A Directory of 33 Systems and Solutions for the New Culture

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Soror XNC

Baby Lyon Press


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Copyright the Movement of LIFE 2008

 You are free to distribute this Work, in whole and unchanged, when clearly identified

by its given title and with full credit attributed to The Movement of LIFE.

ISBN 978-1-257-84135-6



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Using Knowledge to Build a Better Life

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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 

ME 0

INTENTION ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 

 THE GREAT ARCANUM ................................................................................................................................................................. 13  

 TRUE REASON.................................................................................................................................................................................... 17  

 A CORE OF REASON FOR THE NEW CULTURE ................................................................................................................. 21  

ME 1

UNION IS THE VOW ........................................................................................................................................................................ 26 

 ALL-ENCOMPASSING AWARENESS ......................................................................................................................................... 28  

ME 2

 A DIAMOND MARRIAGE ............................................................................................................................................................... 31  

DUALITY IS NOT REAL .................................................................................................................................................................. 34 

PEOPLE OF THE EARTH, RISE UP! ........................................................................................................................................... 35 

ME 3

 THE ULTIMATE FRONTIER ......................................................................................................................................................... 38  

 A CRADLE OF SYMBOLISM FOR THE NEW CULTURE ................................................................................................... 40  

ME 4

ORIENTEERING or DIRECTION IS EVERYTHING ........................................................................................................... 44 

ME 5

OUR DOCTRINE OF SYNTHESIS ............................................................................................................................................... 48 

ME 6

SYNERGY IS NATURAL MAGICK .............................................................................................................................................. 52 

ME 7

 THE PLEDGE OF HUMAN ALLEGIENCE .............................................................................................................................. 55  

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 A GRAND PROGRAM ...................................................................................................................................................................... 57  

ME 8

ORGANIZATION IS A BODY ....................................................................................................................................................... 61 

 THE GENESIS MODEL ................................................................................................................................................................... 64  

ME 9

DIVERSITY AS INSURANCE ......................................................................................................................................................... 68 

ME 10

CREATION............................................................................................................................................................................................ 71 

 THE GOVERNMENT OF FIRE ..................................................................................................................................................... 76  

ME 11

MASTERY OF ACTION .................................................................................................................................................................... 83 

 THE DESIGN OF A NATURAL, VITAL BODY ....................................................................................................................... 85  

 THE DIAMOND STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................................................................... 93  

DECISION-MAKING BY CONSENT .......................................................................................................................................... 94 

ELECTIONS BY CONSENT ............................................................................................................................................................ 97 

 TEMPLATE: IDENTIFYING IMPACT ........................................................................................................................................ 99  

 TEMPLATE: THE NINE-FOLD FORM ..................................................................................................................................... 102  

ME 12

MASTERY OF RESPONSIBLITY ................................................................................................................................................. 104 

SUBSCRIPTIONS DEFINED......................................................................................................................................................... 106 

 TRUE PRICE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 108  

ME 13

MASTERY OF MAGNETISM ........................................................................................................................................................ 111 

POWER, SEX, AND MAGICK ...................................................................................................................................................... 113 

ME 14

MASTERY OF INSPIRING DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................................ 116 

EDUCATION...................................................................................................................................................................................... 118 

ME 15

MASTERY OF APPEARANCE...................................................................................................................................................... 122 

 THE INFLUENCE OF CAPRICORN ON STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................... 124  

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STOREHOUSES ................................................................................................................................................................................. 126 

 ACCOUNTS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 131  

ME 16

MASTERY OF REVELATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 133 

 A DRAGON‟S HEAD, AND TAIL ............................................................................................................................................... 134 

ME 17

MASTERY OF REALITY ................................................................................................................................................................ 137 

 ACTUALITY IS NOT REALITY ................................................................................................................................................... 138  

ME 18

MASTERY OF SELFHOOD ........................................................................................................................................................... 141 

QUOTAS............................................................................................................................................................................................... 143 

 TEMPLATE: DEFINED NEED, DEFINED CONTRIBUTION ........................................................................................ 148  

 TEMPLATE: DEFINED NATURAL CAPITAL, DEFINED HUMAN CAPITAL ......................................................... 150  

ME 19

MASTERY OF SOLIDITY .............................................................................................................................................................. 159 

OWNERSHIP ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 160 

 THE COMMON TREASURY ......................................................................................................................................................... 165  

ON CURRENCY ................................................................................................................................................................................ 167 

 THE CURRENCIES .......................................................................................................................................................................... 170  

 VALUE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 174  

 THE MARKET ................................................................................................................................................................................... 179  

ME 20

MASTERY OF CORRELATION ................................................................................................................................................... 187 

GOOD AND EVIL ............................................................................................................................................................................ 189 

COMMUNICATION ......................................................................................................................................................................... 192 

DIALOGUE ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 195 

 TRANSPORTATION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 197  

ME 21

MASTERY OF FALSE IMPRESSIONs ........................................................................................................................................ 200 

BENEFICIAL SHELTERING ........................................................................................................................................................ 202 

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 WELCOME TO THE WORLD ...................................................................................................................................................... 204  

NURTURE ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 206 

UPHOLDING SCRIP ........................................................................................................................................................................ 207 

ME 22

MASTERY OF SELF-EXPRESSION ............................................................................................................................................ 210 

CHILDREN ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 212 

 THE LADDER TO HEAVEN........................................................................................................................................................ 216  

ME 23

 APPROPRIATE ACTION ............................................................................................................................................................... 221  

ME 24

 APPROPRIATE RELATIONSHIPS ............................................................................................................................................. 223  

ME 25

 APPROPRIATE PERSPECTIVE ................................................................................................................................................... 225  

ME 26

 APPROPRIATE EFFORT ............................................................................................................................................................... 227  

ME 27

 APPROPRIATE INTENTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 230  

ME 28

 APPROPRIATE MENTALITY ...................................................................................................................................................... 233  

ME 29

 APPROPRIATE MINDFULNESS ................................................................................................................................................. 235  

ME 30

INITIATING ENNOBLEMENT .................................................................................................................................................. 237 

ME 31

INITIATING RESTORATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 239 

ME 32

INITIATING UNION ...................................................................................................................................................................... 244 

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 A practical utopia is a model of the best existence obtainable (in that moment, in that place). It 

seeks to reflect an image of Above. It employs the utmost Knowledge to consciously, collectively 

organize its advance toward that Ultimate Frontier… 

  This is not a book, in a traditional sense. While it is a whole telling, it is not

necessarily designed to be read from cover-to-cover. Rather, I think of it as a

directory, imparting aggregates of Knowledge that reveal enough to lead to the 

experience of the greater concept of Illumined Civilization they describe.

  This directory originates from a “Spine of 33 Mysteries” or 33 permutations of 

consciousness known as The Hinge ME or simply the MES , which together mystically 

convey The Arts of Civilization and the Mystical Science of underlying construct.

  What then follows are 33 Wisdom-Documents elaborated from the MES. These

Documents are themselves composed of combinations of titles, collected by the ME

that borne them into my understanding.

It should be noted that I originally published all material in 2005 as part of another

title. Now, with the creation of this directory, I am giving the re-imagined 33

Documents in service to The Movement of LIFE and the emergent New Culture.

Soror XNC


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“ And they will find each other, and together they will live  , and they will not die again...”  

 A Zealot Arab, named Simon Magus

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ME 0




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  Just as bees make honey as a byproduct of their natural, sustaining activities, so is the supreme 

 function of civilization to “make Light” out from the unique and specific nectar of its own unfolding 


By design, civilization is fully capable of generating illumination as a byproduct of its

own activities. By way of intentional mechanisms the social machine can be geared to

cultivate enlightenment.

 With a single, conscious step we can enter the movement of Life. We can freely 

choose to live intentionally, on behalf of our own evolution.

 When we are receptive and aware of our interrelationship to the vast tapestry of Life  –  

above the manufacture of wealth, our greed and desire for convenience, our fears and

inner fights – we make a key shift away from consuming our culture to creating our own

Golden Age of New Culture instead.

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 According to famed microbiologist and physicist Carl Woese, the pivotal development in the evolution 

of modern protein-based cells was the invention of symbolic representation on a molecular level (i.e. the 

ability to translate Nucleic Acid sequences into Amino Acid sequences… 

  There are three primary divisions of Life. They evolved separately but at a critical

point created diversity by exchanging information.

In certain Mystery Traditions and esoteric schools of thought this relates to the three

primary concepts of consciousness, which emanate Life as we know it. These are

referred to as the “Three Mothers”:

INDIVISIBLE BEING  –  Atomic Power/Wavelength  –  The collection of 

many codes of Knowledge contained by a seed, within.

  AWARENESS BECOMING –  Magnetism/Current  –  The All (parts of Knowledge) extended as one presence.

POLARITY EXPRESSION – Light/Radiance – The one presence, outwardly 

expressed as singular, individuated or divided parts.

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  The interplay of this trinity transcribes the entire Universe and is reflected in the

Human as the ever-presence of Being, or the three-fold extension of consciousness:

SELF-KNOWING –  “Subconscious” which becomes the Superconsciousnessas our condition is refined  –  The Witness, indivisible from the non-manifest

portion of your Being.

SELF-AWARE – Aware Consciousness – Sentient Presence.

SELF-ACTUALIZING  –  Self-Consciousness  –  Individualized expression,

motion and identification.

Each individual‟s unique experience and expression relates to how well “translation”

occurs between these three, in addition to the variation which arises from their

dynamic exchanges and combinations. (And to say nothing of the affects of 

immersion in the four-fold vessel of mentality, emotion, spirit and flesh.)

 When we choose to live with the intention of conscious evolution, the first order of 

business is to put these three into communication. Our Knowing and Awareness

must embrace like lovers; while in action we are as uninhibited as children. We must

become willing and able to use symbolic representation to transmit concepts between

these three dimensions of Self … 

 While it may sound easy enough, it is said to be the “narrow gate” through which the

Inner Knowing is found. And then, it is no-less than intimate knowledge of this

immortal essence (planted in the Heart) that takes the common Human into the realm

of the Gods.

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 And so the Great Arcanum is the Alchemist‟s elixir, the Great Work of the Sciences

and Arts which added together transmute the hidden germ of our Divine Fire into its

full, golden bloom – ending suffering, healing our wounds, and expelling decay.

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Reason outside of Union with the Divine Fire of Consciousness can only be flawed… 

  Within the Human, ripened through a process of refinement and (re-)Union, there

awakens a burning thirst to “Know Thyself”. Yet the seeker, for as studious as they 

become, eventually finds that there is folly in seeking transformative Wisdom through

study alone. This is because Wisdom only consorts with Illumination through the

fires of conscious experience. Wisdom actualized through experience is also what

allows us to practice our discernment and develop the ability to Reason correctly.

  Through experience the seeker will learn to distinguish True Reason through

attributes quite opposite from the ones that seem useful. Forget apparent logic and

the cold, hard facts. Forget experience by-proxy and what thought-strategies others

apply. Forget the seemingly straightforward data and any suppositions derived from

common sense. The more you apply this sort of reasoning to solving the riddles and

yearnings of your Heart and Thoughts, the more you will find yourself in situations of 

having reasoned incorrectly  – especially where causes, motivations and rationales are

concerned. For example, what seems to be a clear rationale to your logical mind and

the longings of your Heart, may appear completely off-base and without good reason

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to someone else.  This is because True Reason isn‟t a quality of the mental construct

at all.

 The seeker will ultimately find that True Reason is within, belonging to the Illuminedcore of Inner Being. There is nothing deeper or more quintessential than Reason.

Consider that it all goes back to “desiring a Reason”  and the longing to “Know 

 Thyself.” This is the cause underlying the whole of existence.

 And this Knowledge can only be had through the experience of concepts, whether

you are speaking of the Universe, or of the Human. What am I? Am I this? Am I

that? Why? How? These are the things we are here to explore.

  Actualized experience with Knowledge (Gnosis) unfolds an actual vibrational

conversion whereby the serpent of Wisdom increasingly rises into new realms. In this

 way we stop perceiving reason through the shades of our own Heart and Mind, and

increasingly distinguish True elements of Reason through the more subtle attributes

of Intuition, Faith, Hope, Surrender, Love, and Imagination.


Consider that no one has or will gain spiritual intuition of the concept of physical

reality but first by the experience, because the concept is empirical in nature. In other

 words, physical reality, as a concept, must be experienced to be Known .

  The same is predominantly true for the concepts like „quality‟, for quality is

determined by experience and cannot be imparted through spiritual intuition, or any 

intuition that isn‟t also empirical. 

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However, without the slightest bit of experience we can construct concepts.

  The need for a funnel-like device, for example, can cause a person to intuit theUniversal concept of a “cone”, and construct one in answer to their need without any 

experience relating to cones, or their mathematics. Although the particulars the

individual lends to the universal concept of a cone  – the specific color, material use,

and stylization, for example  – will all come from experience, like a filter covering the

more universal Knowledge received a priori .

 The importance of this is twofold –  

First, because it describes the nature of the Universal  tongue and how it

communicates. Second, because it reveals that through the construction of concepts,

spiritual intuition or Direct Knowledge can be received.

Consciously engaging this last Truth is a large part of what Magick is all about.

Especially the most esoteric forms of Sex Magick, where the Reason is appellated as

“Union” and the couple choose to consciously direct their sexual impulses toward

that Divine, Universal concept of themselves, impregnated with grand themes more

so than particulars. This is why it is said that “no one is considered initiated among 

them unless he develops some enormous fictions.” Or, in other words, in order to

become a god one must first construct the concept  –  not from thin air, but by 

extracting the Knowledge and Reason from within.

For the purpose of utility in the pursuit of True Reason, I suggest that the seeker

consider Knowledge as having two varieties –  

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Knowledge is gained by Reason from the experience of concepts; experiential

Knowledge. Reason tends toward a basis in rationality and “proofs”; the ability 

to Reason in accord with Truth is limited. The overwhelming effect is the

determination of qualities.


Knowledge is gained by Reason from the construction of concepts; direct or a 

 priori Knowledge. Reason tends toward a basis in Spiritual Faith and Intuition;

there is the ability to Reason in accord with Truth. The overwhelming effect is


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 According to Immanuel Kant, “our diverse modes of Knowledge must not be permitted to be a mere 

rhapsody, but must form a system ” that “furthers the essential ends of Reason.”  He defines a system 

as “the Unity of the manifold modes of Knowledge  under one idea.” And this idea, he tells us, is the 

concept “ of a form of the Whole  – insofar as the concept determines a priori not only the scope of its 

manifold content but also the positions which the parts occupy relative to one another.”  

 Any embodiment of the New Culture first requires a founding concept that serves as

“the Reason.” For most embodiments this may simply be the overarching impetus

from which the New Culture Movement is itself derived  –   pursuit of the “best

existence obtainable.” These embodiments will therefore serve the very same Reason,

unfolded through the variables of its unique composition, and thus presenting a

different skin.

For some, however, the Core of Reason may be more specified. For example, my own interest is a social construct which truly “manufactures” Superconcious  Humans.

Other embodiments might seek to unfold from a specific Service Mission or around

any certain concept its progenitors wish to explore, experience and express.

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Define the core concept  –  the Reason  –  in the loosest of terms possible. If you

already knew everything there is to know about what compels you, the pursuit would

be satiated and you would be compelled in another direction. Keep the concept

 Whole and Universal.

  Then the Work begins. Meditate. Receive . From the Whole of the Concept are

derived aggregates of Knowledge. These are articulated into your system through the

reception of Spiritual Intuition. Keep all initial thoughts when unfolding a suitable

embodiment from your Reason in the realm of cosmic identifiers. Think in terms of 

shape, scope, magnitude, pattern, proportion, arrangement, reflection, direction, aim,

etc. It is then the aggregates of the collective themselves who will lend the particulars,

as the core Vision is unfolded through their unique experiences.


 When I asked what would define “an ideal Reason” for the core of an embodiment in

pursuit of the best existence obtainable, I was told “It is, was, and always will be

RESPITE; for there is ever rest and refuge within the center of All Things.” 

I was then shown a five-fold “Star of Peace” with the number 108 within its center. 

I know the number 108 as a number of compassion and refuge, so this made sense.

For example, when studying the Chakra system one will find that there are 108 energy 

lines converging in the Heart Chakra. Any who practices mediation, chanting and

breath-work will also be familiar with calm developed through work with the number


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In Dharmic traditions it is the number of names for God. In Islam, it is the number

of God‟s name.

In astronomy, it is recognized for its frequent appearances when comparing thedistances and measurements of the Sun and Earth. For example, the diameter of the

Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is

108 times the diameter of the Sun. There are also interesting astronomical

correlations between Earth and the star Eta Draconis featuring 108. When Eta Draconis 

 was the Pole Star, the cosmic revelation that is the 108 temples of Angkor Wat was

constructed. The last temple, in which 108 is heavily featured, is the terrestrial

counterpart of the star Eta Draconis , dedicated to those who are “suffering in the

ocean of existence” so as to bestow on them “the ambrosia of remedies to win them


In Astrology there are 9 planets moving through 12 constellations, which also

happens to multiply to 108.

108 is a number of being immersed in or “deep within” sound, or is even a way of 

understanding sound itself. This may be best demonstrated by the Sanskrit alphabet

 which has 54 letters in both a Shiva and Shakti , male and female form, for a total of 

108. These pairs are mystically associated to the 54 points of intersection on the

healing Sri Yantra , symbolically charging it with “all sounds” and linking it to states of 

extreme peace and healing. In Tantra, a practice of conscious Union, the Sri Yantra is

known as a “sonic mandala”. From the permutations of Sri Yantra and the equilateral

pentagon (which always has interior angles of 108º) the proportional equation

governing the relationship of the notes to the musical scales is derived.

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108 is a Harshad number, which is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits.

Harshad is a Sanskrit word meaning “bringing a great joy.” 

It is also the extension of the first three Powers in math. 1x4x27=108. (1 to 1stpower=1; 2 to 2nd power=4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3).) And shares various

relationships to 666, a number of Union and the Sun:

Example: 6²+6²+6² = 108

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Restoring our State of Union through Awareness (within, with others, and within the greater 

orchestra of Life) is a feat. This is why the on-going process of (re-)Union (into greater wholes) is 

known as the Great Work.

 We are each akin to a lump of coal. Indeed, we are a spark of Being surrounded by a

complicated composite of organic molecules, bacterium, mineral, plant, and animal

life which compose a manner of vessel for our explorations and experiences.

 This spark is akin to the ember hidden inside of the coal; a burning that facilitates a

natural maturation process whereby the composition of the coal is purified into

carbon. Yet even purified, this manner of carbon exists in separated layers and planes

until a Great Work organizes the molecules into the tetrahedral arrangement of bonds

 we call „diamond‟… 

Conscious aim of our Intention in the direction of Union would only accelerate this

same process in Humanity. Consider that in Tantrism, as within the Heart of 

Gnosticism, the diamond is representative of Self-Realization and the mystical Union

of parts. While in Buddhism the “Diamond Vehicle” is the indestructible portion of 

one‟s Being. Of course the word „diamond‟ itself literally means “indestructible.” 

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Now, in Japanese Ninjitsu we are told to imitate the diamond and make it our model.

  The hand posture Pyo  or “The Great Diamond” is assumed, “breathed” and

contemplated to impress the diamond model into our construct. It is said that by physically imitating the lessons of The Great Diamond we can transcend any worldly 

limitation; “Knowing the Way begins with Knowing the Diamond.‟ 

 This reminds me of two important perspectives referred to as a diamond view.

First, an individual is seen as being married  – bonded  –  to

their opposite, the social whole. When participation in this

bond is conscious, the commitment is the yoke of a true,

unitive state (i.e. Awareness), and the bond emerges as

something Divine; something indestructible in its synthesis.

 This reminds that the existence, needs and desires of the individual are ultimately best

balanced with the existence, needs and desires of the Whole for there to be True


Second, the diamond view can be used to see that when an

individual, as a earthly body, partners with their own Divinity, the

individual assists in giving birth to a more enlightened social


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If you are questing for a greater state of Union (with Self, with others and with the Divine),

 Awareness is the first contract you have. Entering into States of Union, you are the progenitor of 

  your own refinement. As this occurs in proportion to Awareness it reminds that such is our 


 There was Absolute Being, present for a Reason, like a seed of Knowledge.

 Then, there was a stirring of sentience; an act of reflection. This is symbolized by the

question, “What am I?” 

 The instant answer came –   “I AM!” Absolute Being reflected on the extent of its

presence. Like a seed that transforms its inner code of Knowledge into a mighty tree,

(with all its workings, expressions, parts, transitions and influences), Absolute Being 

expressed Absolute Becoming, to its full extension. This gives us the infinite ring that

bands All Things together as ONE.

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 This that I‟ve described  is shown by an “infinitesimal dot” within a circle . The

condensed dot is the seed of Knowing within. The circle is the all-encompassing 

extent of Absolute Awareness of what that Knowing can become.

 As with the process of creation on a Universal scale, self-examination gives birth to

  Awareness of our possibilities. The goal of Becoming (anything) is to gain an all-

encompassing Awareness or “whole consciousness” of the full expansion of the Being 

  within; a complete Self-Knowing. The motion that is reflection truly begets

consciousness of the Reason underlying our existence… 

  Awareness of the Core of Reason (the Inner Knowledge) is central to establishing 

balance, equality, symmetry, combination, and correspondence. And it is this

  Awareness and all it begets that first produced the Diamond-perfection out of the

ocean of possible combinations.

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There are four inseparable elements of which the entire Universe is formed. There are four 

 fundamental directions of manifestation that together allow for the truth to be discerned.

 The word „diamond‟ is taken from the name of the Greek god Adonis, meaning 

“indestructible” and energetically speaking, implies just that – something bonded as

though it isn‟t composed as a breakdown of individual parts, but is a synthesized,

unbreakable Whole.

 A diamond arrives at this indescribable state through unbelievable pressure and stress.

It is formed in adversity from a lump of black coal, made into a beautiful, everlasting 

jewel in fiery, vulcanized bowels. It is a true feat of Nature, incubated through a

process and ultimately, hatched by the work of Time.

Likewise, a Diamond Marriage takes a Great Work to produce… 

Mystically, sacredly the four-points of the diamond are called the Quaternity. These

are height, width, depth, and magnitude. The four divisions are plasma, gas, liquid,

and solid. These are the four inseparable elements of which the entire Universe is

formed, and the four fundamental directions of manifestation that together allow for

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the truth to be discerned. Every composition, including the Human composition, can

be known and is expressed through these four.

For example, Human incubation. The impregnated-egg is a Union of Knowledge, which divides into two, which divides into four. After this third stage of division, all

else is replication, all else is reflection, all else stems from Awareness of the original

four parts.

In the Grail Tradition, four points form the Matrix of Life at the center

of Vesica Pisces   – literally a diamond in the center of the rings of Holy 

Matrimony! It is often depicted pierced through to emphasize Union

and is said to open to the womb containing an indestructible, everlasting 

Life-force… through the Diamond Marriage of Holy Chalice and Sacred Blade. 

 This makes more sense by a more discerning analysis of the diamond‟s shape. The

diamond in 3-dimensions can be seen as two pyramids joined at their four-cornered

foundations. Not only does this denote balance, but it is also helpful to know that

pyramids are a shape used by esoteric schools of thought to denote a living Being,

such as a person.

 The top pyramid is symbolic of the male and is envisioned as the tip of a rod or

sword, while the bottom pyramid is symbolic of the female and is envisioned as a

chalice. The indestructible bond is a product of (vibrational) entry into a State of 

Union, where (whole) “parts” re-gather into greater wholes.

 A Diamond Marriage is, then, an advanced Union of conscious, balanced relationship

between an individual‟s own portions, between individuals, or between individuals

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and the social whole. Highward organization is a Diamond Marriage where the

intentional Union of parts is the vow.

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The two-circles which join to form Vesica Pisces are two polarities of the same ONE Thing. Within 

the environment of their (re-)Union exists the Matrix of Life and Light but nothing Becomes of it 

until there is also motion. Without inertia, however, this motion can only occur by way of reflection.

Thus reflection is how Being moves into a state of Becoming, and how Becoming returns to Being.

  The more presence and existence (Being and Becoming) correlate, the more fluid,

abundant, efficient, beautiful, sensible, joyous, etc. our life becomes. This is because

duality is not the Ultimate Frontier.

 What are commonly referred to as “pairs of opposites” are poles of the flux and flow 

of One Thing, the twin faces of one identity that can be witnessed only through the

adept, balanced Union of both extremes.

 The more there is conscious reunion of any two extremes, the more whole, powerful,

and actual things become. Our presence within existence becomes more organic, and

the vessel of our unique nature and identity more closely approaches the Ultimate

Frontier of our True Being. Nature fits form to function and as one‟s function is

refined their manifestation will reflect the same.

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There is a Way of Return to the Truth of Inner Being, known by variant names to different cultures 

of different religious persuasions. You might call it the restoration of Heaven on Earth. Another 

might call it the unveiling of Shamballa. I call it Ascension - the movement of Life back up the 

vibrational ladder of Creation. An intentional return to a more unitive, more refined st ate… 

 Ascension is, in essence, the raising of the vibrational energy of physical matter. The

 word „Ascension‟ literally means “to rise upward.”  As energy is refined and purified

of its “dark” or baser substances it vibrates faster, moving closer to the speed of Light.  This holds true for physical matter as “tangible” and “solid” are simply a rate

of vibration.

 As matter ascends it becomes less dense, losing many of the limiting factors we now 

associate to the physical world. For example, traits associated to those thought to

have Ascended are immortality, visible radiance, the healing of wounds, knowing the

thoughts of others or knowing in general, and flight or similar “miracles”.

 This is because, the more we are able to participate consciously in the Universe, the

more our True Nature shines through. The limits of our present understanding are

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transcended and matter becomes increasingly responsive to the quality and intent of 

our Immortal Being.

 Ascension is Liberation. It is the the Way of Return. Ascending from the bonds of the physical condition is the Great Work at hand.


Let us become the diligent workers of this golden objective.

“That in our proper motion we ascend Up to our native seat: descent and fall to us is adverse.” 

John Milton

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The Ultimate Frontier is subjective; a culture can take aim at or idealize any direction. Where the 

Ultimate Frontier is conceived of as expression of a Divine Consciousness, Awareness is paramount.

 A culture of Awareness deliberately extracts a specific environment of tone, temperament, personality,

  function and so forth. It is an intentional Way of Life designed to induce consciousness and bring 

Life to the Divine Ideal.

 The sum of a society‟s unique behaviors, beliefs and characteristics are their defined

medium of existence or culture. This sum is often called “the Bride” in antique

metaphor to something received .

It is a measure of a society‟s depth of understanding - “depth of understanding” being 

entirely subjective, without anchor to any moral compass. It also determines the

inherent nature of the social-whole. That nature can comprise any quality, and take

aim at or idealize any direction as its Ultimate Frontier.

 Where the Ultimate Frontier is conceived of as the expression of a Divine

Consciousness, culture can ascend to another level –  must ascend to another level –  

through its Awareness. The people become the “Magick Child”, intentionally born

through society‟s depth of understanding and its exemplar. Where the constituents of 

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familiar civilizations are largely passive participants in the social-machine, holding 

many of their preferences of belief and behavior in favor by default, here, on this

Frontier, participation occurs on purpose, by choice of belief and behavior, and

through the intention of existing within a dynamic matrix devised to naturally elicitand evolve the height, width, depth, and magnitude of conscious expression.

 The design for such a culture deliberately extracts a specific environment of tone,

temperament, personality, function, and so forth, in the same sort of manner a healing 

spa might endeavor to evoke a specific environment to serve its Frontier of calm and

 wellness for those who chose to participate in its purpose – but on an expanded scale.

 Where the Ultimate Frontier is to experience and express a Divine Consciousness

(which might also be called Liberty or Self-Realization), each element is specifically 

placed like a pixel into a picture designed only to induce consciousness and with only 

the qualities that bring Life to this Divine ideal. Thus, by design, this manner of 

cradle is a picture of “Above”, where every aspect is in reflection of a greater

component of the celestial sphere, and every outlook emulates a perspective of 

Liberty. It is a place where participants endeavor to realize their potential. It is, quite

simply, an intentional way of Life.

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 My beloved mentor, Albert White Barber, first told me about UMMA when I was 19 years old.

He described it to me as an intentional congregation built around a  “seven - stage” pyramid, not 

necessarily literal. And, like Bacon‟s New Atlantis, an archetypal model for a cosmically conscious 

society having as its foremost byproduct, Light. UMMA wasn‟ t my word, it was his. He told me it 

related to the number 288 and to always remember the number as the cradle of symbolism for the 

 New Culture. He said that to a certain Wisdom Tradition this number is used to signify the Law of 

Polarity at work in life through the Diamond Marriage or „Marriage of Adepts‟ –  a summum 

bonum of marriage where the qualities of each opposite are in complete and harmonious compliment.

This number is used because an Adept alone is said to have earned the number 144, having mastered 

the 12 Labors of the Zodiac Wheel in their combination with the 12 appearances of each Zodiac 

Sign. Because of this, he also correlated UMMA to the New Jerusalem  – a certain sate of tempered 

character and expression that brings Heaven back into Union with Earth.

Years later, when I came to study the English Qabalah, I was somewhat stunned to learn that the 

actual numeric  equivalent of the word UMMA was indeed 288! And what‟s more –  all 

connotations by virtue of Gematria seem to point to themes of Liberty, Union and Mastery.

UMMA, therefore, is the destination  – a grand symbol of our inheritance. The Lost Estate. Your 

True Home.

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UMMA is mystically referred to as “the City of Pyramids” and “the Bride.” 

It is also most familiar to the world as an Arabic word denoting a “people of Light”

 with a specific connotation of unity and intense connectivity between them. In theancient Arab world it was often used to refer to a previous Age of equanimity and

accord, as well as a promised future time when society again achieves a state of 

communion both with one another and with the celestial spheres.

UMMA is also one of the names of Lord Shiva‟s bride, who is known as “the mother

of the people.” In the Hebrew tongue UMMA likewise relates to the word for

mother and means a „congregation‟ or „community ‟.

 And then in the Keys of Enoch  by JJ Hurtak, we find UMMA defined in the book‟s

glossary as “a dynamic reality of social action” and “the building of a Community of 

Light on Earth.” 

Now, let‟s consider Gematria… 

Gematria is specifically the numerology of the Hebrew alphabet and language, but is

also a term applied to English numerology in recent times, when it is related to the

Qabalah system in some capacity. In Gematria, as in the Greek‟s isopsephy , and the

Islamic system of  Hisab al-Jumal , the number of a word is used to derive concealed

meanings and discern deeper levels of interrelationship. While concealed meanings

appear mysterious and like a riddle, they are actually, simply, a greater whole (Truth)

than what is visible from the surface, representing the literal undercurrent of vibration.

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 Thus in Gematria and similar systems, each number is conceived of as a (vibrational)

strand upon which the words equating to that number are more-or-less strung. Think 

of tracks compelling forward the same train of thought. Once this is understood –  

that there is a distinguishable “pattern of Number” or geometry  that underlies All Things, even Letter and Word – these strands can then be explored to gain intimate

knowledge of the woven fabric of the Universe.

 Toward this end, let‟s examine a few intriguing aspects of 288… 

 Author Bonnie Gaunt writes that the number 288 not only gematrically implies “ The

Kingdom of God”, but also relates to the concept of „a lock‟. How interesting, then,

that there are famous occult authors who tell us that “the key” is 156 and that it

unlocks Liberty (i.e. Self-Realization, Ascension). For, not only is 156 the English

 value of the word „Union‟, but applied to “the lock” (288), the outcome is 444, the

Number of Illuminated Consciousness and Self-Mastery.


I also find it worth noting here that if 288 is a Number belonging to the marriage of 

complementary parts, then think back to the Quaternity and divide 288 by the four.

  The product is 72 –   “the Number of God‟s Names.” Noteworthy given that the

Quaternity is also known to certain Traditions as the Tetragrammaton , or the “Four-

Fold Name of God.” 


I put this forth to you in example, for your consideration. Infuse similar notions of 

deep meaning when and where you can.

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Once upon a time there was a cradle of Life which was known to visibly model the

 forces and laws which structured the Universe for those who were patient enough

to gain understanding. From these heroine and exemplars came the great astro-

empires  – golden civilizations that structured themselves on the mechanics of the

 Above. And when an illumined character again champions over adversity to stay

the course of Universal Grace, Humanity will once more live lives Divinely


Kings and Queens, Heroes and Heroines, Prophets and Sibyls, once nurtured the

people with a living image of the actions and attitudes necessary for achieving the

Ultimate Frontier. Albeit in different ways, these directing agents represented an ideal

that served as a pattern for Victory within the known “ w ay of Life”. 

 This is because they exemplified a culture‟s relationship with Power. As dynamic

embodiments of Power, they illustrated with words, imagery, and actions how potency was to be defined, valued, wielded and advanced. They intentionally set the

example of how to behave and what to strive for. Royalty became the Illumined

Character and the consciously Divine, the Brave demonstrated Championships over

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adversity, and the Mystics expanded the population toward a more pristine Universal


Now consider that in a society where the Ultimate Frontier is idealized by materialgains, effectiveness (potency) is measured by monetary worth and accumulated

possessions. The exemplars of how to wield and advance Power within this cultural

context become the apparently wealthy; those whose possessions are suggestive of 

 wealth, and especially those who simultaneously set an example on other valued

frontiers, such as earthly stardom or athletic prowess. By and large these are not

intentional leaders but leaders by-proxy, automatically charged with “setting an


People need a prototype because, whether we are conscious of it or not, all things

have their ideal source and ultimate goal. The idols of those striving within the

collective way of Life are those who appear best representative of the idealized

potentials. They demonstrate successful output from the social-machine and are

ultimately whoever seems to prove that the model holds the possibility of victory.

 Thus an active prototype provides some level of direction in which to place hope and

take aim.

 Where the Ultimate Frontier is Divine Consciousness, effectiveness is measured by 

Liberty. The victorious are Liberated, in that they are becoming Self-Realized and

evolving beyond the wheel of incarnation. The exemplars of how to wield and

advance power become those who are living intentionally for evolution.

 Among proponents of transcendence, Liberty isn‟t about self -serving license. True

Liberty is freedom from the impotency of unconscious action. True Liberty is in

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overcoming the wheel of incarnation and requires the utmost of Consciousness. It

requires a powerful and transformative desire aimed for a Highward character and

expansion on the Higher Planes.

Conscious action is potent. It makes the difference between earthbound Humanity 

and Humanity as more cosmic constituents, aware of and thus effective within a

grander scheme. This effectiveness may or may not relate to success in a social or

cultural context, but always implies one who participates in the unyielding abundance

of the Universal orchestra. The Universe inherently nurtures all who receive of it, for

it breaks open the bounds of possibility for any open themselves, Aware.

In cultural standards that have moved from secular to diverse how does the New 

Culture “organize for reproduction”? Meaning, what prototype is there to hold

ourselves up against? What Light is there to strive for?

Certainly, regardless of our personal faith and practice, it is the on-going process of 

conscious refinement that moves us toward our collective goals in this New Era of 

Ennoblement. Together, we are living intentionally for evolution and, ultimately,

Enlightened Liberty; and that is the United Spirit we can agree to share in.

Let the ennoblement of our actions be our Star of Hope.


Providence favors the undertakings of those who act in accord with the natural

mechanics of the Universe.

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Synthesis is the essential science for any desiring Union within and with others. The Science of 

Synthesis is inherent to achieving the Ultimate Frontier of Union with the Divine Consciousness.

Synthesis is the essential science of all religions in their genesis, and is always what is

required to achieve the Ultimate Frontier  – Union. This is seen in the fact that the

meaning of the word „religion‟ comes from the Latin religare , literally meaning “to

unite”. Not surprisingly the word Yoga, an essential element of most Eastern

religions, implies the same necessary desire for Union.

Intentional actions of synthesis can be understood through two essential perspectives

 – reconciliation and cross-pollination. In reconciliation there is the conscious reunion

of opposites through integrating, balancing or neutralizing their inherent

contradictions. In cross-pollination, the concepts and discoveries of one discipline are

intentionally merged into other disciplines at clear points of Union.

Both reconciliation and cross-pollination are employed in the syncretic approach,

 which is valuable to the New Culture. The syncretic approach is the literal application

of finding the unity within the diversity, compelling the evaluation of every system of 

belief an individual encounters for the purpose of achieving a functioning Union

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between the resonate dispersion. The syncretic approach is therefore based in

dynamic action, as it assumes that the goal is continued correlation and refinement.

  Thus, while synthesis is the essential science for any desiring Union (within, withothers, and with the Divine,) the syncretic approach is required to keep our construct

strong (which is to say, ever-developing, not rigid with fortification).


Synthesis is action based. It requires some level of combination or fusion; a bringing 

of things together.

 Among certain esoteric schools, intentional action is represented by the Number 5.

  This represents the “fivefold feat” with which Absolute Being moved into the

condition of “Becoming”. For Humanity, this fivefold feat represents the experience-

condition of the four worlds (physical/earth, spiritual/fire, emotional/water and

mental/air) plus consciousness immersed within them.

 This helps to explain why the Doctrine of Synthesis, which underlies all intentional

action relative to the degree required, is a fivefold plan:

Basis.  The action is built on this.

Function. This is how intention is articulated. Develop an adequate vehicle to carry 

forward your perception.

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Goal.    Assure action has a clearly defined “why” that resonates to a Heartfelt

intention. If an action does not act in service to the goal, then question the worth of 

that action.

Freedom. What behavior is required to achieve the goal? What liberties can be

taken? What qualities or conditions can be preserved as constants throughout the


 Accountability. What are the responsibilities of bringing the action through to


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United effort is cooperative action backed by similar or resonate intention. Truly united effort 

achieves a grand efficiency and wondrous freedom that could never be enjoyed by individuals working 

alone. This is called synergy.

Intention is always exponentially more powerful when combined in a true State of 

Union with others, as the force of one Human added to the force of any number of 

other Humans in a true amalgamate multiplies resulting in another level of Human

expression. Human input consciously directed can bring any desired result. 

 This is because intention can be used like a tool – a wand – to direct the magneticforces. In the synergy of combined intention there is a state of cohesion where

certain energetic barriers and forces coalesce and expand. A true exchange of mutual

empowerment occurs. Synthesis; actualized. Where intentions align in this way there

is an open flow of Love and Knowledge. The combined affect becomes greater than

the sum of the individual parts and a new level of sustainability or “sustainable

regeneration” occurs – an enduring renaissance of unfolding and expanding 


Knowledge-sharing is the same for all levels of Life, in that it isn‟t the process of 

addition – of adding one bit of Knowing to another bit of Knowing  – but rather it is

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taught that all birth into Life and Nature occurs through “a crossing and

multiplication”. The directive is to be fruitful and multiply . This can be taken as a

statement of carnality motivated by preserving and increasing the species. Or it can

be applied to Knowledge-sharing, and the potency of our vital forces when broughtinto consciously directed efforts with others… 

 The only permanence we ultimately want to unfold around us is harmony. That is,

harmony within and with others. We are empowered when consciously actualizing 

our own intention, and exponentially so when our intentions cross with others to

invoke synergy.

 When esoteric Traditions beseech us to “Awaken Beauty!” they aren‟t speaking of 

qualities of appearance but the true Beauty that comes only from the harmonious

arrangement of parts (which is another level of perceiving synergy).

Consider that Nature is both highly synergistic and expressive of the utmost heights

of Beautiful. All the secrets, mysteries and miracles of Nature are understood when

 we awaken to the scale at which their components, however seemingly chaotic and

incongruous, are witnessed in Union.

 The Core of Reason of any existent “thing” is always a state of Union (or more

accurately a Re union). Within intentional states of Union there is always Expansion,

Increase, & Power (as in Consciousness); there is always a Natural Magick 1.

1 I use the „K‟ to convey the insertion of Kaph , implying Service to the greater good.

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Life is woven together as a tapestry is woven together. The integrity of the fabric relies on the integrity 

of the interdependent threads. A loose knit collection of threads are much weaker and cannot hold as 

clear of a pattern and picture as threads that are tightly woven.

Despite what the limitations of the physical eye might suggest, no organism lives truly 

alone. Even the hermit, aware of no other in his species and not in the direct

awareness of any species whatsoever, still grows a niche in the local ecology.

 The point being, it is therefore futile to avoid taking responsibility for our

interconnectedness with other strands of Life-expression. We are interwoven, like a

unique composition of threads, into a much greater scheme, within and surrounding 

us. An individual can inhabit their niche oblivious to anything beyond their own

 vantage, or they can live their part with some gradation of Awareness of the greater

picture.  We can choose to care that the integrity of the social fabric relies on

the integrity of the connection of the interdependent threads.

  When we intentionally engage our existence –  our culture and our character  –  

conscious and aware, a certain presentation is necessitated. This is typically 

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symbolized as a State of Being inverse the one presently experienced by the

mainstream of society. This is because Consciousness and the practice or mediation

of Awareness allows us to perceive, understand, and act in accord with the Truth that

 we are each akin to but a singular pixel adding its necessary point-of-light to a vastdisplay of streaming imagery.

On some level we may appear to be an isolated unit, but ultimately Awareness shows

us that ALL Light is integral. We become humbled. We accept the validity of other‟s

unique vantages and seek unity within our wondrous diversity. We come to value

others as we value ourselves. We stop defining freedom as unbridled desire and self-

serving urges, unrestrained… finding instead that True Liberty  is found in conscious


 As elements are refined they (vibrationally) rise from the material condition, and as

they rise, liberated, they also converge. Thus evolution is liberation is reunification.

 When we become accountable to our Service of the Greater Good we are consciously 

participating in our own freedom and development.

 True Liberty is a higher form of existence which removes or expands limitations and

boundaries while dissolving the confines and constrictions of the material world. The

more we stay in “Right Relationship” with the living Universe and ALL Beings which

comprise it, the more expansive our existence becomes; the more we participate with

Life on a grander scale.

 The truest pledge of Human Allegiance is to consciously and intentionally enter into a

State of Union with Life, when and where we can.

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The Fire within the Human in the Inner Knowing. This is the Fire which Forethought preserved,

but, by so doing, suffered, chained and wounded. This is Fire that a Hero later freed, by taking aim 

an d striving… 

 This regards the evolution and emancipation (i.e. Victory) of Humanity … 

Experts in dramatic narratives have claimed that there are only 7 plots on Earth.

 They say that all stories, however they are told, can be boiled down to one or more

expressions of these originating seven.

 This might sound far-fetched until you consider that various teachings and Traditions

say the same thing in other ways. For example, as I‟ve already alluded, Humanity is

said by the Great Mysteries to have seven modes of expression and experience (3

dimensions of consciousness in a four-fold vehicle). Also, Truth is given the symbol

of White Light, which can be divided into seven apparently separate bands of distinct

  vibration. And, in various mythologies there are seven “conscious-creative” forces,

 whether they are conceived of as gods, planets, or some manner of lights.

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On that note, here then is a really generalized look at the seven-stages of The Great

  Arcanum, as put forth through the Grand Program of the Mysteries. These are

interdependent stages through which a Human can move into the next level of 

existence, and thereby actualize their own, inherent Divinity:

POWER  – The Power of Nature  – Learning the Natural Laws. Learning to

free one‟s Power within the context of the Universal Laws. Conscious Actions

and Exchanges. Chanting. Empowering Ritual & Practice.

LIFE – The Tree of Life – The reception of the hidden doctrines of creation,

existence and return to Union. Learning Abstractions of the ONE. Dissolving 

opposites. Neutralizing differences. Composing the Whole Being. Right

Relationship. Communion. Conscious Creation. Qabalah.

UNITY  – Selflessness – Ego dissolution. Shedding attachment to extremes of 

identification and personal preference. Learning to exist from a profound

inner place. Learning to keep the personality fluid. Honing the Character.

  Trials. Confirmation. Yoga.

LOVE  –  Knowing the Magnetic Force  –  Experience of the Indestructible

Portion. The whisper of magnetism. Fostering Love for Being, for Humanity,

for Divinity. World Service. Marriage to Intimate Knowledge. Balance with

all counterparts. Shedding appearances. Faith. Alchemy.

 WILL – The Great Work  – Liberation. Choosing on behalf of the guidance of 

Inner Being. Choosing on behalf of the greater good and for the sake of 

emancipation from the material. Learning to manage your own controls.

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 Wrapping behaviors around a Reason; creating destiny. Mediation. Discovery 

of One‟s own Star of Being and Becoming. Astrology.

 TRUTH  –  Collecting the Dispersion  –  Studying at the Lamp of Truth.Imagination. Release from duality  – Truth is not black or white, but the point

between them, grey. Learning the pattern. Unwinding the tangles and knots

 within the core psychology. Ripening the two-sides of the Mind for Reception

of the transcendent force between them. Ordination. Concentration.

Meditation. Revelation.

UNION – Gnosis – Joining. Self-Realization. Enlightenment. Theofication.

Extreme unction. Perfect matrimony between all parts. Compassion. Passion.

Sex Magick. Anointing.

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 Awaken and correlate the Whole presence within; gather and collect the scattered or disorganized bits 

outside. Make them one body, a Star.

Organization is a shape. Organisms and other organizations are shaped by their

function and shape, defined by the Universal language of geometry, speaks of the

dynamic nature within. For example, a heterarchy of equally active and interactive

positions is depicted as a line or circle, while a hierarchy of activity and interaction can

been seen as a pyramid of tiers. These forms make a simple statement of the nature

of that order, and by shape alone, without ever participating with either organization

 we can immediately know something about how they operate on the inside.

  When evolution generates order at its most advanced, the representative shape

pristinely matches the functioning of that order. The shape of the Human body, as a

complex and dynamic organization of cells, illustrates this perfectly. Another great

example is the superior forms of organization employed by higher social insects  –  

monolithic shapes which are dynamic with interchangeable, cooperative, and highly 

responsive parts.

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  Where the insect‟s social organization is concerned (and where the New Culture

  would benefit to take heed) a vast part of their superiority comes from the

organizations ability to accurately respond to, and exist within, the actuality of the

present moment while at the same time remaining purposeful and continuing tofunction without ambiguity … 

  We already know that any who participates in an embodiment of the Plan are

conceived of as one whole, collective body. In contemplating shape further, and in

accord with the fundamental principles of the Universe, shape is thought best

conceived of like the Human body, and like the Divine body Above, which naturally 

suggests the shape of a Star.

Each equal limb of the collective Star-body would represent one vital-system, mode

of function and/or method of participation. Also, consider that a Star is a useful

shape in defining the organization of a modern body and its primary attributes, as

Stars can have a variable number of rays or limbs. The shape is perfectly conducive to

flexibility, scalability and adaptability. For example, look to Nature where Star-fish

can shed limbs, grow new limbs to replace those previously shed, or change the size

and role of limbs in times of transformation or crisis. It is the dynamic, intelligent

shape we‟re seeking , offering the profound ability to be both highly simple yet

efficiently complex and as ever-changing as is necessary.


 We strive to Awaken the slumbering, latent aspects of the Whole (presence) within us;

 we strive to collect the scattered pieces of the Whole (existence) outside of us. This

“us” can refer to the Human as an individual or the Human as a greater collective.

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 Thus a society which functions truly as a body strives to elicit from its constituents

their presence and potential and seeks to successfully connect itself to the Greater

 Whole of existence. Powerful realities unfold when the many parts are rejoined and

articulated into one unified expression.

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 As one learns and develops, new factors are introduced, new ingredients get thrown

into the mix, and complexity increases. A greater utility, functionality, or maturity is

gained by this addition, and so progress is made. This evolution, however slight,

assures that well-being, efficiency, quality, and Knowledge are also increased… 

In the Mystery Traditions this notion represents one half of what might be called the

“Genesis Model.” It imparts that as one learns and develops they become

increasingly complex and proportionate to this increased complexity they evolve,

having Awakened to a new quality or state which expands their ability to effectively 

create their world.

But the Model doesn't stop there. It furthers itself with something very important –  

that increased complexity will only partner proportionately with evolution up to a point .

 After that point an increase in complexity acts like a mire, quickly bringing stagnation

and decline. Then the only way to improve on things is to apply complexity  – all of 

your learning and development  –  toward the achievement of a greater quality and

state of simplicity.

 Also it is emphasized that development must be applied  or it is lost. Refinement is

mandatory. In order for learning and development to be useful they must be used.

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 Think of the model in the terms of intimate relationship. At first it may feel valuable

because it is complicated. It has substance. But after a critical point if that

complexity persists, the continued complication will squeeze the life out of the

relationship. There has to be a process of refinement and fine-tuning to achieve a viable dynamic.

Instead of waiting for complexity to grow cumbersome and stifling before simplifying 

things, one can be proactive and remain dynamic through balance. Alternate thought

and emotion with action; funnel Knowledge through creation and cultivation; apply 

study to practice; take what is gained and integrate it.

Here are three suggested tactics for further simplifying complexity:

FORGETTING. So much of the common mind-set is geared toward

"remembering" that to suggest forgetting as a conscious  act can seem, at first,

bizarre. However, achieving a state of profound simplicity requires forgetting 

some of what you know. Many brilliant minds struggle to coherently convey 

their ideas to their peers because of the complexities of their mental construct.

 They throw too many bits of information into the mix and rarely is anything 

conveyed intact. And we work on removing anything which doesn't contribute

to keeping things Whole. That can be removing superfluous data when

dialoguing with others so as to offer complete and coherent ideas. Or it can be

something like ditching a process which once worked but feels inefficient now.

Forget what it was or has been like. Forget the solution that worked yesterday 

if it's not working today. Forget anything which impedes the flow or exchange

if it isn't contributing. Forget the non-essential, the non-function, the

redundant, the excessive, etc., etc.

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UNLEARNING. Unlearning is a lot like Forgetting in that there is a

conscious abandonment of ideas. One thinks they can stuff themselves with

unlimited bits of information without any consequence, but that's notnecessarily the case. In every moment of every day your perception is filtered

through untold bits of data that can bog things down, if not strongly alter

them. This is especially true when it comes to things learned. Behaviors,

beliefs, morals, history lessons, etc., can all get in the way of putting Knowledge

to good use. Unlearn anything which is counterproductive to optimal output,

 which occurs where there is minimal friction and maximum contribution. If an

idea or behavior is getting in the way of contributing your utmost to the well-

being of the Whole (even when that 'Whole' is the 'Whole' of yourself), allow 

yourself to discard it.

SYNTHESIZING. It has been said that perfection occurs, not when there is

nothing left to add but when there is nothing left to take away. This helps

explain the idea that achieving an ideal state implies the mechanism no longer

exists while the function remains. This entails fusing and streamlining concepts

to achieve the greatest good with the least complexity   –  integrating and

discarding until what remains is as strikingly consummate as it is effortless.

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Differences in contrast become a stumbling block. All unique qualities are composite to the full - 

spectrum of Human expression  – be it related to the individual or the group… 

  The only environments which express healthy and sustainable progress are the

environments which are affluent in their bounty of unique, contributing parts. So

 where Diversity and the Plan are concerned, three statements

CREATE DIVERSITY. An intentional body creates diversity to insure

sustainability. Relying on the eggs of one basket is never long-lived.

RECOGNIZE DIVERSITY. The Whole is like a puzzle. Each piece of the

  Whole carries one piece of the puzzle, representing a unique portion of the

Human purpose, perspective and potential.

USE DIVERSITY. When differences are contrasted and compared they 

become a stumbling block. Perceived dominant traits and positions seek to

overtake the qualities perceived as weaker, always. Instead consider how 

unique factors can be functionally combined. Every individual has the ability 

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to strengthen and empower the Whole through contributing of their individual

essence in some regard.

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Replace the Human-Doing Experiment with the Human-Being Experience. When Humans are in 

a state of conscious Being, stellar Actualities unfold and Become … 

 The love of Wisdom takes action on behalf of that Wisdom through the process of 

Creation. For example, ones who adore the philosophy of their spiritual community 

are compelled to actions which further create alignments to the philosophy of that


 As conscious action toward (vibrational) ascent is ultimately Awareness, the work of 

the conscious action of Creation is the work of the Wise. And this work is founded

on, and illuminated by, the Number 6.

  While true that the “six-days of Creation” are a seemingly obscure subject and get

largely dismissed in modern thought as a wildly ridiculous tale, I can assure you that

 what appears to be a simplistic and even silly allegory actually hides an extraordinary 

depth. It actually took me years to allow for the idea that the Biblical telling, with a

study beyond the modern dogmatic notions, is an exquisitely far-reaching formula – a

fusion of spirit, science, philosophy and action   –  that ends up, quite astoundingly,

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revealing in its linguistic structure, the literal building blocks of the Universe. It is

  very much mathematical and geometrical. It imparts the basis for a study of the

harmonics of sound and, incredibly, even reveals the number of natural elements on

the periodic table. Really . I am underestimating to suggest that dozens of occult writings exist on the revelation of the first six letters alone.

  Among the more illumined writings put forth on the six-days of Creation is Sir

Francis Bacon‟s novel The New Atlantis   and its allegorical “College of the Six-Day‟s

 Works,” where the students are philosophers and their studies pertain to the Mysteries

of Creation (and their direct application to civilization).  The six “Days” are actually 

symbolic of stages of evolution. The unfolding of Life and Light (from the Infinite

Source) and the Way of Return (to the Infinite Source) include the same (vibrational)


 Where the out-breath/unfolding process is concerned, these six stages are referred to

as “Stages of Creation”. Where the in-breath/return process is concerned, these six-

stages are referred to as “Stages of Awareness.” This out-breath and in-breath isn‟t

past tense or future tense, but are happening Now; Stages of Creation followed by 

Stages of Awareness defines the continual movement of Life. The only difference

between the First Cause and the End result is Complete Awareness, with the

unfolding process or “Work” between them. 

In Bacon‟s college the single field of study was Self-Mastery. A student was

conducted through the process of refinement in designated stages within a highly 

specialized research institution. Moving through the stages the student‟s mind was

increasingly liberated and thereby became proportionately inventive. However,

students were restrained by the Laws of the Universe, for as ability increased so did

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the responsibility of Awareness and all Laws are simply for the sake of imparting and

preserving responsible, conscious Awareness.

  According to Bacon “mastery contains within it all invention and is the only thing capable of delivering the mind from bondage.” Thus the population‟s drive for Self -

Mastery was what made the society perfectly ingenious; the driving minds were

capable of steadily increasing the refinement of their best ideas. The students applied

and practiced the Knowledge of previous stages of Work even as they continued in

the lifelong advancement of their studies. In this way, through experiencing their

Knowledge, the Mysteries of Creation were resolved through their own


Refinement occurs relative to an individual‟s “Knowledge of Causes”. This, in turn,

expands Awareness. Eventually we learn that our own process of Self-Realization is a

creative process, and can be found within the Universe‟s own same course of 

evolution. Thus the seemingly peculiar tale of six-days of Creation becomes a

timeless formula of Self-Mastery.

Promoting this Knowledge of Causes is paramount to the New Culture if the mistakes

of the past are to be avoided. The individual‟s pursuit of Self -Mastery is a core

necessity to the social whole  – for any New Culture body. We are Creators, here to

create our own Purpose and Potentials through the process of  realizing  our own

 Totality. In each stage of our evolution, there is a Cause for it, discovered in our own

coursework of experience and expression… 

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 Another way to look at this, is that the progress of our Becoming unfolds through the

six Inner Realms of Being (correlated to the chakra centers), until the 7 th Realm,

 where there is Awareness and Rest.

Rest? Yes. Remember how on the 7th “Day” there was rest? This is also visible in

the Human process of evolution, where creative acts are followed by a pause,

meditation or “taking in” before the process can begin again in a ladder spiraling 



More on the unfolding out-breath:



 That six defines the Infinite Sphere of the Cosmos can be demonstrated both

geometrically and Gematrically. The most fundamental evidence, however, is

exhibited by the witness of our Consciousness in three-dimensions  –  for we

naturally perceive our Being at the center of six-directions!

  The six-pointed star, often used to symbolize the result of the Great Work (i.e.

conscious Union of ALL parts or even the reciprocal Union of any balanced

parts), is also known as the “Shield of David” and as such is said to represent

God‟s presence within the entire Universe, protecting one from all six-

directions – North, South, East, West, Up and Down.

  THE STAGES OF CREATION –  Concentration, Expansion, Order,

Interaction, Identity and Release.

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More on the returning in-breath:



  The only thing we can truly be said to have in any lasting sense is Purpose.

Even absent of Awareness, we are driven to find the sensation of at least

completion and better, real meaning. With just one “eye-opening” glimpse of 

  Awareness we are driven to discover the Height and Depth of our True


  The whole of Creation is an active process of Realization. It is Becoming 

conscious of the Totality of the whole gamut of Power and Potential. The

Mysteries of Creation are resolved with our own awareness and understanding 


  THE STAGES OF AWARENESS –  Power, Law, Development, Behavior,

Intelligence, Intention.

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 According to Heraclitus, the Justice of Fire is “simply the common measure within all Powers,” and  

then, “if everything is Fire, the Government of Fire in the cosmos is cosmic self-  government.”  

Let All have a Voice on behalf of their Inner Fire … 

Humanity unfolding their Divinity into Actualized expression is mystically referred to

as the "Unfurling of the Banner" (of Light and Liberty). This "unfurling" is distinctly 

related, on the broadest scale, to the New Aeon of our present day. We are living in

the dawning of a new era of Knowledge (of Aquarius) where the vessels expand

beyond present limits if not altogether break apart, and where Divinity awakens.

In the ebb and flow of the cosmic cycles it is in our present day that the potency of 

Being is released into the World to beckon Humanity, as a collective, toward Liberty.

  This requires that we, to some measure, invert our perspective so that perceived

limitations (such as the material condition) instead become the foundation for growth

and ultimately, Ascension.

  This "inversion" can be assisted or manufactured even, through what is called the

"Government of Fire". While this holds many levels of reference, it strongly suggests

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that one administer their personality and identity in a manner increasingly conducive

to a Unified State.

  The Government of Fire, then, is the administration of both our personalcomposition and the composition and administration of our collective. The time has

come to once more include the Truth of Self into our construct, and embrace the

  Actuality of our nature. The time has come when society can once again chose to

spawn gods.


 The governing model for the New Culture, best matched to the natural order of the

 Aquarian/Leo Age, is a form of Sociocracy.

Sociocracy is a Whole System of dynamic governance based on consent among equal

individuals. However, equality here is not rendered as "one person, one vote"  – a

methodology too easily corrupted by decisions based on something other than True

Reason – but is expressed in the principle, "Let All have a Voice.” 

In Sociocracy decisions are made and initiatives taken only when those affected have

not voiced a well-reasoned opinion against it. All affected in a matter have a free

 voice in that matter, and there must be Consent before conclusions and results can be

progressed from ideas into actions. Thus, all interests and concerns of all constituents

are served. While this might sound idealistic, a bit of self-compelled investigation willdemonstrate that Sociocracy can and has realistically accomplished this.

Sociocracy was originally envisioned in 1881 by Lester Frank Ward who saw it as the

natural evolution to Democracy. He spoke and wrote on behalf of Higher Education,

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believing that a well-educated public would desire to, and be capable of, governing 

itself effectively with this natural model.

In 1945 Dutch educator and pacifist Kees Boeke published a paper on Sociocracy based on his work in using the government model to apply Quaker, egalitarian

principles to the educational system with great success. However, it was Gerard

Endenburg, a student of Kees Boeke, who developed Boekes' vision into a body of 

 well-tested procedures and practical principles. It was also Endenburg who penned

the consummative manual for this Dynamic Government model, Sociocracy: The 

Organization of Decision-Making .

 The model of Sociocracy I present here learns from each of these three gentlemen in

addition to the prophecies of varied occult Traditions and earlier Teachers who

promoted similar concepts in the name of Wisdom.

 There are seven fundamental practices:

EMPOWERMENT. The impetus. Where there is empowerment, there is

progress. Power and the natural accountability which goes along with Power is

spread equally among those specifically affected by a decision. Thus Power is

decentralized and never driven by force or oppression.

DIAMOND RINGS. Our structure to organize the direction of action and

correlate interaction to assure the needs and desires of the individual are

efficiently balanced against the needs and desires of the Whole for optimum


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In its full picture the shape of our governance is modeled on this concept of 

the diamond and referred to as the Diamond Structure. The opposites of the

individual and the whole are opposite points, fused in the middle by the varying 

realms in which the collective functions together.  This Diamond concept is kept dynamic through the use of defining 

environments called Circles. The Circles are semi-autonomous in that they are

empowered to form their own directional goals, and accountable for executing,

measuring, and controlling their own process. However Circles must always

consider the impact of their actions and expressions on other Circles and give

forethought to the needs and objectives of the whole.

CONSENT. There is a psychological difference between the questions "Does

everyone agree?" and "Does anyone object?" People are often more tolerant of 

differences when they aren't in a position of having to come to an agreement

about them. People are regularly in disagreement with one another's choices,

but wouldn't go so far as to object to them outside the realm of their own

opinion. Thus to Consent to a decision progressing into action is to not know 

of or have a significant objection2 to that action.

ELECTION. Occurs through the Consent Process. Nominations are never

made anonymously as they must be supported with Reason. This is an

important step in learning to be an authentic, actualized society. Election is

made only after dialogue results in a clear, well-reasoned choice, with no

significant objections from participants.

2 Significant objection is defined here as a well-reasoned argument.

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REASON. The First Cause. Without a Reason there would be no cause to

take initiative toward action; no need for a decision to be made.

Decision-making gatherings are called Forums. Decisions are made in Forums

through an efficient process of dialogue and discussion that focuses the groupthrough a swift examination of their reasoning on an issue and on the actual

system for arriving to Consent.

Both an objection of a proposal and the proposal itself must be well-reasoned

to be considered significant and thus worth energy.

PARTICIPATION. One must participate3 in the Forum on a given initiative

to have a voice in the decision. The purpose of this is to be fully informed

before exercising Power. Those who chose to attend a decision-making 

gathering where they have a voice in the matter are those who make the


 WHOLE SYSTEM. Change and optimization occurs in context of the system,

forever taking into account a part's connection to the Greater Whole.

  All parts have a voice in the matters which affect them; all parts have

correlation and interaction within a structured, functional unit.

3 Participation is defined, at its minimum, as listening.

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“Once you‟ve found your own voice the choice to expand your influence, to increase your

contribution, is the choice to inspire others to find their voice. Inspire (from the Latin inspirare  )

means to breathe life into another. As we recognize, respect and create ways for others to give voice

to all four parts of their nature  – physically, mentally, emotionally/socially, spiritually  – latent human

genius, creativity, passion, talent, and motivation are unleashed. It will be those organizations that

reach a critical mass of people and teams expressing their full voice that will achieve next-level

breakthrough in productivity, innovation, and leadership in the market place and society.” 

Stephen Covey

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  Action determines character. Actions congruent to spiritual ideals purges the limitations of overly 

 personalized realities and dissolves the chatter of lower identifications. This uplifts and vitalizes … 

  Virgo presents itself as the quest for Mastery over action. This quest is also called

“valuable action.” 

In the New Culture this quest is facilitated through purifying, refining, and combining 

the contradictions of our internal and external activity. This activity is not necessarily 

indicative of visible motion, but is always vibration and always has an effect on

  vibrational dignity and quality. For example, thought is action. Negative thought

patterns weaken, lower, and block vibrational flows, which are incongruent to

manifesting a healthy exterior and likely come into conflict with one‟s ideals for their

Self. Whereas thought patterns congruent to one‟s higher ideals have a neutralizing 

effect  –  dissolving blocks, refining processes, combining constructs, and even

deactivating the insistent and incessant chatter of the lower identity.

In a cultural context this translates more specifically as maintaining activity which

strives for Actuality as it is purified of the limitations of personalized realities. Part of 

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faith is “taking action” in some manner toward a perceived higher expression of 

 Actuality, never in service to the desires of lower personality but always on behalf of a

Greater State of Good.

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The exciting thing about Sociocracy is that it was developed specifically to answer to Human needs,

and designed to be a fluid and natural form of governance. Our model mimics the natural 

composition of the Human body… 

"We speak of atoms and atoms organizing into molecules, and molecules

into cells, and cells being organized into the organs and structures

of organisms, which come together in systems of organization..."

From this we can say that –  

POWER is spread among the smallest units yet -

DIRECTION is delegated to successively larger groups of organization.

INTERACTION achieves efficient coordination.

PURPOSE is self-regulated.

"An individual unit can be any Whole which also forms a part of

something larger. For example, an atom, a molecule, a cell, an organ,

a person, a group of people, a solar system, etc...."

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Our body must recognize itself as a collection of parts, each part a Whole, even as the

body is but a part of a greater Whole. A body is both complete and yet, helps to

complete something more expansive. Ultimately, in this way, All are ONE.

"An organism is an individual unit, composed of an organization of

other individual units who have committed to come together in a

certain arrangement with certain rules of function. Each internal

unit fulfils a specific niche which allows the greater unit to fulfill

a greater external niche..."

 Though we are individual, we are a collective, and are responsible for how we come

together with others and choose to behave. We are accountable for how we direct

ourselves, how we interact and how we participate in the greater body. At the same

time this would seem to bestow the right of Liberty to make any independent choice

 which, by affect, applies to the individual alone.

 Ask  –  

(1) Does my choice honor my social contract? (i.e. commitment to others)

(2) Does my choice serve my niche in the greater body? (i.e. commitment to


"The lifespan of the body is much, much greater the lifespan of the

atoms which compose it and make it manifest. Each atom moves through

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a niche that continues to exist, often for as long as the body


  This is an important consideration. Humans do not thrive when regarded asdisposable and replaceable. Most individuals do not want to think of themselves as

moving through a collective body and filling a predetermined slot that could be filled

by any other. The answer is found in the necessary balance between the Whole and

its parts, when we are dealing with Human-centeric systems.

Only a measured portion of an individual's input is given to fulfilling the role (or

roles) necessary to sustain the existence of the Whole, a role which likely continues to

exist without bearing on which unique individual actually fulfills it. (Although there

can be no denying that the unique nature of an individual adds an individual signature

to how, and how well, a role is fulfilled.) These roles represent "needed tasks",

necessary for sustaining the standard of function determined by the collective body.

In a collective, needed tasks could be maintained by an electronic "Task Bank", of   which there is no deciding head. Individuals, of their own self-governing accord,

commit to tasks of varying durations within a system which factors in the priority of a

task, and asks the individual to consider both their interests and abilities. In other

 words, tasks would be "checked out" from the system, completed and then marked as


"Each cell, as each cluster of cells, is full of free, uninhibited

energy, in pursuit of an Aim."

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 A Circle is a semi-autonomous environment within the collective body that can define

a unique purpose and aim.

Beyond the collective body identifying the instruments of its ideals by determining specific-yet-broad designations of participation (thought of as “organs of function”),

most Circles are naturally determined, being simply the various environments of 

activity, defined only for the sake of efficient organization and coordination. Every 

Circle is empowered to make its own choices, to the extent of not inhibiting any other

environment. Coordination and decision-making occur by communicating through

broader Circles.

Some collective bodies might also produce a simulated Circle, for the purpose of 

enhancing coordination and communication. This would hold as its Aim

representation of the larger Vision and Mission of the Plan and is considered to be

reflective of the Witnessing Presence.

"Each cell, as each cluster of cells, is required to self-organize,

steering its energy to the Aim as quickly and efficiently as


Self-assembly is the fundamental principle which generates structural organization on

all scales, from molecules to galaxies. For example, cellular self-assembly is the

assembly of cells without management from an outside source.

Circles replicate this. Every Circle-environment must be self-correcting. And Circles,

like people, are self-governing insofar as their decision-making doesn't impact or

affect any beyond their own environment.

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Many decisions, however, will radiate out to other Circles, requiring interaction. Or a

Circle will need to correlate with other Circles to fulfill its or another environment's

  Aims. And so there must be a certain cohesion underlying our ability to change,amend, direct, interact, produce, and create.

 To accomplish this, Circles (excluding those which are living environments such as a

family's residence), can apply certain “templates” to manage inflow and outflow and

manifest Aims. This information assists in achieving a dynamic model which can

responsibly and efficiently correlate and communicate with others while directing 


"Cells clearly demonstrate the means and function of bringing

Knowledge of the past to bear on the present activities, resulting in

increased levels of organization..."

Circles can maintain a memory system for optimization. A memory system might be

as simple as a log, but is integral for educating and evolving the future stock of 


"As cellular organization becomes more complex and interconnected, a

critical point is reached where integrated organization emerges, and

the synergistic novelty of the Whole naturally assumes importance..."

  When a Circle initiates change or optimization or any activity which affects other

environments, a process is triggered. This is where affected Circles communicate and

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Sharing Knowledge can occur internally through each Circle's memory system,

through dialogue and discussion, and through the willingness to make adjustments to

the way things are done based on what previous output has demonstrated.

Sharing Knowledge can occur externally by teaching what we have learned to others,

and by establishing a process for communicating, dialoguing, and otherwise assisting 

and/or exchanging with other embodiments of the Plan.


  What may read complex on paper is quite simplistic in Actuality, and would feelnatural after a very short time of getting used to the new motions of it all.

Consider that this process essentially amounts to a series of discussions radiating out

to encompass a broader scope of individuals as it naturally progresses.

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The Residents of an

Embodiment Aspire

Residents naturally form into

environments by virtue of 

fulfilling the Aims of the


Environments are classified by certain traits and

categorized into one or more "fields of action"

or organs.

Two Facilitators from each environment are

elected to enhance coordination and dialogue;

also a designated delegate for each initiativethat goes to forum.

The forum. Includes direct

representation of every field of 

action; of Vision and Aim; of the

indvidual and the Whole.

The Vision of the

Collective Body Inspires

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Proposals in an embodiment of the New Culture are called Initiatives. In a small or

especially close-knit Circle, Initiatives which apply (by affect) to that Circle can be

proposed, discussed, amended, and Consented to or Blocked quite casually.

However, when an Initiative is especially complex, involves many individuals, or

multiple environments, the following process is recommended:

PRESENT. The Initiative is presented by an individual.

CLARIFY. Others ask clarifying questions in turn.

REACT. Once the Initiative is clarified members react to it without discussion.

  Turns are taken in the fashion of a go-around, each turn having the same

maximum time allotment to ensure efficient forward motion.

DIALOGUE. With the matter clarified and reactions heard, the meeting is

open to well-reasoned, non-violent dialogue. Forethought of effect should be

discussed along with any possible alternatives, amendments, solutions,

concerns, objections, etc. A maximum time allotment for the dialogue phase

should also be established.

RESTATE. The Individual proposing the Initiative restates it, applying any 

agreed amendments or reformulations which occurred in the dialogue phase.

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EXPRESS. With the Initiative restated based on dialogue, members express

any well-reasoned Objections without discussion. Turns are taken in the

fashion of a go-around, again with each turn having a maximum time


DIALOGUE. The meeting is again opened to well-reasoned, non-violent

dialogue, and, again, with a maximum time allotment. Dialogue through any 

objections that were expressed. What, if anything, would allow the Initiative to

gain Consent? Can the Initiative be restated to include built-in precautions?

RESTATE. The Initiative is restated, again applying any conclusions, limits,

amendments, reformulations, etc. which occurred in the Dialogue phase.

Sometimes this might mean retracting the Initiative and/or stating that it will

be proposed at a different time, after certain factors have occurred.

 VERIFY. With the Initiative restated for the last time, turns are taken in the

fashion of a go-around. There is no discussion; members simply say “I

Consent” (i.e. „do not object‟) or “I object”. By this point, member‟s answers

should be of no surprise. If an individual states objection they need to have

presented their reasoning in the dialogue phase and cannot simply object in this

phase without having explained, and dialogued with others, as to their

reasoning and potential alternatives and/or solutions.

NOTE. The Initiative, as it is finally stated, is recorded into a memory log.

 The decision pertaining to the Initiative is simply noted “Consent” or “Block”.

It should be understood that sometimes a Block simply means that the

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Initiative was proposed prematurely and needs more preparation, investigation,

footwork, facts, etc. before being proposed again.

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Elections by Consent are actually a positive, efficient process. Gerard Endenburg 

discovered that the process works best when there is no survey of interest (or

disinterest) prior to the election meeting.

REVIEW. A statement is made regarding the function and responsibilities of 

the position up for election.

NOMINATE. Each member writes both their own name and the name of the

person they are nominating for the open position on a piece of paper.

Members are free to nominate themselves.

REASON. The selected “chair” of the meeting reads each ballot, one at a

time, asking the person who made the nomination to provide their reasoning.

  This usually amounts to a simple statement about the person they have

nominated (i.e. “he seems well versed in this subject”; “she is well organized”).

 There is no discussion between members.

REACT. In a go-around fashion the “chair” asks each member to voice their

reaction to what they have just heard. This is the time for making statements

to bolster their nomination, state well-reasoned objections to nominations,and/or change their nomination. According to Mr. Endenburg, given that

nominations are made on impulse and after hearing reasons, it is most common

for nominations to be changed. It is important to remember that the goal isn‟t

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perfection. Individuals cycle through elected positions in terms, therefore

attachment to a specific nominee is truly unwarranted.

DIALOGUE. The meeting is opened to well-reasoned, non-violent dialogue.Discussion should focus on arriving at Consent for one nomination and be

constrained by a maximum time allotment.

RESTATE. The nominee who was Consented-to during the dialogue process,

or, the nominee who received the most well-reasoned support is stated by the


  VERIFY. The “chair” verifies that the members Consent. Objection in this

phase is rare. However, if there is objection it must have been Voiced in the

reaction or dialogue phase and must be well-reasoned. Objection in this phase

should open a new round of dialogue. Sometimes objections can be addressed

by shortening the term of the position.

NOTE. The elected nominee is recorded into the memory log, along with the

agreed term of office. Terms should never be unlimited.

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 The first thing an individual or individual Circle is asked to do when making a choice

is to determine the impact of their choice, by effect. This is because those impacted

(i.e. affected) by a choice have input in that choice.

Often this is a simple matter. For example, let‟s say a household determines that their

recent electronics purchase will put them over their energy-use quota. Their

responsibility is then to inform the Circle which maintains an embodiment‟s energy resources and upgrade their Subscription to reflect a higher energy-use quota for their


However more complex choices will require more forethought and examination when

determining the actual impact. The following template is designed to expedite and

assist the process:

the PIC snapshot  

LABEL. Identify the proposed Initiative and its ultimate goal/intention in as

few words as possible.

REDUCE. Break it down. What activities are required to take the Initiativeforward to its final goal/intention? What is needed to complete these

activities? Consider any energy and/or input that will be needed from others,

along with any possible use of resources, commodities, space, etc. What

changes are required? What changes will occur because of the Initiative? What

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 To illustrate, the Circle maintaining an embodiment‟s energy resources might have a

method in place where they simply ask to be informed of changes to energy-use so as

to adjust Subscriptions accordingly. However there may be an established limit where

requests to upgrade energy-use beyond that limit is no longer a simple matter of “inform” and thus engages the decision-making process. This is why once an

individual or Circle has decided an Initiative will be pursued, after streamlining that

Initiative to the least possible actions and resources the next step is to communicate

 with each Circle or individual identified on the snapshot to determine if assessments

are accurate. In other words, is the action, need, change, etc., really just a matter of 

informing, consulting and/or processing, or is it more or less? This is also important

because once a certain number of Circles are engaged in processing a decision the

Initiative is determined to affect the entire body and it must process forward into the


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 A guide for organizing and examining input, output and changes in the New Culture –  



Define the Desired

Aspiration or Effect


create, determine, design, plan, formulate, verify,

establish, figure out, calculate, budget, schedule,

imagine, evaluate, consider, visualize, forethought


Define how Aspiration

or Effect are to be

realized through Activity


implement, obtain, process, participate, initiate,operate, activate, manage, maintain, change,

construct, produce, serve, acquire, prepare


Define the results of the

undertaken Activity.


measure, verify, inventory, collect, distribute,

analyze, seek, review, report, quantify,

consequence, product, output, accomplishment


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Because the inherent nature of Humanity is collective, there is an inherent need deep within the 

Human heart to join together with others in combined action. Working together with another, or 

with a multitude of others, balances and refines the character and elevates energetic dignity… 

Libra presents itself as the quest for Mastery over one‟s responsibilities toward others. 

In the New Culture this quest is facilitated through recognizing the need for

individuals to join together with others in combined action. Working collectively in

  ways necessary to sustain and nurture the existence of the Whole purifies one‟s

Character and hence their energetic dignity. Commitment, responsibility, forethought,

and consideration assist to overcome ego-centeredness and enable True Liberty as we

learn to take other energies into account and exist in non-discordant partnerships with


In a cultural context this translates more specifically as half of every individual‟s input

going toward the collective endeavors which provide a sustainable abundance for the

 Whole. Also, a form of renewable contract known as a „Subscription‟ will be used to

clearly outline commitments and the balanced relationship between input and return.

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 A Subscription is a type of renewable contract which clearly outlines expected input

and its given return.

Every adult who stays in an embodiment of the New Culture has responsibility to a

Subscription with that embodiment. The exclusion to this would be a resident‟s

private guest(s) or any visiting individuals.

Every adult who has ongoing participation with an embodiment also has a

Subscription with the embodiment. This would exclude recipients of certain Services

 who elected to render exchange monetarily instead of energetically.

 The “input side” of any Subscription refers to energy -input and is explained in terms

of hours. Although there may be exceptions to this, such as certain cases requiring a

Subscription with some portion of input rendered monetarily or in terms of trade (ex:

a member wishes to contribute assets to the Common Treasury in fulfillment of a

certain portion of their input.) Also embodiments will have the option to specifically 

define certain member‟s distinct realm(s) of participation (meaning: a student can

come to an embodiment to learn without having to input beyond the educational


  The “return side” of any Subscription refers to yield and is explained in terms of 

housing and currencies for full share residents. For trial and associate (i.e. standard

share) residents yield is explained in terms of housing, and can sometimes include

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In the New Culture the cost of a product or service is referred to as its “required

input” or “the exchange value.” 

Motivated by (vibrational) purification and Ascension instead of material profit and

gain, the exchange value of any product or service represents a true price as opposed

to a price based on made-up factors such as popularity, demand, feigned scarcity,

 wealth of the consumer, et al. In fact a true price altogether excludes the concept of profit and instead strives for active balance.

  Where there is energy input there is energy returned. As simple as that, but grand

none-the-less. For in this way the true core of our exchange is at the level of our

essence –  our Light   – and even when using a facilitating medium will naturally generate

a reality of thriving Abundance. True Abundance is never found by seeking gains at

the expense of another. There is enough for all to partake. Appropriate motivation

and management are the only “lacks” our resources face! 

  This “true price” is determined using a formula (   which can be greatly simplified

through software) which tallies factors of quantity, hours of input, efficiency of input,

impact of resources, and the exchange value of consumed supplies.

  Where the price relates to “Defined Needs” consumed at a mercurial pace, the

exchange value will change at an equally quickened pace. This adds another level of 

truth to price, as in this way items can reflect their actual availability. For example, an

abundant harvest of strawberries will greatly reduce their exchange value, while a poor

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harvest or off-season will automatically increase the input required to consume them.

  As stated, software makes this easy, but there can just as easily be an “Economy 

Station” which serves as the embodiment‟s hub for managing efficient input, output

and exchange within the collective body. This Station would function as adecentralized service for efficient coordination; like an office/bank with numbers

processed in accord to the established formulas, and most of a citizen‟s participation

there being self-directed and self-governing.

  Where the price relates to those products and services born of the Personal

Hemisphere of one‟s input, additional factors come into play when determining price.

For example, if the embodiment uses a Market there is the need for factoring a

“Market Devotion” which accounts for the use of space and certain measures of 


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Knowledge is Power, literally. This Power is known through the yearnings and impulses of Desire.

Even as a magnet, an individual is compelled along by Desire  –  forming, releasing or altogether 

resisting the energetic connections and bonds which generate all motion and transformation…  

Scorpio presents itself as the quest for a certain level of Mastery over Magnetism.

In the New Culture this quest is facilitated through recognizing the necessity of 

accounting for the powerful Fields of Force which discharge through the Streams of 

Life. Every manifestation of Life possesses an electromagnetic force, naturally 

arranged as lines and bands which, where concentrated, form poles which exert either

the attractive or repulsive aspect of the force. Just like a magnet, an individual is

compelled along the Course that is their reality  – forming, releasing, and/or altogether

resisting the (energetic) connections and bonds which generate all motion. To gain

 Awareness over this process is essential for sustained movement toward Liberation.

Magnetism can be Known through the sense of Desire. For it is through Desire we

are lead in our motion… deeper into the realms of base and vulgar material

expression or lifted by our higher cravings into the luminous spheres of existence.

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In a cultural context this translates more specifically as a clear reverence for fostering 

conscious (energetic) bonds and exchanges. Sex as intentional Union is holy.

 Through conscious sexual Union, the egoic personality is transmuted into something higher. Therefore this reverent cultural attitude toward Sex is paramount.

 Also, the New Culture will reawaken, develop, and promote an ascending Awareness

of the Fields of Force… 

First, through supreme attentiveness to the subtle energy influences of our design at

the level of a Science. Forethought of design occurs in terms of location, placement,

layout, appearance, direction and correlation, relative to gravitational, magnetic, and

electric forces, solar gain, cosmic alignments, and the flows of energy, wind, and

 water. We will make use of celestial Yoga (i.e. Union with the Stars), sacred geometry 

(i.e. designing to manifest a prefigured cosmic pattern to attract and bond with the

correspondent energy), Astro-architecture (i.e. translating the energies of the Stars

into design elements), Vaastu Shastra , Feng Shui , forms of bio-mimicry, and similar.

Second, through attentiveness to our use of and literal relationship with energy and

power. The New Culture will be absolutely conscious of its energy/fuel sources and

consistently strive to ascend in those sciences. This necessitates highly articulated

practices which deal with energy input, use, and distribution.

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Ours is the Power to choose what impulse to follow; and that is everything… 

Power is Knowledge. Our Power is discovered, at its various levels, in the experience

of Knowledge, relative to the quality of that experience.

Sex is Union. Union is discovered, at its various levels, in the experience of sex,

relative to the quality of that experience.

Magick is the Art and Science of consciously directing and using Power to influence,

alter, and orchestrate events through the movement of energy.  The insertion of “k”

into the word implies the Hebrew letter kaph   meaning „a curve‟ and suggesting a

Human hand in the act of grasping. To grasp is to Master. For example, Human

hands grasping to one another have mastered a key component of the Human


“Real Magick ” therefore is never about acts of isolation, separation, and assertion of 

individual Will above the Greatest Good, but rather spreads conciliation, sympathy,

harmony, concord, alignment, and more of the same. Thus applying Magick to Sexual

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Union is Natural. The focus of mutual intention, anticipation, and desire through the

process of merging both amplifies and intensifies the aim/flow/force of the energy.

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When White Light penetrates a curve it is bent and appears as a spectrum of color, each so

apparently distinct from the other, yet each merely a variation of the same ONE Thing. At the same 

time, this division, tempered and recombined, provides the insight necessary for the ONE Thing to be 


Sagittarius presents itself as the quest for Mastery over Attainment. It has also been

called the quest of the “Wise Healer” or “Awakened Dreamer.”  

In the New Culture this quest is facilitated through recognizing the necessity of 

looking beyond any appearance of adversity, disparity, difference, fracture, separation

and similar, to seek the Source. A mighty oak tree includes many distinct features and

can achieve extensive proportions, yet all of it represents the same expression of 

Potential from the core of a single, tiny acorn. People can become so focused on

their idea of attainment (or on those things which suggest the hope of attainment),

and so blinded by their perception of the source and goal that they miss the mark 

entirely. Any extreme, fanaticism, certitude or superfluous excess diverts one‟s Aim

from the Truth and the source. These represent trials or lessons  –  what some

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 Traditions refer to as “lab work” –  where the unbalanced or obscured elements are

neutralized through examination and modification.

In a cultural context this translates more specifically as the conscious embrace of those things which keep us moving toward our ultimate goal of Awareness  – dynamic

educational models and systems which encourage exploration and development on

every level of being.

Happiness is for those who seek the experience  of all that uplifts and inspires them.

From that, actualized attainment is just natural.

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 The ability to improve and develop oneself is not only an essential ingredient of life, it

is synonymous with living. As activity and forward motion decrease and stagnate, as

Passion and interests fade, so does the sensations and st imulus of “being alive.” 

  Whether conscious or not, people inherently understand at a deep, core level that

incarnation and self-development go hand-in-hand, and instinctively link concepts of 

 worth and purpose to their “reasons for living.” We are truly here to evolve! Don‟t

  want to keep living to die and live again? Then get yourself to the next level of 

expression; refine yourself!

  Where there is self-development, there is wellness. There is enthusiasm and

commitment and a certain satisfaction. Greater states of peace, abundance and

happiness are likely to follow.

For the New Culture the Aim is to facilitate continual opportunity for improvement,

learning, growth and active participation with the improvement, learning and growth

of others.


 A way to translate and organize the Educational organ of an embodiment for a New 

Culture of ever-learning:

  JUVENILIS. Focus is on the embodiment‟s youth. An educational center

develops, promotes and applies a dynamic, new educational model where

students are exposed to an expanded curriculum which spotlights development

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of the Whole Being. This model is a hybrid of balances between the extremes

now found in educational philosophies. Parental input and home-centered

teaching are balanced against time spent with a class and teacher (a niche that

could very well be rotated through the parents.) Creative expression andlessons of the natural, spiritual and metaphysical are balanced against

superlative understanding of language, mathematics, physical sciences and


UNIVERSITAS. Focus is dual. Promote models of new education where

program graduates are not only left with proficiency in a skill, talent or concept

they are inspired to later input into society, but also with an understanding of 

the causes behind external events and a certain level of development of the

higher faculties. Both endeavors allow for one to not only operate more

effectively in daily life, but also to aid Human development by expanding and

fostering a level of Awareness that naturally breeds intelligence, forethought,

compassion and Good-Will. This concept can be enacted simply enough,

through an apprenticeship-styled curriculum. If students were able to live in

residence, and participate verily in greater community, this would allow for the

intended notion of a true Universitas   –  the direct experience of every facet of 

social operation. It also allows for the transition of an embodiment‟s youth

into more adult roles.

PRAXIS. Focus is on residents practicing and exploring their studies, ideas,

 visions and beliefs in a tangible way; the application of Knowledge, especially in

a mystical, empowering, inspiring, creative, devotional, and awakening sense;

includes spaces and facilitation. Every resident of an embodiment gives a

quota of hours toward this endeavor.

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LOCUS. Focus is dual. First, on expanding and increasing the public‟s depth

of Knowledge on a wide range of alternative or “neglected” topics; includes

on-site public seminars, courses and facilities aimed at sharing skills, conceptsand discoveries. Also on expanding and increasing the resident‟s depth of 

Knowledge through resident-facilitated courses and groups.

OECUMENICUS. Focus is on fostering and facilitating the availability of 

information and Knowledge that otherwise may be occulted, censored or

obscured; especially pertaining to Ageless Wisdoms; includes a publishing 

house and utilizing webbed technologies.

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Humanities‟ physical eyes are limited in their scope and therefore perceive limitation  by their very 

nature. The view is even circumscribed by the limits of the horizon; while the world continues beyond.

When eyes are left to determine the world, they invert it… 

Capricorn presents itself as the quest for Mastery over appearances.

In the New Culture this quest is facilitated through recognizing the necessity of 

acknowledging that we are, in Potential, Lords of Creation. Our eyes delude us.

 Through our eyes we see the limits of material creation, our view even circumscribed

by the visible line of the horizon, and in folly believe that what we see is complete.

  The majority are presently inclined toward the notion that sight can clearly define

reality, despite recognizing the vast spectrum of focus between species, or even within

the same species. We witness within a limited container of visibility; with our physical

eyes we see only the appearances, facades and shells of things. One bonds themselves

to unconsciousness whenever they simply accept reality for how it appears, thus

casting a self-made shadow of doubt across their own Divine Inheritance and

impeding their own Potential. Yet we are freed to our True station as soon as we look 

beyond what is seen and shed the limits we imagine to contain us.

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  The Aquarian Age is inaugurated by the movement of Pluto into the sign of 

Capricorn. The very template of our civilization and our methods of construction are

given a powerful impetus to change. This, in turn, helps birth an entirely New 

Culture for how we shelter ourselves and develop our physical structures.

Pluto in Capricorn wants to strip away whatever is false and superficial, so that the

fundamental and authentic can be brought into the Light. Pluto in Capricorn truly  wants for us to retune to the Earth and get back to the land… 

 At present the prevalent “modern” concept neither accounts for nor reflects natural

systems and thus makes little sense when placed as a component of this natural world.

 Just look at how our “permanent structures” are devastated by any peak in the cycle

of natural occurrence, and vastly rely on artificial systems to counter natural ones and

afford habitability. This must change. A glitch in the imperfect system might mean

death from heat or cold, yet consider that Native Americans, who lived in-tune with

Nature and without modern amenities, were able to thrive  in these same regions, in

their natural homes.

It is not progress but ego to consider ourselves advanced, when our advancement

comes largely by way of opposing the natural world, like She is something to beguarded against! She can wipe our “developed” world away with a blink of the eye ; a

fact I hope the masses are starting to wake-up to.

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 True progress is a dynamic, vital and evolving civilization. It unfolds from within the

parameters of Nature, and employs a Grand Intelligence toward meeting needs by 

 way of Nature, in partnership with Her, instead of in spite of Her.


 Where all physical structures are concerned the Aim of the New Culture is to:




  While simple, this list accounts for many things. For example, one cannot build

unsustainably or unsuitably to the local environment and also harmonize with nature;

one cannot build without intelligence and forethought and account for any of our


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  All systems and structures of the New Culture are designed to accord with our

Knowledge, and develop as our Knowledge develops.

Capricorn particularly relates to the construction that defines an organism. For

example, the skeleton which gives a Life its form. Or even the energetic essence of 

intent that sculpts a vessel. This is why all Morning Stars, forever symbolically reborn

at the first dawn of Capricorn (December 25th  ), are remembered as gardeners,

carpenters, architects or founders of some fashion. They build. They lend the bones

to our constructs, into which we build our experience and house our understanding.


Now consider that our vessel is a repository of our essence, containing an accumulation

of our learning  from varied states of Knowing we‟ve experienced. And you will

understand how Capricorn‟s energy relates to the structure of banks. When Pluto

moves into Capricorn in 2008, energy will be unleashed that will change notions of 

banking and alter our repositories of resources forever.

 At present the banks we are predominately familiar with are very much centralized

institutions propagating unhealthy forms of exchange, power manipulation and

control. Put this from your mind. The “banks” of the New Culture are structured in

the manner of our organism, and exist for the purpose of maintaining a certain

efficient form where action, development, exchange, and other such processes are


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In the New Culture all Accounts and records of Common Treasury (such as the

calculations of the exchange rate and true price, input, output, etc.) are accessed at the

Economic Station, through “the Bank.” Ideally, the Economic Station is technology 

based and accessed from varied electronic devices, at any time or place, in “the cloud”of virtual reality.

Here the word „Bank ‟ itself  can define a formula of conscious economy, for when

each letter represents its Hebrew equivalent, a four-fold mystical statement of 

“initiation, motion, evolution, and Brotherhood” is the result!

One aspect of the Bank is the Task Bank.

 The New Culture‟s use of a Task Bank allows for two key things to efficiently occur.

It allows individuals to remain dynamic and self-governing while assuring that society 

continues to function. And the mechanism is quite simple, really  –  

  For each portion of the Quota there is a correspondent tab within the Task Bank.

  As tasks surface they are entered into the Task Bank under the correspondent tab.

 A task might be a role, or a specific undertaking, duty or mission.

  A task is defined by its objective.

  A task is assigned a duration. Often this duration is “until the objective is carried

through to completion” or asks for a specific measure of input defined by a budget

of hours. However, a duration can be listed as “open-ended,” meaning that the

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task is on-going and an individual will serve in a certain capacity until they “un-list”

themselves from the task or have served a defined period of rotation.

  A task is rated on a scale of priority, based on urgency and necessity. For example,

a broken pipe requiring the immediate attention of a skilled plumber is rated under

the highest priority, whereas tasks with a start date 28 days or more into the future,

or tasks with little necessity about them are rated under the lowest priority  – with

an entire spectrum existing between these two extremes.

  A task is given its “shelf -life.”  That is, how long can the task sit in a person‟s task 

queue without their energy-input before it “expires” and returns to the collective

  Task Bank for completion by another? A task of short duration and urgent

necessity will have a quickly expiring shelf-life; the message is it needs done now,

and if you can‟t get it done, someone else will. 

  In the case of tasks with an objective more in the vein of requiring specific training 

for the role (let‟s say a plumber), a standard shelf-life is given as 13 weeks  –  

meaning there must be input entered for the task at least once per season for that

task to remain in an individual‟s persona l task queue. Alternatively, a shelf-life can

be customized to fit the situation  –  for example, where a teacher would need to

input a certain number of hours to the role each week to maintain said role.

   Anyone can enter a task. However, it is the responsibility of the individualentering a task to insure it is entered into the appropriate corresponding tab and is

“backed-up,” meaning that is not merely something they think should occur but

something that has been decided on and provisioned for or budgeted in some way.

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   When an individual is ready to input their energy, they access the Task Bank.

Selecting the tab corresponding to the portion of the Quota an individual is

 working to fulfill, they find a task which matches the nature and duration of the

input they wish to give and that corresponds to their abilities. Some tabs may have

additional requirements, and an individual needs to consider the particulars of their

Subscription when making choices.

  The task is committed to when the individual accepts the task and lists their name.

  This removes the task from the collective bank of tasks, transferring it to the

individual‟s personal task queue. 

   Tasks of mid- to low priorities cannot be accepted if there are feasible high-

priority tasks. For example, if the only high-priority task is for a Plumber, and you

are not a Plumber, then mid and low priority tasks can be chosen.

  Tasks within the highest range of priority remain at the top of an individual‟s task 

queue and must be input into, per the terms of  that task‟s shelf -life, to remain in

the queue.

  Upon completion of a task an individual returns to the Task Bank and marks their

task complete. Often this will be the moment when the actual energy input into

the task is entered. Sometimes, such as with an on-going role, there will be a log 

through which an individual‟s input is recorded over time.

NOTE: If the Task Bank operates in the cloud, when an individual enters their

input into a task it should automatically update the seasonal “Quota tracks” in 

their Account, displayed as four time-bars (one per Quota portion) which diminish

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as input is entered across the span of the season. When the input represents time

that was given in excess of the seasonal Quota, the time entered would

automatically translate into the appropriate currency.

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 Accounts are utilized to track the scale of balance between the input and return of an

individual, household or venture. Accounts both function as and appear as a scale of 


Internal Accounts appear in three versions – personal, venture, and temporary (ex: the

later can be used for those who come to an embodiment for certain educational


 Where Internal Accounts are concerned, the Quota must show motion at least once

every 13 weeks to maintain active status with an embodiment. If people wax and

 wane in their participation as the season suits them, an embodiment cannot thrive in

the same way year-around and/or must entertain notions of hoarding.

External Accounts are referred to as “Support Accounts” and are opened through our

Service programs, by the patrons of our settlements‟ Open Markets, or simply by 

those who wish to participate in a broader economic base and facilitate a new, more

appropriate economic model.

  Where External Accounts are concerned embodiments may offer incentives to

initially elicit the participation of the greater bioregion and grow a diverse economy.

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Regardless of the seemingly random circumstances of your birth, you were drawn to

your unique birth moment by way of a magnetic attraction. You enter incarnation on

the cross of that Time and that Place which mathematically, magnetically accords to

both the depth of your individual karma and the greatest outworking of individual

Potential. The birth moment, therefore, can be used in all sorts of ways to get to

know yourself more intimately … 

I began to study Astrology at the age of thirteen at the behest of my father, who gifted

me with a stack of awesome, rare Astrology books that Christmas. This study quickly 

progressed into a passion for exploring holistic, evolutionary models of the Science

and its Arts, and, further, connecting these models to other largely occulted practices.

Common Astrology practices are focused more-so on the lower personality, with its

 worldly identifications and experiences, and is given to making broad generalizations

or sweeping claims that have wrapped it in the guise of entertainment and thus cast it

beneath the shadows of speculation. This is not the Astrology which I Know, or of 

 which I speak.

 The Astrology I Know is a mind-blowing language, which I still eagerly make a study  

of after two decades.

 When Astrology is applied to the individual, my interest is with the development and

evolution of  their “reincarnating portion”, commonly dubbed the Soul. The useful

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rationale of personal Astrology is to assist an individual in cultivating Awareness by 

making choices which support the greatest outworking of their Life‟s Potential. This

is a person‟s Life-Purpose. All of those conditions, experiences, choices, behaviors,

  which have the greatest potential of Liberating the Soul from the cycles of birth,death, and rebirth.

  Where the Life‟s Purpose is concerned many Astrologers of esoteric, evolutionary 

fashion review little more than the “Dragon‟s Head” and “Dragon‟s Tail,” this being 

specifically and respectfully the North and South Lunar Nodes. As the Magi well

knew, the Lunar Nodes are the most accurate indicators of where someone has come

from, where they are compelled to and what they need to fulfill their deepest Reason

for coming to this Time and Place.

 Yet the answers are rarely easy, or easily heard. Often they leave a funny taste in the

mouth (said to be the pride which must be swallowed for the Truth to be heard) and,

more common than not, must be digested until one is able to arrive at those same

conclusions of their own accord.

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The lower personality merely spins within the cycles of time until Awakening to the Truth that by 

consciously participating in the Great Work of Theofication there is Liberty… 

Pisces presents itself as the quest for Mastery over reality.

In the New Culture this quest is facilitated through conscious control of subconscious

activity. The lower personality merely spins within wheels, and the cycles of wheels

 within wheels, until awakening to the Truth that by consciously participating in the

Great Work of its Theofication there is Liberty.

In a cultural context this translates more specifically as promoting states of conscious

unfoldment which press beyond the boundaries of the known to Ascend into that

place where personal reality and Cosmic Actuality are ONE.

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 Actuality and Reality are not the same concept.

 While your dictionary and thesaurus would dispute this, thousands of years of Mystery 

 Traditions would not… and would go even further to suggest that Understanding the

difference between the two is imperative to your Liberation… 

In the Traditions, Actuality is definable as the Laws of Vibration, while Reality is

definable as one‟s unique and individual state of consciousness of Actuality. In other

 words, Reality is simply that which can be realized of the Laws of Vibration without

bearing on the Actuality of their True range of content and scope.

For a deaf person, Reality can be Silent, the needed sensing organ incapable of 

perceiving those waves of vibration we refer to as sound. But the Actuality is, those

 waves exist even when one is unable to perceive them.

 And on the same token, even among those people with the organ necessary for  – and

capable of  – sensing sound vibration, Reality remains subjective and personalized and

something apart from Actuality. For the content and scope of one‟s hearing can

differ greatly from another‟s, and may represent a very small perceptual range of the

 Actuality of the sound wave‟s full vibrational expression. 

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It is folly to assume that Reality is fixed. Clearly the Truth is that each individual is

conscious of a uniquely individual portion of Actuality. And consciousness exists in

innumerable states and can be altered by many, many things  – not only the range and

abilities of our sensing organs but also filters of understanding, social conditioning,false beliefs, impairments and injuries to any of our bodies, and even certain foods

and substances.

  Thus Reality is one‟s personal state and totality of Consciousness. Reality is


 Actuality, on the other hand, is Universal. It is Absolute Truth. It is All activity  – the

complete range of scope of every vibration – together as ONE.

 As the Laws of Vibration fully expressed, Actuality is never stagnant. It is action and


One‟s Reality is often that their physical body is a fixed, somewhat torpid thing, but as

 vibration materially expressed, it is not –  the Actuality is that our body is a flow of 

constant motion.

 As our states of Consciousness (i.e. Reality) are expanded and brought into control,

the Actuality of this motion and its malleability come further into Awareness

Reality is as unlimited and as vast as we allow.

 Therefore it is stated that the „I‟ is Reality. While I AM is the Actuality.

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The greater good is served whenever and wherever an individual can follow ambition and aspiration,

  purpose and potential. Whole, healthy, well-energized Humans know what it is to have a 

contributing niche in the greater body… 

 Aries presents itself as the quest for Mastery over the individualized aspects of Self.

 Aries is especially concerned by the individualized drive and the self-perception, both

of which can lead one horribly astray when left unchecked.

In the New Culture this quest is facilitated through encouraging an individual and

collective willingness to form accurate assessments of what we desire and what we

have to work with.

 Also, Aries beseeches recognizing time for the individual‟s pursuit of Self -Mastery as a

core necessity. The Greater Good is served whenever and wherever an individual can

follow their ambitions and aspirations and explore Purpose and Potential. When a

person is lost in thought or fully present in what they are doing, when they can be or

do, when they can get absorbed into something they really care about, in the way that

suits the moment best, that is happy, powerful living. Nothing makes a person more

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joyful, generous and empowered than being able to fulfill the creative impulse of the


Humans not only need to play a role they are committed to and passionate about; whole, healthy, well-energized Humans know the experience of having a valued niche

in the Greater Body, and can see their own feelings of Self-worth reflected and

supported by those around them.

In a cultural context this is where needs and wants and resources gets defined.

translates more specifically as half of every  individual‟s input going toward personally 

motivated aims, ideas, charities, intentions, pursuits, projects, creations, industries,

improvements, and the like. Further, the whole of one‟s input is fully self-directed

and self-maintained, governed by one‟s own interests and desires. And the entire

cultural model is designed to uplift and unfold the individual within a matrix of 

support, value and love.

“Truth is stood on its head by considering goods as more important than people and

consumption as more important than creative activity.” 

~ EF Schumacher

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  A Quota is the amount of hours of input an individual or household unit is

Subscribed to fulfill – either as part of their residence in a New Culture settlement, or

in trade for certain goods and/or services offered by the same.

 There are three types of Quotas:

BASE FULL-SHARE. The Quota input by full-share members which returns the full

base of necessities, goods, & services provided for the participants by the participants.

BASE STANDARD SHARE. The Quota input by trial or associate members which

returns a certain base of necessities, typically specific food and shelter.

  TRADE AND SUPPORT. The Quota input by those utilizing certain respite or

support services, or participating in some form of trade arrangement with a

settlement, which returns specific goods & services as Subscribed.

 The remainder of this paper is intended to illuminate the full-share and standard share

types which specifically pertain to those who are, if even for a brief spell, resident-


For resident-participants every Quota consists of two hemispheres:

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PERSONAL.   To elicit contribution of the individual‟s unique essence and foster

their Mastery of Self.

COLLECTIVE. To join together in cooperative action to efficiently and beneficially provide a sustainable and pleasant existence for the collective, and, in various ways,

for an embrace of those beyond.

Each hemisphere has two parts:

INDUSTRY. Fulfilled through actions which support, produce, and/or acquire any 

good, service, or infrastructure for the collective. This pertains to Human-developed

Resources or that which is consumed, utilized, or exchanged. This part of the

collective hemisphere represents any task which satisfies, or works toward satisfying, a

“defined need” (of the Whole), while this part of the personal hemisphere represents

any task which satisfies, or works toward satisfying, a “defined contribution” (of the

Self). For standard-share Quotas the collective-industry tasks fulfilled are limited to

those relative to the goods and services received. Also, for those in educational

  Apprenticeships where a consumed, utilized or exchanged Resource is produced,

their personal industry Quota is fulfilled through the hours spent in their

 Apprenticeship input.

UPHOLDING. Fulfilled through actions which steward, preserve, uplift, and/or

improve the collective and the whole environment. Pertains to Natural and Inborn

Resources or that which is cared for, appreciated, developed, or sustained. This part

of the collective hemisphere represents any task which works toward protecting and

perpetuating “def ined natural capital,” while this part of the personal hemisphere

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represents any task which works toward protecting and perpetuating “defined human

capital.” Also, where personal upholding is concerned, any in Apprenticeship where

Natural or Inborn Resources are cared for, appreciated, developed or sustained, fulfill

said portion of their Quota through the hours spent in Apprenticeship.

 Thus every Base Quota looks like this:

  Thus, every Base Quota is half-satisfied through tasks relating to the collectivehemisphere, and half-satisfied through tasks relating to the personal. Two-thirds of 

every Base Quota‟s hours are given to common concepts of capital –  goods, services,

and infrastructure – as well as to social capital (i.e. spirit of community). While one-

third of every Base Quota‟s hours are given to caring for and developing natural and

human capital.

 All Quotas are calculated by adult.

Every adult residing within an embodiment has  –  at minimum  –  a Base Share

appropriate to the nature of their residency assigned them. An exception here might





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be with those temporarily residing in a settlement, such as for the purpose of respite

or to access certain Services.

 Very roughly, a Quota is every adult‟s division of the input it takes for the Whole (andthen some) to THRIVE.

Children are considered an essential investment, thus the collective body generates

abundance enough to supply for them. They and others who are considered as the

responsibility of the Whole, such as weak or the sick, do not raise a household‟s

Subscribed Quota.

Each Quota is linked to an Account based on a Subscription with the settlement.

 With an Individual Account the Quota is singularly fulfilled by said individual. With a

joint Account the collective hemisphere of the Quota is fulfilled at the discretion of 

the household by any household member, while the personal hemisphere remains sole

responsibility of the adult it applies to.

 Thus a household having, for example, two adults, has two Base Shares no matter if 

the Account is individual or joint. Input of the unique, individual essence into the

tapestry of the Whole is mandatory for residence.

Per the Subscription, to the Base Quota may be added other things. For example,

trial members would need to input additional hours to receive any of the collective ‟s

goods and services beyond the basics their standard-share Quota provides. Similarly,

full-share members can include additional hours to facilitate certain lifestyle choices or

fulfill certain goals. While associate members who reside in a settlement for

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educational purposes might request that a portion of their tuition is translated into the

input of additional Quota hours.

Likewise – Per the Subscription, from the Base Quota may be deducted certain things.For example, trial residents pursuing a full-share might experience a transitional

period where, per request, a limited portion of the Subscribed Quota is translated into

a monetary value. Also, either trial or full-share residents can input certain assets into

the Common Treasury for a (limited) reduction.

 These limits are to be more specifically defined by the tax structure of the collective,

and the tax laws the collective must consider in order to function for as long as the

mainstream systems still exist. However, it is advised that simulation models have

demonstrated a decline in potential and decreases to sustainability when any Base

Quota is reduced by more than 33% from monetary or trade value input.

It is anticipated that the average resident of individual Account will find themselves

 with a Quota of approximately 39 hours per week.  At first glance this doesn‟t sound

much different than the typical 40-hour yoke of modern society. However, consider

that half of those hours largely represent your own interests and ventures, and

support your own self-development and personal pursuits. As you can see, input is

expected and output is returned in a very different manner than what is commonly 

conceived in familiar social systems.

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 The concepts of “Defined Need” and “Defined Contribution” relate to the industry 

portion of a Quota and essentially supply all provided sustenance and agreed

necessities, the embodiment‟s infrastructure, and the Market, if used:

DEFINED NEED. Pertains to the Whole. Any good, service, or infrastructure

consumed, utilized, and/or exchanged by the largest majority or otherwise agreed as

appropriate and/or necessary for the sustainable, abundant and pleasant lifestyle the

collective chooses to provide.

DEFINED CONTRIBUTION. Pertains to the Self. Any skill, strength, ability,

awareness, interest, talent, service, etc., which can be consumed, utilized, and/or

exchanged AND inputs the unique essence of the individual into the whole.

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Examples of 


(Question: What do we want to provide for ourselves?)

Examples of 


(Question: What do we want to offer of ourselves?) 























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 The health and reflective productive capacity of our Natural Resources are not fixedby Nature, nor are they extractable to exhaustion without fatal results. The Truth is

that Natural Resources are improved, maintained or degraded by Humans over time,

and can only be sustainably extracted through conscious and balanced relationship.

 To exclude Humanity‟s role from the Natural Resources equation is inevitably lethal. 

 Therefore it becomes useful to view our Natural Resources  – the Goods and Services

of Nature  – as a form of capital. The Natural Systems and the Goods and Services

they provide are our inherent wealth; a manner of prosperity directly impacted by our

choices and provided by Nature to our benefit. To these things we owe our very 

lives, and they must be cared for, appreciated, developed and sustained.

  Just as unsound practices destroy the integrity of the environment, unhealthy 

relationships to our Human Resources devastate the integrity of the culture,

increasingly assisting in its degradation until it can no longer support the development

or happiness of its members. To value the production and consumption of material

things above respect and Awareness for fellow Humanity is unfathomable.

 Thus, as with our Natural Resources, it is a boon to view our Human Resources  –  

those products inborn through Human Systems  –  also as a form of capital. This

enables a new manner of thinking where the True impact of unsound practice can be

more easily recognized, where the links which generate the underlying cultural

integrity can be consciously considered, and where our social systems can be

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NaturalGoods &Services

Natural Function  Upholding Tasks 




Refinement and evolution of genetic and

biological material; transcription and

inheritance. Natural resistance. The intense

organization behind the fabric of the Whole.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the intelligence of

regional diversity. Working to Support and Increase

Diversity, Promoting Natural Forms of Resistance Against

Pathogens and Pests, Seed Cultivation and Preservation,

Sustainably Collecting/Replenishing Biological Material (i.e.

medicines, spores, algae, etc.)

CREATION Conception. Production of minerals, stones,

trees, grasses, medicines, rain, sun, wind,

etc. that can be utilized as raw materials.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the regional

environment. Strengthen Environmental Systems (i.e.

intelligent design and use plans, enhancing critical habitats,

etc.), Preserving Environmental Character, and Sustainably

Collecting/Replenishing Raw Materials.




Provides a muse. Opportunities for

stimulating, picturesque, majestic, rhythmical,

satisfying, motivating, elevating, illuminating,

etc., experience. Aesthetic and Spiritual


Acts of protecting and perpetuating the uplifting and inspiring

qualities, characteristics, and opportunities provided by the

regional environment. Provisioning for/ Developing and

Maintaining: Beauty and places where Beauty can be

experienced (i.e. preservation and beautification of natural

features such as picking up refuse and stray materials,

clearing tumbleweeds, raking pathways, etc.), Spirituality

and places where such can be experienced (i.e. silent trails,

meditation grottos, statuary, etc.)



Provides Way of Life. Opportunities for

cultivating particular practices, tastes,

traditions, behaviors, beliefs, bonds, etc., and

striving for excellence therein. Cultural and

Ennobling value.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the unique qualities,

characteristics, and opportunities provided by the regional

environment. Provisioning for/ Developing and Maintaining

high standards of: artistic, cultural and culinary creativity;

festival, ritual, and event; common experience; and the

spaces for such to sustainably occur.

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REFUGE Provides Mercy. Opportunities for protection,

retreat, sanctuary, shelter, etc. Habitat for

both resident and transient species.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the environment’s most

nurturing and charitable features. Provision for/ Developing

and Maintaining: trees and other nesting habitats, wetlands,

aquatic habitats, wintering grounds, etc.

RECREATION Provides Activity. Opportunities for exercise,

sport, tourism, amusement, entertainment,

etc. Value relates to action, motion,


Acts of protecting and perpetuating an active, sustainable

relationship with the landscape and its features.

Provisioning for/ Developing and Maintaining: trails, grottos,

commons, viewing and sightseeing opportunities,

playgrounds, etc.




Provides Regeneration. Opportunities for

detoxification, waste treatment, purification,

etc. Value relates to revitalization, renewal,

adjustment and adaptation.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the regeneration of

habitats and their resources. Composting, Recycling, Water

Purification, Waste Treatment, Grey Water Systems, Storm

Water Capture.

FERTILITY Provides Abundance. Opportunities for

sustenance, fruitfulness, diversity, pleasure.

Production of fish, natural crops, fruits, nuts,

fungi, etc., that can be utilized as foodstuffs.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating habitats which provide

uncultivated foods and medicines. Sustainable Wildcrafting,

Gathering, Fishing.



Provides all systems of regulation. Maintains

health of atmosphere, climate, water, soil,

nutrients, biology, etc. Corrects unbalance

and disturbance.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the health of the

biosphere. Reducing and regulating: Fuel Consumption (i.e.

alternative fuel production, providing transit for 3 or more

licensed drivers at once), Water Consumption

(improving/maintaining systems of water efficiency), Erosion,

Waste, etc.

POLLINATION Sustains the Matrix. Disseminates the

activating agent through cyclic rhythm and

movement. Provisioning of pollinators.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the Foundations of Life.

Bee Keeping, Stewarding Pollinator Habitats, Providing for

Pollinator’s Needs.



Sustains the Kingdom. Provisioning of the

basic building blocks for Human function in

this realm – heat, water, breathable air,


Acts of protecting and perpetuating the core requisites of

Life. Provisioning for natural attributes and functions of the

landscape, its habitats and features. Developing and

maintaining active and passive collection/use of heat, shade,

water, sun, wind, etc

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ProductsRole  Upholding Tasks 

KNOWLEDGE Knowing; Enlightened Awareness. The

expression and/or experience of wisdom and

awareness to produce knowing; contact with

the intelligence beyond the manifest self. The

Activating Agent; transcription of higher

frequency genetic sequences to offspring.

Conscious union with fabric of the whole;

reception with the Divine Inheritance.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the diversity of

Knowledge; conscious union with a greater whole.

Teaching, Furthering Education, Group Exploration and

Study of Mystic Principals (i.e. Meditation, Learning

Chants and Breathwork, Sex Magick, Some Yoga, etc.)

CREATIVE POWER Conception. Production of ideas, concepts,

techniques, inventions, creations, etc. used to

express and/or experience the consciousness

of Being.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the fruit of one’s own

unique Being; fostering Divine Inspiration. Transmuting

and/or Transforming common ideas, substances, and

materials into something of a greater value to the Self

and/or others (i.e. Art; Design, Development, Invention);

original productions of the Mind. Counseling or otherwise

assisting others to gather and express their constitution in

a constructive manner; Group Vision Quests.

Construction and stewardship of the Artist’s Market and

workshop space.



Divine Inheritance. The striving to express

and/or experience heightened spiritual and

aesthetic states. The pursuit of higher realms;

the consciousness of becoming .

Acts of protecting and perpetuating Potential. Projects

which increase the Wisdom of Function and Efficiency, or

allow for a Greater Possibility to be expressed. Cultivation

through Collective Ritual, Practices, and Wisdom Study.

Temple construction and stewardship; facilitating spiritual

gathering or places of sanctuary and/or inspiration.

CULTURE A Way of Life. The expression and/or

experience of excellence, enrichment,

ennoblement, etc. specifically through the

unique character and traits of a group

personality. Union with an expanded identity.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating an expanded

perspective and collective identity, and striving for

excellence therein. Construction and stewardship of

gathering spaces; facilitating cultural events (i.e. potlucks,

picnics, culinary festivals, arts and entertainment events,

bazaars, etc.).

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Mercy, compassion, generosity, benevolence.

The expression and/or experience of Good-

Will; sharing in abundance and the experience

and/or expression of good fortune.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating Respite and Support

Services. Stewarding, Assisting, Developing, etc., any

Service offered by the City to non-residents; Social


ACTIVITY Action, motion, refreshment. The expression

and/or experience of doing. Development of

vigor and dynamism.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the active strength,

healthy force, and inspirited endurance of both the

individual and the Whole. Group Study, Practice, and

Exploration of Yoga disciplines, Exercise, Movement,

Sport, Amusement, etc. Construction and stewardship of

activity spaces; facilitating activity (such as through

teaching classes).




Healing, Regeneration, Adjustment,

Adaptation. The expression and/or

experience of improving and revitalizing one’s

quality of life through the process of renewal.

Conscious beautification of the qualities of


Acts of protecting and perpetuating the restoration,

modification, refinement, or improvement of the qualities of

Self, Life, and the Whole. Teaching, facilitating, or

participating in courses, programs, or events related to

Recovery (i.e. behavior modification, cleansing, release,

acceptance, self-development, etc.). Teaching, facilitating,

or participating in Mediation Services. Construction and

stewardship of Therapeutic spaces and facilitating certain

Therapeutic Services for City residents.

EFFECTIVENESS Victory, Gratification, Nourishing Optimism,

Value. The expression and/or experience of

the fertile richness of manifold reality; the

Intelligence of a Higher Nature brought to

Fruition. Affirming the Laws.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the ability of both the

individual and the Whole to experience success and

usefulness. Teaching, facilitating, or participating in any

organized study, practice, or experience with the aim of

increasing one’s ability to effect change in their

environment. Construction and stewardship of any

common space, device, or imagery through which the

Seven Laws are reflected, commemorated, or otherwise




Health, wellness. The expression and/or

experience of maintaining and sustaining

one’s quality of life through the process of 

conscious regulation. Address of disturbance

and regulation.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating holistic well-being.

Teaching, facilitating, or participating in courses,

programs, or events related to Health and Wellness.

Construction and stewardship of Health and Wellness

spaces and facilitating certain Health and Wellness

Services for city residents.

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DISSEMINATION Spread, Transfer, Remember, Circulate. Co-

mingles and correlates the Activating Agent.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the proliferation,

exchange, and retention of Knowledge. Writing,

Publishing, or otherwise preserving and disseminating the

Knowledge held and gained by the City. Facilitating

seminars, courses, events and/or information exchanges.

Teaching apprenticeships.

PRAXIS Application of Knowledge. Translating

concepts into deeds. Enactment and/or

practice of theories and skills; gaining first-

hand experience.

Acts of protecting and perpetuating the ability to practice

and explore one’s ideas, visions, beliefs, etc. in a tangible

way. Group practice of Mystic Principals. The execution

of certain concepts or skills which bring tangibility to the

City’s founding concepts. 

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it is something which can be duplicated without loss. The loss of our concernis in terms of integrity  –   can “it” be infinitely duplicated and remain whole,

entire, and undiminished? This largely relates to cerebral and metaphysical

resources like teachings, philosophies, formulas, concepts, mechanisms,

technologies; things which can be transferred from mind to mind without a

reduction or dissolution of quality.


  Assets of the Whole are to be stewarded with the utmost of forethought and

intelligence. They are never for the exclusive pleasure, benefit or gain of one person,

or even for a conglomerate of people… 

Consider the Mystery Teachings and their Higher Arts and Sciences. Across

the Aeons how many have input their Great Works; their Life‟s blood, sweat,

and tears? Yet, beyond Self-Mastery, the Work is never to the benefit of the

individual, or even to the specific Tradition (which, if of True Vein, views itself 

as stewards or guardians of Advancement and seeks primarily to usher

  Wisdoms, the truest treasures of the Whole, across those long, dark periods

 when sharing them openly might risk their quality, if not their existence.)

In the ownership model of the New Culture, the only thing one could ever truly own

is their energy input and its direct  return… 

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Energy input to nourish and uphold the collective returns a broad definition of 

necessities, comforts and sustainable certainties and prospects, all of which

  would be ultimately defined as assets of the Whole. Input essentially returns

“ownership” of some defined level of sharing in the collective pot. Note that Idid not say “an equal division” of the collective treasure; people have different

 wants and needs and a sustainable, abundant society factors for that.

Energy input into the Personal Hemisphere, or of one‟s own personal accord

(i.e. beyond the Subscribed Quota), automatically returns currencies relative to

the number of hours input. This allows for the acquisition of services and

personal and household effects beyond what the embodiment collectively 

provides, as well as certain opportunities for expanding shares, upgrading or

expanding housing, extended vacation periods, etc.

In the New Culture many things one might expect to own privately are owned in


 There will be many everyday things within an individual‟s personal use that are,

in fact, collectively owned and maintained. While a shift in perspective is

required, this allows a household more through less. More opportunities, more

resources, more time, more health, more True Abundance. Less laboring to

assure the home‟s needs are met, less stress and strife, less resource

consumption, less energy given to the pedestrian.

 The type of participation one elects to have within an embodiment (i.e. their

membership or citizenry) determines how that individual or household shares

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in the collective‟s resources. However, only full-share members are actual

shareholders in the Common Treasury. While their literal share is never

dispersed, their Subscription automatically includes the right to use all their

settlement has to offer within the defined methods and parameters, whereasother forms of membership have Subscriptions which allow for the right to use

only specifically named resources. No matter what, an individual or household

is expected to behave as though they are the owner and steward of their living 

environment and the artifacts in their use.

In the New Culture the purchase of services replaces the purchase of many goods… 

Sustainability is greatly facilitated by eradicating the consumer mentality. A

 virtual cornucopia existing at our fingertips and duplicated across numerous a

street corner is not only completely unintelligent in process, it promotes the

extremes of waste and fosters detachment from how and where things are

provided. In this way people are encouraged to be oblivious consumers, with

the expectancy for instant gratification prioritized far above other far more

 valid considerations.

Imagine the resources saved and perspective gained when goods, whenever and

 wherever possible, are offered as a sort of subscription service from their actual

manufacturer. Instead of shipping goods to distribution centers which ship to

stores which people must then spend their time, energy and fuel resources to

purchase, in the New Culture, we will see subscriptions to products and their

delivery, scheduled continuation, maintenance, replacement, and upgrade take

lead. This works for many common things and is especially handy when

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applied to the things we might use everyday  –  for example, light bulbs and

bread. This model puts goods in the conceptual realm of the Fruit of a Service,

 which more accurately models Nature. And, in addition to all those subsequent

benefits which come of modeling Nature, provides a higher level of gratification than what could ever be found through disassociating products

from their true source.

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  The Common Treasury exists to more efficiently steward the collective

assets, resources, funds, expenses, benefits and payments pertaining to full-

share members, who each have one legal share in the Treasury‟s holdings of 

the settlement in which they reside.

  For as long as the settlement lives, a share to its Treasury would never be

literally dispersed and, in fact, works to sustain the Whole.

  For as long as the settlement is required to function within the old ways, at

the end of each tax-year a share‟s actual dollar value must be calculated in

literal terms, which may then count for tax purposes as the income of each

shareholder4. The citizens of the settlement are therefore shareholders in

the actual ownership of the settlement in which they live.

  In many ways the Common Treasury functions as a sort of link between

exterior and interior systems; between the national economy and the

currencies of the New Culture.

  Treasurers steward the Treasury. They are without controlling reins and

exist simply for efficient coordination, communication and economic

function. There are as many Treasurers as there are “Organs” or

classifications of the body. The positions are selected through the Task Bank by the self-governed individual and exist in 13-month terms, with no

4 It should then be noted that households choosing to function via individual accounts hold individual memberships, to which each is

attributed a separate share, thereby multiplying the household‟s income. 

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term expiring at the same time so that the rotation never occurs at once but

is staggered.

  The Treasurers form a Circle which functions as part of an office-like teamalong with the Facilitators and Market Steward, if there is one.

  The Treasurers‟ task is first to coordinate and organize a seasonal agenda

and then to administrate, account and facilitate that agenda without holding 

any controlling reins or executive powers. This agenda is, in effect, a budget

pertaining to the collective holdings, financial and built capital, market, etc.

 Tasks might include issuing payments or arranging supplies on the

settlement‟s behalf, data entry, scheduling benefits that pertain to the

utilization of exterior services, etc.

  Accounting and records pertaining to the function of the Treasury are

openly maintained for any shareholder‟s interest, awareness, review, etc. 

  The Treasury‟s seasonal agenda is determined openly in forum, always withthe Aim of providing the greatest sustainable abundance possible utilizing 

the least amount of resources. Consider that in initial phases the Treasury 

may only be able to cover the most basic needs of its shareholders, but with

time the scope of Defined Needs and embrace of those covered should be

grown until an extensive range of liberties, opportunities, provisions, and

benefits are provided. Remember that while we do not seek to foster or

covet the acquisition of matter we do wish to create the condition of 


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First, it needs to be said that while heaping everything beneath the guise of one

currency has offered an effective means of quickly satisfying needs and wants, the

time has come to evolve! A blanket currency reduces all forms of goods and services

to the same playing field, and then strips away much of the real factors of cost and

  value (such as impact to, and lifespan of, resources) to apply a value based on the

artificial market‟s desires and trends. At this point, the people have become so

engrained with the actual process and mindset of maximum consumption that their

legal-tender no longer has to back itself with anything at all. He who gathers more

paper can consume more, hoard more, own more and have more power and

control… and that‟s what has come to matter. Very similar to concepts of the Stone

 Age, but we like to think of it as sophisticated. There is a cost for such behavior and

collapse of the artificial market and its paper money game is as though carved in


 Thus in the New Culture, a new approach to the facilitating tools of economy (i.e.

currency) is in order –  

In the New Culture there will be no official, printed currency or manufactured object

of currency… 

Instead Accounts are used where balances, existing in columns of input and

return, are self-governed. This is best facilitated through the future cloud of 

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  virtual reality. For, appropriate technology 5 and electronic mediums are

hallmarks of the Aquarian Age. However, don‟t imagine for a second that New 

Culture constituents live within a system that is dehumanizing, impersonal,

intrusive, or motivated by fear and mistrust. Digital currencies can actually proficiently mirror natural systems of exchange and are an ideal medium for the

 Wise and efficient transfer of Human energy.

Similar currency systems are today called „Mutual Credit Systems.‟ This is

because two participants completing transaction mutually register it as an

input/debit in one‟s Account and a return/credit in the other. As no form of 

regulation exists beyond the mutual registration of the agreement/transaction,

the system is self-regulating. Instead of requiring a central monitoring agency 

the Bank exists because of and through the people. Ideally software will enable

the currency‟s function. 

 All currencies have the exact same, non-fluctuating value behind them… 

Human energy. The best protection for an individual‟s assets therefore

becomes self-care and self-development.

Currencies make distinctions between and considerations for the renewal rate of 


5 That is, technology ceaselessly striving to evolve into a closed-loop/zero-waste system.

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  According to E.F. Schumacher, to treat a finite resource heedlessly and

extravagantly without any distinction to set it apart from those things which are

easily replenished is an act of violence. Not only that, it creates a way of Life

  without any hope of permanence, functioning largely on purely temporary supplies. The currencies of the New Culture avoid this error by making a

distinction between the natures and availabilities of the goods or services being 


Currencies make distinctions between and considerations for the consumption rates

of goods and services… 

  Take away the goals of maximum consumption and radical, senseless

consumerism and it makes little sense to apply the same medium of exchange

to all things if you really don‟t have to.  To throw the essential and the non-

essential, the local and the well-traveled, the perishable and the everlasting 

together in the same mix fosters a level of unawareness that‟s detrimental to

ourselves, our planet and our future. The currencies of the New Culture

therefore make distinctions between the lifespan, gatherability and uses of 

goods and services.

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In the New Culture, instead of input returning a schedule of certain goods, services,

and “rights of use” (as would be the case in most intentional communities), we utilize

a return of currencies to maximize freedom and efficiency, and facilitate a healthy 

model of exchange with and within the New Culture at large.

 There are three standards of currency  –  

INTERIOR SCRIP (IS). The scrip used inside of a settlement. Specific to settlement

of issue. Cannot be exchanged beyond the settlement where earned. Pertains solely 

to the utilization and exchange of Defined Needs. Earned solely through Collective

Industry. Full unit equal to one-hour.

UPHOLDING SCRIP (US). The scrip used inside of a settlement. Specific to

settlement of issue. Cannot be exchanged beyond the settlement where earned.

Pertains solely to development, maturity, progress, and opportunity. Earned solely 

through Collective Upholding. Functions as nature would function, by giving returns

and directing energies to where there is contribution and investment into the Greater

Good. Accumulates at a rate of one per fifty-two hours of Subscribed input and one

per thirteen hours of input invested beyond the Subscribed Quota. Also automatically 

accumulates with the passage of time – one per 28 days spent in residence.

LIBERTORA (L). The currency used both within the New Culture‟s settlements, the

New Culture at large, and even as a bridge with the surrounding economic system to

further the viability and sustainability of the local bioregion. Pertains to the utilization

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and exchange of goods and services. Earned in a settlement through Personal

Industry and exterior as general currency. Full unit equal to one-hour.


In the New Culture Interior Scrip has two formats. In its standard format  –  issued

per hour of input into working to satisfy Defined Needs  – the Scrip is considered to

be “consumable.” That is, it represents the utilization and exchange of products and

services which are, on average, consumed at a mercurial pace. This encompasses a

 wide gamut of Human necessities – food gets eaten, soap washes away, clothing wears

out, medicinals are swallowed, services are rendered, and on like this.

Mirroring the nature of its use, the standard format of Interior Scrip expires in value

at a quickened pace. Each unit of Scrip keeps its full value for 13 weeks only, or the

close equivalent of one season, after which it is devalued in 13 weeks intervals until

reaching expiration on the last day of its 52nd week. Thus the life of each unit of Scrip

looks like this:



 weeks 1-13

45 minutes

2/3 value

 weeks 14-26

30 minutes

½ value

 weeks 27-39

15 minutes

1/3 value

 weeks 40-52

  This helps to keep the process of exchange and utilization in check with actual

seasonal inputs and supplies, as well as helps to generate an attitude of abundance by 

keeping energies in the present and discouraging notions of hoarding or manipulating 

ideas of scarcity for profit and gain.

 At any time an individual or household can choose to convert any portion of their

consumable Interior Scrip into “INTERIOR SCRIP, LIVING,” same for same. This

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is akin to putting money into savings or, better yet, creating an energy reserve

designated toward achieving a specific aim. However, once the Scrip is converted it

cannot be converted back. This elicits forethought as ISL isn‟t used for consumables,

but for the exchange and utilization of those Defined Needs which are enduring orsustain endurance. Examples  –  additions/upgrades to housing, certain tools and

artifacts, preventive health services, provided educational opportunities.


Libertora likewise has two formats, one which expires and one which doesn‟t. In its

standard format  –  issued in a settlement per hour of input into working to satisfy 

Defined Contributions  –  the currency similarly moves toward expiration, albeit at a

much slower pace.

Each unit keeps its full value for 260 days, or a close equivalent of 9 months, after

 which it is devalued in 260 day intervals until reaching the end of its life span after

approximately 36 months or 3 years:



days 1-260

45 minutes

2/3 value

days 261-520

30 minutes

½ value

 weeks 521-780

15 minutes

1/3 value

 weeks 781-1040

Once again this is important because a culture of Abundance has no need for the

hoarding mentality or the manipulations it encourages for self-preservation and gain.

For a culture to live in the present tense its elected tool of exchange must encourage

the same.

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In the New Culture All are valued the same.

  This is a concept many resist, even among folks who are quick to reject present

mainstream cultural norms. It is initially surprising, but not so much once it is

realized that the concept of “value” is really  one of the most predominate factors of 

culture in the first place; perhaps one of its most basic, yet most underlying and

extensive threads. What a culture perceives as normal to prescribe value to, in turndefines the nuances of that culture and their identifying practices and features.

So the arguments are quick to emerge as to why one attribute or another increases the

importance or usefulness of a person, and thus their economic worth. Especially 

  when someone has invested so much into their education; or spent their life

apparently working harder than everyone around them. Even strong proponents of 

equality between the sexes or races or those of varied inclinations and preferences will

here point out that Life itself isn‟t completely fair. The Sun touches the mountain-top

before it touches the valley , meaning the playing field isn‟t meant to be leveled into a

flat plane. It can seem an apparent Truth. After all, if All are given the same equal

opportunities, the same chances to make their choices, then it certainly appears fair

and just to value a person in proportion to what they have made of those

opportunities. If you have tried to develop yourself through hours of education andpractice, while your neighbor has not, why should each of you receive the same?

If you are like many I encounter, your social conditioning is so strong that it might

feel impossible to see how these notions of value are purely subjective. As a culture,

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  we value a certain certification of learning although there are other methods of 

arriving at a proficient state. As a culture, we value the habits which we perceive to

best engender the capitalist machine, although less favored habits often play their own

essential part. Our reasoning is too often derived from slanted preferences andconditioning; and too ingrained to appear as something other than simply “normal.” 

 Yet normal is nothing but plowing a rut.

  Things can very clearly appear to be obvious, when really you could never guess

 what‟s behind the door or beneath the surface. True treasure is rarely discerned by 

the eyes. Consider that there are many exquisitely beautiful, inspiring, nurturing and

enduring palaces, temples and homes made of mud bricks. Therefore to some mud

has been invaluable, perhaps even more so than gold. Even if to you that sounds

ridiculous or strange.

 When you look at a person, or even watch their Life from afar for a spell, can you

determine the Truth of why they have incarnated on this planet? Do you know their

Purpose? Their Potential? If we are to be successful in cultivating an Enlightened

society, we must discard social standards of  measuring one‟s earthly success. How 

can anyone say what the value of one person is when placed beside another, without

 Awareness of (an accounting for) a cosmic scale?

 The fact is, not one of us is endowed with a perspective expansive enough to evaluate

another or make determinations about who is more or less valuable to a society.

 While education is undeniably invaluable to Awareness, even it cannot be used as an

accurate or adequate yardstick of worth. For example, education does not guarantee

an ennobled character, or assure that one has the Will to contribute their best effort,

just as the lack of education cannot be used to determine any of these things either.

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It isn‟t one skill or one skill level that drives society, but the myriad together which

enables the function and development of the Whole. Everyone is here for a Reason.

 They have a part to play, and every diverse part is absolutely integral to the overallsuccess and well-being of any social order.

 To establish a variable value to Human input based on how well a role is esteemed (its

image   ) instantly undermines any reasonable variable6 which comes after that fact.

More importantly, by devaluing the contributions of a large swath of the social fabric

the strength and well-being of the entire tapestry is weak and loosely woven.

 Thus in the New Culture while a state of continual learning and self-development is

ever promoted as an essential asset toward unfolding the Human Potential, when it

comes to input, esteemed roles or positions requiring advanced experience receive no

compensation above labor, production or the more mundane chores. It takes all of it

to fulfill and sustain the needs of a settlement.

Consider that the combined energy of both the architect and those who institute the

design brings a home from concept to fruition. While the architect may 

direct/lead/organize the vision underlying the physical construction, the final product

is ultimately a cooperative venture that simply, in most cases, could not exist through

the work of the architect‟s hands alone. To assign a status system to the variety of 

contributing roles is counterproductive to regaining Awareness of our Unitive State.

 Your hour is the same as my hour. It is the same measure of my Life as it is your

Life, even if I make two small baskets and you make four.

6 Example: added effort increases compensation.

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Even so, it should be noted that both efficiency and accountability aren‟t at all lost to

the New Culture‟s equation, and any who contribute beyond their Quota are duly 


 As the New Culture is emerging like a phoenix from the pyre of what was, there is the

present need to consider things from the position of a threshold. The Grand Vision

of social enlightenment cannot unfold but out of the body that has already lived.

Separating ourselves apart in a way which dismisses the life-granting contribution of 

our progenitor effectively shuts the door on the birth process, causing isolation where

there needs to be connection and stunting the growth and development of the Vision.

  Thus to be successful, the emergent Way of Life must inherit and build upon the

essence of the originating source.

For this reason there are allowances made for things you may not expect to be given

consideration in such a Plan. One example being that our systems of ownership and

economy are designed to function with respect to both the laws of Uncle Sam and the

Natural Law. Another, pertaining to values directly… 

 To satisfy Uncle Sam and to build a bridge from old to new there must be a rate of 

exchange between Libertora and other forms of currency, such as the dollar.

  Additionally, this allows for those who live in the bioregion of a settlement to

participate in the Market and Services of that settlement, and for all to participate in

the Markets and Services apart from the settlement, increasing Libertora‟s abilities for

settlement-residents and generating a healthier alternative of exchange and greater

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abundance for non-residents. When the empty-currencies fail, it will be the energy-

backed currencies of bio-regional, micro-economies that emerge triumphant.

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One-half of every Quota (plus the hours one desires to participate beyond that) is

devoted to eliciting the unique essence of the individual. This occurs in two ways –  

First, at least two-thirds of this time is given to Defined Contributions. This is where

a person asks themselves what they want to offer of themselves, as an expression of 

their individualized nature, which can be utilized and/or exchanged. This could be

anything  – a talent providing entertainment; a passion, ability or trade resulting in a

product or service. It can be an offering of some form of experience.

 Then, at least one-third of this time is given to protecting and perpetuating Human

Capital through tasks of Personal Upholding. Again, this is left entirely to an

individual‟s discretion, where a person asks of themselves what they want to offer of 

themselves as an expression of their individualized potential, which is of simultaneous

benefit/development/improvement to both the self and the Whole. Sometimes this

produces a good or service which can be utilized and/or exchanged, although it is

handled differently.

 The Market Quarter itself is then vastly defined by these two things, and thus by the

individual expressions and desires which comprise the Whole of that embodiment.

In one settlement the Market Quarter might include a small winery and a cheese

  vendor, while the Market Quarter of another settlement might be defined by its

Healing Arts Services, while another includes an organic coffee and tea room or a

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bed-and-breakfast. It all depends on how a person chooses to express their

individualized potentials in conjunction with the Whole.

 The Market Quarter functions utilizing a specific process. This is because, while theimpetus of the Quarter is to serve as an outlet for the Work of fulfilling and

developing our unique spark of Being, this never comes without consideration for  –  

and Awareness of  – the bigger picture. In this case, what is required is a mechanism

or certain formula of parameters which spurs the efficiency, adaptation, motivation,

cooperation, etc. that bolsters true success.


 Where Defined Contributions are concerned, the following statements apply:

  The contribution is defined (by the individual) and listed (in the Subscription).

   An individual may list as many contributions as it makes sense to list. For

example, the nature of an individual‟s contributions may be as such that they 

  will need to list several in order to have the hours to fulfill their Quota.

However, in the Pioneering phase of any settlement or in certain circumstances

or smaller settlements, a system of prioritization utilizing Consent will need to

be in place, at least where significantly sized concepts are concerned.

   A contribution must be listed for the input to receive compensation (one

Libertora per hour) and utilize space and resources in the Market Quarter.

Space is defined as both access to production, manufacturing, office and

meeting environments as well as what is referred to as a stall, and certain

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resources to maintain the stall. Resources are coordinated and/or ordered

through the Market Steward w ho acts as liaison between the Market‟s various

 ventures and the Common Treasury.

  An individual can, of their own accord, authorize an expiration date on their

Subscription so as to alter their listed contributions at any time.

  Individual‟s listing the same, similar, or even compatible contributions are

always free to participate in cooperative ventures.

  Every venture, singular or cooperative, receives an Account. Like all Accounts

it is used to track the balance of input and return. When an exchange is made

it is mutually logged in both the venture‟s account and the account of the

individual or household utilizing the product or service in question.

   A unique feature of the venture Accounts is that there is a log where the

Defined Contribution is broken into tasks, which, as completed, are registered

as hours of input. This allows for two things to occur. It provides an

accounting of how much energy is going into any one product or service,

 which is then used in establishing a “true price” for exchang e purposes. Also it

allows for certain tasks, if desired, to be registered in the Task Bank so as to

elicit the assistance/input of other settlement residents seeking additional hours

beyond their Quota.

   The direct correlation between input and exchange value is part of the

mechanism for encouraging participants to work as diligently, effectively and

 with as much forethought as possible. Another component to this mechanism

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is that a Defined Contribution which maintains a debt for two consecutive

seasons (where returns fail to balance energy and resource input) is either

  voluntarily unlisted, grey-listed, or addressed in Forum. There must be

ingenuity, striving, and a certain intelligence of approach for any  organizedcreation to be viable.

  As mentioned, in some cases the solution may be for a Defined Contribution

to be grey-listed. For example  – an artist has spent the past 26 weeks (two

seasons) devoted to filling their stall with their creations yet being of subjective

interest and more of an indulgent expense, exchange is very slow. If input

continues, the gap will only increase, and unbalances mount. Yet any 

settlement would be at a loss without such artists. The solution? While grey-

listed, the artist can continue to maintain their stall for “Open Market7” as

Defined Contribution input but no new resources are allotted, including the use

of the Task Bank for assistance, and production can only further occur with the

resources already on hand. This grey-listing might occur for an agreed period,

or in certain cycles or simply until an initial investment of energy and resources

are balanced out.

   There are other reasons a contribution might be voluntarily unlisted, grey-

listed, or brought to Forum. One example would be two individuals listing the

“same” product or service who have chosen not to cooperate. This may open

them to having to prove the viability of sustaining two quite similar ventures,especially if one proves inefficient in terms of its exchange value or poor in its


7 Open Market refers to those time frames when a settlement‟s Market Quarter is officially opened to “the public”.  

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  Quality is another example of why a contribution may no longer be listed in the

same way. Products and services can easily be voluntarily rated for quality 

through the system‟s software. A product or service earning a rating within a

cautionary zone would have the opportunity to address the issues of quality.

  As a preliminary measure to changing listed status an “impact” could be

calculated into the “true price” formula so as to reflect a sloppy and/or

unconscious use of resources, and/or a lack of attentiveness and dedication.

Similarly a system could be implemented where products and services which

maintain superior quality for a certain period are prioritized for expansion or

upgrades to stall, production/manufacture area, artifacts, etc., or receive

specific deductions from the impact portion of the exchange value formula.

Efficient craftsmanship and quality service are the Aims.

   When calculating the true price of a product or service utilizing the Market

Quarter and its offerings a “Market Devotion” is factored in which accounts

for things such as use of space, energy, water, maintenance and upkeep. This is

a seasonal devotion, calculated as a small fraction attributed to the exchange

  value of every product and service. When a venture performs ahead of its

attributed fraction, the additional hours collected above the seasonal devotion

are refunded to the venture‟s account which can then be used for investment,

development, upgrade, etc.

  Resources and supplies coordinated/ordered through the Market Steward arealso factored into a product‟s or service‟s exchange value, based directly on the

input into that specific offering.

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   There are no profits. An individual is compensated for their input as they 

explore their own interests and purpose.

 Where Personal Upholding is concerned, the following statements apply:

  Personal Upholding operates utilizing a designated portion of the Task Bank.

  Dependent upon the nature of the task, a task may be for a certain period or

until an objective reaches completion.

   Also dependant upon the nature of the tasks selected, it may make sense to

input into more than one task at a time for Quota fulfillment.

  The Impetus here with Personal Upholding is to consciously explore one‟s own

essence and Potential while also acting in Service to the Whole. The

compensation for input comes in the form of Self-Development alone

(bringing no return of exchange medium), and the selection of tasks includes

many things you wouldn‟t necessarily anticipate being included into the

fulfillment of  one‟s social contract… mystical study & practice, educational

groups, visions quests, therapeutic services… as well as things you may expect,

such as constructing, developing, and stewarding those spaces and Services

 which promote and elicit Self-Development.

  This portion of Quota, while aimed at fulfilling Potentials, is also viewed as a

tithe to the Whole. Sometimes goods and, more often, services will come of 

these tasks and/or make use of the Market Quarter. Following the true price

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formula when the tithed input is removed from the equation, offerings have a

 very minimal exchange value. Therefore, they are handled differently.

   Where services are concerned, they will be offered to residents and certain

support recipients without application of an exchange value. Some of these

services will also be provided at Open Market and to some support recipients

on a sliding scale valuation. The input collected in this fashion will balance

against the exchange value of freely provided services with any remainders

being devoted to the improvement and development of Personal Upholding 


  Where goods are concerned, one-third of whatever an individual produces is

for the settlement‟s resources (ex: artwork given to beautify a collective space),

another third is made available via the Market Quarter to certain support

recipients at the minimal exchange value, and the remaining third is produced

for a “tithe stall” for the Open Market where items are made available via a

donation and/or auction concept. All input collected from the exchange of 

goods is attributed to resource use and Market Devotion.

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It is necessary to account for the apparent divisions and dualities of the ONE Thing. Bridge all gaps 

with discernment… 

Gemini presents itself as the quest for Mastery over division, separation and the

appearance of distance. Particles that exist within us can be separated by an

incalculable span, and still behave as though present with their fellows.

In the New Culture this quest is facilitated through recognizing the necessity of 

accounting for the apparent divisions, dualities and duplicities of the One Thing by 

seeking the unity, harmony, concord, bond, energy, and connection point between


  The Human mind, like the computers  we‟ve designed to reflect it, is based on

gathering, recording, compartmentalizing, cataloging, connecting, processing,

remembering, storing and on like this –  yet if it wasn‟t for the ability to connect, share

and transfer all the bits of information, it would all be nothing more than well-

organized packets of data, without correlations between them. All things would be

independent, without any associations made between notions of „this‟ and „that.‟  It‟s a

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near impossible condition to fathom, but I can tell you the next evolutionary stage

from there would be the ability to form links between the independent bits. For

example, without an ability to form association between them, the independent

concepts of “Hot!” and “Don‟t Touch It!” would never connect. 

Communication, connection and exchange are truly what enable function between

any apparent divisions and separations.

In a cultural context this translates more specifically as the conscious embrace of 

those things which web us together  –  appropriate technology networks, intelligent

systems for dialogue and communication, advanced methods of sharing and

coordination, smart alternatives in transportation, and along in this vein.

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The Wisdom of the Serpent is the Knowledge of Polarity… 

Good and evil can exist within the landscape of an individual‟s personal reality, but

Good and evil are not an Actuality.

 We look with our lying, physical eyes and see something that appears beneficial (when

discerned through our filters, beliefs, preferences, understandings, et al); we call it

good. We look with our same lying eyes and see something that appears detrimental(when discerned through all our varied layers) and we call it evil. This is ego and

convenience. This is the capriciousness of an untrained, immature Mind. Good and

evil have no part in a Universal construct.

Good and evil, like right and wrong, are words we use to justify or condemn

behaviors, whether ours or another‟s.  But this isn‟t intelligence and it‟s not even

morality; the things this “discernment” masquerades as. 

If you condemn another as “evil” (i.e. separate from the Divine) because their

injurious and “wrong” actions, then you don‟t understand. If you think you are

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“right” because your intentions are “good” (and therefore but be corollary to the

Divine intent) than you don‟t understand. 

Consciousness IS. And Consciousness is ALL.

Every force of evolution was once involutive. Every centrifugal force can become

centripetal. Every positive pole can easily “flip” to the negative. To justify one of 

these specific extremes of energy, while condemning the apparent opposite is


Between two extreme expressions of energy are infinite expressions and presentations

 – with the full spectrum of one extreme, the opposite extreme and the range between

them witnessed as separate realities but, in Actuality, the varied appearances of the

same one thing. The same one energy, declared separate at each stage of its process!

 An example of this can be seen in the concept of “White Light” and the manner in

 which the Light can be divided into the varied presentations of its composition. Of 

course one could favor a certain ray of Light, perceived as a specific color, and

condemn another. They might even have really good reasons for doing so. For

example, red and ultra-violet might have negative favor while a soft blue might be

justified as calming and healing.

Now imagine that from your perspective, only the White Light was visible and not the

divisions of its constitution. What you would see, then, when people gave their

opinions of the Light, are people picking various parts of the same-one-thing and

labeling it strictly, and sometimes harshly, by their own individual perspectives and

preferences. It might seem rather strange.

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Don‟t let extremes and their variables fool you. For as long as you are stuck between

the opposing concepts of dualistic reality, your consciousness will remain stuck in the

lower, illusory worlds between that which you attract (and justify) and that which yourepel (and condemn.)

Everything in our experience has a positive pole and a negative pole, which are two

processes of the same force. It is this, in relationship to our own magnetic force,

 which determines whether your experiences are satisfying and joyful or painful and

divisive. It is this that impacts all modes of your experience – goals, desires, attitudes,

perceptions, beliefs and values. For as long as you determine your reality and your

understandings through your two physical eyes, everything in your experience will be

circumscribed by a dividing line and exist as an intricate composition of dual (or

dueling) perceptions to which you either attract or repel.

Look instead for Actuality by bridging oppositions through turning within to establish

your perception. Intelligence, investigation and even communication might be in

order to Reason correctly. Conscious work might be required to see beyond the

seeming of appearances.

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Communication is a part of our Human agreement – to cut apart the One Thing into

concepts, ascribe significances, attach feelings and beliefs, and develop codified labels

and pertinent sounds.

 This allows for the development of speech communities (like organisms or computer

networks) that have internal function because of their ability to transfer, exchange,remember, share and connect information. The more undiluted the speech

community, the clearer the paradigms intrinsic to the mental processes of that

community yet the more difficult it will be for the community to convey their

paradigm to someone else.

 When speech communities combine so does their information, their Knowledge, their

perceptions, etc. When communities are cut off from one another by language

barriers there is isolation, separation, competition and strife; the differences

between “us” and “them” are literally pronounced.

 This is what is implied when it is said we went from Oneness to distinctly divided

speech communities  –  a confusion or babble of tongues. A devastating dispersion

that isolated and scattered divisions of information, and, as told by the name of thehistoric site of said dispersion, severed direct communication between the Human and

the Divine.

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For whatever else, this is simultaneously an ideal allegory for the Mind. In some

 Traditions the tale comes wrapped in the guise of a King who sends out the tribes of 

his twelve warring sons, each with their own unique component of the Royal

 Treasure. Each tribe comes to believe they have the only Treasure and much energy is devoted to the mistaken idea, which only prolongs the generations of war. Only 

after a very long time – after much suffering and loss – is the fractured whole able to

make peace with one another, and only then can the Treasure be viewed for what it

is… initiating a reconciliation of the tongues and a return to Oneness through a

recombination of the scattered parts… I am not speaking of giving up diversity, but

sharing and honoring it, in enlightened tapestry with the Whole.

It is in this way that Knowledge and information can once again “pour free” and

bring about Humanity‟s reunion with the Divine… 

Indeed, we are living in the time of the reconciliation of the tongues, when Aquarius

pours Knowledge out freely to All to partake as they choose. This energy networks

together even the remotest outposts of speech communities; one only has to look to

the internet to know it is true.

  As the language barriers fall away, the more adeptly we transfer and exchange our

treasures of experience and wisdom; the more a new, globalized culture emerges that

even in its great diversities fits together as a united whole. And it is as our State of 

Union increases that we can we expect to reestablish the bond between the Human

and Divine.


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Conscious communication is not only powerful, it is necessary for facilitating 

conscious function and cannot be overlooked in importance.

Sociocracy, the New Culture‟s intelligent process of direction and interaction (i.e.governance), is an exemplar of conscious communication enabling coordination and

function. Over time, participants in the model should grow adept at carrying mature,

healthy and aware communication habits through every aspect of their life.

In a settlement of the New Culture, specifically, teaching or studying beneficial,

effective communication skills like dialogue or mediation count for Personal

Upholding hours.

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Dialogue is a communication process involving deep listening and inquiry between

two or more people. It is different than discussion, which has more to do with

opinions and personalities, and tends to stay more so toward the surface level of 


Informal Discussion True Dialogue















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Dialogue helps to foster deep, interpersonal connections and reverse social

fragmentation. It requires participation. Meeting another‟s eyes. Listening in silence.

Contemplation. Reasoned response. These things help us to lay judgment and

assumption aside and explore the world with an open Heart and Mind (which is truly an aspect of Mastering Gemini).

Dialogue also helps us to explore ideas and synergistically co-create transformative

structures. Individuals dialogue, not on behalf of their own identity, preference, and

perception, but in simulated event on behalf of something else – an issue, a concept, a

theory, a plan, a goal, etc. It is a skill employed by many a wise philosopher to

explicate specific ideas and logics and grow their understanding of reality; truly a tool

used to achieve the grander stages of comprehension.

“Dialectic is the only philosophical method which seeks for Wisdom by anagogically transporting ourfoundational underpinnings so that our Higher Self ascends to the Origin.”  


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“true price” system which accounts for the impact of transportation and regards long -

distance imports as synonymous with luxury goods.

Make transportation sustainable. Alternative fuels and technologies are vigorously investigated, developed, and promoted.

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The descent of celestial forces into matter is the cause of all manifestation. Thus, true also is that the 

individual, physical body is the abode of a cosmic presence… 

Cancer presents itself as the quest for Mastery over illusions and false impressions

related to sensory input. Cancer‟s quest is to develop a sense of security based on the

 Actuality that change is the true constant.

In the New Culture this quest is facilitated through recognizing the necessity of 

putting the Higher Self at the invisible reins guiding our personalities. The physical

body is a shell, a home and a vehicle. It appears solid and provides security, a fortress

of sorts, but itself is in a constant state of renewal and change. The Cancer crab rarely 

feels vulnerable, but cycles through a chain of expanding vessels that give the crab its

  very shape and appearance. The body is requisite; yet it is not the height of our

condition, nor is it an enemy to our True State. It is a beneficial shelter.

 The descent of the celestial forces into matter is the cause of All manifestation, thus

the physical body is also the literal temple of a heavenly presence. When we discern

that the riddle of our senses implies our physicality is something less than a sanctuary 

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of Divine expression, or perhaps even go so far as to imagine that our physicality is

everything, we ultimately deprive ourselves of peace and rest. In such a condition an

individual buzzes around in their vehicle-body, searching for that illusive essence that

 will  –  at last!  –  leave them nurtured and fulfilled…in a way that only the immortalessence can. True shelter, security and stability is experienced when we put our higher

faculties and deepest Truths at the reins.

In a cultural context this translates more specifically as the encouragement, promotion

and facilitation of attunement to the Higher Self, and due respect for (i.e. a willingness

to hear) those who are further progressed in their development of said attunement.

Cancer is translated in the Way of Life as systems of Shelter and Nurture.

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 Where all physical structures are concerned the settlements design for:

HARMONY. With the planet, its forces and inhabitants.

SANCTUARY. To shelter and nurture. For beauty and tranquility.

 THE WHOLE-BEING. For health and wellness. For inspiration and vitality.

 Where the Whole of any settlement is concerned the design will include:

SPECIALIZED AREAS AND ZONES. Specialization is the direct

application of Knowledge. In Nature, the more advanced the social order themore it exhibits heightened articulations of specialization. This affords

efficiency, highlights intelligence, and radiates the superior functioning of 

 Wisdom and Understanding.

COMMUNAL AND PRIVATE SPACE. Even those who sincerely desire co-

operative lifestyles want to have a space to retreat to and provision as their

own. Yet, on the flip-side our concepts of private space need to be readdressed

  without the acute individualist perspective. The majority aspires to duplicate

the artifacts and amenities of their neighbor which generates sprawl, isolation

and extremes in resource mismanagement that are completely unsustainable.

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 With a balanced perspective, and a more balanced use of space, settlements will

honor and nurture the individual while naturally facilitating interaction,

cooperation, community and culture… not to mention a more appropriate use

of land and resources.

SYSTEMIZED APPROACHES. Nature is a Whole System. She employs

logic and process to actively consider and account for the interconnections

between all components of all systems; Her solutions often address multiple

problems at the same time. A settlement will think of its sustaining functions

as systems, and then consider how these systems can function together (and

  with the natural systems) to provide the highest, most intelligent state of 

function possible utilizing the least amount of complexity within the character

of their bioregion. A settlement will think as a Whole instead of as a collection

of independent, self-provisioning units.

CONGRUENCEY. Constructions shall suit their environment and be

complementary to one another.

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For a civilization to fail to assure that its constituent Souls are fed and sheltered is reprehensible.

This should occur first, as the primary, above all other endeavors. To be born to the world is to

inherit a place in the world; and there is a horrible cost to the system that takes that away.

Education, exploration, discovery, expansion; these belong to a level of civilization that comes after the 

 foundational level, where the most basic needs of the Whole are addressed … 

In the New Culture shelter is conceptualized as a very basic necessity of life and thus a

responsibility of the Whole. This changes things entirely.

In our settlements when a new residence needs to be constructed, it is not built on

borrowed input nor represents an advance against debt but instead comes from the

community coffers, as a product of Collective Industry and maintained (in non-

invasive ways) through the same.

  The home is owned, then, as an asset of the Whole. There are no proprietors to

answer to, but rather an individual (or more) Subscribes to an available living-space,

and are welcomed to regard it as their own. Spaces can very much be personalized,

and can have the potential of being altered or expanded. There are also opportunities

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for moving spaces or, for founding members of a settlement, participating in the

initial design and layout of a space.

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Use what comes your way. Use what you have … 

Cancer teaches that we are best nurtured when we consciously transfer the reigns of 

control from ego to the Higher Self. This implies that true nurture comes from the

Source within. By receiving that Source, we absorb all we need to sustain us and are

never left insatiate by fruitless activities.

 The New Culture does its best at nurturing, first when it accepts what it has, allowing 

a place for its every constituent. And then, when it embraces and promotes those

concepts which facilitate each constituent‟s Union with the Higher Self  –  Gnosis,

meditation, yoga, energy works, mystical study and practice, keeping within the

parameter of the Natural Laws, the Healing Arts, and similar.

“There are two things w hich are especially helpful in receiving the light of Gnostic Knowledge: (i) Covering all the stages of meditation; and (ii) Concentrating attention on self. If the devotee paid full attention to

secure these two things, he would gradually perceive that despite its variety the Whole Universe was being 

nurtured from one source that is the source of all that happens in the world.”  

 Allamah Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai 

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In our settlements the concept of nurture is largely birthed through tasks of 


First, through Personal Upholding which calls for direct and measurable input into

one‟s Self -Development; one nurtures the individual Being, which simultaneously 

nurtures the Whole.

 Then, through Collective Upholding which calls for direct and measurable input into

sustaining the Greater Good; one nurtures the life of the Whole. This, for the most

part, occurs through Nature and tasks related to perpetuating the natural world.

  Therefore the system of Collective Upholding was designed to function as Nature

 would function – simultaneously nurturing those who nurture the Whole. This occurs

by giving returns and directing energies to where there is contribution and investment

into the life of the Whole.

 The medium used for this return of energy to the contributing individual is Upholding 

Scrip. The following statements define said Scrip:

  Pertains to Full and Trial Share members only. Associate members aretransitory and are nurtured through their educational experience within the

embrace of the settlement they attend.

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  For every fifty-two hours of Subscribed Collective Upholding, one scrip is

credited the Account. Hours above the Subscribed Quota accumulate at the

rate of one per every thirteen hours.

  Also automatically accumulates with the passage of time at the rate of one per

28 days spent in residence.

  Each individual settlement defines its own specific formula of application and

use. However, Upholding Scrip is not “spent” but used as growing yardstick of 

input into the Collective Upholding.

  Generally used in conjunction with ISL to upgrade housing. For example, a

settlement can decide that newbie residents reside in existing, basic housing for

a certain period before upgrading to the situation of constructing a home of 

their own design, this period being measured by a certain level of accumulation

of Upholding Scrip.

   Also certain levels of accumulation can be used to determine the relief of 

specific obligations. For example, a settlement may decide to deduct from a

member‟s Subscribed obligations at certain points along the way, such as after a

member has input themselves for a defined number of years.

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  Modes of self-expression that align to the cosmic presence are potent with synergy. Modes of self- 

expression that align to Higher Will provide an instrument to carry forward its force… 

Leo presents itself as the quest for Mastery over thought articulation and presentation

of character.

In the New Culture this quest is facilitated through promoting modes of self-

expression which align to the Star of one‟s Being ; their Highest Will. Coming to

Know and Understand that Will is a process of unfoldment, of which certain

pressures on the forge of adversity are required to produce Awareness of Potential

and Strength in Purpose, is essential. Thus people must have a certain freedom to

roam; to explore themselves, try on masks, and alter habits, behaviors and routines.

In a cultural context this translates more specifically as consciousness in the realm of 

self-expression and self-development, as well as a culture which embraces creativity,

children, Magick and the like.

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“Daniel was fed to the hunger of lions but their mouths were shut against him. For the wild forces are ever

subordinate and could never consume the potency of the One Force. The True King of Beasts successfully 

articulates Higher Will through the pattern of his thoughts. Daniel, stripped of interest in personal pride,

could therefore articulate his desires successfully.” 

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Children are the future expression of the New Culture. Root them in Self-Assurance. Grow them 

within a net of love. Teach them by example, a reverence for Life. Allow them to find, express and 

nurture their Joy… 

 A few notes on the children of the New Culture‟s settlements: 

First, in a culture of abundance, facilitated by intelligent stewardship and conscious

spirituality, there is no need to shun or fear propagation as many of our more

intelligent minds now do. Children born of intention and intelligence are an asset.

Don‟t buy into the lie of scarcity or a g lobal warming removed from its true cause of Solar Awakening and other cyclic events.

  This doesn‟t mean to suggest that Human behavior hasn‟t worked to degrade the

environment. Rather, the suggestion is that the present popular attitude actually 

  works in determent to evolution. When intelligent, Awakening minds refrain from

transmitting their stock, unconscious conduct will continue its rule, supreme.

Children are the future.

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 And the well-being of our children – that they exist in Wholeness  – is integral to the

overall strength and health of the social tapestry.

So many of the problems surrounding today‟s youth can be traced to some form of social abandonment or isolation. Without any form of cultural cohesion or any real

sense of social accountability many children are left to feel disjointed from, and

outside of, the society in which they live. There is very little net to catch and embrace

the ones who struggle and suffer and need a sense of cohesion the most.

  We were all children once and many will be children again. Thus we, too, are the

future. And that which we offer to our children we help insure in the world for – and

heal within - ourselves.

 The New Culture resonates its commitment to treat children as Whole and complete

Human Beings who are fully accounted for within our social tapestry.

Foremost this implies a social system which enables parents to be the direct, present

contributors in the children‟s lives without having to sacrifice basic necessities to do

so. The Laws of Nature make them expressedly accountable for assuring their

offspring matures into a responsible understanding of how to relate to others and

navigate their lives, but a society which fails to assist in their success digs its own


  The parental figures lead their pride as guides and stewards, modeling superlative

character, health, nurture and behavior. Ideally the children learn to gather tools

 when they are needed, and to work on behalf of their own continued development.

 We want autonomous thinkers not automatons.

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Society has a similar responsibility of stewardship but in broader terms; cultural norms

must reflect our commitment to our children as a defining component of our future.

Meeting the basic needs of the children within a settlement is the responsibility of the

  Whole of that settlement. It is the only way to insure successful beginnings. This

implies that the number of children within a household holds no bearing on the

Quota of that household, but instead children are provisioned for as Defined Needs

and accounted for through the efforts of the Whole.

In order to output Aware, Whole Beings that can recognize themselves as unique,

precious, and responsible constituents of Humanity, children need a certain freedom

to pursue what is meaningful to them, participate in their environment, and culturally 

share in experiences, festivals, rituals and rites.

 There is no right age at which one becomes magically responsible.

One is simply responsible when one can actively, consistently demonstrate

responsibility without bribery, threat or coercion, but of their own accord. For most,

this has very little concurrence with the actual lawful age of responsibility.

 Therefore it is impossible (and potentially oppressive) to define absolutes as to when

or how a child may participate in projects, hold accounts, accept apprenticeships, etc.

However, ideally children will be encouraged to contribute and participate when they 

are so compelled, within an embrace of the understanding that so much of our

learning occurs through actualizing, experimenting, and doing.

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Settlements, perhaps in conjunction with their Universitas , might elect to offer eight

years of educational provisions to the youth of residence as a time of exploration and

self-discovery. This would include a substantially reduced Quota while engaged in

pursuits minded toward stitching a new and meaningful thread through the socialtapestry.

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“Every Intention which does not assert itself by deeds is vain intention, and the speech which expresses 

it is idle speech. It is action which proves life and establishes Will. Hence it is said in the sacred 

symbolical books that men will be judged, not according to their thoughts and their ideas, but 

according to their Works.”  

Eliphas Levi

In every Mystery Tradition, within its own symbol tongue, it is said that the secret of 

rising above the limits of Homo sapiens or Natural Humanity into the next condition,

Cosmic Humanity, begins with understanding the Law. For keeping the Law is what

raises a person up out of the lower kingdoms, opens the doors of confinement and

limitation and expands the imperfect senses. One cannot spark their Cosmic Fire

until they have purified and refined their energetic dignity, foremost by Awareness of 

the Universal conduct code.

 This is the nature of the Judgment spoken of by learned men. Not punishment for

indiscretion. Not angry condemnation. But the reception of Life in accord with the

quality of one‟s own actions. 

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  To live an Ennobled Life, the Good Intention of a person must be adequately 

reflected through all they do. The Law of the Mysteries is the Law of the New 


 This conception of “the Law” is much different than the modern conception, where

laws commonly exist in the minds of man as both distant commandments from God

and rules born of the mores of the ruling culture or most well-funded lobby. Instead,

this conception of the Law is traceable to distinct eternal, internal principles that

 weren‟t invented by the Homo sapiens‟ subjective notions of right and wrong. Travel

the Universe and these principles remain unwaveringly the same. They are the Inner


 Thus it is said that the Law is known to All without everyone Knowing it. First,

because they function regardless of our Awareness in the matter. Second, because

they are us. They shape us (our form and nature cannot exist outside of their

function) and have made us in their image and their likeness. How? By becoming 

“the Bodies of Man”… 

  These “Bodies” are our seven vessels of experience and expression  –  physical,

spiritual, emotional, mental and our triune Inner Being. They exist within us, in a very 

literal form as our endocrine system which controls the seven regions of our physical

body, guiding the function of our entire organism and producing physiological and

then psychological affects. They also exist within us, perhaps less literally, as the

seven sacred centers or chakras  which not only govern the endocrine system but

actually bring all parts of our seven-fold nature into affinity with each other.

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 These centers have been written of as “spinning wheels of Power and Life,” “living 

 well-springs of energy,” “hubs of vital, creative force” and “the Inner Lights”. This

reminds that Biblically, in correct translation, we are told of a plural, male and female

Creator who fashions the Human in their  image. And typically this plural CreativeForce, the Elohim , is conceived of in septenary form.

Similarly, the Law of the Mysteries is called in singular but recognized as a seven-fold

plural and is said to live within us.   Just as the Dharma (lit. „law‟) of Buddhist

traditions refers to a set of Spiritual Laws which govern the psycho-physical make-up

of every Human Being, produce the underlying order in Nature and are believed to

provide a proper code of conduct for Human activity. Living in accord with the

Dharma leads to Liberty from the lower conditions.

So, the Law is within us. And this Law liberates instead of confines.

 The Ladder to Heaven has seven rungs and they are inside of us, coursing through us,

as a spectrum of energetic qualities or conditions  –  a depth that allows for

transcendence of the height. Climbing the Ladder is not a linear process, for all the

centers are interwoven and interdependent, although blockages in the channels of one

center can lead to inhibited flow at other levels of expression.

Climbing the Ladder entails raising  the vibrational condition. It is Mastery of the

 Temple, through removing the incongruencies and inhibitions that make for shadows

and dark. Consider that if there were no dark parts, so to speak, which is to say no

hiding, no shadows, no blocks or unlevel keels –  there would be no cycling through

the Wheels of Birth and Death. So making this vibrational climb is what it‟s all about. 


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For every action there will follow a second action caused by the first, and this reaction will be either 

 pleasant or unpleasant in its ultimate effect, in full accord to the nature of its cause … 


Cause & Effect ~ Positive Economy ~ Karma ~ Equal Exchange

Root Chakra

 Muladhara · The Base

Os Sacrum · The Holy Bone

Earth Element

 Tangible Body · The Material Plane

Red Tone Correlations

Planet, Mars · Strength · Peh  

Force, Pluto · Trial by Fire · Shin  


I will sow the seeds of: equal exchange.I will act with: forethought of cause and effect.

I will embody this truth through: the practice of consciously pursuing choices

 which will have the most favorable result for all affected.

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What is given is ultimately what is returned … 


Non-Violence ~ Tolerance ~ Communion

 Tribal Chakra

Swadhisthana · Favored Abode

Genios · The Life Essence

Fire Element

 The Etheric Plane · Subtle Body 

Orange Tone Correlations

Planet, Moon · Foundation · Gimel  


I will sow the seeds of: peace, unity, tolerance, gathering, and collaboration.

I will act with: integrity and for integral living.

I will embody this truth through: the practice of conscious abstinence from any form of violence, force, oppression, or malice, even when that requires hunting 

for my actions and behaviors which stem from unconsciousness and unhealthy 

thought and emotional patterns.

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 All things share an interconnected existence. Nothing is independent. The individual identity is a 

wave in an ocean of waves, even as each wave crests with its own potential … 


Self-Awareness ~ Interdependence ~ Ego Dissolution ~ Character

Identifying Chakra

 Manipura · City of Jewels

Gaster · The Appetitive Soul


 The Plane of Separation · The Self 

 Yellow Tone Correlations

Planet, Saturn · Limitation · Tav  


I will sow the seeds of: expansion beyond my own limited identity.

I will act with: a deportment that isn‟t dominated by ego. 

I will embody this truth through: the practice of consciously addressing and

refining character so as to expand beyond the limitations of formed


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Cultivate a boundless Heart toward All Life. Pervade the world with the free-flowing abundance of 

Liberty for All. There is always a door between the two- sides… 


Love ~ Service ~ Magnetism

 Triumphant Chakra

 Anahata · The Unstruck 

Cor Animus · The Affective Soul

 Water Element

 The Astral Plane · Emotional Body 

Green Tone Correlations

Planet, Venus · Fruitful · Daleth 


I will sow the seeds of: deep acceptance and compassion.

I will act with: Service and liberated from the illusion of appearances.I will embody this truth through: the practice of consciously accepting,

honoring, and valuing every Being  –  from the basest modes of Life to the

inclusion of one‟s Self – as expressions of the nonmaterial ONE THING; to

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the extent of consciously, willfully, and desirously giving and receiving energy 

in contemplation of a Greater Good.

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Consciousness requires intentional forethought of the whole to counter-balance free reign of the 

individual center. As consciousness increases, so too does responsibility increase within the cosmic 



Will-Awareness ~ Purposeful Creation ~ Responsibility ~ Balance

Directing Chakra

Vishuddha · Purgation

Collum · The Boundary Pillar


 The Plane of Emanation · The Will

Blue Tone Correlations

Planet, Sun · Regeneration · Resh  

Force, Uranus · Potential · Aleph  


I will sow the seeds of: intentionality and purpose.

I will act with: Awareness of how I wield the wand of Free-Will.

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I will embody this truth through: the practice of consciousness of my ever-

present choice to emanate, move, and create the reality I choose.

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Truth is a birthright. To receive the full lot of the inheritance, be a witness to Self. Judge no thing… 


Truth ~ Justice - Nonjudgment ~ Equilibration

Deliberating Chakra

 Ajna · Command

Cerebrum · Executive Function

 Air Element

 The Mental Plane · Thought Body 

Indigo Tone Correlations

Planet, Mercury · Essential · Beth  


I will sow the seeds of: justice, discernment, and equilibrium.

I will act with: non-judgment.

I will embody this truth through: the practice of consciously restraining myself 

from making judgments, assumptions, and determinations based on my own

experiences, preferences, and perceptions.

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  As the limits of present understanding are transcended and thereby expand, matter becomes 

increasingly responsive to the intent of immortal Being. The obligation of consciousness is becoming 


In pursuit of our True Nature we dissolve illusions and awaken to Actualities. We

actively and consciously partner with evolution and assert, through our behavior,

recognition of the call for a forward-thinking, ever-progressive and expansive


 Within these concepts we meet Neptune, the King of conscious activity, represented

on the Tree of Life by his Crown. He is suspended upside down and hanging in-wait

until roused to cognizant motion through maintaining a level of mindfulness beyond

the ego-identity and the individual Will.

However he is never completely Liberated from the depths within until there is a total

reversal in the mental construct which allows for the Actualities of existence to finally 

be consciously perceived.

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When things do not adapt and evolve, they end. When vibrational motion slows, Life-progress 

retreats proportionately. Light is the great informer… 

Ouranos is a word meaning „Heaven‟. It is another name for the macrocosmic Above

and is interchangeable with the word Uranus.

On the Tree of Life Ouranos is Chokmah or Wisdom. Thus it is said that Heaven is

the product of Wisdom, and the home of the Wise.

It is the greatest “something” that we can conceive of in an actual way . Chokmah is,

in a literal sense, the cosmic realm and the substances of the Stars. It is that which

provided to us its image. In fact, in the Gnostic Teachings this idea of Wisdom

receives the epithet “within which lives all ideal forms” and is linked to  Abraxis , the

Mighty Wheel from which all else spawns.

In Qabalah Chokmah  relates to  Mazzaloth , the Zodiac, and appears in various texts

 with the import “the Host of Heaven.” It also is given in association to  Auphanim ,

“the Wheels,” traditionally an Angelic Order of the Zodiac but mystically depicting 

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the Triplicities of the Zodiac Wheel or, more specifically, the certain spiraling motion

of the four elements in their Qualities; the Zodiac‟s hidden Wisdom8. In fact, In the

Book of Ezekiel this so-called hidden Wisdom of the Zodiac is precisely imparted

through the notion of the Twenty-Four Elders. Additionally, it is furthered todemonstrate the exacting correspondence between the spiraling geometric

arrangement of the elements (  Auphanim /Elders) and the formulaic pattern of the

“Divine Revelation” which so glaringly follows the Wheel of the Year (the Sun‟s

motion through each Zodiac Sign, when you start at Virgo.) In display of Wisdom

hardly fathomable, I am saying, then, that the intention of the Book of Ezekiel is to

communicate the resplendent likeness between the Divine and Created worlds, and to

reveal the Created world as Divine Wisdom, manifest.

  This harkens to Greek Mythology where Uranus (Latinized from Ouranos, lit.

„Heaven‟) is the husband to the Created World, Gaia (Earth), and is mystically 

referenced by Plato as the mathematical plan which underlies matter.

In Astrology Uranus, planet of Wisdom‟s lightening flash of intuition, is the sovereign

of Aquarius, and thus holds Power over this New Aeon. Uranus is thought of as “the

 Awakener” partially because Aquarius awakens Humanity as Knowledge pours free,

but primarily because he is ever the spirit of great innovation and the first to lead


Ouranos is the Royal Snake of Egypt, giver of Life and death, of which it is said, “If 

he cannot create, develop, or progress there are causalities.” While easily 

misconstrued as a suggestion of an angry streak, remember that ultimately the

8 In some circles the Auphanim are called instead Galgalim  or “Spiraling,” to better convey the deeper Truths of their nature.

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statement defines the nature of a certain and specific energy-force, and simply imparts

the Truth that where things do not progress, they end. Where Life (that is, growth,

progress, change, and adaptation) is denied, that spiraling snake of upward motion

and evolution withdraws.

Ouranos, like the planet which received his name, is the Wisdom behind, or within,

the Way of Return. He is not change for change‟s sake, but change which facilitates a

Greater Awakening of potential.


 Through Wisdom, Divinity remains accessible, unbroken and unaltered by Time.

Learning to understand the Divine Wisdom is key. We must allow experience to clarify 

our minds with Wisdom. We must use our Wisdoms to learn from the past and think 


  Wisdom is the Great Informer. Thus we read of the Royal Snake informing  – and

thereby Awakening  – Humanity to their Divine Potential, and Prometheus imparting 

the secrets of the Gods.

 And so Wisdom Liberates and drives the engine of Purpose. It compels innovation

and rebellion and forces striving and the pursuit of kingdoms higher. It tells that the

suffering and ills of Humanity can be ascended because the potential of Humanity is


 Wisdom is the Light of the Cosmos. In our fallen or material estate it reveals itself to

us through twelve faces which together constitute the Divine Revelation of Above.

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 We therefore find that the Way of Life models Above, namely because a more perfect

 Wisdom is inherent to – and visible in – the mechanisms and principles of the higher,

more refined realms. Consequently we keep a Way of Life which resonates to theforces of Heaven by emulating higher constructs in every aspect of our mundane

activity and accepted cultural norms.

 The New Culture is the Culture of the Wise.

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Within Absolute Being, all extremes are neutralized. The reason to its whole expression is 


Before its current usage, the word 'sin' was actually a name. It meant "illuminator " and

it belonged to the Moon.

Sin is the Semitic form of the Sumerian's Moon-Lord En-zu, the Lord of Knowledge,

 who represents the Moon's ability to manifest from, or create of, Knowledge. This is

logical in a deep way as Knowledge, the originating germ of Life, precipitates into

matter through reflection, duplication, memory transcription, and other such

processes also made visible to us through the Lunar energy. Like Knowledge, the

Moon is the generative organ.

 All of these things were once understood in relationship to the concepts personified

through the deity Sin. As Knowledge was demonized, so was Sin. As Sin became

shameful instead of a living and necessary component to our conscious evolution - a

stone discarded instead of a stone which creates the Foundation - Humanity's own

generative organ was the first thing we sought to hide.

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 Without Knowledge, we cannot exist as the Divine Beings we are! Yet Knowledge in

the material world is never seen for what it is when the seeing is done with material

eyes alone, for Knowledge here is concealed within. This is because Knowledge is vibrationally at the other end of the spectrum, so to speak, from the dense vibration

of material appearance and thus, without Awareness, is often perceived as an opposite

to external existence.


It is widely stated that before we entered into this realm of birth and death we were

immortal and can be immortal again. But to reclaim our inheritance, it must first be

remembered and then found… 

  Within the midst of the Tree of Life, as the Tree‟s invisible source, another  Tree

grows. We are told it is the mystical fruit of the hidden or unseen Tree which

somehow enables one to then partake of the fruits of the Tree of Life and regain their

immortal splendor. This hidden Tree is called Knowledge. More specifically, the

Knowledge implied is Gnosis . That is, active Knowledge; the experience of Awareness

or intuitive comprehension, and reunion with the greater, unmanifest portion of 

ourselves. In many Traditions this form of Knowledge is synonymous with learning 

to reason “like the Gods”, and the process of becoming consciously Divine.

  Thus we learn that our way to a new expression of existence begins with true

encounters with and experiences of Knowledge. Then applying our ability to experience

Knowledge, to achieve states of Gnosis, we can partake directly of the Seeds of Life

and understand the wisdoms required to keep our course and find our lost estate.

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