9114841 How to Get Someone to Do You a Favor WITHOUT Ever Asking About It

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  • 7/29/2019 9114841 How to Get Someone to Do You a Favor WITHOUT Ever Asking About It


    How to get someone to do you a favor WITHOUT ever asking about it

    Picture this. You want a colleague of yours to do you a favor but you don't want to ask for it.There are many reasons why you may want it to be that way, not of all are nice and not of all

    are honest and not with that order necessarily. Now, is there any way to make someone do youa favor without ever asking about it or even suggesting it? If you have already visited this sitebefore, then you must be familiar with the words psychological manipulation. For those thathaven't been exposed to this type of methods, I would say not to read this article as it may be a

    bit overcomplicated for your tastes. Try this, instead.

    Manipulation is a world of smoke and mirrors so well hidden from the surface world that veryfew people know it even exists. Those that do, they make sure they keep their mouths shut andthey use it to control our lives, suggest our tastes and guide us to do things we would never doif we had the opportunity to think about them twice. How easily can you get a girl's number ??How deep is the rabbit hole ?? These, clearly very important questions, shall not be answerednow, so let's get back to our trivial challenge. How on earth can you get Glen, your lovely co-

    worker, do all the dirty job and make him feel proud he did it?

    Ze five step trick

    1) Start by commenting how impressed you were last time he solved another similarproblem. Make a conversation where you will remind him that no problem or challenge hasever gone unsolved from his hands. Reframe everything he says towards that direction. This isan important step as it will remind him that he is capable of resolving any situation he meets...

    2) Present him with the goal you want to achieve. Use positive words and suggest a positiveattitude towards it.

    3) Guide, our friend Glen, to make a positive remarktowards the outcome you want to

    achieve. Ask him "Wouldn't be great if we could have X achieved?". He must say "Yes" inorder to move on from there. Will he say yes? Well some strange psychological God makes

  • 7/29/2019 9114841 How to Get Someone to Do You a Favor WITHOUT Ever Asking About It


    sure that he always does. It has been proven through experiments that people like to maintainthe psychological momentum. If they are positive towards something they will continue to be

    positive towards that, even if it turns out to be a more awkward than they thought in the firstplace. There is a name for that but it is not nice so we decided not to use it.

    4) Provoke dissonance.Now, this is the most counter intuitive effect. Tell him it isIMPOSSIBLE to find a solution for that problem. Make sure you emphasize that nobody hasever solved this.

    5) Now, step back and shut up. If the above are done right and you didn't look creepy, bytelegraphing too much interest through eye contact, then things might actually start lookingnice for you. The combination of the above will create cognitive dissonance and as a result hewill try to resolve it. He wants something that he cannot get and this, for most people, issomething inadmissible. Even more, his whole EGO will go on overdrive to prove himselfworthy of solvying that problem. In eighty percent of the cases I've encountered the abovetrick works like a charm. In the rest it doesn't even get registered. In anycase you have nothingto lose. Now, if you want to amplify this, you can add two important steps.

    6) Ask him if he is sure he wants to do it. He must say "I will do it". This is the equivalent ofa signature on a dotted line and it will GUARANTEE you that he will hold his word and willactually try to help you.

    7) Now you can ask him to do something even more awkward as it has been proved byFoot-in-the-door technique (Freedman & Fraser, 1966). People that have agreed for a smalleryes are more likely to respond positevely to a bigger yes. For more information you may havea lookhere. In that amazing experiment, people complied to do something more extreme just

    because they had agreed to do something easier in the first place.

    Small story

    I used to work in the same office with a guy that was very good with computers. At that time I

    needed badly someone to install a specific operating system (OS) on my computer. So Iopened a conversation with the guy, telling him how impressed I was when I realised he hadmanaged to install a UNIX OS on his Macintosh laptop. He told me that he had never failedwith these things even if he had to fight for a whole weekend. He smiled. I smiled even more,

    but I guess it was not for the same reason. A bird came and sat just outside our window. Wefluffed a bit about different operating systems and then I told him that a friend of mine hadheard some really good words about this new type of OS. He agreed and added it wasamazing. I smiled once more. Then I told him that two of my most tech savvy friends tried toinstalled it on my laptop but they failed impressively. "It is impossible, they told me". Silence."It seems that no one has EVER succeeded installing it on that particular model", I added andlooked out, towards the bird, that looked at me and decided to fly away in search of something

    nicer to look at. He then, slowly, spelled out the magic words....: "Why don't you let me havea look at it." I wished the bird was there to see my NEW smile.
