16. Cochran Cae Saturday',s Film 16. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ week's movie is "She mire A joint concert will be given Wr elwRbo"wt hit by the choirs of Abbot and Wore ayne.wllow sRibbon"fwit 5. Phillips iAcademies at this Jh an.I ilsatatr Sul day's Vesper Service at Sheo m begin ad 7:30. ncrt 5:15. So eisa :0 heI VL 4 U BR1 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., MARCH 3, 1950PRC,1 CET 01 ed _________74___NUMBER____19 II T w. Allk-Season Hard Ice' Old World Artists End Ili b -,e, Wilpur On. katers.. P. A. Celebrity Series Fed I Building Of Artificial Hockey Rink) Choir Boys' One-Nite Stand Brings Beauty And Fantasy To Andover Scheduled To Begin This Spring lc B Rc~hard WV.Bet \11 atificali hockey ink, wshich ha s long bcn o o te w 'tit toti' Vienna Choir Boys concert lt Fiday night Stntcds o A~ndovci' A thltic Dparitment, is nows paid determined to loathic what I feared would b a prententious group for rid icady to l)C bcgun is soon is d corlip lfl) £ in be cngaged of squeaky Austrians I must admit that I wsas oiled ather neatly t id~er take the j) Although sall amounts have been given inuy quest, for their performance was magnificent. Enchantment I~v~n~ov 1 alnn wh lae hocke a undlergr'aduates, the reigned-in fact, it flooded George Washington Hall. I do wish, ~~nc~~~oyfori atieuwll i sort(e to gi' _____ _____ - -though, that sound traveled faster bulk of the money necessaryfrpatewllhsotndtogv than eeven hundred feet per sc- bWIl ng the ink was provided by thenh a chance to play. Club gameson.frtsesaltedoth one lrinus who for several years ma ehl fe h ast o-Latin Dram a odfit et lotdt h lias 1,een concerned with the pight tests. The Athletic IDepartment press w~ere so remote from the ofhikey at Andover. hopes that at least one hundred WsllaeeGthat iteenas ntes aftert Tie uncovered. 85 by 190 oot boys wvill e able to do regularevroels alft rink w~~~H~~beI I skisWhoed that the rink will be " .- ' n Ap i 21As the ranostwo Rogers Cae bu ofrfo h aealused as miuch of the time as possi- ' A.Hall girls seated next to mie gasped U dianiond that it won't encroacn on ble . Morning and Sunday instruc- Gotfaort Will Play Lead "Oh, aren't they cute!" This about right field. The idea of an outdoor cvr t n ukl o o h artificial ice rink is fairly new, ait tion in skating has been consid- In Revival of Plaut us' cvr t n ukl o o h least in the United States. Ando- ered. Tis will not interfere with-------- Comedy,, th "Curculio"' girls added nothing more construc- varsity use of the ice, since a new The `Curculio", a ~~twothusn tive all evening, although they re- %ers rnk illbethesecnd nesurface ('an be made on the rink 'Te"ucloatotosn affirmed their original acute obser- In this area, and the first schoolThVinaCorBywogvasprln pefrac in erodRmncmdwllb lin o ths or. M. eaitthoesin less than a hour. Floodlights r h inaCorBywogveasakigpromnei eariod boy a comdy wiip bcae vation several times. Vienna's rinkof hissor. M. Lavit hpeswill be installed so that there an G. W. last Friday.reidbytePlip Acem vaunted vocalizers implanted the that other schools will follow An- be night games. The light will be __________________________________ Latin department on Friday eve- proper atmosphere of old Austria dover's example in building out- pai'ticularly useful in warmer fling, April 21. The play, written by wt h trSage anr doo riksandths mkehoceyweather. whnteie ol ePlautus, deals with the attempts of withl sohe Str Saglero thne a ire popular sport than it isto wet for ce in the yie T en o~rs R a e asses a young man ofEpdus to a fok nso triht frombe They no0w. The Athletic Department hopes to the freedom of his beloved from tetfdthis caasrph mmd * ~~~~~~~~~~~**~~tepm who e owner, and iately with five continual ditties - w~~ile, ofdicourse a rceat boonkt geuane with atopleast thsie udi- es with the uniting of the couple. b als itra rcnr o wihe o urs r ea fen thqatnthere will be geate appre- In G e e C l b C o ncert 2 The lover is aided by his para- bvGluVtoia rcnr-o hevi t squad, which has been ments of skating and hockey so Bass k* E ty aestwosel ing fo the zart, and Wolf. These were all only Ivuss End n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sier who htals aad prchse I pleasant, uninspiring, and artfully tnines this year because of thaws ciation of the sport. exCncetcaln tegrl ~~nnd the effect of snows on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the giIL ilith The par'asite then forges ridtr'a e. Tet snws onil tii'e Beins pigJoint- Co cet ith Walnut Hlaetter to the banker who has theBerdBm Construction gn nSrn ere u ride an ice sufe su in ile for' Atpeettesho ssil Lsoldier's rioney, ordering him to The intermission was ruined- vide an ice surfa for Last ~~~~~Saturday, the traditional yarly concert with Walnut deliver the girl to the bearer of the as was the choir boys' carefully 50 degrees.x e a, seeking bids from construction HilS oo i N tc ,A as ur e ttob ar ain m scl letter. Te banker is fooled by the constructed atmosphere - by a Ire uitale fr sktingat ier the rink. The refr-Bgeration mach- and social success. A large groulp O P geclubbers, numbering seal, which. bears the imprint of nslcaatri edo hv lieseratues for. Laig ans to ie wlbeothsouth side of almrost. 80, ate, sang and danced with the senior class of W~alnut tire soldier's ring, and te pimp whoni the boys must have picked liave his teani either skating or the cage, as well as the dressing Hill. Activities, tarting at (L 6~ iii., lasted without a lapse until tuanfer' theigirlatotterpagastte trla'iig hcke almst ver da rooms of the teams, and will ump imidnight. j ot the PA glee clubbers. The The irate soldier discovers the Bronx. He was selling programs- of te season. lanimonia or~ brine through the Arriving at Walnut Hill at 3:30 hearty applause of the audience fraudi'gutstheeherine t i'ecognizer.sodidulbie'shue sneswas rewarded by an encore fast tern sblnigt e ahr only"- the proceeds of which he leight miles of steel ipes lying after a frosty iride, the PAsigrannerywchteilsee d She herself has a ring which her maintained were strictly for "duh Nxew Facilities W1ill Help Clubs Iunder the rink. The pipes may be gathered at the Gyni where they andherhmerrenher awhichhs The new rink will benefit the imbedded in sand or concrete. I pr'acticed for' two hours before the to take gr'eat joy in singing. At lingothe hadgienoher and by his kids." I suppose this huckstering I this point the PA brass choir took ~rng hesolierknws heis isbumi might be classified as a comic average hockey lplayer as well as some hard material is used for ('oncer't. After this, the boys were this pointthevPAerass choir tooksse.Th ip h adare eifbtproalyIpeeh the varsity men. The first two the liase of the rink, it could be formally introduced to the girlsoe'wt eera elpae sit er thepmwho h gre weeks of the season will be devot- used in the spring and summer for paired into coules and then went pieces, including the chorale from should prove fee-born, is forced dr'unken porter, who at least had ed to giving every boy who wishes tennis or outdoor basketball. Work in to dinner. There, under the soft Wagner's D~ie, Meistersinger andtodsanaledshpiy the excuse that he was under the a chance to try out for the varsity, is scheduled to begin this spring,lih.ocade an wth he woicsbyJnAdsn.Ty The two main roles of Phaedro- ifune Those who are will then par- but nothing definite has been de- company of their charming dates, did so well that the audience de- inus, the lover, and Curculio, the In spite of the revolting prelude ticipate in club hockey, which is cided. T1he laying of the rink the Glee Clubbers enjoyed a nianded more ad was treated to clever parasite, will be played by Act II was one of the more delight- Iractically nonexistent now. Club should not take more than three delicious dinner which left nothing Blue Bsell. of' Scotland. The brass Walter Goffart and Tony Quainton tul performances I have seen on teanis will use the present varsity months, so it is cer'tain that next t o be desired,.hi eie fe hs n h respectively. Palinurus, the insol- any stage.-It consisted of an adapt- rink, and wheii this is unavailable year's hockey team will be able to- two combined . choruses again ent slave of Phaedromus, will be ed operetta aptly entitled "Tales on account of the weather, varsity use it. Mir1gulilicant mnournted the stage to end the con- acted by Frank Mayer. Doug M- of Old Vienna," incorporating the After' ('~~~ert with a well-fused and spirited Coim will ble Therapontigonus, the music of'Johann Strauss. Readily well acuine, tilocoues, owth perfoi'mance of the fast and beau- br'aggart captain. Tom Cole plays understamdable despite the Austri- Student Congress I~inutes ar'quairrted, flocked to thetifiri icurt. Lo0(utus Est and Gloria the pimp, Lloyd Farrar the banker, an lyrics (chalk one up for the e Student Congress Minu 2te195 Gy'ni. wher'e the concer't was held. from Bach's Magnificat. Though arid Wells Shainbatigh an incensed cise light-operatic gesticulating Tuesday, Febr'uary 2,15 The gir'ls wver'e dessed in white, this was the fr'st time this year cook. and the progr'am notes), the oper- Rose Room, Commlfons arid the boys in tuxedoes, ThethtteP GleCu sagi Asilatya'Ltnpatoetainhetubdr'rccos President Iai'dere called the rieeting to order at 6:35. r'esult of their standing together cobation P with gils, the i gr's if'as yadove waill play toehad, ifted evebd r ecoway to Then dual mepo'ts wser'e heard. Fir'st, that te Student Council oitestgwaaneecthn cobnto wihgrsthydd-isfl A ovr ilpayhe adswfedvroeaayo hi.j~ appr'oved our' constitutional amendemerit regar'ding the elec- ond tre shwa ane eyerctching their par't well, thanks to Mr. female parts. Miss Nancy Adams the land of the Brethers Grim pw oed nierD's. Nxi a eotdta rs alhsbe of the evening, Bach's 1argnificat, Howes. will be Planesium, the heroine, and and Hans Chr'istian Anderson. No p c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ atenosfr a 'need byetheDwo Gle Joining te large audience in Miss Judy Marland will play the one has ever seen either a baker Ain pnrooa the peabisodyo a atuay hprni ob lb obnd tgv ae applause, all the singers, boys and part of a old bawd, who is a ser- or a soldier like those in the oper- d. ncin~~~under the super'visiorr of a facultyi chaperond is chered. antto bee Clubs corraresbiriaedbt Itogaveedta reoajez rr ere'eito the student body in dorm meetiurgs. The music would tic ad appr'olimiate opening to the Ir's clle n cerd ant oftie mprid arr'aenge Pa theta u h ai toevrcon br supplied by a victrola. The pur'pose of this pr'oposal is to clan.Th Aby te agSaia redRu sdstinean maeetigbtwe ha-thma nuh MaiIlvrycn 'at )rd an opportunity for more social life here o te hill '(net.TrPAbythnsg arb ndRuibs -dousrdPaeim.ceived and executed is overpower- The meeting was adjour'ned at 7:13. .l.nro, .niras, I Lov'e a Lass supem'b- Thle floor was cleared and the Although the "Cureulio" does ing te sense of escape was corn- Respectfully submitted Iy. Ther'e was a total lack f- co- dancing began. To the music of not ('ontain as niuch action as did plete ad sublirie. Ed Mor'an. Secr'etary. ordination between tenors and a pr'ofessional 4-piece orchestra, last year's play, it- abounds in - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~basses in te huiior'ous ser'enade the glee dlubbers swung and amsn iutin 'd(liratr astus Manihandled - _________________________________________________ 'Maidur Fair 0 D~eigu to Tell ut swvayed to their heart's content. Acting with emphasis o express- Returning for more serious it olyv serred to heighten the joe- Samnbas ad Rhumibas were among ive gestures would would make wor'k iii the thir'd part of the con- Student Council Report uhar 'effect (if the song, and the tire ore ener'getic dances but the the Inlay intelligible as well as cert. the uvenrile artists presented Febr'uar'y 24, 1960 gir'ls seemred delighted by it. After rnost uproar'ious one was unques- amusing ad edifyinLg to te aurdi- six nineteenth century works, by Tire nieetig was oenied at 12:55 by iesrieft Al Tooile. The singing Ger'shwin's Surinmer Tne tiornably te Mexican hat dance ence Schuber't, Bohnm, -Brahms, Drechs- Il, lutes of the last rrneetrig were read ad appr'oved. I iiki~ n o lnyo utntewihsn h hl uliglr n taso hc h The council discussed in dletait all sides of the lowei' sbiokigirid e d leto' heitea', the whaih seto te wholnbuildgtnye eiae rdrii t stion. Bob Anderson ad Warr'en Hutchins, tire two lower'i ~ s ei'dt hi'sas ai hkn otr li'ig n French Play Tonight lanmn.ytdlct rdrcn resetatvessumrnarze tie a'gnrnrets f te lwer clss, tire gir'is pr'oceeded to sing Freut trarmpings of gleeful glee clubbers.FinoDrcse wstemt T ey also repor'ted that the Health departmert had voiced rio Eur(' i Jbilirt fom Bach's The niuisic ended near midnight Abb otn andsoih Philis pcaey noewofrchs e as othnae nost 0 ectioris to te plan, ad that te majoi'ity of the lower house- Magnillicat. After this, they sang and ever'ybody left tired, but sing- setnTo'rchafulegh they did riot end with that, fr ii sters approved of it Bob Cutnhbe'tsonmi iertiomnedi that according OnI Top of Old Sokey, Joninie Has ing ir'aises of those delightful playting Fvrench Diretio llt arioig their ecor'es, in another tthe recent Phillipian oll, only twenty-eight of the lower' plyieFenhr'ectowl "1 iitual" smokers. The possibilities of a gemrer'al sixteen year age - aorir' tangler, n ho ooh th y- epReoietiour's. preiaio be under Mine. Ar'osa of the t" reabe brs oAniericaiso ;-dtv-ere discussed. t was finally decided tat the lower repie- lri t'igr.Tohteywe Rcgiinadapeiton Abbot French department and te 'ne'dCmrn'Frt 5'-itatives and Pesiderrt Toole would present tine matter to Mr.,* well endered. riost of the audi- should be given to M. Howes for dM'. Stephen Whitney of PA. Cairr3 M Homre and rended it K,!mpei'. enc(e thought that their singing of the excellent work ie did in pre- Teeinoarisonndte limib front inib. Soirehmow a Negro The Council gave its conseirt to te ongress poposal that Birliulowt ad Oliver' Cronmwell, paring te boys despite a crarrned n' wlriea8:0pn. spii'itual of great and irovimng ti ,r'e be a complete turnover' of officer in the student Corngr'ess tw English folk songs especially pr'ograri o Glee Club concerts and Telasi h orat dph n ineebycor h~erd offie duin the Wiyster trmTee oficrs nfem howevter', corldo ar'r'aniged for te Walnut Hill Glee to te Walnut Hill School and drarria of manners will be Lee ar'e icornpatabe In the final anal- hi'elibe forsing ter'ner Cl(ters T(s'iuhwvr- ol lub by M~r. Wilfred Freemarr, Mis Ber'tha Seifer't for their hos- Flatlrer and Dotty Lanipert of ~'.thre evening would have been Fraibl fk Yasi'ter ponedtectir anrlarshfrte onn wer'e by far te best. Te haunting pitality. to M. Schneider of the Abbot and Frank Davenport urhrise a ooesoe %N 1'ek. nielody of Birrowv, sung by solo- PA Brass Choir, lastly, and espec- and Nigahter Goffart of PA. or sung one word of Eglish. It Vey ~The ireetiig adjowj'ned at 1: 20 p. Ii. ist~ Narncy Wiggin, with te choi'us ially. to te Walnut Hill senior Boys on no-ex are not al- is disappointing that ,so talented Respectfully submitted, accomrpanying i te background, ('lass ad Glee Club for the enter- lowed to attend the show, a group should play down to ar DiCK BEL, Secetai'y will onrg mairn in tire rnemor'ies trrmnrerit they proivided. _______________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________ audienceasethey did. did.

74 NUMBER 19 T Allk-Season Hard Ice' Old World Artists Endpdf.phillipian.net/1950/03031950.pdf · 16. Cochran Cae Saturday',s Film 16. ~~~~~This week's movie is "She mire A joint

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16. Cochran Cae Saturday',s Film16. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This week's movie is "Shemire A joint concert will be given Wr elwRbo"wt

hit by the choirs of Abbot and Wore ayne.wllow sRibbon"fwit5. Phillips iAcademies at this Jh an.I ilsatatr

Sul day's Vesper Service at Sheo m begin ad 7:30. ncrt5:15. So eisa :0

heI VL 4 U BR1 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., MARCH 3, 1950PRC,1 CET01 ed _________74___NUMBER____19

IIT w. Allk-Season Hard Ice' Old World Artists EndIli

b -,e, Wilpur On. katers.. P. A. Celebrity SeriesFed I

Building Of Artificial Hockey Rink) Choir Boys' One-Nite Stand BringsBeauty And Fantasy To AndoverScheduled To Begin This Spring lc B Rc~hard WV.Bet

\11 atificali hockey ink, wshich ha s long bcn o o te w 'tit toti' Vienna Choir Boys concert lt Fiday nightStntcds o A~ndovci' A thltic Dparitment, is nows paid determined to loathic what I feared would b a prententious group

for rid icady to l)C bcgun is soon is d corlip lfl) £ in be cngaged of squeaky Austrians I must admit that I wsas oiled ather neatlyt id~er take the j) Although sall amounts have been given inuy quest, for their performance was magnificent. Enchantment

I~v~n~ov 1 alnn wh lae hocke a undlergr'aduates, the reigned-in fact, it flooded George Washington Hall. I do wish,~~nc~~~oyfori atieuwll i sort(e to gi' _____ _____ - -though, that sound traveled faster

bulk of the money necessaryfrpatewllhsotndtogv than eeven hundred feet per sc-bWIl ng the ink was provided by thenh a chance to play. Club gameson.frtsesaltedothone lrinus who for several years ma ehl fe h ast o-Latin Dram a odfit et lotdt hlias 1,een concerned with the pight tests. The Athletic IDepartment press w~ere so remote from the

ofhikey at Andover. hopes that at least one hundred WsllaeeGthat iteenas ntes aftert

Tie uncovered. 85 by 190 oot boys wvill e able to do regularevroels alft

rink w~~~H~~beI I skisWhoed that the rink will be " .- ' n Ap i 21As the ranostwo RogersCae bu ofrfo h aealused as miuch of the time as possi- ' A.Hall girls seated next to mie gasped

U dianiond that it won't encroacn on ble . Morning and Sunday instruc- Gotfaort Will Play Lead "Oh, aren't they cute!" This aboutright field. The idea of an outdoor cvr t n ukl o o hartificial ice rink is fairly new, ait tion in skating has been consid- In Revival of Plaut us' cvr t n ukl o o hleast in the United States. Ando- ered. Tis will not interfere with-------- Comedy,, th "Curculio"' girls added nothing more construc-

varsity use of the ice, since a new The `Curculio", a ~~twothusn tive all evening, although they re-%ers rnk illbethesecnd nesurface ('an be made on the rink 'Te"ucloatotosn affirmed their original acute obser-

In this area, and the first schoolThVinaCorBywogvasprln pefrac in erodRmncmdwllblin o ths or. M. eaitthoesin less than a hour. Floodlights r h inaCorBywogveasakigpromnei eariod boy a comdy wiip bcae vation several times. Vienna'srinkof hissor. M. Lavit hpeswill be installed so that there an G. W. last Friday.reidbytePlip Acem vaunted vocalizers implanted the

that other schools will follow An- be night games. The light will be __________________________________ Latin department on Friday eve- proper atmosphere of old Austriadover's example in building out- pai'ticularly useful in warmer fling, April 21. The play, written by wt h trSage anr

doo riksandths mkehoceyweather. whnteie ol ePlautus, deals with the attempts of withl sohe Str Saglero thnea ire popular sport than it isto wet for ce in the yie T en o~rs R a e asses a young man ofEpdus to a fok nso triht frombe They

no0w. The Athletic Department hopes to the freedom of his beloved from tetfdthis caasrph mmd* ~~~~~~~~~~~**~~tepm who e owner, and iately with five continual ditties

- w~~ile, ofdicourse a rceat boonkt geuane with atopleast thsie udi- es with the uniting of the couple. b als itra rcnr owihe o urs r ea fen thqatnthere will be geate appre- In G e e C l b C o ncert 2 The lover is aided by his para- bvGluVtoia rcnr-ohevi t squad, which has been ments of skating and hockey so Bass k* E ty aestwosel ing fo the zart, and Wolf. These were all

only Ivuss End n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sier who htals aad prchse I pleasant, uninspiring, and artfullytnines this year because of thaws ciation of the sport. exCncetcaln tegrl

~~nnd the effect of snows on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the giIL ilith The par'asite then forgesridtr'a e. Tet snws onil tii'e Beins pigJoint- Co cet ith Walnut Hlaetter to the banker who has theBerdBm

Construction gn nSrn ere uride an ice sufe su in ile for' Atpeettesho ssil Lsoldier's rioney, ordering him to The intermission was ruined-

vide an ice surfa for Last ~~~~~Saturday, the traditional yarly concert with Walnut deliver the girl to the bearer of the as was the choir boys' carefully

50 degrees.x e a, seeking bids from construction HilS oo i N tc ,A as ur e ttob ar ain m scl letter. Te banker is fooled by the constructed atmosphere - by aIre uitale fr sktingat ier the rink. The refr-Bgeration mach- and social success. A large groulp O P geclubbers, numbering seal, which. bears the imprint of nslcaatri edo hv

lieseratues for. Laig ans to ie wlbeothsouth side of almrost. 80, ate, sang and danced with the senior class of W~alnut tire soldier's ring, and te pimp whoni the boys must have picked

liave his teani either skating or the cage, as well as the dressing Hill. Activities, tarting at (L 6~ iii., lasted without a lapse until tuanfer' theigirlatotterpagasttetrla'iig hcke almst ver da rooms of the teams, and will ump imidnight. j ot the PA glee clubbers. The The irate soldier discovers the Bronx. He was selling programs-

of te season. lanimonia or~ brine through the Arriving at Walnut Hill at 3:30 hearty applause of the audience fraudi'gutstheeherine t i'ecognizer.sodidulbie'shuesneswas rewarded by an encore fast tern sblnigt e ahr only"- the proceeds of which he

leight miles of steel ipes lying after a frosty iride, the PAsigrannerywchteilsee d She herself has a ring which her maintained were strictly for "duhNxew Facilities W1ill Help Clubs Iunder the rink. The pipes may be gathered at the Gyni where they andherhmerrenher awhichhs The new rink will benefit the imbedded in sand or concrete. I pr'acticed for' two hours before the to take gr'eat joy in singing. At lingothe hadgienoher and by his kids." I suppose this huckstering

I this point the PA brass choir took ~rng hesolierknws heis isbumi might be classified as a comicaverage hockey lplayer as well as some hard material is used for ('oncer't. After this, the boys were this pointthevPAerass choir tooksse.Th ip h adare eifbtproalyIpeehthe varsity men. The first two the liase of the rink, it could be formally introduced to the girlsoe'wt eera elpae sit er thepmwho h gre

weeks of the season will be devot- used in the spring and summer for paired into coules and then went pieces, including the chorale from should prove fee-born, is forced dr'unken porter, who at least haded to giving every boy who wishes tennis or outdoor basketball. Work in to dinner. There, under the soft Wagner's D~ie, Meistersinger andtodsanaledshpiy the excuse that he was under the

a chance to try out for the varsity, is scheduled to begin this spring,lih.ocade an wth he woicsbyJnAdsn.Ty The two main roles of Phaedro- ifuneThose who are will then par- but nothing definite has been de- company of their charming dates, did so well that the audience de- inus, the lover, and Curculio, the In spite of the revolting preludeticipate in club hockey, which is cided. T1he laying of the rink the Glee Clubbers enjoyed a nianded more ad was treated to clever parasite, will be played by Act II was one of the more delight-Iractically nonexistent now. Club should not take more than three delicious dinner which left nothing Blue Bsell. of' Scotland. The brass Walter Goffart and Tony Quainton tul performances I have seen onteanis will use the present varsity months, so it is cer'tain that next t o be desired,.hi eie fe hs n h respectively. Palinurus, the insol- any stage.-It consisted of an adapt-rink, and wheii this is unavailable year's hockey team will be able to- two combined . choruses again ent slave of Phaedromus, will be ed operetta aptly entitled "Tales

on account of the weather, varsity use it. Mir1gulilicant mnournted the stage to end the con- acted by Frank Mayer. Doug M- of Old Vienna," incorporating theAfter' ('~~~ert with a well-fused and spirited Coim will ble Therapontigonus, the music of'Johann Strauss. Readily

well acuine, tilocoues, owth perfoi'mance of the fast and beau- br'aggart captain. Tom Cole plays understamdable despite the Austri-Student Congress I~inutes ar'quairrted, flocked to thetifiri icurt. Lo0(utus Est and Gloria the pimp, Lloyd Farrar the banker, an lyrics (chalk one up for the eStudent Congress Minu 2te195 Gy'ni. wher'e the concer't was held. from Bach's Magnificat. Though arid Wells Shainbatigh an incensed cise light-operatic gesticulatingTuesday, Febr'uary 2,15 The gir'ls wver'e dessed in white, this was the fr'st time this year cook. and the progr'am notes), the oper-

Rose Room, Commlfons arid the boys in tuxedoes, ThethtteP GleCu sagi Asilatya'Ltnpatoetainhetubdr'rccosPresident Iai'dere called the rieeting to order at 6:35. r'esult of their standing together cobation P with gils, the i gr's if'as yadove waill play toehad, ifted evebd r ecoway toThen dual mepo'ts wser'e heard. Fir'st, that te Student Council oitestgwaaneecthn cobnto wihgrsthydd-isfl A ovr ilpayhe adswfedvroeaayo

hi.j~ appr'oved our' constitutional amendemerit regar'ding the elec- ond tre shwa ane eyerctching their par't well, thanks to Mr. female parts. Miss Nancy Adams the land of the Brethers Grim

pw oed nierD's. Nxi a eotdta rs alhsbe of the evening, Bach's 1argnificat, Howes. will be Planesium, the heroine, and and Hans Chr'istian Anderson. Nop c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ atenosfr a 'need byetheDwo Gle Joining te large audience in Miss Judy Marland will play the one has ever seen either a baker

Ain pnrooa the peabisodyo a atuay hprni ob lb obnd tgv ae applause, all the singers, boys and part of a old bawd, who is a ser- or a soldier like those in the oper-d. ncin~~~ under the super'visiorr of a facultyi chaperond is chered. antto bee Clubs corraresbiriaedbt Itogaveedta reoajez

rr ere'eito the student body in dorm meetiurgs. The music would tic ad appr'olimiate opening to the Ir's clle n cerd ant oftie mprid arr'aenge Pa theta u h ai toevrconbr supplied by a victrola. The pur'pose of this pr'oposal is to clan.Th Aby te agSaia redRu sdstinean maeetigbtwe ha-thma nuh MaiIlvrycn 'at )rd an opportunity for more social life here o te hill '(net.TrPAbythnsg arb ndRuibs -dousrdPaeim.ceived and executed is overpower-

The meeting was adjour'ned at 7:13. .l.nro, .niras, I Lov'e a Lass supem'b- Thle floor was cleared and the Although the "Cureulio" does ing te sense of escape was corn-Respectfully submitted Iy. Ther'e was a total lack f- co- dancing began. To the music of not ('ontain as niuch action as did plete ad sublirie.

Ed Mor'an. Secr'etary. ordination between tenors and a pr'ofessional 4-piece orchestra, last year's play, it- abounds in- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~basses in te huiior'ous ser'enade the glee dlubbers swung and amsn iutin 'd(liratr astus Manihandled- _________________________________________________ 'Maidur Fair 0 D~eigu to Tell ut swvayed to their heart's content. Acting with emphasis o express- Returning for more serious

it olyv serred to heighten the joe- Samnbas ad Rhumibas were among ive gestures would would make wor'k iii the thir'd part of the con-Student Council Report uhar 'effect (if the song, and the tire ore ener'getic dances but the the Inlay intelligible as well as cert. the uvenrile artists presentedFebr'uar'y 24, 1960 gir'ls seemred delighted by it. After rnost uproar'ious one was unques- amusing ad edifyinLg to te aurdi- six nineteenth century works, by

Tire nieetig was oenied at 12:55 by iesrieft Al Tooile. The singing Ger'shwin's Surinmer Tne tiornably te Mexican hat dance ence Schuber't, Bohnm, -Brahms, Drechs-Il, lutes of the last rrneetrig were read ad appr'oved. I iiki~ n o lnyo utntewihsn h hl uliglr n taso hc h

The council discussed in dletait all sides of the lowei' sbiokigirid e d leto' heitea', the whaih seto te wholnbuildgtnye eiae rdriit stion. Bob Anderson ad Warr'en Hutchins, tire two lower'i ~ s ei'dt hi'sas ai hkn otr li'ig n French Play Tonight lanmn.ytdlct rdrcn

resetatvessumrnarze tie a'gnrnrets f te lwer clss, tire gir'is pr'oceeded to sing Freut trarmpings of gleeful glee clubbers.FinoDrcse wstemtT ey also repor'ted that the Health departmert had voiced rio Eur(' i Jbilirt fom Bach's The niuisic ended near midnight Abb otn andsoih Philis pcaey noewofrchs e as othnae nost0 ectioris to te plan, ad that te majoi'ity of the lower house- Magnillicat. After this, they sang and ever'ybody left tired, but sing- setnTo'rchafulegh they did riot end with that, frii sters approved of it Bob Cutnhbe'tsonmi iertiomnedi that according OnI Top of Old Sokey, Joninie Has ing ir'aises of those delightful playting Fvrench Diretio llt arioig their ecor'es, in another

tthe recent Phillipian oll, only twenty-eight of the lower' plyieFenhr'ectowl"1 iitual" smokers. The possibilities of a gemrer'al sixteen year age - aorir' tangler, n ho ooh th y- epReoietiour's. preiaio be under Mine. Ar'osa of the t" reabe brs oAniericaiso

;-dtv-ere discussed. t was finally decided tat the lower repie- lri t'igr.Tohteywe Rcgiinadapeiton Abbot French department and te 'ne'dCmrn'Frt5'-itatives and Pesiderrt Toole would present tine matter to Mr.,* well endered. riost of the audi- should be given to M. Howes for dM'. Stephen Whitney of PA. Cairr3 M Homre and rended itK,!mpei'. enc(e thought that their singing of the excellent work ie did in pre- Teeinoarisonndte limib front inib. Soirehmow a Negro

The Council gave its conseirt to te ongress poposal that Birliulowt ad Oliver' Cronmwell, paring te boys despite a crarrned n' wlriea8:0pn. spii'itual of great and irovimngti ,r'e be a complete turnover' of officer in the student Corngr'ess tw English folk songs especially pr'ograri o Glee Club concerts and Telasi h orat dph n ineebycor

h~erd offie duin the Wiyster trmTee oficrs nfem howevter', corldo ar'r'aniged for te Walnut Hill Glee to te Walnut Hill School and drarria of manners will be Lee ar'e icornpatabe In the final anal-hi'elibe forsing ter'ner Cl(ters T(s'iuhwvr- ol lub by M~r. Wilfred Freemarr, Mis Ber'tha Seifer't for their hos- Flatlrer and Dotty Lanipert of ~'.thre evening would have been

Fraibl fk Yasi'ter ponedtectir anrlarshfrte onn wer'e by far te best. Te haunting pitality. to M. Schneider of the Abbot and Frank Davenport urhrise a ooesoe

%N 1'ek. nielody of Birrowv, sung by solo- PA Brass Choir, lastly, and espec- and Nigahter Goffart of PA. or sung one word of Eglish. ItVey ~The ireetiig adjowj'ned at 1: 20 p. Ii. ist~ Narncy Wiggin, with te choi'us ially. to te Walnut Hill senior Boys on no-ex are not al- is disappointing that ,so talented

Respectfully submitted, accomrpanying i te background, ('lass ad Glee Club for the enter- lowed to attend the show, a group should play down to arDiCK BEL, Secetai'y will onrg mairn in tire rnemor'ies trrmnrerit they proivided. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ audienceasethey did. did.

Page TwoII1L I AN_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _

carly last term, reports o the gymnasium te' administration which has been de-drive and, reccutly, pictures of the pro- signed to protect students'.fromn them-

Jos)Ipans for thalt edifice, as well as a selvcs. It exists ostensibly for their owncomllete financial report of thc school, we 'good. It prevents it tudcnt who is scholas- ** fj.

The PHILLIPIAN is member of the Columbia Scholastic 'have endeavored to keep our readers in- tically defective froin tangling. in extra- -(I

Press Association as well as of the Daily Princetonian Associ- formed o important school niatters. Also, curricular-' activities and squandering hisation of Preparatory School Papers. it was at contingent t Pilflipian on-the- time in the evenings. No-ex's purpose is After a conhlarative lull, track and combined with Hugh to ell)

Editorial Department spot reporters who produced an eye-witness sound and necessary but it often defeats and field comiletely monopolized take the aforementioned l's a,Editor-in-Chief account of the snatchingv of the Exeter ban- itself ervn students from functions the Andover sports scene lastJonyHugrbeinte il

ERIC \( NT",ORTIA bydpiigjohnny bHonk grabbMedlo An the gExecutive Editor i ~~ncr at the big' footbal arels fail, and which have intellectual antinihtnn week. While host PA leaned up flibendobMl.Asx

Executive Editor 0~al gaels nlgtnn Mello won all three juni ing~,W ARD Wv. CHAPIN anl action photogr-aph as iWell. lpurlposes. The policy of the Administration II te N. E. Prep school mneet Sat-eensManaging Editor I i o'ncto ublished last wekas regard teFrench pa is Uefeatist at uray Andover alunini figured in

SYDNOR B PENICK the C4A as well as the Harvard- SotinadEigrwr ie HrAssignment Edifor Eports Editor -we Were referred to as ai "school boys' New~ best.Yaefsh nadvastymt, only Andover graduates conipe jg lefe

R REES E Cop Eios R ARMS rker-," because in out' movie previews W~e have what we consider to be at work- With~out any serious conipeti- llth andA'fourtrsyecte hsg byftPhotogaphi KEditoR J RIKER We have becii following the example of able suggestion. Since the intellectual and tio aorgth pep cholsAnoth 000.tivl 1r A'

Phtorahc dio such "prejudiced" publications at "Time". edifying events which the no-ex mien are to nogtePe col no h 00 fAAWith this exception, however, we have deprived of arc miany, it might be j)ossible veIaiyrtiedtettefr li te qualifying hreat Frai did eligil

A t~~~t Hall Associates Pates ~~~~~~~tried in eineral to avoid being' commit ted to gie n-xsuetatoteti~ ucsietmstighis own and the mneet's best mie hlaveAMHale B. J. Scheerst b 0i the exsuntachoice of othree new mneet records in the fx h vn,21.,btw~~tmZ Hior all J. C Pratt t n particular policy in respect to events during the term. Such at plan would shot put, the high jumip, and the lirttle e wti- 2:3.n bu the fi; im

\W. J Levi tt R F. Thompson school miatters. It is mtuch better' to treat retain the general effect of curtailuent Ol relay. Huntington, represented byliteegwaynth fn; teiW Mayer R, S. Ullmnf houi's later. Yale received a t igil Tl

R D Ewell J. Walker eatcl situation in the way we think descry- the student but would allow im to absorb rerruits fromt various Greater bekwe ereApl a ~; p~Photographic Board Inn'hs ferns-wihaculyhl i. otnhg chowsads

rZ D jacl-'son D Seifer toehferng hihacual hl hm. Bstnhih coos ws is e te finest l)ole vaultr And rel ies t,-JOO~~~~~5an D Seifer a'~~~Il cncuson w canl say simply that X 1%7 believe that it is unfortunate that tant runner-up. PA mnight well has eves' produced, couldn't )Iu- littli

Business Department our- reatest dlesire all along has been to there is no such policy at present that, could thae broad upa theerscs lad i es behe pontschlasi sui' vul 11iBusiness Mogettebra uptedscs n

JOHN SHERRY out put publication with some life to ~~~~~it, prevent the gross mal-administration which the pole vault, Blue strongpoints, hv ahrdwudhv 'n TlAdvertising Manager one that would really hold the readers' has been levied on boys o restrictions rec- had been o te program. Al-' Yale thernsed tlel oave ~ %,el andlCHARLES GORDON interest. Now and then, e have aroused adg the Frenchply though recoird breakers Gil Mur-Yaete(filtdtteovrl e- wd

GC'RHV.', ' Crulatio ManaER IV0N0 this interest by means ut Of the ord&inary, iay, Rod Meyer, and the relayR 0 Biem Associates MSPodrbut We feel that we canl say in all truthful- _______teami of Jini Sagabiel, Bruce Val- The Blue basketball teamni lxi't tal) I

V. 0 Berne P. ShaPoderes tl't whent The Phlii -ae it entinie. Ed Thoirnton and Bill 1(5ok too polished against the )[t, let II,

V' MHirak P. Staouns dWih xad h edie.Cr rd Frosh Saturday,. With ucim l il L H Kozol T. K. Vodrey appIielran( i the Commons and in mailWrgtnaetehadis.ClJoe Ross G. Webb boxes each Wveek, it is received with no little ~ Knight deserves special recogni- sall nucleus of capable Ia-' it fal'

GeogeBeerfnJohn Beard Dilermnna\v Smith Edward Selig eaCi-erneSS, Imore- eageriness, erhaps, than tion. After being thii'd mnan to em's, te loss of any one, especilli 0 IR Allen Mt Howell Thseitra hsbenwite o 9't Doug (iralhain and Walt Kirkhamn the captain, can seriously han;. Iw. Crazier ' Res e' er before. inseltra-isbenwitnntWt the high hurdles foi' most of sti'ing te team's chances. t - I

Maxwe~~~l Warden R Ornsteen ~ ~ 's muhchl for uIS. his Snda', there is to any hope of rectifying at distessim'g and in- tesaom aleuldtebs vs h rmo okdsmi,~~eD D h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e other banquet, and a new group of ex~cusable situation, but merely with the tin oehresoa hs ex nb o Aimms eeydlml

The PHIL~iPIA is publishedFriaoys durin the s~hot~l Upp~ers will recceiv'e the long awaited tid- idea that maybe the faculty canl take a running both hlis heats. I the "llent. so that its a bit linfai tisear by The PHIL-LIP;AN board 8iiex

Entered as econd CIGss matter t the post office at ings. he perpetual c c will roll on its more1- liberal and unbiased viewp)oint re- wa of unusual events, it miust say that Captain Rose's set sm~(51'Anaeover, Mass, underI tshel tactteof Marcho r3.i 1879~uner the act o March 3, 1879 1 )h th eee wl )al-dillg te dfilemla hould it cop i) have been a act of Providec 'Clap ea eddtose rc taAddress al correspo'dence concerning subscriptions to R B mmeri'y way, and Sisv enceteHelr-Wl 9 r Sirnanton r G Hussy. nd ad.'ertisements to J. Sherry or cniu hslao.We reagai1 i future years, andthry pr'e- that held up, the high theOnt(ipe.Abinovr xes' e

CGaracn. care of PHILLIPIAN, George Washington Hall. xrreethrbyum baUes-choo-l subscription -3 50 Mail subscription $4 50 p O0, butE) no, e op, obeoogote.re senior classes fr'ont ailing i.to after- Co-captain eyrscraped dfinitselso neesr 'i U''~s ei'oliThe PHILLIPIAN is cistributed to subscribers of the Camn- telrdIcaln m ~ ali-epret gis ti i ia tei~ oflsao og

mons and is for sole ait the Andover Inn, _________ ge of the class of '50 now finds itself. W~e clear' six feet. Thqre's hiot hili(hl11 ,(j1 Il'r~The PHIlLLtPI.AN cocs not necessarily endorse tne Corn- IP

munscalions tniat clpecr in its Editorial columns are spaigo iecoeadenarsn In tlHavrYefes e hashing over' the ws'estiing teams\ ,0'(

Offie ofpublcaton- agleTribneIrintng, twreceproximity of te college board exarnina- and vam'sity lleet WVednesday of famldeetoedxtring. thertwoeil am;~o- Ex INot Excel lent tionls and hc' final exams i March. The thle samne week. prelimimary for unefpeated subng FortJo ee allTonight fortunate P.A. students Wsill formerf last Al dayI) Saturday, the latter corn- Andovei'-Exetei' contest here this tiebgsi'xie p'v ig05- hid

The Phillipian takes pleasure in a hav'e anl opportunity to see on'yth stage nmence onl Monday, and any sense or bene- Saturday, PA alillini hilaced prom- bi'ighit spot in an othem'wise glamudlnouncing thle elections to the Editoria of George lWashington Hall a play put onl fit in this Rarrangenment is pur'ely coinciden- inently'. Hank Stoltmnan took agooiI tval

first in) the 1000 fox- thle vitorious,,nac.I a h l str 'f manBoard ol the iollom~~~~'inu Lower Middlers: ~~ in Fr ench by the A-bbot andc Phillips Acad- tal \ale arity whntamt rn mhen being lost im the wvrong pilaces

Warren Blair H-arshiiian, Williamt Beasoin emy-, sttidents. The play has been directed Out' oe oli iilmbeiit is: XVhy? Is our- exam- Efinger bowed out of his specialty It'lk ,-hr. l( enalStrxpns¾ 0CH1xle ' Faher, and by \mmme. Arosa of the Abbot French Dc- iliomi SCtLlp'5() SY'SteIMtiteciand regrinent- to place second iii tme ile. Dick a d'iffee t ht ay' Hoe eji tlnHenr-x Spotswvood Fenimore Cooper. prtmenta it -h-tney of the ed that at few da'ys' leeWa~on either side Rubin picked Up pointage foi' t e

French Department onl the Hill. M~ic is; So oliplelcy imlpossible?~ We dims ti osn ar'su b'cl bs~ hr ackneyed 'law of averages".Xrosa has had extensive experience i Jihtbeciil ul' 's 'x kxowm to plc ntm aums im'(sw.aths11)smeie adareo-~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ XC o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m ~~~~~~~as loug as that canl't last t'om'cs'smFrench Dramatics. Through her direction Sh~atter precedlent ill thle past, andmcl(ould do Hugh Spi'agsie and Ai'tie Dor'aii Plaver's-of-thme-Week - Rd iad atGOI flg, But N~~~~~~~~t ro Be . . * * ~~~~~~the performers havec developed excellent ac- it aga,;in if they mreali/ed otr plight. 'Wle both placed in two events fox' thme M'\eyer: amd ili Mur'ray are tme o. fr'

-k little less than a year ago, there was at (dmts aud insights in te French tongtue hai' e a grtxelng session onl Saturday with wsinming Yale Frosh. Hugh took vicouss chices. They wel'e tme oiut- abig b~anq~uet in the Comions, at which a axid lFren~l h taners. the Boam'ds, onl whiclh time d tal admiissioni the two mnile x'un beatinig out Fstasmding Anidover' lperfor'xsers'Ilgroup of excited Uppers i'eceived the happy Themre are mieany advantages i prodtic' to college of iiy of uIS sixy depend. WeJony Kmbanw fte thle New England Tr-ack meet amtl Ilhpii

flew tht tencforh, or te nxt hre Il( i forignlanuag ply. heyall con- havei onie (lay to r'ecuxprate, amnd awake emimson, amid led off in time two rate the award. The relay teas atlenws t, tecfrh ththI-11dbersose next three (elg a Ioiegnanguagoicenply. Tie amoegiody onn oIceE had mile i'elay. Last year's co-captai also deserv~es somie px'aise foi as 1

terlns the woldia ber esonsbl forepbovemrnrain ioicemyi afrin odymmoligt iac-xmlih nd lo'asl placed tlaixd i te loot) outstasnding job. Di'lishing one l~~hillipian per week. Moreover, tongue. 'The pla-', both foi' performers and .\nmericanl histomv! a''these -would haxe to be good Phillipians, audience, is aI purely intellectual affair \s Iv ad We I'ca1 li that it is to late fa14 4//Jlill(bc'tter Phillipians. and ats s i t wvill be a great boon to thi yet ortm ahmiisrtio oi i slId

1Looking back oloerorlabors, we French sttidc'nts toattend what will prob- its bollis and try to give iehpe eirwonder justL how1 uICCessfl we actually have balyV be thle Closest approxiniation of French aI 1oost. Btit we stiggest. that should this Bas~ketba5ll Iinig time IlipIex' ]masid. 20-12 lie P'l o'tllbeen. Have we lix cc up to the standards (hia'logme thle liaxe witnessed. "I la-~t1llle Idrechicamien arise agrain, there WXith tlmmee suecessfully-fougmt Saxoms, Playimig without their' vap- Kmaxmeiset before us?~ 'T'e iarious press association .\11d Vet, hmaVIIm0 been catalogtied under- shld( be soicl-reathimg space lbetween taixnmeJobeixiddtlmem, theefii't place iass,

contesls cotilcl n~rot have been any too ilic' x1oienclature of ''entertainment'' the thle b~oard(s and th'fial-ihrbyed m'e emi itledllNitiecuplnesds souchhalnsa:ldr ha Fec lywllntb pnt hs n lse lyo two earls---iteror shiftndg Gteeeanineed totak the fourt Gus Lheabt tod teg bandetIhom;

Lx1)oundis On Ph~~ilooh f tltc- tlitso oe, soIl lbecause they are thle cIjifes of the examnis forwar-d or back- straight gamne at time expense of Ee~LteOil ok ~ltElimninated By Lawirence 6-3; Beats Taft 4-0, failing French. No-cx isis insiuino ad fe lw ieol lumn i atpaeRmmn.Hwvr Ilead thie Y le.

Then Choate -. Or, an excerpt from ______wasi______et___d__eiod_______tile

Mr. M\oroan's ar'ticle onl Fine Arts: "- -o.A15 dithose of vOu . . . shmould misanage to take eiod'lytoCPaiuc-ipt-did to atIig Gaumli defene I It l

somle Fine Art Curses..' Since we moved Ied gamne. Due to a tiier's errmor. not i'es Tlich Vodie' let lto the Lawrenice- Eagle-Tribunec printing es- t- e ,gamie was extemded two extx'a I

ussismutes, fos'cing time Gs'eeks ~~~~t te loser's by inetting thx'ee has-been at a premium. ' - . -.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hold thmeilr ever' dwiimdling lead kt i a'C'sv liom mn- A~inex'er h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ongem'. A fast Romiman basket by o mdSea' emt 'tm a'AlIso, wre'xec pulled sex eral faux-pas Cmob idtm am p n etsot, sd Stmewa txsehe ot w he ]iel

which hardly are to be expected in such a thesoeontetutt2-allxes Droedl axnst 100rt p iepaper' as this: a Chapel annoumicenment here, I-ntlimeraou.Tesqwko-Ihaetesthmle.

olni itlcaionltee anfd so on. W~e're (uredl thex big oGeo'e steawa Ic ewe hmevsniot p)roud of them; we have puit -emdowndm'omped in two p~oinits just at the I n thme 1:45 group each chuil ba~ Ma t1li isc, theme' down sunedth eda two and two recom'd so as ye thle

Iture torn of Experience. ot]iels uitr oi eag-ue c'hasmpionship is unadec led0mm thle oer hand, though, e have otnt'oimiltuueitsc-iWth only two gasmies left to la.

spring "' " tatom's oves'x'uled the referee's de- eaC'ls teaxim is tl'yin'g to halt I al4~taor ovrruedtherefre's e- a(Ii ean i trinr t hat Ianc-~~~1l'lic'd soumlc' tilt'S it. Iliat tlA'O-c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~red "' ' ('ision that t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~me basket was good. Bssnsall who, aftes' scoring 14~~~d, onsll ho afer eorllg14

j~rr~uis issue, I etlirI mig two-colord adver- amid thus ~me ganme was for'e into Ithusitheiga he iwasefiotes ieagtislxig. 'A'i55 soslscllailig lie~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~ los' any prep , - overtixue. When, after two mixinutes liaciflg the Rosmians andoveti the ( satertwombnues'acin Ah Romns nd te ILib

s( hoot paper, Im 12-page cosiniencenient -"thme gamne was judged a tie sisace with .14 Iloints. Matthews amid C'ol-i"Sluc taisi i claie u eo'lli''mo oxie had scor'ed, tme lmapiy Ro- inuS. bo(th of tme Greeks, a'e l-el-

I" ~~~~~~~~~ll, is jfilili a twso -page papers last xmam ldtm eiodltG'esing teix c i te hick i tile'K-' ~~ill 5Iti IC led it eai'lic's' peak. Thlie nemori-al m'eturxmed to thme locker-rocoiu onlty light with 24 ad 2 points, s'es- as

Issuc los Dix - i c'am's anti the winter prom to be geeted with te ews that pectively. Ime Rolinan ad 5S 5solistc %-I-hohIlcon il al fduy a foul, which had eenm over'- seconid st'ismgers ax'e tied up v'itil

lS55l(' to(l thott b nd callin o ut .' ' 'looked. was caled to time refexee's 2 victories asd io defeats, lmI(-IIhSc t a IA Ilow rwd gigin alesly to attestioi. ad as a result. Lin- Mlssnda te two clujbs will s eel

is clI as t~~~~me P.X low-brow, c aim testify to ' ~~~~~~~~~~"f'~~'~ c'olmm, of time Ronmans. was allowed amid a leagueoans headem' axdi'ieagulleadr hwibebeujs mede

liii I esosi 11(111 \11smil I' dancemmirkle ''4 to take his allotted fee trows, C'tub T ru~l'alsv-\\'~~~~~~~Itsx '' \ncl h~~~~~~~~d' tc'a (lance tonmor- ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ simmkmsmg them both. Roges' Hiiik- Sweepisig tlms'ee imleetbos tRgerHin- Seepng hre nietstil

Ii sw - We calm l)0l51 t~~~~~~~~~m a I Philhipian, sosm led time x'ictom'ious Romimaxis with mixigisty Sadxon club coppednias timei 'gIii Saxn (-tib oppe til -luII t(' Il Id i ci~t s hool jor'na lists in gen-, . sev'e poilits. oum' of which wes'e track aurmels. Te Greeks, lIi'sji9cil i sciCdoiri, ha\ c i ec to cmcr te field of ' e ~cm'ed in te last period ally. onily to te Saxons, r'a a lose Nsofii fi ll)i I tor)s fir til 5sfimmitem. Stewam't ad Limnehman star'red foi' seconid aemd ot te Roniails anxd

' (.sslltli IC lx C' C(ItC i(slin o~i te editorial time Geeks, tossing i sevem ad tlse mapliess Gauls. Since thei'e sPag~( h -gtlisi sonict thsisis accomplished, "MY BUT THOSE ANDOVER BOYS ARE SO NICE." foui' poisits r'esp~ectively. mxo meet this week, te individual

I-) li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aipiomships wxill be decidesl ata mmd ourl ii(ws overage, wh'lile miot exactly Thle Saxomas and te Gauils, each th mx ime "esamot (Oe

pe Ic's i. has, w ledl, beei nore than ade- having one win ad two losses, t- -ex -iet h tndu" equlii5 BuS si~il Iings as llc so(ieties article tausgled smext with te Gauls gaixa- (Continmued o Page 4)

IPA MUM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Page Three1llublinl School. The good condi- yard breaststroke. 1-is time was iiot of the way, but Witherwax-H arvard Q ue lls H op e- t~~~ions and the lovely facilities (two SplIasiiers Ifl slower than usual, 1 minute 9.2 came upl very fast at the end to

- f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s sitw adafil-te il) I seconds, but he can still break capture first honors. Stern of

wi Mr. McKee's assistanlce) on 5 -2 5 Rout Exeter meet. Curtiss and Hodgson ny% Thomlpson clinched the meet byO f U nb eaten M at lea wer anoh ton h thelo teams took second and third for Deer- winning theh 10individual medleyell) L Bu was duly set up and the ace feld. btM~la was edged outfor~lo. Crimsonui Frosh D wn Bluel517-13; was started. Andover swept the MJ~ U e t e d3ulv'ey Does Best, Time seodby Saeof the opponentsigl ~ j S, fi rst five places led by Paul Horo- O f D fi l'Deerfield won their only race Thompson's time was a good 1

11, ual Seil, Ack~erson, Anderson Triu mphl witz, who had the lowest time Latst Saturday, the Blue Mer- iii the 200 yard freestyle as Stace mninute 15.8 seconds.11 Ing 1iI with 50.3 seconds. The other four Men evenaged last year's defeat easily outdistanced the other en- lc'ilITksJii'

~'ill ')(r vil stcko t lpst to ceali ctit short at pllaces were Martin and deLahunta bywipn ~efed 02.Tetries to triumph in 2 minutes 14.5 DefedTksDvlk',e the Hur ell l AnIdov'er wxrestliing tml AVem doWn to a 17-13 tied f or second at 5 0.9, Booth with ywhpigDefld502.Teseconds. Jack Dinsmore and Paul Creamelr and Nelson of Deerfield

jIE lug (iefeI at te hands o u -1- LarVard lFI'Sh1Iieii ast Saturday 53 and Greene with 55.31. The teaii pierformned well, onl the whole Urnes took second and third to helped to make the score respect-,a ig ltite 1 oo ttCalliibridge. he only Andover Winis wcere falls teami then climbed the steep and in their- last ileet before Exeter, lprevent a sweep in this event. In able by taking first and second in~ I,~ F- iu Scd and Iol() Anderson, and a decision by Ed Ackerson. narrow, downhill trail only to find with Don1 Mulvey being particu- thle 100 yard backstr'oke Don Mul- the ding. Creamer's oint total

if A dover's MShei'ry had been the lead all the ay, and lost that they would just as soon have lryottnig vey and Tony duPont sunk th e was 52 72. which is six points be-1did eligil e to conilete, there might the one p)oint only because hie ap- stayed at the bottom. With aws The swimmers took an early Deerfield forces by taking the first

Ile have b.eei a different result, but parently as cutting off his op set and fists clenched most of lead as Ken Raine edged out Fred two Places. Muulvey won in 1 Wre a notdy isnw ~~ ~ the 'S pounder had to sweat out liolent's wind wilie working bin, thmmd tdonaanbt i enderson for first lace in the minute, 4 seconds; his best time edie d angsvrlmd

ntI the thatAdvritoacdlwas a arrowing experience for thsya.Teopnn' tp jce(is oeelesilton; tile ~atchinthee12 in th fiaiiit' o h ati . . freestyle. Henderson led thsya.Thhiloet' tp ore oes. Howverlie still tooknttc ighl 11frtmth nte11 Iitefnliac fteatr all. First for Andover were de- most of the way, lbut Raine put took third. IN elevated from the Junior var-I lii p~th' clss, proved tolie the big- non. Andover havyweight ThuLahunta with 1.37, Payson 1.38, on it terrific burst of speed to! Witherwax and Thompson ill it'

id t'el test, tllset of the afternoon, for Andei~son Ilineol Harrington of Booth 1.42, Martin 1.42,tand1Put- yarsPRaine's timeawas'25.2msec-sS2ott sitherwoxtwontthew10I)ll- littlf Pritzie Seil, a lower wrest- Harvard. After a scoreless first nolan.2 wit for4 Dubfin 1e37e onds. his best this year. Dooley yard freestyle in the day's closest AndI~over Sweeps Relajsifivul 111g r hsptalzedJoePerzperiod. Anderson got a reversal Tla ih13,Sefa .7 of D~eerfield took third in this finish, just edging out Bidelle of The miedley relay was won byifi ciii ril, I oreosptlz fHrvr.ad is ed JoeodPerez, King and Brown 1.38 and Ladeni- event. Jimi Miller increased PA's the visitors in 57.2 seconds, his PA's teami (A ulvey, Miller and

ii to l~~ii~~ I favore intule oftarvd. and first tre aal oad ess sack with 1.58. The total score lead with a triumph in the 100 best time up to now. Bidelle led Malcolmftveil Tuef - got thetiitiawtakeowndndeten1a9alf4etsonandbrotcII 'lil- and ode Seil for the entire fst hold, the latter aiing hini the wa Andve 16.4toDuli

i . However Seil started o fall. ISf36dldn't tol ie esecoiid period, and never Next eek, a squad, streng-e I [r, let ht oolient up until hie had thened by the eligibility of MikeIi -h drv in a half nelson and gotten McSherry. will face Exeter. Earlier

1 law afal Aover led 5-0 in the season Harvard beat Exetei L OS20-12. This score plus the ab FrGo Snwce

eciall, ('1 11i111n apitain i Aiello i'ar~d mneet miake Andover a fav- FrGo SnwceIam li te12lpud las I.oh rite to clo(se the season success- Sodas and Ice Cream

sI 0r- - Lee. an ex-Exonian 11(w wrestling fullIvsue- or, Harvardl, pinned Andover's -___ ______________________________

e (i- Lloyd Alello. wrestling in M'v ke SltADVE IUiUI ~ at! t -e.Lee. the 1-arvar Bue S irs S ltADVRATSUI

t .shot at~ii took the advantage ronCllitlli Frs F ur MetsPORTRAITS AND GROUPS

eter 1~~~~ - _~~_ SNAPSHOT FINISHINGclii ~ the 1'. mintes and twenty-six Lose Two To Exeter, 123 MAIN ST.-TE.L. 1011I(C5S erooIds oit t le match. AielloPitrFamnadReiig

[ouight ganielx'. ut at last fell Smash Dublin, Dummer PitrFamn adReiiglit il 1,rey to1 Lee's ot ent cradle. The Spur-red o by tw xx) ailN lossesteam iii sore was Andover 5. Harvard 5. to Exet er. wich.1 inc((delltall, x aniae, Th V e ixt niatch, i the 13t;- oiilx' e eilailled l lack oit x-

ei m n pund clas,; saw Harvard's Buld Pwriice'. H oung Anmdov er skiez)d A\anio decision PA 's Fran k Lonm- tepani hits brlokeln all precceden t x.gOh' ardi A danms, also all ex-Exeter j ~li iing wo M(eets Tlie i st I;loono , st ayed o topi tor h duira- these rather extraoirdiilar evcxents


of kies~ 1(11 of' te match. o(Ccoirred on1 t lie tentyv-second opi abe G~ordoni Lome' First Matc February wxllen t le PA siers heldc

abl(, ~~~~~~~~~a eet with II(oveimir luini ll liben Andover's calitalil. Tuck Gr-

b.te(i.is i sf 'tult'lItl Academyv. lDiu to icy on ditions. it

ea Ihe was decisioned Iv HayJ1- x'slo5itl o-`. nl l orecord ~ard's hben. I heii. easily the best Terc c~n.aidi pt i h

ric'e krest Ici on thle I-lar-vard teamic. aid1li at a ar l r 1Rod hiad a bout eii poun1mds o Gordon, thr1u1 1 fl i itile bv .ear i de

the ols- for li Adcoxer c'aitan weiglledii at 1 for a 15 poll ud natchie ri i i soeleln )

(Iuii'donl as able t escapte foml iil is ix l~ifrAidB~LA

uet a( IIpiI (01l" ((lie dring te eitire Borower Pavoe a 111 Mtac rskllinatch Te scoire st(ood Har-vard ,ot1. 'siiald laAiikllANDOVERteaiii csIc i. while or Gro

for all II, Adver 5hick ill c lie loc mt Hay D1iiin iel' e first five were Brock- RECREATION CE NTER

lard's; Russ- H-arri i t e 1 5 5elmi. AludeRo.ad.1(o11es.llolilic class. Harris. who was sec'v atS ia ~e1tn es- 34 PARK ST.

tnid tring aid mlamager o lastlear's, A ndox~ei squad. has i drov'e sate to t lie iti gged mounil (Fo fBr-e tet

tlsct" e Itli ie wee' (oto ate tet2 l'w (1oved treinendciusly. ad deci- tIo 1~iphl we 2hl ''O elIliI t-I Ii ~e 16 hon hie' tfaced t le rugged teani oifwic vai1 lass. Andcx'ei''s lin iiEplei' wxas

Oh el'isined lix HIarvard 's Ioh IBow-,d(T ~i I towsei' too hleld t advan-

txa'l- age or a lmost the entire dura- -

dlIt tin (,I t lie iatchlaid Eler wasmt h r adeal ly andc'uiffed. After this IX 1w1v o ( ;isltlers Stop-lI.oo( k-and Buy? '

el' aiid h1aif I.. I-a rvar'd led 1 7-5. ad aniie lie, 'to1d e will xxas madle mathIeiniat-

'I i alix Impoicssibile.ivi Ititil .a. kc'u".on, .cld'rson Winl 4 3ECA

ieN led Ill ie of t le fexw b)iught sots_e :)as- l t ft ernicoon d Ackerson of'

ik- Alidc i' 1( coipleteiv' ovi'erredxx'cl'e(l a s) U1tier'h new-bc' tile tfitx 'd's Hat haxvay'. a( gained

lie' il I decisionu Ackerson held i 11e () o I/Ctel (lifJ('? (U-

l a M y we suggest ~~~'e 110' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~YOU, too, should be wearing one of our WiTm SMOKERS WHO KNOW. .. ITIS

fec led 'eather bookehds:o .1a111,1t Iaol' to ~ifl your host SCOTCH -PLAID CAPS!ig 14; vith joviality.

( iib' A 'oken gift Full-cut cap with sf-hack strap, fashioned' with caree I,,eIl- vill make amends fo uhni crhpad

(t tll'

its, i ye s- Oswell as repay5 itil Aoptm]y.47 fie H-lve h Plaid ~alit-Coal o, Too.'

ts, butl11 I ee,

lIat ied

t~e Andover' fIE . f'IIIAh e l ~ b V E Yes, Camels are SO-MILDJ thai in a coast- 11(~lose 'ftIORO TE to-coast test of hundreds of men and wome

a lose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wo smoked Caniels -and only Canlels-a~~~V1T for 30 consecolive clays, noted throat special-ils ald Hiouse -r ,c.o Dists, making~ wcklx examinationls itdorted

eme xx1 T J 'llIivan, res P A. 1912.epe hnvidhO'ided a1 i2PR ST 13-15 MAIN STREET TEL. 78 NOT ONE SNGLE CASE OF THROAT '' -

outs flt Pen Tues. and Fri. tl 9. Tel. 1822M 4) - _______________________________________ IRR1TA TION due to s8mo n E2AJELS! "

Pagie Four / F'ILLIIUAN

Five Pair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ver proceeded to get itself shut-out With The Clubs P.A. Racketmen Ranked flutals of the scholastic tu~aUIU~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~I~~~~~1 J3 ~~~~~~~~flips by Jim. Palmer and Kimball (Continued from Page 2) In N. E. Interscholastics to Golphin and Shibley, ,te een. ban

saved a complete whitewashing.tawinrfo er. jazzI ~~~~~~~~~~~I ~~~~~~ Meanwhile the Crimson pulled still the three meets were Jim Sama- InI the New England Inter- tulwinrsfomEetrA s R ose Is S idel ined further ahead, finally leading 19- schin, who scored 43 points, scholastic tennis rankings for the_______________ig10 at the intermission, twenty-three more than his cbs- ~ ~~pas year, George Stewart, a Greene Ski Captdin 2 510 at he inermision. tenty-hree ore thn hisclos-quarter-i-nalist, was ranked 9.

PalImer, Metcalf Are High Scorers Switcling to a pressing man to est competitor, Maxwell . J. Ji Sagabiel and Stewart were Alex Greenie was elected tpman defense in the second half, Pates, the low-hurdle standout, is ranked third in the doubles. Saga- tain of the 1949-50 ski t r __As Andover Falls Under .500 Mark Andover forced the issue quite a rgtbhn awlbit of the time, but could never rih ein awl with 18 biel and Stewart went to the sehii- on Feb. 27.

in a wild and woo1~ contest that leatured more whistl seem to overcome its poor offen- Points to his credit. Samaschin 1lblowving thanr basketball, tile Hayrard frosh registered a con- sive work. Several instances sawsemtobanhr.BhMt-Mrise__56 ncino 49-42 win over Andover last Saturday evenling in Borden the Blue come very close, only to ias. He enters almost all the eventshGymii. Trhe fewv imes durin-g--the amec that the pace increased have Harvard get the break and and wins them easily over his T- hC1nogh t0 mlerit a, interest on the part o the full house de- nochacompeoedcisvtbcet.TtorsSE ICE generated into foul shooting exhib- .Kimball's toss ricocheted off the Whe aler was wivd furote ietioritions. and in all fairness, the side of the back-board and that game lafterna third Arter n Cl1I) swimiingit 32 Park Street - Tel. 8059 H ariganCrimson certainly had the better ended everything. Dick Lionette, hisefcthubenonalnouliAdover ree of it. Andover had apparently fal- the visitors' 67" center, dunked lost all hope of controlling the Thein lgently hav ibeenve

boards from there on in. Jiwokin diigntl toiii prvev-Ilen back to its early season rag- in a layup a moment later, and boardis froml terein. Jifoma, both their speed and foi'i in order HOTaOINT aIagedness I sandwiched between foul shots b n his usua trlng erfisorm ne to ai aIostio wththe7l- 3TP

I Lemav ank: Urdani. it linched the hasoeta edhs~ t ain ah woitio wireet the ll-The B~lue muffed the golden op- against the towering Lionette. tsts woilreeenthBueAP ACSPRESCRIPTI0 Sportunityto pull event late in the waIh aesoy hogotteagainst Exeter. Dick Shine seems APPLIANCES______________________

g-ame. Ed Johnson connected on Qick: Openng Lead last ten minutes, as he losers fell to be headed for a spot on thea lengthy set with a minute and The ii e outhustled its P- behind by eleven markers, closedAl-traonwi CresSuz AN O EC AL O.M nathsnt -

twventy seconds remaining to portents 11. the opening minutes fast ad then came apart at the anid Moe in the 100 yd. freestyle ___________________ ________________

bring his teami within four points and drove to a quick 8-3 lead, but seams in a drab finish. ometto.Shlzashspo--it 4 5-4 1. and when Harvard threw this advantage faded rapidly at Lionette was high scorer 'for the ed good time in the 100 yd. back-away the pass-out. matters defi- the close of te first period. Har- evening with fourteen points while stroke to make him sure of at baskenitely seemned brighter for the yard led 9-8, thanks to a Lionette latoeso nteAlsasBlue. But in taking the ball out free throw. In one of the most fu- whilersawmer tope. Anovr olray and Ralph Shoffer will etrfrom under his own boards, Bob tile displays of offense yet, Ando- soeswt lvn prolbably represent the Blue in Dk

An extremely slowv first half for the breaststroke event. I the first 0 1last ________________________________________Andover was what spelled defeat cmeiinfrteidvda ik

CIGARETTES-CIGARS-TOBACCO-CANDY orblninspce n in the Dartmouth game Wednes- -a hSUNDRES-NOVELTIES dy n il olec yMtshipped to college or home. dy n il olec yMt Gaki climbed out of the 1)001 Short.,

ANDOVER ~~~~~~~~~~~~calf. Johnson. and Palmer, and a ite- ha ofDikSnetofdTOBACCO AND CANDY CO. COLONIAL FURNITURE brace of fouls by Palmer gave the take the .. rst-lplace honors. Gas- fiing

W. C. Fiedler, Proprietor SHOP Blue a meager score of 8 points kinl Shine. Dick Hearin, and Jim FreesTelephone 2392 19BRADSRE fe h is ure.WieteSteairns wvill carry the hopes of the AFdersol

15 BARNARD ST. ANDOVER, MASS. 19BRADSREDfekea first qurter.t Wile the- all tulDekean wre tyingto fnd tem- lue in the 50 yd freestyle. These

____________________________________selves the Greenies were hittingitivdasarhveacpo- withfrom al ove withsets.ed exceptionally good times for tnt

the club simmers. As the clubs erwaxDALTON 6~( Point Quarter ndvrsgth aosae oMnfrtIillerThe snail's pace of Aacoverwd y heGseBE SURE DALTON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sorn gteven slwrduring th no in hirs GREY FLANNELS . . . .1

sccond quarter when Palmer, Mc- aered the nlralcnopetitindof ALL WORSTED GABARDINES . . .$50.strokEPHARM ACYw Kim, and Kimball managed to fle t he smashiang oran aDuosiksi oints. Dartmlouth 'cnotin- bolt ig hinguosad ouat arte Se u pin eeto econi

ued a fast pace, an deft the court botha itinegu to etayotiof he Se u ew gmeetin eet,IT'S ~~~~~~~~~~~~for half-time with a 3 0-14 lead. celri egecm~tto.Teagain!

Andverfinllycauht ireinGreeks. although they have won aAndoer fnall cauht f alli oftercetaraocdrobePrescript ion the third quarter, and started to alo hi etaefre obe

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cut down the deficit. Metcalf and tlyseodfidetoteeaosH O O D S I'arnpq' .imer led as the Blue had a 21 recive hihes medlePEZ-garmacistspoint lperiod and threatened to nmumbher of p~oits during individ- ANOE, AS.-EE RN . sibleI

lead. Andover continued a fast ilcinlettinMa0 ~~~~~~~~pace through the final stanza by holdei

sinking 2 points, but Dartmouth nedleMilk - Ice Cream "Where Pharmacy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~had piled up too big a lead and M1illerMflk lee Cream "Where Pharmacy won 67-57. Rand Metcalf was freest:

Is a Profession" high scorer for Andover with 15 He npoints. Palmer, Johnson, McKim, Thorn

____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ and K im ball follow ed w ith 14, 10, victor

____________________________________________________ ~~~10, and 8 p~oints respectively. Geig .11TA1 Mand Cobb of Dartmouth were the SEZND) O.JNE, LDOLLAR1

Seven day all expense Skycruiser Vacation in Bermuda glisIiI inwt 1ad1 hlpoinits defeat

$170. by Colonial Airlines and Pn American yearsSatur(

Also Queen of Bermuda sailing March 18th MensEsyucIh~CK S xtThe English Department an-F I LR GEi CAKES Mike

Return March 24th or layover till March 29th flounces that the deadline forcheen

Round trip $125.00 and up Means Essays is appioaching. greatlThis competition is open to thePee

entire scimool, pai Lkuldiiytbe-- - cf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sherr,Also reservations to Florida and elsewhere two upper classes, and the 'es- '- 13

No charge for phone calls ~~~~~~~~~~~says can be on practically any 145 1No charge for phone calls subject, lprovided it is actually in 16i

personal. Prizes are $20, $10 Totoand $5. The papers, to be eligi- EplerTHE ANDOVER TRAVEL BUREAU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ble. must be handed in by the 'becau:end of the term as the finals ties

FRED E. CHEEVER, MANAGER will be held at the beginning of ' Ander

21 Main Street-Over the National Bank nx et(____________________________________________ wrest!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~re t

______________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FAMOUS PINE TREE SOAPwa______________________________- Joh H. Gecoe'Product of New Hampshire"

Watchmaker Jeweler RAn(Typewriter Service track

Complete'Optical Service sWam'Xew

Full Line of af ai

Quality School Jewelry Of SaL the bf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h )

48 Main Street Andover 40leriTelephone Andover 830-R 0wl

Put Vtional

0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~last krecorc

is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~W. R. HILL Van Pine Soap Company throW~

distinctively ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HARDWARE Newport, Petch,distinctively 28-P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i-u


different * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~New Hampshire In the

SPORTS GOODSthiBlanchard Street Lawrence, Mass.

The Aces Mr. RobertsjU1'p~a. 'I

e sets The Aces, the PA dance Thle Abbot House players will

e venl. band, will give a history of liresent a scene from "Mr.

jazz tonight in George Wash- m u-ARoberts" in George Washingtou

-- ~ingt~fl Hall. Admission will be LHall tonight after the jazz con-

25 ents. i i *L(ert.

Blue Out For Red Meat Phillipian To CompeteIn Winter Wind-Ups In Tea Dance Field

t s Mermen, Wrestlers Go To Exeter; ' Roland Moore Trio Provides Music;- ~~~~Basketball And Track At Home '4'' Intermission Interlude By Misf its

- ~~~~~~~By RIC HARD H.1 I'LI N o orow alCri n~ tic PHILLIIPIA\N foirually goes into

With swimming and wr estling up- Exeti 11d t ck and Icompl 1 etitionl ith te Student Congr ess, Council, etc., by spon-

hasketball on the Hill, thi S itirdayVs cclrtet sould p ove fine srn e a~.Ti hudpoieafnleblihretentertainment for tea dance gocrs and their dat. (Co I Rocky t au a "hhso st~ohn ~tIcnet bseblDakc antd Captain Johnny Thompson are looking or a ipcat o)t t itra hd prstv oeEe otss bsebllast ear's victory over the Red nierme 11 is 1 xIS S quad, tough'1 anid t c) a ja// concert- .(Dixieland to Bop, hc Aces, tenty-hivelacking such individual standouts* -- eclnts a head) and a moxie. low~eri The M'slsfits w~ere origin-

as Olympic star Jim MeLane and The an angements w'~ill not ated b Flandess who-originally

Shorty Thoman, has a ga de cang~e fiont the usual pocedure. tad in mnind an upper octet, per-of depth and is capable of wvin- az z Revival haps as a eincai nation of lastfiog two places vr event. The to athletic contests wvill 3erslwrott TeGzlr"

FreestylerS Ken Raine, Fred Hen- rDpr obably be over around foui o-

derson, and Scott Witherwax have Fe t res Bo-co-.Tednewl atfot'lt ee apndhwvr nall turned in good times this year, ea U DO , I Tednewllt frta Th neverhapped heer aondfour-thirty to seven onth fis anTh iisarathem -with Raine and Henderson splt floor of Peabody House. the second ent a quartet with only two up-

tter leadming the 00 Wihm a o ie Dud Shepard leads as he rounds first turn of 600. Shepard took floor for cigarettes and punch and rsFldesadDanerwax swimming the 100. Ji~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~alv wre'Guzer"latyer

Millier has a good chance to break "Aces" To Do Numbers third in the event, though winning this heat. (Photo by Castle) truit. Tickets are one-fifty pertalwee"Gzer"asya.te 1: 07.8 school record in the _________________o__e___dollar______for_____scholarship________ At the 1-rom, while the S-and-i

t5O yard breast stroke. Back From 4 Jazz Periods culoedla o coasi were singing upstairs, The Misfits

Donafter taking first and Onia.W r ~ ' ~ n a h 5gs Music will be providedbywrsigndontastoavysutroesDnMie n Ton SaturdayS m a h Records ta limited audience. This, thei;, will

second in last week's Deerfield Before the iiov'ies;t orw the Roland Mloore Trio a profes-neet, hope to equal their feat night, the Andover dance band g ional grouil front Lawvrence. le their first important appear-against the Red. the AC(PS, will Itresent at suinnar'. C I Teprctceabutthe

Captin ohnn Thmpsn ha II MUSC o jaz il tie lat sxtyAll too soon, seven o'clock will tie a week, often wtih the 8-

beentimes ing he 150oardistndividual Illea guest aist, tat Acea-hikc new iord 1)00k u'as b)Lino xi itten, Ando~cr's tack toll around, as only seven o'clck and-i, anid consequently have

nedley, and this is another pos- itt, who has played clarinet pro- teaml to a easy vcoyinI the New caErllaoudandhddacewllqutealagereeoie.Amn

sible P.A. win. fessionally or many wvell-known x'icrlengILand sc reparatoriy be oer. The next stop) is George their numbers are "'Ida,'' ''My Cas-

H. ~~~Iax Warden, school record sialjz badbfr comin~g ScolCaposisls aud~.'~eBu crd4 onSWashington Hall, for the Jazz tie on the River Nile'', ''Way Down

holder, heads the divers, and the to Andover to teachi English Since ~0rne-ij) HuLintington s 2-I. Other point totals were Tabor Concert, then the movies. Home." "I had a Dream, Dear,"

medley relay team of Mulvey, tue prtise of te iograntl is to 21, \foses- Brown 16½1,, Worcester 9W/,. Roxbury Latin 4, Goxernor ie.Millier, and Jim Malcolm plus the pay for the uniformis of the Dunimer :3, ad Rivers 1. Tinierayad o Myr o

freestyleaggregaton of Rane, marchng ])and there mthe shot and high jump. Gil An interesting feature will be Also noteworthy are the lowH en d e r s o n, Witherwax, and carge of 25c-, not 75c a was stat- Five old rec'ords were broketa, smseAh ak e ySerThompson, should insure a Blue ed in the l'lmilipian last week. ani two wvere tied by the eight of Moisesh B r by eene the singing of "The Mlisfits", rices of one dollar and one fifty

victory in the Red water. Thle perfomnice will comm111ence competings schools Andover led loot when lie threw 52 feet, 10ov wich h~as been advertised as the levels instituted with great suc-

Maddened M1atinen Favored at 15 i George Washington thle way with newv marks in the inches Bob D~oran, making his uppier class quartet, but which is cess by the Student Congress at

over Red H-Iall, and will last approxi mately' best completive heave of 49 feet really a sort of undenomninational -membet'ed that palatable punch

Thle Andover wrestling teani, fot-eIiiiits honti to highe jump and reay. i9 inchies was second. Tabor's Day- quartet, since a senior and a lower the last Tea Dance. It will be re-deetdfor the first-time in to Th hm 1tecnet h -utnti oete~0saIidsoii took third just ahead of

deeabted Hradfohls e fte(ocr h ard andi tied the dash and 1000 Erick Mack. Rod Mleyer-Blue co are members. Bill Flanders is wvas served at this dance. This too

EStry tomrrow.vThed tur ofa edointioniof parts. starting wiseth !ecords, while Worcester set a new c (aptain. won a tight duel over their leader. His accomplices are was miet with approval. The dayExeter tomorrow. The return of i ~~~~~Mclnnis of Tabor in the high Bob Doran. LeighQin(e.0aidpchtPabyHos

such regulars as Joe Perez and otryl1th peid fNwtmeorhe6. jumip. 111k-Innis twice cleared the senior) and Don Langmnuir (the seemis to he drawving to a close.Mike M~herryto thelineuphas IOrlenas jazz, the 18 l0's This ea ('nKih lAnoe a' o his third jump forung te

cheered coaches Pieters and Lux~ vtlbrersndbywoee- analy eight to six feet, to inches.

greatly. Probable starters will be lin.'S..aie Ifrirl le' teceiii. I eyer skimmed over on his thirdPerez in the 121-pound class, Mc- Isntlv.on nesol an ledbwiigthfrteetoftry. aiid wx'en Mclnnis fouled Rod

Sherr in 18. Fanl{ ombari "Mshrat Ramible", performed by thle day, the 4 yard high hurdles.haawian arcd.Ofil

-- ii 13`6, Captain Tuck Gordon ina small Dixielandt-sty le omnbo. Ro(ittm ,It his mark ar e measui'ement declared the xvinl- f145, Pim Epler in 155, Dick Hill r hemex erodi teevluin fScott o Moses Brown and ning height 6 feet. Kelsey of Moses

ini 165. Ed Ackerson in 175, and jazz itS I Sl~~ ,ated fThri h iih ii-Brwfre eodhlemnToto Anderson in unlimited. th 12's This petiod o "Fan witmo lao'intetmih iii-Bon omrreodhlemnty Pavi,, won taed ony authrdoflce tifxfitEpler and Hill changed classes inlg outh" featn'dCiaojz ~v' wi h mofft it Kellan o Worcester.liecause of Hill's weekly difficul- 1aid wiii lie dlepiicted by) the famous plac1(eties in making the weight. '1 2tlh Street Rag' al 'amy,Anderson and MeSherry are unde- Womijjt oti Please Cme Home?'' Htillit oi Ga~tins Lead 3t(t, 60 Matrks Brokeni

feated. vhile Cptain Grdon, fetuiliti Mi' I~mtx-ittInl the 101) ard t'itn collapsed Gleason oif Huntington an a

wrestling out ~~~~if his xveigiit class, ~~~i lie trst i'e(oodt of the day O'hea'm I31~~b'aig h l a'wresting ot of is weglit last, (t.III Mi-oi Era~ Folio%, o 1to itiogtoo xx hizzed aa iofo 4 6 se'oinds. Fanning of Ta-

was beaten for the first ime latItili a ri oir was secoind. followed by Koh-week at Harvard. O the basis of Thilx litohrersne iefedowni 266.Ts

arative scor''eset iat le 'eiesite Ainndlotvwnenr:266.Thslea' and Gar'dner o Andoveir. Koh-compartv soeA w verxill lie te :U,'s, viieti Gilenin ii tied Art 1)orait's old record set last ilei- m'ai his best time of the year-should be a five point victor. lir anid swing N'.et'e III theit' liex - xerRi fMsshio a u 's al a' lwddw

track team, fter completly l~ei~ ~ ' Pteni- sc'oiid, ti f Milosaers otnwa A u tardest time. Hae sltwereo Red Tacknemt Invade Hill day The elections liri Ihis li'Od earZ2 ddreqeslswe

Andover's record smashing ai' I h Mo d"e espe'ally fast at :36.1, 3 5.4, 3 4 4,track team aftr copletly br Sog" ungby Pete Reese. do'ei' took third. H-owever' Hunt- and :14.6. The 100 x'aid m'un saw

swamping all rivals in last week's Firomt ]iei'e, t le pr'o,_U'al swiiigs to mmtoii -ot thiree places i the fitiai Cai'i' of Wor'ceste' sash his own.\ew England Interseholastics, is the pre'seint Fiot' 15) jaz til a,4 cioc a iHutchinson w'.on i'ecoid wvhen lie dd1 17 V of

anl almost sure victor over Exeter Aves. w~ill 1)i'foi'mii a iium11ber ti'onitigti cn Roxbuiry Latiit dilaed. V eonl Saturday. Carl Knight equaled die niew azz sty'le, 1ieboP) Their fu tot andho fitt Hupi'toit in- niendous finishing kick to take

the best time of the year in the choice is, Oop 11(111 Shiibaii-''. ti itildcol So t tproiyi second cplace Althouigh Shepard

40 ard hurdles last week. Along withI this Itel lie )ItIIPasai~oi dah len n and Jones of Andover wvon theii'George Abrams has been showing wxill py% "''Y1ti1igei han Silig- Gleason stm'eaked t i one, to irespective heats, they could notwell in the 40 yard dash, while tiiie'' froimi ''Sotith Pti' fdit~nish The I otihenr tied trcmdnac h aestbia' n Al Aioe could also place. Record (oniiilustit, to the sio%% Ve.Seadwshwvr.hrsmasher Gil Murray has the shot I o 4 seconids Faniig of Tabor' Vey'. ohid as.hoee'tir

Dut wxrapped up after his sensa- Tickiets ae beinig sold or thle totok ti lrd while Adobei' hopes,tional 52 feet. l01i/2 inch heave shiow at the ticket oit-e inl Ceor'ge Mloe and Abramns. pieked utp fourth Khmile Relay TIeam Smashmes Re'or'dlast xx eek. Co-captain Rod Meyer, \Vmtisliiigtoi I Ittl, aid at the Comml- adffhiseieyTeds noe' m hadsed

ecidsmasher with a six foot jitlots. tdaantoii'w Th'atdlitiieeti'yTedsh -doi's mohadspd'

Jump in the Interscholastics, will will be sold att te dloor' also. meni wei s fast thatr a 4.7 heat relay teami boke the t'ecoi'd setthrow the discus in addition to Sitce te 1 ti'(tilIit i, staged to v.a iesa' w0xiin a spot i by' the IBlue team last yeai'. Val-his high jump specialty. George hrell) ipi'ove te Andlover' imaich- the( finials Gleason ad Alley'ne entine iran a torrmid opening lap,Petchel has becaalwihteig b)and, all whlo te itei'ested both made 4.6 secotid pt'eliminairy and smooth passing of the baton28-po(und w e i g h t, averaging i'e urgled to come Mi' Schneider' beats At this point Huntington plus soiie good iruniting by' Saga-around 50 feet. Andover is strong adsuriies that the fifteen piece band led secoid ittl'e Andover' by ie biel and Thoi'ntoii gave anchorin1 the runs this year. John Sherry thti opa stebest and] lie IpIoinjts titanI Bill Wi'ight a big lead. The

and Bill Flanders are leading with states that it is not to lie o'onf used I B~lue won by' almost a lap in thethe 1,000 yard men, while Co- with some of the lpick-uli bands I Andhover A' ins Fieild Ev'ents tine of 92:26.2. Moses Browvn.captain Dud Shepard and Walt that hav'e appieared i'ecently o Andover' captur'ed aI lead which Taboir. Governor Duiiei' and JiPamroAnoegesufrthtpinaeaantB..

(Continued on Page 2) tue 'aiputs. was neveir to be elinquished as Wor'cesteri' r lorsJmPlero noe wgoesls riiup___for____the_____tip_____in___game______against________ B.____U._

SPECIAL ISSUE M~~~~~~~~~~I-ILLMI3 AN /SPECIAL ISSUERider and Johnny Arnold at the high school tar accidentally turns SotReiwJohnson at guards. On the basis by a fair margin, while HarvardG eorge Rideri sually the case. While ~Spots Rviewof comparative scores, the pre- beat Andover, although Lionette,the goal. I a effort to produce the season is fortunately over for (Continued from Page 1) game nod goes to Exeter, for the sensational Harvard center, did

* * ~~~~~~~~~~a win, Jerry Schauffier was this year, Coach Leavitt is now Jones are favored n the 500. Pete New Hampshireites beat Harvard not play n the Exeter game.~~A/ ill captain ~~~~~~~~sitched to second defense, Alec trying out next year's combination Gardere and John Kohler will run ________________________________

de Lahutnta to the third line, and as long as therb is still ice. Bill the 300. Zeb Burgess has been be~~~ I l~~~~~~~~~~ewey Reynolds and Joe Crehore van Allstyne in the goal, with consistently vaulting over 11 feet cerl'5 P Iucksters i were brought of the bench to fill captain-elect Rider, Joe Bartlett, 6 inches In the ple vault, while "F~Rol

Iout the irst wave. This combina- and Bob Markert on the defense George Stoddard and Ed M~oran Nat Reed Elected I tion p~roduced PA's only regular should be able to hold opponents' top the broad jumpers. 1%, ' \ I 14 ' , 1

I*L ~~~~season win, :i-2 decision over scoring down to minimum. The Basketball On HillManaer.Leig QunniNew, Hampton However, an un- question is, as it has been all Basketball is the unknown Interior DecoratorVO

Cops Most Valuable I surriing~ but disappointing 3-1 this year". whether the forwards quantity in tomorrow's athleticVOloss to Exeter at the Boston Arena will be able to score consistently equation. With Captain Ev RoseGit

To the urpr'ise of no one, brought the regular season's final enough to winl the Blue's share possibly not being able to playGitGeorge Rider, was elected captain total to won 1, lost 6. tied 1. of the lose ones. oe Crehore, because of a leg njury, the gamevarsNa hoceyd teamgat las Sat AsaIsl fteeai George Scragg. George Angelis, Is a toss up. Probable starters will Puera's banqe tTh molst Sau- trAiioa lsesl o xtei and~ Abner' Oakes, Alec de la Hunta, be Bob Kimball and Moose Met- 50A MAIN ST. ANDOVER, MASS.

urda's anqet.Themos vau-1tradtioal osss t Exterandand iAlike Tyson, all regulars will calf at forwards, Jim Palmer atable player awrdwntadsrrd montnorl seub.oce as raed return to compose PA's offensive center, and Bill McKim and Eddie _ .ly. to high scorer Leigh Quinn. yaateyarhokyaslines. They should be far more

To judge by this year's won-lost theduios diorstncrti sortbin than sufficient to solve the team'srecord. 1-6-1. George receives the A -ndove' troubtlarstysprtcaptaincy of a atheir impotent However. thei'e are cons e truls'Serving New England for Over Sixty Year%"teamn. Althoughl the club looked ably more than the ~ hack- Fe cr;ESTABLISHED 1884excellent in spots against stronug nedagmtsfrxpcigaEli's Drop F n esoplposition. Coach Leavitt couldn't miarkied improvement next ear'.Iseemi to find a winning combina- The main reason is, of course. Blue Taken 91/2-81/2riltion. For the earlier ])art of the that 16 squad members will return MMseason. Capt Jerry Schauffier. 9 of themn from the first two units. Elwell, Higgins Shine 'AulvioesO.iicLeigh Quinn. and Alec de Lahunta Every position will he loaded with i &C iemade up the first line, with George taleiit, even though. no established in First Fencer Loss vplace

_____________________________________________________ ~~~~~Last Saturday afternoon, A ndo- A IIG r c sF u iP o dediffaever's fencing team suffered its first Whiolesale G o es- Futand Po u ewithdefeat of the season at the swords hangiof the Yale fencing squad. The f'eatliBig Blue put up a good duel, but Double "G" Brand - Blue Orchid Brand naryTYale carried off the meet, 9%.Pett

I N N ists~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~ssIt would appear, from previous Tlpoeconcigaldarm tsLA yte 0 Sill

4 ni~~~~~~~~~~~~eets with B and Harvard, that Tepoconcigaldarm tsLA ytt500overthe Andover team was not up to 19-2 1 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass. off raits usual strength on Saturday. taker!The foil men did a good job in six, ticapturing five out of their nine - xete

rJ ~~~~~~~matches. The epee, however, was ThCCC _rA s ~~~~~~less successful. In a sense, since was

1!!Y10,0, ~~~Yale won the epee last year, thisLag"bi- A 7-/ I~~~f was a grudge meet. with Yale comn- ar, a

- jaI ig out on top again. ai e, a'VS ~~~~~~~~For the foilers. Dick Elwell won elIItwo of his three matches, Haydn CslHiggins won two and droppedWh'

Ione, and Bop Putney won his first the Gmatch of the season. The Yale men -I Haseemed to overpower Barry Hirschfrnwho lost both of his matches. In .elIthe epee matches, Captain Ed te~Hobbie won two out of three, Bob lan

TEL. ANDOVER 903 EDWdARD A.. ROMEO, MGR. Merrick lost two and tied one. leaning and P esing cusManager Ivan Chermayeff, who tg lost two of his niatches, scored two__ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _the only shutout, defeating hisolplonent in one mninute fat.

FUCHS HERE SATURDAY mlemloAs a special feature of next tiol cl

Saturday's meet, Yale shot put- ed, thter~ Jim Fuchs and his coach We wish to take this time to thank all our anyboare going to appear after the. iln ty nwy The meet in an attempt to break the friends who were wligto tyour nel-dooir,world's 12-pound shot record. correc

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