THE WEATHER or wow thl* after and lonishi. \v»-,I ly Minienti»» coMrr proli» My snnw. TWENTY-FIRST YEAR turn*.- 22 NOUNCE NEW RK CITY BAND FOR HOP MUSIC Henderson's Columbia Recording Orchestra to Come Here. NATIONALLY FAMED ¡Is for Largest Winter Affair To Make it Best in History. Michigan** Poro numi Collegiale Scml-Weeklv Tt-KSDÁY. FKK A, 1930 Nutrì ber 30 Will Lead (ìrand March nt Annua / J-Hop Friday Evening •r Hende colored York city v JHie 1030 Mit i field in i In» Friday uiiii<ttmci-!,.<'i n Wilspy. *' direct ifP I*lew hud :• ! âîcr H rnler < |jmi sin tin** v.il .Tidav • '.< urn* ly pelt y oi peppy et . r> Jjemftle faint nul major i ?I1 and Pnrw nr and hr ¿for II It* ' 030 y -Mop on F* jMier I tend (feed as a i a ini has "I«*«! musician will incl fronted v numi Ih lite alu J-Ho nple I piade i.iinnan Istmi in i»ln; »ton J-Ht'ps thm COLLEGE HOST TO THRONG OF FARM VISITORS Attendance Monday Estimated at 1000; Expected to Reach 7000 by Friday. MANY MEETINGS BOOKED Pres. Shaw and Attorney General Brucber Speak; Band Gives Concert. MANY NOTABLES I t TTTY HARllFN event •4v‘ Mar LIST VARSITY PARTY PATRONS J-Hop Decorations. Orchestra to Be Used for Annual Letter- men Affair. EXPLAIN TICKET PRICES FOR PAGE THE PRINCE ¡tv the leading 1S30 Michigan loll ' I’;-ye the * tin- Oladmer evening. Frida \ xi util h la y the • ti it American i petit ol 1.i nits ( httv * the vncal depart Mi. hign tnirtodatii •.»art •atti. Wilis •s at i' atilt ft! trevfous labor at* llled ntl Wwfn J-Ho i»nHi (> Temple fro irngrnm vdav -i ntted f* rl n*1a\ this week -one Although rever o the- titdent Inns. thitL hat Mve arm Will HOP FAVORS TO BE ISSUED WED Cedar Chest Makeup Boxe* Will Be 1930 Junior Partv Offerings. 1930 OPERA HAS TALENTED CAST W f) Judd. Veteran Director, is Pleased With Progress of Union Production. ; ut Fmra-lhe Prmn\' the 103(1 • tprrii ■*/ lu* prew»hM*d .•t ¡he SIC INSTITUTE INS RECOGNITION EX-GYM TEACHER BURNED TO DEATH TO HEAR OPERA COLLEGE NIGHT Friday Night Showing of Union Opera Will Resemble Open- ing Night on Broadway. COMPOSER TO BE PRESENT Carl Hendrickson Composer of Songs for "Page the Prince." Plans to be Present. Celebri!ie*. vili l>*- presi ut ut forti“ H* ih«* Fini;!' flight presentii Uon of I he 11)30 UnitMl Mei ite. Fare Ih«- Putire. Wllieh is tu la- prcsnnted ili Mie Olnriincr theater. The college night |wrfornmn«i* wtll .ttike un lite tttmoMpliere of n Uro» riwnv open mg iiteli' wtth Cuti HendrickHón ttf New York city, ntmpiru-r rii ‘ he ¡', 111* vt.'til •rori". lor lite comedy, "Page ih»* Fri neo, t*-m>t inpong tliottf* preseti! He together wi-th Mrs Mendrlrkson wtii is* prcwni ha a guest ttf John Jitdd, director ni lite revue Arcuici.nv lo thè director. Mt Mendrlrkson ha- nrver serti thè reytie preset’ted ritd 1 - nmklrtg ati pspcrial #*fTr»rt to te* Iteri* lor ihe Filda' night performance.- ArrorriiriK to Bay Htggs. manager of thè Uni..ti Oovemor and Mts Fred W n recti wlll « i Im» in* m oilendance that t ventng beHÌfles Fretudeut :tnd Mrs I! 8 Mhnw tierret:Hv and Mi* llnlladav ttiemberf of ile* tate Itoard of iterim i- ’ itti . Dean Fìisiibcth Oonwd and ot11- er ttolablf Aerordtng to CJeroÌtl Lagr, i h.tinnati of lite tlrket tornnttMee Frida y night ules ha Ve lHH*n iairly sa Uniiretory bui tliere *-tili remain manv good seni* for 'In- Thuraday àfternoon and eveniny ttt-t formati* r*- Il is expected that ma un vtAlttiig fari nera wtU avuti thern- Mtjvea i>f flie opportunUy to >j*e "Page II * Frinii- ai thè Thursdav matinee and pfobably a Urge numtx-r ni .sto* denta’ noi attrndinu thè .!-l|op w.tll tnake lai* ie*r-mit!om lor TTtumdav night lui gè pian, to -end all retmUrtlng ticket» f«r Thumlav afierhoon and eveti mg to thè iti.uimer theater Wi-d- Itesday morntng and tliereaftcr all rem-mi!fona limai la* madie al that piar«* Frida v ttight *eaf-. "111 proba.; bit continue to in* -dd at thè Union un til some lime Thuntday PROVIDE MUSIC FOR FARM WEEK Twrlvc Prognms Are Offrrcd in Coniunction With Department. (?ontniniii(m "f -li- Mulucun sente Mu. m » depuriment to entertatriroeni progni n.i.*> pian ned lor thè unnual Ftirmer* Week ttow gotng un will n>n- -ist of a total M twelve varied munirai prirvìtim. provldpd far all itart* of Ha' ■•rot.p". ni II provided! odi the labra ^Cantirum • Sun* bv ri 5II * f’r Division ttabran1 of {.'ongre#* fr> C and was «*n* by Apeen Mhea seri ioti It i;. awarded lljetft .Spmtpie Coolti Friday 'he diri fnsUint Mi id pr-v t Witi omi itbrs “ prohe.-ttatKUt of a !ul 4 to the institute from a rtant as the mwdc divi to 'reeognttion of the worth depart men?, ano of 'h Mr Bichard* in raisinv 11 a of hi* organization. J! is t-xfremety gratifying *• Me ; tj:»n 8fate Inali lute i be*-!i siisrrtwudul enough g ir of iliesd* rare scores CO-ED DEBATE SCHEDULE GIVEN Mipraiu »«stai’. ’«-* c O NVENIENT AMPÜS A L E N D A R 1 Eight Debates Scheduled ; Include Pi Kipp* Delta Tournament. Present Week Of Rest Comes r" From Legislative Forethought ALUMNI GROUPS CONVENE SATURDAY Senu Annnal College Congress Will be Held in Union Building February S. ■ml offering* are for »he H orne- it ¡he Mom** Krirttonin » » group« of ■ornmuhily *d for Tueftdav and ..ir- in- given .jiidet Arthur Fur well of tlw* Milton Trio. eomi»ONe<! toltn Irene McKee, r-d .farne*, pruno vnii m Thursday afternoon ivi ion Three enter- ai afternoon. Wednes- itir*day afternotyn iv defgirfmenial unit el vi» Fine violin, Rr»!>ert n>* and f-Hi/abeth Bar • \ feature -»I 1 Ite *-xien Id Tuesday everurtg will #r r »11 / by T/ler .Solomon and R ìd a y Feb 4 3f Student f.Vrtint :tl Rooms JNRBIMY FEB > 00 Theia Alpha Phi Murrrv ..j me In deba *0 Blue Kev Band trill re - prm rr '• State The- — Hesperian on Program Krra.t «i tenw Ford man ♦■lev Owne Et tu *4-fi IM ft. Btnm M Hmi arid 8p*«ia i>emoru-ir»' nuttj-.trniii.ri Halt» •U81MY. FÉB «• T Stare Finali tn the R trai Drama • SiaM* Theafer ! V of M - M 3 C Hockey (lame -»utter»'. He! hi» p at i nuaì Farrrw-r- íoreninner*. • Week, .»erf- : ¡hrough »It Week had i tatron fotiowing co-erl .John» Mildred F*M ham. Bdr.a Helen I Rapid*. Tberesa Seek dred la-inaar Lanain Charlotte The m heduie * follow» Marrrt 4. Wlreaton college Bui» laamm«. March 14. Western HU'»- Temherv ewe at Kalama?oo March 21. I hi- veraity of Cincinnati at Cincinnati March '¿9. WaAhington Univeraity »! tyvsnx March 29 ¡..ndenwood UnionOpera -Oladmer Theater ^ ^ ^ ct^rleT t - *Y FEB 7 - : Charles April 1-« I*i Kappa Drib ™ UrangeSingingConleit—Old f<rriv»>ntion at Wichiu» Karuta» Apr . . Weatern State Tea- : er* cnilege .* P m. Union Opera Matinee— At F<lsf Theater _____________ ______ ‘ ~" j 5 i L ° * mf M s c ».. n the :M)n (, iklW ,,.JC»bMid « tnr ihcn-currret a -— Colhge * K ,n vmi with kerosene buggy-tampe and came Meek! _ O«loo Osoio-Otodmrrf'The«*- -ft» has to do .he wnw^in^ou__ ............... _* .. — . ___ . ----------------------------- Thm- ciean-d and P tm * t.h «ch ».It at TWTCHEU.-8 Dr, r>,nrrv <Phonr bill. Farmers tifffvvirv .i ucer < » he <%.'on d<*evr, » t •* in An Hai< . Battle Creek >ut of mat iV Laming In 1910. the following arflon of H*ate Board of Agricuittire ¡n I9»f9 first round-up* to be held ann'i: nere took place, and for the three v fallowing Michigan farmer* got out matite red wtth the Imp « u h rriaignfU'; .n ttre feaffWr ed ai! ejhlbl »MtviUon in * .sud au jace r ¡»urpoae t Farr ■* Week IVD i d f n t u M iw gath- her - ' nany *,rna.: Í ï : me- ■ » i-a»-rri.-, : g our ;>f *’•'eri' -<l»y •wv * >. . ad læe* <t» ’.te f « t e ve»r <tur pre^T:' Farmer* !****,» .-■¿4 diMr/e»-*ed u.fcr ■ 0«re*- ■•'rrrui >• tnre ara* !r:ro. <-r Xnd nei «rpr.T» ted . ¿ve»uirjc iUi'inriú. muatache^ i «* Tien tn • o the iarre MuemMt! of Ag Had vxn net a»rde for 't* •• a Farmer* Week which attract» ten thousand twiner» a yin* steie*, I* u Farmer»' 1-3316* 211 M A. C Ave .r.- -atc Pre*ide»»t Stwt* Hee ffaiàaday and '!!»• m m ier' *»f sia ’.e Boaed ■*. Agni’irurr will t** ¡¿ire«* Airfyf»er group ^»•r.swttrur •■! forcv ;ernjaner.*. ' .a1« .*- •e^retarie* trii! + bi* ;ire*rr .*. AlMitiM ‘ lie »*» tje r*-r»rep#*n*ed *.n» Détroit <»Tard Rapid*. H**r\»'wi Harbrr J»/kvet FI tri’ Trrled'i and . Cîurago t*rvm ?=t>tav xiÎ1 snvr the (pcTtin* weii.irm e Mr <ilenn ste-mirl Use *1 .AIXîTTî-', verrrtary. vr;U ■ fuwi ts»-ak Pnefty -rs ffir r»**ed* of *f»e irwtHutlon TTua wttl fie folé.»ved by a grneral du»- *• **.->m r ■ ci tet'er riaa* artd aiumnr or- * canuatmct The grrnrp «dil try to cou- 1 form wtth ’ t » newer 'hank-* brought mjfl. at tbr récent r orrvention of t he NatKeuU Alumit! council. of which | Mgfuiao .State u a member Make a date wtth the Prince at the Ofawlmer Feb fi and 7 Fhe iniljtvir* tisir.d rUrer'ed bv léonard Falcone *iU again te* <«ne <¡t the highlight* **f the Kslr^lef^ Week ^■*»i(*rt* lield ut Demon»!ration . ’ ¡ai* Four pr'svtHitv* will l»e tjres^en'ed with *im> «olí» i’Ttn¡¡r¡ bv Milton Roth violin artd Fin'd Harh xylophone Del yotlr 'tc keig ¡nr Page irte Prince •f.e Union * »;w*n at 'he i Uadmer Feb AT THE UNION KK ON HANI) to “PAGE THE PRINCE" Annual I nion Opera GLADMER FEBRUARY 6 & 7 Tiritela al l 'aio» Bvr covroN books IT-FIRST AR Niiml>er urt EERS RTABLE ST CROWD s iti Demoliti ration , Michigan Staff m l to Avenge. hi Mate m- I ’nivi'l-nity m portalrh* »‘clock. Ai II I Ilf» tw o I in* played y night th<* « !»c* played l< the Itali han 2,500 al' adniis- fut the finest United v . being trograni wd. em- hy men circle«, :ray t h«* rt «. n t will b«* ! i'-uded by land oid rnau ; -(*ttf at I lie nil*' team of .. « i t nega the Apartan cage . w* rthe ..it !, tiv* Green and 'he fact i hat • am defeated a . apHtred-the Big dehnite proof « ¡.is- v, ill he (»ire iker TTte Wolv- bring to East :Y SOCIETY NEW HOME ta Takes Residente Tnmoira ouse i*! fin»! profe«- I ' U b l l a h e d a into what ¡’•■tra itou se on avenue and novated and , and . initiation t* < : **» lie com • ,< » rjuarter - :1h* j » t**r.> us eda-nfed ,n Use H i > *he firat •• it! fraternity • /x own. brtpier iwriiAe* cading ■ttie* of ^ 'enty-flve r iduate mem* ,'*!•* and .'entor* sir' Wfvk -"¡I be re- chi ikiria v u re- ilierntckl *igjw 'hat y taned Much fav* .an given *>v adl who format.* •- 5 UNION ION m RDAY UARY TH ON BOOKS

a box - archive.lib.msu.eduarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1930/state_news_19300204.pdf · THE WEATHER or wow thl* after and lonishi. \v»-,I ly Minienti»» coMrr proli» My snnw

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Page 1: a box - archive.lib.msu.eduarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1930/state_news_19300204.pdf · THE WEATHER or wow thl* after and lonishi. \v»-,I ly Minienti»» coMrr proli» My snnw


or w ow thl* a fter and lonishi. \v»-,I

ly Minienti»» coMrr proli» My snnw.



turn*.- 22


FOR HOP MUSICa « Henderson's Columbia

Recording Orchestra to Come Here.

NATIONALLY FAMED¡Is for Largest Winter A ffair

To Make it Best in History.

M ichigan** Poro numi Collegiale Scm l-W eeklv

T t -K S D Á Y . F K K A, 1930 Nutrì ber 30

W ill Lead (ìrand March ntAnnua / J-Hop Friday Evening

•r Hende colored

York city v JHie 1030 Mit i fie ld in i In»

Friday uiiii<ttmci-!,.<'i

n Wilspy. *'

direct ifP I*lew hud :• !

âîcr H rnler < |jmi sin tin** v.il .Tidav • '.< urn* l y pelt y oi peppy e t . r>

Jjemftle faint nul major i

?I1 and Pnrw nr and hr

¿ for I I It* ' 030y -Mop on F* jM ie r I tend

(feed as a i a ini has

"I«*«! musician will incl

fronted v numi Ih lite alu

J-Honple I

piadei . i in n a n

Is tm iin i»ln;

»ton J-Ht'ps thm


Attendance Monday Estimated at 10 0 0 ; Expected to Reach 7000

by Friday.

MANY MEETINGS BOOKEDPres. Shaw and Attorney General

Brucber Speak ; Band Gives Concert.



event •4v‘ Mar


J-Hop Decorations. Orchestra to

Be Used for Annual Letter- men A ffair.


¡tv the leading 1S30 Michigan

loll ' I’;-ye the * tin- Oladmer evening. Frida \

xi util h la y the • ti it American

i p e t it o l 1 .i n its ( h t tv * the vncal depart

Mi. hign tnirtodatii


Wilis•s at i'

atilt ft! trevfous labor at*

llled ntl Wwfn

J-Ho i»n Hi (>

Temple fro

irngrnm vdav -i

ntted f* rl n*1a\

this week -one Although rever o the- titdent Inns. thitL hat




Cedar Chest Makeup Boxe* Will Be 19 3 0 Junior Partv



W f) Judd. Veteran Director, is Pleased With Progress of

Union Production.

; ut Fmra-lhe Prm n\' the 103(1 • tprrii ■*/ lu* prew»hM*d .• t ¡he




Friday Night Showing of Union Opera Will Resemble Open­

ing Night on Broadway.

COMPOSER TO BE PRESENTCarl Hendrickson Composer of

Songs for "Page the Prince." Plans to be Present.

Celebri!ie*. v ili l>*- presi ut ut forti“ H* ih«* F in i;!' flight presentii Uon ofI he 11)30 UnitMl Mei ite. Fare Ih«- Putire. Wllieh is tu la- prcsnnted ili Mie Olnriincr theater.

The college night |wrfornmn«i* wtll .ttike un lite tttmoMpliere of n Uro» riwnv ■ open mg iiteli' wtth Cuti HendrickHón ttf New York city, ntmpiru-r rii ‘ he ¡',111* vt.'til • rori". lo r lite comedy, "Page ih»* Fri neo, t*-m>t inpong tliottf* preseti! He together wi-th Mrs Mendrlrkson wtii is* prcwni ha a guest ttf John Jitdd, director ni lite revue Arcuici.nv lo thè director. Mt Mendrlrkson ha- nrver serti thè reytie preset’ ted ritd 1 - nmklrtg ati pspcrial #*fTr»rt to te* Iteri* lor ihe F ild a ' night performance.-

ArrorriiriK to Bay Htggs. manager of thè Uni..ti O ovem or and Mts Fred W n recti wlll «i Im » in* m oilendance that t ventng beHÌfles Fretudeut :tnd Mrs I!8 Mhnw tierret:Hv and Mi* llnlladav ttiemberf of ile* tate Itoard of ite r im i- ’ itti . Dean Fìisiibcth Oonwd and ot11- er tto lab lf

Aerordtng to CJeroÌtl Lagr, i h.tinnati of lite tlrket tornnttMee Frida y nightules ha Ve lHH*n ia irly sa Uni ire tory bui

tliere *-tili remain manv good seni* for 'In- Thuraday àfternoon and eveniny ttt-t formati* r*- Il is expected that ma un vtAlttiig fari nera wtU avuti thern- Mtjvea i>f flie opportunUy to >j*e "PageI I sì* Frinii- ai thè Thursdav matinee and pfobably a Urge numtx-r ni .sto* denta’ noi attrndinu thè .!-l|op w.tll tnake lai* ie*r-m it!om lor TTtumdav night

lui gè pian, to -end all retmUrtlng ticket» f « r Thum lav afierhoon and e veti mg to thè iti.uimer theater Wi-d-Itesday morntng and tliereaftcr all rem-mi!fona limai la* madie a l that piar«* Frida v t tight *eaf-. "111 proba.; b it continue to in* -d d at thè Union un til some lim e Thuntday


Tw rlvc Prognm s Are O ffrrcd in Coniunction With


(?ontniniii(m " f -li- Mulucun sente M u.m» depuriment to entertatriroeni progni n.i.*> pian ned lor thè unnual Ftirmer* Week ttow gotng un will n>n- -ist of a total M twelve varied munirai prirvìtim. provldpd far all itart* of Ha'

■•rot.p". ni II provided! odi

the labra ^Cantirum

• Sun* bv ri 5 II* f’r

Division ttabran1 of {.'ongre#* fr> C and was «*n*

by Apeen Mhea seri ioti It i;. awarded

llje tft .Spmtpie Coolti

Friday 'he diri fnsUint

Mi id pr-v t

Witi omi

itbrs“ prohe.-ttatKUt of a !ul 4 to the institute from a rtant as the mwdc divi to

'reeognttion of the worth depart men?, ano of 'h

Mr Bichard* in raisinv 11 a of hi* organization. J! is t-xfremety gratifying *• Me ; tj:»n 8fate Inali lute

i be*-!i siisrrtwudul enough g ir of iliesd* rare scores




1Eight Debates Scheduled ;

Include Pi K ip p * Delta Tournament.

Present Week O f Rest Comes r" From Legislative Forethought


Senu Annnal College Congress Will be Held in Union Building

February S.

■ml offering* are for »he H orne-

it ¡he Mom** Krirttonin » » group« of ■ ornmuhily *d for Tueftdav and ..ir- in- given .jiidet Arthur Fur well of tlw* Milton Trio. eomi»ONe<!

toltn Irene McKee, r-d .farne*, pruno vnii m Thursday afternoon ivi ion Three enter­a i afternoon. Wednes-

itir*day afternotyn iv defgirfmenial unit el vi» Fine violin, Rr»!>ert n>* and f-Hi/abeth Bar • \ feature -»I 1 Ite *-xien Id Tuesday everurtg will # r r »11/ by T/ler .Solomon


R ìd a y Fe b 43f Student f.Vrtint

:tl Rooms JNRBIMY FEB > 00 Theia Alpha Phi

M urrrv ..j m e In


*0 Blue Kev Band

trill re - prm rr '• State The-

— Hesperian

on Program

Krra.t «i tenw

Ford man ♦■lev Owne

Et tu

*4-fi IM ft. Btnm

M Hmi


8p*«ia i>emoru-ir»' nuttj-.trniii.ri Halt»•U81MY. FÉB «•T Stare F ina li tn the R trai Drama

• SiaM* Theafer ! V of M - M 3 C Hockey (lam e

-»utter»'. He!hi» p at i nuaì Farrrw-r- íoreninner*. •Week, .»erf- :

¡hrough »It Week had

i tatron

fotiowing co-erl .John» Mildred F*M ham. Bdr.a Helen I Rapid*. Tberesa Seek dred la-inaar Lanain Charlotte

The m heduie * fo llow » Marrrt 4. Wlreaton college Bui» laamm«.March 14. Western HU'»- Tem herv ewe at Kalama?oo March 21. I hi-

veraity of Cincinnati at Cincinnati March '¿9. WaAhington Univeraity »!

• tyvsnx March 29 ¡..ndenwood •Union Opera - Oladmer Theater ^ ^ ^ c t^ r le T t - 8»

* Y FEB 7 - : Charles April 1-« I*i Kappa Drib™ Urange Singing C on leit—Old f<rriv»>ntion at Wichiu» Karuta» Apr

. . Weatern State Tea- : er* cnilege .*P m. Union Opera Matinee— At F<lsf

Theater ___________________‘ ~ " j 5 i L ° * mf M s c ».. n the :M)n (, iklW ,,.JC»bMid « tnr ihcn-currret a-— Colhge * K ,n vmi with kerosene buggy-tampe and came M eek! _

O «loo O s o io -O to d m rr f 'T h e «* - - f t » has to do .he w n w ^ in ^ o u _ _ ............... _ * . . — . ___ .

----------------------------- Thm - ciean-d and P t m * t . h « c h » . I t at TW TCHEU.-8 D r , r > ,n r r v <Phonr

bill. Farmers t i f f f v v i r v .i

ucer < » he

< %.'on d<*evr, » t •* in An Hai<

. Battle Creek >ut of mat iV

Lam ingIn 1910. the following arflon of

H*ate Board of Agricuittire ¡n I9»f9 first round-up* to be held ann'i: nere took place, and for the three v fallowing Michigan farmer* got out

m atite redwtth the Im p«u h rriaignfU';.n ttre feaffWr ed ai! e jh lb l »M tviUon in * .sud au jace r ¡»urpoae

t Farr ■* WeekIVD • i d f n t u M iw gath-

her - ' nany *,rna.: Í ï : me- ■»i-a»-rri.-, : g our ;>f *’•'eri' -<l»y•wv * >. . ad læe* <t» ’. te f « te ve»r < tur pre^T:' Farmer*!****,» .-■¿4 diMr/e»-*ed u.fcr ■0«re*- ■•'rrrui

>• tnre • ara* !r:ro.<-r X nd nei «rpr.T» ted

. ¿ve»uirjc

iUi'inriú. muatache^ i

«* Tien tn • o t h e ia r r e

MuemMt! of Ag Had vxn net a»rde for ' t *

•• a Farmer* Week which attract» ten thousand tw iner»

a yin* st eie*, I* u Farmer»'

1-3316* 211 M A. C Ave

.r.- -atc Pre*ide»»t Stwt* Heeffaiàaday and '!!»• m m ie r ' *»f

s ia ’.e Boaed ■*. A g n i ’iru rr will t** ¡¿ire«* Airfyf»er group ^»•r.swttrur •■!forcv ;ernjaner.*. ' .a1«.*- •e^retarie* trii!+ bi* ;ire*rr .*.

AlMitiM ‘ lie »*» tje r*-r»rep#*n*ed*.n» Détroit < »Tard Rapid*. H**r\»'wi Harbrr J»/kvet FI tri’ Trrled'i and . C îurago

t*rvm ?=t>tav xiÎ1 snvr the (pcTtin* weii.ir m e Mr < ilenn ste-mirl Use *1 .AIXîTTî-', verrrtary. vr;U ■ fuwi ts»-ak Pnefty -rs f fir r»**ed* of *f»e irwtHutlon TTua wttl fie folé.»ved by a grneral du»- *• **.->m r ■ ci te t 'e r riaa* artd aiumnr or- * canuatmct The grrnrp «d il try to cou- 1 form wtth ’ t » newer 'hank-* brought mjfl. at tbr récent r orrvention of t he NatKeuU Alumit! council. of which | M g fu ia o .State u a member

Make a date wtth the Prince at the Ofawlmer Feb fi and 7

Fhe iniljtvir* tisir.d rUrer'ed bv léonard Falcone *iU again te* <«ne <¡t the highlight* **f the Kslr^lef^ Week ^■*»i(*rt* lield ut Demon»!ration .’ ¡ai* Four pr'svtHitv* will l»e tjres^en'ed with * im> «olí» i’Ttn¡¡r¡ bv Milton Roth violin artd F in 'd Harh xylophone

D el yotlr 'tc keig ¡nr Page irte Prince •f.e Union * »;w*n at 'he i Uadmer Feb



PRINCE" Annual I nion Opera


T i r i t e la a l l ' a i o »

Bvr covroN books




urtEERS RTABLE ST CROWDs iti Demoliti ration

, Michigan Sta ff m l to Avenge.

hi M a t e m -

I ’ nivi'l-nitym p orta lrh * »‘clock. AiII I Ilf» tw o I in* played y night th<* « !»c* played

l< t h e I t a l i

han 2,500 al' a d n iis -

fut the finest


v . beingtrograni wd. em- hy men circle«,

: ray t h«* rt «.n t will b«*

! i'-uded by land oid rnau ; - (*ttf at I lien il* ' team of

.. « i t nega the A p a rta n c a g e

. w* rthe

..it !, tiv* Green and 'he fact i hat • am defeated a

. apHtred-the Big dehnite proof

« ¡.is- v, ill he (»ire iker TTte Wolv-

bring to East


ta Takes Residente Tnmoira


i*! fin»! profe«- I 'U b l l a h e d a

into what ¡’•■tra itou se on

avenue and

novated and , and. initiation t* < : **» lie c o m • ,< » rjuarter - :1h* j » t**r.> us

eda-nfed ,n Use H i > * he firat

•• it ! fraternity • /x own.brtpier iwriiAe*

cading ■ ttie* of 'en ty-flve

r iduate mem* ,'*!•* and .'entor*

sir'Wfvk -"¡I be re­chi ikiria v u re- ilierntckl *igjw 'hat

y taned Much fav* .an given *>v adl who format.* •-



Page 2: a box - archive.lib.msu.eduarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1930/state_news_19300204.pdf · THE WEATHER or wow thl* after and lonishi. \v»-,I ly Minienti»» coMrr proli» My snnw

Sial» Dfftti

I h o s H l e l i r t e * w ith I Ia n >ii! i r u a n k T h l wh it h he i f t I omhi nation.

T h e Bet h a n * " Im k U iif times to t u r i e n t five. T il a tJecefrttve «f State v as ut ik 'ft 'Bw « h ie sm vearfully. tans phyvfi thnniirH out a ;n count of ft»

8 r o a , M O t k r

• • W W V . ' . V . W- H H i I ' • #%t»§




m a . i


c l a s s r m n iT f o y *

\ X X i l F i F il F US » F F F —



I \i I SF H i k KX/STIM.

Barrati Shoe RepairingSHINE - LACES

i- IU M ' \ » l I L n n a ë K u r f

Our work is done promptly, but carefully, and our prices are moderate, (let in the

habit of letting us do your photo finishing.

B Y R N E SD e p e n d a b l e D r u g s

123 E a s t G r a n d R iv e r( .\*jU Mvvr tv State Cafe)

m J • "


J-HOPw in ¿t»»j*fé c la té "U ï -fte-ìTui

C I M E W . W U E

I K H I B H I U I f U i N T

a U t * ; r r t *

i kn>vK ie y o u r g u e s t » w ith -

Hotel ©liaLi Lu. L CROCKER. M a n a g e r

H a r-m U u f t * " -4. -> * I o fm < # 4 m rm if liar

ret* pirmmtt W * ng %*w n %*U» i i f tn« hai* hanèw u d

• i t . .

" V M c * • 4* Hmmne i»iÜM |*«M t \n» tèmo* pmttctarf

•% l è i « M i wr« W * .M> g . ) Sff, t è t a i d

hetwv geeen -h w c m it h u . r* ■ cm tèe p v a re a i fa u t

ènèfei i ® e j t à Tètre 6 •*»! j » a g i u § e g r è d * ’ *

Page 3: a box - archive.lib.msu.eduarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1930/state_news_19300204.pdf · THE WEATHER or wow thl* after and lonishi. \v»-,I ly Minienti»» coMrr proli» My snnw

Military Bait Features Social Events of Week End

s o P H o n i f f o t t s m u r r e r a i n s t v a c t a s Q M S m n E D U C A T IO N A L

P L A N E L K T M F K ^ I IO f i H M W t t i i iK s a c T io N t o PROGRAM FARMERS' W E B . ENTERTAIN V,5ITO* S

l Y and brilliant, the 1980 M ilita ry Hall hits parsed jp to ry as the best party ever given by the Officers’ F elaborate decorations, the orchestra, the favors

I party one which will Be remembered by the two hun* Hes in attendance. The room was canopied with black i stream ers leading from the central chandeliers to the p c w all panels a long the sides of the ballroom. Ir- jingings of silver tinsel hung from the lights. Daven- 1 cha irs were placed at various intervals about the •uce Satte rla ’s orchestra played for the dancing from ltd of the ballroom,

hind m arch was ted b v *i H a ir c a n d Harlow B . was the scene <»f the Trimoira winter

Met colonel of the lo c a l town party. Bmce Fayerweather’s or* |(,s i l a i r e w a s a t t r a c - ohcatra, played during the dinner und Iw n e d in an e v e i i in u lor ,he da.nc,ll,i R e a lty guests of the r « . r r k I «1 ,5rtr,y included Prof and Mrs H . rf.P a s * 8 P I I l i i l l c i a W itn j»iiblow Prof. and Mrs. L. O. Emmons, K h in t in g « . The d r e s s Prof. and Mrs H It. Dirks, and l lo f . P e le d in s im p le l in e s a,,t* Mrs M M Corv Attractive jewel

0ht bodice and a s k id caae* wpre givet> ,avors p l y r e a c h e d th e f lo o r .

■re wore a corsage of I# and yellow t»*a roses, jbolored evening wrap

with fitch completed

Severa l le te rc e t ia f k l m Will

b e D h ^ l*]w 4 Dw m q Perm -

ere ’ W « k .

D u r in g th is w e e k , s o p h o m o r e g ir ls a r e a c t in g a s g u id e s , w a i t r c u e * . re a u * t r a t io n c le rk s , e l e v a t o r o p e ra to r s , i n ­f o r m a t io n o r a c le s , a n d n u rs e m a id s f o r t h e w o m e n v is i t o r s a t t h e H o m e E c o ­n o m ic s b u ild in g .

Schedules are prepared whereby shifts o i girls go on duty a t B. 11:30o 'c lo c k in th e m o r n in g a n d 2 .3 0 T h e H o m e E c o n o m ic s d iv is io n of M o 'c lo c k in th e a f t e r n o o n s . T h e c o m - S* c ' * p la n n in g s e v e r a l v e r y in te r e s t - in i t t c e in c h a r g e o f th e s e a r r a n g e m e n t s u *8 e x h ib i t s t o r P a r m e r » ’ W e e k .

' i s a s f o l l o w s : L o u is e C le m e n s , c h a ir * T h e fo o d s d iv is io n w i l l h a v e exhibitsm a n ; W in i f r e d G e t t e m y . M rs . C o o lc d g e . d e a l in g w i t h the e c o n o m ic side o f buy- C a th e r in e M i l le r . E th e l W e b b . S y t v a . in g . h e w t o b u y m o s t f o r t I m* leastM e d s h e r . A n n a Bayba, I erle f l y e r ; a n d jm o n e y , e t c . ; a n e x h ib i t s h o w in g the r e -Jtula Tear. 1 la t lo n o f fo o d s a n d f t im is h in g .s to the

------------------------- Uiae o f - t h e c h i ld : o n e s h o w in g the artr i A V i m C V l l ID ETC o i snIad «naAmg and how to tit saladL L l f l n u v f l f i l P l l t f to m tsls: and the tourth will be an ex-

FOR WOMEN VISITORS " in a d e q u a te d ie ts . T h f clothing d iv is io n will show

-lotlies with beat line« and colors for T h e olbthes will Im*

One o f the features in the 1930 Pnrmers' Week w ill be the Farm Elec­trification program as prepared and presented by the Agriculture Engineer­ing department. Programs discussing economic and sociological advantages o f the use o f electricity in ngriculture, along with that of operation and oper­ating costs will be a part o f the pro­gram. while wnter systems, dairy equip­ment.' grain' grinders, elevators, and other rural electrical appliances will be in operation continually.

H its pha.se i.i modern country im­provement1 is one o f the newest de­velopments in agriculture, Rising to national notice, p has stirred up in­tense interest m tin? looal community. ;o»d its rate o f progress promises furth­er popularity.

F a r m e r s ' W e a k v is i t o r s will be en* t e r t a in e d in t h e w a y of m u s ic a l pro­g ra m s , lortu re* . te a s b y the H o m e m a k ­e r 's S e c t io n a n d a b a n q u e t at the home economics building.. Girls in the home economics course will lie excused from classes to act as guides and waitresses tor the ladies. To further the visitors' general comfort, babies will TX* cared for at the nursery on the third floor

S h a f f e r ’ s B a k e r yI O » U KM CIO UK 1*1 bN A N I!

( ItHAM I 'l I I S 200 M. A. C. Avenue

"New Trends in Clothing" is the . , new theme to be worked out in the .. ...

Adaptions modeled in connection with the talk

I Catibv corps spbiisor, wore f rose velvet triintiied with

pbeqmm Iloi dress was oi gh. Miss Dorothy Brown, ttille ry sjxinsor. was present fgow n fashioned o f white

gb h itc tulle Deep red roses Bly * rimiiiings of the dress. | dress o f white satin trim-

luee was worn by Ruth is the band sponsor programs were

0k M iniature abr»letter openers were

Ivo rs Following the grand (flow Meno . presented Qapt

i with a cigarette ease and Bpprecianon of the services

! the past four year* in the the M ilitary Balls The

Miner was a g ift of the OfTtr- [P res Robert 8 Shaw also

i few words o f congratu* sponsors of the military

The Delta Sigma Phi's were atnoug i he fraternities who gave house daneor this 'week-end. They held tlieir party on Saturday night with Prof and Mrs. A J. Clark and Mr and Mrs. Les Bel­knap ^s the chaperons. An out-of-. town orchestra played lor the danoiuu.

The members o f Phi Della entertain- • d a large number oi members at their house daiiee Sa turday evening A Jackson orchestra played for ths dancing While the faculty guests were Prof .nid Mfs. 0. S Dunterd end Capt and Mrs 8. G. Blanton.

clothing exhibits. Adaptions of the .. . ... ... . . . . new ..Uhouetie !y,wes of .he mature Or- Ml“ Wpbb 15 lo “ 'VP lire will be stressed particularly Rep- W 0 home management exhibit v rescntative models o f these type* w ill1 •‘■'hew the relation)hip o f the hnuhth be obtained from Lansing clothing con- houselKnd apparatus to th f heighth cerns. These w ill be arranged to rep- , *i r Individual »uid the amount resent a shop window energy expended when the height»

O ther exhibits consisting of i-IUldren's i wrong. dothing. dresses, hats and foundation!garments made by the sewing classes' 18*1(1 ( I IM i l t A H A S will 1111 the cases along the hall in the lower floor of the Home Economic;Ini tiding.


T A IiB N T U I» C A S T

•nn> Carlisle .Sigma Alpi

tarried Saturday which Robinson

ifche-stra played for Epsilon iMi'ty on

venuig. Dr and Mrs. C $. and Mr and Mrs. Mort

Mason chaperoned the dance.Capt and Mrs .C. R. Chase and Mr

and Mrs Mile* Casteel acted as patron-, at the Hermian iiouse dance Saturday night Fry's Gold Diggers were the music masters

mthe M ilitary bull les entertained at

week-end On S Sesame society hr

dtuice in Hotel Kerns, g th ' alTair was furnished by

Pres and Mrs Ruber* kan Elisabeth Conrad. Dr.

rs. Lewis Fuller were ¡irty while Colonel und Davis and Dr and Mrs wen* patrons Black

• »I lie Hotel. Olds

The Alpha Phi sordfHy held formal mitiAiion on Saturday The follow­ing girls were initialed' Hope Morgan East .Lapsing; F.lalne akitnin. Saginaw; Hannah Lou Bud. Chicago. 111.; Bar­bara Bower O n en ville; Eugenia Bur* bridge Grand Rapids; Jean Carr. East

formal Lansing; Esther d in e rs . Jackson, m m day Elaine Come. Lansing; Jean Cum- Id their mings. Lansing, Doris Fortum, Detroit;

Coreel i Goulet.. DetroR: AI berti tic B a ri­la nd. Traverse City; Marian Hedrick East Lam in g . Jane Phillips, Bay cu\

The (rumai ban einet was Held at Downev hotel c. .i .Saturday evening Tablee m the form of a u were decor* ated wi»h candles and America!' Beauty loses Mr R P. I.ymau wai

- t o ( o -e r is A t t e n d - | in g I I I » i i o n

I.M I’ O O H M A S K I U K S M A IM Kl. nr I IN«.lilt

W A V E S F A C IA L SV w ii \|>|MMiiimr«its Lari?

P o iiii *• ¡rullili ^aliml)Ot Buiidlllg

tnaxt nu si reus • Itll'iKliK lin» til** ol low -m g speakers Hutinah Luu Birci RuthRanney I iothy Oiinmck. »hyOisHenderson ajid J’ubili JanM*n Breaky.

Nine ,;irlx were uutinierl un Sat u i-d a vo lle rm x in by the Alpha ( ..minaDelfa sorority A banquet fdlloa ed theiti nation service The theme )f 'heprogram was 'Feast of Flame .» id 'lie

i ft me udi'd l,»i.s Randell Bel hMonroe oik Lucille Joiujstun Theinitial»*» are Audrey Clark. dtuko-you; Beth Mon rue.' Roger: CM\. HeimaStrung. ! *« < Liai'.: Betty West. Perry.Ohio; Ruth Weir Grand Rapids JeanGlcruin E\ rett; Virginia Day ( ‘ - I ViCM v. Marmi !.* »gni<-.» Trave: » C ity;Virginia Blet in -iügiiiaw- Many o f '.healumni retui ned lor ■ n* weokr-mnd

Miss Audi •v i )-> keman. grand pr.si-

Committee in charge cii clot lung is as' lollow.s. Ethel Wetofc, chairman: An­na Bayha. Margaret Vardy. Irene Tuy- lor. Julia Tear, and Merle llamcr.


A gospel team sponsered by the Y W C A in conjunction with the Y M C A. will take a deputation trip to the Methodist church in Blrmingliain. Sat­urday. Feb. 8ih.

Die team, including Mildred Patter- >on. chairman ;if the Y W C. A. Dep­utation Committee. Phyllis Shassbci- ger, Elsie 'fitsworth. FIcMiung Barbour, and Miss Neva Lovewell. w ill suporvtM) the services on Sunday. A partv will lie S given Saturday evening a t the iiirnung* S ham church -g|


spinx asks lor more rueda to ign up lor .work on their committees. Soph- moieh ;>iid juoior girls arc urged to offer their arvicef» on lio uanuDiite*’ for compilation of ibe ong imok and ar- rangemenl o l atternoon tea*. Activity points will '** givtsi to .Ui girls acting on Ui»* roMinuitees A ll coflds who arc w illing to do this work should cull Helen Murdock. 1'heia i louse*, or some other meniber <•! Sprnx.

dent of Sigma Kappa altended the ■ iiu: ia iioii e rvk e of ¡he local ciiap'e; which was given for eight girls on Saturday Mrs (Mara Reck, Mrs. Eli/.»Ix'th Whipple Butler, ¿uid Mias Lydia Baird were also gue.os .it tin* house over the week-end The new hmmc.Iv i are Knia Pasc.h, St Johns. KaUiciin< geott Mortice; Jenn \nder.'*o»i s* Johns I itvlis Hill l^ikMiig; i.*iu A m *I «it n ing; ChrtftUoe Connor. Hlgiil.m : Park. ItobcM'ta Meeker. Birmingham Helen Withcnbury Slia|b\ Hohowu,*ti* uutiatton -erviee a formal banquc .* i- i,f id in ilotcg cJkU.

t 'Continued from i»age I* i heir initial Ik>w to a coilcge , but: arc expected to carry their like veterans ol the stage.

Miss Mnnan Hawley, who sucrc iy tilled her “role In last yeai ';- pr non as 'h e pretty movie uctvcv liven cast Hus year ob the Quw Gondobvia »ml acts her port ~\ haughty- mahner iiocominx >•< Claud Streb Howard Bentlex and Garland complotc the chatHdei of th? ’.Win nwiie. and w ill Join mg their tirst ..ppearunce on tin lege stage



T ill?

C O R S A G EIn Hatch Your

F O R M A I,

I* SPARTAN I 1 FLOWER i| SHOPPE I•* IIH» I a »t («rumi Hiver *J J* CtMMi- No. v im a

!M w y w w / ( w yw » w w

I t R I D G K N O V E L T I E S |

H A N D K E R C H I E F S , G I F T S a n d 5

G R E E T I N G ( A R D S F O R A L L O C C A S I O N S 5

UartTtit attà (Sift $hn|iT i l KiikI (.ran d I t i . r r A »r.



$1 . 0 0 a box

EERS RTA6LE ST CROWDs in Drmonilration

. Michigan Staff i n i (o Avenge.

S t a t e C o l l e g e

B o o k S t o r e

In iv r r s i l v ti portable clock. A t i the two Im- played night ib»*

im* played

than 2,500 ral ail m is­al! for the

in- finest tip- l ni led

ts being program

rowd, t*m- íes l»v men tie circles,

• > unipus be ♦*nt»»r-11 ton 8nt-

.« short

aded by ■ »Id man

rhe oreen ip fact Hint defeated »


| | i


ia Take> Residen,r

T rimoira

I td


¡n »’ profe dabtUhed :g .rito wh ■i i a itmuM* * avenue ai

novated at [tossitole, .ir

It is the firxt - ;.»i fraternity >1 .'v ovrtv ■ ipter houiM

e a d in g c it ie s »a. r - e v e n ly - A v e graduate mem* '<*!« a n i senior«

L IK E T W O P E X SIh r (h e P irite o í O n e

i 'w d k c l f e d f o r C L u tru u m V o lm , u iu t ft U m k r t u / n r K n t r f i n o / n

— G u u r u w lm w i f o r L ift* t

R e m o v i n g m e n t a l b a r r i e r s

p o t . b u y n P a r k e r P n c k u D w U M y o u n o w c a n r-T T -U i wiitwut buyu<( ««nn iiirt pan. Or it Ifau . a Uackar OuulU# W ill » I I you aito .

IS R M M n K M d for IU«. r wau, you w U i a iim n w u a — ulp — W.

la n a a u im i i i l i a ■ * » .n u iwrt yourO uaM *

- 1»«« to « I M » e a u > • lu anMHBÉb « t a I iho*«p»r and I " . ■ -

► u t» a I

p And to overy huyee *4 a Parker Daafc Be*. Q v a a H t k e t Cafi with CTg. Thwa tuaJ>e«k Pan »«. i d a a u J D a h i t D — b k i i P t i a t o r i h a p w e e o u a h a » » f l f «ira tiragli fhNhe Riahet Gap w ith your D e a iiM i

P m te s 's newatreumiined Duotoid Ren«( a n d Ran- r«da to m atch) aal k n m rtn th o p oah al d a n ulhara. taeauae the cHpalortoufttha ta p n athatfwapdpuM« thacap. Thivnaw rt.t'aU iitodahapa itela “ al home" in tho htuKi—aod write» with our foiapua ofth improo— ant —JhroeourHe— Tbuch.

Go «ee thia rw o iu h a tw ry Con vertiblo DtaoMM at a n y near * f*y pen countar.T H r. r A K K B O FtkW CO- Ju«u**»M*. W »« oan.ru .P'l a»b«idi»fif« <N«w V#*». c fu r ia » A « l*n t i. m m b . O u b M . a jn Fh ik Ik o ; Toroo»«. C#n. L m ( m . Rm

C o

In i he I k ’ J'dlophone System m en ,rr t »ui .tanti v sMnivmg new avo vs to m ake tlie

» ustm ner •* icaiing^ with tit*.- lompanv casv and picasmnt, T b c new “ counter lr s" idea, now bring írtlrm iuced m the trie phono company s Imsinvss oiMeoo, is a c a s e i t t (v r n n t

H e r e th e cu s tom er is p laced a f o m c on

a friendly fKrsonal basi - svitri »ht tomji.uiv

iTprr.« ;rtt.itiv c. I L ?•. invited to sit dow n

» otiiiortitbiy and disi tiss his iiusDiests ( 'c r* tainly m ore satisfactory tlian stand in g jt t - ountcr.

I h is m ig lc LQtotancc ic p re s cn ts a p o in t

né' vtew which trih|»hoi»c iiivtt tin nil i% im« |N » r ta n t . I ( l e p t m i u a f V H c » in v t o r • n g i -

n eertn g sk ill and m o r c ^ i t n eeds hum an


« y f » m >


. . f o r B a t k n . . / « » U m k

» 5 » ? N >

me * m r M O K E C R i N a w o r k h *a s j b s t r e g c n






I J • «

Page 4: a box - archive.lib.msu.eduarchive.lib.msu.edu/DMC/state_news/1930/state_news_19300204.pdf · THE WEATHER or wow thl* after and lonishi. \v»-,I ly Minienti»» coMrr proli» My snnw

IP* «PS*?11

HBKI¡ 5 »


Stile Deferii

I ho nidelinoH. »vlth lln in lilRimrds. Thiwhich ho. eo icom binnllnn.

Tho R e i ha ori " tondo u| timos to turn ora live. T h n riocoplivo m Stato wn» un ricfonro VchieiHUcoomfully,Ian« play d i th roughout a iicooiint o f thi

Broli. »locky

‘ . w w . ' . v . w

• t i M r. i : ! 11 ¡ i 111 n i ti



• nifi»* min twtHH



K è . ' - '

P i g i T m rM i r a t i


Dea Heritor, Den Groye Mike R iik e li in Crucial Moment»; Roter Scorei Half of Team’» Point»; Haga Put

Out of Contrit.

» i r


U R L A T IS I) ra lly a»i<l a clever s lj ill in g game on-\ alJMcl M ich igan S r f l tó nose out Marquette. Itriivcraffy 21 tt» 17 in a ntsketh&ll gitine |tlav<*(l i in dem onstration Hall I-'riday evening. T h e 1 Spartan capers trailed throughout most o f the c<nitest ami then came from behind to win in the most th rilling contest over played in Fast (¿a r is in g .

R o p o f lr n v c was the ou tal Andfng scorer ol the panie and ranp Up 12 peinls as the result o.i lour lielil goals and an efpiul number of free ihrrlit un i f o r h a l l o f hi

e v o r , th e m a jo r s h a r e o l th è p lo r .v m ust I s h o i i ld e r s o f F r e d P e t i H e r d e r . , i ntigy .S ta te e e rd e r . a n d p o r i v jo r j» ip "> * ( ir o v f* . m id tfe t fla sh w h o p la y s ^ f o r w a r d .

T h e s la lw a rt ile fen se i l i

points, jo intly il|ì

11. which wa

H "«I.Il thf!

senni *wn ss vici

linai.tuga WHS rhu-r ri aarly in Mie lui If fer renitiiiO ite* four pet’ oui', ¡nifi Captain Jimmy .Von ratlf in lit forward and Roger

• dropped backHi

Michiirnn Sta

Sub.' Van 7.



up by the Milwaukee. VVi-e. c a p ­e r s , f o r c e d S ia t e do- top in th e s c o r in g during tin* first half.The Golden Avalaiuhe shut into an early 6 to I lead. Free throws by Re«« i and Don Grove and Shipley. Mm luMer of Marquette. and Roger'x first basket «if the «nine cut. the Vial lo t* lead to two points McRlliott added a field linai and Kina' g ift toss let tlie lllll* toppers score io jjoitits In the first luilf Don Grove scored anet tier free throw and a fi«'l«l goni Which, added t " Marfpieto* ( ' Rogers third successful toss from the McKlllgott. ; penalty stripe, gave s ta le nine tallie.. o 'Dghhcll. • t«»r the halt, one point behind Mar* Arutrfw «inette. King, g

Marquette continued to forge ahead Shipley, g at ithe start of the second Imlf. wiUi SnhsMiu'ioiHtrtte keeping hi the running with BredOtj, c some of Den llerclers clever slm«* Gony«»n. g The Golden Avalanche slipped into the McQueen. g lead. 10 to 12. at on«' time, but Den Herder looped a neat held goal to Tobils bring th«1 sp in tati« up agaih. Me- Scoro at InKllJolt sunk a ftee throw to inci.ea.se itM im iueites lead to three point#. again.| UcferFc Younghut Den Herder got loose to score fromth® corner of the court and Hi ah lagging by but one point and the hoard read 17 to UI

Diih f IH « I.«»«*«»- At thiii Important Jum-lure Don

Gtnve broke through Marquette'* de- lepse and «»oped • nifty field goal that sent Coach Beli F Van Alafynes quinte* ahead, ih to 17 State then wiselycommenced~io stall, the Spartana with(hawing to their own end nl the floor As soon iin th«* visitors decided that If they wanted to score they would have to go after the ball, they stretched out. then Htute broke loose to «core again Roger Grove finally took the ball and dribbled nonrl.V the length ol the floor fin mi easy shot that gave State a three-point lend Roger duplicaied hb


FT PF a i


Fivt Home Contests Set (>O attotaact Soph, by Taae of 57 ^ M|xed TeiB1 Break* Two

I t# 2 9 ; Tiro Trock Record» n __ j . a . C r a n d

Are Broken.

T in m i . ™ ------Record» Afoiait Grand

Rapids “Y

Five Home Contests Sri [,, Week; Interrlas* |


Tw o w > meet rrrnrds were estob- Utahed nod one war equnlled in me an- Smashing nual Prerh-Soph track meet Saturday gpnPtnn swimm afternoon. The yearllnRs had an easy m(.mb,,r, Uw time winnink th- meet. 57 to 20. nave defeated Swanson, a sophomore, set a new record . p; (u ■In the 880-yard run and tied I he old mnn|fn of mark in ihe «0 -y a rd dash. « » " 4 ? '. # ,,H[| in ,|ie Sin freshman, chalked up a new record in ^the hlRh jump, s ia rt 'io finish i

The summary 10- yard dash- won by Lafayette ,K ,: Sfrel. .p ., seeond J“ry mHll .he Kenney -S-. lblrd. Time. 4 8. 2-0->.ira . ,dash- Won by Zuehkle .p . ; Burjew

l i p . seeond; Sfrelt <r*. lblrd Tim e 24Pynm »20 0 080-yard run Won by Swanson .v jif• S . Sharkey 1S 1 second: Galehouse Ilie formIp . third Time. 2 U.S. new men rdc- I M M t g nrd Pole vault- Pntrliull iP ' and The leahiMoulthrop IF . lied for first place at II worthy. ■f«H»t. Aurand >F>. third. Vf**nl**v ’

440-yard dash Won by Swanson <fD: SchaubB "Sharkey <S* riCcond; Stephenson «F ' smanhlntr thi ‘ ‘third Tim e 57 4 'equals ro™’1 nmv 11,1 V , „ .Shot put- - Won by Pflug 'S c Monnett son, the varMtv \uii tu• F». '^cond: Jensen 'F>. third Dis- Saturday rh Is ■

38 ', feet High jump Won by tam Case and the vvesi

was < lipped by ir* nevLJ.nork bei js composed cl id and Schaubel

Spartan uthletle teun busy w«*ek with five

ircord.v *i achc*duled. Varsity tei: ,on,posed of swinnnlng and wrratltn

■ t .see action and art nit» : will be held.

Thut*day öoach Job tram will entertain ti Detroit skaters a fter a game to the Than pu<

, trojt a few week» agn Kalam azoo college .•

h«-d Brn Von Al.styne’s S'' evening. The Spart;»i

lHtl not «‘xpected t«» encour pf^ition. but their i w anxious over th«* i>o- ci»nfid<,n<,«> creeping im camp.

Coach Ralph H Y tn get a line on th ' vain.hy indoor track Iift-rnoort when the track meet will lie n» their easy victory in meet Inst week, th« dads will la1 favored


ihmah atv.l :ick tram from the C. A. by the riar- raiiit in a

K,i Saturday nftet* :iv a thriller from !,«• s i r i i H i u sp la sh « ,r i lii'ir :«8


mil : 14


ird of 1




Roger Orove was battling fjen F Van AI' ¡is ;» r«*.serve gu « trial at fo r" brother Don. ai ••x'remely gran cage mentor. Roger acconnti pmnl . rind bn ui himself in e has played 't "valu«*l«*s.s p a rtcombination

who a few weeks ago l pod lion on Coach

-Tyne's baskefbai! team ird was recently giyen f d teamed with his 1 the result» have heer vi rig to the Spartan

'h e Marquette g a m e i for half of 8

lance. *„ , ». . . . . . . j ..... .Harris -F>; Raves -S ', second; Smith a tnangulm >>"- F». third Height. 5 feet. 9 inches <new Summary 240

meet record' 440-yard relay-■■■Won by Crau'. C ln tw rth Froah «Burgess. Stephenson. Streit. iK tate»; .second: Zuehkle) Time. 50.7 40-yard low Ro?e, Uhlmati * Y » Tin hurdles Won by Bath ' F »: Jensen «F '. yard breast stroke: Hr* second: Adler ' F 1. third Time 5 5 second. Vaughan S '40-yard high hurdle«- Won by Bath i,si Tim e 2 '»4*» it) •

’ ip i ; Steele «F ». second; Jensen »F>. nrst. Rose - Y * : second, third Time. 5.7 third. Muner <H*. time

220 yard free- trtyle: r* •; second, Clatworili

Cronewerth (S ’ , rune buck stroke: Fir-* CrnlAnderson *Y »; 'liii«l. Tune 2 "0 100 vard ft'f

. , Kolenda «Y i «*coiid Farmers will Im* able to keep their ;»hooting eve" while visiting here dnr

*• relay: tch&ublc




TRACK REQUIREMENTS Botlory Mon Ort W«rk«ats; Re»tof Sq u d to Start Practice

third. Hr held -H'

« « i f account "> * Week in a rtf»e match Srtoubalconducted for them by the \T S C c m ilitary departm ent ravion

The contest will Im* held at four o'clock immediately follow ing a fter­noon session on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday tn the basement of Demonst rat ion hal 1

t v game in whict -»•.»son He is n< ! 'h e Spartan o • Y i

± Fill« First. Dvfk third, MU

Scheid,K blenda. E Time: 2 i l 4 first, Clark «Y<:

third. Snydet vii yard fvec^style;

First. Kolend;» y .H *: th i rd . 2 40 (î 150 yd « « s i ; sec o n d Hooch*'!' '81 «> style; First,

Rose « Y • ; le 1.01 t

First. Craig, -«•coiul Foti- T im e 1 55 94-«-f*nd Stew-

Oluo State univfi mf f l Conch Fendi«*' and Coach Ru.ssell swimmer» will ehga meet with Western institute Saturday .


T i

y »

BROWN COMThe New Chn«-.

W a s h b u r n ’- Smol

S h o i>


Ralph II Y< and luxid track

bghtnnn• - l im a n

- k -In squad


Mg, -athletic di red coach, ha- annoimi is i ncrònr tij at will cun r '- for memtM

Member slUj »ill Ih* granici i bettering 'b


Loler in Soaonn.

u r s lt y Im»-» ' atiy in I)*“»' put ion oi

within -Wuyne s«-»»it alii

lie »"uhi follow »outlied f rotti ll

hört Ilm* nwed the

illltlui tin

hum Miti ’ Mil»

Teddy’s RetreatSMOKFH anil SW I M 'S

In Ih r Same Old Flare



I,*» Tab les—-I Simoker«*— I Billiard

U men are working ou lustration Hall in an -.’ renui»»» ca-on th;

-enl ba tter men ar the only one receiving workout* b i 11,p m i ul in' 'ppn> fandldatra » ! h«'gin inte naive trauUng u» .« tew weeit: I tie removal «*f ’ he |»c»r’ .'»l» the armory will be the ugna!Kob* to begin shaping h»a » »r ni preparatoli tor ¡o » annua» trip >f th« baseball team «h i place 'h e la*t week in March

.f Barnard and I* Brosc :»r va: " basketball -0 '»a<i ;U’.d w

cau'hers returning ?hi- vear alvo sevet.il promising re«-**i

prove \ i."able to Coaclv K"> year's rampargt»

Pejta Bullock and H !li>e Veier i n pi tc tie is refM)r*ing

"tice J Labgdon A OImx*. ' H H i p » I i s and H Beh! *Uu* othet ».spiring er-


d "T fto o r !^ S tn t «^ ^ i in e .idvuntiige of 1 34 minute*.

155 imund clan* Collins 'S ta te1, d Bergmaa* 'G rand Rapids, fall in 4 15 minutes

165 pound class- Bollarli 'G rand Rapids > d Hart line «State» time ad- \;»ntage o f 2:2« minutes

175 nound class Kawka 'G rand Rap­ids’ d Tompltina (State», time advant- age of 2 30 minutes.

Heavyweight elaaa—OBOpOWltCh 'Od. Rapids• d Fisher -State* tune advant­age of 3.10 minutes

Heavyweight class--fepard (State» vs.} Karpinski «Orand Rapids* , draw

Referees -Jotlln and Kurrle

G r e e n and W h i t e CaljThe KffOtflUmtU " f h :i Cumplís Almosphiu,

O p e r a t e d h y a S t u d e n t f o r t h e S tud en t,!


K A R I. H A R T. M iim ipir

M KA I.S A T l'R IC K S V O I’ »VII.I.

X T 'S T A T E


SOI NI» A N I) MI S IC A I. S C O ttK !

Yeorltnn» Bapitirri With 2 2 ' 1 3 ' . Victory Over



4 4 P a g e t h e

P r l n c e 99K N T R A N T I N C . M Ü 8 I C A L C O M E D Y

• I 'r i’gftilod H>

M K H K i A N S T A T E U N I O N

F E B 0 6 a n d 7Matinee Friday, Feb. 7

Gladmer TheaterD O N ’T M ISS I T !


» .imi Rapiti* Y gru..pi

Tbc I eri mu< dny a f' mg the‘ Core oi 21\, *o t.l Siao* ernerged Victor A on fron t flve «»f the '»*n matche* and earnett a dtaw .n i .ftiv.h.

FTl'Khman arestlers woti three r»| their whih» ’ he visUors »e r e ,ir.ab»e to .«eure .tnv tn tha ' manner Farkler State '. ö;* pound gtappu- » . n ’ ¡w* quiekest fAl» o f the af'err.<o>n inmng hu man in one minuie »r»d thuvy <cc- onds

Tl\c ...nun*s\V1& jtouqd das* - Swur* *b-irg State

d De Wtt4 • Gratul Rapuiv - :ne jd - vanUtge o f 5 30 mmutes

135 poitnd cla«a—Fru State -d A i- fenflulis .'Grand Ra» »ds '.m e .dvant- »g e »if 3 minute»

145 clas.v—Fackler -S ia te ’ d DrotJi. • Grand thiptd*), la ll tn l u> nut»ute*>

145 e i».* Raykmtch > 8 U tt' «1Grainei Grand Rapid»- :.»,. ,n 3 30 minute»145 clav» -Thomi'aon Grand Rapid»

T e e l i i i i q u eF i r N t -

t h e u H / i « *N « f a t 'e m !

S M O K IN G a pipe is like flying an airplane— you really ought

to know how. i f you ’re hoping to en joy it much.

Pipe technique can be picked up through rxpenenre. or it can be teamed outright. M aster it now , to relish your pipes!

Rule One for Pipe-smoking i t •*Find your tobacco.'*

Rule One *t op* some beginners. Th ey look here. They search there. They hunt . . . w e m tia f discard false nuxlesty! Rule One means Edgeworth t

Rule T w o is . . but would yon learn a ll the secrets o f pipe tech­nique? Then let us send you our R u les-for Pipe-smoking— and a free-for-nothing tnal packet o f genuine o ld E d gew o rth , the tobecco made for pipes. Think o f it—rules and Edgeworth, the how and the what o f pipe-smoking, all for *. our l ( stamp and that coupon there below .

H. S. MarshallEast Lansing's



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L o r p H s b c t i o N

N «or P u t a t i f *

Eri«*worth i« a r t r t fb lUwri of fonrf tnhnoma —whfttd wptcully far fxp* Mnahtng. l l t H t a lup mod flavor ntrori hanjs Buy K.igr worth tnp whrtr m two form «-« **PrNÜp Rukbtd' u l "Fhig M e«"—15» peck-


Clara Bow ISin

i ‘ D a n g e r ° u sC u r\ iW i t h R IC H A R D A R I.K N

* A Paramount A L L T A L K IN G |,,rtw/ t S . \ j • • • danger»** cwrves . . . C’larj

. curves! Rut vn* dnn'l slow down.* and skid right inti» the land o f fun >IU* . .I the kind «tfdromaM-e which only Clara.

_ . knows how to play. N o kidding . ,l Jskidding . . nobody'U blame you. the* » * j

• w with you.

E D G E W O R T H» H O M E D T O B A C C O

LARDS h MMX CO. jI W l U t S L Mkhto n i. Va. |

IH try tow S ilf i » net h. Aa4 U l tvg I