m oaai aake rop- r tli« *rty. !ous. ;lv6u raid, ^ond ided unty. hton tlon, far* I be ooa- (af« :h ot I aet- r re- Ctbl« ctioa coio- . this trom thera own- aor rpor- porty altoa ay.” thers Gen- pre- srs ol B, At- of an treats tmpts 1, b u t rell- t tba. ;bero. av»- : ; and reeta, J now ing a sa ol ^ struct r b i d s . / j inklin ' •d jia Sgnra :ter ot •ty re-', do to , as .we,' le law . aTe-'r Bd by, ,er ar-' ity ot-; lences ' along rn nn- < upon. . struc- oniicA ' '(’I i to be ivere* >II ing in in the labita- i] .nee at evon- iforta- oediby owded nisjhod ed.and it were H.Ap- Tates. £. Sa- Puchs, iAuok- r. and ar, Mr. n, Mr. t,-'Miss Smith, ^iUism irberg, Prank d Mrs. a Rob- [jOBrell, laes, E. am'. O. Liztie ion^iT. , WiJ. ilisi.tE. ' J-lc. amt^a, a tantb, 0, jn t, pr^ S . JT. sordiiK Tbip- is. ae- BUtS,?". 1. B*. Fuc^. Apply.! ye} i ok ! d THE BHOOKLYK DAILY EAGLE-SATUBDAY, FEBBtJABY 17, 1 8 9 4 .- T E Y P A G E ‘S.. 5 ioB ni me&slfl . 11 so tl^ lijchVi. doctoj( irt tlm In U b&d b^i 3S] led 10*7 3 the fit r. I io 1 bar* ilo. MA IjrfloHp §ailg TIIE PA.IX.Y KAGLE la published ernry afterxiooD on Jhe^TOking dajre of the week and on SUJJDAY MOR.N- TERM S O F aSURBCRTPTTON. «10 per year; 85 for six raoaths: 81 per month: single Tne/udo^^**^* Sunday edition $1.50 per year; iwstace A 1. t. NUMBERS. A U m it^ nninbor oi E aolks of any date from the year JH yo.tui within two months of the current year, can be pos^aseu at an adrauced price. AJJtsftues vrithin two montlis, .’J cents per copy. RATES FOR ADVERTI.SING. COJL.1P AGATE MKABUUEMENT. mo adTertisemouts Uken for loss than the price of S t© lines. nrspr.AY typk doitulr price . io cal Notlcro, oppoultB Eilltorial Paim ................. .'jO cants ...S3.00 .HR. AND .HRS. HAZLETON CEliEBRATE. itlaiiy K'rieiida AliKvrtaiitcd at 'riiclr Wcildiu;; Aniiiversary. I.oc»I^I,otl€^ nt foot of N>ira colnmnB,.. litions ud locturos ....... [..ocnl N otli^ nt foot of Nerra colnmnBl.. li.oO pMition*^t°^**H *^^**°*^**'^ Page less than four ...25 cents ...10 cents ..lo cents .... In cents ..,,10ccnt4S .... 1 0 cents Amaaei Trarel.. ............................ Ezenmions ..................... Hornes and Carriages. H elp IV anted ............... B o a r d c e u t j ^iiirnlnbed Room s... ..................................... ..'..lO cents A.a.artiBini.anta'SudCT tho 'fiiiiw iie CT© lio ^ or less. ,6 cents for fir«t insertion and uO cents Toreach Bucce^iTe insertion: For Sale, To I,,et. Fifteen }in^*u excess of five lines. Personals, ♦,iarringen. Deaths. Lost and Found 8.1 for ^cn insei^jn, when not ezoeeding ti»e linos. Religious "2vi®**».G0 cents for each insertion of live lines or lese. Sitiwti^^ns W anted—Males. 2.5; females. 15. , dOf<utioa from these rates. Cash in advance lu all cases, PRTNCIPAT, OFFICES: EAGLE BUILDING^ WASniKOTON AND JOHNSON STS. BRANCH OFFICES. ^ 44 BROADWAY, E. D. (Telephone, 744 •Williams- BRDFORI) AV, NEAR FULTON ST (T bIih T^ hone, dSABedford). _ 4Bo Firru AV. NEAR NINTH ST (Telephone 70 Sontn). ATLANTIC AV, NEAR EAST NEW YORK AV (Tel«hone^8B Bast New York). ISOUBE^NPOINT AV (Telephone. B ath beach , opposite the depot. •JAMAICA. U l _____ THE EAGLK IN NEW YORK CITY, We hare established asencies for the sale of the E ag I j R Some of the piinciparbusiuess iiotuts in New Yorl: City as follows: Astor House stands. Back Number Budd,foot of Ksst Tblrty-foar'‘-b B '^evolt and Front sts. W . a . Clinch. 174 South st. Vulton street and Broadway, Knox Bnildlng. Connors, Wall nod Bouta ats, -I. ICosentball, 54 W all s t. W ashington and FoLton sts. Vark place and Church st. College place and ChanP'era «i. Jasnes Mead. Hamilton Building. 229 Broadway, ationi^ of the Manhattan News Company, os the WaU. Sonth, Thirty- SATUEDAY CHUECH NEWS. , 22B Greenpoint ___,;ione of tL . Hlevatod Railroad, _Nowa stands at Fulton, Chambers, street. Catbariue. Hamiltoc 11. S o u t h , 1 eck Slip. SUp!^lOMe*elU Grand” T M d^hlrty-fonlJS street ferries. .And at all the North River ferries and the Jersey City Annex. Gran^ (3Mtral aai^ads. KiTthar Uotal, l^son’s news stand. W indsor Hotel, Tyson’s nows stand. MurrsvHiU Hotel. Grand Union Hotet. , , THE SUNDAY EDITION ONLY « for sals at the news stands of the followinc hotels: House. Metropolitan Hotel. Coleman House, « 5^-7 House, Imporial Hotel, Bartholdi Hotel. Oriental Horal and Everett Honiw. THE EAGLE IN' ■\YASHINGTON' ANI> ALBANY. THE EAGLE can Bo fonud on Bale in Washington at VO Waoblugton J.0V9 Exchange and at the neaia atando dn the Aruncton Hotel, tho Shoreham and 'tVillard'B hotels, e. ,1. Gitx, Fast Wasbinaton Jfswa Kxchanso. ana in Aihanx at ths nows stands in the Dolotan Uouso and Stonwix Hall. WASHIEGTOX NEWS BUREAU. olOFoarteon^^et (Now^apo^Row). Waehlncton, I>. O. WoUs B. Sixer, I'ai) .Stnlo'ot'(Palnier Uo-jso). tuk K A G i.f IV ><• rf r o « v c i s c o . R,C. Wilber, Palace Kotel news .tana. THE EAGLE IK EUROPE, sals at the American Kewepaper Agenejr. Trafalgar Jwilaincs, London, and on fils at tho following placsa: Gillig's 0'**'“" , „i.» .. ........... ...... .— air. and Mrs. William E. Hazleton ot 5S Sec- oud place rooentiy held a oalebratlon ot their tnarrlago nnuivereary at their residence and entort.ainod many ot their friends. The com- oany danced niitil midnight, when n supper tvas served, and afterward there vras more dancing and sin.ging. Thera were pretent .nmon," others Mr. and IMis. AVilliam S. Hazle ton. sr.; Edgar i?. Hazleton, Mi«s Hazleton, Mr. and JIrs. C. L. Hiizleton, Mr. and Mrs. ,T»hn Wh.alen, Mr. and Mrs. E. Skolno, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Cronin, Mr. niid Mrs. M. Shearmou, Mrs. I-forris, Miss Norris, Miss Luey Norris, .Frank Norris, Miss Annie Skelne, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunn, Mr. ‘and Mrs. F. Lent, l ,. Eraith, Miss L. Leary, F. Hedell, Miss II. Sandy, Ed ward Cantwell. Miss M. Fisher, .Tohn MeKeon, Slits Kate lIcKeon, James MoKeon, Miss 31. 3IcK»on, 3Ir. and 31ra. H. Doody, J. Walsh, Sliss T. Daly, E. Cook, Jliss D.aly. Sir. and Mrs. ,T. Roach. Mr. and Mrs. A. Samson, J. Harry. Miss K. Conwav. Mr. and 3trs. Jack Morait.v. J. Hicks. Miss Nolan, AVilllam JloVoy. Jlisa Jlary Nolan. .1. Cotter, Miss 31. Minor ol liensonhurst. Mrs. Cunningham. Thomas Barrett. Harry Cot ter, Miss Cotter, Mr. and Sirs. Wllltiim Mnbb. W. Coi, J. Dunn, Edwin S. Hazleton. IVillle Shermai^ Hazleton. Mrs. I’otorson. 3Ir. nod Mr.s. Louis Canton. W. Sandy, Mis.s Leary and Mrs. Holme.s. A.X EPWORTH LKAOCK EXTERTAIXMEST. In spite of the storm on Monday evening the chapel of the Janes M. E. church, on Reid ave nue, was coinrortably hlled by an appreciative audience composed of members of the Epworth league. The programme was prepared by the entertainment committee of the league of which Mrs. F. M. Fairchild is chairwoman and Mr. J. W.Lantry president. It was an evening with the Scotch and proved an interesting and inex haustible topic. “ America” was sung by a chorus and the programme closed with Auld Lang Syne." Mias Etholeno Patter son executed a medley of Scotch airs ou the piano with much skill. 3Irs. .1. W. Lantr.v lieacribed the geogr.aphical situation ot Scotland and a glee club, composed of the Misses Ada W. Webster. H.ntio A. Bainbridge. 3Ir.s. Fairchild, Mrs. Lantry.t Miss Hall Furguesoii. Joseph W. Lantry, Frank K. FairchiUl, J. .A. Lantry, Ernest Marshall and Marcus Fairchild, sang the "Blue Bells of Scotland”; 3Iiss G-r.acu Merkle. who has a sweet soprano voice, sang "Bonnie Sweet Bessie,” and responded to a hearty recall. Mr, William Pfeiffer played Rubinstein’s melody in F ou the violin with much musical feeling. .An e.ssay on “National Emblems and a Few Scottish Proverbs” was well written and read by Mrs. Frank P. Duryea. Miss Florence Merkle told about “The People, Their Language and Cus toms.” Miss Hattie Bainbridge sang "Darby and Joan.” Miss C, .A. Teal prepared an essay on “Scotch Literature” and Mr. J. H. Lantry sang “Laud ’o tho Leah” Action Taken on Dr, Alfred H. Moment’s Resignation. •Gross; Ameri< »Uce; A. B. ^ablo News SUDDEN DEATH OF BRUNDAQE. Heart disease caused the sudden death of Mrs. C. K. Brundage ol Comae, Is. I., yc^sterdar. She was talking with a neighbor whou she fell back in her chair and expired. She was 72 years of age. Her farm was recently sold to Theodore Havemoyer, the sugar refiner. 5 |rcu 8 ; rnomasCooksfe Son. Ladjfato cirena; R. G. M dowlas, 14 Strand, London; Munroo & Co.’s, 7 Rno fccribo, and Auclo Amorican Bankin«r (tlompany's: R©ad- ane R o ^ , 61 Aveane de I’Opera. Faria: Jamos T. Batoa - 9?**,?®®®^*' Switzerland, and the German Transat- >&atic Sxchanjte, 78 FriadrichatraaRe, B< " GxvAdGontiaontai Hotel. Havana, Cuba ■u, "W .; R o m a It-is aesumea mat contritmltons unacoompantea tBitfi. Stamped envelopes to guarantee thetr return I f unused, are not regarded by their writers as •worth, recovering. The EAaLB caitnot undertake to send back such manusa-ipts. O.ILTE l.X GAIOIEX. “Carmen” will bo given ot tlie Academy of Music to-nigh;. and Calve will unquestionablj’ appear in the title role. There have been some fears that indisposition might prevent the prima donna from singing the part, but fortnnatel.v there is no question about it. and the singer will Be hoard iu what very many people think ie her strongest part. MISS MILLER’S VALEXTIXF. PARTY. A reception and valentine party, tendered to Miss Ida Miller by her parents at their residence, ■810 -DoEalb' avenue,- occurred on Wednesday evening. The party was something original, and Miss Volckening ■won first prize for women and Mr. Hubbard tho men’s prize. FROM MATTirCCK TO OKLAHOMA. ’The Rev, James 3V. Hillman, pastor of the Fresbyterian church at 3Iattituck. will preac’n his farewell sermon there to-morrow, and on Monday will leave for Fort Sill. Oklahoma, where he has been appointed army chaplain by Presi dent Cleveland; ________ _ HOTEL ARRIVALS. St . Geoeoe—R ev. G. D. Millen, Southold, L. I.; Mr. and 3Irs. Arthur Pomeroy. Boston. 3Iar’ i: H. Cassidy. Newburgh. N. Y.: F. G. Middlekaufi’. Chicago; J. McGainnes, Now York; John C. Leaclu Trenton. N. J.; 3Iis3 Grace Well^. J. C. Briggs, W. C. Bury, Martin J. Chester, .1. Burger. Brooklyn; Mr. and Sirs. Baisley, Newburgh, N. Y.t Miss Donaldson. Dingman’s Ferry, Pa.; 31. J. Thompson, La Crosse, Wis.; J. II. 3IcCaffrey, Philadelphia. Clabendok.W. J. Mepermot, E. S. Garrison. R. 3L Jordan. C. L. Schenck. Charles A. Sher- man.-S. 0. Crain.Brooklyn; Jlilton Smith, North- port, L. I.; 3Ir. and 3Irs. 1). S. 3Iooro, Jamaica, L. I.; Livingstone Smith, St. James, L. L; B. F. Carter, Kings Park, L. I.; 3Irs. Butler, E. L. Cor nell, W. B. Greene, E. O. Matheson. L. B. Fulton, New York; O. M. Nichols, Staten Island, N. Y.; Vf. C. Slatlook, Philadelphia. Pa.; R. H. Des mond, J. H. Mack, Bohme, N. J. COMOG ETE.XTs. WissKER H all —An interesting concert -was Ifiveu Wednesday ovex)in:{ before a large and fashion- ablo aodlont© at Wisaaer Hall by Carl Btucbhauaen, who ih a very fine mi^RicIun and an excellent pianist. He was assisted by Hruao Oecar Klein» Miss Mary Byrns, Pedro do Salazar and Henry Schroedcr. Mies Byrne san*: two beautiful eonce b.r 15. O. Klein. Mias Byroe has a vory iine Roprano voice aud sani; the sones with muetcianly ftscUns, »ixid the exquisite accoinpani. ment of tb? composer addod to the pleasure the audi ence derived therefrom. Mr. Carl Bruchhauecn played Kleiu’rt Capriccio. Opus 41. and Lier.t’s ‘•RiRolotto** Fanlaslewith tine technique and brilliancy. Mr. Wia.s- ner was asain complimented by the many muBicians and artists present ou tho s :ccesB of his grand piano. The ■WistiKEr. Pi.KNO is now used in many prominent con certs, both in Now York and ISiooklyn. and all pianiata who have used it declare that it has no superior. BEARDPr.Ei'F S hredded Codfish i:; the natural salt codfish, picked up by macbinery, redncini; it to shreds or its natural fiber and extracting the bouee with out destroyiuK the flavor; simply perfection, that is all. H. T ucker, M. JX, 393 Clinton st. Office bourn (except Wednesdays) 0 A. M. until 2 P.M . San<- dayi* tl lo 3 i \ M. V isit the E dison E lectric I lluminating C om - Electrical Display nt the Food and Uealth Show, Rink. Clermont av and Myrtle. T hree fi .oor. s suitable for inainifficturmc pur poses at ll Vino st can bo rented. Thoy havo just been put in first rate order acd will be rented cheap. Apply to P. GELsoh. Eai;le olfic j. N2AS&BS8EU. ANDREVVS—.SEAMAN—At noon, on Thursday, Febru ary 1.7, 1894, oy tho Rev. A. J. F. Bohreuds, at the residence of the bride’s parents, E lrie M ay S eaman to W illiam Crank andnkws . all of Brooklyn. The mnsquorafitt of tho Eaatorn District Saen- arerbund will take place this ovening iu Ariou Iwill, "WaU street. To-morrow aftornoou the second of the scries of discussions on Spiritualism asrainst orthotlosy between the Rev. Dr, Watkins and Professor T. Cleffgr Wriffht will take place in the Criterion theater. t Mayor Schieren will be the jruest of honor at a dinner this evoninff at the Montauk club which "will be attendod^by 500 members. Frederick R. Coudert speaks on ‘‘Morals and Manners” to-iiitfht before the Catholic club, 120 West Fifty-ninth street. New York. A tea for the benefit of the Home for Destitute Children, Sterling pl.ace. null be ?iven at the home this afternoon from 2 to 0 o’clock. j “The Crime of Chance” is tho subject to be dis cussed by Peter Burrow.s at Dixon hall, 51,5 Ful- ! ton street, to-morrow evening. The commencement of the class of *94 of School No.44 will bo held in the Marcy avenue Baptist church, corner of Marcy and Putnam avennes. next Wednesday evening. There will be class sinciuff by eighty voices, under the di rection of Professor W. R. Goato. The Rev. James J. Knno, chaphiinofthe Brook- j lyn navy yard, will speak ou the “Chrisiiuu .In- j fiuenco of tho Tlireo Great Admirals of the [ American Navy—Foote, Farr.airut and Porter.’’ at I the eastern district branch of the Youne Men’.s I Christian association to-morrow afternoon ut 4 * o’clock! . Chaplain Kano was personally ac quainted 'iviih the a'lbove admirals and preaclied the memorial sermon for Farraffut, in August. 1S70, at Portsmouth. N. H. Deputy State Chancellor Woods of Vijiihant council has under way a ne wcouncil of theCatholio Benevolent l©Kion to bo known as Fort Greene council. A preliminary meeting will be lield at 407 Bi’idgo street, to-morrow afternoon, at 3 o’clock, when an opportunity will be afforded those who are interested m knowiii" what the order is .and to become charter merubers of the new council. A holiday eutertainmont will be given for the beuofit of and at tUoTabernacle on Washington’s birtlxday. It will bo an evening of mirth, mn*>ic and magic and among the iirti.Hts to appear are Hershall V. Wilder, Elizabeth Gleason. Nina Drummond Leavitt. Giuseppe Vitale, Elizabeth Northrup. Anna Park, GcorgiB Powers Carhart, P'lorence B. Sliepard unJ Soto Sunetaro. ilm Japanese illasionisi. Tho Rev. C. K. Yatman. the leader of the Y'oung People’s meeting at Ocean Grove, will preach DIKD* BROWNELL—At Tudianaiiolia, tad., on Friday. Feb ruary 111, 1894. IlEiijJKRT K. B uows' kll , forzuerly of Bronklyn, N. Y„ in tho ,22d year of his age. CLARKE—Called away on February I5, E dna M ay C lahkf.. only child of Frank E. and Mary J. Hod- nett, ago.l 3 years 2 months and 1.5 days. Funeral from re*idonco of her grandparentB, 117 North Fomtli at, E. D., Sunday, at 2 3’. M. DUNN—On Friday, iGth inat,. at her residence, 274 Tenth 8t, South Brooklyn, M auv A. D unn , x native of St, doha*. New Foundland, aged 111 years. Requiem mass at St. Thomas Aquinas' Church, at 9 A. M., Monday. Friends of tho family respectfully iuvlted to attend. FUI j LEB—S uddenly Thursday night, February 15, Do- LOUKB, wife of JuiiiuB A. Fuller, in her 05th year. Funeral services will be held at her late resideacc. 419 Grand av, Sunday, February I8»at 2 o’clock P. M. HINDMARSH—At Fl.atbusb. 1., Thursday, February J .5, GEOiiOE W„ beloved husband of Mary E. Hind- marsh, age 73 years. Funeral bervlces at his late residenco. (!,'aton place, Sunday, IBlh, at 3 :30 P. Al. Take Smith and Jay st cars to tbe boulevard. ING31A tlAM —Oil Fridny, the IGtb inat., J ohn S. J n- GhAHAM, aged 7.3 yearn. The funeral service will be held at- bis late residence, S Breroort place. Brooklyn, Sunday, February 18. at 4 P . .M. LODER—Suddenly, on Friday, February IG, N oah L odeh , at tho residence of his elater-iu-law, 120 Pa cific et. Funeral services Sunday, tho 18tU intit.. at 5 P, M. lu- lorraeat .Monday, February J 9. private. MKTlCf.SKI—On Saturday mor:iing, February IT, 1894, at 42 Fort GrBonc place, after a lingering illness. M auv. wife of W. j»lelciski. i'uueral notice hereaftor. PETERSEN—On Friday, the Kith iu.it., C atharine . youngest daughter of John H., and Mary C. Petersen, ago 1 yo.ir. 3 months and 3 days. ' Funeral Sunday at 2:30 P. M., from the residence of her uarealw, •i09ik Kosemsko st. SMALL—On February iU, 1S04, P lteh S.mall , beloved husband of Josephine 'reunKwoocl, aged 31 years. Holatiros and friends are iuviied to attend the funeral from 1 ms laio resideaoe, 10 North Oxford st, thence to the Church of the Sacred Heart, on. Monday, Feb ruary 19, atU:3UA. M. interment in Calvary cem etery. SM ITH-On Wednesday, February 15, JoHS \S’. S mith , in the 27th year of his ago, of pneumonia. Relatiri'S and friends are respoctfully invited to at tend tbe funcrKl, at the residence of hia father, 30 Fourtn 8t, on .Sunday. F'ebrcary 18, at 2 X*. M. In- terniout iu Holy Cro^is. SHEVHEUD-On February IC. 1804, at 11 A. M..Cap tain JoiiN S. SHKJ'liERO, at the residence of I. h brother-in-!a.'.’. Captain Cyrii.e E. Staples. Relalivos ami fneuds arc invited to attend the funeral servioea on Sunday. Febrtiar.v J8, 18U4. at 3 o’clojk, to be held at 113 Komseu at, Brooklyn. Interment at Brookline, Mass. CoMrANY D. TwENrr-Tnricn R eoimk . vt , N. s. .V Y .—Tho members of ih:.*; comp.'JDy are regneeled to attend tlu cilizcuh' dresa.' the funeral sernceo of our capuln. J ohn .S. S uej ’HUIUv , at his late rcsidenoo J 13 Xlemscu st.on Sniiday, Febrnary i.S, at 3 o’clock M. F.ow .^rd ,J. KR.\tT, First Lieoteuant, commanding. VF.TKItAN A860( /A »:ON, C0.UPAN V 1% 'I'WKNTV-TIIHID U eliment , N. C. Y.—.Members of this associa tion arc requested to attend tbe funeral services uf <*aptain JoUN »S. 8in:.^tiK:ti> at his late ro**idence, 113 Komsen et. on ‘oenday, February 18. at 3 o’clock P . -M. .\LniKD H. O le . na , President. WILLIARD—On Thnruduy. February 3,5, 1894. altera liugering illne.'is, M-Vitv ELI/,.^, wife vf IV. A. Willi- I* nnerai private. Cumitiissioners to fio Kef«re llie I’resby 1 sry Monday E vbii I iie —A Xcw Church Orenniza- tloii— Ordination SrrTlcrs— Iprclal Pro- granimo in Dr. .UcClelland's House of Worship. After tho prayer meetint; last night a mooting or the moinher.' of tho We-Stmiastor Presbyterian ehui-ch yras hold to act upon the roaignation ol fuo Rev. Dr. Alfred H. 3Ioment. I5y roquoat, tho Rev. Dr. Donald 3IeLaran proaidad. Tho document was read again, amt at the earno.st roiiuest of Dr. Moment it was unanimoualy ac- eepted. Commissioners to go bafore the pres bytery at Its special meeting on Monday ovon- ing, called for the purpose ot dissolving the pa.=toraI relations e.xlsting between Dr. 3Ioincnt and tho Westminster church, wore appointed os follows: 3Ir. Hasbrouck, who is tho only orig inal member ot tho church new left; 3Ir. X..aim- beer, senior deacon, and V. P. Adams ot the board ot trustees. Dr. Moment will preach his farovrell sermon to-morrow night, taking for his suDjoct, “Eight 3’ears’ Pastorate,” He will go on board tho steamer Slajestio on Tuesday even ing. as she sails at 6;i)0 Wednesday morning. Dr. iloment will visit the Holy Land and other places of interest, and will spend more than a year abroad in study and travel. Much regret is expressed by the member* ot hU ohurch at his departure, A now organization has been formed at the Central Baptist church in Bridge street, of which the Rev. Edward Everstt Knapp is pastor. It is to be known as the Yeung People’s Historical and Social club, and the first meeting was held ou Wednesday evening last. Tho method to be pursued Is tho study of local history and Ameri can literature by original papers and soloetions for three-quarters of an hour, to be icllowed by a social half hour. These meotiug.s are to bo hold on the first and third Wednesday oveningB of each month from October to June Inoluelve. There will be an annual outing on Decoration day to some place ef local historic interest, when a paper on the scene will be read after lunch. The purpese is to edify and at tract the young people of the ohurch and strangers. These are the officers: president, Erederiok Browo; secretary and treasurer, Charles Tripp. ’The pastor i.s an advisory mem ber. There will be an ordination service of elders and deacons at the Cumberland street Presby terian church to-morrow morning. Evangel istic services will be held during all of ne.xt week, with special singing. Another union conference of the five Univor- salist oburohes in Brooklya will be held in All Souls’ church on the evening of Friday, Febru a ry 2.fi. The Bev. Dr. C. Ellwood Nash, of the Church of Our Father, and tho Rev. Dr. J. Russell Taber, who has- recently resigned from the Church of the Good Tidings, will deliver addresses on the general topic, “What the Church Requires of Universalists.’’ These con ferences have heretofore been well attended and havo proved exceptionally interesting- Beglnning to-morrow and continuing for two ■weeks special services will bo held at tno North Reformed church, Clermont avenue, near 3Iyr- tlo. ol which the Rev. 'F. Calvin 3lcClelland, Ph. D,. is pastor. A number of prominent clergy men- will preach the plain, practical gospel. The singing, while in the main congregational, will be made especially attractive by a male quartet, choir and prominent soloists. Tho speakers are as follows: To-morrow, the pastor; 3Ionday, the Rev, Dr. T. EIrnendorf of the Harlem Collegiate church. New York; Tuesday, tho Rev. Dr. H. N. Holllfield, Presbyterian, of Newark, N. J.; Wednesday, tho Rev. J. Tal- madge Bergen ol tho South Reformed ohureh, this city; Thursday, the Rev. Dr. B. B. Tylor of tho Church of the Disciples, Now York; Friday, the Rev. James Hunter pi the Fourth avenue Presbyterian ehurch. New York. The pro gramme for tho week following includes the Rov. Drs. Palmer 8. Huiport, John E. Lloyd o l" the Twelfth street Reformed church, William Justice Harslia and others. The services which have been hold all this week at tho 31emorial Presbyterian church. Seventh avenue and St. .lobns place, ot which the Rev. Dr. 'Thomas A. Nelson is pastor, havo been largely attended and very profitable. Tho Rev. George C. Needham has bold an evangel istic service and preached every evening, b»- Bido giving Bible read lugs each afternoon. Tho Binging was a very holplul feature. The .-innual meeting of the Woman’s Mission circle ot the Greene avenue Baptist church -was hold in the Sunday school on-Wednesdny after noon last. Tho reports showed tho organiza tion to bo in a prosperous eondition. -Mis» Reside, who has .spent two yoars among tho Kiowa Indians in Dakota, was present and made an address coucorning her own and other missionaries’ work among them. Quite a num ber of converts have been made and a ohureh established. These are the oflleers elected: President, Sirs. Charles S. Lord; vice president, Sirs. Holmes: seoretarj-, 3Ir.s. George Davidson; treasurer, Mrs. Carsten H. Fluor. At the tVashington avouue Baptist church to morrow the preacher at both services will bo tho Rev. Dr. Jesse B. Thomas of Newtoa Center 'Theological somin:iry, SlaBsaobusetts. and who was for a leng tiute p.-istor of tho First Baptist ohurch in Pierrepont street, A rocoptlon will be tendered to tho century committee and other contributor* and friends ot the Bedford brunch of the Young Slen’s Chris tian association at their building. 420 Gates ave nue, ou Tuesday evening next at .S o’clock. Slajor Schieren, Richard C. Slorsu, general secre tary of tho iatornntlonal committee of tho Young Sten’s Christian associations, -wiil bo the special guests of tho occasion. Fre<lerlck B. Sebenok, president of the liipoklyn association, and Ed ward I*. Lyon, elmlrnian of the Bedford branch and others prominent in association will bo present. A pleasant social hour will be afforded and an opportunity given to all who havo con tributed to the work to become familiar with that which their gifts havo made possible. Tho Kev. Charles Edwards, pastor ol the Franklin avenue Presbyterian churelj, hius just hseu bereaved in the loss of his second brother, Alired, whe was manager of the London Guar antee co:npanj; for tho United State*, and who died in Chicago last .Sunday. .lust about tha time of his vacation last summer Mr. Edwards lost by death an older brother, who wils a prominent Canadian 3Ietliodi.si minister. 'The Baptist Boys' brigade of BrookJj-c, the Second and Sixth regiments, will celebrate Washington’s birthday by a review iu the Forty- sevauth Regiment armory, JIuroy avenue and Heyward street. Tho assembly will be .“ounded at 2:-13 P. 31. At 3 o clock tho boys will slug “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” and pr:iyor wUi be made ’oy tho Rov. Dr. John Humpstone. to bo followed by a Bible and flag drill. There will be a b:it- lalion review by Colonel .Tohn O. Eddy and stuff of the B'ortv-sovoDth regiment. There -will be a maaual of arms drill by Company I. Sec ond regiment. 3Inrcy avenue church: setting up exercise by Company A, Sixth regiment. Union avenue church: bayonet exercise by sixteen menibors of Company H, Second regimont. Greenwood eliurcb; company drill. Second rag- iment, Noble street church. An address will be delivered by the Her. Robert B. Hull, the boy.s •will sing “.America,” and retreat will be sound ed at T> P . 31. Corporal Frank Quevedo Smith of the Thirteenth regiment will be th* military commandant. The Rev. Willl.am Jessup Sholar is acting presidsut, pending a permanent organ ization of tbe regiments. .A series of special services to begin to-mor row and to continue up to ineludlag Friday evening no-tt, will bo held iu the Berean Evau- ing services will bring to an end the sneoial servloes which have noea held in this church for the past three weeks and which have be»n attended by largo numbers and by .good results. There have been about a hundred convortiions. and many have risen for, prayers. The meotings havo been lu charse of 3Ir. Carson, and the Rev. George C. Needham and Clark Willson havo i preached. Oa Thursday night Dr. Rlviiigton D. Lord was the preochor, and Inst night the Rev. Dr. .Tames S. Chadwick. Mrs. Willson and her daughter have sung at all the services. Lewis W,, Armstrong. Miss Gertrud* Hamlen, W. W. Cameron, 3116s Emily Willsbn and the Creole quartet havo all took part iu the song servie*. 'The Rev. Dr. Houtallng of Philadelphia will occupy the pulpit of the East Now York Re formed ohurch at both »ervices te-morrosv, ,\ woman’s union prayer meeting in the interest BROOKLYN HAS A PULL! That Works Wonders for the Post Office Service. Kv<*ry Oue of Poslmastor SiiUiTau’s Kci?i)m- mcmlatiotis for the Erni-'llt of the City Ilr- llrery Ajjprovet! and Two New Stations and .Vine Suh-*^tations Arc to fJc EslahLshcil. Htl.SIC AT KVEMNG SERVrCE?^. W Isai Nosuir C'Cai:rc2i ; lioirs aiid i W t'I Siuu’. i j To or-::'.:iist3 a ’ j'l cli >irma3lrrs who*>9 i ; :!irs 'vorc uo; p'aMishoJ lr*at wol'Ic ' i U is iiily - olv lliri^ llioy weru : rc -civutl al llii.s oiV:-!*-- too late. To iusuro pul> ' li‘'aiinn it is noivv-siary Umt lU-J projcramni^s ! shouM 5j'> not lator t.ban 8 A. "M- I on Sjif.ircLay, ’J'li'’ of tho is ' to wiiat is to bo .•‘Ua'.; on Itit? ; , Siiatlay c;v»‘n!n'.r. niKlnot niMi'rnnunos Unit woro t i ?^iv«*n tin* S u a J n y ovouin;^ the daio | l “i‘ ii’ .;!»ii'*arioii, inorM o a o <M*rreS(>oud- ■ i em !.a» evi.louUy «uiii>oh(*J. 1 ! J’o-:riorro\T ati olabocat<': musn;nl pro- I s r H*:8*. I . A ^ K<» r;.v. D i ‘’W T , orL'iUiinl and <‘hoir;nn^'t»:r. It i.'ri :is lol- TV»1* MWMwewe.e., s.— - '' -------- tUO iirOOKZyil U03l >V1K UO 111 I Mi iO l-W.- ; torcMi and the rank of the ofilcc raised to one of 10:30 o'cloek. 'This is destined to bo a per manent institution, and it is hoped by those in terested that it will become a feature ot the re ligious life of the city. “Self Denial” -was the subjeat ol the Rov. Henry C. SwentzeVs Friday Lonten sermon last evening. Tho subjects to follow nn> as follows: •‘Self Distrust.” 23d; “Self Surrender,” March 2; “Self Control,” March 9; “Self Consecra tion,” March 16. The Rev, Spencer S. Roclio ot St. Mark’s church, Adelphi street, near De- Kalb avenue, is dellriring a course of Friday Lenten sermons in Christ (eastern district) church. He preached last night on “Hating Evil and Doing It.” The other sermons are as follows: February 2.3, '‘Transfermed, Not Corn- formed”; March 2. “Strength and Beauty” ; 3Iarch 9. “Songs from Deserts” :3Iareh 16, “One L. ast Word.” Beginning on 3Ionday afternoon the com mittee of the New York City Baptist Mission society on ovangollstio services have arranged for Important lervlees In two churehos In New 3'ork. 'The Mount Morris ohureh will have tho Eev. H. M. AVhnrton. who will hold ineollngs afternoon and evening. Tho Calvary Baptist ohurch, of which the Rev. Dr. R. S. MaoArthur is pastor, will have meetings, the llr.st one lo be held to-morrow evening, conducted by the Bev. Dr. A. C. Dixon. Noon mootings will be held at the Now Y'ork Association hall every day. to bo addresBOcl by Drs. Wharton and Dixoa, and ar rangements have been made for fine maslc. The noon meotiugs in Association ball, in this city, -will also continue every day. SCPEKVISORS MEET AND ADJOURN, 'I'hc Abneiicc of tlic .Vlaj-or and .Super visor Ikj'dcr Prevents a Qiioriiin. Owing to tho absence of Mayor Schieren and Supervisor Ryder of the town of Flallands tho board ot .supervisors was without a quorum yesterday nnd adjourned until 3Ionday, 3 P. M. Th* Democrats wore absent as usual. Clerk Farrell and Dowden, his assistant, were present, and shook Supervisor-at- Large Fitchio’s hand cordially when lie mounted tho rostrum. Farrell made the usual announcement that he and bis as sistant were on hand lo do business. BIr. Fitchle acknowledged their williugne.ss. with a serene smilo nnd requested Supervisor Dike, clerk pro. tem., to call the roll. A smile pa.ssed over the faces of the spectators when Mr. Dike came to John Y. MoKano’s name, which he called with unusual distinctness. The committee appointed by Presideut Pro. Tem. Boyd 1* investigate Clerk Farrell and his assistant. Dowden, wa.s to have met in tho clerk's office yesterday afternoon for that pur pose. 3Ir. Farrell had a stenographer ready for them and was prepared to render all the aid he could, but the jiroposed investigation was postponed until some future date. Supervisor-at-Lnrgo Fitohie sent for Coun selor Elliott, after the adjournment ol tbe meeting, to loam if there were not some means of preventing the Gravesend town board, two of whom—Newton and Sutherland -are under indictment, from appointiug a successor to McK.sne. Mr. Elliott stated to the E.roi.E re porter that at present ho know of nothing to prevent such action on their part, the bad taste of which was too palpable to mention. Ho in tend*, however, to look into the matter. There are 250 bills against the county, aggregating about ,$50,000, lying in the hunt's of County Auditor Keller. Those bills have been aofumulntlng since the first ot tho year, and those to whom the money Is due are elamoring for their pay. 3Ir. Keller said to nu E aole re porter yesterday that he had once placed other bills iu the hands of Auditor Waldron of the board of suporvisors, who is virtually clerk to tho finance committee, and that Mr. Waldron had returned them to him. Now that there are two tlBunco committees In tho hoard—one ap pointed by 3IcKane and one by Boyd—.Auditor Keller says he will not hand them over to either side until it is decided just whose committee will stand, BIcKane’* or Boyd’s, The Democrats feel coufldent that the gen eral terra court will reverse the deoi.Hion of Justice Cullen concerning tho Flatlnufis sent now held hy Mr. Ryder. They are looking for Balsley’s restoration. 'There were rumors afloat around the court house during the day that the Republicans, now that they have a majority in the board with Linde in tho Eighth ward sent, were going to resort to radical measures to compel tho Democrats to attend the meetings. The by laws of tho board provide for a fine of .$250 for those who neglect to perform their duty, nnd a majority ot tho board have the right to define said neglect. Suporvisor-at-f.arge Fitchle said to the E aoi. e reporter, however, that such rumor* were -without foundation and that no such action was contemplated. “This little difficulty will adjust itself,” said he, “nnd as long as there is a quorum present to transact busluBs.s that’s nil we want. I do not believe in resorting to drastic measures when there is no positive necessity for so doing.” WOllES ivno WANT TO VOCE. tlie llratclas.9, Fostmaster Sullivan Is thorough- ; i'->ws: Ui-gau |i:o!’nle. ••ilubrew .Mo;o-lic8,’'_Guil- !y conversant with tho wants of the people, and ; I'a ^bviui No'' Pi'*P /°)i 'x'd/ 'tiino ^lig- siuee his incu.mboncy he has striven to give an ; ;ioir°ouTHi:\!T,lo,“”U V eT l^ -Gove the r.Jnlf' siimiBistration that would meet tho require- ■ [ro:u '-Tie- Lord Is Kiug.' Baruby, eliorus, raents of such a city as Brooklya. The po.-^t | ••.Iii.lgp .tic, u Goil.” .Mciulelssohn; offertorv, office business has shown such a large increase i Kopniiio .solo. ••Show Me 'I by M ays. iorreale; iu conse.iuence of tho many improvements al- = 1'"uTm.v‘'**by °Dr.' | ready made, that Postmaster Siillivaa In Sep-j , ,, Hither." Ilu.-k; ' tombor, as printed In tho E.vci. f . at tho time, j ^imnii. “Lod 1- Our lloluga,” Buck; hvmn No. i made application to th* department for nu- ,.,7, J’s.ulni.s cxiv, tune “ ,-q. Aan’s” : org.-in post- ! thority to rodi.strict the entire city, so far as the inje • • ] £ , , .tieludics." llntlstc. The soloists i territory covered b.v the various ■ '‘atioa.s is con- .Mi.s Blai ie V.iu, sopr.-mo: AV. It. WiUlnais, j „i,uusn,lr. b-.i c-f..rsths rir.u,.., nuisbsd eernod, and to establish two non stations ,.nd | tf-nor; 3tiss T irziin Hamlin, contr.ilto; Frederic | ,Terj-boriy recoznii-.cii thai nh- ims on the m.-id to rocor- fry. A iJoiitinuiHon of tin* troatmeut has wrom;ht * THE NEHVOUS SYSTEM. Disease,? of tbe Blood and Ifervea Which Baffle Physicians but Which can Easily be Overcome with the Proper Eemedies. {yi'inn 'it* i * f - J i / i ill I ncTe ia a ;;roiTinc ooliviolion U:at lUU is a oerroni (:«nor<ition anil it is x fact oaly Loo .a;tpurai:t. thnt luaa^ of thr ari^iu* I'ronj rjcrroUB di^urdera aro beyontl tho WnoA-lmlst) ami pi>\vHr of ilift aTtraxo phyaician. Th>* la ■•trotj;f*y i!lu.^lr.ired >n a lately reported from I'tl^ertofi. KxniiS!i. -Arhich wx-i miule the r object »>f apeoial vt*f*tijia*iou and report by uht* / ■ . ' . > r Jti'.irr'nK 'rile 13 ye if f)l ;1<5n of I.. L. Bai’lier, a well known ami pr*-H;»ero:j3 busiiiefi* man of Edc^rton, >raa attacked with a Uirritile tlieeaae of tho riorvoi. Within t.'.vo month* tJiD diseu*©derelop'td from what \r.iftat ijrat thoucht lo le a more habii, into fcr.^nl'.eil atiliciion of tljo rnoat alarminx and virulent cUxra'.'t t. (.tridually it napped tho atromrtli of t bo bnlpleni^ and threatened lo <r‘*w int«i St. \’itTia’ lUnco. AL tiineM she would b® »wi.*i»-.l’ .vitli nervouB twitchmKa and drop anything sha hehJ iti iier hand. I'liv.niclanfl were called, hoL oms and all seemed at a loas fora remedy. \VhiJe *'0?kin2 relief fur hi^< (lanjjhter Mr. Barbouf lotu*n»*’ .l of the inediuino known .is Dr. Wiliiams* Pink P.Ms, one of t he mos: powerful lilood and nerve reeiora* tivoa l:nown to the ine’Hcal world. The little tool* nine sub-stations^ | Reddall. basso, iu conjunction with a chorii.c of This raorniug Fostmaster Riillivau received a j thirty voices. Preparing an Orgaiiivied >ltluek <m the Con*litu(iona.V Couvcniioii. letter from tbe first assistant Dostmaster geiier.al. notifying him that all his recommondation.s bad been approved and directing him to establish a BOW South Brooklyn station and the nine sub stations ou or before April 1. and tho eastern district station oa or before May 1. if practi cable. When Postmaster Sullivan made his applica tion bo submitted some data and statisllcs that opened tho eyes of the AVashIngton officials. He explained that since the establishment of station S, on Broadway, over eight years ago. no rcdinricting of the city had been asade. al though tho population had incroo.sod Irom 673.- 00!) to 1,003.000, as shown by tho figures given ill the E agle Al. iiaxa(. Tho revenue of tho postal service in the same pe riod had increased from .$3.33.940.07 to •$019,362. ns printed in the last official report, lie .vLo pointed out tho tact that the growth ot | tho outlying sections of the city had been phe- neiaenal and tliis had increased the territory to be traveled by the carriers, which had en tailed a great expense in car fare. 'This item, which in 1.385 amounted to only $5,(160 a year, nt tho present time cost.s over .$14,600 a year. Attention was also callsd to the fact that In th* city of Brooklyn there were only six carrier stations, slevon sub-stations a n d 1‘20 s ta m p ageuelc.>:. The department r>‘ferred tho application to John E. A»he, inspector in oluirgo at New York, who detailed Inspector G. W. Beaver, oue ot tho most experienced men iu tho service, to mako an iavesugatlou and report as to the advisabil ity of complying with tho suggestions oiTered by I’ostmaster Sullivan. Ho went to work im mediately, and, with tho postmaster, personally visited all tho localities in which it was pro posed to establi-sh tho additional carrier sta tions and sub-stations. Mr. Beaver readily saw tho force of the postmasters rocoramendaiioiis and the improvement that would result, iiud in his report gave th»m libs strongest indorsement. One carrier station is to bo near to the triangle nt Broadway. F'lusliing and Graham avenm-s, n largo business center, and the other to be in South Brooklyn, ou 'Third avoniie, bstweeu l^ortieth nnd F'iftietli streets. 'The e.stablishmetit of these two carrier stations will noces.^itato the rodistrictlng of tho bound aries of tho main office and stations W, B, S, V and E. and 11 complete revision ol the carrb-rs’ and collectors’ routes, as well as tho prepara tion of a new sohem* of city distribution and carriers’ distribution schemes for the main office and its various stations. 'This will entail a large amount of labor, and the time of tho postmaster and his staff will be fully occupied until tho work is compleiod. but when com pleted there will be, including the main office and F’lalbush, which the postm.aster has tiseu empoivorad to start, nmo carrier stations, twenty sub-stations and 120 stam p agcneie.s. 'X'nis will make a completo revolution of the postal sorvlco in Brooklyn and over .$6,000 a your in car taro will bo saved, as all c-arrlers will bo -wltliia easy walking distance ot their stations, thus making a iiutck delivery of all mail matter. 'The sites ot tho two new stations havo lieen agreed upoB. 'The eastern district station, to bo known ua Station .A. -will be at IH Graham avenue and will bo opened Mnv 1. The South Brooklyn station, to bo known as Station C, ■will bo at 1,101 'Ttiird avenvioand will bn opened April 1. 'The nine .sub-stations will also be opened on .April 1. • . While the bo-andnries of the districts of tho new stations liavo not yet beep definitely do- cided upon, they will probably be as loliows: Ensloni district station—Bounded on the north by Maujer street to the city Hue, on tbe west by Union avenue. Heyward street and Bedford avenue, on the south by DoKalb avenue and on tho ease by .Stuyvesant avenue, to Troutman street, to city liu<-. to Maujer street. .South Brooklyn station--Bounded on the north by TUirtietn street, on the south and sast by the city Hue and. on the west by Now A'ork bay. ’The location of the sub-.stntlons will be as fol lows : Donald L. Cameron, Reid avemio and Hancock street : William F. Luneberg, 242 iJrigg* avenue ; Osmar Klopseii, 3l3'rtlo avenue and Gumberlund street : .Allessandro GoUicelli, 272 Third avenue ; R. 11. Tliayor. 33 .Atlaailc avenue ; I’asquale Martino, 2.53 North Second ■street ; Otto A. Wicke, Hamburg and Myrtle avenues : George W. Brooks, 1,161 Myrtle nve- inie ; .A. Silverman, southwest corner Eastern parkway and Thutford street. DEATH OFA.V OLD GOVER.\JIE\T E.Ml’LOYE. An adjourned meeting of tho Bedford league of the Political EquoUty cluii was held at Mrs. F. D. Hncksl.aff’s rssidonce. 282 Jefferson ave nue, last night. 'The first meeting, bold ou January 5, was addressed by no less distin guished a speaker than Mrs. Carrie L. Chap man Catt and an iueroaso of lourteeii iu the membership, which up to that time had been nothing, rolled up like a tidal WBve. Tho aim ot tUi.s organization is sufficiently sot forth in the following which it furthers; Petition for sciual suffrage to the constitu tional convention of tho State ot New York to meat in .Albany In 3Iay. 1394. Gentlemen—The undersigned citizens of the United States, 21 year* of age, rcsldsiits of the State of Now York, County of Kings, respect fully ask your honorable body to strike the word "male” from article II, section 1, of tho constitution and thus .sei-iiro to the women ol the stnto tho right to vote on equal terms with the men. Its mombersnip has climbed steadily since tSi.Yty-threc Vearn tn tile Na.V}' an <i iiilii|>wrigltl. •At Sts. I’eteraud I’aiir* 11. (.'. church, tho Hev. .•AyIvcster Malone, pa.sior, a lecture and musical vespers, under the auspices of the Holy Name society, will bo given to-morrow evening, Feb- rmiry 13. at 3 (/clock. A chargu of 25 cents for udinissiou will iio made, the proceeds to go to the poor, 'i’he Rov. Artbiir 31. Gl.irk, C. .S. P., will lecture on •'I-eiirnlng in tlio 3IidUlo Ages,” nnd the choir, under the direction of Mr. F'rcJ- orick IJranders. organist, will render th* follow ing prograinnie: Quartet. •'Doniine unu Dixit.” 3Illlard; quartet. Magnificat, by Slozart: con tralto solo. “O Salin.-irl-s,” liobaudi. to be sung by 3Iis9 Adelina JUeharil; (juariet. Voni Urea- tor. iieetliovea: .soiirniio solo, '-.Ave Regina,” Aluscagiii; quiirtet. 'Tautiim Ergo. Rossini. ■\t tile Ross street Presbyterian cliuren. the i musical selocrcm.s for to-merrow evening will I embrace tli.j follovriug: Organ prelude, "Gen- 1 Z10 S.- 1.” by Smart: Gloria iu Kvcelsis. Srmil- ling: duet for f-nor and basso. ’ My Faith I.ook.s Up te Thee.” Scliiieckcr, to bo sung Ijy 31essrs. Milton and lioatu; ([uartet. ”’Tne I.ord is My Slicplicrd.” Jvochat; offBrloiri', org.in selection by Thom.as, [ilayed by T. Lewis Doyle, organist and choirmaster. At the First Baptist church, tho Rev. Cortland 31yers, past*r (services held at the .Academy’ of Music), will bo given to-morrow evening: Mnl» (|uart(jt. •‘God is a Spirit." Bennett: tenor solo. •'I Will I.ay Mo Down and Sleep,” Buck. by- Albert Pardo; solo and ipmrtet, “O Holy Saviour,” .Atit. .Mrs. Dutton and iiuartot: solo, •‘I Heard tho Voice of ,Iesus Say,” A. E. Harrl.s, to be sung by Mrs, Charles DuU*n; offertory, cornet solo, •‘Hymn to St. Cecilia,” Gounod, to bo played by Wilutim N. Bartow. .At St. Alary's Episcopal church, Classon nnd AVilloiighby avenues. Mr. Henry G. Kskuche, organist and choirmaster, lias prepared the fol lowing programme of music for tomorrow eve ning at 7:30. Alagnilioat in .A, by 3Iacfarreu: Nunc Dimittls in A. by Monk; autheiii, '•Ijord, for 'Tliy 'Tender Mercies' Sake." by Eskuclie; < tertory. Part II. Passion Music by Gaul, with in.-bdeatal solos by Waiter A. -Adams, tenor, and .John 1>. .Tones, bariloBc. At Ilia Nostrnnd avenue 31. E. church, No.=- tranu avenue aud Quincy street. Rov, .-A . H. Goodeiiough, pastor, the monthly musical ser vice will lie given to-morrow evening, oousiat- iug of tho following selections: Prelude, Allegro Cantnbilo. symphony Y. by Wider : quartet, •• Tli« Shadows of tho Evening Hoar,” Barri; soprano solo, “Thy Will Be Done.'’ Mo.szkowski, to bo sung by 3frs. Bessie Benediet Dennis: anthem, •‘Rejoice in the Lord.’’ Tours; contralto solo, •‘'The Holy City,” Adam, to be sung liy Miss Julia Olivia Long; aathe::i“ 0 tor thoWings of a Dov*," 3Ion- dolssohu; duet. ’‘As Pants tbe Hart,” Smart-, baritone solo, “'rhe Day Is Done."’ Balfe, will be sung by 31r. H. Bernard Coombe. A onorus ■will assist and the service -will be under tho direction of Mr. Royal L. Porter, organist and director. .At tho Central Congregational chiireli, Hancock street, near Franklin avenue, tho Rev. .A. .1. I-’. Behrends, O. D,. pastor, Dr. Henry G. Iian- i chelt. orgauist and musical director, has pre- 1 pared the followiug sifieetioiis for the service to-morrow evening: Proluds, No. 1 in F major, Dubois; anIbem, “Rejoice in the Lord.” Elvey: offortcry, “ Calm is tho uiglit,” Gootz; duet, tor soprano nnd bass, to be sung by Mrs. Elizabeth Northrop and Mr. J. If. Groteclose. jr.; ascrin- tloa, “ iVe Wait for 'Thy Roving Kindness O, God," Mar-ffirren: pustludo. allegretto in 1> minor, Gounod. 'The musical programme nt .St. John's Episco pal olmrcli, St. .fohus pla-ce ;iud Seventh ave nue, tlio Kev. George F. Breed, rector, lo-mor- ro-,v evening at 7:30. will bo as follows: Proces sional, hymn 49; 3lagnifloat and Nuuc Dimltti* in D. by C. R. Gale: anthem. "Blessed Je.su, fount of mercy.” from Dvorak’.s “.Stabat Mater;'’ hynm 64: ol'fertorium, iiuurtet, “God so loved the world,'’ Stainer, to bo .sung t,y 3Iasters Clare Dodge and Abe Crovoling, Sig. 'Tesseman and E. .A. Domonet. Ar the Ghiiroh of St. .Agnes )!!. C. 1, Hoyt and Sackelt streets, to-morrow evening. Rossi’.s vespers will b« suug by the choir, also “.Ave Regiun Cu-loruxn,” by Sclmmann, and Dr. IR ■W . Crowe, orgBui.st and iimslcal director, will play a procession;il and march by S. B. Vi'hit- ney. .At St. .Ann’.-s Episcopal church, corner of Cliutoa :i,nd I.ivingston streets, the Rev. Reese F’. .Alsop, D. iJ.. rector, a musical service will be given to-morrow ovenieg, consiotiug of part II of ‘’’Thu I’miEioa” ( tho seven words of the Saviour on tho cross 1. psalm 51 and hymn .3-2. 'The iiitisic will bo under tho direction (if J. Vurdk AValter Hall, organist and choir of the Church of tho lleiivculy Rest, Now York city. James R. McGee, one of tho oldest citizens of Brooklyn, died nt the rosidenoo of his son-in- law. Danioi B. Philliijs, 2S5 Adolphi street, on 'Tliur.sday, February 15, ot pneumonia, in lh« .34tli year of his age. 3Ir. 3IoGeo was born in the Fifth ward of Brooklyn on June 15, 1316. He received a c*mmon sclioo! education until hia lath year when ho was apprenticad in the BrO(-}klyn navy yard to learn llic trade of a shipwright. Ever 6lni.ui his entrance into tho navy yard and up to F’obriiary 4, 1894, Mr. MoGeo was active ly in the employ of the United States govorn- meut. All hi.3 life ho was iia ardent Demoeral and took a vigorous interest in natioual and MFRiSTElt iJEBATI.VG CRIB. A ITlocU 'Trinl unit ttuccptioii llSelcS :i 1 £:civw *ir lOnEI C.iiwt .'Vtglil. ’The Webster Debating club gave an enler- tninmout aud roceptlou last night at Ren w ar ball, corner of Willoughby nvtuuo aud Broad way. 'J'Jio large 1ml! -was crowded with tho mombsrs and tlieir friondB, Tbe first part of the entortaiument consisted of a piano solo, ".lotirney of I.ife," by .Allister G. Harknoss: baritone solo. “.Say All Itevoir, by William !1. Youngs; de:i;ou ^ cninpi(it,(( ftiiU (Toiirlerfiil cure, aiul to-dsy she is as he.-ilthy fl:id happy .vs any ehlld. Dr. Williams' I’iiik Pills reppesenl one of tlieareateit discoTpries of msdirsl science dtirinj; the latter hslf of the nineteenth c-ntiiry. .Since thoy haio been put nposi tlie list of M-amiar I medicines and placed trlthin pnb- llo reacli. (he cares tho.r liaro wroeyht iiaro bordered oa tbe luirsculour. 'J'liese pills shmilil not be classed tsitn tile t.^iojsauds of proprietar.T and patent medicines ; *1- thonitb rboy are :o bo bad of *11 dniceists they are In ro- •ality a pn-hcription of an eminent physician. With such * remedy n ilhin reach there is no reason why ttiero should bo Hulterinft from diseases of the blood or nerves. N'UMHER TUELVK .irUILA.NT. <Aru.dua.fi 117 ICxcrcri»<iM iti lh« C aram m ur I^eparemciii of That Sclioo2« Tlje atmo.spheric ftloinMnt-? ■js'ero not iTopitioni Jurin« t)«e rnonuns: of Insr, FriJar. Lm. tho fact faileti t o iliHjjfl t lie plea^cil look of expectancy restinu upon txrenty-t^vn facea iu tho grammar departineiii of Public School No. 12 or to tnak© t})0 rrra<iuntimr exorcise.^ othorvriso than most 5:icct»RKful arnl appreciateb* attendod by relative® and friends of ihobo-who receivediheir diplomat. Tho irosiure Horis.s by t):o ones of tho priniary depurtrnont were amontr the especially excoHem item.s of the morning’s programme. M.'ibel I’erry’8 representation of young America’* habit of (ieriding mnterrinl anthority was inimi table nnd proh:ii)Iy made every boy present won der if liifc own particular w.T.y of disregarding hon-je rnlii would sound c'qually funny if told a bout. Samuel Steinhardt. a.*t ono of .n pair of mis- taken-for-eacb-other twins, related his trials wiili a jiuraoroiis gloom that aroused tho sympa thetic interopt of every listener, especialb' when he annomicod that bin sweetheart had been mar ried t(» his fac simile by rni.stake and iiis own ever increaping feav that, he would bo buried, in- pteml of his brother, iu ca»;e th© latter happened to die lirst. ■Jiaby Fenton, a guest of the occa sion from Nevr York, reciteil “The Haughty I’encock'* with a grace anki intonation that already, despite her »)nly s years, place her among tlio.so for whom it is safe to pre diet future ©locuiioiiary conquests. Lucy McKay s recitation. *‘He Worried About It,” was excellent. Slie wont on to toll about & man who always read tho scientific predictions rela tive to the horrible things iliat arc going to be fall this world a million years from now. here and there bringing in with fine scorn—*‘And h® worried about it But with still tinor acorn did flhe finally relate how this man’s wife took in washing and his d.mghtor mn«lo shirts for 12 cents a piece to pay tbe grocer’s bill and ‘’he didn't worry about it !” Mias Kittle Dillon and a school male made a daintily pretty picture in blue and white, rendering their piano duet, the “Crown Diamonds” overture. Chairman Miller, after pre.senling tbe diplomas made .%speech to the effect that he had never mad© and never in tended to make'a speoch. He also warned tho graduate.s from thinking that they knew every thing: said he had a daughter in Packer institute who spoke Latin and road Greek aud who that very morning at breakfast had intimated teat Packer girls in their teens were wiser by far, _ on almost auv s\iV>joct than experienced fathers of nearly fifty years, adding in a comical sot^ voce that, .although ho hadn't said much, he couldn’t help but recall the maxim that children think old people fools, but old people know what young people are. Mr. Miller closed his remarks by saying that he believed he should rote for women to become members of the board of edu cation: that his school experience had proved to him that girls surpass the boys in everything that goei) to make up character and excellence in scholarship. Dr. Cruikshank. tho principal, is a general favorite among teachers and pupils. In spite of tho dtimpness of the mormng ho was very dry and to the point in everything he said and con stantly provoking a ripple of amusement among liis auditors. He counsel to the graduating class was in substance the same as given by DuripidcH to the ancients: Boyond the range of mental eyes "Fis not windom to be wise. Life is brief, the iiresont clasp. Nor after same bright future grasp. buch were the wisdom, as I ween (3nly of ill-conditioned men. Miss Hans, ono of the teachers of the depart* menr, was presented by lier class with an elegant pOilestal. draped with a haiidspme scarf and sur- juoutited by a jardiniero containing a palmetto palm. Mias BabL. another teacher, also received ft beautiful plant of some kind as a token of esteem from her pupils. The graduating exer cises took place on. the top fioor of the .school huildmg. .4. young woman, after tiiiishing the fourth fiight of etairs, paused oxhaustedly and- Lilian Uandall: b.iH.s solo, :iy Au ilanco by Miss •The Wnrrior's oil graduate with high honors io«day.” scBriiisKi) .ims. fkimro . se . Her f*‘rieii(1«i Axsint Colehmiing^ Klirtlsdn V* The friends of Mrs. A. A. Frimroso tendored her a sui prise party on .'\IoiuIay evouing, at th® local politic*. During the administration of j sonu ” bv K. Le Hov Willinins: recitation. “Old I residence of her d.iughier. Mr.?. G. Krancisco, P.n^»h:vi>au Afr Ha M t-Ku r,A_ \ . .A* i.... \ mi .. ___........i .. _ _______ ........... 'ri ... ...___ ......... - ._____ Bresidont Buchanan Mr. McGe<i hold the po sltioo of uKiBtQr of conslruotiou in the ship wright's department of the navy yard, but was removed upon the advent of the Kepublicun Ace.'' hy Miss Ellu G. Gust;iu:. solo, ''111 the Cliirnney (..’orjjer,' A. Smitli. ’I’he .s’G'ouil p a r t w . m.-* taken and u soprano by Miss Minna ui^ by 70 Biiliai: strcft. The occ.ftsior; was -in honor Mrs. Primrose’s Lirtiulay. .\mong the guest* were Mrs. A. Pri:nro«», Mr. Hendricks. Mr. . ........... ...... g. ..... ..... ............... ..J .. mock I nn«l Mr>*. G. Francisco, .Mr. auU Mrs. T. Boyce, party under Lincoln. ^ Mr. McGee had not h‘fU| h«hl in the cxtniordinary Hessjoii of the ' Mr. and Mr?. 'J'. Whito. Mr. und Mr«. Prim- itu »r...ir»nAranin rtna AiirrtiAM «rA«niiv cmen i I ol uaccjmmor; plcus. Tho caiisw of ; rO'(?. M a n d .Mr.-. J. Williams. Mr. aud Mrs. fbi flra ^ Ho was instructed by Secretary Uf Navy Wells TO 1 ,vas -.V . miU lo reciv-rdamages ' " - -------- ..... tho first meeting until now it is fortj-two. lb® i j-epoi-t immediately in St, Louis, where a yard gelic^i church, corner Sumner avenue ana Ko.s- ciusko street, of which the Bov. W. Gould is members ar© spread ov;:r tho Tv/ontr-third, Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth wards. The president is Mrs. A. D. Morgan. There wer® a score of persons, eighteen wo men aud two man, at tho meeting lost night, and they were alL enthusiastic women suffra gists. They talked earnestly about the coming couv®ation of the Kings County Bolltical Equality league, which is to be lield ;it His torical hall, on Bierropout street, on February 23 aud 24, and which is to bo addressed by Susan B. Anthony herself, Bev, Anna M. 8baw, Mrs. Carrie L. Ouapman L’att, 3lr. Henry B. Blackwell, Miss Alice StoBO Black. weihUev. Dr. j all of which bodies attonded his fu- V Glen, Mrs. neral at 1:30 o’clock lo-dnv at il:e residence of Julia Ward Howe and others. Delegate.sto this ! Phillips. Dr. Van Albtyno. pastor of tho convention were chosen and ihcro was Homo i j^^ncls street Memorial church, conduntcil the routino business or minor importance tran.s- : imercoont was at Cypr«s.s Hills acted and then Mrs. Joan \ ntcent Leacli ro.nd ; cemetery. !Jtr, McGoo leavoa two <laughttir5 the Bev. Hamuol Johnson essay on tho | sou. all of whom live iu Brooklyn, flubject ‘‘Equal Opportunity for Women. ' ( w.'i?3 ' ‘.K .'-uB lo recoviT ■•rb.brc'.fif' <iaaauge.s for yard | im-utal anguish and distress of body HulVored by N. Van Imrue, Mr. and Mr?. Hiltoii. Mr. Sweozey. Mr>. .M. I’rimrob'c. Jack Williams, Florence had been opened for the construction of river I (ijy pluinUrT and fause'.l by ihe. failure of dc- , ITinirose. Frank i’rimrose, Lizzie Tomllson, gunboat.'^. During the entire war 3lr. McGee ; feedaot to deliver a message sent by plaiaiifT lo * Edward Boyce, Pink William.^, Mr. Dutcher, remained thsro and at Cairo, whore similar j bbs wife in ('hic.ago.” William F. iiowno per- , Florence Var» Dorno. N. (larrisou, Jenni® work was undertaken, and upc>n the co.seatioi; , soupted the judge an-.l G. W. (‘oruoll vras th« ' Mil<di'*Il. \ViUi.a:u Sullivan, Kale SuUWaa, ol hostiUcies returiind to tho Brooklyn navy' ©nieious iMcrk. Th«* couii-«*l for the plaintiff OeolTrey \Yi!li.’i:n<. r,ola Hwe'“/i‘y. Ilcroort Hil- wife s death, I'^n years ago. ; b. T,;irftyeite Faw* vti and IL (. VnbT : for ; ton. .\nna FrancioO > , Charles PriinroHe, Frank Mr. 3IoGee hnd m.aJe his liom« with liis tiauth- i tor, Mrs. Flilllips. where his death tool; place. I He rras a memljor of Nassau lodge No. 39. i I. O. O. F’., aud is said to have been the oldest j odd fellow in the city. Mr. 3IeGeo was also a I member ot the Society of Old Brooklynites and J of tlie Veteran .nnd Volunteer Firemen’s asso- OBa'JTIiAKV. pastor. AVeli known ministers and workers iu i Idea is that women ought to have ' mi ’S >V1 i noa' s Airsir vi v tiie Christian aiiianeo will preHch. 'To-niorrow i "Rual opportunity with men if they want it, j at 10:30 tho Rot, Stephen. .Merritt, pro.sident ot 1»tid this kind of gospel was well received by i proK raiiiiiie S>:tl Not 4>ack V ariety tho .state iilll.nnce board, will preach. In the ! Mrs. Leaeh s hearers, lueluding the men pret- afternooii Miss B. I-’orgiison, missionary to 'Thi- eut. Mrs. Ilackstaff and other momber.s made I and Wii. Kiijovalile. ^ 44 44, 4 44* 0w 4 \e44 C* 4 J 4V. 444 j ^ bet, aud othors will make addresses aud at ; short speecnes. culculatoa to confirm the locL * Wednosuav evening cluirnnag musjeab* night the Kev. E. .A. Funk will preach. 'Rhe | ribbed faiUi of their hearers women s rights I Mr. .and Mr^. R. A 3Yil- Other meeting* : ju(1 preachers are as follow*: ; then the proceedings came to a close. j :K)-t Pacific street. The famous trio I'nJVs- Bev'^F^W^F^^^ i that" a irth l'' plan^ Clove Yarringion. (>:um> B. Simpson: 'Thar^day^ the Itev. \V. ,J. Slosi-n- | I Moeli'b G r a ^ r B V i “t FriiLyThere the^counties in the state with a view to arousing | MocUcU and .Mrs D. Knedeker joined iu will bo a missionary service conducted bv the 1 public sentlraoiil and thus enaldiug Urn league ami 31iss Moelu-.i s.aiig Harry Keur.edy - - - • ' ■ ' 'to Impress itself upon the constitutional cou- ’ at. l- f .... i a to-mori:p\v morning in the Central Presbyterian I church, Tompkins :mU Willoughby avenues. 5 A public meeting under the .auspices of the Brooklyn Temporauce league, will be held at tlie Huiou Assembly rooms* Bedford aveiiuo and South Third street* to-morrow afternoon ot 4, lo protest against the bill to permit the sa loons to open side door.s on Sundn.v. At its meeting to-night in Sackett hall, 295 Saokettstreet, th© Tenth ward Jeffersoniau soci ety will have something to sny to Congressman Hendrix for his vote against the Wilson bill. !u<-t ' Kei\i‘ .ed y ’s Iftt^-*, Bev. IL Scott uiL«4sionary from Africa. i Impress itself upon the constitutional cou- \ compoiiitioiis. MissJaizzio Nolanuud H. The itev. e ! A. Jlniaer who was for some time I the effect indicated in the above i Wuamoml sang .and .Mr, Jamcii t ‘.McHuci: th© pastor of the Gil nstllin Church of th© Kvau- 1 .Asamoausof harrowing tho public ! gav© his impersouaiion of Carmeucitiu Mhici; gel in Greenpoint. und wlioresigu**^! from tbero | mind tho members are circulating ladustrlou.siy ! 'ty.as w(?ll recoived. Foran eiK^ore Mr. M' - to take tho pastorate of the South Christian | variety of woman sufirago leafiets, .some of - church m Haverhill. Mass., has been oulied to 1 ^ho subjects treated bovag -‘Twelve lleusons the pastorate of the East Baptist church in | W o m e n Want to Aol«.” by Alice Stone ____ , Lynn. Mass. HIb roeent resignation from the ! Blackwell: “The Nonsenso of It—Short .Answers A T A SFkClAL M K E T l O F T K E UOV* Flaverhill church and change ol faith to that of 1 Common Objections Against Woman Suf- ^^© ruiuic Committee of tho CRi£.sci2XT A.TULE'I’IC • Bupti.st made quit© a sensatlon. j frn,£?e, by Inomus W eutworlu lligginsoii, and ............... ............................ " ■ and essay by George Wihluiu Curtis on “Equal Bights for W’omon.’ th.s datcudaat, Charles Ci. W. (.Iriflhi aud ' Kol)«.*rt K n is t, The debate was very humorous, i Thu verdi'*t was i;:i for Ih-j piaimiiT ‘ and Jrd.tidU for the jury. An informal recepti<>ii ' followed and a geiioral goo<i lime was enjoyod. I Among thos© ]»roRont w rv L. Lafayettw Favr- j cu*j, .Miss Edna Waiula iloweli. Edward Gibson. Marion V. l-'awc’ li. K. L. Ilalbjra*. Mi*s J-Mu i SiebiM'l, Kdwr.rd WMto. Miss Minrtta Hall. : Frank L. Field, Miss Eulalia Canjc'.ios. Harry Shipman. .Miss Bertlin Fielder. .Mr. anci Mrs. ^rge Bates, Mr. aid Mr.s, Wjlhair. F. Bowue. ’ Mr. mid Mrib. Henry F. Davcnpori. ?dr. and ' Ml'!'. .lames Cunts, Dr. Augustus McCullou:. ! jbd.-ullona, Charlos \.“o. MisH I5‘*atrice lier- ‘ ring, .loliu l-'c.Moti, Miss )>*rilia Vn-»:sley. Bob- ' ort Krn.-L rUis” ' Frances H{i'!:Iiu. Wiliiuin Frank. M iisFanui« Seyjnour. William Clark*?. Mi8.«i.\da ’ ( k'i.'nj>h*^ll. -(tdiu F iu rie g a n , .\nua Kr:i»l, Mis^ (inUiU Goil«r, i''re*leri"k iT'^iraskis. Mis.“ Hell Ihiryna am.l Dr. I'rank ; Ti.« oiVi'-’crs of th<^ «dub ar*-: Loi>«rt Erast. nr»sid'-n:: r.<lv.*iu !. Vab-, vi*’** )>ru-4i«leDt: G. (*. Fo.-^icr, iri:aMir»jr: Frank L. I'ry. r‘'«.*ording sec retary: L. I,. IdiWcetl, forr*’‘^;’onJiiig s»'Tctary. MBS. IsUM of :i LKM<»\ lEA. (HrrirH lo iCi'i’ l>2iiiglK l<?r* I'sV lyt« baa gii* Aeruiuic Committee of tho CRl£.SCI2.N'T A.TULE'I’IC • Bapti.St made quite a SenSatlon. i CHarUs H. Vatman, who_ is^kuown 1 ^ It hns takeaway our | Cnpt&iu .'aiiepliorJ jioani of (Jovoruors iiaa loat'a [ tn ami tho c i« u ___ therefure be it Hesolred. Tnat the Ciovorninir Committee of th« Ores :nt Alhietio Club •-xpreosee to the I'liniily of onr lat< :hy with them in thetr great loss. as til* leader of llie youux poo[ile’8 meetiuxs at ^ Ooena Grova ami of ths Metropolitoa meutin;^ iu Now 3'ork. will proa<^:U in the Central Prosby- iiiLet ivh(iBo rtat))ity” o liio'^int'ore.'tVof'tho’iutvrosts'^o^ I terian church,'Tompkius aud AYillouphby avo- If till) has >1-011 for hiiii the rofard of all liis aasociates, I Dues. to-morroiT mocilloft. 'There will be spo- I '-lliq-VUOl IS lost oue of Its most loyal meuioers; I - r - i ___ *i,„ T/ x t? rt..- kn.Yfisf?on{ STKEI.K 31ACKAVR ShOMLV STAUVLVG. cent Alhiet asDociate its ^eiolvad, j. tho family of the > the funeral in a bo< cial music. Xiio pastor, iho Bev. John F. Car- I son, will prea.ch*in the evening, Tho Oreoie Its most loyal m Co: s-iona.hv(.ith 1 'Till sinq. On Tuesdav atternoon at 4 'iliat^a c'ljpy of ihiH minn^M lorViriSid to ' o’clook and evening at 7:30 i r . Yatman will f ths dsceasod and that, this hoard attend 1 also preach in the Central church. Mrs. I. S. c f BROUN Proaideat i Kr*as. known as tho nightingale sacred song. WILLIAM B. H ill , Bscrotory, will sing at both services. Tho Tuesisi- even- dea-tb. 111., Februarj' IT—Mr. Kteelo Mac- kayo’s condition remained uiiclianccd uu to an early hour this inorning. Uis pliysicians, hoiv. ever, will not express any opinion as to his chances for recovery. The chief trouble is tho in ability of his stomach to retain nourishment, aud his condition is described as staryiue to well reooived. For an Huqh dauced his oriyiiial Irish liuri:;';:(<;. ilr. 31oeIieh roiido-.-ed a German rcciiat.im whicii caused much iiiorrimont. Miss Kitty Mr- lIUL'li 'vas rdoasiii;.; in jiarts siie iiiteriu-uK-d. DaiiciiiL' was i-esiiiued after suppor.ami contiim-- ; until tlie “wee sma' liours," Mr. ami M rs. V. il- sou were voted "c.apital good fellows” by :fi'i present, amoin; ivliicii wen) 3Ir. :iiid 31rs. Har:-y Htiu;liiiiso;t, 31r. r.:ul 3Ii-.s. 3Ioo!icli. Mr. um! Mi --. McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. D. Vt'hamoiid. 3Ir. and .'I: >. McHuL'h. Mias Kitty MoH ul I i , 3Ir. and Mr.. Brown, Captain and Mrs. Tlioinpson. Mr. and Mrs. F'urren. IVaitcr Stone, 31iss Lizzie Nolan. 1. Butler, Miss .Annie Nolan, John Doran. Miss .'irs. Wilii.am I’. H.aigli of !s6 .'oulii C.vford street L ’ave ti:e iusi o( iicr l.en. -n '.iin.- in ijimor of ner iiai;gt;t'-r. Jlisa I'.vei.vn il-iigli, ou i luir.s- lii'.y. Tlins* tTllo nssisied n; rso-;viuu ,ver« Miss .Ainiee U.nigh, Mis- !-'.-i>etta Rn:z. .Miss Gra-.c C reoyt, JUss .\(':iR.i.: Uu:-.-.soii iind .M:ss Susanao Malier. .Anioiv.; t i e n;ii(5<is w e re 3D.-, aud 3lrs. 1-'. Kneoinn-.l. 1>;-. :i:.'! 3i.--. I.yniaii Aiiiiott. .'.Ir. mill Mrs. Fi-'-dci-. - .;. Hiaricii.-. Mrs. ivuowllO’-i, Ui-v. and Mrs. Henry s.v.-vnt-/,«l. Van Brunt Tent-i'o. Seymour I'l.iworu: Bonsali. Irvmq Wcnlwortii. Imdlcy Irrinn I'pjohu. Miss Ciraef, Mrs. .■'idolplis. K(-i;l:::i'.'i i ov.tan. Mrs. Siisanne Coutaii. .Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kainer, Ernst iierninn Vivi“, .Mr. and Mrs. Curiey. Will- 3Vilil;d;i', Frank I'riuirosc and l.o.ster i-'rancisoo. A .Ml'SiG.M.E iO It riMC’HEUS. •J'lic Aluiiiiiii* (\^s.>citt.]ioll of llie 'X'rain* 1112 ^ S-ulxxtl Iliiierlniiicn. .A l.irge nudlence, many of them ga-ests of tn* Ainauiae as-'Oeiatioii of tlis tr.'iining school for teaehi.Ts, were pr'jrout ou Tliursdn.v evening at a inusi'-ale in tho sclioolrooni ou Ryerson street. 'Tlie programmu prssoiued pcote,ssional aud nnint'-ur t:ilcct. 'i'lie president. Miss Sarah 31. I'aniuliar. in an adilress. iirgad tho advisabil ity of tenciiurs coming togefuor tor study andim- )iriivc:nent. niectings to iia bald nt the traiuing S'-liool. I It the in'isiea! programuio which fol- io-a-< t.l ti l* p n r t i e i n a i i i s were the High School Gice club, Miss I'icrtlia Fiirgaag, High School Banjo and Mandolin cinb. .Miss Char.otto Bold- uau. John U, Hanran. Miss .Martha Msyer, Ar- liuir S. Somers, Mrs. .Mario .Antoinette Sum- iiKTS nnd Henry Wnrarn. Algsrnou S. Higgin* a'ldr'-bs*(l ib't andienc* ou tho duties isf a is.icliei- aud til* ploasnras ,md profits of hor ■work. IIIK EPVVORl II l.K.AGL’E ClIAUTAUQUA. (trg:tii'i-zed by tU<- ISriioklyii and L,«u 7 laluiiil .so«-ieti«.s—Tlir t irsl .lleetiiig, 'l ii'j I'.pworlb League societies of Brookiru niid Long Island, ov-.-r '.n» hundrsU and twenty- live. in a-a:nber, have oo:nbiuei.l togellier ia foriir.ng a t'ii:uit:iu();ia nssetc'oiy. to bo inaugu- raded at the Merrick camping ground in July nevi. it is iiroposed at llr-t to hold a teu days' session, m which all liiu altr.tclious of a t.'hau- tauqua circle sUnll be coni!;iue-J. Lecturers, art- iHt,s and .‘■j.-e-naiists ;iro being engaged fur th* progrmnmx as now laid out. Twenty promi- iieid rnluict'.T.s aud layineii ot the Epworth league .are Ci:o lioani of dlreetioa, of which Pre siding Lbler G. ,s. Wiug of th* South Long Island district is cliairmnn, nnd the Rev. 'W. P. Maggie Fox. ,\I. Rooney, Miss Annie McNainee. i iani Harknsss. Mrs. Mulligan. Miss Soulliwick, ; ...— .......... .. .......... ...— ------ ..... Master Willie tVilson, Miss Annie .Moelich. Mr. Morris C. Holman, F. W. Downs. Miss Wright, i Ferguson of Baldwins, secretary. Promihent and 3L-S. Coyle of Now Yorl;, T. tVIialon, Miss 1 Pelaro Ruiz, D, 3V. Callaghan and Frederick i educatioual business men of BrooWlj’n and Long Annie Fox uad Mr. and Mrs. SnediUor. ‘ Chemidlia. i Island are interested in the scheme. ■ji •il M :ll

a ilg SATUEDAY CHUECH NEWS. BROOKLYN HAS A ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031151/1894-02-17/ed...It-is aesumea mat contritmltons unacoompantea tBitfi. Stamped envelopes to guarantee

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ifo rta - oediby owded nisjhod ed.and it were H .A p- Tates.£ . Sa- Puchs, iAuok- r. and ar, Mr. n, Mr. t,-'Miss Smith, ^iUism irberg, P rank d Mrs. a Rob- [jOBrell, laes, E. am'. O. Liztie

ion^iT., WiJ. ilisi.tE. '

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THE BHOOKLYK D AILY E A G L E -S A T U B D A Y , F E B B tJA B Y 17, 1 8 9 4 .-T E Y PAGE‘S.. 5

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I j r f l o H p § a i l gT I I E PA.IX.Y K A G L E la pub lished ernry afterxiooD on

Jh e ^ T O k in g dajre o f th e w eek a n d on S U JJD A Y MOR.N-

T E R M S O F aSURBCRTPTTON.« 1 0 p e r y e a r ; 8 5 fo r s ix r a o a th s : 8 1 p e r m o n th : s in g le

T ne /u d o ^^ * * ^* S u n d a y ed i tio n $1.50 p e r y e a r ; iw s ta c e

A 1. t. NUMBERS.A U m i t ^ n n in b o r o i E a o l k s of any d a te fro m th e year J H y o . t u i w ith in tw o m o n th s o f th e c u r re n t y ea r, c a n be p o s ^ a s e u a t a n a d ra u c e d p rice.

A JJtsftues v r ith in tw o m o n tlis , .’J c e n ts pe r copy.


m o ad T e rtisem o u ts U k e n fo r loss th a n th e p r ic e of S t© lines.

nrspr.AY t y p k doitulr p r ic e .i o c a l N o tlc ro , oppoultB E illto ria l P aim ................. .'jO c a n ts

.. .S 3 .0 0

.HR. AND .HRS. HAZLETON CEliEBRATE. i t la i iy K'rieiida AliKvrtaiitcd a t ' r i i c l r

W cild iu ; ; A n i i iv e r s a r y .

I .o c » I^ I ,o t l€ ^ n t fo o t o f N>ira colnm nB ,.. litionsu d lo c tu ro s .......

[..ocnl N o t l i ^ n t fo o t o f N erra colnm nB l. . li.oOpM ition*^t°^**H * **°* **' P a g e le ss th a n fou r

. . . 2 5 c e n ts ...1 0 ce n ts . . l o ce n ts

. . . . I n c e n ts

..,,1 0 c c n t4 S . . . . 1 0 c e n ts

A m aa e iT r a r e l . . ............................E z e n m io n s .....................H o rn es a n d C a rr ia g e s .H e lp IV a n te d ...............B o a r d c e u t j ^ iiirn lnbed R o o m s .. . ..................................... . . ' . . l O c e n t s

A .a.artiB in i.an ta 'SudC T th o 'f i i i i w i i eCT© l i o ^ o r le ss . , 6 c e n ts fo r f ir« t in s e r t io n a n d uO c e n ts T o reach B ucce^ iT e in s e r t io n : F o r Sale , T o I,,et. F ifte en

} in^*u ex cess o f five lines .P e rs o n a ls , ♦ ,iarringen . D ea th s . L o s t a n d F o u n d 8.1 for

^ c n i n s e i ^ j n , w hen n o t ezo eed in g ti»e linos. R e lig io u s "2vi®**».G0 c e n ts fo r each in s e r t io n of live lin e s o r lese.

S itiw ti^^ns W a n te d —M ales. 2.5; fem ales . 1 5 . ,dO f<utioa fro m th e se ra te s . C ash in a d v a n c e lu all ca ses ,


W A S n iK O T O N A N D JO H N S O N S T S. B R A N C H O F F IC E S .

^ 4 4 B R O A D W A Y , E . D . (T e lep h o n e , 7 4 4 •W illiam s-B R D F O R I) A V , N E A R F U L T O N S T (T bIih

T hone, d S A B e d fo rd ). _4B o F i r r u A V . N E A R N IN T H S T (T e lephone

7 0 S o n tn ) .A T L A N T IC A V , N E A R EA S T N E W Y O R K AV

(T e l« h o n e ^ 8 B B a s t N ew Y o rk ).IS O U B E ^ N P O IN T AV (T e lephone.B a t h b e a c h , o p p o s ite th e depo t.•JA M A IC A . U l _____

T H E E A G L K IN N E W Y O R K C IT Y ,W e h a re e s ta b lis h e d a s e n c ie s fo r th e sa le o f th e E a g IjR Som e o f th e p iin c ip a rb u s iu e s s iio tu ts in N ew Y orl:

C ity as fo llow s:A s to r H ouse s ta n d s .B a c k N u m b e r B u d d ,fo o t o f K s s t T b lr ty - fo a r '‘-b B '^ e v o l t a n d F ro n t s ts .W . a . C lin ch . 1 7 4 S o u th s t.V u lto n s t r e e t a n d B roadw ay , K n o x B n ild ln g .

C o n n o rs , W all n o d B o u ta a ts ,-I. IC osentball, 5 4 W a ll s t .W a s h in g to n a n d FoLton s ts .V a rk p lace a n d C h u rch s t.C o llege p la ce a n d C h an P 'e ra «i.J a sn e s M ead. H a m ilto n B u ild in g . 2 2 9 B roadw ay ,

a t io n i^ of th e M a n h a t ta n News C om pany , o s th e

W aU . S o n th , T h ir ty -


, 22 B G re e n p o in t

___,;ione of tL .H le v a to d R a ilro ad ,

_Nowa s ta n d s a t F u l to n , C ham bers , s t r e e t . C a tb a r iu e . H am ilto c

11. S o u th , 1 eck S lip .

S U p!^ lO M e*elU G rand” T M d ^ h l r t y - f o n l J Ss t r e e t fe rrie s.

.And a t a l l th e N o rth R iv e r fe rrie s a n d th e J e r s e y C ityA n n e x .

G ra n ^ (3 M tra laai^ads.

K iT th a r U o ta l, l ^ s o n ’s new s s ta n d .W in d so r H o te l , T y so n ’s now s s ta n d .MurrsvHiU Hotel.G ra n d U n io n H o te t.

, , T H E S U N D A Y E D IT IO N O N L Y « fo r sa ls a t th e new s s ta n d s o f th e fo llo w in c h o te ls :

H ouse . M e tro p o lita n H o te l. C o lem an H ouse , « 5^-7 H ouse , Im p o r ia l H o te l, B a rth o ld i H o te l . O r ie n ta l H o ra l a n d E v e re t t Honiw.

T H E E A G L E IN ' ■\YASHINGTON' A NI> A L B A N Y . T H E E A G L E c a n Bo fo n u d on Bale in W a sh in g to n a t

V O W a o b lu g to n J.0V 9 E x c h a n g e a n d a t th e neaia a tan d o dn th e A ru n c to n H o te l, th o S ho reham a n d 'tV illard'B h o te ls , e . ,1. G itx , F a s t W a sb in a to n Jfsw a K x ch an so . a n a in A ihanx a t th s now s s ta n d s in th e D o lo ta n U ouso a n d S to n w ix H a ll .

W A S H IE G T O X N E W S B U R E A U . o lO F o a r te o n ^ ^ e t (N o w ^ a p o ^ R o w ) . W a e h ln c to n , I>. O.

W oU s B . S ixer, I 'a i) .S tn lo 'o t '(P a ln ie r U o-jso).t u k KAGi.f IV >< • rf ro « v c is c o .

R ,C . W ilb e r , P a la c e K o te l n ew s . ta n a .T H E E A G L E IK E U R O P E ,

s a ls a t th e A m e ric a n K ew ep ap er A genejr. T r a fa lg a r J w i l a i n c s , L o n d o n , a n d o n fils a t th o fo llo w in g p la c s a :Gillig's 0'**'“" , „i.» .. ........... .......—

air. and Mrs. W illiam E. H azle ton ot 5S Sec- o u d place rooentiy held a oalebratlon o t th e ir tnarrlago nnuivereary a t th e ir residence and entort.ainod m any ot th e ir friends. T h e com - oany danced n iit i l m idn igh t, w hen n supper tvas served, and afte rw ard th e re vras m ore d an cin g and sin.ging. T hera w ere p re te n t .nmon," o thers Mr. and IMis. AVilliam S. H azle­to n . s r . ; E d g ar i?. H azleton, Mi«s H azleton , M r. and JIrs . C. L . H iizleton, Mr. an d Mrs. ,T»hn Wh.alen, Mr. and Mrs. E. Skolno, Mr. and Mrs. Sm ith, Mr. and Mrs. C ronin , Mr. n iid Mrs. M. Shearm ou, Mrs. I-forris, Miss N orris, Miss L u ey Norris, .F ra n k N orris, M iss Annie Skelne, Mr. and Mrs. J. D unn, M r. ‘and Mrs. F . L en t, l ,. E raith , Miss L. L eary , F . Hedell, Miss II. Sandy, E d ­w ard Cantw ell. Miss M. F isher, .Tohn MeKeon, S lits K ate lIcK eon, Jam es MoKeon, Miss 31. 3IcK»on, 3Ir. a n d 31ra. H. Doody, J. W alsh, Sliss T. Daly, E. Cook, J liss D.aly. Sir. an d Mrs. ,T. R oach . Mr. and Mrs. A. Sam son, J . H arry . Miss K. Conwav. Mr. a n d 3trs. Ja c k Morait.v. J . H icks. Miss N olan, AVilllam JloVoy. Jlisa J la ry N olan . .1. C otter, Miss 31. M inor o l lien so n h u rs t. M rs. C unningham . T hom as B a rre tt. H a rry Cot­te r , Miss C otter, Mr. and Sirs. W llltiim Mnbb. W . C o i, J . D unn , E dw in S. H azle ton . IVillle Sherm ai^ H azle ton . Mrs. I’otorson. 3Ir. nod Mr.s. L o u is Canton. W. Sandy, Mis.s L eary a n d Mrs. Holme.s.

A.X EPWORTH LKAOCK EXTERTAIXMEST.I n spite of th e s to rm on M onday evening the

chapel of th e Jan es M. E. church , on R eid ave­n ue , was co inrortably h lled by an apprec ia tive audience com posed of m em bers o f th e E p w o rth league. T he p rogram m e was p rep ared by th e en te rta in m en t com m ittee o f th e league o f w hich Mrs. F . M. F a irch ild is chairw om an an d M r. J . W .L an try p residen t. I t was an evening w ith the Scotch and proved an in te res tin g and in ex ­haustib le topic. “ A m erica” was sung bya chorus and th e program m e closed w ith

Auld L ang Syne." Mias E tholeno P a tte r ­son executed a m edley of Scotch a irs ou the piano w ith m uch skill. 3Irs. .1. W. Lantr.v lieacribed the geogr.aphical s ituation o t Sco tland an d a glee club, com posed of th e Misses Ada W. W ebster. H .n tio A. B ainbridge. 3Ir.s. F a irch ild , Mrs. L an try .t Miss H all Furguesoii. Joseph W. L an try , F ran k K. FairchiU l, J . .A. L an try , E rn est M arshall and M arcus F airch ild , sang th e "B lue Bells of Scotland” ; 3Iiss G-r.acu M erkle. who has a sw eet soprano voice, sang "B onnie Sw eet Bessie,” and responded to a h ea rty recall. Mr, W illiam Pfeiffer p layed R ub inste in ’s m elody in F ou the violin w ith m uch m usical feeling. .An e.ssay on “ N ational Em blem s and a Few S co ttish P roverbs” was well w ritten and read by Mrs. F ran k P. D uryea. Miss F lorence M erkle to ld abou t “The People, T heir L anguage an d Cus­tom s.” Miss H a ttie B ainbridge sang "D arb y and Joan .” Miss C, .A. Teal p repared a n essay on “Scotch L ite ra tu re ” an d Mr. J . H . L a n try san g “L au d ’o tho L eah ”

A ction T aken on Dr, A lfred H . M om ent’s R esignation .

•G ross; Ameri< » U c e ; A. B. ^ a b lo News

SUDDEN DEATH OF BRUNDAQE.H e a rt disease caused th e sudden d e a th of Mrs.

C. K. B rundage o l Comae, Is. I., yc^sterdar. She was talk ing w ith a n e ighbor whou she fe ll back in h e r chair and expired . She was 72 years of age. H er fa rm was recen tly so ld to Theodore Havem oyer, th e su g a r refiner.

5 |r c u 8 ; rnom asCooksfe Son. Ladjfato c irena; R. G. M dow las, 14 S tran d , L ondon ; Munroo & Co.’s , 7 Rno fccribo, and A uclo A m orican Bankin«r (tlom pany's: R©ad- ane R o ^ , 61 A veane de I’O pera. F aria : Jam os T . Batoa - 9?**,?®®®^*' Sw itzerland, and the G erm an T ransa t- >&atic Sxchanjte, 78 FriadrichatraaRe, B< " G xvA dG ontiaontai H ote l. H avana, Cuba ■u, "W.; R o m a

It-is aesumea m a t contritmltons unacoompantea tBitfi. Stamped envelopes to guarantee thetr re turn I f unused, are not regarded by their w riters as •worth, recovering. The EAaLB caitnot undertake to send back such m anusa-ipts.

O.ILTE l.X GAIOIEX.“ C arm en” will bo given o t tlie A cadem y of

M usic to-nigh;. an d Calve will u n q u estio n ab lj’ a p p e a r in th e title role. T here have been som e fe a rs th a t ind isposition m ig h t p rev en t th e p rim a d o n n a from sing ing th e part, b u t fortnnatel.v th e r e is no question ab o u t it. and th e s in g e r will Be h o a rd iu w h a t v e ry m any people th in k ie he r s tro n g e s t p a rt.

MISS MILLER’S VALEXTIXF. PARTY.A recep tion and v a len tin e p a rty , ten d e red to

M iss Id a M iller by h e r p a ren ts a t th e ir residence, ■810 -DoEalb' avenue,- occu rred on W ednesday ev en in g . T h e p a r ty was som eth ing o rig inal, an d M iss V olckening ■won first p rize fo r w om en and M r. H u b b a rd th o m en’s prize.

FROM MATTirCCK TO OKLAHOMA.’The Rev, Jam es 3V. H illm an, p a s to r o f th e

F re sb y te r ia n c h u rch a t 3 Ia ttituck . w ill p reac ’n h is farew ell se rm on th e re to-m orrow , and on M onday will leave fo r F o r t Sill. O klahom a, w here h e h a s been app o in ted arm y chaplain by P resi­d e n t Cleveland;________ _


St . Geoeoe—R ev. G. D. Millen, S outho ld , L. I.; M r. a n d 3Irs. A rth u r Pom eroy. B oston. 3 Ia r’i: H. C assidy. N ew burgh. N. Y.: F. G. M iddlekaufi’. C hicago; J . M cG ainnes, Now York; Jo h n C. L eac lu T ren ton . N. J .; 3Iis3 G race W ell^. J . C. B riggs, W. C. B ury , M artin J . C hester, .1. B urger. B ro ok lyn ; M r. an d Sirs. Baisley, N ew burgh , N. Y .t Miss Donaldson. D ingm an’s F erry , P a .; 31. J. Thom pson, L a Crosse, Wis.; J . II . 3IcCaffrey, P h ilad e lp h ia .

Clabendok—.W. J . M eperm ot, E. S. G arrison. R . 3L Jo rd an . C. L . Schenck. C harles A. Sher- m an.-S. 0 . C ra in .B rook lyn ; J lilto n Sm ith , N orth- p o rt , L . I.; 3Ir. and 3Irs. 1). S. 3Iooro, Jam aica , L . I .; L iv ingstone Sm ith , St. Jam es, L . L ; B. F . C a rte r , K ings P a rk , L . I . ; 3Irs. B utler, E . L . Cor­ne ll, W. B. G reene, E . O. M atheson. L. B. F u lto n , New York; O. M. N ichols, S ta ten Is lan d , N. Y.; Vf. C. Slatlook, P h iladelph ia . Pa.; R. H. Des­m ond, J . H. Mack, Bohm e, N. J.


WissKER H a l l —An i n t e r e s t i n g c o n c e r t -was Ifiveu Wednesday ovex)in:{ before a large and fashion- ablo aodlont© at Wisaaer Hall by Carl Btucbhauaen, who ih a very fine mi^RicIun and an excellent pianist. He was assisted by Hruao Oecar Klein» Miss Mary Byrns, Pedro do Salazar and Henry Schroedcr. Mies Byrne san*: two beautiful eonce b.r 15. O. Klein. Mias Byroe has a vory iine Roprano voice aud sani; the sones with muetcianly ftscUns, »ixid the exquisite accoinpani. ment of tb? composer addod to the pleasure the audi­ence derived therefrom. Mr. Carl Bruchhauecn played Kleiu’rt Capriccio. Opus 41. and Lier.t’s ‘•RiRolotto** Fanlaslewith tine technique and brilliancy. Mr. Wia.s- ner was asain complimented by the many muBicians and artists present ou tho s :ccesB of his grand piano. The ■WistiKEr. Pi.KNO is now used in many prominent con­certs, both in Now York and ISiooklyn. and all pianiata who have used it declare that it has no superior.

BEARDPr.Ei'F Sh r e d d e d Co d fis h i:; t h e n a t u r a l s a l t codfish , p ic k ed u p by m a c b in e ry , r e d n c in i; i t to s h re d s o r i t s n a tu r a l f ib e r a n d e x t r a c t in g th e bou ee w ith ­o u t destroy iuK th e f la v o r; s im p ly p e r fe c tio n , t h a t is a l l .

H . T ucker, M. JX, 393 C lin ton st. Office b o u rn (e x c e p t W e d n e sd a y s) 0 A . M. u n t i l 2 P .M . San<- dayi* tl l o 3 i \ M.

V i s i t t h e E d is o n E l e c t r i c I l l u m i n a t i n g C o m - E le c t r i c a l D isp la y n t t h e F o o d a n d U e a l th S how ,

R in k . C le rm o n t av a n d M yrtle .

T h r e e f i .oor.s su i ta b le f o r i n a in i f f i c tu rm c p u r ­p o ses a t l l V ino s t c a n bo re n te d . T hoy havo j u s t b ee n p u t in f ir s t r a t e o rd e r a c d w ill be r e n te d ch e ap . A p p ly t o P . G E L so h . E a i;le olfic j.

N2AS&BS8EU.A N D R EV V S—.SEA M A N —A t noon , on T h u rs d a y , F e b ru ­

a ry 1.7, 1 8 9 4 , oy th o R ev . A . J . F . B o h re u d s , a t th e re s id e n c e of th e b r id e ’s p a re n ts , El r ie M ay S e a m a n to W il l ia m Cr a n k a n d n k w s . a l l o f B ro o k ly n .

T h e m nsquorafitt o f th o Eaatorn D is tr ic t Saen- arerbund will take p lace th is ovening iu Ariou Iwill, "WaU street.

To-m orrow afto rn o o u th e second of th e scries o f discussions on S piritualism asrainst o rth o tlo sy b e tw een the Rev. D r, W atkins and P ro fesso r T. Cleffgr W riffht will tak e place in th e C rite rion th e a te r . t

M ayor Schieren w ill be th e jruest of h o n o r a t a d in n e r th is evoninff a t th e M ontauk c lub w hich "will be attendod^by 500 m em bers.

F rederick R. C oudert speaks on ‘‘M orals and M anners” to-iiitfht befo re th e Catholic c lu b , 120 W est F if ty -n in th s tre e t. New York.

A te a fo r th e benefit o f th e Home fo r D e stitu te C hild ren , S terling pl.ace. null be ?iven a t th e hom e th is a fte rn o o n fro m 2 to 0 o’clock. j

“T he Crime of C hance” is tho sub ject to be dis­cussed by P e ter Burrow.s a t D ixon hall, 51,5 Ful- ! to n s tre e t, to-m orrow evening.

T h e com m encem ent o f th e class o f *94 of School N o.44 will bo held in the M arcy avenue B a p tis t church , co rn er of Marcy and P u tn am avennes. n ex t W ednesday evening. T h e re will b e class sinciuff by e ig h ty voices, u n d e r th e d i ­re c tio n of P ro fesso r W. R. Goato.

T he Rev. Jam es J . Knno, c h a p h iin o fth e B rook- j ly n n av y yard, w ill speak ou th e “ C h risiiu u .In- j fiuenco of th o T lireo G reat A dm irals o f th e [ A m erican Navy—Foote , Farr.airut and P o r te r .’’ a t I th e eas te rn d is tr ic t b ran ch of th e Y oune M en’.s I C h ris tia n association to-m orrow afte rn o o n ut 4 * o ’clock! . C haplain Kano was perso n ally ac­q u a in te d 'iviih th e a'lbove adm irals and preaclied th e m em orial se rm on fo r F arraffu t, in A ugust. 1S70, a t P o rtsm o u th . N. H.

D epu ty S ta te C hancellor Woods of Vijiihant council has u n d e r way a ne wcouncil o f theC atholio B enevolen t l©Kion to bo known as F o rt G reene council. A p re lim in ary m eeting will be lield at 407 Bi’idgo s tre e t, to-m orrow a fte rnoon , a t 3 o ’clock, when an o p p o rtu n ity will be a fforded th o se who are in te re s ted m know iii" w h a t th e o rd e r is .and to becom e c h a rte r m erubers o f th e new council.

A holiday e u te rta in m o n t will be given fo r the beuofit of and a t tU oTabernacle on W ash in g to n ’s b irtlxday. I t will bo an evening of m irth , mn*>ic a n d m agic and am ong th e iirti.Hts to a p p ea r are H e rsh a ll V. W ilder, E lizabeth G leason. N ina D rum m ond L eav itt. G iuseppe V itale, E lizab e th N o rth ru p . A nna P a rk , GcorgiB Pow ers C arh art, P 'lorence B. S liepard u nJ Soto S u netaro . ilm Ja p a n ese illasion isi.

Tho Rev. C. K. Yatm an. th e leader o f th e Y'oung P e o p le ’s m eeting a t Ocean Grove, will preach

D IK D *B R O W N E L L —A t T ud ian a iio lia , ta d . , on F r id a y . F e b ­

ru a ry 111, 1 8 9 4 . IlE iijJK RT K . B uow s ' k l l , fo rzuerly o f B ronk lyn , N . Y „ in th o ,22d y e a r o f h is ag e .

C L A R K E —C alled aw ay on F e b ru a ry I 5 , E d n a M ay C la h k f .. on ly c h i ld o f F ra n k E. a n d M ary J . H od- n e t t , ago .l 3 y e a rs 2 m o n th s a n d 1.5 days.

F u n e ra l fro m re* idonco o f h e r g ra n d p a re n tB , 1 1 7 N o r th F o m tl i a t , E. D ., S u n d a y , a t 2 3’. M .

D U N N —O n F r id a y , iG th in a t, . a t h e r re s id e n c e , 2 7 4 T e n th 8 t , S o u th B ro o k ly n , M au v A . D u n n , x n a t iv e o f S t, d o h a * . New F o u n d la n d , a g e d 111 y ea rs .

R e q u ie m m a ss a t S t. T h o m as A q u in a s ' C h u rc h , a t 9 A . M ., M onday. F r ie n d s of th o fam ily re s p e c tfu lly iu v l te d t o a t t e n d .

F U I jL E B —S u d d en ly T h u rs d a y n ig h t , F e b ru a ry 15 , D o - LOUKB, w ife o f Ju iiiu B A. F u lle r , in h e r 0 5 th y e a r.

F u n e r a l se rv ic e s w il l b e h e ld a t h e r la te re s id e a c c . 4 1 9 G ra n d av , S u n d ay , F e b ru a ry I 8 » a t 2 o ’c lock P . M.

H IN D M A R S H —A t F l.a tb u sb . 1., T h u rs d a y , F e b ru a ryJ .5, GEOiiOE W „ be lo v ed h u s b a n d o f M ary E . H in d - m a rsh , ag e 73 yea rs .

F u n e r a l berv lces a t h is la te re s id e n c o . (!,'aton p lace, S u n d ay , IB lh , a t 3 :3 0 P . Al. T a k e S m ith a n d J a y s t c a rs to tb e b o u le v ard .

IN G31A tlA M —O il F r id n y , th e IG tb in a t. , J o h n S. Jn- GhAHAM, ag e d 7.3 yearn.

T h e fu n e ra l se rv ice w ill b e h e ld at- b is la te re s id e n c e , S B re ro o r t p la ce . B ro o k ly n , S u n d ay , F e b ru a ry 18 . a t 4 P . .M.

L O D E R —S u d d en ly , o n F r id a y , F e b ru a ry IG , N o a h L o d e h , a t th o re s id e n c e of h is e la te r- iu - la w , 1 2 0 P a ­cific et.

F u n e ra l se rv ices S u n d ay , th o 18 tU in tit.. a t 5 P , M. lu - lo r r a e a t .M onday, F e b ru a ry J 9 . p r iv a te .

M K T lC f.S K I—O n S a tu rd a y m o r:iin g , F e b ru a ry I T , 1 8 9 4 , a t 4 2 F o r t GrBonc p la ce , a f t e r a l in g e r in g il ln e ss . M a u v . w ife of W. j» lelc isk i.

i 'u u e r a l n o tic e h e re a f to r .P E T E R S E N —O n F r id a y , th e K ith iu .i t., C a t h a r in e .

y o u n g e s t d a u g h te r o f J o h n H., a n d M ary C. P e te r s e n , ago 1 yo.ir. 3 m o n th s a n d 3 d ay s . • '

F u n e ra l S u n d ay a t 2 :3 0 P . M ., from th e re s id e n c e of h e r uarealw , •i09 ik K o se m sk o s t .

S M A L L —O n F e b ru a ry iU , 1 S 0 4 , P l t e h S.m a l l , beloved h u s b a n d o f J o s e p h in e 'reunKwoocl, a g e d 3 1 y ea rs .

H o la t iro s a n d f r ie n d s a r e iu v i ie d to a t t e n d th e fu n e ra l fro m 1ms la io re s id e ao e , 10 N o r th O x fo rd s t , th e n ce to th e C hurch o f th e S acred H e a r t , on. M onday , F e b ­ru a ry 19, a tU :3 U A . M. in t e r m e n t in C a lv a ry c e m ­e te ry .

S M I T H - O n W ednesday , F e b ru a ry 1 5 , J o H S \S’. S m it h , in th e 2 7 th yea r o f h is ago, o f p n eu m o n ia .

R e la ti r i 'S a n d frie n d s a re r e s p o c tfu l ly in v i te d to a t ­t e n d tb e funcrK l, a t th e re s id e n c e o f h ia f a th e r , 3 0 F o u r tn 8 t, on .Sunday. F 'e b rca ry 18 , a t 2 X*. M. In - te rn io u t iu H oly Cro^is.

S H E V H E U D -O n F e b ru a ry IC . 1 8 0 4 , a t 1 1 A. M ..C a p ­ta in J o iiN S. SHKJ'liERO, a t th e r e s id e n c e of I.h b ro th e r-in -!a .'.’. C a p ta in Cyrii.e E. S ta p le s .

R e la liv o s am i fn e u d s a rc in v i te d t o a t t e n d th e fu n e ra l s e rv io e a on S u n d ay . F ebrtiar.v J 8 , 18U 4. a t 3 o ’c lo jk , to be held a t 1 1 3 K om seu a t , B rook lyn . I n te r m e n t a t B ro o k lin e , M ass.

CoMrANY D . T w E N rr-T n ric n R e o im k .v t , N . s . .V Y .—T ho m em b ers o f ih:.*; comp.'JDy a re re g n e e le d to a t te n d t l u c iliz cu h ' d resa .' th e fu n e ra l s e rn c e o of o u r c a p u ln . J o h n .S. S u e j ’HUIUv, a t h is la te rcs idenoo J 13 Xlemscu s t .o n S n iid a y , F e b rn a ry i.S , a t 3 o’clock

M. F.o w .^r d ,J. K R .\tT ,First Lieoteuant, commanding.

VF.TKItAN A 860( /A » :ON, C0.UPAN V 1% 'I'WKNTV-TIIHIDU e l im e n t , N. C . Y .—.M embers of th i s a s s o c ia ­tio n a rc re q u e s te d to a t te n d tb e fu n e ra l se rv ic e s uf <*aptain JoU N »S. 8in:.^tiK:ti> a t h is la te ro**idence, 11 3 K om sen e t . on ‘o e n d a y , F e b ru a ry 18 . a t 3 o ’clock

P . -M. .\L n iK D H . O l e .n a , P r e s id e n t .W IL L IA R D —O n T hnruduy . F e b ru a ry 3,5, 1 8 9 4 . a l t e r a

l iu g e r in g illne.'is, M-Vitv ELI/,.^, w ife v f IV. A . W illi-

I* n n e ra i p riv a te .

Cum itiissioners to fio Kef«re llie I’re sb y 1 s ry Monday E v b iiI i i e — A Xcw C hurch O renniza- t l o i i — O rdination S rrT lc rs— Ip rc la l P ro- gran im o in Dr. .UcClelland's House o f W orship.

After tho p ray er m eetint; last n igh t a m ooting or th e moinher.' o f tho We-Stmiastor P resb y te rian ehui-ch yras hold to act upon th e roa ignation o l fuo Rev. Dr. A lfred H. 3Iom ent. I5y roquoat, tho Rev. Dr. D onald 3IeLaran proaidad. Tho docum ent was re ad again, am t a t the earno.st ro iiuest of Dr. M om ent it was unanim oualy ac- eepted . Com m issioners to go bafore th e p re s­by tery a t Its special m eeting on M onday ovon- ing , called for th e purpose ot d isso lv ing th e pa.=toraI re la tio n s e.xlsting betw een Dr. 3Io incnt and tho W estm inster church , wore ap p o in ted os follows: 3Ir. H asbrouck, who is tho on ly o r ig ­inal m em ber o t tho c h u rch new left; 3Ir. X..aim- beer, senior deacon, and V. P . A dam s o t th e bo ard o t tru stees. Dr. M oment will p re ac h h is farovrell se rm on to-m orrow n ig h t, tak in g fo r h is suDjoct, “ E igh t 3’e a rs ’ P a s to ra te ,” He w ill go on board tho steam er Slajestio on T uesday even­ing . a s she sails a t 6;i)0 W ednesday m o rn in g . Dr. ilo m e n t will v isit th e Holy L an d and o th e r p laces of in terest, a n d will spend m ore th a n a y ea r abroad in s tu d y and travel. M uch re g re t is expressed by th e member* o t hU ohurch a t h is dep artu re ,

A now organ ization has been form ed a t th e C entra l B aptist ch u rch in B ridge stree t, of w hich th e Rev. E dw ard E v e rs tt Knapp is pastor. I t is to be know n as th e Y eung People’s H isto rica l a n d Social club, an d th e first m eeting was held ou W ednesday even ing last. Tho m ethod to be p u rsu ed Is tho s tu d y of local h is to ry and A m eri­can lite ra tu re by orig inal papers and soloetions fo r th ree -q u a rte rs o f an hour, to be icllow ed by a social ha lf hour. T hese meotiug.s a re to bo hold on th e first and th ird W ednesday oveningB of each m onth from O ctober to J u n e Inoluelve. T h ere w ill be an annual o u tin g on D ecoration day to some place ef local h is to ric in te res t, w hen a p ap er on the scene w ill be re a d a f te r lunch. The purpese is to edify an d a t­tra c t the y o u n g people of the ohurch and stra n g ers . T hese a re the officers: p residen t, E rederiok Browo; secre tary an d trea su re r , C harles T ripp. ’The p astor i.s an adv isory m em ­ber.

T here will be an ord ination service of e lders and deacons a t th e C um berland stree t P resby­te r ia n church to -m orrow m orn ing . E vangel­istic services will be held d u rin g all of ne.xt w eek , w ith special singing.

A nother un ion conference of th e five Univor- sa lis t oburohes in B rooklya will be held in All S ou ls’ church on th e evening of F riday , F e b ru ­ary 2.fi. T he Bev. Dr. C. Ellwood Nash, of th e C hurch of O ur F a th e r, and tho Rev. D r. J . R ussell T aber, w ho has- recen tly resigned fro m th e C hurch of th e Good T idings, w ill d e liv e r ad d resses on th e genera l topic, “ W hat th e C hurch R equires of U niversalists.’’ T hese con­ferences have heretofore been well a tte n d ed an d havo proved exceptionally in teresting-

B eglnn ing to -m orrow and co n tin u in g for tw o ■weeks special services will bo held a t tno N orth R eform ed church , C lerm ont avenue, n e a r 3Iyr- tlo . o l w hich th e Rev. 'F. Calvin 3 lcC lelland, Ph . D ,. is pastor. A n u m b er of p rom inen t c lergy­m en- will p reach th e plain, p ractical gospel. T he sing ing , w hile in the m ain co n g regational, w ill be m ade especially a ttrac tiv e by a m ale q u a rte t, cho ir an d prom inent soloists. Tho sp eak ers a re as follows: To-m orrow , th e p as to r; 3Ionday, the Rev, Dr. T. EIrnendorf of th e H arlem C ollegiate church . New York; T uesday , th o Rev. Dr. H. N. Holllfield, P resb y te rian , of N ew ark, N. J . ; W ednesday, tho Rev. J . Tal- m adge B ergen o l th o South R eform ed o h u reh , th is c ity ; T hursday , the Rev. Dr. B. B. T ylor of th o C hurch of th e Disciples, Now Y ork; F rid ay , th e Rev. Jam es H u n te r p i th e F o u rth avenue P resb y te rian eh u rch . New York. T h e p ro ­g ram m e for tho w eek follow ing includes th e Rov. Drs. Palm er 8. H uiport, Jo h n E. L loyd o l " th e T w elfth s tre e t R eform ed church , W illiam Ju s tic e H arslia a n d others.

T h e services w hich have been hold all th is w eek a t tho 31emorial P resby terian c h u rch . Seventh avenue a n d St. .lobns place, o t w h ich th e Rev. Dr. 'Thomas A. Nelson is p asto r, havo been largely a tten d ed and very profitab le. Tho Rev. G eorge C. N eedham has bold a n evangel­istic serv ice an d p reach ed every even ing , b»- Bido g iv ing Bible read lugs each afte rn o o n . T ho Binging w as a very ho lp lu l feature.

T he .-innual m eeting of the W oman’s M ission c irc le ot th e G reene avenue B ap tist c h u rch -was hold in th e Sunday school on-W ednesdny a fte r­noon last. Tho rep o rts show ed th o o rg an iza ­tio n to bo in a p rosperous eondition . -Mis» R eside, w ho has .spent two yoars am ong th o K iow a In d ian s in D akota, was p re sen t an d m ade an address coucorn ing h e r ow n a n d o th e r m issionaries’ w ork am ong them . Q uite a num ­ber of converts have been m ade an d a ohureh established. T hese a re the oflleers e lec ted : P resid en t, Sirs. C harles S. L ord ; vice p resid en t, Sirs. H olm es: seoretarj-, 3Ir.s. G eorge D av idson ; trea su re r , Mrs. C arsten H. F luo r.

At th e tV ashington avouue B aptist ch u rch to ­m orrow th e p reach er a t both serv ices w ill bo tho Rev. Dr. Jesse B. Thom as of N ew toa C enter 'Theological som in:iry, SlaBsaobusetts. an d w ho was fo r a len g tiu te p.-istor of tho F irs t B ap tis t ohurch in P ie rrep o n t street,

A rocoptlon will be tendered to tho c en tu ry com m ittee and o th e r contributor* and friends o t th e B edford brunch of the Y oung Slen’s C hris­tia n association a t th e ir build ing . 420 G ates ave­nue , o u T uesday evening n ex t a t .S o ’clock. S la jo r Schieren, R ichard C. Slorsu, genera l secre­ta ry of tho ia to rnn tlonal com m ittee of th o Y oung Sten’s C hristian associations, -wiil bo th e specia l g u e sts of tho occasion. Fre<lerlck B. Sebenok, p resid en t of th e liipok lyn association , and E d ­w ard I*. L yon, e lm lrnian of the B edford branch an d o th e rs p ro m in en t in association w ill bo p resen t. A p leasan t social hour will be afforded an d a n op p o rtu n ity given to all who havo con­tr ib u te d to th e w ork to become fam ilia r w ith th a t w hich th e ir g ifts havo m ade possible.

T ho Kev. C harles E dw ards, p a s to r o l th e F ran k lin avenue P resb y te rian churelj, hius ju s t h seu bereaved in th e loss of his second b ro th er, A lired , w he was m anager of the L ondon G u ar­an tee co:npanj; fo r tho United State*, an d who d ied in Chicago las t .Sunday. .lu st abou t th a tim e of h is vacation las t sum m er Mr. E d w ards lost by d eath an o lder brother, who wils a prom inen t C anadian 3Ietliodi.si m inister.

'The B aptist Boys' brigade of BrookJj-c, the Second and S ix th regim ents, will celebrate W ashing ton’s b irth d ay by a review iu th e F o rty - sev au th R egim ent arm ory, JIuroy avenue a n d H eyw ard s treet. Tho assembly will be .“ounded a t 2:-13 P. 31. At 3 o clock tho boys will slu g “ O nw ard, C hristian So ld iers ,” and pr:iyor wUi be m ade ’oy tho Rov. Dr. J o h n H um pstone. to bo follow ed by a B ible and flag drill. T here will be a b:it- la lion review by Colonel .Tohn O. E d d y an d stuff o f the B'ortv-sovoDth reg im ent. T h ere -will be a m aau al of arm s drill by C om pany I. Sec­ond reg im ent. 3Inrcy avenue church : se ttin g up exercise by C om pany A, Sixth reg im ent. U nion avenue church : bayonet exercise by s ix teen m enibors of Com pany H, Second regim ont. G reenw ood e liu rcb ; com pany drill. Second rag- im ent, Noble s tre e t church . An ad d ress w ill be de livered by the H er. Robert B. H u ll, th e boy.s •will s in g “ .America,” an d re tre a t w ill be so u n d ­ed a t T> P . 31. C orporal F ran k Quevedo Sm ith of th e T h irteen th reg im ent w ill be th* m ilita ry com m andant. The Rev. Willl.am Jessu p Sholar is a c tin g p resid su t, p end ing a p e rm anen t o rg an ­ization of tbe regim ents.

.A series of specia l services to begin to -m o r­row an d to co n tinue up to in e lu d lag F rid ay even ing no-tt, will bo held iu th e B erean E vau-

in g services will b ring to a n end the sneoial servloes w hich have noea held in th is church fo r th e past th ree w eeks a n d which have be»n a tten d ed by largo num bers a n d by .good results. T h ere have been abou t a h u n d re d convortiions. and m any have risen for, prayers. The m eotings havo been lu ch arse of 3Ir. C arson, and th e Rev. G eorge C. Needham and C lark Willson havo i preached. O a T hursday n ig h t Dr. R lviiigton D. L ord was th e preochor, a n d Inst n igh t th e Rev. Dr. .Tames S. C hadw ick. Mrs. Willson and h e r d a u g h te r have su n g a t all th e services. Lew is W,, A rm strong. Miss G ertrud* H am len, W. W. C am eron, 3116s E m ily W illsbn and th e Creole q u a rte t havo all took p a r t iu the song servie*.

'The Rev. Dr. H o u ta lln g of Ph iladelph ia will occupy th e p u lp it of th e E a s t Now York Re­form ed ohurch a t bo th »ervices te-morrosv, ,\ w om an’s union p ray er m ee tin g in th e in te res t


T hat W orks W onders for the P o st Office Service.

Kv<*ry Oue of P o slm asto r SiiUiTau’s Kci?i)m- m cm latio tis fo r th e Erni-'llt of th e City Ilr- l lre ry Ajjprovet! and Two New S ta tions and .Vine Suh-*^tations Arc to fJc EslahLshcil.

Htl.SIC AT KVEMNG SERVrCE?^.W Isa i Nosuir C'Cai:rc2i ; l io i r s a i i d

i W t 'I S iu u ’. ij To or-::'.:iist3 a ’j ' l cli > irm a3lrrs who*>9 i; :!irs 'vorc uo; p'aM ishoJ lr*at wol'Ic 'i U is iiily -olv lliri^ llioy weru: rc -civutl al llii.s oiV:-!*-- too late. To iusuro pul>' li‘'aiinn it is noivv-siary Umt lU-J projcram ni^s !

shouM 5j'> not lator t.ban 8 A. "M- Ion Sjif.ircLay, ’J'li'’ of tho is 'to wiiat is to bo .•‘Ua'.; on Itit? ;

, Siiatlay c;v»‘n!n'.r. niKlnot niMi'rnnunos Unit woro t i ? iv«*n tin* S u aJn y ovouin;^ the daio |l “ i‘ ii’.;!»ii'*arioii, inorM oao <M*rreS(>oud- ■i e m !.a» evi.louUy «uiii>oh(*J. 1! J’o-:riorro\T ati olabocat<': m usn;nl pro-

I s r H*: 8*. I . A ^ K<» r;.v.

D i ‘’W T, orL'iUiinl a n d <‘hoir;nn^'t»:r. It i.'ri :is lol-TV»1* MW Mwewe.e., s.— - ' ' -------- tUO iirO O K Zyil U 0 3 l >V 1K UO 111 I Mi iO l-W.- ;

torcMi and th e ra n k of th e ofilcc raised to one of10:30 o 'cloek. 'This is destined to bo a per­m anen t institu tion , and it is hoped by those in ­te rested th a t it will becom e a feature ot th e re­lig ious life o f th e city.

“ Self D enial” -was th e su b jea t ol the Rov. H enry C. SwentzeVs Friday Lonten serm on last evening. Tho subjects to follow nn> as follows: •‘Self D istru st.” 23d; “ Self S u rren d er,” M arch 2; “ Self C ontro l,” M arch 9; “ Self Consecra­tio n ,” M arch 16. T he Rev, Spencer S. Roclio o t St. M ark’s church, A delphi street, n ear De- Kalb avenue, is d e llr ir in g a course of F rid ay L en ten serm ons in C hrist (easte rn d is tr ic t) church . H e preached last n igh t on “ H ating Evil an d D oing I t .” T he o th e r serm ons a re as follow s: F eb ru ary 2.3, ' ‘T ransferm ed, Not Corn- form ed” ; M arch 2. “ S tren g th and B eauty” ; 3Iarch 9. “ Songs from D eserts” :3Iareh 16, “ OneL. ast W ord .”

B eginn ing on 3Ionday a fte rnoon the com ­m ittee o f th e New Y ork C ity B aptist M ission society on ovangollstio serv ices have a rra n g e d fo r Im p o rtan t lerv lees In tw o churehos In New 3'ork. 'The M ount M orris ohureh will have tho Eev. H. M. AVhnrton. who w ill hold ineollngs a fte rn o o n an d evening. Tho Calvary B aptist ohurch , o f w hich the Rev. Dr. R. S. M aoA rthur is pastor, w ill have m eetings, th e llr.st one lo be held to -m orrow evening, conducted by th e Bev. Dr. A. C. D ixon. Noon m ootings will be h e ld a t th e Now Y'ork Association hall every day. to bo addresBOcl by Drs. W harton a n d D ixoa, and a r­rangem en ts have been m ade for fine m aslc . The noon m eotiugs in A ssociation ball, in th is city , -will also con tinue every day.

SCPEKVISORS MEET AND ADJOURN,'I 'hc Abneiicc of t lic .Vlaj-or a n d .Super­

v i s o r Ik j 'd c r P r e v e n t s a Q iio rii in .

O w ing to tho absence of M ayor Schieren and S uperv isor R yder of th e to w n of F la llands tho board o t .supervisors was w ith o u t a quorum y este rd ay nnd ad journed u n til 3Ionday, 3 P .M. Th* D em ocrats w ore absen t as usual. C lerk F a rre ll and D ow den, his a ssistan t, w ere p resen t, and shook S uperv iso r-a t- L arg e Fitchio’s hand cord ia lly when lie m oun ted tho rostrum . Farrell m ade th e usual announcem ent th a t he and bis as­s is tan t w ere on h and lo do business. BIr. F itch le acknow ledged th e ir williugne.ss. w ith a se ren e smilo nnd req u ested Supervisor D ike, c lerk pro. tem ., to call th e roll. A sm ile pa.ssed over the faces of th e specta tors w hen M r. D ike cam e to Jo h n Y. MoKano’s nam e, w hich h e called w ith u n usual distinctness.

T he com m ittee appoin ted by Presideut P ro . Tem . Boyd 1* investigate Clerk F a rre ll and his a ss is tan t. D ow den, wa.s to have m et in tho c le rk 's office yesterday afte rn o o n for th a t p u r­pose. 3Ir. F a rre ll had a s ten ographer ready fo r them and was prepared to ren d er all th e aid h e cou ld , bu t the jiroposed investigation was postponed u n til some fu tu re date.

Supervisor-at-L nrgo F itoh ie sent fo r Coun­se lo r E llio tt, a fte r th e ad jo u rn m en t ol tb e m eeting , to lo am if th e re w ere not som e m eans of p rev en tin g th e G ravesend tow n board, tw o of w hom —New ton and S u therland - a r e u n d e r in d ic tm en t, from ap p o in tiu g a successor to McK.sne. Mr. E llio tt s ta ted to th e E.roi.E re ­p o r te r t h a t a t p resen t ho know of n o th in g to p rev en t such action on th e ir p a rt, the bad tas te of w hich w as too palpable to m ention. Ho in ­tend*, how ever, to look in to th e m atter.

T here a re 250 bills ag a in s t th e county , a g g reg a tin g abou t ,$50,000, ly in g in th e hunt's of County A ud ito r Keller. Those bills have been ao fu m u ln tln g since the first o t tho year, and those to whom th e m oney Is due are e lam oring fo r th e ir pay. 3Ir. K eller sa id to nu E aole re­p o rte r y e ste rd ay th a t he had once p laced o th e r bills iu th e h ands of A ud ito r W aldron of th e bo ard of suporvisors, who is v irtua lly c le rk to tho finance com m ittee, and th a t Mr. W aldron h ad re tu rn e d them to him. Now th a t th e re a re tw o tlBunco com m ittees In th o hoard—one a p ­po in ted by 3IcKane and one by Boyd—.Auditor K eller says he w ill no t h an d th em over to e ith e r side u n til it is decided ju s t w hose com m ittee w ill s tan d , BIcKane’* or B oyd’s,

T he D em ocrats feel couflden t th a t th e gen ­e ra l te rra c o u rt will reverse the deoi.Hion of Ju s tic e C ullen concern ing tho Flatlnufis sent now held hy Mr. Ryder. T h ey a re looking fo r B alsley’s resto ration .

'There w e re rum ors afloa t a ro u n d th e co u rt h o u se d u rin g th e day th a t th e R epublicans, now th a t th ey have a m ajo rity in th e board w ith L in d e in tho E ig h th w ard sent, w ere go in g to re so rt to radical m easures to com pel tho D em ocrats to a tten d th e m eetings. T he by­law s of tho bo ard provide fo r a fine of .$250 for those w ho neglect to p erfo rm th e ir d u ty , nnd a m ajo rity o t th o board have th e rig h t to define sa id neglect. Suporv isor-a t-f.arge F itch le sa id to th e E aoi.e rep o rte r, how ever, th a t su ch rum or* w ere -without fou n d a tio n and th a t no such action was con tem pla ted . “ T his little d ifficulty will a d ju s t itse lf,” sa id he, “ nnd as long as th e re is a quorum p re sen t to tra n sa c t busluBs.s th a t ’s nil we w ant. I do no t believe in reso rtin g to d rastic m easures w hen th e re is no positive necessity for so d o in g .”


tlie llratclas.9, F o stm aster Sullivan Is tho rough- ; i'->ws: Ui-gau |i:o!’nle. ••ilubrew .Mo;o-lic8,’'_ Guil- !y conversan t w ith tho w an ts of th e people, an d ; I'a ^bviui No'' Pi'*P /° ) i 'x 'd / 'tiino ^ lig -siuee his incu.mboncy h e has s triven to give an ; ;ioir°ouT H i:\!T ,lo ,“ ” U V e T l ^ -Gove th e r . J n l f ' siim iB istration th a t w ould m eet tho requ ire- ■ [ro:u '-Tie- Lord Is Kiug.' B aruby , eliorus, raents of su ch a c ity as B rooklya. The po.- t | ••.Iii.lgp .tic, u Goil.” .Mciulelssohn; offertorv, office business has show n such a large increase i Kopniiio .solo. ••Show Me 'I by M ays. io r r e a le ; iu conse.iuence of tho m any im provem ents al- = 1'"uTm.v‘'**by °Dr.' |re ad y m ade, th a t P o stm aster Siillivaa In S e p - j , ,, H ith e r." Ilu.-k; 'tom bor, as p rin ted In tho E.vci.f. a t tho tim e, j ^im nii. “ Lod 1- O ur llo luga,” B uck; hvm n No. i m ade app lication to th* d ep artm en t for nu- ,.,7, J’s.ulni.s cxiv, tune “ ,-q. A an’s” : org.-in post- ! th o rity to rodi.strict the en tire city, so far as th e in je • • ] £ , , .tieludics." llntlstc. T he solo ists ite rr ito ry covered b.v th e various ■‘' ‘atioa.s is con- .Mi.s Blai ie V.iu, sopr.-mo: AV. It. WiUlnais, j „i,uusn ,lr. b-.i c-f..rsths rir.u ,.., nuisbsdeernod, an d to estab lish tw o non stations ,.nd | tf-nor; 3tiss T irziin H am lin , con tr.ilto ; F red e ric | ,Terj-boriy recoznii-.cii thai nh- ims on the m.-id to rocor-

f r y . A i J o i i t i n u i H o n o f t in* t r o a t m e u t h a s w r o m ; h t *


Disease,? of tbe Blood and Ifervea Which Baffle Physicians but Which

can Easily be Overcome with the Proper Eemedies.

{ yi'inn 'it* i * f - J i / i illI ncTe ia a ;;roiTinc ooliviolion U:at lUU is a oerroni

(:«nor<ition anil it is x fact oaly Loo .a;tpurai:t. thnt luaa^ of thr ari^iu* I'ronj rjcrroUB di^urdera aro beyontltho WnoA-lmlst) ami pi>\vHr of ilift aTtraxo phyaician. Th>* la ■•trotj;f*y i!lu.^lr.ired >n a lately reported fromI'tl^ertofi. KxniiS!i. -Arh ich wx-i miule the r object »>f apeoial

vt*f*tijia*iou and report by uht* / ■ . ' .> r Jti'.irr'nK 'rile 13 ye if f)l ;1 <5n of I.. L. Bai’lier, a well known

ami pr*-H;»ero:j3 busiiiefi* man of Edc^rton, >raa attacked with a Uirritile tlieeaae of tho riorvoi. Within t.'.vo month* tJiD diseu*©derelop'td from what \r.iftat ijrat thoucht lo le a more habii, into fcr.^nl'.eil atiliciion of tljo rnoat alarminx and virulent cUxra'.'t t. (.tridually it napped tho atromrtli of t bo bnlpleni and threatened lo<r‘*w int«i St. \’itTia’ lUnco. AL tiineM she would b® »wi.*i»-.l’.vitli nervouB twitchmKa and drop anything sha hehJ iti iier hand. I'liv.niclanfl were called, hoL oms and all seemed at a loas fora remedy.

\VhiJe *'0?kin2 relief fur hi < (lanjjhter Mr. Barbouf lotu*n»*’.l of the inediuino known .is Dr. Wiliiams* Pink P.Ms, one of t he mos: powerful lilood and nerve reeiora* tivoa l:nown to the ine’Hcal world. The little tool*

n ine sub-stations^ | Reddall. basso, iu con junction w ith a chorii.c ofThis rao rn iug F o stm aster Riillivau received a j th ir ty voices.

P r e p a r i n g a n Orgaiiivied > lt luek <m t h e Con*litu(iona.V C o u v c n i io i i .

le tte r from tb e first a ssis tan t Dostm aster geiier.al. no tify ing him th a t all h is recom mondation.s bad been app ro v ed and d irec tin g him to establish a BOW South B rooklyn sta tio n and th e nine sub ­sta tions ou or before April 1. an d tho easte rn d is tr ic t s ta tio n o a or before May 1. if p ra c ti­cable.

W hen P o s tm aster Sullivan m ade his app lica­tio n bo su b m itted som e d a ta and s ta tisllcs th a t opened tho eyes of th e AVashIngton officials. He explained th a t since th e establishm ent of s ta tio n S, on B roadw ay, over e ig h t years ago. no rc d in r ic tin g of the city had been asade. a l­th o u g h th o population had incroo.sod Irom 673.- 00!) to 1,003.000, as show n by tho figures g iven ill th e E agle Al.iiaxa(. Tho revenue of tho posta l serv ice in the same pe­riod had increased from .$3.33.940.07 to •$019,362. ns p rin ted in the last official report, l ie .vLo p o in ted ou t tho tact th a t the grow th o t | tho ou tly ing sections of th e city had been phe- n e iaen a l and tliis had increased the te rr ito ry to be trave led by th e carriers , which had en­ta iled a g re a t expense in car fare. 'This item, w hich in 1.385 am oun ted to only $5,(160 a year, n t tho p re sen t tim e cost.s over .$14,600 a year. A tten tion w as also callsd to the fact th a t In th* c ity of B rook lyn there were only six carrie r sta tions, slevon sub-sta tions and 1‘20 stam p ageuelc.>:.

T he d ep artm en t r>‘ferred tho application to Jo h n E. A»he, in specto r in oluirgo a t New York, who d e ta iled Inspecto r G. W. Beaver, oue ot tho m ost experienced men iu tho service, to m ako a n ia v e su g a tlo u and rep o rt as to th e advisabil­ity of com ply ing with tho suggestions oiTered by I ’ostm aste r Sullivan. Ho w ent to work im ­m ediate ly , and , w ith tho postm aster, personally v isited a ll tho localities in w hich it was p ro­posed to establi-sh tho add itional carrier s ta ­tio n s and sub-sta tions. Mr. B eaver readily saw tho force o f the postm asters rocoram endaiioiis an d th e im provem en t th a t w ould result, iiud in his re p o rt gave th»m libs strongest indorsem ent. One c a rrie r sta tio n is to bo n e a r to the triang le n t B roadw ay. F'lusliing and G raham avenm-s, n largo business center, and the o th er to be in South B rooklyn , ou 'Third avoniie, bstweeu l^ortieth n n d F'iftietli streets.

'The e.stablishm etit of these two c arrie r stations w ill noces.^itato the ro d istric tln g of tho bound­a rie s of th o m ain office and s ta tio n s W, B, S, V a n d E. an d 11 com plete revision ol the carrb-rs’ an d co llecto rs’ routes, as well as tho p rep ara ­tio n of a new sohem * of city d istribu tion and ca rrie rs’ d istrib u tio n schem es for the m ain office an d i ts various sta tions. 'This will en ta il a large a m o u n t of labor, and the tim e of tho p o stm aste r an d h is staff will be fully occupied u n til tho w ork is com pleiod. bu t when com ­p leted th e re will be, includ ing th e main office an d F’lalbush, which th e postm .aster has tiseu em poivorad to s ta rt, nm o c arrie r stations, tw en ty su b -s ta tio n s and 120 stam p agcneie.s. 'X'nis will m ake a com pleto revo lu tion of th e posta l sorvlco in B rooklyn and over .$6,000 a your in c a r taro will bo saved , a s all c-arrlers will bo -wltliia easy w alk ing d istance ot th e ir s ta tio n s, th u s m aking a iiutck delivery of all m ail m atter.

'The s ites o t tho tw o new sta tio n s havo lieen ag reed upoB. 'The eas te rn d is tric t sta tion , to bo know n ua S ta tio n .A. -will be a t IH G raham av en u e a n d w ill bo opened Mnv 1. The South B rook lyn s ta tio n , to bo know n as Station C, ■will bo a t 1,101 'Ttiird avenvioand will bn opened A pril 1. 'The n ine .sub-stations will also be opened on .April 1. • .

W hile th e bo-andnries of the d istric ts of tho new s ta tio n s liavo no t yet beep definitely do- cided upon , th ey will p robably be as loliows: E nslon i d is tric t s ta tio n —B ounded on the n o rth by M aujer s tre e t to the city Hue, on tb e west by U nion avenue . H eyw ard stree t and Bedford avenue, on th e sou th by DoKalb avenue and on tho ease by .Stuyvesant avenue, to T rou tm an s tree t, to city liu<-. to M aujer street. .South B rooklyn sta tio n --B o u n d ed on th e n o rth by TU irtietn stree t, on the so u th and sast by th e c ity Hue and. on the w est by Now A'ork bay.

’The location of th e sub-.stntlons will be as fol­low s : D onald L . Cam eron, Reid avemio and H ancock s tre e t : W illiam F. Luneberg, 242 iJrigg* avenue ; O sm ar Klopseii, 3l3'rtlo avenue and G um berlund s tre e t : .Allessandro GoUicelli, 272 T hird avenue ; R. 11. T liayor. 33 .Atlaailc avenue ; I ’asq u a le M artino, 2.53 N orth Second ■street ; O tto A. W icke, H am burg and M yrtle avenues : G eorge W. Brooks, 1,161 Myrtle nve- inie ; .A. S ilverm an, sou thw est co rner E astern p a rkw ay an d T hutfo rd street.


An ad jo u rn ed m eeting of th o Bedford league of th e P o litica l EquoUty cluii w as held a t Mrs. F . D. Hncksl.aff’s rssidonce. 282 Jefferson ave­nue, las t n ig h t. 'The first m eeting , bold ou Ja n u a ry 5, w as addressed by no less d is tin ­g u ished a sp eak er th a n Mrs. Carrie L. C hap­m an C a tt and an iueroaso of lourteeii iu th e m em bership, w hich up to th a t tim e had been no th in g , ro lled up like a tida l WBve. Tho a im ot tUi.s organ ization is sufficiently sot forth in the follow ing w hich it fu rth ers;P e titio n fo r sciual suffrage to the constitu ­

tio n a l convention of tho S ta te o t New York to m eat in .Albany In 3Iay. 1394.G entlem en—T he u n d ersigned citizens of the

U nited S ta tes, 21 year* of age, rcsldsiits of the S ta te of Now York, County of Kings, respect­fully ask y o u r honorable body to s trik e the w ord "m ale ” from article I I , section 1, of tho co n stitu tio n and thus .sei-iiro to the wom en ol th e stnto tho r ig h t to vote on equal term s w ith th e m en.

Its m om bersnip has clim bed stead ily since

t S i .Y t y - t h r e c V e a r n t n t i l e N a .V } ' a n <i i i i l i i |> w r i g l t l .

•At Sts. I’e te ra u d I’aiir* 11. (.'. chu rch , tho Hev..•AyIvcster Malone, pa.sior, a lec ture and m usical vespers, un d er the auspices of th e Holy Name society, will bo given to-m orrow evening, Feb- rm iry 13. at 3 (/clock . A chargu of 25 cen ts for udinissiou will iio m ade, the proceeds to go to th e poor, 'i’he Rov. A rtb iir 31. Gl.irk, C. .S. P ., w ill lecture on • 'I-e iirn lng in tlio 3IidUlo A ges,” nnd the choir, u n d e r th e d irec tion of Mr. F 'rcJ- orick IJranders. o rgan ist, will re n d er th* follow ­in g prograinnie: Q uartet. •'D oniine unu D ix it.” 3Illlard; q u a rte t. M agnificat, by Slozart: con­tra lto solo. “ O Salin.-irl-s,” liobaudi. to be sung by 3Iis9 Adelina JU eharil; (juariet. Voni Urea- to r. iieetliovea: .soiirniio solo, '-.Ave R eg in a ,” Aluscagiii; qu iirte t. 'Tautiim E rgo. Rossini.

■\t tile Ross s tre e t P resby terian cliuren . the i m usical selocrcm.s for to -m errow evening will I em brace tli.j follovriug: O rgan p relude, "G en- 1 Z1 0S.-1. ” by S m art: G loria iu Kvcelsis. Srmil-

ling: d ue t for f -n o r and basso. ’ My Faith I.ook.s Up te T h ee .” Scliiieckcr, to bo su n g Ijy 31essrs. M ilton a n d lioatu ; ([uartet. ” ’Tne I.o rd is My S licp licrd .” Jvochat; offBrloiri', o rg .in se lec tion by Thom.as, [ilayed by T. Lewis Doyle, o rg an is t and ch o irm aster.

At the F irst B aptist church , tho Rev. C ortland 31yers, p ast* r (services held a t th e .Academy’ of Music), will bo given to-m orrow evening : Mnl» (|uart(jt. •‘God is a S p irit." B ennett: ten o r solo. • 'I Will I.ay Mo Down and S leep ,” Buck. by- Albert P a rd o ; solo and ipm rte t, “ O Holy Saviour,” .Atit. .Mrs. D utton and iiuarto t: solo, •‘I H eard tho Voice of ,Iesus Say ,” A. E. Harrl.s, to be sung by Mrs, C harles D uU *n; offertory, cornet solo, •‘Hym n to St. C ecilia,” G ounod, to bo played by Wilutim N. Bartow .

.At St. Alary's E piscopal church , Classon nnd AVilloiighby avenues. Mr. H enry G. Kskuche, o rgan ist and ch o irm aster, lias p rep ared the fo l­lowing program m e of m usic for to m o rro w eve­n in g a t 7:30. Alagnilioat in .A, by 3 Iacfarreu : Nunc D im ittls in A. by Monk; autheiii, '•Ijord , fo r 'Tliy 'Tender M ercies' Sake." by E skuclie;< te r to ry . P a rt II . Passion Music by G aul, w ith in.-bdeatal solos by W aiter A. -Adams, te n o r , an d .John 1>. .Tones, bariloB c.

At Ilia N ostrnnd avenue 31. E. church , No.=- tran u avenue aud Quincy s tree t. Rov, .-A. H. G oodeiiough, p asto r, the m onthly m usical se r­vice will lie given to-m orrow evening, oousiat- iug of tho fo llow ing selections: P re lude,A llegro Cantnbilo. sym phony Y. by W ider : q u a rte t, •• Tli« Shadow s of tho E vening H o a r,” B arri; sop rano solo, “ Thy Will Be D one.'’ Mo.szkowski, to bo sung by 3frs. Bessie B ened iet D ennis: an th em , •‘Rejoice in the L o rd .’’ T o u rs; con tra lto solo, •‘'The Holy C ity ,” Adam , to be su n g liy Miss Ju lia O livia L ong; a a th e ::i“ 0 tor thoW ings of a Dov*," 3Ion- do lssohu; du e t. ’‘As P a n ts tb e H a r t,” Smart-, baritone solo, “ 'rh e Day Is Done."’ Balfe, will be sung by 31r. H. B ernard Coombe. A onorus ■will assist an d th e serv ice -will be u n d e r tho d irec tion of Mr. R oyal L . P o rte r, o rg an is t and director.

.At tho C entral C ongregational chiireli, H ancock street, n ear F ran k lin avenue, tho Rev. .A. .1. I-’. B ehrends, O. D ,. pastor, Dr. H enry G. Iian -

i chelt. o rg au is t an d m usical d irec to r, has pre- 1 pared th e follow iug sifieetioiis for the serv ice

to -m orrow evening : P roluds, No. 1 in F m ajor, D ubois; anIbem , “ Rejoice in th e L o rd .” E lvey: offortcry, “ Calm is tho u ig lit,” Gootz; d u e t, tor soprano nnd bass, to be sung by Mrs. E lizabeth N orth rop and Mr. J . If. G roteclose. j r . ; ascrin - tlo a , “ iVe W ait for 'Thy Roving K indness O, G od," Mar-ffirren: pustludo. a lleg re tto in 1> m inor, Gounod.

'The m usical p rog ram m e nt .St. Jo h n 's E pisco­pal olmrcli, St. .fohus pla-ce ;iud Seventh ave­nue, tlio Kev. G eorge F. Breed, rector, lo-m or- ro-,v evening a t 7:30. will bo as follow s: P roces­sional, hym n 49; 3lagnifloat and Nuuc D im ltti* in D. by C. R. Gale: anthem . "B lessed Je.su, foun t of m ercy .” from D vorak’.s “ .Stabat M ater;'’ hynm 64: o l'fertorium , iiuurte t, “ God so loved th e w o rld ,'’ S ta iner, to bo .sung t,y 3 Iasters Clare Dodge and Abe Crovoling, Sig. 'Tessem an an d E. .A. Dom onet.

Ar the Ghiiroh of St. .Agnes )!!. C. 1, H oyt and Sackelt streets, to-m orrow evening . R ossi’.s vespers will b« su u g by th e ch o ir, also “ .Ave Regiun Cu-loruxn,” by Sclm m ann, and Dr. IR ■W. Crowe, orgBui.st and iimslcal d irec to r, will p lay a procession;il and m arch by S. B. Vi'hit- ney.

.At St. .Ann’.-s E piscopal ch u rch , co rn er of C liu toa :i,nd I.iv in g sto n streets, th e Rev. Reese F’. .Alsop, D. iJ . . rec to r, a m usical serv ice will be given to -m orrow ovenieg, consiotiug of p a r t I I of ‘’’Thu I ’miEioa” ( tho seven w ords of the Saviour on tho cross 1. psalm 51 and hym n .3-2. 'The iiitisic w ill bo u n d e r tho d irec tio n (if J.

V u rd k AValter Hall, o rg an is t and choir of th e C hurch of tho lle iivcu ly Rest, Now York city.

Jam es R. McGee, one of tho oldest citizens of B rooklyn, d ied nt the rosidenoo of his son-in- law . Danioi B. Philliijs, 2S5 Adolphi street, on 'Tliur.sday, F e b ru a ry 15, o t pneum onia, in lh« .34tli y ea r of his age. 3Ir. 3IoGeo was born in th e F ifth w ard of B rooklyn on Ju n e 15, 1316. H e received a c*m m on sclioo! education until hia la th y ear w hen ho was appren ticad in th e BrO(-}klyn navy y a rd to learn llic tra d e of a sh ipw righ t. E ver 6lni.ui his en tran ce in to tho navy yard and up to F’obriiary 4, 1894, Mr. MoGeo was active­ly in the em ploy of th e U nited S tates govorn- m eut. All hi.3 life ho was iia a rd e n t D em oeral and took a v igo rous in te res t in natioual and

MFRiSTElt iJEBATI.VG C R IB .A ITlocU 'T r in l u n i t t t u c c p t i o i i llSelcS :i 1

£ :c iv w * ir lOnEI C.iiwt .'V tglil.

’The W ebster D ebating club gave an en le r- tninm out aud roceptlou last n ig h t a t R en w ar ball, co rn er of W illoughby n v tuuo aud B ro ad ­way. 'J'Jio la rg e 1ml! -was crow ded w ith tho m om bsrs and tlie ir friondB,

Tbe first part of th e en to rta iu m en t consisted of a piano solo, " .lo tirn ey of I.ife ," by .Allister G. H arknoss: b a rito n e solo. “ .Say All Itevoir, by W illiam !1. Y oungs; de:i;ou ^

cninpi(it ,(( ftiiU (Toiirlerfi i l c u r e , a iu l t o - d s y s h e is a s he .-i l thy fl :id h a p p y .vs a n y e h l l d .

D r . W i l l i a m s ' I’ i i ik P i l l s r e p p e s e n l o n e o f t l i e a r e a t e i t d i s c o T p r i e s of m s d i r s l s c i e n c e d t i r i n j ; t h e l a t t e r h s l f o f t h e n i n e t e e n t h c - n t i i r y . .S in ce t h o y h a i o b e e n p u t n p o s i t l i e l i s t o f M -a m ia r I m e d i c i n e s a n d p l a c e d t r l t h i n p n b - l lo r e a c l i . ( h e c a r e s tho .r l i a r o w r o e y h t i i a r o b o r d e r e d o a t b e l u i r s c u l o u r . 'J ' l iese p i l l s sh m i li l n o t b e c l a s s e d ts i tn t i l e t . ^ io j s a u d s o f p r o p r i e t a r .T a n d p a t e n t m e d i c i n e s ; *1- t h o n i t b r b o y a r e : o b o b a d o f *11 d n i c e i s t s t h e y a r e In ro - •ali ty a p n - h c r i p t i o n o f a n e m i n e n t p h y s i c i a n . W i t h s u c h * r e m e d y n i l h i n r e a c h t h e r e is n o r e a s o n w h y t t i e r o s h o u l d b o Hul te r in ft f r o m d i s e a s e s of t h e b l o o d o r n e r v e s .

N'UMHER TUELVK .irUILA.NT.<Aru.dua.fi 117 ICxcrcri»<iM iti lh « C a r a m m u r

I^ eparem cii i o f T h a t Sclioo2«

Tlje atmo.spheric ftloinMnt-? ■js'ero not iT opitioni Ju rin « t)«e rnonuns: of Insr, F r iJ a r . Lm. tho fact faileti t o iliHjjfl t lie plea^cil look of expectancy restin u upon txrenty-t^vn facea iu tho g ram m ar departine iii of Public School No. 12 o r to tnak© t})0 rrra<iuntimr exorcise.^ othorvriso th an m ost 5:icct»RKful arnl appreciateb* a ttendod by relative® and friends of ihobo-who rece iv ed ih e ir d ip lom at.Tho irosiure Horis.s by t):o ones o f thoprin iary depurtrnont were amontr th e especially excoHem item.s o f th e m o rn in g ’s p rogram m e. M.'ibel I ’erry ’8 represen ta tion of young Am erica’* h a b it o f (ieriding m nterrinl a n th o rity was inim i­tab le nnd proh:ii)Iy m ade every boy p resen t won­der if liifc own particu la r w.T.y of d isregard ing hon-je rnlii would sound c'qually funny if to ld a bout.

Sam uel S te inhard t. a.*t ono of .n p a ir of mis- taken-fo r-eacb -o ther tw ins, re la ted his tria ls wiili a jiuraoroiis gloom th a t aroused tho sym pa­th etic interopt o f every listener, especia lb ' when he annomicod th a t bin sw eetheart had been m ar­ried t(» his fac sim ile by rni.stake and iiis own ever increaping feav that, he would bo b u ried , in- pteml of his b ro ther, iu ca»;e th© la tte r happened to die lirst. ■ Jiaby Fenton, a guest o f th e occa­sion from Nevr York, reciteil “The H a u g h ty I ’encock'* with a grace anki in to n a tio n th a t a lready , despite he r »)nly s years, place her am ong tlio.so fo r whom it is safe to p re d ie t fu tu re ©locuiioiiary conquests. Lucy McKay s recita tion . *‘He W orried A bout I t ,” was excellent. Slie wont on to toll abou t & m an who always read tho scientific predictions rela­tiv e to th e horrib le th in g s ilia t arc going to be­fall th is world a m illion years from now. here and th ere b ring ing in with fine scorn—*‘And h® w orried about it B ut with still tinor acorn did flhe finally re la te how th is m an ’s wife took in w ashing and his d .m ghtor mn«lo sh irts fo r 12 cen ts a piece to pay tb e g ro cer’s b ill and ‘’he d idn 't w orry ab o u t it !” Mias K ittle D illon and a school m ale m ade a da in tily p re tty p ic tu re in blue and w hite, ren d erin g th e ir p iano duet, the “ Crown D iam onds” overtu re . C hairm an Miller, a f te r pre.senling tb e diplom as m ade .% speech to th e effect th a t he had never mad© an d never in­tended to m ak e 'a speoch. He also w arned tho graduate.s from th in k in g th a t they knew every­th in g : said he had a dau g h te r in Packer in s titu te who spoke L atin and road G reek au d w ho th a t very m orning a t b reak fa st had in tim a te d t e a tPacker girls in th e ir teens w ere w iser by fa r ,_on alm ost auv s\iV>joct th a n experienced fa th e rs of nearly fifty years, adding in a com ical so t^ voce th a t, .although ho h ad n 't said m uch, he couldn’t help bu t recall th e m axim th a t ch ild ren th ink old people fools, but old people know w hat young people are. Mr. M iller closed his rem arks by saying th a t he believed he should ro te fo r women to become m em bers of th e board o f edu­cation : th a t his school experience had proved to him th a t girls surpass th e boys in every th in g th a t goei) to m ake up ch arac te r and excellence in scholarship.

Dr. C ruikshank. tho principal, is a g en era l favorite am ong teachers and pupils. In sp ite of tho dtimpness of the m orm ng ho was very dry and to th e poin t in ev ery th in g he said and con­stan tly provoking a rip p le of am usem ent am ong liis auditors. He counsel to th e g rad u atin g class was in substance th e sam e as given by DuripidcH to th e an c ien ts:

Boyond th e ran g e o f m ental eyes"Fis not windom to be wise.L ife is b rief, th e iiresont clasp.Nor a fte r sam e b rig h t fu tu re grasp.buch were th e wisdom, as I ween(3nly of ill-cond itioned m en.

Miss H ans, ono of th e teachers o f the depart* m enr, was p resen ted by lier class with an e legan t pOilestal. draped with a haiidspm e scarf and sur- juoutited by a jard in iero con ta in ing a p a lm etto palm . Mias BabL. a n o th e r teacher, also received ft beau tifu l p lan t of some kind as a token of esteem from her pupils. The g ra d u a tin g exer­cises took place on. th e top fioor of th e .school huildm g. .4. young woman, a f te r tiiiishing the fo u rth fiight of e ta irs , paused oxhausted ly and-

L il ian U a n d a l l : b.iH.s solo,

:iy Au ilanco by Miss •The W nrrior's

oil g rad u ate with h igh honors io«day.”

s c B r i i i s K i) .im s. f k im r o .s e .H e r f*‘rieii(1«i A x s in t C o le h m iin g ^

K lir tlsd n V*

The friends of Mrs. A. A. Frim roso ten d o red h e r a su i prise pa rty on .'\IoiuIay evouing, a t th®

local politic*. D uring the adm in istration of j so n u ” bv K. Le Hov W illinins: rec ita tio n . “ Old I residence of he r d .iughier. Mr.?. G. Krancisco, P.n^»h:vi>au A fr Ha M t-Ku r,A_ \ . .A* i.... \m i .. 7« ___’ ........i .. _ _______ ........... ' r i . . . ...___ ......... - ._____B residont B uchanan Mr. McGe<i hold the po

sltioo of uKiBtQr of conslruo tiou in the sh ip ­w rig h t's d e p artm e n t of th e navy yard , but was rem oved upon th e advent of th e Kepublicun

A ce.'' hy Miss E llu G. Gust;iu:. so lo , ''111 the Cliirnney (..’o rjjer,' A. Smitli.

’I’he .s’G'ouil p a r t w .m.-* taken

and u soprano by Miss M inna

ui^ by

70 Biiliai: s t r c f t . T h e occ.ftsior; w as -in h o n o r Mrs. P r im r o s e ’s Lir tiulay. . \m o n g t h e gues t*

w e r e Mrs. A. Pri :nro«», Mr. H e n d r i c k s . Mr.. ........... ...... g...... ..... ............... ..J .. m ock I nn«l Mr>*. G. F rancisco , .Mr. auU Mrs. T. Boyce,

p a r t y u n d e r L in c o ln . Mr. M cG ee h a d no t h ‘fU| h«hl in t h e c x t n i o r d in a r y Hessjoii of t h e ' M r. a n d Mr?. 'J'. Whito. Mr. und Mr«. P r im -itu »r...ir»nAranin rtna AiirrtiAM «rA«niiv cm en i I ol uacc jm m or; plcus. Tho caiisw of ; rO'(?. M a n d .Mr.-. J . W ill iam s. Mr. a u d Mrs.

f b i flra ^ Ho was in s tru c te d by Secretary Uf Navy Wells TO 1 ,vas -.V .m iU lo r e c i v - r d a m a g e s ' " - -------- .....’ —tho first m eeting until now it is fo rtj-tw o . lb® i j-epoi-t im m ediately in St, Louis, w here a yard

gelic^i church, co rner Sum ner avenue a n a Ko.s- ciusko stree t, of w hich the Bov. W. G ould is

m em bers ar© sp read ov;:r tho T v/on tr-th ird ,T w enty -fou rth and Tw enty-fifth w ards. The p resid en t is Mrs. A. D. M organ.

T here wer® a score of persons, e ighteen wo­m en au d tw o m an, a t tho m eeting lost n ig h t, an d th ey w ere a lL e n th usiastic women suffra­g ists. T hey ta lk ed earnestly abou t th e com ing couv® ation of the K ings County Bolltical E q u ality league, w hich is to be lield ;it H is­to rical hall, on B ierropout s tre e t, on F eb ru a ry 23 aud 24, and w hich is to bo addressed by Susan B. A nthony herself, Bev, Anna M. 8baw ,Mrs. C arrie L. O uapm an L’a tt, 3lr. H enry B.Blackw ell, Miss Alice StoBO Black. w eihU ev. Dr. j all of w hich bodies a ttonded his fu-

V Glen, Mrs. nera l a t 1:30 o’clock lo-dnv a t il:e residence ofJu lia W ard How e and others. Delegate.sto th is ! Ph illip s. Dr. Van Albtyno. p a s to r of tho convention w ere chosen and ih cro was Homo i j^^ncls s tre e t M em orial church , conduntcil the ro u tin o business or m inor im portance tran.s- : im ercoont was a t Cypr«s.s Hillsacted an d then Mrs. Joan \ n tcent Leacli ro.nd ; cem etery . !Jtr, McGoo leavoa tw o <laughttir5 th e Bev. Hamuol Joh n so n essay on tho | so u . a ll of whom live iu Brooklyn,flubject ‘‘E qual O pportun ity for Women. ■'

( w.'i?3 ' ‘.K .'-uB lo r eco v iT ■•rb.brc'.fif' <iaaauge.s for y a r d | im-utal a n g u i s h a n d d is t r e s s of bod y HulVored by

N. Van Im ru e , Mr. a n d Mr?. Hiltoii . Mr. Sweozey. Mr>. .M. I’rimrob'c. J a c k W illiams, F l o r e n c e

had been opened fo r the construction of river I ( i jy pluinUrT an d fause'.l by ih e . failure of dc- , IT in irose . Frank i’rim rose, Lizzie T om llson, gunboat.'^. D u rin g the en tire w ar 3lr. McGee ; feedao t to d e liv e r a message sen t by plaiaiifT lo * E d w ard Boyce, P ink William.^, Mr. D u tch er,rem ain ed th s ro and a t Cairo, w hore sim ilar j bbs wife in ('h ic.ago.” William F. iiow no per- , F lo rence Var» D orno. N. ( la rriso u , Jenni®w ork was u n d e rtak en , and upc>n th e co.seatioi; , soupted th e ju d g e an-.l G. W. ( ‘oruoll vras th« ' Mil<di'*Il. \ViUi.a:u Sullivan , K ale SuUWaa,ol hostiUcies re tu riind to tho Brooklyn navy ' ©nieious iMcrk. Th«* couii-«*l for the plain tiff OeolTrey \Yi!li.’i:n<. r,ola Hwe'“/ i ‘y. Ilcroo rt H il-

wife s death , I'^n years ago. ; b. T,;irftyeite Faw* vti and IL (. VnbT : for ; to n . .\nna FrancioO >, Charles PriinroHe, F ran kMr. 3IoGee hnd m.aJe his liom« w ith liis t ia u th -

i tor, Mrs. F lilllip s . w here his death tool; place.I He rras a mem ljor of N assau lodge No. 39. i I. O. O. F’., au d is said to have been the oldest j odd fellow in th e city. Mr. 3IeGeo was also a I m em ber o t th e Society of Old B rooklynites and J of tlie V e teran .nnd Volunteer F irem en ’s asso-

O B a 'JT IiA K V .

p asto r. AVeli know n m inisters and w o rk ers iu i Idea is th a t wom en ough t to have ' m i’S >V1i noa ' s A i r s i r vi vtiie C hristian a iiianeo will preHch. 'To-niorrow i "Rual o p p o rtu n ity w ith men if they w ant it, ja t 10:30 tho Rot, Stephen. .Merritt, pro.sident o t 1 »tid th is k in d of gospel was w ell received by i p r o K r a i i i i i i e S>:tl N o t 4>ack V a r i e tytho .state iilll.nnce board , will preach. In th e ! Mrs. L eaeh s hearers, luelud ing the men p re t- afte rnoo ii Miss B. I-’orgiison, m issionary to 'Thi- eut. Mrs. Ilackstaff and o th er momber.s m ade I a n d W ii . K i i jo v a l i le .

^ 44 44 , 4 44 * 0 w 4 \e 44 C* 4 J 4 V. 44 4 j ^bet, a u d o thors will m ake addresses aud a t ; sh o rt speecnes. culculatoa to confirm th e locL * W ednosuav evening c lu irnnag musjeab* n ig h t th e Kev. E . .A. Fu n k will p reach . 'Rhe | ribbed faiUi o f th e ir hearers women s r ig h ts I Mr. .and Mr^. R. A 3Yil-Other m eeting* :ju(1 preachers a re as fo llow *: ; th en the proceedings cam e to a close. j :K)-t Pacific stree t. The fam ous trio I'nJV s-Bev'^F^W^F^^^ i that" a i r t h l ' ' plan^ Clove Y arringion. (>:um>B. Sim pson: 'Thar^day^ th e Itev. \V. , J . Slosi-n- | I M oeli'bG r a ^ r B V i “t F r i iL y T h e re the^counties in th e sta te with a view to a ro u sin g | MocUcU and .Mrs D. Knedeker joined iuwill bo a m issionary service con d u cted bv th e 1 public sentlraoiil and th u s enald iug Urn league ami 31iss M oelu-.i s.aiig H arry Keur.edy - - ■ - • ' ■ ' ' t o Im press itself upon the co n stitu tiona l cou- ’ at.l- f .... i a

to-mori:p\v m orning in th e C entra l P re sb y te ria n I c h u rch , T om pkins :mU W illoughby avenues. 5

A public m eeting u n d e r the .auspices o f the B rook lyn T em porauce league, will be held a t tlie H uiou Assem bly rooms* B edford aveiiuo and S o u th T hird street* to-m orrow afte rn o o n o t 4, lo p ro tes t against th e b ill to perm it th e sa­loons to open side door.s on Sundn.v.

A t i ts m eeting to -n ig h t in Sackett h a ll, 295 S a o k e tts tre e t , th© T e n th w ard Jefferson iau soci­e ty w ill have so m eth in g to sny to C ongressm an H e n d rix fo r his vote against th e W ilson bill.

!u<-t 'Kei\i‘.edy’s Iftt^-*,

Bev. IL Scott uiL«4sionary from Africa. i Im press itself upon the co n stitu tiona l cou- \ compoiiitioiis. Miss Jaizzio Nolan uud H.The itev. e ! A. J ln iae r who was for som e tim e I th e effect ind ica ted in the above i W uam om l sang .and .Mr, Jam cii t ‘. McHuci:

th© p asto r of th e Gil n stllin C hurch of th© Kvau- 1 .A sa m o a u so f harrow ing tho public ! gav© his im persouaiion of C arm eucitiu Mhici;gel in G reenpoint. und wlioresigu**^! from tbero | m ind tho m em bers a re c ircu la tin g ladustrlou.siy ! 'ty.as w(?ll recoived. For an eiK^ore Mr. M' -to tak e tho pastorate of the South C h ristian | varie ty of wom an su firago leafiets, .some of -c h u rch m H averhill. Mass., has been oulied to 1 ho sub jects trea ted bovag -‘Twelve lleusonsth e p as to ra te of th e E ast B ap tist ch u rch in | W o m e n W ant to Aol«.” by Alice Stone

____ , L ynn . Mass. HIb roeent resig n atio n f ro m t h e ! B lackw ell: “ T he Nonsenso of I t —Short .AnswersA T A S F k C lA L M K E T l O F T K E UOV* F laverhill church an d change ol fa ith to th a t of 1 Com m on O bjections A gainst W oman Suf-

^^© ruiuic Committee of tho CRi£.sci2XT A.TULE'I’IC • Bupti.st m ade quit© a sensatlon . j frn,£?e, by In o m u s W eu tw o rlu lligg inso ii, an d............... ............................ " ■ and essay by G eorge W ihluiu C urtis on “ E q u a l

B igh ts fo r W’om on.’

th.s d a tcu d aa t, C harles Ci. W. (.Iriflhi au d ' Kol)«.*rt K nist, T he debate was very hum orous, i Thu verdi'*t was i;:i for Ih-j piaimiiT ‘and Jrd.tidU for th e ju ry . An inform al recepti<>ii ' followed and a geiioral goo<i lim e was enjoyod. I Among thos© ]»roRont w r v L. Lafayettw Favr- j cu*j, .Miss Edna W aiula ilow eli. E dw ard Gibson. Marion V. l-'awc’ li . K. L. Ilalb jra* . Mi*s J-Mu i SiebiM'l, Kdwr.rd WMto. Miss M inrtta H all. : F ra n k L. F ie ld , Miss E ulalia Canjc'.ios. H arry Shipm an. .Miss Bertlin Fielder. .Mr. anci Mrs.

^rge Bates, Mr. a id Mr.s, Wjlhair. F. Bowue. ’ Mr. mid Mrib. H enry F. D avcnpori. ?dr. and

' Ml'!'. .lam es C un ts , Dr. A ugustus McCullou:.! jbd.-ullona, Charlos \.“o. MisH I5‘*atrice lie r-‘ rin g , .loliu l-'c.Moti, Miss )>*rilia Vn-»:sley. Bob- ' o rt Krn.-L rUis”' F ran ces H{i'!:Iiu. Wiliiuin F ran k .• M iisF an u i« Seyjnour. William Clark*?. Mi8.«i.\da ’ ( k'i.'nj>h* ll. -(tdiu F iuriegan, .\nua Kr:i»l,■ Mis^ (inUiU Goil«r, i''re*leri"k iT'^iraskis. Mis.“

Hell Ihiryna am.l Dr. I 'rank ; Ti.« oiVi'-’crs of th< «dub ar*-: Loi>«rt E rast.

nr»sid '-n :: r.<lv.*iu !. Vab-, vi*’** )>ru-4i«leDt: G. (*. Fo.-^icr, iri:aMir»jr: Frank L. I'ry. r ‘'«.*ording sec­re ta ry : L. I,. IdiW cetl, forr*’‘ ;’onJiiig s» 'T ctary.

MBS.I sU M o f : i

LKM<»\ lEA.(HrrirH lo iC i ' i ’ l>2iiiglK l<?r* I'sV lyt« baa gii*

Aeruiuic Committee of tho CRl£.SCI2.N'T A.TULE'I’IC • Bapti.St m ade qu ite a SenSatlon.i CHarUs H. Vatman, who_ is^kuow n 1^ I t hns ta k e a w a y o u r |C npt& iu .'aiiepliorJ j io a n i o f (Jovoruors iiaa lo a t 'a [tna m i th o c i « u ___th e re fu re be i t

H e s o lre d . T n a t th e C iovorninir C o m m itte e o f th « O res :n t A lh ie tio C lu b •-xpreosee to th e I'liniily o f o n r lat<

:hy w ith th e m in th e t r g r e a t loss.

as til* lead er of llie youux poo[ile’8 m eetiuxs a t Ooena G rova am i of th s M etropolitoa m eu tin ;^ iu Now 3'ork. will proa< :U in th e C entra l Prosby-

iiiLet ivh(iBo rtat))ity” o liio'^int'ore.'tVof'tho’iutvrosts'^o^ I te r ia n ch u rch ,'T o m p k iu s au d AYillouphby avo- If till) has >1-011 for hiiii the rofard of all liis aasociates, I D u e s . to-m orroiT mocilloft. 'There w ill be spo- I '-lliq-VUOl IS lost oue of Its most loyal meuioers; I - r - i ___ *i,„ T/xK« t? rt..- kn.Yfisf?on{


c e n t A lh ie t asD ociate i ts

^ e io lv a d , j.th o fa m ily of th e > th e fu n e ra l in a bo<

cia l m usic. Xiio p asto r, iho Bev. Jo h n F . Car- I son , w ill prea.ch*in the evening, T ho Oreoie

I ts m o s t loyal m

Co:s-iona.hv(.ith 1 'Till sinq. On T uesdav a tte rn o o n a t 4'iliat^a c'ljpy of ihiH m in n ^ M lorViriSid to ' o ’clook an d evening a t 7:30 i r . Y atm an w ill f ths dsceasod and that, this hoard attend 1 a lso p reach in th e C entral church . Mrs. I. S.

c f BROUN Proaideat i Kr*as. know n a s tho n ig h tingale sa c re d song .W ILLIAM B . H i l l , B scro to ry , will sin g a t both services. Tho T u e s is i- even- dea-tb.

111., F eb ru a rj' IT—Mr. Kteelo Mac- kayo’s condition rem ained u iic lianccd uu to an early h o u r th is inorning. Uis pliysicians, hoiv. ever, will not express any opinion as to his chances fo r recovery. T he ch ie f troub le is tho in ­ab ility of h is stom ach to re ta in nourishm ent, au d h is condition is described as s ta ry iu e to

well reooived. For an H uqh dauced his oriyiiial Irish liuri:;';:(<;. i l r . 31oeIieh roiido-.-ed a G erm an rcciiat.im whicii caused m uch iiiorrim ont. Miss Kitty Mr- lIUL'li 'vas rdoasiii;.; in jia rts siie iiiteriu-uK-d. DaiiciiiL' was i-esiiiued a f te r suppor.am i contiim-- ; u n til tlie “ wee sm a' liours," Mr. am i M rs. V. il- sou were vo ted "c.apital good fellows” by :fi'i p resen t, am oin; ivliicii wen) 3Ir. :iiid 31rs. Har:-y H tiu;liiiiso;t, 31r. r.:ul 3Ii-.s. 3Ioo!icli. Mr. um! Mi --. McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. D. Vt'hamoiid. 3Ir. and .'I: >. McHuL'h. Mias K itty MoH u lIi , 3Ir. and Mr.. Brown, C ap ta in and Mrs. Tlioinpson. Mr. and Mrs. F 'urren. IVaitcr Stone, 31iss L izzie Nolan. 1. B u tle r, Miss .Annie Nolan, Jo h n Doran. Miss

.'irs. Wilii.am I’. H.aigli of !s6 .'oulii C.vford s tree t L’ave ti:e iusi o( iicr l.en. -n '.iin.- in ijim or of ner iia i;g t;t'-r. J lisa I'.vei.vn il-iigli, ou i luir.s- lii'.y. T lins* tTllo nssisied n; rso-;v iuu ,ver« Miss .Ainiee U.nigh, Mis- !-'.-i>etta Rn:z. .Miss Gra-.c C re o y t, JU ss .\(':iR.i.: Uu:-.-.soii iind .M:ss Susanao M alier. .Anioiv.; t i e n;ii(5<is were 3D.-, aud 3 lrs. 1-'. Kneoinn-.l. 1>;-. :i:.'! 3i.--. I.yniaii Aiiiiott. .'.Ir. m ill Mrs. Fi-'-dci-. - .;. Hiaricii.-. Mrs. ivuowllO’-i, Ui-v. an d Mrs. Henry s.v.-vnt-/,«l. Van B run t Tent-i'o. Seym our I'l.iw oru: Bonsali.Irv m q W cnlw ortii. Im dlcy Irrin n I 'p johu . Miss Ciraef, Mrs. .■'idolplis. K(-i;l:::i'.'i i ov.tan. Mrs. S iisanne C outaii. .Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kainer, E rn s t i ie rn in n Vivi“ , .Mr. and Mrs. Curiey. Will-

3Vilil;d;i', F rank I 'riu irosc and l.o.ster i-'rancisoo.

A .Ml'SiG.M.E iO I t riMC’HEUS.•J'lic Aluiiiiiii* (\^s.>citt.]ioll o f l lie 'X'rain*

1 1 1 2 S-ulxxtl I l i i ie r ln i i icn .

.A l.irge n u d len ce , m a n y of th e m ga-ests o f tn * A in a u ia e as-'Oeiatioii of t l i s t r . ' i in ing sch o o l for teaehi.Ts, w ere p r ' j rou t ou Tliursdn.v e v e n in g a t a inusi '-ale in tho sc l ioo lroon i ou R y e rs o n s t ree t . 'Tlie p ro g ra m m u p r s s o iu e d pcote,ssional a u d nn in t ' -u r t : i lcct. 'i'lie p re s id en t . Miss S a ra h 31. I 'a n iu l i a r . in an adilress . i i rgad th o a d v is a b i l ­i ty of tenciiurs co m in g to g e fu o r to r s t u d y a n d i m - ) iriivc:nent. n iec t ings to iia bald n t t h e t r a i u i n g S'-liool. I It th e in 'is iea! p ro g ra m u io w h ic h fol- io-a-< t.l ti l* pn r t ie in a i i i s w ere t h e H ig h S choo l G ice club, Miss I'icrtlia F i i rg a a g , H ig h S chool B an jo an d M andol in cinb . .Miss C h a r .o t to B old- u a u . J o h n U, H an ran . Miss .Martha M s y e r , Ar- l iu i r S. Somers, Mrs. .Mario .Antoinette S u m - iiKTS nnd H e n ry W nrarn. A lg s rn o u S. H igg in* a'ldr'-bs*(l ib 't a n d ie n c * ou tho d u t ie s isf a is.icliei- aud til* p lo as n ras ,m d profi ts o f ho r ■work.

I I IK EPVVORl II l.K.AGL’E ClIAUTAUQUA.(trg:tii'i-zed by tU<- ISriioklyii a n d L,«u7

la lu iii l .so«-ieti«.s—T l i r t i rs l . l leeti i ig ,

'l ii'j I '.pworlb L e a g u e soc ie t ies of B r o o k i r u niid L o n g Is land , ov-.-r '. n» h u n d r s U a n d tw e n ty - live. in a-a:nber, h a v e oo:nbiuei.l to g e l l i e r ia fori ir .ng a t'i i:ui t: iu();ia nssetc'oiy. t o bo i n a u g u - r a d e d a t th e M e rr ick c a m p in g g r o u n d in J u ly n e v i . it is i i roposed a t l l r- t to ho ld a teu days ' sess ion , m w h ich all li iu a l t r . tc l io u s o f a t . 'hau- t a u q u a circle sUnll be coni!;iue-J. L e c tu re r s , a r t - iHt,s a n d .‘■j.-e-naiists ;iro be ing e n g a g e d fu r th* p ro g rm n m x as now laid ou t . T w e n ty p ro m i- i ie id rnluict'.T.s a u d layineii o t t h e E p w o r t h l e a g u e .are Ci:o l ioan i of d l r e e t io a , of w h ic h P r e ­s id in g L b le r G. ,s. W iu g of th * S o u t h L o n g I s l a n d d i s t r i c t is c l ia i rm n n , n n d t h e R e v . 'W. P.M aggie Fox. ,\I. Rooney, Miss Annie McNainee. i iani H a rk n sss . Mrs. M ulligan. Miss Soulliw ick, ; . . .— .........................— ------ . . . . .

M aster W illie tVilson, Miss A nnie .Moelich. Mr. M orris C. H olm an, F. W. Downs. Miss W right, i F erg u so n of B aldw ins, secre tary . P ro m ih en t and 3L-S. Coyle of Now Yorl;, T. tVIialon, Miss 1 P e la ro Ruiz, D, 3V. C allaghan and F red erick i ed u ca tio u a l business m en of BrooWlj’n a n d L o n g A nnie Fox uad Mr. and Mrs. SnediUor. ‘ C hem idlia . i Is lan d a re in te res ted in th e schem e.

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