Good Tidings Northminster Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL It is hard to believe that 2018 is here. I know I am getting older because the years seem to fly by. I am reminded con- stantly that time is a relative thing. Two weeks on a diet seems like eternity and two weeks on vacation seems like a day! I am also reminded that time with God is a relative thing. A thousand years are like a day in his sight. Our lives are like a wisp of the wind. With this in mind, let us endeavor to be mindful of eterni- ty as we make our way through this New Year. I want to encourage you this year to think deeply, live generously, and love passionately. Years ago I came across a list of resolutions from Jonathan Edwards (one of the old dead guys in my library). It is a long list, but I want to share a few that relate to our overall life mission. 1. Resolved, that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God’s glory, and my own good, profit and pleasure, in the whole of my duration, without any consideration of the time, whether now, or never so many myriads of ages hence. Resolved to do whatever I think to be my duty and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general. Resolved to do this, what- ever difficulties I meet with, how many and how great soever. 2. Resolved, to be continually endeavoring to find out some new invention and contrivance to promote the aforementioned things. 4. Resolved, never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God; nor be, nor suffer it, if I can avoid it. 22. Resolved, to endeavor to obtain for myself as much happiness, in the oth- er world, as I possibly can, with all the power; might, vigor, and vehe- mence, yea violence, I am capable of, or can bring myself to exert, in any way that can be thought of. 62. Resolved, never to do anything but duty; and then according to Eph. 6:6 -8, do it willingly and cheerfully as unto the Lord, and not to man; “knowing that whatever good thing any man doth, the same shall he re- ceive of the Lord.” June 25 and July 13, 1723. Obviously Edwards was a deep thinker. I did not find anything on his list of resolutions about needing to lose a few pounds! I hope you can see how pro- foundly he was affected by the thought of living for the glory of God. May we be so minded in the coming year! Grace and Peace, Pastor Wally January 2018 JANUARY SERVICES Sundays at 10:30 AM Rev. Wally Johnson January 7 Beginnings Mark 1:4-11 January 14 It’s All Yours, Lord 1 Corinthians 6:11-20 January 21 Rev. Dr. Paul Eckel, Guest Pastor January 28 A Savior Who Disturbs and Disrupts Mark 1:21-28 Pastor’s Corner

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Good Tidings Northminster Presbyterian Church, Sarasota, FL

It is hard to believe that 2018 is here. I know I am getting older because the years seem to fly by. I am reminded con-stantly that time is a relative thing. Two weeks on a diet seems like eternity and two weeks on vacation seems like a day!

I am also reminded that time with God is a relative thing. A thousand years are like a day in his sight. Our lives are like a wisp of the wind. With this in mind, let us endeavor to be mindful of eterni-ty as we make our way through this New Year. I want to encourage you this year to think deeply, live generously, and love passionately.

Years ago I came across a list of resolutions from Jonathan Edwards (one of the old dead guys in my library). It is a long list, but I want to share a few that relate to our overall life mission.

1. Resolved, that I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God’s glory, and my own good, profit and pleasure, in the whole of my duration, without any consideration of the time, whether now, or never so many myriads of ages hence. Resolved to do whatever I think to be my duty and most for the good and advantage of mankind in general. Resolved to do this, what-ever difficulties I meet with, how many and how great soever.

2. Resolved, to be continually endeavoring to find out some new invention and contrivance to promote the aforementioned things.

4. Resolved, never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God; nor be, nor suffer it, if I can avoid it.

22. Resolved, to endeavor to obtain for myself as much happiness, in the oth-er world, as I possibly can, with all the power; might, vigor, and vehe-mence, yea violence, I am capable of, or can bring myself to exert, in any way that can be thought of.

62. Resolved, never to do anything but duty; and then according to Eph. 6:6-8, do it willingly and cheerfully as unto the Lord, and not to man; “knowing that whatever good thing any man doth, the same shall he re-ceive of the Lord.” June 25 and July 13, 1723.

Obviously Edwards was a deep thinker. I did not find anything on his list of

resolutions about needing to lose a few pounds! I hope you can see how pro-

foundly he was affected by the thought of living for the glory of God. May we

be so minded in the coming year!

Grace and Peace, Pastor Wally








Sundays at 10:30 AM

Rev. Wally Johnson

January 7

Beginnings Mark 1:4-11

January 14

It’s All Yours, Lord 1 Corinthians 6:11-20

January 21

Rev. Dr. Paul Eckel, Guest Pastor

January 28 A Savior Who Disturbs and Disrupts

Mark 1:21-28

Pastor’s Corner

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The Book of John: “the Beloved Gospel”

Sunday school classes and Thursday Bible Study with Dick Murphy will begin a new series on The Book of John on Thursday, January 11, at 10 AM and Sunday, January 14, at 9 AM. The Book of John is known as the “Beloved Gospel,” written by the Apostle John, a close disciple of Jesus Christ. It was written for the purpose of proving con-clusively that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and all that believe in him will have eternal life. No other book in the Bible reveals the majestic depth of the incarnate God as does the Book of John. Come, and ex-pect a lively discussion on our great God. Bring all your friends.

Mere Christianity, A Study for a Thinking Faith

Pastor Wally’s Tuesday Bible study classes will resume on January 9, taking a look at the classic work of C. S. Lewis in his book Mere Chris-tianity. It was written well over a half century ago and has sold millions of copies. This study is specifically intended to deepen our understanding of God, by nurturing a thinking faith in which God delights.

Two New

Bible Studies

Start this


Pastor’s Epiphany Drop-in

Pastor Wally and Joyce invite you to an Epiphany Drop-in, at their home on Saturday, January 6, 3:00 to 6:00. The Christmas tree will still be up and we’ll make a start at carrying the Christmas Spirit through the new year.

Presbyterians Eating Out The next PEO dinner will be at Outback on Friday, January 19, at 5:00. Enjoy their Bloomin’ On-ion appetizer, Aussie style steaks, and other specialties. Make sure you sign up in the Narthex, Mate, so we know how many will attend.


Retired Old Men Eating Out and Just Us Ladies Into Eating To-gether meet for breakfast every other Friday, at 8:30, at First Watch, on the corner of Lockwood Ridge Rd. and SR 70. The groups are seated separately, on opposite sides of the restaurant. Please sign up on either of the two sheets in the Narthex for breakfast on January 12 and 26.

Let’s Get Together!

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Northminster presents Midday at Northminster, on Fridays, at noon, starting January 12. The Midday series is free and open to the public. Midday, which started out in 2016 as a concert series, is expanding this year to include four lectures reexam-ining U.S. presidents who helped transform today’s world.

Reconsidering President Franklin D. Roosevelt

On January 12, 2018, Prof. Justus Doenecke, New College of Florida, Emeritus, explores FDR’s strengths and flaws. FDR served longer than any other president, organizing America’s response to the Great De-pression and serving as the architect of victory in WW II. He was revered and reviled by many. Doenecke is a historian who has written extensively on Roosevelt.

Musical Duo, Aaron Romm and Avis Romm

Aaron Romm and Avis Romm will present works for trumpet and piano on January 19, 2018. Their pro-gram includes works of Haydn, Har-ry James, Mozart and Ravel.

Aaron Romm is an instructor of trumpet at State College of Florida and has performed around the globe.

Locally, he serves as a trumpet coach for band programs in the Sarasota- Bradenton area.

Avis Romm is a highly respected pianist, teacher, editor, and arranger of music. She has coached, directed, conducted, and performed opera internationally.

Reflecting on President Dwight Eisenhower

On Friday, January 26, 2018, Prof. Al Eckes, Ohio University, Emeritus, offer his perspective on Ike. Was he a weak and ineffective president, indif-ferent to the Soviet challenge and civil rights? Or was he a political genius who hid his hand in day-to-day policy- making and delivered eight years of peace and prosperity? February 2 Mary Rose and Luke Norell, Piano Duo February 9 Alfred Eckes, Ph.D. Reviewing Ronald Reagan February 16 The Blue Heron Sextet Brazilian, Jazz and Swing February 23 George Stassa, M.D. Remembering Woodrow Wilson Mark your calendars for these Midday-concerts and lectures! Bring your friends and stay for the receptions fol-lowing the programs.

Midday at Northminster - 2018 Music and Lecture Series

The Suncoast Concert Band

Northminster is happy to host The Suncoast Concert Band in their 85th season of presenting quality music to the Sarasota Community. Come hear them play in our sanctuary, on January 14, February 11, March 11 and 25, and April 15 and 29.

Their associated group, the Jazz Ambassadors, will hold concerts here on January 21, February 18, March 18, and April 22.

For tickets and information, call 941-907-4123.

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What if we can’t make that date? LifeTouch will only be at North-minster for one day. However, you can schedule appointments wherever LifeTouch is working in the area. Call or email Isabel Oake, in the church office, for information. Volunteers will begin making ap-pointments for photo sessions on January 14. Appointments can also be made online by click-ing the LifeTouch link on the church website, NPCSara-sota.com.

There is no cost to our church, and no obligation to purchase anything. Each participating family will receive a compli-mentary 8x10 portrait and a copy of the directory.

January PW Meetings

PW Coordinating Team Wednesday, January 3, 10:30

Esther Circle:

Thursday, January 4, 12:00 Leaders: Joan Melnick

and Jane Clark

Ruth Circle: Monday, January 15, 10:00

Leader: Valerie Wilde

Mary Circle: Wednesday, January 31, 10:00

Leader: Debbie Latimer

The LifeTouch photographers will be here on Friday, Febru-ary 2. Wait, weren’t they just here last year? Don’t we usually publish photo directories every three or four years? Northminster is participating in an annual update program. This is an opportunity for new mem-bers, and those who were not pic-tured in the 2017 book, to be added to an updated directory. If you were pictured in the 2017 book—your picture will automat-ically appear in the update. Remember—you can invite fami-ly members and friends, who do not come to Northminster, to have their photos taken, as well. They will just not appear in the directory.

Smile! It’s Our 2018 Photo Directory

PW Coordinating Team The PWCT will meet on Wednes-day, January 3, due to the New Year's holiday. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10:30.

Tai Chi for Balance On Monday, January 8, at 11:30, Mary Lou Lindsay will speak at the PW Luncheon. She will discuss and demonstrate the best Tai Chi movements for maintaining good balance and posture. Everyone is encouraged to join her in the movements. Please sign up for this special program.

Presbyterian Women

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The Presbyterian Church of Kirkuk is an ongoing mission of Northminster. We provide support for their relief efforts as they provide support and refuge for many fleeing ISIS. Up to four million Iraqis are either internally displaced or refugees living in another country. It costs the Kirkuk Church about $7,000 per month to provide for the families to whom they have given refuge.

The Presbyterian Church in Kirkuk

Peace for the city of Kirkuk seems to be an illusive goal. It is more important than ever that we stand with this faithful witness to the gospel. The Presbyterian Church of Kirkuk not only needs our money, they need our prayers. To make a gift in support of this mission, please write “Kirkuk” on your offering envelope, or on the memo line of your check.

Beth-El Mission, located in Wimau-ma, Florida, was established in 1976, and is a covenant partner of Peace River Presbytery and the Presbytery of Tampa Bay of the PC(USA) and Grace Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Beth-El’s mission is to help farm workers achieve self-sufficiency through its open opportunities to worship, its extensive education pro-grams, and the many services it pro-vides to meet basic needs. Among its core programs are worship, a food pantry, education, meals, camps for

Beth-El Farmworkers Ministry

children, counseling, and much more. Please make your contribution by marking the “local mission” line on your offering envelope or by using a white mission envelope. We accept donations of men’s work clothes (size small and medium), shoes, and new underwear and socks for the farm workers. We will also pass on any donations of household and childrens’ items for their thrift store.

Blood transfusions often are needed for trauma victims — due to accidents and burns — heart surgery, organ trans-plants, and patients receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer, or other diseases. And, with an aging population, advances in medical treatments and procedures requiring blood transfusions, the demand for blood continues to in-crease. You can help! The Suncoast Communities Bloodmobile will be at Northminster on Sunday, January 14, from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM. The blood bank staff will conduct a thorough screening to assure that you are qualified to donate. Appointments may be made by signing up in the Narthex or online. Walk-ins are also welcomed. If you have any questions, please contact Rich Rhodes or Ron Myers.

Help Save Lives!

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Page 6 GOOD

Financial Update November Operating Fund

November, 2017 Year to Date 2017 Income $25,135.66 $304,588.30 Expense $34,782.52 $334,031.31

Net Income $-9,646.86 $ -29,443.01

November results are concerning, but December is always a strong month and we are praying for a positive finish for the year. Mortgage Balance as of November 30, 2017: $321,084.68

Harry Wilde, Treasurer Bob Silver, Co-Treasurer Jack Tibbets, Business and Finance Manager

knowledge of God, stewards of the people in our community of faith, and stewards of the mysteries of God.

Paul, in Corinthians 9:7, tells us that “each one must give as he (or she) has decided in his (or her) heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheer-ful giver.”

Please plan to be at church each Sunday of January! If you have questions after you receive your stewardship brochure, someone from the stewardship team will be there to answer your questions.

2018 Stewardship Calendar

January 8 - Pastor’s letter and pledge card are mailed

January 14 - Stewardship message and interviews

January 21- Guest speaker and Luncheon

January 28 - Commitment Sunday

Each year, in January, the Finance Committee leads a Stewardship Campaign to fund our church operating budget for the new year.

Stewardship is about the joyous discipline of thanking God for the way we are able to live our lives and spend and share our money. It should be part of everything we do, throughout all seasons of our ministries. It is not an eight-week program that helps us to put together a budg-et for the coming year. Steward-ship is a spiritual discipline and a way of living that helps us to manage what God has entrusted to us and teach others the true joy of giving, as a response to God’s generosity.

We are all called to be good stewards of all that we have: stewards of time, stewards of gifts, stewards of resources, stewards of relationships, stew-ards of ministry, stewards of the

Growing Our Stewardship in 2018

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Office Notes

Office Hours:

Mon—Thurs: 9:00 - 3:30 Fri: 9:00-2:00

Office Closed January 1 for New Years Day

December Deadlines

Announcements for the Sunday Bulletin are due in the office by noon every Wednesday.

Session Committee Reports are due in the office by Wednesday, January 10, for the January 17 meeting.

Good Tidings: Please submit all articles, reports, and an-nouncements for the December Good Tidings by Monday, January 15, by e-mail to [email protected].

Thank you Office Angels Thanks to the Office Angels who have staffed the church office dur-ing December, allowing me time off for family: Barbara Clark, Mim Hollowell, Pat Patterson, and Shirley Samson!

Isabel Oake

Office Administrator

1 Al Gorham 2 JoDell Hawthorn Inga Larsen 7 Connie Eastburn Tom Latimer 9 Gerry Mead 10 Wally Hough 11 Richard Dahlem 12 Fran McGuire

January Birthdays

Annual Offering

Statements Your 2017 Statement of Offerings will be mailed out before the end of January. This Statement will itemize all gifts to the church during 2017, including pledges, building fund, mission, flowers, etc. and can be used in filing your income tax returns.

Please review your statement when you receive it and, if you have any questions, contact Isabel Oake in the office.

Attn: Seasonal Friends This fall we purchased a new da-tabase program. Now the com-puter can automatically update addresses for those of you who are part-time residents. I will no longer have to guess when you are likely to be here or where to mail newsletters, statements, and other information. But, in order to do this, I need to have both the date you (usually) leave and return to Sarasota. Please call or email me with this information.


17 Yvonne Farquhar 19 Sanford Mullet Mary Smith 20 Bill Low 27 Rebecca Proctor Loy Sedlak 29 Jack Kirby 30 Pat Patterson

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Northminster Presbyterian Church 2018

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 New Year’s Day Office Closed

2 9:30 Jazz-S 11:15 Staff 6 AlAnon (EB) 7 Rose Group Women’s AA-FH

3 10-2 Midweek Prayers-S 10:30 Artists-EB 10:30 Member ship–L 1 Bridge-FH 4-6 Midweek Prayers-S

4 9:30 Band-S 10 Bible Study-FH 12 Esther Cir-L 1:30 Finance Committee-L 6:45 Choir-S

5 2 Line Dance-FH

6 10 Removing Christmas decorations 3-6 Pastor’s Holiday drop-in

7 9 Bible Study-FH 9:45 Choir-S 10 Iglesia-EB 10:30 Worship/ Communion

8 9:30 Band-S 11:30 PW Lunch Program-FH 1 Tech Help-FH 5:30 Fellowship Committee-L 7 Boy Scouts

9 9:30 Jazz-S 10 Bible Study 11:15 Staff 2 Deacons-L 4 Bible Study 6 AlAnon (EB) 7 Rose Group Women’s AA-FH

10 10-2 Midweek Prayers-S 10:30 Artists-EB 10:30 Mission-L 1 Pinochle-FH 4-6 Midweek Prayers-S

Session Reports Due

11 9:30 Band-S 10 Bible Study-FH 11:30 Outreach/ Marketing-L 6:45 Choir-S

12 8:30 ROMEO 8:30 JULIET 10:30 Bible Study at DeSoto Palms 12 Midday History 2 Line Dance-FH


14 9-12:30 Bloodmobile 9 Bible Study-FH 9:45 Choir-S 10 Iglesia-EB 10:30 Worship 3 Suncoast Band Concert-S

15 10 Ruth Circle-L 1 Tech Help-FH 1:30 Disciple- ship Sq-L 7 Boy Scouts Good Tidings


16 9:30 Jazz-S 10 Bible Study 11:15 Staff 4 Bible Study 6 AlAnon (EB) 7 Rose Group Women’s AA-FH

17 10-2 Midweek Prayers-S 10:30 Artists-EB 4-6 Midweek Prayers-S 7 Session

18 9:30 Band-S 10 Bible Study-FH 6:45 Choir-S

19 10:30 Bible Study at Discovery Village 12 Midday Music 2 Line Dance-FH


21 9 Bible Study-FH 9:45 Choir-S 10 Iglesia-EB 10:30 Worship 11:30 Brunch-FH 3:00 Jazz Concert

22 9:30 Band-S 1 Tech Help-FH 7 Boy Scouts

23 9:30 Jazz-S 10 Bible Study 11:15 Staff 4 Bible Study 6 AlAnon (EB) 7 Rose Group Women’s AA-FH

24 10 Mary Cir-L 10-2 Midweek Prayers-S 10:30 Artists-EB 1 Pinochle-FH 4-6 Midweek Prayers-S

25 10 Bible Study-FH 6:45 Choir-S

26 8:30 ROMEO 8:30 JULIET 12 Midday History 2 Line Dance-FH


28 9 Bible Study-FH 9:45 Choir-S 10 Iglesia-EB 10:30 Worship

29 1 Tech Help-FH 7 Boy Scouts

30 9:30 Jazz-S 6 AlAnon (EB) 7 Rose Group Women’s AA-FH

31 10-2 Midweek Prayers-S 10:30 Artists-EB 4-6 Midweek Prayers-S

* The Spanish speaking

congregation of Iglesia del Redentor,

meets Sunday mornings in the Education Building.

Locations EB=Education Bldg. FH= Fellowship Hall L= Library S= Sanctuary

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Northminster Presbyterian Church

Caring Connecting


Please cut out this flier and share it with your friends.

If you live in a community that has a public bulletin board,

consider posting the flier there for all your neighbors to see.

Let us share Christ’s message of GRACE and HOPE with our

neighbors and friends.

The Outreach & Marketing Committee

If you feel comfortable doing so, sign your name to the bottom. Or cut the bottom tab off to post anonymously.

If you have questions, or would like more information, you can ask me!

Your neighbor,


Clip and Share

Clip and Share

Suncoast Concert Band $5.00 Sundays at 3:00 Jan. 14 & Feb. 11 To reserve tickets call 907-4123.

Jazz Ambassadors Concerts $5.00 Sundays, at 3:00 Jan. 21 & Feb. 1 8 To reserve tickets call 907-4123.

Worship Services - Sundays at 10:30

Midday Music and History Series - Free Fridays at Noon Jan. 12 Reconsidering Franklin Roosevelt, Justus Doenecke, Ph.D. Jan. 19 Aaron Romm, trumpet and Avis Romm, piano Jan. 26 Reflecting on Dwight Eisenhower, Alfred E. Eckes, Ph.D.

Bible Studies - Free The Book of John, Led by Dick Murphy Sundays, 9:00 & Thursdays, 10:00 Mere Christianity with Pastor Wally Tuesdays at 10:00 & 4:00

Suncoast Blood Bank Bloodmobile Sunday, Jan. 14, 9-12:30

Here’s What’s Happening at Northminster

Presbyterian Church

Northminster Church The Church with the Red Roof

3131 61st St., Sarasota FL

On Lockwood Ridge Rd.

one block South of University Pkwy.

941-355-4729 www.NPCSarasota.org

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GOOD TIDINGS Northminster Presbyterian Church 3131 61st Street Sarasota, FL 34243-2542

Northminster Presbyterian Church “Called by Christ. Sent by Christ.”

STAFF: SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 a.m. Rev. Wally Johnson, Pastor [email protected] OFFICE HOURS: Isabel Oake, Office Administrator 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Monday—Thursday [email protected] 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Friday Jack Tibbets, Business & Finance Manager [email protected] PHONE: 941-355-4729 Sally Kirby, Clerk of Session FAX: 941-351-2162 [email protected] E-MAIL: [email protected] Edward L. Stiles, Jr., Music Director WEBSITE: www.npcsarasota.com [email protected] Gail Ofterdinger-Ledgister, Organist

Northminster Presbyterian Church Good Tidings is published for members and friends of the church to promote its programs and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

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Manasota, FL



“In God we trust”

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Northminster Presbyterian Church Sarasota Florida