Exercise 7 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected]. Nurture Your A.C.E.S. TM Exercise 7 Your Conversion Strategy

7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

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Page 1: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

Nurture Your A.C.E.S.TM Exercise 7

Your Conversion


Page 2: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

Your Conversion Strategy During step five of Nurture You’re A.C.E.S, you worked on your customer journey within Your Engagement Strategy. It’s an important step, as it meant you could start to develop strong internal systems for attracting your potential customers, enabling you to develop a series of nurturing sequences that encourage them to at least sign up to your lowest price product or service.

If they don’t get their credit card out the first time they interact with you, you at least want them to sign up to your free gift, so you can engage with them often enough that they’ll choose YOU when they are ready to buy. That’s what we worked on in exercise five, which is excellent because that was behind the scenes stuff that prepared you for when they have actually taken that first step with you. We now need to get them to take that first step though, so you can use your customer journey to hook them in.

This exercise is about creating some of the branded customer facing touch points that you'll be using to convert strangers into lifetime friends. Once you’ve got their attention, you need to build:

★ Instant rapport ★ Immediate trust and ★ Illuminate your credibility

We come into contact with so many business owners who say marketing doesn’t work for them. They complain that they’re spending thousands on marketing, but they aren’t getting the return they want from it. When we look at what they’ve been doing, they have almost always been generating all the leads and prospects they could need. However, they’re losing up to 95% of their sales opportunities, and pouring thousands of pounds down the drain, because they’ve put all their energy into attracting people and then broadcasting at them, without investing time in the most vital part… the conversion of those prospects. It’s no wonder they’re annoyed! It’s not the marketing that wasn’t working; it was their conversion process. Marketing works well when you have a clear strategy to support the outcome you want to achieve and you have a conversion process in place that stops your prospects from falling through any gaps. This is the perfect point to create some of the elements that will help you to convert more prospects into customers when they either meet you or come into contact with one of your touch points for the very first time. Here are three things we want you to do to ensure you are building enough trust with your ideal customers that they are ready to become friends with you from the very first time they come into contact with you… PS: The video link is: http://vimeo.com/brandaccelerator/yourconversionstrategy The password is HTBAB.

1. Map Out Your Customer Process Visually… Now that you have an engagement process mapped out as part of your customer journey (having created your email sequences in step 5), we want you to turn that into a simple graphic that visually demonstrates your customer journey process. This is to use on your website, sales pages and in your marketing materials, so you can show prospects how easy it is to work with you and how well they will be looked after throughout your process. There’s a very good reason for getting visual with this…

Page 3: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

Statistics suggest that in developed countries, people are predominantly:

1. 60% Visual (seeing) 2. 20% Kinaesthetic (feeling) 3. 20% Auditory (hearing)

This statistic is uber important to your marketing campaign, because every touch point you have with your ideal customers should be created with the above ratio in mind.

For example, if your brochure or sales landing pages are full of text (auditory) with hardly any imagery or engaging video (visual), you could be losing 60% of your ideal customers simply because you aren’t engaging with them in the way they process information. If they are visual people, a page full of words is going to put them off. They need to see visual representations of what you want to say. Therefore, if 60% of any target audience is visual, then you need to make sure everything you do is visually engaging first and foremost.

You will also have some potential customers who make their decisions based on how your product or service makes them feel (kinesthetic). In this case, you need to ensure you use language and imagery that really captures how they are going to feel once they have finished working with you or using your product. Video is a great way to target kinaesthetic and visual people, and use images that really hit home what it is you are going to leave them with once they have experienced your products or

services. If you want to keep auditory prospects happy, list bullet points of exactly what you provide. This will give them the perfect overview of why they should work with you and if they want to find out more information, they can.

Now that you know all this, it’s hopefully clear why showing your customer journey as a visual graphic on your landing pages and sales materials is a great way to:

★ Engage visual people ★ Build immediate trust with kinaesthetic people and ★ Communicate very succinctly to auditory people what you do and how you do it

A customer process graphic covers all three aspects of what your customers want to see from you (sells the sizzle, not the steak) and it builds immediate trust & credibility because it looks so established, professional and well thought out. To give you an idea of what happens to your conversions when you start using your visual process on your sales materials… Since we turned our process into a visual graphic (as you can see here), we now use it on all of our sales materials and landing pages. The result has been incredible and that’s why we believe you should have one for your business too. This simple graphic has increased our conversions from one in ten to one in three. That’s a massive difference to our

Page 4: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

productivity, marketing costs and costs of sale.

When you show a clear customer journey as a graphic on your website and sales literature, it gives people more confidence in you that you really know what you are doing. A picture speaks a thousand words, so just by communicating what you do with them, as a simple graphic is enough for them to trust you must faster. Your customer process graphic might look something like this, with your own personalised steps written next to each number…

Let’s now look at YOUR customer life cycle as a step-by-step process. You will end up with a drawing that visually demonstrates what you do and how you do it. Don’t worry about what it’s going to look like yet design-wise as that can come later. Also, you might not have six steps like the one above as we have just used this for illustration purposes. You may well have three steps, four steps, five steps or even seven. It doesn’t have to be the same as above. Whatever your process is though, you must map it out and make it look as graphically simple as possible for your prospects and customers to digest. Let’s get started!

Step 1… When a prospect has made the decision to spend money with you for the very first time, what is

the first stage of your customer process? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




Step 2… What is the second stage of your customer process? ……………………………………………………………………………………




Page 5: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].



Step 3… What is the third stage of your customer process? ……………………………………………………………………………





Step 4… If there is a fourth stage to your customer process, what is it? ……………………………………………………………







Step 5… If there is a fifth stage to your customer process, what is it? …………………………………………………………







Page 6: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

Step 6… If there is a sixth stage to your customer process, what is it? …………………………………………………………







If there are any other stages, please write them below. We do advise you though to keep your steps to a maximum of six, because it will start to look too overwhelming for your customers if it looks like a lengthy process. Just keep your steps to an overview level in big chunks, rather than lots of smaller detailed ones:










Depending on how many stages your customer process has, you now want to think about putting it into a branded diagram that best displays your process. You can get your designer to make it look great later. For now though, you just want to map it out in the way you want them to then create it graphically for you. You could create a branded version of the process example we have given you above. Or you might want to look at different shapes. Overleaf are some examples to give you ideas…

Page 7: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

Page 8: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

If you want to create your own graphical process without using a designer, it may take you longer, but it can be done. Don’t just use PowerPoint or Keynote, because it will look amateur and that’s not what you are about. It must look totally professional if you want the result. Take a look at www.istockphoto.com or www.bigstockphoto.com for example and type into the search bar ‘Infographics’. It will give you hundreds of different graphics you can choose from that you can then tailor to become your own process. You will probably need Adobe Illustrator though to amend it yourself. If you don’t have that, it won’t cost you much to find the infographic you want and get a designer to tweak it for you. It might cost you something like $5 to get someone on www.fiverr.com to tweak it to your brand colours and add your process to the design.

Page 9: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

Use the space below to draw your sales process, so you can use this as the brief to give your graphic designer…

Page 10: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

2. Prepare Your Testimonials & Case Studies… When you are shopping for a new product or service, who do you trust the most… The sales person, or the customer who has already used the product or service that you’re thinking of buying? Getting a real life opinion from someone who has experienced what you deliver is always helpful in the conversion process, because it's both unbiased, and often rooted to a common experience. In fact, according to an online survey, more than 8 out of 10 people say opinions and recommendations from people they don't know indicate brand quality and influence what they buy.

Case studies help your prospects to envision how your product or service fits into their lives, and often act as that missing piece of information that moves them from stranger to making the purchase. They think, "Blimey, if they got that result, just imagine what kind of results I could get!" Once you’ve decided whom you are going to ask, how do you approach them with your request? Well instead of calling them out of the blue when they might be busy or unprepared, we have always found that the best way to start this process is by sending out a short email or text message to congratulate them on their success, and then explain why you want them to be featured as a case study. Ask them when would be a good time to spend 10 minutes with them to ask some questions. Also give them the option to either answer the questions in writing via email, or to talk to you personally over the phone. They may even be prepared for the testimonial to be recorded on video. Everyone has different communication preferences… Some people like to take the time think about their answers, while others like to talk it through with another person. Since ultimately your case study subject is doing you a favour by giving you their time so you can attract more great customers like them, it's key to make the process as easy for them as possible. Here are some tips for you… 1. Remember that your customers are just as busy as you are; so don’t expect every customer

to respond to you as soon as you email them. We’ve received responses months after we sent our initial email!

2. Never assume people are going to say no. We have never had someone say no to us when we’ve asked them for a case study or testimonial. You may get a ‘not yet’, but if you are approaching people who are genuinely happy with your products or services, it’s highly unlikely they are going to say no. The only time you might get an objection is if they are high up in an organisation and cannot be named publicly. In which case, ask if it’s ok to create the case study and replace their name with the industry instead.

3. Some people aren’t sure what to write or say. As you clearly know what they have

bought or what process they went through, it could sometimes help for you to write out what you would like them to say about you and then send it to them so they can amend it and add their flavour to it. We often get clients who ask us to do this so they don’t have to think about starting from a blank canvas.

Page 11: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

4. Use case studies and testimonials to overcome the greatest objections you think you are going to get. The most common objections are around cost, time, fear, ease of use, support and satisfaction. Ideally you will have two or three case studies from different customers that answer each objection head on from a different angle. So for example, pick three customers who had price objections before they spent money with you and then use their case studies to highlight why they had that objection and why they wouldn’t have that objection now after working with you. Do the same for the other objections.

5. Include pictures of your customers where possible, and if you're selling a product, include images or video of them actually using your product/working with you.

6. Create a reviews page. For example, if you are a personal trainer in London, buy a URL such as www.PersonalTrainerInLondonReviews.com and add images all of your testimonials, upload your video testimonials and add your case studies to that page. If people are looking for reviews on what you do and then all they find is you when they are looking, they’re going to be VERY IMPRESSED!

7. Add a different case study or testimonial to the bottom of your email signature strip every week. This works

well for offers, discounts and updates too.

Here are some tips for you on questions you could ask to build your case study… Address their challenge.

1. Summarise the three greatest points of frustration they faced before you started working with them.

How has your product or service specifically addressed those problems?

Talk about the solution.

2. What tactics did they try before they started using your products and/or services? What were the results?

3. What was the big a-ha moment when they decided they needed to work with you/buy from you?

4. What are the top three features they love about your products and/or services?

5. Why do they love them so much?

Show the results.

6. What specific problems have your products and/or services addressed that other customers like them might be able to relate to?

7. Did they experience any direct results by working with/buying from your company?

8. What is the single biggest reason they would recommend you to others?

9. Why should they take action now rather than wait?

Page 12: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

3. Personalise Your Voicemail Every Day… Voicemail is a greatly underused conversion tool. It’s the perfect method to communicate what you are an expert in, whilst letting people know you must be good because you are busy! Let’s face it…

1. Most voicemails are boring 2. You can’t possibly be available all the time

This simple tactic is a great way to add another personal rapport building touch point to your arsenal that will speed up the conversion process of trust between you and the people who are getting in touch with you.

Have you ever posted a social media update that told people what you were up to that day? Well personalising a daily voicemail is exactly the same. You need to do it every day to get the greatest impact, just like you would a social media update. Here is an example of what we did, so you can create something similar for yourself: Hi there, you’re through to Sammy Blindell at How To Build A Brand. I’m in Nottingham this morning, working with a manufacturing company to help them attract their ideal customers. Later this afternoon I am working with an image consultant in London to help her finalise her marketing strategy. I do have a few gaps throughout the day to give you a call back, so please do leave me a message after the beep and as soon as I am free, I will be in touch. Have a great day! Now this may seem like a ‘bragging’ thing to do, but as long as you do it in a friendly and informal ‘I’m just giving you an update’ kind of way, it actually is very helpful to the people who call you. When we did this in our design agency, we found that five things happened: 1. The people who called us were immediately impressed that we’d focused on such a small detail. They told

us that this gave them reassurance, because if we cared so much about our own business, we were more likely to care about theirs.

2. It gave people certainty that we are experts in what we do because we were out there doing the very thing that they were contacting us about.

3. Each time the same person called and heard what we were up to that day, it continued to layer up the trust

that we are experts in many different areas of we do because we were doing so much of it.

4. It stopped people bugging us because they knew exactly what we were up to and were reassured that we would call them back if they left a message.

Page 13: 7. Your Conversion Strategy€¦ · Exercise 7!! 1 This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your br and’s

Exercise 7  



This document works as the central platform for defining the strategy behind your brand and as the starting point for your brand’s messages, identity, and other customer-facing expressions of your company. It aims to provide a consistent framework for developing a wide range of tactical marketing materials that flow from the same source, even if their specific executions vary. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise for anyone other than the person who has purchased this program, without prior written permission from the author of this content. Failure to comply with this will result in legal action. For more information, contact How to Build a Brand at [email protected].

5. The people who were calling us to waste our time (usually asking lazy questions that they could find out)

didn’t leave a message. Instead they found out another way, so we instantly gained a lot more time too! Honestly, this is such a small thing that will take you literally 2 minutes to do, and you will start to get feedback instantly. Let’s create your template now so you can start doing it from tomorrow morning. By the way, it might feel a little strange at first so just keep going with it! Hi you’re through to (your name) ……………………………………………………………………………………

at (company name) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Today I am at (update on what you are up to, where and potentially who with – as long as it doesn’t break confidences)







Call to action (let them know what to do next and when you will be in touch)







Sign off with your signature way of saying goodbye

(Just be yourself – warm, friendly and approachable. Just make sure you sign off with the same ending each time to give consistency)


Congratulations! You have now completed exercise 7 of the Nurture Your A.C.E.S.TM section within the B.R.A.N.D. AcceleratorTM Programme. You have just one exercise left to do within this step now, which is to create your after care strategy J See you there!