Implementation of Power Management and Distribution System in Grid Substation Using PLC TO The Director, Department of Science & Technology, Jaipur (Rajasthan) Dear Sir, We are presenting project on Implementation of Power Management and Distribution System in Grid Substation Using PLC ”. For this we have analyzed, simulated o n software and gain theoretical knowl edge from books, internet and resea rch paper . I am from Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur perusing 7 th sem. in Bachelor Of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering. We have further consulted by our Guide Mr. Sumit Singh Dhanda Sir. We have followed all your instruction provided and we want to grant our pr oject which helps us for further exploration in field. Thank you. Sincerely, September 10, 2013 Sameer Gupta Name and signature of the (Student Name) HOD

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Implementation of PowerManagement and DistributionSystem in Grid Substation UsingPLC


The Director,

Department of Science & Technology,

Jaipur (Rajasthan)

Dear Sir,

We are presenting project on “Implementation of PowerManagement and Distribution System in Grid Substation Using PLC”.

For this we have analyzed, simulated on software and gain theoreticalknowledge from books, internet and research paper. I am from Amity

University Rajasthan, Jaipur perusing 7th sem. in Bachelor Of Technology inElectronics and Communication Engineering. We have further consulted byour Guide Mr. Sumit Singh Dhanda Sir. We have followed all your instruction provided and we want to grant our project which helps us for further exploration in field. Thank you.


September 10, 2013

Sameer Gupta Name and signature

of the (Student Name) HOD

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A Project


Implementation of Power Management and

Distribution System in Grid Substation Using



Department of Science & Technology

for Project Grant




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1. Title of the Project: - Implementation of Load Power Management andDistribution System in Grid Substation Using PLC.

2. Subject Area: - Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

3. Region: - Jaipur (RAJASTHAN).

4. Designation & Address of the person in whose name, Demand,Draft/Bankers Cheque of grant is to sent: - The Registrar, Amity schoolOf Engineering and Technology, Amity University Rajasthan, N.H. 11-c ,

 Near Kanth Kalwar, Delhi-Jaipur Highway , Jaipur(Raj.)

5. Name & Year of the students:-1. Sameer Gupta (IV Year 7TH Sem )

6. Address of the students:-Student

 NameAddress E-Mail Id And Acc No. Mobile




s/o Mr. Devendra

Kumar Gupta D-39

Hawa Magri,

R.H.B. , sec.14,

Goverdhan VilasVistar Yojna,

Gupt a .sam e e r187 @ g mail.c om

ACC no.






7. Name & Designation of Guide: - Mr. Sumit Singh Dhanda (Asst. prof.

ASET Dept.)

Institutional Address: - Amity school Of Engineering and Technology,

Amity university Rajasthan, N.H. 11-c , near Kanth Kalwar, Delhi Highway, Jaipur(Rajasthan)

Contact no:-+917568340803

Email id:- dh a nd a sum i t@ g mail.com

ssdhand a @jpr.a m it y .e du

Correspondence Address:- ASET, AUR,Amity City Office ,AmityHouse ,14, Gopal Bari, Ajmer Road, Jaipur - 302001 (Rajasthan)

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(Sameer Gupta.+917597346123,


gupta.sa m eer 1 87 @g m a il .com )

 Name & Signature of the Signature of Guide of theStudents Project

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It is hereby certified that(i) Institution takes the responsibility of implementing the Student Project

Within stipulated period.

(ii) The Institution shall provide the Infrastructural & other facilities

required for the project.

(iii) The amount sanctioned by Department of Science & Technology,

Rajasthan, Jaipur shall be provided to the concerned Student/Guide timely

and funds be utilized for the purpose for which it has been sanctioned.

Date: Signature of the Head of InstitutionPlace: Jaipur  (DR. R.K.Gupta, Director of ASET)

The Bank Details of the Institution/College prescribe are mentioned as

 below :-

1. Name of the Bank : Allahabad Bank 

2. A/C No. : 20221700036

3. IFSC Code : ALLA0210177

4. Mobile number of Guide Teacher : +917568340803

Signature of the Head of Institution(DR. R.K.Gupta, Director of ASET)

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T i t le o f the P r o j ect - Implementation of Load Power management and

Distribution system in grid substation using PLC.

Pro ject s ummary:

We have designed a plan for load power management with the help of a

PLC. For this we have designed an intelligent system which is dividing the

geographical area in four sections as per power requirement. The four 

sections will be Rural, Domestic, Industrial, and Urban. This four section

will be connected with the PLC which helps us for the Power management.

PLC will be connect to the SCADA Software through a Port RS-232. For 

 power distribution we will develop a program in SCADA software whichwill control the distribution of the power as per the Load requirements. With

the help of this project we will be able to optimize the use of Power by its

intelligent distribution.

A b s tr a ct:

Man is an ambitious creator. He has conquered the world of science and has

reached to this 21ST century. In per-cuts of perfection, He has cared much

for automation and product quality which is directly co related to

electronics. In this fact developing society, electronics has come to stay as

the most important branch of Engineering. Electronic devices are being used

in almost all the industries for Quality Control and Automation. They have

 become a fast replacement of present workers' army which is engaged in

 processing and assembling of the factory .In this fact developing society,

electronics has come to stay as the most important branch of Engineering.

Electronic devices are being used in almost all the industries for quality

control and automation. They have become a fast replacement of present

workers army which is engaged in processing and assembling of the factory.

P r o b lem s t a te m en t:

The problem is how to assess the load of an area/production unit and to provide it with the appropriate supply of power. All of the process should be

automated to remove any negligence or human error.This project is a device implemented with the help of PLC which can

control automatically the devices connected with it to calculate the load,

assess the required category and order the Grid to provide the appropriate

supply as per the Power requirement. The PLC helps us in automatic control

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of devices with its output signal; we can also provide the time delay using


Objec t i v e s :Develop a basic understanding on the following concepts:

1. Divide the power requirement in four categories.

2. Assess the Load.

3. Classify it accordingly to the four categories.

4. Automatic distribution of power as per specified categories with the

help of PLC.

P r o ject D e s c r i p t io n:

In this project “Load Management and distribution System using PLC”, we

use PLC for automatic Control of device and we control four devices (star-delta starter, street lights, lamp flasher, home appliances) using PLC, the

function of star delta starter is to start the motor in Star connection and after 

some time switch to delta connection. And flasher flashes in every second

with some time delay predefined in PLC. PLC’s were invented in the 60/70's

for the automotive manufacturing industry. Since this time, they have

developed into one of the most versatile tools used for industrial automation.

A working knowledge of PLC’s and other microprocessor based control

systems are critical to technical personnel who are staying current with

technology in industry. Programmable Logic Controllers or PLC is the hubof many manufacturing processes. These microprocessor based units are

used in processes as simple as boxing machines or bagging equipment to

controlling and tracking sophisticated manufacturing processes. They are in

virtually all new manufacturing, processing and packing equipment in one

form or another. Because of their popularity in industry, it becomes

increasingly more important to learn skills related to these devices.

A d va n t a g e s of P L Cs :PLC's not only are capable of performing the same tasks as hard-wired

control, but are also capable of many more complex applications. Inaddition, the PLC program and electronic communication lines replace much

of the interconnecting wires required by hard-wired control. Therefore, hard-

wiring, though still required to connect field devices, is less intensive. This

also makes correcting errors and modifying the application easier. Some of 

the additional advantages of PLCs are as follows:

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1. Smaller physical size than hard-wire solutions.2. Easier and faster to make changes.

3. PLCs have integrated diagnostics and override functions.

4. Diagnostics are centrally available.

5. Applications can be immediately documented.

In this project, we are working with Siemens LOGO PLC1 Connection

terminal for inputs2- Connection terminal for outputs3- PLC power supply

terminal (24V DC/230V AC)4- LCD screen (multi characters)5-Keypad

with 6 keys (arrows: up, down, right, left and ESC and OK keys)6- Memory


The LOGO! Expansion module:

1- Connection terminal for inputs2- Connection terminal for outputs3-

Expansion terminal power supply4- Visualization LED RUN/STOP5- PLC

connection lever 

Ø  Wo rk plan- Its Implementation on Hardware and software.

1. we will make a hardware for real time implementation with help of a

 ply board, LED, thermocol etc.

2. then we will make a interface between hardware and PLC.

3. we develop a program for the distribution of load by using SCADAwonder ware software.

4. Then we will make a program for controlling of load with the help of 

the Logix pro.

5. Then we will make a interface between PLC and SCADA using PortRS-232 and test them.

6. After then we will test them if there will will any fault then we will tryto overcome that problem.

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Time schedule-Work plan Days(170-175)(Estimated)

Hardware Implementation 50Ply board Implementation 15

LED connection on hardware 10

LED connection on hardware 10

Testing of hardware 5

Connection with PLC 10

Software Implementation 125

Using wonder ware software

for distribution


PLC connection 20

Using Logix pro for PLC program 30

Testing of PLC and SCADA program.


Interfacing between PLC andSCADA


Interfacing between hardwareand software5

Testing the project 10

Removing of faults 15

P r op o s ed o ut c o m e/ f i nd i n g s:1. we will be able to control the load management automatically.

2. We will be able to distribute the load automatically with the

 production of power.

D et a il s of f a c ili t ies t o be p r o v i ded b y t he In s t itu t ion-

Hardware laboratory Work Requirement Infrastructure Available

In Labs

Hardware Designing


Geographical Division to

 be create on ply board

Screw Driver 

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Drill Machine

Electrical Laboratory Wires, Power Supply for  


Soldering Machine, Flux


Computer Laboratory SCADA Software Design PC for SCADA programme with

PLC software Design PC for PLC

 programme with

Testing Laboratory To test the hardware

and software

Power Supply

• Budg et Esti ma tes (wi th deta ils)




RELAYS 300 (per piece) 4 1200

LIGHTS -LED 6 (per piece) 50 200

PLC 8500 1 8500



1000 - 800

PLY BOARD 1000 1 650

Report Writing &


1000 800

Minor Equipment 500 500

SMPS 1500 1 1350



2. CONSUMABLE: Ply board, Connecting wires, etc.

3.REPORT WRITING & CONTINGENCY: as per norms & above


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U t i li z a t io n o f the o u tc o m e of p r o jec t-1. It can be use in power grid substation mainly.

2. It can be distributed the power on the basis of production


3. It can remove man power, and it can operate from a large distance.

4. It can help us for human society