1 Jerry and Friends Book 1 With thanks to the contributors within All characters and their related names and indicia represented are trademarks of their companies (or individuals) and are TM and © by these companies (or copyright holders). All characters and their related properties are the property of these companies (or individuals). All rights reserved. Each retains the full copyright and all other related rights with regards to such characters. Copyright © 2007 Jerry and Friends Levittown, NY 11756 http://www.jerryandfriends.com No reproduction allowed without the written permission of Jerry Deutsch .

A For Adventure

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Jerry and Friends

Book 1 With thanks to the contributors within

All characters and their related names and indicia represented are trademarks of their companies (or individuals) and are TM and © by these companies (or copyright holders). All characters and their related properties are the property of these companies (or individuals). All rights reserved. Each retains the full copyright and all other related rights with regards to such characters.

Copyright © 2007 Jerry and Friends Levittown, NY 11756 http://www.jerryandfriends.com

No reproduction allowed without the written permission of Jerry Deutsch .

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As an assistant to comic legend Dick Giordano, Rob's work has appeared in books from DC, Marvel and Top Cow. Rob is also the creator of "Perfect Storm", an action strip originally published on his website, harborcomics.com, which will be launched into a print version later this year from HeroStreet Press! Some of Rob's other recent work has been for Students of the Unusual, "Tales of Lara Croft" for Atlantis Studios, and many books from Heroic Publishing. Check out his work online at www.harborcomics.com

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By Liam Galligan & Aaron DeutschIn a time when people have lost faith in the government Daniel Triumph has stepped in to help the people. Is this man the philanthropist he makes himself out to be? From his low cost housing, medical, phone and media entertainment for people. Is he dream come to true or is there a hidden agenda?

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Dr. Doll is charge of Daniel Triumph’s regeneration project. While Triumph claims to being working on this project to help cure the sick and elderly it’s for a far ulterior motive. He is going to create soldiers for hire. Dr. Doll has used his process on his Border Collie Prince to talk and think like a human. He is looking to cure his sick daughter Suzie.

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One thing that Daniel Triumph lacks is patience and he has sent his men to get the information of his experiments from Dr. Doll. Even if these men will be the recipients of his Dr. Doll’s work, they don’t care about how they get it.

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Daniel Triumph’s men left without the information on Dr. Doll’s experiments but not before mortally wounding him. He asks Prince to leave to carry out the next phase of his work, the awakening of his daughter Suzie.

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Prince leaves the laboratory just in the nick of time because the henchmen of Daniel Triumph set the building to explode. Prince makes his way to where the real laboratories of the experiments are in Dr. Doll’s automatic car called mother.

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In an abandoned toy factory is the bio-matrix chamber where Suzie Doll rests within. Prince hopes he isn’t releasing her too soon. He has no choice because they might be getting a visit from Triumph’s men.

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A medical clinic run by Dr. Susan Porter is being threatened to get closed down by Triumph Industries. Triumph himself is paying a visit after the fiasco at the lab being run by Dr. Doll.

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After Triumph leaves he has one of his gangs attacks Dr. Susan Porter and wrecks her office. It’s been just hours since Suzie Doll has awakened from the bio-matrix chamber but she makes short work of the Dr. Porter’s assailants.

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Suzie Doll notices that she looks like Dr. Porter. Without Dr. Doll, Daniel Triumph is looking to see if Dr. Porter has the project information. He will do whatever is necessary to get this.

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Daniel Triumph is a man who doesn’t like to fail and it’s just happened twice. Who is this mysterious woman who appeared at Dr. Porter’s clinic?

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There are some questions that remain. What is Daniel Triumph’s hidden agenda? If Suzie Doll is the daughter of Dr Dane and Dora Doll, why does she look like Dr. Susan Porter? Has Prince been taking any joy rides in Mother the car? More questions and maybe a few answers next time.

Liam B. Galligan Liam lives in Greenville South Carolina with his wife Beverly and his three children Rory (14), Meghan (13), and Patrick (11). He currently enjoys reading theology, Marvel's Ultimates, New Avengers and Amazing Spider-Man.

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Michael T. Gilbertwww.michaeltgilbert.com

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"My Father Invented Batman!" The Batman of 1932

By Will Murray 334 E. Squantum St. Quincy, MA 02171

One of the most famous Batman stories, "The First Batman," (Detective Comics, #235, September, 1956) told the tale of Bruce Wayne's astonishing discovery that his father had once worn a bat-costume similar to his own to a masquerade ball. It was an electrifying moment in the life of the Caped Crusader, the revelation that he was not the first Batman.

Frank Foster Jr. knows how Bruce Wayne must have felt. His own father, he believes, created the original Batman--ten years before Bob Kane's version debuted in Detective Comics #27.

Interviewed in the cool comfort of his Cape Cod basement home office, surrounded by his father's nautical watercolors, Foster, a retired commercial photographer, recalls first hearing about the prototypal Batman when he was four years old in 1940.

"I remember my parents telling me about it before I ever saw the Batman comic. My father said he drew the Batman and showed me the drawings. He said he showed it to people in New York, and they stole his ideas and he never got a penny."

It's an amazing, even stunning claim, that contradicts the admittedly murky lore surrounding the origin of the Caped Crusader, who debuted in early 1939.

"A father does not tell his four year old child that he's been cheated!" Foster says

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firmly. "It was a curio thing for me when I was a kid. Not of any great significance, particularly.

When I was of comic book age, I'd say, 'My father invented Batman.' The kids would say, 'Oh, sure.' The drawings were always around." From a long architectural file drawer, he pulls out the original concept drawings to what his family has always believed is the one, true, original Batman. The ancient piece of Strathmore board is yellowed, its edges chipped by time. Across the front are three India ink shots of a character caparisoned in a strikingly stylized superhero costume: in action, decking an lightly pencilled figure with a roundhouse right cross; standing in a nonchalant pose with one arm resting on a casually lifted leg; and climbing in through a window in classic superhero style.

And below that, a three-quarters-view head shot of the unmasked mystery man with a strangely batlike left ear and a sharp jawline that smacks of both the Golden Age Batman and Dick Tracy!

Foster flips the board to the other side to reveal a pencil sketch of an exotic-featured woman. The words "1932 Village" are visible and below that, two startling names in bold script: Batman and Night-wing.

Asked about the significance of these names, Foster digs out a deposition his father gave in 1975 and indicates the explanation Frank Foster Senior offered at that time:

"Oh, I guess that was a night wing, or something like that... That's just some sort of alternate thought I had at the moment, and then I checked off Batman because I thought that was a better name."

Foster seemed oblivious to the electrifying significance of the second name. Nightwing was the name a grown-up Robin would take in 1984 for his adult crime-fighting alter-ego during his stint with the Teen Titans. Twenty years before that, it was Jimmy Olsen's secret identity in the bottled city of Kandor.

According to Martin Cruz Smith's 1977 novel, Nightwing, it's a translation of the Navajo word for "bat." At first glance, it might seem the notation "1932 Village" refers to this drawing, as if she were some unusual woman Foster sketched from life in the village. Frank Foster's deposition is silent on her significance. But Frank Jr. recalls this: "My father told me that was Batman's girlfriend." Pressed for more details, he admits not being sure his father meant girlfriend in the literal sense.

"I know it was related to Batman," he says. "She was an exotic character in his life." The art is unmistakably faithful to the period, and the Strathmore board and ink have been authenticated as pre-World War II. The Batman drawings are rendered on the "tooth" side of the board, indicating the art dates back to at least 1932, if not before. Could this be true? Could an obscure aspiring cartoonist have created Batman before Bob Kane and Bill Finger conceived the Caped Crusader in 1939, and prefigured the name of Nightwing? The story of Frank Dinsmore Foster, Sr.--who died in 1995-- and his Batman is a

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fascinating and intriguing one. It might have been lost forever except for his son's determination. In 1975, inspired by a newspaper story about Batman artist Lew Sayre Schwartz, he pursuaded a reluctant Frank Sr. to see a Boston law firm in an effort to explore possible legal remedies. "I didn't push him," the son recalls. "We made him come up to deal with my company attorney at Shapiro & Israel. I said, 'Everyone's fascinated when you tell them the story--at first.' But when they say, 'Well, what are we going to do with this?' They agreed to give it a little bit of a run. And so my father came up--at my insistence. It wasn't that he didn't want to do it. My parents gave up on this many, many years ago. They were too busy trying to put food on the table. But then they had the Batman television series, and all that stuff." The elder Foster's saga begins in the late 1920s when he was an aspiring young musician attending the Designer's Art School in Boston. "And at that school I became very friendly with Al Capp," Foster Sr. told his lawyers in 1975. "We went to school together and were quite close. I was studying fine arts--I was only interested in fine arts, and Al has always been interested in comics, and he asked me at one point during our school days if I would be the artist for a strip if he sold it. And I had no interest in it. But he talked me into a partial interest."

Foster recalled coming to New York circa 1931 after going to art school with Capp. Capp dropped out of art school, and went to New York, where he started Mr. Gilfeather, a daily panel for Associated Press, in 1932. Before long, he was assisting Ham Fischer on Joe Palooka, then jumped ship to create Li'l Abner.

It was during this period that Foster remembered conceiving Batman, and another superheroic character. "He got me interested enough to make some ideas up. And it seems to me that in those days, and even now, that most of the strips were heroes of the day--such as, flying through the sky during the day and doing good deeds and so forth and so on--and I thought, well, why couldn't that be done at night? Have a good guy do stuff at night. So, I started working, just briefly, very briefly, not too seriously, with Al Capp, and cooking up a couple of ideas. I had many others, but I kept these for nostalgia and I thought they were the two that probably would be the most applicable to selling at that time. This was in the 20s. So I cooked up these ideas, and then just discussed them and then sort of put them away for long, because I was studying fine art—you know, I was studying painting and drawing and so forth and so on, so I really had no definite interest in it. And so Al and I went our separate ways. One of the things was Batman, and the other was Raven."

Out from the architectural drawings file cabinet Frank Jr. removes another piece of aging Strathmore. This one is an incomplete comics page entitled 'The Raven.' It depicts a masked man in a business suit called the Raven, who commands a group of crime-fighting subordinates consisting of two couples, Pete and Nancy, and Brent and Naja. The style, automobile, and even the free-floating lettering suggests the late 1920s or early 30s. It is undated. "I'm positive that I drew it in the 20s," Foster Sr. says in his deposition.

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When questioned on the Batman board date, he begins to say, "The reason for the 1932 on there is because--" Unfortunately, the lawyers interrupt him and that explantion went unrecorded. However, a separate statement by Foster's wife Ruth, stipulates:

"I met Frank in 1927 while he was studying art at Designer's Art School in Boston. We were married on July 15, 1932, the year after finishing his studies. It was most likely that the original drawings of 'BATMAN' were executed during the latter part of his attendance at Art School (1930-31) as I know they were done before our marriage."

According to Frank Foster's own recollection, he traveled from Boston to Greenwich Village in New York in 1931 or 32, and showed his ideas around with no result. Ruth Foster adds: "All of his drawings were put aside from 1932 to September 1937, during which time all of his efforts were made in trying to support me and our son (Frank D. Foster III) who was born on December 25, 1935. His business failed, and in September 1937 we moved to New York City where he had some periodical work in his brother's painting and decorating business. The following three years from September 1937 to October 1940 were financially grim years. (The Depression at its worst-particularly for an unknown free-lance artist). From October 1938 to October 1940 we lived in Christopher Street in Greenwich Village."

It was during this period that Frank Foster Sr. tried to sell his services--and Batman and the Raven--in earnest. Through a friend named Julian Marson, who worked as art director for the Abraham-Straus Department Store in Brooklyn, Foster was given a referral to the Frank A. Munsey Company, one of the largest pulp magazine publishers of the time. From his deposition: "He said why don't you take all your art work up--including these drawings and everything else--go see them, and see so-and-so. I couldn't possibly remember who I saw. Well, I submitted the drawings, among others, particularly these two, which were the Batman one and the one of the Raven. The people at Munsey said to leave the drawings. As I said, there were several of them, but I threw the others away years ago. They said, in the meantime would you care to work here for a week or so while we have time to get together and discuss the thing and see if there's a possibility of the future of a story. So I worked there on a drawing board on comic book covers. Now you're going to ask me what covers I worked on. This is going to be very difficult. It would be--I don't know--typical comic book covers.

"They were other people's drawings," Foster elaborated, "and I was transferring the drawings so that they could be reproduced in color."

Munsey, who published Argosy, Detective Fiction Weekly and Double Detective, among other pulps, did not publish comic books that anyone knows about. Their pulps used painted covers exclusively, but the work Foster recalls certainly suggests comic book covers.

The comic book covers Foster remembers working on may have in fact been early issues of Prize Comics. Foster's Batman resembles the Black Owl. Their cowls echo one another. Prize Comics also featured the Green Lama, who first debuted in Munsey's Double Detective pulp early in 1940.

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What was a Munsey pulp hero doing in Prize Comics only months after his creation? Was Munsey connected with Prize? Both were based on Broadway, although at different addresses. Both cross-advertised each other's magazines, implying a connection.

Joe Simon, who worked on the Black Owl in 1940, states that he knows of no connection between Munsey and Prize. He suggests that cross ads may have been generated by Prize's ad-swapping department. Prize ads also appeared in early DC comics, a fact that might be explained by the fact that DC distributed Prize Comics.

Furthermore, Prize co-owner Paul Epstein was involved with Munsey's Red Star News distribution Company, so clearly there was a connection. Those covers Frank Foster recalled must have been early issues of Prize Comics.

Still, the Green Lama's dual appearances make one wonder. And the timing seems to fit with Ruth Foster's recollection that: "I feel sure it was 1939 that Julian Marson gave Frank the name of Munsey Publications to submit his drawings of 'Batman' and another set of drawings for 'The Raven.' The reason I feel positive of this time is that Frank got employment at the Mellon Art Gallery then under construction in Washington, D.C. (Now the National Galley of Art) He went to Washington in the early Spring of 1940."

Prize Comics #1 was cover-dated March, 1940. The Black Owl does not appear until the second issue as a business-suited crimefighter wearing an owlish cowl which resembles the stylized Foster Batman headpiece. Later that year, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby recreated the Black Owl as a regulation superhero.

If the Munsey Foster remembers was somehow connected to Prize Comics, this would date that experience to late 1939--post-Batman. Why wouldn't the Prize editors have told Foster. "Look, there's already a Batman."? Perhaps when they discovered the other Batman in his portfolio, they decided the artist was a rank amateur, if not a plagiarist, and quietly dismissed him because they couldn't trust his other characters to be original too. And just as quietly appropriated his cowl design for their own creation.

This chronology also fits Frank Foster's recollection of discovering Batman comics in Washington in 1940. Not being a comics reader, he would have walked past Detective Comics without noticing a vaguely familiar creature of the night all through 1939.

But the Batman logo would have shouted out to him from any news stand. Batman #1 debuted with a Spring, 1940 cover date. As far as the son knows, there are no scripts or notes or other art to shed any more light on the Batman of 1932. So we will never know to whom the rock-jawed face beneath the cowl really was, or how he came to be. And what of the Raven? The surviving partial page is clearly a three-tiered comic book page. It's not a comic strip. The character seems to be a combination of The Shadow and perhaps Doc Savage. There is no date on the board, but the automobile suggests the early-to-mid-30's. Although Foster recalls creating the Raven earlier, he also mentions other artwork since lost. Since the surviving Raven page seems to a middle story page, it may be that Foster retooled a comic strip version of the character for comic books once that market opened up post-1935. That fact that two characters were named after New York

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friends also tends to date the art to 1937 or later. In any case, the Raven material appears inconclusive as far as helping date the Batman art. It's worth noting that Ace's Sure-Fire Comics featured a similar character, also called the Raven, in 1941. But masked mystery men were very common on those days, and that series was an adaptation of the 1930s pulp hero called the Moon Man. At the insistence of his lawyers, Frank Foster contacted his friends from his New York days who might recall seeing the Batman art and corroborate his claim. Most were unfindable, or professed no memory of the art, but one who did was P. Bryon Macdonald. Foster wrote him the following on July 20, 1975: Dear "By":

Enclosed are photo prints of cartoon subjects "Batman" and "The Raven", originals of which I have had, along with others, since we all lived in New York, on Christopher Street in Greenwich Village during 1937 and 1938.

It is very important that you, Brad and Pete can remember seeing my "Batman" drawings at that time, and if so, write me to that effect. Competent attorneys in Boston are gathering all the information possible from me relative to the fact that I actually originated the character "Batman" prior to its publication by others. (I am sending "The Raven" along to jog your memory. If you recall, I named the hero and heroine after Peter and Nancy-- his girl at that time.) During 1937 and 1938 I was trying to peddle my ideas around New York. At that time Julian Marson gave me a lead to see somebody at Munsey Publications in New York City. I submitted my portfolio to them, which included these two cartoon strip ideas. They kept "Batman" and others for study and gave me approximately a week's work with their studio while they discussed the drawings for possible publication. At the end of the week they returned all the drawings and said they could not use them and I went my way. Very shortly thereafter I got a mural job, again through Julian Marson, at the World's Fair in Long Island, and the cartoon drawings were put aside. Some months later, "BATMAN" came out as a continued story, the character being almost identical to mine and using the name "Batman". We all discussed it at length several times, but since I was working at the World's Fair, all was pushed aside in favor of food and rent.

Byron Macdonald replied on August 4: Dear Frank & Ruth:

The arrival of that package did rather surprise us and couldn't figure what you could be sending us, but after opening we understand. I definitely do remember those drawings as we had lots of discussions concerning Batman and Frank's short time working there.

Brad, Pete & I were living in Brooklyn at the original interview, I think, but moved moved to 128 Christoper shortly there after. We had many discussions pro & con concerning this, in New York, Washington and on the Vineyard & trips to & from.

According to the affidavit, Frank Foster didn't precisely remember when and where

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he first heard of Bob Kane's Batman. "I think the first time it came out in a conversation would probably be in the late 30's or 40's, when we started to say,

"Well, jeez, look at that--look at that!" Foster's wife Ruth had a clearer recollection. One day her husband came home all aghast with a Batman comic book.

"He brought it home and said, 'Can you believe this!' she recalls. From her 1975 deposition: "I clearly remember Frank taking his drawings to 'Batman' and 'The Raven' to a publisher or agency, but I truthfully don't remember the name of such firm. However, I do remember that they gave him a few days work executing some drawings (which was more than welcome to us at the time), and that they kept his drawings while he was there. When he left Munsey, they told him they couldn't use 'Batman' or 'The Raven' drawings and so they were filed away in 'dead storage' so to speak. Imagine our surprise when a few months later we noticed a 'BATMAN' comic strip published."

Despite their astonishment, the Fosters never pursued the matter legally. Ruth Foster explains: "We discussed the possibility of doing something about it, but with literally no money or 'know-how' and not knowing any legal authority, it seemed to be an impossible project. It was during this period that he was offered work in Washington and with the prospect of finally earning a small regular income, the whole matter of comics was forgotten. We have referred to these incidents many times during the past 35 years between ourselves and to some of our relatives and friends, but no physical action was ever taken."

One of the problems was that Frank Foster remembered showing his portfolio all over New York, but except for the Munsey experience, couldn't specifically recall which companies he visited. His son, who researched the period, points out that in 1937, his parents lived on East 52nd Street in Manhattan—only five or six blocks away from the DC Comics offices on Lexington Avenue, between East 46th and East 47th Streets. "In my opinion," he says, "if he went to New York to sell his art, he wouldn't have missed them. He was right next door to them. I think the chance that he overlooked them is nil. Considering that's what he went for and there were so few places to go anyway."

In 1937-38, there were only a handful of comics publishers, principally Dell and Funnies, Inc. DC Comics was the largest.

Having failed to launch an art career, the Fosters moved to Washington, DC in September, 1940 where Frank worked for the Mellon Art Galley--now the National Gallery of Art--maintaining and restoring art. Later, Foster worked as an architectural designer and renderer all over the country, primarily working on hotels. The puzzling matter of the DC Batman doppelganger he didn't know faded from his day-to-day concerns.

"It bothered him," Frank Foster, Jr. explains, "but it never preyed on him. He was a very kind, gentle kind of person. Never used a swear word. Wouldn't step on an ant. He wasn't a religious person, but he was quite spiritual in his own way. He was not a go-getter type. He wasn't a hustler. He didn't know how to market himself. In all of his life-

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-and he did a lot of creative things that people love--but he was never able to cash in on anything. He was always one of those people who got taken advantage of. He was just too much of a pushover."

Besides, Frank Foster, Sr., had moved on to a new character, one he hoped to market as a series of children's books. "He used to tell me bedtime stories of King Aquazoo," Frank Jr. recalls. "King Aquazoo was a character he invented--he probably got the idea from the legend of Atlantis--that lived on an island that sunk, and he learned the secret of how to breathe underwater. And taught the rest of his little kingdom, and they started a new undersea life. And the adventures of all the creatures of the sea were what the books were about."

Several mockup volumes entitled King Aquazoo and his Undersea People survive. Despite superficial conceptual parallels to both Sub-Mariner and Aquaman, they depict a bearded character resembling King Neptune. Although he attempted to market the property well into retirement, Frank Foster's King Aquazoo remained an unrealized dream.

It should be mentioned that Aquaman designer Paul Norris recalls DC editor in chief Whit Ellsworth handing him a cartoon of a man smoking a cigar underwater, and directing him to transform that simple idea into a superhero named Aquaman. The year was 1941.

Despite a great deal of work, which included having the Batman artboard and ink authenticated by an expert, ultimately the law firm of Shapiro & Isreal dropped the matter of the Batman that never saw the light of day--or dark of night.

"They had nowhere to go with it," Frank Jr. admits. "What do you do with it? It was too old." But the younger Foster wouldn't completely give up. The death of his father rekindled his determination. "It was me that kept the interest on it," he explains. "I would occasionally look through the portfolio of old drawings and I'd see Batman. And I'd say, 'Gee, this is unbelievable.' You grow up with it, and you don't think of the significance of it. It's just something that's always been there. My parents had given up on it so long ago, they think I'm crazy to even pursue it at all. My mother says, 'Oh, no! Not Batman again.'

"I would keep thinking of it every time some new Batman thing came out. Then the movie. And another movie. And another movie. I was just cleaning my office space and I said to myself, 'Am I just going to put these away and forget about them forever or---' What can you do? So I thought I would get media interest in the story and see what happens."

Shortly after his father passed away, Frank Jr. engaged another law firm to pursue the matter further. A 1996 meeting with DC Comics legal counsel was cordial, but unproductive. DC's Paul Levitz was intrigued, but unhelpful.

"He said he believes they are authentic," Foster says. "There's no problem with that as far as DC is concerned. As far as liability is concerned, he said, 'Unless you can prove a direct link positive between Kane and these drawings, there's no liability.' And even if there was, it would be a tough liability to prove because it's so old." While admitting it's unprovable, he has his own theory as to the connection between

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his father's Batman and the cultural icon the world knows today. "I believe that my father showed it to Kane, or people at DC, or another party that ultimately resulted in the production of Batman comic books. I feel the visual resemblance is too strong. I think it's unlikely that the person who drew Batman did not the see the drawings, or replicas. But I feel there was a visual connection. That's my best guess."

And the fact that unknown artists like his father might have been the first to coin not only the name Batman, but that of Night-wing as well, does not strike Foster as either extremely unlikely or wildly coincidental.

"I think it was just another name for a night character," he offers. "I think he just dreamed it up. My father dreamed up a lot of things. He had a great imagination. He could sit down and make very inventive stories. If you read King Aquazoo, you'll see the invention of the Great Red Sponge. This was a wise creature of the ocean. He had a very fertile mind. I'm sure he just invented it. He said that when he made Batman, it was before Superman."

In Frank Foster's mind, there is no question of accidental parallelism. "In my mind there's been a tremendous injustice and I don't feel right about just letting it lie forever and never trying to make it right," he insists. "My father's passed away, so unfortunately if anything develops, he won't be here to enjoy it.

There is an injustice to be made right, and history should be corrected, and even if it's posthumous, he should be given some recognition. I feel he did create the Batman. It's the first Batman. It was there, at the same place at the same time, Batman was published. I mean, very near by. In my mind, there has to be a connection. I would like to get proof positive of it. And I'm hoping that this media coverage will eventually flush out all the details and make it definite."

The absense of a demonstrable connection between his father and the early DC Comics does not dissuade Frank Foster, Jr. "I think the possibility of two men in 5,000 years of history arriving at a character who's a hero of the night, with the name of Batman, of being in the same place, at the same time, on the earth, is zero," he says flatly. (This is an expanded version of an article that originally appeared in Comic Book Marketplace #66, January 1999. This version copyright 2006 by Will Murray.)

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The Return Of The Xindarians By Aaron Deutsch, Gregory Woronchak and Kelly Everaert

“It’s almost time for the celebration of the defeat of the Xindarian invasion from almost 200 years again, remarked Asteroid Anna.” “Well we’re stuck here in the space patrol museum, commented Commander Katie.” “We wouldn’t have been stuck with museum watch if you didn’t like to borrow things from it, Annie grumbled.” Wonder Dog stopped the Xindarian invasion and there even is a copy of his costume in the museum. Most of the patrol is out of the area and the rest of is at the celebration. Just then after all this time a fleet of Xindarians has returned. “My ancestor was defeated by Wonder Dog and he seems to no longer be Earth’s protector, snarled the Xindarian commander.” “I haven’t been able to raise the fleet both in space and on Earth, Katie shouted at Annie.” “I have an idea that might work from my one of the items I’ve borrowed, Katie mentioned.” “From the old Q-L project that was run by Dr. B., I might be able to bring Wonder Dog into the future, said Katie.” Suddenly from within the accelerator appeared a Border Collie. Annie quickly brought a communicator button and put it onto Prince’s collar. “Where am I? Prince asked.” “You’re on the moon at the space patrol museum in the year 2205, Annie said to Prince.”

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“Are you sure this is Wonder Dog? Katie looking at Annie.” “You caught me between one of my naps and I don’t always wear a costume, Prince mentioned.” Annie said to Prince that they have a copy of his costume and even a box of his special biscuits. Prince opened the box of the old biscuits and ate one. “Still as tasty as ever, Prince laughed.” Then out of the airlock and into space. Within minutes he was at the head spaceship and he then crashed through the side of the ship. “I must remember to use the door, Prince the Wonder Dog said to himself.” “I see that beauty doesn’t run in your family, Prince said to the Xindarian commander.” “Just remember I’ll always be here to protect the Earth, Prince proudly said.” The Xindarians were defeated again even before their invasion started. With the Xindarians defeated Wonder Dog found his way back to the space patrol museum. “Sorry I can’t stay for the parade but I must return home again, Prince announced” “We’re sorry you can’t stay but I know there are things that you need to do at home, both Annie and Katie commented.” After Prince went into the accelerator he was gone. “Well Katie your borrowing of museum pieces paid off, said Annie excited from their adventure.” At home Prince had a tough decision to make. He didn’t know which side of the room he should sleep in.

From a hidden lair located in Vancouver BC Canada, Kelly Everaert likes to apply pencil, ink or paint to perfectly useful paper to produce Monstrosities. Kelly works on comic books, storyboards, and any other illustration project that comes his way. Original art and commissions can be purchased at his web site. Learn more by visiting Keltic Studios - http://members.shaw.ca/kelticstudios/Keltic_Studios.

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Norm Breyfogle


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“Time Guardians’’ Time Scepter - End Game

By Aaron Deutsch

The Time Guardians are protectors of time with various members. Dr.

Doone imprisoned the Time Guardians and it’s various squad members. Her plan was to make her ruler of time. Professor Snooky had made a last ditch effort to go back in time to contact and recruit his ancestor. It turns out that my dog Prince might be Professor Snooky’s ancestor. Just as he gives Prince the knowledge and information needed a giant set of hands comes through the television capturing him.

Over the years we have stopped many of Dr. Doone’s minor plans but failed in stopping her from her quest in acquiring the scepter of time. Today she is mounting a full-scale attack in New York City riding on top on a giant dinosaur.

Prince has had an upgrade from his ancestor that he can talk as well as think in a more human capacity. We use various tricks to fight the various animals and people Dr. Doone have transported to Time Square but we are fighting a losing battle. If I already haven’t mentioned it I go by many names but most people call me by my nickname Mr. A.

Riding high above on a dinosaur Dr. Doone says I’ve been a minor annoyance that will end today. She then points the scepter at me striking me with a lightning ball of blue light that causes me to blackout. Prince immediately comes to my still body and can’t seem to do anything to revive me. Don’t worry Prince say’s Dr. Doone your time is coming next. Prince then makes a great leap onto the dinosaur’s back and struggles with Dr. Doone causing a bolt to strike Prince.

A vortex of sound and light occurs and Prince finds himself in a place that seems light and dark at the same time. Suddenly a figure appears and telling Prince he has been here a long time and is very lonely. Where am I asked Prince to this mysterious person? You are within the jewel of scepter as I am. Have you seen what has gone on outside. Yes said the stranger and I can set things right but there is a price. I suddenly awoke to see almost a shift as Dr. Doone and her hoards from

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time shimmer and disappear. At my side I see the still form of Prince who speaks to me a few last words. He returned to me briefly but his essence has to go into jewel of scepter. Dr. Doone no longer has the scepter or it’s jewel but she will continue new quests to control time. The Time Guardians and Professor Snooky have been freed and will join the battle. I made up a story to Sheila and Jerry while running through the park Prince’s heart gave out. Prince was an old dog but he did have a few good years left. I know somewhere Prince is still watching me.

In a few days Sheila and Jerry go with me to the pet store to look for a new dog. I can’t let Jerry be without his friend. As we enter the store there is a dog that looks enough like Prince on the face though he has a strange pink spot on the nose. Jerry says to the dog who he calls Prince (Jr. for short) that he likes to color. As soon as Sheila and Jerry walk away to look at things for his new friend Prince says to me that he eats crayons. I guess a new version of Time Guardians is going to continue to battle what comes from Dr. Doone, anyone or anything else. With all the confrontations I had with Dr. Doone I never asked her if she was named after a cookie, her first name was Lorna.

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“Time Guardians” One Cold Night Before Christmas.

By Aaron Deutsch

I woke up with a feeling that something was different. On my pillow was a note that said, “Hope you enjoy 1776” signed LD.

With that Prince Jr. my Border Collie walked into the room and he was more wild-eyed than usual. He explained that something happened in 1776 and we were still colonies of England.

We’re the “Time Guardians” part of a group who prevents “Time Travelers” from changing the past. One of the gifts of being a “Time Guardian is that Prince can talk as well have more human thought. LD was Dr. Lorna Doone who wants to be the ruler of time.

Where is Jerry, Prince? Jerry is my son who goes on various adventures with me and has a computer like mind. With the change in the timeline my wife Sheila and son Jerry don’t exist.

Do you think that we can take care of what needs to be done by ourselves? I’m way ahead of you said Prince; I was able to contact headquarters while they are trying to hold things together.

With that another Border Collie walked into the room. It was Prince Sr. who was my first Border Collie who went on with me on many adventures.

Jr. explained that this was a version of Prince Sr. before his essence went into the Time Scepter Realm. We mentioned to Prince Sr. that his current self was unavailable and they needed to start a mission immediately before his return.

I was happy to see Prince Sr. again and we had a few good moments together before we had to journey back to 1776.

Soon the three of us were back in December 1776 where George Washington was going to cross the Delaware. It seemed that LD had put holes in the bottom of the boats. Without their boats George Washington and his troops weren’t going to be able to surprise the English and Hessian troops in the Battle of Trenton the day after Christmas in 1776.

I talked to George Washington who wondered what I was doing out on a cold night with my dogs. I told him to continue to plan for battle with his troops and we would fix his boats.

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Using glue we made from items found in the area, we were able to fix all the boats with one problem. We didn’t have enough glue to fix the main boat to guarantee it would stay afloat. I asked George Washington to stand in the boat as he made he way across. He would have to position his feet on certain areas so water wouldn’t leak into the boat.

As we returned back to our time everything was as it was before and Prince Sr. was returned to his point in time. Jerry then rushed into the room to tell me we were out of “English Muffins.”

Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze, American, 1816-1868 George Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851 Oil on Canvas; 12 2/5 x 21 1/4 in.

(378.5 x 647.7 cm) Gift of John S. Kennedy, 1897 (97.34)

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“Time Guardians” Uh-Oh No Oreos By Aaron Deutsch

On a trip to the supermarket to get the essentials such as cookies, cake, ice

cream and of course candy we were surprised when we went down the cookie aisle. Jerry couldn’t find any varieties of oreo cookies and asked the store clerk why weren’t there any on the shelf? The person said he never heard of any cookies by the name of oreo. I then realized someone did something that changed what we take for granted.

We’re the Time Guardians part of a group who prevents Time Travelers from changing the past. Many times Dr. Doone a renegade member of the group has tried to upset the time stream. I guess oreos weren’t her favorite. Since her name is Lorna Doone like the cookie I guess she likes those shortbread cookies better. Through the use of the chronometer Jerry, Prince and myself traveled into the past to correct this mystery. My son goes with us on various adventures and has a computer like mind. I asked Jerry where we would be headed and he said 1912 the year oreos were first created. Where is Prince I asked Jerry, I hope he’s not outside playing cards with anyone? You know that he does have an unfair advantage. Another member of our group is Prince my Border Collie, one of the gifts of being a “Time Guardian is that Prince can talk as well have more human thought. We do like him to keep this a secret. We made our way to where they were trying to come up with new ideas and their latest chocolate disks called choco-disks didn’t seem to be a good idea. Jerry said what it needed was white cream between two of the chocolate disks. We mentioned to the baker that our dog Prince had a Great Uncle a Border Collie was named “Oreo”. That changed the baker’s mind and all the ideas for the name and the cookie itself. He would tell all of this is to the people at National Biscuit Company (NaBisCo) people. As we went back to the supermarket all the oreos were again on the shelf with all its many varieties. Eventually we returned home with all groceries. Sheila asked us with all the cookies in the bag did we remember to buy the milk?

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“Time Guardians” The Adventures Of Lady S.

By Aaron Deutsch

Now most of what you hear about pirates are legend but this story is of one of the lady pirates. She was only known as Lady S. but I can call her my wife and Jerry’s mother.

We’re the “Time Guardians” are part of a group who prevent “Time Travelers” from changing the past. My name is Aaron and sometimes I go by only Mr. A., my son Jerry, who goes on various adventures with me and has a computer like mind. To round out our group is my Border Collie Prince and for most part provides comic relief. One of the gifts of being a “Time Guardian is that Prince can talk as well have more human thought.

Sheila has never in the past gone on any missions involving the Time Guardians but this has changed. Someone who only goes by the name Merlin has transported Sheila back into a past to aid him in one of his plans.

Left on the table was a model of the Concorde jet but this really had another meaning. Jerry thought that Merlin was really talking about the French slave ship called the Concorde on November in 1717.

Now Sheila’s natural beauty is more than enough but Merlin taught her the art of swordplay to fight Blackbeard the pirate. While Sheila was keeping him busy Merlin would learn where Blackbeard hid his treasure in North Carolina.

Jerry, Prince and myself arrived on the ship where we fought Blackbeard’s crew so they wouldn’t interfere. Prince isn’t called Jaws for just for his shiny white teeth and Jerry learned techniques from various videos. Nowhere was Merlin to be found and again his true identity still remains a mystery. Did he get the get what he was looking for? We took Sheila back home with us to our own time leaving Blackbeard to his fate.

In Blackbeard’s journal it mentions fight with the mysterious Lady S. who vanished as quickly as she appeared. Whatever Merlin was up to didn’t seem to affect the time lines but might have funded future endeavors.

Now that Sheila had an adventure as a Time Guardian she was looking forward through a journey through time. The sword that once used by Lady S. to fight Blackbeard the pirate will be used when we make Shish Ka Bob.

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“Time Guardians”

Time Point By Aaron Deutsch

Who are the Time Guardians? They’re part of a group who prevents

future Time Travelers from changing the past. Jerry is my son who goes on various adventures with me and has a computer like mind. Another member of our group is Prince my Border Collie, one of the gifts of being a “Time Guardian is that Prince can talk as well have more human thought. At times my Sheila wife comes alone so it’s a family affair. I go by many names but most people call me by my nickname Mr. A.

Game Time a company that sends people from the future in the past to watch sporting events. This causes no problems but two patrons decided to skip the full tour and setup house in the late twentieth century. With their knowledge of the future they were able to win considerable sums of money in gambling and the stock market. It happens the two were losing their memories of the future. This is built into the Game Time travel routine as a safe guard. They had to go back to their own time to refresh their memories. They needed a way to get there since they walked away from the tour and had no access to a time travel device.

Somehow they gained information on the Time Guardians and kidnapped Jerry and Sheila. They devised a trap in order to get my chronometer. In doing so feedback to the chronometer caused a time explosion. Prince and myself ended in what looked like a vast desert with only a door standing in the middle.

As we waited for what seemed like a few hours the door opened. A gray haired man then opened the door. “What are you and the mutt waiting for an engraved invitation?” The gray haired man asked. “Come in and don’t forget to wipe your feet”. As we entered the room it was filled with thousands of television screens viewing different eras of time.

“Who are you I asked?” With that old man retorted back, “what are you writing a book”? “No, I answered there was an explosion and we wound up here”. “We’re members of a group called the Time Guardians who prevent people from changing time.” With that the old man then answered back. “Is there something you need because you keeping me from watching my soap opera”. Not to disturb this

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person who doesn’t seem to like to entertain I then asked. “Do you have something to help me to fix my chronometer?” With that he took out a remote control and pressed a button on it. “I’ll have my majordomo Senior direct you to my work center, I wouldn’t want you to get lost”. With that a door appeared out of nowhere and out stepped a robotic dog. “Would you direct this person to my work center and try not to bend his ears, his mutt here can keep me company”. With that Mr. A. was off with the robotic dog named Senior. “You know a Border Collie isn’t a mutt,” said Prince. “How are you doing you old coot or should I call you Mr. A.” With that the old man was speechless but he smirked. “How do you know,” replied the old man? “You know I could tell by your scent,” said Prince. “When the chronometer exploded it killed all within the room including Sheila and Jerry,” with that tears welled up in his eyes. “I somehow arrived here in Time Point, the old man telling Prince”. “I don’t know what this place is and it seems to be separate from the Time Guardians. I knew that I had to save them and today I was able to bring my younger self and you here to Time Point. “As the Guardian of Time Point I’m to watch the varied timelines forever,” said the old man. “It was nice to see you again,” he smiled.

Just then Senior returned with the younger Mr. A. from the work center. “I helped add some upgrades to the chronometer,” said Senior. With that Prince and Mr. A. went back to the start of the Game Time tour. Stopping those two tour members from leaving the tour would be important. ‘There’s no telling what damage the chronometer would have caused in that explosion, Mr. A. mentioned to Prince”.

They’re on their way back to fix the problem, just as it will now always happen. “Mr. A. and Prince will be informed of the Game Time Tour problem before the chronometer is stolen, the old man tells Senior”. “Mr. A. will think the chronometer was upgraded by the Time Guardians and not remember Time Point, the older Mr. A. replied ”.

Something is causing time to unravel. “When the Scepter and Jewel was starting to disappear I was able to save your essence into your current robotic body, the older Mr. A. told to Prince”

How long we continue to be here in Time Point,” Senior asked the old man. “Only time will tell,” the old man said. With that all the televisions on the wall formed one picture. “Now with no further interruption it’s time for my daily soap,” the old man said to Senior.

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“Time Guardians” London After Dark By Aaron Deutsch

The “Time Guardians” are part of a group who prevents “Time Travelers” from changing the past. My name is Aaron and sometimes I go by only Mr. A., my son Jerry, who goes on various adventures with me and has a computer like mind. To round out our group is my Border Collie Prince and for most part provides comic relief. One of the gifts of being a “Time Guardian is that Prince can talk as well have more human thought. My wife Sheila has recently enjoyed the group though not at first by her choice.

Various books and articles mention Adolph Hitler's involvement with the occult. One such prize was the crystal of power. It went missing in London never to reach Germany. Merlin one of our many adversaries who enjoys changing time for his own amusement wants the crystal as his prize. On the request of Time Guardian central we were asked to take a journey to London circa 1940. Something is causing time to unravel and our chronometers seem to be failing and not everyone seems to be able to travel back in time.

Unfortunately we arrived on Sept 15, 1940 when there were massive German air raids on London, Southampton, Bristol, Cardiff, Liverpool and Manchester going. We tried to avoid anyone trying to make our way to where the crystal was last reported.

On the way we encountered German agents who also seemed to be after what we were looking for. Sheila fought using the skills she learned as the Pirate Queen Lady S. Jerry’s video watching has helped him pick up various fighting techniques. Nothing beats getting bit by a dog and Prince isn’t called Jaws for anything. I myself do what I can to end the fight before it real begins.

As we continue our journey in London where I rather meet the Beatles, I noticed our time travel device was damaged in the fight. A backup device in my ring also seemed to be acting up. I pulled Sheila close and said I love her and Jerry more than anything but I needed to send them home. Prince offered to stay but I needed him to try to figure a way to get me home. I put my ring on Sheila’s finger and with one last kiss they were gone.

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I made my way to the small shop where the crystal was amongst the damage from the bombs from the German planes. The building was almost ready to collapse and I thought I would never see Sheila or Jerry again. Even being kissed again by Prince’s wet tongue would be acceptable.

In the midst of the rubble I say a shiny crystal object the size of quarter. I picked it up just as another bomb landed on the building destroying it in a burst of flame.

To my surprise I was back home again not realizing how I got there. Within a few minutes Sheila, Jerry and Prince arrived. Somehow I was able to return home before they did.

I explained how I had found the crystal but somehow it vanished just as I was thrust back to my time. Where it is I can only guess but I know we haven’t seen the last of it.

Too bad on my first trip to London and because of the war I never was able to sample some real fish and chips.

A stately old building completely wrecked after fire bombs and high explosives rained on the capital for many hours. April, 1941.

(Photo credits: U.S. National Archives)

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“Time Guardians’’ Through The Ages Will Come An End?

By Aaron Deutsch The Time Guardians are protectors of time with various members. As I

returned home I couldn’t find Jerry, Sheila, or Prince. Now Prince should be at home watching his soap operas so where did he go? All of my attempts to contact the Time Guardians in the future were unsuccessful. This had to be another plot from Dr. Doone the renegade Time Guardian and creator of the process who has plotted to control time.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck and etched a message on the wall. “I have moved your family throughout time.” “Try and find them if you dare!” “Signed Love and Kisses from Dr. Doone.”

A part of our ability to travel involves the need to have two or more members in order to accomplish this. Though I’ve done it in the past, I will have to try it by myself again.

On a trip to London’s past a mystic object called the crystal of power somehow helped me travel back to the present but vanished on my return. I

Started to think of Sheila and Jerry and suddenly the room started to shift. I felt a different sensation from what I usually had experienced as I whisked through time. I soon awoke to find a woman standing over me. It was Morgan Le Fey in the flesh.

Here I was back in past with Morgan Le Fay evil nemesis and half-sister of King Arthur. Yet who should appear just as quickly but Dr. Doone. She then pulled out a strange looking knife and plunged it through the back of Morgan Le Fey mortally wounding her and stabbed me as well. As she departed she said that Morgan and her are two of a kind but she liked Arthur better.

I have no special abilities to help someone like Morgan Le Fey. She is a person of legend who lay dying in my arms. Suddenly my hands started to glow and a wave of energy went towards the wound. Miraculously the spot began to glow and heal in front of my eyes. Morgan Le would survive to work her magic on King Arthur. Morgan Le Fey approached me and said she had few things to take care of. Next using more of her blood she did something I don’t know when science will accomplish this. I was soon standing next to an identical copy of myself.

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“I have fashioned a twin who will help you in your quest as you need two to travel through time. My twin while identical doesn’t ever remember being a Time Guardian. “I wish you well on your quest and know I will always be thankful to you said Morgan Le Fey.” Right now I’m going back further in time with a identical twin of myself created by Morgan Le Fey.

On my last stop I met Morgan Le Fay but none of my family who I was looking for. I did though gain a new companion. I wound up in a hot jungle environment where I didn’t see any lions, tigers or bears. I hope we’re not going to be dinner for a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

We were able to determine what we were looking for was ahead in a cave. We entered where I feared I would meet the worst thing imaginable. What we saw was something nobody should see a dog in need of a good combing and bath. We found Prince who was sent to this prehistoric age by Dr. Doone. Earlier on my other dog also named Prince was a Time Guardian with me. Dr. Doone killed him and Prince Jr. took his place. I think having Jerry and Sheila take part in my missions was a mistake. We then sent Prince back home as Faye and myself journeyed to our next destination. I remember several things that might help me find Jerry. First like myself he likes movies and also like me he likes my favorite movie “The Time Machine”. We found ourselves in a movie theatre of my youth. I think that if we didn’t find him he would be watching this movie over and over again. Again we send Jerry home while we would search for Sheila.

When we made our way to headquarters of The Time Guardians we found nothing worth salvaging. All machinery was destroyed and nobody was left standing. Also Dr. Doone wiped all of the other Time Guardians clean from existence. Here in this point of time that connects with all ages Dr. Doone appeared. She had Sheila at her side and a futuristic gun pointed at her. She then said that if we tried to approach her she would kill Sheila with her weapon. “I am the ruler of time and I have my minions throughout the ages to wreck havoc” I then asked “What is it you want Dr. Doone?” “Even though for me time is forever you continue to be an annoyance whom I will finally end today”.

Without warning a dark figure appeared and shot a blue ball of flame at Dr. Doone immobilizing her where she stood. Sometime in the future when all the rivers and oceans stand. The sun a will be a pale unrecognizable shadow of it’s former self. In the midst of nothing stands a statue of woman who’s smiling.

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Upon close examination you will find that it’s really not a statue but person frozen in time. The dark figure approached and as she came into view it was Morgan Le Fay. She has given Dr. Doone her heart’s wishes. She is the ruler, as she wanted to be. Dr. Doone will always see the world, as she wants it to be. She is a legend in her own mind.

Morgan Le Faye as a gift to me for saving her life had wiped Sheila’s and Jerry’s memories of being a Time Guardian. She then sent Sheila and my twin back home. Also Prince Jr. was sent back without any thoughts and gifts of being a Time Guardian. Suddenly a dog appeared who looked like a combination of my two dogs both named Prince. It seems that as Dr. Doone was unraveling time Morgan Le Faye was able to retrieve Prince Sr.’s essence from Time Point an area I once encountered. As she did when creating my twin she was able to create a new body for Prince and put his essence and Jr.’s memories into a new body. So now thanks to Morgan Le Fay I have the life I had before becoming a Time Guardian. Now Sheila, Jerry, Prince Jr. and my twin can lead a quiet life.

As my old friend Aristotle said “A is A” and the law of identity is that an object can’t have two identities. At this point I have none or as many as I choose. I’m still Mr. A. since I haven’t parted with my ring with the big A on it. Dr. Doone’s minions are still causing havoc but Prince and myself are doing what needs to be done.

There are days I remember what I’ve lost but maybe one day I can reclaim my happiness. After all I have all the time in the world.

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Time Squad Someone I Once Knew

By Aaron Deutsch

My name is Ulysses Neil Known or Mr. U. N. Known. In chronological years I’m only 25 but in reality I was born on December 25th 1951. This was over fifty years ago from today. My parents worked in upstate New York in the Catskills and were allowed to use a cabin during off-season. It was soon after New Year that a fire happened in the cabin. My father tried to fight the flames to save my mother and myself. The smoke was too much and the flames consumed all the parties. When Spring came they only found my father and mother’s bodies. Nobody even knew I was born so it was never a thought to look for an additional body. A man name Zamir saved me and that’s the reason that I wasn’t found or even in the burnt out cabin. The Time Squad is an organization that exists to prevent anyone from trying to change time. Since I had no other family and it seemed that I had no future and Zamir saved me to become a member of the Time Squad. Zamir went beyond what is normal Squad protocol and in effect did change time by saving me. Though I would have no future it was not normal procedure to recruit a person so young. I grew up in many different eras under the guidance of Zamir. The Squad has had other teaching methods to absorb more information and skills. I was always thankful to Zamir for giving me this special gift and a chance at life. For this reason I tried to do the same with Roxanne and this is something I’ll always regret. Maybe it was because her parents worked at the same resort my parents did. Maybe because she was born a few days after me I felt something. Since with all the training I’ve received I can’t explain all the processes that go on with time. One summer at the resort where her parent’s were working Roxanne was down by the lake swimming. A bunch of wild teenagers got a hold of a boat and was speed boating across the lake. With no real training they went out of control striking Roxanne. Despite the best efforts by all present nobody was able to save her. It was them something far worse than what Zamir did for me. I used a device to copy an aspect of time while it hardly ever works in this case it did. I was able to save Roxanne and bring her to Time Squad central.

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Even though I saved her life, Roxanne wanted no part of the Squad. I again did something I shouldn’t have and set her up with a new identity and life. She then met a man named Victor. An important lesson is no matter how much you want to you can’t change a major historical even. There are ripples in time and even alternate time lines but for the most part they are all the same. You can’t go back to prevent the assassination of Abraham Lincoln or prevent the birth of Adolph Hitler. Some of the events that we were prevented from changing have brought tears to my eyes. On September 11th 2001 there was a tragic event occurred. This was the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York. One of the many casualties in that event was Victor. Roxanne asked if I could do for Victor what I had done for her. I refused to do this because I had already overstepped my bounds in saving her. From that day onward Roxanne was not only my enemy but to the whole Time Squad as well. We fought many times over the next few years in many time periods. She tried to prevent Lincoln from being born and which kept people as slaves longer than they had to. She became an advisor to Adolph Hitler and helped Germany win World War Two. It was because of her deeds that the council almost made Zamir undo his saving me if that would stop Roxxane. In ancient Rome I suffered a severe blow. In the amphitheaters of ancient Rome a gladiator who fell under Roxanne’s spell killed Zamir. There was nothing I could do to neither save him nor was I allowed anything to comprise time any further. He lived a long life and died a hero’s death. I then attempted something that would change time again. I went back to the beginning of my problem and in a way gave Roxanne something she wanted. As the boat sped across the lake it just ran of gas stopping immediately. As the future Roxxane was possibly coming to kill me I was able to merge her with her past self. On that day Roxxane didn’t die. That didn’t occur for many years. It happened on a day that many would never forget, September 11th 2001. In an office at the World Trade Center where she was working with her husband Victor at work. In a special album I keep of photos is one of a girl by a lake wearing a flowered bathing cap.

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Illustration by EryckWebb

G r a p h i c A r t i s t http://ewgraphics.cjb.net [email protected]

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Crimson Lily Just Outside Of Bodie

Story by Aaron Deutsch

My name is Crimson Lily and to me it’s just another day and another dusty mining town. People have been trying to earn their fortunes in the various towns in California. As I go from town to town I meet widows who lost their husbands to the gold madness.

Just outside of Bodie I came across a small run down shack with a young woman who looks older for her years. She was a kind person who gave my horse some water and asked if I wanted something to eat. I declined the offer since she looked like she barely enough to feed herself. She said it didn’t because she didn’t think she would last beyond sunset.

Her husband was killed in a dispute and to add insult to injury the man tried to force himself on her. She killed him in self-defense with her carving knife. His brother didn’t care about what he done he was still his brother. He was going to make sure she wouldn’t live to see sunset.

It was nearly sunset when this poor excuse of a human being made his to the shack of the woman. He said he was going to show us one last good time before he was going to kill the both of us. I told him to wander out and the desert like the snake he was. He then drew his gun but I was faster. With a fading breath he asked why did I involve myself in his affair? I replied that the woman was nice to my horse and give him some water

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Darrel Miller is a new freelancing talent that has recently decided to pursue art in a more direct way. He has always loved drawing and now is glad to share his abilities with others. His hope to one day is to be fully employed as a comic artist.

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Jerry and Friends http://www.jerryandfriends.com

Again I like to thank all the contributors who have helped to make this book possible. Artist Gregory Woronchak (Canada) is my co-creator for my Prince The Wonder Dog books. I hope you enjoyed some of my ramblings in the book that are both new and old. A word that comes up in the news is autism and the search for the cure. While this will help future generations there are children who need help now. Education is the key to help the child with the various disorders. Our problem like with so many are that medical insurance will not cover the diagnosis or treatments. I have created books for Jerry because he likes to read and enjoys super-heroes. So until a major book publisher decides to publish my books I will continue to do this on my own. Thank you, Aaron Deutsch