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Introduction Page 3

Exercise 1 – Your Values Page 4

“Core Values” Summary Sheet Page 11

Exercise 2 – You in Review Page 12

Exercise 3 – Your Ideal Life Page 15

Exercise 4 – Your “I Am” Statements Page 23

“I Am” Summary Sheet Page 28

Exercise 5 – Manifesting My Ideal Day Page 29

Summary Page 33

Manifesting Worksheet Page 34

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To support the process outlined in my book “Intent Align Manifest” I

have created this companion workbook with exercises to guide you

through the process of understanding what you want, how to align

yourself with what you want and how to manifest it into your reality.

While the book explains the process in order by discussing our

intention, alignment and then manifesting, the workbook exercises are

provides so that you focus on those relevant to alignment first, then

intention and finally manifesting your desires. The reason behind this

is to become clear about what is important to you in life (what you

will and won’t stand for) before starting to explore what you want.

Too often I have found that the goals or

desires people have are inconsistent with

what they hold dear and when there is a

misalignment the goal simply won’t be


I would suggest you read through the book

entirely before starting the exercises so

that you can grasp the entire process and

make sure you connect with it before you


“And when you

want something,

all the universe

conspires in

helping you

achieve it”

Paulo Coelho

“And when you want

something, all the

universe conspires

in helping you to

achieve it”

Paulo Coelho

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Exercise 1 – Your Values

Our values identify what is important to us; not something we want or would

like to have, but something we literally need in our lives to be happy. A

value is a principle or quality intrinsically valuable or desirable to us.

Values are our convictions, our beliefs, and our ethics rolled into one.

The key point to keep in mind about values is that implementing them energizes

everything concerned with it. For an individual, committing to and applying

values releases fresh energies, which always attract success, achievement, and

well-being. In the end, the quality of the values we embrace and the

intensity of our commitment to them is what will determine the level of our

accomplishment in life so investing time to identify and fully understand our

values is time well spent.

Many people are leading lives unconnected with their core values. This can

lead to a life of unhappiness, discontent and lack of fulfilment. Sometimes it

can lead to conflict. Do you know your own personal core values? Try the

following two activities and see which works best for you to draw out your

list of core values;

Option 1 - Build your own list from personal experiences

What I have found in working with my clients is that there are often a few

experiences in their lives that serve to highlight their values when they

reflect back on them. Often these experiences are negative as this seems to

draw out the things that really cause us angst and sleepless nights!

To work through this process, think of a moment in your experience when life

was especially challenging especially those that you keep replaying in your

mind and might have eaten away at you for quite a while or kept you awake at


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What were the behaviours or qualities that were displayed that you weren’t

comfortable with? What were the behaviours or actions taken against you that

you found most distressing?

From your reflection, draw out the words that reflect the values you felt were


For example, a situation that I reflect back on involves a neighbor who asked

to use our block of land to store his landfill while his home was being built.

Given that we weren’t planning on building for another year we happily agreed

to let him do this. After 6 months of seeing that the mountain of dirt had

not been moved and needing to clear the land to commence our own build, we

asked him to arrange for removal to which he promptly refused advising us that

too much time had passed and he no longer felt it was his responsibility. For

me, this experience demonstrated a complete lack of respect for us and our

property and also made me feel as though I had been taken advantage of. This

highlights to me how important respect for people is to me and “respect’ is

one of my highest values.

Identify your own personal challenging moments and repeat this with as many

challenging moments as necessary to create your values list.

Experience #1:












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Possible values I can draw from this experience:




Experience #2:












Possible values I can draw from this experience:




Experience #3:












Possible values I can draw from this experience:




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Option 2 – Start with a List

Keep in mind that this method may subconsciously encourage you to select

values you think you should have, rather than those really important to you.

The first method, though more difficult initially, may be more accurate and

more rewarding.

1. Start with a list of values - The list on the following page is by no

means complete and I encourage you to add any values that have meaning

for you.

2. Circle all the words that you respond favourably to whether in fact you

are displaying this value now or just wish that you did;

3. Review your selections and list them in the table below according to the

description in each column.

Core Values

If I don't follow these values, I'm not


Secondary Values

My goal is to live by these values to

the best of my ability

Identify your top 4-6 core values and write them on the “Core Values”

Summary Sheet on page 11.

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Core Values List

Abundance - A great or plentiful amount Acceptance - Favorable reception or belief in something Accomplishment - Doing or finishing something successfully Accountability - Obligation or willingness to accept responsibility and be answerable for ones actions Accuracy - Conformity to fact. Precision; exactness. Achievement - The act of accomplishing or finishing Adaptable - The ability to modify behavior to fit changing situations Adventure - Inclination to undertake new and daring enterprises Altruism - Unselfish concern for the welfare of others Ambition - An eager or strong desire for achievement and the willingness to strive for its attainment Appreciation - Recognizing the quality, value or significance of people and things Assertiveness - Respectfully standing up for ones beliefs and thoughts Aspiration - A strong or persistent desire for high achievement Authenticity - The quality or condition of being trustworthy or genuine Autonomy - The condition or quality of being independent Aware – Informed, alert, knowledgeable and sophisticated Balance - A state of equilibrium between the key components of life Benevolence - An inclination to perform kind, charitable acts Bold – Beyond the usual limits of conventional thought or action Brilliance - Exceptional clarity and agility of intellect or invention Calmness - Serenity; tranquility; peace Caring - Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others Challenge - The desire to test of one's abilities or resources in a demanding but stimulating undertakings Changeability - The ability to modify or adapt to differing circumstances Charity - Generosity toward others or toward humanity Chastity - The condition of being of virtuous character Cheerful - The quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom Class - Excellence or elegance, in dress, design, or behaviour Clear thinking - Acting intelligently without mental confusion Collaboration - To work cooperatively especially in a joint intellectual effort Commitment - Being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons Community - Sharing, participation, and fellowship with others Compassion - Deep awareness of the suffering of others and the wish to relieve it Competence - The state or quality of being adequately or well qualified Competitive - To strive to do something better than someone else or yourself Composure - Maintaining a tranquil or calm state of mind Concern - Regard for or interest in someone or something Conscientious - The trait of being painstaking and careful Consideration– Thoughtful or sympathetic regard or respect for others Consistency - Reliability or uniformity of successive results or events Constancy - Steadfastness in purpose Cooperation - The willing association and interaction of a group of people to accomplish a goal Courage - The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger or fear with confidence and resolution Courtesy - Civility; consideration for others Creativity - the generation of new ideas or concepts Credibility – Worth y of belief or confidence. Trustworthy. Decency - Conformity to prevailing standards of propriety or modesty Decisive - Characterized by decision and firmness; resolute. Dedication - Selfless devotion of energy or time Dependability - The trait of being reliable Determination - Firmness of will, strength, purpose of character

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Discipline - Act in accordance with rules Diversity - A point of respect in which things differ; variety Easygoing - Relaxed or informal in attitude or standards Efficiency - The quality of producing an effect or result with a reasonable degree of effort to energy expended Empathy - Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives. Encouragement - The act of incitement to action or to practice Equality - The right of different groups of people to receive the same treatment Equity - The state, quality, or ideal of being just, impartial, and fair Excellence - State of possessing good qualities to a high degree Fairness - Consistent with rules, logic, or ethics Fidelity - Faithfulness; loyalty or devotion Flexibility - Responsive to change Focus - Able to concentrate intently Forgiveness - The willingness to stop blaming or being angry with someone Fortitude - The strength or firmness of mind that enables a person to face danger, pain or despondency with stoic resolve Freedom - The power to determine action without restraint Friendship - A relationship between people based on mutual esteem and goodwill Fun - Enjoyment and playfulness Generosity - Liberality in giving or willingness to give Gentle - The quality of being mild and docile Genuine - Not spurious or counterfeit Giving - To present voluntarily and without expecting compensation Goodness - Morally right, or admirable because of kind, thoughtful, or honest behavior Goodwill - A friendly attitude in which you wish that good things happen to people Gracious - pleasantly kind, benevolent, and courteous. Gratitude - A feeling of thankfulness and appreciation Hardworking - Industrious and tireless Helpful - The property of providing useful assistance or friendliness evidence by a kindly and helpful disposition Honesty - Fairness and straightforwardness of conduct Honor - Principled uprightness of character; personal integrity Hope - The feeling that something desired can be had or will happen Humility - Feeling that you have no special importance that makes you better than others Independent - Freedom from the control, influence, support, or the like, of others. Individuality - The particular character, or aggregate of qualities, that distinguishes one person from others Industrious - The characteristic of regularly working hard Influence - The ability to move or impel a person to some action Ingenuity – Cleverly Inventive skill or imagination; Resourceful Initiative - Ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task Insightful - Characterized by or displaying insight; perceptive Integrity - Strict adherence to moral values and principles Intelligence - The capacity for learning, reasoning and understanding Joy - Intense or exultant happiness Justice - Conformity to moral rightness in action or attitude Kindness - The quality or state of being beneficent Law-abiding - Abiding by the encoded rules of society Leadership - The act or instance of leading; guidance; direction Learning - The act or process of acquiring knowledge or skill Liberty - The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing. Love - A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person or idea Loyalty - A feeling or attitude of devotion, attachment and affection. Mindful - Being attentive, aware, or careful Moderation - Having neither too little or too much of anything Obedience - Compliance with that which is required; subjection to rightful restraint or control.

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Open-minded - Receptive to new ideas. Unprejudiced; unbigoted; impartial Open - Unreserved, candid, or frank. To disclose, reveal, or divulge Opportunity - Favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances Optimism - A bright, hopeful view and expectation of the best possible outcome Patience - The ability to accept delay, suffering, or annoyance without complaint or anger Peace - Freedom from war or violence Perseverance - Steady persistence in adhering to a course of action, a belief, or a purpose Personal Growth - The acquisition of knowledge, skills, and experience for the purpose of enhancing individual performance and self-perception Philanthropy - An altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement,

Practicality - Mindful of results, usefulness, advantages or disadvantages of an action or procedure. Matter-of-fact

Professionalism - The standing, practice, or methods of a professional, as distinguished from an amateur. Promise-keeping - Keeping your word that that you will certainly do something Prudence - Doing something right because it is the right thing to do Punctuality - Adherence to the exact time of a commitment or event Purity - Moral goodness Reason - The ability to think and make good judgments Recognition - An acceptance as true or valid Reliability - Consistent performance upon which you can depend or trust Resilience - The ability to rebound quickly from misfortune or change Resourceful - The ability to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations Respect – Showing regard or consideration for. Responsibility - That for which someone is responsible or answerable Results-oriented - Maintain focus on obtaining a notable or successful result or response; be effective Righteous - The state of being morally upright; without guilt or sin Sacrifice - To give up something for something else considered more important Sagacity - Acuteness of mental discernment and soundness of judgment Self-control - Control of personal emotions, desires, or actions by one's own will Sensitivity - Awareness of the needs and emotions of others Serenity - Calmness of mind and evenness of temper Sharing - To allow others to participate in, use, enjoy, or experience jointly or in turns Significance - The quality of being significant or having a meaning Simplicity - Freedom from complexity and intricacy. Absence of pretentiousness. Sincerity - Genuineness, honesty, and freedom from duplicity Stamina - The physical or mental strength to do something for a long time Strength - Moral power, firmness, or courage Supportive - Furnishing support or assistance Thoughtful - The tendency to anticipate needs or wishes Tolerance - Recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others Tradition - The customary or characteristic method or manner Tranquility - A state of calm and peacefulness Trustworthy - The trait of deserving confidence Understanding - Knowing how something works or a positive, truthful relationship between people Unique - Not typical; unusual Unity - Oneness of mind and feeling among a number of persons; Concord, harmony or agreement Virtue - Doing something right because it is the good thing to do Vitality - Exuberant physical strength or mental vigor. Warmth The quality of being intimate and attached Willing - Cheerfully consenting or ready Wisdom - The ability to make good judgments based on what you have learned from your experience Witty - Amusingly clever in perception and expression Zeal - Fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence;

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My Core Values…

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Exercise 2 – You in Review

The “You in Review” exercise provides us with an opportunity to take a moment

to look back at our lives to provide perspective on what we might like to do,

and not do (be and not be) moving forward. Whilst we don’t like to spend too

much time dwelling on the past if affords us the benefit of hindsight as we

look back wearing glasses of an objective observer! This is not the time to

dwell on what has not been but rather what could be…

1.1 What achievements and experiences in my life have had the

greatest impact on me and what did I learn from these events?

(No judgment please, just the biggest learning or revelation about



















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2.2 In what ways have I improved personally? (List the ways your

behavior has changed for the better):













Use the responses for 2.1 and 2.2 to complete Table 1 in Exercise 4 on

page 23.

2.3 From my experience over the years, what behaviours would I like

to change?











Use the responses for 2.3 to complete Table 2 in Exercise 4 on page 24.

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Exercise 3 – My Ideal Life As we have read in the book, the process of manifesting what you want in life

starts with Imagination and this exercise is primarily focused upon you taking

the time to imagine what is possible for you based on what you desire to have

in your life. Before we move into those questions, it is also important that

we acknowledge the aspects of our lives that we are grateful for so that we

can reinforce the desire to continue to have these in our lives. They can be

people, opportunities, characteristics, skills, experiences, material

things, anything that you are thankful for (including the kitchen sink!).

Being grateful will serve to reinforce these things in your life.

3.1 I am grateful for:




















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3.2 Take Time to Decide What you Want

America’s foremost business philosopher, Jim Rohn, suggested that everyone

take time out to contemplate the types of things they want to achieve in life.

His method is as follows:

1. Write a list of what you want in the following categories:

a. What do you want to do;

b. Who do you want to be;

c. What do you want to see;

d. What do you want to have;

e. Where do you want to go?

2. Identify the time frame for reaching each of these desires – within 1 year,

5 years or 10 years

3. I also suggest that you identify the most important desires by rating them

A, B or C (with A being the highest priority to achieve regardless of the

timeframe). For example, one of my highest priority desires is to trek to

Machu Picchu. I know it is a high priority for me because I will be full of

regret if I don’t do it in my lifetime. My timeframe on this is 10 years

because I want to do it when my son is old enough to do it with me and this

is important enough for me to wait but it doesn’t affect my priority level

in terms of how much I want to achieve it.

Use the tables below to start the process and continue to add to it as you

identify new desires.

For each high priority desire that you wish to focus upon you can print off

and complete the “Manifesting Worksheet’ I have developed found at the end of

this workbook.

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What do I want to do?

What do I want to DO? Timeframe Priority

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Who do I want to be?

Who do I want to BE? Timeframe Priority

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What do I want to see?

What do I want to SEE? Timeframe Priority

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What do I want to have?

What do I want to HAVE? Timeframe Priority

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Where do I want to go?

Where do I want to GO? Timeframe Priority

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Exercise 4 – Identifying my “I AM” Statements

Now that we have done all the ‘leg work’ we can reflect back on some of the

earlier exercises to identify the “I Am” statements that we can use as the

foundation for our manifesting process. Here is what we need to do:

Exercise 2 – You in Review: From your answers in questions 2.1 and 2.2,

identify the most important positive attributes and behaviours you want to

keep displaying.

Table 1 - Qualities or behaviours I want to keep displaying

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For the responses in question 2.3, covert the negative into the positive

behavior that you want to start displaying.

Table 2 – Qualities or behaviours I want to start displaying

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Exercise 3 – Revisit your responses in 3.2. For each of the desires you have

listed in each table, consider what qualities or attributes you may need to

have or develop to maximize the likelihood of realizing that desire. For

example, one of my ongoing desires is to continue to write books that make an

impact on people’s lives. The attributes I feel I need to have for this are

discipline, compassion and focus.

List the qualities or attributes you need to have in the table below.

Qualities and attributes I need to have to achieve my desires

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To create your “I Am” Statements, review the behaviours and qualities you

have listed on the last 3 pages.

Identify any repeating patterns first as these may be the easiest to start

with. Form the behavior or attribute into a sentence starting with “I Am”

that feels most appropriate for you. Remember, this may not be how you feel

about yourself right now but it is what you want to be drawing into your life.

Some of my “I am” Statements drawn from the behaviours and qualities I wish

to display include:

I am speaking my truth

I am connected with my source

I am Making a difference

I am independent in thought

I am aligned with everything I need

I am living a life of meaning

I am disciplined and focused in all that I do

The best way to start is to just write down a few ideas and then identify the

statements that feel most important to you. I have allowed the next page for

notes and then provided a scroll on page 28 for you to list your most

important “I Am” Statements.












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I Am…

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Exercise 5 – My Ideal Day Visualisation

This final exercise is to create a movie of your

ideal day so that you can visualize the desires you

have discussed in the previous exercise each night

before you go to bed. The simplest way to do this

is to create an “Ideal Day” Script for a movie that

you can play over and over in your mind until your

desires are realized.

The most effective way I have found to start this

script is to imagine that you are giving a debrief

of your day to a close friend or loved one. Starting in the morning

when you woke up and giving a detailed description all the way through

to the moment you get into bed. This may become a long and detailed

script – and the longer and more expressive the better!

Do your best to incorporate each of your desires into the script

whether it is because you are explaining them in a discussion to a

friend or talking with a travel agent about booking a trip or speaking

to a work colleague about a recent promotion or seminar you have been

to recently – be creating and see how many emotion filled desires you

can squeeze into one ideal day!

I have allowed a few pages to write and the following page has

questions to prompt your thinking but you may wish to write it in a

journal or type it into a document that you can evolve over time.

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Ideal Day Prompters (finish these statements)

The environment I wake up in is

The house I live in is

The location I live in is

The furnishings in my home are

The country I live in is

The area outside my home is

Other people/ creatures I live with are

My closest family members are

The car that I drive is

Other vehicles I have include

I maintain my health by

The people I spend most of my time with

The clothes that I wear are

The holidays that I am planning are

I go on holidays with

Events that I attend include

The people I work with are

The environment/s that I work in is

The charities that I work or donate to are

I celebrate my birthdays in/ with

I celebrate Christmas in/ with

The food I eat is

I have an abundance of

I enjoy relaxing by

I have

I learn about

I invest in myself by

Investments I have include

To earn money I

People I enjoy talking with are

Activities I like

I attend

I am known for

I read

I reward myself by

My hobbies include

I enjoy

I contribute to

On weekends I

For a night out I

I love being in

I enjoy time alone to

Ways I connect with myself include

Daily habits I have include

I go to bed at

I wake up at

I feel

Mentors I have include

I rest by

The sport I play is

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Intend Align Manifest Workbook - www.HelenAbbott.com

So, I say “How was your day?” And you say…

“Well, it was great, I woke up at my usual time of …

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Intend Align Manifest Workbook - www.HelenAbbott.com

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Intend Align Manifest Workbook - www.HelenAbbott.com


I believe that we are working through this process because we want to

look forward and grow. Many of us have wanted this but haven’t

understood how. We can’t say that anymore. At least now we have a

guideline, a process that we can revisit anytime we need to.

We are all in the process of leaving a legacy… – make it count.

Every day you wait is another day

that you will never get back again.

The most important thing is not to

be bitter about life’s

disappointments. Learn to let go of

the past. Don’t be afraid to make

mistakes because most of the time

the greatest rewards come from

doing things that scare you the

most. Maybe you’ll get everything

you wish for. Maybe you’ll get more

than you ever could have imagined.

Who knows where life can take you?

The road is long and in the end the

journey is your destination.

One Tree Hill

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Intend Align Manifest Workbook - www.HelenAbbott.com

Manifesting Worksheet

Intention: What is my imagined ideal?

Who do I need to be to realize this intention:

What will it feel like when this intention is realized?

Is this aligned with my values?

Does this feel natural for me?

What knowledge or resources do I need to have to be

aligned with this intention?

What actions do I need to take to be aligned

with this?

What thoughts will affirm the realization of this


What support do I need to bring about my


How will I maintain my focus and determination?