a 65 years old man comes to general practice because of productive cough for 3 weeks. ptoductive cough occurs day-night, especially a lot sputum in the morning and white-yellow colour . in the last month, his weight loss a lot, and decreased of appetite, but no evidence of night sweating . there is no fever. he had medication from puskesmas with OBH syrup,antihystamin and aminophiline, but the cough getting worse. until since 3 days ago he felt difficult in breathing. he never had any asthma, hypertension and heart problem in past. no history of food and drugs allergies. now he retired from a city bus driver with smoking habbit more than 20 cigarretes a day. from physial examination shows blood pressure 150/90 mmHg, pulse rate 100 beats/min, and respiratory rate 34 x/min . the thorax looks like a barrel chest , with chest retraction and maximum contraction from respiratory accessories muscles, the vocal fremity is decreased, hypersonor chest percussion, and auscultatory finds that the breath sound type is long expiration with coarse cracle and wheezing. additional procedure reveals radiology thorax examination shows the pulmo hyperlusen, flattened diaphragm at 11 costae, wide SIC, increased bronchovascular patern, with air bronchogram (+); EGC: p pulmonal in lead V1 and FEV1 45% predicted. seorang pria 65 tahun datang ke praktek umum karena batuk produktif selama 3 minggu. batuk ptoductive terjadi siang-malam, terutama dahak banyak dalam warna pagi dan putih-kuning . pada bulan lalu, penurunan berat badan nya banyak, dan penurunan nafsu makan, tetapi tidak ada bukti berkeringat malam. tidak ada demam. ia obat dari puskesmas dengan sirup OBH, antihystamin dan aminophiline , tapi batuknya semakin memburuk. sampai sejak 3 hari yang lalu ia merasa sulit bernapas. ia tidak pernah punya masalah asma, h ipertensi dan jantung di masa lalu. tidak ada riwayat alergi makanan dan obat-obatan. sekarang dia pensiun dari sopir bus kota dengan merokok habbit lebih dari 20 batang per hari.

A 65 Years Old Man Comes to General Practice Because of Productive Cough for 3 Weeks

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Page 1: A 65 Years Old Man Comes to General Practice Because of Productive Cough for 3 Weeks

a 65 years old man comes to general practice because of productive cough for 3 weeks. ptoductive cough occurs day-night, especially a lot sputum in the morning and white-yellow colour. in the last month, his weight loss a lot, and decreased of appetite, but no evidence of night sweating. there is no fever. he had medication from puskesmas with OBH syrup,antihystamin and aminophiline, but the cough getting worse. until since 3 days ago he felt difficult in breathing. he never had any asthma, hypertension and heart problem in past. no history of food and drugs allergies. now he retired from a city bus driver with smoking habbit more than 20 cigarretes a day.

from physial examination shows blood pressure 150/90 mmHg, pulse rate 100 beats/min, and respiratory rate 34 x/min. the thorax looks like a barrel chest, with chest retraction and maximum contraction from respiratory accessories muscles, the vocal fremity is decreased, hypersonor chest percussion, and auscultatory finds that the breath sound type is long expiration with coarse cracle and wheezing.

additional procedure reveals radiology thorax examination shows the pulmo hyperlusen, flattened diaphragm at 11 costae, wide SIC, increased bronchovascular patern, with air bronchogram (+); EGC: p pulmonal in lead V1 and FEV1 45% predicted.

seorang pria 65 tahun datang ke praktek umum karena batuk produktif selama 3 minggu. batuk ptoductive terjadi siang-malam, terutama dahak banyak dalam warna pagi dan putih-kuning. pada bulan lalu, penurunan berat badan nya banyak, dan penurunan nafsu makan, tetapi tidak ada bukti berkeringat malam. tidak ada demam. ia obat dari puskesmas dengan sirup OBH, antihystamin dan aminophiline, tapi batuknya semakin memburuk. sampai sejak 3 hari yang lalu ia merasa sulit bernapas. ia tidak pernah punya masalah asma, hipertensi dan jantung di masa lalu. tidak ada riwayat alergi makanan dan obat-obatan. sekarang dia pensiun dari sopir bus kota dengan merokok habbit lebih dari 20 batang per hari. 

dari pemeriksaan physial menunjukkan tekanan darah 150/90 mmHg, denyut nadi 100 kali / menit, dan laju pernapasan 34 x / menit. thorax tampak seperti dada barel, dengan retraksi dada dan kontraksi maksimal dari otot-otot aksesoris pernafasan, yang fremity vokal menurun, perkusi hypersonor dada, dan auskultasi menemukan bahwa jenis suara nafas yang panjang dengan berakhirnya cracle kasar dan mengi. 

prosedur tambahan mengungkapkan radiologi pemeriksaan thorax menunjukkan hyperlusen pulmo, diratakan diafragma pada 11 costae, lebar SIC, meningkat bronchovascular patern, dengan udara bronchogram (+), EGC: p pulmonal di V1 memimpin dan FEV1 45% diprediksi.