8117 SJSU Cx General Requirements

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  • 7/31/2019 8117 SJSU Cx General Requirements


    SECTION 01 91 13



    A. Construction Drawings and general provisions of the contract, including general and

    supplementary conditions, and Division 01 specification sections, apply to this section.

    B. Basis of Design/Design Intent documents

    C. Related Sections

    2. Division 01 General Conditions

    3. Division 22 Plumbing

    4. Division 23 Mechanical

    5. Division 26 Electrical

    0.2 SUMMARY

    A. The project shall be constructed utilizing USGBC LEED NC version 2.2 Guidelines. As

    part of the certification process the project shall be commissioned for both EA Pre-

    requisite 1_ Fundamental Commissioning and EA Credit 3_ Enhanced Commissioning.

    The purpose of commissioning is to verify that the buildings energy related systems are

    installed, calibrated and perform according to the owners project requirements, basis ofdesign, and construction documents.

    B. The Commissioning Authority (CxA) is TestMarcx and is contracted directly to theOwner. The CxA shall lead the commissioning team, review and oversee the

    commissioning process. The process of commissioning as defined here-in for HVAC,

    Plumbing and Electrical system installation, start-up, calibration and functional

    performance both in detail of testing and in detail of documentation. The director of the

    commissioning process is the Commissioning Authority.

    C. The contractor shall be responsible to provide all aspects of the process of

    commissioning not provided by the CxA under the direction of the CxA as described in

    the specification under commissioning responsibilities.

    D. Commissioning is a systematic process of ensuring that all building systems perform

    interactively according to the design intent, basis of design, construction documents andOwners system operational needs. This is achieved by beginning in the design phase,

    documenting design intent/basis of design and continuing through construction,

    building acceptance and the warranty period with actual verification of performance.

    The commissioning process shall coordinate what have traditionally been separate


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  • 7/31/2019 8117 SJSU Cx General Requirements


    16. Minor Adjustment: To add, subtract, or change various parameters included in

    the operation logic of a mechanical system or systems in order to improve or

    optimize operational performance. This refers only to the specified performance

    logic. Difficulties encountered in accomplishing a minor adjustment shall not be

    used to define a minor versus a major adjustment.

    17. Major Adjustment: To fully change the specified operation logic of a mechanicalsystem or systems. This refers only to the specified performance logic.

    Difficulties encountered in accomplishing a minor adjustment shall not be used

    to define a minor versus a major adjustment.

    18. OPR: A written document, prepared by Owners Representative that details the

    functional requirements of Project and expectations of how it will be used and

    operated. This document includes Project and design goals, measurable

    performance criteria, budgets, schedules, success criteria, and supporting


    19. Pre-functional checklists (PFC): Checklist performed by the contractor and

    provided to the CxA for verification, this portion of the Commissioning Processinvolves primarily the test and balance and startup personnel to ensure thatindividual pieces of equipment are capable of performing in accordance with the

    Specifications, Drawings, and manufacturers requirements. This is documented

    with a pre-functional checklist provided and completed by the contractor. The

    Commissioning Authority shall overview this testing.

    20. Statistical Sampling. - Functionally testing a statistically representative quantity

    (i.e. 15%) of identical or near identical pieces of equipment.

    21. Subject to 3% failure threshold whereby if there are greater than 3% testing

    failures within randomly chosen equipment, the testing shall be noted as failed.

    The Contractor shall re-verify the startup and checkout of 100% of theequipment. An additional identical statistically representative quantity ofequipment shall again be tested which shall include a retest of 25% of the failed

    equipment and 75% randomly chosen untested equipment. This shall be repeated

    until the testing is noted as passing. Any proposed statistical sampling shall be

    identified in the construction phase commissioning plan and approved by the


    22. System Component or System Element: A single piece of mechanical equipment

    such as a pump, fan, chiller, boiler, coil, etc. that when combined together

    through piping or ductwork will comprise a System.

    23. System: A combination of system components that allow the manufacture ordistribution of conditioned air or water from one location to another.

    24. Tuning: To adjust for maximum performance.


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    A. Coordination and management: The Commissioning Authority Firm (CxA) shall

    provide overall coordination and management of the commissioning program asspecified herein.

    B. The commissioning process will require cooperation of the Contractor, subcontractors,vendors, Architectural Engineering firm, Commissioning Authority and Owner.

    C. The commissioning team shall be comprised of the following:

    25. Contractor: Project manager and MEP coordinator.

    26. Subcontractors: As required by the prime contractor.

    27. Manufacturers factory engineers: As specified elsewhere.

    28. Commissioning Authority

    29. Construction Management Engineer

    30. Owner Construction Observers

    31. Architectural/Engineering Representatives


    A. Commissioning Authority Firm (CxA): The CxA Responsibilities include, but are not

    limited to:

    32. General Tasks:

    a. Coordinate, schedule and manage the commissioning activities.

    b. Assist the Contractor to coordinate all Sub Contractor commissioning


    c. Obtain, assemble and submit commissioning documentation.

    d. Attend periodic on-site commissioning meetings and activities

    e. Review contractors submittals, O&M manuals and training plan

    f. Verify contractor training

    g. Maintain Issues and Resolutions Logs

    33. Commissioning Documentation Development Tasks:

    a. Develop the commissioning plan and schedule.


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    b. Develop detailed pre-functional check lists (see attachment sample)

    c. Develop detailed functional performance test procedures (seeattachment


    d. Coordinate locations of test ports required for Commissioning on

    schematics, contractors shop drawings and during installation.

    e. Conduct and coordinate the installation verification inspections and testing

    with the Engineer, AE, CME and Owner Construction Observers.

    f. Prepare and submit the Commissioning Reports.

    34. Pre-Functional Testing Tasks:

    a. Assist and witness selected start-up activities and pre-functional testing.

    b. Monitor the performance of the Test, Adjust and Balance contractor.

    35. Functional Performance Testing Tasks:

    a. Direct the functional performance testing by contractor. Observe testing of

    all systems to provide complete confidence in the systems. The tests will

    include the interaction of commissioned systems between individual

    components, sub-systems and complete building systems under both

    normal and emergency power conditions.

    b. Ensure that necessary test instrumentation is provided by the contractor

    and is available during functional performance testing and instruments

    meet quality and calibration requirements and are in good working order.

    c. Enforce system compliance and suggest modifications to the system

    design that will correct or enhance the system performance.

    d. Coordinate witnessing of the tests by the owner.

    e. Track commissioning deficiencies until correction and retesting are

    successfully completed. Assist the Commissioning Team in determiningthe cause of failure.

    f. Coordinate off season testing and warranty review phase prior to 10th

    month of occupancy.

    B. Owner:

    36. Construction and Acceptance Phase:

    a. Facilitate the coordination of the commissioning work by the CA, and,with the GC and Owner, ensure that commissioning activities are being

    scheduled into the project master scheduling program and update as



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    b. Review and approve the final Commissioning PlanConstruction Phase.

    c. Attend a commissioning scoping meeting and other commissioning team


    d. Perform the normal review of Contractor submittals.

    e. Furnish a copy of all construction documents, addenda, change orders and

    approved submittals and shop drawings related to commissioned

    equipment to the CA.

    f. When necessary, observe and witness pre-functional checklists, startup and

    functional testing of selected equipment.

    g. Review commissioning progress and deficiency reports.

    h. Coordinate the resolution of non-compliance and design deficiencies

    identified in all phases of commissioning.

    i. Sign-off (final approval) on individual commissioning tests as completed

    and passing. Recommend completion of the commissioning process to the

    Project Manager.

    j. Assist the GC in coordinating the training of owner personnel.

    B. Architect Engineering Firm (A/E)

    37. Design & Construction Period:

    a. Attend the commissioning scope meeting and selected commissioning

    team meetings.

    b. Participate and coordinate resolution of system deficiencies (which are

    related to possible design deficiencies) identified during commissioning,

    according to the contract documents.

    c. Provide any design narrative and sequences documentation requested by

    the CxA. The designers shall assist (along with the contractors) inclarifying the operation and control of commissioned equipment in areas

    where the specifications control drawings or equipment documentation is

    not sufficient for writing detailed testing procedures.

    d. Participate in the resolution of potential design concerns as discovered

    during the commissioning process.

    38. Warranty Period:Participate and coordinate the resolution of non-compliance,

    non-conformance and design deficiencies identified during commissioning

    during warranty-period commissioning.

    A. Mechanical and Electrical Designers/Engineers (of the A/E)

    39. Construction and Acceptance Phase


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    a. Perform normal submittal review, construction observation, as-built

    drawing preparation, etc., as contracted. One site observation should be

    completed just prior to system startup.

    b. Provide any design narrative and sequences documentation requested by

    the CA. The designers shall assist (along with the contractors) in clarifying

    the operation and control of commissioned equipment in areas where thespecifications, control drawings or equipment documentation is not

    sufficient for writing detailed testing procedures.

    c. Attend commissioning scoping meetings and other selected

    commissioning team meetings.

    d. Participate in the resolution of system deficiencies identified during

    commissioning, according to the contract documents.

    e. Review the pre-functional checklists for major pieces of equipment for

    sufficiency prior to their use.

    f. The Design Engineer shall be responsible for the observations and

    checklists for the Installation Verification.

    g. Additional calculation and investigation of design adjustments needs by

    the Engineers as defined by the Commissioning Authority.

    h. Review the functional test procedure forms for major pieces of equipment

    for sufficiency prior to their use.

    i. Witness testing of selected pieces of equipment and systems:

    40. Warranty Period: Participate in the resolution of non-compliance, non-

    conformance and design deficiencies identified during commissioning during

    warranty-period commissioning.

    A. Contractor (GC)

    41. Design & Construction Period:

    a. Facilitate the coordination of the commissioning work by the CxA, andensure that commissioning activities are being scheduled into the projects

    master CPM schedule.

    b. Include the cost of commissioning in the total contract price. Coordinate

    with subcontractors to make sure cost of commissioning is included.

    c. In each purchase order or subcontract written, include requirements for

    submittal data, O&M data, commissioning tasks and training.

    d. Ensure that all Subcontractors execute their commissioning responsibilities

    including completion of the pre-functional checklist and test and balance,

    prior to functional testing and correction of deficiencies according to the


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    contract documents, commissioning plan and schedule, O&M manual,

    training planning and execution.

    e. Ensure that all Subcontractors have qualified personnel to assist the CxAby performing all of the commissioning functional test procedures and re-

    testing as required until successful completion.

    f. A representative shall attend a commissioning scope meeting scheduled by

    the CxA and all other necessary meetings scheduled by the CxA to

    facilitate the Cx process.

    g. Coordinate the activities of all contractors, subcontractors and vendor

    personnel, required to complete submittals of the O&M manual and

    training plan and training of Owner personnel in accordance with the

    requirements of the Specifications and the Training Agenda.

    h. Prepare and submit to the commissioning authority the Commissioned

    equipment submittals, O&M manuals, systems manual documents,

    warranty information and training plan according to the ContractDocuments, including clarifying and updating the original sequences of

    operation to as-built conditions. Provide an electronic copy of

    commissioned systems submittals, O&M manuals, training materials and

    warranty information.

    i. Assist in coordination of off season testing and warranty review as

    required to verify system performance under off season conditions.

    42. Warranty Period

    a. Ensure that Subs execute seasonal or deferred functional performance

    testing, witnessed by the CA, according to the specifications prior to the10th month of occupancy.

    b. Ensure that Subs correct deficiencies and make necessary adjustments to

    O&M manuals, systems manual documents and as-built drawings for

    applicable issues identified in any seasonal testing.

    c. Attend a warranty review meeting with the CxA prior to the 10th month of


    B. Contractors and Subcontractors

    43. Construction Period:

    a. Cooperate with the CxA to complete commissioning activities.

    b. Include the cost of commissioning by the GC in the total subcontract price.

    c. Prepare and submit the O&M manuals, and systems manual documents

    according to the Contract Documents, including clarifying and updating

    the original sequences of operation to as-built conditions. Provide a written


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    narrative of sequences of operations for all equipment including controls

    systems and any documentation requested by the CA.

    d. The contractors shall assist in clarifying the operation and control ofcommissioned equipment in areas where the specifications, control

    drawings or equipment documentation is not sufficient for writing detailed

    testing procedures.

    e. The Contractor shall be responsible for completing the signoff of the Pre-

    functional Testing checklists, and start-up procedure performed prior to

    balancing as defined in Part 2 of this specification.

    f. The contractor shall complete the startup checklists and pre-functional test

    forms, test and balance prior to functional testing.

    g. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing any technical personnel

    required for physical operation, testing, and simulation of control

    sequences for each piece of controlled equipment as required by the

    Commissioning Authority during the Functional Performance Testing.This shall include service personnel and vendors, the temperature control

    engineering and technical startup crew, mechanical contracting service

    personnel for miscellaneous mechanical equipment, and balancing

    contractor personnel. To the extent possible, these personnel will be


    h. Provide any testing equipment, tools or devices required to simulate actual

    full load conditions.

    i. Additional calibration and adjustment of the mechanical equipment

    included in each mechanical system for proper operation under actual

    operation as defined by the Commissioning Authority.

    j. Additional testing, calibration, adjustment, tuning, and minor adjustments

    to the temperature controls system sequences for proper operation under

    actual operation as defined by the Commissioning Authority.

    k. Additional testing, calibration and adjustment of the mechanical water and

    air flows of each mechanical system for proper operation under actual

    operation as defined contract documents and observed by the

    Commissioning Authority.

    l. Review final construction phase commissioning plan procedures forequipment installed, training and functional testing required under the

    particular subcontract.

    m. Assist in preparation of the training plan and provide training services as

    specified under each section and provide a detailed training plan that shall

    include contractors information, specification section, trainers

    qualification, subject, training duration and preliminary schedule. Provide

    a copy of the O&M manual and review as part of the training class for

    each piece of equipment.


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    44. Warranty Period

    a. Provide seasonal or deferred functional performance testing if required,

    witnessed by the CA prior to 10th month of occupancy, according to thespecifications.

    b. Correct deficiencies and make necessary adjustments to O&M manualsand as-built drawings for applicable issues identified in any seasonal


    B. Equipment Suppliers and Vendors

    45. Provide all requested submittal data, including detailed narrative of system

    operation, start-up procedures and specific responsibilities of the Owner to keep

    warranties in force.

    46. Assist in equipment testing as required to demonstrate the operation and

    performance of the equipment provided.

    47. Include all special tools and instruments (only available from vendor, specific to

    a piece of equipment) required for testing equipment according to these Contract


    48. Through the contractors they supply products to, analyze specified products and

    verify that the designer has specified the newest most updated equipment

    reasonable for this projects scope and budget.

    49. Provide information requested by CA regarding equipment sequence of operation

    and testing procedures.

    50. Provide detailed operating instructions; recommend a schedule of maintenance,

    requirements and frequency if not already included.

    51. Review test procedures for equipment installed by factory representatives.


    A. Commissioning Plan Construction Phase: Contractor shall review the commissioning

    plan as submitted by the CxA.

    B. Within 90 calendar days of issue of construction phase contract and receipt of

    contractor submittals, the CxA shall submit a preliminary construction phase

    commissioning plan to identify how commissioning activities will be integrated intogeneral construction and trade activities. The commissioning shall become part of the

    contractors construction schedule. The plan is the key means for the CxA to inform all

    parties as to how each system functions, independently and with respect to other

    systems. The plan shall be updated regularly and redistributed to the commissioning

    team for review and comment. The intent of this plan is to evoke questions, expose

    issues, and resolve them with input from the entire commissioning team early in

    construction. The commissioning plan shall identify how commissioning


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    responsibilities are distributed. The CxAs commissioning plan shall include the

    following sections:

    52. Executive Summary: Provides a description of the Commissioning Goals andobjectives, general project information, systems to be commissioned, team,

    protocol, meetings, management, and a description of the commissioning


    53. Commissioning Team: Provides a listing of all commissioning team members

    including the names, addresses, and office/fax/cell phones number or the owner,

    commissioning authority, architect, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer,

    general contractor, mechanical contractor, electrical contractor, controls

    contractor, fire alarm system contractor and test & balance contractor.

    54. System Overview: Provides a listing of design weather data, design parameters

    and all mechanical and electrical systems equipment data.

    55. Overview of Testing Program Procedures: Provides a detailed description of the

    testing plan and procedures that will be implemented during the commissioningprocess.

    56. Record Document - Sequences of Operation: Provides a detailed sequence of

    operation that is utilized for testing purposes. The final commissioning report

    shall describe any modifications to the engineer specified sequences of operation.

    57. Pre-Functional Testing Checklists: Provides pre-functional testing checklist

    forms to the contracting team for each individual piece of mechanical equipment.

    The forms shall describe all events required to fully start-up a piece of


    58. Functional Testing Procedures & Data Forms: Provides complete and detailedfunctional performance testing procedures required to fully test the entire system

    including the following:

    a. Each procedure shall have a unique alphanumeric designator consisting of

    the applicable functional performance test procedure designator followed

    by a dash digit suffix to distinguish multiple repetitions of the same


    b. The same procedure may be applied to multiple identical pieces of

    equipment or systems.

    c. The testing for a System may be grouped into a single large test or

    broken down into multiple individual tests that are designed to be executed

    independently from each other as the construction phasing permits, but incombination will completely test all modes of operation and functionality.

    d. Identify instrumentation required for each test and who will provide it.

    e. State the Testing Objective: This shall include, for example, the design

    criteria, design intent/basis of design, code requirements, specifics of the


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    equipment to be provided, sequences of operation, specification section,

    operating priorities, protocols, etc. Some of these items will be provided to

    the CxA with the construction package and may be copied or referenced.

    f. Identify the initial values for all set points and inputs, positions of

    adjustable devices, valves, dampers, and switches.

    g. For each Testing Objective, provide sufficient step-by-step testing events

    with corresponding expected results such that a clear pass/fail result can

    be documented. FPT procedures shall be written to allow a test to be

    repeated under identical conditions with repeatable results.

    h. Include space to record: Description of the procedure; whether the form is

    for a retest of a failed procedure; identification and location of the

    equipment being tested; identification of instrumentation used by serial

    number; observed conditions at each step of the procedure; acceptableresults as specified elsewhere; date of the test; names of technicians

    performing the procedure; name and signature of the CxA

    59. Samples of commissioning forms including:

    a. Deficiencies and Issues Log: Provide a sample functional performance test

    deficiency report form. Include space to record: Associated functional

    performance test data form number; date of test; name of person reporting

    the deficiency; description of the observations associated with the failure

    of the test; cause of the failure, if apparent at the time of the test; date and

    description of corrective action taken; name and signature of person taking

    corrective action; and schedule for retest.

    b. Daily Log: Provide a blank log as an example.

    c. Meeting Minutes: Provide a blank log as an example.

    60. Commissioning schedule: Submit within 30 calendar days after the

    Commissioning scoping meeting with the Contracting Team.

    0.7 SCHEDULE

    A. Commissioning schedule: Integrate functional performance testing and commissioningrequirements into the master construction schedule.

    B. Commissioning scheduling is the responsibility of the Contractor.

    61. Commissioning meetings as required, increasing in frequency as installation of

    commissioned systems progresses starting with monthly site observation and

    meetings once the contractors have begun to rough in the commissioned systems.

    62. Eight weeks prior to the beginning of start-up bi weekly commissioning meetings

    and planning of startup and functional performance testingactivities, update the

    schedule of commissioning.


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    63. Two weeks prior to the beginning of start-up testing activities, provide a detailed

    two-week look-ahead schedule. Thereafter, update the two-week look-ahead

    schedule weekly for the duration of commissioning for that construction phase.

    The two-week look-ahead schedule shall identify the date, time, beginning

    location, contractor personnel required, and anticipated duration for each startupor test activity.

    64. Functional testing may progress over a period of 60 days and include all

    commissioned systems.

    A. Commissioning of the systems shall proceed per the criteria established in the specific

    sections that follow, with activities to be performed on a timely basis.

    B. Commissioning of systems may proceed prior to final completion of systems.

    C. The CxA must be available to respond promptly to avoid delay to the CPM schedule.

    D. Problems observed shall be addressed immediately, in terms of notification to

    responsible parties and actions to correct deficiencies.


    E. Scoping Meeting: 60 to 120 days into the construction process, a commissioning

    scoping meeting involving all members of the commissioning team shall be held at a

    time and place designated by the Owner. The purpose of the meeting will be to

    familiarize all parties with the requirements of the commissioning process, and to

    ensure that the responsibilities of each party are clearly understood.

    F. Progress Meetings:

    65. During construction and prior to the beginning of start-up or functional

    performance testing activities, the CxA will hold commissioning meetings at

    least monthly. These meetings may be held concurrently with the general

    construction meetings.

    66. Beginning eight weeks prior to the commencement of start-up or functional

    performance testing activities, whichever is earlier, the CxA will hold

    commissioning meetings at least bi-weekly. Thereafter, and for the duration of

    commissioning for that construction phase, commissioning meetings willcontinue to be held at least weekly.

    67. These meetings may be held concurrently with the general construction meetings

    or scheduled separately.

    A. The CxA may require additional meetings if the commissioning process appears to be

    behind schedule or if there are coordination problems.


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    A. The Division contractor for the equipment tested provides all standard or proprietary

    testing equipment required to perform startup and initial checkout and requiredfunctional performance testing. For example, the mechanical contractor is ultimately

    responsible for all standard or proprietary testing equipment for the Facility Controls

    System (FCS), except for equipment specific to and used by TAB in their

    commissioning responsibilities. The Division contractor provides two-way radios.

    B. Include special or proprietary equipment, tools, software and instruments (only

    available from vendor, specific to a piece of equipment) required for testing equipment,

    according to these Contract Documents in the base bid price to the Contractor and lefton site, except for stand-alone data logging equipment used by the CxA.

    C. The CxA will provide any data logging equipment and software required to test

    equipment outside of that available through the FCS.

    D. Provide all testing equipment of sufficient quality and accuracy to test and/or measure

    system performance with the tolerances specified in the Contract Documents. If not

    otherwise noted, the following minimum requirements apply:

    2. Temperature sensors and digital thermometers shall have a certified calibration

    within the past year to an accuracy of 0.5F and a resolution of + or - 0.1F.

    3. Pressure sensors shall have an accuracy of + or - 2.0% of the valuerange being

    measured (not full range of meter) and have been calibrated within the last year.

    A. Calibrate all equipment according to the manufacturers recommended intervals and

    when dropped or damaged. Affix calibration tags or have certificates readily available.


    B. Documentation - General:

    4. The Commissioning Authority shall record and maintain detailed testing data.

    The data record shall be comprehensive and concise.

    5. All data must be recorded as soon as possible during the course of the testing.

    6. All documentation shall have the date, time, and names of persons participatingin the inspection and testing.

    7. All test instruments shall be documented for valid calibration.

    8. The recording work sheets, signed inspection check lists, signed pre-functional

    testing forms and performance testing plans must all be approved by the Engineer

    and Commissioning Authority prior to the start of Functional Performance



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    A. Daily Commissioning Report Logs:

    9. The Commissioning Authority shall provide daily report logs to be included in

    the final report.

    10. The daily logs shall record the commissioning Authority personnel and event

    summaries of meetings, conversations, tests, failures, solutions, procedures andsuccesses.

    A. Installation verification audit: Prior to start-up, the Engineer shall maintain a report of

    installation verification audit activities. Identify equipment and components verified,

    deficiencies noted, corrective action taken, and the dates and initials of the persons

    making the entries.

    B. Test, adjust and balance (TAB) progress reports: After TAB activities have begun; theTAB shall submit weekly TAB progress reports to the CxA with hand written data

    collected from the system balancing. Identify:

    11. Systems or subsystems for which preliminary balancing is complete.

    12. Systems or subsystems for which final balancing is complete.

    13. Systems data forms hand written.

    14. Status of deficiencies and balancing problems encountered, including corrective

    actions taken.

    15. Updated schedule of remaining TAB activities.

    16. Submission of TAB report for systems prior to functional testing.

    A. Deficiencies and Issues Report: The report may be distributed at any time during

    construction phase. At the end of each day, in which functional performance tests are

    conducted, the CxA shall maintain a deficiencies and Issues (D&I) log for tests for

    which acceptable results were not achieved during the day.

    17. Identify tests for which acceptable results were not obtained by test number and

    description, and equipment identification and location. Briefly describe

    observations about the performance that was associated with failure to achieveacceptable results. Identify the cause of failure if such is apparent.

    18. When corrections have been completed, the CxA shall update the functional

    performance test deficiency report forms. Identify corrective action taken and the

    dates and initials of the persons making the entries.

    19. Identify the schedule for re-testing.

    A. Final Commissioning Report: The CxA shall prepare and submit a final report with the

    closeout package. The binding format shall be 8 x 11 bound documents with 11 x 17

    fold out. This report shall contain:

    20. The report shall verify performance of HVAC equipment and systems.


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    21. Document any field modifications to the testing process and why these

    modifications were made.

    22. The organization of the final commissioning report shall be as follows:

    a. Executive Summary of each mechanical system and problems encountered

    and resolved.

    b. System Overview summarizing the system designs.

    c. Commissioning Plan

    d. Summary of design review, submittal review and O&M document review.

    e. Post Commissioned Controls Sequences and Points Lists.

    f. Pre-functional Testing Checklists

    g. Functional Testing Procedures and Results

    h. Deficiencies and Issues Logs and a scheduled date for outstanding issues

    and off season testing if required.

    i. Daily report logs.

    j. Appendix of letters, meeting minutes, memos and notes occurring duringthe commissioning process.

    B. Hardcopy and Electronic Versions:

    23. The Commissioning Plan provided prior to the on-site commissioning and the

    Final Commissioning Report provided at the conclusion shall be provided in hardcopy (2 copies) and electronic on CD (6 copies).

    24. The Commissioning Plan CD shall include files developed in the most current

    MS Word format.

    25. The Final Commissioning Report CD shall contain scanned copies of all

    documentation developed and gathered during the Commissioning Process in

    Acrobat PDF format.

    26. Systems manual provided in electronic or hard copy depending on availability of

    electronic versions of documents.



    A. Sequence of testing: The contractor is responsible to commission all systems listed. The

    contractor may be required to provide a mockup of a 3 C. commissioned system to


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    establish a level of quality. The CxA may or may not utilize sampling techniques on

    multi-type non critical systems such as lighting and terminal units to verify the testing.

    This does not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to functionally test 100% of the

    commissioned systems.

    B. Commissioning shall proceed from lower to higher levels of complexity. For each

    discrete subsystem or system, testing at the lower level shall be completed prior tostarting the next higher level of tests. In general, the order of testing from lowest to

    highest is:

    2. Static tests (such as duct leakage and pipe pressure tests).

    3. Component functional performance tests (of motors, actuators, sensors, etc.) and

    start-up of major equipment.

    4. Contractor Testing and Balancing.

    5. System functional performance tests(see list of commissioned systems).

    6. Intersystem functional performance tests, BAS graphics verification.

    A. Re-testing: The Contractor shall repeat, at no additional cost to Owner, the complete

    functional test procedure for each test for which acceptable results are not achieved.

    Repeat tests until acceptable results are achieved. The CxA shall track commissioning

    deficiencies until correction. Within each system, the CxA shall provide one re-

    commissioning for any deficiencies. For systems with large quantities of identical

    equipment, a statistical re-commissioning strategy shall be applied to retest 20% of the

    deficiencies. The tested systems will not be witnessed by the Owner until acceptable

    results are achieved, documented, reviewed and accepted. Additional testing beyond a

    single failure may be subject to back-charges by the CxA.

    B. Correction of deficiencies:

    7. Correct functional performance test deficiencies promptly and schedule retest.

    8. Corrections during functional performance tests are generally prohibited to avoid

    consuming the time of personnel waiting for the test, but not involved in making

    the correction. Exceptions will be allowed if the cause of the failure is obvious

    and corrective action can be completed in less than five minutes. If corrections

    are made under this exception, the failure shall be noted on the functional

    performance test data form. A new functional performance test data form,marked retest, shall be initiated after the correction has been made. The entire

    functional performance test procedure shall be repeated.

    A. Delegated witnesses: Witnesses may be designated by the Owner or A/E to observe the

    commissioning process. Witnesses shall provide no labor or materials in the

    commissioning process. The only function of the witnesses shall be to observe and

    comment on the progress and results of commissioning.


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    B. Mechanical HVAC Systems:

    9. Chilled water system, CW pumps, piping, primary chilled water connections,

    valves and misc. controls.

    10. Heating hot water system, HW pumps, piping, primary steam system

    connections, valves and misc. controls.

    11. Air handler systems

    12. Duct distribution systems and diffusers

    13. VAV boxes

    14. Fan Coil Systems

    15. Exhaust Fans

    16. Smoke Control Dampers

    17. HVAC Piping System.

    18. HVAC Ductwork System.

    A. Plumbing Systems:

    19. Domestic Hot Water Heater, piping, connections, circ pump

    A. Electrical Systems :

    20. Lighting and day-lighting control system.

    21. Emergency power and uninterruptible power supply systems

    22. Power Metering Systems.

    23. Paging Communications

    A. Irrigation System:

    24. Irrigation control system.

    A. Building Automation System:

    25. Temperature Sensors, pressure sensors and controllers 2.Graphical user interface.

    26. Airflow Stations

    27. Damper & Valve Actuators


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    28. Network communications and interface with Campus BMS.


    A. The contractor shall assist the CxA in obtaining and reviewing the submittals prepared

    by other MEP divisions of the work related to commissioning for compliance with therequirements of Division 1.

    29. Provide standard commissioned systems-specific documents: concise, to the

    point, and above all, tailored specifically to this facility. Provide the approved

    copies of the submittal in a bound document as they become available.

    30. The contractor shall update the submittal with any related changes and providefor each above listed commissioned system.

    31. CxA shall review and comment relative to the contract documents, clarity and

    completeness. CxA is not responsible for accuracy of the content.



    A. The contractor shall assist the CxA in reviewing the O&M manuals prepared by other

    divisions of the work related to commissioning for compliance with the requirements of

    Division 1.

    32. Incorporate the standard technical literature into a systems-specific document:

    concise, to the point, and above all, tailored specifically to this facility.

    33. Obtain the equipment manufacturers standard technical literature relevant to the

    operation and maintenance of the provided equipment. The literature shall be

    specifically oriented to the equipment provided, indicating all operation and

    maintenance procedures, parts lists, assembly/disassembly diagrams, and related

    information. Wiring diagrams must be complete and specific to the equipment


    34. The contractor shall update and provide for each above listed commissioned

    system a single line diagram. Each system diagram shall including sequence ofcontrol, and points list. Provide a complete narrative of system operations for

    insertion into systems manual.

    35. The contractor shall provide as-built sequence of operations, control drawings

    and as built the finalized set points for controls systems.

    36. Recommended schedule for maintenance of systems and controls.

    A. Have all of these materials available for the training sessions.


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    B. During construction, the contractor shall assist the CxA and coordinate the AEs

    observation of the work of the Contractor and subcontractors to ensure that allinstallations are being made in accordance with the intent of the contract documents.

    C. Contractor shall notify the CxA of any and all commissioned system testing at least 48hours prior to allow time to schedule observation of the means and methods by the

    contractor. Systems included are:

    37. Pipe pressure testing

    38. Pipe flushing

    39. Duct pressure testing

    40. Electrical Testing

    41. Major equipment startup

    A. Before system start-up begins, contractor shall coordinate and attend a final installation

    verification audit with the AE or CxA. The audit shall include, but not be limited to, a

    check of:

    42. Piping specialties including balance, control, and isolation valves.

    43. Ductwork specialty items including turning devices; balance, fire, smoke, andcontrol dampers; and access doors.

    44. Control sensor types and locations.

    45. Identification of piping, valves, starters, gauges, thermometers, etc.

    46. Documentation of pre-start-up tests performed, including manufacturers factory


    47. Accessibility to equipment in 1-3 above.

    A. If any work is found to be incomplete, inaccessible, incorrect, or non-functional, make

    note of deficiencies and correct the deficiencies before system start-up work proceeds.


    B. Contractor shall develop with assistance of the CxA a start-up plan and deficiency list.

    Commence with system start-up after approval has been given to the start-up plan and

    all pertinent pre-functional checklists have been signed off by the Contractor andsubcontractors. The CxA and/or delegated representative shall witness system start-up

    as necessary and list all system and equipment deficiencies noted during start-up. The

    Contractor shall take corrective action on all system deficiencies noted and demonstrate

    suitable system operation to the CxA.


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    C. Prepare start-up deficiency list forms to report deficiencies discovered in conjunction

    with system start-up. Start-up deficiency forms shall indicate the system being started

    up; the location and identification of the deficient equipment/material; date of

    observation; initials of the observer; observed deficiency; date of correction; initials of

    person making the correction; and corrective action taken.

    D. Issue start-up deficiency report forms to the Contractor for corrective action. TheContractor shall advise the CxA when all start-up deficiency list items have been



    E. Contractor shall develop with the assistance of the CxA in the coordination the air and

    hydronic balancing observation. Advise the TAB firm when systems are complete andready for balancing. Start TAB as early as possible following systems start-ups and

    component functional performance tests, in order to be essentially complete prior to

    system functional performance tests. Coordinate TAB activities with other construction

    schedule activities.

    F. CxA shall verify the accuracy of the TAB work prior to commencing any FPT activities

    that may be adversely affected by improper balancing.

    G. CxA shall spot check a sample of the TAB measured flows for all air and water flows.

    This may be accomplished by physically measuring those flows independently of the

    TAB or witnessing the TAB contractors measurement of the required quantity.

    H. TAB shall provide a draft T&B report for commissioned systems to the CxA for review

    prior to functional testing of the systems. C. 3.8


    I. The CxA shall develop as a part of the construction phase commissioning plan

    submittal, the draft functional performance test (FPT) commissioning procedures and

    documentation to be used to get familiar with the procedures. A final test documents

    will be provided upon incorporation of the controls submittals documentation.

    Personnel experienced in the technical aspects of each system to be commissioned shall

    be engaged if necessary to augment the expertise of the CxA.

    48. Include functional performance test procedures and functional performance test

    data sheets for each system based upon actual system configuration. Emphasis

    shall be placed on testing procedures that will conclusively determine actual

    system performance and compliance with the design.

    49. The test procedures shall fully describe system configuration and steps required

    for each test, appropriately documented so that another party can repeat the tests

    with virtually identical results.

    A. The FPT procedures shall confirm the performance of systems to the extent of the

    design intent/basis of design and applicable code under which the project was


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    permitted. When a system is accepted, the Owner and A/E must be assured that the

    system is complete, works as intended, is correctly documented, and that the designated

    Owner staff is trained in the operation and maintenance of the system.

    B. Contractor shall review and approve the functional testing procedures prior to

    beginning any functional testing. Contractor shall functionally test all commissioned

    systems listed. CxA shall observe the functional testing. Some multi type non criticalsystems such as lighting may be randomly sampled by the CxA. Failure of 10% of a

    sample shall constitute total system test failure. Contractor shall re-commission all

    equipment of the failed type and the CxA shall re test another random sample.

    C. The majority of mechanical equipment requires integral safety devices to stop/prevent

    equipment operation unless minimum safety standards or conditions are met. This could

    include adequate oil pressure, proof-of-flow, non-freezing conditions, maximum head

    pressure, etc. Functional performance test procedures shall demonstrate the actual

    performance of safety shutoffs in real or closely simulated conditions of failure.

    D. Systems may include safety devices and components that control a variety of equipment

    operating as a system. Interlocks may be hard-wired or installed via software.Functional performance test procedures shall demonstrate these interlocks.

    E. The CxA shall inform appropriate subcontractors and vendors before commissioning is

    started as to what the test and expected results will be. Whereas some test results and

    interpretations may not become evident until the actual tests are performed, all

    participants should have a reasonable understanding of the requirements. The

    commissioning plan must address the requirements and be distributed to all participants

    involved with that particular system.


    F. The CxA shall review vendor/contractor/Owner-provided detailed building

    management system(BMS) software documentation. This includes obtaining BMS

    program documentation, a review of the programming approach, interface with other

    systems (such as lighting, fire alarm, security, clock, emergency generator monitoring,

    sump pumps, and utility metering), and a review of the specific software routines as

    applied to this project. Discrepancies in programming approaches shall be resolved to

    provide Owner with the most appropriate, simple, and straightforward approach to

    software routines.


    G. The Contractor with the assistance of the equipment vendors shall prepare and submit a

    training plan for approval by the CxA as part of the submittal process. Contractor shallrecord the attendance of the owners staff.

    H. The training plan shall include for each training session:

    50. Dates, start and finish times, and locations.


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    51. Outline of the information to be presented.

    52. Names and qualifications of presenters.

    53. List of texts and other materials required to support training.

    54. Copies of the O&M manual for the system to be presented.

    A. The contractor shall obtain assistance from appropriate subcontractors and vendors to

    provide training for the delegated Owner operations staff as specified for commissioned

    systems. Record the name of those teaching the class, location, subject and owners

    staff attending. Submit to the CxA.

    B. Provide equipment vendors shall train owner on the specifics of each system andphilosophy, troubleshooting, maintenance recommendations and repair techniques as

    specified in the relevant sections of this specification.

    C. Installation subcontractors shall provide training to owner on peculiarities specific to

    this project and job-specific experience as specified in the relevant sections of thisspecification.


    D. The Contractor shall provide to the CxA one electronic copy of the following for the

    commissioned equipment only:

    55. Mechanical and Electrical Lighting system narrative

    56. Control systems sequence of operation narrative

    57. All warranty documentation

    58. Startup and maintenance procedures,

    59. Operations and maintenance procedures,

    60. Training plan,

    61. Inspection reports and test reports.


    A. If required ensure that Subs execute seasonal or deferred functional performance

    testing, witnessed by the CA, according to the specifications prior to the 10 th month ofoccupancy.

    B. Ensure that Subs correct deficiencies and make necessary adjustments to O&M

    manuals, systems manual documents and as-built drawings for applicable issues

    identified in any seasonal testing.


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    Issue # Date System or Contractor Description of Issue Description of Resolution Resolution Date


  • 7/31/2019 8117 SJSU Cx General Requirements





    All mechanical equipment is set and installed in

    accordance with the contract documents

    All required seismic bracing and attachments are


    All hydronic piping is complete at unit

    All plumbing piping and fixtures are completeAll ductwork and accessories are complete

    All ductwork insulation is complete

    All flushing and chemical treatment are completeand


    All life safety and operational safeties have been

    installed, tested and accepted

    All power connections are complete and tested

    All TAB is complete and issues are resolved

    All Commissioning Prefunctional Testingchecklists

    have been completed and signed off

    All Commissioning Functional PerformanceTesting

    Procedures have been completed and signed offAll related items on the Issues & Resolution Logare


    All Engineers progress punchlist items arecomplete

    The Engineers final punchlist is developed

    O&M manuals are complete and accepted

    System demonstration is scheduled

    Specific operational training is scheduled

    System is substantially complete YES _______ NO________

    Rescheduled date of substantial completion (due tonon-acceptance explained below)











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    Plenums free from dirt and debris

    Louvers and motorized dampers installed

    Manual dampers adjusted and locked

    Automatic dampers openAll duct fire or fire/smoke dampers open and


    All duct system complete, clean and tested

    Access doors closed

    Permanent filters installed and clean

    Terminal units open or under control

    Registers and diffusers set

    Provisions made for TAB measurements

    Installed per plans and specs


    Condensate drain piping and pan complete

    and clear

    Cooling coil fins clean and in good condition

    All coil piping connections complete and

    correctAll piping insulation complete

    All piping flushed, tested and filled

    All coil valves installed correctly and wired

    All coil hand valves open for testing

    P&T taps installed


    Electrical connections complete

    Disconnect switch installed and on

    Overload heaters in place and correctly sized

    Variable frequency drives started-up (if



    Freeze, smoke and miscellaneous safety

    circuits tested and operational

    Automatic dampers operationalControl valves operational

    Zone sensors properly located and coordinated

    Supply sensor properly located and wired

    Control panels wired, energized and


    Air filter differential sensor located and wired


    Windows installed and closed

    Doors installed and closed as required

    Ceiling plenums installed and sealed

    Walls and roof complete

    Air shaft openings as required


    Start-up by manufacturer representative

    Mechanical, electrical, and controlscontractors present

    Fan rotation correct (bumped)

    Belt guard in place

    Correct number of belts and belt tension

    Bearings and motor lubricated

    Electrical interlocks verified

    Motor amps Rated: Actual:

    Motor volts Rated: Actual:

    Local air leakage acceptable

    Vibration and noise level acceptable


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    System: Chiller - Primary Chilled Water

    Test No.: 114c

    Title: Staging of Multiple Chillers - Automatic Control (4 or more chillers w/ pump sets)

    Equipment Tag:

    Testing Accepted: CxA: Date:

    Contractor: Date:

    Owner: Date:

    Comment: Perform this test with at least one chiller already on. Loading of the chillers can be accomplished by openingHW valves at AHUs in the spaces (best method for observing a natural staging)), opening up the isolationvalves on the flat plate HX to false load the chiller (next best but does not cause a flow change). During the

    staging tests, most likely there will be some chiller failures and if not, this is an opportune time to cause oneand simultaneously observe chiller failure sequencing. Review the chiller failure test #118a.

    Sequence: Chiller Staging Control:1. The number of chillers and MODE of operation requested by the software shall be displayed on the

    chiller graphic. These parameters shall be able to be manually adjusted by the operator toautomatically stage on or off chillers.

    2. Stage Chiller On: When the Primary Chilled Water Return temperature rises 160F above the chilledwater supply setpoint for 5 continuous minutes and the previously staged on chillers have beenenabled for 20 minutes:a. The next in line LAG cooling tower isolation valves shall open.

    b. Upon sensing that the cooling tower isolation valves are open, the next in line LAG chilledwater and condenser water pumps shall energize.

    c. At the same time the pump energize command is given, the next in line LAG chiller chilled

    water and condenser water motorized isolation valves shall open.d. Upon sensing that all chiller isolation valves are open the pumps are proven on, the next in line

    LAG chiller shall be enabled.

    Pass Fail Event# Description of Testing Event Expected Results

    1 Initial Testing: With at least one chiller on,initiate a chiller staging response bymanipulating staging temperature and

    timing setpoints.

    This is primarily to confirm timing issues of devicesrelated to the chiller staging. This is best accomplishedone chiller at a time.

    1a Observe the cooling tower isolation valveoperation.

    The cooling tower valve on the next in line coolingtower opens and the open status is proven.

    1b Observe Chilled water pump and chilledwater isolation valve operation.

    The chilled water valve and chilled water pump will becommanded to open/start simultaneously. This isintended to prevent an evaporator flow switch trip.Some adjustment of the valve vs. pump timing may berequired. (i.e. the valve may need to be commanded a

    few seconds before the pump).1c Observe condenser water pump andcondenser water isolation valve operation.

    The condenser water valve and condenser water pumpwill be commanded to open/start simultaneously. Thisis intended to prevent a condenser flow switch trip.Some adjustment of the valve vs. pump timing may berequired. (i.e. the valve may need to be commanded a

    few seconds before the pump).

    1d Observe the enable of a chiller. The next in line chiller will show a remote start at thechiller LCP.

    1e Observe the cooling tower fan operation. After the chiller stage is fully proven, the coolingtower control loops for the newly stage tower will beenabled.

    1f Observe the rotation sequencing. Thistesting is specifically identified in test 115

    1g Repeat steps 1 through 1f for eachchiller...one at a time for the initial testing

    2 For final testing, load the chiller system ina more real life manner such as creatinga cooling load at the AHUs via the HWcoils.

    The more air handling systems that are on-line duringthis test, the better the test will perform. Be cautious inthat some swings in space temperatures may occurdepending on how well the AHU controls respond.

    2a STAGE ON: Stage up from 1 chiller to 2. Chiller will stage on naturally when the primarychilled water return temperature exceeds the chilledwater supply setpoint by 16 degrees (or as set).

    2b STAGE OFF: Stage a chiller back off.

    Observe rotation.

    Chiller will stage off naturally when the primary

    chilled water return temperature is within 9 degrees ofthe chilled water supply setpoint.

    2c STAGE ON: Stage from 1 chiller to Stage


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    System: Chiller - Primary Chilled Water

    Test No.: 114c

    Title: Staging of Multiple Chillers - Automatic Control (4 or more chillers w/ pump sets)

    Equipment Tag:

    from 2 chillers to 3

    2d STAGE OFF: Stage from 3 chillers to 2.Stage from 2 chillers to 1.

    2e Repeat steps 2c and 2d for all chillers asthey rotate.

    Failed Event Comment: