pereone with trelned voices end persons with untrained

voioee in the i r s b l l l t l e s to u t i l i s e teot l le-klneethst le

feed-back when afeteapting to control vooal in tensi ty .

In order to eonduct th is Investigation, en sttempt

wil l be aede to enever three speolflo questional

1# Whet ere the effecte* If sny, of cer tain a l t e re -

tlon* of sn auditory atlaulue during vooal production on

vooel in tens l ty t

Page 18: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


e« Are the effects?, If any* of filtering tine auditory

stimulus nor© pronounced In fell® ttatofelMkl than in the

trelned voice?

5* is tfa* 4j®gzm of ch»oge, if ftny, e function of tb§

vowel type being altered?

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Twenty normal hearing subjects were selected for this

experiment. They ranged in age from nineteen to twenty*

four years with a mean chronological age of 21,1 year®.

The subjects were divided into two groups according to vo-

cal ability, training, and experience* Ten of the subjects

had no voice training or professional experience. They

will fee referred to as the "untrained group® in the remain-

der of this thesis* The remaining ten subjects, comprising

the "trained group,* were selected on the basis of voice

training, professional experience, and availability. The

criterion for selection of trained voices was the ability

of the subject to demonstrate smooth control ©f register

breaks. The trained singer attempts to maintain an "even

soala11 In changing from one register to another) that is,

he strives for a smooth transition of toss quslity between

registers* The singers who have the sblllty to isalntain

the same quality of tone in changing from one register to

another are believed to have developed s high degree of

laryngeal control.1 Individual instruction and professional

^Interview with William Woodruff, Resident Tenor, University of Chicago, at Dallas, Texas, Msrch 26, 1964*


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uptrltBoe ««r« ilio consldsswd »» Imports nt oritorla la

th» Mli«tton of ttas trained group* Howsysr, singing

sblllty *•# glvon prsosdsnoo In salting Nliatloni* Thoss

subjsots ssXsatsd for tta* sxpsrlsentsX group wsrs soXloltod

from s group of profssslonsl slngsrs* Of ths tsn subjsots

in ths trslnsd group, six hsirs sung profsssleasily*

svsrsgs snount of profssslonsl oxpsrleno* psr psrson

approxlastsly 8«4 yt»rs* All of ths tamtMkl subjsots hsd

rooslvsd Individual Instruction vhloh rsngsd in 4a rot Ion

from two to sight srt«M«

A for* dsvlssd to bslp pro*Ids bsakground Information

of trslnlng end sxpsrlsnes in tinging vss o ample tsd by ssoh

subjsct. fit# informtlon gsthsrsd fro» thoss imem Is In*

oludsd In ths Appendix* This form *ss ussd 11 « gulds la

ths sslsotlon snd sistohlng of ths trslnsd sad ontrslnsd

groups ss to ssx and »go«

T ho subjsots In ths unto* load group wore flvt mslss

and flw fsaslss imaging In ®@g from tiinote&n to M n t y *

thro* yssrs with » m b m chronologies1 sgs of 21*0 yssrs*

Ths sxpsrlasntsl subjects flvs m U i snd ftws fsaslss

who rsngsd In ago frosi ninstssn to t»snty~four jrttrs with

s nssn ohronologlasl «§g® of 21# X yours*

Ho subjsat hod sny previous sxperlsnos with frsqusnsy


During ths rscruifcraent of the subjsete, tbsy wsrs ln-

forasd only thst voosl responsss undsr dlffsrsnt auditory

oondltlons were to bo lnvsstlgstsd*

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A tme»V9m •udloXogl«tI tooting •»!*»# Mod#l iflot by

Xnduotrlol Aoonotloo aoetp«flQr» Xn«», contolnlng on *Ui»on

Model 8U» ond rni at bwdphonoo with «*43/jyt

ouobtoao woro uood to obtain » blnouvol » pooch roooptlon

threshold rt» oooh oubjoct.

The experiment «•• oondaoted la the fiUfii# Adislnis*

trot ion Audlologleel Glinte# ¥et#r»n« Adalnletretton Moo*

p l t o l * Dellsa, te*ee» the presents tlon of the experiment# 1

conditions woo eoooapUshsd Iteoiigfe the use of Electro-

Voiee SHuttir microphone®f Model CM oaA ffifi 99 heedphones

with W-41/A1 oushlons* Fre^ienoy filtering woo provided

by on Allison PreQoenoy /liter Model 8f> In oonjiinotlon with

the AUlioa 31B eudloneter* fM« filter it oellbreted to

provide o 3 doelbol drop In Intensity at the doolrod fro-

<*tenoy out«off oad o 90 doelbol drop la intensity for eseh

ootsve ebove tho out-alt point* uollbvotlon of the instru-

ment! woo oheotced prior to aonduotlng the experiment with o

Brttel ond XJm* Sound Level Meter, aadel W W ehioh employs

» Brftel ond KJeer mlorophone, node I 4191* tho eound pres-

sure levels at eeoh frequency » • » foand to bo within tho

tolerenoe levele etenderdlsed ond e p e o l f i e d by tho msntifeo* 4$

tarere of tho oQulpaont* Samples of oooh subject'®


Page 22: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


vooeXisstloas W9m recorded on »n Astpex #00 tope reoorder*

ftw sound pressure readings were *»d* a t l l l a l i i f tfe® Ampex

tap® recorder wad the BrfteX sad Kjeer Sound Level Metei> la

sooordsaoe with the procedures outlined % the manufactur-

e r s . 3 A saheastio diagram of the equipment employed I s

t h i s experiment I s »b9iA ea Figure X«


A monitor*! 11 w Tale® speeoh reception threshold

(8R?) using the spondee auditory test W»l l i s t A w*s ob-

tained for seah subjeot** This allowed the experimenter

to date mine if the aubject «®t the estebXiahed normaX

hearing a r l t s r i o n of s binaural S8f of 10 deoibels or l e s s

•ad s l so determined the level of auditory fned*lJ#ek during


She subjeots were aeatei in s oheir ; « headrest on the

ehsi r was adjusted so that the heed would rests In In s f ixed

posit ion throughout the test*

A aniform distance of spproxinstely fourteen inches

wss Maintained between the mouth of the subject sad the two

microphones used la the experiment* One microphone was

used to reoord the subjec ts ' •ooal lsa t lona, the other wss

used to estsbXish e synchronous auditory fsed*»bsok oonrti-

t lon through the aadiomster*

% I A « i P« 27*

*Hay#a A* *ewby. Audiol Clew York, 1983}, p . Sl'ST

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V •Woll oop»voting omwd ( eh»*b«r *od ootttvel \ booth

r -

- < (i) Cfeamioi 8

- - - « - -Q--Ohsnnel %.

million Audloaoto* mtov Recorder

Fig* 1—Sahwwtio dlsgrum of th» •qaipwsat «®play«d la production tad recording of opoooh »*raple».

Page 24: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


fturtng tho oxporlaaat both ohannoXa of tbi audi ono tor

ww# in GImmroX two of W m aodl<*»otor m » »d*

Justod to roturn tho total food»baok algnaX to tho aubjoet

*nd «•» It* l tod onXy by tho inhoront distortion and fro-

qponoy roaponso of tho Instrunante invoXvod* OhsnnoX out

of tho sndlMotor win aot to roturn tho flltorod food-baofc

slgnaX to tho subjoot* Introduction of tho flXtorod ®lgm%

wm attalaad by manually attonoo ting out ohonosX too of tbo

midfowttor Xoovlag oaty tbo flltorod coaciitlOR i. s poroolvad

throng ohsaasl «oo» andor tho flltorod condition Item

froqponoios sbovo 1080 ops ««r# flXtorod fawn the food-booJc

slgnaX* Tho foocu»baok lovol of tho aubjoot'a vole* vas ad»

Juatod by tho exporlmoator via « va »otor la ordor to In-

mm that th® aubjoot would monitor tiki f«od~bsek of tho

auditory oigosX bo rooolvod through tbo hoodphonos* A

food«»baak lovoX of 70 db mi tbo individuoXs ttf ««« main-

tains* throughout tbo oxporlnent* Tbi* lovoX «»» of auffl*

oiont intensity to soak wngr bono or tlasuo ooadaotod «1 goals.

Eaoh subjoot »ss pro son tod • list of ton short word#

and *sk»d TO produoo LIB© vo*oX sound* eontslnod I N FTS©SE

vords m sua to I nod vooslixfttlon* Hiao of tbo vords usad

bogan with ono of tbo toat vooola. Tbo voooX /u/ vaa

shown In tho s*dlsl position slnoo no oos»on word oouXd bo

found vhioh bogan with thla vowoX# Sho words oisployod to

oXlolt production of tho oxparlaontaX vovols woroi oat. ltfr

a m a&£» &s» »2ii. iaafe. a&> &£&» •<« mawf « »

Page 25: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


oxptrlawatol Tow*In than produced vimi / 1 /# /I /# /6 /#

/£/, /ae/# /u/# /u/, /o/» /o/» im /a/*

Ewch «tfbj«©% »•» lnstruotwd to pbonwt* thw t»»t vowwlt

in tuaUlnwd vooallMfclon upon niga»l, fro® ttm •xperiawnter

who was Xooatwd la thw ooatroX Motion of tteo t«»t wilt##

Subjwot* wwrw ia®trnot#d to fttteapt to mint* la wnoh vowel

*t ® oon»Unt l*v»l of latwnwlty wad to dlwrwgavd ©ay

change • ti*y Bight h#»r la thwlr voio#» throat th* h»«d*

phono# daring phon»tlo&« Mmh wubjoot *•• allowwa Us* for

practicing th* tott toww!» in ordor to acquaint hlawolf

with th* "naar normal" fw«d«b»*k eoadltlona. Thu «lm

g»v th* «xp*rl«*&t*r tla* to adjaat th* gain* vli th* Vtf

utters of th* f«wd*ba6k eondltloa* sad tap* r»oord*r«

ISooh tabjoot w«» s*fc*d to phoa*t* th* t*»t vowala un~

dor th* two following *xp*rla»nt*l ooaditloawt

1* *h* *ttbj**t w*» »ak*d to ph*n*t« esoh of th* t**t

vowala and«r a •ynohreiioia* £**d»b*ofc condition* the «**&»

baok ww9 adjuatad via • ¥11 net*r to » Iwwwl of 70 db rot n

th* Individ***!1* SSf# fteit proo*dur* »*• d*«lgn*d to find

oat If th* *abj*ot ooald, under n**r noraal «onltaring @on»

dltlons, hold at • oonatant l*v*l of intanalty for fit*

aaoonda oaata of th* fcaat vowels. B*«h *ubJ*ot'* vooalls**

tioa* and*r this oondltlon w*re raeord*d and atorad on

S. LN| "8cm of tU»»|gM Dilir,' jQiiriml sssusz a£ tistisa. **" <*•*. m » j , "

Page 26: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


Ampox mil eooteto rooordlag t#pe sad mm Xator e«®»

perod with 111# tepee recorded under the experimental ooadfc*

tlon of f i l ter ing.

8# f m fiXterod condition ooneleted of Instructing

•eeh eubjoot to phoneto the ton toet wowoXe tn eaeteined

•oo»ll to Hon. Two eooonde of tor ho had begun to phoneto,

hie perception of oooh of tho toot vowele WHO altered fey

f i l tering oat those frequencies ebovo XQ80 ope froa tho

foed-beofc eigne1, thne dleeXXowing tho oabjoat to reXy on

hie beginning foed-beelc elgael ee e reference la his a t -

tempt to aelnteln • cone tent XeveX of Intensity* Uhder

tht i oxperlaentsl condition, f i l ter ing of tho subject's

voieo woe not introduced until two eooonde ef tor bo hod be*

®o» phonetlon on oooh of tho TOWOX sounds end tho rooeptloa

of hie nstureX phonetlon wee eetebXlehed*

Under tho toet condltlone doeorlbod ebowe i t woe ex*

pie tod thet tho subject eoold respond in ono of two weyst

II) the subject ©oaXd tolerate tho perceived changes In

hie vooeXisetion end not very hie eetusX vocel production*

or W mo eabjoot couXd, to sons degree, very hie voloe

la intensity in en effor t to coapensete for the changes ho


I t wee feXt that If thoro were greater intensity d i f -

ferences .In tho responses oi tho untrained gre«p then In

tho roeponeoe of tho treined group ander toet condition i f

then thooo fluting# would tend to eupport the hypothesis

Page 27: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

thet the ontr*ined mtj wore on mMtmf eense tlons to

mints Irving end controlling voosl production then do

trained voloes* Thus if the truliied group demons tret* •

X®s#tr degree of intensity ©bunges under the eonditio.n of

filtering then da untrained group, in wey be inferred

thst til® trained group demonstrated « greeter Mptelty /or

utilising sensory w&nitorlng other then euditory* a fur-

ther logioel inference would be feet the tr»is®d subjects

m&e better uee of teotlle-klneathetic monitoring of their

vocsl intensity then did the uatrelne& eubjeets*

The inetraaente 1 enelysie of the dets wes •oocwpliahed

by ooupllng the Aapex tepe recorder end the sound level

meter* Intensity ohsnges, eseoeisted with the slterstlon

of the e pee tor'ft voiee, under the experiaent&l conditions

of filtering end son*filtering were oowputed In deoibele

by neeearing the differeooe between the initial Intensity

reeding, the lntenelty level es recorded on the first two

seconds of eeoh segment of tepe, end the finel Intensity

reeding, the intensity level of the reneining portion of

thet tepe e*0nent« The intensity levels obtslned from, the

reoorded tepe segments ere shown in the Appendix* These

differenoes were ooapered end enelysed stetlstleelly uti-

lising the following fomuls t6

•o. Hilton Smith. £ StopllfUd Oulda Bt»tl«tlc« J&g Psychology asa m w M OTI7, "

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M 0 =

(in1 =



^ 0 = ^

(So d M p ^


N D _


fb® dirf#r®os@s b«t*«n tho ne«a* «>bt»lii»4 on tiwii

•<>••1 « O » J I & fop tt» t«Bla«d G P O T I P wore O O M P E R E D end A N T *

ly t td « t« t l s t i ce l ly with tho atwast obtat la«d for tbo an-

tra lot* group# In computing th* •ijptlfictmc© of tn®«#

tot*, t t» following forrauli w«s« u«edi7

M , - M 2

i* $ Th» ro«ult» are rtpopttd in Chapter i n .

7Uoni7 1 . t t e m t t , S ta t i s t i c* (Sow Tork, 1968), pp. 182*124* '

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The purpose of the p r e s e n t s tudy was t o compare two

groups of subjeets I n t ini of their t a e t i l e - k l n e s t h e t i c

m o n i t o r i n g of voca l I n t e n s i t y , On® group was t r a ined , l a

v o c a l p?o<taction and t h e o t h e r was comprised of u n t r a i n e d

s u b j e c t s . The s p e c i f i c p rocedu re s used t o a s s e s s t a c t l l e -

k i n e s t h e t i c monitoring were presented In Chapter I I . The

r e s u l t s and a n a l y s e s of the d s t a *111 be p r e s e n t e d i n this

c h a p t e r .

The dsts obtslned f rom the first experimentsi condi-

tion were d e s i r e d t o find out i f the s u b j e c t c o u l d , under

n e a r l y normal a u d i t o r y f e e d - b a c k c o n d i t i o n s , s u s t s l n f o r a

p e r i o d of five seconds a c o n s t a n t l e v e l of intensity on

each of t h e t e s t vowels . I t will be remembered that t he

f i r s t e x p e r i m e n t a l condition d i d no t i n v o l v e the introduc-

tion of f i l t e r i n g * The r e s u l t s o b t a i n e d f rom t h i s c o n d i -

t i o n a r e ^i©wn In Table 1 . As may be seen f rom Table I ,

b o t h groups made s i g n i f i c a n t v a r i a t i o n s i n i n t e n s i t y on a l l

vowels, even though they were a t t e m p t i n g t o m a i n t a i n a con-

s t a n t Intensity l e v e l # A p p l i c a t i o n of the Jb t e s t on each

vowel y i e l d e d a v a l u e which s u g g e s t s that t he d i f f e r e n c e s

a r e s t a t i s t i c a l l y significant w e l l beyond the . 0 1 l e v e l of

conf idence# I t should be no ted t h a t a l l v a r i a t i o n s In the


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mm m&au zwiEmin m i^cxbsls of vocal mmmtwrn mm mm nm*>wimwm mmimm

""" 'WSV'^mmnSn

III teditel# Orrlfttlon

L •Si •£>68964 2.46 • 05

I 1.25 *403119 9.50 .01

e 1*15 • a o n o o 15.07 . 0 1

£ 1*46 .756637 5.74 .01

TB .70 .556776 3.77 . 0 1

\l *70 »»1689 #*33 • 01

V 1.35 •380156 18.65 •01

O • 98 •471699 «*<M •01

D 1.80 ,mmoo 7.06 •01

a. 1.0S •415931 7 • » .01


I 1.40 .455890 9,64 •01

I 1*78 .460977 11.34 •01

e •567891 7#<S8 •01

£ 1.35 .595717 6.82 .01

1*45 •471699 9*88 . 0 1

UL 1*60 *mmm 3*83 • Gi

u 1*00 .500000 16.00 .01

0 1.25 .850000 15.0© . 0 1

1.70 .640500 r « wB •01

0- 8*20 .453253 14,47 •01

Page 31: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


do to f « both tho oxpori«ont*X nod oontrol groups mn&o* tho

ooa*fil tortd condition reprooonta doerotte# of wmmt laton-

•Itjri 7M othor vofdii • • tho aubjooto attoaptod to auatain

0 oonatant XoiroX of intonaity under tho aoo-fiXtorod ooaAi*

t ion, thoy doorooaod in intoaaity output* fill® l a t t o r

point 1« intoroating whoa oonp&rod with the roauXta in

ftbXo XI*

I t «»y bo soon la TabXo XX that tho traiaod aubjooto

did not rory aigaifioantXy la intoaaity wbaa tho varlebXo

of f i l t e r i n g m a iatroduood* Application of tho t tost did

not yiold aooroo boyoad tho •& XavoX of oonfidoooo* How*

aror* the t score r of th® antrainod group are a XX boyoot

tho «0X XovoX of ooafidonoo. I t ahouXd aXao bo notod that

thoco veriotiono roproaont an inoroaao in the intoaaity of

voooX out ?ut« In comparing tho roauXta of TabXo I with

thooo ahown in TabXo I I # i t wouXd appoar that both graapo

raiaod tho intonaity la vela of thoir voeaX output un&ar

eaaditioiia of fiXtoring*

Tobla XXI i t o computation of the variat ions in in too*

aity of tho trainod and untrained groape whioh oo>»pare«

oaoh eubjeot*a perform noo under tho fiXtorod condition end

the non-fiXtorod condition. In computing the so aooroa, tho

s u a Intonaity devietione of tho non«»flXtered eegnenta of

tape mm compared with tho fiXtorod eegnenta of tape* I t

may bo roodily obeerved th»t tho magnitude of vooaX inten*

oity ohangee during tho condition of fiXtering mm elgaifi*

oontXy greater then intensity change a undor tho noa-fil tered

Page 32: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho



f ® m&n IWBSBBlTt DXffffSB&KQBS IK tMQimm OF V001& mmmiom mm mu nmsmx> oomditxoh

in Ifeoibels "T lS ior 35210

Dtvistlon t acare

fviiatd « i .25 •51*348 1*46 •t

I •10 •574X60 .80 •6

e #1© •55 •6

£ •40 •708967 1*71 «8

ae 0 •881000 0 » a • 15 •502494 •Si •4 V .30 •009900 1.75 •2 o •OS •471699 •51 •i o •id •531600 1«81 • 8 a. •Of* »567S90 .26 •8

Untrein«<l %

c 2.26 •680000 9«98 •01

I 2.15 •§®Q0§0 11*75 *01

e t«ao *mmm 15*55 •01

£ 2.25 1*005982 5.71 •01 ae. s«55 .602434 14*05 •01 u- 2.60 •665300 11*75 • 01 V S«40 •910000 7.8S •01 o 2.06 »S§7S8® §•95 • 01

0 8*65 •610325 12# 55 • 01 Gu 2,56 •807775 §•75 •01

tmvlitten too ellghttobo

Page 33: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


tmw ttt

„ HEAR tummrnt of vogal mowcnom mmn coudiviovb OP FILTERING A ®

aicgect 3 W W ! ? # 1

PllUr»4 ileffafTon if on-filtered

fu ijii f u m i|fi murt • •[ Trained

% I • 88 * • & & 8*96 .01

I • 10 -1*85 7*36 .01

e • «10 -i»i§ 6«98 *01

£ » *415 •*1*40 ©»08 .01

ae 0 - .TO ^*®§ #01

u »1«®0 • .70 10*95 *01

XJ *UW @•11 *01

o .50 • *i© 0*67 .01

D • .20 mUUO 4*03 •01

ft. .50 -1*0© 6*54 •01

Untrained %

I 8«86 -1*40 18.80 *'01

r 8*15 •1*78 19.68 *01 e a.SO •1*48 14*74 • 01

8 3.8$ -1.35 Q»tS •01

2.o5 •1*45 Sl*75 .01 u.

2.60 -1.60 i*ee .01 V

2*40 -1*60 18 .'44 .01 o

2.05 -1.25 12.23 .01 0 i* i i •1.70 14.41 *01 ct 2 #56 •2*20 $JS#§8 .01

Page 34: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


oondltlon for both the trained mat untrained groups* How*

m r , the var ia t ion d«a©n»tr»t#4 by the «ntrtta®4 group wss

approximately s ixty-f ive peroent greater than thst shown by

the trained group* The neen intensi ty vs r l s t ion for the

treined group was l«d& dbj for ths untrained eubjeets* i t

wss 1*76 4b*

In order to eeseee the d i f f e ren t e f f e e t s of f i l t e r i n g

on the TM»1 productloa between tslm trained ami untret&ed

groups* the var iat ion in intensi ty between these group# un-

dor both t e s t oondltlon» wt»s analysed s t a t i s t i c a l l y . f i t *

ble If the aeen dis t r ibut ion of the in tensi ty

var ia t ions observed on eeeh tos t vcwel under both the f i l -

tered end noa*fil tered experimental conditions* i t my be

seen that the s»an variat ions of the t e s t vowels fo r the

t r s ln td group under the noo-f i l tered oondltloa ran#® twm

*66 db fo r the vowel / I / to 1*45 db fo r the vowel / £ / »

while the obtslned neea variat ions for the an trained group

ranged f ro* l*f® db for the vowel / o / to 8*20 db fo r the

vowel /CL/* Appliestlon of the £ t e s t yielded values whloh

suggest that the differences In intensity ver ls t lons fo r

the vowels / L / # /3B/# /U. / # end / & / to be s t a t l s t l o s l l y

s ign i f ies fit beyond the *01 level of confidence* These

findings would seem to Indieste that ths two groups did not

d i f f e r sig&lficontly ftpon esoh other In s non-f i l tered con~

dl t lon except in the ©are of the four vowels Mentioned*

However, the Jb valuee obtained under the f i l t e r e d oondltlone

Page 35: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

7mm i f

mm Mm iwrnmirt mwMmm OF VOCAL mow&tioxa for m mine *m wtR&uw ®mwm


suogect K K w Truin»a Oroup

iievietion 1*T® *' Move

F i l t e red

i *86 8.88 7*04 .01

I •10 3.18 11*78 .01

E • .xo 2*50 10*88 *01

e » *48 8*88 6*35 •01

ae 0 B*88 18.70 *01

U. • IS s*eo 8.78 .01

u • *90 8.40 7.86 .01

0 .05 8.08 «*7a .01

0 • *80 S*§8 11.87 .01 a •OS 8*88 8.98 *01


I m *58 •1*40 5.10 *01

1 -1.25 -1.78 8.83 *08 e •1*16 *1.48 1,40 •10

£ •1*45 *1*38 •88 .80

% • .70 •1*48 3*08 *01

a • .70 •1*60 4*08 .01

V ••1*88 <•1.60 1*70 #so o • #06 • 1.85 i»$d .80 0 •1*«0 •1*70 1«88 *10 a. -1*08 <•8*80 8*87 *01

Page 36: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


•m »on then three tlsiee ea greet ee thoee obtained under

the not*»flltered condition**

The obtained waen varletlone under the f i l t e r e d o « »

dl t lon for the trained group rongad fro® *0& db for the

•owel / ( L / to «46 db fop the vowel / £ / » The mean Inten-

s i ty deviations fo r the untrained group ws»®id f ro* 8*16 db

for the vowel /I / to t»§0 db for %t» vowel /U/» Applloe-

tloa of the t tos t yielded values whleh ranged f roa 15*7006

for the vowel / a e / to e t vslue of d»7898 fo r the vowel / U ^

these J| «@or©a, »e was suggested e a r l i e r , ere on the aver*

age more than throe times aa great aa thoee obtained In the

nan-f i l tered poeltlon* Froa those findings, I t siay be in-

ferred that the trained group de«oastrsted a s ignif icant ly

greater eepealty for a t l U s i n g eeneory fsed^bsek other then

auditory* A further loglael Inferenoe would be that tha

treined aubjeota aade bet ter use of teetlle~fcineethetle

feed-beok of the i r vocal Intensity then did the untrained

eubjeeta* The l imitations of these findings wi l l be dls»

ouaeed l a t e r in Chapter IV.

Oorrelatee of Vooel Intensity

Host of the research ooneerned with voesl intensi ty

hee been* for the stoat par t , done by experlnentel phoneti-

d e ne* Their writings auggeat that there hea been oorisider-

ebly greater in te res t in the theoret ical espeeta of t h i s

feoet of ooanonleetlon then hee been dlspleyed by s l l n l ee l

Page 37: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


Inveetlsetors* Report# concerned with the relationship

between voecl Intensity and vowel eouode mtke up the greet-*

•at portion of the reported atudlee* Bleoit* a*de e atudy

of vowel Intenelty In reading. Ffcirbanke, Houae, aad o

ftevene reported en experimental etody of vowel lntenel«

ttee In aonoeylleblo worde. Vowel late nel tie e were the

prlaery eonaiderstlon In the early etudy of secle end Bee*®

on the relative power of fundamental phonoa*s In asonoeylle-

blea end cooverafttlonel apeach, In thl* type of lnveetlga lo-

tion, the vowel® were not only eoneldered Individually, but

in groups ee well, /or osample, Fairbanks et ©I, showed that

vowele very from « relatively high intenelty value for the

open vowel* to e leeaer v»lue for closed vowele#* Hoops

ate ted that "tbare ere re letlonshl pa between the Intenelty

varlatlone end certain physiological eepeete «uoh as the

Hps, jew# end feoupi© position*"® other investigators suoh

%* W, Bis ok, "Bfeturel frequency, Curetlcm end Xaten-elty of Vowele In Heading,* Journal of Speeeh end Keerlwt Plsordsrs* XIV (June, 1949), 216-221,

%• Felrbenks, A. S» 8ouse, end 1# L* Stevens* *Aa Ixperlwentel Study of Voo&l Intensities.* Journal of Aoous* Mssi — » • » or isoisa. **« !*»». i t » W T W - ® ® r ^

% . P. Beele »a& C. J. Beek, *fhe Power of Fundeoentel S f f T ISSLtoSl l22$®s® I m m k * f u«iy»

*Pairt>»aka, Houae end Stevens, "An Experimental Study of Vooel Xnteneltlee*"

M,tmt isprlngfleld 111., lwOJ| Pi »6»

Page 38: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


& 7

63 Rees, sad Sherman sad Mnks , have considered vowels In

terms of such o l s s s l f i o a t l o n s a s f r o n t versus bacic vow#!®,

tens# versus l a x , high ve r sus low, e t ce tera* a l though not

n e c e s s a r i l y In r e spec t to t h e i r Intensi ty character is t ics*

There 1# » pauci ty of bas ic in format ion l a voice s c i -

ence l i t era ture on vowel c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s whloh seemingly

oould be u t i l i z e d by the speech c l i n i c i a n * I t l a apparent

t h a t more Information mast b© compiled before s systemstic

a p p l i c a t i o n of p resent knowledge can be made# Fairbanks

e t s i . f e e l t h a t a g r ea t dea l of Information which r e l a t e s

vowel i n t e n s i t i e s to the phys io log ica l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of

vowel® I s needed "before conclusions way be drawn**®

I t would appear to be worthwhile to cons ider c e r t a i n

observations whloh might be made from the da ta r epor t ed In

the p resen t Inves t iga t ion* I t I s hoped t h a t these observa-

t i o n s w i l l contribute to the understanding of the r e l a t i o n

between vocal i n t e n s i t y and the phys io log ica l c h a r a c t e r i s -

t i c s of vowels#

% . Rees, "Sense Var iab les Af fec t ing Perceived Harsh-ness*® Journal of Speech and Hearing Research* I (June, 1958), T S & m r -

7D« Sherman and H. Links, "The Influence of Certain Vowel Types on the Degree of Harsh Voice Quality," Journal of Speech and Bearing Disorders, XVII (November, 191527,

^Fai rbanks , House end Stevens, "An Experimental Study of "Vocal I n t e n s i t i e s , " p. 4St*

Page 39: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


I n t e n s i t y XfevUfcloa* •coordlng t o Vowel C l 8 8 e i f i c » t l o n

I rtnfc order t abu l a t i on of Meh t o s t vo»«l w»a aedt

from th« r#»ulfc» obta load f r o a e t ch group undt r the non*

f i l t e r e d c o n d i t i o n . Thlu ds te l a p r t r«nt#d l a V#


mm omm tiwauairn m mm mmm mmim nmm i W m U T f DXPFE3XS08S VUDZR THE IMB.PIXmgX)

008PX7108 FOR SUIIISD AH£> ! ? « f t M l » OROCTPS

Untrained Croup 9M1CMN& djpmip

Hank brdar f r o » l « « i t to a r e a t e a t

MS# l a db Rank dWta*' fro® La* a t t o Q*«at»afc

" ho-iwraa

"TSSHsHon i® dte

1 O t mm £**8 1 I •ftft

2 £ i # » 2 30 .70

3 0 1.40 3 a .70

4 e 1.46 4 o #«S

ft ae 1 .48 5 CL i . o e

6 a 1 Aft l*wU 6 e i a f t

7 V 1«60 7 0 1 .20

a D 1.70 a I 1.26

t I 1.76 9 V l . M

10 a a . s o 10 t 1.45

At tt| b# Meo f o « r t a l a phootiaea d t v l s t t d In In t aaa l t j r

soaewhat 1«»» than o t h e r s . I t i s apparaa t tha t th« M # i

Page 40: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


f r o n t vowel / 1 / w#« tb* phones* f o r the t r a i n e d

group t o as i n t a i n * t © cons tan t l a w l of I n t e n s i t y toll*

tli* add f r o n t vowel / £ / vee th* sonet uns table* f t » un-

t r a i n e d group appeared t o lit ab l e to w l a t a l n the mid beak

/ o / vowel e t • more eonfttent l e v e l of l a t e n s l t y end showed

s g r t s U r v a r i a t i o n l a t h e i r e t t ewp t s t o s u s t e i a * tontfcetit

I n t e n s i t y l e v e l m the low bsok vowel / & / * I t i t l a t e r -

e s t l ag t o note t h a t the re e re only two vowels, the / U / end

/ £ / produoed by the t r a i n e d group vhleh va r i ed so re In ln~

t e n s i t y then the four lowest I n t e n s i t y v a r i a t i o n s e x h i b i t e d

by the un t r a ined group* *?he only p a t t e r n of I n t e n s i t y

v a r i a t i o n s wi th r eepee t t o phones® type see a s to be eaumg

th ree phoneme f the bsek vowels /"U"/ end / 0 / nod the f r o n t

vowel / 1 / • 411 of theee vowels rank among the h ighes t In

I n t e n s i t y v a r i a t i o n s of voos l output f o r both groups* I t

I s s l s o I n t e r e s t i n g t o note t h a t the / & / , the moet open

low bee* vowel, eppeers to be the most u n s t a b l e vowel enoag

the u n t r s l n e d group while t h l a vowel eeene to be auoh

e e e l e r f o r t he t r a i n e d group t o eue te ln e t e s teady In t e n -

• l t y l eve l* A f u r t h e r observa t ion l e t h a t , on the be t i e of

thee* d a t a , the re appeara to be no r e l a t i o n s h i p between the

Sttount of I n t e n s i t y v a r i a t i o n observed and c l a s s i f i e s t l o n

of vowels s s op*n o r olos*d f f r o n t or bsek , o r h igh , a i d ,

and low*

Fu r the r oonper lsoas betw*ea each phoasu* and I t s I n t en t

s l t y d e v i a t i o n f a i l e d to r e v e a l any r e l a t i o n between vowel

I n t e n s i t y end vowel e l e a a l f l e a t l o n *

Page 41: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


f a © fc 1 l a - K l n a a t h a t i c A b i l i t y A « c o r d l a g t o

V o w s l c i * 9 $ t f l o * t t o m

In o r d e r to d i s c o v e r if t h e t a o t i l e ~ k i » 0 8 t h » t l e a b t l i -

t y a x h l b t t e d b y t h a t r a i n a d a u b j e o f c a » a a « f i t n o t i o n o f

v o w e l e l s a a l f l o a t I o n , a reaSc o r d « r t a b u l a t i o n w » a wm&a

w h i c h o a g p s r a s t h a l a t a n e l t y v a r i a t i o n * o f t h e t r e l o a d

g r o u p u n d s ? f i l t e r e d a n d n o a - f i l t e r e d o o n d l t t l o a s * T h i s

t a b u l a t i o n l a s h o w n I n T a b l a V I •

S A B I i . V I

m a s OHMS m w u f i o s OF m i w o n * &mim w & i i m m m m d i f f e r e n c e s f o r mm t r a i n e d <wo<jp


F i i t s r a d H o n ^ f l X t t M d

F * o « Laaa t t o O r e a t s s t

D e v i a t i o n i n d b

H a n k O r « a r F r e w L a a a t t o O r s a t a s t

Pho* mam.

D a v r a f T o n I n d b

1 * 0 1 • i •6ft

9 OU •08 f ae • 7 0

a o . 0 5 * u. •TO

4 i •10 4 o • 9 *

& e . 1 0 5 a X . O i

6 a . 1 5 § e 1*16

7 3 • t o ? 0 u « o

a « i • 10 § i i . « 6

9 u • s o 9 u l«M

10 £ . 4 5 10 e um

Page 42: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


A® ?£;* V»t mt-a In this table, tint vowel / i / which

ranked highest la the nan*fliteral condition dropped to s

making of sight under the filtered condition* This find*

tog Right be sxplslnsd on the be sis of the fuet thet this

wss the first vowel or* which the subjects experienced the

verisble of filtering* However, this observe ti on is highly

spsoulstlve* A similar drop la reaic wee observed for the

vowel /U/ whloh dropped from e rsnJc of three la the non-*

filtered condition to * rente of six In the filtered eoadl*

tlon* Sines both of theee vowels ere olessifisd ss hlgjb

tense vowels, It seems to suggest that the high vowels

night be lees subject to teotile-fcinesthetic oontrol* This

again Is highly speculetlvc, but msy be s fruitful sree for

furrier resssreh concerned with the phyelologloel ohsrsc-

terlstlos of vowel production* %e vowels ft /, /V/$

/o/t end /D/ resolved ldsntloel rankings under the two

conditions* The vowel /36/, whloh reoslved rankings of

one end twc would sppesr to be the ooet stsble of the

vowels while the /£/ phoneme sppesrs to be the nost un-


Further eanporlsons between the test vowels, their

clssslflostlon, end the dsgree of teo tile-klnesthetle con»

trol produced negstlve results) suoh variables ## tense-

lex, open-olosed, high-low, et ceters, were not found to

be relsted to the degree of tsctlle-fclnesthetlc control•

Page 43: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

GHhfTm If


fi»» pttrpooo of ttiu pro win t otady w«t« to

Ylduolo with trolnod volooo and porooao with untrolnod

VOIMI in THO uttttmtlm of to O tlLO-fclnoO thotic «lan

whllo ottowptlng to ooatrol vocal i atonal try. la ordor to

etolgo thla ocmparlaoa, two group* of oabjooto wore oolootod*

Sech group woo oomprlood of fi*o nolo* ond fl*o ferules

oaeta. ftao antral nod group nado op of fl*o a* loo ond

flvo foaaXoa who hod Xlttlo or no bookground In voleo

trolnlng or oxporlonoo in tinging* Tho trolnod group wao

no do up of flvo nolo* ond flvo foasXoo of • tailor o§@ «booo

bookgroand ohoood Individual vooal Inatrootloa and profoo*

olonal oxporlonoo* Xiao oubjooto ranged In aga fro® nlno-

toon to twoaty-four yoara with » aoan agi of 21*1 yoara*

A ayaohroaoua aapltflad auditory food-book oondltloa

woo ootobllobod through aa oudloootor to hoodphoaoa worn by

ttoo aubjoot. Btlon tho mttml toot varlablo of filtering

m o Introdaood* tho oubjooto woro oafcod to prodaoo ton

vowola In ouotolnod vooaXlsatlon andov tho oynohronoao

•apllflod oondltloa, Yhoy woro laatraotod to tsolntaln o

constant XovoX of Intonolty on oooh production. Tho to vo-

oolliotlono wore rooordod ond aorvod «« « nodal with whloh

Page 44: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


the eeooad production mm oonpared* flm eonditione for Mi

seeond production M M the same m for %hm i%m% except

those frequaaoiaa above 1080 «pi were filtered from Hie

synchronous faed-ba©k signal* The following t«B vowels

were need In this studyi /i A /] A / 6 A /£ A /S?/»

/u/f /V/t /0/t /0/# and /a/,

It wss postulsted lli»ft If the twined group showed

less variation under the condition of filtering, then it

might be inferred that they denoaetrated e greater ospeeity

for utilisation of sensory monitoring otter then auditory.

A furthtr logieel Inference would be th*t the treined sab-

Jeote node better use of taetile-klneethetie feed-back then

did the untrained snbjsots*

Statletieel eoaputetions were ueed to determine the

degree of intensity variations between the first end aeeond

produotione for eeeh phonemic element* Application of the

I, teet to theee dete yielded veluee whieh euggeat that the

differences between the treined end untrained to be etsfcis-

tieelly significant beyond the *01 level of eontt.denee* Xt

wee inferred on this bssls thst the treined group aade sig-

nifies ntly more competent utilisstlon of tsetile»k:lnesthetle

feed-be ok in attempting to meintein vowel intensity at e

eonatant level then did the untrained group*

Certain obeervetiona wsre su»de in relation to phonemie

variability* fhe high front /1 / vowel waa shown to be the

eaeiest phoneme for the treined group to mslntain at a

Page 45: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


eonstsat la teas l t j r l e ve l under aoo* f i l t e r e d oondl t looe

Wi l l i * t l » A id f r o n t / £ / VOWOl * • » the m®91 ttSStSble* ffe®

aost stable eod unstable vowels f o r the unt rs lned group

under the mm oondi t lons were the n i d beok vowel / o / end

the lour beok vowel / & / # reepeot lve ly . The bmk vowels

/ U / end / D / «ad the f r o n t vowel / I / showed greet ln ten*

s l t y vs r l s t l oas l a both groups* The most obvious slialleffe*

tgr l a the two groups l a t h i s eoaperlsoa l e the f * e t tha t

these three vowels showed approximately the m h togm* o f

l a t e n s i t y v s r l s t l o n * Further observations *s t o the olee*

s l f i e s t l o n s o f vowels end t h e i r degree of l a t f a s l t y v s r l s -

t l o a f a i l e d t o reveel srqr e lga t f l oea t trends i n the dst««

I n eoatpsrlng the degree o f t so t l l e *k l« !es th» t le eoa t ro l

ead vowel o t e s t i f i c a t i o n s , the fo l l ow ing obesrvst lons were

w d f i

1* The / L / end / u / vowsls appear to be leee subject

to t e e t l l e * k l n e s t h e t l o con t ro l f o r the t r e l aed group*

8* the /dS/ vowel eppeered t o be the most steble o f

the phdm»ms produced by the t re tned group uMe? both t e s t

condit ions#

£• The vowels / £ / # / U / , / 0 / » end / D / v s r l s d sp»

prex lns te ly the snb» de§re<i under the two exjperlnsntsl oon-

d i t l ons*

l a the ohepter m sas lys is o f the dst* ead e a r l i e r l a

t h i s suuwasry, I t hes been In fe r red the t the t ra ined eubjeets

made aore e f f e c t i v e use of t se t l l e«k lnes the t l e moni tor ing

Page 46: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


than did tli® antra laid group# Soob a oonolualon I® aabjoet

to oartaln U«ltatloa«( it *•» obaarvod that ttm

train** »tibj##ta *ora mm st«bl» In tholr production of

•oaola whan auditory filtering waa not pmmnt• Thua, it

1« poaalbX* that ttoa flpaetar deviation •town by the un-

trolaad croup ttndar condition* of f 11 taring m jpj?t a

function of thalr ralatlva lnatablllty* Saoond, It auat ba

raaattbarad that flltaring did not oo«pl«t*ly da lata tha

auditory faad*b#@lc» It night Im argaad that tha tatload

group w®« battar «blt to atlUii raaldual auditory faad-

b»ak than tha untrained group*

Furthar limitation* *r* plaoad on tha findings of thla

atudy when th» eapaot of vocal training la oonaldarad*

£**n though It my fe« Mid that tha trained group la thia

atudy axhlbltad « groatar dagraa of ta«tll«»k:ln**th»tlo

oaatrol* it u m l b* a* Id that thla control is a d tract

raault of tha training ha or aba haa raoalvad, further

Investigation la Mtdid in ord«r to vbathar the

alngar 1» pradlapoaad to taotllo«»fciii*atbatle soaitorlng or

if thla typo of monitoring 1* duo to tha tmlnlng stitivtS*

It waa hoped that the Intenalty values obtained in

this atudy for each of the experla»ntel vowela wight be

eonpared with thoee reported by the prevlcue Investigations

Page 47: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

i f

of Bleek,1 Fairbanks, House find Stevens,8 sod Seels,* How-

• W | In the jMSMtat study there «•• no apparent relation*

•kip between the lntenalty l »wl» obtained end those r#-»

por ted by previous Investlgptore* This Isek of ngreewit i t

*l# i t be explained on the basle of the fm% that s l l vowels

la I M i study «»m monitored by ths experlaenttr v l i the f l l

nwter on the tup* reeorder, This In ef fect equated eaeh

vowel to bo reaorded »t relatively the mm Intensity level*

f t » other resesrohera uti l ised llve-volee Methods l a ob-

taining sound pressure levels for the vowels*

Certain suggestions *ight be oonsldered for future


f i r s t , e replication of the present etudy In whloh the

frequency end pitch ohareeterletlea of vowels are coopered

to differing degree* of taetlle-klneathetle abi l i t ies*

fMiootsdly, It wouM also be Interesting to ©oasptr® treisnd

speakers with trained singers ut i l i s ing the variable ueed

in this study*

Finally, It would be worthwhile to study the apeolflo

techniques of vooal training uti l ised by singing Instructors

* • B lsok, * K a t a r s i f requency, Durat ion end l u t e s *

%. Pelrbenks, a* S. House, and E« L. stevene, "An Bxperlisental Study of Vocal In tens i t i e s / Journal of the tea&SM i g e i f j i s£ %sm$sM* * * * * U P ? « # "t

%• p« Sao la »nd>c* J» Beosc, ft*«v of Aiad«ia»a«»i ?BK?h M i l gl&tea Sochaleal £ o s S S # f Uulqr, i w l I n

Page 48: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho


£m the purpoto of M a i m l l y «v»lusting Sis# ussfulasss of

thess t«ofa»lQus« • » s possibls adjunct to volo# fcberepy.

Furthsrworo an natptrttwitfeai study of the xvlatlv* contribu-

Woo® of audition wpm» tftotils~irtns «th» sis to tfc« s f fso*

ttv« t res tasnt of vole# disorders i s suggested % ths f ind-

Ins* *h» $res«nt invsstigstlon*

Page 49: A MM O F mmtmim - Digital Library/67531/metadc... · of auMoroua antaolaa controlling tho air ptipini In tba pulaonary *yato», and reaoaaneo la tho oavltloa of th* mo*tii ®wl tho

APP&mix of mm of subjects

8a*J«ot Sex srtiaing

n » *3








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