s AL PULSAR EL ENLACE SE DESCARGARÁ LA HOJA INFORMATIVA DE LA OFERTA DE EMPLEO No te pierdas nuestros próximos European Online Jobdays!!! Re- gistrate en www.europeanjobdays.eu 8-11-2019 EURES TITULAD@S UNIVERSITARIOS El presente BOLETÍN es una selección del total de ofertas que se difunden a través de EURES (European Employment Services) orientadas a TITULADOS/A UNIVERSITARIOS : Las ofertas de empleo vienen distribuidas por países donde se encuentran los puestos ofertados. Para optar a ellas, contacten directamente con el punto de contacto indicado en la oferta de empleo . Estas y muchas más ofertas de empleo pueden consultarse en EURES El Portal Europeo de la Movilidad Profesional : http://eures.europa.eu donde podrán acceder a miles de ofertas de empleo. También pueden encontrarnos en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Eures.SCE.Gobcan y en https://www.facebook.com/EuresSpain Cualquier propuesta o sugerencia, para hacer más eficaz la información que enviamos será bien recibida. EURES Las Palmas EURES S/C Tenerife C/ República Dominicana nº 4 C/ Tomé Cano nº 12, Las Palmas de G.C. S/C de Tenerife e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]


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Page 1: 8-11-2019 s EURES TITULAD@S UNIVERSITARIOS … · 2019-11-11 · s AL PULSAR EL ENLACE SE DESCARGARÁ LA HOJA INFORMATIVA DE LA OFERTA DE EMPLEO No te pierdas nuestros próximos European



No te pierdas nuestros próximos European Online Jobdays!!! Re-gistrate en www.europeanjobdays.eu



El presente BOLETÍN es una selección del total de ofertas que se difunden a travésde EURES (European Employment Services) orientadas a TITULADOS/AUNIVERSITARIOS : Las ofertas de empleo vienen distribuidas por países donde seencuentran los puestos ofertados. Para optar a ellas, contacten directamente con elpunto de contacto indicado en la oferta de empleo. Estas y muchas más ofertas deempleo pueden consultarse en EURES El Portal Europeo de la Movilidad Profesional:http://eures.europa.eu donde podrán acceder a miles de ofertas de empleo.También pueden encontrarnos en Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Eures.SCE.Gobcan y enhttps://www.facebook.com/EuresSpain Cualquier propuesta o sugerencia, parahacer más eficaz la información que enviamos será bien recibida.

EURES Las Palmas EURES S/C TenerifeC/ República Dominicana nº 4 C/ Tomé Cano nº 12, Las Palmas de G.C. S/C de Tenerifee-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: 8-11-2019 s EURES TITULAD@S UNIVERSITARIOS … · 2019-11-11 · s AL PULSAR EL ENLACE SE DESCARGARÁ LA HOJA INFORMATIVA DE LA OFERTA DE EMPLEO No te pierdas nuestros próximos European

Y muy pronto....

Evento presencial y online en Madrid, con la participación deconsejeros/as EURES y empresas de los países escandinavos y



PHARMACISTS (M/F) for GERMANY for pharmacies in different German areas/towns e.g. in North Rhine-Westphalia (fullti -me or part-time) (ID: NRW-265-GES) North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is a diversity sta-te, where industrial and rural regions lie very close to each other. Discover the metropo-litan area in the heart of Europe, with a strong economy and countless leisure time faci -lities. NRW is thrilling! www.land.nrw/en Your responsibilities: • Develope pharmaceu-tical formulations • Sell pharmaceutical products • Advise clients Your profile: • Com-pleted studies in pharmacy (in EU Country) and permission to work as pharmacist in thecountry of studies • Work experience is desirable, but we are also glad to offer recentgraduates internal training to accompany their start in our pharmacies • German lan-guage skills on level B1 or higher • Interested in living and working in Germany • fur-ther desirable: driving licence category B (car) http://bit.ly/2pDDDHz EDUCADORES INFANTILES Para escuelas infantiles en Múnich y Frankfurt buscamos educadores infantiles quequieran: - trabajar con pedagogías alternativas (Montessori, Waldorf, etc.) en un en-torno multicultural. - estabilidad laboral y desarrollo profesional. - sentirse valoradoscomo profesionales de educación - tener libertad para poner en práctica sus ideas pe-dagógicas REQUISITOS: - Técnicos y/o Diplomados y/o Grado en Educación Infantil -No son necesarios conocimientos previos de alemán, porque formaremos en alemán alos candidatos que sean seleccionados - Compromiso de desarrollarse profesionalmen-te dentro de una pedagogía alternativa SE OFRECE: - Contrato indefinido. - Sueldobruto mensual de 2.300€ / 1.549€ neto - Jornada laboral de 40 horas/semana. - Vi-sita a la escuela previa a la incorporación laboral. - Curso intensivo de alemán en Ma-drid (6 meses) - Curso de alemán en Alemania (12 meses) http://bit.ly/2WKhnrx Más ofertas EURES en Alemania, e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/kbp9mH

Más ofertas de empleo en Alemania en:


Más Información sobre Alemania: http://www.make-it-in-germany.com

Page 3: 8-11-2019 s EURES TITULAD@S UNIVERSITARIOS … · 2019-11-11 · s AL PULSAR EL ENLACE SE DESCARGARÁ LA HOJA INFORMATIVA DE LA OFERTA DE EMPLEO No te pierdas nuestros próximos European


ENFERMEROS/AS.- Diferentes ofertas que puedes encontrar en el siguiente enlace:


Ofertas EURES en Bélgica, e información sobre condiciones de vida, trabajo,CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/csl43N


Ofertas de empleo internacional en el área de Bruselas, consulta la web de BIJOB,WWW.BIJOB.BE el servicio de empleo internacional de la Agencia de Empleo deBruselas.


Frontend Architect, you will draw the architecture for our solutions and ensure that complex flows arecarefully implemented Your primary tasks: Knowledge sharing about frontend Knowledge sharing about frontendarchitecture and technical dialogue with the developers and software architects. Knowledge sharing about frontendSetting the standard for strong frontend code. Definition of best practices principles. Knowledge sharing about frontend

Definition of the frontend interface. Knowledge sharing about methods, Knowledge sharing about frontend Knowledge sharing about frontendframeworks and approaches to frontend development. Ensure that the architectural Knowledge sharing about frontendmodel meets Hesehus’ high quality standards and that the right technological decisionsare made on each project. Participate in customer meetings/workshops and Knowledge sharing about frontendpreliminary analyzes, including clarification of needs and functionality with customers.

Estimation and break down of projects to use cases and wireframes. Code Knowledge sharing about frontend Knowledge sharing about frontend“janitor”: bugfixing, code reviews and feedback to the developers. Explore new Knowledge sharing about frontendtrends and provide proof of concept on new technologies before tested on customerprojects. Requirements: Higher education within IT, with a bachelor's degree as aminimum. True passion for frontend development combined with years of experience asa frontendor full-stack developer or as a architect. Experience with JavaScriptframeworks like React, Vue.js as well as technologies like Typescript and ES6.Experience with app development (eg. React Native or Cordova) and know how towork with dynamic pages is valuable. In addition, understanding of server-siderendering, preferably in Node.js , .NET platform and developing ASP.NET andASP.NET Core web solutions, as well as domain knowledge within B2C and B2B e-commerce http://bit.ly/36GbFM6

Ofertas de empleo en Dinamarca en…


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Ofertas EURES en España, e información sobre condiciones de vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://bit.ly/2n4JFiI

Más ofertas de empleo en Españaen:https://empleate.gob.es/empleo/#/


Post Doctoral Fellow in Theory Group (M/F) PhD in physics, quantum chemistry or materials science. Strong background in Knowledge sharing about frontend Knowledge sharing about frontend

quantum mechanics. Knowledge of standard ab initio calculation methods. Know Knowledge sharing about frontend Knowledge sharing about frontend -ledge appreciated in some of the following fields = modern parallelisation and pro-gramming methods (open MP, MPI, …), Fortran and /or crystallography. http://bit.ly/2r3XCPU

System and network Administrator (M/F) You will be part of the European project PaNOSC = Photon and Neutron Open ScienceCloud. This project brings together six major world-class European research infrastruc-tures to create a fully integrated, panEuropean information and analysis infrastructure supporting the scientific process. Duties: As an active member of the ILL’s “Network and Data Services” group and through your involvement in the PaNOSC project, you will have the following duties: Assisting scientific users with managing the storage of sci Knowledge sharing about frontend -

entific data Participating in the activities of the Network and Data Services group, in Knowledge sharing about frontendparticular the maintenance and development of the cloud computing infrastructure (OpenStack, KVM, Docker, etc.) Contributing, with the help of the group and of ex Knowledge sharing about frontend -perts in the field, to the implementation of a solution enabling the transfer of large amounts of data between remote sites Assisting with the deployment and mainten Knowledge sharing about frontend -ance of tools to give scientists access to cloud computing http://bit.ly/34smBL9

Puestos de Cirujanos dentistas para diferentes regiones de Francia En nous rejoignant, vous exercez en tant que cadre salarié dans notre centre de santé dentaire, tout en gardant votre liberté de pratique. Le statut salarié libère des tâches administratives et logistiques (PCR, CCAM, DPC) et les horaires sont fixes et respectés. Les candidatures (CV accompagné d'une lettre de motivation) sont à adresser au Dé-partement Santé par mail .. Soutien à la formation en langue, tâches administratives etaussi à la recherche de logement et l'installation de la famille sur les régions http://bit.ly/2NdOm4j

OFTALMÓLOGO, con incorporación en el mes de Junio de 2.020. PERFIL DESEADO: - Nacionalidad europea - Formación: TÍTULOS EUROPEOS de MEDICINA + ESPECIALIDAD OFTALMOLOGÍA - Debutante aceptado: No se exige ex-periencia previa. - Idioma: se valorarán conocimientos del idioma francés. Está prev-ista una formación gratuita para alcanzar un nivel adecuado al puesto, por lo que es admisible una candidatura sin conocimientos de francés, con predisposition para aprenderlo. - Permiso B. Ejercicio liberal de la profesión CONDICIONES: http://bit.ly/2PMNPYW Entrevistas en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y Madrid en enero

GINECÓLOGO h/m PERFIL DESEADO: - Nacionalidad europea - Formación: TÍTULOS EUROPEOS de MEDICINA + ESPECIALIDAD GINECOLOGÍA - Debutante aceptado: No se exige ex-periencia previa. - Idioma: se valorarán conocimientos del idioma francés. Está prev-ista una formación gratuita para alcanzar un nivel adecuado al puesto, por lo que es admisible una candidatura sin conocimientos de francés, con predisposición para aprenderlo. - Permiso B. Ejercicio liberal de la profesión http://bit.ly/32blHRF En-trevistas en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y Madrid en enero

DERMATÓLOGO PERFIL DESEADO: - Nacionalidad europea - Formación: TÍTULOS EUROPEOS de MEDICINA + ESPECIALIDAD DERMATOLOGÍA - Debutante aceptado: No se exige ex-periencia previa. - Idioma: se valorarán conocimientos del idioma francés. Está prev-ista una formación gratuita para alcanzar un nivel adecuado al puesto, por lo que es admisible una candidatura sin conocimientos de francés, con predisposición para

Page 5: 8-11-2019 s EURES TITULAD@S UNIVERSITARIOS … · 2019-11-11 · s AL PULSAR EL ENLACE SE DESCARGARÁ LA HOJA INFORMATIVA DE LA OFERTA DE EMPLEO No te pierdas nuestros próximos European

aprenderlo. - Permiso B. CONDICIONES: Ejercicio liberal de la profesión. http://bit.ly/2Ndu8aR Entrevistas en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y Madrid en enero


- Idioma francés: Nivel B2 (a justificar en la fecha de la colegiación).

- Formación: DIPLOMATURA o GRADO de ENFERMERIA, título de la Unión Europea.

- Acompañamiento en el proceso de colegiación en Francia.

Información sobre el proceso y hospitales en: http://bit.ly/2l6lD6u

FSIOTERAPEUTAS (ESTABLECIMIENTOS TERMALES, 98 puestos) FUNCIONES: BÁSICAMENTE MASAJES (BALNEARIOS) para FISIOTERAPEUTAS TITU-LADOS. - TIPO DE CONTRATO: TEMPORAL. - SALARIO: DE 1.700€ a 2.200€ NE-TOS MENSUALES (antes de impuestos) - FRANCÉS: Nivel MÍNIMO A2/B1. - Aconse-jado llevar coche. - AUTORISATION D’EXERCICE: Seleuropa facilita asesoramiento gratuito para la tramitación de la candidatura. Una vez admitido para cubrir un puesto, el candidato podrá solicitar a Seleuropa que tramite su expediente para la ob-tención en Francia de la “AUTORISATION D’EXERCICE” y para la COLEGIACIÓN, cobrando Seleuropa honorarios por ese servicio complementario. Existen ayudas a la movilidad EURES que se pueden solicitar para compensar, total o parcialmente, ese gasto. Más info: http://bit.ly/2Lmnekb


La administración educativa francesa está dividida en entidades territorialesdenominadas Académies que gestionan, entre otros asuntos, la contratación de

personal docente. En algunas de ellas se pide que el candidato mande una serie dedocumentos (CV, carta de motivación, títulos, etc.) a una determinada dirección postalo un email de contacto; en otras, sin embargo, se solicita que el candidato se dé dealta en una aplicación gestionada por la propia Académie en la que se le solicitaránlos datos necesarios.

Información general sobre las Académies en Francia:http://www.education.gouv.fr/cid3/les-rectorats-services-departementaux-educ ation-nationale.html

Listado de los espacios web dedicados a la contratación de personal docente en las distintas Académie https://goo.gl/MZv4zg En los enlaces siguientes, encontrará información sobre centros privados y ofertas de empleo: http://www.enseignement-prive.info /http://www.enseignement-prive.info/emplois/offre_emplois

Más ofertas EURES en Francia, e información sobre condiciones de vida, tra-bajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/cKMn8f


STAFF NURSES: CPL: http://bit.ly/34u621E

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- Nurses for Waterford, http://bit.ly/2qhTpYA

PHARMACISTS AND PHARMACIST SUPERVISORS (30 pst)Lloyds Pharmacy is Ireland’s largest Pharmacy group with 90 Pharmacies nationwide.Nearly 1,000 people now work in our Pharmacies and within the Lloyds PharmacySupport Office…and we are still growing. As a leading employer we provide excellentopportunities in a wide variety of job roles. If you are interested in pursuing a dynamiccareer and being at the forefront of Pharmaceuticals in Ireland then Lloyds Pharmacy isthe employer for you! Our mission is to provide excellence in customer service througha dedicated team of knowledgeable specialists in health and beauty who give ourcustomers compelling reasons to be loyal to us. Achieving this mission is only possiblethrough our dedicated pharmacy and support office teams. As part of our team you toocan develop your talent! If you join us, you’re learning and development will begin onyour first day by attending comprehensive induction training. In addition we use avariety of tools such as performance appraisals and development plans to identifylearning and development needs. Our Learning and Development department offer awide variety of internal training courses including OTC, Beauty, ManagementDevelopment and Customer Service Skills training, we also offer a wide variety ofDistance Learning options. http://bit.ly/2lEMBCh

Más ofertas EURES en Irlanda, e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/FEO0TV

Ofertas de empleo en Irlanda en Jobs Ireland, Servicio Público de Empleo:www.jobsireland.ie


Ofertas EURES en Holanda e información sobre condiciones de vida, trabajo,CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/Q5JYUG

Trabajar en Holanda: información en español:http://goo.gl/rlfNS5


www.eures.is MALTA

3 Spanish Speaking Account Managers ZP Services Ltd is the destination for experienced, determinate, hardworking andambitious professionals seeking a rewarding career and lifestyle. ZP Services Ltd is anoutsourcing company specializing in the management of strategic activities surroundingsales and customer relations for online financial products trading. Job description Weare seeking for top performing Account Managers with B2C experience who will buildand maintain client relationships. In this role you will be asked to manage a portfolio ofclients primarily over the phone. You will foster good client relationships aiming atongoing trading activity and the achievement of specific revenue targets. You bring tothe role your sales experience, capacity to solve client issues, a passion for the financialmarkets and a proven track record for delivering exceptional resultshttp://bit.ly/2naHGtm

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Post-doctoral fellow STATISTICAL DATA MODELING will work in a multidisciplinary team. The research will involve molecular genetics andbiostatistical approaches, including data modeling via bioinformatics and/orbiostatistical methods. The goal is to quantitatively characterize the genotype-phenotypemapping, using datasets from whole genome studies. The work will involve multivariatemodels to identify and quantify the genetic contribution to development of humandisorders, focusing on psychiatric disorders. The research will be carried out as anintegrated part of both the Precision Psychiatry and Molecular Genetics as well asMultimodal Imaging and Biological Psychiatry groups, and the candidate is expected tocollaborate closely with an extended inter-disciplinary team of researchers andclinicians at the Centre. The main purpose of post-doctoral research fellowships is toqualify researchers for work in top academic positions within their disciplines.http://bit.ly/34uqCyY

Optician/optometrist w/ 5 years education AG Johnsen https://www.agjohnsen.com/ https://www.facebook.com/AG-Johnsen-AG-750972271654716/ Plazo: 27/11/2019 Description: AG Johnsen is aninternational recruitment and HCS company. We are currently recruiting for a customerin Norway and the position will be based in Norway. Our customers are one of thelargest optician chain in Norway. They are looking for candidates that have a goodcustomer focus and like to talk with the customers. We are looking for candidates thatalready has authorisation to work as a optician in home country. A copy of theauthorisation must be attached when applying for the job. We will help withinformation in order to get an authorization in Norway. Job descriptionOptician/optometrist w/ 5 years education (contact lenses course has to be included inyour education) - Eye check, information and sale - Customer focus - Imple mentation ofthe companies focus area http://bit.ly/2C9VLvt

Ofertas EURES en Noruega e información sobre condiciones de vida, trabajo,CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/Uj2u0R

Ofertas de empleo en Noruega (en inglés):https://www.nav.no/workinnorway/


Pharmacist Job description: Information about drug use to customers. - Implementation and QualityAssurance of the companies focus area. - Sale and service. Skills: Education, work ex-perience, language, certificate etc. We are looking for candidates: - With a Master de-gree in Pharmacy - Who has a minimum 1 years experience as a pharmacist - Who like to work in teams, and have team skills - Who are proactive and responsible - Who enjoy working and cooperating with others - Who are positive and like to learn new things - Who speak fluent English - Who want to learn Swedish - To are open to live in a small/middle sized city http://bit.ly/33gC1BY

Passionate Engineers to i3tex i3tex participará en el próximo NORDIC-BALTIC JOBDAY en Madrid, 4-12-19 i3tex is looking for you! Do you want to work within different business areas and develop your technical skills without changing employer? If that is the case, you are more than wel-come to keep reading and apply to us at i3tex! https://www.i3tex.com/ We are look-ing for driven engineers who wants to work within different business areas and who thinks that an employment as a consultant would suit perfectly. As an engineer at i3tex, you have many opportunities to try new things, get experience from different clients andassignments and develop your technical expertise. We are looking for both ambitious junior engineers who wants to try different assignments to grow as well as senior engin-eers who wants to utilize their knowledge in challenging assignments where they can take a role as a specialist or leader. Requirements Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree within Product Development, Medical Engineering, Computer science, Electronics, IT, Mechatronics, Mechanical engineering or equivalent education/experience English orBachelor’s or Master’s Degree Swedish, fluent in spoken and written Flexibility and a curiosity of new technologies Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree and innovations 1-3 years of experience in relevant technical field Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree http://bit.ly/2PJQMtl


Enfermeros/as para hospital público en Estocolmo (Suecia), Hospital Danderyd Requisitos mínimos • Grado en enfermería o DUE obtenido en Europa • Nacionalidad europea • Nivel alto de inglés • No se requiere experiencia Teofrecemos Contrato de duración indefinida Clases de sueco, 20 horas/semana ✔ Contrato de duración indefinida ✔ Clases de sueco, 20 horas/semana ✔ Contrato de duración indefinida ✔ Clases de sueco, 20 horas/semana clases presenciales durante 6 meses en Madrid, impartidas por profesor nativo acredit-ado y con experiencia en este tipo de proyectos. Grupos de max 12 alumnos. Con✔ Contrato de duración indefinida ✔ Clases de sueco, 20 horas/semana -tacto continuo durante el periodo de enseñanza en Madrid con la responsable del proyecto en Estocolmo. Incorporación inmediata trás la obtención de aprobado en el✔ Contrato de duración indefinida ✔ Clases de sueco, 20 horas/semana

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curso. Alojamiento en el campus hospitalario y comunicaciones en autobús y metro ✔ Contrato de duración indefinida ✔ Clases de sueco, 20 horas/semana al centro de la ciudad. Sueldo 30 000-37 000 euros/anuales dependiendo de la ex✔ Contrato de duración indefinida ✔ Clases de sueco, 20 horas/semana -periencia. Vacaciones y complemento por horario incómodo (tardes, noches, fines de✔ Contrato de duración indefinida ✔ Clases de sueco, 20 horas/semana semana y festivos) según el convenio colectivo vigente. Emplazamiento en la unidad ✔ Contrato de duración indefinida ✔ Clases de sueco, 20 horas/semana de nefrología o neurología. Programa individual de Introducción en la unidad. ✔ Contrato de duración indefinida ✔ Clases de sueco, 20 horas/semana http://bit.ly/30zfoqF

Electrical Engineer, you will have responsibility to manage a specific area within an electrical system for a vehicle, for example Wire Harness Design. Wire Harness Design play a very important part in the development of a vehicle. As a Wire Harness Engineer, you will be respons-ible for the following areas: •Document and specify the wiring and harness’ installationin 3D, in CATIA V5, in a very complex surrounding where focus is on demands and specifications to the components where the wiring is reached. •Regular communication and dialogue with suppliers, purchasing, customers and other groups internally with theclient. •Updates and documentation of criteria specifications. •Actively take part in the design, mounting and test process for components, to make sure quality and perform-ance meet specified targets http://bit.ly/2nuuDTL

Embedded SW Engineer, your key responsibilities are: •Develop and establish physical models in Simulink •Manage virtual tests of Simulink models, and other tests such as on desk, in cell and on the vehicle •Generate code from Simulink and implement the code in ECU’s •Calib-ration and maintenance •Define and document requirement specifications To be a suc-cessful candidate for this role you most likely have a Master’s degree in Mechatronic Engineering or equivalent. Previous experience of Matlab, Simulink and C program-ming is a requirement http://bit.ly/2lME0xK

Wire Harness Designer you will be involved in exciting projects where the wiring and cable harnesses pass through large areas of complex products and applications (e.g vehicles, dishwashers, airplanes) and is affected by every configuration. You will be given the opportunity to widen your technical knowledge, circle of contacts and you will be involved in many different areas on the application that you are working on. Your key responsibilities are: •Understanding the configuration/variations of the products that will be affected by your area of responsibility with regards to the product. •Documenting the installa-tion of the wiring and cable harnesses in 3D with CATIA V5 in relation to many vari-ations, complex surrounding and with regards to criteria and specifications on power and signal supply for the components on the products http://bit.ly/2mS0bTj

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Más ofertas EURES en Suecia e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://bit.ly/2T8nDqn

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Java developerWhat you will be doing: Develop solutions both tactical and strategic problems to Knowledge sharing about frontendmeet business requirements Provide estimates for tasks, including design, develop Knowledge sharing about frontend -ment, technical debt, and testing Produce code that is appropriate for a low-latency Knowledge sharing about frontendjava platform Develop automated testing tools to exercise functionality, performance, Knowledge sharing about frontendand capacity of code Propose solutions to complex problems that are in keeping Knowledge sharing about frontendwith the existing system architecture What we’re looking for: Experience of Core Knowledge sharing about frontendJava Understanding of multi-threading, memory management, caching, networking, Knowledge sharing about frontenddistributed systems, algorithms and/or operating systems Experience of developing/ Knowledge sharing about frontendrunning Java applications under Linux http://bit.ly/2WDY4QP

IFRS Financial Closing Expert Full job description As a member of the Financial Statements Closing team you will beresponsible for fulfilling IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) requirementsin company’s accounting procedures, coordination of closing preparation activities andcommunication with stakeholders and external auditors. Aligned with several nationaloperating companies, you will face interesting challenges in closing processes. http://bit.ly/2CguJSR

Data Scientist Number of posts 3 Full job description Are you a fan of SQL, Python, programminglanguage R, Data Science and Machine Learning? Our experienced and internationalteam is expanding in support of variety of exciting and innovative projects. As a mem-ber of the Data Analytics Team of Deutsche Telekom Services Europe, you will be at theforefront of innovation in variety of functional areas. http://bit.ly/32fKBzL

Product engineer We are part of the multinational company Grupo Antolin and a leader in the design,development, logistics and production of interior parts for the automotive industry. An-tolin Czech Republic is a business and technical center based in Liberec and our mainspecialization is business cooperation with customers, technical development of newproducts and tools, prototype production and preparation of projects for production se-ries. Our clients are mainly brands: Skoda Auto, Volkswagen, Volvo, Suzuki. In our Bu-siness and Technical Center in Liberec we employ approximately 140 employees. Weare based in modern offices in the city center with excellent transport links. VACANCYDETAILS Full job description definition of product responsibility for product documenta-tion project management support of product launch http://bit.ly/2pv73Yx

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Puestos comerciales, financieros e informáticos para empresa cervecera We hire for expert roles but also for graduate roles Number of posts Currently 20 We are AB InBev. Our Dream is to Bring People Together For a Better World. To be the best,we hire the best people: individuals who are passionate about beer, with good ideas and the ability to turn them into reality. Our history stretches back over 600 years and we've stayed true to the same goal: to brew great beer. All of our 200,000 employees around the world know what good beer means: A catch-up with an old friend. Getting to know new neighbors. Produced by sustainable farming communities, brewed with re-newable energy and packaged in recyclable materials. Full job description Logistics Do-mestic, Export Finance – Procure to Pay, Order to Cash Digital Transformation IT – ser-vice desk Procurement People Business Services – Master Data, Internal Communica-tion, Employer Brand Costumer Experience http://bit.ly/32fLBUx


Profesorado (UTeach Monthly online recruitmens)




Más ofertas EURES en UK e información sobre condiciones de vida, trabajo,CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/eBtkam

Todo el material del taller EURES-SCE “Quiero trabajar en Reino Unido” en lossiguientes enlaces:

1ª Parte:http://bit.ly/2HlUjL5

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2ª Parte: http://bit.ly/2HvvcRq

Disponiblegratuitamenteen las tiendas




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Descárgala en: http://bit.ly/2Lm23ee


Your First EURES Job y Reactivate

Si una empresa te ha propuesto ser entrevistad@ y/o contratartepara trabajar en otro país europeo, por una duración igual

o superior a seis meses, EURES puede ayudarte con losgastos de desplazamiento y de integración.

Toda la información en: http://bit.ly/2DI7t0K

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EURES- Servicio Canario de Empleo: www.facebook.com/Eures.SCE.Gobcan

EURES España:https://www.facebook.com/EuresSpain

EURES España en Twitter:https://twitter.com/EuresSpain

El blog de EURES España: http://euresspain.blogspot.com.es

Eures España en LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/11204861

Webs de referencia para graduados:

EPSO: Oficina Europea de Selección de personal : http://europa.eu/epso Selection Procedure for temporary Staff: http://europa.eu/epso/apply/today/temporary_en.htm

Online EU exams and EPSO style preparation testshttp://goo.gl/Z4a92o

www.eurograduate.com, The European graduate career live

http://www.scholarshipportal.eu/ Find your scholarship and grants to study inEurope

http://www.maec.es/es/MenuPpal/Oportunidades/Paginas/Oportunida-des.aspx Oportunidades de empleo en org. internacionales

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www.engineerlive.com Portal europeo de las ingenierías

http://goo.gl/AaxodN Iniciativa Europea Juventud en Movimiento

http://prospects.ac.uk/ La web de referenciapara primer empleo y prácticas de graduados en UK.

y Para hacer el CV EUROPASS:
