A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Betty Thomas, R.N. My sincere congratulations, and deepest thanks, to each and every one of you who participated, in any way, in AORN’s 17th Annual Congress. What an exciting and valuable experience it was for all of us, and what a marvelous way to set the pace for the challenging years ahead. AORN made such excellent progress during the transitional 60’s that the 70’s cannot be less than the “sensational,” which has been predicted for them. During the latter part of the ~O’S, AORN took a good look at the direction in which it was going, and decided to change its destiny. There is an old axiom, which says, in effect, “If we continue in the same direction we will arrive at the destination to which we are going.” During the past year your Board of Directors looked hard and long at OR nursing, and it seemed to us to be traveling in the direction of obsolescence. We didn’t want that! We were not satisfied to continue in a direction which could assure ultimate replace- ment of the nurse in the OR by persons with technical expertise only. So we changed direction. Instead of facing, “head on,” this newcomer to our field, we turned around and began to move together in the same direction. Rather than defensively standing still, we began to forge ahead to higher g0816, expanded roles and greater satisfaction for all of us. For example, we were not satisfied to continue expending tremendous amounts of professional and creative energy on certain phases of Association management problems. For years AORN Directors have invested skill, time and dedication on the management level of your Association. As a result AORN grew and developed, but gradually and deliberately. We wanted more-we wanted you, the membership, to feel the full impact of our growth and our potential. We wanted AORN members to obtain the maximum benefit from all that expended energy and time. So we changed direction. In the future headquarters management will be done by professional managers. Professional, creative planning for the future will be done by the professional OR Nursing leaders you elect. It will be done by AORN members for AORN members. It is my sincere belief that 1970 will truly be the beginning of sensational progress for AORN. With headquarters now located in a smaller city in a more geographically central area, greater numbers of the membership can become more intimately involved in the many programs now being planned. Also, with our lower costs of operation, more money can be directly returned to you in tangible education- al benefits, in improved standards for OR nurses and in exciting new programs. We must continue to pull ourselves up as we have always done. Continuing education, both formal and informal, is the method open to us for proceeding in the one direction we must not changeupward. I personally believe it is March 1970 11


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My sincere congratulations, and deepest thanks, to each and every one of you who participated, in any way, in AORN’s 17th Annual Congress. What an exciting and valuable experience it was for all of us, and what a marvelous way to set the pace for the challenging years ahead.

AORN made such excellent progress during the transitional 60’s that the 70’s cannot be less than the “sensational,” which has been predicted for them.

During the latter part of the ~ O ’ S , AORN took a good look at the direction in which it was going, and decided to change its destiny. There is an old axiom, which says, in effect, “If we continue in the same direction we will arrive at the destination to which we are going.” During the past year your Board of Directors looked hard and long at OR nursing, and it seemed to us to be traveling in the direction of obsolescence. We didn’t want that! We were not satisfied to continue in a direction which could assure ultimate replace- ment of the nurse in the OR by persons with technical expertise only.

So we changed direction. Instead of facing, “head on,” this newcomer to our field, we turned around and began to move together in the same direction. Rather than defensively standing still, we began to forge ahead to higher g0816, expanded roles and greater satisfaction for all of us.

For example, we were not satisfied to continue expending tremendous amounts of

professional and creative energy on certain phases of Association management problems. For years AORN Directors have invested skill, time and dedication on the management level of your Association. As a result AORN grew and developed, but gradually and deliberately. We wanted more-we wanted you, the membership, to feel the full impact of our growth and our potential.

We wanted AORN members to obtain the maximum benefit from all that expended energy and time. So we changed direction. In the future headquarters management will be done by professional managers. Professional, creative planning for the future will be done by the professional OR Nursing leaders you elect. It will be done by AORN members for AORN members.

It is my sincere belief that 1970 will truly be the beginning of sensational progress for AORN. With headquarters now located in a smaller city in a more geographically central area, greater numbers of the membership can become more intimately involved in the many programs now being planned. Also, with our lower costs of operation, more money can be directly returned to you in tangible education- al benefits, in improved standards for OR nurses and in exciting new programs.

We must continue to pull ourselves up as we have always done. Continuing education, both formal and informal, is the method open to us for proceeding in the one direction we must not changeupward. I personally believe it is

March 1970 11

time to see that educational programs are established which will ensure the availability of graduate study in our clinical specialty. It is time that AORN actively begin to seek funds which will enable our members to obtain educational assistance, just as other areas of nursing are doing, and have done in the past.

I assume the office of President of AORN. For many years, I have been deeply devoted and sincerely dedicated to the ideal which founded this unique organization. I have watched it grow and mature and have helped it change direction. Now, with your help, with your becoming more and more involved, we will move AORN and operating room nursing in

It is with great pride and true humility, that the direction of its expanded destiny.

What is i t to be Wise?

‘lis but to know how little can be known;

To see all others’ faults, and feel your own.

Pope: Essay on Man, Episode l V

12 AORN Journal