A Chinise Company's Inter Nationalization

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  • 8/4/2019 A Chinise Company's Inter Nationalization



    Welcome To Entrepreneurship

    Development Presentation

    1. Innovation and Liability2. A Chinese Companys Successful

    Internationalizing Processes

  • 8/4/2019 A Chinise Company's Inter Nationalization



    Innovation and Liability


    When we think about innovation, we

    always think only the positive sides andnot negative sides. When any negativething arises then who take the liability, this

    research paper is based on those points.

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    Innovation and Liability

    1. Introduction:

    2.What is Socio-Economic Liability?a liability results when an obligation is not fulfilled.

    2 kinds of liability are:Criminal liability is when there has been acriminal act committed because the guilty partybroke the law of the land.

    Civil liability is when an obligation has notbeen met by a party and that party is bound tomake compensation to the sufferer.

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    Innovation and Liability

    Socio-economic liability is the failure of theregulatory body to meet social responsibilitywhich arise from economic decline fromcommercialization delays.

    When this occurs the media coverage changesocial perception of the innovation.

    when a regulatory failure occurs, there are somesocial externalities which are created by otherfirms and by consumers.

    StarLink corn had only received regulatory

    approval for use as animal feed.

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    Innovation and Liability

    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)required Aventis to establish a system to ensurethat all StarLink corn produced be channeled

    into animal feed markets.

    Aventis established Stewardship Program toachieve the EPAs objective but this program

    failed miserably.

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    Innovation and Liability

    Those who are responsible for the creation ofthis liability are:


    EPA The US lost corn sales to Japan because of the

    adventitious presence of StarLink.

    A very localized physical problem can havenegative global financial impacts in todays

    global marketplace.

  • 8/4/2019 A Chinise Company's Inter Nationalization


    Innovation and Liability

    3. The Other Players: Courts and Society:

    Some civil society issues can become very

    contentious due to the debates that originatefrom legislators and the debates that originatefrom the professional legal community.

    Distribution of wealth

    a. European Approach

    b. North American Approach

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    Innovation and Liability

    4. The Road Ahead

    The issue of liability management regardingtransgenics would seem to be related to three

    key features of present day society.

    Key features are:

    Consumer trust

    Science based risk assessment process Concept of consumer empowerment

  • 8/4/2019 A Chinise Company's Inter Nationalization


    A Chinese Companys Successful Internationalizing



    This paper is based on how the internationalizationprocess of a Chinese company Haier became

    successful. Their target was to become No.3appliance maker in the world. Initially, they involve ininternationalization process passively and thenactively. Later they became successful in


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    1. Introduction:

    A Chinese Companys Successful Internationalizing


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    A Chinese Companys Successful Internationalizing


    2. Internationalization in the Chinese Context2.1 The initial involvement of internationalization:

    China did not get success because of

    Artificial and regionally restricted internationalization

    Close door policy.

    2.2 The passive process of internationalization:

    China started internationalization passively by

    Open door policyConducting some political and economic changes

    Allowing foreign internationalization

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    A Chinese Companys Successful InternationalizingProcesses

    2.3 The active process of internationalization:

    China began to internationalize actively by

    Shifting from central govt. economy to market ledeconomy

    Evolving from lower levels of exporting, licensing tohigher levels of international joint ventures, and

    partially or wholly owned subsidiaries.

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    A Chinese Companys Successful InternationalizingProcesses

    3. An overview of international theories

    3.1 The Uppsala Internationalization Model (U-Model):

    Market knowledge and market commitment affects both

    the commitment decisions and the way current decisionsare performed .

    3.2 The Innovation-Related Internationalisation Model

    (I-Model):Summarization of innovation related perspective of U-model.

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    A Chinese Companys Successful InternationalizingProcesses

    Bilkey and Tesars Model:

    Stage 1: Not interested to export.

    Stage 2: willing to fill unsolicited orders or ispartially interested

    Czienkota and Cavusgils Model:Early Stage: More interested and active.

    Next Stage:

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    A Chinese Companys Successful InternationalizingProcesses

    4. Evaluation of the stage models U-model has been used for many companies in different


    I-model is very useful for small and mid-sized company.


    1. These models are merely historical descriptions.2. The implications for management are not their central


    3. They offer relatively little advice on how to manage the

    transaction for domestic companies that are undergoinginternationalization.

    4. Most of the stage models are based on their specificcontext and are restricted to small- and medium-sizedmanufacturing companies.

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    A Chinese Companys Successful InternationalizingProcesses

    5. Challenges for internationalization theories:

    Accelerated internationalization

    New ventures with having both opportunity and

    risk of newness ( poverty of resources) Close door policy ( china was an insignificant


    Limited technological innovative capability.

    Uneven-cross regional development with largestconsumer basis.

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    A Chinese Companys Successful InternationalizingProcesses

    6 Haiers internationalizationprocesses

    6.1 Haiers exporting:

    Total exporting revenue $10 billion

    Increased from 2001 37%Countries and regions 200

    Haiers Export in 2002



    Southeast Asia

    OthersEuropean counties 60%

    Japan 20%

    Southeast Asia 16%

    Others 4%

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    A Chinese Companys Successful InternationalizingProcesses

    6.2 Dawar and Frosts survival

    strategy theory andHaiers internationalization


    (1) Stage one: a defender:

    Competitive assets andglobalization pressure arelow.

    (2) Stage Two: a contender:Competitive assets are high

    and globalization pressure islow.

    (3) Stage Three: both anextender and a

    dodger: Advantages of

    extender strategy application.

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    A Chinese Companys Successful InternationalizingProcesses

    7. Haiers empirical challenge to traditional stagemodels of internationalization

    The initiation of exporting of QGRF (Qingdao General

    Refrigerator Factory, predecessor of the Haier Group)wasto the well-developed country Germany

    not the psychologically close country

    nor to enter new markets with successively greater

    psychic distance

    nor the neighbor countries,

    which shoes an practical challenge to the stage model.

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    A Chinese Companys Successful InternationalizingProcesses

    The motives underlying Haiers creative internationalization

    processes are:1. Building a permanent international market position

    2. Meeting competition

    3. Following customers

    4. Exchanging of threat first difficult, then easy,5. Shaping the competition


    Our biggest challenge is not that we are backward but we areafraid we may not be strong enough and only by activelytaking part in global competition can we seize a chance tosurvive.

    The limitation is that Haier is the unique case that has been

    proved to successful in China.

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