A id -t ^ b e l i liille c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£dPress Internat/ono . WASHINGTON - 1 wnmcd that the Unlto I “heading stralgHI for war J America, Thursday rejw ■i ------- admirtl3traUon-appeal3-i -{------ stop CIA-aid to reb< J Nicaragua’s Marxist-led I -j---------- B y -a - votfr-or-227-l94. approved a Democratic ordering a cutoK of fu ------ anti-Sandinlsta forces, — : The roll call went gen ! party lines, with only 18 =r— voting wllh lhe Democrat: The amendment to the authorization bill Is ident lhat was approved by 228-195, in July but Igm RcpubUcan-controlled S V latest vote ensures lhat I T be de^t with by a t conference committee. ? White House spokes Speakes said: "The voU not unexpected. We knew ; - difficult vote. Wc thlnk.wi : in the Senate. We think I v/lll be upheld in tho Sei hope our differences wil --------- out In conference.” -------- Houso passage of the followed wamlDBS by Dei the ClA-sporisored cov threatens to exp^d th( CentralAmerica. " "The situation has worse,” said Rep. Mlcl: , D-Md., "We are heading WOT." The GOP-dominated lelUgence Committee i Reagan’s efforts to keep the .Marxist Sandinlstas flow of arm s to lellls neighboring El Salvador. Grilles of the actions- -included guerrilla ral ; _ • See COVERT OOP Forme ByELLENMARKS United Press InternaUont ----------- BOISE— The-former Idaho missile complcx i ardous waste dump say: creto silos mokes it likely j--------dripping into-tho ground. j w ater supplies. ' And a former contractic —“ Owyhee-County-instaJla rwaler from an artesian > --- rhave mlxed-wilhTlhe-vo: -CQls.„_ -----------^ ------- I Prisom instate By STEVE GREEN , .......UoitedErcssJatcrzmtlam. BOISE —. Idaho’s pris- in danger of being plact supervision' of a fCdCT relifive overcrowding, s . tlons Director /\1 M "Thirty-two stales court-ordered conditions, ------- -it's a real danger thnL '• mlgilt bo one of those," M At a meeting of the s tions Board. Murphy sc could lose at least four ___ thari-50 lawsuits filed o few years by prisoners al State Penltfentlary inmat subjected to unconstitu! tions.' ________ "The Individual thji lawsuits alone probaBly but when the judge lool blems.” he said. A lawsuit filed by three mtfnthTiUcscs-MurpJ^a] • prison officials have sy vlolatedprisoncr’s rights The priMDOT aneseek --- ----- dr'515;00Crforeach-lnma orders compelting state — . . reduce overcrowding anc aUegetUy uneonstitullon - c a u ^ by packing thcpri , 78lh tQ ^ ]= :1s- r loses f ID : 'onal The Houso. >lled States _is_____________ war” in Central™ ejected Reagan !s-and_voted_to__________ n^bels battling . . ■ . ed regime. 194.—t h e - H o u s e-------------- -tic ameBdpient funds rot the generally along 18 Republicans ratic majority, the Intelligence ienllcal lo a bill by the House. Ignored by the : Senate. The at the i3sue_wlll_ 1 House-Senate kesman Lany vote today was lew It would be a iwe.will.dowell ilk oUr position" Senote and we will be worked the amendment . Democrats that Mvert activity the' conflict In - ...... , ■■ IS never been Ilchael Bames. t ling straight for i - ed Senate In- e has backed ecp pressure on .. ,tas to stop the PI q ifUst rebels in lor. -Coll 3 — which have jgji raids asainst— fflPageA2 I er miss 1 onal lint tea] ner-commandcT-of-aQ__wh' IX now used as a haz- F ays design of the con- Thi cely toxic chemicals arc Mi: sto ictor who worked at the the iiiation-says-t»rro3ive ------ V in well on the sile may Val -volalile4)uricd-choml— the --------- r— -----------TT ---------- ^ snitsreoi 2 losing c Correctk <nnnl -____ , _____ Hnll.Mid_i prisons wl )rison.system Is.; supervisioi laced under Uie "These I. dcral-court tu away"until ;, stale Corrcc- blems of < Murphy said “Ml 50 sta ------------------------- court ordei s are under Murphy nns, and I think sarne prob haLJdaho_soon, he superv; "Murphysald. prison befi le state Correc-. Com>ctlon ’ said Ute stale year tur of the more ,. i over the past S S s= nnoldkite] inmates last He said I systematically oners cons ;hls. und out of I eeking damages • Murphy mate and court I-cgislatun :ate officials-to guards foi and discontinue v guard coni lonai practices minimum ;prison.— flcera’safc I r | ^ 7 p . i ... - . - . i — ^ ............ ' th year. No. 294 it Y "is ayin’onair 'oUege of-Southero-IdAbo studi 2ft, Justin WUsoQ made i farm weather to play Bome fi silecorr The silos wtiTB.JWt./l.tted v, iners, state and federal officla ests have not been completed vhether the structures are leak! Retired Lt. Col. Oscar II rhursday tlie design of the ab; Viissilc silos near Bruneau and iouthenUdaho leads him to bell stored Inside-are seeping throi iie bases ot the {CO-foot-deep str -Hermunn^of-Boise^and-f I/alloy subcontractor iDick St Jiey-bclicvcJeakageJnim_lhc iriesian_well at Grand View m mld=endF^ control :tlons Board member Charies d_it is Inevitable that Idaho’s wlll_t>e placed urider'court" iion., ■ ' e lawsuits are not going to go rtirwe"raHOvjrtmnjasic-pT(F- if overcrowding," Hall said, slates will probably be under dersomeday:^'----------------------- ly said Idaho could face thc "oblems as Oklahoma, where irvised a -maximum-security >efore taking over the Idaho ons Department eariier this Id a jiidge orderedOklalioma to either release hundretls of . or'bulld nine new prisons at a early S400 million. Penitentiary Warden Darrol :, who also attended the meet- i-tho facility near Boise is so wded that some medium- • Inmates are being housed in Itchen. id Uie kitchen building has no instantly have to bc moved In 3f the structure, ly said.he will.aak' the state ure for. funds lo.hire.30 ncw_ for the prison.-The boosted ontlngent Is the "bare-bones m n t^ed to ensure the of- Btety.” hesaid.- -------r ........PooTlo shifts^ -A-------------------- A g ^ ^ I - % [udents Ken Bertboll. le use of Thursday’s w efrlsbeer'niewarm-— bi nmand J with protective a pool u icials say, adding seep thn •ted to determine anddria yik!ng._ _ - And H Hermann Mid maybe abandoned Titan water at md Grand View In the docu believe chemlcals^Lj.lWhat irough,sealant at Owyhee I structures. “/\nd wi d-former—Maglt— flclals)-c Stapltunan.said. Rnvirt /. may be'croatins cotnmon Islan By NICK MAD1G/\N 2S UnJted Press Intcma ’s _j___ rt ■ BRIDGETOWN, ‘ Troops with orders ]o violators on sight pa 0="" Thursday wllh a ii d. ruling the Caribbea er following a coup t ------------ MlniaterMnurieeBli le Leaders of the Cai rc nlty said they would ty .. --to discuss sancti 10 Barbados Prime lis Adams termed murtiers’’ of the mi la "black Fidel CasUu' of backers:----------------- a Bishop’s death. hours after a crowi ol 3,000 joyous peopli 3t- from the house ar so deputy had kept hi n- week’, stunned Greni In Army Commandc Austin, who founded no Jewel Movement^c \si ___ said g rcvolutio in council.was in coni ,'and imposed,a cur le- Monday, warning. iw______ their homes woul( yd .. sight.” es . Soldiers rode Rus )f- on constant-patrols >cation Twin Falls, Id H ' ^ K___________ . . j.________ K- \ ■ f-.i-‘ pr ___ 'I; weather la expected to om with highs In the eos and 70s. be<diiUy, with lows inlhe 303 fe r s ayi under the missile complex irough the earth toward neart Inking water sources. Hermann said the slowly gn c the reason-recent test-well at a level obout 2,000 feel hi :umentcd groundwater,level, lat tho hell Is going on out thi >0County I*rosecutol^layton what are they (state and f idQipgaboutlt?!-’- ------------ ironmental flection ent on possible contaminatlo id^oup Caribbt nationa] Venezu _ _ mlnistc , ■■Barbados w ere W •a to slioot curfew - 'in W oatrolled Grenada fjcial ; miiiiary"coiim:il concen ean island nation cmmei that lefl Prime coup. " Bishop dead ------------- of Cub !aribbean commu- official lid meet Saturday onC iiona -for.-.what.Shultzi I Minister Tom Forelgi the "vicious discuss nan known ns the Last ro" and five of his Free G ------------------ - ly Krli . less, Uian two hadde; iwd of,more than underl ple _rescu.ed him . West arrest where his hard-li him for nearly a strong madiahs. Grenat ider Gen. Hudson led the ruling New ' " ‘f". along with Bishop, tleatht S P oTg S J ^ urfew until dawn an^ix ’ .anyone outside hard-ll old'be "shot on -------------- Cuban ussian-made jeeps n>ecUr >ls on the eastern • s S w I , Idaho ' ------- -4'% _5T^ LL "' amUnue Into next wect, 03. Nights wUi continue to ^ 303. ---------- ---------------------- s waste ix that could agency and tJ arby ranches Services of It "I’vehean growing pool one you’re'» /ells-have-hit__ Ihis.Qne.step I higher than .statement," 1 el. Practices there?" said sparked coni oni\naersen. Counlyofflc d federal ot- ment and r Agency' ' The Uiree he_gmIdjiQl 'wiULp^UcId lion until-hls -capped befor pT nay i bbean Island. 90 miles north jzuela. after Bishop, thr sters and t'w union offic!) •Wiled liy'gbvenimtinl troops. Washington, a senior U.S. I said thti administration omed that the Cuban g< nent may have been behind I K‘‘Wehavemounlingevidenc :ulMm-lnvoIvcmcnt^lhe,sen iolsaid. I Capilol HIU, Secretary of Stj tz In private withihcScni ;lgn RelaUons Committee uss Uie events in Grenada, isl Tliursday, state-owned Rai 3 Grenada announced thal I5ei ’rime Mlmslor ueniaru uoj deposed Bishop and placed h 2r house arrest. (istem diplomats said Coard Mine Marxist ideologue.vJ ng Cuban lies, was runa nada behind the screen of tary council, designed lo shi from public, outrage over Lh of the charismatic Bishop. >urces close to the ruling pari L i^ = c o m m ilte e ^ said—Bis] ered Coord and other Mar J-liners in the New Jewel M ■nt last year when he banned on ambassador -from-Cabl :Ungs he regularly attended. • See GRENADA 00 Page A2 ZJ^on’tJile ByRICKSHAUGHNFvS .TImcs-News ivriter WASHINGTON - 1 ._Stey£ Symms has jolr conservative Republlca fund-raising effort aln ing Idaho Congress Hansen's legal defense Hansen, who wasJnc ing by a federal grant --------counts-of-fHlng-false- closure' reports, is mo challenge to those c brought against , him Department of Ju _ —WashingtoaXLC^ilktri asking Uie U.S. Supr Intervene In the case a charges._ It was revealed Thu Idaho congressman al an. Income statement least unlll some decisi the fouroutstandlngch Meanwhile, Symms firmed a report conta day’s Wall Street Joi Senator had signed U I leller along wiUi Sens I R-Nev.; Jesse Helms. I Goldwater; R-/Vriz. ar I R-UUih. "The letter & I to ‘help George defen I represent the America |— free and Independent I newspaper reported. I NelUier Symms's ol I ------- office. no'r-BlU-Barlo\ I the chairman of Haa I fense fund committee, 3 copy of the letter publh d The Wall Street Jour a •• - staled: "Houseofficial I Republican is thc onl: I has flaUy refused t 5— statement since the 1 were required by Uie ( emment Act of 197 Hansen voted against), ........ James- -McKenna, spokesman, told tho Tl Hansen has been gcant ______ byJho-House.S^dar "Conduct Committee o —closure-report-untll-hl ___ is resolved. If Hansen esdrip id the current site owner, Envii )f Idaho, drill addition^] wells, •ard a lot of sUtemcnts similar e' making, but we just have U itep atjU lm e ... before we m I," ^ v a n t lofd UPr es at the Grand View site Mntroversy recenUy. with 0 ’ rncla’''“demandlng’better id .lore stringent goven ee silos al Grand Vicw wcre [clfiwnnrt'lnrtiptrinl-cheniica: ifore Envlrosafe bought Oie sit< h av ein rth of three riclab _________________ 'ps. r ^ _v- s. ot- />"- ------ on Is gov- Id tho S { \_ __ i Jcnate___ l ce to Radio I^pu- <lhlm ! am, a inning jorty-s Bishop— =xss^iisiiSSB [ « ^ ‘st led tho . Uiblnct—T- /a. . ieince Fri 2 disclosure M Idaho Senator }lned wilh-other can senators in a Imed at bolster- \a |||^ ^man George refund.. hdlctcd last.spr- Uld jury-on foiir i >e-financlal-dic nounting a legal ! U K i^', chargcs, being { m_by the U.S. JusUce in a (jHyln tricl court. He is preme Court lo ! and tlismiss the li^psday’lharUie” also is not filing it for 1982 — al Rgp, ision is made on Cami :harges. ns's office con- report in itained in Thurs- past. Uie Journal that Uie bring a Uie fund-raising reports ns. Paul Laxalt, - McKenna s. R-N.C.; Barry If Hans and Orin Hatch, themann' setiks donaUons txinlends 2nd his right...to would be ::an people with a adds. :nt voice,’ " the John D Uie Housi office, Hansen’s dined to iow of-Pocatello. . .clalnLthii insen's legal de- anextens *e, would make a routinely llic. Ihetjomn- umal article also execuUvc lals say the Idaho - Tho -Wx nly member who earlier fl to file such a tary of SI e annual filings o f $28,206 le EUiics in Gov- elecUon c 978 {which Mr. B u t Me; t).” ' been paii a, a — Hansen- reported t Times-News lhat oldest rep nted an extension theartlcli a ^ and Official InformaU onhls I982 di^ ElecUon -his pending <»sc__ McKcnna ;n were to file the • See ifrom^^o virosafe Wcs-ConandnH>i s. The three silos c arloUie ..Iy filled, and E : to toko prcllmlmiry oppr make a concrete structu te have Both sites also Owyhee permits, Provant; Tianagc- He said none of jmment with liners that cc refilled, avoid cracking « ite from------------ -------- ^-SeeA ivolved Carlbbear, ------- Sea ................ . ^5! ^ ? i ji .•:X; <<^ SS _____i I Friday, October 21,1983 e rire jp ^ 1 =P. GEORGE HANSEN ................ am paign debts paid off t in tho manner he has in the the Department of JusUce could a fifUi' count of filing false Is against the congressman. :nnasald: .................. - [ansen were to file the reports In anner thc E>eparlmcnt of Justice tids Is correct, the congressman I be admltUng guilt, McKenna n Davison, a staff member for ouse standards commltt<^. de- 1 to confirm or deny McKenna’s _that.Hnnscn.had been:£ranteti. tension. He said "extensions are lely granted. But generally all >mmi ttee acUvity is conduct^ in lUvo session.” I-Wall Streel-Joumal story, and., . r filings wiUi the Idaho Secre- ^ )[ State show outstanding debts 1,206.21 from Hansen's 1932 re- on campaign. McKenna said Uiose debts have paid. He said the newspoper' ted the figures tMntalned on “the- --- - . report" not the latcsi report as tide staled. Fred EUand, public. naUon offlccr for the Federal [on Commission, confirmed jina’s daim_Thursday. saying _____ See HANSEN 00 Page A2 - ..... old silo tHjpened the facility in 1981. los al Bruneau are not completi>- 1 EPA has given Envlrosafe ipproval to conUnue using the jctures for hazardous waste also are operating, under state ant said.' e of the sbe silos have been fitted - it could hdp prevent the alleged 1^ Uie seal ant.-whlch-is used to --------- lg along the-silos'-floors-and ;eeWASTEonEageA2----------------------- dGuba — Ban I St. ^ ^ ^ G eo rg es-^.,- _____ __ ^ S . n e s u ' - I t -.:; itfsV-.'-'ijn-X'' VENEZUELA

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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

A i d - t

^ b e l

i l i i l l e cReagank

By R O B ER T SHEPARD Un/f£d Press Internat/ono

. WASHINGTON - 1 w nm cd th a t the Unlto

I “ heading stralgHI for war J A m erica, T hursday rejw■i-------adm irtl3traU on-appeal3-i-{------ s top C IA -a id to reb<J N ica rag u a ’s M arxist-led I

-j---------- B y - a - votfr-or-227-l94.approved a D em ocratic o rd e rin g a cutoK of fu

------an ti-Sandin lsta forces, —: T he ro ll c a ll w ent gen ! p a r ty lines, w ith only 18

=r— voting w llh lh e Democrat: T he am endm ent to the

au thorization bill Is ident lh a t w as approved by 228-195, in Ju ly but Igm RcpubUcan-controlled S

V la te s t vote ensu res lha t I T be d e ^ t w ith by a t

conference com m ittee.? W hite House spokes

S peakes sa id : "T he voU not unexpected. We knew

; - difficu lt vo te . Wc thlnk.wi : in th e Senate. We think I v/lll be upheld in tho Sei

hope o u r differences wil---------out In conference.” --------

Houso p assage of the ■ followed wamlDBS by Dei

the ClA-sporisored cov th rea ten s to e x p ^ d th( C en tra lA m erica . "

"T h e situation has w orse,” sa id Rep. Mlcl:

, D-Md., "W e a re heading WOT."

T he GOP-dominated lelUgence C om m ittee i R eag an ’s e ffo rts to keep the .M arx ist Sandinlstas flow of a rm s to lellls neighboring E l Salvador.

G rilles of th e a c tio n s- -inc luded guerrilla ral

; _ • See COVERT OOP

FormeByELLEN M A R K S United Press InternaUont

-----------BO ISE— T he-form erIdaho m issile complcx i ard o u s w aste dum p say: c re to silos m okes it likely

j--------d rip p in g into-tho ground.j w a te r supplies.' And a fo rm er contractic — “ O w yhee-C ounty-instaJla

rw a le r f r o m a n a rtesian > - - - rh a v e mlxed-wilhTlhe-vo:

-CQls.„_ ----------- -------

I Prisom in sta te

By STEV E G REEN ,.......—UoitedErcssJatcrzmtlam.

BO ISE —. Idaho’s pris- in d a n g e r of being plact superv is ion ' of a fCdCT relifive overcrowding, s

. tlons D irector /\1 M

"T hirty-tw o sta les cou rt-o rdered conditions,

------- - i t ' s a rea l d anger thnL'• m lgilt bo one of those," M

A t a m eeting of the s tions B oard. M urphy sc could lose a t least four

___ thari-50 law suits filed ofew y e a rs by p risoners al S ta te Penltfentlary inmat sub jec ted to unconstitu! tions.'

________ "T h e Individual thjilaw su its a lone probaBly but w hen th e judge lool

b lem s.” he said.A law suit filed by three

— m tfn th T iU c sc s -M u rp J^ a ]• p rison officials have sy

v lo la tedp risoncr’s rights T h e priMDOT aneseek

--- ----- dr'515;00Crforeach-lnm ao rd e rs com pelting sta te

— . . red u ce overcrow ding ancaUegetUy uneonstitullon

— - • c a u ^ by packing th cp ri

, 78 lh

t Q ^ ] =

:1s- r

loses fID — ■ :'onal

The Houso.>lled States _is_____________war” in Central™ ejected Reagan!s-and_voted_to__________n^bels battling . . ■. ed regime.194.—the-H ouse-------------- -—tic ameBdpient

funds rot the

generally along 18 Republicans ra tic m ajority, the Intelligence ienllcal lo a bill by the House.Ignored by the : Senate. The at the i3sue_wlll_1 House-Senate

kesman L a n y vote today was lew It would be a iwe.will.dowell ilk oUr positio n "Senote and we will be worked

the am endm ent .D em ocrats that M vert activity the' conflict In- ...... , ■■

IS never beenIlchael B am es. tling stra igh t for i -

ed Senate In- e has backed ecp pressure on ..,tas to stop the P I q ifUst rebels in lor. - C o l l3 — which h ave jg jiraids a sa in st—

fflPageA 2 I

er miss1

onal linttea]

ner-com m andcT-of-aQ __wh'IX now used a s a haz- F a y s design of the con- Thi cely toxic chem icals a rc Mi:

stoic tor who w orked a t the theiiia tion -says-t» rro3 ive------ Vin well on the s ile m ay Val -volalile4)uricd-chom l— the--------- r— -----------TT ----------^

snitsreoi2 losing c

C orrectk<nnnl -____ ,_____ Hnll.Mid_i

p risons wl )rison.system Is.; supervisioi laced under Uie "T h ese I. d c ra l-c o u rt tu aw ay"until ;, s ta le Corrcc- b lem s of <

M urphy said “Ml 50 s ta------------------------- court o rdeis a re under M urphy nns, and I think sarne prob haL Jdaho_soon, he superv; "M urphysald. p rison befi le s ta te C orrec-. Com>ctlon ’ sa id Ute s ta le y ea r tur o f the m ore , .i over the past

S S s =

nnoldkite] inm ates last He sa id I

system atically on ers cons;hls. und o u t o f I eeking dam ages • M urphym ate and court I-cgislatun:ate o fficials-to gu ard s foi and discontinue v guard conilonai practices m inim um ;prison.— flcera ’ s a fc

I —

r | ^ 7 p . i ... - . - . i —

^ ............ '

th y e a r . N o . 294

i t Y

"isa y in ’o n a ir'oUege of-Southero-IdAbo studi 2ft, Ju s tin WUsoQ m ade i farm w ea ther to p lay Bome fi

silecorrT h e silos wtiTB.JWt./l.tted v,

iners, s ta te and federal officla e s ts have not been completed v h e th e r th e structu res a re leak!

R etired Lt. Col. Oscar II rh u rsd a y tlie design of the ab; Viissilc silos n ea r Bruneau and iou thenU daho leads him to bell stored Inside-a re seeping throi i i e b ases o t the {CO-foot-deep str - H e rm u n n ^ o f -B o is e ^ a n d - f I/alloy subcontractor iDick St J iey -bc licvcJeakageJn im _lhc iriesian_w ell a t Grand View m

mld=endFcontrol:tlons Board m em ber Charies d_it is Inevitable tha t Idaho’s wlll_t>e p laced u rid e r 'co u rt"

iion., ■'e law suits a re not going to go rtirw e"raH O vjrtm njasic-pT(F- if overcrow ding," Hall said, s la te s will probably be underdersom eday:^ '-----------------------ly sa id Idaho could face thc "oblems a s Oklahoma, w here irvised a -m axim um -security >efore taking over the Idaho ons D epartm ent eariier this

Id a jiidge orderedO klaliom a to e ither re lease hundretls of

. o r'bu lld nine new prisons a t a ea r ly S400 million.P en iten tia ry W arden Darrol

:, who also attended the m eet- i-tho facility n ea r Boise is so wded th a t som e medium- • Inm ates a re being housed in Itchen.id Uie kitchen building has no

instantly h ave to bc moved In 3f th e s tructu re , ly sa id .h e w ill.aak' the s ta te u r e for. funds lo.hire.30 ncw _ fo r the p rison .-T he boosted ontlngent Is the "bare-bones m n t ^ e d to ensure the of- Btety .” h e sa id.- -------r ........—

P ooT los h i f t s ^

-A--------------------A g

^ I


%[udents Ken Bertboll. le u se of Thursday’s w e f r l s b e e r 'n ie w a r m - — bi

nmandJ w ith protective a pool u icials say, adding seep th n •ted to determ ine a n d d r ia yik!ng._ _ - And H ■ H erm ann M id m a y b e abandoned T itan w a te r at

md G rand View In the docu believe ch em lca ls^L j.lW h a t irough ,sea lan t a t O w y h e e I structures. “ /\n d wid -fo rm er—M aglt— flclals)-c

S tap ltu n an .sa id . R nvirt

/. m ay be 'c roa tin s cotnm on

I s l a nBy NICK MAD1G/\N

2S UnJted Press Intcma’s _j___r t ■ BRIDGETOWN, ‘

T roops w ith orders ]o v io lato rs on sight pa 0="" T hursday wllh a ii d. ru ling th e Caribbea er following a coup t------------ M lniaterM nurieeB lile L eaders of the Cairc nlty sa id they would ty . . - - t o d iscu ss sancti 10 B arbados P rim e lis A dam s term ed

m urtie rs’’ of th e m i la "b lack Fidel CasUu'of backers:-----------------a B ishop’s death.

hours a f te r a crowi ol 3,000 joyous peopli 3t- from th e house ar so deputy h ad kept hi n- week’, stunned Greni In A rm y Commandc

Austin, who founded no Jew el M ovem ent^c\si___ sa id g rcvolutioin council.w as in coni

, 'a n d im p o sed ,a cur le - M onday, w a rn in g .iw______ th e ir hom es woul(yd .. sigh t.”es . Sold iers rode R us)f- on co nstan t-pa tro ls

> cation

T w in F a lls , Id

H ' ^

K___________ . . j.________

K - \

■ f-.i-‘

p r

___ 'I;

w ea th e r la expected to om w ith h ighs In the eos and 70s. be<diiUy, w ith lows in lh e 303

f e r s a y iunder the missile complex

irough the earth toward neart Inking w ater sources. H erm ann said the slowly g n

c th e reason-recent test-well a t a level obout 2,000 feel hi :um entcd groundwater,level, lat tho hell Is going on out thi >0 County I*rosecutol^layton w hat a re they (sta te and fidQ ipgabou tlt?!-’- ------------ironm ental f l e c t i o n

ent on possible contam inatlo

i d ^ o u pCaribbt

nationa] Venezu _ _ m ln istc

, ■■ Barbados — w ere W •a to slioot curfew - ' i n Woatrolled G renada fjcial ;

miiiiary"coiim:il concenean island nation cm m ei

tha t lefl P rim e coup. "Bishop dead ------------- of Cub!aribbean commu- officiallid m eet S aturday o n C iio n a - f o r .- .w h a t .S h u l tz iI Minister Tom Forelgi

the "vicious discussn an known ns the L astro" and five of h is F re e G------------------ - ly Krli. le s s , Uian two hadde ;iwd of,m ore than u n d e rlple _rescu.ed him . Westa rre s t w here his hard-lihim for nearly a stro n gmadiahs. G renat ider Gen. Hudsonled the ruling New ' " ‘f".along with Bishop, tle a th t

S P oTg S J ^urfew until dawn a n ^ i x ’ .anyone outside hard-ll o ld 'b e "shot on—-------------- C ubanussian-made jeeps n>ecUr >ls on the easte rn • s

S w I ‘

, Id a h o '

------- -4'%

_ 5 T ^

LL " '

amUnue Into nex t wect ,03. N ights wUi continue to ^ 303. ---------- ----------------------

s wasteix tha t could agency an d tJ arby ranches S erv ices of It

" I ’v e h e a n growing pool o n e you’r e '»/ells-have-hit__ Ihis.Qne.stepI h igher than .s ta tem en t," 1 el. P rac ticesthe re?" sa id s p a rked coni on i\n ae rsen . C o un lyo fflc d federal ot- m en t and

r A gency ' ' T he Uiree h e _ g m Id j iQ l 'w iU Lp^U cId lion until-hls - c a p p e d befor

p T n a y ibbean Island. 90 m iles north jzuela. a f te r Bishop, thr s te rs and t 'w union offic!) •Wiled liy 'gbvenim tinl troops. W ashington, a senior U.S.

I sa id thti adm inistration o m e d th a t the Cuban g< nent m ay have been behind I K ‘‘W ehavem ounlingevidenc :ulM m -lnvoIvcm cnt^lhe,sen io lsaid .I C apilol HIU, S ecre ta ry of Stj tz In p r iv a te w ithihcScni ;lgn RelaUons Committee u ss Uie events in Grenada, isl T liursday, s tate-owned Rai 3 G renada announced tha l I5ei ’r im e M lm slor u en ia ru uoj deposed Bishop and placed h 2r house a rre st.( istem d ip lom ats said Coard M ine M arx ist ideologue.vJ ng C uban lies, w as ru n a nada behind the screen of ta ry council, designed lo shi from public, ou trage over

Lh of the ch arism atic Bishop. >urces close to th e ruling pari L i^ = c o m m il te e ^ sa id—Bis] e red Coord an d o ther M ar J-liners in th e N ew Jew el M ■nt la s t y e a r w hen he banned on am bassador -from -C abl :Ungs h e regu larly attended.

• See GRENADA 00 P age A2

ZJ on’tJile

ByRICKSHAUGHNFvS .TImcs-News ivriter

WASHINGTON - 1 ._Stey£ Sym m s has jolr

conservative Republlca fund-raising effort a ln ing Idaho Congress H ansen 's legal defense

— H ansen, who wasJnc ing by a federal grant

--------counts-of-fH lng-false-closure ' reports, is mo challenge to those c brought aga inst , him D epartm en t of Ju

_ — W ashingtoaX LC^ilktri asking Uie U.S. Supr Intervene In the case a cha rg es._

I t w as revealed Thu Idaho congressm an a l an . Income statem ent lea s t unlll som e decisi th e fouroutstandlngch

M eanwhile, Symms firm ed a repo rt conta d a y ’s W all S treet Joi S ena to r had signed U

I le lle r along wiUi Sens I R-Nev.; Je sse Helms. I G oldw ater; R-/Vriz. a r I R-UUih. "T he le tte r & I to ‘help G eorge defen I rep re sen t the A m erica | — free and Independent I new spaper reported.I NelUier Sym m s's olI ------- office. no'r-BlU-Barlo\I th e cha irm an of H aa I fense fund com m ittee, 3 copy of th e le tte r publh d The W all S tree t Joura •• - s ta le d : "H ouseofficial I R epublican is thc onl: I h a s flaUy refused t 5 — sta tem en t since the 1 ■ w ere required by Uie ( e m m en t Act of 197

H ansen voted aga in st),........ J a m e s - -M cK enna,

spokesm an, told tho Tl H ansen h as been gcant

______ b y J h o -H o u s e .S ^ d a r" C o n d u c t C om m ittee o

— — closure-report-untll-hl ___ is resolved. If Hansen

esd ripid the curren t site owner, Envii )f Idaho, drill addition^] wells, •ard a lot of sU tem cnts sim ilar e' making, but w e just have U itep a t jU lm e ... before we m I," ^ v a n t lofd U P r es a t the G rand View site Mntroversy recenUy. with 0 ’ rncla’''“dem andlng’be tte r id .lore stringent goven

ee silos a l G rand Vicw w cre [clfiwnnrt'lnrtiptrinl-cheniica: ifore Envlrosafe bought Oie sit<

h a v e i nrth of threeric lab _________________'ps. r ^ _v-s . ot- / > " - ------on Is

gov- Id tho

S { \ _ __iJcnate___ lce to

RadioI^ p u -

< lh lm c» !

a m , a


jorty-sBishop— = xss^iisiiSSB [ « ^ ‘st ■

led tho .Uiblnct—T-

/ a . .

i e i n c e


2 disclosure

MIdaho Senator

}lned w ilh-other can senators in a Imed a t bolster- \ a | | | ^ ^ m a n George refund..hd lctcd last.sp r- Uld ju ry-on foiir i >e-financlal-dic nounting a legal ! U K i ^ ' , chargcs, being {

m _by the U.S.JusUce in a ( j H y l n tric l court. He is prem e Court l o ! and tlism iss the

li^psday’ lharU ie”also is not filing —it for 1982 — a l R g p ,ision is m ade on C a m i:harges.n s 's office con- rep o rt in itained in Thurs- p ast. Uie Journal th a t Uie bring a Uie fund-raising reports

ns. P aul Laxalt, - McKenna s. R-N.C.; B arry If H ans and Orin Hatch, them ann ' setiks donaUons txinlends

2nd his right...to would be ::an people w ith a adds.:nt voice,’ " the John D

Uie Housi office, Hansen’s d in e d to

iow of-Pocatello. . .clalnLthii in sen 's legal de- an ex ten s *e, would m ake a routinely llic. Ihetjomn-um al a rtic le also execuUvc lals say the Idaho - Tho -Wx nly m em ber who e a r lie r fl

to file such a ta ry of SI e annual filings of $28,206 le EUiics in Gov- elecUon c 978 {which M r. B ut Me; t ) .” ' been paiia , a — H a n s e n - repo rted t Times-News lh a t o ldest rep n te d an extension th ea rtlc li a ^ and Official InformaU

o n h ls I982 d i^ ElecUon-his pending <»sc__McKcnna;n w ere to file th e • See

ifrom^ ovirosafe W cs-ConandnH>is. T he th ree silos ca r lo U ie ..Iy filled, and E: to toko prcllm lm iry opprm ake a co n cre te s truc tu

te have Both sites also Owyhee pe rm its , P rovant; Tianagc- H e sa id none ofjm m en t w ith liners th a t cc

r e f i l le d , avoid crack ing «

ite from ------------ -------- ^-SeeA

i v o l v e dCarlbbear,

-------■ S e a................ ■ ■ .

5!^ ? i

— j i .•:X; <<




F r id a y , O c to b e r 2 1 ,1983

e ■

r i r e j p —

^ 1

=P. G E O R G E H A N S E N ................a m p a i g n d e b t s p a i d o f f

t in tho m anner he has in the the D epartm ent of JusU ce could

a fifUi' count of filing false Is aga inst the congressm an.:nnasald : .................. — -[ansen w ere to file the reports In anner thc E>eparlmcnt of Justice tids Is correct, the congressm an I be adm ltUng guilt, McKenna

n Davison, a staff m em ber for ouse s tan d a rd s commltt<^. de- 1 to confirm o r deny McKenna’s _ that.H nnscn .had been:£ranteti. tension. He sa id "extensions a re lely g ran ted . But generally all >mmi ttee acUvity is c o n d u c t^ in lUvo session .”I-Wall S tree l-Jo u m al story, a n d . , . r filings wiUi the Idaho Secre- ^)[ S ta te show outstanding debts 1,206.21 from H ansen 's 1932 re ­on cam paign.M cKenna sa id Uiose debts have paid. He sa id the new spoper' • ted th e figures tMntalned on “ th e - --- - . r ep o rt" not the la tcsi report a s t i d e s ta led . F red EUand, p u b lic . naUon offlccr for the Federal [on Commission, confirmedjin a ’s da im _T hursday . s a y in g _____See HANSEN 00 P age A2 - .....

old silotH jpened the facility in 1981. los a l B runeau a re not completi>- 1 E PA has given Envlrosafe ipproval to conUnue using the jc tu res for hazardous waste

also a re operating, under s ta te an t s a id . 'e of th e sbe silos h ave been fitted - it could h d p p reven t th e alleged1 Uie seal ant.-whlch-is used to ---------lg along th e -s ilo s '- f lo o rs -an d

;eeW A STEonEageA 2-----------------------

d G u b a —B a n

I S t. ^ ^ ^ G e o r g e s - ^ . , - _____ __

^ S . n e s u '- I t -.:;

itfsV -.'-'ijn-X ''


Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

O k la h o m a flo iBy United P ress Inlcniatf

O kJahoma d e d a re d a £ a nd p u t th e N ational G a

' re len tless, IloocUng rain s • IP ln ln s by_tlro_M«lcan H a

• T he floods arid~Fains •O klahom a w ere blam ed d ro vo d o s e to 200 people fl

R a ins of m ore than 'O klahom a. Gasoline tan

■ "hom e w as evacuated, oi I sprouted.

— — B ridges c ru m b led rn K J _ closcd.

'[ ' IronlcaUy.' lIie heavies J -cam e down on the sam ; p a rd iln g . d rought with I

sum m er. ........._ — Shawnoe,=OWa.f.rq>ort

h ad 9 .K an d one station Ind ies. E ig h t Ind ies soaki reco rd 5.8S Ind ies of ra in con tribu te to th e total of 7.

~ ~ S h 'O e v f b u n d i r; ■ '■■■■■TOKYO (U P I) - T w j

J a p a n 's norO icm m ost Isli b ro th e r an d s is te r who w Je tlin e r shot down by the S sald 'T hursday .

Joseph and Sonia Mura lho Philippines, w ere the persona l effec ts of people sh o t down K orean A ir Ll said .

T he M imdere fderitiffed th e o th e r re d — a t a ceni

-------- u o rtlie n im ost Island of Hifo r re la tiv e s o f the vlcUn: found In m ore ttuin a mont

T he fam ily w as vacatlo a n d tho couple decided to

_ _ e a r l y , __________________S o v ie t s a y s a n

GENEVA, Switzerland--------d e le g n te -a t - ta lk s 'w l th -

m odlum -range n u d e a r mi T hu rsd ay Um Soviets migl

■ clum co for agreem ent.------YUll K vitslnsky issued t

a session o f 'th e Interm ed tho 97th s ince the negot ra n g e m issiles began Nov,

K vilainsky sa id tho Sovl— — oegoU allng 'tab lo to find

n ecessa ry an d if th ere a n one ."

Tho com m ent Implied a b re a k off the negotiaUo p len a ry session the d d eg n e x t T uesday on schedu le .

T o d a yT E M P E R A T U R I

7 0 1

FlflwoB kHJlcalo >

F a ir todsTvHa Faiia. ~ B iS ^ R u p ff ir Goodins BTOSS:

F a ir with light winds loday £ day. Highs ««*■ 70. Lows near 3 Camas Pmlrlfl. HaDoy. .Wo Valley:

F a ir skies with light winds i _ _saturdayJU gliafi5 to70 .L pw

N ac tbe rnN ovada ju slU tah : OecasJonal W ^ c k w d s In

Nevntia toda^ with sun on- - H l ^ lntWuppcrOOsandTQs io U » iq»por andaOa-Ulah v

UirouBh Sn lurday w llh somo h. 1 ^ n t tim es ta tho north^IH ghs in

m id T m oixl lovra in the mid 20s I----- Syflcpals:—

Today, the entire state will- uw ithcf except for Mow linger

in tho panhandle.

N a tio n a l-------------------------- ------Uift-PcB-

AlbUQUOtQUO M 34Allsnlt 71 H□oilon SO » .. .Cnleoflo M *J□aiiM flt ^ ■■■ 37Dflnvar . ,. ei 31 ..

■ D6iM0ln«5 W '*7 -.17Ooltoll U *0Honolulu- a? « M-

-----Houston-------------- 8<----n ----M-IndliruDOili U *3 ’'24

B u s i n e s s ...........................C l a s s i f i e d ......................

" ’ "C o m lc s^ T .'. TTT.“. T. .T .I d a h o ................. ................M a g ic V a l l e y ..............

C irc u la t io n Jcrrylloyl.clr CIreulatlon phones are m ar do not receive your paper a ro a : ^ .Jerome-Wentldl-Goodlng-1: Burley-Rupcrt-Paul-OaW ej Buhl-CasUeford Filer-KoEerson-HoUlster Tw in Fall-s and ail other o rtN e w s Stephen I lartRcn.muu

____If you have a .rw w tip o r wO ep idrtm cnt.-c^ l 7J3-oOJi w eekdays. To h?port Intc ne w eekends, call 733-0006. A d v p r t t a t n g uiiimiucf.af Ify o u wish to p lace an advei a r e taken M onday Ihrough

' S a tu rd ay s from s a.m ^untli : rrflVflHohle-weekday&finly.—

A -i,T lm o5-N ow 3. Twin Falla, Icji

I f ' - —o o d e d b y r a i n s .intional ___________________

a s ta te of em ergency Thurs< G uard on standby o le ii tb fi Ins hurled through the’ South H urricane TlCO. J n T ^ l d r w a ^ e d ' T exas -i cd for a t least th ree deaths { le fro rh the irhom cs. — Ul 10 Inches soaked pa rts tanks floated aw ay, a nurs , and a t least one tornado v

roads-w ashed out-and-scho

d c s ra n d nwBt' dam aglng-ra a m e a rea s which lay unda h hard ly a drop of w ater t

o r tc d .l0.62.inches.cH,raln,.SU on In Oklahoma C ity reporte >akcdW dty,O kla. ln24houn oin s w a m p ^ Lubbock, Texas if7.11inchcs.

i n p l a n e i n c i d e n#0 filwra tha t w ashed’ashore island belonged to a n Americ

> wero aboM tl tho South Ko« le Soviets, the teenagers’ pare

[under, who now live In Man; the first A m ericans to d a lm pie killed when Soviet warpla: ’ l.tnM F ^ g h t 007 Sept. 1, pol

Tc(nho"shoe3“— one brovvn i x n tc r In S a p ^ ro , capital of i f-H okkaidorthal-has been-set :tlms to Identify personal effe lonth of searching, itloning In New Y ork n t the U 1 to let ttio c W d ren return ho

i r m s t a l k s u s e f ^m d (U PI) — T he chief Sov Ih - th e -U n lle d -S ta te s - to - Ih ' m issiles In E urope hinted ag night w alk out, say ing he sees

s l the gloomy assessm ent bef< nedlate N u d e a r Forces talks gotlatlons on lim iting medlu rov.30,1981.ovlets o re p repared to s tay a t i ind a n acco rd “ us. long a s It 0 a re prospects; but there i

d a renewed th re a t by Moscov, lUons, bu t a f te r tho two^hi •legations ag reed to m eet a g Jle a t the Soviet,mIssIon.


o I/O V ^ 8 0

■vr: ^ ^. National Woaitior Servlco F>

lay w ith hi t , Jerome-....._.AwcaksurRCi

nortbem Idaho 1 ay and Satur- Increase In clou ar35. showers lo lh.Wood River m alndcrotthes

falrwcalhcr. ids today and 'Iho three to W3near30. southern Idaho : . Sunday UuTJugh

In northern the mld-COs lo i on Saturday. 30s.70s Wllh towa^^^----------- ---- ----ab wUUx fair------ OaJIhursdoy,to high doods Into Idaho bch s In tho eos lo dlsturtianco wh. 2to lonear« . stnlelntbem on. . . -------------- monilnR shower#111 have fair but only thin c igerlngclouds aflemoon' wllh

Montana. By eve

• ■ KansaaCil’r - • SI » -UsVoo** -• Bl i l

'Vt LOSAnoBlM - 83 8 7 -MflmoWs U 70

Miami Ooacn »4 TS- Mllwiukoo « ‘737 NAwOrloins ' tS U•„ .N ll*Y 0 tk _____

OhlanomaCllr . 59 M J- Omaha 50 47

pho«ni._____ u tr^ PiiisBuigti S f *5

'•2' Poiliana.Uo. . « 30

[ .

. ! . A 9 -1 0 O b i t u a r i e s. . . C 5 -1 0 O p i n i o n . !7 . . : . C 4 " S p o r t s _ . v r. . . . A 6 ,8 S c o r e b o a r i

. .■ B l F r i d a y S p c

l.clreul»llon<l)rertofnanned Ixstwecn 7 anu 10 a.m. per by 7 a.m ,, c a ll the numb

ig^llagermajy* ■■ ■d e y • ' .

ro reas ^i«nasinH«mof JooKlnney, flly «r wish to talk to someone In t J J llw fw c c n 9:30 a,m , and ; new sand spo rts results after

Ivertlscm ent. c a ll 733-0931. Cl: Igh F riday from 8 a,m , unlll intll noon. Inform ation on dls:

, ld a h o Friday , O clo b o r2 1 ,l

R u s s i a I:(us^__________WASHINGTON-tU;

. m ass p rodudng chli p ro tection cham ber f

) f l ^ t “ w eapons of m ass c jthem organization said 1111

T he Advanced J 5 ano a s ^ l a l ^ w ith the IS and iiiusiraU ons from an . V oennye Znanla (n

™ jo u m aionS ov le tc lv il irelng “ D escribed a re spc ® t y p e s of gas m asks, e

. sp e d a lly designed m • rem oved by the d illd .

T h e illustrations i ch am b er” w li l^ can

“ suspended by a s tra p la c e d o n a c a rr ia g e .

StcUa _ .........9 R e b e l s s t a g

PANTASMA, N ia an tl-Sandln ista rebel Pantasm n.'killlng.'W Ingrt ablnze In n - d

• T h iifsday a s Q ie ^ e fe «n - O ffld a ls assessing i

a n d sifting through 5 n o rth of M anagua es

Am ong the dead wt fa rm e rs cooperaUve,

“ TTils Is tho w orst b ' ' by a n y lown,” said (

c h ie fo fs ta fffo r th e re SalvaU erra said I0<

. N icaraguan D em ocn - -tow n of about 1,000 p a

T uesday . _________' v H e s a id they bumei

th re e food dlstributl bu ild ing o f the Popul. cooperative buildings

home and m ore than a dozei — ;------- construction-------------

‘S p y ’ a r r e s t ,- lim it------- SAN-FRANCISCO-agaln T hu rsd ay accused sp ces no • because it was feare<

pounds of h l^ y -s< jeforo A m erica’s defense sy I k s — ov e rlb th eS o v ie ls . dlum* E a r lie r Thursday,

hnd ^ v e n the FB I the at the " I f h e h ad been mor i It is done th is ho wouldn’t: •e a re “ I told him to coo]

w h e re th e documents M wto D ougherty said hi o tc >^iour D ougherty confirm again w arra n ts but said he

H a rp e r h ad given age

otfeei"—M FRONTAL S'

^ -----

■ 7 —7 0 /

8 0 ■ O - H l g h ^ ^ ^ C ^(p -i.0 W 4

D F ^cnM T b 7 p.m. E5T10-21-B

liighs n e a rT9!oIm£il2mro.wlllpustilnla ho late Salurday bringing cn - louds and a slight chance ot

lhe panhondJo.' Tho n>- lestalowllicontlnuetohavo atti

to five day forccasl for lho calls for fair and mildighTuesday.-Hlghs will be In-----lo mid 703 wllh lows In lhe ™ the________________________ ____ potlay.-hlgh pressure moved txjhind a w«sak upper air ^ whlcli moved Uiroufih the wmlng. Nofthcro'lJalw h a d ^ : : ^ ^ iveraTrom'lhls'disturbance □ clouds remained In the ^ 8 Ilh the clorm .movln;; t o _ , »ui evenJngthoaklcsocnjsslho .,We:

>- 66 PoMtana.Of© W-J 51 Louis 57 i*’ ..... ....Sail LaKo Clly - 87 375 SanFraneljco 78 S2I 03 sciiio 81 »’ 18 Spokano 60 4?

40 Wisliinolon _ . 57 . U

= .ib Id aho’ ” Doijo "m"5 Ouiiny— “ tn-----S3-0 Haflo'fian 70 13

e s .............................. B 2 N i............................A 4 -5 C !

V 7 r . T . . ; v v v ; r B 3 - 5 — L "a r d ........................... B 4 ‘ Win c i o l .................C I -4 Dc

SuLwrtpUoc R<1< m .only. Ifyou CIlyhomeiHlve m bcr for your ,

• • andSt»d«y.»l-7t 53G-2SJ5 In a<Jvanco and a G78-2552 noi malnUlned: ■

- ......HUW.OmooUaj3 '

'su«lay only, t m733-0931 i2monUurD.00.

yedilor t5.«permoolhf<n the editorialjid~5:30 p.m . ^lcr5 :30andon

>■<>11 lafontuUco TticTimca-Noo

------- ‘— • • - - ra iu r i r ta n o r tClassified ads s«wJ<Usap(Wm 5 p .m ,a n ddlsplay.ads. --T-- . . .. -.Tr.V'.'bcpublishetl


s l i in g c iv i l d e f e n ;.{UPI)_=LTbe.Sovleta_flppare ±ild-size gas m asks and a \ e r for babies In the event o f th a destruucUon" In w ar, a r Thursday.I IntcmaUonal Studies Ii he U niversity of M iam i, rep: a n a r tld e in tbo S eptem ber (m ilitary knowledge), a i

livil defense.special resp ira to rs and five d s. cach in a range of sizes, incl i m ask for toddlers w hich ca lUd." the Institute said. — ts also showed a "b ab y pn can be carTfed, w ith 'the bab> itrap ovCT the m other’s shoise.

ig e T I a r g ^ f o f f e n !Nicaragua (U PI) — Hundi J je ls 'sto rm od the no rthern i ;.40 people and se tting soverz I dawn - a s M d t o f f i c i ^ dc

n g the dam age of th e a tta c k 1 tl several gutted buildings 13 1 estim ated dam ago a t m ore

I w ere II peasan ts who beion( ve, they said.s t blow suffered to d a te hi Nic id Cmdr. M anud Salvalierr£ e region.HOC to 200 rebels o f tbe U.S.- )cratlc Fo rce a ttacked Pantx I people in Jiao tegap rov lnco . j

m edoM ^nU U T B 'W free 'w ap :>utlon centers, a bank, the pu la r Sandlnlsta F ro n t, tw o j ngs, an adult education headq ozen large dum p trucks used f

s t e d t o s t o p s h ip iCX )-{U PI)----3he-«ovem m e I spy Jflhies D. H a r ^ w as c ! i r ^ he w as ready to m ove u y-sensltlvo docum ents r d a 5 system th a t h e had planned

ly. Harper’s atto rney sa id hi the location of the documents, nore cooperative from th e st ji’t be'hi all this trouble.’’ cooperate fully. Sure tie’s to! jn ts are ,” Harper’s a tto rn e y ' 0 tdephone Interview, irm ed tb a t the FB I obtahied h e "did not know the exac t ad agents.” ___________________



ring th e 7(.stale weroRcnerallyclear.

. Temperatures Ih southern Ida m ild wllh readings In tho 503 and stale's warmest temperalure degrees at both Hagennan and after a morning low of 20 a t FalrfI

In Twin Falls Thursday. Uk count was4 per cubic meterof alt

T h e jig r lc ^ ^ a l forecast fors 'Idaho calls for no 'p i^p lta tlon the next five days. temperal potolo tiarvest will drop to bet' ~ana~45HCfyoesTwarmianigbtrm southeastern Idaho, arid 'rise’u: degrees after 9 B.m.- today and Sal —Rbewhcfcln the nation ‘niurai warmest temperattire reported degrees a t t»th Imperial, Cal Yuma, /\rlx., and the coolest wj West Yellowstone, Mont.

u _______UJahofalli. .. « _54 103 lewlslon 973? McCall ei52 .... Pocalello 69JO Salmon U

5j It Tw in F a lls __Yesterday • - 87

Mm Pcp UslYeaf M<0 ... Hofmal -es33 ™ "loflay'sflifoflel..............13 Tomoiiowssuntlse.........

N a t i o n ........... .....................C a l e n d a r ...........................L a r r y H o v e y •; .W o r ldD e a r A b b y ' .........................

Rxlodlvery: dally. $1.10 per woek; Sunday, and Sunday, II.00 per w«ek. lUira] moi ijy.ll JD per wodc: Sunday. TK per ww 11.70 per week. Malt aubaertptlom miw nd are avallaWe only w tw carrier de ed; dally afld Sunday. I month ».3S._3 lha pa.l0..unootMSn2 ); daily ooty. .Ua IM.U. 9 (Doolhs C9.10. 13 inonU): . t monlh 0.25.3 tnonlhJ 0.73. 9monU I.OO. Slixknt and lervkcman nto. by ir ilhfOfdallyandSunday.

liicaloo Ij publbhed dally al IS TMrd SL ' JTCJOI. py Maslc ValJojr-Nrwapap . poeUud P«K1» Tana tiy The.TIin i». omdal dly aail county neutpaper i C.lOS ol Uw Idaho Coda. ThundAy li s l^day of the wwkoo'ntlcljJeCil not

• Conlln[ ) 3 0 coasta l oil d

- a c S y - E o o k i r ^ CutJOD- imd

dlnlalupm ltte. Bolimd.D-M o

Although R • ^ new repo rt t<

S ’— J o

by inside, d jn istas Is ne to thenegoU al

- ne~ sa ld -h< r e b d s Is “ jusl

of Boland’s a n 1 town ofiral b u i l d - “ W yr.......

iT uesday_. ________ / w i n .

officc showed

^ re ad y p iled Uf

a p easan t WaiJ<ymr(eis .d fo r road .

"T here wasafO io i f in c rn

a m e n t w as f d t they (

b i s d t a tts, adding ? 's to n and M orton coulc

lo ld th e m C i r P ’in y William

• Q y iH n

addresses property— . appfu^ntiy ro

ly 1,000 U.S. la rg d y a t the

-■■■- ■■ _ m edical schoo D r. Charles

tho school, to) ' * In New Yorl

governm ent r v - sa fe ty of t h e ;

- “ iS E uaran tro ^ ^ 5 * / The deaths

■ p o rte rs and c itizens estim In sh a rp contr p u t Bishop In

/ onepolicem anR adio F ree

J.'*™ * and his su

3 .w eapons fror- killed two sol

__________ __ nnrt h<q gtrppndefense”

B ut witnf executed Blsh

w O Ja c q u d ln e Cr h a d two chil

. -■----------------Forelga-M lnliHousing Mlnii

. o rac la lV lcen t Id Payette h ead of the a| Wield. w orkers unionUte pollen oir.-raouthem loo'dining •atures for etvrtsco 40

"above 45 "Saturday.rsday,Uie------- --------------------xl WB3-9S------ 5 ---------------lallf., and jwas 18 a t A

I__?s ..... _____I 31 ...^I 33 n

. Min Ptp B _____________


. . . A 3

. . . . C 2r ^ B 3 - - ----- - -

A 7 I . . . C S I

ay. 7S«per nolof-roote mek; dally luslbepald ddlvery Is S. 3 monihaly.lmooth., .............lUts tu.20; nlh*tl9.». mall only.

__________ _____

a. w.. Twin -----------------


- i T h a ^ □ ‘noOctawiii y -----------__ ^ INBOISIIIII

____________ € 2 o w ert—illnued from p a g e Al

depots nnrt som c acrio l ' say the adm inistrationwks-tho-ovcrthrow of th e__md Soviet-backed" San- t te e -Chairman Eklward Mass., sa id the N icaraguan os Intensified slncc the d laJu ly .to .ha it.the covert _

kv an a ir and se a w ar," he

; R eagan has subm itted a I to Justify conUnued aid, d. "T he bottom line is a in of tho w ar.” iry Hyde, R-IU., said cori- >el_pressure_pn the San- necessary " to drive them Llating tab le.”-h d p ln g - th e N icaraguan iUst a s Just” a s U.S. covert rtlTa forccS f lu t in g Soviel— ; forces In Afglumislan. am endm ent. In addition to

5 i S i @ S 3 - - =linuod from P ago A l .........- -ecent repdrt on file In his Ted "no loons and no ob-

fo r.H an sen ’s cam paign

w spaper reported ' " a soys M r. Hanscn-hos-al*— up about $150,000 In legal

md m ay need a t least re lo cover future costs." contacted Thursday, de-- jm m ent on the ' the news

iste— —l io u e d tro m P a ^ A ivas no conccm of leakage r T ^ v a h ls f a c T 'T g u e s s l l •y (thesilos) w ere sound.” m and H erm ann said cor* itherm ai w ate r is -ea tin g t h e . cashig of the

eep a rtesian w d l, which rough the powerhouse in/lew complex.----------------------lebold, form er owner of tho

cu rren t m anager Rick luld not be reached for

h ada — —tinued from P aeo Al 3wed to protect “ the lives t y of all foreign citizens,” re fe rring to approxim ate- S. citizens on the Island, h e St. George’s Universityl o o l , _________________•les Modica, ch an cd lo r of told Cable News Network

ork th a t G renada’s new it had pledged tha t the le A m ericans on the Island

_ __________________hs of'Blshop, lils five sup- id a num ber of p riv a to — im aled a s high ns U , was n trast to the 1979 coup lhat Into power a t the cost of

lan ’silfe .ree G renada said Bishop supporters had seized

rom an arm y base and soldiers, dalnU ng Bishop iporters .were shot in s d t __:

tnesses said- soldiers Ishop, Education M inister C reft, with whom ^ Ish o p _ Jiildren out o f wedlock, Inktpr Tfnl^nn WhltPtnnn, Inistcr Norris Bain,, union 3nt N od and F Itzroy Bain,I a ^ c u l tu r a l and general [on.

“ - . : . 7 £ Z

s m n

1 0 % - S M

.•S u its----- ------:« .0ro«#*— ------------

Casual Shoes

I mil jimI BjnnmV. VMj . HilUn- l A VVc

cu ttin g off funding for I would provide SSO millloi 1 govem m opts In the rogli‘__ h a ltin g - ti ic .now_Qf a n

g u e r r i l l a fo rc cs .I It a lso ca lls on tho prcsl 1 action by the Orgonizatlc ; c a n S ta tes to stop Nlcait .__ p o r t . o f . in.<5urgents ln _

coun tries—_...

In a la te r vote tbe Hou I 223-194, a Republican m(

th e covert a id to cor I N lcarag u a ngrees to stop

le fllst r e b d s In neighborir . T he ov era irb iirw o s-th cn

se n t lo th e Senate on a 243- I House Dem ocratic “1

W right o f T exas, In a n I 1 NBC td ev is ion before : began, said Reagan is -— double s tan d a rd .- '^ --— -

" I f w e b d iev e lha t It’: I C uba and N icaragua to t

repo rt. -- ■ .........—R ich a rd Stallings, thi

D em ocra t who um challenged Hansen in 19i p la n s ju io lh e f 'ch a llcn g e ca lled th e fund-raising cf

— fc rcn t-u p p ro ach _ l-h a« i-i understand ing how you c a ca l funds for personal uses

Tho four-count Indictmi— H ansen wJlh-fUing Incomj

c la l rep o rts for th e yea rs 1

com m ent on the d a lm s b> ; and H erm an.[ H erm ann served aa allc

e r of tho Bruneau missi • from 1962 to 1965, when th 5 d e c ld e d to d o se th e 3 0 s in j 5 m issile com plexes located I

‘ *iPF(^TACUL/’ Solid W ood lj‘ Entry D oors H

$60 .00 *

' '

[ TTj i Thci: ■ I : w

I ____________

B g Solid Core'— ' ■ B Slorm

■ R D oors$105.00



5 7 0 A d d iso n Avo. Vii

J ______________________


wmi• Sportcools •

— a-Orsss-Shlrts------ -----------• Sw eaters ‘ • S(

)r tho rebels, revolution ai lon to friendly em m en ts in glon lo use in then ... I do irms_to o th e r_ s u p p o r t in g a

and pay ing I esldent to seek governm ent tion of Ameri- said, raragua's'sup'- Secre tary 1 neighboring w arned Wed-----------------------thfi-rcbds-w

a n y chancc ouse rejected, e h u h c n t wot move.to allow in g o fle ftls tf x)ntlnue until R eagan de lop supporting his Wednes ringcountncs. without actu en-passedand— covert a ld .'“ l 43-171 vote. a country, wl “leader— J im ^ - ^ r v c d , to p r I Interview on R eagan said, e the debate t Congress v s -followUig-a b a r - a n j t -all

.............— — — o v e ^ r o w ^ - -It’s wrong for , em m ent, bui I try lb export continued.

1931..The Co the Rexburg porl S272.47S uisuccesstuliy 587,475 In p: liW and who Investm ents 'e next year, -wife Connie 'effort “ a dif- D epartm ent*i-a harddUme— :------------------can use pollti- H ansen’s i es.” Court for diment charges contends the m plete fJnan-- - h a s no auU: 5 1978 through i .m a tte ro fC o r

byStapIcm im — the West.He la te r

iur«5m m ana:— m issile comp a ile complex It to Rinebol the Air Fo rce pany re-oper n ^e-w arhead— one In .G ran i ed throughout ■■■ w aste dum ps



--------------------------------- ------- Insulierm oPanc W indow s

$65.00 ThrrmalOmk Slldlns Paiio 0oor>


t e ' "-eft 5300,00

’ ^ ^ 1 Slorm {w indow s

^ ■ I_____ J 515.00


PRICES U b h s

: k l o a o s id e W a i. k sFRIDAY & SATURDAY


iasten-^esicW o st, T w in F a ils


a• Slacks W B

__s.T laa__________________ m SSportsw ear . H | |

i l r lII. Onliiic. A Wi-Ml. USI YOUR Alf XAN llllllllllllll — "

n and try to overthrow govt 5 In ndghboring countries,[ don’t think we ought to bo lg and raising and rccnilthig ng for arinlcs'to 'overthrow a en t tha t wts don’t like,” he

iry of S tale G eorge-Shultz........Vednesday a cutoff of aid lo 's-would "virtuaily-destroy”------m ce the ‘ Sandlnlsta gov- would agree to end Its back- Js t guerrillas.1 defended his policy during Inesday news - conference actually acknowledging the1"“ 1 do bdievo In the righ t o f ......

when its h itcrcsls a re bestJ p rac tlcc covert activities^'’------aid.SS voted Iri D ecem ber I9S2 to ..old to g roups-.tiylng lo v= --the---Sandtalsta^ -g o v . - ^

but aid to 'th e rebels has 1. ■ .

• Congrcssman_ failed to re -__ _:,475~in persona]"loans and 1 profits on silver futures n ts m ade by h im sd f o r his nie during tha t period, the en tofJusllcecontends. -

l’s request to the ^ i$ rem o r dism issal of the charges th e D epartm ent of Justice.

au thority -over an in tem a i------C o n g re f.

ler purchased - the throb- im p le r ln Bruncaupthcn soid jbold, whose Wes-Con com- )pcned th a t site — and therand -V Jevv-^as-hazardous------nps._____________________

:>UCTSSALE!--------_ _

6’ Insulalcd I o m P j ^ s

• 4'X0'XV.” E.S.P.Insulating P<anels'$4.65ea.- --------

K SA L E ; - --AY — ■■■■. ■ . . .

:igft GG- -7 3 4-7070

flvH ...................... _ j


Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

....H ealth; first or---------------- W.\SHINGTON_tUE

T hursday passed Q cor blUlon spending bill fo tion and labor prograr S4l million to search A cquired Immune Syndrom e (AIDS).

: -------------- The Houso passed323-79 and lhe SenaU

■ Tho bill also Includc on use of federal fun

: ___ excep t when the life of.-d a flg e r.—

The fiscal 1384 La H um an Services appr the la rg es t and ust

------------- con trovcrsial-o f-tbc-■ m oney bills.

" F o r five stra igh t' bogged down In bittci

- - - p reven ted passage ofm an y federal agenc u n d e r stopgap "cor

• '■■■ Uons.”

— House all ner

____________WASHINGTON (UPApproprialions Cor T hursday to remove two controversial r w eapons, dealing P re m ilita ry profflam a back.• B ut the committee, a $246.2 billion mill

-------------- Uon3blU-foi-1984rre,sc ra p production fui and Pershlng-2 nude to s tr ik e J400 mllllor

— co n trac ts to buUdtheF u n d s for product

155mm-nerve gas a r tho ■■Blgeye" binary had been deleted by

; fense subcom m ittee.m ittee’s 28-22 roll c am endm en t by Rep

! R-IU., rem oved tho■■ mlUIon budgeted f

Secret a_ WASHINGTON' (U

• ■ M otors ip . “ Inter show ed Thursday th< au to m ak e r b ad persl blem s during te s t dn m odel X-body cars w an ts to reca ll in a $4

------------------ The“m aterial-w a3-JusU cc D epartm ent 'I ing a n o rd e r by U.S T hom as Jackson to u o f p ag es o f secret doi Ing m any from GM. den ted ease to recall X-body cars.

A GM spokesr

H o m o s iLAKE VILLAGE.:

■ k ille r m ay have sinii w hose badly decomp

. found in shallow g ra’ ■ of a ■ tw o-stato ' Stri

hom osexual slayings T hursday . •

S ta te Police C arm ichael said It i


------- J-------- ------------------------- —


m t n & m

h budget ne

L U BD _-Concrcsa B utih compromlMSlwr-l . a, rlppU 1 for heallh, educa— signed yam s thallncludes Uioughl rch for a cure for request, uno Dedcicncy The_>

.............. — -chalrm*sed the m easure R ep. W nale concurred by Sen. Lo'____________________personatides the yearly ban though funds for abortion ing G

e of the m other is In Commit__ ___ _ K :M assLabor-Health.'and W hile H

ppropriatlons bill Is " Ib e : usually Iho m ost signatii

tbc_yearly_f edcral____ T h e Jf e d e ra l

^hl~yearaT ~ir h a f l '^ ^ e n I it le r^ u a b b le a lhal- danger, ) of any b ill, forcing . fo r sev jenclcs to operate rew lutl 'continuing resoiu- and Hu


\epanelc rve g a sf

(U P l ) - T h e House w eapon Coinmlffee votedjve all funding for fered1 new nerve gas JosephPresident R eagan 's m ltlM :1 a significant scl- _ * , y '

lee, during w ork on MX n nllilary appropria- -re jected efforts to — Wyomi funds for the MX

jclear missiles and • ^ lllon for m ulti-year i ^ l jo nlhe B-l bomber.----------^ucUon of a binary adopw artillery. sheU and r ^ u i r i

lary bomb already by the House De-

lec. The fuU com- U call vote on an tne Praep. John Porter, mUlior ho rem aining Wl.6 up coI for the binary pnxrur

auto repor(UPI) — General Washlj

documents ~ n o t 'un the nation 's No. 1 during

jTSlstent b rake pro- Tho driving of the 1980 • Augus;

r s the government mllliot t$4mUllonsull. _au lom -as-released 'by-the -ru le -o i n t Thursday follow-— tria l. U.S. D istrict Judge I t cl lo unseal thousands • wheel- documents, Includ- th a t “

IM, in the unprece- _ c a u s c j call 1.1 million 1980 m a tu r

lng ,'’ <cesman said In ofconl

sexualkilUIE, In d .(U P I)—Ono m en w ilnln four young m en He sa imposed bodies w ere sim llayav es. possibly p a rt siringsiring of unsolved m urdengs, aulhorlties said Two

w asb l} Capt. L arry whoseII appears the four known

T a s t e i s i k e s i o s M j

J i i i i B e a

Be a m

lilt m u t: FTHEiiirJMOK ]

— - HmuCKY^^SlilAIEHI 0OUHOll*W5j<EY. .

jWiu • 01

tp a ssed ; e yearsi th is year, lhe bill caused hardl p lo .'T he bill Is 'cxpccled to b d by P resident Reagan eve ^11 Is $9.2 billion over his biidgc2St.e Approprialions subcommllte •men of Uie Houso-and SenaU

W illiam Nntcher, D-Ky.. im Lowell Welcker. R-Conn.. m ade )nal p roject of pushing a bl 2h Ckjngress this year, and ranJ

GOP House Appropriatlor m ittoo m em ber SUvlO’ Cont. a3s.,__went Ito ta t- fo r -1 t j l Ui e House.belleve Uiat w e 're going lo get itiireo n this bill," C ontesaJri,,, e blU contains a ban on use < ral funds for abortions ojicei rU i( i ■lIfe~or‘ Uie-m oU rcr-is-: jSTTHe^amTnsnBoa-gcindiiKk several years. In _lhe cpntlnulr lutlons under which the Heali H um an Services D epartm ent hi a ted . --------------

discardsfunding» n s p iogram .-O th erro tcsra ll-on -m oU ons-c i by subcommJltee chalrmz ph Addabbo, D-N.Y.. Uie cor

Elefused, 2J-23, to . strike $2 lon-for-productlon .nf.Uie, firsts

missiles, to be deployed uteman-3 sllos In Nebraska ai m ing beginning In 19BC o r ca r

Refused. 26-21. to sW ko J4 lon for m ulti-year contracts f B -i. However, the commlt t

3ted by volco vole an amendmc liring m at fiscal 1384 contracts f bom ber n o f exceed Air F or

jra m cosls for Uiat fiscal year, le A ir Force had promised to ke p rice for the bombers a t S2( lon each If 11 w as allowed lo II conU-aclors Uirough U uw-ye n irem enl contracts.

rt releasedjhlngton Uie cars a re safe and It unusual to have some problei

IngUietcaUngstage. ho govem m ent filed a civil suit [ust seeking Uie recall and lion in penalUcs gainst t ^mnkpr. It fane ng(fM .Tnpk.vin >on-the-chargca.w llhouLgaiog 1.charged the design of tho fro

*el-drive cars contains a deft L “ under a variety of conditio se s the re a r wheels to. lock p: ‘urely in medium to hard b n ' ’ often resulting in a skid and l( ontrol.

lingsprobei1 w ere killed by Uio'same pers< sa id a task force was atudyl llaritles between the deaths an< ng of u i^ lv e d homosexi rders In Indiana nnd Illinois.— • wo of.th,e victim s w ere while, c I b lack and the raco of tho olher ISO head w as missing — w as i wn.

a l l i ts ^ c h l O L "

a m .



i | E l S

- W a t ^• B yR O B ER TS.\N (

■9 United Press Inter.

W/\SHINGTON . _ .W alt, in one of h

, W ashington since ^ signed docum ents

million acres toZ f i . ''■ “ '‘I - : ________

- _ T ^ . controversl jttc e In te rio r Dcpartmc in tc , W iUiam Clark as and indication he int<

id e a , fanfare.bill W alt argued no

•ank--------- q u i r e d a s ’m u c h ltlons federal e sta te” sironto, I.,-;------ --------------------I Uw------- •------ ------

get a liijiMBwiBi-------------- y/SA-se oficepl__________

lulng ......ealUi " ........It h as (Most

' ElB-of— :-------------1 S a vrm an ■Jm

S2.1■st 21_______________ ,d InI and B I eariy_________

Is for • Im pJ j g --------------------- • -R e d

;tsfo r TremForce by upr. luate)keep roomS20.5 ‘z e d !

0 line ■.. . _ C a s


1 f fid It Is j ■ blems • - .......................:

3ult In \nd 54 • ^—

the 27%

In g to ____________ Z t ^ D jBiaS;

front- 3-digi defect •TMO< Lllons - - ----------« p re - 4 O u ib r a k - ....................... r

id loss ^

2 d — - —

erson.Klylngand a • •jexual

L”” 1 2as un- R eg ,

Z ' h " low tc souri(

— .. phoni■' /M2-7


.. - p• 25%

'o r in ■------- - - (A M );


_ _ § 2

_______________ __________S -

'R e c cbuilf-

n . -----------------r m o n i

m . _____

H V ______M

^ C

t i f f i d i c a


M - Interior Secretary Ja r his first public appearmiccs

cc announcing-his resltpinll Its Thursday th a t add nearly .0 a rem ote wildlife cefUBO

reiaTW att. who wUI leave ment when the Senate conlir IS his successor, gave a str< itends lo depart hl.«; post w

no prior'adm inistra tion lins i-land-in-a-aing!e-year-for-i? since Uic United S tales purcha


lECli v e - ^ 3 G - F i v e - B i

ip ro v o s A ny C o m p o n en t J 2duceB-Tape-His& -*-Eiim lr

m en d o u s value! Ten coniroi u p to 12 dB for a w ide rangi te vocalists o r instrumonls. m aco u stic s . B y p ass button d so u n d 10 inpul. /i»3l-l9B8

s s e t t e D e c l < W

T-24A by Realislic________

/o ofl! Dolby-B no ise roduciii ge_an(j-<-«duc©s4ap©-hiss-J D-meters-M PX-!iltetJor.out5 S;and EQ se le c to rs for mete igit ta p e counier. «14-613Ooioy Laoornlofius LiconsmoCo'p

ur B est AM/FM I Pocket Radio

By Roalistic

9 9 5 ^ 4 1 ”/ “- ■

g . 21 ;S 5}" sp e a k e r a n d high/ , to n e sw itch for g oo d

md. AFC-FM, W ith ear- >ne, w rist strap .!-714 Ooiiu>y»«tfn-------------

■ B a n d , T O ^ e h a i

—M - B -o.a"a.a-a-a-a-U .a.q.

'/o ofl! H ear police, firo, air, v n your car.* B ands; VHFoHI, /5);VHF-HarTT-#20--143 cr,sin t)ilB u-.u ni;iv 1)0 unMwiul—chock wiltl

A M / F M - G a s s e t

3 ::------ M iniselte '-12 I

ave 49953 0 ^ - R e g .-7 9 .9 5 -

cords-olf rad io or. "live’' v/ith It-m mike. C ue/rev iew helps J T c-lceiion s 'faatTVafiBble— m ilor-'f-M -l012 ,

=“^ 1 Remote\ Plug


t i S i S S i i i i i i i Wlliffffllllllll fl 11 mil ll|\

Che.ck Your Phorn

a t e s l i e '

th e te rrito ry of vUas "T h is y e a r we t

Roosevelt, more th James th an Lyndort Johns- CCS In said .inllon. E n v lro t^ en ta lls^ rly 1.3 U ieclalm .Ige in "W hal he’s doing------- not telllnr? about Ui

■e Uic W ilderness Society': ilinns whaso group closcl strong m en lac tlv llles .‘ ‘i f y o u s u b l r a c l t............... am ount o f land hoh

a s Uic C arte r ad - a cqu ired Uiosc land

rhased m an d a te .” said Ja:

B a n d - E q u a l i z e i

By R ealislic '

■ ^ 43% OfiR 3995------^ 1 ------R e g 7 6 9 .9 5 7

It S te r e o S y s t e m ’s S o u ric n ln o te s -R e c o rd -S c ro tc h —

trols b oost o r cu t re sp o n se n ge of tonal conlrol, A ccen- is, o r ad just s o u n d lo m atch lon (or co m p arin g equal- )8

W i t h D o l b y * N F

__' Save

^ - s - 8 8R e g . 1 1 9 .9 i

c lion e x te n d s dynam ic J iw o ^ lo M a s t - f s s p o o s © - u ts lan d in q FM reco rd ings, etal. CrO'^ a n d norm al lap e .1 ' ■ - - . p

Ultra-Compact Radar Detector*

Rood P n lro r XK by Micfonia

%JT1. R e g . 7 9 .9 5M ounts o n w indsh ie ld or d a sh . S e n s e s m oving an d s ta tio n a ry s ig n a ls a t long ra n g e , ff2 2 -1605•Uio mny bo unlnwtui in aomo

""artvTJ Chcclfwil>vaul>Wil»Ofl.----

a n n e r S c a n n e r

______ H H O ^a-by-H e 'ans

S Save 4I 11995.?r, w e a lh e r a n d m o re a t hon ,Hi/Lo. UHF-Hi/Lo. Aircraft(simsontfa:................... .wiift auinotiilQg,_

3 t t e = S e G O E d e c =2 b y R ealistic

lljs ^

[ e C o n t r o l C e n

ug 'n Pow er'" by R adio S h

r t a l f f ’ 1 9 9

— — R o g ,-39.!

Wift.‘ -'is— just p lug inlo-AC Co'nifoi;' •;|3 lo-lO dilferen l ( v.oGS. Ligi.: iim e r 'c o n tro l

ne Book . or theR a

?4I-Ieav(Jaska in 18G7.e h.ive done m ore th;ln Tcd 1 Uian Franklin Roosevelt, mc inson and-JIm m y C arte r,” W

lls ^ linm cdialely took issue w

Ing is telling half the story. Hi ; Uie land.<! he gave aw ay.” s: ‘ty'spokc-swoman Gnll nachm : 3scly monitors in terior IX'pa

cl the land he h asjex ^an g cd . i le has acquin-^Is a lwufUie sui adm inislratlon. and he'.s 01

ands under conijresalonul o r 00 Jam es Norton, a wildlife refi

iNiC!" " I f F i r s t T i n

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m em ory, ff26:36CDallotiol, cn550im«niui

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I T i n - R e a l Vi MC-6C

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W i t h is p e c ia l is t fo r U ie.socie

ed d y " S o w h a l w e h a v e hi m o re a n d w iine I 'o ln g o u t ." T W att W lltle n ie ss S oc ie ty

.•\laska N a tio n a l I n te n w ith - passe<l in I'JTO v

- __ Pre.sidfiil C a r ttJ a rd 1j l e ’s 'Anclru-s — c rifa lw I2 -rir

. p a rk s s p r e a d acro .ss lh • T h e -e n o rm o u s a c re

o a r t- d ir e c t a d d illo n lo Uie I ■ a tro .id y fe<lcral la n d . 1

_____ A rc U c .N a tlo n a l W ihlll1. t h e _ w i l i l l i f e h a b i ta t -

loo .ooo-an iinal po rc iii o n ly crosse .s th e a r e a diirii

c o u r t— f o u n d s in th e n o r th t e fu j'c In C a n a d a .

SSAm e o n S a t e ! T F

i T C o m p u t e r a y

:s;r U - - '

E a sy to U se ! Har'd t w 's th e lim e to s ta r t com puli ge m ak es this th e ideal com

P rog ram it yourself o r a d d } o u r software- Typcw riter-sl ?-key da tap ad . //26-1067

C.ir,r,cll-r t,

I f f ! P o c k e t G o n_ _ ■ TRS-S■iiuiJUMMkUM'" " ] by R a

) CJ 0 O LJ O ^O ** D O ^

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ram s in ,E x tended p)ur ready-lo-runire . 2 6 4 0 -ch arac te r Um -■ -

: p e a k e r S y s t e h

W a l h u t - V e n e e r

60 0 by Realislic

1 9 9 5 rR e g . 3 9 7 9 5 'E a c h --

th e regular p rice of u o w B’/s" w oofer >oth b a ss . W ide- :'h" tw ee te r p rov ides ' requency re sp o n se . x.5i/,-.::.W 0-1979________

) V r A a t o - D i a l e rLbiL,Badio.Shack _ y

6 9 ^R eg., 9 9 .9 5

i e o r P u lse -D ia lin g —

of frcquently .called a n d em< k” dialing, foo, LED sh o w s r gndistance calls, tim o of d ay il AC fails. W43-282 Di>ck.jphai

- S m o k e l D e t ^. By SAFI

/X_24%........... . in c lu 'd c s

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GCtion! M onitors a ir for smol'

i t -1^.19-455--'--------------------

P o w e r e d 2 - S t a

n By Afchor'

1 0 8 8

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T nt hom e, Ifuck .*r. tn bocils! R e- - |— nnl rn;it:ler, ?ven v -

e o r Dealer N eares

Friday , O clot3or2I, inS3 TimTimofi-New.s, Twin F.ill.s, /d a h o A -7 '

jc ie ly ,'c h e re iirtr so m e InmLs go in g In t ." N orton s;iiil.le ty o fficia ls a ls o note<l th e ilere.st l-nnds Coii-servallon A ct 0 w ith s tro n g su p p o r t from r d h is In terio r s c c r c t a o ’. C ecilz-rinllllonacros-of n e w n a i f o n a l ------sU ie ;M askan lnnd .'?cnpe, , _ic re a f ;e . h o w ev e r, w a s n o t a _ ___ti e federa l s y s te m s in c e ll w as id . T he land a d d ed lo d a y lo th e , ih lllfe Ite fuge re fu g e is a k e y ;

p a r tic u la r ly fo r a r cu p in e c a r ilw u h e rd , w h ich lu r in g m ig ra tio n f ro m c a lv in g ;•th to so iith em w in te rin g a r e a s - f -------

Save on ; Com puters,----------- -"Ph'cne-^— ----------- —c cesso riss ;— -------1 ~Fi and More! :

ILETRS-80®By Radio S h ack ;

I s . i, 1 ;

r*d to O u tg row !puling! Pow erful 1:om pulcr (or bo- ! a d d a c a s s e l icir-slylo keyboard , ;

j m p u t e r

tS-80 Model PC -2 ; 'R adio Shack

“S a v e* 5 0

R eg . 1 9 9 .9 5 :

USE i ^ a i cyour lEsWI .......... •:-----

s r ^ C ^ ^ ? . ; '

em ergency jiu n v _______ >_____^ ___vs num ber ca!le91d a y Battery pro- _ ____ ......

i c f d r / A l a r f f i;a f e h o u s e - ' ■ _ ______ : ___

_____________ ^

f R cg. 1 6 .9 5 . :

3 c s“B a lte ry — - ’o w e r R e q u ire d —---------------- ; ____

Tioke and invisible •' • ti i i i, low-battc ry----------------------- i-------- ;

•est You ; '

Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press


■ ............................. Stcpfwi- . Managi

THe mumljci ____ arp_S

_ ' V o t e

- ^ - ^ - o ~ e - s c

Y e s t e r d a y s c h o o l d i s t r i i r e m o d e l a n c e d u c a t i o n f a c

T o d a y , w e m i l l i o n p r o p ( T w i n F a l l s .

B o t h b o n d i v o t i n g s c h e d i

_______________ s c h o o l s a n d tt i o n b u i l d i n g .

F r o m w h a t b r o a d e r s u p p u m r e m o d e l i i

- c l e a i ^ “ e d u c ^w a s a d v a n c e

______ a n d a s o m e w- n a r r o w l y d e f (

T h i s t i m e ,• - t h e h a l l o t w i U

T h e s c h o o l a s w a s p r o p o f a c i l i t y c o n s t a d j a c e n t t o R w o u l d f a c i l i t y h i g h , t h u s s a v

C o s t s a v i n g o t h e r w a y s , p a s s i v e s o i a r r e t r o f i t t e d h e n g i n e e r i n g i s o u n d , e f f i c i (

---------------- - - D e s i g n W e s t ,s c h o o l d e s i g n

T h e n e e d f o s i n c e l a s t s p r i

----------------------- a b o D t l O O - a d d j_______________i n t o t h e d i s t r i c

T h e n e w e s t w a s b u i l t n e a i a n d c o n d i t i o n e v e n t i g h t e r , p

T o m e e t t h e m o d u l a r c l a s t h o s e a r e n o w r a t i o s a r e e x p i

r r r : -------- ^ : ^ : ^ T h ’^ O c t “ 2 5o p i n i o n , w h e r e d q c a t i o n r e f o

: A m e r i c a . T h e : d i s t r i c t s c a m : e x p e n d i t u r e o

— - I m e n t s , c l a s s r c J I n s h o r t , e d i

_______r „ ' _ b u t 'w e . b e l i e v <: m e n t i n t h e fu lI . ..... i v a y , w e b e l l e: F a l l s t o p u t

-------------: • c o m m i t m e n t V: W e t h i n k th e

i r r z : > : ~ ^ A i n i H l o i r - ^ - ; t o t a i f 'e o n a t t

^ — -3 - n e s s i s ^ l e s s ^ "T m u c h a s $ 3 2 m : o n e o f t h e 1:

---------- -r— e x p e n d i t u r e - p €W h a t t h i s a d

" h a s t h e r e s o u ; s h o u l d d o i t . T f

____ ; ______ o p i n i o n , w o u lds t u d e n t g r o w t l i

- T w i n F a l l s i i . . . t h e r e a r e t i m e

p o c k e t s t o fu ] B S i e v e , f s o r fe " T u e s d a y o n th<

______ : F a l l s . _____________

- ' “ f h ' ^ T t l m e 1 In tc f^ pnly 19.1 w as Interested li posillon a l a Jocal ban k wl T he b ank p re sid en t's seer m e. She m ad e it known, ir ivlUi Uie bank p residen t w Df lhej)oslllon for w h ld i I

' ■ rb c a ll lh a t she sa ia somcL ^ o u feel about cozy, ex tra ' 4n th e e v e n in g ? ' O nce I un Im pllcaUonS. I d idn’t com

^ n le r v l e w ? ’: L as lw o ek ’sco lu m n ev o ,-n n u m b er of w om en who f< ■1 undcrsU m d ih ep rev a len

~ ' ■ ^ x - fu r -w o rk trade-off. A l ~ ire la tcd d c la tis a b o u ts itu s

rfaced w hile applying for w -T n a rk e ls t ra c e 'a p a th f ron

^ a l n s to b rokerage firm s , iib o u t th e pervasiveness o:

^ f i l doubt evaporated .' By listening carefu lly to

i q ' n ~ i ■

liam L Houiard Wilishkv -

pSen'HanncTi-'.............. Jnrvaginij Edi'iof Cii

ilicrs of tRc editorial board or ;p_Slcphcn,IHi-irlgcn,<-jnd Willi

8 ‘ y e s ’ T l

a y w e w r o t e in i ' s u p ^ T t r i c t ’s p r o p o s e d $ 1 .3 n U ld r e n o v a t e t h e h i g f a c i l i t i e s .w e u r g e s u p p o r t f o r D p o s a l t o b u i l d a n e w e

id I s s u e s a r e o n t h e b a i l “d u l e d f r o m n o o n t o 8 p d t h e C o l l e g e o f S o u t h e i

lg -l a t w e c a n t e l l , t h e s c h o c i p p o r t i n t h e c o m m u n i t e l i h g , p e r h a p s b e c a u s e u c a t i o n a I * ’~ i m p r o v e m e i c e d l a s t s p r i n g w h e n t e w h a t m o r e e l a b o r a t e e f e a t ^ b y T w i n F a l l s V' e , w e h o p e , t h e s e p a r a / i l l r n n f r ih t i t f t p t h p pn.q >ol p r o p o s a l i s e s s e n t i a l i p o s e d i n A p r i l . I t w o u l i s t r u c t e d o n l a n d t h e d > R o b e r t S t u a r t J u n i o r I l i t a t e J o i n t b u s i n g r o u l a v i n g m o n e y i n t r a n s p o i n g s h a v e i j ^ n d e s l ^ i s . T h e b u i l d i n g w o u ld a r t e c h n o l o g y t o s a v e (

l a t e r f o r g e o t h e r m s g p e r s p e c t i v e , t h e p l a [ c i e n t o n e f r o m a n a i s t , - w h i c h h a s - c o n s i d e i g n a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n , f o r t h e e l e m e n t a r y s c h '

p r i n g , n o t b e t t e r . D u r i n i d d i t i o n a l x h i l d r e r r a T c a t r i c t . T h a t t r e n d c o n t i n u e s t e l e m e n t a r y s c h o o l e a r l y a d e c a d e a g o . I t i I o n s a t t h e o t h e r e l e n : r , p a r t i c u l a r l y i n t h e lo w h e g r o w i n g n u m b e r s , th l a s s r o o m u n i t s a t s e v o w a p p r o a c h i n g c a p a c : x p a n d i n g . . , 2 5 - b o n d - e i w t l d n - c o m e

l e n p u b l i c c o n s c i o u s n e e f o r m h a s f i l t e r e d i n t o < " h e r e i s a g r o w i n g r e c ( j n n o t a c h i e y e _ t h a t _ n } o f f u n d s — f o r n e e d i s r o o m s , e q u i p m e n t a n d e d u c a t i o n r e f o r m w i l l c e v e t h o s e e x p e n d i t u r e s f u t u r e g o o d o f o u r c o m i l i e v e i t ' i s t i m e f o r c o n : u t s o m e e d u c a t i o n a l I t w e a l l s h a r e . - . t h e a m o u n t o f t h e p r o p = d s .a x e a s o n a b l c : p n e : : f ( t t t h i s t i m e . T h e s c h o o l r t h a m $ S ^ m i l l i o n T ^ t a t T r : m i i f i o n . T h e d i s t r i c t ’s I : b e s t i n t h e s t a t e , - p e r - s t u d e n t - i s o n e o W h < a d d s u p t o , i n o u r m i ^ o u r c e s t o ' s p e n d m o r e T h e i n v e s t m e n t i n a n e ) u l d m e e t f u r t h e r p r o j e vilTs a n d t h e M a g i c V a l l e m e s w h e n c i t i z e n s n o € f u n d n e e d e d p u b l i c f [ f e " o r t h o s e t l m e s r W e n ] t h e p r o p o s e d . e l e m e n t s

e n s o j T; r ^ c w ^ fo7a JobT 1 ~ “id In a se c re ta ria l / cw herelU vedinTexa.*;.— 7 c c rc ta ry In terview ed j i.ind lrecU y, th a l sex It w as considered p a rt h I was^appjylng. I L-. n e th ln g llk e 'H o w d o ' be tracu rric u la ra c llv ille s be [ understood the be om pietc lhe_____________ ^

evoked responses from tel 10 felt U im portan t lha t tht J e n c e o flh e hliA fcw o f th e se w om en._____ ttu fltlonsthat Uicy hnd -- j „ )r work. T hese job , qj, rom quick burger- jjjtm s. If I h ad any doubts pe; a of Uils phenomenon,

uny to these sto ries, 1 n,],

Wil!..un C. DLiki-

Jm y Hoyt Ctailn tton Marviocr

I o n d w ri te rs o f ud ito ria ls /illinm F . H ^ n r d ___

r u e s d a y

i o r t ' o f t h e T w i n F a l l s m i l l i o n b o n d i s s u e t o

i g h s c h o o l ’s p h y s i c a l

r t h e c o m p a n i o n $ 3 .2 / e l e m e n t a r y s c h o o l i n "

i i l o t n e x t T u e s d a y w i t h i p . m . a t a l i T w i n F a i l s • l e m I d a h o a d m i n i s t r a -

lo o l p r o p o s a l m a y h a v e l i t y t h a n t h e g y m n a s i - s e i t i s p e r c e i v e d a s a n e n t : T h a t ' a r g u m e n t - 1 t h e c o m b i n e d s c h o o l t e g y m p r o p o s a l w e r e5 v o t e r s . -----------------------r a t i o n o f t h e i s s u e s o na s s a g e o f o n e o r b o t h _____l a l l y - t h e s a m e c o n c e p t ) u ld b e a 2 6 K ; l a s s r q p m

d i s t r i c t a l r e a d y o w n s r H i g h S c h o o l . T h e s i t e o u t e s w i t h t h e j u n i o r p o r t a t i o n c o s t s , p i e d I n t o t h e p l a n s i n J ld e m p l o y a d v a n c e d e e n e r ^ a n d c o u l d b e T ia l h e a t . F r o m a n » la i i a p p e a r s t o b e a

a r c h i t r t e c t i u * a l f i r m , j e r a b l e - e x p e r i e n c e - i n —

c h o o l h a s g r o w n w o r s e i n g t h e p a s t f e w y e a r s , e a r h a v e b c c n - f l o o d i n g —n u e d t h i s f a l l . _______________o l i n t o w n , S a w t o o t h ,[ t i s r a p i d l y / i l l i n g up,- 'm e n t a r y s c h o o l s ' a r e o w e r g r a d e s , t h e d i s t r i c t h a s a d d e d

e v e r a l s c h o o l s . E v e n a c i t y . S t u d e n t - t e a c h e r

n e s ” a t - a - t i m e 7 l n ' 0 u r — n e s s o f t h e n e e d f o r0 e v e r y c o m m u n i t y i n ^ c o g n i t i o n t h a t s c h o o l

r e f o r m w i t h o u t t h e ^ e d s c h o o l i m p r o v e - i d s a l a r i e s . -1 c o s t a l l o f u s m o n e y , e s a r e a g o o d i n v e s t - m m u n l t y . P u t a n o t h e r j m m u n i t i e s l i k e T w i n 1 m o n e y b e h i n d t h e

o p o s e d s c h o o l b o n d — . r f o r T w i n - F a l l s - v o t e r s — o l d i s t r i c t ’s i n d e b t e d '

s b o n d r a t i n g o f A A i s I. F u r t h e r m o r e , o u r i h e l o w o s t i n - I d a h o . -i d s , i s t h a t T \ v i n F a l l s ____r e f o r V a c a t i o n a n d ■ l e w s c h o o l n o w , i n b u r j j ^ t l o n s i n e x p e c t e d

I l e y a r e g r o w i n g a n d lo e d t o d i g I n t o t h e i r

f a c i l i t i e s . T h i s , w e . F u r g e ^ o u r ^ y e s ' - v o t e — i t a r y s c h o o l f o r T w i n - -

C h a rles- L ev en d o

began Uj sense m ore suuUe ran below the surface. As if the ove been rem oved, lo reveal a richoro. ____

When a w om an Is m arried , w tell h e r husband a fte r she has b Uiesc m cat-m arkct Interviews' him anything?__On Uw-momlng lhal-m y coluiJu d y B. w aved a t m e lo catch' n and g ripped m y forearm lo und Interuilty; "1 w ant lo thank ydii peopio about this. I have tried t wlUi m y husband, but it only m uncom fortable. He g e tsem b an und for himself, ns a m an. He f<





L e t t e ,_ A life n ip p e d

■ h id a w o rla c k o flj been nipped In the bui recelv lngagen tle 'rep

WlUi m y lim ited kn is a d riv e r’s responsil m ee t a ll safety reguli n c lean w indshield so I s i ln o t th e d r iv e r ’s r prudenU y and lakewi Into consideration: wi should have been driv cau tion due to road cc lh e sun?

Is is not thorespona he h as h ll something? even a prom inent maj a n accident? Is it not 1 to observe lhe speed 1

■ responsibilities a driv_______dQganQtshOMJXtenm

m isdem eanor, b ul ral-----------a p p e a rs lo have broki

le a s t one felony.So again I say. whei

legal sy stem dd vre ha Ih e lr w ay out and ano' Ju s tic e In U ieprosecu

I do not understand Ih e lr handling or m isl s ta r te d out honorably calling for a n Inquest.

— — Inques*; dropaU lciclowould h av e whllewasl

T rag ically , another ap p e a rs Uie prosecuto w as to cha rg c thc oUk slopped and gave assl h e h n s IhQ pow er lo mj he explain not having.

- -explain hls'extenuatin Bolso, th e re w ere feloi co u rt tria l.

II does app ea r Uial 1 ca se thc and prosccutf B ar/\soc la llonand th« W hen the prosecu tor h

~ ' anyone in Ihis cb'uiity I r i ^ l s T ^ c h as.Uie rig

----------protocUon,-tbcrighLlfl------- T to n o t have a casepolil___ . I a m noHmsympaUi— — BUI th e law h as to m M


T h e law is ‘all-----------R ^ h l l e l l e r s to U ie

m y ey es oboul events I hum ilia ted td adm it lh h a v e been Ignoring the G uerry-Lopcz acclden Ih o u g h la s I was "too t

D rS te c k llsso r ig h t. m y child would be hon h im righ t a s the g rea t 1

--------- h a d G u e n y ’sprivUcgc______h av e been and

to be chea ted any furtii----------- M r. w an a ana M r.l l

h J aw a re th a t th is case Bf

^r^morkreflM tli

“ re a lly M- s - le llin g li o s k y ■■ w anlh ii

^ I SUSPfru s lra t

— to a wifi ram lflcaUons ' force, e overbun^en had p red lca ich vein Of da rk brought____ i ____________protccU

i, w hal'ades she I le m a y os been lo one of back all ws? Does she leli J u d y '

singlo. I

lh'my a ttention ‘ lnt<?rvleu n d e rsc o re h c r .........m eat-mfoii for te lling------- w hen a rjd to discuss It hold an i

m okes him professlja rra ssc d for me. be In thc Ie feels Uiat it is a ‘ -A ppar


: ' : ' i

i r s / C h a d Li in th e b u d _______f law .strikes again! A llfehos lud and the m an responsible i: ■eprimand—w here Is ju stice’ knowledge of thc law, 1 bellevi slbllity lo m aintain his c a r to alaUons — would th a t not Inch so Uiat visibility is not im pain 5 responsibility to drive weaUierand road condiUons would thnt not m ean G uerry riving slowly, using ex tra constrycUon and th e P<»ltIon

inslblUty of a d r iv e r to stop w t g? Would lha l not m ean Uiat lan m ust nol'leave the scene 0 Jt Uie responsibility of lhe dri^ i lim il? Now we add up all the iv e r has. and m y ariUimctIc [untlng clrcum stances fo ra raUier il shows a m an who iltpn thp Inw tn tho t imp ftfnl

lere is justice and w hat kind 0 have? One for those wlio can t rtolher for those who cannot? cutor’s office Is tru ly blind, id the p r d ^ u t o r ’s office and ishandllngoflhis case . They ly by c h a i^ n the d r iv e r and St. DeHaan re tu rns , drops the dony.charge3.andprobably- ished the whole a ffair, c r chUd was killed, a n d It. itor had lo charge G uerry, Ifh h e r d river. A t le a s t Ih e la tte r a lstance. How can ono m an f< make such a decision, how caj tg an Inquest, and how can he :ingctrcum stances? E ven In lony charges, an Inquest and 1

t It m ight b9 w ise to hove this ilo r Investigated by the S late the A ttom ey G en era l's office, r Is so capricious, how can y be aiasured of th e ir legal ig h t to live, Uie righ t to -to a Jaw lalr.to a ll ond.lhc rig

UietlcloUie d riv e ris d U e m ^ ean— ju s t l y for aU i— — ^

II u>e h a v e ’tie ed itor have se rved to open 3 Uial surround m o. I am lha l I. a s a concerned ciUzen, he controversy surrounding t ent: 1 hadTwt v e n it m uch 3 busy."It. To be preceded fn death by irrcndous. H istory also prove it m en of this w orld have not god background b u t rap to r Dd w e m ust n o l allow ourselvt■ th e r .____________________Herendon^ you have m ade m appears to be handled in

r h i n t s -:tion upon m en In general and ' w an l to h ea r aboul tt. M , I 'v g him when a Boilcitatlon occj. h im to w o rry ." sp ec t th a t beneath his em bar •ation seethes. A m an m ay eoj ife becoming a m em ber of Un , especially In ou r p re sen tw o cam ent, but som e of tho press ^it aga inst h e r m ay m oke his cUvenKS, hono r and "m alen t ny w ant to in '^ te a few execut alley lunch of knuckle sandwi y w ent on to lell m e lh a t wher 1. m any of the single professlo icwTllscussedcom panlca writ 'lews w ere notorious for • _ m nrkctlng. S hesald . " I t 's a fc an execuUve Invites you out fi n interview . You’re m ore cer islonal approach when you’re h e business office a t 10 in thc arenUy. It isn’t unusual fo rs l


Lopez case rai

la s ' leisce? 'eve it ' £to ; /JAnt !id u d e / / m maired? A# | l r .

onof__ _

when ^3tieo f"~Iriver L a . 4 ? ' ^ ^Uiese r Ic\_______________________ C H

________________ " a g e n lresponse lo pressure

d o f legalities. I t Is fright in buy prosecu tor, decides I t? -what th e extenua{ln£

W hether Giieri7 Is nd b e le fr in th o h o n d so i >y ■ decision should be m id look a t the sd callcd c the unlike M r. DeHaan, i ^ - -ln.'5«lted,

D irty windshields, not abso lve m ost peoj

If he m ajo rity of us have h :e r . fo rm anym onU isdue a feel barre ls . P ersonally I can cau tious lo prevent Ir he P e rh ap s, the city did In - w d K in a n y c o n s lru c id a w herever thoy have t

construcUon barrel sl fils uUlIzc e x tra caution I l ie not a rig h t make, ce. ' P leaso m ay we hot'

loses con tact with oui-------- precloiB rig h ts a s An

th e People, by the P& dghl’____ D IA N E E JIO U N G

— ' I JR n s io n isnH Em ployees and frie

M rs. H u m e s 'L e tte r I h u sb an d — It appears defensive and read so

en w as not Implied.F irs t , M rs. Hughes,

en, an g ry m an . because 1: Igthe full o f blessings a s we:I knew M aurice G uerrj

a nd h is m o ther and sliby G u e rry ’s paren ts. We ives - sp o ra d ic a lly during U; 3t conducting ou r busine . —; ^drives.lruck8.rBgularl lives a n d Colorado and feeL_______safctjLandcloarcr-vlsltm e Ifh ls le tle rso u n d sa

h is d e sire to havepeoj

rdemmmd he doesn 't profcsslona]I 've slopped th ey ex chanccurs. I don’t . businesses.

A recu rren tlarrassm ent, rece ived waeasily ad just com panies \Uie work - p ractices.—

xonom ic business muessu res m Ullon.whiils sense of o ften devoteeness" angry , p roblem .__cutlvesfoa^__ .O n eb eg lnIwiches. corponiU oatienshew as ta rn ished ccalonal women hiH n^ p rac l vhere ' ^ t o a sm alle r____ an d m ay h u ja bad sign - ab ility lo coiII for d rinks to p robably no :e r la ln o fa B u tU ieus ’r e asked to som eone for h e m om lng." b lade. Sex h r single com m andin


f e

r ^

aises question:

- J P

::h a i > l o p e z -----------------e n t l c r e p r im a n d * * _______uro and poll tics raU ier Uian to ghlenlng Uiat one m an. the ^ cs if the chargcs be dropped or llngcircum stances " n ^ re s e n t y Is I t y o r Innocent should nc iso fo n e ^ rso n b u lra U ie ra 'J m ade by a legal group. When x i extenuating circum stanccs, in. m y conscious is grossly

ds, speeding and b a irc ls would jcople of responsibUily. The 'e had to use ex tra cauUon In T due to ongoing construction an* ly I have been exceedingly It in jury to m yself o r others, did not have lhe barre ls p laced ruction they a re difficult k-e been placed) bul seeing any (U should serve to a le r t a drivei on and alertness. Two w rongs (

uofbecdrhe a com m unity U iaf ou r basic values o r v e aw ay 1 A mericans, such aa .ri-a law of People and for all Uio People. NGBLOQD ■ , __________

S B n S i i p i r e f f i i r i E Efriends have inform ed us aboui e r lo the editor and to my a rs she has becom e quite i som ething Into lho letter-that;

ies, m y husband Is no tabItter< 5C like most, our lives have bee well a s tragedies. Second, he irry J r . in Ihelr younger y e a rs ' ] slep-faUier were good friends We have also seen him g lhe m onths we w ere In Idaho, ilness interests. Third, Bud lar]yom>ur-«uigeland4n-ldahc eels Uial pickups o ffer h im movlBibilitylhandotnnxflrs^------Is ang ry or flippant, ll’s due to >eople look beyond personalltie

inds~areinal w omen lo form groups whi lan g e imornvaiiohabdut s ^ - f ( es. i\n d then avoid those compi cn l Uicme in calls and cards 1 w as " I purposely Ilm lled mysi cs w ith professional hiring 3.—“ W orking W om an .-a slick m agazine wlUi a readersh ip ol #hich aim s a t lhe corporate wc 'Otes space to artic les about Uil

gins to wonder why those . . Ions allow th d r executives lo c i corporate rcpuU U onsty suci

Her selection of th e ta len t avail h u r t buslncss and dim inish Ihi I com pete. I t ’s poor buslncss, •not m uch be lte r, sex.J u se of h iring power lo m anlpt for sexual favors Isn’t a s ln ^ e

ix h a s Its own dominion. O fte n : ding Uian Ihooffcr^ ifajob . .


' r ~



I S ----------------r-------

and have a d e a r vicv — ln d u d ln g tb c “ syster

^ c itizens. If he possesi! tow ard lho system ar broadcrtoipllcations

«»- In reality , Uie angeM.A.D.D. (MoUier's, too, lost a child, andr

— oftin intoxicateddriv even though I’m c e r t one p lans o r enjoys ai

> by accident. Howevei " helped o u r pain, nor \

^ loved ones.— Sevcffyears la te r ,c

c rossw alk, by a dccci ■ ■ l g and neighbor In Denv ^ B | ' a n ^ s h and despair,' | B j the pa in of our friend,

well-respected m em t , unlike th e first d river

______ —upoaby-hls-nttomftyiT ha t unique, suffer

-------------andthcauU w riU csth0 and he w as totally obi— tijflving.H etodkfuU r or This Is w hy we both fc n t." should Dol m ake cxce not le am o d th is from am

d riv e r suffered perso: in I financially , but he gal s , slocks Uiat will hold h

cashes Uiem In wlUih • H ughes, m y husband

lid bu t w ith his head and I t ap p ears Mra. Hui

Twin in com m on, Uie pain c m d growlng'from tragodi

stops du ring Uiis trip, " you .rece lv lngonew r

cd answ ers. T heedllorh : re ach ed a t a f le rO d .:

ly w ish, a n d wo will sen< 'c r to co rp o ra te phone num s d o m eet you when we rel

AIloflheaboveckKJ it ' 'h u sb an d ’s writing the lyou r— quiet; re tiringpersonof-------- stan d beforerbu l we Ii- com m unlly should bo ----------- ^ d a « a s 6 m u s tb e ju

i LJgim p rg a iH g iM------------to b e a m a n they respi)Ut even m ore delicate. T

to resp ec t the law , thc fe llow m en.'n icyshoi

at— ^ s a m c fo r a ll men-amh favor of some, no r she

i ro r heavierpenalU esU iai cen , Im pressionable you s them and it Is a heavy■3----------m aK cccrtaln Uioy notd so f it should be. MOn-mac

- necessa ry if we oro to 10. W esvouldn'tnecdUici

cap ab le of living God’ho------ — y n tu suefrfrUm ecotxore a n d wo m ust preserve------------o n ram b iiity :-----------to BARBARAHERE>Ues D enver, Colo.

ecomn/here An anonymous^rot-work gave m e an Insiglipanlcs. idenUfy wiUi youi1 abou t a recent Jol y^dfU) Bomcming.Sure.

m e. I needed theck------- i l k e c a t c h l n ^ l iof3 ■ ■ m ak e it seem live

woman, boss never took n Uils I ’m not the only V

N o doubt some 3 c rea te th c p rom ise of se: jch to w om en wlio mi

ollablo. ■ w om en. W hen OuLheir . businesses loso, t, W rong-heortcdnc

T h a t’s w hal mjpulatc ih e w ro n g p o rto fjle^dged 'in m ore :. C3inr/<fsLeycnc- • o f Ujo Casper. (Wj

k-4Timc9-Now5. Twin Falls, Idat

w m m y . . .

view of Uie en tire sltuaUnn..-stem" lha l la provided lo p ro lect--------------isessed any .anger.lt would be . ...m and Individuals blinded to UieJons of this case.inger Is mine, because I amir 's Against Drunken D rivers). WeUld m y mother-in-law a t the hands •driver.-We received no apology;----------------x r la ln that the m an was sorry. No ys any accldont o r a deaUi caused ever, on apology would not have w r would it have brought back our

£r,ouronlyEon-w as killed In a -------- ---------eccnt m an who w as a good friend tenver. Again, we felt the dcpUis of air.bu tw ew erenolInSensIU veto ‘ end. Ho was a promlner^t, em ber of the com m unity, and Iver, w as offered options agreedi/*y nn/1 th n p m<uv»iifpi»*gnf»r«»tffering m an s ta ted d ea rly to us!S th a t h is m lnd-w ason __________i- obllvlolus of lho road and his uU responsib lllty*rh lsactlons. >Ul fe d strongly th a l Uio system ixcepUons for any Individual. Wo a m an who Wiled ou r child. This

iTsonally, professionally ond e gathered up precious stocks —)Id him in goJxl stead , when ho lUi his God. So. you 800 Mrs, and doesn’t e p o ^ v ^ U i his mouUi. : andh lsheart.. H u ^ c s , lh a l we have somelhlhg aln of enduring, ad justing to and godies. F o rth a t reason, onour trip, we have attem pted lo contact I —e w rongnum berand tw ono r : ------lor h as tho address wo can be M .20 . Y oum ay w ritous. If you scndyouourunllstodand lu m b ^ . We would*also like to c re tu rn lo ou r homo in Idaho.I ck>cs not change the reason for m y J thc le tte r to the paper. Being a rson, heh n sn ev e rtQ ten ap u b llc“ - we boUisUongly believe Uiat a ' : d bo open to all aspects of a case, '« Judged on ltam erita.-ond not by—:----------

'especled.-’n ia t r ^ e s U i la c a s e - - ^ le. These children m u st also leam :, them sdves, life and oU theirsh o u ld le a ro th a ltb e la w ls tb e .* _____and shoul d iio t be swayed in thd-----------------rshou ld itbesw ayed lop rov lde ,Uum necessary for oUiers.! youths leam from adults around * mvy responsibility for you lonot feel the law ls lB B th m x w h a t^ ----------

mado laws hove flows, but are ro to survive wlUjout lota! chaos.Uicm, if m en w ere willing and /o r - jod ’slaw s.tfrcomeflrlbelawisnil wehave;...... .....—orvo honor and lead > lt to Uie best _______

RENDON : ‘ ‘

.............7 ” " ^

ious te]<^hono call from a woman ■______isight about th is iw lst. "1 could ! your colum n," she said talking it Job Uiterview. “ But, you left o u l - : ure. tbe em ployer w as husUIng the job, so I led h im on. I t’s klnda !u tlsh rY o u tu g U ic b a ita b itr lo — ^ ---------1 live. I t ’s never foUed. And Uie ok m o lo bod. e ither. You know lly woman who hns used Ulis

imo m en can be m anipulated, by : ifsex .in toofferlng jobposltlons •0 m ay bo less qualified lhan

(1 th a t happens, nol only d o ' so,bu tm cnlo308df-rcspocl.too . ^ Edncss, w rong .-hcadedn^ : - - • n t ' - tm yfaUicrcalledU iInklngw iU i ^ rto fyourana tom y . _______ ^


Idaho F r id a y .O c to b o r2i . i 9a3

Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

” ■ : ( ^ m - b o n d s u [A sastudcn t-a th le lc :

_ F nU sH ighS choo l.Ihn - - c o m m e n ts to m ake cor

upcom ing bond eJeclio: w ould provide for lhe ii

________cxpw dilng q£lhe hjch soducatlon facilities. Sli im provem ents evontu: m ade, costs will onJylr

----- — goeson an d th e fac llitit• T he tra in ing room (r

in ju ries aleirCTitCtfTIS r -boys* locker room. Thi;

I few problem s with boti needing attention. A tr.p a r to f e ith e r dressinglogical solution to this t

One o f th e m ajo r imp % «uldinvolvecxpnndii

~-cootns4i>aco9iQpicdat<;___tak in g p .e. c lasses and

J ___e x tra c u rr ic u la r athletii " io ck e rs 'a re needed in p ! cu rre n t ones, a s well aj

iockers. S pacc for insti add ltlona llockers Is nc a n d the p resen t locken accessib ly to theivcs b< outda ted sa fe ty guards

T he num ber of handl , . DowfltlendiflgTwlijFfl

T he p lan s fo r expandln________ add lo g ap .c ..ro o m fo r]

s tuden ts . I doubt the ni hand icapped s tuden ts ' a n d I believe thcso stw

------ d eserv e a n opportunltj__________ I am.fl sen lo tan d rer

d irec tly benefit from U im provem ents. Howev is a need righ t now for! th e re should bc no que: need in fu tu rey ea rs . K

________ studen ts will l)enefit inF o r m ore detailed in

fo ra c lra e r lo o k a tp rc : e v a lu ta te th e need for I

. recon im endcn tac ting b efore the elction and t req u estin g a tour. Ren-

________ e l« U p n Is Tuesday. 0 (j i l l SKe e mT w ln F a lls

Resents ‘smallSix y e a rs of public s{

------------- tau g h t m e well tha t a iiof th e public believes v e v e i ^ l n g tha t any ge

--------- • c ircu la tion newspaperp rin t. 1 a m also well av im pressions created Ir m ed ia a re neariy Impc

_________chango. N otwlthstandlp ^s lm ls tlcv iew m tfili compcUcd. a s the pers obviously i m a g e d by

> publication of what wa b e a n " a tto m e y '8 p o ir

O F F i c i


For '•M r. Bi

RoolE -- G ono

a A ubu________ - ■ (206)PW I

-------------- ----- W hy F R E E ? Tliuiw h ic h uBunlly rc"

T h i« 18 o u r w ny of could b« helped b y o u w ilh ou r n tnff

E x n m in u lio n 'ln c t: th e ap itic ond n cc

W hile w c n rc ncec]

M e

I ■ ■

i r e n o v clip p o r tedsteattcndlngTw ln Ihnvespcciflc ' 'conccm lng th e ...........:tion. The bonding : le Improving and :?h school physical r-SliicctHea ------------i M Witua llyneed tobe ly Increase as tim elilies age."------------------n(room w here ' \TiffuxiaciiwitdTiwr— -a-— \ rh ls c jm c re a te a y . ^-11 .. M th ^ r ls and boys V training room not ingroom seem s a il3 problem. ■ lihprovements. nd ln slo ck cr~ '. ~ m ~ ~ ' ' . daifrpersoia . ■ — ■

V, ------------- edition tJetics.Newin place of the > j

l l s l ? ' ” ” 'nstaElng Council,sn o tav a llab c ,le ra a ro easily ihercsDs ^ u s c o r

indlcappedstudens. M s H l e h l s K ,Idlng Indude 2 AcalotM ndlcnpped--------aurvey-e num ber ol EuagcwIts WlU decrca.se, jtudentsalso law yeranlty torrccreallon.i t^ lz o jw ll ln o t----- J u d ic ia lTl these Candidanever, s ln re there for those changes, 3 |Uestlonas^U>tho p „ u |iv e .M a n y othert jn yeara,to como.___d Inlormation o r replied present facilities toror funding, 1 ofliPn?wing the high school e ia lneC nd possibly In su lljdtem em bor,the ,, Oct. 25.______________

. a tto m e j respond

all Clique-c serv iceh av e authentl, a la i^ a segment----------4.-Undus virtually a tto m e j/genera l Candidaper chooses to ----------fam iliar1 aw are that * no such id in the m ass a n a t to rnposslbleto particu luidlngm y by your:Tfilsrot^nirTTisn anyw ayerson most bottom <I by your Since I w as purported to fo r th e p o i r ’ inyourO ct. IG b een aw

: e s p a c e f(W a r b e r g J i ' u i l d i

• • 2 4 9 6 A d d U o n A v o n u Tvtfin F a i i i , Id a h o

? O X |M A T E L Y 2 0 0 S C

F o r I n fo r m o t io n P l o a s o Coll

•. Bill P o r ra l E s l o f o D i v i s i o n .O P B & R ) n o r a i S o r v ic o s A d m in is f r a ib u r n . W o s h in g f o n 9 8 0 0 2 J 6 ) 9 3 1 - 7 2 5 8

rc«pon<l 10 ch iro p ro c tic care.

/ o f cncouroK ing you to find ou d by ch irop rnc tic curc . I t in n tn ff n n d fnciliticn.

nctudpS'n'tninimum-of-IO-tiljII c o n to u r nnniyai* ph o to ns sh

ceeptinK now p n tic n ts . rio ohc i

; io s t In s u ra n c e s A

a t l o n B l

- K E IT H ROA^ - --

tn to m ake a point o r two of my.

Inlike the survey which is jc ted by the Idaho Judicial cll, your questionnaire contains vershee tdeslgned to assure tha jsponding party was in fact an ney and tha tsuchperson voted, )nce. In your concern to provide nym ity" you chose also to flceauthenUcity. igain, unlike the Judicial Councl !y,-your<iuestionnariesoughtto- 2 who w as best liked or, jrsely, least liked by those ;r s to whom you chose to mail irm in question. While the"~:—;lal Council seeks to guagea____d a te ’s skills, you appear more js ted in a eondldate’s popularity Vhile the sto ry accompanying th ive resu lts of your poU claimed w entx-six pcrcent of those to la q u c ^ o n n a irc .w a s s c n L _ _ _ id, there w as no explanation of a m e attorneys were'polled and s w ere not. E very attorney In e Couty with whom I spoke was led by the form at you chose lo oy and refused to cooperate atf n n ty r in o n f fn itr nf thf»___tieys Whose opinions you sought inded to your questions and, as ously s ta ted , therc Is nC>•ance tha t all responccs were :ntlc.InderJud ic ia l Council rules,— le y s a re instructed not to ra te d a te s w ith whom they a re not iar.-Y ourque3tIonnflirestated t ch qualification. Consequently, :om ey not fam iliar with a :u la r candidate was encouraged u r su rvey to rank tha t candidate ay and to placc him a t the m of the popularity list, ce the tim e I fUed my appllcatloi e position in question, 1 have aw are tha t a sm all group of TwIj

=OR LEASEd i n gn u o E. ho


loll or Write;

JR PIO PE U ration •2

in g e r S ig n a ls o f ’in c h e d N e rv es:c'adnchca, Dizzinoas.iu rre d ^ JB io n _____ __________^ Ic -E o in ,-Iig h t-M u B c lcB .^ _

louldor Poin, Poinown Arms, Numbness inandslin Between ShouidcrB,ifficuit B r c o th i r i g ,^ ^ __■__jm inal Painsjwer Bock Poin. Hip Poin;nin Down L«Ka,

■ h n v r f ip in e -rc laU x L o to b lc m ^

I out ifyou hnvcjj problerh'thnt n nlflo our way oT, acquainting

■tilitndard -tcfita-fauuutluatinR— I shown nbove, * ••1C need feel any obliuntion.

A c c e p te d

> o n d , m‘ F a lls a ttoh icys was ac

■ ' opposed to m y candldf ; u se any m eans avallat

■■ chance atappoln tm en ' 'h av e ; I am neither sho

i su rp rised tha t such a i dcvelopcd,publicllfel h.T-s hopn rouL’h and tu: who c a n ’t stand thehe

BBS1 ago w arned to s tay oul ' lh av en o o b jec tio n t

f f i r |~ o r p r t v a t o d tlzcfispea confidentially o r othei

5 ^ - - n tto m e y o r Judge In tE S ff l;^ J io n a .h a y ^ p r« c .t lc e i

whom I have appeared qualiflcatlonsandskll sm all clique of those v

'' ■ ovor been In court wlti '• ■ theklndofln tellectua:

• r ; - - t yoursurvcy-catcred ti " ' ui'iier’tcHiurt’iiicp i!!^

ly. - professionally.I hove served with F

prosecutor and I win r represen ting the peop

ined af^gressivelyandzeal that occurred to m e tha t ir n forever forfeiting my ed, som eday serve a s a □ Ide Judgo but, If tha t is th

T here a rc fa r worse tl e n d u r ^ In th is if fe th<

incli a s the Judicial candldi t to . CDOughofJigoodoldi]

old boys.R. KEITH B0,4Jt

il B laine County P n »----------Attorney---------~_______ H alley_ ____________

No King holid[jthe R obertC .JoriC sof^ed John P . Cox of Tw inFI com m ended for thf»e>_______ contribu ted recently tof -proposed m em orial fij,d K lngandestab iiahm eI ho llday inh isho tw r; t ,QS fo rm er’s polntlngout 0 conten t of yoiir ed itorII eulogy of King,

/\s a research er of r experience, myfIle”or

as King Is a thick one, co which would be shock

! A m ericans of oil raceF eb ru ary , 1976 releas

________ n f n n d MetnC of New Jersey . offere< it on the M yth of M artinH i-------Jr..-asha lth (L R ldun i[y. L ead e ro f Junc2G, 19G

en titled “ Why tho Kin ged ' • 'T h eN e lw o rk o fP a trl( la te W rIte rso fP asadena ,

show ing King and oth itlon ■ a t te n d a n c e a ta ‘‘sub\

school," revealing as rwin IheH IghlanderFolkS


DO ■ L0\

E = m

T © S v

- | — - © - J e

r O u t

“ A r r d

^ - - B r i w

l e n t p aadam antly - - — R C R C S id n c y a n d w o u ld '^ ' loble to block any ent tha t Im lglit hocked nora movement has " gi • 'e ls and always tum ble Olid th o se__

)ut of the kitchen.n to any reporter 'cak ing-------------------lerwlse with any Ih ls s ta tc 'a ^ rn s l -a s lo rb c fo rc— ........re d a s to m y • kills. 1 do resent a } who have not ftthm ecm ploylng ja l dishonestyl to a n d in v l te d )n r -_:r«w.al!y<ind ' ..

ip r id e a sa p u b llc M A R ' n not apologize for ople of this State ialously.lt had not King’s ! . in doing sb, I was appear* lychaijceto . _I>endejr .□IslrtdtC ourt • c lrcu lal th e c a se ,so b e il, forthe< • th ingstobe U.S.A.,lhan a reputation IdatewhoIsnO't a r c moi Iboy.fQ tthecPod whom li

L u th e r :K K P a rk e r,oseaillng R esean

of other w orthy

, , M oore,'iday ^ M itd iei f^erpm (/,and - . . . color, o 1 F alls, a re lo b e ‘ Is a m a s excellent le tte rs Incldi y as to the th e P e tlr[oM aH nn:ulh 'er----- p resid enent of a national beha lf c ; also for the C arl B rlit thetrroneous whose c orialofO ct. G ina o f th e U

byade<f m a n y y e a r s _______ K ing '

containing much Commlick ingjom ost ActivitIcea.The Tim es,ase of the H erald been abtropolllan Review. . lack ingred a fine trea tise agenclc:in Luther King A m ericmond, (Va.) N e w s__^subi^n9G9, In an artic le I fa n jUng W iretap?" you w itriotic L etter affllialia, Calif., years publica

hyM.^frthers In. I9G0.bverslvetraln ing ■ I tru sis to ac tlv lte so f yo u rp u<School. Dr. subm ltl

m m o w N


t e 4 S _ ^ J S . p .

/ \ f e a t e r s

5 a n s ' a n d -

_______________B r i n g t

--------------------R e c e i v e

- 7 m

O N E D A >

---------p a n a H - o .

i m E S 3 >

U - ^ O -

D N , ®

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- Ca D ca B a D^ CMARGE IT ON YOUH D0^


i s s u e

R T IN L U T H E R K IN G J l i c s t i o n a b l c a f f i l i a t i o n s ?

■s U nited Front, which first a red in the Richmond News ler of & pL 27. has had wit ilatroh; It points to King’s affln leCom m iinlst parly of the .. \ . , his role In the NA^\CP, etc. M r. Jo n es has suggested. Iher fiony reputable Negro iVmerla miiTht be honored, but not Marl e r King. His quotation as to JT7 e r , of the Lincoln Institute for a rc h and Education, is reflectl le rs ; Why not c lv ecred lt t o - ; tiy Negro A m ericans like Arch •e,'George SrSchuylerrRevrH dell, M annlngjohnson, whose

com m unism and common se: nastcrplecel:ldentaliy. King was a signer o 'e tltlon for Clemency to the - IdeiJfof th e United States7o n - If o f tho convicted communlati B rad e r and F ran k Wilkinson, e appeals lo the Suprem e Com J U.S. w ere denied Feb. 27 ,19G decision of five to four, lg w as a signer of the Feb. 22, •Petition to AbulltJi the House m lttee on UnAmerican ;itles, appearing In lhoWeW-Y( 3 . (O fcourse, theH CU A has abolished, and wo a re sorely n g a s lo any govem ment cies serving lii roles to protect ricans against intem ai e rs lo n Jinyone is ifitcnsled , I can supi v lth a list of eight questionable a lio as as to organizations and Ications fostered and promolet

n is t this le tte r is not too long fc publication, a s w as one I lilted lo you m ore lhan a year

WbV TWIN FAL E r ...................................

' m m ms o r t S h i r t !

I “G o r d s —

t h e c b m p l e t e i J

' e - a n - a d d i t i o n a l

/ V E N ' S ^ A l ; E " - s 1 g

O N L Y ! S A T

D - O - B a . B . a . a . E 9 J 9

-------------- ------------------

a m e ........................... ...d d r e s s ______________;


M d a y O N L Y ! s A '

L o o k f o r o u rB ca ia ca ca B a a taON on AMEniCAN EXPHCSS FALLS 73-i-i800.STOnES. ,

e s - g e n eS ^ S ^ a g o ; containing aw a

ro leo f IhC'ChTlstiai under guidance of Is nearby , when tha t gi

■ - inurd e re im o rc lh a r ^ . Palestin ians — men, ^ chlldrcn. I had the w

__ Iro m an A m erican wfrom bcleagueredB<

-.tha lA m erlcansm us "C hristian” InBelni

| v ....... - • sam e a s one in Amei^ __ appendage being a h5 - a rouse support o fO i

^ U.S.A. r / ^ TERESA'D .HENl

I ■ Jeronoe

A Merit pav a c~ / R Y oured llb ria ib fO

— for the very best leac __ M _ jnejaL ostqcy .abouU :-------- ‘ W hen asked bow it fcJ J R . P residen t, U ncoln n ^ s ? h ea rd aboul the m an

feathered and ridder ra il? A m an In the c r

s he liked 11, and his rewide w asn 't for the honor' fflnlty ■ ■ would rriiich ra th e r v

Well, if It wasn’t fo tc. ’ posslb ilityofhigher] here teachers, we’d Ju s t a ricans thank you. The gralo la rtln com m cn t, for instani iJTA. re s is t tying the ir pay for p erfo rm ance Is tbe I; ective w hich I refer. Do tea in z r r r r r le g i t lm a te questions rchie' "perfo rm ance" willrH ;-------- who w ill m easu re it?5se • do.isen.<M5 ■ • F o r instance, this-'

color graph com pari 2r of for students fromTw

R iver, K im berly andm-----------D ictrlclr students s a

below the o ther throi 30. we lower, freeze o r r kjurt s a la r ie s ln D ie tr ic h t 19CI. A C Tcom panyltself'

com parisons of scho 22, th e num ber and bac)se ---------- s iu d en ts taM n g th e t

skew tho results. Sue /.York D ietrich w here only I ^ the te s t and scorcs fr ly adverse ly affecled tl__________ Y our com m ent ab<e c t ■ approving ‘ ’fluff

approach to educato: w rong. Long before I

iupply in te rest "bout achlc) ible education, th e EEA/I md w orking to upgrade] oled in-service program s >7 to p rofessional evfUual

N e a h a s pushed coll g fo r rev lew th rough ita in

th e N ational CouncU 2a r A ccred lta tlonofT ea

MLS - =

IN'Si ^ Y Q I M B i l l E

ts______ ®9

-------------------------- ®

;d c o u p o n s h o w a l 1 . 0 % . O F F o n i ign sT D T n ju rto w J U R D A Y , O C K

j a . r a . c a . i n . n

F A L L M E N ' S S

L-o w e r Le veP -J -v

,- -------------------------------

-»lly h o v o B O N C h a r g o A cco

- -_____________ _____ \!lA T U R D A Y , . O C T O B t

jijpon Valuo 1 /20 Coni

J ? " M E N ' S S A L E 'e a e a a m a a a j ^ s


• Ff

E s l

i m t e i mvam lng a s to tn e : < NC ATI la n P h a la n g e " ' accep to Israeli forces coursesgroup m ercilessly m ade or,an 1,000 innocent-------N EA .- -in, women and Y ouriword then, coming espouse

iw h o h ad re tu m ed . _“ nd ro itBeirut, a sse r tin g ______Flrst,-u s tk n o w th a ta - .a p la n . l ru t,w asn ’tth e haveU tle rica— th e - ............— Is th e e fih ^ d y o n e to

• T h eiNDRY------- — ^-^-havBld

a r e e s a

c o n c e p t____Oct. 12,‘.‘R aise pay tha tm c

ach e rs ," rem in d ed • Th«

fell to be professI replied, "You’ve . . Th« Em tarredand thatrcA len out of town on a compel crowd asked how excelle rep ly jvas tha t if i t • Thi)r of the thing, he__ _ responjrw a lk ." ‘ '■ ■ W here for tho bonor of a evalua a-pay fo rsom e traineet a s soon walk too ,____ el/ccU 'ilQitoua editorial • Apmce, lhat teachers level Js a y to 'lheir Ih cap fs ty p e o f ta r to organl:eachershave • A sns about h o w ____ _local_aiill bo defined and th roug it? O fcourse, they-------teachei

• Tba w e e k y o u ra n a cooper uingA C T scores thewoi rw ln F alls, Wood in trlns nd D letridi. ’The teache j c o ^ on-average— — agalns :ec schools. Should • T h r r e t ^ teacher procesII therefore? TTie c ap ric If w arns against effecti Ijool d istricts saying freedo ickgroundsof profes;jtest can vary and-------- *-TTiuch w as the caso In demon ly six students look advani fro m o n eo rtw o would'

Itheoutcom e. IcachLi b o u U h e N E A _ _ _ oppo« courses a s lls w hereto rrev lew isslm p ly percei e the cu rren t public design levlngquallty - - — Nov. i/N E A havebeen l e a n t e pre-service and detail n s fo r teachers and presid a Uonprocy lu re s . coursi o U ^ ^ fe d u c a l lo n T E I involvement w llh Tw l

lU iorlK e direcacherEklucatlon Idal

m ^ /T R IA IW S H O P S

^SAm m s ni A c t i v e w

» O u t e r w <

» F u r n i s h l i

vn b e lo w a n d I aU l te m s w ith/v erL ^vel^---------r O B E R 2 2 , 1 9 8 1

B B . H n n n m BH m

s a l e !fw in Fa lls___

_ _ _ _ _ cco;unt;V o5_______

N o----------

" f l

s i g n s . ^B B B B c a o e a a B i

Shop D ally 10-6, Fri. ’t

Friday . O ctoho r21 ; 1983 Tim


i t e r e s t ‘ -A TE). A ctually, th e decision lo ................‘p t o r re jec t ccrtalii professional ; ; _ •ses fo r sa la ry advancem ent is le on the local level and nol by thoV------ -------------------------------------------- .ju r central argum ent wa.i_lo ruse m erit pay as a way to rew ard re ta in excellent teachers. _irst,- m erit pay IsVCTncept and not Em. F e w ln o ro u to f educallon e lro u b lcw ith theconccp ta lone; Itle specific p lan which cau scs-----------------ly lo think th ecu re la potentially

he lE A /N E A and Its a ffilia tes . e Identified several c rite ria t h a t - = = essential for any sound plan to Un a n d rew ard teachers. We willloMsly rpvlcw p lans,. --------tm eetth efo llo w in g crite ria : • T h cp la n lsn o tln lie u o f

fesslonal m arketp lace.The plan provides a ca ree r ladder

t rew ards instructional fipotence wilhout removing ^ e n t tcachers from teaching.T he p lan clearly delineates

ponslbtllty for Its Implementation, e ro adm inistra tors a re Involved In ll uation. they should be adequately ined to Identify and assess x U v e leaching techniques. A p la n a u tb o rlz e d a tth e s ta te __

el Js developed In consulallon with appropriale'lea'chOT*

;an&ation.A s ta te p lan should provide for

al adaptation and Im plem entation-------- :o u ^ ln v o lv e m e n to fth o lo c a l' jch e rs’ organization,-----------------------------The p lan Is designed to prom ote

iperaUon, oqulty and hannony in w orkplace. I t m ust not t e rtnsically d iv isive— pitting ch e r against teacher or teacheriln st adm inistra tor.------------- --------------- ;

T he plan m ust provide a selection >ces3 free from a rb itra ry o r sriclous political whim. An ective p lan reco^iizes academ ic c ^ m as a foundation for )fesslonal practlcc.►-TTteplan^llow&aU toacbcr s io;------------m onstrato the evldenceofvancedlevcl teacblngskllls tha tu ld enable them lo move up In the tching professional h ierarchy, as posod to the pyram id approach lereby only a predetcnnlned-Hmall rcen tag e of teachers can becom e signaled "m aste r” teachers. N ow ,toshow youhow even4ianded - a n bc , In m y next le tte r I w ish lo ta il m y m e ritp a y p la n fo r c slden ts, politicians, nnd, of iirRn. nrofesslonal editorialists.t e r r y GILBERT TwlnFaHa director. RegtonlV Idabo EducaUon Asaodatlon

[N G L E

p l n c l i i i l i i ^ =

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B C lip - ^ l O u t

^ 0 A n d -

i l—n..................... -I B D S

r i . ’111 9. Syn. 12-4

T im os-N ow s, Twin (^alls, IcJaho A - 5 ' -------

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

f / m m ^

■ C o n g r c

S o v i e t jWASHINGTON <UPi:

Union -has shot dow — r-a lr c r a f l , capturing o:

c rew s, over tho post Rq>. G eorge Hansen c

_______ d ay______________ ___ _-S overa l UnJtcd Stab

In d u d ed on .th9, suppc dow ned Ilighla of both clvQiaii' alrcraftr'l^flDsa i d . ________ •

T he conservntlve law___ j^ rU o n jM i9 _ b a c k e ^

: . “ 7 r t s e a n * and ite iim e ~ Congressional Record.

H ansen Introduced T

I d a h o m iBy U nited P ress In tern

S ilv e r priccs a ro plii. ...........o f over^supply. lack.

ttem im d and discnchaj investors who hoped f

________d u rin g th e economicvestm en t and m ining c T hursday . '

■ . Th e H andy and H ar -■/ ■’ T hu rsd ay quoted the pr y: o f s ilv e r a t 59.39, down

Sept. 20 and <12.60 on Al

Y t y

P o n

C a iC ornor Blue

____ ____Lokos& A d d iso n





............ CurrsnlMod»l$CLiflPrko . . . C

______ n o w j o

- ^ 1--------- ------6-Q NLN


- Y(

MOST ARE______________


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A ____ - 3 - O N L V L . :C - WEHA>

■USI---------------- ELNAOp,n-A,m.

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---------- S IN G E R Modoi*

--------------------t * k e n m g

i A....................ATTHE5dLO\


I 2-D oyi O ^ y • Fri.

T:, ■ '■ ''^^ T lm o B -N o w s, Twin Fal

■ e s s m a n _

t s s h o t - p ]rp i) T Tho Soviet o lutlon i town 30 fo rc lp i ca ll on

o r idlllng the S hultz to is t few decades, h is depj n claim ed Thurs- a lleged 1

__ T he (p lan w aro Idaho’s

pposed ro s te r 'o f a lleged (Oth m ilitary and reportec lanscn." R -ldaho, ■ th e S o v l

known alaw m aker sa idh ls------- “ lt* s ied up by h is own W eek iriS en taT lcrirnn iic— w l th =forrd. Idaho) d Thursday a res- sa id .___

n i n i n q l o s tem atlonal Howo’

S ilver \plunging because th ey w« ick. o f ' Industrial cu rta iln diantm ent am ong d for quick gains Sjjokc flic recovery, in- P a r tn e r lg executives said • Co. a

stockpilila rm a n exchange dem and 9 p rieeo /an o u n ce dow n, d wn from $11.92 on m e r th a n Aug. 20.___________ sure-fire

S m

n P i e i

r W o !luo ■ 2 4 0

........or____ (Isn fl

R A D E - I N !




►NLY ^ EL 9353-_YEARS.0LD_____ I_____

' 8 0 0 “ - v TO N L Y ---------- S V

I L Y M O D E L 7 1 7 --------vs THE BUILT-INCTICAI-STITCHES---------------


. 8 I N C I R S C H O O L M R R Y O U R B I T T i R T l A R f R B B S I R V I C B Ql

SCHOOL M------N o v o r B b o n U s e

M o d o l 1263 —R e g r O r T -G ^ P r ic © ^


•1 5 7 1 0 ...................................

•uo ;........... ............................................................ ...............

f iO R E S -K E N M O R E S A T G I V E -A -W A Y P


— ^T-V

> E R SEWDEALER------- ----- T w in

-ri.. O ct; 2 l s t& S_of.,.Ocf. 5

I Fallo. Id ah o ‘ .. Friday , O ctob t

L c l a i m s _

i l a n B s __________

n under which Congress wouli 3n S ecre ta ry of S tate Georg t to mntfp public floyJnfonnatloi epa rtm en t m ight have on Uii ^d Incidents.I GO P House m em ber fron i’s Second D lslrict said th' Jd In d d c n ta . have gone ur tc d because o f “ foot-kissing" c ov le fU n lon by those who hav n about them . •’S 'lU rc'your RusslturA w arenes

in Boise going on righ t nov, fo n n e r 'S « i." FraTA-Chur e h -(C i) speaking and so forth ," h

t i m t i m i m L#ever, m ining executives in th r Valley of northern Idaho sal w ero not planning producllo

ilm en ts.

ikcsm en for Bunker UmitC' lersh lp and the Sunshine Minin

ag reed th a t record-lev( p iles and s lu g ^sh Industrie md have combined to push price , d ^ l t e predictions this sun iw t s ilv e r represented nearly . riro investm ent bargain.

S park ling^x^ jean_Cg^ ' ;

p e r ' sis h e s

R oor p f S ta tio n ---------10 A d d iso n A v o . W o st

(Ex tr o Lorg o B ays___^fo r RV’s & Trucks)- f ' .....................— .

S A L E “ ~

: R

^ C H I N E STROUBLE FREE PERATE....................... _

M A C H I N E S T H A N N E W G U A R A N T E E _______

MACHINESs e r f — ---------------------------------I© 4 4 5 5 ^ ___________________

$ 1 0 0 9 9 ^____ J w _ V _ o s £ b _GUARANTEED ':LUDIN G:........... ......................» 9 9 ° »





O N L Y A T :

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f H E A rR E A D16 oz. Loaf -Un-Sliceti

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Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

j M i d e a s' B EIR U T, Ixbanon F o re ig n M inister E lk r r h u T ^ y the nation’s

T— vttons rcQChed-unanlmo :oh a s lle to hold pcace ; to e n d eigh t y ears of ‘W ar in I^cbanon. •

-----------t-TlKHigh Salem did not1 5» llt ic iu n s said the U

_ ; __ ^TcldlnSwJtzerlnncJ.___

I i H u r r i c

"" j ' -M A ZA T I^X N ^M cjd -rjc a n e Tlco drove 25.0C

■■ j 2 h e lrh o n ie s ,ru ln G d -i,i • ! 3)f fa rm lan d and couscd

‘■—"•"""^liiinajjcs-oii'MexIco’s- . ^ th o r i t i c s said Thui ^rpcople w ere missing a t :

^ P u p i l s . t «' B^^BONN, •W est Germ i

•^Iw usands of students ; '^ lp p e d classcs and tool •S tiureday to dem and Urancel deploym ent of Ijn lss lles in Europe. P •police c lashed briefly In

. ■'.‘in Bonn, Defense Miti~ lY o em er w arned the pcj

Jh e S oviet Union repres IjU reat to G erm ans bc ; d es ig n s on all of wcstcrr

- } - ^ - ‘T J re -^ ro te s ts —Jn^V• -schoo ls and unlversit:

- — ^:**5chool; resistance doy

© ® ¥ S“ f l ;

—T ho“ G ov o rn m o n l I w a ro h o u s o sp a c t

: - s q u o ro foo r ovollc



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i s t f a c t l o iion (UPD - The n Elle Salem said intense t in’s w arring fnc- U.S. amI mous. agreement___a n d - c a rice talks designed govem m of sporadic civil of F rencl

no tnam olhosllc , Salem ‘ talks would l)c been rea ' ___________________ta lk s J.!oii

c a n e r a m

Jeo ( U P I ) - H u r - The hi5.000 people from up lo 180I i.r-m illlon acres liie P a dsed $200 million in s ta le ofB 's-Pncific coast,-^ to w n s- -'hursday. Thirty m orninga tsen . ocean.

t e a c h e r s c i*-m a n y JU P I) — _ dny of ;nts and teachers NATO’slook to the streets ra n g e 'm d lhat NATO w esterno f new nucleat- reached

. Pro testers and Geneva./ In B rem en .. U nderMinister M anfred cem ber,peace m ovement DG cruiseiresented the real W est Gei

because i t , hod P cacetern Europe. c la im ed —West -Germ an —^>nd-puprsitles cam e on c lasses,day ." the eifjhth tested . P

S B S e S ^ E i i l

r O R t E A !G arden City, 11

o n t h a s a p p r o x im a to i y i a c o in b lo c k s o f 2 ,2 0 0 si s i l a b lo f o r l o o s e In G o r d o n

DKERS’ INTEREST PR-or dololU ploato writo or coll thu

Gonoral So. vtcos Admlniilra ’ Atm: Mr. 0111 Parr 10PEU


GSA Conlor Auburn, WA 90002 (206) 931-72-J6

S H A K E R I V E R A UEvory Saturday tOAJM

Friday , O c to b o r:Al Peler* • Farm Itemt Adv«rili«m»nlOct. 19

Wort, tllon, Donnolt S Mofior

S a tu rd ay ,, Octobc_________ V]vlan Stoljla_^E>t9je------- -Houiohdld.TwinFalli

V.i; Advertliemenl Oct. 20 Wort. ElUrt, Donnolt t MoAo

M onday, O ctbboiEdna Oitorhout E«la>o

Advsrtlioinant Ocl. 22 ■ Mation 8 Oiberno Auctlam

... F riday , O ctoborHorry Roblnton

Mlicellenoout-Twin Fall Advotllioment Oct. 26

____Moilert.S.Otborno Auelloni

-S a tu r d a y , Octobo

Mo»tor« t Otbofno Auctlom

— Sunday,-O ctobor-------^ lo u U OBulka Etlpfo • Oul;

Advertliomont Oc^.39 Matter* & Oiborne Auction*

—M ondayrO ctoborRoyA lola Kimorllng

Shop ft Houtehold • Twin Fg AdvortltomonI Oct.-29

Moilort S Otborne Auctlonc

ATodnosday, NovomCooding City ft Counly Aoctl

AdvorlIiomentqcl.3t Woitorn Auction Service • l*orto

T hursday , MovomlKen Poarion. form Mochlnory

Advortltemenl Nov. I Matter* ft Otborne Auctlor

Friday , MovombiDoylo Anderton Eilalc

______ __Form Machinery • BuhlAdvortlMmenl Nov. 2

Maitort S Oiborne Aucllor

M o n d a y , M o v o m tKen Pork, Farm Moc^nory .

Advortltemenl Nov. 5 Motlert ft Otbbrna Auctlor

Friday , N ovombi.Form Eaulomofil

Wert, Ellen. Dennelt & Meiteri

_S.qf urdoY. MovomfaElmer Dierket • Filor

Advoftltomonl Nov, 10 Wert. Ellen. Donnell S Mettoi

M onday, Noyom botflwl* 8 Emily Hohbint Form Machinery • Ouhl •

' AdvarlliemenlNov. 13 Mqitert ft Otbocno Au<llono<


m s a g r e er e p o r te d a g re e m e n t follow ed

e d ip lo m a tic a c tiv i ty Involving a n d S ^ d i _ ^ a b j a n m e d ia to rs :n f r io - o n ] y - h o u r s - o ( t c r anU- im e n t r e b e ls bo m b ed a convoy n c h p e ac e -k ec p in g so ld ie rs .

m s a id o n ly th a l a g re e m e n t h a d c a c h e d to b o ld th e long -delayed lo n ir ie n d ly Jc rt i.io ry .,:!_________

m g e s M ^

h u ^ c a n e , w llti w inds d o c k e t 180 m p h a n d to r r e n t ia l r a in s , h i u c lfic r e s o r t o f M a z a tla n in th< o f Sixm loa a n d o th e r c o a s ta - - - u n e x p e c t e d ly - ^ W ednesdn j

ing a s i t , v e c r ^ in frop) ,th«

i e c r v n u k e sif a lOKiay c a m p a ig n a g a in s i l’s p lan - lo b a s e 572 m e d iu m

U .S . n u c le a r m is s ile s ir m E u ro p e u n le ss a g re e m e n t i£ ed a t U .S .-Soviet a rm s ta lk s ir 'a .le r th e p la n , b e g in n in g in De- 2F, 108 P e rsh ln g -2 m is s ile s anc ilse m is s ile s w ill b e s ta tio n e d Ir G erm a n y .c e m o v e m e n t o r g a n iz e n c d m o r e th a n 70,000 le a c h e n lu p i i s a c r o s s ' th e c o u n try - c u l s . h e ld \ ro rk sh o p s a n d pro- . P o l ic e e s l lm a te s w ero low er.

r s 'E '

ID’ 5780 0 s q u a r o f o o t o f -

s q u o r o f o o t a n d 3 ,6 0 0 I o n C ily . ID ' |

’ROTECTEDthu following:Irallon

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Fall!26o n se rt

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a r 3 0 --------------,— —BuhL-..j_______________ „ • _aa

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m b o r 2 . ________uctlon3\rtonA T roughber

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ic r ___*1 •12 - ......................... . . . .m oort

B o n s i t eived T he politicians, w Mng links w llh the govern lors - ta lk s would bc held ir SU— QrU enCSw ilM rlnnrt.J voy • rad io sa id w ord was

th e Sw iss F rid ay or firm ing th e th e negotl:

hadyed O ne o f th c diplomal

ta lk s wa s Saudi ri

R i c o ' s P

iked i t rag ed for a t lej , h it before breaking up ag th e M a d re ' m ountain rai

istal le a s t H people w on ulay^^Tico^nasbcd=lnto.-M j

htf COO m iles northwest of The ra in s-and high

s linst”um- ’

It is | B r ^ Js in

De- and d In

te rs _______le rs / > T " — I-cut -pro-

1 ^- - - .............

I ^ '

I -

% 7 t HE!^ O U

B E 3 r .T . T .T \ ^I------------B —

I i

" T i i. - I

. . . . t i w

; o f p e a owho have close H ariri, > imment, said the site ca r in e ither Geneva Syrian I

I. S tate-run B eirut— Khoddfli is expccted from Limit< or slilurday con- a round 1 llatlng.'sile, c a r bon

headquclats arranging th e in M o^c

m ediator Rafic but caus

^ a c i f i c c c

least three hours phone 1againsi the S ie rra c rops airange inland. At w ale r. 1;ro injured when power. MnyiitInn, lnr j> lp d .- .^ id 13ofxMexicoCity. t^»e towJh winds cut tele- /Americ

.^ 0ONLY...

SK?ESE 8 G R E A T U PO N B U Y S !.

R.LUABLE C O U P O N yf P a y le i i[( 4 0 0 IU


\L U A B L F •

¥<a>rM : e t a l k s ;1, who said agreem ent oim a tf :am e during h is contaicls v n Foreign M inister alxiijl Hnd a m ,- .............. ...... - — • —iitc>d fighting wo3" i;epor id B eiru t and B eirut r a d io saJ x>mb exploded near thr.* so< ju a r te rs of the Druze corrimui a lcm w esl B eirut lalcT lkursd lused no casualties._________

o q s t l a r we lines, lore off roofs, dam o i an d halted the flov^ of clrinl r. M azatlan w as w ithoul^elet r. A Sinaloa s la te spiOkesi 13‘.luxury_W «rW hoteljr-ani own, a favorite destin;alIon ricans, wcro badly dnmoii'.ed.

c —

- 7 - ^ 1


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49-; -; -EACH <

z z ^ _ i z z z z x i i

i ■ ; ■ ; i f w t i

^ L ; |£Bs© y a c c ^ t x x x x z i c

I F mH Tho G ovornm i

a ta lk s y lo O -a c ro s o ro s w ith is jocofcH alim r ig h ts includo '——- 7- -----u n d e r w o ro r-jp o r te d l i c o n s o N o . 3>s a l t ja . o r f i h o o n p o r tso c ia l o q u o l o n n u o l

Tiun ily c e r t i f i e d c h o cl.irsu a y . , q ,H o T r o a s u i______________ ( 5 ” a )_ o L th .o _ l

• c o n b o o b ta in !

d fl I d a h o S i ro o i .I 4 4 6 8 . T h o o p o

'ZC I G o o a in iT c n ” ',r .W lr i r I s o r v o s . l h o r igrJfrS -n - i - - so ld w ilh o u l r

lon“fd r"cd.



&ssM ip V l T H ^

H U R R 1

1 0 D A

^ T f r r e d e e

r V a i u a b l l

J f s not too lati ! great buys. Co Here-are-just-£



j k = o I h e r c i z e rB A m R I E S .....

1 pa ck

: i jJA B L E C O U P O N ^ a J—----- 1 Oilh Slie

S JE R G E N SB A H _ S O W —

“ F f o r I

• - ^ U ^ . ^ O U P O N : y j J•, Vour Choice


itRullffc;;;. fl SI LRulh>;v...J&pJ

F iT * f*

m o n l is o f f e r i n g f o r s a i o a0 i r r i g o lo d c r o p l a n d o n d 1 I lo d 6 m il.os n o r l h w o s t of. lo '6 S s h a r o s o i B ig w o o d Co —p p rm ft"N D T J3 7 - 7 8 0 4 a n d 3 7 - 2 7 2 4 . t h o , p r o p e r ly mcT) ir c o n i ( 1 5 % ) d o w n a n d th c ll in s t a l l m o n t s . A li b id s m u c k , c o s h io j^ s c l io c k , o r p o s ti u r o r o f Ih o U n ilo d S l a to s I t l o l a l b id . A d d i l io n a l infc n o d f ro m I h o F a r m o r s H om I. G o o d in a , I d a h o , 8 3 3 3 0 s o n in g o f t n p s o o lo d b id s fc01 - I h o F a r m o r s H o m o A

F r id a y , O c l o b o r 2 8 , 198ig h i lo r o jo c t a n y a n d a l l bl I r o g o r d to ^o'o c o lo r , so x ir i lo l s t a tu s , ~

83^ ).......I


C A R N IV A l ro r v n t u E s j

I L J O l

^ Y S L E I

e m r y o u r -

e ~ € o u p o n

te to take advai ouDons expire ( a-few-example! ralues-in-our-Gc

iH®RS ; ■ ! l lB g y j

lilBi a M B a

Friday . O c lobo r 21. 1933' Tir

. n :

0 a 1 1 0 - a c ro f o r m , o f w h ic h id 1 4 - o c r o s o r o p o s lu r o . T ho

of. G o o d in g , Id o h o . W o la r1 C o n o l C o m p a n y . 2 .4 0 c .l .s .and 3 .2 3 c . f .s . u n d o r~ w alg T — B-----------m a y b o p u r c h a s o d f o r c o s h B th o b a l a n c o In t w e n ty ( 2 0 ) | - m u s t b o o c c o m p o n io d b y a | ' o s to f m o n o y o r d o r , p o y o b lo | o s f o r a t l o a s t f iv o p c r c c n tin f o r m a t i o n a n d b id f o r m s _______f o m o A d m i n j s t r a l io n a l 4 3 8 __3 3 0 . ' l o lo p h o n o ■ (208 )■ 934- l3 f o r I h o p r o p e r t y w ill b o o l

A d m in i s l r o t i o h 'O M ico in 1 9 8 3 . T h o G o v o r n m o n t r o ­ll b id s . T h o p r o p e r t y w ill b o ■agjj—qgc^-riiUgiQD-:pQliDacU-


OF ^

i l M s r ^ f ■

M i l Y „

F I ! !

1 : ^

rantage o f th e se B O ct. 30 ; 1983. Iles_dlJh!fe___ ____ I__3 o u p o n - B o o k ! — —


^ m sr^^ ;N O O D L E S I

JA B L E C O U P O N I 'y 5 > 1 . 9 U T C R ; Ia - _ A i R £ o r - . _ - I i - -

i - I —^ biEACH ^

UA BLE C O U P O N ------Dyna-Tone tw

----------- iC R E O n C A R D P l! j calculator H - -


T lm os-N ow s. Twin Falls. |£}b»w A-7

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

G o v e r n !

.. S t a t e w

w a t c f f sBOISE (U PI) — Gov. J

s a id T nursday the s ta le___ closely m onitor s hozart

d l i p ^ ^ s lfe n e a r GrariffVI it ’s n o t acccptab lc w c 'rt

- p h a s e U o u t .”E vans, appearing on Id

Telev ision 's " Idaho Report w aa s ta r tled to le am toxic

— possibly—b d n & _ sto red _ d c lo se ... to g ro u n d w at^

--^•EnvlrTwafe hazardous-was s ite in Owyhee County.

___ "W e’re going to w atccarcIuUy, and If its not w e 're going to phase it

— — EyanSi-how cvcr, M id t evidence th e slie Is unsafe^

H e said ho h ad no conc . tho n 7 -ac re slto when it w

th e w ater' level below tb 2,980 feet-

R ecen t tes ts Indicated gr lev e ls b f about ISO feet belo-

H e sa id if th e s ite is de t be unsafe, there would b< b lam e tb go around.

S t u n t n i is c h e d u l

^ a r i n g ^ j. GRA N G EV U X E— {UP

esc a p e a r tis t w ith a feai sa y s be'U close out bis

------ w eekend w hen he trie s to- fro m leg irons and pad

suspended 1,200 feet above R iver.

Joh n n y Sands, 38, k n '■NashvUlo F lam o ," s a id I f ig u re s tho odds against

------ aR TrSffW r*’------------- —H eso ld h ls fa im in G o d E

h im th rough the o rdeal, b h o h a d p u rchased a $1 m

■ anccpo U cy ln case th eB tu i S ands will be_suspen

dow n on a trapeze b a r by ll w ill be roUed 6l6Vi feet to o f a s tee l cab le suspendt

— m o n ’a W ind Canyon.-H t a t te m p t to free, hlm se s t r a l^ t la c k e t , and a cha a ro u n d h is body and seci pad locks.

— I d a h o p u i

d o i n g b e t- B O ISE (U P I) - T h e s i Uon D epartm en t say s Ida pe rfo rm e d b e tte r on th e n tra n c e te s ts th is y ea r c o u n te rp a r ts across, the

.......th e a v e rag e sco re ren-------c h artg ed from th e lOffitall:--------T h e - a g e n e y ^ ^ d —ITii]

G em S ta to s tuden ts durin{ school y e a r h ad a n avera 18.9 on th e A m eriiah CoU asse ssm en t, w hich has a r

- • -36. ■■...........................—-------T h e sco re w as the sa

___■ I daho r a t in g ' recordedI prev ious y ea r, but m ore

po in t above th e national • '3 .


____ r rom .M PtllM r.PgiiM o lo a / & Joyco

_ _ C o r r e c t i o i

N o t i c e____ _Tho blcycio o n .p a o c

S o a rs O c to b o r 19 p ro In so rt h o s in co rro c t cc p ic tu ro . Tho c o rro c t i

_ _ ^ sp o o d

------- 2 6 '- i n c h o s f o r ” m ow o m o n . 24 Inchos fo r ; o n ly . . Tho re g u la r ' ori p rico a ro co rro c t.

. T h6 ' b o d d in g "d o sc r il____ p o q o J__inco rro c tly sti

o a c h l i n o lis tin g lor~T .m o ttro s s o r box sp rin th o so lo p r ic o a r o fo> Tho sa lo p r ic o is -<o m o ttro s s o r b o x sp ring :

W o ro g ro t o n y inc ie n c o th is m a y h o v e ■

' o 'u rc u s to m o rs .

Sears, Roebuck &

A-fl T im os-N ow s, Twin Falla

s I b ®

l o r :

i / i l l ___________________

s i t eJohn Evans - :

Jle will more ardous wasterv rew 7 an d " lf----------------------e 're going to

Idaho Public x )r ts ," sa ld h e ~ t ic w astes a re

dangerously Ler a t "Uie

iiii(n"i1li'iiinnnr '

a tch it very o t acccptablc

It ou t," the

H thpr<.'tq(e:- ' r a B S S | | eancem s about it w as th o u ^ t tho site was^

1 groundwater clow tho s i te . . determ ined to i be plenty of

l a n ^

l i e s — -

f e a t ~ ^U P l) - /\n -^ear of heightslis ca ree r th is B. to free him self— — n f f ®padlocks while mbiAo ve the Salmon

known a s tho V I D I lid th is w eek he- - ast his success------------------------------- C I W 1o d sh o u ld can y _I, but h e added V ^ 1 million Insur*- ■ “ ■ stunt failed. k»«p* y<>?e n d ^ _ upside. .. _)y leg Irons and t to the mlddlo nded over De- ^-H e will then ------ ^ vRself from a fchain w rapped . securod by 100

i p i l s ^ -------

: t t e r m a se s ta te Educa- I O F T IIdaho students UNIV

their college ___^ _sa r than their * ‘ j E 9 9be nallon, but 9 rem ained un- chooion t ly -------------------- -W o n -io n rn iiire d a y -th a t— - rtng the 1982-83 •erage score of r= .® s = = = College Testing a range of I to & ( '

sam e a s the H ..vf^d during the ■re lhan half a S llal average of / ‘5

i f eH irrl o t h m'AROS a

---------- I I iP J ! _________ W m mk□ g o ^ S _ o i_____a ro p rin to d

copy a n d • l «:t copy is B |S ter b ro k o , BH

n o n - a n d - — 1 ^ 1o r w o m o n -orid so lo M

c r ib o d o n ^s to to s in' ^ L ' ;

r f u i r i i z o ~ mr ings th a t r a . fo r p a i r s . '-< o r -o a c h - -----n g s. ------ ----------inconvon- / ' ' X , ' "'O c o u s o d - .

w »

& I'O - ( ^ . tA s y w .

alls , Idafio Friday , O c lo b o r ;

; ' Im


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_____WAYS TO DUY AT \WolM»«,>r«l\

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5 \ ------ » couwj f t \ . flr»« 3 Wllh Coupon.

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th ruO et. 23. 1993.



. r ~ . 'T l ' F lf* t2 WllhCoupEoch A dditional (

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. A N B S E T S E . E E S•m a n d c o m f o r t a b l e . 3 th o r c o v o r n o o d o d . s S-L................................ .. .

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" CONTAC 2 0 's - '' B 'T •- CAPSULES M :

2 ^ 9 w r r if ..... rc S ) '."COUPON (V ^ ' •'

> ^< * i'Flr*t 2 Wllh Coupon. ‘ ‘„-" Each Addlttonol ot 3.TV. B .............

Coupon Elloetlvo HlhruOc«.33. 1983. ■ | S -


FACIAL B h ''"TISSUE . W ^,':

' v £ 7 COUPON BFlrtt4.WlthCou,Eon- ___ B _ i _ , .___Af4f<U1nr.ftl fit PT*.Coupon EffaOlv* B ^thru Oct. 23. 1983. B l | ,

WOOLWORTH Bl ! 6-ROLL PK . B ; b a t h r o o m ra ;TISSUE p y ;

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Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

1 ,

_ ; Q B a r t €

: s f i o w 1_ : 3X.DPNIS.Gu<3.yLIN0____

UnJted Press IntemBUoai]

' te re s t- ra te s , tb e nation 's Uonal pnx luc t expanded al 7.9 p crcen t annua] ra to

_ : Jh ro u g b Septem ber. U ie .e_ reported Thursday._______

T he broadest m easure * lion’s ou tput of goods an<

. c lim bed alm ost 2 percent-

. p rev io u s . peak se t- tw o y -O -D T om pllng— Cnm m erce— '" fp ita lco Im ~ B alQnge'to say . ‘

' o f^o ta lo u tp u fls DOW comp] civilian em ploym ent ra te , c w t, is s till a long way from lo the 72 percent level t

. cession’s s ta r t. But B aldr

. new s conTerenco It shot com ing down lo tbe 8 perc n e x ty o a r .'’ ,

F ed e ra l R eserve Chain V olcker lold Congress thc "rem a in s tirm ly on tbe expansloo,” but be also w la rgo budget dcHclts could (

L o j ; a l f i r: SALT LAKE CITY (UPI)

' • -Folls-construcU on-com pan a p paren l low bidder /o r a

_ I .bu ild _ th ree_ ln te rd u m g e : ; w here In le rs ta tes 215 an■ m eet.

T he a p paren t low bidder- : -Construction Co.,-wfaJch off

NEW.YORK (UPI) - Lalool n_ ub'iSllo^ Aluminum^ gMtniry. 99.5 poreonI Anilm^y.aomoalie, tellnsdlnallo)'. i Copper, clocttolylic, aeliroroa O.J\ e.it)•- Le*fl, common, U.S.- prinun

I ?S,c»-:/.00 c-tn.: U.S. norvpilmary : ®'£fiOftV?lOT lnD0M34.C[ MBniisnojo. 9^9 percont. bo

” ®°'^rcufy.ms.oo-uiaoo7o3r( Nickel, olocirolytic c*moOo#, t.o

'“^lliaium’” ' N.y! Am. Moi J14|00-1*4.SOporl;o^une8, ^TBOlorwo'x,. UW.OMSa.W p7r Iroy

Sloei. No. 1 heavy moll scrip M2.CXW3.00 per O'0»» 'on {conji

- prlcoj; Am. Moi. MW. composito

Tin. n.y. Am, MOI. Mkl. jlloyor p Titanium, alfcralt quality. 8 H

miwtnum ^ y g ;j

■ NEW YOfiK (UPI) - Soleciod golc

I" I l l s : ' ' I- Milk* n «Om 2o. l . j W

Au«lrl*nlodcoron»..98iroyoi. MMfliiein?Op«o..«troyei, 5

.S. Aliiun 1 -2 rand .20 troy ot. ^u.s.wnoni JOiroyet. 2<Map|^«*Wo^^^ Its “A'tiean1-lOf»ha,l^»oyoi. «.S90 porconl silver b48>»1i««>^l*eBvaluopt#-ll»5dicuU!#d----- --U.S. coinaao: >i40p«reenl sllvor bagaSI,OOOUco value 1HS-7D John F. Konnody ^

“w S s f f S . ' r , “, h . x :whal Duyora are bioding and atilsra a Quoted by Deak Porora. The prices m. aoalor to'doalor ano depcflarno on ni lions.

- 0 ._ U n lM —Pnas-lAtsmUtNYSE-.

_ _Co^on_Jaa«____________ »

C l e i s i iHEW YORK (UPII

FoiKwlfle CO itloClKl ntlion- wkia eoiKMSiio E<ice> lot


- AbtotlLb," - - T ^ '^ IC O AilAiU ]M 9 IUI SU .

A«sP» 2 60 I <13 » ♦ Ws a i:S ! f ^ S 5 : 5Anil Chiim . W ullUt %

- - a — ^ '3 — - ’s - . i i t M i - ■ f f i " i ’S S ! t . "

e s ; i s - , ’, s s 5 i - sT 'AfflCW------ JB3------- S ’TIJ OU »W -

JeS ■ ; s - ' i , s S“; 5AmHocsl Dr t MAHomo J.« • -IrtlM -a«* »Am Hosfl 1 IMtSI iM ♦Affi - " M010 3* 'flfl ♦ WANIIljl 31S J in « ♦ HASUnJ m JH 1»A Siorei ' I.) K, <01, .A ^irt **» i j ^ 'a v t Z nArnsla; i.X- K I'] H-Axmco .« . «a «>•- W

' Au/co o ea n h - hAlMnOI IM 19 10 a u » HAllRch------J.« - « *■'*

■ Allu U t V »U - It aumi n .- ■ Aw--- ----1.»' « «J M'l* wAmei m niC17 <l«4-1'« fl (J.—nyiettai .o 609 U.-5H- H

- :. Utiterll M It 109 U U -^> 0«llFd -I.U 19«» pSX* U• SMHovi ■ — m « :u pn tt- h

p i I-l i s a — 1 5 - - ' i ’'i!-S != 5 -

• s a ^ e n - ?M 10 « M*»* M. p s iS

I lS 11 S 2 l^ - ^

i “'s

Bm: e r ’ s . . s t a

r i s e I n C

^ th e economic• In 1983 dc

spitc-hlgU-ln-— Bureauof-Ec n 's gross ha- July-Septem] 1 a l a healthy g o < ^ and sc10 from Ju ly o f 53.3G3 IrUll B .EOvemment jif fe c t—o f_ J

■____________am ounted lo'ro o t U » na- ™ ’™ ™ lUld Bcrvlccs m t-abovo Its1 yoara ago. >? “ ?.

a.iV. ‘'R ecov tiv r tpn iS ju iro^in D ie t^ ' ' t h c ~ s t r o n g c r b u tS ^ a T w J S no ty etg o tte i 'em shrinking Inllailon Ual a t tbe ro- a s measureiJdrige told a showed noh o u ld ' "Iteep e m m en t’s "»ercent range . w as 3.4 perc

- com pared to a irm an P aul The th ird <tbo economy w as even bctbe path of tentatively p' w a r ^ th a t economistsJd Keep Inter- “ flash” repoi

i r m l o w hPI) — A Twin th e work for ;>any-wa5-the— D epartm ent- : a project to ficlal engine ;e structu res million, a n d ' 80 wID “

The bridges ler w as Idabo LakeClty. offered to do The maJoi

aar .1..Uloy.u.oaib. Nov OTM M: U.S. 7g.&»-n.oo gee ^ ' u }«

fot) - «tiurjr prQOUcuio Apr 40d 00 41 nary (socondaryl j„n 4U.co <l134.00c-1b. OeP **

bo>ed rooular gJc ci.OO «a®k- Apr W

t.p.b. Pori Col- Jun 4S9.00 '«11 Mkl. doalor Sefllomon?p»lcea'< notlwe«f—J4raJ0-__troy ounce, ' _ 2 2 f"'ap — PllUburoh CHICAGO lUPI)-:on3umor , boylng hiab.racrojiw et>sll> scrap prico foiejMMDtcei- aio.rsc-lb. ■ ■ Doc WSO 3« or price - 6U.iO M a^w :ra W

p ^ n l * “ ,'i;ien!#n“ .!y^; WI5 perceni OD*n Interest; 3. <4.»c-lb.

H B H V NEW YORK (UPI „ H M , ' elosodThursB»y«gold snd ollvor CS4C6-112.0«

s i l l

109M 110M ' '^lemen1*onp<<

"t?.77i' V.SH ' r i ,Y , ji'.B ri'.M"

Id-piico ^ ' “ *12' Jan'."'.''.i Es*1imatod mIos;in ma/ltol condl- Openlnloroai;#.'

Sotttomenlon pn

- . . ^ Transports s ;

i S d p i- Dins« 1.D a W S1U.?S; t e * 1,-U .» Sm BurIN IlDa in u i lUUi

Ourrjli J.M »«.

S S f 1 " I s y l j I j iW S jjm5 & :S" oSi'NY z?» <’» JittHV, §^ la» ►’5"-

's ~ -ISw —c i* i! i—M cwrei 1M inn4u coaiui « a MM CocaCol J.B ' I3ini ca;*<** s n tTM ‘n S 'V - ComtE^-- 1.U - .

I S ' il 'I I' Hi!;- S ' l i i o . - “ > ■ i S ;

u ' Snl’l«I IM n 'S 155 ♦

X ajcw" ' 'iwvUnu^V, DowiJol t r 173"3:'A»

|U CSX MJ 10 UJ JS'i*Cun Hr. I.n ^^10 7! HH-

iDina .’1 » Jtnil

U . Oarco .19 M a 13>.-

'iH CKIlaAir .U tJU

i - S - J s — H I s :5 R 'illP . Eqcl • 1*:W«tiiJ^-

r & i :...‘MS'IhH oS-W 1M [iS h-

s l i i i

a t i s t l G s .

G N P ;ligh and cvcnUially-weakcn__nic recovery.dollars, the department’s

•mber economy generated - , services al an annual rate •Ullon. After eliminating tbe

InnaU on^C -JiK ron-y ___lo 7.9 percent.o a cU ed the UNH was 73 trillion.s t GNP gains were In addl- he second quarter’s flvo- 9.7 percent ^ w tb . In.the

lut-lnventoty rebuilding had— ;ten under way.1 throughout tbe economy, ired in the GNP report,10 acceleration. The gov- ; "bnpUcit price denator'’. _ ercenl in lhe third quarter to 3.3 perccnt In the sccond.■d quarter's m le of growth better than the 7 perceni r

f projected by government s In their September—B port on Qie basis of only one “

b i d d e r o rfor $2.5 mlUion. *1116 Utah r nt-of-Transportatlon’8-of-— c Inecr’a estimate,was S2.9 i


ges will be built west of Salt. s

Jor structuro-w U l-cany—-V

m s a m i(UPli-Gold tuturos ciosod 270 lo

or^liursOiy, ^ ai

K m u e<- J l f ,-

ijI.M 4'l?'.C0 izI.M Jjoioo O "oa .» '« |0Q w r a j!s!M ^

'iio.oo '•«M,oo M v« 1m !io w

:o'a on cloao in’a ptovlous ar ^o»:4;.000contraeu. _________ - bi

JPI)-Oold lulufos ciosod 2« points

'■s-m -jb'tr.:s

(Ices ontloso and previous MIf.; ITI n.l;3,M2up«3. JI

(UPII — Wurld suoir No. 11 tuluroa j | lyrSpolnljIonrBrtoapolntsfilflner, S) !.ooorDa,:e#nuporib. Di

l a a f f l y s - -g113 10 90 TOM iViO M

i ',

i S i i i f f i - "—Itea: ]S.9ncpntfscia. ut;79,JUotll.4iS . Mnpieviouaandcloae. jl(UPI) - OomasUo super No. 12 s | Thursday Uncftanoed to S ppinu

I- i r !

........... .. .....Btl i i «-25 22.23 22.29 oIIos;6con1raci9. S<l;B.199up45 - - - • O,npreviousandcloso. ___Di

Il2.il «0.'1S S(------------------------OR m-----4.0 WI-----o<

+0.03 tx 93.63 —0.11

r i i ^ S bSIIJ.IH DowjMJ U » JJ ‘

Dt'uS? '.M W15I0 JKUtl Duks P 339 Jina 2

... DvPcrl ra: ttic< 5»H*11j ^

gu - E1P|W • «7r m m — InucB----- :i n ---- i r a —7n 4 U Ptmiik 1 tl ' 12 M B

l'Z<, vS n i l iBU- U ^ ‘o°2 09 ’ n 2t 2 IIU* U FalicMI .K 19 M ?3 ! f p p .V ~ ^ 'n r S ‘3g - i i ’f | b '

!*•“ Fm' SS " ! lHE W 1!S; :

OJJ+ H ForiJUl I.eo NUU pb tJ»« H .... Fiatmit------- J a --------1117—»

SS-5 lE iL J I '!B.Ia^+ U CenHojI .44 I 'lO 1!j s : s a f , ” ,is ) , s t

sil 'r 111 sst'h—S'i* U Ginstie ; r : x 1i>Ui <i'* - * ‘ g " S4U*ik Oeod^ l g 1JJ<7» 3; i^ rr ii of“ AIP I’a in r " 3U- U OflMcmii . J 12 IMs u S 5 S ‘ ,:S ■ 5 !S

il’; - - s i r . -'I sIhI j j .' oUllSlU- ^— IM ------7 43»-vl!M -'* GutliWa - IJCW Jl 7 -9 4 — « K---- _

Is IS 'a ■ ilHIH- ij -hJcS” Uuifl' 14 len ii

e s ® :

i ^ L G N PG ro ss Nat>onol

. P roductVA m o t th e ruUon's g o o d s .an d serrtcaa

_____ OQld.al hom e or>do b ro ad '

“ 1 ® 8 2 IQ uart erty i 2,6^

^ SoasonoQy a^ annual ra to s

^ . I ■ _ L -.1 2 3 4 ’8 2 1

m onth’s da ta .Econom ists generally <

—BustalQect-4-percent-growt “ b reak even’’ point

n p j p o j e c inorth and~so~uthbbimd 1-;

— o v e r 1-80 and will accommc laniEss o f tra ffic for each d in shoulders.

•The o th e r two struc , sm a lle r fo r ran^M conDO - w i t h 1-60.

CHICAGO (UPt) - wnoat and aoMfa*'ie>»or'«i 'ihe*elos?7iiurway or Ooard or Trade.

~ , aoytwano ort 12 to 29 rt. ancfoatTho mancoiaeiotsdena very woakr

-SoyBoans woto lh# Wa Wears aci iraflars lalklno ot auoporl levels lo; I contracl possibly dropping lo t7.S0 November aollled Thursday alU-IP. ol

Protoaawnal flolling eontlnuM eat1|r In the day and many soytaan were Iimlt-down al one point,

Proloaslonata atso were, leilvt «« and whoal but losses weft imiied b

— ^“ n«-eomm*»etat- beughl lO-mllllo corn dutlno lhe aostlon,

Ootn corn and whaal rocolvod un port Irom eipon business. •

Closlno grain lutures range on 0 ..,. ^ ^

:Mar 3A2 3S2 37S jr

i ^ ' l i i

- # » - f -I

Kl’S" isa iU" )! : a w ^ iS i 1

s i ; S 3$ ' E’ s 15 a 1 ffi :

M.i ^ MM IW7 Jly 3000 3010 2941

- S S ' S "

S f i ’H a I-OcP'19010-----T91Q3------t«30C----- It

Ooc 1B000 19010 1B30-- 1! prte*e oo eto»*. _

p + u »i

” S & 'ill

! f • i I::— w -----3 u ju * H 1BIP,M ?«.-. R ,

8 21. t : » — SSom " - i S 11*

ss S 1 §5:'5 a 'IS ■3 194* U KKJdo' f.’} 7 ' I *9?U« »* I

i KS 's i;u io ,- H Lenm -IMSl o f • -1J3 ,20 :

:'.S* ? ufeiT'/ii .*} IJJ

<vi*u LoSrt** ija T ' I LonaSlr ,1*3

• I S i. p*: -“ a 'I *$N. U (.tv ^ 7

- „ ' " l I s s : ,5 f j i s " ;I u ' im iS ? , I'i? ■ tj i

" T ? " fIB

~ ^ M a0 7 .0 % NEW YORl @ B r a i l ro a d s pro] H S - - W g h e r T h u r a M M p e r a te d f ro m

___H - ____ trlgE cred .by ,In lbee lec tro r

T rad ing sic

— ------------ Investors re tiponder tho e<

j6% es t ra te s nnrf

a . _ Dow J(

B 4.77 to I.2S1.EM M ” a v e ra g e b a d f

1 0 8 3 '

--------------------- 5D1;G2.- -Tho New.

oOjujlod Index rose o.:( B an av e rag e s

ccnts. Stands Indexjum ped

1 -------- topped-docUiI 2 3 1,969 Issues tn

B ig Boarti

consider a ^ ra te -tb o —■ ■ ■ ■ w d

HEW YORK (UPI . 1 Allvar e<lce» Qu


t LondonPreviouacloselii Motnino lump Alternoonrur^

----- • PatH(tr*«m»rf#i1-215 traffic . z(i*Ieh“'' 3a

modate th ree— ------Ircctlon,p]us S S ?d "^ M ?i? .

Engolurd, base untabricaied oold---------------MtnngTineo; war

jctures are w.y ounce, meeting 1-215 silver

^ Comei apol midday_____ f . ' T n W Sn M i

aoybeana woie pf»^ou»3ay?eios. la/Iy lowor and

oat>otrUto2 rt ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I

ll'olw llh eomo - j; Ihe Novemberper buanal. ui.itPertod

i.otlaconta, Alcan Aluminum IK

Ilion buahela ol 'underlying sup- ^ U r (^ 0 * * Q (

3n the ChlcaflOOoae Prev i9i;9(ioo(.U)

3 ^ * * ^ lll{?9ln^(.BB) SJ8W 387

“ tSW Ss’ri^wSi?»T>u6tl

I'S »« iiiSdVb- i a i s

» ,lh^7(.72)

fK- iSSSm ™ f f i a ® " ” "’

S • S » & S r p l »??5 •43,500,000(.eM)•■Nollneomabolo

S . S J

' 2?9M ^e^ 'p roductipn i


II «9 MU* H f‘?Vi’S § 5 :5 - , £ k “

. U S w 2II ra i^U-H UcOrHt • I.US S ”

itcU-iii*I-is--Hen»------ —

” ’iL^LL—:: tn i9ut H ■««««'11 KA 10U4 U Uorojp n .. ^ SIU-1 Morj^ J2

U "Nabiico laT**I) ----- j.nT SFpSSffrW---------------- TJ----

ilH Jap B U -H [JWUo t o

-KfWkS .--..JJJ-----

H i s r : - ; | . o

■i j M U g

” 757 a'^* h oSd" i'm pp IM PacCE. I W

” }lU »S*l5 .PacPL® 2-'S

T 'S .S " :!} j’i '

n u 19U . , pjmCo • 1 o •

II n (J1U-H __ *•« —IJ UJ 19*4 « Stf l

TCI lOH-U PWUm' J-MJ a m - u Piiiwr d .o:} 111 flia- u . Potiraid - 1


irket ht)RK (U PI) — Airlines and uopelled the stock m arket ir8day_as_Wall S t r ^>m two staggering setbacks by, dL<?appointlng cam lD g s_ ronl cs field.slowed a b it from rcccntla TTiPgnhiiplf lrwl»iitlrtn?>l _c trca to d to th e sidelines to I econom y's outlook, intcr- uid corporate com ings re-

' Jones industrial averane, 1.06 W ediTc^ay. reboundeil il.52. Ttie c lo sd y watched td plunged 17.89 Tuesday, iw Jones transportation limbed 7.47 to 591.30, ju st


N. York Slock Exchange 0.16 to 9G.21 and tbe price of 9 shore w ^ I n c r tu i^ six ndard & P o o r's 500-stock )ed 0.25 to 1G6.98. Advances dines-864*748-am ong-lbe— I trad ed a t 4 p .m . BEDT. ord volume slipped to

UPI) — Fereion and domotllc gold guotsd In.doiUfs.per. iifiy Bunco -

ell( J34.375ori.J.M.

Z n f J W S . ----------


aae price lor rollnlna aellllna and 3ld M0.19 oil 4.25 per troy ounce. fabrliaTOd gold-«9.ee-ofl 4.« per-

Sdayallvor 9.&3oir0.02■taiman quoled allvor. a t-H JJ psr- 'jr^'qudtnd a base prlce'for Indus- ■19 u oil SO S3 and a once tor

rprofluctsoijio.OD/oirjo.eSi. e nilng changea v e ba*«d on lha :loslngprieo,l '

I IntirnaHonalNe1lneomejpefaha/o)

YearEanier iiLtdOnJQ). Jl,300,000,001 , :---- -— ^— ^d-J15,000,000 —'^ « n g C o .P r .O , ^ !irdO) t3i,490.0M(1.22J I

j^ iioo ’i’.w■ »9»,9«.C« J1,U2,600t.l7|


1943.413.0001 _________ IM.MS.MaUJ)----;

IJflO.iM.OOO U,017,6W(.21) I

|jnjO) J20.»O,dW(.53l I

'..i' .i

.,‘, w s ■;

j.jjj_______ ^ ___ j

ti.s^ilai’t’ iJPfflO) , - . - 1

tt-HMOO.OC«3(.Qjj i BolOfO nocurilios transaclions.IQ) ,N !

st.mtSot'.'??)....... ..............UtM.OXI

J4,9O3,0M (1.021 ;eIA»Mi:lailon(lrd 0}

1203.577.000 ju.eeo.6oo 1.501

trdO)--------------------------- $441,000.000-----

0-».300,(BO i(2ndQM0) 1

l9,BOO?iCO( • «<3rdO) 1

)(SrtJO) • ; _ ]~ r "TM.'002Toob'('B) Iwiore securlllso iranMcDons. j

I 77J J m -U .Ur - S J f u l S piTg't U

5ica.»^;su-iu ^iii)» Ji

13 22\4-U 5n!Sln 14J0J9 113'*«JU nlUStUj :i S 5 1 S s [J9 B n n 7 2 “

-N ^I J« 40H* U l i

® i ? 11!------- nr ---------------- z

13 6 , ^ 1^

131J-S M ui^■0 1 h W p?9U. ‘ n■ " • 'n S .SioWii._ ifc

j:m piju* u" ' K

10 . 27 79U . .

- ” JJ SoulfiCc 1_

“i i u 'u

' 30 n “ * if swo<«i ■ 2.S

■\W l s - I' S SuniMn# k--~ T v S pSJrS^rTg!,;!” " ” ^

,1J MJ 31 . H ToloJino .J21DJ tWrt . . t^ifilQ .29

r e a k s i i h1 86,000.000 share.'! from t trad ed Wtxliiesdny nj; mm i_ _ rc trc n te d . In (he sirfoiine 5 tw o tumuUiioiLS ftes.<;lons.

xin oversold condition t in I ov e r lho p ast few days.”I - B erlin— of-------Sboarso1 Kxpn?s.s. •‘Bill Uie bounco- in autliorily. The vofmr- particu larly Rocd,”

“ Thc stru iig lh in Uic i ra ilro ad s Indicates Invc

1 fa ith In Uie economy," si I M etz of Oppcnheimcr i

tra d e rs s till a re dc/cnslveI onlyqunlitysU K ks.”t T he governm ent repor f— Henie-gpots^uaUfiRal-pKKi — esUmuted.-.T,9' pcrccm “ ii

NEW YOOK (Ul-I) - Mono, ltj!< : provldod^t:yTo^ior^oSy3iem5,tnc

! S S g . :OOtoWdiys !>0i .

IMIOtTil clnytinos ieaioJA)d.iy?t55g ; 5 .7 S i r ;B ;S 7 r j s . . ^

— s ; ; s i i s s i : i i s % --------------laSuBtsJTOdayse 75

UIO39days 0.95901o119fl.-iynIMIOITBMys'TOJieoto2Jat;ii,sii.is240lo?09il:>y.5 15

-------nroitnT O ii^nT O i'riaarnJT S'Eurodollar nalKs:

(Interest ratos in aocondary maikol DMuvJOIIorodi

. S S T r a -emonin g

U.8,TrM9uryOlili:- t » w r ; f- amonlTii.H S3-'K'I.‘

Omonltir. U72-L 0/Fodotat f uiuls: HkjIi 9 J-8, Low fl .va

Toloralu l.1o>io/ Maikol tndOi Thi

Inland Glont CoCra 01 . I7fl7,422,0ca

d-J2i,24 ,000----- <Metic(l - - ............... ..........

KnighI nidder Nowepcpera lnc(3id 0:


----113,600,000 J.03)-------------------------

Ml^d?o bouih lltlMins (9mos) $?{lMi2!oiSm.07j . JJ__ Ulxlng mg (Inl f))____________Ilh,o60,o6oil 51) j'liNswYar1(Tlmc>uCo<3iJ0)J2M.700.000S14,«M,000<I.1J)Ploneef Standard (Jnd 0)jWSBi^'roi

S2il,060,0i0(2.0.i) J2iK ’S ® - ” '•d^togjjoo. W37,M0(

d-doticit. . . • -Santa Fe tnDualfl09(3rdQ)

- SaintyN'i^aiaioCofpCSrclQ)i-M,t50,000(2.57> . - • ».|

a-Knt incomo liploto'SBCuiilloa tran SI(jnalCoslnc(3idQ) siS to.coo.ow

SulhetnPacinclJrdOlg f « , i i V ■. .asurnwoatom Energy (3rd Q)

Sun«r’FoodSQ<vlc<]S(4lhO) .----M/;.22i.9i2 ___________

JJ,193,*05 (.Sll 'g « „ 3 , d O ,J44,?a5,£«»(73) I

l2fl,M0,dm(,M) 1TIE Communlcallona Ine (3rd Q)

Union CaroldoWrtfO)J2,274.100,0(X1W.C06.0U I1.12> il

1.0 iV:»u SIM 3«tt1 u

j - ^ ® 1 7 to i '• n

f i f f : ’!: lirT m-----

,J . ii5 3Iu" t uSLioi':S ’ iw J m t i

,M I “ S - nI'iS— iS ijti: 5 iST“’- 'T :n S « r1.12 -U1£47 K '.t H

T ^ n r l r r - ® 'I ' i i S":,5 wS.. 'I2.53 . 12 IW tC i'i- V.

- 3 - ’ - - E fi't,’ ?••••.' . APti.!'!1«l - (•■/ Arj:)

I I ,s - i i iIf j | l l 5 :5 | S1U O 71 29 - H Docofltof

^ g o •i ‘t3 • • II t?5 H-W n

'» Ji’ ..— TT— ' . FCTO

Ul»t71 c:5'i- V. Frci-.lar M irepit; >-3 r.jii.j

2(0 4 47J U«1H. H GalBJU

Frkl.iy ■

n 107,790,000 , q u a r t e r a n d i limy in v esto rs 3.4 p e r c e n t lc nea foliovring- ib e s e c o n d p c j

D e s p i te tb ereb o u n d f ro m __ stiU -a ro -ocF v itn l developed D ig ita l E q i .” sa id B a r ry A c k e rm a n o soo-.Xmc r ic a n—

w as la c k ln « - - n e w a a ro u n d ( line w ns no t C o m p o s ite

ILsted o n a l l I ! a ir l in e s « iid U ie c o u n te r Qlves,to re ,sa id M lchucl W e d n e sd a y . ' & Co. " B u t T h e /\m e r i(

v e And buyiiii; d e x s h e d 0.22 . 'a n n v o r a g o s

o r te d Uic na - c lliie s to p p e d

- i n - ih c - U ilrd— c ; ^ ; o o b ' ^^ 7 0 ,O O O W e d i

CHICAGO----------------------- - rangn on 1Ihursnay:U.n Cattle-40,00

i'i'l)i Jifn

salos ro.BTO.opon) ..................feeder Carte-4 4



r ss ■ r

.................................... Eal oalns 9.0?..10,64fl '- open If

PoiK<i«IIIas —39.0

'iv---- Eil MlflJ 0,39.ve.cion-'OM. ■ —Ihuisday g.0< up Soltlomonl |

j«i 9.000.000, U3 ’30 KO J434 J}? 000!2e, ai,4oo(t.6fii

Zonltnhadio(3rdQd“ «:m ooo ' ■ lii®S00°(J00(.70)

-----------U1«.11B,000 t-ji,IO(i.OOO


„ , S ? g S 3airyWtMliICor9(

» s » s p w UBln Thr nd IndusUlo JJ i43r-;9no3 j i “2.?/j .ooo

J2M,7h,0fe|l W)

■ ■ I 's f s . f : . . .J29 043 653 Coi CommuncalJor

. . U,030.000.0M Elliabelhi&wfl Wa1«

E £ ® = 1 S ! a o :

►15.944,OOOtW,- ’ •V ^ .'^ l '^ rinucllan; il-OXllclt.InsiranCorpprdQl

i n ? - ”.k. M ’cS!

, J35«.n2.1M


J609.J00.000 . . .J22.400,6oO).81)

J43.822,00a „•_H .6 /a .0«U S )_«5 ;*a^ ;dO ^}3rC

iro!^%)!i»'.w t t ' i j g X (.5ii _

3 •- 5170 Jfl, Untxi

’ , J f n | , S - ,?“ i M 1 ' ’I i» K3 jSh-'t . . Wjijn4i 17 ISl i r ... -. Wlirici„ _IM ...... .....■’•*__________W_TiIv ^c^"

------- MO— ^ s i t r r h t f r ' —

) 3« Ssin’

II M 313 ul t*I 1» Wlll'c ~ 2*3 13 f J « H w3«l« 11 ,71 15 t« t H. H

vom (uri) - GL.nip*K*> srip"'^ cSiVc

- litfoj .-ai . L'la . Araer-cjn Hn:ei 'HciniJdtr, txi=yt JO. 1«3 n>.o.T


; 'I III ; i P t ! s

------??S.-H *-tutws■ Cruai . tlCD H Ufl*

' 2« .'j’4 - '•! mngllU ai 73 13 IS - 'h Wcith

t O clo iio fp l; 1983 Timoc-Nfl

streak ''nd inflation edged iq) to th e '* i t level from 3 J perccnt In . - ipc rio d . - - ,tbe good figures, "Investors orvou3-about4bodcfaadolo— ^ —Equipm ent,” sold Alan ' n of H ^ e l d & S ig n . • ,

md lh e com er.” — ......................-—!lte volume of NYSE issues ^ l U.S. exchanges and over ?r Qt 4 p .m . totaled 97,614,000 ;

iy. ■ ■ ••• ,lericon Stock Elxchange In*).22lo 220.54 ODdUu price of SO .iharo fell one c ^ . De*.. ped advances 315-2G8 among

shores compared wlth” T Wednesday.

) (UPII . — CUllna m ut I on the Chicago Mercanlila^icniinpe

'dpen High Lov Ctoe* Pr«v (0,000[b:centtp*rib

ii.uai.BO 81.40 a i.sse i.uS:!SS:S!!:SiJ:gg:}! ■E2.43 a2.B0 e2.1SU.U S2.40

open inieraal 43,317 0(1117. ~ ,

■"■‘" “' i i ’f e g s & s ~

1 1.700 coniraieia: Wedn|ada^’a »ai«t

■ K S l K l i i l> 9.074 conlfieta; Wednaiday'a sal««--------- • -n inleieil 31,130 OH 244.

S;45w;“ B2;iD82;nM:M S7.03IS2.G0eT.CDS1.S2«2.20 .

1 0,390 conlracls; Wednotday'a uM t intorost 17.498 otr 2te.

r , ■ ■•■i -.^_4J1?1»0 000’ ------- -

°4lhQW0) »I.900,600/.10J _____JMJCOiOOO

d41,e00,c03 riors (3rd Q) ^

tre,771,00073 1 ■ tltl.BOO(,CJlxePioducUOrtO) ......... ......jar.au.ooo^m(3,d01 0-512,t o (.681 - .

^ , J 2 . » s j

r " ■

ancorp(3n}Q)31) ►J9,M2.MO(t,Oai -le betotn securllleslrsnsactions. iaiJons (SrdO)21 jis.‘ 4 ooVm ) ■,ivai4rC9mo«- ' -■

jfdQ) M.»9.e69CiBO) - .

M) iir .W § lo fl« ). -- .1552,303,000

1 ;«t 01.719,o4o(i .o4)tnclnarjrtO) — - ----- --------31 je,«” {«(,'?? . -

1233,2(0,000 . - ■ tMM,40O,CDO.

3fdQ)_.. ----- . I13171COOii7a,to(.08) . I 7 4 J » « _______-

“ (3rtO) '$lt3.S30,000 C2,44i,6oo(.r4)

1541^,000» l $23i94,(»(1.07)

l . » 0 . " ■ * “ :

S U o ,----------- 1102^,000 • ‘) tti,ei2,ooo(.sii


k : '■wjijton .72 DSSS » U -H Wh:k 'C 1 .. 19E9 pZ21i-1*!vrW 2.0 7 in 2DU*'..." ■ j 'wur>;n 1.40 I S) T1W- H '■ Wo:lh£ 1J> IU31 a » HSirmV-" 1? — T ’V,-;:c«ling SI .. 21 23W- Hvmipool 1J3 11 M 43U4 UWMlnC 1J0 1l'-21 av, ...Wtiliker 1.K 14 IK XH4 4Will Co I.JO 40 99 p»U4 HK t - H S — ‘h S - J i S r ! ! - ^—xvr—X»>or 3 IJS77 M 4-1H .MU— a — B r W s i l l ---------Zurrtftd ■ m ,1 0 2JH - \k

Gi.nI nant 41 1lh4 UcnL>Ch .30 J« :i fll ♦ *t • ■'i-CultCOi .« .. IU KA . .Hiinfl ' . - t- ' .ii to -29 , . -II..U.T 1»> (33 10 - Kllu-'iGI ,19 9 23 tK . .lT3li;i •• 1.«3 ■ .31 »H« H

i s ’ “I l l l i i i ' !

flO!on;.m A II 231 43H- H ,5<Jilion . O r r 51 7H- M ’Sijn»tt Hjg ■ II 9 9U- U ,S«n9.«e • - ill . 3U- 5* : . ,r-j?orln 10k 14 B II-- •

■•. i i»f? 'mr 5 ■■Ti£ -Conm JOJH pjru-tte- TutwsOe- . -. A<- - - - I ». -4fc-,., • - 1 — Ufl* flesour .4 1 71> ...«fmtin .12 19 131 14 - HS*A__

>N ow o. Twin Ffllla. Idaho A-fl

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

W ' j M M l

I'M o n th C om m od i . M a y M a ln e s

•»-* ‘ ----------F e ^ l l v e c a l U e; j l t - D e c . U v e c a lU e ; X *’ - - N o v ^ f e e d e r c a t t l : D c c J i v e h o g s ' .; - u - : . . - D e c .w h e a t i D e c .c o m

' ----------------DGCTSllvcr----------I O c t . go ld

.......... D e c ^ p p o r_ M a r. s u g a r _____

N o v . s o y b e a n s D e c . T r e a s u r y Bi

i: '*, Q u o ta t io n s ' f ro m N• p r o x lm a td y - 2 p .m .___ •' t r r d r nl^ r Tnfprrfpn

o o -n o t^ lh d u u e rtrtitS=n: I d o w n ’ o r c o m m lsj • ' _ q u o ta t io n s a r c p ro v id e d• r ~ J o n e s & C o .

: Bid. • - M o o r e F l n . G p . 23.12

I n te r m n . G a a 17.25L o n g . F i b e r 25,OCT r u s - J o l s t • - 3LM

• ; , C o n s d .F o o d

JOLIET, III. (UPI)-LI**llo«h:_______ Cailie 33; aaiea h5«i(ici''ni 10 I

''*Mo^s roO; uaflino (•Iti)' ocli• ; So'.'r^.sa


eslabllsned: low loodor tio-------- — MHors— slMdjr— lo — (itmJ—

moaium ana laiga (ramo i

. I -TOO IC9, «.00-55.(M.


; "‘sheep 50: ahotn an^hi ! lol-.etioico and primo IM i

I.M: nigner Bl S3.00.■ ; DES MOINES. lOWJ (UP

earlol freah «ul moal Irai Beol iradlng ana Cemai

• boo! nol esiafillJMJO; cneici• DOO' lbs.-n.OO: cholco O'afl'

— I BTTKT— cnrnco— uiaJo <—eoo


i i sR?flhor. '“w.ZI Ibo. e*'sM(!.C

--- ------ hjoho'.— -*1>»___“ I jjq “0

hiQhcr. 'iV m Ibs’ ' Tt.OO-n.OO

- - S " U F 1 5 . : " V 5 ; “ 1; Dosion bulls no aalos rop<

j; Now c J jS"'! Troaaury:■ a r ,

i I " Ocl

i ' ' 1

• i - i - ..... i‘- ._ 1 ,__ Fob _ , ?

r I t ' 'Mar t

■ S ; IS ;■

ey Unll*d Pt#«» I NYSE Indoi I

----!-----r.-A 3t—liWBr---------- r -----. Oowsiono* Ind IJ.

. S 4 P 500 Stocks »

O PE N I—~ — O ctober:

through 2— FSEE-Wor t PracBssini

Friday anJ Satii Call t o Restm al

Prizes IncluilB Ag-Plaoni , GX100 Giapliii; P rin tir


1"------i C T j] --------------r ' e m s w .

' ,1 u! ,, i" < i M iiiT ^ iiisk im r

~ * a S K - ? S — 1' N othing Down $42 .3 5. • , 5 Y ear Al 1 6 % APR ! , . , In tere st F ree . No

1 ' - m ASRicmuRju-so i . sprciiaLYPBici

; . ICOffimERiOpPI tynw ood ShoppingI • - • iaODIfJff h

. 73.4-919I orT otlFfooC t• _ A lio Pocalsllo ond (

' A -10T lm os-N ow 9.T w lnF

I& rket©

P r e vo d lty C loso H ig h

6.80 5.82I e ----------C0.275-------- C0,45—le 01.125 61.40Q tue C2.70 C2.875 [.■„ - .--13 .025 ' '43.40 .V

3.69 3.68'A - 3.42^4 3.41'/4

------------------9.68----------- 9 .75—391.10 394.00

________65.50 60.2010.76 10.70

5-----------------8 .4 4 - - ' ‘8 .37—yrBills 91.29 91.29

Q u o ta tio n s f ro m S l n d a l r i

N A SD a t a p - W e s te m 1. A l l - b i d s in - U ta h P o d p n lp r q iio tn tio a s A l b c r ts c

n lss ld n . T h e s e D a r t - K r le d b y E d w a r d D . C .P . N a l

H o s p . aB id A sk C m y . P s 3.125’ 23.50 F lo . C oa 7.25 17.625 M a y la g5.00 25.50 B a r ry W 1.60 — 32.25-------1st. S e c .

48.75 1 st A m E

-----' I'o BsiablUh a marVoi i

: ib^ S K ;Ouoiatior\:

(UP:) — Li«'esiock align'liaaino not lully Wahftbeantisioora ar;d looser a iw ^ B T n

(jraoa J Hoisioinj oqi, «Ki,e Foodof hollers W - s.Manaoals -modoraloly — aclhret— ■nrafri’’pr^o'“ nil hlflVoV. U.S

X0.50-U.73: boars

«=7V= D i(UPII - Mldwosl ®'’Bo'’l?er;*P. irado Tftursday: jeo/oA|1.4

jrido f 6X-700 lbs. i , ,g o 7 ^ : i I lbs, 83.00;' nollor NEW YO lohtr: choice drsdo md marxo

! SSjo-too im . er.(Xi. aoo r-sio a

V f f i . , " ! . !:!S71.00 1.00 hiDnar: iiabiisnad: l2-u los.,- 15-73 IOS. -ooo :------- --------roporiAd.

I. ' lUPilt ------------------- “ it;

S 'iiS i

. . . 1 “ IB.35 »

. I ! 'l i s...

■ -■I “............... fl.M .M ....................

IS iS. B.M .50

-------------! S i!---------------- ! S - I S - “

si I

Be 12 up O.ifi— 7 » M — oil— 0 J2 - _________

1J5V5J up 4.77....................lU.Sa up o » -

ls !D ~ lIN G ^r21st-------- ----I 29thising-C lasses..................... ... ....... jaturday . . IrvatiDos Ianner W onlslar, ' i Ilte r and Disks I

P R O “lELETE--------------ITER

MIt r-ITrr.vi----------------------

“ i i i i ' Yc1395. -N '

» .3 2 P e rM o n tti.i p R o r9 0 D a y s.N o Down.. O l


:epts,;inc__________lJi!ng Conlor M NortK -O800-63J-9I32 _________n d R x b u rg v Hj Im Hww

In Fajfo, Idaho Friday, Octol

Cloaa1 L ow P .M .

5.78 ■ 5 .82 ..........------- -59,05 ... 59.975___

60.90 61.005 G2.20 62.50

4 2 .G 0 ..;. ...42.725...i, - - 3.60 -------- 3.60-y4'4 3.35 '/. 3.37'/2------- 9 .31-------------- 9.62----------

. 390.00 393.80_____ 64.00 - .66.0 5 - ..........

10.53 ’ 10.54----------- 8 .13“ ------------ b ;i 9 ---------:

91.19 91.27I ra n d C o .

j m U n lo n ' 31.25P o w e r ____________________23.75.I s o n ______________________ 27,50

-------------------- 33JM.K ra ^ t 69.00'J a t l o n a l ' 38.00, C o rp A m . ' » ■ 42.87J P s y . C c n t. 33.00^ o a s t .B k . 21.00 21.25 Qg . 48.00'W r ig h t ■■ '- 31.50iC .B a n k 25.75 26.00 n B k P .B c h 10.125 10.25

oJoVlo’a?:O.Mana(?am.OO----------ilnM: 3 al 21.00 ai d 10 al 70.00 •hllos; 1 SI 25 CQ, 5sl 2< 00*nd 2al 27.00. lona roprosonl ollorlnfls ol loporimt

courtos^ Ol W*at«fn^08sn Dealorian tax and slorago cttarnos.

ihiio wtioai 3.1S, u risy 9.E0. mli«d gralioats 5,50. and com 5 M.Dfleos aro Di»nn dally by FUngon a. Othn

ricoa aro an a.oraod or 9«v<iril MiQli jaiorquolauoro^oblain^odwoo^.^ ^ l”al’oii8S.°Piicea ‘'l° « ‘m*eacbgayi

kOO (UPI) — Qulk aoMIng prlcos ol fiullo a aa roporiod by USOA Tnursday:: Pilcoa paid to doiivory unchangod: (SPricos paid lo flohvory lowor: pricos !■

YORK (UPI) — Carton ogo linji ptlco irxol ifonda aa roporiod by tno USO; i 'paid and U«il.«rod lo Now Yorn.iio/ef'^paid' and deNvorod lo roiallera: E<l' ■41: largo 77-80 and modlums 72-75,

" I t— SP

4 j

rou can be < ^ e w s - e o c h - v

Complete ru >ne of these


:tobor21 ,1983


, lOyBtirM war* lubillnl ■ Irrigunyy lowar and oi

cloio Thuraday on ih» nnoat wia oil ta to i

. . to aoirbeana oil -----------oats ort U in 2-.V -

TOO -maikolft'. dosod iao»Deara woto ih«

wlin aomo Iradora la ■ _ lovola (or tho Novombor

s a . 7 “ , .s > a .V “.. s v ,Prolosaionat. afllilng c(

------------AUIO— froyMan— lutuius----limil-down io*ol3 «arn< many soybean oH con

Tl 'Vo'rn"’'“a n ~ wnoal*- M

bunhols ol co/n Uurlnfl ' dom corn and

underlying support t'Om

= a —

I B 3 new ...YORK (UPI) IDo fye ranoo O' avoraooa: . , ,

f s

I no ThV!>da*y:"''''lnduJlrlJl»' B, • '" lation 2,w0,700: Uimiics;.00 H 51B,B00. •, g,yg tUnDO of ptlcoa (Wa y

rar ss:.00.50 !! rn S .““.00-------- -------------- --------------

-. . 5 - . . ; 'S tf iv G ^ w ith h e a • to (d is tin g u ish

irtmg • b y y o u r ( 3 e e d s . "alora •<as5 • F o rin fo rm o tt

H ; 734*6838 o r 3 ------• • • * « • » « • • « o « «

Omnr i l l j



I rts>REE1«f

g p

W E R- E ™ Q H S B 3 '

a winner t week7=sen(

ules and in s participatiWtM

_ (Next S

reabPia ■— Wheal and

aniaiiy lowof, corn oaia lowar ai in«

» CmeiQo Board oi

3tl*Vj'” ?o’ '75‘°'." an”on a vory wnaK biQ tojers again

lalkltifl- of-'-support Bor conlracl possiOlit ir -. Uuinsl,— NoasmllCI cdnllnuod to proa-

;ontracla wero limll- -

rougm ” lo mihoS ] mo oosjion.

• wheat rocoivod iin fliporl businosa.

IDow. Joroa closing

5 57-M».BO-Ml-M*2J7___________J.M IMM ______

i “JO 15

Inda. Trans, Utlla. t?S4CS 591.07 K0.03 1027.01 4J1.74 11951

| - l i

I3 a r t a n d s o u l . * . § . i_ _ y o u rse lv o s J |

r t to n c a lh 2 ra324-4402 •

- ---------


too ! Just c nd us your- riformatidn Ung stores:

lEWSl5 - r n i n u t e s K p i j j :

^ I P

^ F E bt

^ -T W '

12 GAI


m I r : iw m m T

B i a I« STORE Hi

8:30-5:30 J 10;M-4:00

S iam

r o i : a

; T r p

isoaf Gl\count the < - t o t a ls a v ir 1 in th is Sui

flmjping spree wil


\UGE 4 o r 6

V U G Elf^6


i r aMcD

- 4 ;


cerits-off Cl ings-ond-yo unday'^ pap

IMS’lrill be atWiHianiiiiliMiMWW


DUCK & PHEAS------H ig h b r a s s 'p to s f i c

lo n g r a n g e s h o t------fo r m a n c c " a n d 'u n if (------c o l o r - c p d e d - b y - g i

1 2 's , y e l lo w m e a n s

Mill f l (

& Shot.:^®

s s f lo r ~ ^ 5


a - ■^%vc S mw— --------A l


OCEEc€eREiAAY:oupons in 1 >o=^ould be- per, or simp

ip jim s I

OR11 flSANT LOADSt ie s h e l l s - w i lh s p e c ia l - - .......o t .c u p f o r t o p . per-.n ifo rm -p a tte rn sT -T u b e s— ------- :~ g o u g e ’!~ R e d " T n e a n s — -------ans 2 0 ’s.

_^oLOHBHANGE.- ^^pwMToinnrcri~



t 3 09 BOXS m ~ i :

BOX I■ t I

A o o i j o r ^ v i ^ ^ f i I

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T?frn!WJ , ' J l i M.]

Si'- I I

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-----------^K J _______________ ^

R1ES-:r f = = i

I the Times-s-a-wtntier !t7"7 :iply g o to :

TOfr 1

___________ ________ '

Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

\ J u r y^ ' ByPATM ARCANTONld

• Timcs-Ncws writer

■i-' - T W IN F A L L S -A ju ry ' vo lun ta ry m onslQughtu

-5— —y e ^ -b ld . J e r ry . PenpcII..• beaU ng his glriW end lo d• ” . The-Tw in rraide

week on a (Irst-dcgree C ch arg c In connection witl 'r 0f27*yearK)ldCariIeneGi:

~ ----------"Obviously J e n y “Wou]found not guilty," said Stoker. “ But. h e’s acccpt

. . . . wcU.”-f.--------- Tbe-niflxirniun-punlah.


I ------------------------

I: ' ^

^ ■ i 1

-■ I

m i

Coimc— — B y DAVID MOFFA T-------

TW IN FALLS - TTm- — Gouiicll TTiursday voted t

o f_a .p ro p o sed n ew .c ity iF ie ld to H arm on Park .. W ith less than , three.w vo te rs will be . asked to ;

. g enera l obligation bond Is It ap p ea rs ce rta in th is choloe-'w illaUck.-" • ■'■ s • -C ^ i i l m chibisra voteci ■ a ribdn w ork session,

eriglneeftng ie p o i F ronU er F ield.

M em bers o f-the ' dcpai

Z P t l e r i e i------ ByiCA REN M A lN ,’------^

- Timcs-News corrcspoDdeal

I F IL E R — T eachers In ; . . School. D istric t will have f re tu rn t t e i r teaching conti j beginning of each sc b c ^ .y

m a y find them selves wltboi I’- — ^-Thc scHool-board recCTtl;

j O u t~ o f~ iBy DAVID MOFFAT

], Times-News writer

4 ■fwiN'i'AIi:s4iUwy ■ businesses who cbollcn{^ _ . th e dowptowg B iafm ra I i

^agreem ent.' Z ' .G re g . FuDcE, .attorney.. S - .W ednraday 'an 'adm lnlstrc

"m o st econom ical and eq p a rtie s to settle their diffet

7 s a y s>110 ' . V' pn

Wl . Pe

jry re tu ro e d a v c n llc to f . J a ite r H iu rsday fo r 21- 1L-W ho-W as:flccas«t:ofi:.hii o d c a th la s t^ r ln g . un ildent wM bn tr ia l this ' a b re e “ to rtu re" m urder mi .vlth the M areh 23 d eath tri sGUlcspleofTw inFalls. r rt)uld*rflt«em avinx3cn— Ha old his. law yer R andy the cpted tho verd ict ra th e r I

noiishm ent-for-the-volun— eig m g jetiQ irigTa-IO -year— 6rS

r a s s s z s

cil-votei— bod]

n ie Twin F a lls C ity engi d to movo tbe locaUon Y< ty pooLirom .En)DUcr_jJLl.e

gentB.weeks lo go before o n a to approve a ,5500.000 b e ‘ 1 Issue for th e p ro ject, $30,( Is Ume tho council's Cc

;V V —e^4-a fo r th e sw itch a t; vo le t^ h e a r t r ig Uie resiUts-^ cruc

Ntipartment- probed -foi favo

i S c h ^ 17^— T ------ r-T7— th e flrst-TWJeflL '-’ p d llc y 'iW l

,,V tlicir;;conU in 'th e ^ e r ' r e c e i p t o r e

ve 15 days lo ' T he pririi )nlrflcls o t lho to th e teacr J i«vJt Qt-thcy. _ . th e board, tbou ta job . The newa tly ap p ro v ed — enfo rcedbe

- c o u r t p c

iwyers fo r the d ty '-ah d U»- th e boDstituUdiiallty^ of:

3 I ^ rovem<gft D istric t thi.?- r t o pCirsuo o n ou tof-oouct.

t ty fo r .lh e , b u g inesse3 ,.sa ld . :tra tive hearing m a y bo Uie equitable' w ay” fo r the two


M g i c

s m a nprison s e n t e i i ^ F ifth D istrict W ard ordered a pro-scntence Pennell Is being held In Uio Twi J a il . - . - ,

“ 1 a ra p titc fu l the Jury saw fi him .otm urd€r.L jSto.keraddcd, un lll a f le r the sentencing b« abbiit an appeal, he S2iid. But, it m ay nol because “ I think he i tr ia l .” .

Tw in F a lls County Prosecu H aan 'could M l be rvliched-fort th e verdict.

Pennell's ia te w as handed to noon T h u r s ^ . After lunch, th eight-m nn-Juiy-got-down-to-bi 6 r 3 0 p :m .T t^ returned thelr4/<

isjS? sodrock-at-lhreo site s at-Frontio jund a ‘‘fairly uniform plain” aa-to-lwo-fecLbelow_thfi-Surffl ng ineer G ary Young. " • Young said the city would neet

U .east sijc feel ( ^ p In order to eiieral recreation secUo'ns of Ihi [1 a rough figure, he told the cot e “ unwise” lo budget'less th »,000 fo r rock removal.Council m em bers Chris Talk e te rso n . ' Alan -W ubker and I jlet^ lo-m ove U»e pool' Ne\rtpi niclal siiu»rhe favored FronUe i&council-fijrat^votfidbfv^h&nuit NewtOQ had been am bivalent t ivoring FronU er F ield 'on the I

H a v ^ l 5 ^read ing ofi^newflcboel board— jDquirtng^teachere to .re tu rn ' in tracts within 15 days of tr cOnsicfci'tiie Job vacated. • ih c lp a is will read the policy Qcners before 11 is adopted by iI.lew policy will be strictly l l ^ a u s c the boardmcmbCTS—

d c t^ o u g )c ity atto rney F ritz Wonc

opUon Is worth exploring, t successful: — — T “

Im- On Aug. 3,~Geven buslnei of: thcB ID . . ■ ■ il.? N am ed aa p la intiffs w< Jl. In c .; Ralph Lockerby,-dol

Office PYoducis; Lowell Hi Id . H ay cn w ’fl . ^ a m w and le .do ing b u ^ c s a s ’Ramsc; ro N ordling P a rts Co., Inc .; J

E lle r J r . , dfllng business as

i - W m .

is laucric t'Judge Theron .....EaVlhncc InvesUgaUon. on the ( Twin F a lls County m urder■ ------------------------s lau j^ ti

w fit nol lo convict decribet lcd .-They-w lll.w alt.,.rtaulU a [b e fo re declHlng tim e lo i t71tlodksllkeUiey ' DeHa le received a fair wrappe<

Ing theecutor H arry De^ h ad d a t

nelRhbo:1 to Uie Jury about T he d , the four-woman, w hat hi

r-vordlct.__________ sa id , the

w i ■:



■ a s 6mtlD vesla iiUor-Flold.-Thov—nomics.-_- n” of rock from He saidirfacc ,.sa ld -c ity__ talnty_ofJ

Uie Colieg le e d to d iffa b o le . .th e colie{ to construct th e scales,

r th e p ool:B ased “ A f te r a : council It would Monday,-

I than an e x tra calculalioi heaUng

'alklDgton, John geoUiermt d P a u l . ,N e w ta i^ - C i ty Ma r to n ’s vote w as .college w i lUer F ie ld w hen wiUi Uie .la ilerA 'ugrSh-------»gated-to-nt to begin w ith, said, he basis, o f eco- The favc

d a y s t o td — bavo-said-iH U)o-past'th< n ' been too' len ien t hi allou if e x tra .Unie to Sign and

teach in g contracts, y In ono recen t case, Uk y n o t c o n firm th a t a contr.

signed by special educa y T rev a G reen, because it i s — sh e w as retunU ng to h e r J

i h t f o r b i'onderllch said T hursday the lg, even though It m ay not bc

Inessts filed su ll to overturn j

wnw> irnlhvl A iitnm ntlw ? doing business a s G and R

I Havener,' doing busliless a s id G j ^ e ^ : H.L._ ^ m s c y riscy’s' Window I^ecbraUngj

J.M .A., Inp .i.and John J . s a s Uie Beacon Club.


g h te r■Her lha t day, W ard ^nstructi2 deilnlUons of first and sec cr and voluntary o r Involui i te r . In his closing sta tem er )ed voluntary m an^augh ter Inp fm m lho nf pn«g;li o " re n « t7 'laan and S toker’s clM lnj >ed up two days of tcsUmonj e d ^ t h of Gillespie, a deaf a ted Pennell for Iwo years.

w r and m ore, Pennell took thi defenaant W ednesday lold

happened th a t m orning a tniy* \Lihf>ro <;h>> wng ffiiinrl Itiev had fouRht and th a t he 1



.................... - - ..TlM OalbuUl in

— ..............i...... - ......tou ring! Boise. B

Insides ^ ' g a lle ry i

In p ro g n

M S I —

fIM ..' ■ ■■

t&dLpocid the rock problem s, and U: f inklnb a long term a greem bge of Southern I d ^ o (or wa lege’s ; geotherm al wells Up

a-jo in t-coundl*co!le^ board , - thef college said It-.wou! ions to whether there wa;

w ater from Its two Tial wells for the pool, lanager.Tom_Cpiirtney explf MUS m aking every effort to o i city . But th e college also ;o-Iook-after-lt&-futuro-nc©ds.

ivored s ite a t FronUer. behin(

r e t u r n C Ctho-Ulstrtct h a s ------ Two->woowing teachers -Green - re id re tu rn Uielr qu ickly ha

. T he mnl Uie distric t did -e s tab lish I lU-act had been— firm w h ld caUoh teacher. “ I think It w as assum ed need lo ad rjo b :----------------------------•Set

U s i n e s s ie T he BID. a non-profit i c esUibilshed by Uie clt -Tp-inerchaniSi v -a n d ~ p ro i n | th o m se lv ra io p a y fo rc e i t - T h is y e a r . Ibe BID

■ < hpm itlflrnflnn p r^J>w»foI HpecJalpromoUons.3 T ho soven businesses c y .w ere assessed y nfa irlyb ; ■ ■ In A i i ^ l th e y 'w p d t' . Uons nnd to te st Uie coi

• SoeBU

f f l : .......

r in w«ic ted Uie J u ^ about'flve' tli » c o n d -d e y r« the bouse,' sl iluntary m an- the concrete nen lrD eH aah—o f brain injur e r a s a death DeHaan c ssinn, without P ennoll had

th a t ’ a s 'e y l Ing 'r e m a r k s a n d p a s t a n t ony surround- occuredonM !af m ute, who DeHaan si ■s. Along with - c a r e for G i

thestan d . " te rrib le Jea Id his side of m ade Uils r a t Gillespie’s evidence sho\U nJunxL -H e------DeHaan salle had h it h e r to kill” wlUi

I : ' .-M \


L i

new life f

•' • i:-; '■!. \

Jak ley O pera House wasin 1904 and drew actotB ilg betw een S alt Lake aod j. R estoratioo work o a Uw ;s (09 viewed from U » jy sbowD a t left) was still \g re ss th is wedc. |

; ........

____________ 'I ; ; ....


I the uncer- Is occupicd by a e m ent w ilh Councilm an < w ater from d t y also w ouia' Upped - th e this, diamond, a

added a pool al ird meeUng—Irian s a fc ty -pn ould beg in .-A venueondB lu A-as enough Of Uiose opp ) a rtes ian E m ery P e te rs t

wlUi the rock p lalncd.U ie.Tnno^hrj-w cck-t D cooperate c re tb c o u ld b e u iso felt ob-L; H^' felt c e r t >ds-flrstr4ie—^reaehedrSlnce I

■ would be constr lind the f ire com e.

o n t r ^ c t swocks t ^ o r c - s d p i l s ta r te d resigned arid nh e* dlstrici

h ad lo find a w th e t teacher, n a tte r prom pted ihe .board U h Uie contract policy to con ilch teachcrs will be returning, nk tha t’s g rea l and I think wt adhere very dose ly to it (Iht See SCHOOL on P a ^ B2-------

d i s t r i c ttu m unicipal corporation, was city last fall so downtowr irofessionals ctiuld^ "Itix” certa in services. ' .D split I t j b u d ^ t betweec :ts. p o o lo d -a d v ^ ls in g -a n d

s charged, however, tha t Uioyy by th eB ID . . , ......... . ..d to block assessrrient coUec- coosUtuUonality of the Idaho SID onPajzeB a

, □ Obituaries/Hos a Sports B3-5

^ o m a ri tim es. WhUe carry ing h e r bj s' she slipped away, hit her he ele and l>ecamo limp. She dle^iju r ie sa ta Bolso h o ^ lU l .___1 d a lm ed In his arguem ent iad .a .p rob lcm .w iU i “ celf-coj e y ld en i'h rh ls 'co u rtro o m 'b e l UTests."Pcnncll*s1ack of contrtn M arch 23..________________I sa id ' tha l he believed P ciuk GUlespip hi a “ raU ier s id

u w a y ^ B iiU th e - la c k ^ .< o n l Jealous rag e" a n d '“ black aj s m ore th w sim ple assau lt ;howcd Pennell d id intend to hi I I sa id ho d id not have tofihow"i 1th a tortu re murd e r charge.

) - '

i O p e iI T h e a t e r T(

;U 'B y BONNIE BAIRD JONE‘r ' -Times-News writer

i ' OAKLEY — “Hils y ea r’! *\ im em bcrshlpm ocU ngofU v

VaUey-.Arts . Council vfi: i -j spocial ono.

■; J Scheduled fo r 7 p .m . to j- :Wlll~Dpeu“ WlUi u dinner l[. 'O akley M onnon Stake Cei

iw lll conclude with an open h * Howell's O pera House.— r !' ' R efurbishing and' restoi : i Uie old U iealer has been th H l h e organlzaU on-sU ice ; -i form ed several y e a rs ago.! ; F ritlay n ight the public ! i council m em bers will set ; j new light — a new and bc r iT W s indudes n ev rca rp c ' iw alto . new s ta irs leading

j i balcony and som ething tbo j ibuU dingdldn’th a v e — rest : 1' K ent Severe, president • i council, says most o f Uie

i Uon has been possible be<

! history.: ] “ We have had a lot of " l i labor and iM teria ls gl

j'fu rn ld ied a t c o ^ 'to h'elp u: . ‘ o u rg o a l,” hesays._ • Affpr fl Ipngthy atniggl

j qu ire the old thea te r fiI M orm on Church, tho Uis:

; f fu rblshhig ifb e g a n h i eari : !o n 9 8 2 . Al Uiat Ume, Seve

• It w as in a sad sta le 'b f re pII long yea rs w iUioutnmlntet

. r; -S ev ere says the group1 d o se ly wiUi F red Walt j a rch itec t wlUi Uie Idaho H ' Society, In a ttem ptl|ig t o j 7 th e original building d » ! still m eet current-day I ! code requirem ents.

N oted fo r i t s nea r 1 acousUcs, Severe says the 1 can a lso boast t h a t l h ^ isi1 sc a t h i th e house.__ ___

J l ' ■ A isles h a d 'to b e widcncc : s a fe ty rules, all new wir

■ 1 plum bing w ere n e « ^ : : im proved s ta irs wore bul - 4 balcony. The flooring w ...i forced, a com pleie new t

_ i_was bu ilt and a new ligbUi ] and 'd f f i ^ ’ w ere a'tlded

k 4 o H uo-ontrance to Uie pariir-currei ly a softball diamond, m Alan Wubker pohited out jia in c tir the expeuM of replac i, and councilman J < ^ P e te r 1 a t FronUer would cause pet -problem s a t the .com er.of-F i Blue Lakes Boulevard North.— opposing the move, counciln j s e n w as the m ost vocal. E ck studies; he proposed wait Jt to sco-wtiethcr som ething c « worked out with CSI.£ rta ln ao -agreem ent could o e be d id not-think-new-buildl istructed a l CSI for m any y ea r

S Railro ^ -^its^freid to By BOB FREUND » n - TYmes-News writer->ng-: w e SALT LAKE C i r [the P acific R ailroad Wi--------------B uh l-fre igh t-o ffice

____ system -w ide prograru ra l depots i i i . f

■ p u te r iz o d .re ^ o n a it The ra il line, a

Union p a c if ic Syst Idaho Public UU

^ ------- :m iss io n O c t,3 fo rauth e doors and to sei

. , fro m Tw in F a lls o r i ' r j . a l ondy n g nmtv^

w ork through those . tera-becaiise Uw c«

d irecU y lnto Uio M ■ . eo m p u te r banks;’ a*

com pany announce

- I

Dspitals B2

r s ^ s b €back to the proof of b jutall

head on w as d em onsiniled ed la te r ' o f Gillespie, sho\— ---------G illespie’s skull, _A t tha t holding them up lo anlroU — oxpla)n-Uiese-mark lehavior S lbkw la te r ans\trol also— th e s ta tc ’s UTinffX__________bul.lLwaajiDLequi!nell did The "gruesom e" p ick 01 Ujere w as IntenUo n lm lr-*— <lofic3-ni(M hat.4h an g e r" th a t."

111. The DeHaan, in his (lithef. m ust re la te tortuj " in ten t— thumbscrewr-'O ils

e. Alsq. ____^ SeoTI

ra H or e s t o r e d a f t e^ES .. T -se c o n d fJtwr.

Severe says tho balcony was

r ' s annual wall. theO akley Y et to be com; Aill bc a and reuphols

audito rium seat tonight, 11 funds for th e mier~ln~th8— tholabor:---------Winter a n d .. “ I think if we a h o iisc In the work and m-------------------w ou ld have-eoeiloraUon of WlUi Uie coopei th e goal of o f o r t enthusias B It w as by for aboul $15,' 0. - - -Severe soys c a n d a r t s k n o w n as th eO a see It In a a num ber of j t>etter life, nam ed In honor p e ts ,-p ew — B .P . Howell, wl; ng to th e nea r ly 80 y e a rs t bo old 1904 “ Ho had a g re sUxwms. and w anted Uils mt of Uie ■’ty to h ave qualll le restora- S evere soys. "H )ecausc of and then brougl h e _ a rc a ’s _ . .o f . ac to rs Into

ra ilro ad te rm in )f donated they toured vli given or_ _ ] ^ e City to BoL u s t ^ I z e F o r 'm an y 3

se rv ed a s a n •pip tn nc- m nvlea a ro atUl from the th ree nights a wi

Eisk of re- T h ere is no c u ly spring in elUier R upert vere says, sa id , and Iheat ;p a lr from producUons frat enance. Ues also uso th tp woritcd p ro v ld is a p lao liters,'' a n and concerts ar H istorical -O akley Vnlley-i } p reserve nual m usical p r KlgQ and IM auditorium I

building- school o r dem ei Ings in Oakley,

r perfect M em berships he th ea te r w ill be sold ton! isn’t a bad $20 a couple i

_ • ___^memberships gled fo rflrii co ijijleo rh a lfp r riring and F o r m em bers s a ry a r id ' le rta lrim erifir i >uill to-Uie follows th e dhi w as rein- OUiers will pay I en trance, a te r p rog ram lUng booth M ilton B a m is i jd on lh e “ h is m usical groi

irmonf•enU y^^^B utrho^aidT tarbo i

tho pool, anyw ay. '' It the thei% m ay be no po aclhg sa ia ;erson Talkington sa fd Uu •edes- fo r a pool a t H arr

.-— * - H e’ thlnks tho clt; liman h itting hol w ale r Uiei Even w d l. T he expense i litlng c h a rg e " well to 'pu j ' con- —g eotherm al aquifer,•

a s $120,000, howeve Id be 'sources m ay have todings-------J^ t-T a lk ln g to n -&a rs lo H arm on P a rk would

rev ita liz ing the south

jad wants i iight office^) Union I

. — p ap e rs liG o o d ly

TY - The Union Shoshone. #an ts to close Its, .was gran c e - ia -p a r t“ of“o — sta te - a g e r a m phasing out b ran ch . C . .fav a r.o f-.co m - w oulddeaacenlera^---------------o rB lack ftnow called the "W e'ro

stem , asked tho Dick JUllUes Comm- reg ional auUiorily to d o so — - - - >erve custom ers ’ “ T h e p r rR iq w rt. AgentsXI nll-nfiHy mUlit t^tflnll.<thtsc regional cen- o t th a t tl cen ters a r e Ued • -Thero-lsn ra ilro ad 's m ain to keep w according i© a 'd a y ,” h e s

icement TTiurs- T h e sa • See

F r id a y ,O c lo b o r2 1 .1083 7

B a t i n gitall ty retjulretf for a v i c U o n lied in Uio color autopsy photos showing dIsUnct bruises on tll._arm s and_lCES, h e sald , p lo the Jury. P ^ e l l couldn’tlarkSj-h ead d ed ^— ___answisrtxir“ n i6n 't*know 'w hat' iiffto lell you’aboufbn jta llty ,” . ”‘qulvnlrn t fn wmortrw j" photos didn’t prove w h e th e r ' mUonally applied torture. “ I t • t-4ho-6tat© H »uld-eve»-thlnk“ -:-------

his rebutloi dfllm ed Stoker - • irturc to medieval rack and [Tils-case-lnvolved'Uie-"!^azi— ~— e TRIAL oa P age B2_________ ____^

ou set e r y e a r s

lys everythhig under - -----------w as redone (ixccpt qua ■ __

»m plcted Is th e repah* — bolstering of Uie 1 , seats. Tho council has B m aterials, b u l needs

we had paid for all o f i ' ' d m ateria l we used It ;C06t-u s about-$55.000.—- ;----------DperaUon and siqiport , - s las ts , we a re getting •; ‘ ^$15,000,’'h e sa y s . ------- -----------------lys Uie building w as ;I Oakley Playhouse fo r : ' af years, but Is now '■ jnor of the la te Judge f , who built th e thea te r ; :ir s ago.______ _________ i _ ________g rea t love for Ifie a r ts th is pioneer communi- I oallty enterta inm ent,", "H e built tho theater jught traveling troups •llo Oakley, from , the ;___ _ .m inal a t Mhiidoka a s ;

v ia tra in ,f ro m Salt ■:Boise." _ . _ j " I ^y yea rs the cen ter" a movie th w te r and iitm shown In It two n r i • 1aw eek . i '10 com m unity th ea te r [ , , pert o r B urley, Severe ; ; leatrical and m usical . ■. from Uwse communi- i0 tho opera bouse. I t | . jiaco for scb o d playss and also serves Uie i " ey-Artfl-Council’s an- -1— ------1 producUon. T here is ; , un In e ither th e high ' * : im entary sch o d build-!y.lips to the a r t coundl to n l^ t a t $10 each o r Ie and those buying ; .»s get d inner fo r $5 a ; "If price:------------------------- r r :jcrsh lp buyers the en- ; ^.. .■ln the U icater which • ~ d in n e r ,.Is also free .. , pay S2.50 for the t b e ^ t - ; ^ ; . im -that will feature f - ■us of Twin Falla and i : group.' •• ....... ......... I I ; ; : ' ' -

P a r k ^ —y. " If Uiey don’t vo te .for It,I pool fo r severa l y e a rs ," he

1 the quesUbn of a hea t source larm on P a rk rem ains “ u n - '

c ity has a good chanco“of “ " ' Uiere if It w ere to drill l ls own se of th ls'‘v ^ r and a “ r e ­pum p w ater bock into the

fer.-has been p laced a s high* i-ever. ConvenUonal beath ig e to be explored, hesa ld .n -« a ld rp lac lng -tho -poo l-a t-:----------3uld show a com m ittm ent to Dutheasl co m er of the d ly . >______

; to closeeiTFBuhl==^in P a d flc a lso has filedJ lo shut Uie Shoahflne-- _____:^ ..o ffice , -localcd ia - m e. On Oct. 13, Uie com pany jran ted perm ission by the,.• o g e n c y - to -c k e e - lts -A rc o -----------rt. C ustom ers on Uwse linesdca lw llh ag cn ta ln P o ca te llo — ____ _ckfoot.5'ro doing It syslem-wldc,'.':,')lck T lncher, Union P a d flc ’slal d irec to r of public r d a - ;

e p roblem Is th a t all of thcso ru ra l agencies werts _

It Ume, d id a lol of work.-Isn’t enough now g e i^ a U y p a n agent busy eight houra ah e s a ld .- . - ....... • • -

sam o work dono by Uw S ee O FFIC E OQ P ag e B3

Tim es-N ow s, Twln Falls. ItJaho...........

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

' Trial-• CoottouedtPom Pc

conccntratJon cam p” vai bcatiiu: and stopping < again.

D eH aan s ^ d the m ost ,ncBsc5 w enj a 'te rr in e d d :tcstl(cd th a t she hoard fig ‘to 5. a .m . and a “ Ihuj thum p” a nd from a Twin o fflcc r w to B dd GUIcsf tw o-days Ijeforo h e r d « w as a fra id of P ennell’s rel

The.nelghbor’s story d- defense testim ony about

f i g h t - s ^ a r t e d r - S t o k ^ sa

I--------doub^V b o told th e J u ry . ;doubts, a re n 't cc]

’• C oatlnuB dtrom Pi_____ ^qgertt^iJOW„caa-be_acco

pM de, h e sa id .---------“ V A U th ls 'm cans to th e

\i___ th e : lo c a l-a g e n t , he dLI w hJdi is toll free ,” ' the ' ^ d .

A.L. O 'Neill, syperinte ra ilro a d ’s Idaho divlsio d ire c t access to com putei

tlie longer woiidng new c en te rs w ill benefit i ch an g es In' tra in serv let uled , tb e com pany said.

-------~ E U C qwJceswoinan Di;------- s a ld th e s ta te commisaloi

S c h o o l~ • CoatlDuedtmoF

pbflcy,)” sa id board mem Knlggff;" In o tb c rb u s in ess ;

_____ Siq>erlntendentSheldre p o rte d th a t a hearing w on Q law suit Died against by Lyle Abel of F U tt.

............. A b d Is s M g tb e dlstrii■ “ ■ s -fo o t-h l^ c h f lln ^ u a r fe

p rq> erty the distric t p u n h im In 1977, o r pay *20,1

• Although the board qi------- d is tr ic t’s o b n g a u o flto b u

i l l fence until tho propej i t e v a r s ^ said th e distric i n s t r u c t a f ld d o r barl?ed

H b i d —------- ‘B ID law Tind how lt w ai

.Tw inFaU s.

.b ea rin g would take up sj ^)laint3 about the •p rac tices of th e Twin F j 'would s te e r d e a r of b ra

■; Uonal Issues or. issues of s t 1 N everthdess , he says .'com prdienslvo review <

O b i t i; V e m lc e I V e b b A

: CASTLEFORD - V : Aunu>dc,ff7, o r Santa Mot

' fo rm eriy of Twin F oils a • : : •'tUod M onday In san lii Mon

; • „ B oro Dec. 10.1915. la Mf- r ! c a m e to CasUeford in 1S2H.

' . .'...S u rv ivo rs lD dudeberhu ; ; o f S a n ta M ontca; two g> • • JuJlo D raper aod Sherri I

.1 L C orpus Clirlati, ToJcas; a 8 - Helsloy aod a brother, Ra^

'T sh o sb o o e ,a s tep a o o B iirr ___ * __ RitrrW t AU

'• S a n ta Monica, ood ; _gnmdchllctren.

Sbo waa precodcd In dc __ T lm olhy Lyle D raper, two

Services wero held V San ta Monica, - — .— :

____ - George F. Thomi■ '- T W I N F A I X S - G c o r g o

' re tired Coast G uard Capla ■ • D cadi. Calif., and a rcimv — re s id e n t., d ied -O c l-a .-O f- ' lllneea. '

B om Oct. 17. 1523. In T w as raised In T w lnFalls.

Ho en tered Uxj CSoast Guj ua tcd (rom the Coast G uonlaw .

During World W ar II. ho ; ' to U» troop t r a n ^ r t ships

H O S p- ' _ _ MAOK

----------- — ■- -_ : i-R E G IO N A L M— ----------------- ........................ Xd

M rs. F rod Luque. Dounh bounhcuang. Sam ana Slbounh PtMngbune Sibounliouans and

- M ra. G ory W alBns and J . Ko Ross Jones aod MUton Neddo. I A nnotte B u n h a n i. both of Jei

• - M ulllnln. boUi of Goodlag: N------- KennoUi RoeeUioI FUwi-Klm

■ B row nofM urtflug^ _ —-

.......■ ■“ " ' 'b i sM ra. t ^ t Snow and daui

H um phrey, Dorts Harper. Mi Slbounbeuans and Ptxaigbune

. a n d Holiy.Goostantlneau ol Bur

Daughl£TB lo Mr. and Mra. M rs. G oorgo Johnston of Twir

. Ujque^of TW n Falla , ~ —

. f fr .B i ' :-'A<

............. H elen' 'H clnticlm on of Wen, SMoaboac.

_____ D lG wen D avla. >\lma Langley, ■

' _ % 2 ^ ^ m o s ^ o w 3 , Twin Fall;

IPMOBX doubts shevariety,- th a t ts - P ennell. 'V g <iAd beating becaOse t

cose, th e h

lost te lling wit- d neighbor who Pennell w; fighting from 3 w ere s lm

hum p , thum p, - .charge afti vin F a lls Police S to k e rs Icspie repo rted w as -'ilOO d ea th th a t she w h a f Penr ire tu m . . i n court,y differed from c b a n ^ . lul the t im e th e D eH aan - 8a ld .- “ I f - y o u - 'c h a n g e be irev sT T C ^Iiav e '- 'te s tified I y . “ If you h ave -u n co n sd o i certa in .” Any The pro:

iP a g o B l com m entiecompUshed.by__ th e d o s in j

wIU decid th e ctBfom er Is— hearing .'/l

^dlals another, d o su re s . th e spokesm an expressed

c a rr ie rs a Btendcnt of the out o f ru ra Ision. said the T he ag iterlzed records sav ings a{ ag hours of tho for th e ser fit shippers. No sh e said, dce a re sched- Buhl shJ L h ad little 0 D ana H oward Josing the l

slon will solicit------ Thorieif

o P a g B B l “ We Julem berM arilyn -gentlem en

------------- --------ever. A bd 'achaln-llnl

s s s s :U u . e d l . w c l

t e i c i W u n d a - ; 7 ^ ‘ ®P;S,^ "Icnce around lu rd u se d Irom ^s o ,5 6 5 ^ d a m -

T he d e nquestions tho is p a r t of

build-any Wnd - p ro jM t a f ppcrty Is iisod,- Ilnanccd b tr ic t offered to . fac ilities 1 lped*wire fence, credits.

iP a g e B l assessm en was applied In - review w oi

paym ent . . . . .. categories nil mlnlfilr altoB— ------

> sp ed fic com- _assessm ent • T he beai

F a lls BID I t o f a medh aroad constltu- parUaJ thli f s ta te la w " conform an y s he hopes a - ° ^ 8oUbUd( V of th e BID "Nobody

[ ■ u c i r i e s,Aum ack

V em lce Webb Monica, Calif, and Is and CasUeford.ifonlca.-------------------K ^lak , AJiM n itjle .A rk ..abe off ccr. fl2Q _rhusband . Harold,> granddaughters, ^ u a j T l D raper. boU. of; a sister, Imogene c y o r «f S i RayW ebb.boU ior

1 severa l step-

1 dealb by a son. tw o sis ters , and a------------------------------b u r i^ :y1 Wednesday In Eugene "G<

---------- d le<t MonditIn Uie Duri

me<zrgo F. TboTncti. a M oriuary 1 ip laln , 59, of Seal - a rrangem er irm er Twin F a lls church apb i-Of.-fln-extended ------------------

B U in , -1 Twin F a lls , ho J e te r . 73, of I. bo held a t 1G uard and grad- Chapel In E uord Academ y In Elod Cem ete

ho was assigned TWIN FA dps G eneral M .C ^ _ _ T e ^ e to p . iaietnii:“ HB~wn3 T w sd ay rw t


AdmlUedunhome Slbounbeuang. Vllava unheuang. Phou K hau Slbounhe m d Wendy BeuUer. a ll of Twin 1

Howard HopWns;'l»Ui'orDUIiIT do. bothof M alU ; Mra. Floyd Hur Jerom o; J . B r ia n Brooks and r

:: M ra . W arren S tuU m an of lU Umberly-Isham of i{oybuni;-and

PlSMISSilDlaugbler. Mrs. G eruld I^arson.

M artha Duff. V era Arness, Sa >une Sibounheuaog. a ll of Twin 1 Burley.

In , Gary WaUdns of Oufil and M. S<Hn F ( ^ . A Bon to M rrand Mra.

’.BENEDICTS ‘ -----T'MMIIUO-----VcndcU and .UidraJiSuerrlcabcl

D ism issed :oy, Codle TwJtchell and Dustin Co-

•alia, Idah o . Friday . O clobor

should liexesolved In favor of . ^who Is presum ed innocent.} th e s ta te h a s to prove its e law yer said.p rosecutor sa id oven a f te r w as given th a t benefit, there

gns of a verd ict of a higher a f te r looking a t the evidence, r sa id the evidence In the tria l ;00-p c rccn t-co n s is ten t” w ith ennell told police and testified rt. and his. sto ry h a d ' not [I.um Bald Pennell’s facts (na tiecause o th e r w itnesses b ^

J P e n n d l told them ~she w as rious before h e dropped ber.— irosecutor d td e d by asking tbe

n ts from tho com m unity about ^ng ond,:If.obJectJon8 au^aco ,- d d e w hether to call a public '.-Although i t h a s tu rned down-

3 . , th e com m ission has ;ed concern about regulated 3 and u tilities pulling services iro l a re a s . Howard said, agency balances the cost aga inst th e com m unity need

services in m aking o dedsion,

sh ippers contacted Thursday e objection to the possibility of10 local /TeJgb t office.--------------sif 'R sngen^ who heads

Just w an ted , to s e ttle , lt_ t ^ y , ” K ovarsky a d d . How- ?d does not w ant anything-but-" link fence, he said.

board will m eet w ith :t J e r ry A rm strong Nov. l a t 7_

review tbe' final p lans for Ing th e d e m e n ta ry school.,m; tb e grotQ) will be Joined by - :ens-advisory-com m ittee and re s te d re s ld ra ts to review tbe Ith a w alk through the d e - I 'scbod.lem entary scb o d rem odeling of the overall construction

a f F i l e r schools th a t wIlT be I by d is tric t bonds, a plan t s levy and federal energy

len t p d ic y will result. The #ould look a t both tbe levels o f- it fo r separa te business les and the ex ten t of the dis-

earln g would-be b d d In front xUator of som e kind, an Im- thlrd p ^ y who would Insure lanra to' certa in p re-arrangedin g g d d d i n e s . ............................

)dy Is going to get h u rt th is

s— —ited os a Coast G u o ^ av iator In d then sorvod a t Coast G uard a ir > la San F nm dsco , San Diego, B arbers Point, Hawaii, Port

I, W asb.. New Orieoos. La., a n d - I Ala., w here b e w asoom m anding

IS statioaed in Long Beach, Calif,, a lo WhUo Ujere. be aervcd aa com m anding officer of lbe uard M arine Safety Office, and Igned o s chief o f operatloos and sta ff of.Uie nU i Coast G uard

Ih e reU red a n d m o v ed h js family

s r v i c e sEY— ■ Ihe-funeral-for-Fxlgar— "G ene" P rice, 79, of Burley, wbo . KtaVrwlU bgbd d ^ - p r i a . - t oday — luriey E as l S take Ccnter. 2050 Ave. B urial will bo In P lea sm ttom otojy- in —B uriey .- Payoe__/ In Burley Is In charge of nen ts. F riends m ay call a t tbo p hour p rio r to U » service.

— T be fuoeral for V irginia , of Buhl, who died Mooday. will It 11 a .m . today a t-th ffF a n n er Q Buhl. Burial wiU be In West c te ry a tB u h l.

F A U ^ - Tbe funeral for Alice m, 83. o f Twin Falls , who died -will bfrbdd1lt-»-a;m .-toda3^flt—

------------ of Je ro m e; f.ynn T r «---------------_ E a U a . _

ivao Sl- GOOCDheuang.In F alls: Mrs . H arold Hobaon

Himt and M ra. Bob FToyd..M td Tonya P a u l.o U o fG o o d ln g ia Rupert;


P a u l Wiebe, MarceU q - _ ' B re n t O a y to a a ll of E

s k m S O a k e ly ;V e ta l« a n d e

■'I E r ic H oward. Jo y CB urley, Leah ScovUl a

:----------------M argnretQ allB gosoffI Mr. andIra. F red ' Sons to Mr. aod M r

M o n la G ee o tDaklBy^

__________ ------ — M

iboltla of S u e L y n n T e a la n d a

L o o f tn ^ o f R u p c n

A d au g h te rto M r.an i

oor 2 1 ,19B3

of Ju ry fo r o Ilrst-degret nt. - vlctlon “ F o r the memo its GUlesple” and to assur

fu tu re CarlleoeGiUespI [jjp S toker said Pennell t

t ln g h e r .try in g to re v iv sum m oning b d p . " I f 1 to r tu re th is woman

J , .w ouIdn 'tbavecalIedtb< *f“ T h d r dedsion . Stoke ^ should Dot be m ade

speculation o r erooUoc not be obligflted-to f gu ilty of s o m c th i^ sl

n o b e e h a ’dealb; lOd “ Y our decision wi 'a s -C arlla je 'G iU esple back--------c r— ended h is statenwhfi . could.”

)ut R angen , Inc. of Buhl, sj CO, — will n o t a ffec t h is corap lie genera lly deals w ith < wn— offid a ls-g t T w ln F a llsc

mn W a n ^ Sisson, m ana e d W arehouse, s d d tbe d u *3 sm all disadvantage

no rm ally b e Just walks js t fre igh t office to m ake e e d But “ As long a s we can )n, track ing b e ^ shipment

ra il c a rs , It will not cat ay fo rh iscom pany . o f B ut tb e change will t-------personal-tMJCb In Buhlds w ith a phone call. ’

i t_ _ • T h e _ s u p ^ t o ^ w- ' county ' prosecutor’s of u t— D q « rtm e n t-e f-H e a lth -

have token over tbe cast th of B e rg e r wbo Is teachl^7__ch lld renathom e.--

L ast m onth the board req u es t to keq> his dilld

V —H o U ifltc rsch o d r - -i d ---------- -----------^ • Idaho F irs t Nallon 0. chosen to re ta in the

m oney before it ts sp ,2 renovation p ro ject becc ,g offered tbe highest rati Jg cent.a t • 'I tie board wHl have 1 sy p rep a red to h ire an d e d

school d is tric t on a retail

he w ay,” he says, and expof—low ered .----------------------S3 W onderllch stresses tt is- ag reem en t Is between U------ Ju d g e rrT h e -d ty 's -p re - t

. have been se t aside. So .d a te fo r tb e trial. But

businesses n o r the BID I th o d ea l. .

™ No tim e y e t bas beei hearing , ho said. "W e Ji

lls w as som eth ing we oughU

li, toS ealB eac^.C allf.Jr Surviving a ro his wife0 children, E vere tt. Doris. Dl r t Chris, P au l and David, all 0 td—lg M em orid services w ere 1

Los Alomltos, Calif.

d D lc y J a n e B r e w s Ue J E R O M E -D lc y Ja n e B n d Je ro m e , died Thursday afte d Benedict’shosplUil, d Services a re pending aod-------Douncod by tbo Hove-Roberiy Chapel In Jerom e.____ —

B . . -f___ihe-liovfrR obcrtaoa .Funcra} Je rom e. Burial will be In Jej r—^^«ryr-Friood*-Inay-call.at-3— TBnwrnnireuninnn:--------

! J ERO M E — A memorial f W llmn M ay RoBcHs, r t . of 1 , fo rm criyo f Jerom e, who dlec

b e beld Sunday a t 2:30 p.m. i /ts sem b ly o t God Church In T<

1 R U P E R T - The funeral f . E lm e r CoUom. 7t.-of Ruper i T uesday . w lllbebcldSaturda

a t H ansen M ortuary in Ruj will b e In G em Memorial '

5 Buriey. Frieods.m ay call at i b o m e -th is afternoon aod e

rre e of ltr.:iu ._ .., — /^ u iy u s tr


eon and Gaylord Pedc. both of GooDitmlsaed --------------

..M a rg a re t Flam m , FYelda Mon g; ondA tn . G,H. HopMnsofGlenn

______________________ ^___Admitted

reU a Adriaoo, N aU tadd Maiidlln, of Buriey; SyivU Gee a o l FJda N Oder of P au l; aod Kim Wadsworth

D lsm ltted 'iy Gee, H arry B erg and Klait Ja 111 and Juanlta,Gttllosos. bo th of I

' BirthsM rs. Roger K err of Buriey and

tjf---------------------------------------------MJfUDOKAMEMDHIAL: -___

A dm itted___ _____ ^d Clifford Bum s, boUi of R iqx rt._ D ism lsedp e r t . - - — — --------------- .

Birth. and Mra. Kevin Teal of Rupert.

- Sl•ee m urder con-nory o f C arllene F o r iu re tbe safety o f fv v i

‘ Suneri1 te s u n e d to h it- o r^M i iv e GUlesple andf he intended lo Dough1 lo death, b e T w in Itbe police.” ...... - a n d a ste r told the ju ry , s ta u e on innuendo. _ fo„ne jon. Tbey should 1977 5

find h is client . hcvvor s l ^ th ere bas^

wiU not bring- A r t ’ck to life,” Stok-----------rndit; “ I w ish it-; —H ecrei

' • f wntercIh eB il

Bob<------------------------------- p e n w

said lbe closing R a sipany beeause-it-------I U don P ad D c ^ G W s o r P o c a t e l l o t o -

nager o f S h ld d s - • - Jian ge m a y b e a , ge. because CS a block to the } a rrangem ents. tick e t j on g el se rv ice" “" d e r l s i ts o r o rdering , au se a problem ^ m o r

T he]I take aw ay tbo o^staU ihl, rep lach ig i t -saldA s

lent s d d ' tbe ■ ■offltfe a n d 'th e W ’h -a n d -W e lfa re - ~ J L X iise of Phil Auth Q asu ji l n g two o f hl5 ■' i3y Qfi

■------------- - — -L e a thd denied A uth’s R e g .:Ildren out o f the A

o n d Bank w ^ ■ e school bondspent..on. each T h « ..,cause the bank I -kQte of 9.65 per- - ^........................ R e g .J

'e 'spedfications W ^ ic tr id a n fo r tb e i V olner basis.

iq>enscs wtll be

tha t so fo r tbe ^law yers and a ^ ^ 0

e-trid-m otionB ------So has a court A:ut' n d th e r the J) h as agreed to #

sen se t fo r the . . . . Ii Just ^ I d e d it 1.1 i

lU o lo o k in to ." '

Ifo oikI seven- Dixie, Michael,I of Seal Beach,

e heid Oct. 8 In . _

tte r . . ............Jrew ster, 77, of f te n o o a a t St.

od v. 11 be an- - - erlaon F u n e r a l - ---------------------

xa l.C b o p c lJn :____ J __________Jerom e Ceme-it- lh e .fu n e ra l.- ......... ...... ,_____

al service for_________________if Rlgj^ns ao3 led Oct. 9, wlliX a t the F a i t h - --------Tw lnFalls.___________________

I fo r Clarence ■ert, wbo died ■day a t I0 a.m .L u p ^ .'B u r ia l J G ardens a t a t tbe funeral evening oixl

strander of Twin


orrow and Em il

. 0 ^

in .p ii tK e rra o d I M uUea both o(■thofBla^oot

)f Hoyburti; and

• . Tak^id Mr. aod Mra. a ll 0__ I . ____________ -itni£

coll<---------- ------------ - _ -pjQ C

--------- --- --------------------- D on-------- ----- in c li

' O ct<- - -------------------- :,.Boy

ill til© >rmer su p er! rltenWIN FALLS — F orm er Twii c rin ten d en t Geo.rge Staudahi gon.ccording to distric t d< Jghteo '. S taudaher also servi n F a lls High School andO ’Lci o s tb e a s s lk a n t superintendei

laudnher becam e, superintc n c r asslM ant supcrintendeni r, S taudaber le ft thb Job and ’ v o r k ^ for th e In te i'nd Reveni

t w o r k t o p slarteUHL — The Buhl Commi rea lloh Asa>dallon~wllI spc crco lor worksh(q> a t 8 p .m . to Buhl High School, obert Autb wUl^cpnduct the ' person:------ — =------------------—

isg u c d in n e r featOODING — TTuw hundred p Land-dozens.cL crustyJoave

ab e th ’s Catholic Church. le dinner, b d d yearly f o r th e n 5 to 9 p .m . Saturday, conomy and convedence a n et p rices h d d in g a t 6 for adu sr l2 .2te ran cook Josephine Astorqi o rd e r an d we’r e p repared for le y eariy dinner h a s becom e a a te patrons wbo m ark the beg A storqula ._____

l A h L D B J ksual leather bags Great Americanittier Works - ....g. 568.00

4 9 9 9

i w/ell known canvas I'by Wild Duck;3 .S 2 1 .0 0 __________

1 5 9 ®

In B luo L akes Mall 734 <


jpen stock on a

2 0 ^Ireatest Savings Ever!: only happens once every i vll-beautKul-Franclscan Ear4 ake 60% O FF all S p c . pla II Open stock or 20% O F F m aJQ ^tanyD U L seL D t-E rar ollectlon you have. And if; ioc^-forfrlonds-ahd.relatt.' o n 'l forget-the hoiidaysari iclud.es: D esert Rose, Stre ctoberi IVy, Forgel-T^-No oyquet. H acienda Gold or

> n dep td ies I?win F a lls school district laher d ied W ednesday In U

d e rk -tre a su re r Jenny a srved as the p rin c lp d of f i LcaryJunlorH lghSchooi w Ident,_____________________ C [ntendenl In 1971, said Jent Cam den M eyer. In T nd w ent lo O regon where cj 'enue Service.______________bi

__________ T

t e d fo r to d a y __ .uriimily Education anu _C sponsor a 'd ra w in g and ■ " . today In the a r t room a t -n]

Oltie workshop. Cost is SIO j r

• ■ b«

a tu re s r o a s t — Td pounds'o l choice roast avcs-of-hrcad a rc .be ing__wHInnor.gr^^gnr/wthvCf ^— 0 \

the p a s t 30 years, will bca

a re considerations w ith ' p , idu lts and » for children , jj,

irquia says, "E verything jj, fo r a la rg e crow d." le a favorite fo r m any out x g ln n ln g o l fall In Idaho, u j




l a n G i !

v u t u m n C lall F ranciscan

Y o -mry year and the lime Is nowl ar4henw'are lines ere on &al€ p lace settings or 20% OFF F Failgfa 'ssw are. N ow isthianciscaiLac-arid.io.ihQ___ifsa g re a tt im e 'to ,s e !e c t attv€&who>»ave-F/ancl6ca •arecom ing, T hesa ie Jtrawberry Fair, Fresh Fruil Not. Cafe R bysl/R osseite o r_ ^ re .^ a i ia J a m D C .a . _ _ _

7 — — ' ~ —

Pam A llen re tu rrTWIN FALLS - Two-year

the h o sp lld bccauscof an info The child, who Is w dtlng fi

adm itted W ednesday aflcm t jTional M ed icd C enter becau: w eighi loss, vomiting and dl C arol Allen of Tw lnFalls.

P am ’s doctor. Paul Mile T hursday lh a t the child has causcd by bacteria from her hosp ita l for a t least a-weck, T hursday and h e r fever was d< “ " I t ’s Just another setback;”

8-year-old k i l l ^' TWIN' FALLS — Ah'’ ft^year

n i ^ t a s the resu lt o f Injurie acciden t th a t afternoon on U Twin F alls. In th a t acddent, s ^ ^ it« » rd ln ff- to - th e ^ d ah a -S tx}unbeuang, o f 638 Jackson SI p.Ai. W ednesday a t P rim ary (•LakoClty.--------------

Meanwhile, th e child 's (ry< •w asJIated In sa tisfactory cc

evening.According to th e ISP, the ch

0 c a r d riven by Bouhhome S; P a lls . She w as listed In sallsfa in M agic Valley Reglond Med

Sibounbeuang’s c a r collided H ebert Thlem e, 79, o f Twin ] w ns westbound on U.S. 30. Till s e e Siboubeuang’s oncoming th e highv^ay from a country T hlem e w as not d ied .

f i j ........ - -


i s € a n^ l a s s T c ' S a ]

1 E a r t h e n w ^

r% 0Fl i e : ^ ^ ------ ---— i , -------/ m / i=F^ U i / f

-Au.— i - m f f - B g i jQ

jii, fl / ' V

® In Blue Lakes Mall

irned to h o sp ita l'ear-old P am Allen Is twick In infection.ng for a liver transp lan t, was crnoon to Magic V d ley Be­cause of a high tem perature, d diarrhea, s d d h e r m other.

Miles o f“T ^ n F alls, said iias on Infection of the blood her bowd. 'She will be in the Xik, but was do ing 'bc tte r on OS down, he said.Jc;” Miles added .- --------------- -

» d in c a rc ra s h ---------^ ^ ^ j ld 'g lr rd ie d Wednesday uries sustained In a Iv rtx a r in U.S. 30. two m iles wesLof .It, sIxotbOT w ere injured.f f ^ l a te •P oUce.-3amnna~Si»---------m St. In Twin F alls, died a t l l" iry C h lJ ^ n ’ Hog)ilai in S d l

6-year-old brother. Phogune y' condlUon Thursday a t the. _ iy_umr»»:nnwnLnn_Wcdngsdav ~ t '- ' ~

echlldren w ere passengere in 10 Slbounbeuang. 19, o f Twin Usfactory condition Thursday VIedlcd Center, ided with a v eh ld e d riven by rfn FaUs. Siboubeuang’s ca r 'lU em c told police ho d id oot ing ca r v4ien he pulled onto itiy road, the repo rt stated.


m " '

j l e H - T : : - —

F F ~ “ ~ :

ill 7 3 4 -9400

Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

' ValB yC ilR ISH A FT

■ Ttmes-Nows writer

ED EN — Though fn ag a in h as accompanied lh e V alley Vikings can sa lisfac llon In wha com pllshed Thursday nl

Perfo m iln g with Ir-------- fenslve precision In the

benefiting from four K--------— overa.-VoUey defeated

------ - BuUdogS-22-8 in a Caayi_ a ffair.

/ \ s C oadi Forrest m u rm u red whUe leavlr

_______ g n a Indeed “ n sw «it wl- VlWngs, whose defeat

a g a ln s l confehm ce coni - ing and Declo by an exa

p roves lo 4-2 In league wi n. -—— -

; a n upse t.” Fonnesbed


t o s t cByBRAD-BRELANr

: J ---------- T /m es^ew H w /fe f—

BU H L—They mocl The Buhl Indians b

15-7. 15-1 to capture; ------------ trlct.A-2.-volleybfllLc

night. _Wood R iver jum p

le a d e a r ly In tho firs se rv in g of Gina Si Ind ians in front 12-5 th e n finished up~wh( o ff and B uhltoolfthci

' In t h e ' second gi------------s e rved3uh l-to .a .4 -D

B o n a r and Sm utny iq le a d to &-1 and Homll

________th e ne x t7 p o ln tsan d l

th a t th e Indians won .. pow erful serving,

po in ts In th e firs t gar I I in th e second gati w on th e gam e by oui T h ro n sb en y . “ Th behind u s and the scl u s and tlial gavd'us m a tch .” .

Wood R iver Coach so ld th a t the Indian

I th a n th e Wolverines."W e w anted to b(

. bad, b u t they vrere i , , te a m ,” said Neumai

s t ^ U y fn istra tcd 01 . th ey did everthingw c

Wood R iver made m atch by elimlnatir 15-B. T he Wolverims ing o f Shelly Robley

. . .o fD anaP lc lgeon tobc

B r u i n s ’

— t h i n s r t

= D i s t r i c l---------m o Un t a in -h o m e—

com pletely dominated bc------ and boys’ d ivisions in run------ the-Dl8trict-4'Clas3-A-a

cham pionships Thursday, T h e B ru in g irls collecte

p laces In th e ir division, T cesie Szubfert, who c M ountain Home Mun C oursc In 21 minutes. 17 si g av e th e g irls a perfect IE M inico and Mountain Hi com plete team s.

R od Uribe (17:10) and------- w ent-1-2 in pacing the Bn

2 M 0 decision over M lnia a nd Jo se V ega gave Mln a nd fourth placcs but tl w en t to Bruins.

--------- Thc-TCSUlt-mennsTmly■ • SoeX-CbUNTRYonI

Quick_______ W iltihe,open].n2 gpme

th an a m onth away, the C Idaho and Incoming men’ F re d T renklcJire workini needed fo ra successful s<

T renk ie . who w as a me:------- iboskotbalU canU C ycars

h eav y im prin t of both his B ud W atkins (now a t Raf an d C S I’s f irs t coacli Edd

-------- Trenkiow orJccdtliepasti' UnlversUyof^\rJcansas.

--------r -W h a t th a t m eaha t s a d<defensive basketball. Tlic T ren k le ’s team s a t Wood ago will s ec a definite Inc

_ o ffen s iv e ly --a tleo -s tin t B ut like m ore coaches. It

■ w hen the scortjboanlHctii

fnistraUoh oncc . - lied their season, ' ' ( :an certainly find Tmih vtat thoy nc-

Impressive of- vaiicy(Mi the first half and r Kimberly turn.4sd the first-placo— inyon Qonforonco — vdiey 22. ki

est Fonnesbeck ivlngthefield .ltt.win”.fQr..thfifr2___ ^eats have com e cicna»Fetrmntoidoni Good-jxcruclaUng totalJlllts. vauejTTm*pie play with the — — -

----- •.— -. — - - we’ve haitb'wTwiBTuaw?''*W5y’'5IvE ^ _ s a I d ._ " B u t out,” ___

m s M'■ze B

a t e m^ , -------------------

ir--------^ ^

nocleitlookeasy.IS beat Wood River tre the Fourth Dis- - - iILdOwa.-'niursdayr

m ; ^ out to a M first gamo, but tho

Smutny put the B M B 12-5. Ann HamUtonwhcte Smutoy-Iclt-----ihe first game. feaRo

gome. Hamilton S S S.4^cad>M ichelle___B By upped the Indians B feS imliton then served nd_BuhI won 15-1.

ivon tho gome with 9 B | I ”Glna had 10 B j^ H gome and Ann had game,',ima \?e Just our serving,” sold “The crowd was : school was behind ffiP!P I'us fl boost-ln the -

ich Dave NeumannIans played better • rV.-- ^cs.» beat Buhl reallyro more agresslvemann. "Tlwy con-i our. Offense , and .;wellagalnstus.”ade It to the finalaUng Burley-15-9.nc5 used the serv-ey and tho spiking3 beat the Bobca I s .- -----W oe

: u l e _

B u5— -Tw ln-Falls--------1 both tho girls’ ' _running olf with 5^ ^-cross'coiintiy Times lay.jcted the flret 10 '^01Ion, headed , by 3 covered the C*ass lunidpnl Golf . P'ayo* 17 seconds. That ^:t 15 score whllo Actlvl I Home had in- Tnun»

md Rick Valdez DistriBruin boys-to-a--------- wood

nico. Rob Luthy 0151 Hinleo the third • ^ < 1 it tho next five ihe• _ Press

o n P W W ’ ' ” * « ■ ■ ■ ■

k h e s s sme of the season less ' jT^ibCoUegeofSoUthcni--------len’s basketball Coach U klnsonthopollsh ?il season. . SmemberoflheflrstCSI .> arsaR O ,A viU bElnglhe__ _ his higli school coach. *— Raft River High School), tr> SddJe Sutton, for whom cn1st three yearsat--------;-------1IS.......... .. .. -CQla decided cmidumfaon-, ,_ ire Tlioseusedtoseeing wll jod River a few years ofJ Increase in tempo fui:inlhetransltionstflce..,,; paj !. It Is anllclputod that see ^ctsclose.lbeoffcnsc ©xi

deraC anyon


^(M »...... ......* 1 J® lea S3(M )..................3 I .7» IM m2) .....................3 I .793 IM 9B^1 ................... i i .m 193 so

............ J -3 —J M - » ---- mIW )..................X * JOO 04 es

......0 i .000 O 98'nnraclqr'aOaibB

;Klml>«ly«----- ;---------------------------

al Dock). 7 p.m.JlennoI'iBn7,7p.ra.hatWecxW1.7p.m.

WTyotKJmbcrty.7p.m. "atDoci«J.7p.m.hxxUn^7p.m.IVAllcy.apjii------------------------------

h ad a p re tty solid team all theixSura^’===y5wti/‘im=’b k rS F 5 ^


o o d R iv e r 's M a u re e n M d

Gate,_n t M V C w i n rSTEV E CRUMP Tes^Nowsspart^vdltar--------------

lOISE — Burloy will host the iiing-round gam o of the sta to SS A-2 high school football yoffs in Budge Field on Satur- r, Nov. 5, th e Idoho High Sdiool jv ltle s A ssociation. saidUTKlny.

Tie Bobcats, who clinched the t r lc t <» A-2 title l)y defeating odRiverlast-week.-wlU host the tr ic t 6 - cham pion- — almost ta in ly M adison, ranked No. I h e s ta te by both The Associated iss and U nited P ress Interna-

^ o u M i

U i r yHovey

Iry ln g to Instlil a Iransllloo gom crew , asrcca Uiot probObly will —T h erc a n ro coupleof obvious caiuple of question m arks on'thls frtah m en . brand new toam . OnJ; wrjll r e tu rn froni CoachTJave Ca of a y e a r ogo and of those only D full-tim e s ta r te r , and Ralph Bai part-tim e s ta r te r who sow a loti second half of last season, have e x p o r ie n c o .- - - .

lils f» > The decision drops t

■ 0-2 o vera ll and 4-1 in 't ty ing th em w ith Goodli th e loss column. Hov sligh tly spoils Klmberi;

PA th e league crow n and ^ s ta to playoffs. Since' ga h av e b ea ten both Good so th ey c a n clinch th e title

- “ — o v e r G lenns F e n y a t h< ,® Tho V ikings’ trium pt

-------- by-M ari In M ussmann.-__ -__lor-aU of th e ir touchdov

q u a rte rb ack rushed s c o r » w hile gaining ’

■ c ^ e s . H e also com elg^it p o sse s fo r 120 yai 20-yard touchdown st B lack . A s if lh a t w. Mussm ann I n l c j ^ t o

■ - p a ss on th e lo st p lay of r — th e K Im beriy 4B-yard 1 the - ened to re tum _the- bt

P ^ <yw>«qKA^/>roiv»lngtjglt_ _“ You c a n ’t ask any



i ; -. - r ______ r

> _____

d c D o n a ld p r e p a r i i s ' i d ' r

m e r m u s t t rUonal — in a gar

------------ sclieduled f o r l -p.m r

.. T h e D istric t 4 a a !on. w hich wlU be Kl th e Bulldogs lose to

, a t hom e nex t week, ^ D lstric t2 ch am p lo m

p .m . g am e a l Klmbe ® o r D ec lo — one of wl

of th e playoff p ictu TEe g am e in DecHrtoni Ung w in th e D istric t 4 chth e -------w ould bosl-theflTBt-iw st I o ’clock-on th e Slh; fo. 1 cham pion’s opponen lted G rangevillo or.Lopv ma- m e e t fo r th e Dlsti


------------------------- -------V llh lndefeiisiv W akefle sd y s ass

------------- k n o w lf tse e Uien th a n any

^am elnh isnew ' y e a r s .” vlll bo tho ease . , \ jh)UkJUS pluses a n d a ------ Einereoithis largely. cxperie rOnly fo a r .p if ly w .i. :h lm :E n : rCamplxUl’s te a m n c liy co l ly Dewey Haley, a for n whi B arreros, a ■ un d em e lo to fac tld n in llie y e a r fd r w e m uch < fra s tra tl

• p la y ^ -

‘CimI1 the Bulldogs to k ld j ' t o f th e conference, " H o r a n Ung and Declo In a n d h e i ioweveri-it' only h a d to .” Tiy’a chancbs fo r But M id a spot i n lho Iro tn his »■ Ihe’-'BuUdogs ShAwn 1 odlng and Declo, r ie i ) . Dj tie with a victory r ie s ) M thomo noxt wock----- attem pt!p h w ^ .ca ln ly io d ;(ensiye,c a.-who accounted— ; ~ Ad^lU(iowns, Tbe scn iw __ fumble,..I for two sh o rt m i s t i l y I 7fl ytu tls on I ? ' for..a_s< impleted Hve of jsack one 'a i ^ . I n d u in g a w ith a w strike to T n w y ' "M aHl weren’t enough, a th le te rl *d Tim FerrcIT s o th e r . p< of the first lialf a t ' ' nesbdck d line ond th rea t- • supportliball for an o th e r------ Itw a s icIclM M theiL — n y m ore of th a t m a ^ g e t

- - ~

r r c t u r n a 's e r v e d u r in g . )


^OTLCr a y e r i n f i r s tam e tentatively L apw ol I

c a n d inJass A-3 champi- D istric tKim berly unless onghjp bto Glenns F erry v^juJd hik, wlil bost the pound p:n o n Nov. S l n a l 4/(3bcrly.UGooilIng 3 chnnilWhich wlil bc oul W ilderrture a fte r their s tad iu mjnlgJit — tJiuulJ M arslngchampionship. It „ ig h t in st-round-gamo-at— -D istrict- h ; T he D istric l'4 ' casU efoent will be cither R iv e r—pwai, wliich will g am es •stric t 2 tille In i t s d f o f i

migEasless in liie |? ian l line, link p m p le will be sw in g Ihol; live (julckness they Mw.when le ld nnd (Dwi};Ijt) Wlllloihs w sslstont Coach Steve Irons. “ I f Ihey a re Umt tjulck because im . But,I Uilnk it will IJcClosej H ^ lig tS rim T m d T n T lR jp a i

Llier jlliw Is Uiat O-fooL-6 soplioi

enMl-galne<l a t E aste rn Kenti Sncreon probably will be th e ioffehslvecenter-Uw E af^eaii /hile. He likes lo move with Un neiilh. E m erson cam c loTwln j r ulo socond fiomester and sp ;itln(! nW its w atching Uie bUie

berhPonnesbeck sold of Mussmar -an the ball when wo needed e Uurew the ball wdl when ,

Miissmann received able he his companions. Running bac 3 Tbocker (38 yards In 12 ci David Tilley (35 yards, 10 ct ahd T.J. Kincaid (17 yards, i pts)__boIstered__Valley.’s _ i ;e effort slgnlflcanUy. jltionally, -'TUIoy- recovered - e' '^ c k e r contribut ily bn defense',' 'mokTng 'if tael seven-yard loss, coUocUng

ind Intoxcptlng « Ferrell ps wdl-Umed diving effort.

iriin Mussmann & a heck of Cf bul let’s not forget some ot I .people out Ujcre loo,” Fc ck'sald. "He’s ^ t ‘a pretty go rtingcast." -asn!tonly.UiaVlWn^’ backflc ,^ rav i!M _.;SU !M SS_^nll

Hoc ploy Pt

Mb t —m I...........

. - -

' ' ~ T W jiaeysiVES/Ig W olverines ' lo ss to B

i h a m ii t r o i m d . d f pal tonight. r . ; K fan k ed -^U cfo aL -^ -w h lch Jinch a t least a Ue- for Uie ,ct 4/G CTass A-4 champU p by'beaUng Hansen lonighli i have to travel for its firsl- 1 playoff game. The jDlstrict lamplon will meet the pistrict .niplon — eiUier Marslng or r — In Nampa’s • Bulldog im a l 1 p.m. on Nov. 5. Ihg'ahd Wilder will nrecncP in Marslng lo delermino Uie ict'S^winne^^For—Its-port, sford m iet still b eo f Ruft •—which has won its last four 3 — next Friday lo assure Of a spot Jn Uie playoffs. ;

(hutiadsoim10 kind of ___- Uicre.’’ 8aysen(Anafe) , Emerebn’ s were here,” Uarrcmsgl.■•I<lon’t ............. wiUiblRllmsc l didn't . A idihcrp serloU iot iinvljlhnnbl paStTGWr-----------

"Itwould ilioinoniFrcd Bocrihero.”LSomeJlCAA_____I ’heiinali•ntucky;\vlth - is'-Uilsbuni leinoat - • course, Ikn«s iia^h ad _ _ ;;j^U'ia^Nobb the ball everylirtjhl

fVlDPollslast - - ninnlngand spent a lotof— team wc'rei Uicrguys , WhathJLsr

.......................sliooter, Uie

nann. o ffensivdy and defer!ed II. of Uie evening. “ Wecn ho ball, an d lh a t doe:

fe ren ce .” Kimberlyi h d p H ogan sold.[jacks . V alley established5 cor- p rim a rily in the first) cor- U iree consecuUve pos:s, six T he Bulldogs’f_ 0 f^ (^ v e a w a y 3 _ c 0 9 t. _th^

On th ird down-ond-3 e d - a —berly-34,-Tony-Schro buled m iddle for o docent g ad d e ” T illey n K overirig 'a t Ing a w lU i9 :19 leftlnU iepe I pass M ussm ann’s pass

T i c k e r p u t the Vildi of a n p lay s la ter, wTQT ofUte M ussm ann pushed sU Fon- th e end zone from ly£ g o o d ' ' A fter ^“ Bulldog

• • m arched , 72 yard s M kfleld second touchdown, i fnllBV , „ MiL««mflrin.. w|th _ J

both before h^fU in b T T l


■ O w ens, Lasor■ Phillies domin “ ■ Bruin sophom

■ B u

H C a i^ ^ H T T .r :r .B y S e O IT 3 ;U D

. ..Times-Jfewswr

We n d k i X - b e sw eet, but

,.w h c n y o u g e ta . . up jo r .y o u r ml:

------youlost. - .......■ H H . ' T h a t 's the H H H vo lloyball,'in v B B rB a f te r losing in

G ooding,, cam • m inutes la te r ti

m uircoUie ..A -3 F(

' T ou rnam en t TI — an 'tjx tra -c h a n i

0-15,15-2,15-3. ■. .-T hov lcto iy tc ' s ta le compeUU

------ a t—the-G oU eg,, Idaho , (hooding

poaslble s ta te ■ ■ ■ Fru iU and a t r S w W iq High Sdiool Uiij

T hings w ere 1 th e Bulldogs. £ Unued lhelr_w

•V . ,;-:v beotlri'g K im b e 15-7. As expect n lo r Ju lieC lem i

h • a f te r bail hito fense.

....... ’ • In th e secon. , f ir s t m eeting, C

• s lam m ed her'U poin t, a im ing i c o m er. E ventu h d p in g Uie Se lead , . before t

i: CAWiON____ B ulldog comebir B i ih l -.— 'C lem ons’

p h o t ,p r e p ^ c i ~ 0 i

, 'T he 8-m an ployoffi Ich—^ o rg an ized -b y rlh o coa the s a n c tio n e d , by th e ' »pl- beg in on F riday , No^ ?il. t r ic t 4 leam — C are j rst-' th e runn ing fo r ono of i c l ‘ C onference b erth s: if rict’ c a n b ea t undefeated o r hom e th is aflem oo

iog , • a s su re th em sd v es of 5. p layoffs by . defeat

iCh— a m n i T T ^ 'T r f O a y r th e ho v e n o t been detennu l ,___ :EanUicfa_would. probUift— p la y Uie ipp te a m fro r nur - currenU y undcfeat u re V a lley — on tho rood.

: • S e e P L AYOFF S q

I g i a i s s e iim e lire lly goo<I i il^ ils os a fre a y s ^ ^ n k le .ion’s p r t ^ h r o coUplGdwlUith: 5 g ives T renkie several w ays t lineups, litUe lineups, etc. ‘rp la s Is th a t a ll Uie team see i nhllitv lo m ove. Even the b ig ] lge ends of the cou rt in good sh lid have lo be th e quickest teiiij,” lronsconfinn3 ....................laipliis, o n e _ ^ t T ra ik le r e t ^ u n d i cmi rea lly slVoot free thn know w h a t happens when you KHly h lls aiiyUiihg. B ut V.'CJiee; >hl a n d -w c ^ o o tth e f reeUirowa n d m o r o Uian two a t a time 're li lU ln ^ liw rc e n lii ip ra c U i ijLsn’t l« e n seen, however. Is U Uie nU.‘(aii-up'guy.wlio cansh i

enslvdy for m ost gainers e got beat olf tho w eren’t p KS m oke a dlf- p a ss int y Coach Gordon brought

te rrito ryJd the difference Uie 20, M s t half, scoring on on the coi }sscssions. ie o d to U

problem wiUi Kimbei lem im m ed ia td y. row the :-o fron i the K im- possessio roodcr-ron-up-the—pWlthout-j gain b ut fumbled, goal o t tl

Ql lho ■BuUdog-'SC-uwlr driv period. w hen Uns for 28 yard s to T rey Joe dngs6nU )o20. Sbc 5 :2 9 Ie ftll i 5 : W t o - i s ; ------ TCTVIstraight ahead inlo y a rd s sc yard out. . berly ’sg i 3g‘ • punt,-' Valley - pass.- - C>i on 10 pluys fo r its M ussm ai , 0 2-yord ru n by J e f f Her

11:24 rcmalnlUR m iin lhc 'i

flday, Oclobor 21,1983 Tlmo

>rdawill be b a c k B 4 h a te N L s ta r p icks B m ores win a big o n e I

i l l d o g ;

n y o n?r>RHOPR---- ---------- com blnirrllcr '_S ____

lh e rub, — Revenge m ay lengthe J t never sw eeter a chimee lo m ake ' K lm b

lis takes Just a fte r son ie rs , agoln.

le beauty o f . se tte r which Kimberly. cen ter

n Uiree gam es to Jen n y ; ime righ t back connect to c rush Its oppo- opponei

M T norcrw lnn lng— finest-^ F o u rth D istrict IhotUili Thursday n l i^ l In •— WheU im plonshlp 'gam e.-— had- lui

t in u e tll'takes K im berly to . In Uie JUon next F riday becausie g e -o f—Southern------p rey io tig .sU H n o to u to ta Its f in t o ' berth .' ploys • never

MounUiln Home cned b Ills Saturday. hd l-be ie looking tough for “ And , a s Gooding con- : w hM \ w inning, ways by k ind of B w irs - 'lS r : IW i; Kimbei icted,' Gooding S e - E m ersi mons pounded ball an d w e Lo K im beriy’s de-. But i

- s c r e e d jnd gam o tn lha t TTicli . Clemons early on w ith Uilrd spike o f Uie found v

I for Uie opposite . spiking tually she found it. mounte Senators to a M hig l a

Uiey aUowed a .^ a p p e a r ibadc,:... • -fiam es

aggrc^ven iess . 'S e e l

“ J e

T t e - m

l a y o f f s------ ELK<

iffs, wtiich a r e sco res i oacb es-an d -n o t- _ t h e _ J a j ' lSHAA. w ill second- ov. 4. One Dis- knocke< e y — is s tm in ranks. 2 oftw oSow ooth A cou IfUiePanUierB . boUi ol s l Rockland a t sco res i oon they can of Ju of a spot In th e fo ra n c saUng C am as . Bul U m a y o n HlU a — holf-no •mined, but Uie w hen S obsbly_hnve_tq_ Inger. om District 3 — • - ruiinlnc a ted G arden Six pli i , -------------------------------T olm ar looPagoB S Klinger

------— ^VOJei

^ ^ ih is s iresh m an ■•idon’tU iink

T renk ie . " b eco ith a t of-;------ -a n d lefc.lhem shes lo go tcam who come

th ink w c hove s( e in s lo ■ ThooUicrUiln

i S f v o rcl)Oiindlnsho.s concern he re sll

lUy likes, ^ o e c n , I M p l irows.'Oi " 6* ouBoyr . - . In a n o th e rm l sep s la ts th n t CSI fans wl owsoftcT- .d c (e n so .L lk o h l ne . As a ' T renk ie h a s leai tlcc;?.---:---: • inan-tD uruuuitil ; Uie pure h e Isn’t fighting d ire d a .............. .O n U ia tm a ttc

•xs for the Vikings, however, n’tp laysbu tpenalU es —a p a lrb f ' . .

Interference <;alls. Tbo first,' ' jht Um5 Vikings into K Im beriy . ' t o ry : the sccond put Uiem Inside ), M ussmann d s o swept le ft e i ^ ]J conversion, expanding Valley’s’ • ' ' ' O14-0.nberly appeared poised to nai^' " " th e 'defic it on its ensuing-

ssion , a i ^ h g from Its 77- ’ - u t-a-h llch .-B ut-bn-fourU w m d^*Qt thp Valloy 2, the I3th play o f d rive , Uie Bulldogs w ere s to n x x t -”^^—

Uic Vikings blitzed imd h d d : Jockm an to o 1-yard gam wlUieft tn Uie h d f .__________) Vikings then consumed tho 9X 7}1 separa ting them, from Kimr "’s g oal Une, Uianks moeUy to Uie - -Chi- UUnkuKW from- the 5 ,v ' “ m an n bombed ooa 37 yards to...,’*' H enry for o first down. Four,:hg p la y sT a lerT M tfssm ahn ro lI5 y ~ '~ "

■|m oa-Nows. Twln Folia, Idaho B-3


3 B 5 ' . ‘

i e B 3 - . ' J :

{ S c o p g

I t i t l e - : ltbined wlUi Klm beriy’s .’.‘.j___ital e rro rs, c a rried dvier Into .7; . ' ru b b e r m atch, which only > , fthencd Uie series between , - j Lwoclubs. ;;itIm berly, weak on ono of Its , ie rs , was blitzed again and " 'In. T urning to Its offense., . e r S u sy .K rieg e r fed Uio ■•■■■ ler ball lo opposite co m er V.’ ny SU rk . S tark m ade the nection, but so too did her onents, who ployed Uielrs t-d e fe n se all - ovonlng-ln ------, th ird game. I.’helhec-lL .w as.pressurc.-O r-._____ ____- luck ,-the-pendu lum con------ ^ .......letl to swing low ard (3oodlng • th e second m atch, forced ' *•' ' • au se K ifn b e riy .h ad been ::i. : viously undcfcfltcd. W l im l^ ; ' ^l l r s t . gameTThC“ Scnntora -»rrf aq------e r w ere seriously Uireat- ijr- ir, d b y Klmtxirly, who w ere •benlonscH -dcslnictlon. :-5. :ti And tha t’s what happens , ; sn w o don’t p lay our ow n '-.',, ^ i o f gom e," noted long-timeib e r iy - :— Coach— J e a n ----------------^erson. “ We p lay U idr gam e, - ^ Iw elase ." . !ut th a t .was to com e lo a ; eech lnghd l.b d r backs to tho wall (lined <[J bleachera), KImberiy ' : nd w bat It needed — Stark’s - . : dn g powor. K im berly • ’ ; Lmted a l4 ^ lc o d im d G o o d - “ " ;

lo s t its aggressive edge, ' • ic^uring Ured aTlcr flve"“ ’ nes w i ^ t h d r rival. In fact, :-. ; - - ^ e e K I I ^ E ^ Y o b ^ M . ' ;

e r o m e

a a r s J E l k Q i

i e r f e e M © n H =LKO. Nev.— Rocked’by tw o q i i lc k ^ — res and Ird llng 14-12 a t h alftlm e, i J e ro m e T igers d o m lim ^ . Jh e :

)nd- half T h i i r ^ y n l ^ t ‘-‘luid: eked Elko from the und d o ated ;Its, 34-11 • :coupio of kicking slluaUons se t u p .1 of Elko’s ia te second-quarter I I ts a nd appeared lo m ake a gam e 1 t Ju s t os Jerom e seem ed-hco^cd!. an carlyv ic to ry .-: • - - - 7-- . . . u l th e Tigers served up the sec»nd •-notlce-«arIy-in-Uie-6econd-baltH -------in Spencer Tolm an and J e f f K1-!;r, l»Ui enjoyhig 100-yard p lio aliig night,. ripped-oU big gainers.-^— -

p la y s Into th e th ird q u o rte rr man belted In from the-s ix ond Iger locked on th e lwo-polntcr tojJ e ro m e ltsh e a d ,— ---------- ------------

• Seo ELKO on P a w B4

ieason^§r-ink youcjm iudge tha t ye t,” says.-'- Mause I haven’t tu rned them lootjc-;1 fihooUWo h av eso m o ^u y so n tlie.^____im e with good shooUngslnts andT IQ som cshoo tersonU ieleam .’!.;y.Uilng is the m a ile r of reb o u n d l^ ; h • a s a n d E m cnw nth e tlm eg o es , ■i;

has been n pro-sen.'Mii m a tte r of osInceU ietrium vlateo f Ron . , u lp h P alom arm idT linU assc ttJc fi

rm lno rsu rp riso , T renkie odm lls - . sw llls e o th e E a ^ e s In 'a z o n c ■ • -0 h is aforementioned m entors, leaned pretty heavily to •1 y«;»nr buLSOyS j:! ' ' , :ing the trend any longer.utter.' ImlauuliH whcii discussing-.___, .

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

Ipcli t a s o r d c

^ f e ^ L O S ^ \N G E L E S _ ( U P l I^ABorda, w ho h as led thi

C ^ ^ T ^ b d g F ra 'to 'r o u r divlsloi r W orld Scries and _ono_

^ cham plonaW p In " th e ;;-::V seasons. T hursday slgm iC :■■: ^d en ted th reo -y earco n li

C brts tm as cam e e L aso rd a fam ily,” the ' lig h ted m an ag e r sa id at

rf?i:?~iiQW B'confercnco-at-Dot " I 'v o b e e n h e re M y e a rs

^l^> ._V ro rk ln g lor.tho Dodgers

^T?ftie"i3oagers s a ia m a | « 5g “r w as tho f irs t Umo th e cli 9 ^ V a m ulU -year c o n trac t to

r th e te a m ’s 94-year hlstoi

; D odgers ow ner Petei 9 9 k > ^ r t e d l y a g reed to brca

a f te r L aso rda express< ■ l ^ U O D a t Dot having a n

O’M aU eyJokedandtr

W E t k t r• C on tlnued ffom P

^ : EUko m ad e Just ono second half, th a t com BentleyT?1cfced-off-rSh a t th e T ig er 40. B ut J e r fourth-and-1 a t th e 30. T roUed to th e E lko 21 sty m ied by another Inte . Bu^ on e n ^ posse

n M & i^ -m o ^ 'th o -T ig o is :o u ro 4 S -y a rd ^ r in g n )m p ,_ .

[ M ^ . In th e fourth period, J S j ^ V o a a long bom b to Je ff j S g ; c a r r ie d to th e EUco 6. A K | ^ :e x c h a n se d pena W r i c •wound up scoring Wltl ■ l ^ ' d a s h w ith 3:07 le ft in i

K lin g er ag a in convertec Je ro m o m aybe h ad it

f ir s t ha lf \rtien It movt \ flve p lay s to lake the la

<SW- -s ta r te d on a 22-yard rot « ^ ~ ” a5 rw a3 'B b c tt« lo n -a -2 i )'.■ - . G a ry H ulsey p ass th a t t

------- th e -E U co -2 9 .-K lln g e^' p l a ^ a f te r th a t b u t t

k ick snafued on a high th e bolder.

A sh o rt EUco punt se t o n o th e r sco re In the

— p e ri o d r ih o -T i ge rs-d o 'y a r d s In seven plays.

l i l g '- K linger h ad 13* and 1 ^ ; . respectively , before '

a c ro s s fro m th ree ys

S n ^ ri.- • CooUnued fron ‘ a n d seven g irls will pai

w eek ’s s ta to finals I F a l ls a n d Mlnlco will c In tb e boys division.

........... .. ........ GIrttVwttTtoiaiieortna-t. TVln Fal

ontfMlntcolocMnpfcle}. — ‘■J Z TepTee■I ' i ' I. T >e»Jo Snibert, TP. Jl:l

TF: i ju c b t i l a ■raompoon. T

V a lle y -w - j ‘ ■•'CocUm iedfron

" r ig h t and fired to 7 Snfe. -m id d le fo r 15 m oro

V alley to theK lm berly

O n th e nex t p loy Mi again,—th is-tln iie-to-B

H ^ u ' ' b e a t in K im berly ’s B n B w ^ t bo-right^BldoIlno-BH

: touchdow n p a s s w i th : - a n d T h a d te r r a n forth<

"E very b o d y w as cc

F i f - ru n th e play-actlon j "^.y w an ted to,” J^nnesbcc

T h a t ended th e ViWo,

^ ^ ^ _ J ^ H L s t a n d l n g s

J J . i LB f e r .*- (MtiK < 7 1 1

Hmniort r,.Illll,ir \ r iii\ i

3 : M l

---- jj/iwinran--'— —kViir,. l l l i

•r?., Winnies I " i t

t!'"-...... CS,V£S;r?£.T„ ^

N H L s u m s „

- - . - --B ^ T im o s-N o w jr .T w in Fa

\ ' .

t o b e

l a g e t s f i r '[JP n - Tom m y Issue whi I the Los Angeles. poUcy.slod 'U U esrihrco-------“ Tom rno W orld Scries persuaai'iie " 'p a a l" 'M v e h '------ I t hasIgncd an unprcc- would bc jn troc t. L asorda____________ : _ — clta flg u i, a i r ly fo r lho . le obviously dc- la l a n a l t o n o o n D odesrStodlm n.— J r ™ " * ^ ^ w ^ l l o d l o

} Club h as Offered a Iso tok ( t to a .m a n a g e r ln j,ls arm story- three-ycjBter O’Malley re- .A sked reak tho tradition f irs t Do( essed d lssa tls fa^ long-ten a m ultl-yeor con- special

apprecla d tr ied to sk irt (he th em .”

) - -

n P ^ B 3 penaltyjno th rea t in the version om ing when Joe Je ro m o -^hane-Jund-pass— w ide:— Jero m e held on o . A fter J.T hoT lgers then - k icking i 21 before being ble. Hui

nterceptlon. . b locker I osesslon, KUnger Ing to tt iCof reachiw lth J i - - p a y o f f .-

■_ ta ilback d ,Ju n d h w k ed u p w ith Sc eff B a l a a m th a t. R andy F }. A fter the team s lo 12-7. enaltles, Tolm an T he In with a four-yard m inutes in tbe gan)e and b a c k .Int rted. o f kickir1 il loo easy In the scooted oved 92 y a rd s In points. H 5 lead. T b a t drive J u s t b rom p by KUnger blocked

a"2i-yard"Jund to — E lk o ont a t took the ball to rem alnlr -w c n ta c ro ss two— th a t sltui i r i h c ' ^ in t-a f te r— goal-lln^ gh cen te r snap to clock.

se t Je ro m e up forh e « a r ly second j-ra ln p-dovering-the-50------ j- toihulys. Tolm an andnd ,15-yard runs, J ; ,S I Se Tolm an w ent j-Kiingi

y a rd s awoy. A j —Toimi

i n t r y ---------comPaj?0 B3 t f ; s . u*partic ipa te In next a In Boise. Twin 111 e n te r full team s

■ TcttnsKMounUUnl

Falb, (MountalnHome ' I. Rodl___prJi tjTih'i'Tco Molyneux,

1. Kim llatmah. WnJdnxt. n. TF; 4. MlUi HarUffl.

rom P ageB S — - 7 n o t—th( ) Tilley over tho A fte r 1 re yards, moving ' touchdo !Tly28. . fourth-a

Ja c k m aMussmmm Uirow m an jic i

j-B la d trw h o -h n d — B ^ tA lk ln s o n u p „o t beto

- o n d a o l tth 39 seconds left,•the conversion ;— ranJwriT'

Valley: concem cd about v-M usKTwe-were-able-to------v—mu»n pass when we v-[u*a

. ™ '.0«aa kings'scoring , bul

i i S E j S i ;

**>«> pTcm* ij ii. Wo.n«.-u

7 ir n MJ-<M-n nuMtipru i}-L 1J-.U u«S/S!r.V"-"5i!ui.''

' V.V. .j; 5 - r"ii"in(iv3-v

5 ii i E

cu»nfj kn Uiw*n

-------------- j y

6p>".M0I l/on1f..t !■

oii,., Wlr- ' • • njnni;«»toc''fA-U.Mi ■

I Falls . Idaho Friday . Octotjc

? r s m

r s t m u l t i - y (#Jien e d _ ^ y he changed th<

m m y’s —a — very—ojnvlnclng i3 ivem an ,” hosald. a s been reported th a t tho dea t)e worth about $1 million, ba

da an d O’Malley both refused t(;u rc3 ,—______!----------------------

cd If he had taken a p ay cu t t< e m ulti-year deal, L asorda said■iilfl glntfly givp itp pr^rt o f rr;I If we could get a goo( ayer.’: _______ _____ :_______

onJa ;flaW Jia :M M t:.d« rm n^ -than-a 'ono-yearconirflc i.'lhci oked th a t O’MoUcy had to twls rm lo m ako him occept th( y e a r pact.cd w hat It m eans to becom e lh< Dodgers m anager to receive £ erm contracl, be said, ' ‘Il'JII In a way. I t shows thej d a t e having someono work foi

ly nullified ^ two-point con »n ru n by Tolman, leadinj 10 to try a kick wljlch s tra y «

•r a punt exchange, Je ro m e’; lg gam e got the T igers In trou Hulsey’s punt d rilled the up u- In th e back, the b a ll rebound t tho T iger 43. E lko m ade tha f.^on;ziourth=and-O D e-\Y hej ck Dennis Tafoya booked u] Scott' Yagoda' fo r th e score y Hell’s kick reduced the deflcl

! Ind ians stunned Je ro m e th ro e s la te r when Tafoya droppo Into.punt.form ation but insteai king, tucked the boll aw ay a n id 52 yards fgr the g o -^ e a i I. Heile again converted, t before halftlm e, Alan B yer x! another Je rom e punt to giv< 5ne lastchance-vrith 59 se e a id Inlng. But M ark L eavitt save* Ituatlon by Intercepting jwar-th< line and Je rom e r a n ’ out-th i

................................e 6 14 t-i...................................... 0 14 6 0-1Inger lOtua(Uck(aU«dlJm*o3nBj«kJdttolle«U-------------------oeoda 44 pAsi Iron Tatoya (IMlsUck)aroyaUnmlHclleklckldmanflruttlJundnB),lDSer43nm(runraUedl>Iroan4rtBj(iaii^nai)

Uaa Williams. TF; a. PaUy Prudt. TI”: «6nn. TT: «. KfUly WlUy. TT: fl. Sax> TF; 10. Mlciie]«aaunuaeo.TF.

Boy»VanIty a •nrtns-l. Twin FalU 31.1 Mlnlco 40. aln Homo 75.

TepTw)d Uribe, TF. 17:18; 3. lUcX Valdei.Tr; jiihy, Mlo; 1 JooB Vcsa. Mln;.3^Tcr tux. TK: 0. McKay liiadsrtd. TF; 7. U r jn. TF; a. DavW Dodo. TT; fl. Jol Jili.TF; lD.TravUUood.MlQ.

Ihe lr ■ offensive effectlvcnesi K im berly notched its onl

idown on F erre ll’s 32-yan ti-and-10, across-the-field p a ss I n a n w ith 9:58 left to play. V alle hed from Its 34 to K lihberty’s e belng'stoppod ondow ns— bt efore consum ing all but 46 sc< o ftheclock . - - ...... — -----------

r iy .. . . . .v .. - - .- . - .7 .T o -o -o -» =............ ......................... • t» 0 ft-:lusmannirun(nn(a]ied)

lack 2S mm MiBsmam fITiadci

ftdunan 33 pa» Irom FferrtU (Whsht pu crrell)

• -Ul Ni...K«l,....L 9 Tfil/fl p«f>oO —r. [on,tl i l p/riim.i- jCon»yl. f u I, 101

C ollege sc<n Unmo Pr*M Manuao

10 i-1-4 riwvKS'. 3t,lMii,<nf; - " a i " ^ - N F C s f a n d


u u o i" i '

il’iint. RaiVMii C«nMW ...; ; PiilitjgxBn 5 J* a«veUAij < j

!r'w i.iT .?.ri ^ JIJl J'erut!i«»- . 4 JcojP-Mc ltMi jUnU* C<lr 3 J

^Wiminr. j

t r - L B . ?. s ' j , t' iS L ^ c ...... .....

A«V./ C f^ On ? \ eViV 0«W''

o t3 o rZ l.lO lh ..................... ■■

i r p r i i

/ e a r c o n t i1 the ' A

l n g . ~ G S ^ ; : . . " ;~ 7

deal ' .............—• b a t ■■id to - W - , . . - .

It to I s L -laid,- m y _ I f - ^? » d

lh e n ~ ~ B B ? ^ ...... .....wist ■

I Uiere a ,‘It-s -----------

“S T O M M Y L A S A f i r s t

5U I^ • ------- --------------^ ^

r - - j j o t Q f a

h ,« . -•• • P iiT S B U R O H * ^ . . t s b u p g h .S te e le r a

/eu^veU uenaanG i....w as c r l l l c ^ y InJui

n l^ t i n a n a u to m c . In su b u rb an Ross T

R ivera; th e , Stc g ” d ra f t choice th i

^ ---------HUIs Pflssffvnat- l

. ::.u ffiiaraa3R ?tsi£r3to A llegheny Cenei

A sou rce a t t - n P a h v a n t sold R 0-14 . Vpoor’lconsUUon,

t h e r e . .------------- r - P f r B onlel Dian-

t ra u m a serv ice i G eneral, sa id R l' th e re a t 9:50 p .i

- l l s t ^ in critical CO)

— Kim bet• Cwitlnued fron

th e two ^ i n t s crcd w ere ..v irtually m e: th ey cam e la te in t s eco n d -g am e w as ( about th e tlm c Goodi o u t to re-evaluate the

TT;3- W ith five gam es doi lS S t ’ S ta rk served up t

e s tab lish an im ports p o rtan t psychologica else . -After Goodlni;

— tjcrly ’s sensitive und for 0 w eakness in lho w as closed to a point,;

A fler that, the roo S enators. K rieger pla:

^ a s s e tte r. genUy bji “ — o v er, forcing netball

effectively, while Tei ! ! 5 , ? _ R l i o n d n J t o l _ d l d i

estab lish ing a consist -5^?^— declsivo-poin t-cam e — - spike, -w h ldT - ^ , - - h a n d s o f , f l Gooding op: f t - s In Junior varsity a

m ad e i t a c lean sweei

th e eventual champlo t pass d ay , but then lost thc

th e final hours.

, 10 riw CnrKi-rn

j,'*™'.'?;: VJ"I »»9.r.i. CMillotl } AlliflU

tanon»« 1MH1=»----- --------lon.Uoofl lo.Aft®.!... AtUntiVta

3 m ~ g |scores

n d l h g STBAU. LEAOW RY. Cunti i

ConSSSf*^^ n PA

U ! -S - ii i i- --P>sney_ i ! ! S IS IS

< 3 0 sn tB '§ f

3 4 0 :*a 111 !n

w T f Pet. pr PA

S t ! S IS SI | »

i l l silil};

s q s

: r a c t O v

l l iS O R D As t 1

l O f - ' O ------- - B y Unit

Bem l■ | r s _ f l n l n d c ........... ......... ............ to ’ c a r r

f . A n g e l e i / T f I i Edmoni

flrs tlo sf O J P D - P i t * - T h ^ « jw W o d e - J one-m a G ah rie llU v era ... Edmoni l u r e d T h u r ^ y — thoK lni nobUe accident , to ju stz; i Township, . Howovc Keelers’ No. l , lead e r h is yea r, re-^ i j jg eigh

IB ken to fJeW h > -----■ ' _ £ o a l lo J \

- o fE d m leral Hospital. f e in o : N orth Hills qij. Qijr R ivera w as in eigh t co o ,w h m he te ft ] Nlchc

^ . f lv em lj-U itrK ln

a t A U i ! ^ -;J lvcra m lv e d „ „ g „ | >.m„ and w as i odvaiiti

![ r a m ln l ------ P au l <

r ( y — i S n "om PageB S 1 llncm at i^ te d to Gooding | MacLql leaningless, since i a p a r t r

the contest. The | p ^ o d I dcclded ■ a r 'l l - 0 . Angclea

d ing called a tim e short-h i le gam e plan. m inutes lown and one to go,- lead . ;

th ree points to Gretzl •tant lead, a s Im- m inutes cally a s anything NlchoUs n g - p ro b e d -K lm -—fourth g nderbelly. looking T h a t tie tM m iddle, th e gap goals a t. 3-2. gam e,oof fell in on the Steve layed h e r sharpest biooplng the ball a lls.-S tark -sp iked—'eresa Wright andj- their p fu t i j__ —stent defense. T he _ _ le -o s-S ta rk h it a .h z In g S T d f fn h e -------spponcnU----------------------------action, Kimberly •

x p by cleaning up \ 7 | <n jc-w uacn is-beat—lions ea rlie r in the heir com posure In TW1

sophon- . _ _ possess

; .on to , , | te rp a rt

i In p o --------- trie s , t]

1 ? 2 5;} iB lu ence so J 5 0 no 10 t<j Blackf<

47 - • Twin• ----------lum fo rth e

.?oS!!l2 hVi.*r:' la te r , i -------^ e r y j c

took T ■■ polntci

•iDenwrizprn ■K0l1LA,fUm>,Jpfn f f »

S S ; ; ; : .TWi:

V C lass ic

n.u-« fo r so■ iNw-u

M H. m ? ’ . - c

1 1 ------------ i S Q f - ^ e w a :

S tSdi - . .v i s L » 5 ^ ' m an d ( jtSdS offense

-----------i i - S

; •• ______ ____

' w e n s t o r

f e a n

■ w 1P A U L O W E N S

K ic k c d d o w n s t a i r s

M « r snlted P re ss International - • ■

m le Nicholls fired in four g< \d d e d lm s s ts l5 jn iu c s d n y j i ii n y th e previously-w inless iles K in ^ to -a 7-2 trium ph c onton, handing the Oilers’ tl loss In eight gam es thlsseasor e 22-year-old cen te r put 01 n a n perform ance rem lniscen onion’s W ayne G retzky,-w : angs w ero holding the rea l a r t ; t a third-period power-play gi 2ver, Gretzky, the NHL’s scoi >r, h a s now p u t In a goal In e ac ight g am es to bring his total tialo n g id lh .2i points,________e K ings improved to 1 2. Ho< e M ike B lake s topped all bul lm ontoo 's.38.sbols-as the OU0 7-1 ahd failed lo becom e 0 h ird leam to s ta r t a season v , consecutive victories.:;holls scorod two goals in tho 1 m inutes of the first period to

on a 30-foot shot p a s l goalie Ai j a t 15:32. Al 18:29, Nicholls I n tag e of a n Oilers’ penalty In a 5-fool shot, ul Coffey scored’a H :3 4 'ln to id period lo bring Edmon n 2-1, biit N Ii^ U s se t la te s J im Fox and Br j j l la n for. goals two m ini t m idw ay through the seo d 'b e fo re scoring again w ith 1 ic s a m an short. Nlchi -handed goal cam o with lh tes left In thc period for a

jtzky got his power p lay goal I tes Into the th ird period, bef }Us capped the night with h goal-wilh 5:00 le ft In the gai tied the Kings’ record for m a nd m ost assists in a sin

ve C hristoff sco red lh e only g

- w i n F a l l !

VIN FALLS - The Twin F om ores scored on the ir first I essions 'Thursday night and w :o beat their Bonneville a a r ts 34-8.posting Ihelr seventh win in e I, th e Bruins pu t them selves : Uon to w in the G em S tate Con ‘ sophomoreTniirwllh'TVictor :kfoot ncxl week, vln F a lls scorcd a fte r thc opci off. spring ing Jam ie r l t o n 1( he la s t four yards.'Three miiii r, a f te r a midfleld fumble re<

Bruins’ sccond touchdown. I ; Tim P ra te r ’s pass for th e 1 it conversion.• J •_WIN F A L I^ - The U ons < ed down the regu lar scj mpionship of the Twin Ein th -g rm le ......football____ le;irsday.i a ^ ^ s zind Elxchangc clubs s c c o ^ a t 3-2 while Rotary

i o v e y - ^• C w linuod trom P ag e B3___Afay,he Installed the various p i l e g a n j e w i t h . t b e t e a m . . .: s tju ted Ihis bunch working or1 defense ond then p u l In our m nse, We couldn’t m ove the ball

m neoffcnse first and then thc

— ------------------------

r e m a i n a sp i PH IL/\D ELPH IA

— r a — O w ens-T hursday-si ^ ^ S - : - c o n t r a c t . t o re tu rn -a

N ational Leagi| « K .....P h ilad e lp h ia . PhlllliI announced he wlil B w . g enera l m anager.

In a sc ries of fid ' m oves announced i

tmjB _ ence, te am p reside f ]K € John Felske, mano£ \ J I a a M AAA fa rm clu IL | 1 ___ tytn^lHorpH tho hi

1 coaching Staff of tho G iles said coach :

had b een . Owens’ th roughout th e seof leased . Ho also ann S leg le and J im Bau th e general m anac S icg le nam ed vice pi of baseball adn

~ B au m er nam ed vli

r goals " " N F iv nigh t .s s Los— ■ h overi’ the ir th a t N icholls’ lino ison. w ith 2 :021eft.

on a M ontreal 5, M innea cent of In Bloomington -w h ile W lckenhelser score a rtic le -th e season 1:35Jnt y goal, th e M ontreal Canai f i r i n g fo r four thlrd-perio< sachof ry n igh t over the a l to 11 S tars.

Wlckenhelser < ElooWe"' W alteP s centering )ul two c o m e r for tho gi O U ers- F K ^ M d n d b u h a d

le only m inules rem aining: in with The-N orth S tars

b u t M ontreal’s Ms ho last tho comctMick a t : to gel period , flipping the

B Andy goaltender Glllcs M Is took G uy Corbonncau lity lo pow er-play goal a t

period and five mln Ito-the D elorm e added th nonton goal on a long shot e t up th a t 'z ip p e d pastBrian ■ Mondou’s ty ing goJ

Unutes season , cam e o l I7:isecond • M innesota’s Briajth Los goals and tw o asslsIcholls o f the-^first period

three goal a s he b ea t Mo,• a 5-1 W am sley cleanly on

B ellow s'second glalflvo se a so n c a m e a tl:0 8tKfore w hen he slippedth his W am sley’s p a d s . BlpnTTiA, _at-iC :42 o f.lh e .s c «r most the N orth S ta rs a 2-tsingle Neal Broten gavi- • edge a t 4:55 of 1y goiU knocking in S teve P.

, Pails In tho second quas t four tw o tack les n e a r hid w ent on to com plete a 53-

= •- I f 'Confer- sco res. Bonneville

bo“ . n S :r S i ^ - p l a y s - l a t e r - C a : rocov- stunned th e B ees V

irds fo r___op a dive.^-B oiinevuio ran ti

le tw o - of th e final period I

IS Club O pU m lsls shared season E lk s finished 0-5.

1 F alls T h e lies will bo I league _M onday_ot S t i ^ 1

Ih re o -^ m e la n ib o i lbs lied up T h u isd ay a t iry and beginning a t 5 p.m.

________ Tonn l /inn’tk n o w i3 p a r ts bad . I ’ve looked ol j7 ........... •. .gnm e.fU rnsw d Itk;o n abouteveryoneplo ; r 'm an C S Iso m a y b e ltsg o ja il. So can m ove Uiat well i i U n _ l h e E i » f i l e a w o n : i h e to ad ju s t to th e coni

'r - , ....... ..................^ _

s P h i l s ’ m .A (UPI) — Paul dfrectoi -signed-a-one-year— seoutinit.asjnanaaet.oL U ie__ L.Gileaigue champion Chlcag( Illcs .b u t . Uie. c h l l ) w o u ld t 11 no longer be its w ith f

• Roblns( structo;

cld and front olllce OWCli I a t a news confer- a g e r sli dent Bill Giles said fron t ol ager of the Phillies’ fired P :lub a l P ortland .o iid , , te a m 1 he ir a pparent to s tre a i^

f»n '<n tho ~N L En:rtoparentclub.— ...........A ngeicil Bobby Wine, who nant.J’ righ t-hand ' m an Speci :ason, had been re- S undaj [uwunced tha t Tony lost thc au m er would sh a re th e Ba! ag e r’s duties, with 59-yeai president In charge m anag

Im inlstration and wantec! vice president and agreed

- t h e i - E -. -The(

.......... - . . .U ie N o iH T Philadf


with G10 did not produce period

. In to a tl2a o ta 4 T h e lon, Minn., Doug tho [iv ired his first goal of could 1 Inlo overtim e to lift w inner ladlens, who surged w ith lod goals, t o a victo- ihe pc le Minnesota North F ly ers

fired Iconverted _ R y a n B ruins

n g -p a s s from the S u tte r game-winner a f te r r ig h t m

id iio d U 4 ^ \v ith tw a - goal or lg in the th ird period. Suttc •s opened a 3-0 leac^, comebi Hark N apier began M acTa I 1:33 01 the th ird th a t wi le puck Into the righ t p e lle I

Meloche. to wiliau connected on a a ss ls tea t 7:22 of the th ird angle. Jnu tes later, G ilbert The :the third M ontreal in Uieol from ,the blue line lead 01t Meloche’s g lo v e r C ro ^ ir’oal, his fifth of Uie the r7:55. . ■ Middleian Bellows had two- righ tlists, tallying a l 7:48 KrushcJd on a power-play i3 :l5 a i lon trea l goalie Rick on Uie righ t side.I goal and fifUi ofU ie— w vl! oao tm etlU nlpcrlo ii d the puck underBrent Ashton scorcd “ ‘n” ® m ind.pcrlod lo g lvc— ia n g c j2-Oload. New ive Minnesota a 4-1: th e th ird 'p e rio d , a t DeLPayne’s rebound. Vancoi

■ — -

] p f ouarter, Mallna broke h is own 40 and w ent TW

53-yardscoringJaunt " c lo a tl in Uie half. P ra te r hlghll I for 20 yards and a Bruin J Twinrad ed U iird-quarter P ro le w as held inside the ' which f thp Rnifn-s fum bled a t lO t 5 Bees’ only score. golf Jl drove to Uie Uiree Rohw mg slopped and two -p e rso i iisey__ Bartholomew asked i wlUi a 95-yard rom p . Sundi

th e p ri t ro i le d - th e -b a l l -m o s t- ^ g ^ dbu tcou ldn ’tscoro . -

cours-" ' g ive?^ 4^ 4. 1^ . any hi

------- ~ - R 0 H• — nesse;

d fourth a l 2-3. Thc sponsi The

0 decldcd in playoffs projw •t and O’Leary and a Bruinioree wlllwlnd th in g s ' F a lls ' a t Bruin Stadium , jyam i Tl. budge

If if th a t's good o r ..B razilIt a Ipt of la-st yea r’s whipptkiHco th a l ju s t P^n-Aloyw fione 'agaln^ ' sum mgood if we actually Caspeijj against it.” th e re jI’lh a v e a lp t_ o I^n e_________impeiltion, howcvel\ Tjin

. . . ___l__. .l._ rm.„ rr’l

n a n a g e re to r of p layer development andi t i n g ; - ------------—- r ------------------ \— -Hea sa id form er PhlUles coach and :ago Cubs m anager Lee E lla lid lake ov e r a s P o rU a ^ m anager ;1 fo rm er m a jo r’ l^ 'g i i ^ Bill . Ilnson-serv ing , a s Its hitting’ in­ictor. ' ~w c m r Um.Phillies * ■ genernl-m an------r since 19T2, cam e down from the It office on Jiily 18 lo replace Uie d P a t C orrales a s m anager. Th6 m ra n off an 11-gam e winning ;ak In S eptem ber and captured Ui^£ M O n 3 D a to r :< l< ? L e A tm m » Cjeles D odgere for the leag051®lP“

peculation w as ram pant l a ^ iday lm m ediately a fte r the PhlUles ; th e W orid S eries in five gomes to B alllm ore Orioles on wheUief Uie

I’ear-old Owens would re turn a? n ager. Owens le t Giles know he nted to com e back, and GUes •eed to It.

; - ; 7 7 i g :

r f i r - s t ^h e Canadlens a re now G:0-3.agaln?t _ N orU iS tarsinU ielasttw oy«jars.' . . Jade lph ia3 ,B ostoa3 :1 Philadelphia, rookie Ron SutUir red a power*play goal on a r e b o r a d - ^ h G:08 rem aining in th e .ff i ird . iod to lift the PhUadelphla Flyers ) a tie w ith Uie Boston Bruins.■he F ly ers outshol the B nilns 4-1 in

five-m inute overtim e period but Jd not com o up wiUi thc game-inerx......... ........... — - -/lUi Boston’s C raig M acTavish In

penalty box for hlgh-sUcking, e r s dcfensem an B rad McCrimmon Kl a sho t Uial was stoppe^l;;by ilns goaltend er D ouglCeans, but te r p icked 'up the rebound oiiTUie fit w ing an d .p u t ll in for hifl,thlrdd o ru ie y e a r . _____ ________u tte r’sgO;al capped P hiladelphia 's.. .. neback from a 3-1 defic it-a fte r cTavish scored on a 35-foot shot t w ent betw een the legs of goalie le Lindbergh a l 1:33 of Uie-flnal .

within one a t 2:45 wlUi an 'on- Isted goal on a shot from 0 t e d >le. ■ -’he F ly ers outshot the Bruins. 13-2 Jie firs t period and grabbed 0:1-0 - d on a power-play goal by -Doug issman'. But Boston scored twice In

m iddle period, wiUi Rick Idlcton scoring ori a shot from: the m c irc le a t 4:10 and 'M ike j s h c ln y ^ stuffing in a goal ot - 15 a f te r skaUng around Uie net.

n NHL action tonight. New J e j ^ y I v isit Vancouver. On S a tu rd ay I t . .. 1 be Boston n t Pittsburgh, BixfTalo H artford , M onjreal a t T o ttjo to ,- -

ine so ta o t Quebec, .Uie New Y^ricn gers a t th e New-Ynrk Islanders,___iv Je rse y o t Los Angdles, lladelphia a t Wshlngton, C a i B ^ D etroit.-C hicago a t St. Louis.jmd. ncouver a l Edmonlon.

t. ' ■ "■

^Qrambleo i^ F H S - ^ ^^etSunday"TWIN FALLS - Some SBOO (h :losest to lhe pin” modey ghllghls tho annual Twin Falls ruin goJ^ scram ble Sunday-ut A'in F a lls Municipal Golf C our» ; P roceeds from Uie scram ble, • rtlch opens from a shotgun staW10 a .m .. wlU go to m e t^ ghschool____

tif p rog ram , sa id Coach "51 Dhweder. E n try fee is $15 per ■rson an d Uiose p artlc ip a tln g B ie .;ked to reg is te r p rior to 9 mm.rndayT E htriea-m ny bCTnade iit-------e p ro shop any Ume this w eek .''

B a r to n 'rc iu S ra ils providing SM rc lo se s t lo th e holoon each oflhe lurse’s s ix Uiree pars . II also will v e S500 for Uio first hole-In-onoxin ly hole.R ohw oder said Tw ln 'FallsbiisI^ “s s e s — a r a — p artid p a tin g — by-------onso ring each of the IB holes.The sc ram ble Is one of o groi5>of' o jcc ts tw ing undertaken , i y •uln b oosters to support the Twin illK 'lI ig ii 'S chool 'oUiieUc pro- • ' am s, which havo been suijject to idgctary cu tbacks th is year.

azillunniitionHi (cam., which ,ilpp<jdUieU.S.forUie -----------in-American gam es UUe la st— ' ~ inm er.T hencom ^ s 'a rotum v isit t o - - sp e r , Wyo., and CSI has escaped ire ju s to n c e in a b c tr ie s ;------ ^

— -KTai.... 1 J

....... j ...........

____________________________ - 4 _______

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

! E vans o p ts f<SAN DIEGO (UPl)

F rancisco Glanls, voi p lay e r th is season, Is tl

__ i ____ rree__agcncy. ihls_.flc(I T hursday.' E vans, who batted .2

season , previously wci 1978.

‘■Unlike 1978 when I lh a t D arre ll would r

' _ r e-^mtn' d ra ft, now^ I D arre ll will n o t be th a I

------------ sa id fronhhls San Diegof th is poslUon in Augui

- -s ln c e th a lp o in l." .....

R o sen w ill s t---------------- H o y s T O N -(U P ir=

th ree-year contract t p residen t and general h im o u t of the running A m erican League.

■ _ personally

-h e re ln rio u s to n ." - A stros ow ner John M

Rosen/.w ho h ad Just a club, d eV ito a eono Leaguoofflce tohavcR resigned to tak e anothe

Ju d g e : EnglitNEW ORLEANS (Ul

. h anded T ulane quarti consepiitlve courtroom eliglbilily.

U.S. D istric t Judgo F E ng lish ’s atto rneys foi th a t would h av e allowe S a tu rd ay fo r 'T u la n e

_______AUssissippl..............------- J— A ttom cya.saId .thcy-

tak e th e ir request to tiH

1 P l a y o f f s z• Cootlnued& 'oniPt

B arring a com plete coll lop Uiree team s lQ"tlie' Conference — Highland, a n d Idaho F a l l s - n o D ist

; w ill be rep resen ted In tb \ p layoffs. The runner-up lu I a p p a r e n U y BonnevlUo or i - will p lay D istric t 1/J J - C ocur d'Alcaie lh 'the norl - c ity a t 1 p.m . on Saturdi - w i th the w b m e rto T n e e t

p la c e team from D is tr ic t: . a n o r Capital — in _ ^ l£

- -S ta d lu m -o r i Saturday,- NiGSC cham pion, v ^ c h

'• H ighland mUess the R ii BonnoviUe n&ct Friday.

. Caldwell In Uie first roi •■'playoffs on F riday , Nov.-J

--------InTHeISDT«lnIcBltf6-lffP0i1-w inner o f tha t gom e wl

D istric t . 3 c h i ^ i o n 1 " 'S tad iu m onNov. 19.Ill T hff ctfnfp phnmptnn^htp■■ be played on Saturday, 1

- ’e iU ie r -B ro n c o Stadlun: ■' Mlnldome.

In the o ther A-2 playofl tr ic t 5 cham pion — t l

...Valley o r P reston — will I .; D istric t 6 runner-up, \rtil

elU ier- Salmon or. Rlgb, th ird -gam e of a triple4ie: M inidomo on Nov. 5. Up :

• t r ic t 2 cham pion Mosco\ " ‘■District 1 w ln n ^ —•’prol

FaU s — will m eet in M osa D o m e in . the. second_gai double-header on Saturda T h e oUier first-round pia wUl pit Uie D istrict 1 p robably Wallace, against

.-chtlm pion MiddletoiUii-Ml Nov. 5.

In (he oUier A-3 playo D istric t 6 cham pion Suga> m ee t the D isM ct 3 run

_MLrildom«Un_ttje_8C£imiLi------:triplo-header-oa-N ov.-5.-Ii. „ _gnm e.,D Jstrict 5_champiot-------w ill face thQ runner-up fron

- F ir th o r NorUi _ -M e a n w h ile J l s t c i c t _ 3 _

• Hom edale wiU host the runner-up — the loser ol GrangevUle-Lapwai gam e S in Homedale.

T he o ther . first-round, J gam e will bc In Moscow, \ ran k ed M ullan, Ute D istrict ,on,' will m eet Uie District Troy, onNqv. 5 in th e Kibble

Uie host team s will be Uie i the Madlson-Buriey :

. Mlddlcton-Moscow gam es __A -2,_In.._A -3.__U ie _ Sug

FruiU and winner will second-round gam o, moanli

•D ls tric ti-ch am p io n — shoi vive Uie firs t round — wou: tra v e l Uie second week. ' g am e will be played Homedale._GrangeviIie.QrJ o r possibly in th e Kibble Dor

T h e .s lte s of J h o A-2 and cham pionship p im e s wil tarm ined b y Uie IHSAA on U Uio second-round results a schedules in Uie firs t two rot wUl bo playednn Saturday, f

T he A-4 UUe gam e, sche Nov. 12, will be playedM ullan ojiTrsy.____ _____

■Rie 8-man champlonahl scheduled for F riday , Nov. p layed a t a site to be determ Uio first-round g am s. Trae

.{ I th e -g am eJfl p layM joh t h e ^ I i-O E U ha-sd»o l-sv lU i,a ie .J» f ) - ^ | n g into tho final gam e.

y . T IM ES-N EW S B _ C L A S S IE IE D -A D V E R 'r S -----------■-P H O N e7 3 3 -0 9 5 1

Ib e ifo r.free agency^

P l) — DarrcU E vans of Ui( voted Uje team ’s m ost val

Is Uie la test m ajor leaguer lo fi a c c n t.- J e r ry - Kapftteln.- rep

lO T w lth 3 0 h o m era and 82 RE went Uirough the re-entry d r

n I felt there was a good possl 1 re turn to Uie G iants a fte

however, I firm ly projcct 1 a Giant uniform In 1984," Kni •lego offlcer“ MnfonhedU»e-G igust and we havo tiad jjo discu

s ta y in H o u sto n) — Al nosGa' Tnureday slgi :t to rem ain tho Houston i ra l m anager. automaUcaUy I ling for tho Job a s president i

ily very 'graU fylng to be e r t

n McMullen re tained the servl t com pleted his th ird y e a r wii incerted effort- by Uie Ame

Rosen replace Lec M acPhai tUierJob in baseball.

lish n o t e lig ib le(UPI) — A federal Judge TTiu orterback Jon E n ^ ls h his I ■pm loss in h is b id lo regain o

;o P atrick C a rr denied a requi for a tem porary restrain ing

)wed the s ^ o r quarte rback U ano in its gam e a t Sou

cy_hadJiot.yct-decldedjiVhcUI Uie 5Ui Circuit Court of Appea:

g -

i 'p a g o M ” " '

collapse by Uie h e '(5 c ra 'S ta te ' tnd, Bonneville )istrict 4 school I Uie Class A-1 . . p in th o G S C — o r Idaho F alls 1/2 champion

u r th e m Idaho xday, Nov. 12,!ct tho sccond---------------------Ict 3 - Meridi- Jplse’s Bronco

N ov;-19.H i e --------lich will be R a m s 'lo se to ay . wlil bost round of Uie

v.-Ul-at 7 p .m .--------- -p o c a te iio rrh e --------------------will face Uie

I in Bronco

ihip gam e wlUy, Nov. 2C, I n .........................lum .o r ,- th e -----------------

^ f f s , Uie Dls- «lUicr. M arsh ill take on the srtilch will be igby, in Uie h ead e r in Uie Jp north, Dls- icov and tho jrobably Post- iscow's KibbleRame of the • __rday, Nov. 5. ' * * . "• ' , playoff gameI nianer-up. „ - * "

Irist D istrict .:3 Middleton on ~ ________

ayoff games,{ i^ a le m wUl runner-up —

uL gam e.of-A --------------------i._In-Uie-first---------------------?lon W estslde____rom D istric t 6-^— -----II Frem ont.3 championi r D i i iH c t“ 2---------------------' of tonight’s ne — on Nov.

d ,.C la^ _ A -4 V, whero top- rict I cham pi- • 'l e t 2 w ianer,---------------------ibloDome.

he w inners of and the

ies in Q ass Sugar-Salem-U host Uie^ - ----------uilng Uiat theshould It 6ur> - -rould have.-tok. The oUierj in elUiern r Lnpwal — _ _ _ _ _ Dome.md A-3 s ta te^ ~ b e ~ d e - ------------- -------inthe basla of s and travel rounds; bothy ,N o v .l9 . - - cbeduled for id in elUier

u h lp ^ W S e T • :ov. 4. wUJ be fm loed a fte r YadlUonally, ';e bomo field.Jjest: record __ — ~

is — --RT-iSlNG-------------------------951------^ ^ ---------------- 5

i i l S l0 R eds td Ro!Uie San CINCINNATI (U valuable every gam e h as da0 file for est in re-signing Ro: reported___ ilo se . who playet

before leaving flv( RBI Uils released by the PhU d raft in Phillies Preslden

lo play every gam tsslbillty would p lay every ga fter Uie Reds’ President 1 cct th a t_ _ lii ln ly the R eds wou <npstein bu t it seem s to m e I e-G lants— would not-flt-thocor scusslon heroinClnclnnaU.--------------------“ le a n understan

he wanls It. We a^«1 has been a great

ba.seball."Signed n i--------- -----------------------1 AstrosyiaidjB Top f re e agnt of the

NEW YORK (UP Mrtcnded list of fivo p itchers > VfCfeMl— tffe c T jb c n b -ju -n a

a n n ^ c ^ 'T h i i r s d J rvices of P layer RelaUons Cc wiUi the . Tekulve, the lonj m erican t s b u r ^ P irates, . lail, who Underwood and De

a s fre e a g e n lp llc h e a p layer from the f r

► d ra ft choice if Uiey J

liu rsday Two m em bers of s fourth free agency but 1 college dealgoatfid a s Type

DeCinces and left fit < Pestby T h n » T V i» B p la Qg o rder ing two wbo have a It to p lay d ra ft. San Diego oul JouUicm second basem an Mo

r e e n try d ra ft and icther to nicn hf» m T)

agent, requiring con



B A T T EC h e c k e r h ig h q u a l i ty . 1( b a t t e r i e s s t a r t y o u r c a r t h e r e ’s n o b e t t e r t im e t(

. a t S 10.OO.off o u r .e v .e ry (





I^ H E C K E R U............. ........... ............. Ropla(

- -

^ ---------------- ----- :------

lose: N o th an k s .(U PI) — Pete R ose 's desir

[ dam pened the Cincinnati Rc Roso.lyed his flrsl 16 seasons for ( five yea rs ago for Philadelj PhlUles Wednesday, dent BiU Gilba explained. "P ' am e and wo could not assur y gam e wlUi Uie PhilUcs." ait Bob Howsam sa id Thursd vould be interested In taUdng s n c tha t the condlUons he h a s : condlUons and .litimtion wfaid U.tond w hat P e te Is looking for

can. I hope ba Can find It 1> 'cat baUplayer and a real<

ag en ts a re p itc h cU Pl) - R e l ie v e r K ent Tekulv

who have been designated j •next-m onth 'S’ r e ^ . t r y - d r a f reday by Uie MaJor'LoagiSy s Committee.long-Ume bullpen sta lw a rt o 3, Joins relievers Doug Bi Dcimls Lam p and s ta r te r Ml

chers who wUl requ ire compel e free agent pool a s well a s a fl le y a re s lg n o iln th e re-en try d

} of the California Angels, el ut ye t U) declare, have a ypo A players — Uiird basen t fielder BriAn Downing, p layers have been designate* e a lready ciiosen lo e n te r the outfielder Riq>pert Jones and M anny Trillo have already fU( nd California ca tch er Bob B< L T ypeiJI-lie_declare3jilm s< com pensaUonof a d ra ft cholct


E R I E S/ . low m a in te n a n c e ' '• w artim e a f le r t im e a n d ,e to buy o n e t h a n now - jryday .low price.________ E'


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guaran lood 10 koop or bOQdinq and shlnmc

^ w asn-nftorwosh

t i s s

;lre to play P h iReds' inter-

r Cincinnati | ^ | elphla, was _ ^ ^ f p l |

'P ete wants Dy FRED EH u re him he . United Press

sday, "Ccr- NEW VO g w ithP ctc , • MikeSchmlc IS laid down of lho Philicb w eJiave_____^among the le

1983 UPl N orand-w hy - squad which because ho - nine learns,

a sset to Also nam catcher T e r

------- :----------------Ditgo Padre. Hendrick of

iers second base, ^ ^ Pittsburgh I

live heads a Thon oi Uie d m Type A Heldcm Dali

----- 5yageJ,~~AilO'Ba&ilMflr^ —Montreal Ex

AsUw.of Uie P it- Murphy v,

Bair, Tom choice wiUi MUt WUcox Dawson wlU lensaUonofI first-round r S S p S

draft Nov.

ellglble for also been

sman Doug

ted. includ- he re-enUy id MonUrealfUedfor.Uie M y W i Boone wiU B | | | P "

l E C

J C A N D E P E N i f M A I N T E N A N C I

3. . WITH — ... EXCHANG^l

i n l I c a s tw r


■ $1:00'BACKON2E . _flEG -U 9.EA CH ----------

7 - - -T-wo b o ltle -sa le :p f i

0 R e b a te by mall froi

W F in a l c o s t o n 2 b o t1 a f to r r e b a te


E ThJiiuJL. M U F

S A te P R IC E S E F P E C T IV e

W IN F A4D Ad d isen i

7 ^ 6 S K I

i l l a d e l pc

I)OWNessZn/em af/ona/

/O R K — T hird basem an n id ta n d p ltrh ec Jo h n Denny_ 'hU adelphla PhUllcs were 5 lead ing vole-gellc rs on tho

N ational Leagiie AU^Uir Ich includes l l p layers from ., s.im ed to Uio squad were ?erry K ennedy-of Uie San Jres . firaH )09em aiH Seorge- bf tho S t. Louis Cardinals, isem an Jotm ny R ay 'o f the 1 P irates^ shortstop Dickie iie Housion Astros and out- lale M urphy of tho AUanta T o t g r e ^ f i ^ T ^ 'r ^ r ^

w as the only unanimous ilh 38 votes, followed by

37, Denny wlUi 35 and

V D O W . -

C E -------------------REG 49.99

i 9 . g_____ _ Q l

M O T O R O i20W-:

,CT|W EnginoofOcJ __ . - -smallbrca

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Roplaco your noisy or ^ mulllor with a lop qua I Mufllow mull

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ihm doi all-stas

Schm idt wlUi 26. Thirty- from a round Uie counliy In lh e voUng. -

Ml M ario Solo of the Cin a y _ w as picked for the o t re b e rth on the pitching s ti tie . Orosco of lho New Yoi or— chtjscn aa th e relief pltch( m . . : Th,^ c losest,vo le was

w here H e n d r ik rccelvc re 10 for form er learai Ul Hernandez, now wiUi lh ;c Mo ts .- I h n t f » v < s, hom ers and 97 runs bat le H ernandez had a JJ97-12 ie perform ance. Al O liv e r« it- received eight o f UieoUiei la Schm idt, considered a ftf-^cantildsterh=d-SN2C5-b6t 10 but h it 40 tw m ers and <

ru n s w hile Denny posted

i W h e n t h e h i e x p e iC heck w ith Stz

uhoaooinelontw r

---------- ------------------- S t a te f a r

f f i


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------------ r - “ “ --------- ■

__________ ,_____________ Friday,

imioate; F select]y - e l g h l ^ t c r s and a 2.37 ci ry parU clpated Phillies.

Thon, wht inclnnaU Reds votes, batlw oUier sta rtin g 79 RBI and staff and Jesse hom ers ood o rk M cts w as Kennedy,ihcr.------------------- of U icPlraUs -a l first base :. slarnm ed 17 /ed 13 votes lo nu i3 .for U m m alc KclUi .2S3-&-53 ofl Uie New York - Uie P lraU s; i .118 w ith .18 , 32 homers-a a t te d in whUe .318, h id 14 12-C3 offensive nm s. r o f Uib Expos Solo, the ie r 15 votes. righl-handcj a strong MVP and had aaU<nsTST6r5g3=-tcil{r.g={0T=a 1 d ro v e -ln -lW ~ ia :7 = h .w ix l' id a 19:6 record saves.

« you 're in lo sp lta l, yo n s e s d o n 'ti ta te F a rm fo r h o sp ita l Incc

II:'e r r y S m ith 134 A d d iso n A ve.'w in F a lls iK'nf-Hji}3 4 -7 7 6 5 aiD

o r ^

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Rustproof. Wl- chfomohoQd. »70

— ----------- ReO~l4;99-&-1T;99-£

_______ S P O R T G FS T E E R I N G W H E

c o vC ushionod stooring whool

h as lho look & lool of lOi

)— AvQilaOloiivasconodc •


CHECKER-D A IL Y • l3 0 < « l0 0

ly . O ctobo r 21 .19B3___ Timba-N'

2sUPf^tioes37 earned run avem fie for the . i ;

who had 24 of a possible 38 attod .286 wlUi 20 hom ers a n d , - : and Cniz baltcd-3ia_wlUi J 4 _ and92RBI. . ‘idy, who out-polled Tony Pena' - I ra tc s ri9 voles lo i2 , h l« S 4 r— ~ d 17 hom ers and drove in-M _- - r Uie Padres; R a y 'h a d a '

offensive pcriorm ance for ilts;T)awson balled J299 wlUi' Ts-and .m JlB I.jm d -C ru z .h lt i 14 hom ers and drove in 92.

uie hard-Uirowlng Cincinnali' nder, posted a 17-13 reco rd ..1 1 a 2.7P ERA whUe Orosco,. • - &T=tho-j a5t*placc-Mctsriisd^«— btxi' s iUi~a 174V: KKA ahd ;iv

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lOUNTI R O RTiouniing.'" " :-------.T"ovoi vlow. ___________I.W hiloor-*707/709:9»eACH- - ---------------- W

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W E R 2loo lco var -i o floalhor. • , —- .odcolota— - ------------------------- Tl.


P ‘ , im t r : : : — ^

i o o ''_ - ---------■ .. ^

la -N ow s. Twin Falla. Idaho S-5- -

Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press


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j W e d d i n g■ R o sem a ry MilcH£ b e a v a ila b le lo di!

— —fte -p e rie s l-w e d £ ii i

J W e d d i n g

C o n s u l t a -S h e r r y F ra z ie r w. S p e c ia l w e d d in g < z a n in e .

y C o s m e t i cO u r C o s m e f lc ia n s

: y o u r s e lf b ea D iiiu l i

C o o k i n g IS p e c ia l G ift I d e a s '

— W a d d i n g" C o u r t e s y o l A ib e r l

DN ROYAL TOU-S 9.99 'baitvsijc.jJIlVa SQfl.^ullrajliqhi J.pO % -soJid -cdo rs_ fE /om jtic .B oy 2ciion H and . reg . 1000, 6 . eg. 600 , 3 .9 9 Bath S h o p

\JARE BY J.G.. \ID 4.-99-cn:-------i hoosc qoblels. vjinosj^Hid load c rysb l L onqclu im ps IG’ D u ra ru F G lasS v a 'fc '" ’ '


cioni elc'cirfc hea te r fcquirc Wllh a s p e c ia r h o n ■ cdfrosHi iickly, co o ls slowly S c a le d £waiCG______ _____________ __



Twin FallsTldBho Friday . O'

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O G T O B E f

g C o n s u l t a t i cHell;' o u r S e a l l l e B ridai d is c u s s a n d lielD v o u p £ i in § r ^ im a - B e p s r ! m e n t

g W a r d r o b e

a t i o n swill a s s i s t y o u in th e : 3 a l t lre . S p e c i a l O c c a s ic

i c I V l a k e o v e nn s w il i b e d e m o n s tra tin g Jl o n lh a t s p e c ia l d a y . Cc

I b e n n o n s t r a li s 'in 'G u r 'H o I is e w a r e s ’ De

g ^ a k e - D i s p is r t s o n ’s . C a k e will b e s e

m MQMmet. ■ -r. ei


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9.99 49.99i ir c s n o S c l in c lu d eisjviT uii ‘ ■ ■ p latosrsoui■d to r a s a u c e r s 5 -

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'}N O R-A M E R IC AN EXPHCSS A(F A U S-734 -4800 - - - ..........STO RES. '

.O c to b o r 21.1083

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i o n s ~d a h C o n s u lta n t ,- - will — I p la n e v e rv th in o for


e s e l e c t io n o f y o u r is io n D r e s s e s , .M ez-

! r sn g Ih e lo o k y o u c a n c r C o s m e t ic s D e p a r tm e r

a t i o n sD e p a r tm e n trC o w e r ■“

:> lay___ _______s e r v e d a t 4 o 'c loc l< . Lc

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INTESS YORK /io n _elA nm el.ETS 13.99 e a ,.- tw in!-0 0 - tw in . '-C o jy -1 0 0 % .c o U o e fS G -D f]n L Q t-O in k ,an d whii( k in g s iz e s . 2 8 .0 0 . 3 6 0 0 .- 1 7 . X , r e g ^ 2 Q 0 , 9 .9 9 . S h e e ts

If '

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JOX TEMPERW/ r£-33% - -I o f 5 - p c . p l a c c s e l lin g s, sc o r y ■ p lec e 's 'irT f6 u rio v e ly " f5 t Ic D y - s p c c i a r o r d o r C h i r u i

OMAirCS STON ;E BY RAN MAR9 '40-pc ."serv ice tor 8 Jd e s 8 e a cJinn{.>r plaies, s. ;oupycqr6ai‘bow is:' c u p s a r

5 - p c com pleier, set, 2 9 .9 ! n^Qrlr 'iicd e b a n c t? H ougov

^ ■ A C O O V N T . - - - - , ■


: . Y O U /

— / b r i d e s '/ / GliT — SEMGE,

____ I I r ■I mt.,uii ur\OILIl,• AVAOBLE THROUGI

• 1 THE WEST! •

; r e a te . to m a k e 2 nt; M ain F lo o r . ..............

_ o w e r L ev e l.

f f m m M i M

favi= = F R I

s y s m

ALL----------— -liv

n flal o r filled Q ylo n I l u n t i c U '---------• _ _ _ _me Full,___ \ f^

7.99-27.99;;ts •___________ Si?C

m B = ^k _______________

s p

— FA /ARE ®g'

Fleg .^ r v jn g _ a n d ______ ____ m c lup a i ic r n s s a i ic

' ___________ I 'y -P

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3 t ' ~NE^—------- “ “

: : : ~ G R s a la d 8.9.

a n d R e g .. 9 9 . 'In in yoic y t 'a te s -— ^ _ — ovcicj


X Fr , ^ \ ' Rom £


s J — Rt i / n ceive



— Re ' ceive

__ :_____ — Pluto be I

m m s i

— - — s— ' ' " ' 3

'M PGRTED^kDAMASKfABLECLOTHSTliicgant foiiiuHablectoihs ir 5i?cs 52x84", 58x102” anc

__ 3ARBERWARE i-PC. COOKWAF 9.99jg. 12000 Heavy gaugo a cludes-1-qt—l'/i>-q!.-afid-2- iiiccpans, 8 qt covered. n '.pan, Housowaros

I n


— r ~ ^ -----------I T '— — "

iRAND VIN STEl .99 cag. 12.00 Slyfed by J.G. Du your choice of all-purpose, ic£i2C-viQCj_fciQusewaies___



DIALLY iN V r __________________ j _ W E

F R E E G I FAmyHjrtde-wfTc nance” will rec

le slej /UsJor: :E dinner plateli

Register for Pt 'e a FREE 5-pc )attern.

Register for One tEEcranberry di^egiste[ for A.i e aFREE gdblei

'lus, a special d 3 held at 5:30.

JA T U R D i

1 ,19.99 all si es3 in w h lto o n l y ------------a n d 5 8 x 1 2 0


2 a lu rn in u rn se iJ - 3 - q ! - c o v e r e d - r-----------------ISiUclfpOl, 1 0 » " ......................


D u ra n d , s e t s o ! 6 ise, w in e ta s ie r o r

? T H ^ C H O I C E S / i


IT E D ..T Q .AE D D I N G ^ E I

F T S F O Rip- reg is te r s d u iceive a free ler

atake^Biftnerwa In your pattern.

/ - -

^faltzgraff Servl c. place'setting

eidaqr internati dish with server..S.I. “Queens” ?t.

dra wing for Mj .

eci£lA Y r ^ S U N


' - CONTROL ew a s $62 9 . 19" dlag,

____ .-.lrak® _.Q uallty p e r f o rm ;m o te c o n tro l , 1 2 7 c h :

•J _ i n g . : . a u lo m a l l c ; l lg t i n s T e l e v is io n s . L o w e r L e \


-------- V a iu e - p a c k c d - v a c u u rn_____ a c tiQ n -1 2 '. ' jilU b ru sfa . a

c a r p e l tiQ ight a d ju s lm c

' ^ o ^ ^ t e r I a y' FLATWARE S

C o m p le l e s e rv i c e fo r 8 ' s p o o n s , c o c k ia il forl<^,

• h o s ie s s SCI. A lso, s c l c p i^ o t g r ip s le a k k n iv e s

___ p u r c h a s e d s e p a ra ie ly ,

S h o p 1 0 -6 . Fri,

' ■ ■ ■"



I B R S D E S 7Juring-'^W eddtng^ enox candle, plus

vare~and-r-ecei>js-a^n . " ; . '- b

'■viceware and re- ig in your register-

itional and receive^ sr. ' ........3” Crystal and re-


zN D W —


la g , m e a s . w iih C o lo r- - - ,i r m a n c e .- f u l t J u n c t lo n .r e - —__i i ____ ___c h a n n e l m u ll ib a n d tu n - '

i n s e n s o r ; : ; N O W i $ J 9 9 . -------------- r "l e v e l . __________________________

iu rn -(ea lu re9 -!rip le-(il!eri i . a g i ta io r , a n d a u to m a tic -------- ---------ilm en t. V a c u u m s

sy 70-pc. .SET 49.99

y 8 . p lu s - ta l l - d r in k ------------------- - •1< , 8 e x tra t e a s p o o n s .Cl Ol 6 h o l lo w - h a n d le •iv e s a t n o e x tra co st. If?ly, 1 9 9 9 . H o u s e w a re s ____________ ___

■rl.’til 9. S u n . 12-4_ '• ‘

Page 17: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press


y entertc

'Mioi-] —withl

By A NNETTE CARY TlmGS-fiGws correspor

F o r ' the firs t -time, s tepp ing m usical rev s ty le , is os d o se a s th(

• b o ld e r .'M ake th a t a mJ

Hollywood Follies r E v an s . H e 's brougl a long w f th a ’majrfdai] e n te rta in In Jackpo t t n igh t. - , •

B u t w hat the F< num ber, they m ake uj L as V egas Daijiboyanc

T h e show a t C actus_____a d an ce routine re r

Z lGgfeld"productionfr the cen tury , complei stones, setpiins, feath ra te H ^ d a re s se s .

I t a lso Includes a s tr ib u te to Hollywood ir the p r e s e n t a n d a Sf

.......... the-m bvle " F am e” ;' '-------- wlthTm-adnglo-dance-

llke you’d see a l a U i E vans.

e s i b$ 1 d o n a t k

TWIN F A L lS - ■ Southern Idaho 's m u will p resen t a concert

- ^— ^ m u s ic l)y th o con(5crri a t 3 p .m . Oct. 30 In Auditorium .

T hom as Breske v, . .co n ce r t band. Itsprogi

o( “ P u ip le P ag ean t”

H olst; “ R itual F in M anuel do F a lla ; - c e r ta n te ” by Vaclav N Cocktail” by H orry ‘'C a n lo ''b y W .F ranch

T he s tage band,,und of L aw rence Curtis, v

I V i o l i s j p i a n i s

f e a t u i in c o r

-------------------- nitrprlnclpaJ-vio;Sym phony, Christoj

_ .a n d _ p ia n is t Mai Jan o v e will present

-----------------p ;m —3 a tt ird a y -a tJu n io r High School.

----------------- T h o -concert,-qx jT w in F a lls M usic ( w ith B ach 's “ G am t

-------------- frtem lnor;*^----------- M cK dlo r imd Jan h a lf the. concert to num bers, “ Von E

• (Love l5 Fo rever) a V iola and P lano", ( Included will bc a le s se r known com] Shostakovitch.

-------------— M c K d la r -h a s -p lU tah Symphony sim

--------------olso been-princlpal-Spokane Symphony.

F o r d g h t y ears-— ____ ^withJhaJJniverelty

ty S tring Q uartet, 'm e m b e r of the M

I--------------Q u a r tc t^ n d io o n d a, _ Q uartet.

—Bro-tliBy JA M ES V. FIE ALIO

__ \Unltod Prcss.Int^matli

C/\M BRIDGE, Mas; 20lh cen tu ry Aesop, td h av e m orals. You'll b< righ t here . ,

"T h e re w as a m am a doing h e r best one g r

—-— -t]uaekrjiim p-backrde- h e r babies bom ing ," Bl

"N ow the egg numb(----------lh e re sL W hat’s In that

f^onna m ess w ith 'h im . som ething. W hat they i

— ^ w ith - i:u .-^ U g ly T -C a u « fa ir? y\sk you Iwlce. is'tl

The duckling gets a ir own kind and finds out

r - V

A " c i o s e i (

f e j £1 l w h a t ’ s

r t a i n m e n t


lY “ I t’spondent i would

T h e (le, a flashy, high- up mos revue, Las Vegas* In Jack the Idaho/Nevada Show

“ grandminl-revue, says E vans.

1 m anager Keith " i t 'slugh^sbc dancers__ b u t cellan 'and j u ^ c r to says'. : ot th ro u g Sunday, costum

.....................................revues,Follies lock In nudity.'

; up with authentic The ance. F o lliesLuaPetc's-fcatures Vegas rem iniscent of a choreof 1 (luui tlju tu i'n -o f~ ~ P lcrccr p lete with riilne- dlrectoi o thers and dabo- D avid C .

a song and dance popular d movies — 1930 to booked1 special tribute to __ p la n s t

The show”endS r ^ H lice -o r“ love-ballct--------siiowU do show," says Sunday

• D.m. foi

b K a c r ^ s r pt i o n t o b e n e f i t s c~ The~Coliege“ 6 r fav o ritemusic departm ent “-11131Cert of Instrumental th e Boy irran d s tag e b ands— as~.weli.

In the Fine A rts Uons.• “ Sweetj

will direct the arrangeTOgram will consist CSI sta{ll” by K arl King; T h tfs U inorii-by-Guslav— ^7-:30-p.i ?Tre _D ance" b y , H IghSc!o; - "Suito Con* Adml;v N d h y b d ; "F lu te a Sl do:ry Slmeone, and fund. TliclsM cBeth. do o r.--mder.thc^dlrection F o rs, will feature old Thom as

i s t — - B

t r e d

ncert Bstopher M cKdlar, V Ia h p .r ie „ _ .B e c k c r -^ ^ ^ H ;cnt a conceit at~8 - a t- th e -O 'L e a ry —

q x m s o r c d l b y l l f i ^ ^ ^ ^ H lc Club, will open H H I im ba Sonata No. 3

Janove will devote P erf* : to two B rahm s' jan o v

Ew lger Llebe” h e r do< •) and "Sonata for m an cc ; " , Opus 120. Also teachlnj e a sonata by a studentiomposcr, Dimitri_____H e r _

m onces-played with -the— s a l f L a l since 1974 and has se ries . lal-vlollBt-with-the— s o l o i s t my- an d Indirs he periorm ed e n ts sole ilty of Utah Facul- S a ltl.jik ct. He is also a T icket

M eridian S tring $3 to 55 idcr-oftheS inarin— advonco

— M uslcC(

her Blu(LION I atlonnl_____ __

lassj — Brother Blue, a td ls his fables In hip. All I

1 be belter for It. Says .so iI

m a duck sitting on a nest. I groovy morning. Quack. ']

de-boj>-<le-boi>-bop,-Jto-gGt— 'B lu e begins.tnber eight is bigger than i hat egg? You g uw s? T licy , I im. They gonna call him < ey gonna call hli^i? Begin ; m s o ^ -d if f c r c n t- J s - lh a t < is th a tn lc e ? " ' . airborne with som e of h is • out for lhe first tlm e.that J

io-o-k'^--------- ....’ s - h a p p e n i n g c ^ V a i l e y - - ^ € 2 -

P r ialreviie

------ : - - - . A ; :— - = f - ------

I’s good clean entertolnm ent, b u ldn 't b ring the kids,” he says, le opening night crowd .was mai lostly of sen ior citizens who we ackpot lo see the Lawrence We V the night before, and U m dm as ju st loved it," sa; ns.t 's a little naughty, a IHUe risqu certa in ly _ not X-rated.” Evai . He adds, there a re no lople im es a s In m any Vegi es, but there is " a suggestion ly .",e dancers in the Hollywot es a re perform ers from Lj )s and Hollywood, and U eographer and director is Ri cc: He~is be tte r known~as~tl :to r of the Doug Henning or idC opperfleldm aglcacts.»rce say s the show has bet J a r so fa r. and Cactus P e te ’s hi ed the show a lready for 1984 ar ^ t o boo^k U u w o r four moi e s h i d e s ' .ow tlm es“ F rid ay rS a tu rd ay ~ a r lay a re a p.m . for dinner and for cocktails.

p i e r f o r n i

s c h o l a r s h i p f u n drites” such ' as'"“ EarIyTVulumn; It Old Black M agic,'’ "Mad^\boi kiy,” a 'N oel Coward compasito; e li:a s m ore contem porary.scie . T hese Include "Splunky, H ts,” and “ Killing Me Softly, nged by B ruce W hitehead for 11; tagebond.(? s tag e band will also oppear i p .m ^W ed n esd ay -al-n ag en n a School.m lsion lo the CSI concert will I donation to the CSI scholarshl T ickets will be available a t tli

r additional Information co la s B reske a t 733-9554. ext. 2C0.

C H R I S M c K E L L A R --------i r f o r m s f o r M u s ic C lu blOve Is curren tly working on doctorate In piano perfor- « a t Ind iana University and ling a la rg e c lass of piano nts. ..:__cred lts_ .inc lude perfor-_:es In the Steinway, Nova and Lake Tem ple-Squa<§ recital 5. She has perform ed as t-w itli orclies tia a In -illlnois— ndlana and frequently prcs- iolo and cham ber recita ls In a k e City.icets for the concert cost from 55 aAd can be purchasod In ico n rw aH w rliiu s ic and Tho iC entcr;- • ’

le: 20thhe’s a (p-eat looking swar C hristian Andersen orlginaversion :' ................. - - -

“ H e said, alihhl I 'm t>eai like you! They said. ‘Soul bi to Ixwgic in the sky. flylnfi m ake up for lost tim e — \v tiijngs, you know, to make

’ R em em ber this story! You a__ynurnw n wny Ynu cnn u.<;p tt

Blue has written his own known for his .fables and th' both h is own ond xevislons 0 c an go on for 20 mirtutcs wl w ithout m issing a beat. Rui

, exam ple . jQvcs.the queen’s : ve.'iton and becomes ils godft J a c k of J a c k and the Bean.s re fonnM hoo l fortheft.


ms,e l

t, but 'S.m ade 'were Welk

I the say?

i^vans -ipless/egas



been ^ ^

-a n d -----------------------------nd u — ■■■;:

i d

S ArchBiec*“ ....... :-------------- -iky," By ICATE LOPEZ [Uy," Times-News cone irthe

T W IN F A IX S - a r a t mood of things —t-man-------- fnccrthiTSoIlness c

buckskin, the knov 111 b e — w eatheredface,-th rshlp s tre a m o r the thun t t h e o ld high-back west— - w ind In th e aspens

coll em otions. This cou36. be som ething m on

wllhout It” — so re 1 ce rtif ica te of aulhc

■ accom panying ap l ■ R Ic h a rd H e ln d d ..■ . ------ I lm a y so u a d c a tH d c ^ believe w hat 1 H certifica te s th a t ac H lithographs, a n d n■ he believes isseen H ^ I p o y d o s e a tte ■ th e tex tu re of fur, tB lonatlons of skin, h m nnd how sunlight p H loaveso f tree s . Tbt H exp ress a mood.

----------- “ An ideal sltuatl'H to express the watc H th a tw e a lm o s th e a H flowing, th a t a vlevH ------- coolness of theahaiH _______and th a t he can fee

■ “ W henovlew eri _ _m_okes 11 a pleasanl

— — - ^ th a t individual,ii—

s N e w f iTWIN F/\LLS - Wll

j,._ new_cla«wes._coDcci Shakespeare , the

. A cadcm y-of-tho-v\rts busy fall schedule.

__ T h p n rn rio m y ''; nn-ferings have been <

p d irec to r Rick Slricklc now availab le a re ; cn 4 and 5 yelr-o lds, co:

n (p re-ballet and ta p)^-------- year-olds, ballet forS;

lap for 8 yeare and __ J (lance tor those 12 .veai

iCentuwan. I t’s the Hans Blii linal. But in Blue’s Uie 01

V. Clevewautlful, tool J look In a f l tl b ro ther!’ He begin to te ll /Ing upside down lo a Bro— we alw ays overdo who v ike up for th e loss. la.stll }u a re so beautiful in “ AiicitsQnmday*!!__________.orjiWl plays bul is best whc I the polish he gives brothi as of the fam ous. He . Ant i wltli some of them ‘ Anc R um pdstlltskln. for Biu 's n ^ b a b y l n n i u o ’s.; hi.s fa jdfulher, In another. . r. Alubn ^anstalk winds up In h is y

~ "cfouldi

r • ''WM— i r r n

w i t h k ' ! l Q :


m B K kl l c h a r d H c i n d e l s a y s h i

l i t e c i / c■z Therespondent jn jdaj

ondp{— “ I have to get the- _the sunllpjit on the:__ onrAo.sO T fe a th e ro n jna jn t ow ledgeofthe • llfe " t ' the Bound of atinderof hooves, an adm it s te m saddle and of theiis tu m m y -— ------ -----ountry m oves m e to from I ire than I could be . m yh ii reads the coreeiiien tid ly . b ecaupiece of a r t by on our

lamp, butlTeindel— JpM rt it he says on the accom pany his pjacec refreshingly, w hat ^u l an inthroyghhlsw ork . restric tention to iie ta U -_ , -ord ina•,-the sub tle ----------------things.h o w h a irh an g s bocom I plays on h a ir o r the jielndilio se d e m e n ts_________oesj

boyhotitlon to an a r tis t is ------to th e «lte r In such a way "Ib« e a r the stream • tw o ye ew er can fe d the ' ' r u n pa

eel the wind and the . , l tw j

; r c a n fe c lth a l,l t W est.] m t <*vppripnfy> fnr In Ari? --------------------------------OkJah(

a c e s , c kiVlth new faces and T he n a ir ts ,- choirs - and - - d a s s c s le R enaissance contact rts-has planned a at334^S

Atidlliin.jTfilnp rinnro nf. RcnnISSI expanded, says pany . 11dond. The classes recru ltlicreative dance for says,combination d o s s A nevip) for (> nnd 7 m en t ,<8 yea rs and older, advanccd older and Jazz th l s f l^ t;ars and older. ophone,

iryAesliie has been telling stories only b lack child In an all-w

v S M d In Uicj 1920s: "Uie'onlj 1 field of snow.” If he h ad only d l before h e died, il would bc ro th e r," which he did. His na 1 w as re ta rd ed and died In c .lines:And now, If I see someone on Ir i f you d o _________________ho’s c x in f u ^ and unhapp; thernd I ’m gonna love him nd y o u & o u ld . too." lue gol his f irs t lessons in stoi fa ther, on im poverished bri bnm a,-who read to hlm .from youthTTJIue‘ was a poor

Idii’tg e rs lm p le a d d ltlo n stra


h i s a r t i s a n c s c a p c m cc

a r t i s t c i•he Twin F a lls resident was bo daho F a lls and has been drawl 1 painting since he was a small

H e w as convlncied to attempi

Intalns th a t is his “ m ain lim is " t o this day.lowever, Heindel Is the first to n il he loves his ortw ork becau: he freedom H allows him.My a r t Is a n escape mechanlsi cn the tensions and frustratloa h i ^ l y com petltve orehlteclu] e e r . B ecause of the po litics. . au se of all tlie restric tloas plai lu r lives In the society we live I/ th e re o re only a few------------•ortunitles of free expression 1< M usic Is one tha t has few limit ced on 11. A rt is s t i i fairly free, arch itec tu re has a lot of Lricllons p laced on It by codes, inonces, politics and many^U; Igs. ’The resu lt is tha i it has om e less c rea tiv e ,” explains n d d .'csplte having draw n since his hood, H elndd Is rd a tlv e ly ne\le c o m m e rd a l a r t world.-------I bccam e serious about m y art y e a rs ago, and decided lo hav paralle l lo m y arch itectural

w as then th a t hla.work began ca r in g a lle d e a th m u g h o u tth t it. H e Is cu rren tly showing woir i?n n n , Ir inhn, I l tn h n n d______ahonm.----- -— ----------------------

a s s e s o n; montiily tuition for most of OS ls-$lO.-For m ore Informal ict Instructors' Sherri Carpen i-ioas o r I^clly Nelscn 324-3154. U tions also will bc held for Issance Academ y Danco Cc , The troupe will perform anc ilting m ore m em bers, S trickli

lew series of woodwind Inst .c lasses for beginneis

i c M students also a re offei ^ U . Inslructldti’ In flute, s. le, d a iin c t. oboe and bassou

sopteiles since he was a teacher,l-white school In eyes, true inly bfack b utlon ' ‘ IT h d e rlnly one s to ry left “ num bersI be, “ Once I h ad in all subjnam ew asT o m , "M issW u

1 childhood. The Corporatii

» n th= slrce t

personal — Hugh Mor

ilorytelllng from H e’s aj b rick layer from subw ays,, om the Bible. In nursing I j r student who ‘ teaching trolghL F in a lly .--S ch o o l. .01

^cia)f 21. .1983. _____ ____________

i c c h a n i s m f r o m te n s io n :

: o n c e r n>bomawingnailm pta

rust in


n l s n i - -lonsofclurol

f l i l K v vplaced

m ic ll . ” f c i / 7m ils / ” .'/


ns 1----------------------------'C oi

new H elndd has cirawi------------- every th ing , b u th ls l' a r t possibly his finest w have it theW est.H cferven ' al O ld W estand thehe ;

’on to forgotten.' tho________In h is work; h e bitworiT w ith th ep re sen t.'ln_________ en titled “ Courtship,_________ dlsplnys.two Indian.

n R e n a i s jof the ava ilab le from R ay Ination-------O therm u slca lo ffipenter strucllon for beginn154. d la te to advanced sor the gu itar, vlolln-vlola,Com- vocal.

and is S trickland say s al:kland lought by certified t

community.Instru- In addition, auditre to nex t month for theiffered_ youth o rchestra.. s ic - Also m aking Its dcso n Is youth choirs. Then

lls_hip, 1ler, ‘Miss W underlich.” with I rue eyes,” se t him straight, • r l ie r tu td ag e ,-h e not only b ters runner" In m ath, but becai ;ubjects. He recalled the expc W underlich," aperfo rm ance U •ation for Public Broadcastlni; i

Is on o rd a in ^ m inister, shed actor with d ram a degn

2 . single-spaced typew ritten ; a l appcaronccs nnd awards^orRanHUl.............

ap t to bo seen Id streeU ys, , w eddings,'bar m ilzv ah sn g homes, p risons,, fwt.lval. lg lh p laces ’ like l l a i r a r d ...or appearing ..gL.. the^Ualvj

^ F o r m e r a c

i o o l < i n g f o :

- ! . '-> 4 ) i- tf ! i

_________________ ___

i i ; •

Jm!wmwM mP/M m

m s a n d f r u s t r a t i o n s o f h

led wiil


: o u r t s h i p ’ w o n b e s t o f sh

iwnmost en vdo islove , and -----------------.d r^ s «.work, centers on Howevi :nUy believes the su n ^ a j heritage th a t - . — h eaddr lusLnoLbe shocilac

" I 'wilcnds IradlUoji---------- S

i r r s , - h!;!'?»i.tecn:agors_____________ «Si

» s a n c e SCy Miller. organlzifferings lnclude In------- T h c \nners and Interme- year-oli I students In piano. . m usic 1a. bass-cd lo ancl reperto

and pelall the courscs a re n izers \

3 teachers from the childrei well a;

iltlons will be h d d graphy ho academ y’s new 9-to 12

groupdeb iirth ls y ea r a re singing 2ro will be groups _ ' -S ee

moral fl h e r “ blue M assachusetts

p rog ram and a bcjcamc a- -H e h as been c

:am e adept the storytellerpcrience In S hakcsoeare’s: tim t w on .I im p ro v ise11; p r iz e . b o m to to ll s t o rf," an ac- ne’ er mem orijre e s from singing, h is 11th

, p a g e s o t i i | ( i . , |„ c l o v o la < l s _ n s _ D r , .

• ■ Says h e could :B is,"parks' thousan Jy e a rs;iio .sp |tals, ' ‘I 'fe e l likea ls ., fairs, w nrideringstprd. Divinity court, a m lnstiv£rsily- o f__ re a lly fe d like ^

I C i l V S S

o r l i g h t

t ' H - ! ! h - C 5 ------------

ptota'KATCUlPFZ>f h i s c a r e e r

h d e t a i l

f s h o w a t f a l r

eloped by tho other’s prescncc,- ---------ssed In full ceremonial garb.___________A’ever, th e youiig moh’wears glasses o n d h as h is d abo ra teiddrcss d ra \ra shu t with 0 .......<ilac».’I '^ ^ l a k e n 7 ’lTdndel saysr“ by ^t /v^iipliv nt thp TnHInn f<>stlvnl___________chi-a ttended a-yearago^ln Fort----------------1.1 w as taken by the lovo they

_ !S e c J iE to D E I.0 J lE 0 S e _ C 3 Z Z _____

i c h e d u l eanlzcd fo r different ago groups, ho W ce S ingers w ill Indude 3 to 5 r-olds. The children will le a m 3lc fundam entals along with a erto ire o f s o n ^ with m ovem ent

perform ing. T he Happy Hai;mo-Irs 'w iirbc f o n n f f ry c a R jia s m iG -----------dren will le am m usic basics^ os 1 a s po rt singing with choreo- phy. T he Cosmic G ang Is for thoseI 12 years-old. Music for this age_______up Includes all sty les with p a r t . ; ;lng and choreography..The Y o u th ,See RENAISSANCE 00 P ag e C3 •_____ “

fablesc its a t A m herst. He’s had a 'rod lo id appeared in a tdev lsion .series.;n cast.-oppropriately enougli.-as---------jller Ih 0 lioston production, of ■e’s “ P eric les." . .ivises like a jazz m usician. " I was stories. I l’s a p.isslon,” he .says. Ho norizes. He uses rhytJnn. scat lithe body, and a blues harp.

vd an d and a lot o f kids called h im lead . H e declines to give his ago:, uld have l>e<:n bom y esterday o r a — c ars ago.ike I 'm out ot another ccntury, n s to r y te l le r ,^ v d ln g f ro m c o u r t to — In s trd , o iroiiba'dor, a Jongleur.',!., ike tha t a lot." he said. - ' ' - .

Page 18: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

>1(you ha ve an Item for 7 ‘^calendar, mnil It to: Th

- -l-FaJl3.83303-m3.-orbrins • 'iV o must rccelve your, j '.Zprlnt It In that \vcek’s i'l ; the calendar Is free,- bu Z^publlc.

S 2 V

f : BLISS - A public im i “ :V-lnn in Bliss. T he Vclvc ~ ln u 3 lc . .

- JE R O M E — "D oc Rot i .S m o k o S lio p ln Je ro m e ._

. " ! SHOSHONE - "Rosev p u b lic dzince a t 9 p.m.

I jS hoshono .------ '

- a x j fefltured in an a r t she ’ Jo d a y tlirough Sunday. Bj r -ctchcd gloss and stained

- r ^ b l t tjotteiy . sculp tun

■ ■ 2 2 /S i

- : E D E N — Tho Magic S< 1 H aliow ccn Costume Dat

‘ ; g ro u n d w hich la locatcd a — ; -;l4aijdng-wlU-beglQat7:30

: ^ b e g to a t 8 p .m . D anccra ai

JE R O M E - “ Doc Roc- ' J^Sm oJcdSboplnJcrtunfc

-K IM BERLY - TTic Vc pub lic donee a t 9 p.m . a t tl

TWIN FALLS - Archli__ will pIay_for a public don<

'■“H ali a t 235 Third Avei Eas

- TW IN FALLS Chris!_____ M arjo rie B eckcr Janovo, ]------- ' a t 8 p j n r a t l b e C L c a ry J i

ond $3, fo r availab le a t S H allm ark , W arner Music F o ils . Tbo conccrt Is spou C lub.------------------- ---------

~ “ TWIN ■ F A H S '^ T h T J will hold a public d a n te ’ HaU, 235 T hird Ave. E ast "A rch ie T urner and tho n

“7^ 23/sBLISS - 'Hio Velvet D)

__donco a t8 :3 0 p .m . a t the Y

............................. 2 5 / T l

’’ BUHL — A publfc d a n a W est E nd Senior Citizens Buhl. M usic will bc by Haa

JE R O M E — The Magic G roup will hold a dance at

- • —E .-ln Jerom o.-Nowcom crs-C D ce o ro invited to attend,

26/WeiJE R O M E - A “ Night c

7:30 p .m . In the Jerom o H p loys w ith com ical and a an d dying will be presc ch lldrcn , $2 for adults a n d :

- - b o chosen to be presented a

27/Th~ B u S - l l io V ^ e T Dl

g .m . n t 0 public dance a t

TW IN FALLS - An opt____ LoCrt)lx of Arco wtll bo heli

G alle ry a t U 7 M ain Ave.------new w aterco lo rs “ P a s t Sty:

be on dlsploy through Nove

- TW IN F A L L S -T h e d a s------ show n at-7?30p;m.'ln Roon_ a t th e College of Southern-



7 3 ^ f l

25%-------- TJISCOUI

Iddho-H orne T - F e a tu r ir

_ O M T V

- ----------- Actl

R e m



Ttxxo's Onfy Ono.

■'' £»ttiinc rttfvijJoH....... j

c -2 T lm es-N ow s. Twin Falla. I

)rTfie Tlmes-News cnteitalnn The Tlmes-News, Box 548, 1

ring It toouroUlco 132 Third Sl ur.not'cc by Wednesday noo. J ‘.‘Friday Special. " The listin but events must be open lo

!l/Todaylance will be held a t 9 p.m . a t dve t Dance B and will provide

Rock" will play a t 9 p.m . a tsi._________ __ '

)Mwood Country" will play /( m. a t the M cFall Hotel Bai

show a t C actus P e te 's In Jad* . B arigar will show oil palntii icd glass deslgnes. E>obrusky

^Saturdayc Square Danco QUb will hol Dance a t the A nderson Cai :d a t the Eden E x it o f 1-84. Roi

n n d nqiinrw rtnnr ln g t3 a re a ^ e d to bring snadcs.

Bock" Will p lay a t 9 p.m . a t

Velvet D ance Band will hol' at tho Rainbow B ar in Klmberi

chle T urner and the F latland lance a t 8:30 p.m . a t Jho I.O.O Sast In Twin F alls.

r istopher McKcUar, violist, t I'O, pian ist. wUl.prescnt a conc y-Junlor High Schbo!.-nckets, it Sav-Mor D rug In Buhl, Ann sic and the M usic C enter In T\ w nsorcd by th e Twin F a lls Mu

ie"SwG®ng'SlxUes Danco C ice’o t 8:30 p .m . a t the I.O.O last In Twin F alls. Music will sF la tlanders ."

i/SundayI Dance Band will hold a pul e Y-Inn In Bliss. • _

'Tuesdayiiice Will be hclifXtrtCp^jn” • « ns C cnter a t 1010 M ain St. Saa k ’s Band. ______

gic Valley Singles Square Dar e a t 7:30 p .m . nl 216 Second Ai icrs w ith sq u a re dancing cjq>e id . . - .......................

Wednesdayht of One A cts” w ill be h d d D H l ^ School auditorium . Fo d serious thoughts atw ut dea 'Csented-^AdmlsSron Is $1 I nd $S for fam ilies. O ne play w ^ a t a d is tric t con test. ......-

rhursday; Dance B ^ d will p lay a t 8: a t tho R am ona supper d u b

opening reception for Maril; h d d a t 7 p .m . aU h e Canyonsli /e. E . in Tw in F alls. LaCrob S tylesund New-Directlona” w ovembcr o t the gallery.

JasslcfU m "K ingK ong” will I »m-108 a t theV o-Tech BuUdlr m Jd ah o . G < ^ ra l admission


r t B E R _____ _____

» ■

! T h e a te i—■ i n g ; —

S ay s . . . Th w ith CJMT

c f N o w a n d G e t - 2 5 - ^

a n d a F R E

m e m b e r G \ ) tv a m ily E n te r fa ii— ID A H O H O

2 1 4 B lu e L ak e i"N O CABLE TV OR S /

Is. Idaho Friday. O clobor21

| o _ ________________

S2. Admission wi th CS

WENDELL - TTli ^nrr n ^ ^ ^ 1 bOHds flnd ch(

to the Jnyjijjj, T he W cnddI H alloween sk it during 8 :3 0 a .m .a tth e c le m c

BOISE — Dick Gau a t the concert a t 8 p .m . a t

IdG tho G eneral adm ission is , chlldrcn and Idaho Fo

a t the _____ 2

/ f o r a J E R O M E - “ T.R .I in a lU ieS m okeS hop inJ


LO.O F . H a l ^ ^ 235

i f f i ^ T W IN FA L I^ —Th(

^ * " ‘ 'n ) .m..ataJDUbllc donco


S IS BOISE - ArnuiBcd disp lay t h r o u g Nov. 6 s. Julia Davis Drivo In

:__________B U H L -.T h eH eA rtn» thn th ree m em bers of thei

Jew d e ry by Leah CoU------------t4H»m o fo r an fdaho

„ g a lle ry a t 230 North 111

Sfy“. BURLEY - 'H ie 1

po tte ry exhibit WiU be I In d u d es the w orks of

■ Tw in F alls. Bill West ol t and ' Of^ g n n e w ld c W n s h ^

GOODING - Myrtli ^ p l a y ^ tliirou^ Oct. 3

JA C K P O T -R ic k y J 16 a t Barton’s CTub 9:

, m.,h- Periorm Oct. 25 throug X p G:30.'b; 9T30ahdTrp.n:

............... .. JACKPOT Tlie_______presented. oLCactus-Pc

T he dinner show begins begins o t II p.m.

KETCHUM - Wood------- -wlll-be-dlEpIayod-thro

C enter galleiy a t Fourtl

TW IN FA LLS— Two at'the ' by R o lx r t Rauschehber St. In on exhibit a t th e Colle

M useum gallery throuj rro in5T 30a.m .to8p .m .

)ance p .m . W ednesday throu, [Ave. p .m .S a tu rday , roeri-. ..- . '- L rT W lN -F A L I^ .-E ig

Idaho N ature Conserva Oct. 28 n t the Sunspot G

- T ay lo r A dministration........... Southern Idaho. TheJd a t se rv an cy 's Silver Creek F our

;=io upywlU ...............TW IN-PALLS- — ..Tl

p resen t a concert a t 8 R enaissance Accademy

• E a s t In Twin F alls. Tho 1 m em bers of the Boise PI

8:30ub In - BUHL — A Christian t

p .m . Oct. 30 a t the Buhl: o r Individuals wishing

rilyn VInyard a t 543-C131 o r . nslde Oct. 18. obc’s'w ill----- TWINT^ALLS— T he

give the first concert o f I a t the F ine A rts A uditor

111 b e—id ah o .-P a tron -tlcke ts-a ldIng-Hadley-at-733-1079.-Gei ^ n Is c itlzensandstuden tadm


■ :----------- ATIFARMERS Al

h e O n ly T u rk e y ITV a r e FREE ONI 1% DISCOUNHo.n E E T U R K E Y

rv Is th e B e s t Bu' \ in m e n t in M agii ^ M E T H E A T E

es T.win F all^ * SA T E L U T E D IS H NEEDEC



1 CSI activ ity ca rd s Is $1.

The'W cnden-juaior~ high"ai choruses will p resen t a conc Igh school gym nasium . Tho f Id l sixth g rade band will pei ring the conccrt and also on Fi :m entary school m ultl-pu rjx»

Saughm an. gua lta ris t, will pi . a t 720 West W ashington in 1 is $4. Admission for sen ior c I Folklore Society m em bers is

_ 28/Friday_____R.Y ." d ance band will p lay ai inJerom e.

- The Swinging Sixties Dan(

!35 Third Ave. E a s t In Twin e Floyd White B ^ d .

The V dvct Dance Band will p ICO a t tbeElklFl/K ipff tn Twig

Ongoingged Im age Photography will V. 6 a t the Boise G allery of A r0 in B oise .-

A rfXnllpry Is ftxhlhlM ngthrv h e Magic V alley W eavers G u :i)them . A sn eak p review o f i lho C hristm as is now arrtv ln ,1 n th in Buhl is open from 101

c L l^ tw orics G allery Invlti be h d d through Oct. 31. Tbe < : of J a n Sm ith and L aV ar Si ;to f Jerom e. andV lckl Gravei

iTtle_^Boyd's paintings wlll b t. 31 a t the F lreV Sccurity 'B i

Icy Santos will perform throug b 93 In Jackpot. B en Crocke ough Nov. 6. W eekday shows p.m . Sunday show s-are a t 5J

he '.'Hollywood F ollies”., w; iP e te !a Jn Jackpot.through-O ;ins a t 8 p.m .. and th e cocktail

oodflred C eram ics by nine i hro u g h -O ctr-^ a t- th o -S u n J urth and Leadville in Ketchun

rwo p rte t su ites from the mid iberg and Ja m e s Rbsenqiiist v allege of Southern Idaho’s Hi rough Oct. 29. M useum hour .m. l'u e sd a j^ fro m 9:30a.m . t rough F riday ; and from I t<

Eight, largo photographs, fror rvancy will be on display thi it G allery on the second Qoor i Jon Building a t • th e - Collef Tte Images, a re from the eek N ature P reserve.

Upcoming..The .Idaho S trin g -Q u arte t

t 8 p.m . Saturday, Oct. 29, a jny of the A rts a t 505 Second h e m em bers of the qua rte t als aPhllharm onlc. •

in H arvest C oocert will bc bd< ihl F irs t Christian Church. Gr ng to partic ipa te m ay call ] o r Judy Ja g e ls a t 543-5980 b«

nre-Magic-Vailey*Sympbony of the 25th season a t 8 p.m . N Itorium o t tho College of Sout s-are-avallab lo-by-calllng-F G enerol-adm lsslon l8 -$5.-S( d m ls s I o n I s » . --------------------

S S S S S S S S B B ^ ^ S



T U R K E Y !

?ys Y ou G e t NES!^ .n jnsta lla tlon

luy f o r T o ta l fic V a lle y . E R —

7 3 3 - 0 5 0 0)ED’'.................................. ..


YCHW YRN W oles (L ch w y n ^ ro b '

■flDd'hlgh---------f o r s a l e .~ ~ncert a t 0 • T he pricc } public Is n am e a n d o l jc rfonn o T his lease^ d a y a t $255,000. tq ^ r o o m .

CLASSIpresent a PIin B o ise ........• | | | „ - | | | |rcIUzens,i3j3. I Gifts

a t9 p .m .

me© Club■nUaihc--------r tn F n m . * ,


iDla v a tS ______________inFnll.s. • _

111 be on

l-WOriLOf__________________;ulldand ■ g» )f things- I I 1ng .T ?ia--' ■” -------0 a.m . to

ItotlonaleexhlbltStoo] of............ .............

renal und __ _________

t e d l s ^ - z i z — 1 ' __B ank 'ln ■ ■ ■ ■

ugh Oct. k e r win /^ a r c a tL6:30.,8________________

will be_ ....OcLJO._,_______all show

! artistsi-Valloy-------------- ----------wn.

Jd-19703t m - ic —Herrettur s a ro ____ ____. to4:30 to 4:30

•om th e________ ___thixiughiro f th ele g e -o f ------------- ------le con-* ■

e t_ w lll_ .- ___________a t the

idA ve. ilsoaro

e ld a t?Groups1 Faye before

ly w I U - ' - ------Nov. 5 uthem-P a tty --------------------------------Senior--------------------------------

> ! !

e O

a w

— - Q

Tho b o I g ro

o NY ol

_ ______ sine~ " x ro :


-------- — — --------a ro

_I ' —Soofoc


t g a r b le -I F A I R P W L L G W Y N G ' INDROBW LLLLANTYSILI (U PI) — LlanfalrpwH

'obwlUlantysIIiogogogoch rail'

cc tog Indudes o sign t>earj0 lesson In how to pronounce I

oso Is now for sale a t an to in d u d e a re s ta u ra n t,. cj


PHONE 733-0931

ts & Holida^rit Supplies . I: : J J .C Q lie c lIb le s ^ n d lz jz

L im iled E d illo h F fg u r ih e s a n d P l a t e s

f _• S p o o n s a n d - _ B e lls

f i ^ tg t o u s ~ ( J o o d s ' ^ —h o C o th o llc Shop">J X n l SI. South ?33 6577 J

W M / l | r a

l O U N G E - p r o u d l y - p /

“ALE)- through Oci

E n te r ta in in g N igh tly


. ___f o f - t h e - b o s i, E n te r ta in m

In te r m o u n t

O C T . 1 7 - O C T .P s f h o H p L L Y W O p p FOLLI1 w ild , w o n d e r f u l m u s i c a P o v lo w .

O C T . 3 1 - N O V .h o o x c i f i n g D IA M O N D S ctfi to p o rfo rn r^ in g a v o r io ty o f [ ro o t S O 's h l i s . *

N O V . 7 - N O V .'o u ' l l o n io y J O N A S , a in g o r a n d c o m ic w i lh ro z y g a g a a n d s t a g o o n lic a

N O V . 1 4 - N O Vh o h l g h c n o r g y m u s i c o f h o D A E H A N SISTERS is IS b n jo y a b lo a s t h o la d i e s T o b o a u t l f u l : -------; ------- --------

Seven N ights a W a FRIDAY BUFFET— -^Dod- - - - - - .$O Q O -c t i o n s .............................,1 1

- j u s t a lcG Y L L G O G E R sou

ILIOGOGOGOCH. • ma]iwllgwyngyllgogcry plm•ailway station Is up Ir• -------------------- ChLlaring the 58-letter whic e lt. althUl asking pricc of ^ ' anv, ■ c a r pork and a L.

I ■ 6 0 i m m m

! M E B

p resen ts


tiy fm m 8 : 0 0 t o 1 : 0 0

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Q S t-E ood-ond---------H - •im e n t in t h e H c jn to in W e s t

'Tu e s ;

M 3

lie s . ........-

V . 2 0t J

W eek, T here 's Fine- ' • SATURDAY NIG0 . .G ournnot --- >- — ...........

B u f f o l ..................................

ong narrnjuven ir shop selling tra in tic lake room for what somc claii Ince name.In the W dsh language the na

hurch -In-the- hoUow-of- the- wl hirlpool nnd the church of St. T Ithough th ere Is no w hite h a id ivw herc nearby.Local people call it "Llonfalr 1

| | 4 ^

: : ® J



i M i J




e -D in In g in t h e G a l a GHT “ • S U N D A Y Jt

$ 0 0 0 — C a cfu B P o t o ’s - •.. 0 F am ous P rim e ......... Rib Dinnor-:

le1 tickets 10 Inches long to :lalm is the w orld’s longest

e nam e m eans “ St. M ary’si-w hllo-bazd-noar-a-rap ld----------st. Tyslllo n ea r a rod cave." lOid. whirlpool o r red cavo

a lrP .G ."^ ^

= = --- -------

S lw o o d F o llie s ;- ^ __ _

1k V

MNFORMATION^ESEBVATIONSf027S?-2321 Ir08-733-5HTJ-------------- -- - " ’ |torih«ne«* ------ ^1 Irae numtwj " T Obo-021-1103................. I


Page 19: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

M e n t•Continued troo

Choir will be open for— w ith e m phasis on stag<

poise. The choir wiU diird choir num bers graphed show tunes.

T he directors a r e S • em arran d Raym ond Nc

m ore inform ation con 733-(>5M. The choirs a e s ted persons.

P lay s aiso wlil bc hi

— M e g o d•fVwHmiaH frYim T

h a d . . . (o r life and cac__ w atned to Illustra te thc

from the old day of the-----------^-^w M iayo(4ho Indian c

‘‘If re a lly lg thesam c ex p re ss in one sta tem e oMlfe and the ir hcrltag

■ ■ ■ _ _by .u3tngdlffcccD t te.xt> designs th a t ex ist In thi

—----- — 'Of S h o w A w j^ -a tth e 'iCounty F a ir .

■ - H elndel dem ands thi honest w ith him self an

“ Id o n ’tw a n tto b c f f c liqu ish ," he says of hi exam ple, I don’t w ant I an o th e r In d ia n .'"

------------- —T o accom plish th a lere se a rc h e s his subject

. thoroughly a s possible Miosra th e im ages to

"E a c h y e a r I spend I tim e trave ling to India a n d o th e r Ind ian funcU u nderstand their cu ltu doing, I t ^ e two hundi p h o to g rap h say cn ro fi

________ particu la rsu b jec t.___“ I also have a la rg e 1

m any, m any Indian fri. ____ ^ v a rio u s tribes.Theylvi

Influence In m y life,” a “ I enjoy draw ing ant

cowboy cu ltu re th a t’s i — theso people th a t ha m ain th ru s t in the ir llfi

• b r e e d . . . they have thi________ philosophies anda ttltu

life, a nd again, It’s a s l h um an iselng. I ’ve take

-------------m an y photographs of t

_ _ _ _ FROM THET w in F a lls Ca. M iln e r D om oi

m z : ^ s P E C i----- — BBS?®

T h e fo llo w in g • in fo rm o u r S

e n g i n e e r i n g s — 1 s y s t e m r - J o c k

p r o j e c t s . T h e• r; - N b v e m b e r ; '] v j

' m e e t in g s o r c<_______ Doto

N o v o m b o r 7 . 1$ N o v o m b o r 7 , 1 N ovo m b o r N o v o m b o r 9 , 1

N o v o m b o r 10, IS

. - ^


= f e p



^ v o !

W m P aso C l lhe year

to r ages 13 to 13 tage p resence a n d —'ill pcrfonn stan-. ers aad ehorov

F rid ay se Sue EUen Col- elght-wc iNephl Miller. F o r is Vickie contact M iller a t Aerobl 3 a re open Inter- T uesday

• p .m . on2 held throuRhout S aturdaj

d e i ■ ■m P ag eC l w o rk a t

^ e a d l ^ t e t h e '

im e. I wanted lo iment th d r iove •Itage. 1 did tha tjx tiu fsnnri---------------------------

T h o u

S S l s ---------- ^ A “ tao^ ^ ^ noveHat

1 tha t he bo , | ■and his subjcct.c ta d d lsh o r ctilirBco th l s a r t . 'T a rUlt to draw ‘Jus t |— - —

. . e ^ h e ^e c tsa s - f I ble before he .. . \ . y0 ap p ea r;' nd p a rt of my dian’fcstlvalsQCUons to be tte r ^dturc. Inso gindred — L'o f th a t V

g e library and 7 ~ /J1 friends from _ ' Y _ylve been n key_____.’’ saysHelndel. ,andpalnU ngthe » i t’s around us too ^• havo that a s the -- Z •life a re a unique ; - r * ^ j th e lro w n se to f y,tltudestow ard______^a sludy in the V y »akenm any, \ .yof them too, a t - - ■*

NOTHCh 1 E T ) ^ ^ L L S ^ A h

C an a l C o m p a n y w a te r 1 o n O c to b e r 2 4 , 1983.

CIAL 5T O C K W9 B S e a A T I V E 1 ! i fng c o m m u n ity m e e t i r

S to c k h o ld e r s o b o u t g s tu d ie s d o n e a t M iln c k s b 'n "L‘a R ^ D a r f T “an< h e r e w ill b e a t o u r '] 4 th r " S lg n “ u p - a t - o n e r c a ll th e o f f ic e 7 3 3 -6 7 :______________ Ploco, 1983 C astio fo rd -M o n 's ,1 9 8 3 B u h l - J r . H igh Schc , 19B3_ F ilo r-H ig h S chool ,1 9 8 3 Twin F o i ls . CSI Vol

Bulldin ,1 9 8 3 H anson - S chool

i w t

o re Cleonin-With Th


irialple a t yo

s e e — —

ja r by th e R enaissance P layen tie d irecto rs and actors a rime to th c group. ______Ides' tho- m uslcar; Instructioi fitness c lasscs a ^ available. Hotha yoga d a s s Is held o y s a t 9 a .m . The cosl of a w eek c lass Is $20. The Instructo kieAIdcrldGe.oblcs a r c held a t 9 a.rr lays and Thursdays and a t on Tuesdays. Thursdays an

days. T he fee is 510 p e r monlh.

:a n d a lp ia y .'0 do m y artw ork Justice, I have t inside the person. I try lo e the c h a ra c te r o fa p e rs o n ..- - UT2, o r environm ent. Respect is T rnportah irandprofesslonal— p ity w ith resp ec t to quality is >rtant.” _ .

i u q h t f o r t o d a y -----------

ih o u g h ^ 'ja rT h T T lay r-G en iu i is t T hom as Mana''BaId: “Tim tim e clarifies. No mood can b

tained unaltered through th e o fh o u rs .”

Thuradoy, Fridny & I . SaturdoypnlylGIANT TIGER \ W ‘

PRAWNS VRog.S 16 .95 lD . Z___

- R . .

F re n c h /___R n h h l l _ ^

f W IN E

SMFOOD MARKET"^73°4-0°603' . I v ;

VNM COAAPANY__e r w ill b e s h u t o f f a t ,3.

H e t P E H S -----------M E E T I N ® — -------t in g s w ill b e h e ld to Jt t h e s t a t u s o f t h e i ln e r D a m , t h e c o n o l i n d - p r o p o s ’e d 'h y d r o ” ” r o f t h e s y s te m on n e ~ o f t h e 'f o l l o w i n g : ■ >731,________________ TIrriol's C lub 12:00 N oon :hool 7 :30 p .m .p l . 7 :30 p .m .ro fo c hilng Rm 108 7 :30 p .m .

7 :30 p .m .

R e n t t h

" H y d r o -

^ ^ t e a n

Only 1

ng P o w e rhe

i c P o w e r h

o U r T i e a r e ^ '

yan:-- ~ "T he com ing events a re will feature a variety

_ _Idaho-Stri;<g Q uartet tlon. Philharm onic will pe:I. on Oct. 29.1 on Thc Ashland Shakes f an : will perfom one of lhe ic tor Nov. 10 a t 8 p.riii Th<

th e .fam ous ■ • A: a .m . Shakespeare Festival, a t 7 The Second /\nnu; and •

J l. k

III, -I-------------- ------- ----------------Iq Drdwing

ForSJSCIIr ConUlcoto


iri be \ V the

n R E N T A L-------------V ideo D isc M och

• / No M om bor


1V. mliai w*st of Fll,__ JW IN FALLS — :


S 1

r - T h is


- © l i t

331 Eottlonc — Twin Folli. IC

733-484e Opan 7-5 Mon.-

----1 0-aSpt.

_ i , i

heHR= S o n i i z

m S s G a r p i

i n f J i i

I 3 “ l— Regula r- l5 .5 0 d i

'h e a d X ._____________ IIt".. . '

ts a t the academ y -A cbden;ty of ta lents. The he ld onct from the Boise Folkjc rfo rm a l a p .m . S o rre lb

Alsoespcarcan Troupe F lo re s the tu rd 's p lays on nnd the■he Irb'upe Is from UniversAshland. Ore. F o r fal. of th e dluol R enaissance con tact


O c to ls o r 2 1 s t GA r ts - S ilv e rs m ith in V\/iil p r o v id e f o s h io

733-21----------O p o n Moit.-Sa t

323 M ain Av. W here the park

, ^ pertjc / c h ln o - '5 p e r d a y ---------- l ( ' -

D r s h i p C h arg e \

LBFLEISCHAHD TV SERVICE 'Flior on Clover Rood - 7 3 4 '4 1 4 2 D u h 'o 'p o f o i o f

■ 0 - :

H A N K J Ith e frisn ienddus re .u tT hom as Lighting

D ecorating Sale


5 W ^ k ' s S p e

H O P L i C—X w o 'T u b a -U g h t-F 'O r—

W ork A roo.

prndncirig A vailab io . |

"lO IR \ V ~ y Liphlmn / 8


_____ B_____ m : : - : _ j i _


i e ^ ”4 l i n e :---------------- ^ g -

'Per \ Day B

day— ---------------^

D----------7------ ---------------- H "III Q

-* 0

---------- -. - B _

5 — J I

iemy A rts and C rafts F a ir wil onNov.2G.-Ik slnger-sloryteller Rosi ills w ill a p p w r Dec, 14.K> com ing up will be s t a n P lano Trio from Portl Jie Kennard Plano T rio from ers lly of Idaho, r f u l l e r Informalion about Q c lasses, concerts o r happcnl K l the academ y a t 734-0719.

'ENINGOFZlJFTS&GALLERYI t s 22ndlin g - G a l le r y G if ts io n je w e l r y r e p a i f

2861a t. 9:30-5:30--------- -----Avo. Eastrking is ©asy

l D A Y S H 5 E € - & » t t» « ® l

H o c t o r h i l w S

B 1 K « ,

ilof iot ibll Iroo EnlPfUjlsc '536

m i S z :resp o n se to ig H om e 1l i e ! 1 “

F/ E s / . s r \ J B

e U d I . . . —

© H T -r-Y -our---------------------- —

• » » :-

\ 521 E. Moln ], BurUy. ID ''

5 j 678-OJIO i----/ O p«n 8-5:30 '

X - M on.-Frl.;a-3 Sal. : __


iI . ! S f ^i ............

I i I n

I [ i o M '= “ M q (

• 1 s t M o \

i i i W Kj _ [ J _____ 1V80BLU

j v p f T ” ■

l l B a D B B B I B B

will be - 2 _________ _______


^rtlond ^ iom the ^ • U ' Q \

lUt any J(cnings . jti

I - - m~ ~ I [ \ ^

' 1 ' S'ii Slininp.. a all the■

- I ------------ -----------

I o e i s a

« I TH E



= t — — -----------------------

E : : : " -- - - - - - i

K m?= — B | S


r ' j Q j

& H A L L 5f e S P E CW : O ct. 28


IFETIMEAi— — SPEi----------- B eneftlachiri^Rentcjl’fovie FREE “........................ .. ■ i

4M om b o rsh ip R ogulorly $19 .95

— _ N O W O N L Y --------

'Vacation". "Ri


O p o n M onday th lC !0 0 -8 :0 0 ,^ o n

b 'jbi b b d a ea d e

S e a fo o d A Laip, oysiors. scallops ond o ■lo Iritnmiiigr.: Mo'Ju'fl p

I L Y . . . . . . . -----------


i a e K P © T , r R ! E ’

m j L

WEEN ^C I A E ! ^ ^8-29-30____

iOR MOVIE!M om bors O nly

W IE M B E R S■ C lA L i-------f i t s 'l r ic lu d e :

( W V o r i - ^ T h u r s y )

_ ThroVVotch'fbr N o w R d lo d s o s '— ’R a id e r s o f l h o L ost A rk " , "t

MORTH,‘(N e x t t o Ne 1 ^ 3 4 = 7 4 8 3 ---------------th ro u g h S o fu rd ay inday”! 2 :0 0 .5 :0 0 ___

a e i B i B i ] a D i r i c a t =

Friday . O c io b c r 2 1 .1983 ^

l -^ t C a l l ^ T o l l ^ F r e e - g --------

J l S 'S© -1 3 ^ 3 I


.a B arto n ' P

.1 o Hoiori ol boof w ith • ^ 3I poiolc.-'s. vfigoioblo. ^ 3

P O T IN N E V A D A g


... IE

:S H ! P I

z z r z i i t z

l l : z

r ® i r 'h ro u g h O c to b o r 31 : 's - .......................— - - t ~ - ^ ..............

" D a rk C r y s ta l " j g j

N ew ton 's) | ! gi ~

..............' • N ' B : ' -

......... ; 5 ; v . ,

a c s c a c i c a a a o E a i '

Tirnos-Now s! Twin Falls, Idoho 0-3"

^ 1

Page 20: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

F ra n k a n d 1p i

w h e n a F

^ e ° l N G T c

P e P E G u t i

■ i .....

B room -H il(

H a g a r t h e l1 I TMltJK S M E E I

M____G asoline A

^ Where have 4 0 U be< Skeezix h a s t h e a r e a d y f o r r - — 1;

------ - i h e t r i p /

zzis^G arfield .I /WE'VE G(

s_ SOM£^ ABO U I


JTM I%Vf5 ■_________

------T h e B o rn Lj | | _ r . t

. i ' r M

— Daily

- , P P - = i i______ 30_____ - - _

" - 'V '3S--------------

35----------------- --------......... ' t e S j a S i ^ ^ r 4? “

SS 3 s __ M “

s d z b b S

^ D a i l_ GKNEIULTKNDENj comliLions from Ui'e pa-s

- - t h e fu turc-w ith-courai'c tlons. New pro jects a re 1 w in b ring mdcli succcs;

- d a i ly und personally. /VRIKSfM ar. 2 Ilo A p i

deeply concem cd \vilh .......... d av sahcad .-ivh lch ls noo

C-4 Tifn03'N 0W 3. Twin f

d E rn est■■ I-

A P e W E - i i _____ J

T o g e t . 1

^ l i A T i O M

w m s i,ilda

/ - I W A S W E D V O U '-J i P A R K I N G 0 \

■ca ^

3 H orrib leE T \ s s i c k ; . . . '

^ tr \ ' ^

A llw f-VyB'd&e'i

b e e n P l T r i p . n i + h a f c s a l

i i: GOTTA PO \ ' I 7~KMETHING- / O3U T T W I5 I W< ’R E S S IO N .^ R P l E L P ^ ^


L o ser -------

S t c r o s s w D i

■p p P ^ ;

i l y H o r o s cKNCIES: F o rKct c an iiniilil pa slH m llo o k lo TAUULi 3I'c-nn(H:xpecJ«— h av c -p rir re fuvorabic and those elm cess, both fInan- n n d n eccs

• ........... GKMiNApr. 19) You a re how to a ilh solf a/;d the* co n tac i U R o o d .lo th aty o u .R aln incy t

(In Falls , Id ah o Ffiday , O cloc lobO f2li'l9a3

K y ^ y ’ - v - - ----------’p ^ .( - Q - a

5 r - ! E 5 : \

tT H & V -^W E R E .6 .T R 'li :f O V E R T H E ^ H ! T & U N E

g o

WMAT C30E5 IT MEAM WHEH Me C P 0 5 5 E 5

Hi s l e s s a h e ? T E A P£ WELL UP Mi s e y e s 1

se id ed -Y -W eiT f-P in a i a b a ^ t j o u ' r e s t a r t i n g y.

. t o g e t s o m e / > j e n s e ; ^ jl

" m a v b e a c h a n g e \O F S U R R 0 U N P IN G 5 \ '

W p U L P C H EER 0 6 UP J

W S b >

^ 1 1 1 ^

i V ?

’~ £ " " ° 5"M ok'o~

-------oyoo ntI I , 9 A-onom I " !'■: P S a 13 D lll.oltl

_________ SSa 3ty>o16 14 S lay . _

___ _____________ 15 E ncoun17 Workin{

_________________ togo lho19 A w ard I

_____ _ _______ valorazb~~ 20 M ore roiI ___ _ ___ 21 G uardia

' b B C ^ ^ B h sh ip 23 G oal

}] - 3< ' 33 24 Lagor _________________ 25 ••— th n

IB S *i rojlefd.s i (s l H l n f o B i

H i j g ;— — ,'.iulii!,ii Ja ototKlw .

IBWWBWI B N jU iilA i ----------- Is ^ A N •

M S B H S'!r i --------------------- LA E ir 0

E n ’A D jip

i f f# ®

c o p e _____K U S (A p r. 20 to M ay 20) You r iv n tc -n tm s iio w “a m lx a m n a k c - ■lmnge.s U ial a r e fjood fo r you rc s s a ry . W alch finan<jcs. i iN l 'f M a y 21 to J iin e 21) P la n I a jlv a n c e in ihu fu tu re a n d . th o se w ho c a n a s s is t y o u in : y o u r ,a lin s . .S u c c e s s Is .a ro u n d ,



A T r>ps / V r ) I ^5 ? \ f

-What^re VMeasurinq you doinqP^i^living rc

Z ^ R O N & ^ i

__ — ~ ^ n ~ 1 / ^ CHECH


\wEELs, i^ifnTf >i3

:R O S 5 r:z2 C iC h a o n ii o f z n r ^ s Andor- a rt--------- _ 2 a .P tb < in — , .50.CO o ftic la ls . ‘ s o t - 30 M acQ raw of 52 10 m ovlos o l d ......... 31 Hurl 550 32 K noadors’____ of dough 50o u rag o s 3S C h a n lo u so s 58king 38 S h lno — 59 ilhor brightly GOrd lo r 39 Bocom o r Inlurlatod 61a ro c o n t 40 S onso 62rdlan- 41 H aslon

42 N ow spopor 631 b igw igs ir 44 Quouo Throo 4 r R o ta io

lefday'j Puzzio Solved: B d |a 1t '1e 1s ' B s IT-|a' [ h — 3- M eIv :tl« yM e n. S E — "-

A rrT yH w A p B j p w 5N f B ^ fi L E C A « 60 ^ hTT L eTH U E "E a c iH ^ £' ( E i i ! L E 7 n n i ’c i i j i M A n i_ Ag w ^ M O N K E Y 8b1^E ~ ^ b N 0 S s S ___9t^ H T i ^ o' A b □ u L 10

BAIW Alir E g A I S (iJB k A f t l s~w r E E n 11.. B E i ^ E i R T T H r U l s I t r -12 1

10/7UI3 ■ •• ;

th e co m er. ‘MOON CHILDREN (

-------- 2 l> -K now -w here you-rce rw lse and turn so

-------- arouml-Uial-yoiHlo^not 1ou 1 ^ 0 (Ju ly 22 to Aug ikc "■' in ten s t a Umt cnn h e lp ; ou und have m ore nbur

fu tu ro : C ^ u l t with cxan h e ip y o u . ..............ild VIRGO (Aug. 22 to in som eth ing about mod

nd___m ethods. In buslness_J

j■ ^

7 — I

d i i: I TH£. : I CLE,

■ B JlJN ,

W - ' b ' lj ____

ij ' I Beei f l f f I > .x >


I h ' %

------------------- 'My e m e 4 < ) iT O ( ^ c u ^ C>£jTf one

f lr o o m w : - ^ j

■ .AncAT?EM

v - i T 5 U ^ l WONOfT 7 ^ = " l ib ; i | BARW\< a ' •- EVENII

Bloi________ __ I H O N E

^ T O G

'C !

'<1p ] i

------ :

f e

5 ^ - ■■ ■i > \ 1 I CHOK

\ I ^ I


49;O ia c a r d ____ ia rS n o w ^ —rgom o vohicio

> 0-Pom pou3___10 Skirl______sp o o c h bo llom

52 Brow ing- 22 M akes Ilom _ Ihroolold

SS G o lbw ay 24 Foo- lish Irom 26 C hurch

S S H o ly lo n d r itu o l-58 A llots 27 " I f s a s in59 Silkw orm . to toll — " 30 S lovoplpo 20 PhrooooIOE

an d b o ro t 29 Cflrponlry 51 R olax ilomJ2 E asfom 31 - o »

rulor (b o g a n to>3 S lau g h to r goll)

of b a se b a ll 33 Corlaln A frican

— DOW H-------- 3»-Bfrdro-jfflfi-X J iro o t________3 £ ^ ic k o L . - _2 Sho w ont 37 Explosivo

to S lam w oaponoa .F ru l l------------- 38 M icrobe —.‘l.R o d io :_____ 40 U m b p a rt

onco .. .4 4 A bom lnoto5 A rom a 45 S o n o l Noal6 Sticky 4 6 n o a 4 w o rtc c

s tu ff - 47 W ralh lu t7 S c a tte r s 49 G irls"

re fu se 51 Ploco ono8 Follow od w ithin lho9 .T ractab le I' . ' ' o lhor0 T alltapo r- 52 L ocerato

Ing pilla rs 53 A w aroof1 .F oo t lovor 54 — Tfuo-2 P lo co T o r---------- h e a r t............

a c to r s - 57 52

re su lts UJ (June 22UTJuly LIBR/‘ u -a re -g o tn g -ca— to-whot-; som e'conditions f u t ^ a

-------- i i_ : : .L _ e s l a b U s liig. 21) F ind new c r o R l p y o u t o a d v a ^ undance i n j h e

m g i a s

to Sept. 22) Do SAGIT odemlrinB your A good ( i_nnd_gcl_better_ recr^atlc

iz a rd of Idf f c u H i e e g TO m g «T /iB i€r

i and Lois■i£F£-/ I V E .BANSO OUT THEAPAeB./.ALLJA^- JNK" IS g O N E /

;erie Bailey. - ■;^ v T ( L O O K A T T)-fOi

/ 9 l f ^ = = W ' 0 ? ' V i loe _' m G cT A N ,L ^ li, l i

nAfORr-wr H j u i J i J r a

. . I


id y C app __\ \ ~ i

J?ftSAlDALLN IN Q .L A D ^ l^

P M ,

ondie ~NEY. IT’S .TIME ) 1 o e r U P e o B / si-i


:anutsELL, I HAVE TWO H ' I[o ic e sa st o u jh a t H t;CAN PO T0NI6HT j IB ^

:lnr " __ _ In te n n is ,- th e - |i

advan tage over th Connors. Quite so.

' tav e rn tallc. o ffer t 0 football, thc puntei

ball. In baseball, th In bowling, thc ro l l ;

J^______ (ho lano. In tvivtr________ e xperience w ith r l0 th an tlie right-hand1 Ing p artn ers . And o---------- tills I tem ,'p lease n____ a m hldcxtrous. Thrc

y o u r drink a rrlv (» a o ah •' ' s t e m " " ifkorI.., . , \no lher autoantoi 0 m eanings - a "si0 m eaning stop. O r: S!

; How does a n "ework? Shrug. Any!

______ M cCormick paten te

In 197-1. b r r /\l lc o '

3 In the fuluro wilh them.;R/\ (S e p t 23 to Oct. 22) Be ali ot-partners-expect'of you-ln I ! and try to please them aUsh m o ro h an n o n y .............—

►RPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) If y ithiised about woricyou havo u con accom plish throe tim es asusun l.

fITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 2 d d ay to get into new kinds Ulons wilh your friends th a t a

MNV&r^r^ IT 1 1 i r i i

J l i O t l : # !

............... ...........■ i '

t lj a . - . 5

—iSf^icoz 'tixam OVR PEfJSlON flJf

A t

• / h e 's g o t a N ;■( PROBLEAA. j . I

-INE-.. JU S T k’EEP ONs i-e e P iN G ANO s e e •'G 'p-frr I C A P E r



W h a t ’ sw h a t

e-left-handcd server enjoys ' the-right-hander, say s J ln so. If you want to enliven

j r to explain why lefties win Ite r gelB an opposite spin on , the h itte r Is closer to firs t b; oil goes down the less w om sld udng.-Jhc-soutbpaiv_g£ts_ir I r ight-handed sparing pjulx nnder gets w ilfile fR ia riS ed ^ d considering our w hereabout e note th a t most ^ r te n d e r s •h m w ^ b lll^ n thfrcounter j us esand w atch ..r.

ntonym — one word with oppo "s lem .” ^\s in Stem the fl

r r s te m f r o m . . . . m eaning stai

"electrical m ale chastity b< nyhow. a fellow nam ed Mlcl n ted such a device in 1896.CO Chase dIe<^Df-w ha^hysid ;

m o re p leasurable an ; a lert CAPRICORN (De In th e - r -F in d -a o i^ w a y -o f - 1 and serv ice lo fam ily mt _____ exiictly w hal they dc

iry a u ' AOU.\RIUS (Jnn, w o to — F if d a »ter m y tn

ducU vlly ond n ls p a r tn e rs and ga in th'

21) endeavors pending, ids ofIt a ro P ISC ES (Feb. 20

__________- - «••.......... ....................

^ e x flc -T u r /’ ■nicmup ( ^

J avvL


^ ___/ I TM OLl(£)7lT rM EX O F T E H f ^ lS v V A 'S ’’i ■ \ • E Y E O N T H E

— Z > '

r r ^ i / A A ) _______ _ j

mnUNP.- J i IN1H6'

r It m S ?

f S lf e € i ^ S = =

H E W A r>rrST D S EA '\WRITER B JT C A N 'T j FIGURE OUT t h e BeST W A Y » _ - -^ _TO START )

^ R lT lN & y

_______________________ a

■ 01^ I CAN 6 0 INTO --n e e p l e s All by m y s elf ; ■A N P PLAYVIPE0 6AME5

diagnosed os malni .j..-_ _ ..Q u lh o fo r 'N u [fH lD n

------^ATTRACTIVE WOConsider the espi

W hen another womo analyzes w hat it Is p re tty . When a mi analyze, bu t Just nc

ys an ca se of an u nattracll Immy Im m ediately figure a) the B ut m ale o ijserversi In: In don’t caro. So conten )n thebase. Was in l!)6l tha t a

ilde of H enri M atlsse'liung Ij im re ___N.caiYoclLMuseunLrtncrs body caught It. spar-

lUts In • At la s t count, 1,013 -s a te — w ero - posted wilh U3t-as— W ashingtuii S lcp iH e

“Ainong professlor S tates, them enou tn i


V In Dublin, Ireland -- C arm el Kom.

M ostshoplifUngoc

Send maU to L.M. d a n s p e r: :

and rewarding. a rc c a t )ec . 22 to Jan . 20) d an ce i if-bdng-of-greaT— -yoursell members and know som e extlcalre______________________

IFY O21 to F e ^ 19^ - h e o r sh

- o f « i n g lo pro- fnc yo ii Jso discuss with capab le Ihelr cooperaticn In - ou tle ts i I- OS fine a

g ifted20 to Mar. 20) You t ra in ing

l i " ■/ Ti7THlNl«i \ ------- .-I' i

V IT /JS O J^^T S P •

i:j7VVM K j n ^ ffi

E)\ j ^ / IIU • iiy

/ H E V '/N C ’ P E E K 'lM S l^ A R O U N P C O f?fJE R £

-ME B A S IC R U L E );5-Tc3‘K E E P y o U R - / - “ / - -•

m -M tM T r m x c iz S ^ ' r " TH6HW W I , •

/ r e O M l e f t j , l j

‘ i ■■

I( ^ ^ h e ^ c a r e s 7 ■ .

f ; -


■ a j ^ A V E C M O I C E S ^ ^ H •

lalnutrltlon. Dr. Chase was the' • [[onfor H ealth? '----------------— - . . -------

: WOMAN ^especially good-looking woman. ’ om an sees h er, lh a l o lher woman it Is about her th a t m akes her ■I m an secs her, he d o e ^ 't so • it notices. This also holds In the active womim. F em ale observicre • y re out w hat's wrong w ith lier.' e rs don 't know, don’t wonder, and.^ ilends our Love and W ar man.

at a pain ting by the F rench artist mg upside down for47 days in tho unLoq\lQ dcni_arLbefonLsom (i:______

.013bulld lngsin theU nltedS tatcs : vilh almis reading: "G gorijp - 1 iH c r ^ '’_________•

alona l a thletes In tho-U nlted ' -------lutnum ber the women by 53.000 to :

land, lives a young lady named, j

goccu r3betw ecn3andC p .m , !;

.M. Boyd In c a re o f this oew^Mi*.

e a g e r to havo a g rea te r aburi-.'» an d can do so If you apply; ■self-seriously-and-also-cunsalt— — e expert fo r advice.

•YOUR CHILD IS BORN TODAY,- r she will bo ono of Ihose charm- young persons who will' be very'' ible a t d iscern ing w hether new Its a rd w orthwhUe o r not, so give no a n e d u c a llo n ^ j you can to 'your <1 progeny. S tress spirllUAl ling a s well. .

Page 21: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

: f o l i v eD EA R ABBY: I 'v e r

um n for years, but n c would w rile a "D ear

I h av e had more thar fam e and fortune ovc having enjoyed a vci c a re e r on th e stage and not young, but I 'm still ve ry a ltrac tlvo w om a m arr ied and divorced.

I w as a singer and c---------- teem , w o rk cd 'h a rd rm i

and lived weU. I still 11\ well, b u t like everyo; w rites to you, I have a pr

r m lonely. I have_______friends, but 1 would like

m ore. Men a re afraid bccausc they assum e 1 too popu lar o r I m ust 1 som eone.

I 'm nol. 1 s it hom e alo__ ___ nlghl, watching' TV~o

wutild^ore'te4iave-a-nS-_____ to spend tim e with.

Abby, please p rin t U 'gen tlem en , 50 and ol a ssu m e lh a t all women v r ich ond fam ous a re to Im portan t to approach. I 'm su ro th ere a re o the

------ - w ere a lso b ig s ta rs in Ihla s lonely a s I am . Abby. m y n am e, nobody would

■ s l ^ m e . . .-D O N 'T G

MUCID EA R -D O N T: Ask i

“ friends" to g et the w or a r e (a ) lonely and (b) a

. . w hen th e word gets oui ---------- pollcoprotcotlon. T ru st 1

DEA R ABBY: My h m oved aw ay from oi

-----------th ro e -y ca rs ago becauio u r children to grow up

'slow er-paced city. W e lo — ^1iU 8l3and:has^am llyher

-----------2,000 m iles aw ay from mM y jn o th e r resents m

hav ing moved so fa r froi frequently and wiUlnj visit. When she’s here sl husband and ac ts very b

• ........... N o rm ally sh e Is fu n ; '

S A T .-S U N .F A M IL Y

____________ ^ T I N E E

A n o th e r '-------------In -the ,

of Won




Z Z I S6 .S0 -S4.

_ _ — ' ------Thl6-Suh.

Vf P a n F r ie d C h i ......... :_ .- :W iih G ra v y .&

•.'.• L e g o f P o rk R' D r e s s in g , Gr? A p p l c s a u c e

----------- — r r 'S w i s s S t c n k VG ra v y & V c g o

' • S

F a

- - - I W S M


r e r s t a r

s n u p K 'e read your col- never thought 1

,\bby" letter, han my share of over the years, . ^ ' very successful nnd In films. I’m Hill considered a man. I've been likab le , s i. • , obvious did dancer in my low ard m -made^a^fortune— husband I 1 live reasonably h e r only a ryone • else who T h e pro 1 problem. it With heive h few good h av e Oata Ike to ijct around th a t he_ ■aid to call m e because sl e I am too busy. 1 love t s t be going wllh Ih lsproblt

alone nifiht a fte r' D EA R '~ b r reading. I . loving wo t*TDCt'g\!SitlciTiQn' norc3-yot

w hile Ehe.' t this for lonely is hu rtln j

older: Do nol upset will 2n who were once h im . so il : too busy o r too you love 1 ,ch. They’re not. conduct h ther women who h e r poutir I Ihc'SOsTvho^re m airlag e , by. If youprinled p .S . An( )uld believe it, so th a t your

I tw a s a joTGETAROUND UCH ANYMORE DEAR ik a few of your sex life wj vord oul lhal you h e rh u sb a )) available, and I 'm a r out. you’ll need tim e I wc

ist me. " --------— y e a rs old-------------------------------c v c r y M l j/ husband and 1 a lm o st or

our hometown nesday. el ausc-w e w anted.. SheiaJu up in a sm aller, Ihstead of

e lo v e ith e re .M y — “here,-but^we a r c ^ ^ f C e / i to inm yfam lly .-------- want a fo5 m y husband for simple, from her, but she many, ge Ilngly comes to plus a Jor, •e she ignores my (37 cents) y bored. dJng Bom; energetic tmd -HoUy\vooc

it. M

tFWorld, 7 f

>nder. ■/ / A

• I 1?

______ ____

[m l

^— ■— ^ S A tr-S U N . O N LY . _ -12J0.2:15

nday Family Di

1 :0 0 -7 :0 0 P.U Every Sunda

;0 -Adults S5.75 -Sr. ( ; 4 : ^ i : m r a r e r n 2 ' & - o i

u h d a y — ----------- Ntt h i c k e n R o a s t

B i s c u i t s ........... W ilh S i

< R o a s lW i lh ... v ir g in i G ra v y & W ilh Ce -

jg o i a b l c s

E n l r e o s I n c l u d c : S a l a d . P o i a t o e s & B e v o r j

P lu i; a S l iv e r o l - . F a lh e r D a v id ’s H o m e -M a d

I G W I p W

At Canyon S prings Inn


[• w ^ t s -

a e r l i f e

A bigailV an B u renD ear Abby

, so her atlitudo here is an 5 dem onstration of rescntm enl- . m y husband. I have asked my id to overlook 11 because we see - y a few lim es a year.Droblem: My husband hus had her behavior and says if I don’t =talk wllh her. he will, I doubt le win be diplomnllc-e she really upsets him. e them both. How can 1 solve )blem? .V

-^1NT1IEM IDDI.£ R IN : Tell your mother In a w ay lha l when she sulks. Ig- jsour-ftu3£fGna-an5=<fcla-lartfc5-^ he.’s a guest In your homo, she Jng you. ExplaTiTllial hO t-S vlth her and you don'l blame ) if sho loves you a s much as 'e her. she will lighten up and t herself a s an adult, because Iting is putting a stra in on your

\n d it m ight holp to remind her u r husband did not kidnap you.J Joint decision to move.

R ABBY: To the lady whose I w as suffering because she and iband worked different shifts: a m an who enjoyed sex every wanted it — up until I was GO old. <\fter. th a t It was almostMignr"=TUnT(Ssi“ o in v io n aay ron Tuesday, almost on Wed-

,e tc .3 Jucky.lo have a weekend lo v e r . I of one like me. ,- “ ALMOST" IN.TENNESSEE •Jng-married? WhoUKr-you- ■ formaJ c^urcyi uvddJng or a -

"d^>’our-ovvn-i/j/jJg'' cere- get Abby's booklet. Send $1 Jong, sdf-addressed, stamped its) envcJope to: Abby's Wed- BooJdet, P.O. Box 38923, ood; canf.-msa.-)— ---------- —

.L L S E A T S I$ 1 0 Q ___


-I ’ f f l " H i i l i l i M U

J i n n e r

C i t i z e n sOndei------------------ —

is t T o m T u rk e y <•^ a g c D jG SS ing

in ia B a k e d H a m 1 C a n d ie d S w e e t P o ta to

l ic e R o a s l B o o l lh M u s h r o o m G ra v y

e r a g e

a d o P io - o

n n ^

'° 'q‘uauou iTWIM»AtlS7J4 5400

an ;ml— I , ________ny ; ‘ ^

r . j ;ibt rU r ___i ____________________

vc i ■ ' ■ .

t e A j r a m i g x a c s i

^ ■': 1 lj5b235“ i - = - V r > T O M E ® Sur [nan tfW fcta jJi

~"^-'Jh'c'rc’s a lu. L- fo r p la y in g

1 a n d a t im e ISO ~ p w iV 'Wn d I;.

GO)Sl il -------•y: n

' e r . . . - -n/£ A0 VFAJTURBOF A MOOr.L yOl

' 'I ^ • DAltV

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- S w D D l D O ttrrS ^^C ^

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W f t i o i

i | T h e 6 0 , s e c o 5 M

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------ ; L -----------S«l^.50-7°10iJVV Sun.2:30-<:

i ^


-’ 1

A /

n i;i ; i W EEKEND IN FIaJ i-rrrg Sat.-Sun Ft'

!“ -iiP All Adult. CH~.rr.fl Alio All Sunday N

D o lly 7 :1 5 -9 :1 5 ” S o t . - S u n . l : l S .3 : 1 5 .5 :1 5 -7 :

^ JIg i t . s a f cle fo r . .. - S E

T; ' — t

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Daily 7 :0 0 -8 :5 5 S undoy O nly 5 :0 5 -7 :0 0 -8

'iQ-9;30 2 _ ^ ^ ^ - • <:50- f JI.OO X:9:3a----- i "—MATINEC------V______J SAr-SUN, 1


I F L A T I O N F I c i r r E R ' p fI From k to&p.m. !'.*I. CcllnForS5.75 y NIfiht A»ThpMotor-Vu jy

pJlJ M M Skp ] [CT y i

5 ^1-7:15.9:15

- p j

S E A N C O N N E R ^ Is JAMES BOND in fl

INDOTKTOWNS ;rDolly 7;00-'):30

-Sair-Sun;--------- -

d PO^Q^ '500 yc.irs of F;of iudcJcn denth... fj:

-* unleashed on 2Qth.EI century Amcrlcn. f:

5< t---------- D otlr7:30-9rl5------------ jj-- - 5at.5:<5-7:30-9:15 • k

k Sun. l7T3u-2;Ii-4;U0^------5:4J-7:30i9;1S-—

mlolly 7:JOOfily J L iSal. s a a j 'a Q ^ r .7 . : : r . :T .~ ‘'ifJfc; . D . l : 0 » . 4 : W . W 7 : 2 0 , ^ | |

m A nno ncc•M OOlFlorlotsr.;i • 002 L ost & found

003A nnouncom on ?. " 004S p o c ia ln o llcc :

o0 5 M om orialnotlc ■; 006 P e rso n a ls

i ® S e le c te d!; -- ------- o 0 7 Jo b 3 0 lim o ra

008S a!o3poop lo■?................. 009Em pIoym onl'i•: 010 P ro fess io n a l:4 O lS B ab y a lH o rs -= Oie S i tu a t io n s wa

017 B u sln o 3 3 o p f ^ 018 In co m e propi; ------------02U MonoyiDioai• 021 M onoy wafitcj 023 Invostm onl1 025 ln struc llon\ - 026M u3lc le sso n

l ~ -■— ^ ^ H ^ a a l esl,V:-ii1 o'29 0 p o n n o u s o ji ) " --------------- 030H omoaJQf.9£•{S ' • 031 O ut-oM ow n I =;• 032B uhl-F llo rho

033Klmborly-Hai 034 Jo ro m o hom

i;;'i 038 Roal 03 la t0 v 037 Fo rm s & rone

r------- 038 A tiroago & lo■ :1 . 039 B u s ln o ss pre

it 040C em oto ry lo l ft 043 V acation pro •2 044C ondom lnlur

045 M obile hom e

8 B R en ta lsI 050F urn lshodhO '

- ~ 051 UnfurnlshGdl— — —-052Fumrapl3.&i

. — -------054 U nfurn . apts.-.058 R oom s for r e r 057 R en ta l m obiio 0 5 8O lflco& busln

, [4 __ ______ 059 Condom inium061 G arag o ren ta l

;■ 063 W antod to ronA : ------------0 6 5 T o u rls ta n d tn

~ 066 M obile hom o:

E! ■■ '■" _O M erchan t067 M isc . for sa le068 C o m p u te rs

L-r;! • 069 C a m e ra equij-------------070 W an ted lo bu

K 071 S h o o s and cl■ . 072A n1iquos m l 074 M usica l Instr B 076 O ffice equipr■ 077 R a d io s. TVs i■ — 070 F u rn ltu re ^ -c

H ___LEGALNOTICE-B t NOTICECF■ ; - SCH OO L DISTRICT NO, ■ i STATF OF IDAHO m NOTICE IS HEREBY ( V o lo c llo n will bo ho ld In m “ C o u n ty , y i a f r o n a a h o ; M t p u rp o s e of subm lltino ti K d is tric t th o follow in^c^^

K Shall Iho B oard of T rusd K Twin Fails C oun iy . S tai

- i s s u e - t h o - b o n d s o f -s a P : $3,200,000. to be co m e ;ii;i ..- .m a y b o fixed b y th e Boi • j^V .'■ 'Instailm onl to fall duo ]<■:: d a to of tho b o n d s , for Ih ??<! o lo m o n tary sc h o o l, lui

bu ild ing or bu iid inos. ir i2* ventlialTon a n d san ila tl i-~: — a n d o a u ip m o n t n o c o s s • i r aald bu ild ing o r bulidin S p : to r sa id d is tric t?

| i ! PROF| : S hall th e B oard of Trust' | 3 ’ T w in F a lls C ounty , Slai l h " I s s u o tho b e n d s of sa h j J1.300.000. to hacom o. I : m ay bo fixed by Iho Bo h In sta ilm qn ls to lall due

■ r d a lQ -^ fio T JO n a s ; ICfnt • I r - ex p a n d in g th e b o y s ' an'| : a n d e x p an d in g tho ph;

' t Includ ing all llghtino, h. lion fac iriliea'Q nd-appii■ f i s a r y ' t o m a in ta in and ( ' t d is l r ic t .w ilh in a n d fo rs . i - | i --------T ho-fo llow ing-lnform■ f : 34-440, Id ah o C o d o :I li: T ho to ta l ox isling ind

” [" ” ~$7.433.3M .96~ T lie into - - - p r o p o a e d -b o n d a is 0.0

Sii: — ratD3-iS'from-0;O% -to-1W ; _ ropald ovor Iho llfo_oni-I : i i p u rsu a n t to to P ro jjos;;-ji p a to d in te re s t ra te Is Jln " ■ bo rep a id ovo r th o IHli! a u th o rizo d p u rs u a n t lo-*rr! a n tic ip alo d In lo rea t rater r : E ach qua lified o loctcB ; ' s e c r e t and s o p a ra to b'I ; w o rd s "BOND Y E S,".B l l a n d sha ll ind ica to hisE e ith e r o r bo lh o l Iho quE a c r o s s (x) d p p o s ilo ihim w hich o x p ro s s e s h is chK ' S a id o locllon shall

■■ follow s:y ______________p h i 1 1K Twin Fails High Schoolm i V era C .O 'L o a ry Ju n io r

— Robert-S luart-Junlor-H ii■ i Bickol E lem entary Schc■ f Rbrris'Cin c ium uniury S i■ r L incoln E lem eniary Scl-■ l i M orn ingsiddE Iem en ta f■.•T - S a w to o th E lom on tarySK C o llec o o l S o u lh e rn .B ; B ulldrngK : T ho po lls for llie rK t o p e p e d a t th o h o u r of 1I p a n d will rem ain contlmmil 8;00 o ’clock P.M . o f .fV ! c lo so d .■ l i 1 . A qualified o iocioI-;- y o a rs of a g o or o ldo r. vK S e c tio n 2 of th o Idaho CK ; 2. A b o n a lide rosliK re s id e d th e re in -a l- le a '■ : su c h e lec tio n .■ r ■ 3 .'A c lll2 o n o f th o U n lK E xcttpl a s h e re in ol I j ' ' e le c tio n sha ll b 0 'Con<l i i tlo n s . ^ j {

| i sa id e le c tio n a t a moot: K a t th o reg u la r m ootin: | i o 'c lo c k P.M . o n O cto b c9 ; --------- b v - o r d e r - g f - th eT r SCH OO L d i s t r ic t nc <r ;-.-STA T.E.O FlD AH O rr-.--

]» . . D ated th is 27ih day oi :; f l • J e n n y D ougherty

t C lerk , B oard o l T rusie '•H- TisdJlfflli^Cc’uni'.' '= 'at .iu : "PU B L iS H ; S a tu rd ay . 0-

14. a n d 21.1933.


I- • OTB'Af

ce m en ts o&ohi082 Bl

I 083QJ

, r ^ r s092 Al

d o f fe rs 1 ^ 1i r o s t - • 095 p,

"ifQOonclos---------------------- qqS ua lso m ic o s

ivantod IM liipportonitlos .,0 , ^

__________________ 1D2£

' .......... • • - 106S'108SIo ns1121ri

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" n io________________n hom os •hom os L J I<anson hom os'm os 191 Rjjw dn tod •n chos ^2 3 s I

lu m s fo rsa /o -----------n c 3 lor sa lo

m ,10U303

l“ 'h .n , . s ■ . ■ ! “ H; iln e ss ren ta l y , jm a fo rro n t----------------------lals , 404-

trallor.rontaJ-------------------'0 .a p ac o . ....................... .(52A,

154Ain d ls e ig A |

I 6OA1I .,02^1uipm ontt, -------------------------------clothing ^72 Ai

173AIjtrum onts .174 Ipment 175^1 's & s to ro o s 34Q0 I i^ a ro o ta ........................... .........


GIVEN lh a t a sp e c ia l bond n School D istrict 411 Twin Falla io rD rrO ctober-25 r1983 .-foM ho ] to Iho qualified e le c to r s o f tho luostion: bPOSITIONAs to o s c f S c h o o l D islrict N o .411. ta te of idaho . bo au th o rized to sa id d is tr lc t- ln - th e -a m o u n t-o f 0 d u e in su c h insta llm on ts a s loard of T ru s to ss . w ith lh o final 0 thirloon (13) y o a rs (rom the Iho p u rp o se of acqu iring a now

[urnishing and oqu ipp ino said , inc ludino ali lighting, hoaling. a tion fac ilities a n d app liances s sa ry to m ain ta in and opo rato lings cf th o d is tric t, w ithin ond

O PO Sm O N Bs te e a of S chool D islrict N o. 411, la to of Idaho , bo au thorizod to sa id d is tric t in th o a m oun l of0 due in su c h Insta llm en ts as 3oard of T ru s te e s , w ith tho finai uo thirloon (13) y o a rs from the nhOT)urposo'oT7om(5doirn?n5J^a jn d girls' ro o m s a n d rom odoling )hy3lcal e d u ca tio n c lass ro o m s,hoating . vontllation a n d sa n ila

p iiancos and equ ip m o n t nocos- j opo rato sa id facllitios o f the • sa id d istric t?rm a tio n -ls -ro q u ired -b y S ec tio r

n d o b lo d n e ss : Including In tores

ito ro B t'ra te an iic iparod on the 3.0%. T h o -ra n g e-o f-a n tic ip a tec r10:5% —T he-io ta l-am oun l-to -b ( J h o p rq p M 0d_bond3_outhorl2oc Dsllfoh A. b a s e d o h th e anlicl J6,104,750. The Total am oun l k

lllo of tho p ro p o so d bond: to P roposition B, b a so d on lh( I to 11)2,380,000.Mor of th o d is tric t sha ll volo b] ballot, w hich sh a ll co n ta in lh(

'• and th o w o rd s ‘'BOND NO.' i is approval o r d isapproval 0 qu b sllo n s su b m itle d by markinj lho g roup o l w o rd s on h is ballo cho ico .............II be c o n d u c te d a n d -h o ld a:

-LINC?P LACF.Q — __________01 ' ^D rH lohS chooi •H igh-School------------------------------:hools c n o 'o r ^ ;,chool ^tary S chool -- -'S choo l^ ------------- --------1 . Idaho- T aylor A dm inistratioi

rocop lion o l ba llo ts shall bi if 12:0(j o 'c lo c k N oon of sa id da' inuousiy o p o n un til th e hou r 0 I. sa id day w h en th e y , sha il-b i

lor of tho d ia lrlcl. e is h to e n (18. within th o m oaning of Article G)C on3 lllu tio n ;a n dslden l of tho d is tric t w ho , ha:}osl-thlrty d a y s n e x t precc'dlni

in itodS ta to s ,-c lh e rw ise p rovtdod, su c h bom m duciod a s o lh o r s c h o o l olec

ie e s will c a n v o sD lh o ro tu rn s 0 e ting lo bo ho ld for th a t pu rpos' ing p lace of lho B oard a t 9:0 bo r 25,1983. - . H E-B O A R D -O F-TRU STEES tQ. ^0. 411, TWiN FALLS COUNTV


ile o s ol S chool D istrict N o. 411a to nf Mahri IO ctober 6 , a n d F ridays, O clobo

[day. O cto bor21.1983 Timos

'B 'Applianc'bs^ H o a lin g & a irc o n d .12 Building m ateria ls13 Q arago s a lo s ' ' •18 Firew ood •17 P lan ts & I ro o s , •^ V a rlo ty fo o d s )0 P o ls & p e t su p p lies )2 A uctions

^ F arm ers ’ m arket'35 Fdrtlliz'^r& 'top soli9fl.Fafm.aood__i__ _____________ __________97 Hay, grain & food38 Farm s for r e n t ................................................99 P a s tu re s fdT‘rent00 L ivestock w anted01 Animal breed ing-0? Cattlo _ _ _ _ _04 H o r s e s - - — ;------O SH orcd'equipm onlM Sw Ino08S hoep10 Poultry & rabbits 12 Irrigationl3Farms'&foncnsuppiio3— =— — — — ?*F6#sH m ploss«st»— — —15 Farm work w anlod

R ecreational 20Avlatlon -21 Boats & m arlno itom s22 Sporting g o o d s23 Skiing oquipm ont24 Snow veh ic le s 25Travel tra ilers26 C a m p e rs & she lls27 M otor hom os 28U liilly tu llo rs

3 'A u lo m o ttv e31 Auto sorvico32 Auto p a n s& acco sso rio s33AutQ3.waaiod______________________34 A u tos for r e n t .......JS’CyciorarsuppiiQs---------------- "— —M H eavy equipm ontW T rucks41 V ans— ..... ........ ........................ " .......42 Import sp o r ts cars 464-w hooldrlvos49 A ntique au lo sfl9AUtos'=7^MC— ■------- — ---------------52A utos — B uick--------------------- -------------54 A u to s - C a d il la c56 A u tos — C hrysler58A uto3 — C h o v ro io fW A utos — O odpe32 A u tos — ForaJ8 A utoa — Lincoln-M ercuryM A ulda — O idsm obiio :72 A ulos — P o n tiac , ra A u to a -^ P ly m o u th M A utos — O thor ^5 A ulo d oa lera ^O B uslnossd lroc to ry

— Q A n n o u n c em en ts ITY, _ -----

Mfirlnrln'n FlOwafS lor leSST 'rJho dolivorlos. All—ocsasions----------------


411. 002 -L o8liFound d to ------------------------------------ . - :

-------CHKK-DAILY---------- ^FORCUflflENT

“ 0 H O U N D P O U N D -------------now NEWSsa id b u y &w e a r a u f e t im e :lng. UCENSE-ICOS FOUNDDOOSrato N0WATTMETW1NFALL8 ond ANIMALSHELTER ^

L0CATED:15SeTHAVE.W. / . .

i n 1. Torjlor X, malo. black &j V ; brown.° 2. Poodio. fomalo. gray. 711 of ycaroold.s a s l u b , moio. black&whlto.final 4. MalmuloX, fomalo, gray &, tho whllo. • _________

e."spfinflcr X. malo & fomalo 3nis, jjuDs.f'llo* 7. Shoop dog X. lo r jt’o. iC03- whito.' th o --8 . Cockor Spanlol, Iomale.------- •

(an.;llo n — Shophofd, m_alo,,browti &_________

jr o s i ' 10. ^ c k o r SpanioL fomalo.

■ tho Hour»6to7pfTrtmfy—latoct---------Monday Umi Friday-------------------o - b e - c « i u ; ^ ^ 7 3 w i 8 6 a o x i i a * - -----------rirod Bocauso Dogs aro brought„ rT rr- <r> ovory-nouwrnJ-SOUJ-w....... ........"V OESTHOYED aftor 48 hours,

Ollds) Ihe pol'lioaboonplckodup.^hb

fa nol on up-to-<3oto llsl.0 by Mlxod doQS aro hard to do-1 Itio scribo. como lo ttio pound 10 MO ■' aoo If your pot la thoro.-I • , Como nnd pick out a puppy? unn 0*’'• ' "O would lovo to havonhomo.)allot poyNO: Sholtlo llko lomalo

In Evornroon-Dluo Lakos d a s ._ a toa. 7 ^ 1 0 2 ._________ ^

-------------- JE R 0M & D 06L 0G --------------AVAILABLE FOR


■ I2:30anv4j6pm.

1. Fomalo Elkhound X. tilack &oray.10monlh3.2. Malo U b , .black. 7

■ .. .“ 'm on iha: ' ------------^ ''0 ^ 3. Fomalo Poodio X,- black & .

Sray.8monlhJ.. Malo Qorman Stiophord,

J day b lacks brown, 8 monina.

M h°n' XMEANSCROSSflRED " -" '^ — Shollor iocaiod o n .v m iio

, , 0, woal road, uso tho ontranco \ ' ' 0 | 10 Sowor plant across itio : ie 8. road from KART Radio. 1B83

Dog liconaoj may now bo I has purchasod al tho Clly Walor

bond - LoaWomalo cockor opanl^l. ;n to r black, loat noar MotnlngsltJo

- senool.733-4S15._________L-tlST:fc-0otdefCoHlo-Pu"^p-----------

' D ry Crook Road;-South-ol-------------nA Murtaugh. Rowatd. 432-5J<9 ■

9:00 aiiorS. -- - • t j .r tc - REWAROILoatlnCaroyafpa . .i>-Ur— o n -O c to b o r-IM ticsa p ea k o-------- —NTY, - e ay Hotrlovor. 8 moniha old.

brown curty ceat wtih-omall--- ------' ' -■•whito •spot on cnost. A n-• •

swora to Willy. 734-2003..411, WHERE’S BUDDY?? Hfi-fl

whUo. brown, curly, small , -K - . malo Poakapoo. Ktds aro

mos-Ne'w3| Tw in Falln Idaho C-5


Page 22: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

C-6 T im os-N ow s. Twin f

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^J3 ^ '\ • n ■;___________U j___________


■ ” 1 ^

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ME o 3 . t ” 0 H C

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; - ~ ^ Fen

:erou8ol ConvQCtlon MIcrawavawith vcriablo cooking

f e . = 5 . . ; * 5 9 9 = 'Sharp MlcfOwaya» A« l^w A

' Lay-oway Now7or

c o m p le te ^ in su la tio i Aagic V alley for th e pa Ve sp ec ia lize in all typ nercia l in su la tio n .

A ll w o rk g u a ra n to o d • OR oger OTMcBri


W e specia rem odeling

h e a te r re

^SH - (

^ ^ ■ — 7


WINDOWS & PATIOo a lso c a rry g ro o n hou: o re !


jd L fe MATLITr-'VJI* ' ' . Wh.

W oD . ^ _A utho

V ^ . i

W y o m in g E c h o ' - U t a h K in g C o a l (fo r fir-

w a s h e d , - o i l e d & f r e e F i r e p l a c e w o o d

(in Ffllla. Idaho FrltJoy, O cio


O I M m , c

ESPECIALS!-smKy Slzo O von^apac({y

Auio-T ouch CnrousGi MicrowavoOvon

> ^ 9 9 '=


__________ Z'

ion - s e rv ic e -se rv in g --p as t 23 y e a rs .y p es of h o m e & com-

Coll for FREE Esilmalo3 ride , O w n e r ^9048____________

------------ ^

: la l iz e in — • ig & w at.^ r_ repairsV __7L

CALL US NOWi 733-9350—

~ ; r



LOCKCOALINC."Whoiosalo • R etail Dolivor A nyw horo 1o ri2Qd D qalo r.For: - -

S to k o rm a tic

firoplacos) Both w a te r i e of rock


o 3MPS Z:>¥BM0 3MPE

rj piTJzu / iu TW

• V ^

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5 ________ L _ . . . - ______

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r s _____ ^

■V J ----------------


■ ' (^m

K © ¥i lil W T c iO M i

New Installation and Cail:

^ 7 3 3 - 2 6 2 4nJ , ClanfiJeiix:^ <=ince ig o g '

a a a a a a

r_£l£AN1NB '__^ — r = k = ^ - : s .

rfu l, so lf c o n ta in e d , t ru c k C loons D o o p o r - D rios Fa

OVANCED CARPETF roo E stlm o tos 733-152

'PHILCOVCRREc o rd /P lo y — ’ro g ra m —

Avt i . ■ In il Fills -


__________ _________ *-t!«{ —


-Blow in < Also Storm Win

Tr l \ Thormopom/tW \ DON'T BUY INSU

V R O N P- ~— :I7H Ooroh-Avgr

'■ Vy.' ^

EMElha'i© Fm i


- — ------


;d Service


9 " ■' ■E N N a x .a k —

----------- /C - ------

a . . , i a a a g a a

:k m o u n t u n it ’F a s te r j .

rrcA R E— — r— n1537______________ f *


1 7 9 “

L . - .

0 |)S E R IS _ :^^ Ij;:DU SAVE MONEY ____


I ........

... i---------

:---------------~ S


n o r Balls Windows a Doors jnoWindows- ' SULATION UNTll TOURBIDl

P O E » Erffr£7rTwltT-faligT^--/C ,- J i:= ;

T o FA lo H C T oF/^ .il o IraC

- y ■ ■ '

__ _ ____ _ " F o rCall For Fn

'★ M ★ STORi


. . J — -----------

._____________ _ j V/iere'■ ‘ - * Dining Sets. H

- ■ it Bedroom Furn.☆ Entertainment

■• :• • 2000'E. 16

2 N o w Excit

The Str — --Incorpi

Sid ing M otoi

_ introducirij- • L ooks lik

F ro m -I— ifeZ H Z H ^ C

L 570 Addi


Z z I e e ^ b a j l _________

_ . r ' V& How Safe

— - E r Is Your ■ I (Siiiiney I

iLt 0 -. [H DME \ L [ L 0 'E ~

3ME QC t t - O f

ir.BettecTomorrows! Free Estimate 733-9688 or 678 INSULATED SIDING SM DOORSAWIND( >LACEMENt WINDO “★INSULATION

e your.ideasjurn to woodL Hutches"' ^'Chiidfens rnlture. * Oflice & fIt Centers Desks

10th BuiloyB-S:3Q dally. 1-SSat.— r-670-2636---------------ig w o ; you\\on'tt>Q<Sisqppolnt^

:luslvos To Savo You M

rata-Wall System-p o ra to i In su la tio n p lu i . . : o r la l t - A lum inum , S tool o r

n g S a w l f c rIko w ood b u t las ts llko

^ siii»i:i! s ii'iii. sini

a 2 t e £ 0 G2 fflildl«on Av«. W .. Twin Follt

f l M P R O V E M E N

“ t l o /

»\ First F Saving:

_____JL |- _ A s s o (.L ** I of Twi

_ V^ood S ^^— F irop lacos c

.;j N o. 1 catl e J of w in torl- _ -;-5 rosidon tia l' ......In Idahy? Cali US to d a

INSPECTSf l i r■ i t ; ■■■■■

HOME- : 5 FALL ' I



678-1200 .IG_____ - \ - : B :IDOWS 3 H : ~ ” i )OWS : £ U :

Id/__________ . U H - ________d'h's Furniture&-Rolltop------ ---------

I Money!

m®".... [: Jior vinyl ? |£ H |

ir l - Hikostooll I J •

mm;. \ ...’H

a t d S i T M -^ 73<;7070_ ^ ^ v r :W j ‘

E N T ~ - ^ 5 H - - i --------

3 A N S ' ~

■ r o m I i - B ■

St Federal :ngs & Loan ">1 ’sociatlon._... _Li ^ .......rwin Fails Ll: J ____ _

-------» i L _ T ~ ”itovos & ! • ‘iT aro thb~ j “.....causofortlmotiai firos •laho" 7:---------iday for a;ee ! ':t io n I

*T ~

______ _

r3©ME I

Page 23: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

J ; ■

i'■ | - -------------------------------------

I (XC-UwtiFound---------I JJOO REWARD! FOf Gold'o't

; flol.. fomalo. Losi 5 ms E o Glonnjjotfy l0:^n.300-;574^

; j 003—AnnouncomonUi FILER • 3 bdrm, CIOSQ li

-i fichool, LnfQo lol. S2fl,00fl[ i- Call3?tM49a._________,

004—Special Notlcos i "r ela x WITH HYPNOSisr

;■ flolfola, u lcerst sirasa, dc__ ^ prooslon, ctilltJ blrlfi, bai

noDtln, Aak youf Doctor. Ca ___ -■ ■ Johr> loday

i 0 0 5 -MBmorlal Notices

____ i____ Dbe-rRflrsonala______ .J . ------------------------- -----------


' CalI73W300

'• DIVORCE. BankmptcyTklK typing oxlro, Can buy ma

___ ordofs734-03a7 . - . ---------_________ FOR THE, LARGEST Sj}l0(

10 tho Gill Gardens Gl'is Ic birthdays, annlvorsario; wcddlnns, Chrisimas. or ju:

■ 10 oay -l Lovo You to som• •dno apodal. 117 Main Av(

boat,.Across tho siroot Iroi Bank&Tfust.

_________ ^ - - . H O T U N E ------- .733-0122

A Problffm Is not a probloi whon shared. Monlal Hoall

j . AssocIallonT^om lo7^m.'I WANT TO BUY tho '"T " I Albortson’o QInno “ Gami Prico noQOtlablo.5^3-8037. if you’ oron’l satlllod wli youf Hoalth Insuranco co Larry Flovd324-30BB.Lady would Ilko lo moc QonllomatJ In OQ’s. Lovor i

__counlry songs, travcllnihomolllo. ■ Non-smekc

-------------- WrHo-Bo«^-S3.Tlmoa-New.P.O. Bot 548. Twin Falls, ID

‘ ----------------------- U W S H O P - - -U nconlostod divorcos, J7 Bankrupicy and corporalioi

!' laO. Wills... « 0,-o le .-M l ;i ordor ovallablo. Call 33

0732. Bolso._____________LONE LADY wants to-mcel

— man In fowor 70'a. No bt 'I habits. No liquor. Lik<

homo lilo & Irlonds. Ms

^ Tlmos-Nows. Tw1' Falls.Id


{ Placod undor Itio hoadlng ' yourcholcol

733-^931 —

007 -Jobs of Interest

I S u p p l e m e n t Y c------------- «--------------S t .rJ3 o n c d ic ti

: • R E S P IR A T C ; o n a n O N -C A L L .• in io n s iv e c a r e w l• S a l a r y .

S C o n l a c i J im• : 7 0 9 N(

• J e r o m e . ; 2 0 8 - :

_ i _____ a B B B i

\ B ■B

H- - B — ------------ \ h

a ------------------

— ■ ^ ctfon i

I g r i m s U N D E R

- ~ S ~ S P E C I A l lO W - l

_ ^ a LIKIS T DU

5_ For Eoch Addllla lin*A ddS 1 .B For private Iridlvic

H (nb n-commarclolj tc *onal Horn*, tho lot' which doo t no t oxco TJio' prtco 'b f bocli

_________ B oppotit lr> tlio od, N<! g oa i% cancollod uarly.

B CLIP THIS COUP------------------------—

® Nb'moir"Oddros» ond i< -------Q_.lorjivhicJ>paymonl Is ir

I - r W r na P loaJcprlnl

-------------B — - ......... ...........S -------------- --------

B -------------------------------

B ----- -------------------------

B - 1 1 ------------------------

B • . : i i ______ ______

a— --------g —Plooi«p«bli»hm voal£

’ “ for which % _________-------------- -

B S>ndTo:

• B ......... C roiilllodD opo■ 133 3rd S.. V“ t T«lnFall». ID I

______ _ 0 0 6 -P e re o ta l8 _____

"e” MORMONISM.What do you know aboul tl

----- Mormon Church? 734-26107&-9I03, 543-6242 for a .

----- cordod new mossjQO wkly^Jn PREGNANCY HOTLINE

Pregnant? Need help? C___ 734-7472._______________

SINGLE Man sooking c___ 27-23yrs, Ilkos TravoUrilS danring. C7&-050C Rl.»2, 8 , do- 2433. Hoyburn. 63336.

bad WANTED 20-35 yr old iemi . Call roommalo lo aharo houso

•__ counlry subdivision. JIW',^ulllambatMr734-7C33all

___ _ Por oxira summor horun an ad in ciassKiod. I

— Tworiis.__

^ S e l e c t e d o f f e


F P Aor^Bualnosa Salesman^oioc- In' v,nu osiabiishod bu;

oround and salos oxoo 0®; oncod prolorrod. Baso sal

'flusi p,„3 commissloBonollls; vohicio, insi anco. prolit sharino- Sei

"O'" rosumo lo Wolvcrlon I___ tornalionni inc., Gartli Ho:_____^ P.O. Bo»19t5.Twin Falls.

..CONTROLLER lor Cc )biom structlon Co. Ablo to hantloalih__detail . throuflh . coiporjn.' laxoo. Compulor oxpc T" In onco, ospoclally Oisk-Bas iame. system , vory cfoslrab i37 Submit rosumo S sal: “ .lirK requlromonls to: Conlroil

Mil Box 304. Twin FatH7tD633( DOCTO'R’S ASSISTANT. F

-In n bonollls. flosumo lo B lekcr! M-53,C>0 Timos Nows.


V,,:” -Inoividual noods cood-dr ;,iinn l” 0 rocord. Roulo saios < -MMI porlonco . holplul.... Go

mrI Irinno bonoliis. Apply a t : Washlnoion Sl.. I.T. &

------ Conlinontal Baklno Coic e la - pany;— EquaL..Opporlln 3 bad .- Employor.Llkos ______ _____

HELP WANTED IN Twin Fc 'T^^S "* 'aro^P '>opio-w fio-B ro-i

alraid ot Iho phono lo____ phone ooilcilation in t

ovoninos. Must bo al loal--------- yoars of aoo-and-conscli

• Hous. Salary plus bom Cailanvtimo.l-eOI)-530-248

.TY ~ LEGAL SLLl IL I Al ITiVuuiJ lor Jorom e law ollico. Ex|

'Innol rionco proforrod. Sal. commonsuralo wllh oxpi

_ _ _ once. Mag card oxporler---------- holplul~N or^;sm ovor-n

forrof}. Sond rer.umo lo P "Box 30. Jorome.HO. 83338

007-^)ob^ of Interest

Your Present Incomei c t s j i e c d a . a . c e r t i ( i e d _____k lO R Y T H E R A P IS T L L - b a s i s , to o p c r a i e a n w l u m e lim ite d r e s p i ra io r . iry n e g o t ia b l e .

im E v a n s , P e r s o n n e l , ^) N o rlh L in c o ln n e . Id a t io 8 3 3 3 8 8 - 3 2 4 -4 3 .0 1

ilERiC L A S S I

-I ho v Q c h o c k o d t h o C la s s l f i

ttAeERM,DOfla n H R Z i f ”™!!«-RATE-r

B dI r W .p f iv o io p tfdlllonGl .O llo r gool » ’ -00 . loio .rooljlviduois only • ll your Ilo) to .^nil por. w liloilhoilotol valuo ol oddillono'

txcood Sl.OOO. chorQooricli ilom inuil •f io lu n d in ’. No rotunda H________adiian ttis"*y- - ------ a llo r lho (


id lolophone num bor»'jliould bo i is included v<ilh ordo>,'3,Ilnoi mir

rim wilh dark poncil or ballpoint p (Figuro4

= 4 ^ -------- --

>a loi-----------day^— ( ) I d o 8U>_ _ i . o n c i o » o d . ( ) I d o n e

oportrren t • P h o n o ____

10 03301

r - B 'B B 'B i m m m ^ - e

tm & m ts - M i

007->lol}3oflntefO5tCUSTOMER service'; 2 lo ;

I yoora“ OXpor1oncQ, lypinfl^ compulor Aaccounilna. pa)u llbo ooponds on oiporionco. ! -26T3. (Joys a wook 8 10 5. Wosl oni “ '*>■ aroa. Pioaso mai! rosumo It



3 Ot'l for coasl to coasl.Olino, Musi havo aii ICC cortllic:

Box iiQp gnii 3 yoais minlmur

cmolo Phon'o^Nick&anson^W uf.o in Fornnoolnlmunl'

r - dt vino. Shlpplno. tocolvinf Mual navo exporlonco .wii

1' compuloiliod Inventory S b ■“" “ •‘I—'0O O 0-vrtth-m m ib«ra—-0.-1

rociutrod. musi bo oblo to II ■ ■ ■ 50 Ibs. Good bonoliis. RopI ----- --------|(5~B0K~N'-53'~C/Q—Ttmo:ffera News. ________------ ^ MANAGER— TRAINEE

WO.OOO to 535,000 annu.

wri aoomenl posillons no busl- onnn. Excolionl oarninn:U..L'X-' - opporinnily ia t a Tnn TTHIxoori- wook to olarl. Piosoni mat saia- aooro oarnino t3S,000 pi

ision. yoar and up throuohoul oi insur- division.'Send CALL73M052n lr>- . botwoon6am&10omHosa. g.O.E________l l . -----NEEO Iady 10 do aomo lo<Con- work in Pocatollo. ablo i

landio map strools S wiilo a ropoi }ora lo ....Sond rosumo lo La OUcln: xpoii- 7004 Maonoiia Suilo ( I t Basod nivoisido. Caillornia 92Krablo. n«t-7S4-2743,____________

R-N.'a 4 L.P.N.'s inloroslo tn providino in-homo nuiain

“ 552 “ care lo lormlnoliylilpaiioni r. Full may conlaci Gary Thio’toi ^ Op- R.N.. al Idaho Homo .Hoali lh S &Ho3Dlco,734-4061.

Box RECEPTIONIST S LP____ noodod for Sucy; 'Jarom

Clinic. Spanish / spoakinUN---------WOTtff-tO-hDlpuirWrlHrea

i-d,!,___ 5<a.Tw i°P iiiK °m m °"'33 ox- RN’S - wo hnvo a pan ilmG o o d -, position____open . - -at 548 Excolloni waoos S bonofll:& T. CQMJ123-5591,____________Com- TWIN FALLS aioapelroioui

irlinity dintflbulor noeds lull cnarg-------accountino-buslnoss mar

a ner wilh compulor oxpot 1 Falla onco, oxcolloni workin

___conditions. fulL .bcnelllto do compensation commonsi T lho ralo to oxporionco. Roply I 'oal 21 P .O. Box <05, Twin Fails. sclcn--.. U S0A -ASCS_Q FFJC5.,J )onus. Joromo is accoptin .2486 . appllcaliona lor a ProoM'

Apslstaijit-lh rouoh-Celobi

lalary qu l'os skllia in lypino & o ixoerl- Nco procodutos. Potonli rionco G 'ade is CO-5. Apply al i —nro:— Cait-deromo-Couniy Olllc0 p 0 324-4325, 700 Soulh Lincol i38 - Joromo83338,60E..

~ 007 -Jo b s of Ifiierest

I TTme!__ -_X_ is n o w ac ce p^ Z fo r m o to r ro u

' • J e r o m e a r e a .• ......... e c o n o m ic a l c a

- • ...... '■jf’ I n t e r e s t e d c

; 8 - 5 .

• 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1

■ B B ■ M J ’lp ■

M 'S M Y» I F I E D A Ii l f io d A d o p t io n f h a f f i ls m y r

t;n;o d s pSHTKO-RESUtB!--Sles-New s Tlgwr—oHwn™. "KOTOS’ Hoad Roiulli" or vour ■•fun'dSd. H ^ ^ iT h -* rit-------- f ToI

be }oi up fo< 7 days. f i ip c■iiHordoi__________ ___. Porly Ad> Only _ ' L-<NCvS)ood only on i1om» for 3____ooiostatooocludod. ^Itom dco in 'tJo il.w o - J ------hor run your od ono 2 ------inol wook Iroo of 6 11 or rolund your monoyl , il m J l l bo plckod op o r ' ^ *7

l o o d o n d l - " g l i

t)o counlod 04 porl ol your od. Balo minimum,.Non.comn'orcigl ro io t on

mm. A S Hnt pen (Ink moy blur] using ono spoi 0 4 Words Por lino)

tu b M F ib o - lo - th o -I im o & ^ ^ o w s n o f s u b s c r i b o to I h o T im o s-N '


RESUMES. PTolossTo^ ’ '"O' wriiton. roaaonablo,-.co

lidonllal.Chrlaiinofi7&-227;i ond WANTED: Moihoi's Holpo

s , ' ° ------ WANTED: Tanker Drlv

Mu,'il havo lankot oxpc D onco. Jobs are at fll " Nevada lo Sail Lako Cl ... Call Dalo Park. 702-738-8441

yVANTED: Truck Mochar lo maintain a private liool

P.J033 Cummins COnv, Polcrbll---------- Must be ab ie-lo overh:— , Fuller iransmiSTiior

/ u n cumminn enninos. M; . havo own hand tools. Pioa

'gl 'RoDlv Pnf»’-702-738-fl440.

-----WANTED;-Timo6-Nowt-&. rospondonis from Bll;

Butii. Filor. Oakioy ond Tv Faiis. Enlhualaam, curios and a basic knowlodoo

nnual wrillnn aro Iho prim;

ilnqs. llmo work wlli inciucfo covw yui " ....................... jmJ ' j ^i.iman- maoiinos. communlly aell

) por tioo and wrliina loaiuri Jl our Asslonmonta can bo ;

jusiod loanindivlduai’s Ur schoduio and capabilliii

m Intorostod porcons ahoi conlaci Pal Boan. Reoioi

___)lo 10 Weldor Mannnof nood( oport. Musi bo oxporloncod in 'iclnn lypoa of woidino. fabricali *113! S roflair-'Rcauinu teq jin 92606 London's Machino I Wo

Ino, 207 West Ave^ d ___________

llonis 006-Sa les People___EASY PHONE SALES

Fund Raiaino Show. Expc• onco okoy-nol necoasa

LPN Days/ovosavail. 734-54S1“S ; ExraRIENCED ' tJ

■ Larno voiumo doaforsh- I---------proioclod_ierrllGrlea-_coi'T.o pany vohicio- liinoo b';ni

infl CO'O'"-*- mlaalon- ExceilonI oarni—— polonlial lor soH-mollval)ioum porson. 3 yoars oxporiorf>afOO fn (arm machinery aalcs'har*- mandalory, Sond resume

xppti- p ,o , Box 703, Meridi;>f' "0 Idaho 83G42, allenlion Salle llls .., Manapor, -- - -

e'^ERIENCED insurar{ ‘r SaiosPorsons noedlno

— channo & chaiionoo. Com,5.,J!3___ Owaino-Andcrson. GoodlJP'InO [daho,034-8G97________S ............SALE&MONEi:_iL.r.;. MEN-WOMEN&o^^^-----------fr i iT iin rp rn s n i j

lonlial Heallh & onurollc chlldn al or unlimilod leads, iravoi, w(

3II1C0.— hanf-a-tnake S25-.000-M0,l ncoln. a year commission. C

800-820-1875 or eOO-e2&-482<

0 07-^obs bf I n t e r e s r " ‘

B s ^ N e w s ^ —r e p t i n g . a p p l i c a t i o n s

o u t e . c o r r i e r s I rT ” tH ¥ ^ □ . M u s t h a v e s m a l l

c a r & b e b o n d a b l e .1 c a l l M o n d a y - F r i d a y -

31 o r 536-2535

I m ,M ■ ■■ M ■ ■ I* r

© ' iiy n o o d s . |

— ~ i

l E f i U l A R C A S H R A T E S - i3io« shown horo opply lo | uoronlood 'R asuftr~0ird~0th6r--,on-com m orclo l ods. t l io io IItos—orw—m lim o lo d -o n a n - | .oraBC-oL.4_W Oid'lp->r lino._* nol rolo is dolormlnod from | ]l lypo which may bo odilod lo ^

■Jes— 1______2 - 3 4 -7 *T ' ^ 2 5 I 6 . 7 5 I 1 0 .0 0 ~ g

6 . 7 5 9 . 5 0 1 3 .5 0 I8 - 5 0 1 2 .0 0 1 5 .7 5 |

1 0 .0 0 1 4 .7 5 .1 6 -7 5 g1 1 .2 5 1 6 .7 5 2 V .5 0 ■1 3 .2 5 2 0 . 0 0 . 2 4 .7 5 »

T i '4 - 7 5 J 2 2 X 0 l 2 7 .2 5 ,


1lalos quolod apply lo WonI.Ads |

H E R i s " " 1spoco for ooch word. |

I^ e


- — i : z I--------------------------I------------------------------------- — I

• I5-NOWS. I

t'_____________ [



. B . B B n B B B o ^

t<B ........

009-Employ. Agoncloanallycon- 010-ProIoS3lonal

Sowlcos LEARN'word Procossinfl dala piocoaa.. basics In month. Under 734-6709

S J : 0 1 5 -B ^»slllllr!Clly. A BC'rhrislian 6uy' Caro «6 :. Pio-Scnooi. Now Hourtanlc 6:30-0:15pm. 734-3238___IO'O' BABYSiniNG-anyttmo. 0 bills, or niohl & wookonds loo. I rhaui -anon wolcorno.- Orop ions; - unylltiio. Very roasonat _and_faio()r-havo-^>«cellom roll Mur.1 oncos. Call 734:0718, ____

• ^ b y a illln a , my homo, a llmo bul Fn nlQhla, any uC

— O ro p -ln ^ o le o rn o - ;m jy BABVSlTfiNG” In my hom

_ J4 .5 0 lor 1 child a day. C311-5 73<-M33.______________Twin BABYSITTING, loar.onat losllv ralos, moals S snacks, It 10 ol oJ.io_y^g caro. 73J-4C58. mary BABYSlfTING’in my hor onco wookdays. Phono 73i-527l ■p'arl- BO - PEEP Kin’doroaric ovor-. Complolo preparnllon lo r '

uros. O_aycaro_avali.733^5097^ MARY'S DAY CARE, lc oponlnQS, luii-limo chlldr warned. 13 yrs oxporloni

1° “ '^ Lovoiy home, lencod ya ''0"“ ' ornanizod acliviiios Oal------ will potty iiain. hoail)dod. meals, lovlno individi in all caro. Cali lor placemi Jilon _MDryLou.73_3-C0l2. . -

MOTHERS DAY OL Tuoaday 4 Thursd, 9:30-2:36. aooa 2-5. Ori

___ ■ nizod acllviilcs. limitonrollmoni, 734-5819.

s ' 016-Sltualions Wanted 'P®;'- FEMALE VOCAlFsT Wai sary. in local PopfRciJ__ ___Band. Call Dcbblo326-4141

snip--;-;- ---------------^ —“ Jll;-— ’0 1 7 -BllSlne3K)ppjY3r;7- com -.. CUSTOM MEAT proccssli ff if'O plant wilh mobllo bL'chorli Mled ifuck localod soulh 'o’''=o Joiom o. Excnlioni busino: 05 is homo inciudod. Ownor at no 10- iou5“ to • sell - f o r - hea'

reasons. Call Slovo Dixon Salos noal Esiato Unllmiic- • ■ . 3?4-7S18 — ----- - - -'anco PROFITABLE BUSINESS I0 » saio. No compoiiiion. Ma mlaci nlior: 734<JB30. B-5; a d l n n ----------------------------------

. WARNING! •-------------T h o - Timos-Nows i

commonds that you :. voslinalo ovory pfiaoo dforv ill'Jmillii.iil Bppwrliinllii: work- especially Ihoso Irom out10,000__sU lo or.ollorod by a p e n

Call doino business out o la •826 locaim oiolorholol.

Wo sunnosl you cons— ------your own allornoy, ---------- (no Boitor Buslncss Bure;

Idaho Consumer Allaira ask lor a Iroo pamchlot a Inlormation Irom Iho Allornoy Gonorafa ,C(

p?” ociT ^m ivisionr-3 ta c houso. Boiso. Idaho 837

Phono 334-2400.2 . Whoiosalo Dislrlbuiors.1 yr prolit. JIOO.OOO + invi* lory invostmonl. 1-365-557;

/ - ..........cn& -lncbme Property •

® « «• BRICK D U PL ^ in exc ct

dlllon lor only S44.500. WC ;nned unlla wiih han

:honS"Dood-apptianc( _ Soo Insldo 10 apcrocla B Hamlotl Ronllv 733-4070.Q 1.000 HEAD lood lot on “ ocros wllh 2 homos. N.

_B -:-u corrals, hoaled walerorn . p'ump; 0nly-j115,000.-c B 524-8185 or 734-2287.

“ f t J5000 CASH-buys lol will~ ~ ------cm alljipyaos. oxcoilont

n vosimoni oppo7lunlty~ aa poraon with ^ jm o rep B skills. Call Dcnoliciai g ___nnnt^o 733-8400.

_ g -------020-M o n e y io L o a n ___


g 1-(20aW4Si225

____ 030=HamB3JEotSa|9_.


n — H CB »B IB _ | ___________ G

■J9 > .B I^ M ' • BATH -

B S = " ‘ ' a s

- f l — -------------------o m

B • '

' D ----- 6B ■ IH * ........................... .•I 5 CONT D S . OFYOL B i -----------------

B I |„ „a lH o o .ln g -J ] ____ I LENDER

a s •□ ;


- B ~ I -------------------------------

Q I 4 1 ^ Cut


t 023-lnvG3lment " BUyIng”^ iSELL roal es

conlracls. morlgatjos. Doods ol T r-jsl at disco

------ McCoys Brokeroqo. Doxino 5 TwinFalls. r}4-20&6..i)l, ^ w e f3UY PA.p F r , Roai Es

conlracls. deodsnr . mortoanos, wraps & |

m enu . S oasonod or BRJ

Fast r.otvlce . Cali or wrili - - - . FREE oalim alo . - . Day MolropoUltin Morloaof '0. All sncurlllos Co,P I'l ■yoaShosho'rioSI.E .TE- namo 734-0367, nv V|s733-3fleq.

W M iiu s li : Lo m o m _m T o' pTANOLESisONS-'boiiir

SiJnlormnrt. lovols. Ex^ -------^ d ^ t . ' j c ld r 73f-93llomo.■. Call

S T Q Reall e s ta te

52° r 029-OpBnl-N3use9

lo ^ s i H 3Q ^o in c U ait5 » !9 —an 'lsh! EXCELLENT ' N.E. AR

Thia immaculalo he foaturoa a ia.roo lamily i locroallon room Wilh wol

‘ ond llropiacd; 4 bodrooi 2<4 balhs- Doublo

ins«?(in^ .100 lo appro d a le ! Call C ernont Po” orson loa tiyl «262-83.

OUT. GEM STA ;E REACT r S , 734.0400Orfla- _ _ ,imiicd A BEAUTYfU L SPLIT LE'

homo on cornor. 1874 Bit------- ■ rool, low gr.- I33i. Prico v3d reasonabio. i=locky Ml, R,wlnTa 733-<i;)20anylimo

m " " ■- A SUCK OF NICERolor- •tM.900- Nil location.

------- ^aUoQrA'ssurrroTiniTjT^^ ^ ----- W7.50CKNIcc;--rB(]i/n. q:._ ______ (,00fT» WIIH- ’nan lois

— ~ n io ra ‘M , fruiDrcbsTBIS. - :S3lnO— *72.4M-..Cleuii-.4..Bclrtii lorlnc] lovol, quiol HE area r tl ol lonnls, schoo ls , shopp noss, Now piiiiil. Irr a n « - '' posDOSSion............wealth i72,500- SWIMMING PO (onal backyard playjiround ai Tillod. 3bdrm homo,.l3l0lol.T7l

^ r ' ■’ ' ‘ I j ^ E R r J O N E S "Make RE>aTY— 73W M 04ar543-822J

J 'n! B'EAU^Rill :fboofo'om^ i

Fiteolaco. brdiiMasI bar,

immedlalo aa lo . For do calI773.M«eO - or -733-'

onsull BY OWNER,-ii fadim72”b quiol cui-do-:iac, Wlli i

jrcau:- - sidorjrajlojLo f 5 ^ ira or b’y OWNER. \''Sry nice o Dt and 2 alory homo, :3 bdrms. i

ilvino room, dlnlno rc Con- kltchon & utllil y, Sun rc

slitinn room, 2 lull bi -Stale-— fireplace —ft— tiw xJ- st 83720. wood dock, palio. 1

ahop, nico yard, ma

------ BY OWNER Almosi ne.......... bedroom exocullvo he------ Too many foaluros to

Priced JM,Olk) bolow pralsal al S10^),000. Lov torosl Q3sum.iiDlo ioan.

■ Inlormallon and/or ooinimonicail :’33-6589.

- con- ” By' OwnDi-3b’c ltm ;" 2 r■ Woll homo w/liropl.aco..air handy dllionlno. spri nklor sysincos----- loncod-yard, V206 Parkiclalo Dr. Call 733-341 i7ovo3.». CHOICE - - -- CT^TTn nolnhborfiood. 3 bdrr

Now balfi. firepiiico. o“o n A S50.000-bulm aliousanc- Call- . Call Harold_7.-:J3-«071_■ Wo3tRoolty.7;34-0555- r i r i r ? COLLEGE MIIADOWS

. Bodroom

’ , i , Idaho Housin 0, ioan.-^rF i 734-4411. ____ __

F/ikNTASTiC m )>or-hom “ “ ■ quiol counlry- j-nubdivi!

This splil lO'v|!l homtfiorfoct fortho-HTowintjf y, silualod on f-V. acroa

JC. mlnutos Irom T win FalT - ------- -joromo:CailTrni-T93S;M

H oatlyandask lorLarry.

____ OS brHpftMFip rSalo


A F F O R (D AO M E S - R ' > t r

IN HAILY a J E R O M E ;B i d s C lo 5 6 4 ; :3 0 1 0 /2

. B id s O p o n 10 : 0 0 1 0 /: G R O U P I-IN S U R A tB L E P R

^ ----------BIDS-ARE-R‘|=QUIRII - DSMT - APORESS»___

-0- llO Siivor lilor *D r.H oiicy. ID

>R O U P -»»-U N !N 5U R !A B lE P ALL C A SH AS-IS M O W A I

---------------------J 16 "C-lJSu-o------------ IO'-. . . .-;U -Joior>..e:lD._$

r.lcii cj„.r!. 1,. . V .......... . _r ,n... MU


I.K..' <oi;.r VI ii.itM.n.il cii.i rnjr il„. H,,.<.l II..A<.| ru 'rh n -.r moy hr- •. iil>">iH'-i OltiC'. v,h,.ti Tti, . hcr.ci I ,,l „ ..... .. Ihr I

------- -------------- Dol,c5B,...;foOMProperly D ipo ti4l9N.C>»rt<« Rd. (208)33.1.1087

S^D cportm onJi of H- •'UrlDan D evolopn- urtis Rood - Boilse, IBIC«S » 7 a ST H B M ? « t o

a30-H 6fnos For Sale1 n-TiTn Po ' Saio by ownor. bull , t Now 3 Udrm homo in \A '^roiini tfoll- IHA llnancinojvalia3 0 . S : ra .333_H li.M K ,_____


n/iM^i Adel. Assumo a 10 & p a r as.3«irAt>!rJoan_____

! H , .0 o ' o”^ ” lnc lov ely HOME. Compin

TC - roilocoralod wllh now pCT Aiu«utlouBcatDei.3bcli2f.------- lamily room & 2 b a lh ^

® ____ ' Llsi'^'^p'rlco is'^ S57!I»Mooinnlng mako ollor. ll's vacan

t«pori. lookRIGHTNOWi-------- :--------------------------------

______ H A M L E n R E A L -. i:8LXMts.al.HaaasLScu

OFFICE.................... 733-e . J o y c o C o lo '...........733-

I Davo H am lotl......... 733----------- NO QUALIFYlNia lo ass

9V >% loan on Ihia homo nn>,mnnln _ o [l308 . 2 I rooms, larSo~bynr~m

3 ■ ' uiuii, panto?~D5-trbiiioiu.:-T77T------ ruTtfeS-yoTJ-nTIW O-^ ; 73_4:9^oi.733J0^Qv^;

,iiv and • ST.GE0RGEH0ME.3b( «ni bar 2 bath, liropioco. pari b< Imoifls. filco lqcailon.;.Ca!l.733:2.I

5 round ^ ^Must

ail Dalo . - -

■ VIEVV I'ho Snake Rfvor.i ,fT v Sawioom Mountains I

your own C aaiieon tho You aro surp to onjoy :

_ own hof lub'sKualod onLEVEL upper dockland Iho sa

I Biller- dosionod lor your rela: co vory --plonsurc.-Your n«w hom 1, Reai - open ond apacii tiino uniquely doalgnod lo-------- . commodalo .Ihe lurral

ond IhQcroas-ovor brido •j C lho maater bedroom., lon. 4 _ t o d a y for your spc

^ulel prnviow.______________

'•iS ^ "iT "” 'IRW IN REALTY, INC . 73W 500-

drrii_iti ___ J___________rn noar (39,000. 2-sioiy Dup oppinQ, nood condilion, a sloa

Imm. ihis prico. S470/monin invosimont. or a hi

PO O L,--w /incomo. - n e a r - So I at this Closo lo schools. P T71. Firm. By Ownor. 734-954. — . 734-3805. -----------ES 4 BEDROOM Qiick home

Sunrlso Blvd. N. 3550 tlroplaco, family toom,

ol aioraoo and boaulllul)______i patio aroa. J4300 down

flsaumc loon. Coll 734-! om now o r 733.9043ovo's. coiieno. 4 BEDROOM HOME. !37. bar, lull II la cioar ownor wlli llnarmmmji— can wm Miiii i/,

dOlails Roalty 734-05 5 5 .______733-9043 3- BDRM'home■2"baih loncod yard, oa rdo^sp

. lrulltrooa.Forappl734-6l ^ 7 . _ . -------- -------ceow or 031-OutolTow n [’“ioom: h 'a ^ M a 'n . 3 bdrm, 2 b, n room, 1 aero. Assumable in. 0 I balhs. nleo.837-0402orS37-6482.- s t a te HDMb on snail ao a rro rj . 15x20 4 bdrm. laroe livino tc maluro wllh cornor ilroplaeo. La

jumpTT— family room, small lib ( ioan. . with liropiaco, ulilily ro .000. 205 lully carpolod 4 lois ol I______ Iroos.t60,000.324-507S.1 now 5 RUPERT 55x140 in • lo

homo, -llx-up J7500. JIM McAl to list. RFAlTY 733-7792. 733-187

low ap- --------------------------------LOW m- 032-B uhW ler Homes

:r ap- ■89.

.... ; •sysiom,’arkviow e x t r a NICE 2 Bdrm homi:_____Filer. Wondorlul lomily t(- Quiol 1 bio ' oloamlno kltcl 3drm. 2 u if lo bami with 3rd bc

oaraoo Only J29.600 & sollor an otter, Unanco a quaiiliod bo ’J^M aln_.. Hamiqit Roaliy;733a07a.-


in. Cali balh, woodsiovo. dishw . or, borrioa, oaidon.

[iomo-in_i-ifeoa.* O't^onhouao. Sdivision;— oroao In romodoUne-sl omo ia J39,000. 823 Conlor E ntjfami-— 423-5000. ■ ..:roa |ual b Y OWNER: 3 bdrm cou Falls & hotno. landscaped

5;Mnyor ' a p tln k lin o "5 y !lo m r^ : Itry. 32M054.

a ■ • 031>-Home3ForSale _

t o w DOWN PATMiHT‘»-lO


r S A L E lAEAREAD /24 /830 /2 5 /0 3PROPERTIES

-------exclusive-----------_ > R ic e . .RtAlTOR

S62.900 Bloino County RoalE»ia1o 708-3417

E PROPERTIES--------------------- --/A R R A N T Y ^

o 1

I’l.. Ihc o>...-lin.oMII’ uuyiitotiI


F U L L D E T A I L S !nrrd-lar- '.n lr-tn quotili.-rt f..;i—

.............. . ..lio,.l.' , , I,A.-i ol th.-i. till)'. 1- Oll.-i^,1..-.) .|...-.ily lo .1.. I.,.„l HUD

i'r l,"c.l HUD ..il'<. ‘s l-..'.ii',!

.................. ...... — — ■—lotitloM llroKh Rd. Dolio. Idoho 87

" H o u s i n g " & ~ ^ ^ - - - —

im cn t-------- ---------■, Idoho 83704t o w P oWm PAYMtMT « tO

•F i

____ 034-Jorom o Homosuiwor. q - o -vTn ER. 5 -bdrm. ; 'W o"- balh. io -llvlna roo '"3010. Ilrepiaco, lull bsmt panol____ i carpolod. roc. toom.jwnor. dock, nice yard. 145,000.! Soulh ■ on l0(in S lormn 1' 10'A^i Rainier. For apol 324-4027.

clasailiod . . . for pooi ovorvwhorol 733-0931

1 03fr-Roal Est. Wantod

pinioiy & Ranchos' paint Af l l ZONA— - adtmo. Owner must llquidaie a. Full acros ranchland. Tako o', ijtupu. balance duo JIB,300 wilh li 300-bul J300 down S monlh uinl-ao Growino area. No cro

toquirod. Box 4142. Sc-------------ISClalO7Atl2rB5201----------kLTY Ch o ic e n sido i65 act.acvica}__ floe1tJifi.o..concLOlo_cli.ichi334079 il500 po t aero Ownor » 3M707 carry, 640 boot, boan.spui 3IM030 plvOia. *1800 pot aero. E ■"•u'mo lotma. Rocky Mln. Roa low hh 733-1400 or 73i-0M5 ovos.2 bod-^im nn — H A IR I^ ^

i;,,'''*" Wo have 23 Available In- J85.000 lo $1,600,000. Ca

ibdrrn. Bob Jonson 324-5076 ovus -2140 Jay Proost 32^4332 ovoa


73+4873 OmcV

'^ fo m G O Q O U Y I oil’ 345 'A a 10 rim soulhwosi of Twin Falls w V voui 170 acros sprinkler itrinal Oft ,ho 4 82 o'flvlly. Ptlcoit sautia J455.000 wllh J125,000 do

ilaxinn to oxisilnn morlnones. C o L (9 - . Bob Brown 734-«75. Maik.clous, lnDA“ .^ l i '1 0 i_ _______lo ac- MINI FARM wllh boaull 01 ioll viow. 8,3 acros. vory cioi dQoto oxcolloni condilion.I., Cali , bodroomjiom o, lnmliy.to< ipecial in baaomont wllft llropla(

double carpori, loali-------------ah‘ocfr5M''Qrii;inaiInflrwf^C. 20 heada. now 5 hp. pun

. . 154’!ooo~ow ii(3r'^m "car____ ___Cali Bolly Thotnlon.Conli'upiox, 21 Mayor Really. 734-7935 :oal ai 324-3565. Brino all olio Iih a s aoilormollvalodl homo n e w ON‘ tHE~MA'nK£T.

Sears. A cro a 'o l Roal oood si le.T____ Only 2 milos from Filer. 1547 o t homo- bul haa domesUc w

i-scw ersY S tem rO no-he me on oalo. Full Twin Faiis Wa

Air. linhl, irtioalod by oat n, lois pipe. This tarm can j | yard purchased wllh odjoini vnand 280 acres. David Lulz Re 14-9660 tora. 733-0716 Ot ovonlr ____ ___7330717________________

S iptoduCino cowa inciudi

7 p -T 7 p B u y ih a cowa snncm w i S willcottyihobalaneo.

1.M 0-A CRES— WO RCl oprinkiot irrioalod, hoc

------ . ap uda.bcanaio ta ln ..W omako ouialanding combi

____ lion tow crop S iivoalc>bath. ranch. Now brick hor . oxita - primoaroa.

----------8ARNE&RSALTV—' 1043 B iuoU koa NorthL?fno Call 7 3 3 ^library OWNER WILL CARRY- qc toom, « ocros. 3 bdrm,- 2 b )l ituil homo, oxcolloni lotma qu____ Ilod buyer. Call 543-4088,

SOUTHERN IDAHO DAI :AFEE ■ - on 20 Acros.-doubie six h 1870 rinobono. Ail aulomallc,------- ciudino lako-olls. foodc,q waahino, eloclrlc croZ___ oalo. Iteo hoaler, 2,

Caiion tank.- 270x40' of ahod, oxcoilont climo

I .. . -Tako ° ' '^ j _ ” lallno lo

• 40 ACRES baro land Molon VQlloy.dlvldod.ini aero parcels, lull wal

i 'S '”" S88,000 asaumabio conlri StOO.OOO. WIiiino 10 trr equity lot a homo In Mo

'"I" Valloy. 543^3775________B -40 BEAUTIFUL produc

- acros of c ross loncod.oi 10 acros. oravily flow irri

Jn Mon wllh oatod pip__ bcaut!IuUloublB.bflckJior

iwash- barn, corrals, oaraflo. < . trull po"5 ' Ouosi houoo, ia Somo ' Ifooo surround homo i

i C ^ a n a n c a p o d . ' yara. :^ow Eaal noods^ lo aoll, btino all

Inrn. Call now 8<-----Tf/ornlonV Conluiy-zrMa

■ountry Really. 734-7935 or 324-3S9

038-A creage & L o i s '"

ocroa, full walor. ali'bric___ ' - bdrm, firoplaco, dbl gar;

_____ Not your usual actoancl o w — co”nlrolIed’5Ul)dlvi5iOnrF. —] -ooMlna. Opon aroa i

3 oood view. - Maluro..- 3 Iracllvo lundncoplnn, i 5 irooa, oatdon area. i vt counlod prico only S73,

- ^ ------ Hurry! Ray Sabaia, SabaS Rovfloally. 733-4321.2 ARTESIAN HOT WAT■ J600 down, balance 12<, N O ltieta.734-829G. 543-8C» b’EAUTIFUL R ock"C t

• 2 Conyon2V».5orlOacte3_ ; owner. 734-2445.

1 b e s t b u x -in k e t c h u2 Boautilul woodod lol. G Z ol MI, Baldy. Will sell r> Irado lor homo ot incc g Contt

_ : --------CnY iO ISE O H SA U- vatioussizos0 Call 423-4*41

■" 5 ------- EXCECtENTTmttlltnfrTOt~ •» -"-Jorom o -an d —Twin f _ *_ _ _ C o u n l lo t^ o w —down—(

= m onls. Call Slovo Dixoi- i Roal Ealalo Uniimi

a 324-7518 ._____________

1 FIVE ACRES: 3 bodroor balh homo, liropiaco. k

1 32'x80' shop, paaiuro. z Itoos, Twin Fnlb_Scho

■ *■ "'Imrnodialu'pQSSQSsion.2 Bob Jonson 324-5076 F 5 Olflco ■ 734-4875 Marko ^ Assoclalos.______________< FORSALE;Apptox.50ai

' " / noor Burioy. 3 bdrm b2 homo, qatano, ahop,* tala. *165,000, moto acre

- -g------- irrallaOte7t78-e7SO.S FDRSALE:Byownor‘6oii wllh or wllhoul 'nnoo homo, 12 mlioa S o l Hanp in' Rock ,' Crook Cam< 423-4480 nltnr7pm-S-ash


■■ tr dJvislon. Washlnoion St.

- & 1 block wosl on Phea lOW fld.Eaay lOtmi, 734-8943

F r id a y .O c lo b o rJ I , 1983 Tin

0 0 2 - & 4 5

, . 0387-AcroagoiLOlS

“ 2T - LARGE-DUPLEX loi. oood,• o V location, noot Roborl Slu.iH

ian°)Io.i ^ HlQll. 733-9259.om. Iq MUST SELL 2IV.- Aero:.)00.9% south ol Jerom e-Bosi ollor.

1471 ■ Cali 324-5021.‘02 PRICE DRASTICALLY CUTpooDio bulldlnn parcoia.-------- S.E. ol T.F. 25% down. , ,J balanco, cash or lormr. Nci^____... •Salui<taycai!?.734-472.-’. , , ^

3S WENDELL....... __.Hor.,C.«ln. by,pwnrir. moDilr , .

MO VI .>'0f"0 0a'-‘0" n foom allachod on 2U aciovA'f- conailionlnQ.-M*iRi-r..m-----------10 apptociaie, t3?,000. ca:;h

c r i t«tm'ir.536:64a7, ............. • ' .Scot- ^CRE Buiidirin Lot nnnt • _

-------- 73_4£m8_’ - ............. '■■■'ll^cnns'- a c r e builoing lo ts 7 '

Torms or discount loi'" ' 'C V cj.,n,5*M I7A.......................Realty 16 Acroa w/Atlonian warm

/os walor. Soculdod i wualhcr-------- . pfOlnClOd,543;80fi2.734.H?9G---------------i4JVCRES.WlitLYCry nlco 3_______

mohiH h o r b t ^ ^ — =-0 Itom Call Wlli 734-30S8, M.iln VI.. Cali RoaUyW-0555.avusor 3' b DRM'h 6 mE o n 's iictor,.0''°^- Shop. uoos. narden. S.E of ^ . . Jerom e. JD 2 .^ . 324-8570« 4 V e a r, 3 opd. 2 imm, '

ac?S’ wltii i''^har'Jr^'!''w .X' J50.500. Ownot nnoil:, r,:iio.------ Coll Harold 733-6071.or.J.1a:n

■ Acroa Woljl Roaliy 73_4-0555. _ _ , ;

doL '!^ '“ t' ' c a r ? ' ' M -0 down col(o_cieOf-TO-8l« .ts Cali 0 ACRES soum oi VVondi'ilMaikol:-----ritm^fimd— m ---------r.T.'ifiir.i 3"o. O^nor llnanelno.-10%

down, 25 yoais on balance, n .3 ■ &37-63S3 ovonlngs.

opiacel- ■-- 03£^^Busln85S Properly— - - -loallnn ■ '■ ............................ .—“p ™ !! O W -C o i^ e o O o ls . . . ,

Price 2 CEMETERY LO fs in“ carry:— HaniK0iTn)00dl0caiionrS40------------:onlufy. each. 436-S6S3nnyHmo.7935 or ----------------------- --------------oiiors- 043-Vacatlon Property


[ } . r € . ' ' l ? ' t n T '? i o r . '”R“^ a ° d V S -------'licwoll Lot's visll, 734-6296. S43-8032 0"head*— ------— ------------------------------ --------1 Walor OM-Condomln!umsI^^ 'hn TIME SHARE Condo’ in Sun llolninn Valioy. S2000 S lako over z Rear, paymonls. 734-35493ltcr5r-,-------------

MS-MoMo Homos 'DOUB’l'e wide at discounl.

1 7 « - Bu'i[oy^4%5io^^^ ^ ° ° ^ ^ F J ^ T _ l j l J M E _ d N _ T H g _______-cw noi m arket- ono ol ihF lov - ' . olioal homoa In lho Lozy J

- - Ranch, over 1900 aq. II. ol Wn. Iri Ilvino area. 2 oxcoplionaliy

;- .!'M nl?-'l3t0o bedroom3-Qnd-2-vory-----------latQO balhs. oxqulalio carpoi IhrouQhoul, boaulllul now

° ' drapos. 3 covered pallor.- 2 wilh s lld ino -dob is , heal

.. Dumn.for low.coaf hoalino.’------ ^W rrrcusT oriT B u llfT fom o-----------

lonn— gjjjj quallly is oxcop---------- lionall Cali Obvo Lulz Rool-.Y-^ood - ioro-733-07ie*-cr— 733-1717-:—

LIKE NEW doluxo 14x70 w/ownino. 3 bdim. 2 balh in

DAIRY AduilPaik;.K7.000 valuo forsix her---- y iS.OOO,-733-3380Of 733-6158.:.......... .-r.:

MOVED-Must soil qualily 14*70- Kil InclUdos - opplt- ancos, dock, Ilroplace,

;, many improiromonis. *10.5001„»P™

’ - -N E W MOBILE HOME -- -..........-i- ii-T n - SALE-------------- :d.Inlo 5.... 34«52 Tamorick doublo wido------------

___nll_olccltlc,..w ood sldlno. . . . .onlracl, shlnnlo roof, dolivory 5 aol > 1/ado up.SalopticoSai.900.1 Mooic 14x70 Tamoiick, 3 bdrm. uii______ eloclrlc. wood aidlno.3duclno vauliod. 2 balh. delivery s _____jd oach setup, salo pilco. JI5,300,V Irrioa-

plpoa. CONTEMPORARY HOMESKJiomc_______ 2064 KImbcfly.Road.. _______JO. call CALL...................... 73*-2flra'. laroo NOW ON THE MARKET 14'x no and 70- Floolwood wilh 8'xtO’ lo w n e r— iipQui. localod in lho Lazy J I all of- Ranch. Covorod pailoTTuat

Bolly__ Inaiallod..,plg3h,now c_a^oi _ .I Mayor |n 14x20 Ilvino toom. Thia 4-3595. homo is prlcod a l-o n ly ~ ' -r tr rr i-_ si2 .ooo .w iiti-y iJ iijia fld Jcu n ,_______S Owner wania to movo 10

Is l2.i'l?_.CaU_.DaYld Lulz Ronllotn ~ ' ' ailsTZV^ 733-07iaor733-l7l7ovos, brick. 4 --------------------

S S -.-----------REPO--------------inrFuiiii— igB2-'"20i55TfiTtnwui>.fTnrT:-----------ta wllh 2 bath. Wo aro very ait^iou:!Ito... at- 10 movo Ihls. unit. Make .111_______n, Ituil ollfif!■u. Dla-,*” ,500 , BROCKMAN’S ,abaia& MOBILE HOMESnriv^-^;. 4 rnlloa nortti 01 [’..trin..

Drl.Mc. T.,ln F.JC, I'l.o,,,, :<3.MJ2' 73<.Swo,)3!i.5;o;.--A - : SPECIAL CLOSE.OUT I'lH - '

S . Concord Doublo wide. 1'.‘d4 wodfiis , now ^oii (li;.iii,y

CHUM 2'/.- milea v;o5i 01 Hoapn,.i.31, Base Hj«y30.733^1_41.

sell or .fyyo ,2 ' wido iix-up lionn::-.•nnti-.Tr W l consider any roaaon- -oniraci. ollor, Catlor Homiir.;------— -734-0588. ,

‘ homo 12x64. w/alovo, frifi- ■*'-

^ ' " p ^ “ ?gS'"°GO?ERNOR- I4x7n ^

?iimi?od • SoQjoapp.iLcla1e.,73.I-e423.' 1976 Champion Mobllo

---------- ---- Homo- 14x54'. Total EiocincIroom, 20. larno 1977 Top oi ilio hno 1.1.iilctti:ifo. ftuil 14x70. 2 bdrm, .nw.mip cool-Schools, ot. nppi, ' low r'fjuii) lon. Cali.— A iiumilblu loan.176 Roa. ,079 14x64-2 bdtm Mu;i-arkoiino lobollu. Nrw • r ;itc ”t.

■woodhJirpind {iiov.', i..--'-50 a cre ; eman Iurllilc•^•v^^y•<l.•;ll-Vm b ilcf:' ticienl. Vory ro jy -3P, cot-1' 'down X taku ovi/I)jyin-:nls .actoaoo.; ol S133. Dow.n In ncfloil.'l^l-;

r 'sacto s imSAlHARA 56X28, 3 BR, 2'“mobllo Balh,- liko now. all oxua:..Hanson J26,60gj3.6%_^536:67^

Canyon. 1980 14x70 w/oxpando, J3000i-a3kJo f \L -d Own. ■r^OQotinblor-a^o'Tie-_______OKlstlna loan. 326^055,OTS fer ^983 14xM BAYW00D.-2“MDDtio -■^dnrf'wBSHor,"dryorr-dr?tT'---------

lUll nub- washor. liropiaco, .piciuic n St. So, window- Buiil-in siotoo “heasanl syjiom . Lived in only 7 mon


Timos-Now,';, Twin F.il/n, Idaho C-7

Page 24: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

C -flT im os-N ow a.T w in l

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| P 8 | | h --r. . . -M I S449.85

n.0133. . -

i^arousol C onvection Microwavowim variable cooking -

,W.......-.....*599®Ihor S harp Microwaves A s Low A

Lay.away Now foi

^ _ c p m R I.e t ^ i n s u lo tioi A ag ic V a lle y fo r t h e po V e s p e c ia l iz e in a(1 typn e r c ia I I n s u l a t i o n . ___

All w o rk g o a rg n to o d • CiR oger D. AAcBri

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W e specia rem odeling

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WINDOWS & PATIO'o o lso co rry g ro o n hou lorol


/-J f a MATU" ' Wh,

S S WoD.^ Autho

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• W viom ing E cho .• U ta h _ K in g C o o l (for firi

w a s h e d , o i l e d & f r o o• F i r e p i o c o w o o d

i r i " . -

: SPECIALS!Family SIzo Ovon Cnpoclty

Auio-Touch Carousel Micrownvo Ovon

„ .............. * 3 9 9 ”

»A .................‘‘. ' 2 5 7 ”, for CtulGtmasi

___________________________ ^

ion service serving _past 23 years.ypes of hom e & com-

^ l i l o r T R E E E stim a^ lo

3 rId e ,O w n e ii__9048 ____________^

:ialize in ig & w a te rrep a irs ___

C A L L U S N O W !

7 3 3 - 9 3 5 0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ C

I^TEoh— lOORS, THERMOPANE 0 STORM DOORSo u s o w in d o w s S m u c h

V Y SA W E E K ,

___________ r

IflCllCDAUW C."Wholosalo - Retail Dolivor Anyw here fiorizod D ealer For:


f i r o p io c o s ) B o t h w a t o r 30 o f r o c k .

c lobor21.1983

Q)IM'i £ z

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I— I - _______ -j _____________ For^


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. • — -• ' CARPET C

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New Installation a n d Call:

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r ctE«NiNo ;

rfu l, so lf c o n ta ln o d , tru ck i C lo an s O o o p o r • O rios Fo

DVANCED CARPETFfoo E stlm oto» 733-153

/ ■■

cord/Play ’rogram



A ls o S t o r m W in A T h o r m o p o n *

j } ^ / \ D O N 'T BUY INSU r P “ Y O U G ET C

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733-1B04 r



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n o r B o f t s / i n d o w s S D o o rs a n o W in d o w s SU L A T IO N UNTIL T O U R B ID I .

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'‘'F o r■ — T' Call For Frt

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W here ]— — --^D in ingSetsrH i

■Ct Bedroom Furn\ ■fr Sntertainm ent


2 N o w E x ck

The S tr—— —— ------- -'- j ncorp t

' - •• S id ing M otof

_ , Introducinj Looks lik


— j —-------------S70AddI

= i ^ U = H O M E = l

_ _ -P E D E E JA L' S___,, .-

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& How Safet Is Yourfl Chimneyi

— S = = = ^ ^

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^ L L G i=[

3 M E o

iL L e ' ; . I H

M M o

r Better l om orrow s' Free Estimate 733-9688 or-678- INSULATED SIDING ?M DOORS &JVINPC •LACEMENT WlNDOl * INSULATION

0 your ideas turn to wood!H utchos------ 'ir Childrens■riiture * O flice & RV Centers _ Desl<s

16lhBurloyB-S:30elally. 1-SSat.678-2636

’drive: you won'lDo<}isoppoinio<j.

iluslvos To Savo You M«

ra ta -W a ll S y s te m ^p o ra to s In su la tio n ptua . . . o rla lf • A lum inum , S too l o r

„g S i i w l i c r :iko wood but lasts like

as te /i ^ G S i q ildI»Gn-Avo7Wr^wIn Folli------



First F Savings

• Assoc,L r ' - _q1TwIi

. Wood Stov------- ........ FIroplacos a

j NoTTcai16 of w intortr — . rosldontial

2] in Idahiy? Call us toda]

i : r . t| inspectic

I s __________ L________

h ^ O M E

s m t L -

r S ® - M i ^

f c e W S F

i/s”578-1200-:- ^


d! 1 ■ins fu rn itu re - — r—& Rolltop I ■ •;

.... ......... '"-VLiV..; .■Monoy I |

Tl® yiio r Vinyl ^

: r f f . " ;

ko stool 1

i i m i . ■ ■

qn Co.

ENT .)ANS ; i i rom

it Federaligs & Loan •;r ’ ’sedation ..'i ?win Falls •- J ____

- S - 7 ^ : ■■

tovos & I •' ‘s aro tho ■

causo" ------ortimo ' ;fialfirosahoday for a EE:t i o n i " r -

....." ■ ■ ■- / 4 — I

1— j

_ _ y ----------------- {

Page 25: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

...' ....

I 002-L ost4Found ;

JIOO REWARD! For Goldon . . . Rol.. (amalo. Loal Sm s E ol


.......003—AnnouncomontaF i I e r ^ 3 ~ b d 50 ' fo school. Lafoo lol. J2C.OOO.

• ;• Call 3?6-i4ga._____________

004-Spoclal Notices -- "relaxW h h y p n o s isT. . Rollols. Ulccfs. s liess . dc

ptQssion, child bdih, bat________ hat)il3 ..A3kyour Doctor. Cal

Jo h n loclay324.7?81.

•• • 0(6 - M im ^ ia rR o i ic G r ~

J ■ ■ 006^Porsonal3 .

.. ALC.0H6LICS ^ A N O N Y M O U S ~ ^


D lV O R C E /iim knj^y’T rta _________lypinn o iira . Can buy gial

:■::____ tlon ol Gllla In town,. Comi I____ lo tho Gilt Gardon. GMIs lo I____ birthdays. annlvorsaiios ‘____ w oddlnns.C hrijlm as.or|us '____ to nny i Lovo You lo somi I *<3no opodal. 117 Moln Avo '____ Easl, Across Itio alrooi Iron

_________SankSTfusl.________ .:■ HOTUNE

73M122-1 A Problem Is nol a problon

whor< shared. MonMI• , A ssoclallon. 9pm to 7am. _• : ' I WANT TO BUY tho “ r ’-li

Alboftaon'a Blnno Gamo j Prico no(iollabl0.543-S037.

. . . ----- iF-YOU-aren’t satifled will! your Heallh Insurance ca I- LorfvPlovd324-3llB6.

Oonyioman'fn M'a. Lovo:'’c- counuy...aoriD5, travolinc ' homolllB. Non-smokoi

Wrllo ao«J-53,Tlm03-Now: ----- --------PK3r-go« W8,-7v.lfvPollflrlD-

:i LAW SHOP:• Unconioalod divorcos. J?;

Bankruptcy and corporaiior,1 $80. Wills. ote. Ma

ordor avaliabio. Call 33(' 1 0732, Bolao._____________

LONE LADY wants lo meet *7 man In towor 70’s. No bn

habits. No llouor. Like ! homo lllo i trlonda. Ma

< I rlano In mind. Writo Ba K-M. Timos-Nows, Twi

;1 Folia. Id

n - ----------------ADVERTISE--------YOUR


; yourctioico!

73M 931

— “ — oO T ^obs o l iniaresi--------

-------------• • • • • • • * • • • • • • • <

1 j S u p p l e m e n t Y o!' • S t . B e n e d i c ts:i : R E S P iR A T c:: ; • o n a n O N -C A L LI • in te n s iv e c a r e v o lt

- • ■ • S a la ry r

t C o n l a c t 'J i m i• 7 0 9 Nc• J e r o m e , ; 208-3

i DaQ

B ih<Q-----------------------------------

---------0 ________ _______

■ B

= t i z : ( =I B IT E M S U N D E R

T ~ | T I ¥ E R T I S E D f l

B 3 MMis T P*

I «6 . 0 <_ . . ForEo<hAddl>l. D • • -U n .'A d d iT .i

I H For privolo Individ

I tonal llnrrn, iho tolcI a which doo« nol o»co

^ Tho prico ol ooch B - -g p ppor- in iho ad. No

~ g njrTcoTicotnrdTsarlyr

a CLIP THIS COUPIB® Nomos, addro»» ond to B lor which paymont i» in

B Plooio printBB -------------------

! B ---------------

I B '— -------------- ------- ---• ' Q --------------------------------

B ________3 - "m Ploaie publish my od lo

Q Sond To:

_U_-B-----• - - a ...............- 133 3tdSl.V». L j “ . Iwm Falls.lO E

i ; . : =


foi MORMONISM74. Whal do you know aboul Itl — Mormo:i Church? 734-261

078-'»D3, 543-C242 lor a ti cordod new mossago wkly.

’J ? p' r eg n a n cy hotlinePionnant? Nood holp? C;

_ 7 1 4 .% 7 2 ,___ _SINg I e Man seoWnfl qi

__ 27.23yrj. Ukos TiavolimIS. danr.lno..C7W)580 Rl.12, Bc £jc. * ?433, Hf?Yhurn,a333S bad WANTED 2t)-35 yr old loma Call —..roommato to share houso

country subdivision, S150 ____ liutlUmonm_Z3l-7lia3a!L

:__ '-'~'& r_-oxlfa summot hoi/ run an ad In ciassiflod. It------faal.JCa-lnoiponatvo. and

:— w o ik s-__

S e l o c l e d ’o H ^

■' 007-Job9 of Interest

ness, Atjriculiuro bad 5 'Of nround and - saloa expor ']03; oncqd*p'olQ/iod, Baso sail r |uut ,y t 'p iu o commlssloi

Benollts: vohldo, Insu r ' '° - anco, prollt ahartno. Son "O'" fosumo 10 Wolvoiion )i

tornationaUnc.,Garth Hos - P.O. BoiflB45, Twin Falls.

CONTHOLLEH • lor CO blom struction Co, Ablo to hand e.i/lft {Jotall ihrouoti corpora I. laxos. - Computer oxpor - i,» onco. osDOCial'y pisV-Basj amo systom . .: very (JosimDI 37 Submit rosumo S sala - r .- roqulfomenis lo; ControUc

aM *■ Box 304, Twin Futb : 108^0 DOCTOR’S ASSISTANT, Fi

" , limo. lypino nocossary. Oi '' . '‘o portunlly lor growth ° L ° ' bonoliia Roaume lo Bc oKor M j3,e/o,Tim onN ow 6..-,..


___Individual ncod3.good_diiino rocofd. Routo salos o porlonco holplut. Goc

, 1 rinoo bonelito. Apply at 5 Washlnolon St„ IT. &

----- Contlnontal Baking Core e t a - nany, -Equal Opportinl [_, “-^-EfTiployor^ .....................

H 'E T P m N T E D lN T i^W aroa, Poopio wtio aro n alrald ol tho phono lo ( phone solicitation in ll ovenlnos. Must bc ol Icat

-----------years of aoo-siid-conscletlous, Salary plus bonu Catlanvllmo.1-M-S3a-24S(

TY LEGAL SECRETARYnocfli for Joromo taw ollico. Exp

<nnol (lonco preloircd, Sala------------Bommcnti,iraln vyIIIi

onco. Man caid oxporlom-----------IWpTDt:— NOfPsmoKni—pt

lorrod, Sond rosumo lo P. Box30. J0fOmo,lD.83338

--------O O 7^otJ8O ltrrt0 re9 t- —

! • * * • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • •

Your Present IncomeC ts n e e d s a c e r l i l i e d T O R Y T H E R A P IS T _L b a s is , lo . O perate a n , /o lu m e lim ite d r e s p i ra to r , ry n e g o t ia b l e .

m E v a n s . P e r s o n n e l N o rlh L in c o ln .

l e , I d a h o 8 3 3 3 8 3*324-4301


I h a v o c h o c k o d f h o C la s s i f l i


^ ----------------------

. T*'* Tlmoi-t.RATE...:

t P V .P rU a lo P o

s:;s"' - S 's ::i>/lduals only a ll your itor

to soli por- willoiltmrto la l v obo ol odditlonol«coed $ 1,000. •. chorQoori

UPON TODAYd tolophono num bort should bo c Is includod with ordor, 3 linos mln

int wllh dork pencil or ballpoint p {Flguro4

d io r days. ( ) I cJo 3ub,( ) t d o n o T

I .W o n , - , . ,IO Q330I

ca B aa B B a a n bs

■ 007 -Job3 of Interesl , . .■ “ CUSTOMER SERVlCE.Vto 3 I yoars oxpoilonco. lyplng.' compuior A accouniing. pay

Box 6.53 c /o Ttmos-News.

'L . I " L O f T G iH A U L " T R U C K D R IV E R

Qi'l lo rcoasttocoas t.Jl'hO. Musi havo all ICC coitllica■ Ilon and 3 years mlnlrrurr___ ,. long haul oxDejienco-imalo Phonu Nick Hannon 733001:ISO In. lorappolnlmonl_____,

M/f ' parts clork lor locaalLfi— ^lirm -bulioo-lncludo-fiyiio^ dfivlnq. shipping, roceivlng

.Must havo oxporionco-wttt '• 1' p. compulorlzod Invontoiyi b( ind It . oood' . with numtjors. O.T

■ F^oquirad.m ualboablololil50 Ibs. Good bonollls. Rcpl'

------:___In ,Rny_N-53 .C/Q TimOS1ers rtows^_______________----- MANAGER— TRAINEE

J30,000 to J35,000 atinua

;?2---------MfllDCQl___OQ5il!ons_.novtnrji-------open, e u m tlp t-ra m m o ajack- opporlunily tcJ earn «00 po porl- wook to start. Prosont rran sala- agern oarning J35,000 po slon, yoar ond up ihroughout ou naur-, diviaion.- Sond CALL733^»S2 I |h* 'bolwoor)8am&10am ^03?. E .g g ------------- I NEED lady to do 3OIP0 looCon- watk In Pocatollo. ablo n andio . map a tro o ta i WJllo 0 report orato Send rosumo to La Olidna cPQii-' 7004 Magnolia Sulio 1113 lanod Rivorsido. Calllornia 92SO ■iiOio.— 7|.r-7S4-zr-tJ.--------- -----------

R.N.’s & L.P.N.'s'mreioslci providing In-tipmp nurslni

i " J - • caro to terminally ill pallor\t; , Full ■ may contaci Gary Tfiio'ton . Op- R,N.. a t Idaho Homo Hoaltlh i A H osplco. 734-4061',______

Bo« RECEPTIONIST 4 LP^__ • noodod for Busy Joromi

Clinic. Spanish spoaVIni_____ wouJd-boJiQlpul, wnio Bo;

L-53. c /o Timos New. Bo; driv- 54_a. Twin Fain R.Tini

5 ox^— RN’s ‘- wo havo’a-pan-timi Good poslllon opon. 3-11II 548 Excollont wagoa & benefits4 T. Call 423-5591.____________Com- ‘ TWIN FALLS arcapolrolcun rilnlty distrtbulor noeds full choig<............... aceounling -buslnoas- man___ aoor wllh computer exporlFalls onco, oxcolleni woiKini

5 no1 conditions, full bonollls10 do compcnsallon commonau , Iho rato to oxpoilonco. Reply I' .a t 21 P.O. Box 405. Twin Falls. ...iclen------USOA— A SG S -O FF Ice-iionua, Jorom o 1a . acceptlni248G opplicatlona for a Prograr,cac'd A ssistant through Ociotjo Expo. 28. 1333. Tho p03lH0r> tc 5alary qulros skills In lyplng S 01 xport. llco proceduroa. Potonti;

— Call-Jetomo-Couniy.Ollicc , 6 0 ' 324-4325. 700 South Llncolr 38 Jorom o 83338. EOe.

---------OOT-Jobs of Interest— -• • • .

i TimejS is h o w a c c o p

J 1 f o r m o to r ro u t• J e r o m e a r e a .• e c o n o m ic a l cor

~ !f ■ |n te re s te d " C (• 8-5.: 733-0931•

• • • ______________ _—

M 'S M Y; i F I E D A iI fio d A d o p t io n t h a t l i t s m y n

r j r S — »I H I E E D - R E S U L T S I - = S ? S

loi-Nawi Tlgor olf*r>____ CvcrQ.

• f u o d -d .- H . , . . how -jr-------- Pinoi-s o t t / |

11 bo sol up.lor 7 days, lit poy Ith order._______ , . , ,Porly Ads Only

ood orxly on llom s for 3_ J■olbslolo o<icludod. - |I totndcosn’tso l l.w o T ------ ;m rru n y o u ro d o n o 2 ------ !nol wook froo ol 6 11or rolund your monoyl y .j .

oT donds. _

10 counlod as pon o( your a'3'.'KgljjS nlnimum. Non coinmorciol ralos onl

It pon (Ink mby blur) using ono spac ^ 4 W o .d sP o rlin o )

lu b s c r ib o to i h o T im o s -N o w s ,

'b ' ia B Ib a 'ib i 'a lB 'B '

Issa i s s ts ia t

_____J 0 7 - J o b s of Interest

1'° ^ R'E?u‘M E ^ '"p 7 o lo a5 lo ^ l '"O; writton. roasonabio, co P“5 ticJo^llat. Chtt3ilno07a-2277 ond WANTED: Mother's Hclpoitn a ----- oaytnsor-woek-roittTOnce5, CalL73_4.M75.

WANTED: tankof d'hvc Mur.1 havo lankor oxpo

□ enco. Jobs aro al Elk Nevada to Sail Lako Cii

., CaUDalO P_oik. 702-73fi-a44G L „ J w a n t e d ' Truck' Moc'ti'ar

to maintain a piivale lloet jo33 Cummlnr. conv, PGtorbiii

Muat bo able to ovcih.i— Fuller ----- iransmlEsionirfn Rockwoll ..roaiends. ai lin n — cummtnT!- cnninoi:— MU

i;___havc.Qwn Jiand tools. Ploa:Abe unless y<

havo oxlonalvo backjjroui °i*,i . & oxpoiler>co. Call - Oa?p, ______r„05. • WANTED; Timea-Nows cc

----- ro5pondenir.~Trom~Blt!;----- Boht. Filer. Oakley and Tw

Falla, Enthualasm. cuilosi and a basic knowledge

mual writing aro Iho p/ima M.m. quolliicaiiona- oxporlon' 'now— n o t-n o co ssa ry .-T h o -p a

Q per Ing-oovornmoni and schc rran- rnootlrifls; community acti

por iloa - -opd - wriling. JcfttuK I our A ssignments can bo a

lusted loan Individual's tin schodulo and- capabllillc

n Intorostod porsona jtio t----------conlact Pot Soon-RofllorIT d i Editor,at 733-0931. lo 10 'W elder Manager nccdc Iport. ' MLiaVbo oxporloncod in icina lypos ol woldlng. labricalli 1113. S repair, Rooumo roqulie 92506 London's Machino 5 V/oi---------jng........207. .W csl Ave,sled Jo tom o.ip . —

iS t§- OO3:-Sa lesT eop l0 ' '' 'T h EASY PHONE SALES

Fund R.ilslng Show. E.po enco okay-not rtecossar

LPN Days/ovos avail, 734-5451 EXPERIENCED “ lat

"‘£ ; oqulpmoni sM om an cof blo ol Immecliale rosuli Largo volumo dcalorshi

___pfotcciod .lotfiiorlca^coi” 7 ® pany vohlcio- itlnQO C-nc •7, '• package- salary + coi

/S ihslo l,. Excollini oajnli----- /p o to n tia l lor sell-moiivat'Icum j porson. 3 yoars oxpoilen lOigo/ In farm machlnoty salos man-.—mandatory,- Send resume ;porl/ P.O. Box 703, Moildio

Idaho B3042. attention SalC l's. Manager.______________il’j ' l ' ' EXPERIENCED Insuian

^ Salespersons needing £- — change Schallenoo, Coni;

— Owamc-ArdersonrGoodl PllhO fdaho, 934.8G97i obTr SALES^MONEY 1 *0. MEN-WOMENs o ' : MATUREPERSONontial Health & onuietic chiidtc ■It nr Iintlmitprttpnrir ’rp vol wr itlico,— hard S make J25,WH)-J40,C icoln, a yoar commission, C

800-826-4075 or OOO-026-«82t

— 007—Jo b so f ln le res tr—

; s - N e w s:e p t in g a p p l i c a t i o n s 5 u te c o r r i e r s in t h e J. AAust h a v e s m a l l c a r & b e b o n d a b l e .- coll- M o n d a y - F r id a y -

31 01-536-2535

Dy n o o d s .


in -com m orcia l o d s . Thoso lot Qto oslim olod on on crogg o f 4 words pnr lino. lo l”TnlirT7—drjtorrntned from— t typo which moy bo odilod lo paymonl.

IES 1 ' 2 - 3 4 -75 .2 5 6 . 7 5 I 1 0 ,OO

- 6 .7 5 - - 9 . 5 0 - - 1 3 .5 0 - 6 . 5 0 1 2 .0 0 1 5 ,7 5

1 0 .0 0 1 4 .7 5 1 8 .7 51 1 .2 5 1 6 .7 5 2 1 .5 01 3 .2 5 2 0 .0 0 2 4 : 7 5 ~ 1 4 .7 5 1 2 2 . 0 0 1 2 7 : 2 5 "

MAIL OR BRING IN__________________________ BqlJ.vgil'o lS J'Sppry fo WuJtrA g i-^ lOnly, Q

ipaco lor ooch word. q

b----------------------------- - B-------------------------------------------g

-------------------------------- ---------- C----------------------------------- 1— I

■ j c.N o w s :--------------------------------- C

E............... - • ____________ E


------------------- — E------------ ---------^ ----------£

B ' B ' t s ' n ' B ~ B ~ B n ~ b S

„ j | j u u i y y y

009—Employ. Agencies lally — ^ con- Oio-Profosslofial

ServlMS B P 'i— L ^R H -W oid 'P iocessino

data piococs, basics in— - month. Undor $50. 734-6709 Ivor, -----------------------------------fiko! ;015-Babyslttofs Clly. ABC’rhflslian Ouy Caro' ” 6. Pre-School. Now fo u lanic 6:30-G:15pm. 734-3238 e to l • BABYSITTlNG-.inyiimf. D oms. or mght S weekends too. < haul .loos wolcomo. Drop :on3— unytlmb.--Very-.«a50ii;iC and -fnios, havo oxcollont iel<

Must oncos. Call 734-O710_“Snf. ^ b y tJm in a r^ ’y-rtbmtr.-a'

Ilmo bul Fll nights, any ag Dalo “ Drpp-in^wo!com_o, 731-43,1;

BAOYSITTING in my hom J4.50 lor 1 ctilio a day. C

«'-__734-59e3--------- . -------------f ' i ’n BABYSITTING, roasonat, osllv fates, meals S snacks, Ic e o') of loving caro, 734-4G58_. mary BABYSlTTlNG’ in my hor onco wookdays. Phono 73i-527i p a n - - Bb ^ F EP'~Kindorflirni! ■^''•“ --C bm ptotD ^eparalion toF- pool giado. Emphasis on ph cilvl- nics/ math S Spani: JJ.Cs, .J3_ay«aioavail.733-5097. iii?rt MARY'S DAY CARE, fc • «.- flponlngs, full-ilmo chlldr

wanlod. 13 yis oxporlonc1°“ ' , __ Lo,voly_hQme. fenced yoj

ofqanizod nctlvilios dai----- will potty train, hoalt■dod. , m eals, lovino indivtdi n all caro. Call foi plaeemc allon Mar_y Lou, 733-6012.

MOTHEBS DAY OL . ,Ti.ooai.. 5 TI.1..!I);

— i — 0 ;3 « J lJ _ a g c i_ 2 -5 _ O r t___ nizcd acllvllios. ilmii

. . . onroilmont. 734-6619.

5— 016- S l l uallons Wa_nte(J_poll- FEMALE VOCALIST'War, Woik In local Pop/Ro' Bund:Call Oebblo 326-4141farm h q u SECLEANINGI Rol.

oncos. 733-5245or733-7442ship- ------------------------------ ------wli'ii— 017-B usine3j0ppty9 .com- c u s t o i n ^ E A f piocossli'hing pioni „ n h mobile bv'cheiii(ated t,uct( located southenco Jotom o. Excollenl buslno:3S 15 home Included. Owner arie to lous to soil Ioi— healdian, reasons. Call Sieve Dixonsales Roal Estalo Unllmilc _ , 324-7518.anco PROFITABLE BljsiNESS 10 3 saio. No competlllon, Ma nlact oiler. 734-3830.8-5: _ _ )dlno------------ — --------- -----------^

• WARNINGITho Tlmoo-Nr?ws 1

, commonds lhal you voallgalo eveiy phase

Jton, Investment opporiunllic work ospoeluily Ihooo liom oui D:m J- bu iu m LilleiuJ b, si'Dum

Call doing business out ol a 826. localm ololofhoicl.

Wo suggosl you cons— your own attorney,--------- — Iho Bolto/ B uslncisJiufc;

---------Idnp& ^onsum er Allans— l-.-ast< lor a lice pamphlel a

Inlormallon liom tho Attorney General's Cc

Prolocllon Division. Sla : houso. Bolso, Idaho 837

Phono334-2400._________> Whoiosalo Distributors.1 , ,. yr p»ollt.-J100.000 + ,lnv( ' tor^nvo5lmont.1-3C5-557:

' - r ---,,01B-!ncom B Property::::

® 0 9

planned units wllh han I t kilchon & good app|lanc< „ Sco Insldo to apprecla H Hnmloll Roallv 733-4079,R I'dob HEAD lood lot on

acros with 2 homes. Ni B coirals. healed watoiois - pump. Only J115.000, CB 324-8185or/34-22a7._____

H $5000 CASH- buys lot’wil’l small houses, excelloni

B vostmonl oppoilunlly _ person w i'h ' ..omo top f l skills. Call Bonolicial . nancn 733-8406,_________

■ 02(>-MonoyToLoan

"H------- ■. CASH—_ - f OR TRUST DEEDS-,

- B ------------AND MORTGAGES -H W209h345-«225

g 030-H om es ForSale

~ B " ' — »-aTTO ACTIV C-pRI

I _ | —__z_! i i B ^B i -

- D — ^

- B I '

B ? (AVV.l.-„„.t,.....,ioB J ........................... ...^ 5 CONTD S O l i Y O L

B 5 - - : :

I VD S Equol Housinga X LENDER

-D — i ---------------------------□ ;

__________________D ; : U.S.0 ----- --

- f f — t -----------a r r c u ta ....^ ...................... - .......... -

^ ----- |- « - A T T nA C T IV t-P n il

m ....— ■

s 023-lcivostmontBUYING or iSELL roal OS conlracls, mo/tgagor,. Deeds ol T r j s t at disco

— McCoys BioUoraqo, Box Ino f- ,_T w ln Falls.,rj4.2i>feB____

^ WE BUY PA,'l>ER, Real Es contracts, deeds/ti

■ FaslsetvlCQ. Call or writ' FR E E osllm jlo .

Day MQlropo!llon__»io'JU-:‘9< ■o. All securltlos . Co,P . ; ] 70B S h o sh o n o St. E.TF

73<-0.1G7.ovftn733-38£'l. leloi- — ■ —

O^Musk: Lessons ;7 J e ' ' PIANO LESI3 ONS- begir

i - • Call

Reall estate

5 2 ^ ° - 02J-O pQnH oilSB3, ■ irto tr - — r

—ttj6—Homorl-crtiair—1^13°! EXCELLENT ’ n ;E ." aR

_Thls immaculato be ,o„. fea tu res .0 ij.fge lamiiy

iccroalion ioom w ithw oi and llropiacd, 4 bedroo

y ^ d ' baihn. ...D ouble ,dativ narago, undoinron i C j aprlnMors a iv j morel W

n o o to a p p ic c la lo lC a lir Pallo«noniooc.y‘ «G2-83.

OUT GEMSTAVEREALT S . 734^0400 ,O raa-- r -------- _milt'd A BEAUTIFUL SPLIT LE'________liom c on .corner. 1874 Bll------ tool, low 9% bal. Prico >.t(J foaaonablo. ilocky Mt, H

' yl?. V. E_,.733:1 >20 anyilmo

mT ' A slice: OF NICE;W.OOO- Nil Iocallon,

'442 Bdrm. bas (iment. q 3licO t.A ssu rnoat12% .T

------ M7,50(>- N lcf -1 Bdim. g;

■ S S S j o S n S b i ! ? ?ssinn $72.4»- Cloun 4 Ddrm leiing level, qulot ME aiea r 1 ol tennis, schools, shoponoss. Now piiliil, I'

le'aith SWI M MING- PClonat backyard playiJiound at nilcd, 3bdrm home., ijlg lot. T7l



J in ' BYA'lJflFUL3fbcdio'om”

i?iio°* Firoplaco, bicifiklast bar,

;j .iji>bU iii i j i -

snsull BY O W N E O r bdrm",'2l quiol cul-do-nac. WIII ■ --,ldor.lin d o d o v m,ra4-caf

lin or BYOWNEFi. \'.D rynlcec !l and 2 story homo, :3 bdrms, 1

living room, dining tc Con. kilchon i ullllly. sun rc

ailtino room, 2 lull b; Slate- llropiaco & wood st 83720, wood deck, patio, 1

_ shop, pice vard,, mo 5 1st shrubs, now rh'Oal pum Ifivc n- 3M asoum atile VA I 5573 Appraised valiu 0 $72,000

7J^voN ,.734 - 7 ^ ___----- BY OWNER Almost nc

................bedfootn exddullvo-N' Too many loii'turos to

Pricod J20,0lX> bolow pralsol-ol-t»0 0 ,000. Lo lerosl assum.-j’Dle loan, Inlormallon and/or polntmont call j ’33-C589.

: con- - By Ownot-3b(lrm, 2

handy dltlonlng, sprlrikle'r oysmces) _loncod yard. 1 206 Park■date- D iJ^ I7 JW 4 1 1 .7 W )s,_).___ CHOICE (on 10 neighborhood. 3 bdrr

Now baih. liieplMco. ga

” caM Ha'ro'd^ r )3-607^? ‘■ Wost Really, 7:34-0555. ;Ji,V 2. COLLEGE M|;ADOWS

’CB 734-4411. __ . _ ______FAI^TA'STiC now or hon-?ulot country subdlvl:

hla splil lo’f )l hom<......... pcrfoci lor tho q rowlnn 1

[y.-alluolod on-I-Ai acroa It. _ minuloa Irom Twin Fal K - .^ i - Joforpo.-CalirMl-7935, M

R oa ltyondaskforL auv .



I N H A tL Y S JE l^ O M E ,B i d s C l o s o 4 : 3 0 1 0 /2

B id s O p o n 1 0 ; Oo 1 0 / G R O U P I-IN S U R /iJB L E P R

______ BIDS ARE R;IEQUIRII _O sW A D ORtSS______

-0- llO Sllvor :ila . 5 Or.H oiloy, ID

rR O U P II • U N IN SL rR '/\B LE P rd U ± a C A 5 i± A 5 .1 5 * lt£ h W A I

3 l6 E -A .-^ « . , 10*. •DJ''ror_t-.o,.ID S

IT A C T A REAL IE ST /i )UR CHOICE FORFI- - - HUO . . . . . ullcK'.------, l.„ v .,.v -..l l.o .,l7 c tlO l.i I.. ■

■ .( . . . - ' .n l . i . ’ . 'l -Hll.n.'uilM..<|l I'I.lW tlr.>k..|

1>„.(I.(..... m n , h. •,„l.....li.. O H i..-v .l..-..................... .

bolto So.'.'IcoO l — -------------PF ijyFTrvnTi-poT:

J I 9 N . C-j.rt.sRd, 1200) 33-t-tOQ7

S. D e p a r tm e n t" ^ H LTrbdn'DfeVei opn

u r t r s R odd^B oli^T ia iC tS -« tA S T - - H R M a - » - tO

030—Homes For SaleI For Sato by-ownoi, bill

i Now 3 Udim..homo In \ ^rniini doll. IHA financing avail; 30x391 W3,333.S3G-225C.

HOME FOR SALE by ow ,T p 'i-.'.n ~~Nieo~7~Pdfffr~1D17-S■i/iiu'l apjy; ar.numab ln loan ._____BRAND

S I 0 0 ©‘ ^’ Inc— LOVELY HOME. Compli

TC rodocoratofl with now |

f a S ,-i------------- basom ont S double Ml1________ L is t.. o t ic c . . l a . $57.90eginnlng mako offnr. It's vaca , txpo rl. lookRlGHTNOWl4.9301.____ HAMLEHREAL

(23 Yc.irs olhlonor.tsorOFFICE'.'.........77."733

e Jo y c o C o lo -............733■ ■ Davo Ham l6tt..........733-------- NO QUALIFYING 10 os;

loan on this homo_____ paymonis ol $308. 2

:— niunir„'3 .-naP.;:ii.llCclS'-------------am rTjarttaf-baaom enlr-^iocA loncod yard. $37,900.

n 75_4-9660_or_73M043 eve'liivand ST,"GEORGE'HlPfSL3b

2 bath, llropiaco, pan t kooms! NJ.CO lqyiio_n. Call 733-,2

l i c Z * * -)l Mualail Dale _____

VIEW the Snako Rlvor I ^LTY Sawtooth Mounialns

------ ^ o u 'a rT su ro to onjoy”own fiof fu6 5/fuafoc» ot

LEVEL uppor deck and tho s 1 BlllDr-_ doslgnod lor your roli CO very ptousuiu. Your now hoi; ;t. H eat opon and spac. Ilmo. uniquely designed to--------- commodate the lurrotf,r- and the cross-over brld(

Iho masier bodroom, Hon; 4 TODAY for your sp

IRWIN BEALTY, INIa - ' ” ' ; , - 7 3 M 5 0 0 -drm lit _____J______________la near na.eOff. 2-story Du| opping, good condlllon, a ' sloi

1mm. ihls ptlco. $470/montf investmont. or a h

• POOL, w/lncomo. noar S« 1 ot this Cloao to schools. J T71. FItm. By Ownor. 734-95-

734-3&05 , ______ES 4 BEDROOM B’rick hom

Sunrise Blvd. N.

! 2 2 2 _ ; f f i s s i r ; s ' . 3 a ......— - & palio aroa. 14300 down

_ aasum o loon. Call 734.em new 01733:9_p43,cvej^_____college. 4 BEDROOM HOME. $37 bar. lull II Is clear ownor will Hna •,hod lor Call Will 734-3080, Main I

delalls Really 734.QS55._______cTEAN 3‘ BDRM HOME

“2“b ^ toncpd yatd. gotden s{ ilfi con! Iran Iroos, For appl 734-i t-caS7........ ■ -------;coojder 031-O ulofTow n r>oom . hTgERMAN. b bdrm. 2 b n room. 1 acio. Assumable In. c I balhs. nico. 837-G402 or 837-0482

Stove h o m e on shorl quarter c , 15x20 4 tjdrm. laioo living r matuio with corner llropiaco, L

3ump. 8 famliy room, small lit ft loan, y,|ih tiroplaco, ullllty rc .000, 205 ,-|uiiyTarpoled A lo is of______ iroos. $60.000.324-5075.t now 5 RUPERT 55x140 In li i-hom e,— fix.up-J7500.-JlM Mc/i

10 list, REALTY733-7792.733-18low ap- — --------------- -------------^Low^n. 032-Butil-Fller Homes

or op- >89;___

syslem,Parkview ^ji^e 2 bdrm hor■:r-------- Fllor. w ondorlot lamtly 1

Quiet & big gleaming kiic bdrm, 2 LQ,no bsml with 3rd b

gaiaoo Only $29,500 i selleran oiler, (inanco a quallHed bi M. Main Hamloll Roaiiy 733-W7B,,5. -------------------------------^'^^New 033-Klinberly>Han3ensumablo BY OWNER. 3-4 bdrmsin. Call bath, woodstovo. dishv

• -4r, borilos, gatden.homo Fn trees, greonhouso. Jdivision areas in lemodfillng alomo is $39,000, 828 ConlorIng lami- 423-5000, __________croa iusl —DY OWNERra bdrm-co

Falla i homo, landscapod 5, Mayor,.,. aj3,inKllhg_i'y-'!tom,,J9:mv.- 324^054.

e 030-H om esF orS ale


? S A L E !AE A REA0 / 2 4 / 8 30 / 2 5 / 8 3PROPERTIES _

m . 0 ----- ________________-PHICt REAITOB_______

S6; TVOO Oloino Counly RoalEslolu 708 3417


3 Sl 5,300

^.,rcllH.• und.-. S.-ri.o.i-- ,.t rtw /.

MIC rn.r-i I).' DOid (il 'I..- tirn.-


F U L L D E T A I L S !

*’1.. Ittc'’li'yw>w1.v'-I..... .............i’. i r ' . i . < j ' . . . . . : . : t . . , u i , -

,k... ot 111.-., cho .... o n . I- I., |„ .- . .I , lo 111, -l..(al nut.)

I..- IcHIll HIJU o il.,. IS l-y-(!U ,|

I o lticcjoTiiroTrnTBirni----------------- :---------Rd. Doiso. Idaho 07 ■

H o u sin g .& jm e n t ----------------------j t i d a h T o " 8 3 T 0 4 " = ^ = ^

. t o w PO W M .PftT M lW T » i.<


034—Joroino Hoinos luildor. Q Y 'o ’wNEn. 5 bdim,

S S . s?5 ',.co ',” , o , ; a pb'ni:4 corpetod, roc. room,

ownoi, clock, nico yord, $45,000, -Soutn on loan R lerms. 1 ID'.^-;. Rainier. For appt 324--I027.

----- Cioaslllod . . . lor peoovorvwhorot 733-0031

) 036-Roal Esl. Wanted

ipioioiy' ^ 7 - F a r m s &Rancti03■V paint ARIZONA - ' ' ............bdrma, Owner must liquidate is! Full acres tanchland. Tako 0 M rage— balanco ouo $18:300 with I ,900-bul. t300--down..-& -...m onil cant-so Growing oieo. No crc

roquirod. Box'4142. Sc l3dalo,A ri^5261

\LTY CHOICE N Sido 165 acr orvico) - Rock Uoo, conctolodlich -3Wfl78— t1500-pDJ~ncrorOv/ncr '33^1707 catry. 640 beet, bean, spu ’33-4030 pivots. S1800 por acio. I iiiiim o lQ"n3. Rocky Mln. Re. TIO wMh 7?3il«0 o;.7_3;i;P085 eves.,

T t4 l ; j -------- D A l R I E ^0, Call 23 Available li 'V - $85,000 to $1,600,000. Ci 3 bdim. Bob Jonson 324.5076 o»ua /.jbilck. jayP roost 324.4332.eve:


, __734-487SOHiCO ...

5' *,om GOOD BUY llin ‘345 Acho tlm aouihwost ol Twin Falls V)V your • 170 acres sprinkler lirlgaon fhff a 82 Dfavlty. -Pricodsauna $455,000 wllh $125,000 dc

oiaiinn lo oxlsling moilgagcs. <1“ Bob Brown 734-4^?5, Marl

acioufi, ihQ.Ansoclnier_________to ac- MINI FARM wllh beaut•Ot loll viow. 8.3 acroa, vory doIdgo lo oxcellonl condilion.1, Call bodroom homo, lamiiy ro special in basomoni wilh lliopin

. doublo carport, loal shod. 500' ol handllnes v

NC 20 hoada. now 5 hp. pur ' . Nnw co zy . lorms, , Pt

$54,000, owner will cm------- Call Botly Thornton, CentDuplex, 21 Mayor Realty. 734-793! loal ot 324-35M. Bring all ollcnih as sollormotlvatodl_______

homo n e w o n the MARKET Acroa o( Real OOod a

. P;lco Only 2 miles Irom Filer. 9547 or hom o-bulhasdom eatlcv_____ i sower sy lo a i. One h.imo on galo. Full Twin Falls Wt

Air, righl. Irrigated by ga Tl, lots pfpe. This lorm can ul-yoid— purchased—w^lh—Adjoin wnand 280 ocros, David Lutz Ri 34-9660 lots. 733-0716 or ovonli___ 7 33 j^ 7_____________137,000.nance. OUTSTANDING 20 0 nWer.l compulorljcd dnity, 175

ncoducing cows Ihclud

,'■9 wlil^carry mobalanco.M5?n«r 1.*40 ACRES, 600 ac M-6805. gpiinkior Iriinated. boi

' spuds, boanaigrain .W c mako'oulslaiiainn conjb

______ Ilon row crop & ilvool2 bath, ranch. Now brick ho . extra pilmo oroa.182

BARNES REALTY ' ' 1043 Bluo Lnkoo North

La,“ ______ c M m m ___llbraty OWNER WILL CARRY- g room 40 ocros. 3 bdrm, i . t

of (lull Homo, oxcollont lorma qi 5 Ilod buyor. Call 543-4088.

SOUTHERN IDAHO OA icAFEE on 20 Acros. doublo six I ■1870 ringbono,-All nutomallc,

eluding lakn-olls. leed e s waahlnq. olocltlc cn_____ nato. Iroo heater. 2

............gallon lank, 270x40' 0shod, oxcellonl dim

I Tako ovor oxlsting lc f Malta. ID. 645-2328.

40 ACRES bare land Melon Valloy, divided In ocro pnreeb, lull wi.

IV room J08.OOO assumabio contr iiicnon. J1Q9.000.. Willing lo u : oqully lor a home In Mih " Valley. 543-0775_______

40 BEAUTIFUL ptoduiI I ncros ol cross loncod 0

10 actos, gravity Mow Irr lion with - gatod • pif

Tia I W, boaulilul doublo brick ho ^flwash.. bam, corrals, garage.1 Irull pons, guosi houso. u

Some ■ Troos auifound tiomo ntnao landscapod yard. Ow

r East' needs to aoll, bring all lors. Call now B

------ r Thornton. Conluty 21 Mi-----Ro~aH)n734-7935or?2W3'

W 5.opQ ^_.838_A cr6ag6& lol8-ACREAGE lovers Ihls Is

--------------placwl-S-E..Tain.Falla., ocroa, lull waler, nil brli' bdim, llropiaco, dbl gar__________N ot your.u3uat.actoag»to w - — conlfOHodsubdlvisionrF — J - . ‘aolting. Open area

5 good viow. Mature. ■ iracllvo landscaping, g trees, garden- aica. v> counted pilco only $73 "* Hurryl Ray Sabala, Sab.-

• » Rov Really, 733-4321.• ‘ = • ■ “A flfESlA N -H O T-v/A -

5 J600 down, balanco 12f N(^rlors._734-829G. 543-0> b'EAUTIFUL Rock C 2 Canyon 2'. !. 5 or 10 aero;

— * ownor. 734-2445>_ i ----------BEST-8UY-JN KCTCHL

> Boaulilul'woodod lot. i ■ ^ ol Ml. Baldy. Will aol

r liado lor homo or Inc® properly. Owner ContS 788-4573._____________

• * CfTY LOTS FOR SALI— ^ irCTw f —

S EXCELLENT building to.— <A------ Jotom o -and--Tw in —I

< Counllos. low down■ i rfonls. Call Stovo OI«o

5 Roal Estalo Unllm0 324-7516 .____________

g FIVE ACHES: 3 bodroo^ bath homo. liieplacH, I• 32'xBO' ohop, pasluro. z .« itoos. Twin Falls Sch<* Immedlule possojision. 2 Bob Jonson 324-5076

- S 0lllcu~734-48r5-M nrk(M A_ssoc]alo3;__< FORSALE:Appro«,50a " noar Butley. 3 bdim 1

1 Sril6SS”moS“a"cn5 avaliabio. 676-8780.

~ ■"------- FOHSACEi'ByTsifiKorrai wllh or withoul mi O homo. 12 mllos S ol Hai p In flock Crook Can

— 42J.4480-a)tor7pTH-a-as5 RlcJ2_' _ ___• ____

— -C------- MOBtte-MOME-LOTa_ g - -MiB •'Maqif-V alloy-A> ••• C - • -Ealntos’-.' New adull-

division, Waahington Si— -■ i l block woat on Phei t o w „S(1. Eaav,lQfma.734tfi34:

Friday . O clo t)0 f 21,1983 Tir

, Q 0 2 - 0 4 5

3 O 38-A crM g0iL o!s_

,m ?*-. L'ARGe*"DUPLEX loi’,'” no>Kl('oom localion, near Robett SiO.iii

[ranolcd Jf. High. 733-9250, -------------- ,.)om, lg MUST SELL ?1V; Acio:,000, 9% south ol Joromo, Best oflrr1. 1471 - Cnll324.5a21: -- _

PRICE DFlASfiCALLY CUTpeonio '0 ' a short .limo on ihes"

r • tjeautllul building parcel'.-------- ------S.E. ol T.F, 25% down,v( balanco. cash or loriti;,. No'2_______ Saluidaycfills 734-472:'

03 WENDELLFoi salo by ownoi- inotjili,'

o[> , home, with garage S'•'toom attached on 2‘. acior.

___Alt_CQndlllQnl!jp_Muai_a£e- —

. I '.i ACRE liuildlng Lol noiir' • Twin $11,500 or ollut. CdU-- -- 7344778.difcties' a c r e BtjlLDlNG LOTS ;

discount loi"■'10 E«c caah.M3-6775_' Really 16 Acroa w/At'leslan warm »03 walor, Seculded & wojiiii'i

. ..piq!(!Ctefl.543-00B2J34J'?.''0 2.4 ACRES with vorv nice 3

■I " _!_Kfl-n^r7narfl-Tigii^ - m a a r—7 molal shop building, $70,000.

lie liom Call Wiil W-3086, Mam Vi.>• Call . Roaiiy 734-0555 ' ’ ,1® '!.'’, ' ’' 3 BDRM HOME on 5 acio:,. evLS. Shop. " jg2’^ ' 324'c578'

16 4 ' YEAR. 3 ’tMUl~2 b.im.E S llioplace, elccl hoal. onr

a . . . — 150,500. Owner neudt, riii.‘ - Coli Harold 733-6071 01 M.mi

5 Acros West Roalty 734.05S5.

S”down S01-7?3.SIS4._!03 Call S ACRES south ol Wnntini Market-- -Polcn lla llo f liomcsllc. i-m.iiL . ...

larmsteud, mobllo noitu.- .----- r r . 'lllo Owner linancing. 10'S>

down 25years.ohbSlanco. 837-C383 evenings.

(oVince! 039~Buslnes3Pfoper1y .loallng .......... ■■■ ■■

” p ™ ? Mtk-CsmolOjyLols. Ptlcn 2 ' CEMETERY LOTS In

I carry. Haznlton. good locailon, $40Century oach. 436-9083anyllmn..•7935 or --------------------------------------

oiiots- 043-V acalionPfoper^^I f O T A R r e ^ lV A T C R - - -----------

?d so i l - L e lau ro /ree ro a n o n /io tl roit„, N o' mont. closo. Roady sooniaticwen Lol'svlall, 734-8296.543-8082

s Wator Q44-Condomlnlum3 - . 5 “ 'tm tI m E SHARE Condo In Sun 'hi~ .,i_“ Vattov. $2000 S tako ovor ? i ° S g ~ | .a y m C T la .n « 5 « -a II . .5 - ------------

vonlnns (n5_Moblli) Homes

DOUBLE WIDE al discouni. ocfo Brockman's Mobllo Homes.

175 top Butley, 438-5707.'dudecl. clR^T 'TIME ',, ON L thE______P ’’™ ’ MARKET- o n e 'o l llia'lUU- —• oilost homoo in iho Lazy J

Ranch, ovor 1900 sq. It. ol, wnnfri '‘'''"O oroa. 2 excepllonalty

-— latgo-bodioom s-and.2 vory — - .

“ S ! l f f i S : ” K i ’i ' £ f " riiuiiio, (Jfapos. 3 covorod pallos- 2

wllh sliding : d o o ia - hoal TV pump lor low coal hoatlng.j«r»K Tfi's l» a cusiom bulll homo

.n d Iho qoollly Id oxcop.---------- Ilonall Call Davo Luir floal-lY£t|00d tora 733-0710 or 733-1717

"3 Quall- ■ like n e w deluxe 14x70 '— :— w/awnlng, 3 bdrm. 2 bolh In I DAIRY -Adotl Park. $27,000 value for six her- $18,000, 733-2380or 733-8158.

MOVED-Must ■ soli quality rr.?lrt 14x70 KII Includes appli-

in rS ancos, dock, llropiaco,------monylmp.OYOmomo.S10.500

cllmTo" o i .™ ll!1 2 !!£ D « 3 d M L ._ . ,

! _ ! ! ! ! : ■ NEW M OBILEHOM E »n« lo .SA L E’d Inlo 5 24x52 Tamoilck doublo wido,

water, all- oloctrlc... wood siding,roniract. ahlnglo tool, doiivory S sul0 Irado up.^aloprico$2l,900.n Magic i^x70 Tamoilck, 3 bdrm. ull____ ____electric. wood r.ldlng.oduclng vaulted. 2 bath, delivery Sed each se tup , salo prico. 115,300. w Irrlga-• pipes. CONTEMPORARY HOMES :khomo. 2064KlmbortyRoadgo. call CA LL........................ 734-28730. laigo NOW ON THE MARKET 14'xmo and to- nootw ood with 6'xlO"

Ownor llpout. Localod in tho Lazy J0 all ol. Ranch. Covorod patio. Just

Botly Installed., plUsh now catpelil Mayor |„ i<x2a ||ying room* Thla?W393r— h o m o - |3 pncod a i' oniy------------------------$12,000 wllh vory good term.Is-------------Owner_v^anls_l0_ni0YC_t(j______----- ------ --- Arizona lorwlnier:lls Is lhe Coll David 'Lutz Roollorn•a|jn , 2', — T S M n ^ r n j - in z o v o s .— :--------

S X ---------- REPO--------------onrFarm— i<jg2--2Si60‘HlGtiIwoprtnRI!:---------ea wim 2 ba lll..W oaruveiyaiiiicu :, .. . UIO. at- 10 move Ihla unit. Mal.L- .m . ig, liult olloil

'$73,500; BROCKI^AN'S Sabala 8 M OBILEHOMES

7'ATER1 ---------43Rnn7 731-310/01 438-5/0/,

; SPECIAL CLOSE-OUT I'lu;! Concoid Double wnl-.-;Models now .on (livjii.y Magic Valley Mobllo Hail!":..

CHUU-------2;wnll66-Wocl-ol-ilo44kLil______lot. Baso H ^ .3 0 ^ 3 :6 I 4 t ' TWO 12' wide llx-ui> horn.-'.

■ Will consldor any coason. uoniraci, a oiler. Carter Homnr. -

n w s .6 . _r E---------1970—New— Moon— motitr.;

— — ^ I r ij n Q Maj^e o 11 er 4 B 7- 2 2d .t lS '°RVin 1 ^ 3 ’ GOVERNOH ■■f4./i)_ _

w/awhlngs'. akiillng, stotiigr - D?.nn nl Shod & llroplaco. $12.9U0 niimitod S_q.e_loappioclam, 73-1.6423

1976 Champion Mobil'.'Homo- 14x54', Total Elocinn

droom 2 & lurplohod, 436-9349. • co, largo 1977 Top ol Iho lino M,iii''tt..' uro. Irult 14X-/0. i bdrm. --.wamn ccol- Schooln. or. appl, ' low c;nuiiy lion. Cull Ar.f.i(mobloloon. 73.1-‘1219 076 Rcr. 14i04-? t)dfm Mo- —'inrkotlng locclto r- -N o w ' - . . .

woodbutnini) r.tcv.:, t.;.;..50acres oman lurn;ic'.-. vi.'iy •••• rm brick llciont. Very ra :y lop, cot- down S take Ovci pj>rn"nl:.1 acioago ol $133. Down Ir, negoii.ii.i .■_____ '' CalU23-_5aOlal,lor6 'jrVaSiffS----- t98(f9AHAHA-^X?8,-3 --------

mobiio Baih, llko now. all c»tr?:i I Hanson J2fl.500J3JJi.53G^785,. ,Canyon, iVflO 14x70 w/oxpando. 13000

4-aslrloi— flown, neqotlftblO:— -------_______ Ojclsllngjpair 326:405^. , - ______.0 T 3 - fc r - 1983 14x5g—BAYWOOP-. -y - i —

u b - . ■ w ash irT ^flt^ iaco ! ..p iciuit:.. . .. 3n St. So. v/indow. Built-In . stereo Pheasant system . Lived in only 7 muo h8343.______ lmmaculato.324-1219____________

Tlmen-Now?i, Twin' F;illi;. Idaho C-7

Page 26: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

iM ^M obile Homea (WINTER 1B83 CLOSEOUT. ;now 14x70. 2 bodroom, laroo »14»19 Ifoni living room. (Island lub, soparato showor, (bay window, huicll, bullol. . <anack bar. dishw.ishof. «

«. klicnon carpfil, roll out ,paniry. Was JtB.700. now ,S10,7M,- Brockman's MoQllo ; Homos. Bu/loy. CovnUyDcalor. Couniry Pilcas. '

■ 415.5707.________________■ ;12»60 3.QOHM.^1oblle Homo ]w/llpou1. dlstiwastior, A/C, J Rango. J5500.. 324-M<8 oraoon t Skvlano Park *71.___ 11B67 MARLETTE 12x65. 2 \

------ bdrm- •now -carpol, -good —-'MndlirpMCSOT J

^ R e n t a l s 1

050-Fum l8hed Houses 'r — RESPONSieee------ ra ornate— l

wantod. Four b O d r o o m . iron t-6 :utl|IHOB, 734.3247 or i73 4 ^ M . : ............... I

051—Unfurn. H ouses |------AVAILABLS Ub'i. f, 4 IJJliii.' i

2 bam. 'J450 mo. Rol, ro-Qulrod.1654 Bol Alf, 734-6937 iCEDAR 3 bdrm homo, ullllly' Irm, carpot. drapes, 528 2nd IAvo-E.. Twin. ti75.sas.23;4. |CLEAK_1-Bdrm houso, nico ;quiot location, nolural oas 'furnace; $155 + J7S dop. *733-0250. _________

■“ CLEArTJ BDRM. Frpl,-dlnlno • ,room. Insulated, siovo. No ,po ts. 734-5234.734-5483. ~ JDoluxo Brick 5 bdrm. 3 bam. |

Ooluxo Brick 5 bdrm. 3 bath.tamlly rm ,.dbl oarano. NoQC___Hloh School t 4?S, ^-5605.


734-1401 . 1

UNFURNISHEOHOMES r■»16. 2 BORM, 1 baih, rofrin . & atovo. carpol. yard. 27?Aloxondof, ..........................—I*185-2 'fid fm .l bath, carpol. ^

•drapos. w /d hookups. 328 ^ 4 m s i. Eost. -S2fl0. 2 bdrtn.1 balh, carpol, £

— drapos; rolflfl,--baaomoni— C6572ndAveW ost. &

DUPLEXES jiC0O. 3 b d rm ,l balh duplox. aiw/gorogo, dishwashor. oicarpel, drapos. Boia Cltclo d.

nSO. 2 bdrm. 1 batt). Carpot. a----- drBp03Tro(rl(74-3tovfrrW8tor— r

paid, 1S8 Campy. ^

FURNISHED APTS' f--. *160. 1 bdrm. 1 balh, rol, 4 «

Slovo. Api, IS. 442 LocusI. A

t145 .1 bdrm apt. now carpot. n

7:J135/n<0. 1 bdrm apt. Sstudios, furnished, ullla pd, n2602nd Avo, No f lh ___________J

MOBILEHOME CS5- 2 Bdrm. 2 bath, carpot. drapoa. alovo. w /d hook-up.payolQctrlconly- I

OFFICE RENTAL$250. Olllcoa lor renl wllh -reception oroa. Noar "downlown. Jusl-a-moro-lnn, ^

EXCELLENTLOCATION ' ^Ju a t romodolod. Now ^carpot. Ilnooum. light llx- »

-. turos. Eloctrlc heal, aaraoo- . °+ pofWnQ pad. Prolor no p.

^pota, 11th Avo. noar shop- I plnQConlor&churcho3.S275 --i‘-t- ftoo dop, Loase only. Rol ^rooulrod-734-3258, n

. .HOUSE FOR rent In Fllor- 2 [,bdrm, g a s 'h o a t. hps boon .Insulated. S150 per- monlh, .

~ 'tSO do'p:326-4177 ----------- — ^In Buhl. Large 1 bdrm wlih roarano. S155 + depooli, Call "326-^oS oltor 7pm. ;JEROME-3 bdrm wllh fllroplaco. loncod yard, S350 ,

___ +_<roD^TWiNFAlLSf4bdrij ®family room, lorgo yard. 1375 •

___dop.-C all Janol Sloan C324-2734 ovBnlnQS.________ dNEWLY REMODELED 2 Ibdim homo In Joromo. $250 "m onth-t-doo & rol. 734^JS7. CNice 2 bdtm . houso. JUS .month + J75 doposii. No rDOlS. 733-2392 or 734-2494. [Nico 2 bdrm homo. rbsmi, gas hool, otovo, w/D .

------ hooKupsrJ290mo.-$l50dep- }3308thA vo.N .734-9121, ,

------ Nico 2bdrm MobllaHomQ In cCouniry. S215 a monlti, SIOO Isocurlly deposil. Rolor- r

------ oncos- No pois. 733.1435--____>• NiC EJhdfm homo-wilh bain___I

, & V*. tn Twin Falls, phono f

NICE 3 0DRM“ HbM6. lull \basomoni, 466 Whoman. fHanson. UOO. Call LIndn 'Hunzokor 734-0400, 423.8162. :Ront or salo-2 t>drm, loncod '

■ yd, gas hoai, Franklin 5I0V0, Idrakes & corpolod, i

s’mALL 2 bdrm ^ 5 o 7 F liT r , fNICO condlllon. carpol, W/D ; hookup. NO pels. IlM -fdoposii. Ca_l[32&-1730. C SMALL-2 bdVm house, ro- - '

____ docoratod, on corner loi, f(jai~ lioJr. “ h o ' telETTJOOO 1neltihbors. tornblo landlord tAl Robinson, call n3-C191 ai v6:30j>m, _ _ _ _______ r1 BDRM HOUSE- Vory quiet__ *■

7S-'/4.l5. '------- 2“ fa’drm ~D a55l^"do5o“ io— J. • lown. 213 9ih AVu. E. J175 '

____ mD.C.-ill733ill5Z_ ___ . ?2 BORM Hour,o, Jeromo 1 Passive Solar Hoat. No pets. J^50+_dop..B8G-2?65.324.3‘}51 2 BDHM hous.!, c.irpoiod, , wiilnr pakl. tl&Q monlh. ‘ 733-2112. _ ;2 BDr’m frailur lor loni. 13 ‘ mllos SW olTwin F;illr., J165 J +_J75dPpo_^734-7819., 2-3 ODRM HOUSE. S2« + -

~ do|iO--,il.73J.S51tor 733-??n \3 BDRM, '/? t3.150mcnt. • i narago, 606 OluoLaKos, $300 - +j)ep_733.«>57. ; 3 BDRM HOME In country. [ Room lor f.omo animals. Call ! 829-5840_Of 734-8474. _ ;

____4410niiHabSErS22S..VjlDQ___flop, Avalablo-Oci 31-734- 0 7 % i» ^ 5 S wookonds.5 aORM. i'b’ath. $365’,+ $200

-------arianait. No Dfin. 733-4055500 S. Birch. Joromo, 3

------tnJfmt-l-l«UirW35poiJ7ionm— •w illilQ lila s 'm on lh '.'-.icn li dop. No smokors. Picar.o

' ‘ ciill------734-3285,........... leave--m cssaap

C-fi T im oo-N ow a. Twtn Falls,

li (Bstszts-'l051-U nfum . Houses

SMALtT 2 "bodroom,"ilish- washor, siovo. w/d hook-up.' llroplaco. $225 monlh. $75 doD. 734-3164altorS.

• Smaller 2 bdrm In Jorome.' ' J165 + $100doposlt.324.3832ovos only.___SPACIOUS 3 Vtirm couniry homo. Jorom e Bln & Lllllo Ranchos, J475 + ilOO dam..

• aandop_ 734-5724. 734-_4874 THREE BEDHM. lamlly rm„ $350 mo- 2120 Shony Circle. calU23-8140or734.5iS5 TV/O BEDROOM homo, garogo. gas lioa'. liroplaco. loncod y.ird, $325 mo.

V AvoHdb'Io'Noy. r7 4 rG ia n ir “ - ' - Call 734-0346. .... ..VERY-NICE 3 . bdrm .btlck •

home with boaulllul foncod yard. No pois. $325 -t- $150dopD3ll.7j4-e760.-------- ------Wo have • ronlal homos available. Boih 2 and 3

— bodroom— modola.— Hon1r>— — ran g o _ |ro m $350,00 por

monlh lo $420.00 por monlh.— Call u s today for your ronlal nooda. Aurora Capital Cor­poration 734-63j7. Evos S w ookonds Patty- HiDgins


Well Insulated lor low, low* hoal bills, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fenced yard, double car garago, undorgroundsprlnKIInn, all appliancos lurnlahod. $400 + doposii and foforoncos roqulrod.

......... UVINQJSEASY________In this carc-frookllcfteDwllh oil oppllancos lurnlshod, doublo car garago. 3 bodroom. 2 baih, loncodS ira.-underground. SDflnKl-

D. $375 + doposlt.


73«J47Evoa & wkends Pally Hlg-Blna 734-1465 or Joan

rawloy 733-0833._________1 Bdrm, otovo. frig., showor. walor. sanitation paid, no pota. $35 dep. 733-3511

- - 0S2-Fum .ApL8iDup.CLEAN amoll furnished Apt. share ahowor. alt utllliios, paid. HE5.733-2513.

--CLEAN 1 bdrm with Washor_& dryor. $135 $85 doposii.No D0I3.734-5377.-•_______JEROME. Nico Quiot 1 bdrm opt, oil ulllilloa pd, appll- oncoa, no pota, $185 mo.4- d OP. 324-51&. 7204 or 3301 LOOKING FOR A HOUSE OH APARTMENT? CaM Quilici's.

—733-2940: ----------------- ------NICE LARGE warm apt lor 1 or 2 poopio, $125. 734-1333.NICE 1 BDRM Country Side Apt. $185 Including utilllioa.Call 734-0077,_____________NICE 1 BORM lurnlshod apt,

733-4593 or 734-3S53.I BDRM DUPLEX In Joromo. Qulot neighborhood. $150 +

_ dop. 324-2463.or_32 4 -8 1 2 1 .___II Kllchon opts, Cabto TV. convoniont loc. $45-$80lwk. 1201 KImborly Rd.733-62S4.

054-U nfum . Apis.& Duplexes________

A FANTASTIC VALUE al $250 ;nonm Icr modern & cloan 2

- bdrm. Dop 8, rof, 733-5102. _ CASA DEL PRADO-1 I J ' bdrm opts, vory cleon,.mod* orn garden apis in natural

■■soitlno.. Convoniont loca-. -tion- - AH appliancos

. furnlshod Incl. dishwasher A* disposoT. Laundry on pre­

m ises, Chlldron welcome.No pots, Renl basod -on Incomo. 140 E 81h Avo. Apt 11, Jerom o. 324-3454 Equal

— Houainn Ooporlunl.lt,_________Cloan. carpoiod, 1 bdrm apt.In Twin Falla. Slovo. rolrlg. walor furnlsnod. No pols. $135 4- dop. 32^ 2782. CLEAN 1 bdrm with VVoshor & dryer. $135 + $65 deposit.

— No pots J'3a-5377, —-----Cloan 2 bdrm, carpotod. drapos. appliancos, loncod,' $250 Inciudoa cily sorvicos,652 Lenore, Can 753-2378. CLEAN 2 bdrm duplex. Close to Shopping. Viator & aont poid. olovo 4 relrigIncluded. 734-7157.________Dupfox Doluxo in Twin Falls, air condition unll Includod, 3 bdrm, 2 bolhs, largo living

— room— w/flropiacor-dinlng— room, klichen w/siovo.

__ dishw ashor. compactor.__Ulillly room. Privaiopaiio oil m aster suite. Fenced back

__ yard-w iyard-caro.J\utomBtic_

Call 324-5940.________________LOCATED at 1833 Falls Avo. East- $260 month, slovo. re- frig., dishwashor. walcr & santtallon paid, tolorencos rc3uirod^73j;24t_3.NICE nowiy romodoled . 2 Bdrm opi close io

^'-•dOKnlOwn— Crodit- rolor- oncofl roqulrod, $2G5 month Includes hol waior S cdy a o rm e s . 734-t901 alifir_6pm- ONE BEDROOM aparlmont. rango. rolriQOraior, $100 mo. p_lu^op£stl. 734-0652

— TIRE[>0FflEN'flNQ?-Bura-2— bdrm townhouso (n Joromo wltn no monoy down. Fi- nanclng ihrourjh Farmers Homo Admin. Pymis oa low

Iormatlon call 324-5940.— ia-2.-’pr 3 bdrm apis -uo--

lurnlshed. No pots Call 733-0740. - '1 largo Bdrm unlurntsneir ' apt. w/carporl & launflry la- cililios. $205 * dop. No pets 733.66^^*_2QDRM.unfurnir.hrcl. slovc, relrig, ■dlr.hw.ir.nor, VJiD hookup, water S 5anit,ilion pd. 844 Easlland North, ro l's . required,avail Isipart01 Npvnmbor, $2fl0_ 734-2413.2 BDRM. 2 baih- $325'month, Loasu on iy--C atl • Susan

• 734-4040. _ . .. ■3 BDRM duplex, 2 baUir., laundry room, buili-ins, privjio yard. 3 years old, $320 monlh Includes waler. 734..7p35_._

056-R oom s For Ront BOARb‘’& ROOM lo( senior

-clllzon who wants lriencliy_

food°'’ l..uriory. ntc C.-in " 713;75TTfdr'mor7Mnl6.

ROOM FOR RENT.JtOO a .., montn.A .Jioq.dnnosii Rel.

. oronces roQuiri'Cl 73,7-3305

lls, Idoho Friday. O clobor 21

'Fmrms-srs*057-MoWloHomo - " '

• BEAUTIFUL lSC5-12x55 1 , ■ StarcrafI, sol up. $300 in- I i e ludes v,Qlor A garbage. (

733-6304 or 734-8290. J- -•■■II ------------------- \! 055-Office Rontais ‘


' ovallablo lor loaso Nov- , ■- emtjor l . 1533. Idoal lor any .. - i

type prolossionat allico, ‘ Excolloni ronlal torms wiih j

. minimum loaso. For moro ' Inlormation call Johan {

. Brawioy at Aurora Capital

. Corporaiion 734-6347, or ■ PatilHlngins._________ ___ I- COMMERCIAL OFFICE- building spaco lot-ront. $350— ! c - 'm onlh.Call 734-8030.______I FOR RENT body shop, 5 . ' bays + paint boolh, lenced

•— In yard, good location in • ) Burloy. all uIIIIHos paid bul ' 3 heal.' air compressor J>— furnichod,----- advaU isemcnLJ-jr sign furnished, 678-7560. or I•— 87to )7 7 .. __________________II OFFICE S’PACE for leaso In• Qluo Lakos'Olllco Patk, Call■ --A rm atrono__fi__ C o.. Real. .> Estato, 733-5200,■" ‘ PHlMEh:iQ^niowt1'i’->- diiiijU. V " space lor roni or purchaso.' . 375 SF 10 1,300 SF.'In pro- . ceaa of romodoling. Will ; finish to sull lonanl or ' purchaser. Substantial lax '> Sonollis availablo lo I burchasor. Call Tom Walker

■ Jr. 734-0600,______________PRIME OFFICE SPa' c E on

i— Addison— A v e -E . -Ampio PQCkinn.eoOSF, 733.9t02.

j p' r iVATE o ffice wllh ro.1 copllonist & answorinn . Bon/lco, $350 monlh. Call

Srucff'afG lotx? Rejity-733- —2620,___________ _________WAREHOUSE _ Storano Space. 1000 sq. 11. $7S/month..Call.733;3^S.

I OSa-Condominlums .2 BDHM, slovo. relrig i

; dishwashor. N Wasningion ' SI. No pets. $285.734-7031.

063 -W anledT oR enl.2 BDRM HOUSE w/pootuio - or outbuildings. Close 10 T.F. 825-5600ajtor8pm.,

- . - O ^M ob lioH ofneS pc ,ONE spaco availablo, i2xB5 fl.mox,,$50mo.733-4377 8 to 14 WIDE Mobiio Homos, gas or all elec. Largo palios, shade, lawns. 6 blocks Irom

’ downlown mall. ADULT COURT. NO PETS. $70-175

___ por_m onth_E asl_5pl_T ilr------Court.733-3838,.. . . .Try 0 low-cost ciasslllod

.•nrfiodav. Call 7 3 3 ^ 1 .

fSi M p r c h a n d i s a ______

067-M iscolianeous-----A MOBILE-HOME-Flfoplaco,'-----

nood cond, J250, & Sears RotJuck bolt massager, like ' now. $75. 734-6737, • • APPROX, 500 used bricks lor :!5e each. Also 1974 Yamaha125, $150. 733.9311.____ ___ASHLEY WOOD BURNING STOVE. New. Sim In box. tias automatic ihoromsiat.

. burns all night. $295. Call '768-4131. 788-UW5 or 788-4115mo_3S?aP=----------------------BEAUTIFUL ..B asse tt.. Cfib w /m attross ^.accensories. $150.423-4278 or 543-8659.BELL 4 Howell Bmm movioptojoclor, $80.536.0515.___Brown colored Hide.a.bod, $125; Wall unit, $35; Colloo tablo. $25; Swag lights, '$15

COMPUTER DESK- Walnut 4 oak. drawor. 4 sholl. like now, $S0 choap! 734.9077. , CONCRETE FORMS i i " Snap Ilos 4 all hardware

----- Included, 4-«8'-A-4'.30'-',-loir.—of llllers- ALSO Powor scre le . -new condition.7 3 f-0 0 7 3 c v o s.____CUSTOM GUN CABINET bulll to order. 6 guns, $200.Call 734-0414.FOR SALE, 'now roli-top dosk, $250. 734-3412 5 ask lor Cjair _FORSALE- tiiack carousol,3 socllons pipe, oxtra glass.

----- $200r324-4043. ------FRANKLIN Wood stove wllh

— 0‘-s to v e -p ip o . $100 Call-73i.e528_______________

_ High_QuaLi!y.Lacll.o5^oihinj]___

- - siack^rdress\i5T‘‘s f e . ‘ (tom $5-$20: Blouses SI20 32-34,

— n - y io r u a ic r s n o o y d r ^ o r i p

WV^‘‘lor $W."ca?l°733-6699 Oam-7pm.

......iNTELLEVlsiON20 tapes induded, $800 in- vosjed. Soll.$400. 734-6314.LIKE NEW Kubota Iront load snow blower $950._726-348_5_ Mens” Suodo SporVs' coat. SI20 42-44 Llko Now, Worn twice. $65. Now S sllgntv usod nion'r. shoes, .ill ic.ithcr. Size a'.-j.OD

----- B ? J f o * l f ,S S w i3 K " S —Bools. Ii/ard, lancy slii- ching, like now. 8'/iD, $60,Call /33-669^9^r^pm,_____

___ U Q BlLE_£H QN E-£xc*llt>n|^conflllion Cnll3?4j7518. •.

•-. MOVINGI Furn. 4 appi. Frig. W/D, Drossors, dlnninn set, liv inarm sel. misc. 733-5605

--- NEW REOl3TeH;-2-depfifI-----mont, $450 or bosl oiler; 5«3 G lass liorM display coolor, $1800 or bost oiler: Ireo.'cr, $200 or he:,l o llor. 324.2209 c : ■ ' ‘.?AS PLATES. C leas lhan original cosi C.ill E 324-8802.QUASAR VHS Recorder, I cam era, lunof. 4 pownr • uupply cltarger. 2.b.iI1.;ry f

I pakv-w/CiLCQiajlco. $2350- ^ Slor<> Domo prico $16«S.. ; Bannor, 733.1421 "RALEIGH m en's 10-spued ,

' bicycle. liKo now. $95. 733. 5058.•RALEIGH V;OMENS 10 Spend Otke, 27", $100. Caii- C

------ T t o m - p m n g T -----------------J.SEARS POOL TABLE. Rogu- J

>r Mr r.i/e, Sycarr. olfl, m good y shapo. Cali 536-2145. I-° THE'CAnGESnstiTCirormf—f

l...nllur-w-t}rei:.- '' cr---., rodker;;. slool,-., cluir^ F

a and roll lop di)!ik5. Tho M,iry c '• Carter Centfr, 733-3493. 2116 i'

■ •FnllflhAv^ F TwinF,irin •• h

r 21.1953________ _______________

!' mmasirMcsi067-M isceilanooufi T W o I I t S 16- w li'iT by r long. Cusiom Mad e Lined Orange Drapes. E xc, cond.$200por3Ot.e7B-21_;^9,_____WHITE 3DlndfecrlB,:w/ mal­tross, Phono 324-‘ .758 oiler5230._____________________ •WINDPOWER 2W0 KW gon- orator. PTO driven, llko new, usod 5 llmos. 3i'. 1-3438 or

■■ - 324-5688^_________ ________1 'y f 'o ld Siihl Chalnsaw modol 031, w/20" bar. $225. Also Ulilily trailer $75, Call 733-7445, 734-2050. _10-SPEED biko IMO. Box flpringa 4 mallr oss $15.

— FrankIin-typo-slovcr$60rPote- lamp$5. tw o34"bc.x sprlnns

---- S"m allroas 'd a y •■ boac'$M ''oixch, 2 Iv’s, poru ble. black

• 4_whlle $20 qach_6 3M822, _25’" TRAVEL T rader. Used rolrlgeraiors 4 lroe;cts

. 676^)057.I ' la - i i—po'oLialbO— aulom alic,

ball rolurn, slato ood, $275 ___Call 734-3561.

068-Com puters •

" iQ g U C q tw g f f l 'J a '

070-W an t i^ To Buy^- .' QUYIN(^” 4 SE iT in g ' all

• lorms ol gold A f liver. C o n -_ llnental -Gold. 633 Blue Lakes Norm. 734-:a67. . B'u YING: Evoryih..,ng in gold 4 , silver, Idaho Cisig Gailor- lea.302N. Maln,V33-&593. HUNTERS- cash for phear- anl skins, curec or Iresh, whole or pie ce s . ' 123-1643,

WANTED TC I BUY:_______NJonicrjw Jo/s................

_____ Call734-A1M4.______WANTED: COLOlS TV's nol workinO. ’ P a y 'to p OOllsr.- CA1.L 7^4-91^. ________

073-Seiiiring4(r;raft3 •

072-AntiquosA T m ouE lA uB iiO hC w cd--. nesday. O ciobnr 26, 6pm. Soo our ad undo I auctions^

- •A N T iQ U E 'i/ib liN —fo_r_salo. Can 734-2241_____LAY'aWAY NOW'lor.X-mas. For counity sty lo antiquos. Call Susan Berlin, 430.0425- Buy. soil, r e n t or swop wlihacloaslUog ad.

07 3 -S e w ln a i (drafts


I T h e N a i l i v l t y

8cut iimnlf lo do

riiil)iu<ilci ini'. Iji'julilul ■ fl,ilKily -.jrene I 0 lrjmi.'-ot line

Jill) h.inp. liom .1 ion II - become a chi'iiiliod Ho.iImiti fjllctn 7143 (i,in-.Vi |f,.|')'7- iiichcv COlDf d u ll. Uirtclion-.

____$2.50 Jo. ciuti Wlli-in^_n.ia_

,inij " . . in a l ir . j s 'ctiT lo:Ah« BjooJu Ci,illi _____RfjdtfMiii —

Twin F«lt« Time I >-Nnrt■ Rnt 163 Old Clifltfa SH Hfw

------Y(rt.-«’f-101M.-Pnnt-Hjmr.-—Addirti. 7ip. li'illem Numtifi. YOIIR_y)UdR/lfli-.mf';iiriiV<i9o-!"nFrDL[':;Rsrn:ATsrfn]

; 0,ei WO ..Iiit.l Unae-i'. ,) Ini'' DJllcini Sffiil M bO

AIL CfiAn 80(1X5-42-00 CJCh All 84xjL»]tid I'.iUlo^idd iO< each lo* p«tJ([e »nj hndlmi. l35Dolli S Clo'ihn On Pjude

I 134-14 Quick Vlichine Quilb 133-Fnhion II9: ne Quilling 13M}uill Ori(ir.ili 131-Add a DlKlt Quills

I I29Quici V £ .« j IrjnjlKj I IZSEmlope P,ilch»wk Quillj ' I2e-Thiill7 Crjt II rincr]

125 Pj Ij I Qullti

' lUCrixhet wil'h Squjrn 117'e»iArtol N((dlepo>r\t

4-Complele A.f|fijnj 2P.ire Alihjini

'TT— H-tiryTimmwriirrrCrKtiH— 09-Stw+XniM Sasic lime incl)

107lnjljntSfi<«iflj lOSliuUnt F«.hiM lOl tniU ntU onj,. . '

___ lOi-lSQiultjlM.Iijdii--------- -I _____________________

0 7 4 -M u si« .i _ -, , LOWRE'y” ^ ihodrat Spmol

I Exci’condlllpjry 678 .2m

07B-Olfico E iquipmont ! T DESKS, 2 '‘ VhalrV; 2

C'rednnz.ir., 2 liilng cabinuls. - 1 Suvon cop y macnino-4.2

■ misc chair's. Priced lu m;!1,. Altor 6 733-fi430 Dayr. 734-

3838, l>-iKlori;»ay_________

I 077-Radio,' T V iSloreoI-COLOR Tell! visions. Used. — 1nfn.‘ »olocli.,)f>Jjom 180.05—

Kon’a TV 4 ' Appilanco. 420 j n . I n S .T w l n . /

Home comp ononi carpsoiio ,_dotiu -S har»-<btandt-(i.u r> ,— _,loalu/n_s,$e5-r734^lMu«oi._— -, REN TA N EV rrviO w nanow ' color TV by r onlmg. No crod- ; iiors chockn 0.204 Mam Avo.

N.-CAINS-7:i3-7I11. -------


___________________ _

077-Radio. TV & stereo '. USED COLORED ' TV'S.I Quorantood 4 rocondiiionod.

^ortatjloo 4 consoios.• Blacker appilanco 733-1804

r 078-^Fufn. & Carpets ’• A NEARLY NEW Klnnslzo. watorbod deluxe. Paid $470,,

Now $240. Call 734-7105.____r BEAU’-HFUL Largo o lde r'

Dlnlnn- sol with 6 chairs., $250. dan 733-5005. _____

BED DAV'eNOS, Now $169. ..I Bannor733-142t,

BUNK BED SET, usod $39.‘ B_ar^nor733-142J.____

CASH lor good usod ;-fu rnlii;7^«-rH i''-,ippII.m :Q ,tr-;..B ann t;r.733d i2 ]____________< CHINA Hutch A Dullol. $179. -

B_annor^733-14_2t__________A FOAM FILLED Pool Pillows,' 3 'Sizos, Slartmg $40.95.

Bannor. 733-1421, _ ■. GREEN .Swivel Rockor.

U setlr-O n ir-S 3 9 .^S < .n n o r-733-1421.

— LIKE-NEW.davuno, 4 .chai.r_ wilh otieman, nold 4 ■Prown velvet. $325. 733-8239 or

- 733;1334____ ____________

o ? M ^ ^ n ^ c h a i* ts !^ e ac m ^ Slereo consoIo-AM/FM. 8- track 4 record playor, $200;

II Boy's 20"'blke. $25;'nflCUlti I- Molorcrall 4 barrel carb., lor c ~ 460_5y,■ $7_5._734-TOll_._____

NEW SOFA BEDS (Solfd oak a Irames) Reg $229,95. Only- $169.75. BanHe_r_L33-142i^._

ONE OF A KIND- V/ood;- kitchen chaira. Nfiw-SiartingI, $40. Banner, 733042V.____

S'lX-DRAWEfi Chest ol Drawers, while linlsh. Now only $30.05. Cain’a Clear- .anco Cenler, 733_-711_t._____

ll SIX PIECE Ll'ving Room sels, N^wI799, Sanner.733:H2tr - SMA'll Drop Leai Table,

■ NOW $79.80. Banner 733-1421.TWIN SIZE CANOPY BED

. wllh box sprlnqs 4 maltross, $150. Call 934-4§62. _ . , TWO YEAR OLD Sola, sold

l-__fJow___$590.___Nq« _ , ,$279....1. Bonner, 733-1421._________

USED SOFAS 4 Sleepers.___6tatimo.aLS159.95._B.innnr;:

733042V_______________; u s e d ' 5- ORAV;e’R ChosI,;! OjTly $24.00. Banner 733-1421.

VAR’iOUS s o lid wood -- chairs, alarling_nL_$4^..95^P Ban_nex733^2t.^__________ •

WATERBED. Dream wlvol mattress, bumpor pads, header, shoots 4 maliro.is pad. Comnlnlo, $250. Call

- 423-5B45. _____________LDouQIcJjlidJaiLCO.r’di'Lon

$35. 1 queen sizo bocT w/frame, oxc. cond.. lirmmallrc3S$75. 733-7413._____

. 2 MATCHING navy couches for salo. $75 lor both. Call734-1028 altor 6pm.________

j— »/tf-Applian(;t)s ' 'FRIGIDAIRE electric range, like now, almond color. $300 or bosl Cllor. 734-5840 ovm .

■“ ■Gibaon-'Retn'goraToFpi - y r -- old, 13.0 cubic It., almond.

• $325X^i.34:2_610.____i HOT P'OINT Elcctric Range.

noo cond. almond. Only . $229.95, Cain's Cleorance

Contor, 733-71U,j________LIKE NEW R epossessed 25 cu .ll.V /ostlnghousesldoby ,

: cldo Rolor. w/automatic Ico 4 walor. Rog. $1600. only

i $1000. 733-1421.___________NO'RGE WASHER, $160.

- - B n n n n r J 3 y « '. ' , l_______ ■'ONE coal Stokermailc alovo. Also, dutch oven range, llko now. black 4 white wilhw_alor_spjcol..734.6_686_____POWERLIFT tailgate, looks good. loiaily rebulli motor, il2QQorbOStollor. 734-1756

-----RANGe6-$200;-$100-i-$00;-Relrin $350; Trashmashor. $50; Ttashburner. $50; Dls- washer. $150. Microwaves, $195 4 $50. All gauranleed.Call 734^710^ ____________RCA Whirlpool Iront loading

-----•dishwoshor; l yr old. $250 drbest oiler. -23 cu. H. Whirlpool ' chost lypo

REFRIGERATOR lor salo; Good condiiion; $60. Call

- 734-3653------------- : _RUST Print Sleeper. Full sizo, now only $129.95- Coin-s Cloaranco Conlor.

-• 733-7111.SEARS----- HEAVr^— DUTY-Washor. $150. Call alter 4pm

-----weekdays 67^2774,— — —TOP ' loa ding Maytag

___E onoblc_ Dis.hwashor_wilh_-----new itmor,-vory-nood.condl--

Ilon, $100, Call m -5 2 3 6 .____ u se d MayUg _ .W -^ h e r ,_

Prico nogoilaUle. Call 538-2273. _ ____USED ”30" W eslinghouse range, real sharp $109.Banner 733-1421.................Washer 4 Dryor, mips mat- chod. While, oxc- conflhlon. $300_lO $400 sol. 734-8402. WASHER nnd DRYER lorsale. Call 733-8587 ..............20 cu. II. Signature upriphl, gold. Ireozor.$300.324-4170

' O ^H o a tln Q a n d ’ . AirCondliionlng__' _

COMBINMTON Eloclric 4 wood Monarch cook slovo.

___ Q(X«tcnrul-14QQ. 733-1580.HOLCOMB 4 HOKE Fire Tondor coal-slokor lurnace.

-----$150cosh o n rad f^ ^ 4 J1 7 0 ;. SEVERAL'USED .gas un.l

- tio4 lo t5-A -lurnacos. under. $150. Contact Jim at 734-4112ot_734-5273aller6pm„ ___THE FAMOUS Earih woo(^

I burning siovo.-. go on sale, flosidontal ot 'mobili.- homo approved. Start at only $415. Can tjo placed |ust 2 ' Irom wall. Evenings by apnt. In- atoro llnar^cing. Hilchen Post Stoves, 140 >.1onroc

. -.Wost. Klmhotly_«23-402a.- WOODSMAN FIREPLACE . INSERT. Call 423-'1018 or


0&2-Buiidina MaterialsRAILROAD TIES- 11 Hall round, good lor corral posts

------$5;___l i — aouaic___ $0.50^Minimum quanity 25, 423-5 t8 5 a m 's o r o v o 's ^ _____

____RED CEDAR SHAKE^ d lre ct

- -. iruckload. .D ays.3 « - l243. Evf!'s 8S8-4532. _ ROUGH-LUMBER. Troatod POST 4 POLES, FEED-

• BUNKS. 326-3131.-328-5622;,


O a2-B ulldlno^teria l9 '5. s”fEEL BUILDINGS Yoar End

Spoclalsl Siralahlwails; S' 24x50x6. $3783; 40x48x12.

$6265; 60x100x16. $14,762. 1-800-525-8404, __________

'n 2x4 O' EMnomy $1.29.2 5/a T-1-11 Fir siding

$13,05;- • ’A" Peg Board $4,95. y ll5F0lt'45q.$9.95, .

’ Rollod Rooting, whtle, $0,95 roll 3 20" WIdoGalv.inlzod Deliarib tin C3e a lined loot, (Can

3 also ordor colored at 93c a ------- linedfoot.

.JL - ,.._ - .-N 0 R T H W E S T — ' . _ PLYWOOD S A L E S _

3. . . (Behind Unltod Oil). 7 3 » 9 0 9

‘ALL DIMENSION rough ’• -fljm bor. 220-250 per 1000, and- ' irooled posls. 3^6-4069. ___J;___ CEOAnjnlandrod.1x5-tO-.17

Inconco Codar. Redwood rough lumber. 324-2127.

i.r— 32441120____ _____________" FENCE material 1"xD"x6',

Codar ridgocap. rustic cedar shakos, 12 light knot codar

083 -G arage S a l e s _____" -Antlquo oucllon last Sun. ol ” ovory month. • Acceptlnp

consittnmonia e arly 733-7754 COUNTRY GARAGE SALEi

y 10-22 only, 9-5. Shullers, mini blinds, cuslom drapes

d ft rods,'- nico clothes: g - Bentwood- shado, ,io y a ,

child 's blko 4 much moro, it North on Washington to w Canyon Rim Road. 1,4 mllos ^ Irom Gun Club, rose 4 whllo

• h^ur,o~Ontig/i(. 734-2445.END OF YEAR 3 Family Yard

’■. Sale. Frtday, Sat 4 Sun, 0-7.203 Mapio in Hansen,' last

j' houso bast on MaploAvo.^ FANTASTIC Garogo Sale:

Evorylhing you havo always '■ wanlod. GE rango. dolhos.

shoes a more. 527 Moufttotnd View D r,10-5.____________ •’•— FLEAMARK&T-Soturday22,-

Immanuol Lutheran Church.5. 2055 Filer Avo. Eosi, Baked ^ C ; io o d ._ lunch._ household

Items. i:loihlng- Good Shop- i herd Homo lor Reiardoil..

GARAGE SALE.'* 783 El H Monto, Saturday Ocl6bor 22,5 8:30-5:00. ^ ____ ! '~ G A R A G E S A ttrS aT O cIT Z ”

; | tO-6. 6937 Dorm Dr (1/8 milo 5 E ol Eastand on Falls), Lols 15 ol kids loys 4 clolhos. ill household linoris 4 utensils,

0IK05, stereos, sport equip,fn oi£; Road bargalnstu lll____li— HUC'EnNSIDE^S’AtETFurrrr m housew ares, coiloctlbles,

depression glass, avon 4 much misc. Fri 4 Sal 10-5.

,11 304 Main SI, Filor._________

— nNUODR~^” YARD ....

;SALE » FURNITURE)y 1:0 0 p .m .Io 4 :0 0 p .m .' f SATURDAY, OCT. 22 -

o n l V

Consisting ol: Gold chair and ottoman; Ono sot of two lights on chain rwog; Ooubio bedspread jy e llo w ); CUp volvol chaTF; T iirtT uphol­stered lovo seat; Side chair

'3 with beigo covoring: Dining ir, room sullo (8 chairs and L silence boord); Curialns and0;___ hoadBoard:. , ,7-looi, , rustir. daveno.

s All In exceptionally lino d' condition. Earl ond Hazol _■___ F_au!kn,or.___________.

b? - - i740M A PL E W O O D O R .- 11. TWIN FALLS 7 3 3 ^ 2 2)0ir.

INSIDE ^ £ ~ Salurday 0; only, B-5, 181 Morrison. Bag

oaloat4 pm._____________ _ '-----L-ARQ'Ei— clean, -w ell

Jj' organized- antiques, houso* 5- Tiold itoms. clothes, 323 "■ Hoyburn 'Ave. West, Twin

Foils,F rl4Sot9-5.________l a r g e s t 'Ga'rage Salo "In

m Twin, Antiquos. colloctiblos.1------ nirtsnwaro;— X-mas —gtlia.-ig books. You name It wo havo lh - It. Wost Addison Iloa JU-Z^aik01.-Diak0:5Tr:^-t>!ocK;

South ol Addison, SAT.-D-5,R S_ynl0-5,________________

'Many noW ilo m sr LanipS,

' “ ovln°“ ‘cam*on"'4 accoas’ in° otc^^O-S Ocr2’o-'oct M^Miri

VIowDr., Jorom o.324-4715,■ PAfibSALE

n SAT ONLYI Ocl 22nd 9-5. King sizo watorbed head­board. double bod com- plolo. marble lamp lablo, otnalu b rass lamp, vacuum,

’I. aultcases toys, lools 4 3, much misc. 309 Oui.n_cy Sr__

SAT 9-i. Uany.NIco items, n n n o rnmn I’miin. dishos,

---------lo mp3r48fl3 FAMiLy yard sale- big

* picnic lable, octagon card lablo. pull irailor. 4 lots ol

r e B oVa i^A v Q. W q s l^ _ _ _____. 4 ' FAMILY_lCnrago Sale

.. Furnllure snow sklr. 4 much moro. 4 miles North ol Curry

cr. - n rq B r , i n q ^ l4 S a ia 4 -------’2 5 ' 'FAMILY-kilchonwaro,

ste reos, camoras, clothing, misc .F r i4 S 3 i.357 Oulncy.

O0fr-Firewood_<m b 1 / ^ ^ w o od CulTlng”Co. In- Good clean dty plno. Cut. on split & dollvored by som oc load, cord or block. Alsc

avolloblo posrS-poloa (rorr Island Park. Also asper

or availablo-ra-J?6fl ■DRY FlREWOOd, $60'a cordCall_67a-45t7or 678-9776.___~'Ory Plno del. 4 slacked;

jn ia-24" spill largo$60;j3-------Fo~t~3rTtorrpit:Kup:T33-7804.

LET US WARM your hearll ■Cl with our dty. cloan plno jjy— . t 7o/co rd jj5 ^ 42C_3i;3J2_ «M.-yn___ LUCKY PENNY _CHIMNE'

SW EEP.' Free Inspoclion: eo niadiv- Call 734-1698.D- SEMI-LOADS Dry Pine, $100'; • load. 1-C52-3527.Aahlon- -

cl2.r62. ■'

■‘P e o p le /o rf. ling y o u d id a jc

r e m e m b e r h o w i t . " - I l o a - j r d


olia . . , ........................:a n

a S o u ^ _qh is fo u r - h c a r t-g

J_____________p la y e d . w ilh _ lem iR h l h a v e fou

. a T w a y lo 's c o r o . D u m m y ’s ai

^ W e s f 5 - d l a n i o n md th e t r u m p k in_ - d is c a r d f ro mji7'-----------------k n o w - th a t - 4 h e -27. w o u ld f a i l , so .

s p a d e lo h is c 6 'r W e s t-w o u ld m a :

T h e r e w e r e r________Uicet-=i'.i£n-4Hfr

c a s h e d a n o th e i e x i te d w i th t

ol q u e e n . T h isno d u m m y 's d ia m i-f th e r e w a s n o v

E lv e n tu a l ly , V es t r u m p a n d a 1

g a m c w a s ,o n e c 'ol S o u th m a k e sto h e r e m e m b e r s

_ o p e n in g b id p la ' k e y c a r d s

7d I n s te a d o f w in r•7; - , d ia m o n d , a c e '.

• h e s h o u ld a llo w10- t h e t r ic k . W esiys s a f e le a d . Anol’=• le a d w il l n e t 1’ . t r i c k s f o r SoulJj,_________ 'S i t s . o v c r.-W c s t■fl- o th e r le a d w ill

f in e s s e w h ile S

jp*. ■

l l22,

lie '___________________

:s.lls, ------------------------------------ip. OSfr^Flrewood__________ — WlLL-SRUt-voui-llrev^ood.^ ^ $ 1 5 a cord-spilt. $20 split 4 ■'■i stacked. Lowor rales lor lg 1.5 'quanlllos- Forappi 734-2045.

— 087—Plants & Trees

: o a ^ Varloty FoodsAPPLES, BaggotfsRlvorvlew Orchard, - Call543-5004.543-6987._________

, . - - APPLES-FOR.SALE.at-The Shod on Ocl 8. Orchard opens Oct 15, 10-5pm. You pick, 1 mile N ol Hagerman,Dick Pope 637-4477._______APPLES FOR SALE $5 a

Z bushol. Call324.4184.CR ISP4Julcy Red Dellclouo Applos, Pickod, $4/bushol,

• ' FRYER RABBITS. Young 4 londor. Butchored-$3, Llvo-$2.50. Also brooders,

lair Call 326-4854 allor 5pm.LOCKER MEAT. Boel or

bio nool 39-45. Hanging 85-95. 'I 'p Can bo cul 4 wrapped. Porti ’Ol- & lamb, 324-2574._________I S . NOTICEinO This Saturday only Mountair ind Vlow Orchard will p ress youi ust a p p les .Jo r elder. Boltlo;

supplied, Brlng-your apple; to thb orchard. Locatod 2 3/'

ino mllo.s S of tho Buhl Medlca ,201 CenloriFoMnfo 543-6308.

.. RED & GOLDEN Dellclou: .Apples now roady at Akianc

□ -------Orchord. Plek your own el $:2 ' bu. or $4.50 bu pickod. Smal

lolnors. 2 mllos E. 4 m*lles N— 1'/. mllos E olS .E , Comoroday Buhl. 543-6083. ______Bag R££| Goidon Doliclous__■ Jonathon. Rome, Winto«oll.._..Banana & Winosap Applos ISO- Kolloy AppIo Orchard. 1 mile 323 north o f Buhl 543-533J) 0 win Kolloy Garden Contor. Ad

dlson -Ave. .E.. T.wIn Fall:- in — 734-8510.-------------los. RED POTATOES. $8 rtli9.— hundred; 733-5083.------------lavo TOMATOES lor conn

ock c ° r n ^ i l s - v a t ib l id 5 ; ^ i j a tasting 4 cooking, $7/bu

__ 32a-48£a.

0 9 0 -P e ts & Supplies_____Miri AKC Gorman Shephott15, pupploa, Exc blopdlirioa— goodlom poraleo,J75 4$100a.5 430-5522,______________ __5ad- AKC SHETLAND SheepdOCom- Puppios. Sable 4 whllobio, Owks. $150.733-1897.___ ____um, AKITA. Golden, apayed■ 4 shots. 0 months out dooral._ plgylul. $50.034-5410.ms. BEAUTIFUL Wolf-Sable AKC

big BEAUTIFUL DOG HOUSES :ard 3 slzea. pticod right. IZ a ol jo ilo rso n S i, 733-2450.

— D0t3— ppEOIENCE CiaSl— Slorts Monday.'October 24 laie^ -7 ^ p -m -7 3 ^ l8 9 7 o r423:5442

.FERRETS. Young, Ideo ^ housopota. $45 oach. Cal

- 788-2C98attor7pm:------------FREEI Chihuahua. Terrier X

""O’ Lab X. Shepherd X: 4 3 loni [L . hair kittens. 733-B634 bolon

5pmFREE: 5 month old fomalt

Co part Block Lab 4 part Qolfloi Cut Rotrlovor to give oway. Wil-,omi rotrlove. Call !i26-41S4.____Also g e r m a n SHEPHERD. AKC Irom 3 year old Icmaio for place ipen m nntlnrlnh thome. 678-4070— GUN DOG TRAINING

Obedience, ahow. 4 proloc-----lion, Dosort Sky.now occoj)d; tinn apDolnimonls. 326-5800.

. HELPI Tho othor dogs an f - driving mo crazyl Inodd m

__ own_lamlW;Lom n j_m ?n '!old Iomale HoiHevor Lab

)« m Call 825-5169.1 AM FREEI

rNEYlio n s ~ pioomino. 73~2S46. ~~

ONLY 2 SIMSASE Kllleh nOOO loiii Woanod 4 box trainee .......... $3atiach:Call 734-2588, • '

___ ____________________ €

E A C E S ^ ' bc

T f fc t h o iv f j s t - ' NOI J o b ~ b u t th e y w w e i l y o u d id I N e w to n . ^ 1,

WICST '♦ A Q J& V Q 1 0 3

q u ic k to p la y ♦ K Q i o o. " g a m c 7 H a d h c '* K 7le s s . h a s t e , hc_ ................. s o l3und a n u n u s u - J K•o .lil s f ia m e ,a c e c a p tu r e d ^ \

ond k in g , a n d in g b r o u g h t a v u ln c rn l 1 E a s t , S o u th W est. T h e t ie -c J u b _ £ ia c s s c ----------------------0. hc p layed a p“' i king, hoping „ l a k C - . im ls ta k e . ____

n o ‘ m is ta k e s ; , 4& -^£pjidg-Tacs.i:— O p tn i r g t e r s p a d e a n d k ing .■ th e d ia m o n d ___________

5 . e.‘5t a b l i s h e d t im e to d m o n d ja c k , b u t . d u m m y ’s 1

w a y to u s e i t , ___________W c s t g o t a B ld i

1 c lu b a n d th e2 d o w n ______ S ou th hold:c s h is g a m e Ifr s l h a t W e s t 's i la c e d a l l o f th e

w i t h • W c -s t-------- -n n in g d u m m y 's

i m m e d ia te ly . _ ..................)W W e s t to h o ld North Sou i s t n o w h a s no !♦ 2t l o th e r d ia m o n d 2 NT ? t tw o d ia m o n d ,.u th , w h e n A -J A N S W E R:s t ’s_ (H O ._ A n y ___A g o o d j i111 o f f e r a f r e e N o r e a s o r ; S o u th s t i l l h a s g a m e in v i

’ &nd tjridge P.O. Box IJI

, wllh Mlf-add __________________io r reply. , _ I

090-Pets& Supplie3 .3d__ PART- Gnlrmn-Lflh-PuDaloaI & Froo to good homoa. Calllg 734-2445-_______ :_________

i PERSIAN MIX KIHENS. long 4 ahort hair, $5. Coll32&-»0fi._________________


_- I'll board your dog, Chorl :fs Miller Konnela, 423-5 104,:all PURE BLACK German _ Shepherd Police Don. 5ho—m onthcold. $50.360-2375-------}"^ REGISTERED English Sotior ou for solo. 5 monlhs old, $50. a"- 734-6542._________________— SMALL lemolo pup. 6 wka

3 Old, sandy colored, will givo_ 10 good homo. 734-8103. lUS Altor 5:30 733-1736. ,IO'' SUPER Cockor Spanlol _ Pupploa, AKC.-$25. Mual Go. 1 4 C.1I1734-6387.

092-Auction3 ANTIQUE AUIJTION, Wed-

95 noadoy. October 26. 8pm. ork Localod next to tho West

Addison Floa Markot. Blako— St Vi block aoulh of Ad­

dison Wost, Soloclod con-aln oignmonlstakon. For further sur info, call 733-5070.12L Parllal_E9tfltQ_& An!lquo_

Auction- Household'i ' , lurnliuro. Franklin wood

burning Slovo, anilQuos and— colloctloles, , glosswaro. )Ua “ 12-caugo llhlco shotgun, md 3o5o Marlin w/scopo. 357 I $ 3 - R ugarr'saddlom nO -horrjo lali oQulpmeni, many tools. 0”* aomolhlng for ovotyonol ■N. Wed,. Octobor 20. 0 p.m. ro l Weal Addlaon Floa Morkof.___ '.Twin Folia. Call Gaty Oliver,us. 733-5070, .Itor

’ 0“ ^ 9 F a r m e r s ’ m a r k e tAd- ■alia ^ ----------= — 096^Farm 8eed - ‘L . b e e —Bo a r d s ..ior._3tiio,.— 324-e022________________

S CUSTOM GRAIN CLEAN-ufiir;lN Q ^Portablcii=fiaY t:jrour- tju own seed slock lor on-iho-

■ (arm aoed cloanlnn and^ _ - i ^ a t ln g - a u lk c n ly r 6 7 8 ^ .-

— . 097-H a y , Grain & Feed

oa!' ALFALFA HAY- new Mno 100 alom, approx, 16 lona. Call

324-8457, ______________Jog 'APPROX, 12 lon of 1st w i- llo ting hay. $65 a lon. Call

■ 829-5515...................... ....... .....r<d Approx 50 ton allalla Hoy. oil ira! eutllnns.closo In. 733-4810. __ CLEAN wheat slrow lor sole, ,KC 150 balos. $1-25 each- 734- Ihs 3703_or734-0334. -_________

— FOR SALEfOO lcnr?no-4-3rS ES crop Allalla; 40.lona straw; 122 1 5.000 bushels Barley: 15,000

" huV.hnlsW hoal.4234494. »iiii-----GOOCrCtEAN-3TRAW-rfor24. 3010.324-4112.____________14?— HAY-FOR.SALE;.Approx 70 leol tona ol 2nd cutting. $45/ton.-all You hout. Call 788-2068 days-------or 788-3216 OVO-C-------- - — -Fx- ' HIGH PROTEIN slloago lot ,ng salo. Jorusalam or^hoko oro siloago-mokos an oxcHeod,

Higher p rc i ' -

1,“ '® 4 Filor’a rca ‘'p iaco your or- Mnrnow32&-4888.TRADE FOR HAY Home Comfort wood burning aiovc

lorl500,73>2S12WANT TO BUY WHEAT

3 r r 680-2087.1 006 TON HAY. 100 ion lots

X • nT Pnri A 3rd. Call 543-5643.

a-m n23oi5<3J0«).■T I50-lon Iirsl and aocond cul 'alQ----- ii>m -tiaY -«)m o-ralnod-or'i 'j'; iako oll or port. $00 lon or J

— hM hT 32^!»3;i------------— .- -4 0 TONS 2nd 4 3rd cutllnnZ ^50 Of I’y'“ '’•- ..ovon ings,-........................

m 5 - i 0 4 ■;

B O B B Y W O L F F ‘

NORTH lO-Zl-A♦ 03T K 5 -■ •♦ A J 8 3♦ 10 8 6 4 2 ' - ■

EAST & ♦ 108 7 6 4

¥ - - - 0 0 ♦ 7 6 5 4

♦ J 9 6 3 ------;--------------------------SOUTH----------------------------------------V A J9 8 U 4 2 ----------------------------------------♦ 2♦ AQ

crn b le : Bolh. D palcr:'h e b idding;

Nortb Easl South ^Pas.i 2 ^ 3T - • .

All_ pass

0 d is c a r d a lo s e r o n ’ y ’s d ia m o n d a c e . . ,.

J ld w ith T h e A ccs

lolds; - 10-21-B _ J

♦ 0 3 r , 'V K 5 - -♦ A J 8 3 ' -------------- .... / f ♦ i o r ( T 4 2 - ------------ _ -

South2 t

/E R : T h r e e n o - t r u m p , .........d in i t ia l s in g l e r a i s e .i s o n n d l lo a c c e p t thp. "in v i t a t i o n . _ .

idjie qurtttons lo The Acci.1 1JJ8J, Dalln*. T cx« 75214.|.adilr«J«<l. tum ped envelope , \

_ _ _cipyrUliimi' J •

UiillMTunrrf-STJuticsu------------------------ —

097-Hay.G rain8lFeed ',T?Tn 60 TONS Of 1st Cutting hoy. -

woaihorod bul good ol 2nd •; | l i CUtllng.Nqg. 788-3148.

'“ , .099=Farm sForR ent i___’0? Milk Barn wilh eoulpmenl. - - ion '. will handlo 40-N catllo, Haa - . ,__ 2 bdrm Trailer house also, 'ian 543-5808 mornings,________ , • .

5 WANTED, farmland lo rent In---------B uh l-o r-C aoilo lord—aroa-------- --tior Havo oxcellent lino ol 150 oquipmont. llnonco ond rol- , ■ .

oronco, Timos-Nows. Box , .^ 5 E-53. Twin Falla. Id. 63301 .Ilvo WANTED: Form nround Iri .103 Twin Falla, KImborly,

Hanaon. Muriauah oroo lo ■1^1 Cash Loose or Crop ahoro.To. .

• 099-P astu res For Renl

_ :ifo oasy to advortlso In :cl033lllod.Just call 7 3 ^ 3 1 .

BM 102- C a t t l iANGUS BULLS 4 replaco- monl hollers. Howard AngusRanch 543-4915,___________BULLS lor ronl or sale. Oalry cowa 1 honors for salo. Bill

°Jd COLOSTRUM FEO day oldind ■ calvos lor aalo. Contaciiro. Kora, Mogic Valloy Dairy.un. 438-6202. 357 COLOSTRUM Diartod hellorrr!0 -o n d 'b u l la “ calv6tt” fo foo lo r3la. Call 324-3433 or 324-5088,1? ' COLOSTRUM STARTED Bull ' ‘

Calvos lor aalo, 324-7380,,or; For Sal(W oroo|j Dairy cowa,

iBlernd or nrado. Production .■■■■ ond brooding rocordo

avaliablo. 543-5711.________r k e t SELLING THE DAIRYl Must •

soliaO hoodolgoodholatoln— ____milking cows. Isl 4 2nd ______ lacta tion.543-1094._____ -_— THREE Vt blood SImmontal .o lo.„_cow 3.4,.1^H cilor lo .eoll.ln ■_______ March: throe 7/8 SImmonloi ,AN- bulla. M m;^j^^Vornal's .

!h0- WANT " T<>" THAOEr ond nallon bulk lank for 600-600 •m .— oallon bulk lankr436-9349.----- 1----------“ 12REQSIMMENTALBULLS. •

3/4, 7/8 & Puro Brod, IVi-2 ) yeara old._Coll 324-2049. ^

104-Horse8 jA GOOD CHARIOT TEAM. ^

Call ROM, broko to rido. Call___ 487-2848._________________/.o il ABC'S Of horaomanship 4 to. pleaauro riding taughi. Alao ,oio H artman's Family Fun Form.734; 733-1939._________________

ANGLOARAB GELDING. 12F3TO— yeBrB-oldr-ClaMy.-$600-or— i-------“ i,; boat ollor. Call 423-5460. ’5,00(i BROOD MARE. Sired hy J . ' Rocky Barred by Barred, !

— Ijan> ilgh-M i»chlo l-by^p— 1-------tain High. In Ioal' lo Oon |

- - -J, ■ _ . OISPERSALSALEi !

......... .. Draallc Oflco rctJucllon on 14, ) ', .r r : , hood of lop performanco '

horses, Proapocta 4 brood , maros. Doc's 0 DONIS, >Doc’s Molboc, Spanish

" Boss. Finol Alolr. Major Bo- J nonza, Hoza Commander, t

" willnenollalo. 720-3000. |TTTT. GENTLE 5 yoar old Golding. ;

Bfot'o '0 rido 4 work. $800.034US92 ovenlngs.________ ,

. . HorsoDtJougm-soid-iraOod. I Homo of Ooe‘« Doctor.

93-LIvostock. PH. 733-6055. ' HORSESHOEING, grnduaie ■' Farrier. 12 years oxp. Roles,

= 5 ^ 423-4217 KImborly Qllor6pm. pa in t POA 0 yeara. runa borrols 4 polos, good, lor

yj "O' goat iloing, mako good 4-H••'ino— D r-bucftaroo-rodeo-horaer-^------------- 543-4008.________________S'iV '’ REG. Appaloosa Mato, 13 '

— yra-oldr^xpertoneod-huni------------__Ino horsn„casy.Ioador_$600. -----

----- or best ollor. 3?4-6405. _ • 1Rog. AOH Brood mare. V yts ; . old, $750, Foal woanod in •

.. •..,.,Snnllhl3vfliir.Call543-537}. ; ...........

Page 27: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

Pmm■ io y to rM 8 _ j__________

SILVER Troo Farm roducllon L m Io: AQHA Brood maros.

- t e a m - o f Won .matchfld PInlO Mul09. Broko 10 wofk «pneK.lS00.93MaKovo8. WE’RE noi horso pooplo- wanl 10 9611 Pfo'ty Wol3h Dony J16S or Boal oKof.

, fe4-i56l_________________

- , - 105-HoreoEquipfnont■ PULL-TYPE and 00030 nock

- “ now4'U9o<J-tralloro or» dift-—Bmy, Farmora Excfianno.

0Qortnan;"B37-82S4 <IOya,- 733-<B32ovoa._________ __.. WE BUY & soil uaod aaddloa '■ & tacKo. Vlcko»’o WoBlorr)

SlotCB 733-7006.__________ •■,16' 4 HORSE THAILEHS,

__ _ Ifl- .qinfk IfntlPrnIJ695. Hllchin Posl Trailora, Kimborly. <?3-<029.2 HORSE TRAILER, Slnfllo

. axlo. hoovy duly, now lloor._ J ^tWOfboal oiler. 7?fl-83rS.

— n ■" i » ~ 5 i t n t w ' -----\^A N 0R PIG S. loodor plg^ .

' RoQlslorod ham boar lor- aato-Call 324^5697 aliof 5pm.

• -1D8-ShMpLAMBING SHEDS lor Sato.

' About 24'x 50' & 24'x 112'. CallS434aa2.____________

- . REGtSTEnED-OubolS-Poly___' Pay yoarllnj) ram. Soloclod

lor twico a yoar lamblnn. Born 0 Irlplot. Dam has 3.20 lomb avofaoo. $4S5.423-4713.

I 11&-PouHry&RabbitsBARN YARD ducks, whlloa,- - mallarda. & muscovy. J4 or $7.50 a pair. 536-2754.YEAR OLD Logoof Hons, lof laylno lor aTowlng. $1.25 o a e h j:^ ! l j2 j ;4 m ______

. - 312^friflatlon___________ __FALLSPEOAL

’ 12" IBaauaogolv.plpoU.SO_ ' por'_ ll. Armco Inc. 1700___|

Kimberly Rd.. TF. ID 733^153 ■ or all. 5 p.m. 423-4892.

GATEDPIPE ftundorgroundPVCj i

_ ' A moinlrr^a llon4 Supply

' NEED 1 or 2 whooi llnoa in :oood condlllon. 67S-0676. i

' Wo aro D new do«lor lor i ' ComJOalod Moial Culvert• Pipo. Ail aizos In stock In- i

_ cludodJO'- dla. S o o ualorall i" .'your UfigalTon plpo noodoT" I

' BOB BAILEY PiPE SALES |, 733-4013davornlQht |: 8x10x15B AURORA PUMP. I

Usod only 1 yoar. Includos i___ LJ5Q_fior30_PQwot_eIaclflc . ,

motor, baso plolo 4 coupl- . ------- Ino. «aOO. 54W012____— j

113-Farm Suppll9s....................1 . . Q RA V EL_. top-...Q uallly j

cruBhod foad-way maiorial & | top aoll. Dan Skoom. 543- (B0a2or734-S206__________QRAVEL- FOR SALE | Dotlvorod by tho load. CALL530-2511.________________500 GAL. Ulano lank & 7'/i horao singlo phaso motor.

; Ilko now. *11934-5318. ................

114 -Fann ImplementsAC.4.whool dr dloscl Ioador.

_ 2 yard buckol w /cab. Roadyl -S7^.543-fl082Of734-8?W. ' ' CASE DiESEL 1210. 65 horsowith loader. Only 1,800 Ihoura. M500. Call 324-5906- I

B CATTLE TRUCK BED. Newlloor. ramp wllh sidos. groal icondlllon. S1200 or boat ol- I

-------tof..Call324-aiS5or.734-22a7. 1Ford Comandor 6000. JD S80 'Swathor 14' w/contJIilonor. IAlao othof mlac machlnory. '543-4015 atlofSpm.________ I

Q GRAIN-O-VATOR. Tandom |■ H axlo. QOod condlllon. JI500. I

y CallS3fr^435._____________■HESTON 30A FEEDER, now, <J5900. Coll Glon Jonoa 824- _ !S513.____________________ I

- - J D 4440 Quad c a b i air, low ‘houra. JD 4840'powor Iront, 1low houra. W ^ uado. Bill i

JO 4S30. 4520 & 4030. All wilh 1 duals & cabs. Excoliont ) cond. 678-2057or 878-3074. I

BIG P I o n i T

-------- ARHADE—"BY H S IIN G

rO U H SfR V iC t iN

• IHIS .

-------------------------- ADVERTISE—YOUR


Placod undor tho hosdino _ — yourchoJcol----------------- u

• Your ad will roach '22,0 • • fomlilas ovoryday- ana il

rosulls wlil amaze you.' C. today and ono ol our Iriond Ad-Vlaors wiii holp you wo your ad so that it will t moat olloctivo and bring y< Iho rosulls you aro iookli lor.

: - ■ ■ -733-0931- ': . BLDG MAINTENANCE

•Bulid»Ropali»Romodoi Small loba a spociaily. Vi dom oslovorvlhlng7i:-2t7:BRICKLAYER___________Cuslom Firopiacos, brie biock&rockwoik.Call Bill nt 734-7201.

Romodollng. ronovallon- small repaita- O v^20 ^ a i

- ~ Froo oaiimaior4?3-4528.-—CARPENTRY ._________

—'1 No.< construcUon,-------nmodoling. coOlnois _ .

- .fufnltufe.Chaflcs,734-3r44:

* o o D < g g » s ^ i m < a

t14-FQnn Implements

> . Noilco of PubllcSalo:___.. Masaoy Forguaon Ciodii ) Corp will ollor the loliowlng

roposaoased oquipmont for J salo to lho highest biddof lor 5 caah. . .

EQUIPMENT: MF 7G0 Ccm- bino.

, OATEOFSALE:10-2l-e3 TlMEOFSALE:98m PLACE OF SALE: Maasoy Forguson Saios & Sorvlco, Burloy. ID.Tho oquipmonl will bo sold

c as la. wllh warranly. For------lurlhor-lnto coniaol-Goorno—. __ Main 733-5900._______________r..... Soo. ino Now Jllly 3 round

balo Icoder'fi movor. Call 1 BlilLounhmMlflr733-57ei.• WOODEN SPUD BED - J200. Cali 324-0185 or 734-

? lnriru,^nH pnHln pllare__with alingors. 40' booms. 1 haa Mortoc applicator. H.

I Schullo. 825-504^________ .282 NEW HOLLAND BALER.

■ Exc.;condillon. S2500. Ono — J.D ^nnufO np^pador P.T.O.

'- 440 INTERNATIONAL Balor. , $1200 or will trado lor livo- alock. Call 034-5370. '6 ROW CORN HEAD. Maasoy Fornuson 83C quick atioch. Cali 324-3110.655 MASSEY FERGUSON 15' - Swathor. J1600. Cali 825-5609allorapm._________________

1 6850 HESSTON awalhof. liko now. Donahuo swathor trail-

I or. 10' AC disc on rubber. 837:4408.

115-FannW ofk- BAUNG, . - SWATHING,- .

STACKING, CORN & HAY . CHOPPING, (aoll propollod).i Manuro hauling, ground work. Rock pickor. Will trav-

' 01.543-6886,543-4011.CORN COMBINING. Gloanof •- rotary & convonllonal com-

- oinosw litrer^& 'Srw -hoads-10 match your pianlor spac-

I ino ior bosi poasibio (ob.I 034-5003 or 837-4955.


Call BrontBowor543-8974. CUSTOM BAUNG. 3-wldC

___atacMnn. t^avo^^man^^wllh__

543-4048]________ ________ 'CUSTOM BEAN COMBIN­ING. Lllllston comblno. Call734-4081.________________CUSTOM manuro hauling. hnyj5(ilinQ_S siaeklno. ClyJo M ossonner. 324-22457 CUSTOM SWATHiNG, bal­ing & slacking. Call 543-575811 no answer call 543-8069. EXPERT CuBtom Plowing wllh orwiihout Aqua Ammo-— nia. Contact B:ian Allan or

— MIKo-Mltior,-fuit Clrclo lnc. 'Twin Falla. 733-5671._____HayOuster Doalor- For Soll/Ronl- Tub grinder, $2

.....por.ton. 10’ wido tock picker.......No lll-drlll w/lorlilizor. 733- 0381.0icKParroll. ■

MANURE SPREADING Loo'S Custom Farminn. Ftior

326-4964 or 326-4703-


■ laP A v la iion J ” "

BOATS, motors" sT r"aTl- ' ERS. Magic Valloy Marina^ .2V^W.on30-93.73M141. Croatilnerl?' Tri-Hull, V6150 Evlnrudo, Shorollnor iraiior,

__ 5M_Johnson ironing motor.__ski OQulD.t3500.734-4010.DUCK HUNTERSi now 20' Valco Rivor Boat, moior & irallor, t3950. B37-6383 ovo's.

__ Evinrude 4 Morcujy Motors,boats 4 'n a h ln n iackio. Tom'a Marina & Sport Gds. Hovburn/Burloy. 6?8-7473.Sea King 7V^HP boal molor.

■ Exc. cond.. runs nood. S150. Call 733-7445, 734-2056.13' GRUMMAN Aluminum Boal, nood condition. S345. -733^13»._______________16’ Fiberglass boat. w/50HP Morcury 4 l«lr, Excoliont (IShlnoboalSlfilW. 734-5363.

S ______

~ ser a n <

ChIm NEY SWEEPCleo’n .^prbroi'sror a l compolillvo pri

LTY Top Hat Chlmno;RY 324-3423.

-----------------CHIMNEYSWEEP-Iilngol Fasl 4 olliclenl. I■ . ___pfiaQ.w/ovory vlall,

rush-call now, 530-1 22,000 CUSTOM'fURNITUa Iho“ - ‘ cualom doslgno '•C nn turo to moot your

neods. lor homo 'ill hn Exocullvo Doalnns.IgySS DRAFTSMAJj____ 1loklng L. Kramor 733-09

Struct., Arch-, R Moch.. Tocn. Ulu: GRAVEL a TOP SO

____ For dilvowayn— lots. Olc. You haul'

dolivor. Norlhwe: Wo nnd Rlgoing. 733-1.2

■2t77 GRAVEL-________Top quallly road-way nmaterl^ aoll,D anS koem .5734-6206_________

------ U^NDSCAPPINQ —r r ^ Pruning 4 comp

cleanup. Sunaot I

interior a oxtorioir r ; : . ------------- iJ o n c o s . Lowest i

...ofltr676-4807or733:l a i : ; - ' - . - - A - ' ...........

m r h < s t - A r m t

121-Boato4AccM S.

— 1979 ST175 SEASWIRL OMC 11 M/O wllh Eaiy Load traiior.3 Liko new. 20 hra on onolna. r $7000 or besl ollor.324-57SI.< .1984 SEASWIRLS Aro now

on Display at Magic Valloy Marina. 2V Wosl on Hwy 30 403.^3-6141.___________

y 122-SportlngGoods. BROWNING 12 Gauno Auto.,

wllh 2 baffols.,Asking J450,.. ,3 Can 734-8544. -__________

GUNSFOnSALEI>------------w i r d T ^ im o ^ j : -------------------------Call734-a402allorS ---------\ PACIFIC DL-105 12-g8upe—' shot shell roloador on lablo,

shot & powdor die. novor ucod$85 Cail734:OS94: .

■ Rugor Modol 77. 243 cai- w/m ounls. J225. Rugor

* Blaekliavt k 35 mag t t ! 0mm------* cyl.. Liko now, 1200. Ro-

mington modol 788. 223 cal. w /mounis, 500 lounda ol ammunition. $225. Call 733- -•.

} 7445.734.2056___________ .STERLING 380 auto, holsior.

' Ulimto.—TTwu--iinTrz:r " ——»»— — 5363. _______ ____

* ' WINCHESTER Modol 97, 16gauge luil choke. ti75. Wlnchostor Modol 50, 12 Qougo vont rib automaiic.

' fuilchoko. $195. Cali 733-6817 , 270 RUGER with 4 X Woavor

' • ocope. used vory lllllo. CaliJ 423-5869.________________ ;—- -7mm magnum aportStlaigot___ :) tlllo, Douglas barroi. Sako |

acllon and lings. Rodliold . 6x18 scopo. cuaiom stock.

now cosl $1229. asking $495. i 733-4240- • ■■ • _ - I

,- . 125-TravolTfallera 1• r DEALER (or SilVorst.-oak j

j ' Trallors. Farmors Exchango. ] Hagerman. 837-6294 days or733^932ovos- _________ <

f . - FOR SALE or Irado 36' tS80 - ' Nomad Slh wheol. built-in '

r -uiachor-i-diyor.-vory-good-----cond. LoadodI 536-2545.

HITCH HIKER - ' 1081 Nu-Wa Filth Whool, 29',-

------Immaculalo-------- condllton,------ 1loadod with oxtras, awntng,TV antonna, and much mo/ol Prlcod to sell at TRAVEL

*----- TOWN. 643 2nd Avo. S.. TF. i !----- Call.73440Cl, -------1



•■SoManyWaysToGoFor I_______ ThoQualllylnLIIO." [

Travol Trallors Irom 19' to ! I 33', Fillh Wheols Irom 24' lo

3 5 'Torrillc solociion oi Used Trallors 4 5th Whools, all

\__ pricod rl3m !________________

- - B O ^ J f f ir m tp E N T E R40D BIk. Overland Avo.

B u rle y. ID. Ph:678-M76! 12' TRAVEL TRAILER, naa 1......Slovo, Icobox, $500JObO-------

Gracoman Trailer Courl. 140 Addiaon AVo. Waal. II5A.16' ARISTOCRAT,.gD3/0i0C rolrlg, atovo & ovon, lurnace, now Urea, aioupa 6.Exc. condilion. $1700, Call I

I 733-3406 or 734-5080. i1970 13- TRAILER- Soil con- talnodi cloan.-nood condl- Iion.$2400.733-7fi23. ^1976 FIRE!3ALL 2AW. AC.

----- Eazy llll hilch 4 aquallzors,oxcoilont cond. 734-5607.

■ 1077 MARAUDER 35J Park_ modol TrovclTrailur. $7BOO.

; Cali 734-0511.____________•, 1980 MAYFLOWER8*35Park ^ Modol. $8990. irado (or any.

thing. Brockman's MoblloI Homos, 438-5707._________

24Vi' Doluxo Komlort, Lg----- »el«ln. will oioep 7, nico bath.—

Usod vory litilo. $5750 733- 4019 or 734-3™

126-C am per3iShells “ 8' CAVEMAN Campor w/Iuii”

overshot, many exiraa. vory good condilien. 734-2491 ovo- 8’ • SELF CONTAINED CAMPER. $400- Call 034-4692 ovonlnas.

■ 127-MotorHome31077 26' Diplomal, loaded, nood condliiorj. 4300 mMos i^JKW-maKo olior 536-2920.

r v i c e g u l i

i d d i r e c t o

|P ________ ________ PAINTINGsronai woik inioiior/oxioilopricos- Call oxp. Roierenc£

moy Swoop Parnllno324-3K

SiVBSeinj j ;1. Free our- • orice.Call 734-7

K n ! ' " ' ’® - -i t i iE i ............. .............Comm/Farm/Hjnod lurnl; oxp. T34-5732.

p a pe r in g / pai

ins, OT-3S95. Wall Paporin— ■----------- specially. Also— —--------- : lorior palntirJ-0922 ovos. -wintor rates. 07

Rondoiing, to r ovos 733-907-M y i £ ! L pX um binq

------ -- Boyoia Plumn parking ptoto piumblnjuT orw ocan----------- noods. Callwest Crano 034-8233.

-------- PLUMBING ANI' Slulzman's Piui

crushed Hoating & V;rremodel 4 ropi

1.543-8032 or Quality aorvlco.:----- QUALITY PAIN^

impieto Fall oxt°F°roo*oslim;)t Landacnp- - I0am-9pmor73:

ROOFING----------- ----- TSS Roollnnrlof, houses ipn, Pioe Eat.?3yO074'' rr'mori*'! aririoi

i t o x m ^ t u x o ^

-• 'N o w U l PUT SOME rofCi s o THEY CAN TURN WEA\

127-M otor Homes APOLLO

1681 -30 'C lass A. Roar bath modol. Low-mlioa," cloan 4 sharp. Fully loaded. Musi soo lo appreciaio. An oxcoplional molor homo al an oxcopllonoi prico. Como

-----^aoo'uITTWVEL TOW NrStr—2ndAvoS,TF.Call 734-2001. BEST UTTLE RV Lol In tho Countryl Bo auto to soo tho

. largosi, isntaalie,-cloan in- . voniory oi guaranlood RV's now on diaplay..-Whorofiricos- aro lowor..only^tftB_:; inost al Intormountaln

Molor Homos. Wondeii536-2301.________________CLASS A i^OTOR KOME lor ronl. 21 (I., aioeps 6.733-1027 or allor 5pm 733-8244

__________ EU DORADO____ .__ _1082- 26' mini, roar bod down. Party Modol, loadod wllh gonorator, tool air, a n d .

___ moroLLow.miloa^in.oxcop-__llonal condition. Como soe it al TRAVEL TOWN. 643 2nd Avo-S.,TF.Cail734-2991. ' MOTOR HOME-FOR-RENT;:—

NEW 29' PACE ARROW lor ronl. Stoops 7. Cali 678-3938allorSpm,_______________

PACE ARROW 1972- 20- Class A. Roar dlnnel modoi. Good clean

— condlilon-and prico to-solLot— only $9,995. Como aoo It al TRAVEL TOWN. 643 2nd Ave. $-.TF.Cail73<-2991.

_ „T iO G A : ______

■ "Amatlca'aBost . . . f^OtorHorf\o Valuo."

Seo our aoieilion ol .uaod Moior Homea. FANTASTIC!

“ BONANZA RVCENTER ^t450BIk.OvofUndAvo.burtsv.lD. Ph:67^9478

1074 24' LEASURE HOME. 52,000 miles, oxcoilont con­dilion. $7000. 934-5316.

175-Auto Dealers •

toe1974 JEI

V-H. 3 «pood, 4X4, chrorr va t lop. roody lo go hunti

O N L Y . . . . '


140 W * tt324-4318 JTO.T

______i f

j d e Z Z Z Z

orya i i i E c m z n e r V

---------------------- f i w iloilor, 15 yraoncos. Spencor'a out-ol4-3057.324-5235. C abCINT^EXT.----------------------- W .It. Roiiabio. Low Andr34-7l30. - - Sproyi

Painting. Troo(H/Homo,-30 -yro--------------- m lno-32. Jim 'a/PAINTING UPHOloring ta our MagicVl3orntorior4ox- Froo.Intlng., Spociai MatnoJ. 07M807 collect - --------9074 734-7140.I____________'lumbing, Com-nblna ft sowor S etall m 2 2 7 8 -Of jf j-

lANDW ELDIi^ PlacoiPlumbing, yourc V;Dlding. Now,

ropair. Fieo oat. YouritIco.733-7124 - famlllt AINTINOi— raioiT—mt—s --------------- adtW :jllmatoa. 733-7846 " “J ' - ; !L P^i6±A _L I.,

J ____— Ihft renn & Romodol- for. Eat. build now.Iri on, 473-5419.

s ' - , . ,


^ A u to m o t iv e


fiFTQ F414 '’chrome Basket whools for sale. $250 or bosi ollor. 734-7734allor4pm .'WE REBUILD Hydraulic Jacks at ABBOTT’S AUTO SUPPLY, - 305 -S ho sh o n o -Strool Soulh, Twin._______

-19S0.Toyolp PU bod, $375;— BUckot soat, $85: Chrome

bumpers. $75. Soo al S. W ashington, brick houso actosa form water lank.351 Cievoiand Modol englno. Runs but neods ovorhaul,

. $250. 543-4525 or 543-6097.— ^40CALVUptIahlga3lonk-tor“

pickup. $M; Unused torque convortor for Chov 350/400,

' $50.423-5549. ________


— 135-^clB3&Supplle3 — HONDA XL165S. Ilko now. sllli undor warranty, $800.Cali 823<i43._____________lOra YAMAHA 650CC spoclal, lots ol oxiras. $1000. Catl 438-5014._______________

■136-Heav^&iulpmw t

JOHN DEERE ---------------- USED -------------


J.D. 500C Backhoo, $19,500,J.D. 544 Lcedor, $24,500.Wabco 777 Grador, $17,500.

^ ELLIOTTINDCO:,"^-111 OveiUhdAvo.

Burley, ID67M787

Bob Houston. Saios Rop H om oPhono ......... 733-1400

175-Auto DeaJera

S k T "

EEPCJ55mo_>poko whecl». con- ntlng. good lookino-


,m. 734-6565

A d v o r l l to ------l o r 'o t l l i t io a s - -

—— - ^ - l - p o r d a y ” *



■oMown runs- Yollow I Company. 733-1538.•E a^SHRUBTRtMMIHCr-------------I Removal. Gem aylng Sorvlco 733-4206.

B A Shrubbory-'lrlm---------gJ:rflQoat_In3utBd________ ____'3TrooCafO-734-1484.-lOLSTERY___________jlc Valloy Uphoiatory.0 osllmalos. Call John noy 734-3535.

r « u « c n tlS E YOUR


:od uniJor Iho hoadina ol rcholcol

1 ad will roach 22,000 lllos ovoryday and Iho jllo will amazo you. CalllyjtruLono oLQUiJrlQndly_______i/lsora will help you wordr ad so lhat It will bo ll oiioclivo nnd bring you re sults yotf-gro-looklna------



CASE iTractorSpoclallsls !

----------CASESaO-DLdr/Bh ]Cab, Air. Extondahoo '

■ J34,000JO 4840 ;

j Cab, Air, Dual. PA-lronl__________ ^32,000

BURKSTRACTORCO. ------------73«M3------------

------ Klmb;.;f bLfld. £.-Twln Falls------

SMALL* Hvsior lorkllil, i' lowor, $1975. &37-83a3 eves.

Add on to y o j lamily by adopting an adorable cal or

I— do^r-Use-clMJiliotfHo-llfMJ-a—oeivoucaniovo-

For Sato Two Fork litis, 20’or 30' roach, roujih larrion. Car trailer, 18'. Two air com­prossor. 1W-4150 PSL Mlil-

_ « i _ i 5iiMttLnnnnr«lor. ,F o id .„ , . • flM irtbior^67&:4S07.’ ~ "


1970 FREIGHTLINER. 400 cummins. 13 speed. Also 40'

' bolted tralior 4 2 0 '-ficholl apud bed-432-5338. '

, WE WILL PAY CASHtan074 ' .&.ft0 wcrP.U.8 4 4x4's. Alao 1977 4 nowor Aulomoblios. FrnnlinrMnini^ 7^4-8340.

' ■ l75-AirtoDeaIer8 V


Wo'va lold over 600 ci Ci,-iiomBrs. . . lel » x p < r i

FREE LIS•.G cim ora .fo ryou r, . ,

vohicio:• W oodveriiioyour

- vohkic:• Wo <oko trodo-ins on

you'vohitio;• Woquoilly buyeri •

nob ^ y coll your homo;-• We do lhe

— octUDt»olllna: —-

R ^ M O I

^^1 n r

^ £

] [cti

■■ . V . ' i~ r | A c g- B ffH I O L U C L A k c S h

rrM i;.v,0«

Mt^-Tnjciu ___-1950 'K'cnworm'!' 220 Cum­mins. 4 4 4 iransmission. SLHD roar onds. 5.29 ratio. Goodcond-Cali 5434974.1050 Ford 10 whooior truck, molor blowen. air braXoa, brownie, iransmission, roar onds okay. An is, 423-4194 1D68 FORD lo n pickup.360, AT. nxcelliTl condlllon, - , $2^_3«-5408 or 324^22._ .

_ 1969’ CHEVY Heavy duly i •___lori-dumQ-t'-UCK Duals now

hoist - 4 moior. body 4 mochanical In oxcolloni

---- condition.-Matre oUcr.- NO___Saturday calls 733-i2RS------------

■ 106'9 Chov"fialekiiciro*cyli' " auto irana. runr, nood. $425. 73-1-72 30.

, 196'g ford PU G cyl.-lEmpo. •! r -Spd, 6.000 milos on rehuHl,_m 0lQ f^0Q 0d llro?.326-^??3-------

1973 Ford Vi lon pickup. 4 spd. V6, Sholi. Mako icason- able oiler. 734-8821._____ _1973 GMC Vt lon. V-6. aulo. Powor slooring, $675. 536- 66C6dav5.

Spociai. 454 auto, air, PS, ___ P&. Crulso, $2400. 733-3458.

1974 CHEV Vi ton' ShoVI ■ Whool Baso. 350, 4 spood.

Call 326-4675 a liorepm.1974 Ford Pickup \^lon. low miloage. 2 new tiros, $2500. 432-5502.820-5280 allor 5pm.

I ' 197B CHEVY Ltjvrcom plolo-- ' .ly ovoihaulod, good body,

good tires. 49,000 miloa. $2200.324-335.1

‘ITS 'AutoDoafers

l o N A ^F I N D E R SILL'YOUR CAR"D c a n lor Magic Valloy xr* * » « e» e ll y o u 'l l______

ISTINGS. .•-.WojKindi'.'.nli_______

nolory pnpori; •• W>> di'.pioy your^

• W ehovobonK ijj no:- llnanelno ovailable- - ^ 1

W e H a

m m m i

I - J 9 M C H E

I No.il-6fl -4 As Low As . . . . .

— 1 9 8 4 W 1

I i-N or4= 51-------------------------II As Low As ^

I 1983 CHEV

S 'N b T 3 r4 3 5 -----------------------^ As lo w A s ...........

I W C H E 'H

S n o . - M O

3 As Lo\v As . .

.SN O nT H A N D PO L E L IN E R r? /7DD :iO.Tl

O c in t.o r? !-iq S 3 7iiTi»'5-Ncn%

■■ . M1« -T n > clu -\ 11980' DODGElSo’eVyi .'’45 pd. \\must aoii. $3495. t^aii 678- p1178 Of 676-4320.________ e1983 DATSUN PICKUP. T.Standard bod 4 iow miitir.. n733-8010. ____ . . . 51TB FORD RaKiGER 3/4 Ton. o.Mochanlc.tliy riound- good 11condilion S3500 326-46M. o

■ 1976 C'ho'v'i lori'w/.MetiM'lal-•bed. Ilko now. Low mllns, ,,$3995. Call “

1 7 5 ^ u to Dealers 1

B ^ ^ T o i m

_ B —1 1 ' * ' _____hB~ ,r,;r~,;.-:TrTTnf,iTTy-HTt;. , i i

□ 1974 DODGE’/2 IB ........ ............ ,g . S JU S iT ..........................

Q -------------m C H E V R O L n

I BliiV w *Tr««iom T--.-.. . .

I 1982 MAZDA 626!

n ' 19MVWSC

- * - ^ ^ ’ " ” 973 HMD

- B - S f r ? ; : : ; : : : .............

I , 1373 DAISUli n ..... ■ •B ■rvima'eeM CtJtLa..............

■ 1380 TOYOTAI JOOOOotli.oltr.1.1 JlM»d

— — 5:. «o'.. •

' ® "M ooleVeiiey'irm

1 409 Second Ave. S.. Twin ' a ' a C3 a i a D

a v e ■ I

P f O K O P S I

ievys iF ^ -

/Y; 104X4—


= i 3 i r.VY%™ I

S I . l i j y il' .................. r-

M qM »•*)!,

Ncnvr., Twin Foils. Idaho c-9

IQ 4-M €> : ■

1<0-Tnjcka 'iF7^ MAZDA LONGBED Pickup. Campor shell, good cond, $2200/consldor irado.734-6058 early mornlnns.1970 DODGE Club 3/4 lon.59.000 miloa. $3500 or beat____ •elier. 733-2872 alter 8pm 1978 F7W) FORD, new 370 ongino. new llroa, 5spd.

. . Hans., 2apd roar axle. Now combinallon 16' giain/boot body. 324-8686 or 324-3456.

175-Auto Dealers

'/2 TON PICKUP “ ■.... * 1 4 5 0 VlLETSI)BURBAH--y - a ..... -


: : .......

126 SPORT COUPE ■* 7 4 9 5 :

1 SCIROCCO ■ _____L.. * 6 9 9 5 5jaOARH------------- H— —

* 7 0 5 0 ■____SOHPICKOP ;

* 9 9 S ■ITACaiCABT ■

* 6 3 9 5 4 —

r a p O R T i - a‘i I'mporl Leeder’’ _. Twin Falli • 734-6100 ■■D ' B B B 'B B B B t a l -----

? i

l i j -

" 2-O U G H IS ! G - C H A 0 f i l _ ; _

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Page 28: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

. 141-Van3________ t■ ‘1009 v w '^ a . oxc, cond-

' '.B a c i l l lc o {1195. Also 10C9 Ford Van 0 cyl. Body noods

. work, motor good. MusI ooll.- HOP. 734-7?00.____________

ie a i CHEVY Conlompo Van. " “ Bhowroom " corw r''1? ,000- ' tnllos. doluxo aiOfoo

eyolom. MuDi ioo lo appro- cialo^^^S137mos^^^^or(or.

lo s t CUSTOMIZED- VAN. Llko now. 31.000 mllos. Im-

..._____ maculaio.condllion_J13JM._Call 678-9534.____________ •81 FORD Econollno VanI

_______Corpot.-buckoU3flal..maos... . . . panolino. JGOOorbDSloHor,

- b_q[oro 9 or all 5. ■

142-Im port Sports Care• ‘ . 'AUD1 1082.GTCOUPE.Scyl.

• S npd, low, low mllon. Still— uhoof wbfbnly. Air, cruiSffT

; Bun root. From W.D., MUST- SELLI 733-07S3.734-1070. -

MUST SELLI 1931 flonaull LoCar. 2,700 mllos, aun roof. 40 MPQ, flood llres. Toko

__ o vnrcvmla.eZMOPOn ltS ,- .MUSTSELLI- ------

1981 PorsCtio Oil SC. 5- spood. oloctric aun rool,

' powor windowa. air. am-fm----------- oascstio-sti5fnQ_;iilumlnurn

' wtioolB, PotolN llroa, llko now. m usl soo lo bollovol Call today-345^10, (Bolao).

. r - 1970 Audi 4-spd, looks QOOd. — runs—ooodi—leavtna—lown-

T -• mu3t3olllt075.324-3W4. __• -1073 VW Squaroback, robullt

'm o to r, excollont rubbor, lunod up & toady lo flo.

- >1350.73S-7445.734-M50.:• ''..r975 VW Rat>0lt2<loot. 4-sp.

1950Of o»or, S36-606Sdays.- - 1977 VW. SCIROCCO. Now- front llroa & luno up. Runs• oood & vory cloan. J3000.• Q a i L u m y .--------------------

1983 MAZDA RX7. 5 apood.' ’ low mlloo, silll undor war-

. . : ___fanly. Alt. c fulaa i-sun.roof.■ • MUST SELLI S0850. 734-7583

... . flayirgr3?4^52Tivpnintig^~ •,'* - r e Toyot»«Co!lc«. 4 -sp .- . . .AM/FM u tas . flood cond. __ --J 00 0 toapproelato. 543-8087.

• op. 3 df, AM/FM casootl'o. 15700- 726-9741 or 72M333.,.

' “ J ~ '" l« ^ 'w i ie e 7 c i r iv 0 B" 'T O Y O T A 4x4 Landcruisor.

wlncrt. tow-bar, S21S0. CALL734;1826_________________1950 WILLYS Flat Hoad 6, lockoul tiubs. 3 cpd. Irons,J700. Call 530-2790_________

•rSoiisonal-BpbrtIno-oquip- ;m onl' Is a bost sollor In-

.. .^classUJod.; 1973 SUBARU BRAT. Low

: • Call 53&-2141__________ ^J: 1980 CHEVY. Pickup 4 wfiool ■- drlvo. Exc cond. will consld-

or trado. call 543-8800.1983 CHEV 4x4 4-dr 1 ion .4-flpd. 0.2 diosol... 9,000

C ' . miloa. radial ilroa, oioroo. illl whoel, HD hoaior, ctiolco olSoars. Tako over paymonts.

14.900.678-7560. or 67^4)977. 76 LANDCRUISER Man-a­fro, Equipped motor, now 33x12.5 Iractlon radlaln, Exc. cond.. many oxiras. J4M0. 934-5951.Gooding.

f '1 75 -A u lo Deaiflre

p i- 1

S |

-----^ - T B I g ---------

^ s



Bflondca B»

£1^5I fiwinett^c

______ | _ ^ _ E S

i 1 „ 7 0 1 M d i i

C-10 T im oa-N ow s. Twin F

tocB B oisaxB

id-)69 Xds X s.Dll. / ^

in. / I» 0 — / • '

“ / l l x

s.S;____ k X T -an. \ \ 'OS. ■ Y ~ - N r \ - —

\ .Stm______________~ X

1ST 1 0 - 2 1 ^ , ^

)0f. - iko

5- - ^ r d if y )0l, ' -fm _______________________

itils— 4^*.V hcclD rtY e3--------1978 3/4 ton JEEP PICKUI

£i-' Lock ou ls, PS. PB. oxcolloi ot). condlllon- S3850-or boal o>wn----- rorr324--35g3r------------------ - . .-_1078 ORONCO CUSTOM. 3i lullt V -0 ,4 spood, lock oul hub: ^0^ noar now radlals, runs wol oo- oxc cond. $4500, 536-60:__ rtnva or 536-0340 allor 5om,•sp. ------------------___________

^ 14a-A ntlqu0A ulos un? CLEAN 1049 CHEVY pTc KU IWO' Doluxo cab. Moior nood__ WOrK.Cail733-1B74,

FOR SALE all my Clnss !J*I‘ cars , modols from 1941 i

— loes.-M ust-soo lo opprcc nlolCflll 436-3337,Choslor! f^ouIf, H l^o ri. ld.

sp-— W AN teO -MODEL A Foiframo.fl78-4170._________1031 Model A. CDfTIDlQlQ

V;® rosiofod w/rumbio soo '“ O' Oavo 678-2249. oveg 678-798

1943 OODGE IVi ion iruc 27.000 ■orlolnarm llosrw u

__ 00010 approcialo. 3S2-4203.sor. 1955 FORD Vs TON PICKUI ALU V-S. 3 opood. Call 734-68i__ onytimo.__________,______1 6. 1957 FORD FLEET SIC ina, pickup. $400.543-4035,__ . 1063 CHEVROLET 2drlmpaui[>.— Hordlop.-low-mlloago.-Exi

l!v. condition. 678-2170.1964 Sludobakor Daylon.

— JCOO: 1073-175 Honda Cl $50,a25-5609allOfBpm.

14^A iJt03-A M C sid- 73 OPAL MANTA, rpllc

, ovof. good onolni "ion Iransm lsaion & ll/os. s3001

bost oltor, 543-4263.

i o i - 1 5 2 -A u t0 9 -Buicknts. ----------------- ;--------------------— ■ 1982 BUICK CENTURYn-a- A cylindor. aulomalic. powinew windows,, till whool, cuslo;xc. clotfi Inlorlor, Only J810OOO. Call 436-9001.

175-A uto Dealers ^

l i i sp ecFree Balloll

’ N o w Api" T h e is oy * \ S h o i

AHS ty l o s

— I m-C o lo rs

3ew F o r ■ M ew " B sre lu d es!

***** - ■■

FREEC, . l - ° r ic

JaWtSOIl S Your

■ h o r O v e r

J i n A y e . E .

itl Falls . Id ah o , Friday. Oclot


w , c a D . y Q i ^ l Q Q k . u ^ t i i ^ j j ;

• y ou d o n 't k n o w h o w to

152-AutD3.Bulck KUP. 1080 BUICK SKYLARK Ltd." illoni AT. PS. PB, A/C, AM/FM, ]| ol- V-0, front whool drlvo, ox.-----------cond.-low - mllos, J4,500,

837-&3BI allor 5;3ppm. -

'iSS: t56-Aul03-Chtyilsr1977 Chryslor Now Yo/kor. Loadod k CloanI J2200 or

----- bosl ollor. Can 543-5956. •1078 CORDOVA- Low mllo-

-ViTq *0®' 0“^- condlllon. T-Dat 'KUP tool. 15495. 734-8279. oods — ---------------------------------— ■ 158-Auto3-ChevrolelBSjIC ■ ._ . ______ _____

10 MUST SELL! 1070 Camarojfcct- Z28 L 1350 CtiOvy rare 9lor E passongor wation. 324-8612.----- ------197r' CHEVV s u b u r b a n :Ford' 454 onolno, nko now-conci;

30,000 actual mllos. 829-5924. ototy 19 ^ NOVA. V-8. AM/FM soal.— ca330llor“ fra»v~lIfff3~oi(C 7984. cond- Mako 0»0r. 733-9694,

203.°' 175-^AuloOealeraKUP,1-6854

i -1979 FORD Rfl

CB. V-0, oolom atic. tJt,___ AM/FM cotaotlo.__0

'l lb 'orglosi ilioll lo rnol

- CONf L CHEVi3lom 140 WBIOS. 324-4318 J.

mil4MIi i d l I

irs^Free^Pop&.p p o o r in g A t >cn M o to r s o w ro o m !


E Oil C hanges As *" ng As You O w n ur N ew H ondo!

O ^ e a r s - i n e - t a s i e s t

.. :... ............. ;..... t


jgelling of a to spelllf?"'

15&-Autos-Chevroletl i d ------ I970-CHGVY-NOVA-CO.fm ' CUHS. 4 door, good comot. 1lori,.Cj>ll63fc62M,_____ _

,500.'— 1078“ Impala w agon,-nc tiros.’ am-lm, PS. PB. loo

— good & runs good, low mil a rtO $2650.324-5806.324-455‘ 1980CAMAROZ28

3 or Loadodl Call 733-9132-76 EL CAMINO. loadod. e

niu;. oryihing.S1850--Ollor(lrad Dar 1912 9lh Avo. Easl. 733-0683

81 CHEVY CHEVEnE, 4c— 4spd. 26,500 mllos. 1-own(

vory cloan, 73^2142.

^ r o I60 -A ul03’-Dodge 112. MUST SELL11973 Omni. Alif j------ ^AC.-MaKo-roasDnablo-olltT r - - - Cali 733-5087 or 73M 277.- - 924. 1967 DODGE DART. 3 c TEIi indor. ATj AM/FM 8-lrac-OXC-----fOdliitB;-$B96f^-CaIl-334JJ14. ollor5:30Ao5klorRon.

175-Auto DealeiB

l O K !RANCHERO PICKUP•It, cruijo, oir conditioning._Ofouqham Pockogo wiihtnolch - Hovo ro io<> lo oppfo-


j«rom« 734-6565

i i eO N I

SheS A n« ” «~Free^(

; ' ! ...........t


: 51‘" 'C om e J o in 1

a n d S e e Th(

s t H i a g e i n i f W W f S t -

Twin Foils .

162-A ut03-F6fd3 FORD Musiano 11. 197 oxcolloni cond., 302 V onnlno, T-top. 430-0329.

‘ FORD 20QCI- 6 cyl.onglno. spd., low mllos. oxc con' J150. Also 1972 Grand Ttln. good cond: $700.734-3835. _

• 1065 Falcon sfaiion wagon, cyl.. 3 spd . good brako now snow tlroa. $525 or boollor. /33-7413___________1074 MUSTANG. High mllo AT. radlals, mans i 4 c>

______Good nft.iDO, $32l 734-7790.1974 PINTO slnllon wanoi

* now palm, ru(ts nooo.-------^cyldlnor, $395,734-0443.

1974' TORINO. "49;00b m'ilo....... b ids lakun al Aolna Flnanc

Bluo Lakos Mall._________' 1978 T-BIRD- Town Lnndai

oxc conO. lull powor. 58,01 -mlios;$4a05._m0025:;

’ 16&-M ercuiy'iUnco[n 1972 MERCURY Montoro' 00ld ,2dr hardiop, A/C. P/^ P/B. am rodlo. tuns poo<

. v/ould mako good 2nd ca $700. 324-3680.

~ 16&-Au1o3 - Oldsmoblle''i-i- .Bo auro lo Includo prii

whon advortlsing Uoms f - aalo In clattslllod.

jndi- 175-Aulo Deilora

ooks "mllo. — - s a s <


_ _ H 4 rfoor, 6 cylinder, oul

rack, ■ I '65 BUICKJJC4__g ■ TATlOM IVAr.f-lfJ



'72 PLYMOUTH FURY? V li ou’nit'O'H


_ _71 DtlDMJlEMOH_6cylm dor. uulbrnulic. srooring. AM/FM CQ44i

WILLSL O T #:- S h o s h o n o &

a ---------- t i t h A v e . W .



»w i\mmM e e & DonF ir s t T im e Ev

1 9 8 4 H omB o s t

e a r :

trn f ~

T h e C e le b ra l i e N e w 1 9 8 4


141-175__ ^ 172-^Autos-Pontiaci97s: - n f 's A” BEAUTYi Tc

Trans-Am with T-rool. A/c___ moro. Whito with rod Inieno. 3 Of. $7300.733-7995.:ond. 1Q71 FIREBIRD ESPH 'tino, outo, P /s . P/B. tuna ox !5._ $050 or b05l ollor. 500 a lf oh, 0 EaslAvQ. Slh. Joromo. Jkos, 1070 TRANS AM. Bla boat w/black Inlo/lor. -

___ automatic, T-iop. w/all <illoa, uons. Call 733-2186.. cyl. ------------------------

---------173—Autos-Plym oulh—'3°" i 1074 Ply Vallonl. runs gro

Mu6l-.Solll-t4a5 Firm. 7-----------7200__________________lilos, J—--------------------- • '

Iz i-^ u lra - 'o T h B rB .......idau,8,000 175-A uto E)ealcf3


■ ACEHANSEN’S1654 Bluo U korN !

prlco Twin FolioIS for Ph.73M033

------------ 175-AutoDci.‘c fs______


9 5 “ “CWG AVAILABLEaulomollc .

JRY ^^95 RV ,$695'F . *895

*995^? E r , ~ - - S y « Eis'.o iio . CO . . JBf w r I

* . _____ o 'l lf lA v i;. - j__ W est . I

I ^& - - II. ' I . I I V - . .1 ---------- ^

ing----- --------- 2 B i g -____ _____- D a y s ! .

nuts;v e r S h o w n a d a C R XS t g a s m l l o a g o i r I n A m e r i c a ! -

n' j:jBL— ' .

fm p gHiway |

sffioiT Ie H io n d a s . |

7 3 3 - 7 7 0 0 I


Black 403

111 op-

H987 D0DGE 4groai, . Auiomoi(C rfonimi-.

1. 734-_ , ffrgiilof f)Qi o 'o ir 'o

^973 PLYMOIfAll gold molcl'ing ii

— l iooing, oulo'iidlic I

^ 1973 DODGE C^----------- locol I wnor . , . .

RS 1973 OODGE 4I G roon. V-0 ongino,

^ i ii'sUBARUg “ pl Froni wiiuiJt arrvirT

4 tpood lfontml55io

1974MERCUR'Bog ulor ga» VO ong a ir condilioning. . .

- r " T97G FORD GRv-0 . oulomoilc

1 i'iF'HONDACQ Silver motolllc. rod v

. igiHioAC9 StAIlON WACOM.-

color. 4 Cylindor. 5 1

1977 CHEVRGLII 2 lono bluo. V-B on j

j ' n ' tronsm ljiion . oir co

^ - I - ----- 1982-HO; I ACCORD 3, B 5 spood ovorcJrttfok ju it o il Iooso. silvc' clinirigsools.

SA V E 0

- ^ 0 1

1 1977 OATSUNAulotnoliC Ifon itrii conyillonitig. locUt 1

1978 OODGE P__Club cob.-V-Q onoiiii

raMERciOriglil rod, whilo vir au lom olic Ifonimis;

- 1982 LlJ B o a u tif u l s i l v e r

f h o lu x u r y ito rr _ --orid -A M .'^FM s to i

~ SAVEo y m ..

1979 FORD LTlFronch Vonllto. V-0 c

—oulomQllc tfontmlss

1982 MERCURY3 door hatchbock. b m atching Inlorlor. 4

1981MERCUR'SPORT COUPE. Dork w ilh matching uolva

1982 HONDA CO oigoin color w /m o

— [mortDrr3Tvli'’dirr.-

- 1981HERCUR’Navy bluo. wilh moi

— '■ Jipuc'a iovotiJrlvV t

J981CHEVYC. Dorgoridy wilh mole

4 spood ovordrivo Ir

1980 HONDA AArtiorico's Numbor wrih front whool dri

1981 HERCUR'Brown, motching jp Ifonr whool drivo- .

1981 FORD COGoby bluo. compor 5 only IQ.000 rniloi .


IWrFORDLTLocal I ownor.' oulo



Dork |ii>wliir mcilall miluL. local I owno

- S A }

For Over 30 Ye 701 Main Avc

M €i S i P C i


4 DOOR-------------li'.sion. ${)|

UTHFURY/lirtOOORr:p inlorlor. oir condi- $fM c irdnsm ls icon ..........................

CLUB CAB PICKUPnHlrmr.mis!.lQri’

4 DOOR . 'o. aulomollc $QI

!ion ............... .V !.. . . . 'D

RY MARQUIS 2 ODORngino. S - jJ j


CIVIC «DX......*3900.

CIVICJ - >2995 ILETMOHIE CARLOnjino . oulomoilc . SQ IQ C c o n d 'lio n tn g .............. O l t f J .

lONDA------------~3 DOOR

FactoryItfo Ironsm isslon, twlvol cl



1 0 0 I *

H BIO 4 DOOR— -mission, oir J 'lT Q RIt VownorTT— . ■.-.-■OtOU - -

PICKUPSMSSsinr.iTT.-*3895- RY ZEPHYR 4 DOORs r : ......-...*4295.INCOLNMARKo r m o ta l l i c . c o a c h v in y l ti ;m s I n c lu d i n g 'a u to r n a f i c - c c r c o s y s t e m . _______________


.............. « 'RYLYNX, bright rod with M Q O R

4 spuod Ironsm lsslon * rv v tl

RY ZEPHYR Z-7irkburgondy M W R Itfo tin lo rip r.................... t t i h n i ----

CIVIC 2 DOOR-;' “'.;i,^„J5495_ RY COUGAR 2 DOORlolching Interior. ^*5895-.CHEVEnE4D00R _jlching vulvol Inlorlor,^JO Q C , iro n sm is s io n ............ 4 I 3 J

ACCORD 4 DOORi',,'.:"""”''."'....‘5995RYLYNX HATCHBACKsporl sirlpo*.. »4395lOURIER PICKUP

.........’4995flTC0¥GAR7Rr~ S Z S -:- >5995- .TOII BROUGHAMilotnoliC ironsmisslon, 3 3 V 6

BUICK ' I K.2 D00R fiollic, tuK rool, low ^ ‘’‘’P. . ' nor, 4 »pood irans- ovordriv

liVE— ---------- 1 -------S

W O i ^


/ears The E a s lc ^ ^ la c e in vq. E. Twin Fal

[ ® ¥ ® 5 s 1

mi ONLYl _Wol MOW I

‘'8K“ ^ S S ® I



1395 ^ 3 8 8

1 ^ ^ 8 8 8 = -

l $ 3 0 8 8

I $ 2 5 8 8

I $ 2 5 8 8

:i--1980FORO— ------------------------

CUSTOM VANiry cuslom iiod wllh copfoln qI choirs, autom oilc tronsmls-

oir conditioning._wo|l to wall >t. -------

SA V EModoi ! 2 5 8 8nwsi » 3 a 8 8IK VI4 DOORi»l top , o q u ip p o d w ith all ic -o v o rd riv o tran sm iss io n

looai « 2 9 9 5

> « 3 9 8 8

i J 4 5 8 8

t i 4 Z 8 8

r ^ a 9 8 8

r « 3 6 8 8

i « 5 4 8 8

P 3 9 8 8

r « 4 4 8 8

s J 5 3 J B 8 _

„ M 0 0 0

1983 GRAND fHARQi!:<; 4 nnnp----- b—

p volvol intorior, aulomollc rdrivo Ifonsm isslon, just trodod

^ S A V E O V E R»aoooi @ S ® R S = ='.in The World To Buy A Car g Fans .,, ;..... .7.33-7700 |

Page 29: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

_____ Friday, Monc

I 0:00 i------------ B HOHSERACINQ WEEK

ON MOVIE m JE . -m u)

O (33 CS PRESS YOUR Ll O ( I 0 3 - 2 -1 CONTACT

I -------- 0 ( 1 2 ) ROMPER ROOMI (DMOUSERCISE



" W iTCHESaOE)---------------SHOW THE THUNDERBlflC

............0 ;0 6"- 0 ( 3 ) (5) THE PRICE IS RII







-------------O N MOVIE{MON=WEDrFR9:36

— :— O T E X A s------------— —______________ :______ 1P;00___------------ O a)-(S)-CD-<H )-TH E-V


a 05) SESAME STREET (R ; ® O G0 f a m i ly FEUD





. ■ . 10:30( 2 (D VWEEL OF FORTUN ( S O C S R Y A N ’SHOPE 0 ( S ) DREAM HOUSE

. . . :-;-0,(12),Q A RY I?A N D A l4;—

i , '

iday through Tl



-------------------- -------HBO -H B O -iR LUCK fTHU)


O P E R R Y M /IL (WED))(THU) 0 ( 2 ) TATTLE'RD CD HOUR IFIRE AT THE .O d ff l EDUCA JON) f f i Q (2D ALL(WED)-----------------COASTHEWI



■ CB'COLLEOE') RIGHT................... HBO MOVIE (I



iS (R ) O Q 3 © ( l i )



I) (WED)(THU) - . ....................... - :


O S 9 EDUCA' ) • ( 5 ) 0 (SONG

O N E W S DAV ilRDS(THU) (TJUTAHFOC------------------------ ^ P R E V I E W (


OORE“ ' ■ ■■ O ( l 2 )2 0 M I h



« c o ™ e „ • g s ' n|FORW OMEN g a i S S , CD MOTOCRO

.......... - — m SATURDAYiEATRE (TUE)IRDS (THU)r F R i ) - -----------: ' O C D ( n ) C A


0 - ® -UNC E - Y O U N Q - A N D - Q ^ - ° n T Q



S S I r a m m in g g g S I ,


. (MON) • v o — CDMYLrTTLE


'B O GQ O H U) S o ^ ( ^ CD EYES AND


CD NBA BASKI ^ --------. . . ---------- 1 0 PKA FULL

rhursday•ekday c><lMAtrW0m;t5---------------------- (FRANDONSTAGE-- HB(lEN'S-VOLUEYBALL' (R) - CO


WBICI3E (MON. WED, FRI) m ,4 FLASH (THU) • © |

10:36MASON (TUE) O I


IF THE CENTURY 0 <UE O i!Dy GRIFFITH QD(JiEXiS______________________T'R ENT STROKES (R) C® iCIN MOVIE ____ C?DI3EF00TBALL'(M 0N) ' CD:E(MON-THU)................................ CD ITIME OF OUR LIVES: THE CD.I KZING BIXTY-YEAR9 IN H IS ' -C D t ) . . CD(

. ■ . HB<



0ia ; o o - - ............... ..... ......... Sfo

J) <D NEWS • - - O (5 SPECIAL---------------------------- o 4CATIONAL PROGRAMMING ( INE LIFE TO LIVE m '’AY _ HBCOCUS (MON) SHCw rr u E ) - ---------------- -SH CATIONAL J>ROGRAMMING jO I


• 13-TO ' CBiC A P T O l- — ------------—STREEHOUSE

JNDER3TAND1NG HUMAN(MON. WED)-------------------------r OF'BEINQ-HUMAN"(TUE.’~ ^

rC ^ F O ir ^ N T T N o T W )0 1



CD5LE MARGIE (TUE) CD EOEAS (WED) - CD F■JG UP YOUR ACT (THU) -CDE HERr-8H IRt.6¥-A ND -PA T—II); CE /'JO EARS (MON) HBCL A H O R E )--------------- ------------HBCA SHEEP DOQ (WED) (TUIUIO COLORS (FRO HBCiG E ............................. .„ (W ESKETBAIXXWEO)::.:________SHCILL-CONTACTJ<AftATE (R): - C I^

• «

daytim(FRI)-----------:---------------------------HBO FLASHBACK: FIRE ATCOCOANOT GROVE (F R I ) -------Q N ALBUM FLASH (MON) 'CIN MOVIE (WED)_____________








O T H E M U N 3T E R 8 __________■2;30


SHOW HOIWHEELS (WED) C I i ; ^ V ie (WED)-- . -r- •—

9 '

ie prog]'"L - I ’i!?. _ MOVIE

, 0 THE BR^DY BUNI 2:4(

--------------- C J BAQtSAQE BUSTE

CD t h e l e g e n d of[PRI) (WED)

CD DRAGON AROUNIFNEXT7.........-............... ..........3;0<

O ffiP iN K PA N TH E I C3J O (2) CD CD (I

\MMING l iv e s-----O-THE-TOMORROW



---------------- (WED)---------------------O NEWSWATCH


- ............. CD MISTER ROGERS____ _____0(12).T H E FU N T ST:) € 0 TIC TAC DdUGH








--------------CD tErSM A K E-A O E__________CB OFFSTAGE______





M f ^ Y ^ ^ O W THE SOUND 0 ■ 3:36

O BEVERLY HILLBIL_______________ _________4:00


f l------------C5) THE BRADY SUNC........ ... O (D (® SESAME SI

--------------- (T) CHARLIE'S-ANGEtO EIGHT 13 ENOU





CD ALPINE SKI SCHOiB------------- CttmO V IEtW EOJ—



O FU fE (T H U ) - - - • • •■ 4:30

------- T— CD CD N EW 3................

( r a m s

2135 '0"~MR7- ............— _W E O .F R


' O (12) I

UND aU E ) "ffi WKmJ ;0 0 ------- ----------- C D ( i i ) fHER (Q t h e F(11) DAYS OF OUR f f l GRAN

CD DAO.3W PEOPLE----------------( F R I ) -I CD THIS'^OUGH (MON, TUE. CD HORS



3TI0N . -HBOVlDi 'NT HBO s u e n3(R}:- • SHOWC. rSTONES______________________

™ .F H I) “ ' ' X *- THE BALLAD OF ^ ^

ES IN PARADISE ^N(WED)£ CTHU) . O ® MlIE (WED. FR1) • ®TU E .™ U ,FR „ _ O M O N E

- - O P E O P

IE WON) _ _ , . g £ ^ S l S1:30 CD 3-2-1-AND--------------------------0 ( 1 2 ) 1


■<OORE (B DANCDES__________________CD<Q)RA4PANY (R) , (Q SPOR3 0 0 HBO MOVIIRLEY 4 COMPANY HBO IT'SDEAL----------- ------------(THU)_______ _______________ SHOW-F>LOT (R) (WED) CIN MOVI 70N -J0H N IN CON- CIN BETT CIN ALBL

iorsU H M E n'N lO H T - ' o CAR(

IN .«E D ,_____________ ™ ° 0 ™PICS (TUE)DOFMUROERCFR,)

■ e a t o i ■■ t b i d t h :

...... ................“ ai5 ? ;

: 3 T O E E T (R )a3ELS________________ p n n f lOUGH (MON,-TUE. g p d ,



CD DONA!_^ME _ (Q YOU c■° C D tn iS P

S cW E O ) g g ! -'STAGE CD INSIDE


'4 (TUE) mHOOL (WED)


:30* '£ ] f d 6 6 D• ■ ■ — - - ................O N B A -e



“ FLASHBACK: FIRE AT THE 3ANUT GROVE (MON)Vid e o JUKEBOX (T H U )------------SUGAR RAY'S ALL-STARS (FRI).. V C.B. HEROES (THU)-----------------4 :4 0 -------------- -----—KNIGHT FOR A DAY (MON)


AROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS •THU)30DNEW S (FRI)-----------------------


6:30I Ci) CBS NEWSI THREE’S COMPANY................... ..HE-ADVENTURES O F BLACK TYi^ 2 - 1 C d ^ A C T - V - 'I ABC NEWS n ___lOSSFIRE— -- --------------------------I (1 i) NEWSINBCNEW5------------------------------MCNEIL / LEHRER NEWSHOUR 2) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAI-




;6:35 .)bD'WfeWS^(MON-THUl ' j 'iA-eASKETBALU(PRI)i— ^ ---------


3N. ~





I ) - . ,



yZ --------------------


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- I■

Page 30: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

- FridiQ(2CZ)GD(SOG

:_________ O-TME-TKWO EYB-Stonoo” ToBta suogo

___________ IhlntLhioHiyjjnUouojcircio. suoaoBiing tha havo boon o prlmllit (Port 2)O dS) BUSINESS REP O PR IM EN EW S ® FAMILY FEUD CS MOVIE * * *

................ (1054rA dvonturo) Gndorick Crawford.( S ( f l ) THE DUKES t

-------------------and-Lul<o-fno<»-a-p{unlos.thoy con c o ach I ball loarn Into wlnnln; which Boao Hooo hm

_____ . bo t. --------- -ID 8UPERBOOK (D NEWI ANIMAL WOI

....................Tho D oaort" Violt lh<inhobli tho Sonora Ooe CD 1-40 PARADISE Ac lauranl and ontortslnm Naahvlllo.(Q dS COUNTDOWN JEVO ANO LOS ANQand provlowa ol worli

____________pfc^compolitlonB.,pfoip a r ile lp a n lo . a n d updaloa.( □ VIDEO DISC JOCKE

------------------ I S W -LUAW EHFT HESHOW THE THUNDEfit dorb irda' mlaalon ia to

__________ KW!?“PPPd_by.ft.aona,by tho notorious Gonor<

.................... ..............................0;OS-O MOVIE "Ho> Floo" (1071. Comody) Flynn.

. 6:30 a P.M. MAGAZINE (S3 (D P.M . MAGAZINEauthor John Nolsbitt futuro d lroclions lhal livoa.O THE TOMORROW Bluo And Tho G roon" U Ina throuQt^ achoola all i lho changing paintings

, aplflt. (Port 3)■■ '( 3 3 TIC TAC DOUGH

O OS IDAHO REPORTS---------------- CD O T * 2 ) FAMHY PEL

( S PRIME TIME ACCES; O ( S ENTERTAINMEN Inlorviow with S tD ^ Koi

---------------- O — M *A *S *H R «ddoproaaad whon ho roo In ffT io irflipponocnb 'h l fM l lh a t-h ls m anhood

..flilati.GD BUSINESS REPORT (5)M *A *8*H A ngorodb lan doc to ra otatoeldo ar (ho war, Hawkoyo proe

---------------- wrth a blit fo rh la madtea(D SWISS FAMILY ROB

-------------- ID MICKEY MOUSE CLI( □ FANDANOO Foaluro with Shelly Woat.(D S3) PiCK THE PROS (D SPORTSWEEK (R)

— HBO FHAOQLE ROCK Q givo up oxploring unlil ar o lo r orrivoo in Fraoglo Rl

_________ ^SHOWJTHE-THUNOERBIngalnat timoi tho Thun

______ __ otop a vo lcon^ lrom om

E nrth 'a aurfaco, . ------7:00—

•- - O CD (B TKE DUKES Bo ond Luho foco a poe unloa Ihoy can c oach a P

' boll loam Into winning a w hich Booa Hooo h a s ; bo t.CS Q QD CD MR. SMI irloo to roacuo'h lB brothi w aa miolakonly kidnapp

.. oflonlB.O SIXTH VAN CUBUf TIONAL PIANO COMPETl of two o t tho six rinalia

______ II— kind of.8Blt.diBOlplino amIho ^ompoiifora mual hav luluroftfor tho aoko o l Ih

................. .wilh.QjQOk_ftUho-fliuiI.coihb ovoniual winnor. (Part O (TSl MACNEILN E W S H O U R ™ ..............(3) THE WOHVJ

2T im o3-N ow o, Twin Fail

lay cvciiTdo CHARLEl> O C S CD NEWS Awarda i'B-^-Childf«n Of Tha - caa t.--- -. ggost Ihoro ia aomo- O Q} BI uoj about Iho atono lona on Ihan rcou iiJpoaa ib ly— accounts Tiifivo powor houao. K affo 'aai


...........................- ■ D oucc" (Loino, Joi

* "NlQht Pooplo" ( D ( 1 1 ) l Grogory Pock. Bro- Iry lo coi

_______ Alvnroz)ES OF HAZZARD B o ' Jungloa b i-poaaib lo-jo ll to rm - hor. ich a Poo Woo baao- 0 3 700 i nlng o blo gam o on Dr. Londi hno placod « hugo roaring; a ' . £D EPCO

TIONWORLD " S o c ro ts Of CD NAS^

lho croaluroa lha l hlghlighlir Doaort o l Arizona. CQ 13) BO ; Activllioa a i a roa— CB WOM tlnmonl sp o t oulaldo S ta loa va.

HBO FLAWN TO ‘S4; SARA- - GUE Eric : MQELES Hlghliohlo ta ry look rorldwido pro-Olym- domic olprollloa'.ot-O lymplc__mllllon.vic:id w orld ro c o rd SHOW Mi

Yoar” (19CKEYS______________ Jooalen H.fHETWEE'K CIN MOVER8IRD3 Tho Thun- ( t0 4 4 . On 1 to roBcuo o group Baxter.

ina-of.cr(mlnnl3.(o{J (2) O ® noral Slorcruahor. (Promlnro)OS__________________Jlocoaaod'How To Frnmo A tho now li dy) Don K notts. Joo agor(Joh ii

O (B30 G oorgo hi

W obalor.ONE "M ogafranda” docoasod )llt dlacusBoa tho coming for ia l will shapo our CD WALL i

Buy Roal3W PEOPLE "T ho co ei" Unrost la aproad- C o ^ a all ovor England a a CDZORRC ngs c a s t Ihoir ovil- . . . — . - . . . - O C D C D I___ Pam 'a manRTS _______________Sue EllonFEUD bocom o on£ S S (Z) CD MO4ENT TONIGHT^n__^Qun;^(1J}{Koach. ' Arthur Komla d a r - b a c o m o a - O ' " ® " ' fao lite a thn t nolh- REVIEW b'him Ib mako hlfr5 O FREEIIC >od haa ba en ful- O ( S LO

travol lo P 'RT ■ winnings lo)d by tho way civil- d idalo . o s aro profiting from winner whe iroaonta Iho Army paychlc. IsIteal-aofvlcoo:---------- R uah r-------lOBINSON O (S) m a nCLUB lo contacilurod: an inlorviow Alvarez) ra

junglea bof )S her.I) ~ m c i v i c o iK Oobo docidoo to — (2W EW S- il an invisible mon- CD ^ V I E o flo ck . - R evenge"B B m D 3.1n.o.r«ca-G w ynflo^Y v Tiundorblrda miial © V ID E O D oruptlpg.and .foa..-H B O IN 310e

O FIRSTJ---------------------------- Gb»II55;-51E S OF HAZZARD Knopf, Inc.. i possible.ia il lorm a Poe Woo ba se - Q NEWS

ig a big Damo on ^.s p iocod 0 -hugo O C S ) WAL

SMITH Mr. Smith Olhor Bo-Bo. who c'oDllal Com appod by foreign q 3 b l o NOIE

BURN INTERNA- ■EimON P r a l i l . .

hovo lo rlok IhoirI Ihoir o n , oloog Porko. Conl.i .o o o ,p .i« io « ..i,a —■0113) ooo ln .l o b. ; LEH HEH l"0« “ «? ph

owomp In IhlbF.'.RAY^-

Fails; 'Idaho FridayT O'cioboi

ining prLES The winnor ol lon Grammy la ia 'Joined by o. alnr-sludded

I BENSON B bnson'a candid opln- on 'C la y to n 'a big axponae

nl9_for_lrAvnllno. nrft..prin|«d. in_a aehool nowopapor. CJ kSMNQTON WEEK IN REVIEW 12) MOVIE * * .* H ••Irma Ln '■ (1063. Comody) Shlrloy Mac- J a c k L'ommon,1) MANIMAL C hase ond Brooke contoci 0 youno woman (L^uro z) ra ised by wolvoa in Indlo'o s boforo 0 h ired killer reachoa

<3 CLUB Featured; pediatrician indon. Smith on elfoctive child ) ;a I0a4elock-m arkoffofecaat.- COT MAGAZINE: EVENING EDi-

^SHVILLE NOW Livo loaluroa - hllng country muaic.BO)ONG Livo from Monroo. La. OMEN’S VOLLEYBALL Unilod va. Jap an

^ASHBACK: THE GREAT PLA- ric Sovaroid hosIs Ihls documen- ok a l Iho Spanish inlluonza opi-

ol 1918. which claim ed 20victimajnorldwido....... ........................MOVIE * * * l i "My Fovorilo

(1982. Comedy) Polor O'Toolo.

lOVIE * * ★ "The Sulllvona" Oroma) Thomoo Milcholl. Anne

--- --------;-------------------------------------

® CD JENNIFER SLEPT HERE— v o) The -ghosl (Ann Jllilon) o l a ind nelrona cnitnatt mnyhom (or V lonanta of hor homo, a loan- . ohn P. Navin Jr.) ond hla lamily.) WEBSTER Kalhorino and

havo lo doal dollcaloly wilh >r. who bellovoa lha l hia ed pa ren ts aro still olive and for him.LL STREET WEEK "Should You lOi E ala lo?" G uesl: Morvin T. . :o-chalrman. Conaolidalod Cap- ipanloa.TIO "Tho Tightening Nooso"

8:00S CD ( i l ) DALLAS Bobby end— carriage com ea to an end. whileHon loam a tha l ,,F?o,ior_hoa__I on ardeni admirer.I.(0VIE * * H "Doy Of-Tho Evil.lO Ba,_W jiB|em)_Gionn_Eflfd.__lonnody.I -W A SH IN GTO N " WEEK INI __________EH XffREPOSfS LOTTERY! Flnhertv a nd_RuBh - 3 Portland to dioporae loliory I lo e alruogllng mayoralty can-0 aoa coplain and onolher

vho. eccordlng to an am ateur . Is dealinod^ for rom ance wilh

[ANIMAL Chaao.itnd.Brooko try— act a young woman (Laura

ra ised by wolvoa In India'a boforo a hired killer reachoa

: DIALOGUES- • — 'VIE . * ★ "T ho M unsler'a »" ( l e a t , -C om edy) Frod

3 DISC JOCKEYS lO ETH EN FL-.......... ............

:ST EDITION Q uest: Bob odlior-ln-chier of AKred A.

c.. publishora.8:16


/ALL-STREET WEEK "Should R eal E ala to ?" Guoal: Marvin

. co-chairm an. Conaolldaled lomponlea. 'DIEFERYEAR IN NASHVILLE An wllh Boota Randolph. -

8:36HF MFT: nLM.STO;W -.(?EN-:^ r RK Tho pinnacle ol Amorican snlral Pork, end Ils dealgnof.:_Law-01m#ladr-or*-fefttured-------I backdrop of orlglnol drow- pholoa of w hat waa a vaai Iho.mld-ieOO'aTolono wilh o

I fp p o aran c e today.


rogramTiy .....................0:00 -ed O ( S (2D CD (11) F ^ i

MIchabI trioB to a'tbp a in- oporollon on e pollonl. w! 10 w agos a court bailie to reti in_____________________________

.n ___________________________ _c.“’

<0 ------ . ---------^;00-------CD ★ ★ "O utlaw O fR odR ii

" Advonluro) G oorgo Monloon.. ......... 8:30_____CD "Tropical Hoal Wav M usical) EsIroMlo. Robort Hi

I - - - 7:00lj. (jiN "M an On A

(1953. Susponao) Frodric M IB . .Mooro.

7.-06O * * "Caploln Chin,

d Advonluro) John Poyne. Goll

8:00V (2) * * * H "A Guido For Tl ). Mon" ( 1007. Comody) Walio0 Robort Moroo.

e SHOW ★ * "Wolfz Acroa I. (1062. Drama) Anno Archor.

0:00" HBO "Tell Mo /___(le o o . Dromn)_Malyyn Dou

Kodrovo.z _________ -------- — --------

C able te1

; convers‘ I f . you arc a subs* ; Cablevisionflookforbi

O K B a -B o ise O O NlckdodeoQ/ f lK A ID 'B o ise (

' ------------------- O C N P F A U a h la "' O K IV tB o lseC /--------------O KTVB-3dIae(L O W TB S^A tlaatj___________ O .K n iV .B o i8 6

. _ ® . CBN(Ctaiaa CBKMVT-TwijiI

- ;-------------© -ESPN-(2«>odg> D tfin fly rtiam i CD N astiv ille7 4 e l 0 3 U S A N etw o rk © K U T V - S a l tL i (D M T V (n u i3 fc «

- — loofcfor------------- :------HBO HomeBoxOlQ SHO SHOWTIME

f Mmtmjnr

I f you a r e a subscribe system, look for while

_ t>ei^ listed tmdcr yoi avaifablc ilfat are not ih

- ---------- (B K U TV -SajtLaiCUKID-ldaboFal]

________ ®JcrVX-SaUIil(JD K S L -S a ltL ak e® K PV I-PocateU i

_______ CD KUED-SallLa](S) K IF I-Id a ^ P a l aW G N -C W ca».( (iO> K B G L -P o o ite l OS) U SA N -N ew Y oi

I fy o u do not get cable, I in parenthesis: .


• P u b l ic Jn fo rm atio n <--------(C o h g re ss lo n a l-a c U v lty :

a n d /o r local program m ii

• i M .

ISIroi ol Falcon Cn

.CON CHEST O DAVE BRU o” ach”oduto'cf YINEYARDS- Ja, while Angola bock, o mojor elaln full con- io « . performs

— Daytim_____________C IN .* .* « . "TheRivor" (1900. (1073. Woalorn) omory. McGoo., ,_ __ _____________ 1‘avo’" ■ (1052.' C D ~ * ^ ^ " L o t l Hutton. Wotpon" (1948.

_ _ . lalnb.'Lb'ula'JourO A Tiohtropo" © ® * * » March. Torry Advonluro) Rich


Ilna" d040', HBO * * » "T" allRuaaell. Goorgo C, Scotl, „p

ma) Glonn Ford, 0 Tho Morrlod C I N * * * "Tho J

IIorMatlhau. mo) Thomoo Mllct

-------------------- 0 - * * - " T h o - 2 ;oas Toxoa" onco-Ficlion) Gi ir. Torry Joa- French,

CD * * h "The A A . Riddle" (1972. Fanlaoy)

lounlna. Llln Lynno Frodorlck.. • - S H O W ^ - i r V h ^

elevision sion guide


bscribcr to Magic Valley ■ black slatJoa numbers:5 (CBS) q/ARTSb(PBS) _________________(a(24-fiourDew8)(ABC)

e(NBC)------------------------------nta(lDdependeot)wdDdepeodcnt)— -----------tflsD/pobUcaervice)Q F alls (NBC/CBS)

letwoTfc A •Lakejcfhaim d)

' BO or^o w ttm eservices,__

ber to,anQ}her area' cabic te and black clianncl num-'oqr^cdmmunily._StaUons__Ijsiedabove include: ^ C i ty ( N B C ) alls (CBS)ikeOfyTtABC)?!?__________te City (CBS)^ ( A B C )^ C H ty (P B S )Falls (CBS)}.(lD(lepen(Jeot)|‘.........teUo(PBS)roric (Sports network)

i, look for station numbers

FaUs (NBC/CBS) (lodefMmJest)----------------------

1 channels carry C-SPAN ty),. advertising,, woaiher ' ning.

'C rest. • VinoRUBECK: LIVE AT THE wilh -Jazi: -planla|- Davo Bru-“ ‘ bee) ior forco in popularizing O C ^s ot Iho Paul M asaon hosl

neTnoviesThomosJno. A Buahrod" (108; rn) Max Julian, V onoiia Co Hi

ON1 0 : 0 0 ____________ Brigll

:otlor“ Ffom-An-Unknown_______a. Rom ance) Jonn Fon- CSlurdon, ............. - ______Rom<► » "Brookoul"- (1959. ton, E llchnrd Todd. Richard

CD *11:00 . (198<

"T ape" (1081. Drama) Front Itl, Timoihy Hullon. CIN"Ranaom " (t9S 6 . Ora- (I06C

i , Donna Rood. -Moor10 Sullivans" (1944, Dro- lllcholl. Anno Baxter, HBO

11:06 (108C>-27lh-Doy"- (1957.-Scl- — Kodrt

Gono Borry, V alerie SHOV (196:

- Irow,0 Amazing Mr. Blundon" ly) Louronco Nslsmilh. CIN;k _____________________ (1972H "My Fovorilo Y ear" 'M cGo


2 - 2 - 3 - -

5 1

7 - 78 12 g

--------- 1 2 “ '10* - 13------ 13—12 1! 11

151617 :•

_____ U _______________

H . - - I H H

------------------ ^ 3- - - --------- --- 10 3

_____= ______ 4---------- —____- • 5 -- 6 6- - 7 - ------ •

• 8 8

" — - 10

A v a i la b le in m o st a i A v a i la b le In i l i n l t ^

• • W hprK T V S f ^CnH f nl,'K T X L -S a c ra m c n to Is pi

' P a u l ; R u p e r t a n d B uricy , S a c r flTnr»nfr>stnOon n o t

— I., t . i ; ; r '

V-'.,«noyards Jn -S o ralogo in .io p i^ a vilh raro footage of Ihe originat lock Quartet.3 (ED INSmE STORV.ffloddlno C«losis on oxomlnalion of pross porfi

J — ------ -- —

1082. Comody) Polor O'Toolo. Jo0 H arpor---------- ----------------- -------IN * * * "P iaf" (1973, Diograp rigltio Arlol. Paaca lo Chrlatbpho.

^ 2 ^D * * * ”TTio“ Pifl6on-TniirTi om o" (1002, Comody) ChorltonH in, EIso Monlnolll.

3 :003 ★ * "Tho G hoala Ol Buxloy Hi 1980, Dromo) Dick O'NoIll, Vic ronch,IN * * * ★ "Man On A TlghtfOf 1963. Susponao) Frodric March. Tc ooro. . . .

3 :30a o * * * H "Tell Mo A Ridd 080. Dramo) Melvyn Douglas, 1odrova:--------------------------------------HOW ★ * "W alU Acroaa Text 982, Oramo) Anno Archer. Torry J3W,

Biro--------------------N * * H "Thomoaino & Bmhrc 973. W ostorn) Mox Julian. VofiD cG ib :

# // / #

i - 2 “

*9 ................... 4 '1 _ - 13 ■- - 6 ---------- ----------«r 7 7 7» - - 10__r ....... - 121--------- ------------ = r 9: 11 11 n

1 Z 15 H0f21

_ 3 -

------ 6 -

- 8 - - 8 • -- -------- -fi

I areas._____________________ted area. — ------- --------------

Lakc£ity-slgns off-thc a l r .------p ick cd u p in H cy b u m ,

Icy. Program m ing for thc not carried in ourllstlD ga- - : '

-alDna. at 0^ ,.







iddio", Ula


hroS" wma__


Page 31: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

H ® O CB MA1T*’wUSTQf ■ g Invoatlooilon ot o Houston In

H om ployoo’o murdor ao ls hlr H ooorch (Of a Mofilyn Monroo tc B LoBourdollo). f—I


Wlocok opprovoo Itio ptans o oflicor (John Bock), whoao ro dom anda puah hlo troopo to tt o t onduranco.CD AUSVN CITY U m S "Mizk( /-T .C . G hoppiid” .‘.Jlckoy Gill

.. Oon'l Know_Mo".nYour Oroama Away." ond T.Q pord ottora aovoral ol hla hita. ( B FAtfTASY ISUND OD ANOTHER UFE- ©■NASHVtttE-AFTER-HOURS Hol Tomola.

- -©-QhNtQHT-FtiQ^fr-aoo-a- jJum olal—Q iifl'' (from Loo A

Calif.)© S P O R T S C E N T E R --------HBO MOVIE * * ( i - T o p a -d O f m n) GoOfoo.C.S«olt. Timothy H SHOW MOVIE * * * -Conon Tl borlon". ( t8 0 2 , Advonluro) Schw orronoggor, jdmo'a Ehrl Jo CtN MOWE ★ * * * “ Tho God (1972, Oromo) Moflon Brando tno. - - - ..............

9 ;MO ALL IN THE FAMILY bocomoB doproaaod oflor toi m ogoilno’in ifo ^ x p o c tn n c y lO; Indlcntoa ho will dio whon ho r« 67.

0 ;16 . ,

City. N.J. (R)--------------------------8 ;3 a ---------------O (CD INTERNATIONAL EE A ndrew M qndoratnm, TTN-Lc foporta on Iho-poltitcat olfoeto

•Rononn-DdmfniairoIionVato'h'dTi tho PATCO atrlko; Normnn Fu. Tt no Tlmoa, roporta on how Toi> otfoclod Oa Iho U.S. movoa clo

S a t u r d j0:00

O PINWHEELO KEWS / WEATHER / SPORTS m C AR TOO N S .CD WEEKEND GARDENER (D (D) ALIVE ANO WELLI •aN -M O V IB -*"*-*~PIfir-C lB73- rophy).B rlgltt6 Arioi; Pagcoto i topho,

a io T " ' '.O BETWEEN THE LINES . . ■ 6:15fflBU YERSFOnU M--------- ------------ - 6 : 3 0 ----------------2 ) (D BOTSWANA O SPO RTS REVIEW f f l THREE SCORE / COMML CALENDAROD TO BE ANNOUNCED

6:'35 ' 7 “O R O M P E R ROOM ---------- ---------------- ---- 6 r 4 6 ™ -----------f f l CARTOONS

• 0;00 ■ — ’ (3) O (B _© ..(n}_T H E FUNTST FUNNIESS ) O CB SCOOBY DOO / MENUC O NEWS ; WEATHER / SPORTSC53 T W BISKITTS-----— . rCD GEOGRAPHY OF UTAHqpN E W S __ ___ _______15J U;S.TARH f tp d R T ■ •CD SUPEH BQ OK ...........................ID-ai-SCHOLASTJC-SPOflTS ACy MY "Tonnia; Ground Slrokoa & B hBnd"QtJOBi;KothyKoll. IDV JO EO D tSCJOCK EY S.. _OD VlC-3 VACANT LOT (fl)

----------------:------fl;06------O S T A R C A D E '- .......— - •

0:00O GD (S) SATURDAY SUPERCADE (Z) a QD ( S (D ( t n THE SfTALES . .( S O CB THE MONCHHICHIS / LIT AASCALS / RICHIE RICHQ j H E j i o a i o a ^ _________ ____QDGEOQRAPHYOFUTAH - f f l THE WORLD TOMORROW CD FLYINO HOUSE-^' ©^I^W O M A M -W A TCH -A -proW . profoaslonal womon In contompo

C ^ i w S ' r t s c e m t e r j !

Iho Pooplo’o Rof TQN M att'a lon Grnm. Danish n Induatrloa ration, roporta qn

him on ,0 ohco ond political ■0 took-ollko O .CRO SSFIRE

f f l LOVE BOAT G him Q iob olfor. a

JN O rrC npfT ^T or a otowonii and IS of s t»ow romontlcally Invot a rotonltoas nnt.0 tholr limit CD D08IE GILLIS

© OFFSTAGE An icFioy GOfoy Ward.G l l l o y ■ ■ ■ Q

T q" s S -'® ■ - ( D ‘ M 0U 8ETER

•'Hockoy Hom[cl< JR S Q u o B tr ^ —

iO-JOCK8-Orf—1 Aflooloa, 0 1 ) NEWS

O SDOH VAN (---------- - - TIONAL PIANO CC:t081 . Dra- tho 'a lxlyHullon. .•‘ '" ‘J o ' Botl-dlaclpl m Tho Bar- compotllora mt o) Arnold 'ho oakcrIJonoa. ■ wllh o took ot Iho ll Sodfalhor" ovbntuol wlnnar lo. Al P o d - O ® VIETNAM: ,

------- - TORY “ LBJ QOO:to e s )" AtthouBhHi

V Arr>hi« " ’ir’od to unllo , . w n f : ■-»»■'■>" J

■ toal Thnt OPP®3i»lon-n».BUttB- . Ilon ol tho undoclario r . . c h = = o NEWSNIGHT


Obvioua attompio t-------------------enolrah-Channolr<R:

EDITION _ 0 (12) H O Q ^-£ ^•London, ' .must contaci a woi

“ fJnzI oili'<rooafn3t © B U H M s ANOALl I. Tho Chi- © MQVtE "Po> Taiwan lo doan" (1964,- Co Closer 10 MIchtiolMcGroovoy

l a y p r o jHSO VIDEO JUKEBC

rv,o • 0^3f y S o MOVIE * ★ "T- -' Bomo Plno" (t03C

MacMurroy. Honry Fc

® INSTRUCTIONAL ro Chrts- shoollng-' Guoal: Bl

------ - (R) •7:0

C ? ) O C ® © ( D ( l t ) ©HEALTHWEEK.-.,


f f l REX HUMBARD - • • . © THE LESSON '

<MUNITY © COUNTRY SPi Lord 0003 small ni'i

^ __ ' _wl1h Portor Wagonor.■ ; © ■ ■ (U rc o -E o '.........

-----------------© -AirroTTACING '■_____ _(from Stooklyn..Mlch.

HBO MOVIE * *__ _______ Pnn lho r" .{1902,

,, SoKora, Dovid Nivon. TSTQNE - -6H0W ;THErTHUBDe

c a a a t muot overcome i o opoco In or<^er lo hol[ jQ loom->'-»acuo_lhp_a............— raaoarch station. —


A r A n c _ ' O GD DUNQEOyS


....................CC INVITATTONTOFL0 ( 12) SPACE KIDET



-darb irdsH niso ion-fa it LITTjlE ot prominont scloniiDli

kidnoppod by a-oano

' : CIN MOVIE ★★14 "To (1960, Dromo) Slovo i dyQ oald. .

oW o-ol------- :— u--------------Q ^ .nporory Q ( J i (J) THE DUKES

O ' MEDIA • WATCH*' h-.' ( ■ j o u r H a l : ... i'V jC

Ropubllc ol ChIno: Slot- . © ’ NA Ish Broadcoallno C o rp o - ' hlobllgt- on Jorjy FatwOlfTf Inttu- © VIDI

cal power.. JOsr» O N IQ J

T Gophor’a n iW d mokosr. o wontthv ffldow >n|la_______ __m a Q maoicinn bocom oB " O a lL ivotvod with his a sala t- aparko

hold wh■3 ’ odooQliAn Inlorviow wllh Jflcky - ® ABC

.................................. O C © (8:36 C o.8u..,

IS---------- :------------------------ CD-DOi8:40 NImon"

E RPIECE THEATER J^omsoh ilcldo; Lom bon, Tho

< CLiaunN IMTEHNA- ■ COMPETTTION P rb n ii l.- m JAC> six (Inollsls rovjool tho‘ .docior :lpllno and devotion all musl hovo lo risk thoir r>n m -r

oko ol tholr on. a lono ® ®10 Knot compolition ond . nor. (P an 3) ^A: A TELEVISION H S- loo . T o Wor (IIM 4. Ho Chi Mlnh Is dolor- ' ®

e North ond Soulti i» Johnaon'a vohomont C E M ’ A*tB-irrmnBewtf oBcoto-' ' ---------larod Vlolftom Wor. Q O MiJv

(iQ ao , D PYTHON’S FLYING Purcell, ■foo" la olfod, 0 plumb- O iTO T> iT6i TIiu Djjt., MT. K oo—«u)lpT,inc( IB to. Jump a ero aa Iho orta join

'. r ~ minulo 1N 'S HEROES iHoflon. -aclivllloo. mounded Brlilah nooni (T) LATE^-Oflicor.________________ Downey.-:'LLEN ............ ............rolurnod iForT hoL ovo Of Wlllo- P e rcy Ro Comody Ed Wynn. ontJ ayndl

'oy . glyna nw

> g r a m siBOX (Z) AMERI0:36 O d Z J J C"Troll "Of Tho Lono- f f l CHARI

030. ■ W oatorn) Frod ‘ ® MOVIE y Fondo, W polorn),

_______________ ^(D_Qo6 p

SERIES "Soccor: t n t n sr- : Bill Muao, Princoion S y ^ T o iS

h(wd" Gue'• ° v --"© V ID E OiD S M U R F S g • SHOW THI

j f I y - " •

_ . J. _ _ Eorth'.n our

SP'bRTSMAN. Bobby. mouth' boas tlahino

....... - • C S O O O '3 "ASA Stock C ara"l c h . ) - ( f i ) . „ --------------

01 Tho Pink

*D E R B IR D S :A :iyaunB :-gJJ52lEcrmo hia foar of opon. - } S ^ ^ ® = holp’IhoThunflgtbird - m ^ s f n p ,

HI "John CouQor Mot- • O MOVIE

nyotjirin '.'- 5N9 AND DRAq On s —W / RUBIK CUBE / O CD CB E

PRINCE-___________ ^ c 5 ) ,o ( s m

O k id s - w . CD O CB I

- ■ SCHOOLHC IDENER . . Q SPORTSi^ IlS^V A L C A D E • (S.CONTEK 3LFTIP3 . , .Q ( i 2 ) M 0lERBIRDS Tho Thun- ( i9 5 i,A d v c 9-10 roaeuo o 'g ro u p --S h o lta Rynn tiDla who hovo beon © MOVIE sno^if crlmlnnta lod ( 1035, vVosinoroI-Slifviuotiui. lo r ry .''To Raco Tho Wind” , © q i ^ d ' i vo Guttontjorg, Ran- 2)

© STARS (0 0 ^ ------------------- ----- G u««»^O ynES , ■ • • © O S P O F H*' r HOUYWOOD © SPORTS■ ......................... - t ln a o MOVIE

NASHVILLE NOW Livo foatur illghllng couniry music.VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS

• -10:05 ‘4IQHT TRACKS

U.L IN - h ^ FAMlLY A local oloctl' rka diaaoni In Iho Bunker hous I whon conaorvotlvo Archio Is pl lOQlnat llbo'ral Mlko,IBC NEWS NIQHTUNE? ) © (11) TONIGHT Hoat: Johnr>L»>. Gu»ai, oti..ii,if Ci.;& J,-.DOCTOR-WHO— m{r~Hafria‘~C Jn" Tho D octor and Romono Hr isolvoa in tho clutchos of tho ov in, (P a n 3)l2hTlflCKE.0fL.THENJQKT.Seho( ' OtivlQ Nowton-John, Robort It-P o a h frR ryifip _MOVIE ★ ★ ★ "Tho Tall Mon S.-Advonturo) Clark Gablo, Robo;I. ............. ............ ....... .... ..... .ACK BENNY Jack-aoo on ollorg 3r, _

■ 10:353 TONIGHT Hoal: Johnny Coraor I: Sammy Davla Jr, lARNEY MILLER Ttio detocllvo lOlng bonkora in ihoir now oaatgn 08 a homfcido aqund. (Port 2) WTASY ISLAND

10:40•A *S‘H _

tdVlE ** -V T orro f-A m ong-U a ' ), Dramo) Oon Meredith, Sorotill, . -------

THE LAWMAKERS Corroapond .indn Worlholmor and Coklo Rob oin 'Poul D uko-tor -on, up;t<2tJhti 0 aummary ‘of Conoro’aalono ties. - - ..TENIGHT AMERICA G uoaia; Johr cy .-.Io rm or-C I/i|-flaon l.-.=v»haod 10 China lor 0 good-will vlalf;

R oss,' mitllonuiro philonlhrbplsi ^ndlcaled columnisi. tolla why ho nwny thouciinda of dollor# to

i'eRICAN STORY___•0 JONNY QUEST " S . ARLANDO- .3VIE''*.>» "Lucky Tox‘an"t{1034 ■rn) John Woyno, Gabby Hayoa. >6CLM0RNlNQ,.MICKEYiaRAHT.

SCHOLASTIC SPORTS ACADE-. onnla:-Ground Strokes & Back-- Guoat: Kothy Kelt. (R)€ 0 CISC JOCKEYS THE T>tUNOEflBIRDS tn o^'raco

l , ‘.*’ ..°'-ttJO:.Thutidnrblfda must-volcano.Irom-ofupiing-Dnd-ren*-mnh Irbppod; doop bolow iho

lourfaco..' - ' •e : 3 0 : " , '- - ------ " '


00 © © (11) alvin’a n d t h eUNK&-. — - IHE LITTLES'L'E WITH ELSA KLENSCH ERICAN STORY1 LITTLE RASCALS -■REDIBLEHULK........................... -JSEflCiSE "Fod Dials"3P0RTSPROBE.P E £ g o T 8 A L L C R } -i ;_ ._ _ _ ;_.......... :" '-8 :'3 6 .......■"VIE ★ ★ * "Bock To Balonn" iWvumuro) jonn wuyno. AiilKo^— --------- ----------------------


0 © © ( t 1 ) M R . T5‘ WRfTES ■■...................................CB PU P PY ,/ SCOOSY DOQ / L H O U S E R O at- RTS CCOSE-UP . ; rTEMPORARY HEALTH ISSUES MOVIE ★★ "JunQle Monhunl"

\dvonturo) Johnny Wolasmullar. 'iynn7~ '------------------------------ r - -VIE * H "Lflwloss Frontier" WoBlorn) John Wayne, Shnlln



PORTS^OOK=lTSWEEKtR)' ..........................)V1E-** -G o ln '-S o u lh " .{ i9 7 0 „

turoa ■ doaorvlng ond troubled t © I MARRIED JOAN "M HBO ON LOCATIOhl "E O ollflous" This comc m a k es h la ^ u ^ p n s o r i s tand-up aoto debut bi

:tlon 'o"- D-C- use- 11:06pill- O FIRST EDITION

Gottlieb, odltor-in-chlol Knopt.-lne.. publlahara.

mny f f l MOVIE * * "Torro (1990, rifnmn) Dnn Mo

01 PurcoU. find O NIGHT-TRACKS

11:10f f l HAWAII FIVE-0

— om ptoyooB 'of a-fomlt/-o^ orta- tion -oro Ihroatoned ar

_____ ________ . .11 :30 .'-O ® IDAHO REPORTS O T H E F U Q m V E ( B THICKE O F THE NlG i Olivia Nowton-John. Ro P oabo Bryaon.

on. O (5) © (11) FRIDAY N M usical mlni-leoturoa hl<

''08 by Rick SprinoKotd. Stri on- Lepfiord, A Flock 01 Seat

vin N ewton-John ond J (from tholr upcomlng^mov Kind"); a "Prtvate Ree profitoa Quiot Riot.

-------- © tO V E T H A T BOB--------Je ’- © -D A D ..C A N I BORROV rah • Animated. A yoiing mar

invotvomoni with autom ot nd. birth to hla ado lescen t yot sb . © OPRYLAND ON SI

. H olIyw ood".(i982. Comofl ihn .dy, Don Aykroyd,...........

>lf: f f l © HOGAN'S HEROES i s t ; O AT THE MET: OLMST ho TRAL PARK Tho pinfiacto to porko. Control. Pork,, ond

Com odyXJack Nicholson, burjjoci;SHOW MOVIE ★ * * "Cr

4. A'dijontofo) Cnry Grnnt. Joa y ' .- ■• 8:30

r r . _ 0 - ( 3 ) i - a ) - B U G 8 - a u N N.-'RUNNER

f f l . 'O GO © © ( t i ) ,A h It- DER-MAN/INCREDIBLE HI

• O J T H E TOMORROW PE Rotfongo 01 Jedik lnh" Wh

;o M astoro,,. S tephen or h »t (Part 2)'>• - 0 NCAA PREVIEW— • - r ' 10 f f l CONTEMPORARY HEAl

fflK U N Q FU-© -W E L G O M e-T O -POOI

0 "Yo'u Nood A Frlerid'’© S S PICK THE PROS

E - © ALPINE -SKI SCHOOl Down th e Slopoo" Tfovollnc mountain ond Introduction wllh a ’’chrrairoV ^rtenlr-oIi CIN MOVIE ★ ★ ★ 'i' "T

,(1 9 7 6 . Com edy) W oody ,- - MobIo1<------ ---------------------

t 0:00 '- O - C S CB BUGS BUNN1

RUNNER - ■...................■ O -Y O U CA N T d o . THAT C

SION "C ooking" Thia Is /i

— up...-mocti lo-lho-hofror-ot- . tho, crow who_wOLia.rnihoi

J O ® GERMAN PROF S (X C E R Arminla Blolofold Munich



, • © WRAPAROUND NASHVIL• -© -O -c o u N T o o w N T rr 'i

JEVO AND LOS ANGELES ond provtnwa o t woftrtwirin pic com poiitlons; proliloa c

' p o r l lc ip o n ta , . a n d worlc updalos.© VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS

— ©-SPORTBCENTER-^---------10:30 -

' <■£)' BUGS' BUNNY— RUNNER'. ‘ •

r f l a a y 7 d c u

)d poopio. ■ Frederick L"Molhor-ln-Law" ngoli)sl a t "Eddie _Murphy •• Ings ond pf

>mody superstar owamp In th )orod tolevlalon took ot Its 0 |

beloro on audi- f f l THICKEHalMiv-Wefthmg----- Otlwla-Nowl

Poobo BrystS ...........................................N Guoal: -Bob © JN StO E F ' let of Alfred A,*- ■ a DAVE Irror AmOng Ua" VINEYARDS Mororiith. Sa ra h n mn

io tr , porlori Vinoyards In

) wllh roro to<0 S ovonly-tw o bock Quartei r-ow noa'corpofo-— 0 - ( i 2)-IK

and tho ogino NEWS -------------- ------------- ©BACHECC1 _ L_ - © V ID EO Dll •g ■ .........HBO MOVIf

(10B2, DratrIGHT Scheduled:Roberto Flock, MOVIE -

(1979. Como r NIGHT VIDEOS Burrows,-

hlohllohl tunes Stray Cota. Oof f f l © FRIDA eaoulia. and Oii- minl-toaturoa I John 'T rovolto Sprlnollold. S lovlo "Two 01 A Flock Ol Soo laelB '’ aooment John and J(______________ upcoming me

"Prlvoto floo lo w THE CAR? e tR lo i. nan trncoa hie O NIGHT TR. nobilaa from hlayoara, (J) MOVIE *STAQE Rialno (1908. Music

_____________ Fft-tor _■" tt Camo From ■ " —nody) John Con--T--- ^ -

ES4STED IN CEN-. clo.-ol Amerieon ] id Da .dosl.anor,. / >

TV-flpf3n. Mnry Slaon- ; Fumil•Criais" (1950, • • L ow Ror Jo so Forror. C r o d i to r

'a p p l i o s lo NNY 7 -R O A D " -S o rv F c ^ * K

AMA2.N3 3PI- " '° " E = HULK ■PEOPLE. "Tho ' •Who ^^ol Col.• his double? -

eAl t h is s u e s

30H . CORNER . < — \ t

)OL "Up' and-- - I,Ilng oroijnti tho •' on of th e turnIfOltoa-DHia.-------------

"The Front” ly Allen. Zero T j

! r r o a d •.

T l f N j 5 i v i . . 7 r "“ T ”s iuat a nitto W eeko(-Uio roat-«H'----- —------0 5 . IP.]hot play.w lth A 'p l a n ti----------------:------- —« f a b t b h « cOFESSIONAL h o u s e h o ld lid vs. Bayern l i s h c r o d I

c o r r lo d o u t

3P0RTS ........... P h o nIMAN B ^ V -

VILLE. . ^r-B4:-SA flA-— -------------ES HigMohla ^

a of Olympic

CIEARMA cro ss s

lcfotDo72i7idtti T ttrib^-We?^

k Lnw O lm sted, a ro footurod a backdrop of oriQlnol draw- J pho loo .o f w hat woo a vast n tho mld-IOOO'a. along with aIB oppooranco to d o y ,-----KE O F THE NIGHT Schodulod; lowlon-John,—fiobtt^ta--Flack7— ryson._ - — I M SE FOOTBALL (R) .

12:00 -------E BflUBECK; LIVE AT . THE IDS J azz p ianist Dove Qru-_majoc_Jotc/»_lK_popiilofiiinQ__rlo rm s-a t lho P o u l ' fcfoaaon s in Sorologo In 1981. olono- > footage of tho .orlolnot Qru- - irtol.- INDEPENDeNT“ NETWORK—

ECOR FATHER-------------—) DISC JOCKEYSDVIE ★ '★ « "Lovo Child"Iramo) Amy Modlgan, Boau

IE ★ "S ox Wllh The S tara" omody) Thick Wilaon. Martin

12:06IIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS Musical rea hiohtlghl lunoa by. Rick d. S tray Cata , Def L eppard. A Soaoulls. and Olivia Newton- I John Travotto (from Ihoirmovie "Two Ol A K ind"); n___

Roola" Bogmbnt p rolllos Qut-


E * * H "Half A Slxponco '’ uslcol) Tommy Sloolo. Julio

(ppllances-Stereo niliire - Betiding IR e n ta l - C h a rg e s • N o >r c h o c k s • R o n t

to p u r c l ^ s o • F r o o _____• N o I r i to ro s t C h o t’g o s o n g to r m o g r o o m o n t :on c o n c o i o g r o o m o n t »-

■ ■ P

akly PoymBnts ___| p y M 3 $ . $ ^ - 0 0 _____ I____

t o r ih o s b w i th o u t ' ' h o d e ro d ih — to - o w n ~ — — )Id i to m s a n d o s to b - o d l t , if o g r o o m o n t o u t . - -

I0H8 7 3 3 -7 1 1 1 ---------------


A v * .N o n t\'T W ti{ ^« ii« '; ^ ' •


Page 32: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

_________Q ] O f f l ID IDO STANDBY. ACnONIHoflt L« n plrato lo dom makoup; o bohl Iho (lima "Oc Socrol 01 NIMH.

-------------------------- O S P eC IA L R E IGD UNDERSTAN

. _____ _______ IOR .. . - - ...O (12) MOVIE

-............... ...................C08I«1IO-MOO|-o o s r , Camadv)

' Frowloy.C?:i MOVIE * * ’

• (l040;W oaiQ rh)_________ donold Cnrny.

.4D WILD BILL HI' (D DONALD OUC © MOVIE "Acrc Jnck Rnndnll. ”

__________________ t a lL>j.YQU; MAC(D.NFL QAMEO

--------------------------- O —MOVIE - i nM oon" (1948 , Miichum. Bofbari

--------- O Q ) ( 5 } ( D ( nCO CD ONE OF A O dS AMERICA) O NEWS / WEA

-------------- ----------- O BATM AN_____(I) BUSINESS 01 C©THE FUNTST CD MOVIE *1

--------------------------- Srndo’'TfD55TWAnaioDlcklnaon. (□ YOU AND I Cook A Stow"CD O DESIGNS I

■ ® SATURDAY h______________________________


(1053. Comody) Korf.

■ ' ■ ■ ■ CIN 'MOVIE” * (1081. Comody)

___________ nryStovonB.

O O ) I S ( □ (1 FESTIVAL GO (D CHLOREN O QOtNQ QREA trolnor ol klllof v, roggao wllh D< music group: lly v O (!S) AMERICAf O NEWSMAKER OBATMAN CD BUSINESS OF OD AMERICA'S T( (D MOVIE * * (1954. Advonlu Jonbt Lolgh.(D (Q) SCHOLAS MY "TonnlB; Gfo hnnd" Guool: Kol


.............. ........... ._BEAUTY_:ThO-Hconviel. who holi

------------ noniflOo. musi <own froodom nn Kovin.

----------------GD CAPTAIN KAN- r - v - v v .- .:- - 0 05) FOCUS OW

OHEALTHWEEK_________________f f l FACES

O 'M OVIE * * M issing" (1075. 5

------------- manreiljolJDttrAo_________________CD -R£aS0NALQ

Rocroallon" f f l MOVIE * ★ • Solom " (1974. Dlllmon. LolaNotl O (12) MOVIE Anythlno Sm nir Jam o sC so n o y . R. CD {11> GRIZZLY his Ilfo savings li monl for farm lam lo roiiro, a Qulllbli oul mto (ho wildor

--------------------------(D— BOBOY— OAGuoalB; Ed a .P t Holyllold. Jimmy J (D Q ) MOVffi * mon" (1953. Foni Robort Rounaovllh

--------------------ID vioeo oisc-j(H B O M O V tE **V

tD (11) THUNDARR lyw<BY...LIQKT8I' 'CAMSftA^ 1 ‘ Dan It Leonard Nimoy bocdmVs jom onstfoto Iho moglc of Q >ohlnd-tho-aconoa look ot Guo "OctopusnyV ond "Tho Cor WH." Aot.REPORT - .---------- ‘ O frANDINQ HUMAN BEHAV- O (

• ' ‘— TO*)VIE * * h "Abbotl A nd^'Q ;)90t—Th«—Inuitiblu. Man'.__Hon}(ty> Nancy Guild, kVilfinm Q

' ..................... —. -flo lc"SiroftiR Of LnnidoV ,,m)

orn) Wllllnm lloidonVfilbc-' ' ®- - (19.

.HICKOKDUCK PRESENTS .Vcrosa Tho PInlna" (1939) q ,,


- tO:35- • o k-DiQod-on— m o— m '(

148, W oslorn) R obort Tho bora Bol G oddos. ... ond

11:00 . ( B ((n)FA TA L B E R T C0 IiFAKIND (10<ICAN STORY WllliVEATHER / SPORTS O--------------------------- -_Lorc3 OF MANAGEME^^T withrSTONE FUNNIES SHC* * "Rolufn Ol Jock Dror

rW oB lorn)JoH n-Fricsbn.— lonTion. ----- ------------------CIND ME. KID "Popcorn - (IOC


t h I n S : ^;E -*.*54--"Ofoam 'W iro‘* ' jhoy dy) Cory Gfont. D obo rnh '' coat

” * * 'r t “ " ‘.'Foi“ Chonco" ' dy) Fornhom Scott. Janu- q <

11:30 • dnnt) (11) CHILDREN’S FILM oxel

O ' l^EN'S THEATRE PfofcREAT Mool 0 17-yoor-old Q s Jf whaloa: funk, rocK ond , Q JT

Dosllny. on Innor-clty o f Ally wllh lho olr cadota . wooCAN STORY. 8QUC<ERSATURDAY mon

I OF MANAGEMENT pinySTO PTEN • ' ©* * h "Pfinco Valiant” hinninturo) Jam oa Mason, orod

JVSTIC SPORTS ACADE. CD A Ground Sirokos & Bock- CB Kathy K oit.(R)- Oowi

f f l ^ O O M - " wniT(R)

_ ------------------------r

E ■ **a "Tho la io n d o r ) Donnls Woavor, Sharon

VENTURES OF BLACK O GB-Hoologo" A n .oacopod______holds Kovin ond Ooouty (Z) f >1 chooso boiwoon hia uiod:

and sav ing .on injurod Laa • ■ Jumf

CANQAROO----------------------- Haw.; OWSOCIETY^:;^ - -: - - - - -- o _EEK BEH

( 3 1»T r~ono-Q fT .trw iw oinir—- v i r t '5. Suaponso) Jock KIuq- O SrAohloy.— -------------- ---------0 ~ <UFlNAHCE^XolautoM id. ,<10,5

Roor- T h o Lost Brido Of • (D A

4. Suaponao) Brodlord <DW Jotlloion. (B »n s "Novor Sloal Tho Iin i r (1950. Comody) por. I /. Rogor Smith. ( D £ZLY ADAMS Aftor giving (D V IS 10 o atrangor aa poy- OD'rt land on which ho hopos StaU lllblo ox-covolrymon aols HBOIdoTrioaVtb-find it. ----------^Y onrBARE AND RRIENDS .Jo a a

.P a ls y Bruco, Wayland n yJohnaon . n y; * * * "Tolos Of Holt- aON =onlo8y) Moira Shooror. tho ivlilo. ■ MoniJ-JOCKEY3-----------------------Duro

"It Camo From Hoi- Q

ywood” '(1082, Comody) J ih n Cn 5an Aykroyd. •

12:30Q LIVEWIR^ "Participatory Spo Suosts: ACF? Jumpora. Doublo Di Dompolllora; Groo O avioa. A Votoroldo rocord champi O 5 0 FOCUS ON SOCIETY ' ' El CROSSFIRE .

DRAG RACING "U.S. N ationals" D PERSONAL FINANCE "Buylni4omo"------------------- ---------------------3 MOVtE * * ' i "Tho Groat Nc lolcj; Mlnnooola R aid" (1972. W im) c :ji/ noborlDon. Roborl Duvall. 0 M^OVIE *!v "The Bullllghl( 1945,. Comody) LiiurdI And Hiirdy.D CALL OFTHE WEST----------------


JutorC lfc io ''3 WASHINGTON DIALOGUE D'COMPLTTER PROQflAMME "li'a 'ho C om putor" How a computor si ind a to ro s informalion la oxplorod. D d l ) VIEWS0 MOVIE-"Soddlos And Sagobnj 1043, W oalorn) Ruanoll Haydon. I Vlils.D COUNTRY SPORTSMAN Bo .ord .oooa amall..nioulh baso liol »ith Po rte r Wagortor. iHOW MOVIE * * H "T apo" (l£ Iramo) Goorgo C. S c o tt. Timothy I on.JIN MOVIE "Loot Horlz1037. Fontoay) Ronald Colmon. J Vyntl.

1:10D A KNIGHT FOR A DAY Animal iiaolw-aaiuia_a_iook_.aL-thQ_ooI. nlghto of old ond tho d o in g do noy did lo win Iho hand of a (air p

---------------- '. .-1 :3 0 _________ __3 GD (2D (D (1 1) NCAA TODAY 3 SPECIAL DELIVERY "Aloddln" 1 le a io f production-b londa song ; snco wilh iho rriorol (able lo croolc xcltlna ontortolnmont troal.J ' ® ART OF BEING HUMAN 'roblom Of Evil"3 STYLE WITH ELSA KLENSCH D THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS "Tir » A thona” Jonalhan Pryco portray loatthy A lhonian noblom an w Quaodors hla forluno on hlo (ic ■lonOo-ln. Jonathan Minor's lolovie roduction ol William Shakoapooilay- ........................ ...3 NEWI ANIMAL WORLD "Jun ilnnd" Troco Iho history of Borfo ( rodo laland. which w aa formod 9 t4 .3 AMERICAN SPORTS CAVALCAD D ALPINE SKJ SCHOOL "Up i owrt tho S lopoa" Traveling oround lounlaln "and-Introduction of tho I T tin r~ c n n im iir~ D n :o m ro iio c n ii )

B O -SrrCO M Thio oomody progr )llowo th e lollies of tho Qoosobc lan aftor Dad (Alan Youngi^ls flrod Isb o a s , Mr. Slavodrivor.

.1:461 (]D GD CQ (11) NCAA FOOTBALL................... _ 2;0a _ __________D O d ) (D SPORTSWORLD Sch :od: CART Coosar'o Poloco 200 (fr oa VegoB, Nov.); Mon'a World W< j'mptng iChampioiishtpii' (from Mi aw.). • - —|_lEtl_UN O ERSTA N D !N Q _H U M EHAVIOR "Memory"D O ( S AMATEUR BOXING "U.S BrBtitolum“ -(fnjiTrRopld-Cltyr3:0:> 1 SPORTS CLOSE-UP > -(1 3 ) -M 0 V IE -* * H—•-'Off-Limi! 1953. Comody) Bob Hopo. ,Mic> oonoy.-[) AMERICA'S TOP TEN D WYATT EARP3 MOVIE * * * "Tho Cowboy ^ fio L ady" (1933. W ostorn) Gory C< or. M erle Oboron.3 d S ADVENTURES IN PARADISE 3 VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS 3 WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL (R) Unit ta lea vs. Brazil0 0 MOVIE * * ★ '» "My Fovor f ln r-{ i08?.-C om ody) PotoT O T oa

Hnrp^r________■- • 2:30

1 YOU CANT OO THAT ON TELE ION "Inoquonty: Kida Vo. Adult&" le ,kida could change plocos w om a-for one day. who would coijrornopuncraoniirinjruT ooK oT I SS) UNDERSTANDING HUMj

P S i l i i


f o'li^ch ® § o u l *t r a jn '’"*‘*‘ ' Atari ^ WAGON TRAIN

/ . .3 :0 0............... / O AGAINST THE OD

Malcolm X " Abraham qIo" • niovoq. ^ t om^hundrc jylng A asoQoalnotion, tho ' sl_________dom .continued.-and K

North- blnck Amorlcnna Wool~~"*roodom7t3un in o-y»r n

■all _ P n j: UVE FROM THI ghl'ora" ropolitnn Oporo Goto dy. • ccrt" Tho too th nnr _________ Molropoillan O pora I:

oingora.-Incljdino PI Luclnno Pnvarottl. I Robortn Pntnrn nnd (Port t)

' ® O GD WIDE w o n „,. -Q -- Schodolod: Euooblo I Jf norto 15-rouna^ Chnmpionship bout

' Viconio. Holy): Woric ih n n h ” •- Championahlpa (Irom.l >n Boh O NEWS / WEATHER


loncamp (1981. 3:30

hy Hut- CD CD WILD KINGDOM-------------- O -REGO tE-JA CK SO rorlzon" SPORTS "Hiking" -Tn n, Jono Anooloa Padroo Nhllc

RoqoIo talko with a ' - Scouta obout th e ruggi

Imntod a p o rto l hiking,___O NEWSMAKER SATI


(33 QQOD TIMES The------- • - . nalohtjofhooa com

poln tapo rtfo il. n in ia ( Q p e c O S B I L L ' ig a n d - | g MOVIE "Acroaa Thi Bale on jqcK Randall.

© D ) RADIO 1000 HBO MOVIE ★ * "Tr. Pon tho r" (1982, C SollofB, Dnvld Ntvon.

Timon ^ COUNTRY Jtraya o j q ktTTY WELLS T

WHO hoola Ihlo. tribute 10 ' Counlry Muaic" lootur

ovialon 00 Lynn Andoraor )ooro a Hank Wlllioma Jr.. Mori

. . - . iy.McLaln. Roy-Aoulf- Junplo horaolf. Tapod al Na roC ol- o loO pryH ouao . nod l n _ Q ,^ _ y p y ,£ i t i c ic v , :aD E C om ody)'w bc'p and

^ " 7 ; ^ O m o t o h w e e k iLl u ;

(3) CD SISKEL & e'b ER rogram- - iE S -S lakol-ond-E bort loborry Plro" "Tho Right S irod by Q NEWS / WEATHER



-----0 - ( 1 2 ) MOVIE-<r*HDlaaolor" (1973. Advo

D Urom Ywotto MirfllouM... ( S WELCOME BACK, h

Ju lio 's diamay. hor oio alarta deling

lUMAN— MONROES Cla vMllgf_ c o ugor to c<

U.S.A. o florod^T M aooy.^ ---------O ’E P c o rm a A Z iN E i

TION Guoal: Doboroh .imits'-— rji^TolfSTSran-JUDnbli vlickoy. 0 3 (JJ H O J SPOTS

' (from Woldorf.’-Md.)CD VIDEO DISC JOCKE

y C o t aW H ESTl.11104.-30



jvorito aho lolt a note on anToolo— *hat aho donlod:----------_________n EVANS A NOVAK


N ational Ski Chompionc “ l,K CB LORNE GREENFa



idHkpooflla";-'.' - ;-;w hqot crc................... ... • . 'd laianco '

AMERICA A promo quarry.,d . . C D N F L a

O T H ISWW C5CDMA5DDS "Lincoirt And lo oonla< m Lincoln frood tho .Aivnrer) i Jrod yoora a ltor hla jungieo bi■slfugglb for (roo^— h a rr-------I Mnlcoim X -spoko ... O SPECIj in w ho '.hnd found Thia popi/ I Iw flnij uyuulity.'"* Iinotivo*bf. HE MET "Tho Mot- 01 Drndy 1 to Contdnnlfll Con-. (33 EMER( innivoranry o l tho o a hia hi . la coiobfntod by • ottondanto -w orld :a-o rpn tn3 l__® SUCK IPIflcldo Domingo, O SPORl

Loontyno P rico ,' 'S :iH E E H / id Jorom n Hinnn. O C5). S--------------------------------WcCooV'CDRLD OF SPORTS Eivla Coot > Pod ro ro --/-Jo flo ‘a. Q uie l. ind FoalhorwoiQht Richio. An t (Ilvo from San O HEE H >rid Toblo Tonnia Tom Wopi n.Tokyo. Jap an ) ..., John Gnrn :R /S P O R T S CD TONY INASHVILLE f f l SW m

fomalo ime"John Couoor Mof- hoa awindl

long oovlniiO C 0(11 )U .

CD ALIASON*S'W ORLO-OF—Tfovol-lo Iho Loo o”'llonal Pork whoro a group of Boy CD THE G

jgod.but rewording


........... .. ; ___ Lord goo«,C w llhP onoi10 numbero king ol CD (S) Df DmmlaBlDna-J.J. t o - " “ "=°“ « '

Ing up a iig CD SPORT

rho Plolna" (10-30) SHOW MC Summer"

Trnil Of Tho Pink CINMOVIE Com ody) Po tor 0 0 8 0 , Oro


Tammy Wynotto O LORNE 0 tho "Quoon 01 NESS luring porformnnc- CD WSIDI ion. Tom T. Hall. hoalB one: orlo KilQore. Char- onco on na If-and Kitty Wolia -' ( S SISKEl N aahville'a Grnnd Siskol and

ond"T hoF • " T h e _ F fo n t: :_ CD ( 1 0 M/ 'bo'dy Alien. Zoro CDAMERK

CD H® DRA 5 ly hoida uf

ERTA TT«SM O V . )rt-tov low ^ 'U ndar__ ._[?® " ' ..

Ir /“s p o r t s O R E d m /'M....................ES O F MASTER- lAMMER COLLEC-

r h — Tho^Neptune - g , ,g vonluro) Ben Gaz-

; KOTTEH Much l o _ S d ? - ° ‘S 3iotor vlalting irom ngEpslolnV . “ b ^ h ru b r :iayt-ond-Jlm irack— (Ti“ LfTTLE COI..C, .

IErWEEKEND-EDr--^;;“ “ !;lh Moll. l l . Topfc; m s n i r n

^ r v c o ' SI- AnabnWllIi

0 O N E W S /.. .. O ENTER-

0 turod: IntoW S mork. RoORLD Chomborloi.Y EdIth'B honosty opanklng lc on ho leam o that CB STARS in unoccupied cor O MEMt— ........................ - WELK"Toj

_________CDGEOGRATHLETES IN THE rophyO l Im luol H ondlcopped f f l FAME { >nahlp" while Lore*8 NEW V^LOER- tholr differc

0 ( 1 2 ) HO OM-THE-P«AIRtE. - ( H MOVIE-: ifrp 'd o s t ^ ^ tho D ooth" (19

crop. Iho lormers woik o oroot :o to tako dongorous loboiln a


S WEEK IN COUNTRY MUSIC MANIMAL C hose and Brooko Iry Ilaci a . youno womon -(Loura i) rnlsod by wolvoa ip Indlo'o I boforo a hlrod killer roochos

■CIAL DELivERY-"QuartorflQOh" ipular O'oup porlorma Ihoir dJa- »-br(ind-of-muBlo-fll Iho-Oid Lody- jy Thontro In Tulsa, Oklnhomn. ERQENCY PnrnmTdIc G age tos-'

hoort - ognin - .to, n High! ml aiding a hoart a ttack victim.:K ROGERS?RTS-SATUfiDAV - -: h a wl.S O U D GOLD Hoat; Mnrilyn rCo* hoots: Air Supply. Uuooto: osiotlo. Al Frankon & Tom Dov- e l f l io l . Slovlo_ W oods, Lionel Anson Willlama wil'h Modamo.E HAW Guuats: Robo McEntlro. opot. Dol Wood, Don Crowloy. nrrotl.lY BROWN'S JOURNAL / r rC H 'P o lo ohd Mac hiro o' imporaonator to trop a man who indiod invoatora out of Ihoir ilfo- ■ vinga. (Port 1)I U.S. FARM REPORT AS SMITH ANO JONES A proa- » ~ tough-ta lk lng-w idow —hlroa- ond Curry to bring o hidden

3 lgoldtfow n from thohilla.I GOLDEN DOG A ghoat hoipa n roaliz<rthot tholr friendahip la ilunbto than tho go ia .dust Ihoy Iting ovor.>UNroY—SPORTSM AN-Bobby ooa amnll mouth baaa fishing norW ogonor. ;DRAGNET A now , und e rc o v er.

;a ollicor la auapocted of hold-.- I liquor atoro.IRTSCENTERMOVIE "Flvo Doyo Ono

r" (1082. Dromo) Soon Con- 3tay Brnntloy.'VIE * ★ 14 "To Roco Tho Wind" Dramo) Stavo Cuttonborg. Ran-a. -


}IDE STORY Hoddino Corlor n examination of preaa perform- I national teioviaion.<EL 4 EBERT AT THE MOVIES- ind Ebort review "Undor Firo" 10 Right Stuff."MAGIC VALLEY ALMANAC :R1CAN SPORTS CAVALCADE" " >RAGNET A gunman auccoaalul- I up ion atoroa in a confeciion-

DVIE * * "Goin' South" (1 0 7 0 .. I) Jack ' Mlcholaon, Mary Steen-

■ ' 6 :65”~ '•..... ..................MAN FOOTBALL REPORT

’ EVENING ‘ ‘ '

6:00I IS YOUR UFE DNEW SNQ GREAT Moot a 13-yoar-old jildarr-B -ygungolrl-fro ina-aa-o- arden In a wild gnmo pork: a o o ' lb raco.rLE'HOUSE"ON‘TH£‘ PR'AiniE“ >ocomea the opprontico ol on ^oId-woodcarvw.-tho-wily-~Jout-. jtG rovo.ID.QOLD.HoalLMorilynMcCoo., - o: Air Supply. Guoolo: EMo >TAfFfnnkon-& Tom DnvIorOui-—

Stevie W oods. Lionel Richio. </llliam’o with Maddmo;'S / WEATHER / SPORTS ERTAINMENT TH S WEEK Feo- intorviowo wilh Richard Wld- Rod Sto lgor and R ichard irlain: why celobrltloa go on0 lours.^SEAROKIMORIES WITH LAWRENCEToQOihor. W herever W e G o".......GRAPHY.OF UTAH "Tho Gaog-1 Indiana" -IE Shorofsky go la Bruno a Job eroy and Chrlatophor aelilo eroncoa Ino floi lighl. (Part 2) HOW THE WEST WAS WON TE.***.M .i:aiuaJ«atcr.Jftniit<L- (197 n Adyof>turo) DocutDonta-,

a M H

on* ry. D iroctod by ^"olorGlmbo 1 0 CD ( t l ) CUTTER TO HOUSI

■ (D MOVIE ★ ★ •‘Daytoi (1068. Suopenoo) Rory Call Kozan.CD MOVIE * * W "Bonlam

_ Tho Statoam on" (1974.. „ Moivyn Douglaa, Mlchool Lt

C D -O OVATION "Oulbroi Surrim'or’ R ipondas” (Part Chlhuohunn Doaort Trilo

^ . . Rainbowa Woit for Rain' - "W in d ln th D W o ta n i" --


K . (Livo) - ......... - .................Jhl 0:05n O NCAA FOOTBALL fi

Woohmgion Stoto_______ - .. .. 0 :3 0 -

O BARNEY MILLER Barno lyn ooll in hot wnter whon Iwo ) ilo; on ~copa''uxCo'ud ihoir' au nv- mako a drug buat. nol CD CD NEWSCOPE

O THE THIRD EYE "Undor ro. loin" RangilolO la nblozo 01 oy. ond Mr. Jonoo ond Iho tv.

(onlizojual how rulhloaatho ■ (Port Q)

o' c a DIMENSION FIVE ho CD GEOGRAPHY OF UTAH ' Io-- raphy Of Mlnorilloa"

7:00O f f l CS CUTTER TO H0U5 ( 3 O f f l CD CD (11)

— STROKES-Mr.--Onimmond.- lon -Arnold oach hflvo different i

a ltor thoy copturo on armed po O MOSES PENDLETON lo MOSES PENDLETON This

oy lho unlquo Amorican cho woo filmed on localion in I

by —22-foOfti~VlClorIon manoTon "0 rovopla.hls fiory ImnQinnllo

ing ovoryday' activiliba~inl atlvo p ro ce sa ol his choroo(

Id--- a US WILD AMERICA-"Bo Marty vlalla Iho North Amer and w otchea the grocolul

"0 . ond olho( croaluros unlquo o f tho counlry, Q (D O f f l T.J. HOOKER I-

‘1" Rom ano uncovor a loen-agt phy racket ollor Invoatigatli ogo murdor o l a young chooi O FREEMAN REPORTS '

R- CD NATURE "Fungi: Tho Rc Aboul U a" Ab an ooont of d

lor porformo o function ooaentii m- Ihia plnnol. □

0 ( 1 2 ) STAft SEARCH =3— CD STARS OF THE GRAND a" Guosi: Roy Aculf.


ut- oryStovbria.7:30

C3 O O D CD CD (11) SILVEI B. RIckv bocomoB Involved In

loko on Freddy (Corky PIgoc _ prank bockllros.

'O '© 'D IN N E R AT JULIA'S po res 0 moln courso ol braii

, .t;ieada>..^.nd guool chof Brae " ''oorvoo 0 doosert of'augorb



_ v ^ ra o ry j8 cojobratod in Ihia tary oxamlnlng tHo hialbflobl

’o of lho poal QO yoara aa ropo

In ^p y MOVIE "A Caribi

- H ayea. BnrnordHuohOB.- ® O ( !) © CD (11) THE R

jj.-^W yoft.ia .pitlod.ogainat-a boi w ho ia a lter a bog of mone;

■ diocovorod by a cob dri O'NoIll). - -

. O ® LIVE FROM THE MET ropoitton O pera G ala Conto

.J c e r t" Tho 100th onnlvorao Molropolitan O pera colobrat UOB. footurlng ouch oporo oil

:E----------------------■-M ovtaRBtlnaa-

Excoliont >b Very Oood '» Oood ) Not Bad



boj, , ,S T O M I'" ton 's Dovlts" :alhoun. Lolnlo

amin Franklin:I. Biography) Learned. rooITbr Lovo: | a rt ' 2): "Tho •

in" (Part ' 2)” |


noy linda him-0 youno wom- authority onfl "1

ibr Tho Moun-; ond crimoon, twins do not ho oliona oro.

H "The Gooq-

USTON ) DIFF'RENTd.-wmiiT'DnO--------it loloa to loll od burfllor, □4 PRESENTS ils proliio of horoogrophor1 Pondloton'aon. w hTTo-iro-------lion by woov- inlo the cre- logrophy.3om To Run" ------lericon plolna *-•' lul pronghorn 10 to thia port

I Hooker and igo pornogre- illng Iho sav- 1 j o ^ a d o r . p |

Rotten World |I docoy, fungi , ttia lto lllo o n ;


'Nat Chonco" •'S co ttrJonu^"*-----


loon). but tho ;

.'S Julio Fro- [ aisod owool- j •adloy Ogdon f irbuah mapIo |

•LIVES: THE t EARSINHIS^ I a 00th annl- : lia documen- ! joi.hlohliohta''; ported by lhe |

•ibboon Mya- : moo) HolorH

• ROUSTEBS : --------soumy.hunter4i=;== ley lhat waa driver (Dick

rr"T h 0 Mol- itonnial Con- •aory of Iho •ation contln-o ta ro aaP ia -

r....... ............. .............

★ * *

★ ★

Page 33: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

cItJo Domlnoo. Luciano. R LeontynoPflco,08w oItO B «# by ihQ Motfopolilon 0( IfO.ChofuB and Ballot.(2) O (S) LOVE BOAT So' aw ard proaonlora (Mlk Chuck McConn. Floyd Li

________Copi, Slut3lr»o..Q COupIo;, v ona ., Kovin McCarthy)

divofco, and a man (Paul !■ to mako a romantic m atch

..................ten! rrlond.(Poul Sand), aO NEWS / WEATWSn 7 S (Z) AMERICA: HOWE-A' HOME

- O (12) MOVIE * * '" A t Tho Ouoon" (1975. Ore S tack, Ralph Bollamy.(Si n e w s(D SINQ OUT AMERICA

--------------CeTWOVIE “TfiF"ScIchabod And Mr. Toad" (

--------------ByrATiimm otr-V 6ieo8-orondB aallR athbono.

_________(B BOBBV BARE ANIGuoBla; Ed & Paiay Bnn Hclyliold. Jimmy Johnaon. (D ® ALFRED HTTCHt SENTSOD VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS SHOW MOVIE ★ * "Trail P a n th e r” (10Q2. Comi Soliora, Oavid Nivon.

6:06a AILEY DANCES Alvin > Amorican Danco Thoator p

- - - aoiocilonB ffom ihoirporff lolro. in Ihls produclion h(

' mor Amorican Oanco Thoi Ith Jam ison, (oaturlng an li dancor Donno Wood. .

6:30_________t n CFL FOOTBALL Hoi

Cato a t Briilah Columbia Li____ ....... ...... ___-

( 3 O OD <B GD (11) Tl -POSE_Colleon_loafna tha

onb of hor la to huobarid' Roy confronla nowgpapAr Holilolor (Doborah Sholton ® O ( S FANTASY ISLA^

S u n d c7:00




------------- SHOW A e OtJNTflV-MUSTO KITTY WELLS Tamr hoa t» Ihia tribulo lo iho Counlry Muaio" .loaturino o s by Lynn Andoraon, T Hank WilMama Jr.. Morlo K

. iy McLain. Roy Acufl ond____ :_fi9r8olf,JTapocJ_flt_Na8hv

Olo Opry Houao, ,..... 7:06



........................... - 7:30(2) O (STBJERRYFXIH^ (D DAY OF DISCOVERY

------------- CKEVAMM-NOVAK---------(5) ROSERT SCHULLER

________ O MUSIC AND-THE SPOKi________O (12) JIUMV-SWAQQAR

(B H E R tT A Q E O rFA lT H - HBO MOVIE ★ ★ •'F lvo Da m er" (1963. Dramo)-Soi Botay Branlloy.CIN MOVIE ★ ★ "Lucky L Comody) Ll*n Minnoiil. Bur





" - ©'rOMMYmWTER’ ’ * •

o. Pavorotll ond « ol nura I a s porlormanc- Kloua. Eioonc 1 Oporo OrchOB- >’1"’ duflno o t

man (Potar Gj Sovoral bigolod 'droam vacatic

:MIke D ouoias, O S P O R T S T J Lovlno) ahock CD VIETNAM; plo; ( S f o 'n r 5 t " ; ' “ L BJ:;Q ooa- iy) proparo I o ' Alihouoh Ho ( lul Kroppol) trios unilo Norlh an Itch to t on Impo- Johnson 's vot . Q - - .in..mBsaivo t/S P O R T S clarod ViolnoJ-AWAY- FROM - (D-TWIUQHT

raccoon hunli "Advonturoa Ol Rip. ® hunt fro Drama) Robert (DTRAVELEF


k 03 MTV PRESAdvonturos 01 liipud livo n i tl

r (1949. Fonto- HBODONNA- ~orBTrtB~cfOlg y — P up nuuun'Dc

c o n c e r t tai .AND_l:f?IEND8 _Amphl1hoatro Bruco. W ayland CIN MOVIE * on. ' «• (1000. Dramt•CHCOCK PRE- Rollaback.

nrs O ^ A N S & trail Of Tho Pink (2) MOVIE ■* omody) Poto r And Tho Sonc

orn) Paui New (□JO H N ANK

(In Alloy and tho CD MOUSETt er proBoni throo Bond Concorl; lormononi fopor-— C0 MOVIE “ Ai tt hoalod by for- Jack Randall, hoa lar otor Jud-an intorvlow with Q NIGHT TR/

O CO CS (3 Hamilton T inor-^ NEWS ia Lions O MOSES 1

. . - MOSES PENI) THE YeLlOW tho unique t th a t C hanco [s Wmed or

irid'a oone. and 22-room Vicic p6r editor Jutiol rovoaia his fi< Ilon). ino ovorydayLAND To rew ard olivo process

l a y p r o cCD VIDEO DIS'

' MORNING--------------------- ------O B E S T O F C

/S P O R T S - o d a y OF DI ( 2 CD THE WC CD TABERNAC O C S ttffiE L E

ond Diana Nyi tho annual rui

ammy W yn«ll.Iho Ouoon Of, 0 ( i 2)TH EL Ino performoflc- j g ( , p^^cE

Tom T. HoII._ JBUARHYJOI o Kilfloro. Char- m OUSERC ond Kitty Wallai8hvillo:a_Qrflnd_____________ .

O MOVIE _ (t047.-Advonl^ Karloff.

- - — o j e r r y SA' ^ (2) CD KENNE'

k l-W P ll-^ — — O K IO S'-W nn ^W ELL g j h er a ld 01^ • 0 ( Z ) iI 5 l8 E 8---------------------O M C A t t^'O ^ W O R D —^ .......... .. •• - : o ( i 2)-THaK

o CB RAWHIDE p a y s Ono Sum- (q ( , , ) robei S ean-C onnarv , - Q |j jn«4Y 8W

. . .. c a GOOD MCly Lady" (1076. . ^ _______Burt Roynolda. ^ PERFORM

., . my Webb, bus ( D O WREST SHOW THE C

1ERS(R> pols. A kino_______________ ro_cnpJuro_ Ihc


^ O f T i s w R mo THE TOM Revonoo Of

• i'f^'KlroriijhoId.'CP.

uraoB (Joanna Coaaldy. Pot O l onor Porker) who carod lor ( S a hospllal slay , a bualnooa- of B

r Graves) BivoB thom ooch o cloi ation fontasy, □ andSTONIQHT ^ con^M; A TELEVISION HISTORY rosi BB-TO- Wnr (1904-1966)'l , O fo Ctil Mlnh Ib doteiinlned lo mar 1 and Soulh Vielna'm, Lyndon mal vohomont opposition roauita CD '0 oaco lo tion_ol_ lhe , undo-— ord) In am W o f.rj . o IH HT ZONE An Old man ooo'a .~C D- jnlino with his boiovod dog. JAP from which nolthor return. CD 1

LER'S WORLD Wai iROUND NASHVILLE Kay •fTFUGHT-'Uilravox" HBC 1ESENTS; TKE R>0( Concert YooDl tho Rainbow In Denver.-------- JoaJA - A HOT SUMMER NIGHT SHC r o onna~5iifflmof~aiizloBnim— Drai ta p e d ot th o P a c if ic Ion, Iro In CoBloM oao. Calif.: * ★ ★ ★ '-The Slunt Man" Q l ima) Potar O'Toolo, Stovo

9-3Q ___ _______&NOVAK O C • * ★ ★ * "Butch Caaaidylundanco Kid" (1969. W osi- (D \ lewmsn, Robort Rodford. iNKERSERGETERPIECE THEATER "Tho q eori; Californy Er B usi" q ] i "Ac ro ss Tho Plalns** (1039)— Hoiiioil. Bror

9 :60 0 £rRACKS GD £

10:00 O® ® O ® O GD CD Guyi

________ ______ Har\S PENDLETON PRESENTS © ( ENDLET0N_Thlfl.j}f0(ll0..0f.:_.“ ^ J J American choroooraphor ’' ‘"C1 on locailon in Pendiolon 'a “ ''V' icioflnn'niarialbhr'whoro h o '"» fiery Imaglnotion by w e a v .-(5) f lay activilioa inlo tho cro- Wioi )ss of his choroogrqphy. ofllc

g r a m s3ISC JOCKEYS ® C

8;06F 0 0 0 D N E W 8 g - J

8:30 ................ ..: DISCOVERY o (WORLD TOMORROW m \^ACLE CHOIR m•LECTRIC COMPANY (R) ( ig .® ~ N E W “ nrO R K - C IT Y - con M Jlm McKay, Morly Liquor!Nyad hoBl livo covoraQo of run through the c i t / 'a (Ive

DOtEH SUNDAY----------------------ITREET JOURNALREPORT ^ 0 0ELAHAYES - — -------sh cCE THE NATION cn^,JONES opn,31C1SE "Safoty For Youno- tear

rose• 8:35 - ____ CIN.

E ★ * ★ -"Unconquorod" (lOJ 'onlufo) Gary Coopor, Borla Wal

SAVE^r -----------§ JNETH COPELAND S *f f l lT E S - -^ :_______________ff_,JO F TRUTH IE8AME STREET (R) Q

•DISCOVERY----------- T-------- - O EKROEZEBROTHEHS------------g *


RMANCE PLUS Guoat: Jim- }UB driver (or Lorolta Lynn. ]•STLING ® 'S CROWN O F BOQQ Pup- ^ no ond hlB aon a e t out to ™Iho crown of tho undar-__ ,


IfTTEN 'OMORROW PEOPLE "Tho O C Of Je d lk la h " Boni on ( 2 |

edikiah tricks S tephen ond O i tOBdlng-hlm Into-lhelr-fnr t— SPO :(Par<'3) ■ ' ' ' ' com

O NEWS / V ^ T H E R t SPORTS CD NOVA "Artlflcl'ol H eart" Tho of Bomoy Clark, who rocoivod on cloi hosrt implant In 1962. Is rovl and an- Invoalioation of tho cont controversy Ovor artificial research Is prosontod. □O (12) HOGAN'S HEROES The mdhs.'plah Ib 'ahow Hogan Ihoir malowoopori."CD ( I I ) ALICE Jo lane p a s s e s a BrdoaB.toat ond.storta to moonlit a llighraltendanl.CD-BEYOND THE HORIZON:-UJAPANMA(JA2INE- --------------CD MOVtE ★ * ★ ” Th0-S ecf0t L W aller Mllty" (1947, Comody) I Kaye. Vlrglnio Moyo.HBO MOVIE ★ * •★ » "My Fa Y e a r" (1002. ^om ody) Polor O 'lJoaaiuu Huipor:--------------- ----------SHOW MOVIE "T aps" .(D ram n)-aogrp irC rS cottrT lmoth: lon,

------ - 10K)6ONIQHT TRACKS

10:16Q MOVIE_________ ___ _0 (S A B C N E W S


10:30 OMONEYWEEK O BSU FCK>TBALL Montana vs. E S MOVIE ★ * ★ "A Counlosa rJong Kono" (t9 6 7 . Comedy) W Brando, Sophin Loren.'D SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 3D SALUTE□ (12) MOVIE ★ ★ ★ ':Tho Guys" (1905, W nslorn) Tom 1 Harvo Proannli.0 (11) SIMON & SIMON A-J. and are hired.by a young widow who It vinced lhal hor husband 's doath skydiving woo aclually a murder.

10:363 ) © FOR LOVE AND HONOR Wlocok opprovoB tho plana of c ofllcer (John Bock); w hoao 'rolor

Q )(D (11) ORAL ROBERTS .. O NFL PREVIEW CS MORMON TABERNACLE CHOI ONEW SCENT^R©VIEWPOINT................................0 ( 1 2 ) ROBERT SCHULLER CD WELCOME TO POOH CORNEF (D MOVIE * V , "S c ared To D. (1947, _Myalory)_Bofa Lugosi. . Complon! ' ‘ 'B SPORTSCENTER HSO ONE IMN-S FIGHT FOR LIFl iruo-lifo drama of ono man’a i atfuaoin ngalnflt torminal c a ncor Ihe courage of hiB fomily and Irfoi documented. _SHOW THE THUNDERBIRDS A : cadet must ovorcomo his fear ol apace In ordor to holp tho Thundi loam re sc u e 'Ih o crow of o i rosoarch Btotion,CIN_M0V1E *★ ★ »* "La Rt (1950. Drama) Simono S igno ro t,. Waltsrook.

10:00B THS WORLD-TOMORROW___33 O (S) O MEET THE PRESS O YOU CANT OO THAT ON TE 8I0N ' "Rumor'*- U oly rum ora-nb and Chrlslino is worried.T in n FACTTHE NATION O M DONT LC70K NO~W D HEWS./.WEA1HEH ASPORTS 3 SUNDAY MORNINQ UVEK c tsc a K iD — ---------09 (11) FAITH FOR TODAY ID D. JAMES KENNEDY - . iDGUMBYED d J MOVIE ★ h "Showdown A Equator" (No D ate, Adventure)E> VIDEO DISC J 0 0 ^ 8 B AUTO RACINa "NASCAR Amc BOO" (livo from Rockingham. N.C.] SHOW THE THUNDERBIRDS Tho dorbirds' mlaaion la to rescue a i of prom inonrBclornim rwntrnnvo' kidnoppod by a gano of crinilnal

'l0 :3 0Q CB GD B (11) NFL TODAY 3 ) O CS) CD NFL '83□ REQQ£ JACKSON'S WORU S P O R T ^ B a o ^ a l l l f ^ y M Q M - s'bm'peto ln'\ho 3(3lH 'Annivoraory

TS ' -I dem onda push his tr no c a so ' o londuronco. onortlfl- CD MOVIE ★ ★ ★ • ivlowod. ( t9 6 0 . Com ody)'D o intinuing Slovona.

hoort ® THIS VffiEK IN CO 10:4

ho Gor- - (BM *A *S*H»!' "u't': 11:0


, , n , J W TOO YOUNO J O . ' hoata thjBjntomnUQ

, • docum onlary .dopictl Lire UT aiorving children in I

) Danny som oila and Ethiopia CD STARS O F THE G

S o Guoat: Roy Acuff.^^ ^

0 “a ileV d a n c e s -aItiy llJ t ' Thni

soloclionolrom thoir tpiro, in thla producii

~mor*Amorican Oanco ilh Jam ison, featuring dancor Donna Wood. CB AUSTIN CITY UMI

..............O NIGHT TRACKS “

l t : l i, f f i MOVIE ★★54

chania" (Port 2) (10 Harmon. MorQon Fairt

,.BSU ,,^ ,1:?,,f^/p.!?__.CIN ALBUM FLASH " Mfl'ion loncnmp"

11:aO T H E B IQ STO R Y

, CB CD (11) SATURDAB NFL g a m e o f t h HBO SITCOM This

."it c l o r ^ ^ D a d (Alon'^Ih v/hilo Ma'tioSSTMr. Slovodri

11:31— - - ( S (D SATURDAY NK R C ap l. g ) MUSIC CITY U.S.A




_ rui___

IFE The ) brove

^nd____1 ^ 1lends Is



Rondo" ■ t. Anton__

« ------------------- t o u g h . cto the I:

-------------------------------------V cra---------- _ r(iason 1------------------ local hi

: - So Y o u r^

I At The

mericanC.)10 Thun- 0 croup /o'Cee'nlalB led — C

ILO O E - (Stncn-Ar>Lb.ieC

ry Pony.' ' • ' V . ' . ' .

. . . . . A \ F f l (

9 troopa 10 thoir limito s p o f

★ " T h e Siloncora" ' O VEG> ’Doan Martin. Slolio 'rotuma lc



1-00 Gueata- ICH / HOLLrWOOD

• • ' “ CDVIDECliNGS------- ■ m ^ATU;TO DIE Johhny Mann _ Jm lU onaLClulalian-AId— ^ O - . ^ ilellra Iho pIloM o l . in Uflando, Tholland, soliora 0

fSiA N D O U E C P R VRalnbeau:

1:05 _ ________ ___________S'AIvlii Ailoy ond’tho MOVIE

loir permonont roper-, r jc lion hostod by for- r iN tn w r ICO Thoator a to r Jud- ring an intorview with 3d. O C R O S :IMITS ENCORE SHOW BU J." ~ ; things"atr

Hfo. and 3t : i o overooofT1 "The Dream Mor-(1080. Dramo) Mark © N E W S airchiid. Q ) SOLIO1:16 Co-hoBl: (H "John CouoorM oI-_Jol*. Sryn

Bonnio T]. .3 0 Jnno Girisy ■ CD MERIT/IDAY NIQHT UVE THE WEEK (R> ^is comody program ”I' of-ttnrOoooebcrTT------------------an Young) is firod by CD(D AMI rdrivor. O NIQHT

W ^ L I V E -------- — (SN EW SSJV.t,60----------------------------O N 6W 8IJND----------- -------^ ^ C C m .- D O l

rhisisfora]10 ever '(voi in s th e Uni

LiiS H k P H . k c

mah e lWsm u


h e !

i . d e c i s i o n s _ o t h o 3s - t h e2 b^st use in their own V o I u n te e F S - l ik c - th c s c - a n the-United-Way-is sohuman needs.----------5^thatVwho-really-rui i j^ n d s . Your neighbo Q S 'th a t’s the way it s

----------------------h a n k s t o y o u t t w o r k s

lie C»ivi«»of Thli N«wspi[>« A Th» A0»erui

R fld a y > .b c tp ^ r iJ^ i.1 ^ 'l 'r iT ln H

•• < I J2.-00- ’ ORTSllPD A TE > . ; ; : EGAS A boyhood frfond bf Don ia 10 L as V ooaa aa a hll man wll a to kill both Dan ond Philip Roth N O TR E DAME FO O T BA L JQHTS ,O CLUB--30B 8Y BABE - AND F R ® « ); ;o: Ed a P a tay -B ruco , Waylam eld. Jimmy JohnBOn.3EO DISC JOCKEYS ATURDAY NIGHT AT THE FIGHT!

MOVIE ★ ★ - • T r o i r a f Ih o 'PmT o r" (1002 , Com ody) P e le r a , David Nivon.OVIE ★★ "Sw inging Choorload- (1974, Comody) J o Johnston, ooux Smilh.--------------- 12:05— ------------------3V1E ★ ★ H "E B C opo To Burma"

i Ryot., afl'TRACKS

12:30:0SSFIREf BIZARRE John Bynor ahowa you ■atron5or“ttTon”1nrth“ lornor'"thQfT nd zanler than any ahow you'.ve oom

1:00WS / WEATHER / SPORTS iLID GOLD H ost: Marii/n McCoo. sl: Ciilf R ichard. Guoata: F ranco 'iyan_Adnmo,_GOfdon_LiDhtfoot, > Tyler, John Schneider, Mory jiris, Borlin. Wollman Jock. RITAGE 81NQERS NlQHTFLIC3HT"Ullravox" (R)' MOVIE "Au Poir Glrlo" (No •R'


1:16WS -----------------------------------

1:30l S MAKSa-SATWRP AV--------------D0U13--------------------------------------

all th o s e >nderw ho lited Way.

T his is Wally BehnkCj Frai^c Col^ Linda Thoren and ECen. Smith. They’re United Way volun- :eers. Just four'^'fThtr m n;^volunteers w h ^ lelp run. the United Way in different com­munities across the :ountry.----- Volunteers whoie!p raisejunds. And, n turh7make the“he .money__can be pux; wn community. e-arc-just-part-of-4h<^ so effective at-meeting

runs the United Way. bors. People -just like' it should be.

I t o y -------- ---------------------------: s f o r A L L O F U S .

r«'Ut>ng Council

‘Inieis-NflvSs. Tw in ^ I s i J d a h o 5

in 'a wllh ith. . kLL



Ini;---------------------lor- - ..........—


a "

ouOfr------- :------ —ve - -

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jr— .--------—

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t . : : ;

g --------- ------------;


35 ..

Page 34: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

. LonnuQ W orld 'Sonos. a pionahip ovoni hold i

. Ponnoylvanio.O CROSSFIRE

_ .. O (12)R E X H U M B A fl0__________ (23 LONE RANGER___


- • W ild" (!90O . D /oma)-— — ^Donvar Pytir----------------

SHOW THE THUNDERE noolnat limo. tho Thu

----------------- Blop-B-volCBno-from.oicuQ 0 m an trappod d Earth-fl aurlaco.

11:00O CD CD NFL FOOTE VIklnaa a t Groon Boy Pi

----------------- C O 'G '® 'G # -N rL -;rO. ■ n0O-oLM<>w-En0land .al

land a t CInclnnall or Houotorj. .g (35) LIFE IN THE UNI\ o NEW S7 WEATHER- GQ NEWTON'S APPL Guidry explains how.ci

~ '” voicop»in1lno 'n n d “ llB catching crlmlnalo la o> rod-tailod how klaopoti 0 ( 1 2 ) 700 CLUB CC MOVIE •'M oto" ( t0 3 e . Myator Harold Hubor.' m (11) NFL FO OTBA C hicago a l Phlladolp Now York Joto, Ootrol o r Mlnnoaoia ot Groon OD BEYOND THE HC JAPAN MAGAZINE (Q LUCKY LUKE Tl

• -TH E DALTONS Animal Uucky Luko ond hia ho no l out to round up tho •• tour o t ttio loughoat Woal,

- © FIRE-ON-THE^MO: John Hontord. S tonoy i gah Viow Honch Dnnco

...................... SHOW MOVIE(1081. Comody) Craig Warnor.O N MOVIE Dromn) G ona Rowlandi


. body bulldor; n young gam o w ordan In a wild 0 bath tub raoo.


■ © BACKSTAGE AT T-------------------OPRY—G uoot8 ;_8oht

Tobb. L o n x o iO n ca r .. . . 11:35

O MOVIE * * * - I r vor” (1000. Dromn)


----------------------- — ---------------, 2 ^— • O THE ADVENTUR---------------- r-BEAUTV— Hofoo-ThI

thiovoa ondangor Bln------- -■______ by holding hor.in nn or

achodulod tor blaollng O dS) NEWTON'S AP

___________ Guidry oxpiOino t^OWlvdlcopriniing ond ill cotctilng criminalB In cr<rd'ln7I6d huwK lo'apo® TAKING ADVANTAI

____________ Q.THE-WEEKJN.REV1---------------0-< la) MOVIE.* * *

Aro Coming. Tho.Rui____________ ino‘I-U S66._Com ody).

Mnrio Saint.CD MOVIE * * "01

• (lO-sa. W oatorn) Wlllle Schlldkfoul,© THAT'S COUNTRV rllo Brothort».'© O ADVENTURES I © V ID E O D IS C JOCK

12:3t____________ 0:L IV EW IR E j:A ctln i

n d o r R ichard Thoma: dor. Anialic Olroetc

____________ W nahlna ton . D.C,:G aloa.O dS) MOVING RIGl- Footing oorry lor hlmo

____________ o t an oldor bro thor'a t

|o a iouB y.(n 0 8TYLGWITH EL S/ O MOVIE * * “ I

_________ ,__^dtf0(ituf0>.S0!!y^Rl0l^

•, 6-tJiTlQS-^ow3; Twin

a. n nntional cham - CS TAKINC Id in W oahlnoion. CS MOV

Clamontlni Fonda, Lin

vno _ Q g r a n_ __ '______ mooda of

’ RESENTS Wlldlilo nr"Looofid O t Tho ground mu

ia)-D Q n“H aagorty, ' by Fordo C-------- — --------------- -— HBO FRATei=I8fflOS fn 0 roco ai'^a up ox Thundoitjirda muot a tornrrivotl. erupting-nnd. roa-_______ _____a d e ep bolow lti(U— 0 _ ( g ) MC

Advonturo:00 pin, OTBALL Minnoaola ® CH A RL y P a c k o ra '' O MED1« FO O T B A L L C ovor^ JOURNAL a n t R,,»nlQ. CInvo- " f f l NEWS; or Knnaaa Clly ol CD MOVI

Armo" (1JNIVERSE Holon HnyE R 7 S P O R T S -- — © CALL I »PLE Y ankee Ron bocomoo

curve bnllo work, ourvivni e 'IIB ■ uoolulnooo ' In'- Island, a oxamlnod and Iho © GOSP potlighted. Druaky. Ci

© ® C O•'M yalerloun Mr. HBO THE

itory) Pelor Lorro, Animalod, Iho trainir

IBALL Covornoo ol__ bo lo rohoJolphia, Atlnnid nt way lo'hlQ itrolt al'W aohlngton SHOW PA (on Boy romance

HORIZON: U.S. / U.S. tou

THE BALLAD OF CIN ALBU m a lf ld ^ a n g o - tid a i-----------1 horao Jolly Jurppor g s p e c tho Dalton Brothora ...A ctor Ma oat bod o uya jn tho thrill p a d

roilorcnoMOUNTAIN-Ouooto— o t h e Bl .oy Crook Boya, Pia- (T) MOVIl inco Tonm, fTwiJ, W★ !4 ••TlmoBQndlla".-.EVBno-----•aig W nrnock, Dovid © d J Y O

HBO MO!i ■•Glorin" (1080. ( ig o o . Dr

snda. John A dam oa. Bootho. :30 CIN MOVM oet a 13-yoar-oId . (1070. Or ung oirl troina a a a O'Neal, Mild gam o park; aeo

0 ( D ( iICA ■ of Now 0WEEK WITH DAVID Frunclacc

. CS © ' I Chorgora

l£BUOU O S P E C IJ THE GRAND OLE ,0 8 3 Arclobby .B a ro ^Ju a lin ___ogaa_iQ-_ar. compotol : 3 6 _ ...........................by Joaop-Ino ido Dnlay Clo- Modal wir

Tin) Nntnlio Wood,- O W O N C

............ ........................ “ O C R IS I!RNOON f * ® ^Piltabura]

Donvor: « 0 -------------------------- ©W AQCrURES OF BLACK © M O VIl -Thloyoo— BumWinu— doon**—( Block Boauty'a IKo MichaoU

n afoa.tbQ l ho# b«9n ® tOMI. lino, Jocky.WiAPPLE Yankee Ron © (JJ O'

)W'curve balis-work,— U ghla 'B l ~ I la uadlulnbao In— (Q viDEC la oxaminod and Iho - q j s p o Rapotliohtoo.-----------------SHOWMITAGE Myaiory)lEVlEW_________________ __«r * 14—Tho R uaoiena----------------.Ruoatona Aro Com- Q M O V l dy) CnrI Roinor, Eva (No Dat

Mbitaaa I"Old Loa Anfloloa"«iilam Elliott. Joaoph (D T O B I

O dS) HTRY G ueat; Tho Bur- y g wiN

many meESIN PARADISE diacusao)CKEYS and con2:30 andaoloMinn Show ” Guoaia: O E V A h m aai Zoido FInchinn. ■"‘(B CHAf jc to r Arena Slofl*. fflSU PE

nnont Roznnno CD SNE> “ Jollroy I.

UGHT ALONG "B ro” a tw h a f i ilm ao ll in lh o a h ad o w ' O (12) r-a accom pilshm onta. Droakori


••HItchod'’ '.(1971 . ; root. Anc ;iold.-Tlrn K^t_hp»on. 1,:^

ivln Fa!|3 . ' • Pfld'ay*

ING ADVANTAGEOVIE * * * h "My Oarilnotine" ( t0 4 0 . W oatorn) HonryLinda Oorneii. ......-AND CANYON Tho chnnolng _ol Ih ^G rn n d Canyon nnd Ila aro porirnyod wilh IhO’bQCk-' '

muaic o t "Grand Canyon Suito" ioGroIo,TA13GLEROCK-Gobo docidea to exploring unlll an Ini/lslblo mon- ivoo in Fraggio Rock.------------ 1:00____________ _____MOVIE * * ! 4 "Flipper" (1003. uro) Chuck Connora, Luko Hni-

DRUE'S ANGELS•DIA WATCH / HOLLYWOODIAL¥.5WA!.;E n S ---------- ----------------------DVIE * * * "A Forowoil To (1032. Drama) Gnry Cooper.

InyoD. ...............L IT COURAGE-A-toonnoB'boy— on n man whiio alruggllng lor I on 0 dooonod Soulh Sana

)SPEL COUNTRY Guoaia: Roy . Cruao Family, Michnol Card, COEDHE HOOBER-BLOOB HIGHWAY od. Dr, S ouaa 'a atory toliowa ining of a proapoclivo oanhlinQ ho ia aont down n coioatlot high-Wa now homo.- -------------------PAPER CHASE ” Da Dn” H arfa

:o with a Ruaalan gymnoat on tour_ throolona tho alhiote 'a

BUM FLASH___________l;30___________ ______ECIAL DELIVERY "Wild Ridoa" M att Dillon ta k o s vlowora on n lockod aaa rch tor the ultimate :noDtorride.1 BiQ STORY---------------- ^r----------JVIE "King 01 Tho Pocoa’’

W oatorn) John Woyno, Murioi

YOU: MAGAZINE FOR WOMEN *<OVIE * * "A Cry For Lovo" Droma) Suaan Biakoly. Poworo

3. ' •OVIE * * vMako Mo-An Oflor"

Drnmn) Suaan Biakoly. Patrick1,

2;00(11) NFL FOOTBALL Covorago

V Orionna ol Tnmpn Bay Of Son aco at Loa Angoioa Rama > NFL FOOTBALL San Dlogo oro a t Donvor Broncoo ECIAL DELIVERY " Jo aa e Owona Arco Gam oa" Young athioloa, iQ--is_from all ovof,-thg_country,_ Ito in thia onnual ovoni. hoalod aoph Cnmpaneiln and Olympic winner Wiilyo Whito.)NDER WOMANALIHWEEK________________ •ISIS UPDATE ------ --) NFL FOOTBALL Covorngo of jroJi o t Soatlio o r San Dlogo at

IQON TRAIN— ------------- -------------)V1E * * "ForT hoL ovo Of Willa- —(1 M 4 — Comody— E d -W y m i— oI McGroovoy.iMMY-HUNTER-Guoat: Roy Acull. Ward.I OVATION "Tho Pedlar" / "City rB la k o E d w a ra a " '■ •JEODISCJOCKEYS---------------------ORTSCENTERrM OVIE-*'*-—Chand1or"-(l07i7" ry) Warron Ontoa. Loallo Caron,

3V1E ★ * * "Very Good Frionda" ^ t e ^ Dran^a) K n ih y _ K u ^ m o ^ sa Suo’A'ndor'oon.

2:30) BE ANNOUNCED- - •D HOUSEWARMING WTTH CHAR- flNG "Heating Tho Houob" Tho.. molhoda o t hooting a houao are

aaod. with a roviow of tho 'p roa :ona of nnturnl gaa. coal, wood olor power.^ANS & NOVAKU RLES GIBBONS FUNDJPERCHARGERS4EAK PREVIEWS Nonl Gabior andTTIyOftOiaoi on InTCmnotlVo luuk-a t 'a now ol Iho movioa,12) MOVIE H r* * "The Ghoatl, loro” (1040. Com ody) Sob Hopo.tn rG odda n r------------------------- -OVIE * * "Tho Loai 01 Tho Mohl- ' (1077. Advonturo) Slovo For- Andrew Prlna, >MJTO ..fW^IN9 "CART., Lagurm

)cto;boV7i7ia33"''^ ■■

Soon 300" (livo from Lngi , Cniit.)y — _________ 3:00-^a■ A ■ Q »^i9T THE ODDS "Chi 3 Jonn 01 Aro" Thia tnrm girlB Miniolor. whoao iivba woro ll>• ■ 'H ob apart, anch onvodlhuV

at Ihoir darkoat houra. oni; __Ihoir counlfioajurn-ooolnat-li


INQ "Introduciion"___ ( 2 O c a THATIB INCREDIBL1 hlohiiQhtlnB "T hoao Incrodl |. foaluroa a ridor on a horao' v

onom olo rb iko in n a lo ep lo c l ond a prolilo of champloi


5— "Jual P o ls" Tjio'cloflo foluilc r. boy and girl (Byron Thamei - McAdam) la joopardlzod by

y— groonion-irom“ chlldhood ml )r conce,a CD HOUSEWARMING WITH

. . WINQ "Hooting Tho Houao" y mothoda of hoatino a houa

cunaod. with a roviow of tht cons of natural ooo. coal.

Y aolar powor,0 © MOVIE * * "Coraon 0 (1040. W oalorn) Roy ROflV Evans.

-© 'PER FO RM A N CE-PLU S CD my Wobb. bus driver for Loro m 3:30a O STANDBY..;LIQHT8I

ACTIONI Hoat Leonard Nimo; n pirole lo dom onalrato th<

____ mnknup; o bohind-1ho-neori<the fiima "Nevor Soy Again '

n Socrpi OfNIMH."0 O S S ) BITS. BYTES ANO BU:

O NEWSMAKER SUNDAY — C D - a l l - n e w - t h i s - o ld h < i‘.‘ Vilo ond hla crow plan to bul 51— OV-uiiTCiCTn rom mprrrirfrDm-

© DAD. CAN I BORROW ' Animotod. A young mnn i

ro Invoivomeni wllh automobile birth 10 hia adoioaconi yoara

’• © MOVIE "S co red ' :k (1047. Myotory) Bala Lub<

Compton,HBO MOVIE * * "Five Doya

IQ mor" (1082. Drama) Sea rI- Bolay Branlloy.--...... ................

SHOW A CASE OF LIBE Aanor atora oa on ottornoy on a Puiitior Priio-wlnning

, , (Doniol J, Trovanli) in on < . charged libel aull brouQht

corospondent.(Gordon Pinao id - C iN MOVie-*-*-—Lucky Lo- lg Comody) Ll*o Minnolll. Burt I


------ COUaTEAI.1 "Rrnnnfh: TtlWorld” Jocquoa Coualoou~l hot-air balloon to gildo ovor I tic to diac'ovor tho natural h£

____ out diaturbing il.4:00

“ L_CUH).VlCT0RY-(3AflDEN_ (2) THE WALTONS A lormt

,, G randm a's .loarna o t hor >• and comoo to viait hor.- —

O NEWS / WEATHER / SPt^ -O SH O PSM IT H ----------- --____O -S A R A J E V a - ’84_01ymi

highlighlod in Ihia hour or< ,__D ow nhlil and Monlo-Spoodnf

• f f l MOVIE * * * "Gamo Suaponoo) Slmono Signor

0" QD GREAT CHEFS OF NEW ,n "Louia XVI” Chof Daniel E

— QtQD-Qn-unuouorcronmof-t aalnde liodo. rodllah on ( Doux Mouaaea and Poria brt

p O (12) MOVIE * ★ * " Impootor" (1061. Blogroi Curilo, Edmond O’Brien.© MOVIE * ★ "Sw orda Of Ark” (No Date.) Animalod. © NEWI ANIMAL WORLC Boor" Moet Ivan Marka, a for th'o Fiah and Wlldlilo MacNoli ialond. who ilv Alaskan wildornoaa (or touynnr In tiliiHy n'nij fn r nrdwoalhor condltlona of tho ia


i£ :_ © v i ( > e o CHSCWOCKEVS- hl-or- . O MR. WIZARD'S WORLD

O a® ALL NEW THIS OLD I .Vila nnd hlo crow plan lo b i

iguna :S oca , Oy^olliclont solar

o 'IN SID E BUSIN ... u„. . C5) CBS NEWS

inly to hovo _FANTASY ISL

© MOVIE .TIVE PAINT. “ “ S 'S " ., SCI,,

. a i H r K H r '— o PE O P tfI’ va, ano ther • 'ichaao rac e . O INTERACT10^ lion sprinter (2 )© L 0 V E 'C 0 r

O LIVEWIRE "• PORTS Richard Foraon,“LAYHOUSE David Forlogor. iilontiiiip uf a— TrnTCrrrs'Srox'm 100. H eather CD HEE HAW Gi By Ihoir p £ ^ _T or^W opal, 0 ^ Into odoioa-* John Gorrpll,

O ® WALL *1 m CHARLIE You Buy Roal E: a" Tho many _ T . .Loyln....co-ch u so are d is- Capitol Compani lho proa and (D ABC NEWS r 1. wood ond O SPORTS sur!

f3M *A -S *H n City Kid" O NEWSWATCJ ogora. Dalo O NEWSCOPE


down with "the

^oy '^o '^^S^ : S d O F I R S T C lho maolc 01 CD PERFOHMAf onoa look ol my Wobb, bun dr in’‘"ona^‘TRo— © T 5)'M O V tB -:

to r” (No Dole. A IUZ2W0RDS © SPO R T SC EN ' ^ SHOW MOVIE-HOUSE-Bob— Downl' t107a lu lldononor- Hoalon. Dovid Ci

O WRESTLINGV THE CAR?I trocoa hla Q CBS NEWS llios from his q j © THREE'S iro. himooil in tho pI To O onlh" preporotlon of II JOoai. Joyco throo apertment:

O (©MARKET ■ lyaO noSum - (2) ALL IN THEF .an Connory. o 535 ,000 olfor

BEL Edward CD NEWS .y who lakoa Q (J)JA K IN G A no coiumnlal O VIEWPOINT 1 omollonoliy q ) COMPUTER ht by 0 wnr f h o Compuier" 'aonO. and otoroa Inlon,ody"-(197S,— Qp M *A -S‘ H Ht rt Roynolda. appea rance so

nheota B.J. whlIP JACQUES

h . . i , . ,w i . i , .

HBO HBO COMI--------- ;------- ^ C IN -M O V iE -* im er auitor ot Cfomo) Cona Rc r widowhood


mplc_ovonl9________________ ?sro W omon'a

Tioa” ( l o 'd r ’ o C D f f l B T T lorol. Jam oa cD Q J n EWS

Bonnol cro- hia aon Matihf-onrllc aoop..—-Sih'crTthoir rbaI Crouto aux viiiaoo'a tarool, <pafi J)

"Tho Groat q (j® n OVArophy) Tony co ae of Barney

ortitlciol honrlO fT h o S p o co foviowod. ond'' conllnuino con'IL D '-A laakan hoart roaoorch

a pnlroiman HAR0CAS7'0 Sorvico at crooked promo livoa In the mnnogomfl

d^wlldMfo nnd ol?jnyiho' yo^uno „r^r. O NEWS / WE


^ -------------------- CZJCfiUCK STOODBUCK ROGE

,D - . ia callod to ac0 .HOUSE Bob treachurouaosi build nn oner- Q <12) STAR S

,1 ., ho m . 1,0m IM around

SINESS ■3 Jo '"T JULIA'S Julia p reparea 'I ol broldod owoolbronda. Auoiir.,I.Brn_^qy_Ofl_don_o^08_W >= lUDQfOuah maplo mousno. “

UPHISLAND ___________ T.ihh* ! i" T io o r Town” (1083. © V chofdor. Justin Honry.

------------- s -

JONNECTION • .TTv«• " to o n Righta" Guosla:sn, au lho ro f "Blrthrfght": O Tor. Youth Advocato Law-: Sjon

’ Gu’oota; Robo McEnlirol Doi Wood. Don Crawioy.

, STREET WEEK "Should CD..:I E olole?” Gueat: Marvin Marli-chaifm nn.C onsoiidntod and anloa.Q m ol IhjuV d a y , ® ‘f

TCH THIS WEEK '' ' “ Pi^ v c

STATE UNIVERSITY CD 'OW....................... ......................PERSONS Goorgo comeo lho rich man'a d ise ase , Q (

cailiir CAMERA (Dor,iANCE PLUS Guoal; Jim- Phoi s driver for Lorella Lynn. CO i■E * * "Ninla Exlorrnlna----- MtcfI. Advonluro) on (;EN]£R loan(IE-. * * ★ "Groy Lndy plan 'a._A dYonturo)_.Chnrlion_,_Q ,f' d Cnrradino. o( I

MG ' •

3 0 (E'S COMPANY Jnck finda0 poalllen ol Jugglino the )f Ihroo diflorent moalo in ents.ETTO MARKET IE FAMILY Archie jumpo ot Ifor to aoll hia houao 10 a

--- ----------

G ADVANTAGE '^ • on IER PROGRAMME ”ll’o On ® \ >r" How a.cqm putor aorta ^ Iormatlon la ntp iorod . ^fH ot LipB' myatortoua-dla-.:80 dlalurba Frank that ho ■ whllo preparing to aea reh ' thom laaingnurao.

lOUSE 11?.-ne-MOtiNTAlN-etMMrta:—J, Stonoy Crook Boya. PlB- nch D ance Toami S FOOTBALL Notro Dnmo-----------------------------------------O 'JMING ATTRACTIONS ^ . . * * * i^ 'G lo r io " - ( teSO.— ^1 Rowlonda. John Adamoa.

6:46 or <TTHEBAT ' try l

.(2)EVENING_______________ troL

_ e : 0 0 _ _ _ _______i(11)60MINUTES>nD-EYg~"ChlidrBn-Of-ni»- - r " am B rako ..nclon ils l,.and Jtlhow orrivo in Miihury. ^ rbVeTrch prol5ct“Mfi^5rnB p a Nooillhic olono circle.

.......... ...................... . in .t/A "Artificial H earl" The iey Clork, who rocolved nn nrl implnnt in 1002, la ® nd an Invoallontion ol tho O* :onirovoroy over artlllcial ’ S*®c h is n r e a o n te d - O P^STLe & MCCORMICK A Th( imolor irioa to oaln oxclu- >mont ol an aspiring Qiym- iichnrd Lawaon) by throat- ^

WEATHER / SPORTSiY'S BEUEVE rr OR NOTl o*'y -EBA______________ ^ITOBART COACH'S SHOW )GER3 A retired olarfightor cui action to blaat through n asiofo idboit. • - O


, . . ..

0 WALL STREET JOURNAL REPC D GRAND CANYON: A JOURNEY 3 THE MAKING O F FIVE MILE CR oln Iho coal and crow of tho dran tm "Fivo Milo Crook" in tho ru( uBirolinn O utback, and aoo how poclnculor aota woro crontod,3 BACKSTAGE-AT-THE-QflAND IPRY Guoata; Bobby Boro, Jubb .L onao & Oocar.------------------3 VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS BO MOVIE * * "Legond Ol /lid” ( 1080. Dram^) Dan HaggonvofPyle.^ ''^ ' ' ____


6 :30D ® EXTRAa THE THIRD EYE "Children Ol :toneo” T es ta auggoat theco la a<

irciorauDaasting-tliul il'couid pos nvo boon n primlllvo powor he

D .W ILD AMERICA "Bom To I la rly vlslla the Norlh Amerlcnri p nd w alchoa the gracoful prong nd o lhor croaturos unlquo .to this ll Iho country, n B IN SEARCH OF... OMOUSETERPIECETHEATER-' s Pioa; Frank Duck Brings 'Em-1 Ulvo"D QOSPEL COUNTRY Guoata: )ruaky. Cruse Family. Mlchooi Cor

7:00a CD (2) AUCE Aiico pondora :nilino 0 former high ochool f Donnia Holohan) whilo ho ia vli ’hoonlx.s o OD © © <11) KNIGHT R ^tciTSvt-enliats-ttwsid of a blind ' in (E iyasa Dovoloa) to ca tch o o a s sc ra p moiol doalor aflor nn 0 )lan Inlia,O.KIRl.TE KANAWA.Thia.documn )( lho g rea t New Zealand acy

n rniindod D aflfo ll.o f'hnr)orformer and a poraon, bolh or )ft thn oingo.a (S) THE GIULINI CONCERTS vlarin Giuilni conducln tho Los An. ^hiihormonle in Boethovon'a Sym( 'Jo. 2 and Schum'ann'a "Manlrod :uro." (R)S O ® NFL FOOTBALL Los An ^ oldora ol Ooliaa Cowboya Q FREEMAN REPORTS X) NATURE "Acoclo: Tree ol Th V groarvoridly-orwIIdlim-BpoclD In and around tho thorny acacio on Iho African pioina,O < 12> HOW THE WEST WAS WC 3 ) PEOPLE TO PEOPLE © IN TOUCH© MOVIE * * ★ :iTho_Boy_Who Tho Elophont" dOO>. Drama) Lootof. David Woyno.© O COLLEGE FOOTBALL S ta to vs. Woal Virginia 8HQW MQVIE * * * 14" Time Bai (1081, Comedy) Craig WarnocRT W arner,

7 :06O -W EEKIN REVIEW_________- ■- 7:306 r a r ® ”0RE T JSY "A r'A time(Mlchooi Lomback) ia ttirual Into or deproaaion whon Barbara anO try to euro hla writing block.(2) ODD COUPLE Foilx gola Oa Iroublo wilh tliO Intornol Rovonut vlco whon ho 'o collod in-on-a- maltor,© T O M M Y HUNTER tSuoatrRoy Ja ckyW ord ,CIN-MOVIEOromo) Richard Burton. Polor O 'l

O (D Ci) THE-JEfTERSONS-A- huni” ot on art goliory ieavoa Fic in-tho company of a mHllonolro noil Guillory) who w anla lo rai: aaif-oaloom.f f l O f f l © © <11) MOVIE "V Ot San Quonlin" (Prcmioro. C Stoila Slovona. Dabble Alion, a ® NATURE "AcacIo: Tr T horna" A grool varioly of wiidilf c ioa Ilvo in and oround tho Ihorn c ia trooa on Iho African pinina.

•CTTJFWR / WPATHER t SPORTI f n THg QlL KINnnO M S "Tho D ollar C ooal" Sinco tho diacov oil and tho incrooalng dem and tho Poralan Gull oroa haa becom

cuotom a, oducollon, roiigion on

. 0 (12) i S v iE * - k ) i "Tho Rai tion 01 Zochory WhOolQf‘' (107


ruoQod ow lho


31 Tho OOerly.

01 Tho

oaslbly-------- ^houao.

) flun" i ploino

lis part

t-''P ig8-----------n-Bock

:a; Hoy;ord,__________

ra ovor I fiamo visiting

RIDER,<jwom— ------0 rulh-

1 oailior

______iqpranonr nn n -----on and

3 Corlo ^naeiOB mphony id Over-


Thorna":lDfl Ilvo — ■ io troos


10 Stoio s) 'M o 'ik --------

L Ponn

aondita" RTDavTd----------

ME'Mox----------lo doop. ind Julio

3acor In [luo Ser-' ••• 'o-minor--------

jy Acull.----------


FioroncB ro (Bon- oiab hor


Troo ol llllo spe- irny oca-

ITS10 POlfO;ovory of id lor 11.omo very

and QOV-

loaurroc-, : )71. Drd-

Page 35: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

ma)'A nclo Olcklnaon. Bro ® NEWS© B E N H A O E N - GD VIDEO DISC j o c k e y : (D AUSTRALIAN RULE "Rough ond Tumbto U nder” ( f l ) '

_____ HBO.SUQARRAYJS-ALLRoy Loonord w olcomoa (

_________ alof recoivfl£.fQr-lho Dal. who la ooon toochlng )

Iho flnor polnto ol foolbol high achool oima moior I

-N.J._ ----------------------- ------------------------

O N E W S8:10

O MR. AOLER ANO Tprofilo of opora Improai bort Adlor, (ormor genoi

--------------- UlQ_5fln_£/flQClACJL_Pj)__________oxcofPtn Irom "A ldn," ‘

"IITrovotoro,”--------------------------------- ..a,-2 0 —

O SIAM Visit Iho city ol tho coronotlon of a kino tho ovoryday livoa ol t

-S ln m rw h 0 “cnrry"0n- wit ■ ■ doopllo hoovy monooono

8:30.................. O ' CB CE GOODNIGHT

Jonny'a dlalroas ovor bc traughi widow to lullill c loovcD hor wondering

_________ ahouid oook n now occup(D ROCK CHURCH PROC tD THAT'S COUNTRY G rllo Brolhora.HBO FRAGGLE ROCK Gc givo up oxploring until on ator orrtvoa in Fragglo Rc

------------------------------------ 8:38 -O SPORTS PAGE


----------- Trappor.'#--oi-wifB MeliWoltor) conducio n aor

wllh tholr angry hudbandi . . . Q CD (S) MASTCRPIE

"P lc turoa" D ovaalalod w otr with hor Votoniino Io Bill d igoppoara wjlh tho tho now acrlpt and hate provonl dnothor oclroot Iho load.O SPO RTS TONIGHT CB TWILIGHT ZONE Alt.

________rrwo'ddod, bH9b.’':John nmdocldo Ihol II would bo i oil ovor ogoln.O MOVIE * * * "Tho Tho Mountain" (1059 Mlchool Ronnio. Jam oa S

- © DARYL .HALL AND- r ______ W oild-pfom ioro.yidooo,

vidoo rolrospocllvo cl w orld'o m ost Innovatlvo ( (E) SP0RTSC£N1%R HBO MOVIE

----- ----------t1g92 . Syivetfllchard Cronna.SHOW A CASE OF I Aonor oiora i a on atlort

____ 1 on a PulltJ0r_Pfl*0iwini(Donlol J . Travanti) In i

— “ •« .> charged llbol oull brou cbrOBpondonl (Gordon P


8:25• • • f J NIGHTCAP Topic: tht tao lo .-Q u o s ts : a rt com

.Caslalll. Roy Uchlonoli----------------Tomhifto:-----------------------

0:30---------------a iM R ingR IIRtMgSS - -

CB LOU GRANT Lou bo lorlably Involved with a

(D CONTACT_____ _ © M O V I^ ;^ _ " S c a j ; .

( 1 9 4 7 , 'Myatory) Bbla Complon.ID (□) COUNTDOWN 1 JEVO AND LOS ANGEI ond provlowa of worldv pic compoliliona, prolll p o r tic ip o n to . a n d v updates.(D VIDEO DISCJOCKEt

10«0__________ O -BA flN ESLM lLLERJI

broko. and tho mon ol clncl find Ihemaolvofl u

■_______ tocllon fockot hoodlumt

aavof^ - ■»y,C D / . 'S O i j D O G

• . r KANAWA Thi

Bradford Olllman. ol Iho grea^ gives o- four

porlormer or£Y S ofl tho otagoJLES FOOTBALL O (H) RAPflo . World 'Down cy" R aphao

lala la donUJ.-STARS Sugar worho ol Rooa Drow Ponroon. Rubena.Dallna Cowboya,. O N E W S / t

ig young playora GD THE Q(Iboll ol Poaraon'o Lib" Whon k:or In Soulh Rivor, plan to koop

of Mr. CarterI----------------------------0 0 8 ) CAN

CD (11) CBS, CD LARRY Jl> THE OPERA Areaarlo Kurt Her- ( j l VIDEO Dl’ o Z ; n ^ '7 n r d o r ® c S L l ° E Q I JDj).nrn._lncluclflfl__ ___________,:’_ :iC n rm o n -Q n d _ c s^ m o 'vIE-^

From Tho SiI---- ---------------------- dy)Riot»ordJ/ of Bangkok, aoo

5 r ! i r p . o “ £ ° 2 :. ..»

, CD dD N E W3HT. BEANTOWN - r bolhofing a dlo- O ALL IN T Iiil'on ogslQnmcnt bohavlor pm ng wholhor aho on;cupnlion.__________ROCLAIMS C S E ^ R T >/ Guoal; Tho Bur.

mork. Bod IG o lo d o c W o .lo Ch.mborlnin

. _ _ _ _ _ _ O BOWLIN!’ C4D PAUL HO

a THREE'. ) Navy "hudd'ER JOHN, M.D. gourmol din Welanle ( J e a a lc a — Roporo Irom aominar for doc- q q FALL f

undo. Mr. nnd MraJPIECE THEATRE (ood.Id whon Ruby runa qj) FIRST C/3 look-niiko beau , q (^2) Wtho only copy of UPDATE

I'atchoa a plan to q ) mOVIEroaa from plnyino (1058. Woo

Coillna.r C D dD N A SAlter SO yooro of ID JOHN O!nnd Monhn_Holl__ j g (Qj pflA

be nico to atari It o p e n " (Croft H 8 0 NOT t

*ho Third Mon On Comody ak<059, Advonluro) aic Him andDO MocArthur. aotlrlc loko- ■JD JOHN OATES»00_on_wo1i_oo _______

Of ono o l lho -. (2) CD TAKEvo groupa. ® JACy< VA

c a CBS NEVr . .. •.tFiral. -Blood" SHOW BE81 ivester SInilone.

. CQTfteLECF LIBEL Edward h UELL HOV tiornoy who tokoo w inningcolumniat _

----------- O lN T E R A t^ o (B) MC

CIRCUS^ Q THE WEI:th o io g i8 lo tio ito f ( g e n TERT connolaaoura.Loo furod;-in»or naloln nnd Cnivin Roc.................. .......... ........Chamborlnli3 aponkingtoI-------------------:r--.=-^0-V EQ A tz

bocomo* uncom- gnnfllond-al 1 a Trib reporlor'o ovorcomo I

• ( S R R IN o i coj[od_To Doa lh" Q (11) M( Ha LugooC Joyco Bubblo Bur

Voughn. Ric N TO ‘84: SARA- CDZOLALt IGELES Highlights <Q EPCOT I ridwido pro-Olym- TION Guoa rollloa of Olympic Now York b

w orid ro c o rd (D FIRE O: John Hnrtfo

KEYS - gohVlowRiX) HBO MOVIEtJha-i:lty :a-flo lnfl Ot J h o W I ol the 12th pro- Alkins, Sta< Ifl iip againsi pro- SHOW PA umo who will tako Locu s ta " H

low llrmo Of9 ( 9 P ( D n e w s .. ThlB documontary CS CD Mi

root Now Zoolond ooprano W oundod porlrall ol he r e a a Cl ' ond o porson, bolh on and S >go. ■ (t\PHAEL "L egend And Logo- ro lool’a Inliuanco on o lhor art- S jomonotrolod t>y examining Q Rombrnndl. Corovoflolo ond _ <i


n Morgo dlacovora Iho G oods pr lop pigo. aho-enlislo U?o help bo lo r . lh'ANYON FORUM----------------------- oxBSNEW S -ilr JONES{£ NEW SERENDIPFTY SING- q


iE-*Tir*—Ricntird Pryor Llvo— ^ I Sunaot Strip" (1082. Conio-_xd-Prvor-______________ ________qj


-------10:16-------------------------------ONEWS eEWS Gl------10:30................................. . Ih

THE FAMILY Edith’o orrolic Ci puzxioa Iho family and pu ts a di }n Archio'a ond her plonnod - Gi ow rooort. ntRTAINMENT TMS WEEK Foa-----Clorvlows wilh Richnrd WId- CS lod Slo lgor and R ichard C' loin: why coiebrllloa go on C' louro. 01

= WITH ELSA KLENSCH AiJNG ".Weatern Stnloo O pon" CHOQAfJ-------------------------------“ 0:EE'S COMPANY Jn ck 'a old O jddy" ahowB up and ruins a " 'fH dinnor doalgnod to koop tho domroioino lh o ronr------------------ SI. AND RISE O F REGINALD (1

vlra. C .J. nt which Ihoro In no,.,-C........................ (1


CS/IE * * '4 "Tho Brovndoo” • g / ostorn) Gregory Pock, Joan

lASHVlLLE MUSIC ^1 OSTEEN cBA-BOWLING "Norlhom Ohio . . j , rom Rocky Rivor, Ohio) (R) ,T NECESSARILY THE NEWSakotchoo combine wilh cloo- *nd nowo footogo in on olfboal, *ko-oll. §

10:36 ®J(E2 T 5VAN IM PE....................................*



G___________________________ II;O ACHES'SHOW , t

11:00 ‘ clACTlON ------------ nMONTY PYTHON'S FLYINQ j

ClVEEK IN REVIEW:RTAlNMENTTHISWEEKFon- - i»orviowo- wilh-Rlchofd^W ld-.— J ^od StolQor and Richard I •lnin:“ w ny~ caioD ntio in jo~ on— ( Itoura. - r^fcJ)o(U -b!lnd6£U ruiiJiupalo tl^^ t-alylo shooling, striiggios lo0 his handTcnp and 'find hla

g 'l in e <MOVIE * * H "Tho Dny Tho ^

3urat” (l0 8 2 . Drnmo) Roborl Richard Cronno. ,k LEVtTT '>T MAGAZINE: WEEKEND EDI- ' ; joal: Jnyno Konnody. Topic: J k beauty ahow. \

ON THE MOUNTAIN Guoala: \ niord; Stonoy Crook Boya, P la- j V Ronch Danco Toam. •>VIE * "HnilowooB III; Soaaon '

W itch" (t0 8 2 . Horror) Tom;{ocoyNolCIH:------------------------------1PAPER CHASE "Ploguo 01 ' Hart la tom boiwoon idoala |

>ti08-.when-two-v<ratty-dWorwt- —11 ooch oKor hlm o oummor job. i

' ,11:05.’,’ . ; ■ ■ I MOVIE W ''b b n 't Mnko ' .1

W nvea" (1007, Comody) Tonj Claudia Cardinoio, . - CE MOVIE * ★ * "Our Man In h (1960. Comody) Alec Gulnnoo roon O'Hara.CD HAWAII FIVE-0 O MOVIE T inirh. "Juiiua I (1070, Dramo) Charllon Heatc

'G iolgud.11:10

a MR. ADLER AND THE Olprofilo ol opora Improaarlo K bort Adlor, lormor gonoral diri Iho San Francisco Oporo, i

-o«oorp lo -from -"A lda,^ rC orm i "ilT rovalore ."



-O P R Y —G uo8t«;-Q obby—Baro, Tubb, Lonzo & O scar.CIN ALBUM FLASH

------------- - . - 1 2 : 0 0 -----------® CHILDREN RUNNING OUT ( Gory Coillna and Mary Ann Mob Ihl3 look a t Iho chlldron of Elhli Cnm bodlo who oro running oul duo 10 drought, lamino .ni

.. Guoala: Loalio Uggoma. Suaan nnd Donnia Wodvor.

-O -S P O R T aiJP O A T E -------------CS SOLID GOLD Host: Marilyn Co-hoata: Air Supply. Guoal Coalolio. Al Frankon i Tom Da01 Riot, Stovio W oods. Liono Anson Wlllioma wilh Madame. 0 ( 1 2 ) CANYON FORUM

-QDTOO CXUB-...... .......................© THATS COUNTRY Guoat:

- rltoB ro tho ro .-- ............GD VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS

- SHOWt M O V IE -* * 5»r-"Tho- (1062. Horror) Kalhryn Harrpii

...CIN M O V IE -* * * ."R ic h And I (1081 . D ram a) C andico

•12:06CS MOVIE * * h "R iot" (1000

' Gono Hockmon, Jim Brown.12:25,

O NIGKTCAP Topic: Iho login laato . G uosis: a rt connoiaao Coalolii. Roy LIchtenaloin on

-T o m k in s. ----------------12:30

O CBS NEWS Q MONEYVreEK CB SISKEL 4 EBERT AT THE SIskel and Ebort revlov* "Unc ond "Tho Right Slull."

-C D -® -C O L L E G E -FO O T B A I Sto to vo. W oal Virginia'(R)- .

. - 1 2 U S ____ .HBO M O V IE -* -* .. "Jinxodi;

' CuiiiodY>-Bett<rMidlefrKefttWt 1.00

CD CD SISKEL & EBERT AT Tl IES Slakol ond Ebort review Firo" nnd "Tho Right Siuff.”


1:30O C R O S S F IR E ....................

~ a 'M O V I E '* * ★■•'TIio'Ramc _ i J r a m a ) ^ r a H ula ton^codo;!

lord.' f f i 'F IG H T BACKI WITH

^ H O R O w r r z ^ --------------1:36 .

_ S H O W _ M O V lE — * .* .* _ i :S (1080. Drnmn) Hona von 1 Ronee Soulohdijk.



. CIN MOVIE * * "Lucky Lad Comody) Liza Minnoili. Burt R



— ® -M OVIE-ilr^Hold-T>»B«-* (1057. Comody) B ow ort-6o Had, . ., ■ . .

- HSO MOVlE * * .‘.‘Blind Rap

>ny Curtis Advonluro) Frod V Mnrtin,

n Hnvnno" 3;oas. Mou- , 0 SPORTS REVIE

© o MOVIE *1 (1905, Comody)

Coooor" Edward Chopmon. ston. J ohn . . . 3

' O INSIDE BUSINEo r r s YOUR b u s


jifoclor ol Horolic" (1977, F j , Includes ton , Llndo Blalr.

HBO ONE MAN'S I truo-llfo dramn o


K&T-----------------M ’iUND OLE ■ ro _ Ju a tin ___________

T OF TIME ~thrbi:obloyhoal n i i w i ihloplannd3ut of timo Whatovorand war'. can Ilnd lian Howard . . . _

^ M c C o o .")ala; Elvis Davis, Oul- noi Richio.

t: Tho Bur-

old. Zoijko ■ N I 3 *

d Famouo",Borgon,

gialalion laouro Loo and Cnlvln

IE MOVIES Indor Firo" •



THE MOV-ow "Undor


mo‘’'( i0 4 7 —

D A V | D ^ ^ ^ ^ R 9 S f f i


XLYWOOD ^ ^ ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

L(R) Unilod


t-HypnodftH^—Boya, Huntz ^

doo" (1070. B B B S E m S B

3 V^llliamaon. D'Urville struggi

3 .00 docum.i/l£W* V , "Tho Eorly Bird" « ly) Normon- Wisdom. (3 ) Q |

.. _ ( 5 ) M 0 3 :30 ID ROI

NESS © V IDlUSINESS (Q BU!IFE O N Ml*W "Exorclat II: Tho ( 1979.

, Fanlaay) Richnrd Bur-_ O'Noai

_3;55________ ___ __________'S FIGHT FO \ LIFE Tho Cfl FAf

of ono m jn 'a bravo © J I M

3ugh classified/or you wanl to Ilnd. from a lost c .d in classlllod. Road classlllod d.

phone 1

. - d i l l W g g i g I

SIB■Friday. O ctobo r

igglQ again st torminai cnncof. 0 courage of hla family and Ulonds umontod.

4:00 -r-DAYBREAK Q NEWS .MORNING STRETCH______ ____ROMPER ROOM VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS BUSINESS TIMES I MOVIE * * ‘‘Make Mo An Olfi 79, Drama) Susan Blakoiy, Potr loai.

___________4;30_______ ____FArTH20JIMMY SWAGGART

Kidist”cl'og'to a botlor job. y o u ........d dally.

e 7 3 3 . 0 9 3 1 - r r r

ift$ im fis '-N ow s. twItl.Falis'.'.ldal




^ 3 H

Jotio? ■ ______

“ oHa V ~ :

Page 36: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press


- ......... C l C D C l > ® ( B O O----------------- O-7H E-THIR0-EY g-M

Stonoa" Ool. lho horrr rovoola lh a l a x la y nrr of a aorponi ia hla ogolnat tho ovil ho /oo villaoo. (P a ri 3)O (Sl BUSINESS REPC

-------- -------- O PflfMENEWS----------(?) FAMILY FEUD QD SOLID GOLD Hoal: Co-hoalo; Air Supply. Coalollo. Al F rn n k o n i of Riot. Slovio W ooda

_____ :--------/\n s pn.'.y jljlama.Kl]M /iii(D (ll)B O O N E A w o a ll nifor Runyon) fnlla fof

. Romo (0 bocom o Inlona___________ aa-J-SEY-HW lIl-Tho-R

P loaao Slond Up” (DQUMBY

M O PARADISE Acii louranl ond onlortolnmo Noahvillo.

. .(D a s MOVIEW oik" (1070, Myalor Donald PloQoonco.(D VIDEO DISC JOCKS' (D N FL'S QREATEC

___________ U 970 .6 .ia i7_ 'dan raJn .l• e ;06

O BOOMERANG Klai Donlolfo Vollo alor In tl alfuooloa focod by o ft In lho Aualrollan wlldorn

____ e ;3 a _O P.M. MAGAZINE

- ( 3 ) m P.M. MAGAZINE ullfmalo In Sail Loko cui

___________otH ollow oon fun o ltho .iO THE TOMORROW

___________ Blun A ndJhtt.G io4ttU Ulho Bluo ond Groon rjot a lnialor IfiBnlho.Tomort

.............. oxpociod. (Pan 4)(3) TIC TAC DOUGH a a® IDAHO REPORTS QD 0 ( 1 2 ) FAMILY FEU CB PRIME TIME ACCES! O COACHES' CORNER ffiBENGALFOOTBALL O M ‘ A‘ S*H N uraoC oc wilh tho oporolino rot o o ia o in ito o .CD BUSINESS REPORT f f i W A * S ‘ H Howkoyo

' lo Pfoaldonl Tfumon.(D MICKEY MOUSE CLI (D FANDANGO Foaluro wllh Danny Dovia.

------------------------------------7:00—O (3) QD SCARECRO KING

■“ ( I ) O f f i (D BOONE A >■ (Jonnlfor Runvon) fnllB-Tt

O THE EIGHTEENTH CE AN MorlsD Baronoon hi Iho fOlo ot womon In poa

----------------and Intluoncp ln m o im fModamo do Pom padou Loula XV. loacirooB Sar

___________O @ ..-M A C N E iL _NEWSHOUR(D O (2) NFL FOOT8.G lan laa l SI, Loula Cardi

.........CD GREAT RAILWAY J________ :THElWOROi:!!CQHf5Sii___,______ S potlo f" Michaol Polln

from Euaibn, London. > Lochfllah in Scoilarid.

----------------0 - tl2 i-S T A a .T n E K .C a. -----DlrltirooTpcfBonB-whtf*

com m andor who onco o plondrf f l SALUTE "Lorry Qalll B rothora Bond" Guoata

I boll. Anno Murray. SlopI llo W oal, Tony Goofy.Hp (D (1 1 ) AFTERMASH Th. Poltor. Klingor. Mulcohy toa lod during on oxco. nlflhl a t Gon. Parahlno He CD 700 CLUB Foalurod lho United Notions •• la m alic divofco in tho moki tita o t fosllno in on oqo oi (D EPCOT MAGAZINE;

--------------- TION(D NASHVILLE NOW

. hlghllahtino country mual' • (D AUTO RACING "NASI

---------5D O ~'(tronrRocktnnhamrI HSO MOVIE * * > 4 "P o t

;,-0;AnO«>lP...v.-: . . .v • .....

iday ev<DO ... SHOW ST O f f l (D N E W S' ' Bufon'o at. 5—C hlldron 'O fT ho 'i n o otrocii lormloaa cld Iramp. aoora ' dru- amulol In.tho torm -.aN A L B U I

ila own proioclion loncam p" rools Ihrootona Iho


ial: Marilyn McCoo. (QZORRC ply, Guosla: Elvia ciN MOVIE 1 & Tom Dovfa, Oui- |no" (1941 oda, Llonol RIchio., lorM oluro,

r r r i s ' r , . 0 ® , ® ;onaolyioalous. ------

' - O ) O QDnl n r n . HOUntlnO

" ™ ”' s r ; ’■a •.■Dlrly.KnUhl'.- « .rv ) M M .

;k e y s ■TEST MOMENTS JS " ”” " ” '

01 Vofdi" IKlaua Barnor ond alx-port d In thia alofy of lho vord i'a lifo 0 fomily lacing llto O (12) f. tornoaa. (Pan i) ^ o r Of M;t a _ — ■-....... .................. dy)C ham c

f f l NEWS INE Exporienco Iho O MOVIE ) culalno; o provlow Blundon"ho.OId.MilI.______ N alam ithjl)W PEOPLE "Thti (D (0) PC

rjota la ovon moro. © VIDEO I norrow Peopio hod - SHOW JC

Bofbour'a . ond ovont

^TS occomponi■ EUD Mogojlno-i;e s s^ER FOOTBALL n TWYLM L HIGHLIGHTS , 966 -1032Coopor can 'l copo . orn doncoroom ond R adof ohow h o rd

CLUB “lu r o d : .„ l„ ,o r v lo .

OD BLONDIt>.................. ........... - £0 YESTETJROW.AND MRS. viowwtih J'

, HBO FRAG : A woallhy boouty of hond wh La:To_r.Boono; toad- " ~o, p i6m o lc

< CENTURY WOM* - n hoala a look ot O f f l f f i E poalllonao t powor bocom oa a imtT-CnnturyrTrDm— bohlndC eli dour, mlairoaa' ol ifloo to tri S orohS lddona. koop Hila'y IL __ / L EH RER:_*I“L _

. . ..- O (Hi ORE>T8ALL Now York Lifo Ot Vor( a rd ln a fa n #lx-pnnY JOURNEYS O F Vordi'o lifo , 35iona.O(.A-Traln Z D SPORTS olln lakoa o_rl.do (33 SOAP lon. lo Kylo o P ID ANOTHE

(D NASHVr -Capl_K i»tU «-<m *_DiaM arvBll h c rcan -td o m ity -a— iQ --(n )-C C0 exoculod holf 0 Domo va. U:----------------------•-------© S P O R T SSollln a Tho Goilln HSO MOV la ta; Glon Camp- (1082. Orn fophen Sillla, Dot- Bridgoo. .H prryA ndoraon, SHOW MO1 Tho onduranco ot Lloutonnnf* shy ond Pfolffor ia Moryl Slrooi xcoplionplly buay CIN MOVlt B Hospital. TIghtropo" rod: Amorico and March. Torn ■ Is there 0 dlplo-loklng?;lho bono- O N E W S 0 Of ovoreolors. IE:.EVEWING_EDI^ O

Foalurod: F W Livo toa lurea jh o HIrod Mm ale. ......................lASCAR Amorican _ ,m rN-C.) (R)—Potom lly" (1081, yn o lda ,'.B ovo rly ' '

^ening pSTONED S co ll Bolo ond VInnlo ator in thio apbciol oxploring

sc ia 'o r 'p o o r 'p ro ao u ro on loon- driiOhobllo.BUM FLASH." John Cougar Mol- P"

7:30NSWHART Erlco Chaao (Slollo

») plona to hire Dick to wflto hor__graphy. bul w onta lo dovolop oloro lo llonah ip firat. (Port 2)IRO "Tho S orgeont Rogrola"VIE *-*-*■ "I W ako Up Scream- ) 4 1. Myolory) Betty Groblo. Vlc-

, , -------- -E AFTERMASH The onduranco ir. Ktlngor. M ulcoh/-qndPtoitfor d during nn exc'opilonally_buay_ Gon. Pofahing Hoapiiol,’ f f l (D (D (11)_MOVl? "Ttio . ng P a o B lo n " ( P ro m lo rc . ao) Jono Soymour, Gorold

rHE OIL KINGDOMS "A S oa Of " Tho linnnciol pow er wloldod ' jmoller A rab a lo ioa of Ihe Por- it la.Jpxaminod and Ihelr fuluro ia 1r o d -OEMAfTflEPORTSATPEflFORWANCES’'n iT F C ;fo ~ I" Burt L oncoalor norraloa Ihia |

dromallzollon of Qluaoppo lifo ond muaic, tllmod In Europo.) MOVIE * ★ * "Tho Prlvolo Mojor Bonoon" (1055. Como-

riton H oalon , JuUo Adoma_____fS ■VIE * * h "Tho Amazing Mr,1" (1072. Fonlaay) Louronco- ' hjLynno Frodorick, ’POWER BOAT RACING "Fort '


'a aurvoy of faoclnallng.poople (onto trom ocroaa. tho U.S. io flonlod by lho anlmollona ot Mod 1io 'a Sorgio Aragonnoa. I

6 :06 t/Y LA THARP SCRAPBOOK: •182 Exorpta of lopoa trom mod- ' co chorooorophor Twyla Tharpir divofsily over the yoora. I

8:30f f l NEWHART Erlco Choao i

Slovona) plana to hiro Dick lo .1 ir outoblogrophy. but wonts lo

on in liij^ lo rolotlonahip flrsl. |

MDIE iTCRYEAR IN NASHVILLE lnlbr“ " ' h Joonno Pruolt, ,AGGLE ROCK M oltora go l out whon Mokoy concoivea o clev-> lodl'Junlof GofQ:— ^— -- -V " |

Q:00 ID EMERALD POINT N,A.S Jo c k I suap lclous ot tho roaaona ) :e!ia'8-m iacafrlogo,-ond Hortan— ‘ bribo Roor Adm, Mallory to ‘

o-y oul o l Glenn'o court mor- •

IREAT PERFORMANCES "Tho '' 'o rd i" Burt L ancaalor narra to s ‘ sort dram allzatlon ot Giuaoppo ;Ife ond m usic, tllmod In Europo. ^r r s T O N ia H r ......... —.......... {> - I-FHERUFE--------------------------------- <■tVILLE AFTER HOURS Guoat: J

CC>LLEQE-FOOTBALtpNotra— . u s e IrrSCENTEFt------------------------------ 0OWE * * 1 4 "Lovo Child" 7ramo) Amy M odlgan, Boou f

WOVIE ★ ★ ★ "Tho Fronch an fa W omon" (1981, Dromn) foep, Jerem y Irons. fiVlE "Mon On A H3" (1063. Suaponae) Frodric Aorry Mooro. _ b

- e.-os G3 ................... . N

0;10 " VT-POETS^GREAT-WRTCRS— 1 : Robort F roa l'a "D enlh Of * JM on." “.............8 :1 6 .- ' 9


i;tyLR^opi^womotfa*^^^ g

pmgrdi0 ' ' _______ ■'


HBO * * * "FJrat B lood" ( g mo) Sylvestor Stallono, R id

p “ eiooCD * * ★ "Oliver Twial" ( mo) Dicklo Mooro. Irving Pici'

'• 6:*0> CIN ★■*•*14 "La R ondo"/( '

mo) Slmono Slgnorot, Anion ^ 0I3O 7

0 (D * * "Im pulse" ( ^ 5 0 . f Arthur Kennedy. Conatdhco £ '/ ---------- 7.0 0 / --------

HBO * * H "Hugo And Jo se t - •Dromo) Moflo Ohmon. Frodril

• .... 7 :06O * * ★ "Q ueen 01 The

1 Ballroom" (1975, Romance! J - Sloplolon, C harles Domino.

7:30s CIN * * * * "Mon On A 7

(1053, Suaponae) Frodric MoMooro.__________ __________

’ - , 8:00 ’ f f l * * H "D ork 'PoaaoD t ’ Myotory) Humphrey Bogon ' Bocoll.’ 8:30

SHOW * ★ "The Toy" (10£■ ~ a y ) Richard PryoFTJicjnTGre

luro. Guoolo: aulhora Noro Ep ] ca Jong ond Colollo Dowling.

O CROSSFIRE ) . . ® LOVE BOAT A m ooked kia ] dll a tolka Ihe docka, a buo 3 loarna w hal hla family mear d ond a ruoltlve ganglond trio

llnda aympolhy,(DDOBIE GILLIS

. CD J5FFSTAGE Interview wll

. Francla.J 0:35


> (D MOUSETERPIECE THEA1> .B roveLlllloTollorjD onold-aG ’ 10:00■ 0 ( 2 ) C £ ( 3 f f l 0 f f l 0 [

(11) NEWS_ _ O THE EIGHTEENTH CENTUi - AN Marioa Boronaon hoala 1

tho rolo.ot womon in poaltlons I and Inffuonco in Iho 161h Con •...M adam e-do-.Pom padour.- mi L_LdulaX V >lp ncifoaa S a rah Sli


— O rchoalra_gooa_to_iho_ball dotocllvo akolch. and a pro tho hoy. (R)O (12) SOAP Burt la shocko( ho finds when h o . oooa Ic oportmont (0 invilo him to a po CD BURNS AND ALLEN (D MOVIE * * h "Tronchcoo Advonluro) M argot. Kidder. Hoyol

— C D -N A 6H V ItL £-N 0W -L ivo- hlghflghtlng couniry mualc. . QD VIDEO DISC JO CKEYS

----------- -------------- 'l0 r 0 6 ---------rO PORTRAIT OP AMERICA

— of T exas loproBonlod.-----------10:30-

O ALL IN THE FAMILY Archio editorial agalnal gun control I aion.

-. O f f l ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE O f f l (D (11) THE BEST OF Hoal: Johnny - Coraon. Guoi Angel Enaomble, Jorry Solnfe Barrolt. (R)(Z) DOCTOR WHO "Tho h

. NImon" Pom ona diacovora truth abou t Iho Nlmon'a purpo

“ 07i2TTH ieR EliF"TH E"N iQ H uled: Volorio Harper. Owoyno^ f f l MOVIE :'Da>B olliatiebo" 0 0 5 2 . Drama)

CD*JAW ^BENNY^Jock Ihint w hal it might havo b^>on Jike gono lo collogo.

illsD a y t i m

' (1032. Dra- HBO * * H "Pa Ichord Cron- dy) Burl Reynold

ON * * * " M---------------------- Tl0'4 i;- ttyaiSry]

(1033. Dra- Mature, ichof.

(D * * "Texo /(1050. Dra- ern) Claudetio Cn Walhrook___ (D.(EI1_ * . h_ i:t-----------------------Comody) Notni56. Myaiory) Chopmon.J Smith.---------------------- © - * * * -"A -Dlefln" (1060, D ate, Fontoay) f Irik B o c k lin .- • K B O * * "Horry

dy) Edward Horn ho Slordual SHOW * * W :o) Mouroon Homo" (1058. D .. — : -' Palricia Broalin.

CIN * * * * "T (1051. Dromo)

Tighlropo" Joon Konl, ^ilorch. Terry

(1007. Comedy) ido" (J947 . Lyon, on . Louron

CD * * "Tho ( I9 8 t . Comody)

9 8 A .Co>no: .DoCoflo. , .reaoon. h b O * * * h

Ephron, Eri- ' ------------g. (2) (D T H E -B E S

------- -------------- gKSrm^bie^"je°rI^

"'ua” o a a m a r ” ® ' ^ N ^ ' M ‘l lo n a to h lm ool rid of a ’d. riel w ltneaa ^ o 'o o a 'o who w


w ilh 'connio CSM *A *S‘ H

O H AR TTO H A R O d S T O B E A N r O 3 ) ENTER

ATTO -T h^ Country a to ra D « ^ T."® Wool and Dottio \

I Gardon GD LATENIGHT A Wholoy.


TJRY WOM. - Ooli.iou8" -Thia a a look ot mokoa hla un< ns of powor . alond-up so lo d< ontury. I'rom ' onco al Constllum is troaa-o f.--Ion , D,C. ........SJddona----------CtRMOVIE-*-* ik

Thundor" (1082.) FLYING lophor. Suaon Sal illhorm onlc . ' ,

irofoaaor inorn donco,choroc

(od by whot ah'ow her divorsil) lo Polor a c b h ARTTOHAR


o!----.^bprj_ c o o h ra n .-----------__ ^SHOW _MOVlE J

■e foaturea According Yo" Go Robin Wllllama. M

A A prolilo O SSltO A H OR EF-------------------- O-CK ILO REN -B

. . DEATH Carol Lasnio dooa an 'o tter hoat Ihia lo plfortofovi- Eoat.Africa ond t

vlvol..Guoals: Did IE Shalner, Doon Jo

f f l THICKE OF T>ite ld, Rono

Home Of DAVID LETTERMj s lho ugly 'o gy Pop. Now DOSO (Part winner Curlia Sha

Nolaon. (R) ihtf Schod- g > LOVETHATBC o Hickman. © COLORADO lavid And breathtaking bot i) Gregory mountolna.-------------------- (B -O P R Y tA N D -inka about country muaic stor

n e m o v i e s

9:30 (1S«'Pafomfty" ( f0 8 r . Como- c aH lolds. Bovorly D'Angolo. SHCn W ako_U p_Sc^om Jnj:^__3ry)’ Bolty GroSlo.'V lctor Sire


ixoo' l^ ' (1056. Wm i -'0 Colbert, BorrySulllvon,.i:Thn.E flrly_B lrd 'J.(lfiO S _H 80jTmairmvtBdom; Enwara

/) Animated, ^arry'a W or" ( t o s t , Como- ^ orrmonn, Goraldlno Page. ^ ' 4 "Andy Hardy Comea I. Drama) Mickey Roonoy, ^INlin. . ......................." '“ J"Tho Browning Voralon"

30} Michael Rodgrove, SHO d y ) f

11:06'" T h o “ Fllm-FlanT-Mon“— CIN- 3y) Goorgo C. Scolt, Suo lufo)

1:00 HBO10 Munaler'a Revenge" Oraniy) Frod Gwynno. Yvonno SHO.......... ......................... . . ... Adve4 "My Favorito Yoor" R /d t

__ .10:365EST OF CARSON Host: CDon. G uoals: Tho Anpol poooirry Solnfold~ Rono Bor- wiint• - ............................. .......... f f l TMILLER Bomoy trioa lo Valoi

dogonoroto convenlionr w on't loovo Now York CDH

ISLAND . ( p . i ,


David Frizzell, Shelley [ g J:lo W oal In Loko Tahoe. y o mT AMERICA Hoal: Donnia J

JOAN"M obol'a Droaa"ATION "Eddio Murphy ;r (2) 1 lia -com ody-B upora lo r- LETT unconaored loloviaion Pop. debut before an audi- -Curtii

tllullon HaJI In Washing- oon. 1

* * . ”Oon’t-Cryrlt‘B-Only— j b j^ , 12. Drama) Donnia Chris- n G Saint Jomoo.

11:06 Thol--THARP - SCRAPBOOK:— CD a orpla of lopoB Irom mod- iroographor Twyla Thorp q q c ( oily ovor Iho yeara, m s iART(R)■E-0•■>4 "Como Noxt Spring") Ann Shorldon, Steve

1 J lT h o _ W o rld _ G orp" (V002, Com ody)' g 2 . Mory Both Hurt. 0 ( 2 E

-------------------- -C B U l—1 1:30------ ^-------------------CD-RI E P 0 R T 8 ..............................ThoKI-BETWEEN LIFF“AND— CD'CI Lawrence and Art Link- -vo. UJ I look a l tho chlldron of d tholr atrugglo for sur- c iN I Dick Von Palton, Willlom Adver Jonoa, Efrem ZImballal ick.

• THE NIGHT Schodulod: n cp

i r L ! ; ^ " a " w?MAN Guoata: mualclan ,,w York S tato Lotiory iharp Jr.. comodlan Bob (j,,

BOB-------------------------------<0 COLORS Soe tho boauly of Colorodo'a

P ON 8 I A(fli Hiiina— itara porform.?E FOOTBAU. Clemaon ® R C In a S la T i------ ' — " 8HOV^

> ' ^

:i082 . Comedy) Polor O'Toolo, J ;a Harpor.5HOW * * * "Tho Fronch Llp inl'B W oman" (1081. Dromo) r >lrbop, Joromy Irona.JIN * * * "Don't Cry. Il'a Only 1 lo r" (1062. Drama) ,Donnia Chi >her; Susan 'Solm Jamoa,

2:30B O * * "Tho Toy" ( 1002. Com lIctiBtU Piyur, J n a iu Otonaon:—

2:36 ■5) * * "Huntora Of Tho R eef" (1k^ d n tu re )__M IchooL.P.orko, t.oulae Wollor.

3 :00 ,D . * * 1 4 "Princo V aliant"--(t advonturo) Jam oa Mason, Jonel L< :IN * * * "Tho Sullivana" (1044. ia ) Thom as Mitcholf. Arno Boxtof

3 :30w o w **■ "Tho Toy" ( 1002, Ci ly) Richard Pryor. Jack io Gleoacn.

6:00n N - * * >4' ''‘Telefon'‘-(-tOT7r~Ac jro ) Chorloa Bronaon. Leo Romlch

6 :30B O * * V4 "Hugo And Joaofln"' (1 iramo) Mario Ohmon, Fredrik B ed HOW * * 5 4 "M arco Polo. Jr ." (1 idvonluro) Animotod. Vcico of Bi tydoll.

11:36D CD HO(3AN'S HEROES H( ooos o a 0 Nazi officer to dlacro' 'W e s a ’a iaonllflcollon of him oo o D THCKE O F THE NiOHT Schedi alerlo Harpor. Dwoyno HIckmon.



12:001 (12) INDEPENDENT NETWi EWS3 BACHELOR FATHER 3 VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS 8 0 MOVIE * * ★ » "My Fovi oor" <1082, Comedy) Polor O Tt osalcQ Harper.

12:06D CD LATE NIGHT WITH Df ETTERMAN- G ubala:-m usician op. Now York S la to Lottery wi. urtia -S horp Jr,. comodlan Bob 3n, (R)--------- --n--:i__:.l2 : i 0 ~--: 'r c o D 3 M 8 o w ---------------I GREAT POETS. GREAT WRm oalurod: Robert F roat'a "Death 30 Hired Man.") CBS-MEWS NIGHTWATCH—


12:26I NIGHTCAP Topic: womon ond lir ro. Guoata: oulhora Nora Ephron.. .Innrp nnHr»UM«r<»'.,llno_____

12:30I CROSSFIRE'^---------- ---- ' - 7I f f l NBC NEWS OVERNICSHT 1 L ip p n p pii gy — - — .........)-NASHVILLE-AFTER HOURS Qu loMorvolla.rCOLtEGE-FOOTBAtL-Nolrb’ Dj .. U SC(R) -

12:60N MOVIE * * n "Toloton" (IE Ivenluro) Chorloa Bronaon, Loo R

_ -----1:00

t FREEMAN REPORTS ) INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEW( > 700 CLUB Footurod: America i0 Unilod-Nallona - . I s th o re .a dlj Uic divorco in Iho making?; tho bo a of tooting In on ago of ovorooton

1 (D NBC NEWS OVERNIGHTI MOVIE "W ifnoasT o Murd 364. Myatery) Bortjoro Slonwy>oro«.S«nd«fe.---------------------------

• 1:30

. Joaal-

.Ipulon- I Moryl

y Thun- Jhrialo-


(1078,___Mory -

(1054.--------------: Leigh,14. Dra- :of.



(1000 ,- - ... 3Cklln.(1073,Bobby -------------

Hogon:rodil 0_________I o npy.»duIod: .1.



DAVID ___1 Iggy winner b Nol-


iilero- >n. Eri-


Dome TT~

:i077.' Rom-

ma onddlplo-. ...............bone-era.



Page 37: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

T u e s (' 6:00

O CS (D (2) GD 1 3 O ( - _ o AQAINST THE OD

Lnngo AntJ Ffonk I.............OoroItioo-LonotrrniBoti___ nooB oU ho notion wllh J

________I '-n rn 'p hnlogrnphy, VflnCWright'S architocluro wllh Infon) much grooloi trodllion,O ® b u s in e s s r e p o

---------------- O PR tM E N EW a----------© FA M ILY FEUD C© MOVIE * * * * " S i

Drnmo) Kirk rorxw-OIivior. ( B ( t t ) THE A-TEAM Tt

IhnI conlalno n hord ol - ho cnpturod on IntJinn te

-------------- C D lS PY -T hoW oriofd '(D -N E W I - ANiMAL-r ' B obios" Soo Iho boa t

. turus in tho animal nur< ............. ...... DIOBOZOO;-'.....................

I © 1-40 PARADISE Acti tiluront ond onlorloinmc Noahvlllo.— -------------O 53) c o u m u o w NJEVO AND LOS ANQE and provlowa ol world pic compotttlons. proll

___________ p nrtlr .ip n n in r<nri__ :updaloa.(□VIDEO OISCJOCKE' SHOW ROBBERS. RC WTTCHE8 -WoBhinotor Aldrodgo) Introdueoa di Ihroo taioo by. roopoci

---------------- Bordon DooI and Roy Bi. . . ............B;05 .

O BOOMERANG Kla Oonlollo Volio sla r In.I) otfuoo'oB facod by n (i In Iho Auotrallan wildorr

O P.M . MAGAZINE CD (D P.M. MAGAZINES haata wilh ilomao ct p rov la lana;io lnaSolt Li .. Tho Guadalupo Foellv O .THE TOMORROW Bluo And Tho Groon" vincod lhal ho can lln

• ort'a collar, bol. whor barred door, thoro la m woit, (Part S)CD TIC TAC DOUGH O (Q) IDAHO REPORTS ( ^ 0 ( 1 2 ) FAMILYFEl ( S PRIME TIME ACCES O (2) EKTERTAINM Michael Caino tal)<o al

........................ 'EducQiino Rita:" ........0 M*A*8*H Coi. I woundod paychiotrlnl ti01 tho loom bocnuao low,

----------------- (2)BUSlNE8S:RCPORIGD . M‘ A*S*H Col. Kllnoor to lulor him (oi on a nlghl Kilngor has

--------------- b lgpokorgom o.(D MICKEY MOUSE CL (D FANDANGO Foolun wllh Sonny Jam oa.

_________ (D O NHL HOCKEY CC hicago eiocl< Hawk blockoul)HBO MOVIE ■•Goln

________ burg o n ^_........ 7 :00 ■

O q^. CS THE Ml;

------- — 01 kiiiino-a'TflWVorwhd_______ ~ Ino photOB of hlo bot

(MlchoiloPhltilpB>. .C2) O GD (D THE A-1 trloB to provant a rand 0 train thn l containa muatonga ho coplurod i fy. ■O ARTS PLAYH0U5 OLIVIER PRESENTS - TION Louronco Olivioi duction ol Harold PInl

_OiivIor, Alan Batoa. Mn and Holon Mliron 'ln oi abou t lour pooplo

___________ ioalfluay^uflpidonjinilO OS) MACNEILNEWSHOUR(2) 0 ( 2 ) JUST OUR Ll

___________ CS NOVA “Talklno TlaI*o com putor iF o tn# 6 l6dsr6onis an Al<i| t|

^ay ev<)0 ' ia roviowocO 0 0 ( S NEWS invonlor, So ODDS "Dorothoa Q (12) S

< Lloyd W rlflh f uuaignod 1i lood th e condoua. — Invootlgallo; llhhorD oproaalon. lom. •flnau^rnnK Lloyd • QD 700 Cl ro llvoo on today Gangu uxpl. olor Ihnn ahollor or ovolulion lo

vDCy la n va •PORT p EPCOT

(D NASHV "SporlQCus" (Pnn hlohllghllng

<lr)< OouglQB. Lou- SHOW MO' Summer" (

^ Tho loom triftn loHnnfy^BoiBv mlrilnn n Irnin CIN MOVIE

d ol wild munlnnoo (1970. Drnr intorrliory. •- ' O'Nonl.3fd'‘ ------------L-.- WORLD " Z o o - (£) O CS loautllul wild croQ .' Howord) ro nursory al lho Son aorving ovo

( P n n t ) [ 3Activllioa a t o ros. Z 0 R % nmoni opotouloido Noal"

/N’ f o ''84 : SARA- « r n m v

orldwldo PfJ-Olym. - ->rolitoa ol Olympic r » n n i< ;p r

ROOnOPS 3ton Irving.. (Torn , , fl dromalizallona ol .ocilvol/. O. Honry. y,yB rndbury,--------------voriaalwar,35 0 0 2 ) »Klauo Somor and— coooor" in.Ihia olory ol tho Brynnor. Ch n lomily facing lilo ® NEWS lornoaa. (Porl 2) (jg VOICESJO-----------------------------( B ( l l)THl

a ralardodINE A trok up Mount a towyor wl » corrying gourmol ol hio bo; >lt Loko Colobratlon Philllpo), isllvol. (□ MOVIEDW PEOPLE "Tho Dfoma) Roi on" ChriB I# con- (QVIDEOC Ilnd John in Rob- ® TOP

rhoro Iho 'o woo a Vogos. Nov lo now only a blank


RTS McShnno cFEUD lion ol IviJESS odoptod lo.INMENT TONIGHT |ow. ond b0 obout hla rolo In disuppolntii--------- ------------- ..................I. Potior osks aBl to counsel aomo m o ® la o jh o lr mornlo la- „ |o a ,p „ r

neling onft

3l. Pollor o r d ^ m BLONd I1 (or driving aehool YESTE 108 t»ot aaido (or n

cCua--------------->lurod; nn Inlorviow

C S O Q D QY Ooslon Bruins a i ..(Pramioro) awka (Sutijoct to Nourl) oM

birda. o m3oin‘ Soulh" (1970. irloo to lot

rouowllo(«'3 0 ---------------------------O ® :V !E

MISSISSIPPI Bon TORY "Am-flflfdonor^accuood__ laSZj::—In.» hd 'hod incrlmInol-“ Admlniotrntb onuttlul omployor lion AmatU

IHb contfO'A-TEAM Tho tonm ® O (Z) I

anchor Irom raiding caliod bociIns tt herd of wild loat ofl okco don Indian tonilo- llaily dovoii

O SPORT!OUSE: UURENCE CD IRELANS - THE COLLEC- "Fnmino;Ivior'a clasalc pro- lho ao-collPInlof-a piay storo nlonfl wllh Malcolm McDowoli

n on Intriguing

:|LUCK City" (19b I Turtlos" A lurlle.t lo bolng usbd 'lii SH O V ryw.t(j|l/j,f^nc{vchlldron Down '(T

/eningp«od through lho oyoo ol Ilo ■ Seymour P n p o r t.Q STAR TREK M ^ Spock_ Is

J lo' command a ahutllocrnit Ulon or-n myotofloufl-floiar aya-'------

CLUB Fealuriid: Or_Rob<>rt__ (Explaino how oclonco Is putting VI 1 to tho ullfmolo lost; why pri- El vanishing rIghi,


:HVILLE NOW Livo lonturos Ing counlry music,^OVIE * ★ "Flvo Dnya Ono Cl ■ (1002, Drama) Soan Con- mtsy Srar.tloy-----------------------------/IE * * "Mako Mo An Ollor" )rnma) Suson Btokoly, Pnlrick Q

D7:30 --

3 HAPPY'OAYS'TOchlO-CRon C roiurna lo Milwoukoo oflor Ji

ovojaoas with tho U.S, Army.3 ■ ---------- ■ HRO "Tho Eoglo LoQvos.Tho 0

.......... -8:00 - GD MOVIE "First Alloir" (Prom- Cimn) J-orotln Swlt. MollsBo Suo Hn. ■■ *.................................... • CE CITY COUNCIL FORUM {JTK REE-SCO M PA NTO --------------•MAN REPORTS ^ ,NAM: A TELEVISION HISTORY HQ T akas Chorgo (1065-1007)" CDora, Iho-Johnaon Admlnia|ra- ( 'dlapotchod 1.5 million Amorl- R

Vlolnnm lo light in thia contro-

) M^VIE * * * "T ho-B uo— ^ ' ( t0 5 0 , A dvonturo) YuI , Chorllon Heaton. ' „

I s • ’ STHg MlSStSSIPPI Bon-doiOTTda— ff od oardonor accu so d ol killing " r who had Incriminating pholoa ^ bonulifui omployor (MIchoilo ^

'IE ★ ★ H "Tlgor Town" (1003. "Roy Schoidor. JuBlln Honry, “O DISC JOCKEYS „RANK BOXING Livo Irom Loo ^

• J o v . ................................... ..............®

S PLAYHOUSE: A MONTH IN * UNTRY Susannah York nnd Inn.0 s ta r In Ihls Engliah produc- C

Ivan Turgonov's only ploy. (1 lor tho scroon by Dorok Mnr- * j baaod on thd a u lh d fo own C Inting rdmanco wllh o Irlond'o T

' 0;3O , ^® OH, MADELINE Mndolino “convinco o oow jriond.ltiol hor ,inftnor in o community ploy lo - L-hor husband_____ SMDIE 4JTERYEAR IN NASHVILLE An "w wilh Tom T. Hail, "O COMING ATTRACTIONS : . |

0:00 GD £D (D (11) BAY c r r v b l u e s cro) Tho. m anagor.,.{M icho6l, '*)f lho Bay City (Cnlif.) Bluo. »

mlnor.lonouo bnaoboll toam.lead hla loam to tho leoguo C

0 (Kolly Harman), 0VIETNAMl-A-TELEVJStON HI3--“ C America Toko's Chnrgo (10GS-- T Jn_l*rQ_yeafB._Jho_il.o?)n,')on_^P trntlon'has'dlopD tchodT-O mil-— B oricona to Violnam lo lighl In . ^

DEHART TO h S t Jonathan la >ock Into Navy Roaorvo duly tts ' . oxporimonlol rodor dovlco par- * voloped by Hart Induatrioo. Q RTS TONIGHT . ^ANO: A TELEVISION HISTORY j: 1845-1040" Tho courao of I :ollod potolo lomino ia Iracod.. r fllh Iho oventa loodiog to 'lho . o ionof Catholic irolond, ■P ------------------------ ------------------- ITHER UFE ■ • . *HVILLE AFTER HOURS Q uoats: >- fnTOa'Iono7*ru5tnr— — ” »■ OVIE ★ * * » "Pfinco Of Tho C 19U1. Oram'o) .Troof WilllamB,. V 1>ach. r-w o v i e ~ » * » — o m y L D oy «■•(tB7;0. ■AdvoTiluTo):^CfjBHton' ■£


f n * ★ * "Tho PrlvQlO Lllo C Vi:i" (1033. Droma)'C hnrIoa Lt Elua Lnncljostor.

5:15SHOW * * ! i "Onrk Eyoo" (10

—ror)-0ini Ekiano.'tnnn-W ood,—

6:45CIN "Bluo Conor" (lOJma) Richard Pryor. Hnrvoy Koir

0:30fli) * * "Women In PoroBlao" Dromn) Knty Jurodo, Loolio Bro

...........................- 7;06_____ .O - * * "Srushfiro" (1082, Ad John Ireland. Evorett Sioond,

7;30HBO **-* '-"T h o GInclor Fox' Oocumonlary.

8:00CS' * * * H "Withoul Lovo' Comody) Sponcor Tracy. K Hepburn,

■ CIN "Toby And Tho Koa (1001, Fonioay) Rolf Harris,

Heston, DovId Carrndino. CINMOVIE * * * * "Tho Slu (1000. Drnmo) Polor O'Toole Railsback.

__0 NEWS________ '

O CROSSFIRE • CB LOVE BOAT A bachoior foil

wllh throo dilforont womon. yoi riodn rounllo ollor two yoors ol lion ond two con mon otogo accldont.(DDOBIE GILUS (D MOUSETERPIECE TH "Casoy At Tho Snl: Orphono' B CD OFFSTAGE Inlorviow wilh Francifl.(D O ALFRED HTTCHCOC SENTS

'• -0:36-O T H E C A T U N S____________

10:00' O (3) CO GO 12) O CS O CS

( ll ) N E W S ^O ARTS PLAYHOUSE: LAI OLIVIER PRESENTS - THE C TION Lnuronco Ollvior'o clos duction of Horold Pln ler's pli Ollvior, Alan B alos, Molcolm li' ana Holon Mlrron in an Inlrigi about four pooplo onmos jontousy. auaplclon and rovong

— O = ® -I8 -A N y 0 N E ^ H 0 M E - — RANGE7_Tf'atJillonol_vnluoB.

. Amorican Woat conflici wilh i nomic valuoa ol maaaivo anorc opmonl.O NEWSNIGHT------------(Z) MONTY T Y THO N 'S CIRCUS Tho l27th-6ttnuo1-Tw Yoor Show, o vlall to o boardin ond'lho'B riliah Minlator spool housing plana. (R)O (12) SOAP Shorlff TInklor r

(D BURNS AND ALLEN — (D MOVIE-* * * -"Tho-Cowl . Tho Lody" (1030. WoBtorn) G .. por. Moilo Oboron. . . .

= © “ N A 8HVICtErN0W :n.ivo- hlghllghtlng country music,


-----------------IO «S---------O MOVIE * * "Bowaro My (1052, Suaponso) Ida Lupino Ryan,


, ropori hla incomo from drlvi . Bon's cab and now ho’a In troi


O C S ) ( D d l ) THE PEST OF I Hosl: Johnny Corson. Guoa

'King. Ch44n& E&Qloii. (R) _ _, CD DOCTOR WHO "T ho Loiat . Whilo on a holiday a t O 23ri

ro c ro a t lo n p la n o l . lh o

ll ■dor, (Part'l> ' ■ ■ ’ 'y ■ ' ■

msP a y t i i T K

9» O lJIenry HBO * * ' i "Don Laughton.-— (1903. H ortor).Po

Rodin.CIN * * * h "Tho

1070. Hor- ody) W oody Allon,--------------------------------------- j(

(E) * * "Dlmoi onco-Ficlion) Joll

1978, Dro- Nuyon.Bilol. (D (TJ) - * * W "C

(1070. .Myatory)

.o " (1 0 5 9 . ••Sradloy. ..gonj

._ — S lo losm on" (t074 ^dvon1uro) oouoloo. Michnol I

HBO * * "Goln- S dy) Ja ck Nlchola

IX" (1 9 7 0 )- oon.-............... ..SHOW * * * "Hi (1060 . Dramn)

0" (1045,- G oorgo Poppord. Kolharino CIN * * "M ako K

Drama) Suaan Biol oalo Qoar" ' t

' O * * r t "Thd

0 (12 )T H IC K E O F Hunt Mon" f f l MOVIE * * i olo. Slovo (1005. Dramo) Rot

Baker.------------------- CD-JAGK-8ENUV_ _ _ _ _ _Ffonciaployhlllblll

(D 01) RADIO teiac

oils in lovo P ^ S A B A S l ^ /ouno mor- Phllndolpol finnnrn A nionio Spura0 aphony MauLi.MR)----------

THEATER’ Bonofit"ilh Connlo ^ ^ |


___________________ WT

.N o d lo lp l l l s -AURENCE Iniocllon;; COLLEC- • P ro losslonal o ssIc pro- supo rv isodplay-flta ra— - • N o Starvallo ' McDowoli food docislo

S d ' t -ngo. .'ood-O N -T H E _______ ncL constan lIB...OI . ! h o _ calprlo -cour h tho oco- • N u lri/S ystei »roy dovel. g u c rsn to c : (

m o N u tri/S i p rbgrom 'nm

FLYINQ w olght q u id Twit-oi-iho o 'day . Achle ling house - spoc iflod .o i )ako aboul c h a rg e s to r rm a k o s o n until you do .mufrif>r---------------------

"SMILE>wboy-And----------------Gary Coo- CA L L TODI

B -to a tu ro s------

“ I ®^y Lovoiy"ino. Robori | 15 L K

I 'h***"!, pisgiua al IM i

•chio didn't Iriving Mun- . X I A # Irouble wllh | | W |

IE .................... I • . .............FCARSON I I J Ioalo: Alan J D i

iauro Hlvo" { _ _3rd.contury i .• SW W


ie m o v ie s9:30 ( '0 0 0 .

)onco Of Tho Dwnrfs" Cordln .P o lo r.F o n d a.-D o b o fn h -.---------

(D *’ho Front" (1070. Com- Milly" on, Zoro Montol. Virgini-10:00-------------------------Tionaion 5" (19Q7. Sci- ( '0 7 3 , Jollroy Hunlor, Frnnco McGoc

"Dirty Knighl's Work" SHOW y) John Mills, Oonold (1970,

David11:00 .

onjnmln Fronklln; Tho '■374, D ioornphy).M olvyn ..^;'- - olLonrnod.V Soulh” (1970. Como- . o laan rM nrv stoonbnr-.—CIN -^

------------------------ Bflgiit."Homo From Tho Hill" a) R oborl Mllchum, d . - - HBO 10 Mo An Olfor" (1970. Docun Jlokoly. Patrick O'Neal.

11:05 C IN *'ho Holl Wilh H erooa" edy) V

: OF THE NIGHT* * "Miolor MOBOO" CO 03Roborl MItchum. Corroll Johnn

- • Shoof JUY—Jack—nnd-Connlo—I b l l l l o a , ____ mnkoiW b<R)‘ ............. Barno

=TBALL "Holl Of Famo S oiphla ,,70or5 vo, Sana (from S | rlngfioid, q



a n d .i M e l g r

- r r ninally • * ,3d •Itlon o r ......... — - - - - V -islons . ■aroof

in t___________ _______ . /aun tlng _ '

n n ^ lo sojicfcly. o tlon up to 0 pound ihlovo yo u f fiO ilT iyifio dalo I. o r pay n o addliionol lof N u tfl/S ystom so rv ic o s ' do.

U 4 in :R U 5 :£ S T E M -M E II £ A ( ^ i N _ r r M Y 5 E r a ibA Y FO R -A .fR E E , N O -O BU '

.B S . FR E E O N P U R C H A S E ^It'cw^ tllRT NylM'Sri»n'«'l't’altlt C(»l llu tn lM llS H p'ogiim Ouc»y«l» m«, .i.i Cm>i cam mu jM i>» «"«r eiice.>

/ I N F A L L S - ;5 ? 5 B luo L a k e s E

B U R L E Y - 6 7

j - . *

)00, Drnmn)' Rod Taylor. Clai rdlnnlo.________ ___ 1:00___________

* * * "Tho Socro l Lifo Ot Wn ;ly" (1047. Comody) Dnnny Kc gmui Mnyo.'J * * '-■ "Tlinmiinlnn _ & -Bushfi )73, W oalorn) Max Julion, Voni ;Goo.

1:30IOW * ★ * "G ray Lody Do> )70, Advonturo) Charllon Hos vid Carrndino.

S . 2 :35I * * i i '^Rogo'^ (1066, Drn: snn-Ford. Stoltn Slovons.

3 :00>4- * * *_L.piaj:i-{.j873,- Olograp gilto A riol,-Poocale Cluistopho.-

5:00;0 * * * ''Tho G lacier Fox" (18 ■cumontarv.

5 :30'i * * * h "T he From " (1976. C y) W oody Allon, Zoro Mosloi. ■

10:35I G3 THE BEST O F CARSON H hnny Coraon. G ueata; Alan H oofin Enoton, (R)- -

l-BARNeV-^ILLER-A-n«w-doloc \kon Lovitt JoalouB ond occuso i irnoy'o mon of Boino dlahonoot,) FANTASY ISLAND )M ‘ A*3*H

11:00IMAQNUM.P.l. tR)--------------------



: J

a iH O O H E L P E aM E -----T ^ E c n o N r _____3U G A T 10N CO N SU LTA TIO N

E O F 30 LB.’ PR O G R A M !*

■ 734-0405s B lvd . N . •

78-9781»mNorih ---------------------

T im os-N ow a; T:^lffJFAn!!f lcfc


^ i V rKayo,

hfOill!_______■jnolln '

)own" 'osion, 1

rnmn) I

ia p h y )----------


ICom- j


octlvo------>05 ol[ ;

' '■ i___________ 1



. j '!

! . ; ’i

= j ^

Page 38: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

— r - a OS’JJEW .TECH TIME! A Com puior” Thla aoflf

-• / w hal compuiofB nro tone / . ( D LATENIQHT AMERIC

Wholoy.(D ( MARRIED JO A H"M

..............(D (D) N HTHOCKEVSt— ----------- Chiceoo-aiodc-H ow ko-<

blnckouO................ SHOW. QALLAGHER: T

-____ Tho unconventional com................n r ih b 'E o a t C o iin l^ 'P

Contor In .San Dieoo. Col 11:06

------- --------GD MAQNUMrP.lr(R)—. (53 HAVWU^FlVE-0


McShono a ta r tn - th lo E Ilon ol Ivon Turgonov odQplotJ for tho ocroon low. ond b o a o d .o n tho dlSoppoinilnO 'rom pnea' wiio.

• CIN BETTE MIDLER:- VIdooa o l tfo rk o Irom Ih

.......... F fllla'l^alhum .—focordirconcert too tooo , ond on Mlao Midlor oro footoro d a l.


Wedi. ‘ 6:00

QD ★ * ★ -C ry Dongor---------------tory >-Oick-Pow«]irR hond

'6 :30■' ■ a N * * * "P io l" <107

Brigillo Arlol, P oacalo Ch— - ........................." 8 :3 6 " '

(D * ★ "L oa Vogao

............ Gray...... ................... , : .7:0S

O • * * ! 4 VLucy Gollani mn^jQ no W yman, CharlK

7:30O N * * * 1 4 . "G loria" { G ona Row lands. John Ad

8 ;C»CD. ★ * * "T hia Gun Fo Orama)Jh£«ronlcq Loko. A

oroa—HfiO * * a "T opa" (1 G oorgo C. S co ll, Timothy SHOW * * * a -M y Fl (1082, Comody) Potof O

9:30CIN * * ! 4 "M ialy" (1 O awidJ.add. Arthur O'Con

..........................10:'60' -------- CD- ' .'*~*~’-'TWb'57Iac>r.C;

turo) Sloflino Haydan.'Voi © (DJ * * "R ant Suaponoo) Ollvor R ood /J

11:00'. .• . -ID -Jr.-^_'.’Fof_Tbn.Lovo <

McGroovoy.HBO * * "Fivo Daya C (ifiOS. Dramo) S oan Cc Bruniioy.

________SHOW "B all 0»

Stnnwyck,_______ ClN..*.-*.*.;3_u_a.Ronda:

1 m a) Simono SIgnorot. Anr______ 11:06

_ 1 ____ O : __ * .:^ * _ l.‘A -M an.Coi1 ( I9 a 0 . .W oalorn) . Tony

___Mic&noLSflHozJn... .i 12:30

GIN "L ostH orlion 'taay) Ronald Colman, Jnn<

1:00CD * * * 'T h o Third f Mounfoin” r i3 5 9 . Advottl Ronnio. Jam oa MacArlhur, HBO SHOW * * h "11 Cai

; lywood" {1932, Comody) r . ' Don Aykroyd. .

2:30CIN "Tho Brown(Jg S W -O fam a)-M lch a o i

----------J«B n-K «nt.---------------------2:36

; C£) * * * " M u rd o r A tT h o

i . 3 :30I H fttt^H O W * * ^ ; . '.7 a p V

mn) G»*orao.C. S c o it' Timo

-1 0 TimQ3*New8, Twin Fafi

MES.."HowJro:ffiiy__.a.THE FUC logmont oxomlnoo SD THICKE loochlng children. O QD (B RICA Host: Donnia OAVID LE

■ LooMo Nlol: " Monkoy Shlnoa" J ollln, comt rSoaton 'B ru ifia at 03 LOVE T> ico-<R)'<3utJ)oct-to— G3 TVE MA

Join Iho co::: .THE MAODESTl.... lilm-.'.'FIwo J:omQdian porlorma . Auotraliiin ( y Perform ing'A fta opoctocuiai Collf. © OPRYl15 counlry mus ( •

CD (O HC16 mon. wllh t ISE: A M 0 » ^ IN ' doa tro y o N innoh'y6rk” o r rd lo r “ ® THICK E a Engllah produc- O .MOVIE inov'a only p la y ;‘ •<*047^Myai >en by Dorok Mar- Rolno. . tho oulhor'e ownCO •with a frlond’8 Q ( 12) |

NEWS=R: NO FRILLS QD BACHEL n Iho altuJOf'a "No QD VIDEO C rdlno. aludio and HBODQNH 1 on inlorvlow wllh Poo guoon turod in thla spo- c o n c o r t I

Amphiihoat iO ‘ SHOW MOr r s Chong’a Nl

[ n e ^ a ^ j3 -------igor” (1951. Mya- CIN * ik V4onda Fleming_______David La-d,J1973.'fll6oVaphy)^ CIN * * > 1 3 C h^atopho. mn) Simone

■■■gaa Shakedown"

> _____ - 0 ( 3 ) G D aIlontu-(10B£, O ra- Q THE TMBrltoh.Hoalon. St.onoB" OnI Adam ond K" C106O. Drome) cumb to thelA damos, _ aw ay In Milb, - • . ad S B U S Il. For HIro" <1042. O PRIMENla. Alan Ladd, f f i FAMILY;i— ............— • (2D MOVIE 1

(1081. Droma)

:’s : r v o . r

.d ro .o l lo a A ' lo .havo alio

(1961. Drama) ,ocf,. Connoll, CD I SPY "A

. '■ " O N E W rA l ? -(1 0 6 4 r Adwgn-- »o*GI-ThoV ■Vera Raloton, - o nd 'w o ich lonaom " (!.070,_ B urroR aro . d /Jo h n Ireland. ‘ © M O FAF ). laurant and vo O l-W llladaan’.;___N nahvillo.,.

------- -------a ie" (Irorr. In'a One Summor" ID VIDEO Dl

Connory. Belay HBO THE IN The volcoa

0> Pirn" f iq 4 ? • Gobel, Tnmi >opor, .• Boriinra aon oro lia i

com blnoa Ihidoi:_ti'050.-0ra-___!h O > ° ry olAnion Walbrook, who moola f torn otior ho

, ---------O MoTiTran" f t0 3 7 Fan- Bf*>vo" (lOfl S S n o K ClintW atker.

•rt Mnn nn Th« O P.M. MAG^offluro) Michodl-Ihur. sm Avon.o

lnT lm o"S lo i about Peiar.

o * " ^ o r s i o n " 3^ Slroln." a

--------------- '------------c s rn c T A C Ta 05) IDAHO

ThoW nrdlG rna" ® 0 ( 1 2 ) F , Gfoh. Didi Conor— W PRIME-TB

O ® ENTElipi".Mmoth-/; MtlffClj; - 0 ^ 0 3 lolovio

Falls , idoho F riday . O ctobe;

=UGmvE . , cKEOF THE NIGHT (E (11) LATE NIGHT WITH C LETTERMAN Guoata: ac to r { Ilolson. ahoo Balosman Lorry , 'jmodlnn Larry Miller. ( R ) _____ETHAT BOB ' , rMAKlNG.qP PIVEMIteT:flEEK— [ coal and crow of tho dram atic t ;o W ile-Crook". in lh o -ru B B a d - .-f in O utback, nnd noo how tho ulor oe ta wore creaiad . .HYLAND ON STAGg Rising ? Tiualc ataraporlorm .------------ n -3 5 ----------------------------- ;HOGAN'S HEROES H ogan>

:h help from iho underground, a Nazi mlaslle battory. JKEOFTHE-NIGKT------------------------J'IE ★ * « "The UnnuBpoctod" J iyatory) Joan Caullleld, Cloudo ^


■ELOR FATHER f0 DISC JOCXEYS NNA.-A HOT-SUMMER N IG H T _ ‘ on Don'nn Summer bIzzIos In n * : lo p o d a t Iho P a c l l lc f oatro inC oataM ooa . Colif. MOVIE "Chooch And

Nice Dream s" (1981, Como-

^ ^ n i f

4:00 C* V4 "M isty" (1001, Drnma) r<i-drA#lhor-0:Conn»ll.___________ b-

6:30 •' H* K "i:d Rondo" dO SO rO ra-” ^

one'Slgnorot. AntonW nlbrook. 2w

- EjV.ENINQ-----------^ °.............. B:00 Q

( 3 O O GD (D NEWS • w THIRD EYE "Chlldron Of Tho . O Only six villagora olong with to

d Matlhow havo failed 10 BUC- B tho alrongo powor ihnl'holda lilbury. <Part.4) cJSINESS REPORT SENEWS . ILY FEUD ...................................... n,IE ★ * * * "S parlocus" (Part . t)| I, DrnmpJ^Kkk pouQlas. Lau- ' g ivl or. *' laREAL PEOPLE Hallowaon is

•vilh aoQmonts on iho Scl Fl (jf narracTmovio-hoaloaaCasaan.^— ]g a AnQoios psychic wr^o claim s |q ilion iraltarond-o-Flofido w ar- g

"A Gilt From Atoxondor"1 ANlMAL-WOBLD^Wiia:Buf.^ .0 W osi"-Soo n wild burro-huni - q :h Iho world'fl" cha'mplonship- -fj] CO. (3 -ARADISE Activities e l a .roa- ^ nd oniortainmont epol outaldo g|

p a Bhw riV jn " gr. Indianapolis. Ind.) - ‘ Er5 DISC JOCKEYS: INCREDIBLE BOOK ESCAPE ' . ki :oa ol Rulh Quzzl. Georgenmmy Grimos nnd Artn John-__ 7;liaiurod-in Ihls spoclarw hlch i_L I Ilvo action and onlmntlon In qt' p f n.BifLCQuInn^Cumminos)__vvis a ho st oMilorary charac- xi houra In a library. . ^

ffi____ • fljos .....wt'IE * * * "None But Tho HE1065. Drama) Frank Sinairo. Ql.<er. . tai

6:30 dolAGAZINE milU. MAGAZINE An IQ-yoar.old CN 10 fashion doBlgnor; 0 Now who won SS million in ihoS talo loilory.OMORROW PEOPLE '''A Rllt (O ilophon and John bo lh droam (E) or. Iho boy/rom "Tho Modu- 3*

and roolizo that ho urgonrly ’ Wo

CTJDDQH------------------------------- ‘ 'HO REPORTS O) FAMILY FEUD OF-TtM E-ACCEea----------------TT=liloITERTAINMENT TONIGHT Jill chc ta lkrf-'abaul h6 f '';U lup J o . onj

ivislbh. " „y,

•ber21.-19a3 -

,.dy).R Ichnfd "Chooch"-M arIn Chong.CIN MOVIE * ■ * « •Thon' Bushrod ‘ (1073, W ostorn) M Vonollo McGoo.

_ : ----------------------- 13:06— ------CO CD LATE NIGHT W m tETTERMAN Guonto; ac to r Li oon, shoo sa lesm an Larry Joli

- --d io n Lorry Miiief. (R)


C3D MCCLOUD (H)12:30



___ - ___ i;6 b _ . .: . ._- O FREEMAN REPORTS

CD rNDEPETS:^;T n e t w o r kQD 700 CLUB Foalured: Di Gongo oxploina how sc ienco ovolulion to Iho uliimalo toat:

- vacy la a vanishing right. V ' — © COLLEGE FOOTBAtf C a l l

UCLA(R) • ............................ . -HSO INSIDE BOXING .


n g ^ C Ka M*A*S*H Charloa Wl reco rd s a loltor to his wooltl

—bagging hin> lo^uM-hio-inliuem him out of Iho unil.

- g r S USINES S R E P O R T --------(53 M 'A ’ S 'H Chorlea roc w bok’a aupply 'o f- now apapt homo e l a Ilmo whon no Oth'o □olllno through.t o MCKbY MOUyE (JLUB------O FANDANGO.FoniurBd:'nn'i wilh Bill Andoraon.( B T>IE WORLD SPORTSMAN lain Climbing r Soarch For B loneo"(R )

7 :00’ C l Q3 S 3 W HZ KIDS Richie-

frionds Join A.J. Simon (Jamoj kor] to soa rch for 0 vial ol

- nervo g a s tha t h a s boon placo -.blackm arkot.CD O (S) (Q REAL PEOPLE H< la aoluled.vuith sooinonis on th Bail, TV horror-movie hooiean d ra . a L o a Apgoloa psychic wh

-tohovo-olion-irQ liBronaffT IiS f lock.O HOMAGE TO NUINSKY Nilinsky bnllolB oro porlormoc

..g ro a l llolian.donccra Paolo B.

• .0 '" d ? * -= - M A C N E r L '’/ I ■ NEWSHOUR- - (23 THE FALL GUY Colt I to poso ao a golow ay driver aiumbloa Into on undorcovor op

NATURE 0 F -THIN06----- -

Entor'pTlso la dajnogod in an io . o n a cfowman la klllod. nnd . Kirk ia chorgod with hla murder. ® (11) MOVIE * * 1 4 "Strof

_7Ail-<i873rTOromo>-Andy Grif Lupino.QD 700 CLUB Foalurod: 77-!

-W ilbur-Graveljr-ahowa how ho- bottor shopo lhan poopio half h


( S NASHVILLE NOW Livo I' highliohling ebiintrv mualcl .- - -

HSO FLASHBACK: THE GREA QUE Eric Sovarold hoata Ihis dc tary look a t Iho Spanish Influoi domic ol 1018, which claIn million viclima worldwide.CIN. MOVIE _ * * * > _ " Q lt jr ia " Drama) Gona Rowlands, John A

7:30(D ZORRO "Bem nrdo F acoa Oe ® PKA FULL CONTACT KARAT SHOW MOVIE • * * b "II Comi Hollywood" (1982, Comody) Jol

■ • .......................... 7:lSb ^O MAURICE BEJART: FOR THI OF DANCE Thia docum entary

chorooornpher Includos oxeorp mi/form ancoa «jy B eiart’a W T)'' ny L os Balloia Maurico Bo'lanf <

rln, Thomao CE <D NBC NEWJ © F O U R FRONT

omasino 4 - • ' Max Julian, QT) ROWAN & MA

HBO - MOVIE *___________ Accordlng-To GcTTH DAVID Robin WilliomB. M 'LMlIo'ftlolilZBHOW-LOVlNQ lollin. come- FECTCOUPLES

a THE AMERI E yb" John O'G/

JH couniorpoft ol fict _____________ Spado . Phillip Ma

CIN MOVIE *131 _________ C lfl76_C om ody).

Mostol.IRSGuoBla: ’ ;

O N EW SNIGHTU_____________CB MOVIE * ★

Tlmo" (1039. Fl ]K NEWS rymorc, Una Morki Dr. Robort O O V ffiE S T L tN i

:o ia puttina <D VIDEO DISC JC at: why pri- SHOW MOVIE * '. Summor" (1932.aiifnmla-Vfl— nory. Boioy Brnnii

(2? CD MOVIE ★ Rod W ilch" (10<

gramsW inchoster {ilthy father O (33 GD MOVIE »nc»-lo g e t — Sirapona®) Oom O_____________ CD O (g 3 1 D T H E

girls fea r lor tho ocoivos n cuaiom of (lan Wo! ipora from, ouolydiaoppoorec h'or mo'il la O (23 © 'M A R K

• SPECIALS Amorlc -------------------- o n iir /s rd b llvora }n -lntorvlow ' humor m 'th irh fl ir

formed boforo ni AN'"Moun-‘ onco. - -■or Ciudad ( D O O OYNA

visitor ondangorc ^ . battlo . whilo Bitiie-nnO-nio— Kryatio ti6f‘ to 1 rtoaen P at- - b o h a lf .Q . . ol deadly O F R E E I ^ R E P

cod on tho 0 - ( 12) MOSOE’ (I3C 0. Drama) Cl

Haltowoon - ranco Oilvlor. tho Sci Fl CS NEWS ' ■ • '

.flCAaaon- CD MOVIE * * " T ivhoelolms Hat!" (1880, Dron-MrrcTd'vrar' ^— for Fron cn:---------T

fD (Q) COUNTDC Y Origlnol •• JEVO AND LOS , lod by Iho o"** preview s o l 1 B a rio lu z z ip ic .c o m flc li tto n a .

----------------- pnrrrCTpTmnr— niL'EHRER' updatoK^r^-'-.rT-r-

. © THIS MONTH' it io fOTCod'. VJ*S'>r oltor ho HBO ONE MAN'S I operaUon. , Iruo-life droma 0

....................B lrufigloogainel-ITh o h ' ' Ih'o • 'i t i i n :ourgp<rafhislon sto rm ,'■ ,‘^ o ^ h ’onfod. 'd Captain '■ .0or. O N E W Srongora In'Iriffilh.-Ida---------- ------ - - - 8

. . 0 3 O (S3 © © 7-yanr-old . Jonnilor la . proaa lO-alBya-in— y o u n g -o ir l-a o n y a ( h l s a g o . ' ' un sk lllad 'o t-p lay li NING EDI;__.loom j^ - J __

< featuroa polilan O pera Ga

EAT PLA* M olropolilan Opor documon* moro than 70 of I jonza opi- aingoro. including ttlmod 20. Luciano Pavarolli

Roberta Pe lo ra t ii"_(l08O . ( P a m )I Adamba; ' " O EDDIE BOYD’-'

a to ry of Iho flombi Canadlnn bnndit, I

D oalh" la told through 1 ATE(H) - which rovool o Mf< imo From lovo aflalra end i John Can- honchmon.— --------- BLONOIE----------------------------------- © YESTERYEAR-t“HE LOVE viow wilh Anita and r y o n l h o flS 53) PICKTHE PF

irpta from. O ^ E A T PAlNTlf 7 ) 'cobpa- * c ra’ M inIalurO "'‘T=Ii t i ■ "Tho Grovo."- •



"Tho World O N IG orp"-(tO 02. Comody)-------

I. Mary Both Hurt. ( n (TIQ FRIENDS AND PER-—

1 ;3 6 -------- O 'W 'ERICANS "Tho Prl\uito. ^ N II I’G /ady^Ia iho roat-lilo d g M fictional doloctivaa Sam o n ii.tMarlowe ondLownftrch-_____ _

O M C1:40 r i A f

* * '« M -- " T h o From" ly)_W oody Allen. Zero

0 9 ? 2T UPDATE ‘r * * H "On Borrowed.

Fonlaay) Lionel Bar-


★ * "Flvo Daya One Q DA 52. Drnmo) Soon Con- (J^ o m tio y r - - CDMC

2:06 - © R C★ ★>4 "W ako 01 Tho © V IC

1046. Advonluro) John © BU

VIE -Happy'- (Promioro, ® '* 1 n D atulsorOoo-W nnacu:— (S«ao HE FACTS OF U FETho ho nofety of a popular loina «o!lo ) who hoa myslorl- 0 ' “ ” ■ red .Q - a ttonlRK ROSSELL COMEDY irle a 'a foromoal polltleal Q a h is ap o d al brand ol I*®/"*! .fllfTJdur'orfcom'tfdy per- ’ , fO"*an .nn .ODttiu.3lfi;>Tic.,,o,u^ .

NASTY An unoxpoctod ® 8 C lore Slovon'a custody Blako-a. lawyer wnrna ® NA 3 loatity on- Slovon’a

' © - IJETORT8 SENT!TE’''-*H r* "Kh'srtoum" © VI£

Charllon HosIon.'Lau- ( D S P HBOfi

' lywooi"Tho Ghoala Of Buxloy 0 “ '’ *

roma) Dick O'Nolll. Vic- 8 HOW1

DOWN TO ~84: SARA-— P' ■S ANGELES Hlghllohlo ■ of worldwido pro-Olym- CIN Iia , profllaa.D l'O lympic ■■ f>®37,- oncf. Wbrld --7i»cora ~v y y °n ^


■a FfOHT FOR LIFE Tho -S u ch \ ol ono -m on 'a brove O AL

H -lofm lnel-caneer, a nd — llnlahg h is family and'friohdo la nonljc

-0:56 © AS eco ;

. e , . o© (11) FAMILY TIES n p,n

aylng basaball on hor ^

G ala Conlonniol C o ^ 1tr=annlvflranry-cfzttiB— pora la celebra ted by )f Iho w orld-a.groaleat ® 5 2 Ing Placido Domingo, . olll. Loontyno Price.> and Joromo Hlnea.- -O T H J

3 •• BANK ROBBET^ TTlO- ' © • W mboyoni ond nolorioua "Toaci I. Edwin Alonza Boyd. Bod"■j topod recollactions _ lifo'Involving bolroyar.'

d a colorful groyp of ( n ) n j★ . • ____HC

R -IN -N A S H V ItE l-T riiS T r-J™ ind Helen Carter. “ ' d cnPROS 0 > §

— (z r " WnriNQS Foolurod: Kan- CIRCU

• • • .w hat y

'oyno. Gig Young. •’ 2:30

3 RO SS BAGLEY.............2 :4 6 .................


) (S)_M 0V 1E .** "Ransom " (11 japopso) Oilvur Rood, John Irolan

3:16I WORLD AT LARGE IN MOVIE "Tho Stunt M080. Droma) Polor O'Toolo, Sl liiobock.


3:60JO MOVIE * * 1 4 "Tho Sond 062. Horror) Kothryn Horrold, Zo inok.)0W MOVIE * * V , "Rabid" (10irror) Morilyn Chamboro,_Fnjo ro.


^ 0:00 ) a ( S © © (11) ST. ELSEWHt •«oon-Pfom ler«)-C ity admlnKMf* llcor Joon.H alioran (Nancy Sfnlfi na tho staff of Si. Ellolua.-wher ulf man (Alan ArkIn).domands apo tonlion for.hla wilo.(Plpor Laurlo •oko victim. (Port 1) ‘) O (S) HOTEL A prioBl (Pack Ri

moneo when ho-<filla- fn lore-wft oulifui woman (MIchollo Phllllpa).I SPO RTS TONIGHT I SOAPI ANOTHER LIFEI NASHVILLE AFTCT HOURS Quo;

I O ALFRED HITCHCOCK Pi 34T8 •I VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS I SPORTSCENTER 10 MOVIE "It Camo From f vood" (1082. Comody) John Car in Aykroyd.IOW PAPER CHASE "P lague cuaio^ Ha2l'Ia .io m boiwoon ido d praa tlgo when two vastly dilfer V firma e ac h olfor-hlm n summer Jc

MOVIE * * r * "Loal Horlzi 537. F an tasy) Ronbld Cdlman. Ji?nn:-------------:-------------------------

0 :06-------------------GREAT POETS. GREAT WRITE

alurod: G ooroo Orwoll'a "Su ch W oro Tho Joya ."ALL IN THE FAMILY Aflor ho llni

iehas-achQOl.-M lke Inndn-n-pnrr nljob.'’- . ... .

AUTO RACING "CART Lagi co 3 0 0 " (from Laguna Soca . Co

............... 0:26^ •FIRST EOmON Quosi; Robort Cb

Ihor of “TTiO P a th To Pow er."___0 :30 - -

CROSSFIRE___________ ______

divorce, a tomboy diacovora II

voireha-ring a cablrT DOBIEQILLISOFFSTA(3E Guoal: Bobby Bare.



la c h o rs Are Poopio Too; Early d". ______ 10:00( 2 (33-(7) ( S O (33 O (93 © I)N E W S .

HOMA ( ^ TO NUINSKY OriQli naR yJ>nl!o!a.flro .porionnadby"t a t Italian dancora Paolo Bartolu > Carla F racci.NEWSNIQHT __________________- H D im r T > V T H 0 N '8 . FLYJf ICU3 A coupio pooa.lo 0 votjatarl louran 'r.'« P^ilcw ffalry'V t0<V, a y WfTd« -o f 'r ta g fc 'jrttf^irio^ po[1

— — . — i-i:______-__ - -



ndor"Zollko . _ '•

1079,Fra.nk___ '_______ ____

t i


laro' 0pocial - • - • tio). a .. ----------- —


irfttr tt ■ — .................>),



n Hoi- iandy.

o _ 0 l_________ J_____doola _____forontrjob.•izon"Jdno . •_________

TERSSuch, ■ •

linallyo n n n i ■ ■■





TER-------------------------ly To

3 ©

Ifllnal________________/- th * -------------------------iluzzl

riNQprion , ,.a n d .....................0 | l c b ^ . , . , -

Page 39: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

Introducing Into tholr tochni O (12) SOAP Corinno roc to r Irom Ecuador.(D BURNS ANO ALLEN ‘ '

___ ' f p MQVtE ★ ■*.*_irrhfl-BQ. ' Tho Elophanl" (1967, O

Loslor. David Woyno.( B NASHVILLE N O W "'" hlchiia^tino country music.

^ ____ I D 4 S RADlQ-ieflQ (aX —• ' ID VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS

SHOW MOVIE * * » ■ Tt Drnma) Q oorao C. Scolt. '

' , 10:0ao MOVIE "Th<And Tho Lody" (1950. Of<

-------^SfockT Q Ilb-oftR oW d:'-—10:30

O ALL INTHE FAMILY ThtArchlo'o old Air Fofco buc Iho houBohoId.0 f f l ABC NEWS NIQHTLI

-------- O (5) © ( I t ) t h e BEST (Host; Johnny Coraon. ,Qi Trnvolln. Erma Bombock. (i


0 ( 3 ( D ( D C S 0 0 ( £ ( . - .-.O A Q A IN 3T T H E G D D S "!

■ And Woll W hitman" As a Whilmon'o goal w aa lo dot noil 0 now lanQuogo will oxptoao hla boundlosa iovi CO. ond O.W. Qrlltilh took turoa (rom boino a camlva

_______and-talsod thom to-an-artio______ O flffi BUSINESS REPOHT.----------O PfilM E N E W S---------- - -

QD FAMILY FEUD'____C2.M0VIE * * ★ i:ClooDnt

(1063, Drama) Elfzaboth T ord Burton.

...... - • CD 18PY -B ridce O l Spies-(□ NEWI ANIMAL WORLDUndor"c a 1-40 PARADISE Activllk

. tjiuun t snd onlortoUimcni t

■ © V ® e6 DI8CJOCKEY3 HBO MOVIE ★ * "Tho T Comsdy) Richard Pryor. J.

SHOW THE THUNDERBIRD: dorbirda’ m ission ia to ros(01 prominont sc ien lis ts whe kidnoppod by a gong ol c by tho noiorlouB Qonoral.St

........................ 1 ________ 8 :0 8 _ ___O NCAA FOOTBALL Ni VoaoB vs. San Dlogo Staio

0:30— — - B P .MrMA<aA2ff«e-----------

t s (D P.M . MAGAZINE Th docldoa whot Iho aslronaul space; colobrato Haliowobi usod lo bo a t th e W hoolor F Q THE TOMORROW PEOI

___ In Tlmo" sto p h a n . u s ing hla1 ■—ouaii,li u( Pu iu i, 'tB linp

Zonon, one ol th e Quordla (Part 2)(DTICTACDOUQH

O ffl BnERTAINMENT_'violi with ahow buslnoss c

- Thlpko ond Glorla L o rfn o r- O M‘A*B*H Evoryon* Is I

_ _ _ whon Ihey find oul tha t Iho • cy supply of liflht bulbs turr

on Ico cream churrt.------------S B u s w Es a R E P O ffn —

CID M*A*5*H Kllogor Is i________&Qjnfl.foaponall:Jo-lor-n.rai

oround th e cam p. (Part 1) <D ( I t ) MAMA'S FAMI boglna a sorloa o l starlll slona by rovoaling lhat sho'i (D MICKEY MOUSE CLl/B CD FANDANGO Foaturod; c wllh Roba McEnllro.

............SHOW THE THUNDERSlRaagalnsl llmo, tho Thundof atop a volcano Irom'oruptli cuo a man trapped doop Eorth’asurfoco .



_______ MOMTSERRAT-CABALLE-AN. MONTSERRAT CAB/ DIVA Spa in 's specia l gill

. . . “opfaao.M ohlBBrral.Cab’i j tho rango o l hof t a l p h L ^

1 __ ; Vartdtv ~n t ' • BWK

chnlqui ? (R) • ® DOCTOR V rocolw a vlai- The Doctor’s

------natoBhlm. (PoQ (12)T H iC X

Jo y -W _ _ 3 to in __ ® _ U 0 V IE —. Drarr 4ork Ouoon" (lO se_______________tro, VImn Liel.

o s (D JACK BB sic. Williams to I—-------- o p o n i n g . -YS CD Q ) SPORTI"T ap s" o t . HBO NOT N 0

lit. TImolh ul- Comody akolc

sa tiric tako-oll'The' BullflghlorDfomo) Robort (?0 (Q THE Bl

Johnny Cura'or Erma Bomboc)i

T honow w ifoor CDBARNEYfc buddy disturbs *''a criminal ca

suro lo Agonl (fTLINE ______ ( S FANTASY 13T OF CARSON (D M 'A 'S 'H . Quoaio; Johjik. (R) ■ ■ ' ’O MAURICE E

s d a y i G ^ozplalns hor li

2} CD NEW^ and charoctort 3 "D.W. Qrilllth . d — (H 1_M / B 0 pool. Wolt NEWSHOUR' dollne lor him- ( 5 ) 0 f f l TRAI wllh which lo CZ) WILD AME iovo lor Amorl- Dorknoaa” Ow )oK molion pic- dllllculi croa lival oldo show -bocouao oMhirt Joan----------------- etlnnry nnnsciryiRT________•_____ irn lo a .Q- - - .................. 0 ( 1 2 ) FAME

CD 700 CLUQ I iD ntra".(Part 1) .my,..wiiL,n!loci h Taylor. Rich- vacallen hol sp

CD EPCOT MAK------------------------ H O ti------------l„ .n . ------------- © NABHVILLILD "Liio Oown hlghliahtfng coi

■ (D SATURDAY ivlllos Bt B ros-' (R)•ni sp o t outside SHOW THE C

pols. A king i I'S rocapluro thoo Toy" (1882, ground kingdor r. Jack io Qioa- CtN MOVIE

Tighlropo" ( It IRDS Tho Thun-' March. Torry M roscuo a groupwho have beon Q ) O QD (D I }| criminals lod beg ins a sori< I.S ta fC n ia h o r._ _ 8 lo n s by rovool________________ c s SNEAK PR£

Novoda, Laa Jollroy Lyons I a le a tw h a l 'sn o w i


• m .n whr» TO KITTY Wl iau lo win oal In ‘f'J® ' fM b n th o w a y ll Country Musics fF a rm o» ''EOPLE "A Rllt Hank Williams h is llmo d isc in

rd lnnro" Timo. Oio Opry Hous.

O CD CS 8thJT TONIGHT A__ Wck aook o mlis c'oupIo Alan s u a p o c l o ™

- ... who.wns.abooi Is lo on uproar I*’® murdor. CTl

______ David voluntoa

Is QCc'uBOd ol MOVE- — - - Lovod Cal Dn

AMILY Naomi aniino confoB-

d; nn iniorvlow ( la M .C o m o a , Soyior.

Ih .

The Slatoamfli

' ■-------- O VIDEO DISC"s^ W C A S E : HBOHBOCOM,

f l WHO "Tho Loiaure Hivo" OF C r 's Bcart aomohow incriml- liio t (Pan 2) chor<ICKE OF THE NIGHT parlo: —**■*— *‘ABBBUlt~On' A— n y t« 360. Advonturo) Frank SIna-i#l.____________________ __ —Q PlBENNY Jock Invites Andy (2) l0 0 supormarkot's grand whol

£D IRTB PROBE JJlirriNECESSARtLY THE NEWS © { lolchos combino wilh d a s - e ic" i-now».looUg®li>-on-ollb«it,— HBO•o"' ma) {

10:36 c m » i,BEST_OFJ:ARSON-Ho*t:_Exoraa'on. QuoBts: John Trovolla. dy)R ock ,(n)V MILLER A robbaf ciaima _1 caree r Is duo to his oxpo- ® P‘ nl Orange. .® H - (Y ISLAND■H ■ O T »

10:60:e b e ja r t : f o r t k e l o v e O C

s / e n i n ^ Fir loolinga about tho music h i m tors she portrays.MACNEJI___ /__ LEHRER_______

RAUMA CENTER n MERICA "Owls -T o rd s 01 Owls aro ono ol th e mosl roaturea lo photograph 5 ^ “ , Ihoir shynoas and oxiraor-

jrv -p o woff l.jia MartyJUus-—

.................... CD.'-'IQ A look al how tho ocono- VVoat loci Iho oloctlona: wintorI spo ts. CtN 1MAGAZINE: EVENING EDI- laay)

ILLE NOW t;lvo toaturoB -couniry music. . ---------------^


: CROWN OF BOQQ Pup-.. ig and his oon sot out lo p®"" Iho crown o l tho undor-. dom olBogg.= **•*•*■ -Mar* On A O (1053. Suoponso), Frodric Rons

y Mooro. - ' .7:30 (5)

D MAMA‘8 FAMILY Nnoml__lories Ol startling conies- Qingctealing tha l ahe 'a pregn«ni----- ,REVIEWS Noat Goblor and ns host an inlormalive look iw a l tho movioa."T hoEaglo 's F llg h f OUNTRY MUSKi-TRiaUTE— W E a S Tammy Wynolto

Iribule to tho "Quoon 01 sic" loaluring performanc- ^ _ n Andorson. Tom T. Hall, ® ® TIB Jr.. Morfe Kilgoro. (^lar- ’"oa Roy Acull and Kitty Wolls

B:OD . CD VStMON A SIMON A.J. ond intorv I missing man rosombllng a ( D C liIIIor^amba~W a1nwrlBM)— ’JEVO loord a lilght a l Iho tlmo ol and [ CTho c a s t b l "Whiz'Kida’rT” p ic 'c

partliJ tD ( i l ) W E00TrTM ADE“ Sp3if toara lo dofond Mlclyiy In HBOl ih ^ i^ r r o s lo d lor.ihopiill-‘-----------

/IE * * * j 'B io M an_W ho_® ek« 'D nnclna'' ff073 . Drama) moko Js. Sdriah Miles; " op ro iro fi m 6N REPORTS BLUE* ★ * "MakD Mina Mink” ' lo roi }dy) Torry-Thomas, Alhano mayoi

hOBla.lOVIE * * H "Diamond makei 3,' Dramn) Charlton Hoston.— ( g a jux. o SP

• m s c* * H "Bonjamin Fi’anklln: qDA« man" (1074, Biography) (Q N> lias, Michaai Learned. xhoFiSi?30C K E 78 m tf3MINd ATTRACTIONS SENTi____a ; 18---------------------------- HBQ_i•VEN This portroll o l Ihe -P an lh iposor. prosonlod by plo- Seilor Ich ia lo rlanlsraoIaM argsl- . SM W dronjialc r ed ta tlo n s i bio*.' rierina [uolab; _en4 ;,rafoly :soorj ' O N M

)F DANCE This docum entary or lo and work ol Bolglum'a loro horoogrophor Includos oxcorpia arlormancoB by B ojart'a own coiytBB-OonotirMBUTicoBolorT:------

11:003 POUCC STORY (R) - D LATENIGHT AMERICA Host; Di iThoioy. . -Q I MARRIED JOAN "B ov 's MIg larriago" r - •3 (Q) PBA BOWLING "Kosalor < ic" (from Indianapolis. Ind.) (R) BO-MOVlE-**>y-'‘Top»“-(ie8 1 r la) Goorgo C. Sco tt, Tlfnolhy Hutti 3N MOVIE "Richard Pryor xora-Tho.Sunsot-S lrip^( 10a2.-C< y) Richard Pryor.



p r o g r ^

4:66'BO * * > 4 "II Como From Hollywc 1002,' Comody} John Candy, ykroyd- _ _

3 ■ *14 "Tho S lorm 'R Idor” (1 /oatom ) Scolt Brady, Mola Powor

8:40IN * * * "LoBi Horlion" (1937, tay) Ronald Colman. J a n e Wyalt.t :— r --------- Bi30“ --------------3 * * > 4 "R ockotship X-M" (V cionco-Ficlion) U oyd Brldgos, lossen.HOW * * * "Ball 01 Flro" (1 omody) G ary Coopor, Bart tanwyck.

7:06) * * * "Louisa'J (1050, Com onald R eagan,C harlo 's Cobum.

8:000 * * * "Tho Bstkloya 01 Br oy— ( 1949.-M u8icat)-ProO-A81 ilngor Rogora.IN * * ★ * " B o c k o f -(1904. Dr« Ichord Burton. Potor O'Toolo.

fawlngs, ngnlnst n tsncKOrop o f l lovan’a music porformod by Margi

8:30D O CS) (B CD (11) CHEERS D ios to holp rohabilitalo on ox-coi )erbk McGralh) who w ants to r< Li"!ll“"Ltg-Eg]ijmia.nciimLcJiuifltu D o ® r rs N O T e a s yDBLONOIE..............................) YESTERYEAR IN NASHVILLE torvlaw wllh Charlie Walker.) (□) COUNTDOWN TO '84: 8 / EVa“AN0'L05"ANQELES'HigHni Id provlows ol worldwide pro-O <rcom poiillons.-prel>ie»-«l-Oiyr a rtlc lp a n ts . ond w orid roc

M INSIDE BOXING_____________

» .Q ) GD KNOTS LANDING Lllfi ?oks rovongo on.CWp_nljor_lnlIin ako him cbnloss. and Mock Is oll( prosiiQiOUS job by Gregory 6umn<:) o CS) (D CD (11) HILL STR LUES Furlllo faCos Intonao preai < roscuo Chlol D aniels' rival in oyoral raco. who h a s boon lo )Blage, whllo Bobby'a big loitory akea him doapondont.) O f f l 20 7 -2 0 -------------------------1 SPORTS TONIGHT DSOAP) ANOTHER LIFE - - - I NASHVILLE AFTER HOURS Gu10 F our Guys.___________________» (Q) ALFRED HITCHCOCK P INTS

in lhor" (1 9 8 2 ,. Com ody) P< >1lore. David Nivon.IOW LONE STAR BAR & QRO.L "I :Wno O e a u r^ e rd "N MOVIE * * l 4 -''aiue.CoHaf" (K

on the ' DAVID LETTERMAN G iromoBt Robert Klein, muslcia la Irom author Jo sep h Gouldoi comoa- (D LOVE THAT BOB----- -------CD E V E& A HD €A RS-

CD OPRYLAND ON__ c o u n ^ muslo stara 'pc

Donnia "(Si CD HO(SAk'& HEP

,<laloko mon sa b o tag o o gi ® T H C K e O F THE Nil

rC ia a - 11:46CB HORSE RACING W;

jttM™or Livo ‘O GREAT PAINTING?.Como-__ gfiLW fnloJuco.^B odh

Tho G rove,"12:00

O .M O V IE * * > 4 "Tl- (1952. Advonluro) Gic dlno Brooks, - - O (12 ). INDEPENDI NEWS(D BACHELOR FATHE


m s ^

“ D a y t m r e

8:30■wood" .HBO * * * W "My ', Dan (t0 8 2 , Comody) Potoi

cn Harpor,10:00

(1057, CD * * ’ 'T noH oiL lno 'era, Robort Taylor, Charios

(D GJ) * ★ "A Pair C 7, Fan- Corrlody) MIchaoi Croii It! 11:00--------------(D ''Priftrn

Advonturo) Ja m o s Mot . Osn * * "Tho Toy"

Rlchord Pryor, Jack io ' SHOW "Tho Pri

.rb a ra BlographT orosa Wright.O N * * * * “ Man C (1953, Suspenso ) Froi

)mady) Mooro,.............................. 11:08

O * ★ * "Jom oico F Broad- ’ory) Ray Mllland, Aria.iBioira;-------------;----------------HOO'

IQ ** > S "Tiger Town 3fama) ' Roy SchoidbrTJustln H

HBO ★ * "Troll 01 TT

rf'Hoo. ■oTnmorRlchard Pryor, roam. o - jo

O N E W S Diane g . jg

:onvlct O NiOHTCAP Topic: e return QuosIs : a c tro sa Blyth


Q C R O S SF IB E RARA ® l o v e b o a tHn^Vs— ® DOBIE 01LU8--------Olvm ® M OUBETERPIE.

"Clock Cloanora: Lako

CD SPORTSCENTER----------------------------------

OD N(^L‘6 GREATE Z °0 " 1070 & 10r7 Y oara In illorodmor.____0 . ® O GrpEET (11) NEWS aaauro O PER FO RM ER S' In ,ho MONTSERRAT CABAL takon MONTSERRAT i

iry win DIVA Spaln 'o spoclal aoprano M ontaorrat C the rango ol her tnlonl voridty " 6 r “dpbralic~ oxplaina hor looiinaa i and charac lo ra oho poi

Guosl- a (S) AN APPEAL 1________ CANS First Lody No■"p r e I /oinod by M ichael Lor

Rlla Morono. Wiitle K Pink W oilr nnd Sondy Dune Poto r ' Houoo in.on oppoal tov

"Tho Chem ical Poop "Hur- Novombor and becom e

. . . . -0N E W S N IG H T [1978. C S: M O N T Y -PY T H I


4 G unsta: comodlancian Jimmy Bullott, • f f l (D Idon. (fl) LETTERM 3 Kloin, mu

ON STAGE,. Rising O GREAI'perlorm. Foaturod;

----------- " ■; - , Such WorC ftO E a Hogan and1 gun emplacomont. O MOVIE: NIGHT CD CBS N

n iM ovm:68 CD SPO in<QS Foaturod: Kan-ndho.AniJJ!;ci9hfiiLla__o f ir s t

a u lh o ro l ':00"Tho Groon Glovo"Glonn Ford, Gorsi- QCQDIDA



r m o v i e s

30 (1082. Coly Favorllo Yoor" Nivon.Jtor O'Toolo. JossI- CIN * ★ *_____________________ do^" (I9_a;00 pliorTSuad;ino*'( 1 0 0 0 ,Droma)•ioo Boyor, - CB * * Wir 01 Briolo" (1062, (1988, Coi iroig. M aryP oach . Borgor,:00

•taoon. Jan o l Leigh. And Mr, 1 y" (1082. Comody) malod. Vc iloGloaBt. r. Basil RathPrldo 01 Tho Yank- HBO ★ *

jphy) Gary Coopor, (1062. Coi ca Harpor.

tl On A TIghtropo" SHOW * Jrodrlo March. Torry H om e''(1£

Palricia Br___ C l N * i ^

;oRur»" (1953, Mys- Drama) 5 irlonoDahi. Quaid.00-------------:-----------------------jwn" (1083, Drama)In Honry:------------------- MyI Tho Pink Panlhor" Mature,

Of, Harvoy Koilei. • CIRCUS Tl 20 Iho Minlsli

notorious _ 25 - lurod. (R)c: ftctors on acting, ® S' ylho Dafinor; eclor ~ ^rector-ADSlIrr r«u - J ^ b URNS „ , (Q MOVIE” Blundon"

Nolamlth, L_____________________©_NA8H1


, ............. O M O V IEJg________ Amorican ''

S 6 3 T MOMENTS ° a In Roviow" (R)0 0 O A L C IN) f f l O f f l (D CD riddio with

not only-pIS- SHOW CASE: slira up an}ALLE, THE WOM- place In sor CABALLE. THE O (Q) MA::lnl gilt to opora. tu ros" Dev1 Caballe, dioplays with hor Vt loj^ a s sho sings a disoppoore c ooIectlonB' ‘and now ocript IB about Ihe music vent anoth portraya. lead.L TO ALL AMERI- O f f l ABCNancy Reag o n ia Q ® © ( London. Bill Bix'by.~HoBt; "johrie Stargol. Bruco S irauss, VIuncan a l Iho Whllo OD D(3CT0to vlowora lo wntch The roai |loplo". on PBS in Qonoratorm e Involvod. tho Doctor


ia y .O c l6 6 o r 2 i . ' i t e 3 ' " T im es

' 12:06 .Q LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID •RMAN Guosla: comedian Robert musician Jimmy Oullolt, author

REAT POCTS, GREAT WRITERS rod; Goorgo Orwell's "Such,iVoro The J o y s ." — ;-------


12:16iviP ________________ORTSCENTER

12:26iSTEOmON Quoal; Robort-Caro.- o l "The Palh To Powor."


Comody) Potor Soilors, David

★ * "Don't Cry, il's Only Thun- 1962. Drama) Donnia Christo- nTaon bdlnl'^amea.

2:38 -★ a "Tfeaaure 01 San Gennaro" Comody) Harry Guardlno. Senlo

3:00t_aba-A dvflatii/aa ..O IJ c h a b o d .. r. Toad'; (1940, F an tasy) A nl--

Voicos ol Blng Croaby and . lathbono.★ ★■A-14 "My Favorite Y ear" Comedy) Polor O'Toole, Jo ssi-

por.* * W " A n d y " Hordy Com es

( I9S 8 . Drama) MIckoy Rooney, a Broalin.

"To Raco Tho Wind" (1980,) S tove Gultbnborg, 'R andy '

-------------- 8:30---------------------------* * "I Wako Up Scream ing" M ystofy)-flolty Qrabie.-Victor—

i Tho Minister ol Homo A lla irs .' - nislry o l Silly Walka, and tho JS Piranha Brothora a re lea-R)----------------------------------------) SOAP Ingild hires a Qorman I/O to c ioar Corlnna o l Iho mur-

INS AND ALLENiVIE * * b .'.'Tho A maiing.M r.. 1" (1072, Fantasy) Laurenco h, Lynne Frodorick.SHVILLE NOW Llvn lootUfOB Itlng couniry mualc.?ADIO1M 0(R)£0 DISC JOCKEYS

VIE * * * "Knule Rockne - All an" (1040, Bloornphy) P a l_

10:30'INTHEFAMn.-Y Glofin'pOBoa-fl--' vlth women's lib ovorlonoa that y~puzzlos the family, but alBO I on argumonl aboul a woman'o I Boclely.MASTERPIECE THEATRE.''Plc- D evaotalod whon Ruby runs oil r Valontino look-aliko beau , Bill 5or8_withJh0-0nly-Copy-ol-tho_ ript Tnd halchoB a plan to pro- lothor ac tress Irom playing tho

\BC NEWS NIQHTUNE © (1J>-WE b e s t o f CARSON lohnny -C arso rw G uos ls:-P o io r— I, Victor Buono, Baity Whilo. (R) yrOR WHO "Tho Loiouro Hivo" n i'p u rp o a e ol lho RocrooHon tor is juBt ona ol-lho .myslorlos :torm uatunravoi-(Por13)' THICKE OP THE NIGHT - VIE-*^*-* "Homo BolorD Dark"

tios-N ow srTw ln 'FQ N s.'idaho 'll'

0n)r ■






f ............

__ _____ ^







■ '.I-

Page 40: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF407/PDF/1… · A i d - t ^ b e l i l i i l l e c Reagank By ROBERT SHEPARD Un/f£d Press

__________ _( t95n^Dr[ifntt) JoFlomlno.

/ . . (D JACK BENNY' OOt tOQoltior lo


1______________ 2)-(D _T H E -aE S 1

Johnny Carson. G V ido r Buono, Boll CD BARNEY M Dlolrlch ombarka paJon <o nvoid.oi room bocom os (illi


H(E) BILLIARDS Wi: Puckolt (R)



— CD--1J) - NHL H0(---------------- --- diquoo ol Philndolj

joc i lo blockoul) HBO INSIDE THE t- Nick BuonlcorMI h provioua w ook'9 Nl SHOW MOVIE

______________ F am ou»--< iao i,-C— uon, Jncquollno Bli



_______________ C5) HAWAII FIVE-y

___ 11O BEET>IOVEN 1 Gormnn composor, niot nr\d muolc hlolc it. Includos drama Qraphlcol quoloo

---------------------d rnxvtn a a rnufliiis i iIhovon'o music porl

11O ® IDAHO REPO O.CHILDREN RUN G ory Coillna nnd Mr Ihia look a t Iho chlli C nm bodia who aro duo lo drought. G uosto: Loallo Uoo<

________ nnd Donnia Woavor,C0TM C KEO FTH E O (D (D (11) I

--------------------- OAVID LETTERMANJ a y Lono, profoc playor Bernard King (D LOVE THAT BOB (D OPRYLAND C

----------------------co tm tT ym uslcotoni'CIN MOVIE (1082, Comody) t

______________ Woronov.

11:GD (D HOGAN'S Ht c o c lo 'a ochouio fo Irom tho Gorman go

— . _ ® THlCKE OF THE I

------------------------------- 11:® SPORTSWEEK (I

11:O MOVIE "l-

----------------------Drama) Stanloy Oak

O (12) (NDEPEN N E W S "

------ g p EIACH6L0R EAT>(D VIDEO DISC JOC HBO ON LOCATION Doliriouo" This c mnkofl hin uncnn olond-up solo dobu o nco al Conalltutior lon. D.C.

2 ) (D LATE NIG LETTERMAN Guoat. Lono. prolosolonol Bornnrd King, (R)

12:1. O MOVIE

CD CBS NEWS NIGHI-------------- -------------------------- rzn

^ . CD MOVIE - - . . f f i SPORTSCENTER

12T im os-N D w s.T w [

INY Jack ond Bob Hopo Guoi lo rocord o comody ' Som

diotc(E PROS (R) 'J F B i^ R E ' O C

10:35 ' O QEST. OF. CARSON-Hoal;__ (Q L». Q uoats; Potor Sifouos. CD ^Bolty Whilo. (R) Thol

MILLER Right olior CS Arka on o poraonal com- 500"I all womon, tho squad. tilled wilh gorgooos call ciN »


10:^6 ' n p iWillio Moaconi vs. U.J. ^

0 3 7( my V

11:00 vocalOHN. M,0. (R) HBO•-AMERICA Hoat: Donnia Come

3 . JOAN "Mlaaino Wil- SHOV

HOCKEY“ Ouoboc Nor- dolphia Flyora (R) (Sub- -

JE NFL Lon Dnwaon ondII hoal n roviow ol Iho 9 NFL hlohllgfila.E * * * "Rich And l,-Oromn) Cnndloo Bor- >Blaaol.ASH

11:05OHN, M.D. (R) _l-or' O M

11:16 PniricN Thio p o r lro iro l in o " sor, proaenlod by pln- ilolorion laraelB Moroof- O NE imollc rocllniiono, blo- CO M( :os and roroly ooon Dromolal u Uui.KUiut; u l 'Bw ------© - ®porlormod by Mnroalil. • OD VIC

11:30 ' CD(DEPORTS onno"lUNNING OUT OF TIME Barry.I Mnry Ann Mobloy hool :hlldron ol Ethiopia ond oro runnino oul ol limo CIN Ml It. lam'lno nnd war, _ThunOi looam a. Suaan Howard tophor vor.,HE NIGHTI) LATE NIGHT WITH (q r q : M N Q uostarcom adlnn— j q alosaionol baskolball Ung. (R)JOB hBOWI ON STAGE Rlaing 01 ThiornTJortonn:-------------------- AliimoT*54 - '•EnllnD Raoul"’) Paul Barlol. Mary

_________ •_ CD (D)Gingor

11:35 Show. I} HEROES Hogan con-' r fb koop Pronch gol3~ 'I govornmont. CS IDHE NIGHT Roturni

mond. 1o w e

11:46--------------- —------------ ---;k (r )11:50 SHOW

, "Holl Drfvora" (1950. Accord 3akor, Horbari Lom---------Robin.\

^ENDENT" NETWORK SO CHRATHER________________lOCKEYS ® SPCION "Eddlo Murphy -

comody suporalar O D A Y cnnaorod iorovlslot> CO O obui boloro on audl- CB MOf Ition Hall In W aahing- © R O K

03 VIDE_____ __ m BUS

NIGHT WITH DAVID ' CIN MO oata: comodlan Joy (1060.1 lal baakoiball ployor dy Qual

12:10 HBOMCAdvonlu

GHTW'ATCH Marlin,rznc ----------- ------------------------


Twfn Falla. Idaho F riday. Oc

J NIGHTCAP Topic: a c to rs on actl iuoain: oc troaa Blylho Oannor; ac am W aloralon; diroctor Auatin P loton.

12:30) CROSSFIREi (S) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHTD LIFE.OF.RILEV___________ _____3 NASHVILLE AFTER HOURS Gut fio Four Guya.D ALTTO RACING "NASCAR Amoric OO" ((rom Rocklnoham. N,C.) (R)

12:55IN MOViE * ★ * "I Wako Up Scroa C'^lS'iTTM yaroTvTBofiy G roblol^ r Mnturo. ~

liooI FREEMANflEPORTS ) INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS ) 700 CLUB A look a t how Iho ocor / will olloe t tho olocllona; winl :calion hot apolo.'30 MOVIE * * "Tho Toy" (10£ jm ody) R ichard Pryor. Jack io Gla



1:30I ROWAN & MARTIN.'S LAUGH-IN- IOW MOVIE * '. i "Exorclai II: Tl ■rolle" (1077, Fanlnay) Richard Bi 1. LinJn Bloir.

1:50 ' - MOVIE * * * "John Ldvoa Mnrj

n o m onco )^ ‘fionfttd Rsaqd Iricin Noal-______________________

2:00NEWSNIGHT UPDATE MOVIE * * * "M ain HnrI" (103:

imo) Grolo G arbo. Lowio Stono.


2:05(D MOVIE * * "Dayo Ol Old Choj io" (1943. Wootorn) Don ' ’Hud ry. Lynn Morrick.

2:20I MOVIE * * * "Don'l Cry, li'a Onl ndor" (I9Q2. Drnma) Donnia Chrla hor, Susan Snint Jam oo.

2:30 ROSS BAGLEYS IS P O R T S PR O B E --------------------

’2:48 •J MOVIE * "Hallowoon Itl; Soaaoi Tho W itch" (1082. Horror) Ton TToTBiQCoyNoIkm.

3;00D ) MOVIE ★ ★ * * _ " T flQ j.u ck O lor C olloy" (1004. Dramo) Rohor w. Mory U ro .. .

3;-tO----- ----------------CD MOVIE * * a "Spy Smoflho jrna" ( t0 4 2 . M ystery).Kono Rich id. M arguorilo Chapman./^ORLD AT LARQE

3:I5>W, MOVIE * * * < i "T ha Woric ording To G orp" (1002, Comody: ■in.WlHloma..Mary.Boih Hurt-----------




...........4:15VIOVIE * * h "To Roco Tho Wind" 0. DroiTia) S lovo Gultonborg. Ran- uald-

4:25MOVIE * * "Blind Rago" (1078.

inluro) Frod Williamson. D'Urvlllo In.--------------------------------------------AITH 20MMY SWAGGART

O c to b o T H jiS




WS mmm)cono-winior

[1002,GIoo- ■ --------------


Tho d Bur-

>.1nry" * tiOtrit:-----------------------------------


Only ^:hria.

y o . T h e D i s n .

A n d W e

L n W h o T u n

-- -------------G i v e — O n

s c r i b e T c

P r e v i e w - 1/orldody)



i£J N C I N G ! Vi F m PREMIUfN G M O N D A Y ,

i P N E S D A Y , O C

T H i

S i£. . . ---------- ■-

P r e v i e w W a s t

h a n k E v e r y o n e

A l s o V V a n t T c

l o n c e - T o S u b '

j y C h a n n e l A 1

t o t e s . t H 6 D l !E v e ry th in g yi


TWIN FALLS. KIM0 — J £ R O M S ^ E N O E t

FILER 326 -4S85 '

1 2>DY!


r 5 : 0 0 P . M .

i: e s s

M 6 Ld m o re
