30. THE COMPRESSIVE MECHANICS OF ACCRETIONARY WEDGES APPLIED TO THE LEG 78A STUDY AREA NEAR BARBADOS 1 Dan M. Davis, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2 ABSTRACT Sites 541 and 542 of DSDP Leg 78A are very near the front of a large wedge of accreted sediments at the eastern edge of the Caribbean Plate where it overthrusts the downgoing crust of the Altantic Ocean. The mechanics of this wedge are considered in light of the Coulomb-wedge hypothesis of Davis et al. (1983), which regards the sediments of the wedge as analogous to soil being pushed by a bulldozer. The wedge deforms in order to attain and maintain its criti- cal taper, at which it could stably ride over the downgoing plate. If it were allowed to maintain that taper without any erosion or accretion, then no significant internal deformation would be required for the wedge to ride over its décolle- ment. The magnitude of this critical taper is a function of fluid pressures and the mechanical properties of the wedge and décollement. The narrow taper of the Barbados wedge is consistent with the evidence of high fluid pressures for the region, suggesting that its behavior is dominated by horizontal compression resulting from plate convergence. The hy- pothesis that the wedge is at or near compressive failure permits a description of the state of stress in the wedge. The borehole stability problems experienced at Sites 541 and 542 are consistent with the view (Hottman et al., 1979) that boreholes act as stress concentrators. The resulting stress concentration can initiate compressive failure of the borehole wall, and may have contributed to the borehole instability observed on Leg 78A. INTRODUCTION Sites 541 and 542 of DSDP Leg 78A are at the nar- row frontal toe of the large accreting wedge of sedi- ments located at the eastern edge of the Caribbean Plate between the plate boundary and the volcanic Lesser An- tilles arc (Fig. 1). At this deformation front, ocean crust roughly 65 Ma old is subducted to the west at a rate of 2.2 cm per year (Minster and Jordan, 1978). The sedi- ments overlying the ocean crust are partially accreted onto the overlying plate. This accretion and the subse- quent compression of the sediments have resulted in the development of an imbricate-thrusting accretionary wedge (Seely et al., 1974; Westbrook, 1975). The wedge has grown outward to the unusually great length of roughly 200 km, and the trench has ceased to exist as a major bathymetric feature (Westbrook, 1982). Barba- dos, the only part of the wedge above sea level, is a local high point on the Barbados Ridge, which is near the back of the actively accreting wedge and runs parallel to the deformation front (Westbrook, 1982). The relatively undeformed sediments of the Tobago Trough lie to the west of Barbados. Beneath the Tobago Trough and the Lesser Antilles, the Wadati-Benioff zone steepens to a dip of roughly 35°, but under most of the accretionary wedge the contact between the downgoing and overlying plates has a dip of only about 5°. There has been a longstanding debate over whether the thin-skinned mechanics of foreland fold-and-thrust belts and their marine analogs, accretionary wedges, result from compressional mechanics or from gravita- tionally induced flow comparable to that in a glacier. 1 Biju-Duval, B., Moore, J. C , et al., Init. Repts. DSDP, 78A: Washington (U.S. Govt. Printing Office). 2 Present address: 220 Seismology Bldg., Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Pali- sades, NY 10964. The paradox of large overthrust sheets comprised of rel- atively weak rock (Smoluchowski, 1909) was solved somewhat by the discovery of the role of fluid pressure in thrust mechanics (Hubbert and Rubey, 1959). An un- derstanding of the role of gravity in the flow of glaciers has encouraged the application of gravity-dominated models to thrust belts and accretionary wedges (Elliot, 1976). The wedge-like cross-sectional shape of these fea- tures has been shown (Chappie, 1978) to allow plastic overthrust bodies to be pushed over a weak basal dé- collement for great distances. It has been shown that a sufficiently tapered wedge of Coulomb material can be pushed over a décollement, no matter how long it may be (Davis and Suppe, 1980; Davis et al., 1983). This pa- per investigates the degree to which the available data concerning the Barbados accretionary wedge are consis- tent with a regional mechanics dominated by horizontal compression, as has been demonstrated (Davis et al., 1983) for the two-sided Taiwan wedge. COULOMB WEDGE MODEL The mechanics of the Barbados accretionary wedge can be considered as analogous to that of a wedge of soil being pushed by a bulldozer (Fig. 2). The bulldozer corresponds to the stable rearward parts of the overlying plate, and the earth which is beneath both the soil and the bulldozer corresponds to the underthrust plate. Let us list the forces acting on a wedge-shaped mass of sedi- ments, such as an accretionary wedge. The first force results from a shear stress applied at the base. The mag- nitude we attribute to that shear stress depends upon the assumptions we make about rock strength. Laboratory measurements of rock strength under brittle deforma- tion (Byerlee, 1978; Hoshino et al., 1972) and ductile flow (Goetze, 1978; Heard and Carter, 1968) at typical geological strain rates (Pfiffner and Ramsay, 1982) sug- gest that friction-dominated deformation controls the 569


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Dan M. Davis, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology2


Sites 541 and 542 of DSDP Leg 78A are very near the front of a large wedge of accreted sediments at the easternedge of the Caribbean Plate where it overthrusts the downgoing crust of the Altantic Ocean. The mechanics of thiswedge are considered in light of the Coulomb-wedge hypothesis of Davis et al. (1983), which regards the sediments ofthe wedge as analogous to soil being pushed by a bulldozer. The wedge deforms in order to attain and maintain its criti-cal taper, at which it could stably ride over the downgoing plate. If it were allowed to maintain that taper without anyerosion or accretion, then no significant internal deformation would be required for the wedge to ride over its décolle-ment. The magnitude of this critical taper is a function of fluid pressures and the mechanical properties of the wedgeand décollement. The narrow taper of the Barbados wedge is consistent with the evidence of high fluid pressures for theregion, suggesting that its behavior is dominated by horizontal compression resulting from plate convergence. The hy-pothesis that the wedge is at or near compressive failure permits a description of the state of stress in the wedge. Theborehole stability problems experienced at Sites 541 and 542 are consistent with the view (Hottman et al., 1979) thatboreholes act as stress concentrators. The resulting stress concentration can initiate compressive failure of the boreholewall, and may have contributed to the borehole instability observed on Leg 78A.


Sites 541 and 542 of DSDP Leg 78A are at the nar-row frontal toe of the large accreting wedge of sedi-ments located at the eastern edge of the Caribbean Platebetween the plate boundary and the volcanic Lesser An-tilles arc (Fig. 1). At this deformation front, ocean crustroughly 65 Ma old is subducted to the west at a rate of2.2 cm per year (Minster and Jordan, 1978). The sedi-ments overlying the ocean crust are partially accretedonto the overlying plate. This accretion and the subse-quent compression of the sediments have resulted inthe development of an imbricate-thrusting accretionarywedge (Seely et al., 1974; Westbrook, 1975). The wedgehas grown outward to the unusually great length ofroughly 200 km, and the trench has ceased to exist as amajor bathymetric feature (Westbrook, 1982). Barba-dos, the only part of the wedge above sea level, is a localhigh point on the Barbados Ridge, which is near theback of the actively accreting wedge and runs parallel tothe deformation front (Westbrook, 1982). The relativelyundeformed sediments of the Tobago Trough lie to thewest of Barbados. Beneath the Tobago Trough and theLesser Antilles, the Wadati-Benioff zone steepens to adip of roughly 35°, but under most of the accretionarywedge the contact between the downgoing and overlyingplates has a dip of only about 5°.

There has been a longstanding debate over whetherthe thin-skinned mechanics of foreland fold-and-thrustbelts and their marine analogs, accretionary wedges,result from compressional mechanics or from gravita-tionally induced flow comparable to that in a glacier.

1 Biju-Duval, B., Moore, J. C , et al., Init. Repts. DSDP, 78A: Washington (U.S. Govt.Printing Office).

2 Present address: 220 Seismology Bldg., Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Pali-sades, NY 10964.

The paradox of large overthrust sheets comprised of rel-atively weak rock (Smoluchowski, 1909) was solvedsomewhat by the discovery of the role of fluid pressurein thrust mechanics (Hubbert and Rubey, 1959). An un-derstanding of the role of gravity in the flow of glaciershas encouraged the application of gravity-dominatedmodels to thrust belts and accretionary wedges (Elliot,1976). The wedge-like cross-sectional shape of these fea-tures has been shown (Chappie, 1978) to allow plasticoverthrust bodies to be pushed over a weak basal dé-collement for great distances. It has been shown that asufficiently tapered wedge of Coulomb material can bepushed over a décollement, no matter how long it maybe (Davis and Suppe, 1980; Davis et al., 1983). This pa-per investigates the degree to which the available dataconcerning the Barbados accretionary wedge are consis-tent with a regional mechanics dominated by horizontalcompression, as has been demonstrated (Davis et al.,1983) for the two-sided Taiwan wedge.

COULOMB WEDGE MODELThe mechanics of the Barbados accretionary wedge

can be considered as analogous to that of a wedge ofsoil being pushed by a bulldozer (Fig. 2). The bulldozercorresponds to the stable rearward parts of the overlyingplate, and the earth which is beneath both the soil andthe bulldozer corresponds to the underthrust plate. Letus list the forces acting on a wedge-shaped mass of sedi-ments, such as an accretionary wedge. The first forceresults from a shear stress applied at the base. The mag-nitude we attribute to that shear stress depends upon theassumptions we make about rock strength. Laboratorymeasurements of rock strength under brittle deforma-tion (Byerlee, 1978; Hoshino et al., 1972) and ductileflow (Goetze, 1978; Heard and Carter, 1968) at typicalgeological strain rates (Pfiffner and Ramsay, 1982) sug-gest that friction-dominated deformation controls the



Figure 1. Map of the Lesser Antilles area showing locations of Sites 541 and 542 and the island of Barba-dos with respect to the overthrust boundary between the Caribbean Plate and the downgoing oceancrust of the Atlantic. (Depths in km.)

state of stress in the upper 10-15 km of the crust (Braceand Kohlstedt, 1980). Above the brittle-ductile transi-tion, time-independent friction may be assumed to gov-ern sliding along pre-existing faults, except very near thedeformation front and at very shallow depths, wheresediments are most likely to be unlithified. Byerlee(1978) finds that an extraordinarily wide variety of non-clay rocks exhibit sliding which closely matches the em-pirical "law"

Tb = 0.85 σ* (5 MPa σ* 200 MPa) (1)

where rb and σ* are the shear stress and effective normalstress applied across a fault, in this case the basal dé-collement.

By inspecting a schematic diagram of an accretionarywedge, we can discern the nature of the remainingforces acting in the x-axis direction upon an element ofthe wedge (Fig. 2). We find that there is a component offorce, acting in the x-direction, which results from the

presence of a water overburden. The x-axis componentof the stress corresponding to this overburden is equalto ßy&D tan(α + ß), where pw is the density of water, g,is the acceleration due to gravity, D, is the local depth ofthe water overburden, and α and ß are, respectively, thelocal dips of the base and upper surface of the wedge.In reality, neither the upper nor the lower boundary ofan accretionary wedge is necessarily very smooth. How-ever, the shorter wavelength undulations in the wedgehave relatively little effect upon the overall state of stressin the wedge and can, as a first-order approximation, beignored. There is also an x-axis component to the gravi-tational body force acting on the wedge segment. Themagnitude of this component of the force balance ispgH sin/3, where p is the bulk density of the wedge sedi-ments and H is the local thickness of the wedge. Thesum of these forces must be balanced by the differencein total horizontal push applied to either side of the seg-ment. Expressing this x-axis force balance in terms ofstresses and gradients of stresses, we have



Figure 2. Schematic diagram of an accretionary wedge subject to horizontal compression and on the verge of Coulomb failure through-out. The forces acting on an arbitrary column of width δx are shown (after Davis et al., 1983). See text for explanation and discussion.

rb + PwgDta.n(a + ß) + pgHsinß = — ^σxx(x,z)dz (2)

where σ^XyZ) is the x-axis component of stress at an ar-bitrary point in the wedge.

We must now determine the state of stress within thewedge. This is possible because we assume the wedge tobe everywhere on the verge of horizontal compressivefailure. Such failure, in the form of thrust faulting,tends to shorten and thicken the wedge, resulting in alarger wedge taper. The taper increases until the accre-tionary wedge, like a bulldozer wedge, can move enmasse over the underlying surface, while remaining juston the verge of compressive failure.

In keeping with a large body of experimental and the-oretical results (Brace and Kohlstedt, 1980; Kirby, 1980;Byerlee, 1978; Meissner and Strehlau, 1982), it is as-sumed that rock deformation in the upper lithosphereis governed by pressure-dependent, time-independentCoulomb behavior, that is, by brittle fracture (Paterson,1978) or frictional sliding (Byerlee, 1978). Failure of aCoulomb material occurs when the shear stress exceedsa value given by an expression containing two terms.

So (3)

So is a depth-independent cohesive strength. The secondterm on the right side is a depth-dependent internal fric-tion in which <f> is the internal friction angle and σ% is theeffective normal stress, which increases with depth. Thecohesive term is important wherever the wedge is suffi-ciently thin that S0/(l - \)pgz, the ratio of the cohesivestrength over the effective overburden, is not much lessthan one. Throughout most of the Barbados wedge, thedepth-dependent term predominates, assuming that thecohesive strength and internal friction are consistentwith laboratory measurements of typical sedimentaryrocks (Hoshino et al., 1972). The assumption of Cou-lomb behavior is reasonable in light of the current un-

derstanding of stress in the upper part of the crust. It isalso a conservative assumption, in that it is mechanical-ly most difficult to push a wedge with a strong frictionalbase, if one makes no extreme assumptions about fluidpressures along the basal décollement.

Fluid pressure plays an important role in Coulombfailure. To quantify the fluid pressure, we use a general-ization of the coefficient λ of Hubbert and Rubey(1959). The water table in the earth can be located at,below, or above the rock surface (Fig. 3). The case of awater table above the surface corresponds to that in asubmerged accretionary wedge. In order to deal withthis case, we define λ in a more generalized manner. Welet λ be the ratio of fluid pressure change to the net in-crease in lithostatic overburden from the top surface ofthe wedge to any given depth within the wedge.

λ =_ Pf - pwgD

\σzz\ ~(4)

where Pf is pore pressure and σ is the vertical normalstress. We let \b be the corresponding ratio along the ba-sal décollement. It has been observed (Fertl, 1976) that,in general, λb λ. But whereas fluid pressures havebeen directly measured in boreholes on Taiwan (Suppeand Wittke, 1977; Davis et al., 1983), the Barbadoswedge does not have very well-constrained pore pres-sures (Moore and von Huene, 1980). Therefore we shall,in general, make the conservative assumption that thereis no overthrust-easing sudden increase in the fluid pres-sure gradient at the basal décollement.

Cohesion is most important in controlling the taperof a thrust belt near its toe, where the wedge thickness issmallest (Davis and Suppe, 1980; Davis et al., 1983). Bystrengthening the wedge, cohesion reduces the value ofthe critical taper near the toe of a wedge. At a greaterdistance back into the wedge, the depth-dependent fric-tional term predominates, and the taper increases untilit asymptotically approaches the value predicted by the



PressureSea level

Figure 3. Relationship between fluid pressure Pf and lithostatic overburden pressure σz in three cases. A. Water table at surface. B. Watertable below surface. C. Water table above surface (i.e., with the rock submerged, as in an accretionary wedge). In each case the Coulombshear strength is proportional to the effective overburden, given by the difference σz = σ* - P^ and shown by shading (after Davis et al.,1983).

cohesionless theory. The wedge force balance reduces toa simple equation (Dahlen et al., in press).

a + 3 =- Pw/p)ß

(1 - pjp) + K(l - λ) + Q(C0/pgH)(5)

where Φb is the friction angle along the décollement. Cois a measure of cohesion given by Co = So(ctn0 +cos0)/(l - sin</>). The constants K and Q are given bythe relations


termined for the top and bottom of the wedge yieldhighly accurate results (Dahlen et al., in press). Forsmall values of Φ•> as in a wedge with a weak (Φb « Φ)base, Q approaches 1 and K approaches Kp — 1, whereKp = (1 + sinΦ)/(l - sinΦ) is the well-known passive-earth coefficient of soil mechanics (Lambe and Whit-man, 1979).

We can express the force balance in the wedge interms of stresses and in a manner which illustrates therelative importance of gravity and horizontal compres-sion in the wedge induced by plate tectonics.



Q = 1 " (csc<A - l)dzH cscΦsec2if/(z) - 1



rb = (P ~ <* + (1 " + ß) (9)

The magnitudes of the angle Φ between the σx and σ^directions varies with depth in the wedge in a rathercomplicated way. However, its extreme values, which arefound along the boundaries of the wedge, are easily de-termined. If there is the slightest amount of cohesion,then at the top of the wedge the σ\ direction must beparallel to the local topography, so that 0 t o p = a + ß.At the base of the wedge, the value of Φ is dependentupon the strengths of both the wedge and the base



where (So/σjJ) [S0/pgH(l - λ)] is a dimensionless ra-tio which indicates the relative magnitudes of cohesionand the overburden. Calculations of K and Q basedupon a linear interpolation of \p between the values de-

The resistance to frictional sliding is balanced by twoterms which correspond to the driving forces of defor-mation and overthrusting. The first is a glacier-slidingterm which expresses the action of gravity on the slopingtop surface; the corresponding force tends to producesliding in the direction of the surface slope, regardlessof the dip of the base of the wedge (Elliot, 1976). Thesecond term is a wedge-taper-dependent resistance tohorizontal compression. In all but the frontal toe re-gions of most thrust belts and accretionary wedges, thesecond term is probably larger than the first by a factorof between 3 and 10 (Davis et al., 1983). AssumingByerlee friction on the base, then the compressive termis roughly an order of magnitude larger than the gravitygliding term in the Barbados wedge. This suggests thatgravity spreading is of secondary importance comparedwith the effects of horizontal compression and wedgetaper.

Application to Barbados

Let us apply these results to the Barbados area. Thecrust of the overlying plate in this region is a narrowly



tapered wedge showing a great deal of deformation.This deformation includes numerous thrust faults verg-ing eastward toward the deformation front (Westbrook,1975, 1982; Moore et al., 1982). The basal décollementdeepens westward at a dip of roughly 5° and the meanbathymetric slope varies between zero and 2°. Thesevalues are reasonably typical of sediment-rich accretion-ary wedges around the world, but the Barbados wedgehas a somewhat narrower taper than most (Fig. 4; Daviset al., 1983). The quantity of sediments available for ac-cretion varies considerably along strike, but, in general,a cross-section bears at least a superficial resemblanceto the imbricated structure that is typical of accretion-ary wedges (Seely et al., 1974).

There is considerable north-south variation in thetectonics of the accretionary margin. The thickness ofthe incoming sediment pile atop the ocean crust of theAtlantic varies by a factor of about ten: from 7 km nearthe South American continent to only 700 m near theLeg 78A drill sites. Insofar as this affects the rate of ac-cretion, it affects the amount of deformation requiredwithin the wedge to maintain the taper needed for over-thrusting. The Tiburon and Barracuda rises (Fig. 1) arelateral ridges which constitute inhomogeneities violatingtwo-dimensional assumptions made to simplify under-standing the mechanics of the area. Also, the conver-gence direction becomes increasingly oblique to thenorth, presumably moving the direction of the greatestprincipal stress axis away from the direction perpendicu-lar to the deformation, adding another three-dimen-sional complication to the mechanics.

By making two assumptions, we can "predict" thefluid pressure ratio in the part of any wedge that isabove the brittle-ductile transition. First, we assumethat the value of the fluid pressure gradient coefficient\b along the basal décollement is no larger than λ in thewedge. Because the onset of the zone of high fluid pres-sures is often controlled by a particular stratigraphic ho-rizon (Fertl, 1976; Suppe and Wittke, 1977) and the ba-

sal décollement is likely to be located in overpressuredzones, this assumption is not necessarily correct. If \b> λ, then our predicted value of both λ and \b will besomewhat higher than the corresponding real values.Thus, our result gives an upper limit to the fluid pres-sures required for overthrusting.

The second assumption defining a "predicted" fluidpressure ratio results from the need to define the state ofstress in the wedge which is close to failure. We assumethat the wedge is highly fractured, so most deformationoccurs along pre-existing faults. However, fractures donot exist in all possible orientations, so slip generally re-quires a somewhat larger stress difference σx — σ3 thanwould be needed for a slip plane at the optimal orienta-tion. Occasionally, geometric locking of structures mayrequire fracture instead of friction, bringing into playthe relatively small cohesive strength of sedimentaryrocks (Hoshino et al., 1972). In Taiwan, where fluidpressures and wedge geometry are very well constrained,it has been shown that the wedge is about 20% strongerthan the décollement (Davis et al., 1983). This addedwedge strength probably reflects sliding along subopti-mal slip planes, because the number of available slipplanes is finite, as well as occasional geometric locking.Pore pressures cannot be adduced to explain this strengthdifference in Taiwan, where λ λb.

If the strengths of the Barbados wedge and décolle-ment are similar to those in Taiwan, then the taper ofthis accretionary prism is consistent with relatively highvalues of λ = λb ranging from —0.85 in the wedge to~ 0.97 near the toe. These estimates must be regarded asan upper bound; they must be reduced somewhat if thebasal décollement is weaker than expected. This can bethe case either if the décollement is significantly "lubri-cated" by weak clay minerals or if the fluid pressure co-efficient at the décollement zone is much higher than inthe overlying rocks. Pore pressures near Barbados arenot known in as great detail as those in Taiwan. Becauseit is quite possible that \b > λ, it is conceivable that

400 300 200



Figure 4. Diagrammatic cross-section of the Barbados area, showing the wedge geometry and the locations of Sites 541 and 542 and the island ofBarbados (after Westbrook, 1975).



there is no difference between the intrinsic strengths ofthe wedge and its décollement, and that the required ba-sal weakening is a result of elevated fluid pressures.

Some scattered fluid pressure data exist for the re-gion. Wells drilled on Barbados show elevated pore pres-sure, with λ at depth near 0.8 (Moore and Von Heune,1980). Also, a packer experiment inadvertently per-formed at Site 542 indicates an approximately lithostaticfluid pressure (λ 1) near the décollement. If we as-sume that λ in the wedge is 0.80, and that the frictionangles in the wedge and along the basal décollement areequal, then we can match the observed taper of thewedge for \b 0.90. This result is highly insensitive tothe value chosen for the décollement and wedge frictionangles, <j>b = Φ Using equation 9 and assuming Byerleefriction, we find that shear stresses along the basal dé-collement are very low, probably nowhere exceeding 4MPa. Beneath Site 541, we find values of rb rangingfrom 140 KPa to 330 KPa. These low values of the shearstress are similar to the cohesion as measured in samplesfrom that site (Marlow et al., this volume).

At the deformation front near Sites 541 and 542, thedepth to basement is so small (300-500 m) that twocomplicating factors are introduced. First, the sedimentsmay not have been sufficiently buried long enough tohave compacted and consolidated. This brings the Cou-lomb assumption into question in a wedge as thin atits toe as the Barbados wedge. In addition, should thewedge material have a non-zero cohesive strength, thesimplifying assumption that the material is cohesionless(letting us ignore the first term on the right side of equa-tion 3) will be least appropriate at the narrow toe. A co-hesionless wedge is entirely scale-independent; it can beof any desired length and still be pushed from behind,as long as it has a sufficient taper. When the cohesivestrength ceases to be much smaller than the effectivenormal strength at the base of the wedge (as may be sonear the toe), this assumption of scale-independenceceases to be appropriate.

Bathymetric profiles near the deformation front (Bi-ju-Duval et al., 1982) show that the wedge is slightlyconvex near its toe. This convexity may be related to theextremely low shear strengths (~ 100 KPa) observed forshallow and incompletely compacted sediments at allLeg 78A sites (Marlow et al., this volume). Let us as-sume that the front of the wedge is perfectly plastic andhas a pressure-independent shear strength. Then, ananalysis identical to that described above gives the rela-tion

K'(a + ß) = X ~ (p - pw)gHa(10)

Y is the wedge yield strength and x is defined such thatX Y is the décollement strength. The value of K' isgiven by the expression

and is typically slightly less than 2. With a small differ-ence between the strengths of the wedge and its décolle-ment (e.g., x ~ 0-9), and a local shear strength of thewedge material compatible with the measurements ofMarlow et al. (this volume), the slight complexity of thefront end of the wedge can be explained. It is likely thatfarther from the deformation front the wedge becomesmore competent and is therefore more appropriatelymodeled as a Coulomb material with a pressure-depen-dent strength.

Given the mechanical properties of the wedge at itsbase, we can predict the takeoff angles of thrust faultsas they step up from the basal décollement. In a nonco-hesive wedge which is 20% stronger than its Byerleefrictional sliding décollement, equation 8 gives a valueof 12° for Φb> the angle between the décollement and thedirection of greatest compressive stress. If this differ-ence between the strengths of the wedge and its décolle-ment becomes large (0 » 0è), then Φb 0 If Φ Φb*then Φb 45° - 0/2, giving a value of Φb ranging be-tween 25° for Byerlee friction (0 40°) and 45° for aninfinitely weak (0 0) wedge. Mohr-Coulomb theorysuggests that the preferred orientations of fractures orslip planes should be inclined to the direction of maxi-mum compressive stress by an angle 0, given by

θ - - - (12)

K' = 2-]cσs2 Kz)dz (11)

Thus, the takeoff angle of a fault at the base of thewedge should be inclined to it at an angle δb = θ - ΦFor the case of a wedge and décollement of equal strengths(0 = 0è)> this means that θ = Φb•> s 0 §b - 0, and faultsstepping up from the basal décollement have a "sledrun-ner" geometry. At shallower depths in the wedge, whereΦ OL + ß, the dip δ of such a fault relative to the up-per surface of the wedge approaches θ, or roughtly 25°for Byerlee friction. Westbrook (1982) reports thrustswith a dip of —20° near the surface of the BarbadosRidge, and somewhat less at depth, consistent with astrong wedge and a slightly weaker décollement. Be-cause wedge taper is less sensitive to absolute strengththan to the relative strengths of the wedge and its base,this sensitivity of fault step-ups to the friction angle 0can provide a useful additional constraint.

The predominance of forward thrusting is probablyrelated to the difference in takeoff angles between for-ward- and backward-verging thrust faults. A backward-verging thrust should step up from the décollement atan angle òb = θ + Φ-> considerably more steeply than aforward-(oceanward-) verging thrust, which should stepup at an angle δb = θ — Φ A shallow-dipping thrust(and therefore a forward-, oceanward-verging one) isprobably favored for two reasons. First, a thrust with ashallow dip requires a smaller increase in potential en-ergy for a given amount of convergence. In addition, ashallower-dipping thrust is more likely to ride for moreof its length along stratigraphically controlled planes ofweakness, since the overall dip of the thrust is closer tobedding.



The front of the Barbados wedge complex accretessome, but not all, of the sediment brought into it by thesubducting crust of the Atlantic Ocean. Near the Leg78A sites, where the sediments overlying ocean base-ment are 700 meters thick, all but the top third or so ofthe sediments, which are Miocene and younger, are sub-ducted (Biju-Duval et al., 1982). There clearly must besome sort of mechanical segregation process occurringat the frontal thrust which selects only the upper part ofthe oceanic sediment load for accretion and permits theremainder to subduct.

The mechanical criteria which determine that a par-ticular stratigraphic horizon shall be the one at whichthe basal décollement is located are not obvious. Lithol-ogy can be an important factor. Relatively recently de-posited and incompletely lithified sediments are muchmore likely to be plowed up by the accreting wedge thanare deeper and more competent sediments (Moore,1975). In general, the horizon that allows sliding withthe least resistance will become the décollement becauseof energy considerations.

The presence of a relatively impermeable stratigraph-ic horizon below which fluid pressures are higher thanabove should influence the location of thrusts in accre-tionary wedges, much as in subaerial thrust belts. In thisway, an intrinsically weaker décollement horizon couldbe bypassed in favor of a deeper level at which the fluidpressures are higher. On the other hand, the depth de-pendence of sliding resistance at shallow depths biasesthe choice of décollement near the deformation fronttoward a shallower stratigraphic horizon. At depth,where resistance may be less dependent on normal stress(and thus depth), such a bias toward the underthrustingof a large fraction of the oceanic sediments may nolonger apply. Therefore, the observed underthrusting ofmost of the sediments at the trench in the Leg 78A area(Biju-Duval et al., 1982) does not necessarily mean thata similarly large fraction of the sediments are fully sub-ducted. Underplating of sediments at depth farther tothe west is mechanically plausible.

As new material is brought in by convergence of thetwo plates, compression at the toe requires that a newimbricate thrust slice be cut into the encroaching ocean-ic sediments. The slice is cut from the base of the exist-ing basal thrust to the surface, at an angle controlled bythe mechanical properties of the sediments. As the newsedimentary slice is added to the accretionary wedge,faults directly behind that point undergo slip in re-sponse to the slightly changed stress state, and a seriesof deformations occur within the wedge as a result ofwhich the wedge taper is maintained. The addition of anew active frontal thrust may require a vertical rotationof older, rearward thrusts, giving them a larger angle ofdip than they originally had. Although these olderthrusts become relatively inactive, they may still need toundergo some slip to maintain the critical taper of thewedge. However, as they rotate farther from their opti-mum slip orientation, it becomes less likely that slip willoccur entirely along the old slip planes. Instead, furtherimbrication along new thrusts becomes more likely.

The nature and frequency of these internal deforma-tions are very different for thrust belts and accretionary

wedges. Most thrust belts undergo geologically rapiderosion (Suppe, 1981), reducing the wedge taper. Thisprocess requires thrusting in order to restore wedge ta-per. In this way, deformation and seismicity can be trig-gered by erosion. Thus, the predominance of sedimenta-tion over erosion on the upper surfaces of accretionarywedges contributes to making them less active than theirsubaerial counterparts.

Far from the toe, an accretionary wedge can be sothick that its base is below the britttle-plastic transition(Fig. 5). This transition occurs at a depth which dependsupon rock type, pore pressures, and the geothermal gra-dient. Weakening of the base of the wedge below the

Strength (MPa)

500 1000

Brittle deformation

Figure 5. Rock strength, measured in terms of differential stress (σj-σ3) versus depth in the earth, assuming frictional behavior (Byer-lee, 1978) for shallow depths and, at depth, quartz plastic flowgoverned by the flow law ė = 5 10~6(σi - σ3)exp(0.19 MJ-mol~1/RT). The strain rate ė is in units of s~1, R is the gas con-stant, T is the temperature in °K, and (σ - σ3) is in MPa (Braceand Kohlstedt, 1980). The plastic strength has been calculated fora range of geologically reasonable strain rates and geothermal gra-dients. The theoretical strength is greatest at the depth of brittle-plastic transition, where the brittle and plastic strengths are equal(after Davis et al., 1983).



transition depth corresponds to a reduced value of rb inequation 9. This in turn leads to a lower value of thecritical taper (α + ß) on the right side of that equation.In other words, where the base of the wedge is weakenedby high temperatures at depth, the wedge can stably rideover the downgoing plate, even though it has a smallertaper than would otherwise be required. This effect ofthe brittle-plastic transition is consistent with the flat-tening out of the upper surface observed at the thickend of many large thrust belts and accretionary wedges.

The combination of plasticity at depth and steepen-ing of the dip of the basal décollement should result in awestern limit to the critically tapered region of the Bar-bados wedge. To the east (Fig. 6), the wedge should beat or very near horizontal compressive failure.

Borehole Stability

Difficulties have often been experienced in drillingboreholes in accretionary wedges. These difficulties takethe form of abnormal pore pressures (Moore and vonHuene, 1980; Hottman et al., 1979; J. Harms, personalcommunication, 1982) and hole collapse. Both of theLeg 78A sites on the accretionary wedge (Sites 541 and542) showed signs of borehole instability.

The origin of abnormal pore pressures in accretion-ary wedges has been the subject of some debate. Pro-posed mechanisms include methane generation, aquather-mal pressuring, and phase changes, any of which mightproduce overpressures by increasing the fluid volume(Moore and von Huene, 1980). Alternative mechanismsinvolve the loading of additional overburden atop suffi-ciently impermeable rock. This loading can result fromeither rapid sedimentation, as in the Louisiana GulfCoast (Fertl, 1976), or from tectonically generated load-ing and horizontal compression. Thrust faulting in ac-tive accretionary wedges and in fold-and-thrust belts iswell suited to producing such tectonic loading. Consid-erable evidence exists for high fluid pressures beneathBarbados (Moore and von Huene, 1980) and at Site 542.

Borehole instability is a subject of considerable con-cern in drilling near the base of the trench slope (Mooreand von Huene, 1980). Let us consider the problem ofborehole collapse in terms of the borehole acting as astress concentrator in a marginally stable environment,as implied by Coulomb wedge theory, with the rockclose to compressive failure. Let us model the boreholeas a vertical cylindrical hole drilled into an elastic half-space. This hole acts as a stress concentrator, altering

Supercritical taper,not near failure

- Plastic at depth

-Critical taper, near failure -

Brittle behavior

Strength Barbados Sea level

Figure 6. Schematic diagram (with great vertical exaggeration) illustrating implications of the compression-dominated mechanics for the Barbadoswedge. Note that differential stresses are higher near the deformation front than near Barbados.



the state of stress in its vicinity (Hottman et al., 1979;Hubert and Willis, 1959). We ignore edge effects (theborehole is much longer than it is wide) and fluid-floweffects (the high permeability observed at Site 542 was afracture permeability, and the sediments themselves arehighly impermeable). The results of equation 8 allow usto assume that Φ 0, so that one of the far-field princi-pal stress axes (in this case σ3) is essentially vertical. Thestate of stress expressed in cylindrical coordinates, usingthe convention that compressive stresses are positive, is(Haimson, 1968)

+ PWR~2


σ v v = σi-

for any point at a distance R borehole radii from thecenter of a borehole, in a direction at an angle θ fromthe direction of undisturbed maximum compressivestress, where σrr, σθθ, and σvv are the components ofstress in the r, σ, and vertical axis directions, respective-ly. Pw is the water pressure in the borehole and v is Pois-son^ ratio. Note that the stress concentration effect isextremely localized near the hole. The effects of thedrilling procedure on the sediments very close to theborehole may affect our ability to predict both a failurecriterion and the elastic behavior required for this stressanalysis. However, if predicted failure extends well be-yond the immediate vicinity of the borehole wall, wemay feel safe in predicting that fracture of the sedimentsand collapse of the borehole will take place.

Assuming that we have a reasonable idea of the con-ditions in the borehole at Site 541, with an ambientstress state close to horizontal compressive failure, let usconsider the stability of a borehole. At the borehole wall(where R = 1), the stress state becomes

σ2 - - σ2)cos20 - Pw

rß = 0

~ σ2)cos20


It has been pointed out (Hottman et al., 1979) thatchanges in Pw, the pressure of the mud (in our case wa-ter) in the borehole, can allow different types of bore-hole wall failure to occur. The most familiar of these ishydrofracture (Hubbert and Willis, 1957), which results

when high mud weights in the hole make Pw largeenough to reduce σöθ to the point of tensile failure atθ = 0 and 180°. This produces a vertical fracture per-pendicular to the borehole wall and σ2 direction.

Other sorts of failure are possible in a borehole. Thefact that the boreholes at Sites 541 and 542 were filledwith water instead of mud makes Pw too small for initia-tion of tensile failure in the borehole wall. Instead, weexpect that the state of stress at all points on the wall ofone of these boreholes should be such that the directionof least compressive stress is the radial σrr direction. Ashort distance past the borehole wall, the vertical stressσvv attains its far-field status as the least compressivestress, and fractures rotate to a more nearly horizontalorientation. However, in the immediate vicinity of theborehole, the stress state is such that failure takes theform of tangential compression of the wall at θ = 90°and 270°. If the hole is filled with water, then Pw (andthus σrratR = 1) can be small enough that the effectiveradial stress σ*r = σrr - Pf can become sufficiently ten-sile as to overcome the tensile strength of the material.The result, as described by Hottman et al. (1979) for aborehole drilled in the Gulf of Alaska, is an infall ofwall material into the hole and collapse of the hole inthe direction of the far-field maximum compressivestress. Here, as in the Alaskan case, the σx direction isroughly perpendicular to the trench or deformation frontaxis. For either a depth-dependent Coulomb or depth-independent plastic failure criterion, the stress concen-tration at and near a borehole wall will be sufficient toinitiate failure (Fig. 7).

Given the near-failure state of stress which we expectto exist before drilling, collapse of the hole caused bydistortion of the stress field in the vicinity of the hole isto be expected for any reasonable failure criterion. Thusany possible non-Coulomb behavior of sediments whichare either too deep and hot or extremely shallow and notfully lithified (as is largely the case at Sites 541 and 542)will not seriously affect this conclusion.

In an accretionary prism having the state of stresspredicted by the compressive wedge theory (equation 4),borehole instability is very likely. One major exceptionto this rule would be holes drilled in ponded sedimentspartially decoupled from the thrusting mass of sedi-ments beneath, in that they have not acquired the largehorizontal stresses found in the wedge on which theyhave been deposited. Another locale where boreholes inan actively accreting prism might be stable would be onewith supercritical taper (greater than neecessary to bepushed) produced by sedimentation or underplating, orone very far in the back of the wedge, where the basaldécollement is steep and possibly thermally weakened.It is also possible for an entire wedge to have become su-percritical because of increased pore pressure (eitherincreased λb or matching increases in both \b and λ) or,alternatively, because of decreased basal friction, re-sulting from a change over time in the mechanical char-acteristics of subducted material. Such a supercriticalwedge would, like a supercritical part of an otherwise





= 0° θ = 180° 0 = 0 °


Figure 7. Stability of the region near a borehole under conditions similar to those at Sites 541 and 542. The difference (inMPa) between maximum shear stress and that required for failure (negative numbers indicating instability) is plottedfor the region around the hole. A. Plot for a Coulomb Failure Criterion. B. Plot for a perfectly plastic material inwhich internal friction <£ = 0. It is assumed that the sediment density = 1.8 g cm~3, Poisson's ratio = 0.4, the bore-hole is filled with water, and the far-field stress difference σ - σ3 at this point 300 meters below the surface beneath5 km of water is 80% of that required for failure.

critical wedge, have a state of stress different from thatpredicted on the assumption that the wedge is every-where in compressive failure.


The overall geometry and mechanics of the Barbadosaccretionary wedge are analagous to those of a wedge ofsoil being pushed by a bulldozer. The sediments in theaccretionary prism deform until they have a sufficientlylarge wedge taper that the wedge, if left undisturbed,could be pushed over the basal décollement without ad-ditional deformation. As new material is accreted, thewedge must deform to maintain this critical taper. Themagnitude of this taper is a function of numerous pa-rameters, including pore pressure in the sediments. Wecannot unambiguously resolve both fluid pressures andthe relative strengths of the wedge and its base. We canconfirm, however, that the Barbados wedge resemblesthat of Taiwan in having a gross taper consistent with abase weaker by only a small amount than the rocks inthe wedge itself. In Taiwan, the strength difference is at-tributable to cohesion within the wedge, as pore pres-sures do not preferentially weaken the basal décollementto a significant degree. In the Barbados wedge, the sparseavailable pore-pressure data leave open the possibilitythat pore pressures higher along the basal décollementthan in the wedge play an important role. The observed

taper is consistent (equations 5 and 6) with a décolle-ment of the same intrinsic strength as the wedge, butwith a fluid pressure ratio of λb 0.9, as opposed toλ 0.8 in the wedge, or with very high values of λ =λb, from -0.85 near Barbados to -0.97 near the toe.This result suggests that décollement shear stresses arebetween 0.14 and 0.33 MPa near Site 541.

Assuming that the wedge is near its critical taper,stress orientations can be predicted for the wedge. Thismethod is not particularly sensitive to the absolute mag-nitudes of stresses and rock strengths. It is very sensi-tive, however, to the ratio of the strengths within thewedge and along the basal décollement. A boreholedrilled into an accretionary wedge that can be repre-sented as an elastic half-space near horizontal compres-sive failure should be unstable and tend to collapse. Thisis in accord with the observations at Sites 541 and 542.

I have suggested that there exist simple relationshipsbetween the shape and compressive mechanics of accre-tionary wedges. An understanding of their mechanicspermits quantification of the relationships between porepressures, states of stress, and the stability of boreholesin accretionary wedges. These relationships are consist-ent with the results of Leg 78A, and suggest that theBarbados accretionary wedge complex is deforming un-der horizontal compression resulting from shear stressesgenerated as it overides its basal décollement.




I would like to acknowledge helpful discussions with Sean Solo-mon, John Suppe, and Tony Dahlen. Casey Moore gave me a copy ofa cross-section which proved very useful. The reviewers of this paper,Graham Westbrook and Donald Seely, made many good suggestions,for which I am grateful. This work was supported by the Division ofEarth Sciences, National Science Foundation grant EAR78-12936.


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Date of Initial Receipt: September 21, 1983Date of Acceptance: May 3, 1983