A Love Affair with Americas Sports Car MAY 2020

A Love Affair with Americas Sports arOnly one business per business specialty. Only one car dealership per manufacture model line. Cost is $100.00 per month with a 12 month commitment

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A Love Affair with America’s Sports Car

MAY 2020



ACTIVITIES Mike Kochanowsky MEMBERSHIP Sharon Earnest NEWSLETTER Sydney Heald SERGEANT- AT- ARMS Bob Berger

2020 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ilene Kappel Frank Bobbie Paul Grout Jerry Johnson Bill Heede Mark White

MAY 2020



Preferred Partners Guideline




Member’s Vendor Network




Scholarship Application





















Contact Information Can Be Found On SJCC Shutterfly Account



Thank you to our San Jacinto Corvette Club Sponsors

Make sure you call them when looking for vendors that provide these services.

Remember to tell them that you are a member of San Jacinto Corvette Club

and that you appreciate their sponsorship.



Roy’s not happy, the stock market is up and down like an elevator in a skyscraper. Actually that’s not the “saying” I really want to use, but as it involves “hookers and underwear” so it’s best left unsaid... The Corvette’s lie dormant, my pals are being laid off from my former employer, and those that are staying have all been put on furlough or 4-day weeks. The First Lady spends all day on video meetings, “shushing” me up while I try to do the vacuuming.... and the FAKE media prove that just when you think they have sunk as low as they can, they just plumb a new depth. I am reminded of one thing Nick Bailey told me about the “gumbo under the Gulf” as we stood near the coast one day, he simply said “ain’t no bottom to this” this is the sage wisdom of an old “driller” and it’s unfortunate that it seems true of our media as well. Crude oil futures go negative, and meanwhile Speaker Pelosi is showing off her luxury fridge full of spe-cialty ice cream.... anyone say “Marianne Antoinette”? [for, those who aren’t students of the French Revolution, she was famous for saying “let them eat cake” in response to a question as to why the peo-ple were revolting, and an advisor said “they have no bread”....] she ended up being guillotined so it did-n’t end well for her! Just saying! Maybe it’s me, but I for one have had enough of the left-wing media being borderline treasonous over KING Donald. Look, the Donald isn’t without his faults, but to quote another famous French truism, isn’t this a time when the mantra “all for one, and one for all” should ap-ply to the media and our politics...... Just one man’s opinion.... The 67 is still in time out, a victim of social distancing, I need the help of Brother Mark, to assist with the electrical troubleshooting. And it gets worse, a few years ago I actually paid someone (a corvette special-ist) to paint the body and mount it to the frame on the 69.... well as I write this, I am preparing to re-move the body from the frame, to retrieve the mounts at the rear of the car just ahead of the rear wheels, as they put the mounts in place, but not the bolts, and no amount of Klingon swear words, or


diligent use of the Force will get the mounts to line up.... this basically just proves that if you want some-thing done right.... do it yourself. I did contemplate filling the void with expanding foam so they don't rattle too bad, but figured that back in the 60’s the smart engineers at Chevrolet probably did a few math problems to prove the need for the amount of body mounts... So has Covid 19 got me down.... not really, the effects of the “fix” are concerning, the long term effects in the economy worry me, and the possible change in world geo politics occupy my mind, the fake sincerity from the news anchors (both sides) really P*ss me off, as they wax lyrically with sugary syrupy sweet FAKE sincerity and the lack of toilet paper at the store still perplexes me... maybe everyone has upset tummies??? Anyway, I do however have a brilliant idea.... a simple run in the cars, once round the beltway as fast as we dare early on a Sunday morning, we will call it the “Corvette Corona Covid Crude (oil) Crisis Cruise.., the hope being, that if enough Vette’s turn up, and we go fast enough we may (1) outrun the virus and not need to die, and (2) use enough fuel to reopen Baytown! Other than that.... see you when King Donald, and Prince Fauci say it’s OK to “gather in groups”.....and as Roy is prone to say, “On that Bombshell”. da Prez, and Roy.... (both in solitary for being naughty)


Preferred Partners Guideline We are Corvette owners and enthusiast’s. That does not mean we drive only GM vehicles.

Most of us have daily drivers that aren’t Corvettes. As consumer’s of many products almost any business can realize a benefit by advertising with

us. We have a limit of only one partner per product line / area. i.e. Only one auto dealer per

product line, one speed shop, one roofer, one electrician, one painter etc. We seek $100 / Month in a single level sponsorship (details on the ‘sign up’ sheet) with an

intended 12 month commitment, but an understanding that they can cancel at anytime. Potential Partners: Insurance Agents CPA’s / Financial advisors Realtor Specialty shops Travel agents Home repair (No need to look in Angie’s list we can have the San Jacinto list.) Automotive dealerships (all makes) Speed shops / parts stores Corvette Specialty repair shops etc. etc. Method: We all interact with Trades, Retail and other Professions in the course of our daily lives, some

of these People / Organizations may be looking to reach people of our demographic group to offer specific services, all you have to do is politely ask if such a thing would be of interest, and give them the flyer.

Submit the completed sign up sheet, and we will contact your Sponsor and arrange everything, and you will get Membership Participation Points as both the Chair and attendee (17 total).

http://www.sanjacintocorvetteclub.org March 1st 2019


San Jacinto Corvette Club (SJCC) Preferred Partners Sign Up Sheet Introduction and Objective This program is intended to direct SJCC members and friends to businesses that support us, provide outstanding customer service and represent exceptional value for dollars spent. SJCC has approximately 200 Member in good standing. The Offer: San Jacinto Corvette Club, (SJCC) is offering to market your business on our Website. Furthermore, you are invited to attend club meetings as a guest speaker, and attend our pre-meeting social hour to meet and greet our membership. You are invited and encouraged to submit articles / advertisements that further your business for inclusion in our monthly newsletter (The GrandSport). SJCC can arrange “Show & Shine” car shows at your business to help promote whatever activity is in the interest of your business. Your Company name and a link to your webpage will be posted on our Home Page as well as a “Supporters of SJCC / Sponsor” page on our website. Your Contact at SJCC is the “Sponsorship Chair” whom we will introduce to you, he or she will assist manage you manage your relationship with SJCC Only one business per business specialty. Only one car dealership per manufacture model line. Cost is $100.00 per month with a 12 month commitment (you can cancel if you need too)

Name of Business ______________________________________

My Signature below gives permission to use my business logo for the term of marketing program. Contact information ________________________________ Email __________________________________ Date __________________________________

Bill me: Monthly _______Semi Annually ______ Annually ____

Authorized by ____________________________________________

http://www.sanjacintocorvetteclub.org March 1st 2019



We have all been cooped up in our homes with no where to go but grocery stores, Home Depot, Pharmacies, and Walmart, just to name a few. Social distancing has become the new norm along with online schooling. Thank goodness for Facebook where we can share our experiences.

With all of our SJCC events cancelled, we still have 185 members. Our members are from all over the Houston area.

It was with great sorrow to hear the passing of a good friend and long time member, Gordon Bisel. Condolences go out to his family and close friends. We will miss him dearly.

We have a fantastic car club with a variety of events and lots of fun people. We had lots of events that were cancelled due to the coronavirus and hopefully will be rescheduled later. Some of our club events include: car shows, parades, road trips, autocrosses, social events, dinners/lunches, performance driving schools and fun out of state trips.


The application form for new members can be printed from our website. www.sanjacintocorvetteclub.org/about/membership

Dues are $75 single $100 couple Includes NCCC dues

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding SJCC membership

[email protected] or [email protected]

Thanks, Sharon Earnest/SJCC Membership



Sheila Gilbert

Leslie DeMar

Carolyn Borremans

Tommy Dean

Perry Hallet

Michelle Martins

Linda Lee

Robert “Terry” Meester

Mike Munoz

Mike Tenenbown

Betty Tashnek

Melissa White

Marilyn Mohs

Bill Heede

Jim Colvin

Thomas “Toast” Hernandez

15 years

Tim Mattingly


John Kappel Ambassador

MAY 2020

The following is extracts from the Museum publications. I felt they may be of interest to you shut-ins. Per executive order of Kentucky Governor Beshear, the National Corvette Museum is closed to the public which went into effect at close of business on Wednesday, March 18. This closure does NOT affect the R8C Museum Delivery program for new Corvette owners picking up their cars. Additionally, the Corvette Cafe is available for carry-out and delivery (through Uber Eats). We will continue to monitor guidance from local, state and national officials and will an-nounce a reopen date once it is known. The Michelin NCM Bash has been RESCHEDULED for May 28-30. All registration information has been transferred to the new dates. Should you need to modify or cancel your registration, please log in to your account on our website. New registrations and changes to existing registra-tions are available without penalty through May 7. In addition to the change with Bash, a number of Museum in Motion programs have been post-poned or cancelled. We have communicated those changes to the registered participants. While our hope that no other events will be affected, we will communicate any future changes to you via NCM eNews, our website, social media, and direct emails to registered participants. Thank you for your on-going support! A new series geared towards school-age kids, Vettecademy offers at-home educational and en-tertaining episodes on various aspects of Corvette. The videos are posted each weekday on the Museum's Facebook page, and YouTube Channel. Episode 1 featured Museum Educator, Deb Howard, sharing about Corvette generations and what makes each unique - with plenty of car eye candy! Episode 2 featured Museum Director of Marketing and Communication, Katie Ellison, sharing some of the unique facts and details be-hind the sinkhole and what it took to repair the Museum. Viewers can tune in on Monday for Epi-sode 3, featuring Daniel Decker of the Museum's Vehicle Maintenance and Preservation De-partment, sharing some "MEchanics" tips, specifically on how to change a tire. More great episodes are planned each day while many kids across the nation are being educat-

ed from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you're cooped up at home and binge-watching online content, we have a new series Corvette fans are sure to love! Fully Vetted will feature an approximately 20 minute produced shows on various aspects of Corvette, sharing cool stories, behind the scenes footage, and maybe even some 'celebrity' appearances.


Episode 1 will drop on Tuesday, March 24 with follow up episodes coming out twice per week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Hosts Derek Moore, Director of Collections/Curator, and Bob Bubnis, Historic Media Coordinator, will take you through time to uncover and decode Corvette history. How to Watch In an effort to generate both engagement and revenue for the Museum while it is closed to the public, these special episodes are available for $3 each.


***SJCC Member's Vendor Network***


THIS IS YOUR SJCC Members Vendor Network INDEX

We’ve only just begun … To date we have 13 Vendors recommended by SJCC Members with 19 endorsements

In this time of ‘what can we do to help our small business owners’, here’s a cost free opportunity to help them out just by simply promoting what they have done for you and sharing it with other club members that might be interested and possibly benefit as you did!

Restaurant gift cards for delivery or pick up during this period of limited hours & business is so appreci-ated by the retailers, but let’s give our members some great options to consider!

We are a car club & as such continually seek vendors to go to for parts, supplies, repairs, etc. Share your advice – members would welcome your input and experience!

Don’t forget about Home related vendors. We have a great painter that is already included; Surely you have had home repairs or services by a vendor worthwhile to share with SJCC!

What about Doctors… many of us are aging and the need for a recommended Doctor of some sort is becoming more critical for us! Help us out!

Any other categories… we don’t need to limit these categories; feel free to suggest others! Since we can’t get together right now to brainstorm this, I’d like to challenge everyone to submit at least

one new vendor or endorsement in the next few weeks and let’s expand this network for our SJCC Members.

Send your recommendations / endorsements to Ilene Kappel at [email protected]

Let me know if you want the workbook emailed to you (also available on our Shutterfly Site)



News from your Activity Director

“What’s going on in our little world?”

It feels like day 465 of the 7th week of lock down, quar-antine or whatever they call it. Kathie and I were in the living room the other evening watching TV. I heard her say “I love you,” I got all excited about an unsolicited comment and looked up from my I Pad and realized she was talking to one of the dogs. I know we are both ready to get out of the house and burn a little gasoline and see if we can get some of these wells pumping again. Want to thank everyone who showed up for the San Jacinto Monument Photo Shoot. I think we had a very good time and turn out considering ever thing we are currently going through. I apologize for not having the photos ready, I talked to Ricky Marks shortly after the

event, but haven’t managed to get back with him to check with the photographer. Going to move it to the top of my ever growing list. Going to try and arrange another monument shoot to see if we can get a lot more club cars that couldn’t come last time. Had quite a few call and ask for the routing for the Bluebonnet Run and got back some great pic-tures, and surprisingly none were taken while they were visiting a local constabulary or Texas Highway Patrol. Jeb and Janet made the run and got a great selfie with Bluebonnet back-ground, stopped and ate ice cream at Winchester Ice Cream Parlor and still made it to Hippie Hollow – but that’s another story. We don’t know yet whether County Judge Hidalgo is going to let us do the Meet, Greet and Eat on the 7th so watch for either cancellation or confirmation from Communications. On May 23rd we have a drive and picnic at Chapel Hill Lavender Farm. They have several fields of Lavender and I believe they grow two different varieties of lavender, and I’m looking for one to container grow for the back. Also want to hit the gift shop for some Lavender tea, maybe some lavender ice cream. They have a real good area to picnic and I’m hoping for some spots for good photo ops. East siders, you’re right but I do have some plans for your way, but if you have some ideas, drop me and e-mail. Would like to hear if an over-night works for you or just getting back late.

Mike K Chairman Fun and Games, Shenanigans and Dragons Slayed [email protected],


Lavender and Lunch Saturday, May 23, 2020

Join us as we head to Chapel Hill Lavender Farm.

Meet: Buck ee’s I-10 West, Cane Island Exit Driver’s Meeting: 9:15 am Wheels Turning 9:30

Go out to the garage, dust off the picnic basket, and grab a couple of bottles of wine from the wine cellar. Drop by your favorite grocery store, pick-up a roast-ed chicken, some cheese, grapes and a baguette, or your choice for an ideal pic-nic lunch. Toss a couple of folding chairs in the Vette and you’re ready to go. We’ll take some fun roads, have a good time, tour the farm, and have a lot of fun picnicking (don’t think my old bones can handle sitting on the ground)


[email protected]


Annual Friendswood Independence Day Parade

Saturday – July 4, 2020

Meet: 9:00 am Laurel Drive, Enter from W. Spreading Oaks Ave

From I-45 – take exit 29, west on FM 2351 for 3.5 miles to FM 518, turn left go to W. Spreading Oaks, turn right, go to Laurel Drive, turn right,

look for the SJCC group.

Parade starts at 10 am

Red, White and Blue Decorations (No Candy Throwing Allowed)

Questions? Contact Edwin Woods 281-482-3025

[email protected]


After the parade, we will all gather and have lunch together.


2022 Chevrolet Corvette C8 Z06: Renderings + Rumors Here's what to expect from the next Corvette Z06.

Automobile Magazine - Aug 23, 2019 Writer: Nelson Ireson This story was updated on August 27 to reflect new reporting from MotorTrend. If you're not excited about the arrival of the eight-generation Corvette and it now finally adopting a mid-engine layout, well, you might want to check your pulse—or maybe your prejudices. Even though the standard Stingray version won't hit the streets for another few months, we're already looking ahead to the even-hotter Z06 variant. What we don't know about the car could fill a book, but there are a few items and rumors that are likely to come true. First on that list is a DOHC twin-turbo V-8 engine based on the Cadillac CT6-V's Blackwing, though changed enough that Chevrolet and Cadillac can each call the engine their own. In fact, our colleagues at MotorTrend are reporting that the Z06 iteration may pack a flat-plane crank-shaft (as seen in Ferraris and the Mustang GT350) and perhaps be bored out to help facilitate high-rpm performance. Given these fundamental changes, the engine almost certainly will lose the Blackwing designation, and probably will be called LT7. While a name isn't likely to spike your adrenaline, the horsepower output will: Expect the Z06 to pump out 800 horses and torque that could approach 700 lb-ft (flat-crank engines tend to produce lower torque levels). For reference, the current front-engine Z06 is rated for 650 horsepower and 650 lb-ft from its supercharged, pushrod LT4 small-block V-8.


One big unknown on the Z06's spec sheet is the transmission. While it's most likely that Chevy will keep the eight-speed dual clutch found in the Stingray, whispers suggest a 10-speed dual-clutch may be offered. Even more tantalizingly, we've heard that the Stingray's missing manual-transmission option may turn up on the Z06's option sheet. But while that's a nice dream—and makes a certain sort of sense, since the Z06 is the enthusiast's pick—we're not holding our col-lective breath. Otherwise, the Z06 is expected to pack a host of active and passive handling and performance upgrades, like a harder-core tune for the magnetorheological dampers; carbon-fiber body panels and exterior accessories; and, as pictured in these renderings, a huge wing and diffuser package, front splitter, and underbody aero. It will also get wider fenders to make room for fatter wheels and wider, stickier tires. It will undoubtedly all add up to a lighter, more rigid, better-handling, quicker, and faster car than the regular C8. We don't expect to see the Z06 version of the C8 Corvette until late 2021 as a 2022 model, though, so it will be some time before anything gets confirmed. And this isn't the end of the C8 Corvette progression, either; we expect a ZR1 (possibly called "Zora" instead) to come a year or two after the Z06, potentially packing a hybrid drivetrain, all-wheel drive, and more than 1,000 horsepower. In the meantime, we'll keep our ears to the ground for more rumblings and rumors on the C8 Corvette Z06. — submitted by Mike Lenaers


Check out the SJCC Shutterfly Site

Are you going to our Shutterfly site to see the photos and scrapbooks that are available? More to the point, are you sharing your photos with the rest of the club? All you smart phone and camera toters prob-ably have some great pictures to share with the club. It is so easy!

Joyce Echols, Ilene Kappel, Suzanne Ansley, and Jan Grout are the biggest contributors, but we could use your pictures to improve our collection. Once on the Shutterfly site, they can be downloaded by all the members and added to the pool of photos to select from for our Scrapbooks. They don’t need to be per-fect shots, as we can download and edit them so they can be quite striking. Please help!

For those of you who have not been to the SJCC Shutterfly site, this is a quick link:


Once at the site you can “bookmark” the page so it is just a quick click away in the future.


There are currently two scrapbooks of SJCC activities under the “History of SJCC” tab.

The 2019 Scrapbook was just completed. The 1978-1987 Scrapbook was rapidly compiled for the Christmas Party slide show. The oldest club photos that were on the storage shelves were digitized and then enlarged, enhanced, and cut-and-pasted into collage scrapbook pages for the slide show. We also added photos from 2019 and the previous Christmas Party to hopefully create an interesting slide show. In the coming weeks and months I will start making scrapbooks from the digitized photos from 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2002, and 2006. We will also start making scrapbooks from the photos on our Shutterfly site working backwards by year 2018 > 2017 > 2016, etc. We will announce new scrapbook additions at the club meetings and in the Grand Sport.


1. Add your photos to the shutterfly site. It is easy.


2. We have no photos for some SJCC events in 2019.You may have them. The 2019 Scrapbook doesn’t have any pictures of these events: Vettes for Vets on 23 March, A

Day at the Brewery on 4 May, The Flag Changing on 18 May, Car Shows in 2019 with our folks and cars, The 1st Choice Events on 15-16 Jun, The Back 40 Pool & BBQ Party on 27 Jul, the SJCC 67th Birthday Party on 7 Oct, and the Gumbo Cookoff on 12 Nov. We need you to add photos from these events to the Shutterfly site. We will add scrapbook pages for those events once we get photos for those events.

3. Who can Identify Charles E. Strahan III? The annual award for the top autocross-

er is named as a memorial to him. He died in 1985, so some of you were in the club back then. We need the old timers to see if we have his picture among the photos in the 1978-1987 Scrapbook referenced on the second page. Charlie and his wife are both deceased, as are his parents. He had no children. We need your help to put a face with the memorial. Hopefully one of you can pick him out from the scrapbook. It would add a little to our history if we included a picture of Charlie.

Many hands makes work light.

Mike Lenaers



Due to the Corona virus, all SJCC activities were cancelled. The Bluebonnet trip was scheduled for April 28, and some folks decided to do the run on their own on separate days. We decided to do the run spur of the moment on a Friday hoping to beat the rain showers forecasted that after-noon. We began the run in Bellville at 159/36. We also packed a lunch to eat along the way. Tom had his corvette and I had mine equipped with a couple of walkie talkies. We found a picnic spot on the left just before the 1291 go straight part. Looked like it was a Lions Club park of some sort. We ate our lunch and shortly after on 1291 saw 2 huge fields of bluebonnets with cows and a red barn. Photos looked pretty good. We never saw the final photo op due to the darkening of the clouds and rain that followed. The trip was nice and it felt good to get away. The Ace Hardware in some little town did have Chlorox but Tom wouldn’t put them in his car. Oh well.

Sharon and Tom Earnest


Corvette Blues

Honk, Honk, Honk, hey the clock in the radio says it’s 8am on Saturday morning, when are we leaving to

go on a run with the other speedy corvettes? I have not seen the other vettes in 2 weeks, we still have

stories to tell about our owners and passengers. Are you going to get me out of this dark and dusty gar-

age today? You really need to clean out the garage, I don’t like to get this dirty dust in my a/c vents and

on my paint. Also, can’t you store the lawn equipment outside, they are so dirty and they smell too. If the

mower stays in here much longer, I’m going to start smelling like that old mower. My cover! You forgot

to cover me again, that dust in the garage is going to hide my “hot” shiny body. There are still some bug

guts in my grill and on my windshield from the last drive too. This time when you eat your kolaches, eat

them outside of the car, because I don’t want the kolache crumbs getting between the seats and

attracting those mice again.

What do you mean the drives have been cancelled, did Costco run out of gas? My tires are not flat and

the oil was changed 3 weeks ago. Or is that old sedan parked behind me broke down again? Just get in

the truck and dragged it out of the way. Or did they throw us out of the club, cause you got passed on the

last drive and the “speedy” driver was screaming at us, “Get off the road, you drive as slow as a farmer on

his John Deer riding lawn mower”. My battery is good, just get the radar detector and hook up the CB an-

tenna and I’m ready to go. Or are you afraid of getting lost again. It would help if you learned how to use

your “smart” phone, cause I get dizzy when you keep making those u-turns because you missed the last

turn. Are you sure you can read a map, I’ve got arrows and such on the map display.

So are we going for a drive today, I don’t like going to the post office, it’s such a boring drive and you do it

every Saturday. Now, don’t take me to Costco and buy toilet paper, the other corvettes will laugh at me

and call me “toilet paper getter”. We were not built to carry toilet paper, prune juice or gallon cans of

beans and other silly things from the store.

I did like the parade laps around COTA, but we had those “slow mo” cars and drivers ahead of us, I told ya

we should have passed them all. It was a good thing that the track guys let all of the corvettes go first, so

those fords wouldn’t break down in front of us and drip oil and such on the track.

Ok, now I understand why the drives have been cancelled. We need to protect the other drivers in the

club from that people virus, because they know lots of things about corvettes and they like driving their

vettes too. They also plan the club drives, even though one or two of them get impatient and passes the

slower vettes (us) and scream things out the window, while they are passing.

Well take me to the post office, at least we are getting out of the dirty garage and doing some driving.

Update - Post County Shutdown Hey, what are you doing, why are you covering me up, don’t you like me anymore? They did what, how

are we supposed to go on our cruises? Are we just going to move up and down the driveway? I’d rather

sit between 2 AMC Pacers and show them what a running engine sounds like. I do have very good head

lights, we can go out after midnight. Just change my license plate with the neighbors mini-van, they won’t

notice for weeks. If the cops start chasing us, just toss some Shipley donuts out the window, they won’t

run over the donuts, we can out run them and we can out corner them in their exploders.

I hope you get me out in the driveway and wash me once a week, I like the way you massage my body and


run that brush over my wheels. I’m about due for a buff and shine too. This would be a good time to

clean my engine bay and get those last kolache crumbs out of the folds in my seats.

So, are you going to come out to the garage and sit inside of me and watch the replay on your laps at the

driving school on your iPad? That grand sport that you were driving at the school is a cousin of mine, she

is from Kentucky too, but I’m prettier than her. She thinks she is hot stuff, since she goes round and round

on that track every day, but we have been on the track at COTA and she has not done that. You could re-

play that COTA track video on your iPad too, but I will fall asleep, since we were going so slow.

Go ahead and cover me up, so I can fall asleep and dream about going around the COTA track at triple dig-

it speeds, while playing Deep Purple’s Highway Star.

Shannon Belknap


Roy’s funny pages










San Jacinto Corvette Club Insignia Hello SJCC Members, As the insignia representative, I would like you to know our club members have access to apparel and other items sporting our SJCC logo. Please visit the website, www.hyperstitich.com for a wide variety of items you can purchase with our logo. You can also find a link on our club Shutterfly page. If you need any assistance navigating the website, please let me know. You can reach me by email at [email protected] . Thanks, Sharon Earnest/SJCC Insignia




See if you can you name the movie and year model (difficulty level : depends on your age)

G - “ Thank you Poe, you’ve proven to be a most useful mammal.”

P - “Many hands make light work. My father taught me that.”

G - “Know what my father taught me? Nothing.”

P - “Self-educated man.”

by Sydney Heald

April answer ;

True Lies



San Jacinto Corvette Club, Inc. (SJCC), established in 1957, is an organization of Corvette enthusiasts and their spouses. SJCC is a member of the National Council of Corvette Clubs, Southwest Region. SJCC monthly club meetings are held on the first Friday of each month, except December, at West Oaks Fellowship, 14440 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77082 at 8 p.m. Visitors are wel-come! SJCC Board of Directors meetings are held the third Monday of each month at Mattingly Enterprises, 9426 Katy Freeway, Building #8, Houston, TX 77050 at 7pm. Yearly membership dues are required. Annual dues are $75 for a single membership and $100 for joint membership. ————————————————————————————————————————————————-

The Grand Sport is a monthly publication of SJCC solely for the purpose of reporting club news and other items of interest to the membership. The Grand Sport welcomes articles from the membership. Some articles may be edited before publication. Please submit articles electronically (preference is MS Word in Arial 12). Email to current GrandSport editor: [email protected] SJCC members receive The Grand Sport by email each month without charge. Non-members may subscribe for $20 per year by email. ————————————————————————————————————————————————-

ADVERTISING Advertising rates (6 months / 12 months ) for 2018 are: Full Page $100/$120 Half Page $80/$100 Quarter Page $60/$80 Business Card $45/$60 Trade Fair: $30/3 mos.; $45/6 mos; $60/year Corvette related items for sale by club members may be included in the newsletter FREE of charge, on a space available basis. Please submit ads in writing (email). Ads by non-club members are billed at the Business Card rate listed above. Contact the President: [email protected]

SAN JACINTO CORVETTE CLUB INC. P. O. BOX 13992, HOUSTON, TX 77219 PHONE: 281-444-0749 FAX: 713-615-5863