A COMPARISON OF PRINCE2 AGAINST PMBOK 24 Jan 2002 Introduction This comparison takes each part of the PMBOK and gives an opinion on what match there is with elements of the PRINCE2 method. It can be used in any discussion of the respective merits of the two approaches, or can be used to identify where additional material is required to be added or changed to training in one or the other in order to cover both approaches. The PMBOK is divided into 4 sections; the Project Management framework, the Project Management knowledge areas, Appendices and a glossary and index. The first two sections are sub-divided into chapters. Section III has 7 appendices and section IV is broken into glossary and index. Section I The Project Management Framework Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 The Project Management Context Chapter 3 Project Management Processes Section II The Project Management Knowledge Areas Chapter 4 Project Integration Management Chapter 5 Project Scope Management Chapter 6 Project Time Management Chapter 7 Project Cost Management Chapter 8 Project Quality Management Chapter 9 Project Human Resource Management Chapter 10 Project Communications Management Chapter 11 Project Risk Management Chapter 12 Project Procurement Management Section III Appendices Appendix A The Project Management Institute Standards-Setting Process Appendix BEvolution of PMI’s ‘Aguide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

A COMPARISON OF PRINCE2 AGAINST PMBOK comparison of... · A COMPARISON OF PRINCE2 AGAINST PMBOK 24 Jan 2002 The Product Description is far more positive about what information should

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Page 1: A COMPARISON OF PRINCE2 AGAINST PMBOK comparison of... · A COMPARISON OF PRINCE2 AGAINST PMBOK 24 Jan 2002 The Product Description is far more positive about what information should


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IntroductionThis comparison takes each part of the PMBOK and gives an opinion on what match there is with elements of the PRINCE2 method. It can beused in any discussion of the respective merits of the two approaches, or can be used to identify where additional material is required to be addedor changed to training in one or the other in order to cover both approaches.

The PMBOK is divided into 4 sections; the Project Management framework, the Project Management knowledge areas, Appendices and aglossary and index. The first two sections are sub-divided into chapters. Section III has 7 appendices and section IV is broken into glossary andindex.

Section I The Project Management FrameworkChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 The Project Management ContextChapter 3 Project Management Processes

Section II The Project Management Knowledge AreasChapter 4 Project Integration ManagementChapter 5 Project Scope ManagementChapter 6 Project Time ManagementChapter 7 Project Cost ManagementChapter 8 Project Quality ManagementChapter 9 Project Human Resource ManagementChapter 10 Project Communications ManagementChapter 11 Project Risk ManagementChapter 12 Project Procurement Management

Section III AppendicesAppendix A The Project Management Institute Standards-Setting ProcessAppendix B Evolution of PMI’s ‘A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

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Appendix C Contributors and Reviewers of PMBOKAppendix D NotesAppendix E Application Area ExtensionsAppendix F Additional Sources of Information on Project ManagementAppendix G Summary of Project Management Knowledge Areas.

Each of these will be summarised and assessed against PRINCE2.


PRINCE2 AdvantagesThere is no equivalent PMBOK pre-project process to PRINCE2’s ‘Starting up a Project’(SU), so there is no discussion of what or who shouldbe in place at the beginning of a project, nor of how to go about getting it if it is lacking.

PRINCE2 offers a complete change control approach, whereas PMBOK just talks of the need for it.

PMBOK says little about configuration management, and certainly offers no link between it, the Configuration Librarian role and changecontrol.

The PMBOK only talks about a Project Plan, whereas PRINCE2 offers Stage and Team Plans and discusses the advantages of breaking theProject Plan down, e.g. for easier planning and better control.

PRINCE2 offers standard roles for its project management team.

The PMBOK only covers the creation of a WBS, and does not compare to the PRINCE2 Product-based Planning technique in terms of thelatter’s Product Descriptions and Product Flow Diagram. Nor is there any real detail in the PMBOK Planning process to take a plan through to a network plan and a Gantt or bar chart.

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The Product Description is far more positive about what information should be provided to the producer of a product. The PMBOK offers onlyvague advice.

PMBOK AdvantagesThe PMBOK covers procurement.

The PMBOK covers the actual procurement, pre-assignment or negotiation for team members for a project in some detail. PRINCE2 does notcover this.

The PMBOK identifies needs to be covered in human resource management.

Section I The Project Management Framework

Summary PRINCE2 CommentsCh1 Introduction No clash with PRINCE2 PMBOK goes into more detail

about its overlap with othermanagement areas, whereasPRINCE2 simply says ‘we don’t try to re-invent the wheel’

Purpose of the Guide This says that the purpose is toidentify and describe that subsetof the PMBOK that is generallyaccepted, i.e. has widespreadconsensus about their value andusefulness. There is no indicationof what else is in PMBOK outsidethe subset. It also aims to providea common lexicon of projectmanagement terms.

No contention with PRINCE2.

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What is a project? A general and familiar descriptionof a project’s characteristics

No contention with PRINCE2.

What is Project Management? After a general description there isa reference to the 12 chapters ofthe guide in sections I and II.

No contention with PRINCE2.The 12 chapters are discussed ingreater detail later in thecomparison

Relationship to other ManagementDisciplines

This touches very briefly on areaswhere there is overlap betweenPMBOK and GeneralManagement (e.g. planning,staffing law, logistics) andApplication Area Knowledge (e.g.software development,government contracting,marketing)

PRINCE2 specifically avoidsmost of these overlaps.

Related Endeavours This is mainly a discussion of therelationship of projects toprograms and sub-projects

No contention with PRINCE2.PMBOK sub-projects relate toWork Packages and the typicaldivision of work between theProject Manager and a team.

Ch 2 The Project ManagementContextProject Phases and the ProjectLife Cycle

Discussion of phases linked todecision points to review keydeliverables and projectperformance to date. Severalexamples are given ofRepresentative Project LifeCycles.

PRINCE2 uses the word ‘stage’ rather than ‘phase’ but same concept. PMBOK makes the samedistinction between project andproduct life cycles as PRINCE2.The examples of life cycles arewhat PRINCE2 would call

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‘technical stages’, but these may well match PRINCE2management stages in theexamples given.

Project Stakeholders This defines the term‘stakeholder’ and gives examples of who they might be. It makesthe point that stakeholders mayhave different objectives

No major difference to PRINCE2,although PMBOK includes theProject Manager and teammembers as stakeholders, whereasthe interpretation in PRINCE2stays at a higher level and givesexamples of stakeholders outsidethe project management team.

Organizational Influences This discusses the possible impactof the overall organisation withinwhich the project operates.Several organisational structuresare described.

PRINCE2 has the same approachbut doesn’t go into it in the detail of examples that PMBOK does

PMBOK briefly discusses twoorganisational cultures and how aproject might benefit from orclash with its organisation’s culture.

Key General Management Skills This describes key general skillsthat a Project Manager needs,including Leading,Communicating, Negotiating,Problem Solving and Influencingthe Organisation

PRINCE2 does not attempt tocover these skills.

The PMBOK simply describes inbrief terms what each of the skillsis, without offering any approachto them or relating them to thePMBOK aspects where they willbe useful.


This simply says that a ProjectManager must be aware of currentconditions and trends in Standards& Regulations,Internationalization, CulturalInfluences and Socio-Economic-

PRINCE2 does not cover thesetopics

PMBOK says nothing about whenor how to handle the influences,just gives examples of what theymight be

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Environmental SustainabilityCh3 Project ManagementProcesses

This talks of the interactiveimpact of changes and tradeoffs

Project Processes This is a brief mention that aproject is composed of processes,to be expanded in chapters 4–12.

No contention with PRINCE2.The PMBOK terms of ‘project management processes’ and product-oriented processes’ relate to PRINCE2’s concept of management and technical stages.

Process Groups PMBOK talks of 5 groups of oneor more processes each; initiating,planning, executing, controllingand closing.

These relate to the PRINCE2processes plus some of theComponents, such as Plans andControls, and the linkagesbetween them.

The PRINCE2 processes are moreclearly separated forunderstanding and the 8 processesprovide more detail than the 5PMBOK groups

Process Interactions This takes the 5 process groupsand describes them in terms oftheir inputs, outputs tools andtechniques.PMBOK also has a process forTeam Development.The Controlling process groupcovers change control,performance reporting, qualitycontrol, risk monitoring andcontrol. An unusual process inthis group is Scope Verification,described as ‘formalizing acceptance of the project scope.’The Closing process group covers

PRINCE2 provides the inputs andoutputs and also shows whereComponents and Techniques areused in the processes. The twoPlanning processes are verysimilar, and there are similar linksbetween Planning and theManagement of Risk.The PMBOK Executing processescontain several elements that referto procurement, such assolicitation, source selection andcontract administrationPRINCE2 does not cover TeamDevelopment

PMBOK talks of initiating aproject or a phase. This equates toPRINCE2’s initiation stage/process and Managing StageBoundaries.Whilst procurement may be partof many projects, not all projectswill want a method so specificallylinked to procurement.‘Scope Verification’ in PRINCE2 would be part of the initiationprocess, which correctly places itat the outset of a project, lessconfusing than the PMBOK’s placement of it.

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Contract Closeout andAdministrative Closure.

The Controlling process group’s work is covered by the CS andMP processes.The Closing process is verysimilar to the CP process.

Customizing Process Interactions A simple explanation that thestandard processes should betailored for a project’s needs.

No contention with PRINCE2.

Mapping of Project ManagementProcesses

A matrix is given, mapping the 39project management processes ofthe 5 process groups to the 9project management knowledgeareas

This is similar to mappingPRINCE2 processes to thecomponents and techniques

No major difference, althoughhere again we see Solicitation,Source Selection and ContractAdministration coming in.

Section II The Project Management Knowledge Areas

Summary PRINCE2 CommentsCh 4 Project IntegrationManagement

This covers the processes requiredto ensure coordination of thevarious project elements,specifically plan development andexecution plus change control

Project Plan Development There is a general discussion oncreating a Project Plan and usingEarned Value Management,although no detail is given hereabout it.

This is very similar to thePlanning process, althoughPMBOK mentions a WBS, ratherthan Product BreakdownStructure.There is no mention in PMBOK at

PMBOK talks of many subsidiarymanagement plans, such as scopemanagement plan, qualitymanagement plan,communications managementplan, risk response plan. Many of

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this time of Stage or Team Plans,nor any detail of how to create theplan, just what it should contain

these are covered in other sectionsof the PID

Project Plan Execution This takes the approach that aproject is managed against theProject Plan on a day-to-daybasis. Work authorisation andstatus review meetings arementioned.There is only a brief mention ofchange requests and gatheringinformation on work results

PRINCE2 goes down to Stage andTeam Plan level for day-to-dayexecution. Work Packages matchwork authorisation, but far moredetail is given of the content ofthe WP and the interface withTeam Managers. PRINCE2 hasCheckpoint meetings butspecifically suggests that theProject Board manage byexception and receive HighlightReports instead of holding reviewmeetings, except for end stageassessments.The PRINCE2 CS2/3/4 processesgive far more detail aboutgathering progress information,capturing and examining changerequests.

PMBOK is vague here, stays at ahigh level of plan for day-to-daycontrol, and still has regularprogress meetings withoutseparating Project Board fromthese.

Integrated Change Control This provides an overview tochange control and configurationmanagement. No detail, nomethod of how to do it is offered.

PRINCE2 offers a detailed changecontrol approach and far moredetail on configurationmanagement

Ch 5 Project ScopeManagement

This covers the scoping of aproject or phase and controllingany changes to that scope.

P2 covers scoping in both the PIDand Work Package

The PMBOK states that thischapter will cover the tools andtechniques required, but the only

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one covered in any detail is theWBS, and there is no effort tocontinue from that planning pointinto the other techniques neededto actually produce a plan

Initiation Initiation is taken as the initiationof a project or the authorisation tocontinue into the next phase. Itmentions tools and techniques,such as project selection methods,benefit measurement methodsmathematical methods and expertjudgement–no specific method isoffered, just a list of possiblesources.The output is a Project Charter.

PRINCE2 tackles this in threeareas, project initiation, ManagingStage Boundaries and Directing aProject. Project selection methodsequate to the PRINCE2 ProjectApproach, benefit measurementwould be found in the PRINCE2Business Case and the list of thoseoffering expert judgement wouldbe available to any pm method.The PID equates to the ProjectCharter, but is wider in scope, e.g.identifying the whole projectmanagement team, not just theProject Manager, including theProject Plan, Business Case, riskevaluation and controls.

PMBOK talks of a ProductDescription as input to initiation,but this is not the same as aPRINCE2 Product Description. Itcovers the product characteristics,the relationship between theproduct and the business need,and the ‘form and substance’ of the product description may vary.

Scope planning This covers the ‘progressive elaboration’ of project scope. The inputs are the ProductDescription, the Project Charterand the initial definition ofconstraints and assumptions. Theoutputs are the Scope Statement

PRINCE2 has this as part of thePID, being Problem Definition.The management of scope changeis dealt with in PRINCE2 bychange control, whose method isdescribed as part of the ProjectQuality Plan in the PID. In

It seems odd that this comes afterthe Project Charter, whereasPRINCE2 makes it part of theinformation needed beforeauthorising the project. One of thetools mentioned by the PMBOK isbenefit/cost analysis, although

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and Scope Management Plan. Thelatter describes how scope changewill be managed and includes anassessment of the expectedstability of the project (how likelyto change, how frequently andhow much)

PRINCE2 an assessment duringinitiation of the volume of changeexpected leads to consideration ofa Change Authority and ChangeBudget.

there is no specific output of aBusiness Case. PMBOK does notenlarge upon the scopemanagement plan to discuss whatto do if the assessment shows alarge volume of expected changes.

Scope definition This is the subdivision of themajor project deliverables intosmaller, more manageablecomponents. The outputs are workbreakdown structures. PMBOKoffers three example templatescovering an aircraft system, asoftware product release and awastewater treatment plan. Theprocess stops at ‘decide if adequate cost and durationestimates can be developed at thislevel of detail for eachdeliverable.’

This equates to part of thePRINCE2 Product-based Planningtechnique, the Product BreakdownStructure, without the qualityaspect of writing ProductDescriptions or the transfer of theproducts into a Product FlowDiagram. The Planning processcontains much more detail intaking the Product BreakdownStructure through the ProductFlow Diagram, estimating,scheduling, risk assessment andwriting a narrative.

When describing other types ofWBS, PMBOK refers to a PBS,meaning a Project BreakdownStructure, as being ‘fundamentally the same as a properly doneWBS’.

Scope verification This is described as ‘the processof obtaining formal acceptance ofthe project scope by thestakeholders’. It refers to the acceptance of the work results, i.e.occurs at the end of a project,rather than agreement at the endof initiation on what is to be done

This is dealt with in more depthby the CP and DP5 processes.PMBOK only has formalacceptance as an output.

There is no mention in thePMBOK process of an EndProject Report or a Post ProjectReview Plan.

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Scope change control This is a very high level view ofthe need for change control,agreeing and managing scopechange.

PRINCE2 has both a changecontrol component, a changecontrol technique, processes (CS3and CS4) to capture and analysechange requests and a series ofprocesses to obtain decisions onchanges and manage theirimplementation (CS5, CS8,Exception Report, DP4, SB6,Exception Plan and DP3–ProjectBoard decision on a revised plan)

Both methods include notinglessons learned from changes andsetting a new baseline.

Ch 6 Project Time Management This covers the development ofthe project time schedule

PL2 (drawing a Product FlowDiagram), PL3 (Activities andDependencies), PL4 (Estimating)and PL5 (Scheduling) cover this.

Activity Definition Identifying and documenting thespecific activities required toproduce the deliverables shown inthe WBS. Part of the activity listshould be descriptions of eachactivity to ensure that the projectteam members will understandhow the work is to be done.

Covered by the second step ofPL2 and the first part of processPL3. The activity descriptionequates to a Product Descriptionwithout offering a disciplinedstructure for it.

Activity Sequencing The identification anddocumentation of interactivitylogical relationships. Thissuggests network planning as atool.

Covered by the last step of PL2(drawing a Product FlowDiagram) and the second half ofprocess PL3. PRINCE2 alsosuggests network planningsoftware tools.

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Activity Duration Estimating Estimating both the work periodsrequired to complete an activityand the elapsed time.

This is covered by PL4 PMBOK gives an overview offour methods of estimating, butnot enough to be able to use them.

Schedule Development The iterative process ofdetermining start and finish dates

Covered by PL5 PMBOK has the risk managementplan as input, but does notconsider updating risks as a resultof planning

Schedule Control a) Influencing the factors thatcreate schedule changes to ensurethat changes are agreed upon (b)determining that the schedule haschanged and (c) managing theactual changes when and as theyoccur. It includes performancemeasurement, i.e. tracking planchanges that occur for otherreasons than change requests.

Covered in greater detail in thechange control approach,processes such as CS2/3/4/5/7 and8, and products such as ProjectIssues and Exception Reports andPlans.

Both methods include updatingLessons Learned.

Ch 7 Project Cost Management This includes the processesrequired to ensure that the projectis completed within the approvedbudget. The first three steps arepart of the planning process. Thelast process covers controllingchanges to the project budget andis almost a mirror image of 6.5Schedule Control, looking at costinstead of time.

PRINCE2 sees the first three as aminor part of PL5, Scheduling.The final part, Cost Control, ishandled by the PRINCE2approach to change control andthe CS processes, as describedagainst Schedule Control.

PMBOK goes into more detailthan PRINCE2 in most of thisarea with the exception ofhandling tolerances, a topic thatPRINCE2 covers in much moredetail in the Controls component,SB/DP3 (agreement with theProject Board on stage tolerances)and CS5/7 and 8.

Resource Planning This covers determining whatphysical resources should be used.

PRINCE2 sees this as part of PL5,Scheduling

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Cost Estimating This covers the estimate of thecosts of the resources needed tocomplete project activities. Oneoutput is a cost management plan,stating how cost variances will bemanaged.

PRINCE2 covers this very briefly,but does not separate this from theother aspects of Scheduling.Cost variances are dealt with aspart of tolerances and theircontrol, and this area is dealt withmore thoroughly by PRINCE2.

Cost Budgeting This covers the allocation of theoverall cost estimates toindividual work packages

Again this is part of PL5,Scheduling.

Cost Control Watching for the impact on costof proposed change requests andother reasons for plan slippage.The process refers to EarnedValue Management as a tool formeasuring project performance.

Covered by CS2, AssessingProgress, CS4, Examining ProjectIssues and the escalation process.

PRINCE2 does not include EVMor any other tool for performancemanagement, but works happilywith any such tools used. Bothmethods mention updatingLessons Learned.The process mentions thatprocesses should be developed forthe closing or cancelling ofprojects. PRINCE2 provides suchprocedures.

Ch 8 Project QualityManagement

This includes the processesrequired to ensure that the projectwill satisfy the needs for which itwas undertaken. This covers thequality policy, objectives,responsibilities, quality assurance,quality control and qualityimprovement within the quality

Both methods recognise customerexpectations, prevention overinspection and managementresponsibility.

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system. The chapter is intended tobe compatible with ISO 9000,TQM and ContinuousImprovement

Quality Planning This involves identifying whatquality standards are relevant tothe project and determining howto satisfy them. The main outputis a quality management plan.

This is fully covered in PL1,Planning Quality. PRINCE2 alsooffers a process, SU4, where thecustomer’s quality expectations are sought and recorded. TheProject Quality Plan is theequivalent of the qualitymanagement plan.

PMBOK does not formalise thecustomer’s quality expectations

Quality Assurance PMBOK uses the phrase to cover‘all the planned and systematic activities implemented within thequality system to provideconfidence that the project willsatisfy the relevant qualitystandards.’ It covers reviews of quality results and audits of theother quality managementactivities.

PRINCE2 separates theorganisation-wide qualityassurance role–setting andmonitoring the use of standards–from aspects of the ProjectAssurance role, the planning ofresources for quality work andmonitoring the results for a singleproject. PRINCE2 offers a qualityfile for all quality documents,which can be used for qualityaudits.

PRINCE2 accepts that there maybe audits from an organisation-wide quality assurance group,independent of the project, butalso offers a role for this group aspart of Project Assurance.

Quality Control This involves monitoring specificproject results to determine if theycomply with relevant qualitystandards.

PRINCE2 covers the need inproducts and techniques such asthe Quality Log and qualityreviews

Both cover the quality of productsand project management.PMBOK does include adescription of Pareto diagrams

Ch 9 Project Human Resources PMBOK makes reference to such PRINCE2 does not cover this

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Management human factor skills as leading,delegating, team building andperformance appraisal withoutgoing into detail orrecommending any specificmethods.


Organizational Planning This covers identifying,documenting and assigningproject roles, responsibilities andreporting relationships

PRINCE2 covers this in SU2 andSU3, designing and appointing theproject management team.PRINCE2 also offers a projectmanagement organisationstructure with standarddescriptions for each role to betailored for each specific project,compared to PMBOK’s discussion of an organisationchart

PRINCE2 covers the area in farmore detail and is more specificabout the roles that should beconsidered. PMBOK says thatroles may be assigned toindividuals or groups.

Staff Acquisition This covers negotiation, pre-assignment and procurement ofresources.

PRINCE2 does not cover this.

Team Development This considers team building,personal training, reward andrecognition systems.

PRINCE2 does not cover this PMBOK mentions the importanceof these things and then points thereader to ‘a substantial body of literature’ on the topic as opposed to detailing how they are to beachieved.

Ch 10 Project CommunicationsManagement

This covers the timely andappropriate generation, collection,dissemination, storage and

PRINCE2 describes the products,offers Product Descriptions ofthem and the processes where

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ultimate disposition of projectinformation.

each type of communication isgenerated and used.

Communications Planning This involves determining theinformation and communicationsneeds of the stakeholders.

This is covered by theCommunication Plan, part of thePID.

Both methods linkcommunications to theorganisational structure.

Information Distribution This covers the implementation ofthe communications managementplan as well s responding tounexpected requests forinformation.

The implementation is embeddedin the relevant processes, such asreporting highlights, preparingend stage reports. The ProjectIssue procedure covers anyunexpected requests forinformation.

Performance Reporting This involves the collection anddissemination of performanceinformation, plus the maintenanceof the data in an organisedfashion.

This is covered in such processesas CS2, Assessing Progress, andCS6 Reporting Highlights.PRINCE2 offers a filing structurein which to keep the information.

PMBOK describes the EarnedValue Analysis technique.

Administrative Closure This covers the documentation ofresults to formalise acceptance ofthe product and the archiving ofproject records.

This is fully covered in the CPprocess, Closing a Project.PRINCE2 is more specific aboutwhat the documents should be andwhat they should contain.

Ch 11 Project RiskManagement

The systematic process ofidentifying, analysing andresponding to project risk.

The Management of Riskcomponent fully covers this.

PRINCE2 can work equally wellwith the risk approach that itdescribes or any other riskmanagement method

Risk Management Planning This covers deciding how toapproach and plan the riskmanagement activities for a

PRINCE2 assumes that the sameapproach to the management ofrisk will be used on all projects.

One thing covered in the PMBOKis risk budgeting. The new versionof PRINCE2 will include this and

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project. the use of risk tolerance, alsomentioned briefly in the PMBOK.

Risk Identification Determining which risks mightaffect the project anddocumenting their characteristics.It discusses techniques such asbrainstorming and Delphi.

Covered by the Management ofRisk component.

Qualitative Risk Analysis Assessing the impact andlikelihood of identified risks

Covered as above. PRINCE2offers the Risk Log to assist inmonitoring risks.

Quantitative Risk Analysis The numerical analysis of theprobability and impact of a risk.Sensitivity and decision treeanalysis are briefly described

PRINCE2 suggests high, mediumand low scoring, but is equally athome with a scoring system. Noanalysis techniques are discussed.

PMBOK goes into more detail inidentifying realistic cost, scheduleor scope targets.

Risk Response Planning This covers the development ofoptions to counteract risks,including the assignment toindividuals to take responsibilityfor each agreed risk response.

The consideration of options iscovered in Evaluation. PRINCE2discusses the balance of theimpact of the risk occurringagainst the impact of taking thepossible risk actions. PRINCE2covers the assignment of riskactions as part of riskmanagement. PMBOK talks of aRisk Register, PRINCE2 uses theterm Risk Log.

Both methods offer the sametypes of risk action and mentionthe appointment of risk owners.There is a description of residualrisks and secondary risks in thePMBOK, not covered inPRINCE2.

Risk Monitoring & Control Keeping track of identified risksand identifying new ones,ensuring the execution of plansand evaluating their effectiveness

Covered in the four steps of riskmanagement; planning,resourcing, monitoring andcontrol. PRINCE2 also links these

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in reducing risk. to the points in the variousprocesses where they occur.

Ch 12 Project ProcurementManagement

This covers the processes toacquire goods from outside thecustomer organisation.

Most of this is not covered.PRINCE2 regards this as aspecialist activity, rather than ageneric part of projectmanagement.

Procurement Planning This is the process of identifyingwhich project needs can be bestmet by procuring products orservices outside the projectorganisation. It includes anoverview of make-or-buy analysisand contract type selection

This would be part of defining theProject Approach in ‘Starting up a Project’, although PRINCE2keeps this at a high level.

Solicitation Planning This covers the preparation ofdocuments needed in order toapproach prospective suppliers,including evaluation criteria.

Not covered

Solicitation This covers the obtaining of bidsand other responses fromprospective suppliers, includingany qualified seller lists, bidderconferences and advertising

Not covered.

Source Selection This covers from the receipt ofbids and the application of theevaluation criteria to the selectionof a provider, including contractnegotiation

Not covered

Contract Administration This is the process of ensuring PRINCE2 covers all aspects of

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that the seller’s performance meets contractual requirements

this; the planning interfacesbetween Project Manager andTeam Manager of Work Packagesand Team Plans, performancereporting (Checkpoint Reports),quality control (the Quality Log)and change control, except for thepayment system, althoughpayments can be linked to productapproval or end stageassessments.

Contract Closeout This is similar to administrativeclosure, described earlier. Itinvolves both product verificationand the updating of records andtheir archiving

As PRINCE2 considersprocurement is a specialistactivity, it does not cover this assuch. But all its requirements arecovered by the CP, Closing aProject, and DP5, ConfirmingProject Closure, processes.

Section III AppendicesA. The Project managementInstitute Standards Setting Process

This defines what the PMIstandard documents are, thehandling of the development oforiginal works and adoption ofnon-original work as standards.

These are PMBOK-specific anddo not concern PRINCE2.

B. Evolution of PMI’s ‘A Guide to the Project Management Bodyof Knowledge’

A history of the evolution of thePMBOK plus lists of thestandards committee, contributors,

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reviewers and production staff.C. Contributors and Reviewers ofPMBOK Guide 2000 Edition

This lists the contributors andreviewers of the current edition.

D. Notes Where applicable this lists thesources of information used in thevarious chapters, such as TheAmerican Heritage Dictionary ofthe English Language.

E. Application Area Extensions An Application Extension Area iswhere there are generallyaccepted knowledge and practicesfor a category of projects in oneapplication area that are notgenerally accepted across the fullrange of project types. TheAppendix covers the need forthese, criteria for theirdevelopment, the publication andformat of them and the process fordevelopment and maintenance ofthem. No examples are given.

F. Additional Sources ofInformation on ProjectManagement

This lists a number of professionaland technical organisations, somecommercial publishers, areference pointer to a website forThe PMI Registered EducationProvider Program and a veryvague mention that manyeducational institutions offer

Page 21: A COMPARISON OF PRINCE2 AGAINST PMBOK comparison of... · A COMPARISON OF PRINCE2 AGAINST PMBOK 24 Jan 2002 The Product Description is far more positive about what information should


24 Jan 2002

project management education.G. Summary of ProjectManagement Knowledge Areas

This is a summary of the topics ofsections I and II.

GlossaryThis holds:A description of the glossaryinclusions and exclusions;A list of common acronyms;Definitions of projectmanagement terms

PRINCE2 terminology is notincluded, except where both use acommon term.