Preface: Sometimes it’s hard to decide who you should thank??… I would like to thank you for taking time and reading this… and keep learning and living curiously… I would like to thank my parents and wife and My Kids…

A Frog's Tale - How to Build a Passionate Organization

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The Employee Development accross the Industry must and should change. This book will help you to look at how your Employee's can be Developed in seemingly different way.. Which will help the organizations to retain the utmost talent as well to Build a Passionate Organization.

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  • Preface:

    Sometimes its hard to decide who you should thank??

    I would like to thank you for taking time and reading this and keep learning and living curiously

    I would like to thank my parents and wife and My Kids

  • Table of Content:


    Chapter 1: Humility

    Chapter 2: Uncover Hidden Talent

    Chapter 3: Match the skill

    Chapter 4: Achievable goals

    Chapter 5 : Nature

  • A Frogs Tail Leadership must

    It has been such an amazing life so far, last week I went for a holiday for two days. Some times when life sucks I feel we must take some time off and hit the road for unknown destination. There is a very good reason why I m talkingabout my holidays, on course of reducing my stress so to make sure that my mental bones work properly. I met a person, he looked to be around the age of 55, and he had a mystic and an angelic look on his face. Any one saw him first time could easily make out he was the most happiest man on this globe still alive. But I wondered for a while how can this man be so happy and have such glow on his face? I was little curios and I could not have handled my curiosity for long. Curiosity can be defined as the feelings you have when you see a beautiful girl and you feel some rats and butterflies running in your stomach! I suppose I felt the same when I saw this Old wise man, I went and sat beside him to get some wisdom of his happy life.

    In this book I have tried to explain the conversation between a wise man and a small kid, who is as curious as he was once while listen to his Grandma talking about angels, showing the brighter part of the world. Although I feel some times it was so fascinating, if world would have offered what my Grandma could!!!!!!

    My humbleness some times has no bound and I still remember what my dad once said, if you want to be wise then find wise people and spend time with them. I have learnt it the hard way and I have heard that one of the greatest poet, philosopher and a great thinker, whose name is so not heard on this earth, so not used apart from some biased politicians to get the vote bank. He himself called SARVAGNA which means the man who knows everything. Isnt it a bliss to call himself as the WIZARD?? I can guarantee if you read his poems you would feel that he actually was a SARVAGNA.

    I m not authorized to use his name in my fable or you may call this as a tale. I silently watched him for a while. He was quick to sleep, I feel he was little uneasy to see me around. However I slowly started the conversation.

    I asked him Sir is that Okay If I may know about you?

    Mystic wise man slowly opened his eyes and said Why do you want to know boy? Does that help you in any ways?

    Well I honestly got little scared, his voice was commanding and I felt as if I was talking to Hitler.

  • I whispered Just like that Sir, I m bit curious to know about you and hoping that you could share some of your experiences?

    Well my experience? How does that will help you? Who are you? By now I was sweating. I felt for a while that why did I ever speak to this guy.

    I murmured and said Sir my Name is Sanjey and I m from Bangalore. Well basically I love learning and writing about leaders and leadership. To fill my not so big stomach I do work in a company as a Training Consultant.

    He was looking at me as if he had never seen a man (I still consider myself as a guy) talking.

    He cleaned his throat and said Look whos talking, a leadership learner and a want to be a writer. Well seems like a small bud is trying to catch eyes of all the bees around.

    He went on with his voice which I feel was very strong Listen boy I was a leader, a real leader and I dont know whether I can be a writer like you are not. But the fact is learning and knowing about leadership is not tough as all say. But practicing leadership is tougher than learning and knowing about leadership. Tell me what do you want to do? Do you want to practice leadership or want to know and learn about leadership?

    I was waiting for him to complete Sir, I want to practice leadership.

    Oh well thats too much for a young boy like you, but there is one thing I will share today which might help you to Practice leadership.

    Yes Sir I said as If I was newly inducted to the class of Soldiers Sir, would you mind if I make notes of our conversation? Never mind my boy!! go ahead he said.

    One of the most forgotten traits of a great leader is Developing Employees. I said Alright Developing Employees? Now what does that have to do with Leadership and Leading?

  • Good question, my boy almost all the leaders of today forget that leaders are only called as leaders when they can nurture the leadership. They have to think as a cradle of Leadership. I feel todays leader have forgotten the word Employee Development and they dont know the real meaning of Employee Development is all about. And there has been huge of amount of money and time, spent to nurture the leadership. But have you seen any programmes which talks about change within, to be a great leader.

    I quietly said yes Sir, makes sense we can teach people the qualities of leadership but there has been very less opportunities given to practise those qualities in any organization. End of the day what is the profit, is all we want?

    Amidst of all I get a call from my friend who works for a Fortune 500 company. I hardly had guts to pick the phone because firstly I dont wanted to be rude nor I m a man of showing disrespect to my new found mystic wise man.

    He went ahead and pat on my back, good you do know how these fortune 500 companies work. I asked Sir have you ever worked in these companies? No... Never at all. I was not that lucky to have these big Bs around while I was young. He impatiently denied

    Well here is some thing for you Employee development can be defined as a process where people understand the inner feelings, real of a person, define what has to achieved, how needs to be achieved within a stipulated time. Most importantly it is a process bringing change within the person. Which will make him disciplined and a better individual, which will not only help the organization but also the society as whole?

  • Chapter 1: Humility

    The more you have, the better it is. Leading is a journey not a trip!!

    It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err. Mahatma Gandhi

    I found this EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT definition as little weird and different than what I always thought. I could not digest the fact of helping the society; I asked the master Sir, how do you think developing employees can help the society and the organization?

    My boy, A man who asks questions never gets lost. I m glad that you are good at this, which most people hardly use and he continued ( I murmured thank you Sir). We are like a frog in the well, and every company is frog in otherwords. They have great leadership quotes but they dont know that only good humans make the organizations. The reasons behind all these scams areorganizations make great employees out of a useless man but they dont know how to make them a HUMAN. Humans have purpose, there is purpose why we are alive, and there is a purpose why we are born. Why we breathe, we eat, think, work, and etc. Anything without purpose is boring. These words dripped like honey from my recently found Leadership Guru and a mystic wise man.

    I was little surprised at what I was hearing, I felt as if I m a small kid and I remembered King Bhratruhari a poet, King, Philosopher once said When I learnt a few things, I became puffed up, like an elephant in heat, as if I m a know-all, but when I came in contact with the wise, I suddenly realized that I m a fool, and my arrogance disappeared like fever treated by medicine.

    Now that I got to know one secret of making a great organization is treating your employees as human first not as machines. I realized my days as an employee of a well known organization and how I felt some times. I was a machine I worked like an ass without any purpose.

    I waited for a while just to make sure that I wont interrupt; now my curiosity grew three-fold. I politely asked Sir, how do you define HUMAN?

    The witty old man started with the same passion and enthusiasm the more he spoke, the more I felt like listening to him carefully. I never wanted to miss even a single word. Boy when I say HUMAN, I would like to tell you we all are filled with Emotions, feelings, passion, energy, intellect, knowledge, thinking. But

  • most importantly we are humans who care for others and each one of us, have one other person in our life that we care and die for. HUMAN is a technique which you can use to build a passionate organization. Everyone talks about great, good organizations but does any one talk about Passionate Organization.. Where people are passionate about their work Boy I will teach you a technique today which I think must help you to build a passionate Organization.

    While he spoke I could feel the real meaning of every word, and the way he was breathing was unusual I felt as if he was savoring every atom of air. Listen boy he commanded H stands for HUMILITY in HUMAN, now let me tell you more about humility. Humility can be simply defined as the showing same feelings, respect, caring towards all. If some thing is not good for you, then it is not good for others. Mother Theresa was a great lady who demonstrated utmost HUMILITY towards patients and served the community like an angel and she was rightly called as the Angel of India.

    I was getting little confused and asked my new mentor on Journey Sir, how does teaching Humility can help the company?.

    He was quick to answer Listen up boy, humility towards coworkers is the key to build an amazing environment, where innovation, creativity takes place. Remember what one great man once said we will achieve and do more when we dont bother who gets the credit. Humility in employees makes them think like that, and Humility makes them feel each individual in the team is special.Hindus are taught to have humility. Ancient Hindu artists were never supposed to sign their names on their work, and temple artists, when creating statues of gods, are always supposed to leave a deliberate imperfection to show that they cannot really represent God. According to The Gita Humility is offering selfless service.

    He stopped for while, before he could go on. I said I got that Mr. Wise he smiled at me and said Wise, come on I m neither Chanakya nor you are Chandragupta to over throw Nandas.

    Slowly he opened the window, wind was blowing violently, and it was drizzling. I could see some villagers walking as if rain did not bothered them much, I saw a beautiful gal smiling at us. And some drops of rain were falling the wise man. I suppose it was first rain and I can feel what earth would have felt to get wet first time after a long. It might have been the similar feeling as a wife meets her husband after a long time. I have tried to feel what earth would have felt on that day in this small poem.

  • Oh dearest love, I still feel can there be any love which is better than yours. Can there be any devastation and pain than loosing you. Oh my love I still dream about those days when you violently winked at me. I still dream of those days where you roared like a loin and made all the drains to run. Oh my love where have you gone? I cannot sleep, hot sun is burning me everyday, moon is flirting with me, he some time says that you will never return here you are oh my dearest love

    I asked the wise man Sir, how can we teach Humility? Whats next? I posed this question because I have seen Aamir Khan holding a Samsung mobile and saying.. Next is what...

    He smiled at me and said, boy Humility is within you, you dont have to teach anything to anyone.. Its all within, Swami Vivekananda a great thinker defines education (Employee development) as the manifestation of the perfection already in man. The aim of education is to manifest in our lives the perfection, which is the very nature of our inner self. This perfection is the realization of the infinite power which resides in everything and every-where-existence, consciousness and bliss (satchidananda).

    He also said that the Education (Employee development activities) should help the employee to identify the skills, employer must help the employee to uncover the hidden treasure. He refers to growth of plant; one cannot do anything apart from watering the plant. Employers and leaders need to find out the area of interest and help the employee to attain the highest knowledge and wisdom.

    Well by now my book was half filled with notes, I was flawed with his speech about education. I can recall a wonderful saying which I read in Kannada News paper and I have tried to Translate Happiness is the greatest of all, being with wise is the greatest achievement of all and questioning is the wisest of all.

    He commanded I will share some of the greatest tips of all time so that you can teach people how to develop Humility?

    I quickly grabbed another notebook and I was ready to listen to the greatest saint I had ever met. I could see his face he was ever smiling, with no worries, I felt as if I was looking at a fresh Kashmiri Apple. It was so delightful his eyes were blue and wide open. Well what a sight that was for a frog in the well I wouldnt know if I can ever be able to explain as he did?

    He continued in the same passion and style, his commanding voice was all over the bus. The problem with our culture, environment and education is that we

  • wanted people to value us more than others. We are competing from the word go, competing within is good, provided we have team spirit. And we are always better than he. Each one of us must understand that the world is very complex and we must remain humble no matter how things are.

    First thing you must teach people is to not compare themselves with others. To have humility we must stop comparing ourselves to others, as it is impossible to be humble while putting oneself above another. Let me tell you in Hitlers Statement Dont compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so you are insulting yourself

    Teach them not to take credit of any achievement and anything comes to them is not because of one person, its cause we all worked together.

    Secondly teach them to listen and learn more than talk thats why we humans have two ears and a mouth to talk.

    Thirdly constant help employees to learn how to respect others and their ideas, Humility is being as modest as possible. Tell them to be as sincere as possible, keep the self aside and have we in the whole of heart.

    Teach them to believe in themselves and others, Humility is not giving up your ideas, its does not mean underestimating once worth it simple means understanding everyones worth as a team than individual.

    Last but not the least it teach them not to have an EGO, ego destroyed many and it can do the same damage anytime.

    As I listened to these words, I say! I was enlightened and I was waiting to listen more. I felt how nice world would have been if we are able to care about others as we care for ourselves. I was thinking how great the working environment would be if we stop thinking about I and start thinking about WE. I still doubt if any company can do this but each one us surely can Companies need to think and restructure their training and learning process if that needs to happen. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it wisely A great man is always willing to be little.

    An organization operates from different countries; there is a difference between religion, spirituality, education, perception, family and environment. Now when you interact and work with different kinds of people we must understand that Humility is the greatest asset.

  • Chapter 2: Uncover the Hidden Talent

    My new found mentor and leadership Guru cleared his throat and said Onceyou teach them HUMILITY which is the foundation. Then the next think you must do is to teach your employees is to how to Uncover The Hidden Talent.

    I interrupted him and asked Sir, could you please explain what does Uncover the hidden Talent mean?

    He slowly opened his mouth Uncovering the talent means, making people realize what they are good at... what they can do with what they already have? Making them explore within. Making them to take risk and fail and learn more than what they know. Helping them in identifying real them which was never explored. Remember each one of us blessed and bestowed with some thing special, and we must understand what we are good at. If you want to build a great organization then you must look identifying what your each employee is good and make them explore and he paused, took a deep breath.

    Oh alright I said; now I know what does Uncovering the talent means (and I giggled), How can a company do this? It costs a lot of money if any company?

    We must understand that to build a great organization we need great people, and no company can sustain without great employees, in future if they dont have right people at the right position. They call it as right horse for the right course, the only way any company or organization can grow is by letting their employee take risk, and risk is not always failure. Some times it is the only way to innovate, do you know my son Almost 80% of employees are not happy with the kind of work they do? Which basically means great companies use only 20% of there work force, now think and visualize how big a company can grow if they use 100% of there work force..

    I was baffled; well I must say I felt how we can go so bad First time in my entire life I totally felt that I was a fool so far, I felt I knew some thing about corporate world.

    I can think of a friend of mine, who was such a fabulous singer once. He ended up working for a company which hardly pays anything. We are sure that we know at least 90% of people are doing what they never liked at one time. We have an education system all over the world which produces products not the humans. We all dreamt of being some thing while we were small kids but ended up doing some thing which we never thought of. This world wants humans not the machine to innovate, machines can only take commands but humans can innovate think beyond. Only companies which develop Humans can sustain in future!!!

  • He continued when you let people to do what they like to do, they can see bigger picture which is impossible. And they can do wonders; we have a brain which we hardly use. Now if any organization or company wants to be best, they should tap on that unused brain of employees. I have heard many companies calling in great consultants to solve their internal problems, my simple advice for them why dont you build people within so that you dont have to look outside. Remember what you can do to yourself no one else can do it.

    There are many great leaders and achievers who reached the Mount Everest in their own profession. All they did was to know what they liked to do and asked some one to pay for it. You must never look at their education rather look at their passion! And education is not passion; no one was ever passionate about education.

    Meanwhile I was almost on my feet; I was literally down on my knees. All I wanted was to know more from this man and how this can help me. I was feeling cold and I suppose it was around seven in the evening. Passengers in the bus were asleep and when I looked back I felt as if there were no one apart from my master and I.

    I waited from him to complete and I asked Sir, Tell me ways how we can Uncover The Hidden Talent?

    I felt he was getting all heated up to answer my question, there are simple ways I will tell you today which will help you in Uncovering The Hidden Talent.

    Understand what each employee wants, you can never lead people if you cant understand them. As I said earlier people are made of feelings, emotions and little bit of brain.

    Ask your employees to dig deeper and wider to find the reservoir, the only way to find reservoirs of wealth is to keep on digging.

    Use competency mapping to identify the skills they are really good at.

    Hire right people with right skills required otherwise dont hire at all. See the big picture how organization will look like after 5 years and the skills they require to achieve that vision of being the best.

    Ask people you lead what they would like to do the most on this earth.

  • Make them do things which they love to do it the most.

    Identify what they are good at and how they performed when they did what they liked.

    Tell them how they can work to better that and how the organization is willing to them to explore what they really are.

    Use coaching and dont use feedback when you start doing some thing new people tend to fail. Failure is not when fail in doing some thing, but when you have no one to share your failure. And Gilbert Arland categorically said when an archer misses the mark he turns and look for fault within himself. Failure to hit the bulls-eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim, improve yourself.

    Most importantly show them how they can use their uncovered hidden talent to help the organization and create an environment to support them.

    He stopped and looked at me to check whether I was listening to him or not. My eyes were wide opened and I was thinking about a situation where I working in an organization. I remember when I said to one of the Sr manager why people leave the organization; it is not because they are getting more money. People are searching for a place where they find themselves.

    I felt as if I was all awake said Sir, how can you create such a great environment, and as we all know people have different skills?

    He started with same calmness and compassion, there are very less companies use a model called ROWE. In this model people doesnt have a fixed time to work, all that matters is the result, they can work from home, from caf, bar, hell or heaven. But the real fact why company doesnt follow this kind of working model is because they dont trust their employees. Let me expound on this a little more, there are companies. Where employees are expected to use 20% of their time in doing what they like to do. And some of the most interesting products were innovated on this 20% of time not in 80%.

    Best Buy did not invent the post-geographic office; an employee can come anytime and walk out anytime. Tech companies have been going bedouin for several years. At IBM (IBM), 40% of the workforce has no official office; at AT&T, a third of managers are untethered. Sun Microsystems Inc. calculates that it's saved $400 million over six years in real estate costs by allowing nearly half of all employees to work anywhere they want.

  • And this trend seems to have legs. A recent Boston Consulting Group study found that 85% of executives expect a big rise in the number of unleashed workers over the next five years. In fact, at many companies the most innovative new product may be the structure of the workplace itself. (Bloomberg business week)

    When you let employees to do what they like to do, they will surprise you with their creativity on and off work. Here are the words of wisdom from Thomas Edison If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. In my experience of working with a well known company, I had seen many who had great talents but very less opportunity of using them. I was little embarrassed because even I have never tried to understand the employees. I have always treated them commodities to achieve the target rather than treating them as employees.

    It was almost eight 0 clock by now, bus stopped near a tea shop. And conductor shouted loudly If any of you want to have, tea, snacks, or want to smoke please get down and come back within 15 minutes and we are not going to stop the bus till we reach our destination. He was an old man in his forties; I suppose he was listening to us.

    My new found leadership mentor and I walked down, and I asked him Sir, would you like tea or coffee. He promptly said Coffee for me please I was delighted to serve him. I quietly asked would you like to eat something or would like to smoke. He said I dont smoke! Just because he cannot I had control my urge to pollute some air. I tried to see if I can manage but I wasnt successful. He was looking around and savoring the coffee with utmost love, and I was enjoying my tea without a smoke. I m sure some of you who smoke can understand how terrible the situation would have been for me. I was just waiting to complete the tea and get back to bus.

    Conductor started shouting bus will leave please get in side. Slowly we got inside the bus and comfortably sat. In India if you are travelling in the bus its sight to see how passengers talk over the phone, some shout so loud that every one travelling in the bus can hear. Likewise the lady sitting next to us was talkingto her husband I suppose I would not know. But she was shouting at the top of her voice for next thirty minutes so we had stop for a while.

    As the lady stopped

  • Chapter 3: Match the Skill set

    I asked Sir, now I understand that H stands for Humility and U stands for Uncover The Hidden Talent. What does M stand for in HUMAN?

    He listened to me carefully and started as usual, this time he had to clean his throat because he just had a coffee. Boy M in Human stands for Match The Skill-set. NFI Research found that more than two-thirds of senior executives and managers say that the requirements for specific jobs do not extremely well match the people currently in those jobs. More than three-quarters of managers said that the jobs and the people in their organizations are not extremely well matched.

    One of the biggest challenges of todays business world is to match skills of an employee. Its not having 3 lakh employees make great organization, a truly great organization has humans working for a purpose and organization has a bigger purpose as well.

    I was thinking for myself how can he know so much about corporate world? I knew for a fact that each one of us at certain point in time have thought that there is something we are more passionate about. One of my friends who always dreamt of being a leadership trainer is now working as a Manager in a Software company. He told me recently that he did everything possible to move to leadership Training, every time I meet he told me about his work. He recently came and said that they have hired a leadership trainer from other company

    Now question you? How would you feel if you are in my friends? What would you do?

    While I was thinking about my friend, my old new friend continued and said companies are looking outwards for talent, once they start looking inwards. The abundance of talent will astound them. I was stunned with his thought; I said you are very true Sir Ancient thinking has to completely change, work is no more a standardized and repetitive task, work needs to make an individual creative. Work is constantly evolving; we operate in a challenging situation where products, services need to be innovated every second.

    I interrupted and said Sir Can you help us find some news of matching skills?

    He was at his best when started, let me tell you a story which will help you in understanding Matching the skill clearly and also give you some Idea about how it can help the organization to look inwards.

  • Long ago once upon a time in South India, there was a forest. There lived all kinds of wild animals, they were happy because they were contended with resources available. As days passed by, human beings started slowly settling down. All animals gathered together to discuss about the situation and how they can save the forest, the only home ever for wild animals.

    Loin ordered all to be at the meeting so that they can prepare a contingency plan to overcome the challenge. All types of animals were gathered, and chimpanzeewas asked to host the meeting. Because it is considered as the smartest animal and an ape, the impressive intellectual abilities of this animal have long fascinated humans. They can make and use tools, hunt collectively, and are capable of advanced problem-solving. Chimpanzee began with a loud voice Ladies and gentleman, we are all here because we have a great problem at hand. We have Human predators that are interrupting and spoiling our well build forest. Now all of us need to work together and make sure we teach a lesson to these so called smart species on the planet.

    Everyone started talking amongst themselves; some animals were unaware of the changes. And they began feeling insecure of the days ahead, Loin being the king of the forest stood and commanded My dearest brothers and sisters, this is our land, our forest, and we deserve to live here. We will do all that is possible to save this, no matter how and who we should fight against. We have gathered as my friend Chimpanzee said, I would request all of you to come up with a strategy in two days to handle this situation. We will get back after two days same time and same place. All dispersed.

    All animals went back home and started discussing amongst themselves whole night, they lost their sleep for next two days to come up with some thing interesting and innovative strategy. They were really scared; they werent sure how life will be tomorrow.

    After two days animals gathered exactly at the same time, as usual Chimpanzee spoke Thank you ladies and Gentleman for being here, its honor to have all of here with us. As we all know we feel that tough times are ahead, and we want to look at options available so that we can fight. Now the meeting is open and you can make any suggestions you want

    Slowly wolf being the most cunning animal, stood up and bowed his head to the master of forest Dear Sir, to overcome this challenge we need to hire couple of animals from other forest. They seem to have gone through the same

  • challenges. I have heard and read that they were able to stop Humans taking over the forest.

    Tiger being the bravest of all was little angry and said not a thing, I m sure we can handle this We dont need any one perhaps what could an animal from other forest might know about ours.

    While all this is happening Rat stood up and said Excuse me ladies and gentleman I have got a plan. I certainly agree with Tiger, when we have all the resources it makes no sense for us to look outside. I would request all of you to listen carefully to my plan and let us know if anything needs to be changed.

    Everyone is very curious they saw a great strategist in this small creature; I want a team to defend and defeat. A team of heroes of our times, a team which can die to fight for the land, a team of strong men, women, kids of all species to fight for the cause to live. I have found that humans are settling down near the cave, they have weapons which can kill any animal. We need to work together as a team, Dear respected Sir, we need a team of 30 eagles (Dont ask me why he specifically said 30 numbers) to fly. Parrots are good at singing they will work as our communicators between different teams for us I need 25 brave dears scattered near the village where humans reside. I need a strong team of loins, tigers and bears to attack when humans have lost the ground. And I need a team of elephants to crush their houses to the ground.

    Every one was looking at this mini creature as if they have never seen; He went on saying here is the plan. We will have 25 dears scattered near the village, I m sure humans will shoot at them and they are creatures who like flesh a lot, while they shoot parrots signal the attack and in a blink of eye eagle will start flying and disturb humans so that our loved dears doesnt get killed. While all this is happening a group of loins and tigers will attack the humans from all angles possible, once we kill all of them Elephants will join the bandwagon and crush their houses, and if all goes well we are the winners and humans never dareagain to snatch our homes.

    Well we also need a match stick and some wood so that we can burn them all, because humans are wiser than us

    There was huge round of applause, and some said Bravo Some even came and shook hands with Rat. Loin the king of the forest walked down and kissed the rat and said from today we call this intelligent, shrewd and great rat as Chanakya.

  • Everyone stood up and clapped, they were happy to see this plan and every one saw a leader in chanakya, they were hopeful of a better tomorrow.

    He paused as if he had already made the point and looked at me, tell me Sanjey what did you understand by the story? This was the first time he addressed me by my name..

    I slowly opened my mouth; I had no time to listen because I was very busy in writing the story. I said Sir, I understood if we work together even the smartest people can look like dumb. Chanakya was a great leader who found some unique qualities in each species. I felt that each one of us as different as those animals in that story, we have different back ground, culture, religion, belief, however if we Uncover the hidden talent and work together then we can win any war.

    Bravo my boy A learner must never miss anything at any time. He saidNow did you understand what I mean when I say Match The Skill-Set. I can guarantee you; people who work with you know what you are good at? But the problem with us is that we are all like crabs in a box. And I suppose we can say frogs in a well as well, who cannot think BIG. If that small rat knows the distinctive qualities of each animals then I m sure managers and leaders know very well what you are really good at

    As the wise man stopped and I asked him How can I take and use this story in modern corporate world? How can they Match The Skill Set?

    I understand young man, business is not charity and business never runs on emotions. It actually runs on numbers or as great CEOs say on GROSS MARGIN. But think over it, if you think if a person is really good at some thing why dont you support, nurture him. He will be an asset, brand ambassador for your company. An employee who loves what he is doing, and creativity lies in happiness.. There is no one who was sad when they found some thing great. A happy mind is a feast itself.

    I got Sir added quickly what do you think these organizations needs to do to Match The Skill-Set?

    He paused for a while and said I will give some points but as I said you should always dig deeper and wider to find more

  • River flows smoothly if its from hill top, Sr management and every one who is part of decision making they should get involved completely.

    There has to be a reward for managers who Match The Skill-Set of their subordinates.

    Teach your manager and leaders benefits of serving than managing.

    We need to change our business depending upon what we are good at and create needs. Bill Gates did it so impeccably, he didnt went ahead and sold Insurance rather he went ahead with what he loved and people liked everything he did.

    Company needs to strategies its business not depending upon market rather depending upon employees.

    Companies must think about employees seriously, happy employees make happy customers; happy customer make happy companies and happy companies make happy share holders.

    Last but not the least, support every action taken to explore more.

    Now that brings us to the next thing a company must to prosper in times of difficulty and succeed

    Meanwhile I was feeling cold, opened my bag to put on sweater. I could not believe in what I was listening to, I reckoned how the great Leader of all time felt, when he was enlightened under the Bodhi tree. I was thinking to myself for a while how great it would be If I were to meet wise people every day and spend some time with them.. As I was thinking a thought crossed over my mind Let not a single day pass without your learning a verse, half a verse, or a fourth of it, or even one letter of it; nor without attending to charity, study and other pious activity. (Chanakya Arthashastra)

    I was waiting for the wise man to start talking again, he saw me and his eyes were turned blue and he was ever smiling. I felt I havent seen face a like this ever in my life. I felt as if I was a dog long hungry, waiting for my master for a superb meal. What a rare sight of humility and compassion filled loved

  • Chapter 4: Achievable Goal

    Listen up carefully my boy he said, we have learned so far the importance of Humility, Uncovering The Hidden Talent and Matching The Skill-Set. We all know that it takes several months and years together to produce a nice harvest. A plant cannot offer shade to hundreds but a peeple tree can.

    The problem with all major business houses of today, is that they expect results pretty quick. We are like people wanting baby in a night; we would not want towaste our time nourishing the baby. We want to him to be grown, mature are probably in a good Job in a month. Can this be possible?

    I voluntarily said no Sir, how can that be possible I know how every one wants quick success including myself.

    I assume that he knew the answer as I stopped he was quick to add On the same context once we have Uncovered the Talent and Matched The Skill-Set. We need to give some time to an employee to find and explore.

    He stopped and asked me what does your dad do.

    I said Sir, he is a farmer.

    Well thats great news; he said, but I was shocked being a farmers son is never a great news. People look at me as if I m an alien, I still remember how my cousins use to treat me.. Because a farmer son in India is not worth a dime, they consider farming as the last option and only people who are not educated do farming..

    He asked me Do you know anything about farming.

    Well Sir I m a farmers son and I know bits and pieces about farming, I wanted to as honest as possible.

    Explain me the process of Farming? He said

    Now I was feeling little intelligent here, I felt important because I m going to teach about farming to an old intellect. Its great to teach an intellect, you feel great about yourself I cleaned my throat and started as if I m a scientist and just found out the way to be Immortal.

    Sir as I said earlier I know a little.. First thing my dad does is to clean the field and keep it ready for harvesting and sowing. Then in rainy season he will proceed with sowing, after about 25 days he will spray the fertilizers and some

  • times pesticides. He will closely monitor the plant; he will go at least once a day to the farm to check the progress, if its required he will have workers working with him to remove the unwanted plants so that the crop doesnt get affected. These unwanted plants can harm the growth of the crop hence affecting the yield of the crop.

    The worst thing about a farmer, you have to closely monitor, and keep an eye on your crop as if you are raising a small baby. The more you care the better the crop thats what my dad said when I asked him last time.

    He was patiently listening as if he never knew about all these things. His eyes and ears were wide open. I havent seen anyone listening with such curiosity and elegance.

    I went on with the process of Farming, then when the crop is up for plucking we take the help of others and carefully pluck it.. After doing all these its not guaranteed that we get good returns it depends upon the market, and he some times stores the crop for at least a month or two for the right price

    He was patiently waiting for me to stop, thats superb you know all about farming, Employee Development similar to Farming. As we learned in the previous chapter, Humility is nothing but cleaning the ground and keeping it ready for harvesting and sowing. Uncovering The Hidden Talent is nothing but sowing the crop, Matching The Skill-Set is nothing but removing unwanted plants from farm so to make sure that it grows effectively. You might ask me what does Achievable Target means. It basically means it takes time for the crop to give a great yield, until it does you have to wait, monitor, some times take others help, and guard it carefully. As your dad does you have to keep an eye and monitor, nurture, and destroy the bad influence so to make sure that you reap the desired result.

    I was literally shocked by what I heard, actually Vivekananda what right .. We know everything its just that we need to uncover. We need to explore and as my wise old friend dig deep and wide. Sir Isaac Newton said it aptly once If I have seen further than others, it is only because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.

    I was getting more curious by now and asked how do you think we need to set Achievable Goals to our employees

    When you know where you want to go, your brain will guide you you dont need to do anything apart from asking your asking yourself how can I do that.

  • I will share some of the secrets about how to set Achievable goal that might help you, but as I said earlier keep digging deep, and keep digging wider There are several techniques to set and achieve goals that complement each other so you can use multiple techniques to increase the likelihood of achieving your goal. For an example Smart Goal setting model is just great, there is nothing wrong with that. Many organizations use this model however the success rate is very minimal. I will tell you how you can increase the success rate today.

    Involve employees before setting up a goal, ask them, counsel them, help themGoals must always have a purpose, a goal without purpose and clear definition of why we do that is never considered as a goal at all. The purpose of goal isnt to be a superstar; the purpose of goal is better ourselves as Individuals.

    Never set a vague goal, a goal must be specific and simple, we are not trying to solve a puzzle, and we are trying to get a step ahead so that we can solve an equation.

    Consider this when you set a goal with purpose, there isnt called failure there is only learning. And Einstein sweetly said The day you stop learning you start dying. You can never fail until you stop trying.

    Get personal while you are setting Achievable Goals to your team, they should see and feel that there is some one who can steer us through the tough times.

    Keep your team members and yourself informed about the difficulties they face, motivate them do never say Its hard to do but let us see

    Creativity and innovation comes from Knowledge, motivation and environment, set a goal which unleash the beast, challenge their status quo, and challenge their belief.

    A goal must see forward and inward, not backward and outward. Let me not confuse you when I say inward and forward, Goal must take them from where they are to where they want to be, and they should feel that there self worth is bigger than anything else.

    Thats all I suppose about setting Achievable goals, I would like to tell you a secret, listen to me carefully The real purpose of a goal is to make you a human, and other goals are just waste of time. You wouldnt enjoy them for long I could not.. And he paused.

  • By this time, the time was already eleven 0 clock Conductor opened the front door and said here we go ladies and gentleman, we got a hotel hear if guys want to eat some thing you can, I suppose we will reach our destination little late today because of the heavy rain

    I felt all were waiting for this stop because we were feeling hungry and I badly wanted to smoke a cigarette. First thing a smoker does whenever he gets time is to smoke Cigarette, rest is not important to him.

    We got down I saw a hotel which might have been built in late 80, they had Gandhi, Subhas Chandra bose and Nehrus picture hanging at the front door. And as usual all India houses have a picture of lady little bent, closed hands with a nice note WEL COME

    I was desperately searching for a place to smoke; I told my new old friend that I shall go for pee and he rather quickly said please I ran and lit a cigarette and stood in dark and starting enjoying and polluting the air. While I was doing that I felt little insane about myself however I recollected what Gandhi had said you must burn all which destroys humanity and I was doing the same.. I was burning the bad thing and trying to create a great world.

    I came back to the hotel and joined my mystic friend, he was busy in eating and I ordered a Dosa started seriously concentrating on eating.. We were hungry and famished and we really wanted to eat some thing

    Conductor started shouting again Hello come back soon we shall leave this place, please check if there is any one missing

    We all got back and sat in the bus.

  • Chapter 5: Nature

    As we came inside, he looked at me and said Are you learning some thing new my boy. I was quick to respond absolutely Sir, I dont think I would have learned all this in span of some hours.

    Sanjey.. Remember this! no matter how capable you are, how great you are, no matter what sort of attitude, skills, intellectual ability you carry Nothing works when we dont have the right plat form. There is an immense power, talent which is not being used on this earth. I truly feel sad about the situation around us I truly hope that we have that environment where we at our best, where we do what we all like to do, where we feel great about living. Life is not living for hundred years, even if you live for one day. Living every second is life, and you can see, doctors, engineers, professors, businessman, sportsmen, writers, but you hardly can find people who really live. That brings us to the last but not the least stage of Employee Development and I call that as Nature.

    I could feel his energy all over the bus; I felt he might have been the man I was waiting to meet. I could not believe that I m with such a superb human being. God is mysterious isnt it? I felt as a real frog which Swamy Vivekananda Mentioned in his great speech in Chicago

    Sanjey.. When I say Nature (He said this word with such warmth and calmness) I mean the environment in an organization Environment in an organization refers to the forces that impact and employee. Both internal and external factors affect Employee Development and Employees.. There has been many reason why Training and employee development doesnt succeed and almost everything boils down to Nature or Organizational environment. Jim Collins in his book called Good to Great perfectly defined how to build a fun loving environment. Where employees build relationship with other peers and meet, socialize during and after work.

    Whatever you have learned so far wouldnt be fruitful if you dont create Nature (Environment) to explore more about themselves and their new found skills.

    You cannot learn swimming by reading about it, you need a pond or a swimming pool to practise and make it as a character so that next time when you are in water you are able to swim. Every organization is good at teaching people about swimming but they are bad at building a pond or swimming pool or even in guiding employees about nearby lake.. and he stopped .

  • Deep inside me I was feeling how true it is, I myself had gone through many trainings about leadership, employee development but when I m back to my desk. We all said together, lets forget everything and start doing what we use to do.

    I went ahead and asked him Sir, how do you think we can build a great Nature (environment) where people feel valued, creative, and where people can express?

    He answered with such charm, I felt as if he already knew the question.. Sanjey... 99% of people are introvert, the reason why they are.. They are taught self worth from the very early age, but they have never learned to value others and their Ideas.. Thats why I talked about teaching them Humility, then I talked about Uncovering The Hidden Talent, Matching The Skill-Set, and then we talked about Achievable Goals Humility will help them to realize others worth, worth of working in a team.

    Let us discuss about how we build a great Nature, earlier you mentioned that you dad is a farmer

    I said yes Sir, no doubt about that

    What does your Dad once after sowing? He asked.

    I told Sir if he sees any weeds and unwanted plants he will remove that.. Because as I mentioned earlier they will harm growth of the plant..

    Exactly remove bad influences from the organization, which affects employees... If you like to build a great Nature and it must start from very early stage of an employee life in the organization.

    Hire Right People.. People who have Humility, empathy, discipline, integrity, honesty, Conviction, who have Vision.. Once you have right people in the bus then give them the direction and purpose they will drive.

    Give importance to creativity and innovation - As I mentioned earlier, Its Knowledge, Motivation, Environment which can bring the best out of people.. Let put some more light on this topic, Knowledge is what you know and how much know Motivation is what motivates to do something voluntarily. People become more creative when they feel intrinsically motivated Remember money is not always the key to creativity Follow what Maslow once said You can only create an environment where people feel motivate, you cannot motivate people.

  • Create Employee Friendly environment Employees interact with their managers and supervisor more than any other department. Now consider this A Fortune magazine survey some years ago found that nearly 75 per cent of employees have suffered at the hands of difficult superiors. Companies Hire employees but employees leave Managers Now this Human technique which we have discussed today must flow from Top Management, they should learn because Humility is the Foundation to Build a Fabulous Organization. People like if some one who treats them as important, they are social beings, they like people who treat them as they are also part of this very world.

    Well I can recall how I met a person one day, he was a well educated human being as some are.. He had a mysterious mustache and hair.. I suppose when I saw him first time, I realized that Chimpanzees are our real ancestors till then I never believed I heard as mentioned earlier in a story they are the most smartest apart from Human.. He was looking exactly like that.. A smart guy with hair all over. I m not kidding and he smiled well I hardly had guts to smile

    This gentleman with so much of hair had one thing in common. THE certificates. He laughed this time. I was curiously listening to him..

    He talked for hours and he never gave a clue whether he liked me or not. I felt I really met a man of intellect but I still remember how I felt after meeting him. I was confused and I m sure he was as well he continued

    The reason why I said this story is because no one likes a confused man, a confused man and a confused manager is exactly like the rubber of a ship which knows nothing

    Let me derive the moral out of this story before we get in to the dreamy world of being great and creating a passionate world.. he took a sip of water from his bottle, which was labeled as Bisleri.

    Never make a leader or manager who is so confused, people like a leader or a manager who is upfront they dont like snakes.. Can you dream of sleeping with a snake ever..?? And he paused

    I hardly had an answer, just to prove that even I study about management and leadership I let a verse come of my mouth A wicked wife, a false friend, a saucy servant and living in a house with a serpent in it are nothing but death. (ChanakyaArthashastra)

  • The wise old man said Bravo People like wise men, and a wise man never had any mustache are hair to hide Make them managers and leaders who haveintegrity, confidence, honesty, conviction of sailing through the tough winds. People never like a man hiding behind hair, make them managers and leaders who can put people before the process A smooth sea never made a good sailor.. And he felt like as if he made the point.

    I realized by then we must make managers or leaders who has proven record, who really know the value of being human never make a leader who sailed through a smooth sea he can never be able to sail through tough times.. Tough times never last but tough people do.

    Bus was moving so fast and time was flying I really wanted a time machine to stop clock ticking He went and said lend me ears and listen, People like people, they dont like managers.. And almost all the time people think Managers are not People because they are Managers I felt I really want to spend some more time with my new mystic old Leadership Guru, I presume he knew everything about leadership and how to lead people..

    Sanjey I want to wrap things up, we will soon reach our destination.. Let me not waste our time.

    Pay right salary for the right position - This is an interesting subject to discuss how much salary should I pay so that person is content. Sanjey. If you dont mind tell me how much you want to earn?

    Sir.. I suppose I need money to manage my expenses, house, food, and some savings for tough times I have heard that we must save money for tough times, even ants save food grains for rainy season.. I paused..

    Well are you happy with the salary you are earning?

    I said.. A man can never be happy Sir and I m a man I laughed

    What can you make you happy? He said

    Sir I suppose I need more money because I m hoping that I should get married and settle down.. Things have gotten expensive these days..

    How much more?

    I dont know

  • Good in Buddhism they say confusion is happiness.

    Are you happy with what you are doing now?

    Kind off Sir I always feel that I can do better and a better Job, May be some thing into leadership and Management.. I Stopped

    Everyone things he is better than others, the real problem with us Sanjey is that We dont know what we want. I can guarantee you.. You would be a happy person with the same salary if I offer you a job which you like the most.. Perhaps writingJob, would you like it? He questioned

    I dont know why I said but I loudly shouted rather Yes Sir, you are true, I can even work for less money if some one offers me one. And I said Id rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate. George Burns. Some passengers in the bus got up as if they heard some animal crying when they saw me they just sat back.

    Sanjey The problem with us is that we think we can motivate a man by offering more money. A man gets motivated when he sees a purpose in what he is doing.. Thats why we must use HUMAN Technique to create a Passionate Organization.

    Sir, what do you think is the right salary for any Human?

    There isnt right or wrong salary; the salary should never to high nor too low. A man must be able to manage his life, with basic pleasure and a purpose to achieve is the biggest salary you can ever pay anyone A man with purpose can do anything for nothing

    I was literally awakened by what I heard I remember how much I use to enjoy when I was earning Rs 1200 per month, I never missed a movie. But now I earn more and I dont remember when I watched a movie last time I felt what my new Mentor said was very apt, I felt some one woke me up from a long sleep.

    Treat them as Human - Last thing I want to talk about is treating Humans as Human, when I treat them as people I mean consider them as your real asset. Make it happen; when your employees contact different departments they should be treated with utmost respect and humility. They should make them feel important, every interaction they have with other teams must make them feel they are valued and honored to be part of such a great team. Fun needs to be part of the work, take the time out, play games, and contribute some hours for community work every month. (Dont ask them to come on weekends for community work no one likes it)

  • Now you see its easy to say people are our assets, let me tell know some interesting thing which I noticed recently. There are companies who doesnt offer proper benefits like cab service, even if they offer. Employees need to wait for hours and hours to get a cab.. If this is the case then are you treating them as important not at all then why do you expect to build a great organization.These are very small issues however as Mark Twain once said Small things make perfection but perfection is not a small thing.

    There are certain things which we have discussed earlier which would help you to build a Passionate Organization We talked about Uncovering The Hidden Talent, Matching The Skill-Set and Achievable Goals. Most importantly teaching Humility and Creating a Great Nature..

    This technique needs to build in from the day one, dont expect anything to happen overnight.. Every thing takes time, success comes after enough experience and challenges.. And he took a long breath with compassion, I can still say that he was savoring every atom of the air what a passion, calmness and every seemed like a stand still for while

    As he complete we were almost reaching the destination I suppose It was midnight 12:30. I must admit that It was one of the most memorable day and hour for me. I have never learned so much in a span some hours, I never realized how we reached the destination.. The city was litten up and was looking like a happy bride. I saw people waving hands at the bus, small kids still awake.. In the near slum I noticed that there was fight between husband and wife and a small kid is trying to protect her mom. As we reached the bus stand I was feeling like crying and never wanted to get down, I dont know why cried but I did.. I wiped tears from one hand held my bag from another.

    As we were walking down he said Sanjey Before we say good bye to each other I want to tell you some thing.. As you know we are very selfish people and I had this treasure and many more hidden in me. I never shared with any one and I m feeling sad about that.. Promise me that you will also remain selfish and do not share this with others Never disclose my name to any one, never mention my name and think that we had never metHe also said what Buddha said Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything

  • agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

    He could see that I was crying, I was shocked with his request of not sharing this Gems and forgetting him. Sir I dont think I can do that I paused and cried more..He said My boy there is nothing called mine in that, it was all given by this world and I m giving it back.. I used this HUMAN technique which we discussed so far in my own company and it worked miraculously but I never shared this with anyone.

    Still I was persistent about not sharing with others, can I at least use it. I asked

    He said Sure you can but dont share this anyone, the more selfish you are the lesser the competition for you and he smiled vaguely..

    I wont share with any Sir, I promised mean while we were at the bus stand, I suppose it was built recently.. Still I could smell Asian paint, it was clean and tide. I was surprised to see at first however I felt happy that we are growing there were couple of shops which were open, a guy was selling cigarettes and other guy barged in between and said chai chai chai chai

    I asked my new friend Sir would you like to have Chai?....

    He said No Sanjey, Its time for me to go. And shouted Auto. Auto

    Auto rickshaw drove like Michael and parked next to him with in some seconds.. We thanked each other and he hugged me.. I felt so comfortable and warm, I felt as baby Eskimos (they keep in a carrier made of animal hides, close to the mothers body, and sometimes directly against the mothers skin). He held me tight and said Sanjey remember there is nothing kills more people than Arrogance,never grow arrogance but grow your knowledge.. God may bless you.. he said and he hopped in Rickshaw for the ride..

    I stood all alone; I think I never felt so lonely ever in my life. There are times when I was alone but this time was really alone I felt like a small kid in the topless bar, a small kid who was getting separated from his beloved mother. Andlike a calf separated from cow. I could not believe all these things are happening with me. I always felt I was a strong man, but that day I realized how we feel when we loose the most important person. My agony was all over me, it slowly started drizzling.. I recalled what Chaplin once said I like to walk in rain, because I dont want people to see me crying I walked to nearby shop and bought a cigarette and tea, I was all alone, very alone

  • I saw as rickshaw moved out of Bus stand, my old friend was waving hands at me I kept looking and waving hands at him, I waved hands in peculiar manner on that day.. Rather than waving as good bye I was waving my hands as you call some one I still remember I kept on looking until he went of my sight, I kept on looking I was thinking if he could come back and spend some more time with me I know life has to move on, we are born alone, live alone, and die alone what a lifeIts been two years since I met my friend, I dont know how should I address him.. Should I call him a Saint, a leadership guru, a mentor, a coach, an intellect, or my friend.. I suppose he would be glad if I call him HUMAN... He was the first Human I have ever met.. My Grandpa told me when I was small, this world needs more Human than ever.

    I never wanted to share this story with any one, I wanted this to be a closed chapter in my life. But recently while talking about Employee Development I could not hold HUMAN gems for long. And I had to share this with my friends, so I m sharing this with you as well..

    Once you read this story the only request I have, please do not share this with any one else I broke the Promise which I never wanted, however as some one said knowledge grows when you share with others. I wish my friend reads this book and forgives for callousness of an adolescent kid..

    I dont whether I will meet the only HUMAN I ever again, I dont know whether he will forgive me or not. But all I want to say is hopefully the HUMAN Gem transforms some of us to serve the society as whole. I m hoping that the HUMAN technique helps us to build a passionate organization, and make us the passionate about our work, and make sure we put people before process. The greatest Hindu saint as for as I know beautifully spoke Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success..

    I have taken the Idea of HUMAN technique to change my life, and change the way I think, to change the way I work, to change the way I see things around..