~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEW 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14, 1988 CONTACT: Norman s. Hartman FOR RELEASE: IMMEDIATE (916) 445-1967 fQ~~QMEB ALERT ON DANGEROUS IMPORTED ETHNIC MEDICATIONS------- State Heal th Director Kenneth W. Kizer, M.D., M.P.H., today announced the expansion to Northern California of a major statewide initiative to remove from sale and discourage further use of certain Chinese and other Asian medications which are dangerous. The initiative is a unique cooperative consumer protection effort among the Asian community, importers, wholesalers, retailers and the Food and Drug Branch of the Department ·of Health Services. Dr. Kizer said this initiative is part of the Department's continuing ·efforts to identify and remove from sale dangerous imported ethnic medications. The Department's previous enforcement actions to remove individual medications have been relatively unsuccessful. These medications would be removed during enforcement activities, then reappear shortly thereafter. •the strict enforcement approach did not work,• Kizer said, "because the community did not understand California law and the risk posed by these medications." During the past few months the Food and Drug Branch and the Oriental Herbal Association have been working closely together to identify those dangerous medications which importers, wholesalers and retailers should discontinue importing and se11ing. These medications can cause injury, illness, or death because they contain toxic ingredients or because their unproven treatment claims for serious medical conditions divert consumers away from proper medical attention. Examples of prod-ucts which contain toxic ingredients are Niu Huang Xiao Yan Wan also known as Bezoar Antiphlogistic Pills and Cinnabar Sedative Pills. Niu Huang Xiao Wan Pills contain arsenic disulfide and can cause degeneration of the liver and kidneys. Cinnabar Sedative Pills contain mercury, which can cause serious 1 iver and _ kidney dysfunction and death. Examples of products which make unproven treatment claims for serious medical conditions are-Niu Huang Chiang Ya Wan which claims usefulness in the self treatment of high blood pressure and depression, and Dendrobium Moniliforme Night Sight Pills which claim effectiveness in the treatment of blurred vision, "dim• eyesight, and cataracts. . ' . ·._; . ' -mo.re- . . . •• ,a. •••

95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

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Page 1: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,


NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14, 1988 CONTACT: Norman s. Hartman FOR RELEASE: IMMEDIATE

• -t, -


State Heal th Director Kenneth W. Kizer, M.D., M.P.H., today announced the expansion to Northern California of a major statewide initiative to remove from sale and discourage further use of certain Chinese and other Asian medications which are dangerous. The initiative is a unique cooperative consumer protection effort among the Asian community, importers, wholesalers, retailers and the Food and Drug Branch of the Department ·of Health Services.

Dr. Kizer said this initiative is part of the Department's continuing ·efforts to identify and remove from sale dangerous imported ethnic medications. The Department's previous enforcement actions to remove individual medications have been relatively unsuccessful. These medications would be removed during enforcement activities, then reappear shortly thereafter.

•the strict enforcement approach did not work,• Kizer said, "because the community did not understand California law and the risk posed by these medications."

During the past few months the Food and Drug Branch and the Oriental Herbal Association have been working closely together to identify those dangerous medications which importers, wholesalers and retailers should discontinue importing and se11ing. These medications can cause injury, illness, or death because they contain toxic ingredients or because their unproven treatment claims for serious medical conditions divert consumers away from proper medical attention.

Examples of prod-ucts which contain toxic ingredients are Niu Huang Xiao Yan Wan also known as Bezoar Antiphlogistic Pills and Cinnabar Sedative Pills. Niu Huang Xiao Wan Pills contain arsenic disulfide and can cause degeneration of the liver and kidneys. Cinnabar Sedative Pills contain mercury, which can cause serious 1 iver and _ kidney dysfunction and death. Examples of products which make unproven treatment claims for serious medical conditions are-Niu Huang Chiang Ya Wan which claims usefulness in the self treatment of high blood pressure and depression, and Dendrobium Moniliforme Night Sight Pills which claim effectiveness in the treatment of blurred vision, "dim• eyesight, and cataracts.

. ' . ·._; .• . ' ~ ",'

-mo.re-. . .

•• • ,a. •••

Page 2: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

State of California bepartment of Health Services Food and Drug Branch 714 P Street, Room 400 Sacramento,CA 95814

In cooperation with

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

( 91 6 ) 44 5 -2 2 6 J

Health Alert Beware

The California Department of Health Services warns the public against the use of the following potentially hazardous imported drug products.


l. Product name: · Manufacturer: Toxic ingredients: Adverse reactions:

2. Product name: Manufacturer:

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse reactions:

3. Product name: Manufacturer: Toxic ingredients: Adverse reactions:

4. Product name: Manufacturer: Toxic ingredients: Adverse reactions:


Butarzol New York Chemical, Bangkok l,2-Diphenyl-3,5-dioxo-4-n-butylpyrazolidine; diazepam Death, agranulocytosis, convulsions, seizures, mental con fusion.

Chui fang Toukuwan il»l..i! f-JL Nan-Lien Pharmaceutical Co. Hong Kong Shou Sing Pharmaceutical Co. ,Taiwan and others Phenylbutazone, aminopyrine, indomethacin,hydrochlorothiazide, chlordiazepoxide,methyltestosterone,prednisone, diazepam, chlorozoxozone,acetaminophen, lead, cadmium. Death,agranulocytosis, coma, sedation,increased male sex characteristics.

Cinnabar Sedative Pills 4•7~;Jf;l{.. Lanchow Chinese Medicine Works, Lanchow, China Ci:nnabaris (mercury) Death~ Kidney disease, liver disease, diarrhea.

Comycin powder or syrup for children Thai Charoen Bhaesaj, Thailand Chloramphenicol Agranulocytosis. aplastic anemia, cardiovascular collapse, hepatitis,vomiti_ng. diarrhea.

contd next page ...

If you are using these drugs now. please STOP. If you know of anyone who have used these drugs, please advise them to discontinue use.

If you want more information, please contact Food and Drug Branch at (916) 445-2263 or the Oriental Herbal Association at (818) 282-6120.


·,. ,.•:, • ; ~' -.: : : .; • 1

Page 3: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

I 5. Product name:

Manufacturer: Toxic ingredients:

Koong Yick Hung Far Oil .if...tt1tim Koong.Yick & Co.Ltd., Singapore 70i. Methyl salicylate, Methyl phthalate Death, coma, convulsions, vomiting,headache. Adverse reactions:

6. Product name: Manufacturer:

Niu Huang Chieh Tu Pien 4--k~~Jr

T~/.ic ingredients: Peking Tung Jen Tang, Peking, China Borneo Camphor

Adverse reactions: Death, convulsions, tremors~ nausea, vomiting, headache

7. Product name:

Manufacturer: Toxic ingredients: Adverse reactions:

8. Product name: Manufacturer: Toxic ingredients: Adverse reactions:

9. Product name: Manufacturer: Toxic ingredients: Adverse reactions:

10. Product name: Manufacturer: Toxic ingredients: Adverse reactions:

11. Product name: Manufacturer: Toxic ingredients: Adverse reactions:

Niu Huang Xiao Yan Wan ·4-"KfA 1.._1{.. aka Bezoar Antiphlogistic Pills Suzhou Lei Yung Shang, Chinese Medicine Works, Jiangsu, China Realqar 19.23% (Arsenic Disulfide) Exfoliation and pigmentation of skin, altered blood formation, degeneration of liver and kidneys.

Noxa Capsules Krungdheb Pharmacy Ltd. Part.,Bukkalo, Dhonburi Pheny\butazone, chlordiazepoxide Death; agranulocytosis, convulsions,seizures~ mental confusion, tir~dness, weakness.

Po Ying Tan Baby Protector -f:f.-1--Jr Po Che Tong Poon Mo Um Co., Hong Kong 20% camphor Death, convulsions, tremors, nausea, vomiting, headache.

Tse Koo Choy ~.Jl!J.t~JR WangHing Co.,Ltd., Hong Kong Mercurous chloride, santonin Mental and sensory disturbances,mental deterioration,pink to red coloring of extremities, tremor, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,headache.

Wong Lop Kong Oil * ..2'..~M.il:.Jrz.im . Wong Lap Kwong Medicine Co.Ltd.~Hong Kong 20% Camphor Death. convulsions. tremors, nausea, vomiting,hPadache.

1. Product name:


Madame Pearl's Cough Syrup Jilil.~A.JL~Jt The Luxembourg.Medicine Co.Ltd.Hong Kong Manufacturer:

2. Product name: Manufacturer:

3. Product name: Manufacturer:

~:.-.-:.'t ~ ' '

-kThis drug contains an ingredient~ c-odP.ine, specially regulated bPcau~e of its abuse potPntial.

Leung Pui Kee Cough Pills ~J¾.:.l,1t~1t. Leung Pui Kee Medical Factory, Hong Kong *This drug contains Dover's Powder-ipecac and opium powder,

specially regulated because of its abuse potential.

Fructus Persica Compound Pills ~~Jr.. Lanzhou Fo Ci Phannaceut ical Factory, Lanzhou-, China * This drug contains an ingredient. Cannabis indica seed,

spPc-ially regulated because of its abuse potential.

Page 4: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,



1. Product name: Manufacturer:

2. Product name: Manufacturer:

3. Product name: Manufacturer:

4. Product name: Manufacturer:

5. Product name: Manufacturer:

6. Product name: Manufacturer:

7. Product name: Manufacturer:

8. Product name: Manufacturer:

9. Product naine: Manufacturer:

10.ProduC't name: Manufacturer:

11.Product n arne: Manufacturer:

12. Product name: Manufacturer:

13.Product name: Manufacturer:

14. Proud ct name: Manufacturer:

15.Proudct name: Manufacturer:

16.Product name: Manufacturer:

17.Product name: Manufacturer:


Chih Pai Pa Wei Wan ~;faA~j(. Lanchow Chinese Medicine Works, Lanchow, China

Chinese Chufeng Toukwwan + 2!l il,9I.i! 1t.k.. China National Chemical Import and Export Corp.Kwangtung Branch

Dendrobium Monilifonne Night Sight Pills Tientsin Drug Manufactory, Tientsin, China

Dendrobium Moniliforrne Night Sight Pills(Superior) t,\-:t<_,.G~ft;¼:_;lt. Tsinan People's MPdicine Works. Tsinan. China

Grippe Tea and Pil 1 s ifditt~ if~ None identified.

Hui Chun Tan @l f-_..;J-United Pharmaceutical Manufactory. Kwang Chow, China

Huku Wan ''Tiger Bone Pills"£-ff-Jr Fu Sung Pharmaceutic Works. China

Jigucao Wan :iiHtJf.Jt. Yulin Drug Manufactory~ Kwangsi. ·China

Lid an Tablets ;f•j}l!!Jr Tsingtao Phannaceutical Works, Tsingtao, China

Lidan Paishi Tablets ;f 1J)l2..jl~,.G}r Qingdao Medicine Works. Qingoao, China

+ ..... ~ Lingzhi Co. Tablets ;c..:.?:..rr China National Chemicaks 1/E Corp .• Kwang Chow Branch

Lychee ·Brand Chang Chow Pien Tze Huang itftl Jr ff }l Changchow Pharmaceutical Factory. Fukien

Lycium-Rehmannia Pills ~,¥.j ~*;IL Lanzhou Fo Ci Pharmaceutical Factory. Lanzho11. China

Moschus Fel Ursi Chufeng Toukuwao il.1i_i! ,tJt. China National MedicinP and Health Proudcts I/E Corp .. Guangxi Wu Chow Branch, China

Musk Fu Quat Chui Fong Pills /Jff-£f-ilj{..k.. None indicated. Kwang Chow. China

Niu Huang Chang Ya Wan 4--k~,l.;l{_. Tianjin Drug Manufactory, Tianjin, China

Shu Kan Wan(Hepatico-Tonic Pills) if-MJL Lanchow Chinese Medicine Works.Qingdao Medicine works.China

:· .. ,:-.·~ ...... .

Page 5: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

18. Product name: Manufacturer:

19.Product name: Manufacturer:

20.Product name: Manufacturer:

21. Product name: Manufa.cturer:

22.Product name: ~anufacturer:

23. Product name: Manuf act·u rer:

24.Product name: Manufacturer:

25.Product name: Manufacturer:

26. Product name: Manufacturer:


Sit Wo Tong "Ng Po Powder" _n_fft Sungib Industrial Center, Hong Kong

Specific Juk Tsyn Wan ft1t..1.M,. Kwangchow United Manufactory of Chinese Medicine

Superior Fu Fang Jin Qian Chao Pill -½lt-¥-it. China National Medicine and Health Products I/E Corp. Guangxi Branch, China

Superior Sore Throat Powder Spray ~,i.f{ Fitshan Hang Chun Medicine Factory,Fitshan, China

Tong Shap Yee's Asthma Pills JiH;-1,.~~,t Tong Shap Yee Medicine Company Ltd.,Hong Kong

Wei Te Ling W #J: Tsingtao Medicine Works, Tsingtao, China

YangHsin Ning Shen Wan ,l..:.:~:tf,t United Pharmaceutical Manufactory, Kwangchow, China

Yu Gong Hui Li Wan .flp'i;rojJJL China National Native Produce & Animal By-Products 1/E Corp., China

Yunnan Produce Tien chi Pi 11 Raw ~ tfJ -t:' Jr Kunming Native Drug Factory, Yunnan, China

'• : l,

.. -, .. ·-..." __ •;,:.,.., . .,. ·--r..,.,.,.,.~ .~ '• ,:.:,~~~~£~ •. vw-.!" I • T"'r",...........•••·


Page 6: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

,. J-···1 ,-. '\ - . I

,:,1 . , State of California Department of Health Services


Potentially Hazardous

Imported Drug


Prepared By: Food and Drug Branch

In cooperation with: Oriental Herbal Association

. , . : ........ ,:, I •• ;,,. .. ,.

Page 7: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

...... '.' • ," ~ 1" •

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Products


Chih Pai Pa Wei Wan

Chinese Chufeng Toukuwan

Chuifong Tcukuwan

Cinnabar Sedative Pills

Comycin powder or syrup for children

Dendrobium Moniliforme Night Sight Pills -

Dendrobium Moniliforme Night Sight Pills (Superior) Fructus Persica Compound, Pills

Grippe Tea and Pills

Hui Chun Tan

Huku Wan "Tiger Bone Pills" Jigucao Wan

Koong Yick Hu~g Far Oil Leung Pui Kee, cough pill

Lidan Paishi Tablets Lidan Tablets

Lingzhi Co. Tablets

Lychee Brand Chang Chow Pien Tze Huang

Lycium-Rehmannia pills

Madame Pearl's Cough Syrup

Moschus Fel Ursi Chufeng Toukuwan

Musk Fu Quat Chui Fong Pills

Niu Huang Chiang Ya Wan/Pills of Calcullus Bovis for lowering blood pressure Niu Huang Chieh Tu Pien

Niu Huang Xiao Yan Wan/aka Bezoar Antiphlogistic Pills Noxa Capsules

Po Ying Tan Babies Protector Shu Kan Wan (Hepatico-Tonic Pills)

Sit Wo Tong "Ng Po Powder"

Specific Juk Tsyn Wan Superior Fu Fang Jin Qian Chao Pill Superior Sore Throat Powder Spray

Tong Shap Yee's Asthma Pills

Tse Koo Choy

Wei Te Ling Wong Lop Kong Oil

Yang Hsin Ning Shen Wan

Yu Gong Hui Li Wan

Yunnan Produce Tienchi Pill Raw

- -----· ._._..,.-· __ :/:i~f:;ii~~, .. •-•·-•-· • ... ' I , • • --•--••----· ... --- 0 •• II- •• ,.••,,,-•---·• I • --•-•• ,.. ... -._.-:::.,-:..._._ •• ,. •

'..'t • ,,_:._/:•;,~:-~:'.~t:'_ ~,_.:

Page 8: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Nam~




HSC 26638; This drug1 s labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:


Adverse Reactions:

Death, agranulocytosis, peptic ulcer with hemorrhage or perforation, vertigo, insomnia

Date Updated:

December 24, 1990

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Vepanmenc of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product


Capsules in gold foil printed '13utarzoL.: in a 4 7 ;s• x 2 3/4• x 3/8• white box with red and black printing.

New York Chemical, Bangkok

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., rheumatoid arthritis, gout and osteoarthritis). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

·.·.·.· .. . . ·f }\:/:>::

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

. --:··· . ~

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

. ·~ ' . ; . ,. . .. ·~ . ·,·.

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 · (213) 620-2965

Page 9: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,


...... • _; •-'•,• .. • .. t• ~ j L •

Product Name:




HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., oligemia, frequent micrurition, presence of red blood cells in urine). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Chih Pai Pa Wei Wan

A_ bottle of 2fX? - !/ 4" brown pills in a 2" x 3 3/4" x 11/4" brown, orange, and yellow box with brown pnntmg .

Lanchow Chinese Medicine Works Lanchow, China

.n:}f\r.i~'.:iauie~;:,~~§?#.~i./ · ::.:>·· ,::::;:::;:::-::::,::::

.. '" . . ;..·:•.

None identified

None identified

December 28, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120 .

. ··.··.·,· :::::::.·• . -·~·:•:•.·<::.',<·\}"::::.::: ,:; .·:-·.:.•.-.·. ··.···::·;•·-:-·: • •·- 0 •·•·> ,:::u:-:)';\::' ::"\)'. ,:,::,:·-..:i•{\d

",. :::::/::: .,,,:: ::' · .->tt · '-:rr¥¾J:iH<tt~iiiitutm::r:::

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

',• ·.,. . . ..• ~-... :'"

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 10: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

... ,. J ,-. .. •.>,-';!.•t '\ •: • I

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name:




HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious

Chinese Chuf eng Toulcuwan

B~ttl? of 60 - 1/4• brown pills in a 13/4" x 2 3/4" x 13/4" yellow box with red and black pnnUng

China National Chemical Import and Export Corporation Kwangtung Branch

~:~~i~n~t't/\-~~ ' Jm0nff+ OU UWBfl%' inflammation, limbs paralysis, obstetrical rheumatism). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to

safely use this drug. :lfl/~~/fii/[i//!/)i/!l!///!/ii,at~!~~~~~!///)!!/i/~i!///!~1j~~{{~j~/:

Toxic Ingredients: None identified

Adverse Reactions: None identified

Date Updated: January 3, 1991

Prepared By: Food and Drug Branch

In cooperation with: Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way 8455 Jackson Road 1449 West Temple Stred Berkeley, CA 94704 Sacramento, CA 9.5826 Loa Angeles, CA 90026 (415) 540-2261 (916) 739-4033 (213) 620-~

. . . ~ ' ·,. ~ t .. :. ~.~i: ...

Page 11: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

r •

Department of Health Services

Product Name:

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Chuifong Tou.kuwan

Description: Hard, round, green, black or brown pills 1/ 4• diameter sold in cellophane bags of 60 or glass bottles, enclosed in bright blue, green, orange or gold boxes; pictures of men or women suffering back and leg pain

Manufacturer: Nan-Lien Pharmaceutical Co., Hong Kong Shou Sing Pharmaceutical Co., Taiwan and others


HSC 26()61; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., arthritis, osteoarthritis, paralysis, rheumatism). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26643; recommended dangerous.

This drug's dosage can be

HSC 26633; This drug's labeling does not provide important information in English.

Toxic Ingredients: Phenylbutazone, aminopyrinc, indomethacin, hydrochlorothiazidc, chlordiazepoxide, methyltestosterone, pred.n.isone, diazepam, chlorzoxazone, acetaminophen, lead, cadmium

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

(Varies with toxic ingredient) Death, agranu.locytosis, coma, sedation, increased male sex characteristics

January 3, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Parl4 CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street ~ Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 12: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name:




Cinnabar Sedative Pills

A bottle of 100 - 1/4" diameter light red brown pills in a 11/2" x 3" x l" green box

Lanchow Chinese Medicine Worlcs

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for ·its claimed use.

HSC 26643; This drug's recommended dosage can be dangerous.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Cinnabaris (mercury)

Death, kidney disease, liver disease~ diarrhea

December 24, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkclev, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 . (213) 620-2965

- " .. . · .. -• .·~··- .. -----. 4_ ... ...:·--•···--

• • j • ~., .... • • ' • • ~ •

Page 13: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Comycin powder or syrup for children

Orange and blue powder packets with a picture of a mother holding a child; syrup in small bottles; labels· are orange with blue printing

Thai Charoen Bhaesaj, Thailand

HSC 30002; This drug's container does not have a special cap to prevent accidental poisoning of children.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26643; This drug's recommended . dosage can be dangerous.

HSC 26633; This drug's labeling does not provide important information irt English

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.


Agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, cardiovascular collapse, hepatitis, vomiting, diarrhea

December 26, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkelev, CA 94704 ( 415) 54().2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

{916) 739-40'33

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

·-····------··••.•·•~---··-----------· .. · ... --··-~----. . ·'.: .·,, .. :-·;! ,' . :, - ,, . ·,,.~ ',•,:-~ .. :.(., .... ).. ·.: :· .•

' ·••~1/',.~>-·•l ·: ,.,_,'I! ' ..,,,,,,;..,,,.~r·: • .,. ..... :"~ .. ..,_.~:..::::::,;:,,:" ~

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r •


Product Name:




HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., dim eyesight, blurred vision, cataract). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Dendrobium Moniliforme Night Sight Pills

~ wax ball with 1/4-' brown pills in a 13/8" square blue box with black printing and a picture of an eye

Tientsin Drug Manufactory Tientsin, China

drug's labeling does not provide information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

None identified

None identified

December 27, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

~.,~--~.-:,--:;~;;;~~~-:--~· ., : ...... --~•-· ... ,,:,~~. ':•,':: .. ··

Page 15: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Dendrobium Moniliforme Night Sight Pills (Superior)

A bottle of 100 - 1/4• spherical pills in a 11;2• x 2 1;2• x 11/'26 yellow and blue box

Tsinan People's Medicine Works Tsinan, China

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., myopia, early stages of glaucoma). Drugs which make these claims mav not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This drug' slabeling does not provide important information needed to safely use this drug.

None identified

None identified

January 3, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

·, . .=_ •

. ·: .' ,: ' ... ~-~ -, .--.. -----:-----­

' 'I

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 61.0-2965

Page 16: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




Vepartmenr of Health Servi~---

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Fructus Persica Compound, Pills

A bottle of 200-1/4" brown pills in a 2" x3 5/8" x 11/4" green, white, yellow, and purple box with black printing

Lanzhou Fo Ci Pharmaceutical Factory

Lanzhou, China

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 11171; This drug contains an ingredient, Cannabis indica seed, specially regulated because ofits abuse potential.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

None identified

None identified

December 24, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 {818) 282-6120

:<•/t:·:. ,-:, .... ~<rY€l:~'arit:::: ··· · · ·

·. -:-:.:; :·./)t · .. · :-: _,:.:,.·· .. . .... ·.·.:-::··. .::.:.:\: ::_:;:::::;··· ---::.:_}·•···. :·.:·x· ·.:: _____ ·-•:-·-::··:--•-

•:-:::.::/···. ::· .... :..--·•-·-·,·-·· .· . ····.•.·.;,·.·.···.·-·•.··-· _,:•:-··<:\/{:;;}t .. •,-:·.;-·.· ..... :-•}-:: .-....... :.: -:-·.·.··\>:·

. :·:://· //:\\ .· .... _::--}:\:ti','':.-:-:-.. '' . . -·-:::.:-··· \.:.;:···.~;.· .. }~.::\. ?? '.:\.· .... . . . . . . : : :.: . •.: )}\: :::'i:(:e:: . ~ > :, ....... : .•. ·.•.. .w ·.· ·.· _,:.;-;,·. )}{/? ;::::::· ·-:::::,:·.; :::::::::::-:::::::::•. ....,;-:::::.~:--, .·.··. _._,._ ::---:-:•·· ···.·. :::\?\~{ .. :}:::::/:" ·-•--·.·.··.

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

. . ,·.: ... • ~. ·. •. ·.• : . -!

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739--4033

, .. ' .. .. I ; 'J •' '~ '~

1449 West. Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 17: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Grippe Tea and Pills

Tea and small brown pills in a 4• x s• white plastic pouch with black and red printing

None identified

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., swelling sore throat, mumps and parotitis). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26633; This drug's labeling does not provide important information in English.

None identified

None identified

January 4, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

84S5 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-296.S

. .. ' . . - .• -·- 1••--·

Page 18: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

-• \-d.J.llUI WJ

Product Name:




HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions• (i.e., typhus fever, measles, vomiting and diarrhea). D~ugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This drug'slabel.ingdoes not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Depanmenc of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Hui Chun Tan

12 boxes of brown powder in tubes in a 4 1 /2" x 2 3 / 4" x 1 1 /2" yellow box with pictures of babies and brown and red printing

United Pharmaceutical Manufactory K wangChow, China

None identified

None identified

January 7, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street . Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 19: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

.. -.-~~···-:·,µ:., .. ··1'.,.. •.••

Departmc:nt of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name: Hu.ku Wan 'Tiger Bone Pills•

Description: A bottle of 100 round black 1/ 4"' diameter pills in a 1 5 /8"' x 3"' x 1 5 /8"' orange box with black printing and a picture of a tiger

Manufacturer: Fu Sung Pharmaceutic Works China


HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions fi.e., gout, myastheni~ arthritis). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

HSC 30002; This drug's container does not have a special cap to prevent accidental poisoning of children.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updared!

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

None identified

None identified

January 3, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 540-2261

-: f;.j{f.~·:•i".

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

•• •- - • - ' .... I • • • • •• • • ----

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

{213) 63).2965

Page 20: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., hepatitis, cholecystitis ). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription..

HSC 30002; This drug's container does not have a special cap to prevent accidental poisoning of children.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

&Jc;pa.nmenr or tteam1 .:Semces

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Jigucao Wan

A bottle of 120 brown 1/2" long capsules in a 2" x 3" x 2" red box

Yulin Drug Manufactory, Kwang Si China

None identified

None identified

December 24, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 540-2261

~)t~. 1'

~;;;.~Jt-.z.~f.:1'''.J ,'.':•:•p-... , ... ,_;. ........ ~;,'f'\4~-~- ... -·-.:.---- _:: ._ -

8455 Jackson Road Saaamento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(2l3) 620-2965

.· .. - -~-··,;,: .. ~ ... ~ ...... -;..:::-,: .. :.~ .. , ·-

Page 21: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name: Koong Yick Hung Far Oil

Description: Brownish-red liquid in rectangular bottles, sold in red and yellow boxes



Kong Yick & Co., Ltd., Singapore

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., respiratory obstruction, cardiac pain, hemiplegia, paresthesia sciatica). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold Vlithout a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26643; This drug1 s recommended dosage can be dangerous.

HSC 30002; This drugs' s container does not have a special cap to prevent accidental poisoning of children.

HSC 26633; This drugs' s labeling does not provide important information in English.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

70% Methyl salicylate, Methyl phthalate

Death, coma~ convulsions, vomiting, headache, ringing in ears

December 23, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

-••• ~ f'. .. _r:t,:. • .-. .. •

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

- ... ···•• ... ···-·-··-·-,~ ....... --"""" ---~--

Page 22: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

""''-Pcl.l llllcm or neaun ~ervtces

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Leung Pui Kee, cough pill

12 vials of 60 - 3/16" brown round pills wrapped in blue paper Vrith Chinese characters and a picture of a man in a 3 1/2" x 21/4" x 11/2" plastic green box with gold Ounese characters

Leung Pui Kee Medical Factory Hong Kong

HSC 26643; This drug's recommended dosage can be dangerous.

HSC 26633; This drug's labeling does not provide important information in English.

HSC 11171; This drug contains an ingredient, Dover's Powder - ipecac and opium powder, specially regulated because of its abuse potential.

None identified

None identified

December 26~ 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 {818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA~

(213) 620-2965

Page 23: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., to expel gallstones, liver function). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

Toxic Ingredients:

None identified

Adverse Reactions:

None identified

Date Updated:

December 27, 1990

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Lidan Paishi Tablets

A b<>ttle of 120 - 3 / 4• y~llow coated tablets in a 2" x 3" x 2" yellow box with black printing

Qingdao Medicine Works Qingdao, China

11,1111,11iit Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120


For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 24: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name: Lidan Tablets

Description: 3/8" yellow sugar coated tablets in a 13/4" x 3" x 13/4" red and white box with black printing

Manufacturer: Tsingtao Pharmaceutical Works, Tsingtao, China

Violations: HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., acute and chronic biliary · infection, cholecystitis, sand-like cholecystolithiasis, excretes gallstones). Drugs which, make these claims mav not be sold without a doctor'; prescription.

HSC 26633; This drugs' s labeling does not provide important information in English.

Toxic Ingredients:

None identified

Adverse Reactions:

None identified

Date Updated:

December 23, 1990

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

::·>;/.\:\::: :-·>:. :-·:>::;\/::>::::::::::::::: :-:-:-... ·,• ......... ·.·-:-.:.: .

..... '.(;~Iii~{

. . .. :(:J<:x:;:~f ~<ti<' BVt>> ·:· ... . :StffGTAO.PHA°RMACEUJ[CAt:WORXf . />i-:::::{::j#f: :)J'~~tjgt~•;;,::9lil'l~::C<·/> :::?,::-:.··

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 J ac.kson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple St.rcct Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 25: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Uepartment of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name: I .ingzbi Co. Tablets

Description: A bottle of 100 - 3/8• orange sugar coated tablets in a 1 3/4• x 3 1;2• x 1 3/4• yellow-gold box with black priming .

Manufacturer: China National Chemicals I/E Corporation Kwang Chow Branch


HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., chronic hepatitis, neurasthenia, gastro­intestinal ulcers, chronic bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safelv use this drug. ·

·>•.·-·•.·. .·· ..•.

Toxic Ingredients: None identified

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

None identified

December 28, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120


For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 41.S) 540-2261

. ·' "' ~·. . . ·-· '•

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeli:s, CA 90026 · (213) 620-2965

Page 26: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Vl.&AI. ... VI. '\,.,4£ilUl ~Q

Product Name:




HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions {i.e., hepatitis, otitis, ophthalmia). Drugs which make these claims mav not be sold without ·a doctor's prescription.

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Lychee Brand Chang Chow Pien Tze Huang

Ten small boxes containing a single brown l" oblong hard mass in a 6 1/4" x 3 1/4" x r orange box with black printing

Changchow Pharmaceutical Factory Fu.kien

..... ·.,,;


. .,.;-.;,;.;, :t~-✓ :<<· (: :\\}(t{f.{

HSC 26670; This drug ::::::;r)I }2T){~f:. is not established to be <{t:Y '/:)/::.' safe and effective for its · ····· · ''::::'.:);\:'?)\::'S\\0.J ::e::; Trus ,... X ;:lilfi-lltr::~,~~ .

i;,;,...;.. _____ ..;.._ _ __,;, __________ ;..._ __ ;..m~.....,;.;.:..=....,;,;.~~~

drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

None identified

None identified

January 4, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 J ac.kson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

{213) 620-2965

Page 27: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

ueparunen! of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name: Lycium - Rehmannia Pills

Description: A bottle of 100 - 1/4" brown pills in a 11/2" x 3 1/4" x 1 1/8" white and yellow box with black printing



Lanzhou Fo Ci Pharmaceutical Factory

Lanzhou, China

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., renal and hepatic disorders, vertigo, tinnitus, photophobia, visual disturbances). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

None identified

None identified

January 15, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120


. .:-:.:-.-,-:: ?{t . •·.···,: -·:··:::;·:­


... '~.1/~'.'°~;



·.-·:-·:.:·•.· ·•.-.--.... · · .

:\?\f:'... ·-::.-··::::-::///tY .. ~-. -\}/? :· ...

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

; ·.·.

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 28: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Madame Pearl's Cough Syrup

A bottle of orange-brown liquid in a 21/4" x 7" x 1 1/4" green box with white letters and pink pictures of a man and woman

The Lllxembourg Medicine Co., Ltd. Hong Kong

HSC 11171; This drug contains an ingredient, codeine, specially regulated because of its abuse potential.

None identified

None identified

December 26, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6U0

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 29: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:

Desai ption:



HSC 26661; Th.is drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions. (i.e., osteoarthritis, inflammation, limbs paralysis, obstetrical rheumatism). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Moschus Fel Ursi Chufeng Toukuwan

A bottle with a bag of 60 - 1/ 4• round black pills in a 2• x Y x 2• brown, red, and yellow box with gold and white printing

China National Medicine and Health Products Import and Export Corporation, Guang Xi Wu Chow Branch

None identified

None identified

January 3, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 540--2261

8455 1 ackson Road Saaamento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

{213) 620-2965

Page 30: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

,.JL,n..:; Ul \...allJ.Ul"Wa Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name: Musk Fu Quat Chui Fong Pills

Description: A bottle of 100 brown spherical pills in a 2" x 3" x 2" brown and white box with a picture of a tiger -



None indicated Kwang Chow, China

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., anti­rheumatic). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26633; This drug's labeling does not provide important information in English.

Toxic Ingredients:

None identified

Adverse Reactions:

None identified

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

January 3, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120



For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

{213) 620-2965

Page 31: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

vepamnenc ot Health ~enic.es

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Shu Kan Wan (Hepatico - Tonic Pills)

A bottle of 100 1/ 4w di~eter brown round pills in a 11/2w x 3 1/T x 1' green and white box with black printing

Lanchow Chinese Medicine Works Qingdao Misdicine Works

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health condition (i.e., treatment of liver trouble). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HS C 30002; Th.is drug's container does not have a special cap to prevent accidental poisoning of children.

HSC26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

None identified

None identified

December 26, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices;

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 (415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Saaamento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 32: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., hypertension, tranquilizer, depression). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not

veparcmenr ot Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Niu Huang Chiang Ya Wan Pills of Calcullus Bevis for Lowering Blood Pressure

A white wax ball containing 10 gummy pills in a 11/8" square yellow box with orange and black printing ·

Tianjin Drug Manufactory Tianjin, China

provide information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

None identified

None identified

December 27, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

· 2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

.. -·-· .. -... . . . -.~._:.;.-... - .-=7"-~--

Page 33: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., choler~ convulsions). Drugs which make these claims mav not be sold witho~t a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Sit Wo Tong "Ng Po Powder"

U green boxes with vials containing brown powder in a l" x 3 1;2• x 1" yellow and purple box -

Sungib Industrial Center Hong Kong

None identified

None identified

January 4, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

21.51 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 I ackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angel~ CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

.. ---·---- -·---·- .. ·,, ... • .,.~. :•-·

Page 34: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name: Specific Juk Tsyn Wan

Description: 1/4" bl~ck P~ ?n foil punch cards in a 4" x 2 3/4" x 3/4" chartreuse box with black, blue and white pnntmg '



Kwangchow United Manufactory of Chinese Medicine China

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­tr ea tm en t of serious health conditions [i.e., treatment of diabetes (insipid diabetes and sugar diabetes)]. Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26633; This drug's labeling does not provide important information in English.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

None identified

None identified

December 27, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620--2965

Page 35: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

. . ~ ..

uepartment of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name: Superior Fu Fang Jin Qian Chao Pill

Description: A bottle of 100 - 8/16• round black pills in a 13/4" x 3" x 13/4" white box with 2:reen, black and red printing -

Manufacturer: China National Medicine and Health Products Import and fuport Corp., Guangxi Branch


HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., urethritis, cystitis, bematuri~ urinary tract infection, urinary stones). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

None identified

None identified

December 27, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Par~ CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices=

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

. - .. - - --··· .--·--··---•·---. --- .. -··- ·--------

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

• ..._ •'"'•"""Jl,u,-, .. :",,•19•1,u-.•-io·.,,- ,_ ~ •

Page 36: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updatedi

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Superior Sore Throat Powder Spray

A squeeze bottle with 2.5 grams of powder in a 11/8" x 3 3/8" x 11/8" green and white box with green printing ·

Fitshan Hang Chun Medicine Factory Fitshan, China

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions [i.e., gingivitis,sinusitis, suppurative otitis media and ulcerative dermatitis). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide i.m portant information needed to safely use the drug.

None identified

None identified

J;)ecember 27, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 37: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

uepanmenr or tteaim ~crvices

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name: Tong Shap Yee'sAsthma Pills

Description: A bottle of 1/4" brown pills and a box of incense in a 21/4" x 3 1/4" x l".brown wood grain cardboard box with red printing and a picture of a man.

Manufacturer: Tong Shap Yee Medicine Company Limited

Hong Kong

Violations: HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., paroxysm of asthma, attacks of asthma). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

None identified

None identified

December 24, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 38: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

State of California Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Product Name: Tse Koo Choy

Description: 21/2" x 21/4" x 3/4" light green box with picture of two babies on the front and a man with glasses on the back; the only English on the box is "Registration No."; box contains four powder packets



Wang Hing Co., Ltd. Hong Kong

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health conditions [i.e., retarded growth, parasitic worms, protuberant abdomen). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26633; Th.is drug's labeling does not provide important information in English.

HSC 26643; This drug's recommended dosage can be dangerous.

HSC 30002; This drug's container does not have a special cap to prevent accidental poisoning of children.

Toxic Ingredients: Mercurous chloride, santonin

Adverse Reactions: Mental and sensory disturbances, mental deterioration, pink to red coloring of extremities, tremor, nausea, vomiting. diarrhea, headache

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

December 27, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, c.A 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

21.Sl Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

:,, . '

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

~----·-·- ---- --~----

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2%5

Page 39: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Wei Te Ling

A bottle of 120 1/2" diameter yellow coated tablets in a 2" x 3 11 x 2" orange and black box.

Tsingtao Medicine Works, Tsingtao, China

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of a serious health condition (ie., duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis). D~ which make these claims mav not be sold without a a"octor' s prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 30002; This drug's container does not have a special cap to prevent accidental poisoning of children.

None identified

None identified

December 12, 1990

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

----· .. ·• -.~•---._· ·---···-·-· ----·----·-------------- ------~ ---·-

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 40: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

---·- "". '-"~"'· ~-

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

Io cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Wong Lop Kong Oil

Orange liquid in rectangular bottles, sold in green and yellow boxes

Not identified

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., bleeding, convulsions). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26643; This drug's recommended dosage can be dangerous.

HSC 30002; This drugs container does not have a special cap to prevent accidental poisoning of children.

HSC 26688; This drug's labeling does not provide import ant information in English.

20% Camphor

Death, convulsions, tremors, nausea, vomiting, headache.

January 4, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 · ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

···-·--···· ··-· ------ ·- . ·-·•-·--·---·--·- . -·--·-- -·------..--.--·· --·---· ----~ .• . - - \~-- -·~ .

... -! ........ , •• ,. •.• , ... • •. , •• 4.,,.,.., ..... !"•-- ...

Page 41: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

.:>Lale OL \..aJ..Uurrua

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Yang Hsin Ning Shen Wan

Ten olive wax balls in a 6 1/S• x 2 1;2• x 1 3/8• orange box with blue, re~ blaa, and white printing

United Pharmaceutical Manufactory K wangChow, China

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., palpitation). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold \"1/ithout a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

None identified

None identified

January 15, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jack.son Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 42: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Yu Gong Hui Li Wan

5/8" purple capsules on punch cards in a 2 1/2" x 3 3/4" x 3/4• red box with black and white printing

China National Native Produce & Animal By-Products Import and Export Corporation, China

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self­treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., cold limbs, nervousness, impotence, ringing ears, cardiomalacia and arrhythmia). D~ which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC 26670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

None identified

None identified

January 15, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 54().2261 .

8455 Jackson Road Saaamento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angel~ CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 43: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

~cace oI Lau.torn.ta

Product Name:




Toxic Ingredients:

Adverse Reactions:

Date Updated:

Prepared By:

In cooperation with:

Department of Health Services

Potentially Hazardous Imported Drug Product

Yunnan Produce Tienchi Pill Raw

A bottle of 150 - 1/ 4" black pills in a 1 5 /8" x 3" x 1 5 /8" green box with black printing

Kunming Native Drugs Factory Yunnan, China

HSC 26661; This drug makes claims to be useful in the self-treatment of serious health conditions (i.e., dispensing blood clots, relieving angina pecto~ lowering high level of cholesterol). Drugs which make these claims may not be sold without a doctor's prescription.

HSC U670; This drug is not established to be safe and effective for its claimed use.

HSC 26638; This drug's labeling does not provide important information needed to safely use the drug.

None identified

None identified

January 15, 1991

Food and Drug Branch

Oriental Herbal Association 617 Monterey Pass Road Monterey Park, CA 91754 (818) 282-6120

For further information please contact the Food and Drug Branch at one of the following offices:

2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, CA 94704 ( 415) 540-2261

8455 Jackson Road Sacramento, CA 95826

(916) 739-4033

1449 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026

(213) 620-2965

Page 44: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,


'2!•i!j ll:... ½ c.-~ ~-~ L, ~• k a 1r (516) 4~S-22u3

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Page 45: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,



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Page 46: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

,.:~ - '"""" ...a.nh tht7c-Pham va Thuoc-Nen --,- - ----- ..,..,.;-'"'"' ..,'"'"''5 1

617 Monterey Pass Road

Monterey Park, CA 91754

(818) 282-6120

.. 4 P - Street, Room 400 . Sacrc1-.inet;tto, CA. 95814

(916) 445-2263


B A 0


,.. I,,..

-D O N G y T E . .....


/\ ~ { V "- I" / / "'\,, I Bo Y Te St Vu cua California canh cao cbng chung tranh dung nhJng loai thuSc men nhap ·v I' ~-- /

cang co chieu hJohg a~hai sau aay:

1. '\/' ;4,. V

T~n san-pham:

.... ~ '" Nha San-Xuat: ~ I\ J\ Chat .f>oc-Lieu:

v'. ,v ~ Nhlfng phan ung

. .,,... ,.. ....... "-Ten san-pham:

..., 'V' I .l'-:~ha San-Xuat:

1., ~ I / / /



New York Chemical, Bangkok

nguy hai: I

1, 2-diphenyl-3, 5-dioxo-4-n-butylpyrazolidine; diazepam /'A. / /A /A

Chet choc, bi sot-huyet, l~n con giJt, bi kinh phong, tam / ,._. A

tri bi ciao lon •

Chuifong Toukuwan. i!,.Jilii 1t1L Nan-Lien Pharmaceutical Co., Hong Kong

Shou Sing Pharmaceutical Co., Taiwan and others I i I' .

Chat {)oc-Li~u: I Phenylbutazone, aminopyrine, indomethacine, hydrochlorothiazide 1



~ ~eu ban 1,.,..

. ~eu ban . ~

~eu ban

........ -- / Nhctng phan c?ng nguy hai:

A '1,/ ;11,.'l/ Ten san-pham:

... v l,A. Nha San-Xuat:

C&~t -Boc-Li~u: . . V V /

Nhung phan:ung nguy hai:

/\- ~ ""'\/' Ten san-pham:

" 1"' l.,A Nha San-Xuat:

/,1,, ,.. ·"-Chat -Soc-Lieu: ,'-"'. "" ./ Nhung phan Jng nguy hai:

chlordiazepoxide, methyltestosterone, prednisone, diazepam,

chlorozoxozone, acetaminophen, lead, cadmium. /I- I' /t,. 'I" ~ I' .. - c.,...., I -'

Chet choc, b.i .sot-huyet, hon me, lct au, tang gia ca tinh

nam due • . /A /\ ..._

Thuoc Vien An Th~n Cinnabar Sedative Pills ¢'Y4t-#.:lt. Lanchow Chinese Medicine Works, Lanchow, China

I,. 2,, ,,.._

Cinnabaris (cnat thuy-ngan) /"" ,,, " ;A- ..,_

Chet choc, binh Than, binh Gan, ai tieu chay. . . /A I' I " «,.

Thuoc b9t hay ntl~c Xi-Rocho tre em

Thai Charoen Bhaesaj, Thailand

Chloramphenicol /,- /...o / 't.,- ) A

B.l• ., h " b. h . ~ · b · hct b. . ,. • sot- uyet, 1. oai mau-tuy, co t1.m 1. suy n oc, 1. vi.em A _, ~ ~1.· . ~ h c..-gan, non mua, a tieu cay. ,

/I'\ 14-tiep thee trang ke •••

hien ..... 'V ~ / /

tai aang dung nhttng thfi thuoc nay, xin NGifNG ttfc khrc. ,

quen • / """" / ~ -. '- A - .A.-

b itt ai aang dung nhti'ng thd thuoc nay, thi xin khuyen ~o ngnng lien.

/i' muon '~ / ,,,.. ~ / 7 ,._ 'V - 'A """ ""' biet them tin ttlc, xin lien lac voi Chi-Nhanh Thuc-Pham va Thuoc-Men tai so aien-

v / .A • "t,., " I' • • ' ~hoai (916) 445-2263 hoac la voi H~i Dude Thao ~ong Y ;~is~· ctitn-thoai (818) 282-6120.


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Page 47: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,


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Thu~c Vi;n :lusk- Fu Quat Chui Fong ,i ~!Jt,ff-i.!.,i.JL ~ I

Vo Danh Tanh, Kwang Chow, China

Niu Huang Chang Ya Wan -r-*l't-1~1L Tianjin Drug ~anufactory, Tianjin, China

.,_,, Shu Kan Wan (Thttoc Vien Bt Gan) if~fit.

Lanchow Chinese Xedicine Works, Qing<lao Medicine Works, China

/ Sit Wo Tong "Thuoc Bf t Ng Po" .n. f ~ Sungib Industrial Center, Hong Kong

/,._ - A Thuoc -Bae B ie t Juk Tsyn Wan ;fk~ _;_ At.it. Kwangchow United Manufactory of Chinese Medicine

Thuoc Vien Thuong Hao Hang Fu Fang Jin Qian Chao ½1l$iL China National Medicine and Health Products I/E Corp.,

Guangxi Branch, China

A ... /,:X ~ Thuoc X~t Bang B;t Trf Rat ~o Lqai Thu~ng Hao H~ng ~~1t Fitshan Hang Chun Medicine Factory, Fitshan, China

~ .,./ Thuoc Vi~n Tri Suy~n Hif u Tong Shap Yee' s Asthma Ji #;--,jl~~;/L

Tong Shap Yee Medicine Company Ltd., Hong Kong

Wei Te Ling f #~ Tsingtao Medicine Works, Tsingtao, China

YangHsin Ning Shen Wan ~ . .:;~#it.

United Pharmaceutical Manufactory, Kwangchow, China

Yu Gong Hui Li Wan 11ji'g@J 'fJ it.

China National Native Produce & Animal By-Products I/E Corp.,


{. Yunnan Produce Tienchi Pill Raw (Thuoc Vi~n) i. m k Jr Kunming Native Drug Factory, Yunnan, China

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Page 48: 95814 1988 RELEASE: Norman Hartman fQ~~QMEB ALERT …...Dec 27, 1990  · ~DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NEWS NEWS 714 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA, 95814 NUMBER: 76-88 DATE: July 14,

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