A Look Back at What Made 2012

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  • 7/29/2019 A Look Back at What Made 2012


    A LOOK BACK AT WHAT MADE 2012By A nne Kirya on December 30, 2012

    We bid adieu to 2012, and reminisce on someof the things that made it worthwhile.

    One thing we must appreciate about good old Uganda is that she is always growing. Local television has been greatly

    welcomed by the masses with scoffs and cheers alike. Whilst we are still hooked on International content, we havehome grown talent that has thrilled us and made us shake our heads in varying measures.

    Zar i the boss lady

    -are we ready for reality TV? She certainly thought so. What ensued was what might be termed as a bit of a

    circus.Many watched out of curiositybut more still watched because of the less than stellar reviews they had gotten

    from their friends. The excitement over the 14week series fizzled after a number of episodes. We do not know if there

    shall be season two; Zari takes Kampala?


    - The majority of the women, our readers at least, just could not stop laughing at the sight of grown men discussing

    their issues on the TV as Mary so aptly put it-Men The Closet Gossips Unleashed . A good number of guys

    however seemed to relate with said issues. That says a lot about our men. Part2 of the show was well received.

    The Hostel

    -Season one endedwith the exit of sober and with that the sadness of many a hostel fan. How shall the show go on

    without him? They wondered. But the show must go on and so it did. The viewers remained loyal. Season 3 has now

    ended with the death of Odoch, unless he comes back as a ghost, thats lights out for him on the show as well. These

    are undoubtedly some of the most charismatic characters on the show. That the people are still watching shows that

    the creators of hostel are by all standards putting out a good product.


  • 7/29/2019 A Look Back at What Made 2012


    - Frank Walusimbi has succeeded were countless female TV hosts have failed. A talking point about society is how

    this show is described. The show on NTV that is done in Luganda features a range of guests from politicians to your

    everyday man. Whilst it is an informative show, it can be extremely entertaining as guests reveal truths, thoughts and


    The Jumpof f

    - With a name like that, who could not be curiousand curiosity led to love. The jumpoff deliveredwhat mosturbanites wanted; a view of their celebrities as ordinary people for one. We tip our hats to Michael Owor for being

    able to make most things he touches turn to gold.

    Whilst we are not a gossip site, some things just could not be escaped. Where there is gossip there is Zari. Finally, a

    socialite who gets the meaning of the word! If it is not nude shots, it is girls, it is Ivan. But we are more interested inthe Lamborghini and her husbands yachtand the boat cruise on the 30

    thDecember, 200 women, free alcohol and



    Following in quick succession is Shanita Namuyimba. Who? Bad black. Her antics in the media cannot be fully

    recounted here. In summary though, she was poor, she was rich, she was very rich, she was a thief, she was in

    prison, she is free! Contrary to what you might think, she has garnered no shame for her doings, if anything she is

    somewhat of a hero to the common man-we love an underdog, as long as its not our hand it bites on its way to the



    -unspeakable bedroom acts are now being referred to as a Mubiru.

    It is fulfilling to see young talent taking centre stage, especially when it comes to music. It is impossible to summarise

    this because so many young singers made us proud to turn 50 so we shall just highlight our favourites. Many did not

    necessarily start this year but have made us tune our ears to their sounds in 2012.

    Keko, the tall girl from Tororo with a mohawk broke through getting signed by Sonys RCA label and having herhit This is how we do itit appear on Supersport ads on DSTv. Her hit with Kenyan MadtraxxIm gonna make you

    dancewas a banger!

    Mun G, Young Mulo- have Luganda rap and dancehall ever sounded so good? Will they ever sound so good? Isnt it

    exciting when you go for a concert, say Sean Pauls, and the Ugandan curtain rai ser, say young Mulo, gets an

    applause akin to that of Mr. Paul? I can tell you, it is.

  • 7/29/2019 A Look Back at What Made 2012


    Big trill,AirporTaxi- in their genre, they are unmatched.Ruyonga, Maurice Kirya (released his Book of Kirya

    albumafter a long wait)Tamba,Moroots, Qwela and their monthlyJunction shows, Irene Ntale,Exodus,Sifa

    Kelele. The list can go on till tomorrow.

    Sadly, there were also big losses in the music industry,Seraand Don Canta of Afrigo band left us too soon.

    When it comes to art, a great refinement was seen this year. There was an exhibition almost every weekend with a

    fair crowd-at least the ones we attended-with a big part of the crowd being locals;The Visionary Africa, the

    AnnualBayimba festivaland Kampala Art festivalsbeing some of the bigger names.

    Somewhere somehow, some Ugandans proved that their concerns can come secondary to those of their fellow man.

    In the case of theearth day concert, that they come secondary to mother earths needs. Esther Kalenzi took time

    out and with some friends ushered a new, very active charity 40days40 smiles, the beneficiaries being two

    orphanages. Their work was not a one-time effort and they have continuously held events to see that the needs of

    these children are met. A big thumbs up to them.[We interviewed Esther here]

    Now, if you thought she had no heartyou are sorely mistaken. A few days to Christmas, the boss lady Zari went

    down to Kalerwe to deliver some cheer to Gods will (Grace) orphanage. Doesnt it just warm your heart when peopleof means take time out of their schedules to do such things? Kudos to her for giving appropriate gifts too, mostly in

    the way of food stuffs.

    Sports, fashion shows and marathons were run(cancer run), to raise awareness for a number of causes. Concerts

    likeConcert of Hopewere held, showing that it often takes a village.

    Here is a gallery of some of the highlights of the year 2012 (The year Uganda gained 50 years of independence and

    the very same year the world was supposed to end)

    - See more at: http://proggie.ug/a-look-back-at-what-made-2012/#sthash.fVFEdkMq.dpuf
