Eastern Shore Emmaus October Dates to Remember Eastern Shore Communi- ty GatheringOctober 14th, 2017 at OOTB, (during the Mens Walk), 9403 Camp Lane Belle Haven, Va. 23306. No covered dish. Praise & Worship at 7:15 p.m. Spe- cial Service at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Shore Board MeengOctober 23rd, 2017 at Woodberry UMC, Garga- tha, VA. at 7:00 P.M. Eastern Shore Chrysalis Board Meeng– No meeng unl January of 2018. Newsleer arcles DUE for Novembers Walk Way—October, 20, 2017. PLEASE DONT BE LATE!!! Please send arcles in MSWord Document! (TY) Mens Walk ES104- Octo- ber 12th - October 15th, 2017 at OOTB. Womens Walk ES105– October 26th-October 29th, 2017 at OOTB. A Message From Our Community Lay Director Volume 25 Number 10 October 2017 The Walk Way To my amazing Emmaus Community We live in very troubling mes. I am almost afraid to turn on the TV or radio, because of the news that I am afraid that I might hear. Was there a car wreck, how many shoongs occurred , what new crazy thing happened in the polical world and many other quesons flood our thoughts. This world needs to discover again the peace, love, power, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. You and I can and must show Christ to a messy and hurng world. It was a messy and hurng world when the disciples walked to Em- maus, as a maer of fact it has always been a messy and hurng world. Pain and suffering has always tried to invade our life and steel our joy. Just as the Risen Christ was revealed to the TWO on the road to Emmaus, you and I are to show him again to all who are walking a lonely, dusty, anxious road. May Christ shine on you, in you and through you to the messy and hurng world. Remember, make a friend, be friend, and lead that friend to Christ. Our October Walks are happening this month and we need you to aend the many special events that will take place during the weekend. The pilgrims have been told that they will see Jesus on these Walks, so let s do just that in a mighty way. Rex Mayfield Community Lay Director

A Message From Our ommunity Lay Directoresemmaus.org/newsletters/2017_10_Newsletter.pdf · had shunned her. Her hopes and dreams had all been shattered. I was so frustrated with the

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Page 1: A Message From Our ommunity Lay Directoresemmaus.org/newsletters/2017_10_Newsletter.pdf · had shunned her. Her hopes and dreams had all been shattered. I was so frustrated with the

Eastern Shore Emmaus

October Dates to Remember Eastern Shore Communi-ty Gathering– October 14th, 2017 at OOTB, (during the Men’s Walk), 9403 Camp Lane Belle Haven, Va. 23306. No covered dish. Praise & Worship at 7:15 p.m. Spe-cial Service at 9:00 p.m.

Eastern Shore Board Meeting– October 23rd, 2017 at Woodberry UMC, Garga-tha, VA. at 7:00 P.M.

Eastern Shore Chrysalis Board Meeting– No meeting until January of 2018.

Newsletter articles DUE for November’s Walk Way—October, 20, 2017. PLEASE DON’T BE LATE!!! Please send articles in MSWord Document! (TY)

Men’s Walk ES104- Octo-ber 12th - October 15th, 2017 at OOTB.

Women’s Walk ES105– October 26th-October 29th, 2017 at OOTB.

A Message From Our Community Lay Director

Volume 25 Number 10

October 2017 The Walk Way

To my amazing Emmaus Community

We live in very troubling times. I am almost afraid to turn on the TV or radio,

because of the news that I am afraid that I might hear. Was

there a car wreck, how many shootings occurred , what new

crazy thing happened in the political world and many other

questions flood our thoughts. This world needs to discover

again the peace, love, power, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

You and I can and must show Christ to a messy and hurting world.

It was a messy and hurting world when the disciples walked to Em-

maus, as a matter of fact it has always been a messy and hurting

world. Pain and suffering has always tried to invade our life and

steel our joy.

Just as the Risen Christ was revealed to the TWO on the

road to Emmaus, you and I are to show him again to all

who are walking a lonely, dusty, anxious road. May

Christ shine on you, in you and through you to the messy

and hurting world. Remember, make a friend, be friend,

and lead that friend to Christ.

Our October Walks are happening this month and we need you to attend the

many special events that will take place during the weekend. The pilgrims

have been told that they will see Jesus on these Walks, so let’s do just that in a

mighty way.

Rex Mayfield

Community Lay Director

Page 2: A Message From Our ommunity Lay Directoresemmaus.org/newsletters/2017_10_Newsletter.pdf · had shunned her. Her hopes and dreams had all been shattered. I was so frustrated with the

Page 2 The Walk Way

A Message From Our Spiritual Director

“And there came a man of God, and spake unto the king of Israel, and said, Thus saith the LORD, Because the Syrians

have said, The LORD is God of the hills, but he is not God of the valleys, therefore will I deliver all this great multitude

into thine hand, and ye shall know that I am the LORD.” 1 Kings 20:28

Have you ever doubted whether the good fortunes shared by others can ever come your way? Have there been times

when you concluded that while listening to accounts of God’s past works were inspirational, they were

meaningless to your present situation? If so, you are among millions who have failed to receive the fullness

of their relationship with God because they doubt him. The record of God’s accomplishments in the life and

times of previous generations is not limited to the circumstances of that time. God is a God of all generations. He is the

same, yesterday, today and forever.

This text focuses on Israel as it wins a great battle because its enemies misunderstood the nature of God. When the

battle ended, Israel was victorious. As the Syrians analyzed their defeat they concluded that they lost be-

cause they fought Israel in the hills, which is the strong hold of Israel’s God. Their scholars produced

writings from the great Israeli King David who wrote: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence

cometh my help.” This was evidence that God was a God of the hills and mountains. Their conclusions

seemed valid when their scholars pointed out that Psalm 87:1 says: “His foundation is in the holy mountains.” When

they read scriptures such as Psalm 15:1 “LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?” or

Psalm 24:3 “Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?”; they concluded that

their mistake was to fight Israel in the stronghold of their God.

God sent a message to king Ahab that Israel would win this battle. His victory over such a huge force, in the open fields

of the valley showed both Israel and its enemies that God was not limited to just the hills, but that he is a God of the

valleys as well.

We must remind ourselves that God is a God of both the hills and the valleys of life. The hilltop and mountaintop expe-

riences mark the special moments of our lives.

It was in a such moment that Moses came before the presence of God and was told to take off his shoes for he stood

on Holy Ground.

It was in a hilltop moment that Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac, but learned that God had a “lamb in the


It was in a hilltop experience that Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal and called out to the people “How Long Halt

Ye Between two opinions? If the Lord be God then follow him” Choose ye this day.

It was in a hilltop experience that Joshua assembled true believers on the side of a mountain and declared “as for me

and my house, we will serve the Lord!”

The hilltop represents those times when we are closest to God and have stood tall in victory. God is a God of the hill

top experience! However, God is also the God of the valley experience! The valley experience represents the ordinary,

the mundane and the routine. The valley also marks special times when we are afraid, lonely, friendless, disturbed, and

sick in mind and body.

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Page 3 The Walk Way

A Message From Our Spiritual Director

Job was familiar with the valley, having experienced the hilltop of wealth and health, in poverty and sickness he

declared “Yea though he slay, yet will I trust in him” (Job 13:15)

David knew about the hills, but he was acquainted with the valleys, having fallen into disgrace, sin and shame.

Even in the valley David declared “The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want. Yea though I walk through the

valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me!”

A widow woman was familiar with the valley. Hungry and facing certain death, she discovered that even in the

valley of despair God can fix our barrels such that they never run dry!

Paul and Silas were familiar with the valley. But confined to a jail cell, accursed and accused, and locked away,

they discovered that the same God they prayed to in the sanctuary on hilltop was still available in the prisons of

the valley. At midnight they sang and prayed, and at midnight they got an answer, in the valley!

It’s good to have some hills, but you learn a few things in the valley! Some have found, love, joy, peace and secu-

rity, in the valley!

Our Lord knows about the valley, because he had to walk this lonesome valley, he

had to walk it by himself. Nobody else could walk it for him. He had to walk it by himself!

The Lord knows all about our troubles!

He knows all about our trials!

He is Lord of the valley, because he was also Lord of the hill!


Pastor Dave Hackett

Spiritual Director

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Page 4 The Walk Way

Eastern Shore Chrysalis

Fly With Christ! I recently checked out a three book series from the library. I only reviewed the summary of the first one and really did not know how the three related to each other. After reading the first one I was really upset with how it ended. The main character had been a victim of a terrible violation, injustices, misunderstandings, accusations and betrayal. Her family and community had shunned her. Her hopes and dreams had all been shattered.

I was so frustrated with the way this book ended I vowed never to read another book by this author. Then later I remem-bered the other two books. After opening the second book I realized it picked up exactly where book one finished. So, I contin-ued to book two and then three. The books separated this young girl's life in three different seasons of her life in a six-year span.

She thought God had abandoned her along with everyone else she knew. She could not see Him in all the hurt, injustices, betrayals, loss, and loneliness. In the end, however, all of her dreams were realized, and her family and community had recon-ciled with her realizing they had been wrong. In the time she was shunned from her family and community she obtained spe-cific training that she was able to save lives in the place that once had discarded her. Not only had her personal dreams been achieved but God was able to use her and her abilities to help many other people in her community that would otherwise not get any help at all. Looking back she could see God had been there the whole time.

Initially, it had been impossible to see how this tragic story with all the injustices, hurt, betrayal and loneliness could ever turn into something miraculous. Although, I could not begin to see the good outcome God had a much bigger plan. I had been focused on all the pain and loneliness.

Although, this story was fictitious, we too often focus on the hurt, loneliness, and injustices that happen to us. We can not see beyond our self and we lose hope. We may think we've been abandoned by everyone including God. As Christians, we should know better but we to often fall in this trap. Our hope is not in ourselves, all of our hope lies with God. He has a plan and a purpose for each one of us. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Especially when times get hard and things look bleak and hopeless is when we need to seek God even more. Those times are when we need to keep our focus on God and His plans and trust He will never leave us or forsake us. Never.

I think we have all probably struggled with this at some level throughout our life. Maybe one of us is struggling with it right now. Maybe even question where God is and how can He allow this to be happening in their life..

Only God can take tragedy, betrayal, pain, loneliness and injustice in one life and turn into reconciliation, hope, and blessings

for many lives. God can use the 'bad' in our lives to make something not only good but miraculous. We just need to trust Him

especially in the storms of our lives. It seems so simple but we know we fail at this too many times. God has us all in the palm

of His hands.

As you know Chrysalis has flights scheduled for November each year in hopes we will have enough caterpillars to send. Un-

fortunately, we will not be able to have a flight this November because of a lack of caterpillar applications. However, if there is

any youth interested in still attending a flight we will make arrangements to send them on a flight in Tidewater. Their flights

are in January each year. Please be in continued prayer for Chrysalis and our youth everywhere.

There is something else you can do for Chrysalis right now. Prayerfully consider joining the board. We are very small in num-

ber and would love to have fresh faces and fresh ideas. Nominations are at the November Gathering. Please fill out an applica-

tion, see me or another board member, or be at Market Street UMC for the Gathering and be nominated from the floor. God

can use you on this board whether you are laity or clergy; we need both.

Our next board meeting is Tuesday, January 16, 2018. Our meetings are held at Mears Memorial UMC in Keller.

Fly With Christ

Denise Johnson

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Page 5 The Walk Way


What Time Is It? It’s Nomination Time!

Do you remember the impact that your Walk to Emmaus had on your

life? Are you actively involved in the Emmaus community? Do you love serving the Lord? Do you have a desire

to be a part of the decision-making process for our Emmaus community? If so, God may be calling you to serve

on the Board of Directors. Elections for the board are coming up quickly, and will occur at the November gath-


Submitting an application to serve on the ES Emmaus Board is a decision that should be made through

prayer, as it is a commitment. The term for each board position is three years. We are accepting nominations

for the following vacancies: 2 females, 2 males, 1 clergy.

You may be saying to yourself, how do I go about making a nomination? After prayerfully considering

serving on the board, the nomination application can be found on the Eastern Shore Emmaus website under the

applications tab. Nominations can also come from the floor at the November gathering; however, you must be

present to accept the nomination. Below are the requirements to be eligible to serve on the board:

You must have served on at least 1 Emmaus team within the last 3 years.

You must have attended a day of deeper understanding.

You must be an active member of your local church.

You must be/have been an active member of the Emmaus community. Activities considered include

attending gatherings, sponsoring pilgrims, writing agape, attending candle lighting, and attending


***Please keep in mind that you are not eligible to serve on the board until two years have elapsed since

your walk.***

If you feel led to participate with the youth, Chrysalis is also looking for people to serve on the Chrysalis

Board of Directors. Please contact Denise Johnson if you are interested in the Chrysalis Board.

So, are you feeling God’s call to serve on the board? Remember, elections will take place in November,

so get those applications in. I urge you to take this to the Lord in prayer, as serving on the board is a blessing.


Vicki Carmody

Nominations Chairperson

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Page 6 The Walk Way


North Indiana


Men's Walk #243

Woodburn, Indiana

Greensburg Area Emmaus

Men's Walk #55

Greensburg, Indiana

Ashland Area Emmaus

Men's Walk #39

Ashland, Kentucky

Louisville Area Emmaus

Men's Walk #161

Crestwood, Kentucky

Emmaus of Southeast


Men's Walk #178

Plymouth, Michigan

Garden State Emmaus

Women's Walk #44

Palmyra, New Jersey

Southern Nevada Walk to

Emmaus & Chrysalis

Men's Walk #69

Las Vegas, Nevada

Mid - Ohio Valley

Emmaus Community

Men's Walk #51

Marietta, Ohio

Oct 4 - Oct 7, 2017 Central Alabama Emmaus

Women's Walk #188

Montgomery, Alabama

Oct 5 - Oct 8, 2017

Barbados Bridgetown

Emmaus Community

Men's Walk #19

Bridgetown, Barbados

Hong Kong Emmaus

(Chinese Speaking)

Men's Walk #86

Hong Kong

Noahs of Ark Emmaus

Women's Walk #187

Jacksonville, Arkansas

Southern California Emmaus

Women's Walk #210

Pomona, California

Gulf Coast Emmaus

Women's Walk #97

Fort Myers, Florida

Blue Lake Emmaus

Men's Walk #258

Andalusia, Florida

Aldersgate Emmaus

Men's Walk #151

Minneola, Florida

Oceanside Emmaus

Women's Walk #88

Pompano Beach, Florida

Southeast Florida Emmaus

Women's Walk #80

Jupiter, Florida

Western Reserve Emmaus

(Cleveland & NE Ohio)

Women's Walk #51

Garrettsville, Ohio

Ohio Valley Emmaus

Men's Walk #66

Bloomingdale, Ohio

Oregon Trails Emmaus

Men's Walk #82

Portland, Oregon

Sonrise Emmaus

Women's Walk #114

Kingsport, Tennessee

Windmill Emmaus

Women's Walk #65

Beeville, Texas

Oregon Trails Emmaus

Men's Walk #82

Portland, Oregon

Sonrise Emmaus

Women's Walk #114

Kingsport, Tennessee

Windmill Emmaus

Women's Walk #65

Beeville, Texas

GRACE Emmaus

Men's Walk #82

Tyler, Texas

Denton Area Emmaus

Men's Walk #75

Lewisville, Texas

With walks coming up in our own community this month, let us hold these events

up in prayer as well. It’s amazing to see how God is using the Emmaus Communi-

ty to move in the world around us.

Steve Johnson, Agape Outreach

Signal Mountain Emmaus

Women's Walk #70

Big Spring, Texas

Shenandoah Valley


Men's Walk #99

Fishersville, Virginia

Kanawha Valley Emmaus

Men's Walk #97

Charleston, West Virginia

Oct 12 - Oct 15, 2017

Servant Heart Emmaus

Women's Walk #38

Mobile, Alabama

Alabama Emmaus

Women's Walk #470

Talladega, Alabama

Delmarva Emmaus

Women's Walk #67

Wilmington, Delaware

Sun Coast Emmaus

Women's Walk #84

Bradenton, Florida

Aldersgate Emmaus

Women's Walk #151

Minneola, Florida

Florida Crown Emmaus

Women's Walk #79

Jacksonville, Florida

Heart of Georgia Emmaus

Men's Walk #208

Americus, Georgia

West Michigan Emmaus

Men's Walk #43

Hart, Michigan

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Page 7 The Walk Way

Outreach North Georgia Walk to Emmaus

Men's Walk #185

Lawrenceville, Georgia

Valley Walk to Emmaus

Men's Walk #33

Columbus, Georgia

Iowa Emmaus

Women's Walk #131

Grimes, Iowa

Greensburg Area Emmaus

Women's Walk #67

Greensburg, Indiana

DaySpring Emmaus Community

of So. IN

Men's Walk #133

New Albany, Indiana

North Indiana Emmaus/


Women's Walk #244

Woodburn, Indiana

Agape Road Emmaus/Chrysalis


Men's Walk #47

Edmonton, Kentucky

Lexington Emmaus

Women's Walk #136

Lexington, Kentucky

Cross Bayou Emmaus

Women's Walk #96

Dubberly, Louisiana

Heart of Carolina Emmaus

Women's Walk #136

Southern Pines, North Carolina

Central Carolinas Emmaus

Men's Walk #134

Charlotte, North Carolina

Borderlands Emmaus Community

Women's Walk #38

High Rolls, New Mexico

Western New York Emmaus

Men's Walk #53

Attica, New York

Southern Ohio Emmaus

Men's Walk #63

The Plains, Ohio

Three Rivers Walk to Emmaus -

Western Pennsylvania

Men's Walk #101

Prosperity, Pennsylvania

Keystone Emmaus & Chrysalis

Women's Walk #49

Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania

Memphis Emmaus

Men's Walk #175

Memphis, Tennessee

Brazos Valley Emmaus

Men's Walk #108

College Station, Texas

New Horizon Emmaus Community

Women's Walk #67

Levelland, Texas

GRACE Emmaus

Women's Walk #83

Tyler, Texas

Greater Austin Emmaus Commu-


Women's Walk #142

Austin, Texas

Eastern Shore Emmaus

Men’s Walk #104

Franktown, VA

Shenandoah Valley Emmaus

Men's Walk #100

Fishersville, Virginia

Kanawha Valley Emmaus

Women's Walk #98

Charleston, West Virginia

Oct 19 - Oct 22, 2017

Bethlehem Emmaus

Women's Walk #34

Chipley, Alabama

High Desert Emmaus West

Men's Walk #64

Lancaster, California

Four Corners

Emmaus Community

Women's Walk #30

Pogash Springs, Colorado

Heart of Florida Emmaus

Men's Walk #35

Fort Meade, Florida

Heart of Georgia Emmaus

Women's Walk #209

Americus, Georgia

North Georgia Walk

to Emmaus

Women's Walk #217

Lawrenceville, Georgia

Valley Walk to Emmaus

Women's Walk #33

Columbus, Georgia

DaySpring Emmaus

Community of So. IN

Women's Walk #134

New Albany, Indiana

Columbus IN Area Emmaus

Men's Walk #105

Columbus, Indiana

Louisville Area Emmaus

Women's Walk #162

Crestwood, Kentucky

Ashland Area Emmaus

Women's Walk #46

Ashland, Kentucky

Agape Road Emmaus/

Chrysalis Community

Women's Walk #48

Edmonton, Kentucky

Emmaus of Southeast


Women's Walk #179

Plymouth, Michigan

Central Mississippi


Men's Walk #155

Meadville, Mississippi

Southern Nevada Walk to

Emmaus & Chrysalis

Women's Walk #70

Las Vegas, Nevada

New York Annual

Conference Emmaus

Women's Walk #46

Remsenburg, New York

Heart of Ohio Emmaus

Women's Walk #67

Millersburg, Ohio

New-Ark Area Emmaus

Women's Walk #63

Newark, Ohio

Greater Sidney

Area Emmaus

Women's Walk #73

Sidney, Ohio

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Page 8 The Walk Way

Outreach East Ohio Emmanuel Emmaus

Men's Walk #93

Sugarcreek, Ohio

Oregon Trails Emmaus

Women's Walk #82

Portland, Oregon

Three Rivers Walk to Emmaus -

Western Pennsylvania

Women's Walk #102

Prosperity, Pennsylvania

Sonrise Emmaus

Men's Walk #115

Kingsport, Tennessee

Nashville Emmaus Community

Men's Walk #197

Nashville, Tennessee

NET (Northeast Texas Emmaus)

Women's Walk #136

Sulphur Springs, Texas

Golden Triangle Emmaus

Women's Walk #164

Beaumont, Texas

Cradle of Texas Emmaus

Men's Walk #78

Lake Jackson, Texas

SWTX Koinonia

Women's Walk #3

Lytle, Texas

Golden Spread Emmaus

Women's Walk #257

Amarillo, Texas

Eastern Panhandle of West

Virginia Emmaus

Women's Walk #136

Kearneysville, West Virginia

Oct 25 - Oct 28, 2017

Central Alabama Emmaus

Men's Walk #189

Montgomery, Alabama

Oct 26 - Oct 29, 2017

High Desert Emmaus West

Women's Walk #64

Lancaster, California

Heart of Florida Emmaus

Women's Walk #35

Fort Meade, Florida

Big Bend Emmaus

Women's Walk #76

Tallahassee, Florida

Columbus IN Area Emmaus

Women's Walk #106

Columbus, Indiana

Central Mississippi Em-


Women's Walk #156

Meadville, Mississippi

Central Carolinas Emmaus

Women's Walk #135

Charlotte, North Carolina

Blue Ridge Emmaus

Women's Walk #82

Asheville, North Carolina

Western Reserve Emmaus

(Cleveland & NE Ohio)

Men's Walk #51

Garrettsville, Ohio

Darke County Emmaus

Women's Walk #49

Greenville, Ohio

East Ohio Emmanuel Emmaus

Women's Walk #93

Sugarcreek, Ohio

Wyoming Conference Emmaus/

Chrysalis Community Inc.

Men's Walk #118

Union Dale, Pennsylvania

Memphis Emmaus

Women's Walk #176

Memphis, Tennessee

Denton Area Emmaus

Women's Walk #76

Lewisville, Texas

Concho Country Emmaus

Women's Walk #2188

San Angelo, Texas

Brazos Valley Emmaus

Women's Walk #109

College Station, Texas

Greater Fredericksburg Area

Women's Walk #108

Fredericksburg, Virginia

Eastern Shore Emmaus

Women’s Walk #105

Franktown, VA

Oct 27 - Oct 30, 2017

New Life Emmaus

Women's Walk #31

Decatur, Alabama

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Page 9 The Walk Way

ES104 Team

George Annon Tim Johnson

Zach Annon Wayne Johnson

Steve Atkins Bo Kelley

Gary Baublitz Rik Kellogg

Reggie Bell Jim Lambie

Bob Boyce Dallas Marshall

Miles Brittingham Rex Mayfield

Barry Downing Jim Petro

Ed Deans Brian Richardson

Dave Hackett Dennis Ryan

Melvin Higgs Mark Spencer

Keith Hinton John Sutton

Walt Hopkins Gene Ward

Keith Horner Gordon Ward

Steve Johnson Sam Whipps

ES105 Team

Rhonda Annon Pat Krukowski

Laura Atkins Andrea Lambie

Jean Bacchi Ruth LeMoyne

Gail Deans Laura Neal

Debby DeLoach Josie Riffle

Travis DeLoach Brittany Savage

Susan Gibb Kim Savage

Nancy Gonzalez Amy Sutton

Kathy Griffith Wanda Ward

Sandi Hicks Christine Wilson-Huether

Lou Hopkins Judy Worthington

Carol Kellogg Janet Yankalunas

Jackie Kelley Margaret Ziegler

Rob Kelly

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Page 10 The Walk Way

With our fall walks coming up this month, I would ask each of you to lift up the remainder

of the teaming process and the weekends for both the men and women. We trust and be-

lieve that God will be present and keep His hand on all things done and said so that the

name of Jesus will be glorified. We do not know what struggles, trials, or circumstances

the pilgrims attending have faced. However, we have confidence that God knows each and

every need and will meet them there to with His arms of love and grace wide open as only

He can.

With that prayer in mind I would like to invite each of you to join the Emmaus Prayer

Team. If you have a prayer request or would like to receive e-mail updates, the address to

remember is [email protected]

Blessings Through Christ,

Steve Johnson

Emmaus Prayer Team Coordinator

Pray Without Ceasing-

1 Thessalonians 5:17

Blessings Through Christ,

Steve Johnson

Emmaus Prayer Team Coordinator


Prayer Chain

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Page 11 The Walk Way

Roster, Newsletter, Website

“The Walk Way”

A newsletter for the

Eastern Shore

Emmaus Community

Greetings to everyone! The Emmaus

Directory is being maintained by

Allan Burns. Please remember that if

you notice errors in the current direc-

tory, please contact Allan by sending

an e-mail to:

[email protected] ,

or send a note to P. O. Box 91, Frank-

town, VA 23354.

Please send ANY updated information

you may have such as addresses, mar-

riages, or deaths and email addresses.

Allan has distributed the revised

directory by e-mail. If you have a

current email address on file, Allan

will email the roster to you. If you

need a hard copy let Allan know. It

is important to the community to

keep the information as up to date

as possible. Thank you!!!

You may also request to be a part

of the Eastern Shore Emmaus &

Chrysalis Facebook Page—for com-

munity only!

Please make sure we know your

walk number, too, if possible!!!

The newsletter will be sent as soon

as all articles are received as close

to the first of the month as possi-


Articles to be included in the Walk

Way are to be sent to the editor on

or by the 20th of the month before it

is to be included (July20th for the

August newsletter).

Please be sure to check the Website

often as we give you current hap-

penings and we update Pilgrim and

Caterpillar lists almost daily just be-

fore the walks!


Blessings to each of you!

Gail Deans

The walks are coming fast, now is the time to be gathering Agape for your pilgrims, praying for them and their families, and lifting the teams up in prayer. If you have someone in mind, it’s not to late, but time is of the essence. If you have sponsored someone recently, check up on them and make sure they have the opportunity to participate in whatever way they feel led in our community. If you have the re-sources and God is putting it on your heart, find someone in the community and help them sponsor someone.

Most importantly , pray for our community to continue the heritage of developing Christian leaders to the glory of God.


John Sutton


Page 12: A Message From Our ommunity Lay Directoresemmaus.org/newsletters/2017_10_Newsletter.pdf · had shunned her. Her hopes and dreams had all been shattered. I was so frustrated with the

Eastern Shore Emmaus

P. O. Box 91

Franktown, Virginia 23354

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