A foyer which use by students of the Faculty of Business Management Universiti Teknologi MARA Perak, Kampus Seri Iskandar is capable highlighted as an artistic approach space. The approach is not merely solve the aesthetic space issues, but it will make the space more interactive and user friendly. Therefore, the solution to this issue is by creating a design space based on "Seni Kolaj di Mata Kami". This art was produced by having a few process include gathering in collecting waste by students of the Kolej Teratai. With the professional cooperate this product was produced with its own artistic touch. Recycle materials that easily found, easier to produce and have an artistic injection were our main attractions of products. Shoelaces, cans, and TESCO’s plastic bag and used clothing were materials that can be used in the production of this art. At the same time, the idea of the production of these products have an impact on community knowledge about the art of collage that actually relates to humans and the environment. Plus, arts community is the latest invention of a simple and minimal in terms of the product placement of a certain space. The 3D shapes with specific color selection portrayed in the mural design will gives impact to the whole community of Physiotherapy Ward at Hospital Batu Gajah. The concept of 'healing garden' which translated into a combination of architecture and fine arts will certainly acceptable as its existence will not alter the function and aesthetic value of the hospital. At the same time, this Portable Ergonometric Mural will impact on community knowledge about the human relationship with the environment. In addition, the design of these portable murals provide an opportunity for them to work together to produce an indirect psychological effects of murals that can be seen and touched. Therefore, the adoption of 'portable murals' will have variations on the selection of its application in the space of the building. Precast installation system makes it easy to design murals incorporated with surrounding. Additionally, the point of view towards murals will be expanded. The visual impact of a 360 degree perspective will involve variation feeling of users. When we talk about the commercial value, "Seni Kolaj di Mata Kami" is not just suitable placed in the student area that is superb on his left brain,

A Foyer Which Use by Students of the Faculty of Business Management Universiti Teknologi MARA Perak

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A foyer which use by students of the Faculty of Business Management Universiti Teknologi MARA Perak, Kampus Seri Iskandar is capable highlighted as an artistic approach space. The approach is not merely solve the aesthetic space issues, but it will make the space more interactive and user friendly. Therefore, the solution to this issue is by creating a design space based on "Seni Kolaj di Mata Kami". This art was produced by having a few process include gathering in collecting waste by students of the Kolej Teratai. With the professional cooperate this product was produced with its own artistic touch. Recycle materials that easily found, easier to produce and have an artistic injection were our main attractions of products. Shoelaces, cans, and TESCOs plastic bag and used clothing were materials that can be used in the production of this art. At the same time, the idea of the production of these products have an impact on community knowledge about the art of collage that actually relates to humans and the environment. Plus, arts community is the latest invention of a simple and minimal in terms of the product placement of a certain space. The 3D shapes with specific color selection portrayed in the mural design will gives impact to the whole community of Physiotherapy Ward at Hospital Batu Gajah. The concept of 'healing garden' which translated into a combination of architecture and fine arts will certainly acceptable as its existence will not alter the function and aesthetic value of the hospital. At the same time, this Portable Ergonometric Mural will impact on community knowledge about the human relationship with the environment. In addition, the design of these portable murals provide an opportunity for them to work together to produce an indirect psychological effects of murals that can be seen and touched. Therefore, the adoption of 'portable murals' will have variations on the selection of its application in the space of the building. Precast installation system makes it easy to design murals incorporated with surrounding. Additionally, the point of view towards murals will be expanded. The visual impact of a 360 degree perspective will involve variation feeling of users. When we talk about the commercial value, "Seni Kolaj di Mata Kami" is not just suitable placed in the student area that is superb on his left brain, but it also can be used for any purpose other interactive and information in the area. Rather than effective as an interactive media space, they are also able to give general effects on the publicity, formalities and recreation. This collage design is applicable to interior or exterior building spaces. The flexibility and mobility make the art as the most efficient product for promotions, campaigns and highlight civic values and cultures. Thus, the marketability will involve more organizations, along with government and private organizations for the purpose of the campaign and delivery of information. Human nature that need this interaction space is enriched through this approach. This is due to the nature of interactive space will not only create activity, but it will give a positive psychological impact to the user through the message "Harapan Dalam Kesabaran". The message has been raised directly by the Director of Hospital Batu Gajah in hope that visitors and patients can be given a new innovation medium of treatment.