7. TASK 5: THE DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT OF PRIORITY SPECIES Task Aims 7.1 This Task aims to provide an analysis of the current knowledge as regards key protected species within the MBW. Introduction 7.2 The establishment and maintenance of a system of protected areas is central to regional and global strategies for the conservation of biodiversity. The current global trend towards human population growth and widespread environmental degradation means that such areas are becoming increasingly isolated, fragmented habitat islands. In regions in where this process is well advanced, a high proportion of species are thus predicted to have become restricted to protected areas. Thus, irrespective of the reason for which individual sites were notified/designated/classified, the protection (restrictions on land use, persecution and so on) afforded these sites means that they are effectively a refuge for species and habitats. Methods 7.3 Priority species have been taken to be those listed on the following: Wildlife and Countryside Act (WCA) Schedule 5 and 8, Countryside and Rights Of Way (CRoW) Act Section 74 list of ‘Species of Principal Importance for the conservation of biological diversity in England’, Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act Section 41 ‘Species of Principal Importance in England’, Red Data Book species, UK BAP species and local (Wirral) BAP species. Species covered by one or more of these designations are henceforth collectively referred to as ‘protected’ species. 7.4 Given that there is, as yet, no formalised list of local (Wirral) BAP species for the MBW, this list was compiled from the Cheshire BAP excluding those species not recorded. The final list was then circulated to the Steering Group for verification and cross checking. 7.5 Coverage of these priority species was assessed using the available rECOrd data. These data were imported into Arc View and overlaid with various data layers, including protected areas (see Task 2) and habitat types (Task 3). Coincidence with protected areas and habitats was determined using the ‘Select by Theme’ option. To ensure the most accurate depiction of each individual species across the MBW, all data were checked thoroughly to remove errors resulting from one or more of the following (also see Task 1): Misspelt species names; Inaccurate species names; Missing data (i.e. year, location); Inaccurate grid references (i.e. species found in areas not considered suitable); Inaccurate location names; and, Inaccurate protected status (i.e. mislabelled UK BAP, Local (Wirral) BAP etc.). Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

7. TASK 5: THE DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT OF ...democracy.wirral.gov.uk/documents/s10634/Wirral Bio Audit...7. TASK 5: THE DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT OF PRIORITY SPECIES Task Aims 7.1 This

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Page 1: 7. TASK 5: THE DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT OF ...democracy.wirral.gov.uk/documents/s10634/Wirral Bio Audit...7. TASK 5: THE DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT OF PRIORITY SPECIES Task Aims 7.1 This


Task Aims 7.1 This Task aims to provide an analysis of the current knowledge as regards key protected

species within the MBW.

Introduction 7.2 The establishment and maintenance of a system of protected areas is central to regional and

global strategies for the conservation of biodiversity. The current global trend towards human population growth and widespread environmental degradation means that such areas are becoming increasingly isolated, fragmented habitat islands. In regions in where this process is well advanced, a high proportion of species are thus predicted to have become restricted to protected areas. Thus, irrespective of the reason for which individual sites were notified/designated/classified, the protection (restrictions on land use, persecution and so on) afforded these sites means that they are effectively a refuge for species and habitats.

Methods 7.3 Priority species have been taken to be those listed on the following: Wildlife and Countryside

Act (WCA) Schedule 5 and 8, Countryside and Rights Of Way (CRoW) Act Section 74 list of ‘Species of Principal Importance for the conservation of biological diversity in England’, Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act Section 41 ‘Species of Principal Importance in England’, Red Data Book species, UK BAP species and local (Wirral) BAP species. Species covered by one or more of these designations are henceforth collectively referred to as ‘protected’ species.

7.4 Given that there is, as yet, no formalised list of local (Wirral) BAP species for the MBW, this list was compiled from the Cheshire BAP excluding those species not recorded. The final list was then circulated to the Steering Group for verification and cross checking.

7.5 Coverage of these priority species was assessed using the available rECOrd data. These data were imported into Arc View and overlaid with various data layers, including protected areas (see Task 2) and habitat types (Task 3). Coincidence with protected areas and habitats was determined using the ‘Select by Theme’ option. To ensure the most accurate depiction of each individual species across the MBW, all data were checked thoroughly to remove errors resulting from one or more of the following (also see Task 1):

Misspelt species names;

Inaccurate species names;

Missing data (i.e. year, location);

Inaccurate grid references (i.e. species found in areas not considered suitable);

Inaccurate location names; and,

Inaccurate protected status (i.e. mislabelled UK BAP, Local (Wirral) BAP etc.).

Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

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7.6 All records were subdivided into two groups according to the year, as follows: pre-1988 (historical) and post-1988 (contemporary). In this way, an indication of population trends can be calculated. It should be noted that these records are presence/absence as opposed to actual abundance, the actual trends in population size cannot, therefore, be calculated directly. Rather, changes in the distribution and overall numbers of records can be used to infer population dynamics. Nevertheless, these range/recording changes should be taken as indicative only and verified using field work. Indeed, increasing numbers of records between the two time periods can also be attributed to enhanced recorder effort/coverage in recent years rather than demonstrating an actual population change. Similarly, species distribution changes may also be as a result of increased survey coverage as opposed to actual range expansions. Although there is likely to be some debate over increasing coverage, those species for which records and/or range have decreased remain of particular concern as this is shown despite the potential increase in coverage by recorders.


Total Species Records 7.7 In total, 119,959 individual species records were collated for the MBW. Specifically, this

accounted for 5,215 separate ‘species’ (some records have not been identified to species level), covering the period 1720 to 2008. Of these records, 48,147 (40.1%) were dated pre-1988 (historical) and 71,785 (59.8%) post-1988 (contemporary). The remaining 840 (0.70%) records are undated.

7.8 Of the records as described above, 8,526 are included on at least one of the range of key protected designations (Table 7.1; UK BAP, Wildlife and Countryside Act, CRoW Act Section 74, NERC Act Section 41 (Species of Principal Importance), and Local Wirral BAP species), covering 273 individual species.

Table 7.1 Full List of Key Protected Species Recorded at least Once within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, including WCA, CRoW Act, NERC Act, Red Data Book (RDB), UK BAP and Local (Wirral) BAP Species (N = 273)

Common Name CRoW UK BAP WCA NERC Local

(Wirral) BAP


Amphibians Common frog 1 Common toad 1 1 1 Great crested newt 1 1 1 1 1 1Natterjack toad 1 1 1 1 1 Palmate newt 1 Smooth newt 1 Birds Aquatic warbler 1 1 1 1Arctic skua 1 Barn owl 1 1 Bearded tit 1 Bewick's swan 1 Bittern 1 1 1 1

Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name CRoW UK BAP WCA NERC Local

(Wirral) BAP


Black redstart 1 Black tern 1 Black-necked grebe 1 1 Black-tailed godwit 1 1 1 Black-throated diver 1 Brambling 1 Bullfinch 1 1 1 1 Common scoter 1 1 1 1 Corn bunting 1 1 1 Cuckoo 1 1 Curlew 1 1 Dunnock 1 Fieldfare 1 Firecrest 1 Garganey 1 Golden oriole 1 Goldeneye 1 Goshawk 1 Grasshopper warbler 1 1 Green sandpiper 1 Greenshank 1 Grey partridge 1 1 1 1 Greylag goose 1 Gyrfalcon 1 Hawfinch 1 1 Hen harrier 1 Hobby 1 Honey buzzard 1 House sparrow 1 1 1 Kentish plover 1 Kingfisher 1 Lapland bunting 1 Lapwing 1 1 1 Leach's petrel 1 Lesser spotted woodpecker 1 Linnet 1 1 1 1 Little ringed plover 1 Little tern 1 Long-tailed duck 1 Mandarin 1Mediterranean gull 1 Merlin 1 Nightjar 1 1 1

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name CRoW UK BAP WCA NERC Local

(Wirral) BAP


Osprey 1 Peregrine 1 Pintail 1 Purple sandpiper 1 Quail 1 Red kite 1 Red-backed shrike 1 1 1 Redwing 1 Reed bunting 1 1 1 1 Ring ouzel 1 1 Roseate tern 1 1 1 1 Ruff 1 Scaup 1 1 1 Shore lark 1 Skylark 1 1 1 1 Snow bunting 1 Song thrush 1 1 1 1 Spoonbill 1 Spotted crake 1 Spotted flycatcher 1 1 1 1 Starling 1 1 1 Tree pipit 1 1 Tree sparrow 1 1 1 1 Turtle dove 1 1 1 Twite 1 Velvet scoter 1 Whimbrel 1 Whooper swan 1 Willow tit 1 Wood warbler 1 1 Yellowhammer 1 1 1 Fresh / Salt Water Bottle-nosed dolphin 1 1 1 1 1 1Bottle-nosed whale 1 1 1 1Cod 1 1 Common porpoise 1 1 1 1 1 1Common seal 1 1 Crucian carp 1Eel 1 1 Grey seal 1 Herring 1 1 Pilot whale 1 1 Plaice 1 1

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name CRoW UK BAP WCA NERC Local

(Wirral) BAP


Raitt's sand-eel 1 1 Sea lamprey 1 1 White-beaked dolphin 1 1 1 1 1 Whiting 1 1 Insects August thorn 1 1 Autumnal rustic 1 Beaded chestnut 1 1 Belted beauty 1 Blood-vein 1 Broom moth 1 Brown-banded carder bee 1 1 1 Brown-spot pinion 1 1 Buff ermine 1 1 Centre-barred sallow 1 1 Cinnabar 1 1 Common fan-foot 1 1 Crescent 1 1 Dark brocade 1 Dark spinach 1 1 Dark-barred twin-spot carpet

1 1

Deep-brown dart 1 1 Dingy skipper 1 1 1 Diving beetle 1 1 1 Dot moth 1 1 Double dart 1 1 Dusky brocade 1 1 Dusky thorn 1 1 Dusky-lemon sallow 1 1 Ear moth 1 1 Feathered gothic 1 1 Figure of eight 1 1 Flounced chestnut 1 1 Galium carpet 1 1 Garden dart 1 1 Garden tiger 1 1 Ghost moth 1 1 Goat moth 1 1 Grayling 1 1 Green-brindled crescent 1 1 Greenweed flat-body moth 1 1 Grey dagger 1 1 Grizzled skipper 1 1

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name CRoW UK BAP WCA NERC Local

(Wirral) BAP


Haworth's minor 1 1 Heath rustic 1 1 Hedge rustic 1 1 Lackey 1 1 Large nutmeg 1 1 Latticed heath 1 Lesser water measurer 1 1 Lunar yellow underwing 1 1 1 Minor shoulder-knot 1 1 Moss carder bee 1 1 Mottled rustic 1 1 Mouse moth 1 1 Mud wasp 1 Narrow-bordered bee hawk 1 1 1 Neglected rustic 1 1 Oak hook-tip 1 Oblique carpet 1 1 Powdered quaker 1 1 Red-tailed carder bee 1 1 Rest harrow 1 1 Ringlet 1 Rosy minor 1 1 Rosy rustic 1 1 Rustic 1 1 Sallow 1 1 Sallow guest weevil 1 1 1 Sandhill rustic 1 Scarce crimson and gold 1 September thorn 1 1 Shaded broad-bar 1 1 Shoulder-striped wainscot 1 1 Silver-studded blue 1 1 1 1 1 Small eggar 1 Small heath 1 1 Small phoenix 1 1 Small square-spot 1 1 Southern damselfly 1 1 1 1 1Stag beetle 1 1 1 1 Stenodema laevigatum 1 Straw belle 1 Streak 1 1 Variable damselfly 1 Vernal colletes 1

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name CRoW UK BAP WCA NERC Local

(Wirral) BAP


V-moth 1 Wall 1 1 White ermine 1 1 White letter hairstreak 1 1 1 1 White-spotted sable moth 1 1

Lichens /Fungi /Moulds / Algae Bird's-nest stonewort 1 1Blunt bryum 1 1 1Great tassel stonewort 1 1 1 1Helodium blandowii 1Knowlton's thread-moss 1 1 1Physarum nudum 1Pycnoporus cinnabarinus 1Sea bryum 1 1 1 1Molluscs Mud snail 1 Plants Bastard balm 1 1 Black poplar 1 Bluebell 1 1 Branched horsetail 1 Breckland thyme 1Cabbage 1 Chamomile 1 1 Cheddar pink 1 1Corn buttercup 1 1 Corncockle 1Cornflower 1 1 1 1Creeping marshwort 1 1 1 1 1Darnel 1 1 Divided sedge 1 1 Downy willow 1 1 Downy woundwort 1 1Esthwaite waterweed 1Fine-leaved sandwort 1 1 Fly honeysuckle 1Grape-hyacinth 1 1 1Grass-poly 1 1Greater yellow-rattle 1Irish lady's-tresses 1 1 Isle of man cabbage 1 Ivy-leaved crowfoot 1 Jacob's-ladder 1Knotgrass 1 1

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name CRoW UK BAP WCA NERC Local

(Wirral) BAP


Large yellow-sedge 1Little-robin 1Lophozia perssonii 1Lundy cabbage 1 1 1 1 1Mackay's horsetail 1 Marsh stitchwort 1 1 Meadow clary 1 1Northern yellow-cress 1Peach-leaved bellflower 1Pennyroyal 1 1 1 1 1Pheasant's eye 1 1 1Pigmyweed 1 1Purple spurge 1Purple viper's-bugloss 1Rock cinquefoil 1 1 1Sea barley 1 1 Sea stock 1 1 1Sea-lavender 1 Slender centaury 1 1Slender marsh-bedstraw 1Small-flowered catchfly 1 1 1 Spinach 1 1 Spotted cat's-ear 1Sword-grass 1 1 Thorow-wax 1 1 1Three-lobed crowfoot 1 1 1 1Tubular water-dropwort 1 1 Water germander 1 1 1 1Welsh groundsel 1Wild candytuft 1 1 Reptiles Grass snake 1 1 1 Sand lizard 1 1 1 1 Slow-worm 1 1 1 1 Viviparous lizard 1 1 Spiders Peus's long-backed spider 1 1 Sand running spider 1 1 Terrestrial Mammals Brown hare 1 1 1 Brown long-eared bat 1 1 1 1 Daubenton's bat 1 1 Harvest mouse 1 1 1 1

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name CRoW UK BAP WCA NERC Local

(Wirral) BAP


Hedgehog 1 1 Leisler's bat 1 1 Natterer's bat 1 1 Noctule 1 1 1 1 Otter 1 1 1 1 1 Pipistrelle 1 1 1 1 1 Polecat 1 1 1 Red squirrel 1 1 1 1 1Water vole 1 1 1 1 1 Whiskered bat 1 1

7.9 Considering all protected species records (Figure 7.1), each species list has been analysed separately below.

Figure 7.1 All Protected Species Records for the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral ‘All protected species’ refers to those listed on one or more of the following: NERC Act, CRoW Act, RDB, WCA, UK BAP and local (Wirral) BAP.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)

All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI


# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)

All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)

All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI


# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)

All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI


# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)

All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI


# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)

All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI

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Wildlife and Countryside Act (WCA) Species (Schedules 5 and 8)

7.10 The WCA consolidates and amends existing national legislation to implement the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention) and Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the Conservation of Wild Birds (Birds Directive) in Great Britain. It is complimented by the Wildlife and Countryside (Service of Notices) Act 1985, which relates to notices served under the 1981 Act, and the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended), which implement Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (EC Habitats Directive). Amendments to the Act have occurred, the most recent being the CRoW Act 2000 (in England and Wales) and the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004 (in Scotland).

7.11 Considering the WCA species (all those for which there are records within the MBW) collectively (Figure 7.2), there are 2,922 records dating from 1851 to 2007, of which 1,244 (42.6%) are from 1988 onwards, covering 89 species and two undefined species (bats and unidentified harrier; Table 7.2).

Figure 7.2 Distribution of All WCA Species Records for the Metropolitan Borough Of Wirral




























































































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# Historical (pre 1988)

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# Historical (pre 1988)

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# Historical (pre 1988)

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7.12 These records are from 762 unique locations (separate grid references) and 275 individual sites (specified site names).

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

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Table 7.2 List of WCA Species Recorded on at least One Occasion within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral

Species/Record Latin Name Barn owl Tyto alba Bearded tit Panurus biarmicus Bittern Botaurus stellaris Black redstart Phoenicurus ochruros Black tern Chlidonias niger Black-necked grebe Podiceps nigricollis Black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta Bottle-nosed dolphin Tursiops truncatus Bottle-nosed whale Hyperoodon ampullatus Brambling Fringilla montifringilla Branched horsetail Equisetum ramosissimum Brown long-eared bat Plecotus auritus Cheddar pink Dianthus gratianopolitanus Common frog Rana temporaria Common porpoise Phocoena phocoena Common scoter Melanitta nigra Common toad Bufo bufo Creeping marshwort Apium repens Daubenton's bat Myotis daubentoni Downy woundwort Stachys germanica Fieldfare Turdus pilaris Firecrest Regulus ignicapillus Garganey Anas querquedula Golden oriole Oriolus oriolus Goldeneye Bucephala clangula Goshawk Accipiter gentilis Grass snake Natrix natrix Great crested newt Triturus cristatus Green sandpiper Tringa ochropus Greenshank Tringa nebularia Greylag goose Anser anser Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus Hobby Falco subbuteo Honey buzzard Pernis apivorus Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus Kingfisher Alcedo atthis Lapland bunting Calcarius lapponicus Leach's petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa Leisler's bat Nyctalus leisleri Little ringed plover Charadrius dubius Little tern Sterna albifrons Long-tailed duck Clangula hyemalis

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

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Species/Record Latin Name Lundy cabbage Coincya wrightii Meadow clary Salvia pratensis Mediterranean gull Larus melanocephalus Merlin Falco columbarius Natterer's bat Myotis nattereri Natterjack toad Bufo calamita Noctule Nyctalus noctula Osprey Pandion haliaetus Otter Lutra lutra Palmate newt Triturus helveticus Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium Peregrine Falco peregrinus Pigmyweed Crassula aquatica Pilot whale Globicephala melaena Pintail Anas acuta Pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus Purple sandpiper Calidris maritima Quail Coturnix coturnix Red kite Milvus milvus Red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris Red-backed shrike Lanius collurio Redwing Turdus iliacus Rock cinquefoil Potentilla rupestris Roseate tern Sterna dougallii Ruff Philomachus pugnax Sand lizard Lacerta agilis Scaup Aythya marila Shore lark Eremophila alpestris Silver-studded blue Plebejus argus Slender centaury Centaurium tenuiflorum Slow-worm Anguis fragilis Smooth newt Triturus vulgaris Snow bunting Plectrophenax nivalis Southern damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia Spotted crake Porzana porzana Stag beetle Lucanus cervus Undetermined harrier Circus Unidentified bats Vespertilionidae Velvet scoter Melanitta fusca Viviparous lizard Lacerta vivipara Water germander Teucrium scordium Water vole Arvicola terrestris amphibious Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Whiskered bat Myotis mystacinus

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Species/Record Latin Name White letter hairstreak Satyrium w-album White-beaked dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris Whooper swan Cygnus cygnus

7.13 Across all years, the maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is 35, with a further 11 locations reporting at least ten species. Across all sample locations, 63.5% (488) report a single species, 96.9% (745) report ≤ five species and 99.0% (761) report ≤ ten species.

7.14 Of the 89 species recorded (excluding ‘bats’ and ‘undefined harrier’), 28 (31.5%) are on a single site, with 56 (62.9%) on ≤ five sites and 67 (75.3%) on ≤ ten sites. Four species (4.5%) have been recorded on at least 100 sites (bluebell, common fog, common toad and smooth newt), and a further three species on at least 50 (great crested newt, pipistrelle and water vole).

7.15 Taking account of contemporary records only (those records from 1988 onwards), the 1,224 records cover 440 separate grid references, 216 individual locations, and 56 individual WCA species (excluding 14 records termed only ‘bats’). The maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is ten, with one additional species reporting eight species.

7.16 Across all sample locations, 72.5% (319) report a single species and 98.7% (434) report ≤ five species.

7.17 Of the 56 species recorded, 17 (30.4%) are recorded on a single site, 36 (64.3%) from ≤ five sites and 40 (71.4%) from ≤ ten sites.

7.18 Between the two time periods (pre and post-1988) there is a high turn over of recording sites, with 300 locations for which there are no records post-1988 and 341 new recording sites. Overall, there has been a net increase in the total locations covered from 399 pre-1988 to 440 post-1988. There are an additional 23 sites for which there are undated records.

7.19 In terms of individual WCA species, 35 species have no contemporary records within the MBW (bearded tit, bittern, bottle-nosed dolphin, cheddar pink, creeping marshwort, downy woundwort, garganey, goshawk, grass snake, green sandpiper, gyrfalcon, honey buzzard, Kentish plover, Leisler's bat, long-tailed duck, meadow clary, palmate newt, pilot whale, quail, red kite, rock cinquefoil, roseate tern, ruff, sand lizard, scaup, shore lark, slow-worm, southern damselfly, spoonbill, spotted crake, stag beetle, velvet scoter and water germander) and 11 are newly reported species (not previously reported in the MBW: bottle-nosed whale, branched horsetail, greylag goose, Leach’s petrel, little ringed plover, Lundy cabbage, osprey, pennyroyal, silver-studded blue, slender centaury and white-beaked dolphin). Overall, there has been a net decrease in the total numbers of WCA species recorded across the MBW, from 79 pre-1988 to 56 post-1988.

7.20 Of the 78 WCA species recorded within the MBW, 28 are included on the UK BAP list (16 recorded post-1988: bottle nosed whale, brown long eared bat, common porpoise, common scoter, common toad, great crested newt, Lundy cabbage, noctule, otter, pennyroyal, red squirrel, red-backed shrike, silver-studded blue, water vole, white letter hairstreak and white-beaked dolphin) and 20 on the Local (Wirral) BAP list (17 of which were recorded post-1988: barn owl, black-necked grebe, bluebell, brown long-eared bat, common porpoise, Daubenton’s bat, great crested newt, Natterer’s bat, natterjack toad, noctule, otter, pipistrelle, silver-studded blue, water vole, whiskered bat, white letter hairstreak and white-beaked dolphin).

Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

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Aggregated Sites 7.21 Taking the separate grid references and aggregating these to larger sites (according to site

names provided by rECOrd), the 2,922 records cover 275 individual sites. The maximum number of species recorded at a single site reference is 34 (Dee Estuary), with a further three locations reporting more than 20 species. Across all sample locations, 36.0% (99) report a single species and 80.4% (221) report ≤ five species.

7.22 Of the 78 species recorded, 30 are reportedly present on a single site, with a further 30 on ≤ five sites. Five species have been recorded on at least 60 sites (bluebell, common frog, pipistrelle, smooth newt and water vole).

CRoW Act Section 74 Species of Principal Importance for the Conservation of Biological Diversity in England

7.23 This list has been prepared under Section 74(2) of the CRoW Act 2000. It identifies the habitats and species which the Secretary of State, in consultation with Natural England (then English Nature), considers to be of principal importance for the conservation of biological diversity in England, in accordance with the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity.

7.24 Considering those 50 CRoW Act species of Principal Importance for which there are records within the MBW collectively (Figure 7.3), there are 8,035 records dating from 1851 to 2007, of which 3,790 (47.2%) are from 1988 onwards, covering 29 of the 50 species (Table 7.3).

Figure 7.3 Distribution of All CRoW Act Species Records for the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral




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# Historical (pre 1988)

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# Historical (pre 1988)

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# Historical (pre 1988)

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# Historical (pre 1988)

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7.25 These records are from 390 unique locations (separate grid references) and 211 individual sites (specified site names).

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

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Table 7.3 CRoW Act Species Recorded at least Once within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral

English Name Latin Name Aquatic warbler Acrocephalus paludicola Bittern Botaurus stellaris Bottle-nosed dolphin Tursiops truncatus Bottle-nosed whale Hyperoodon ampullatus Brown-banded carder bee Bombus humilis Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula Cod Gadus morhua Common fan-foot Pechipogon strigilata Common porpoise Phocoena phocoena Common scoter Melanitta nigra Corn bunting Miliaria calandra Cornflower Centaurea cyanus Creeping marshwort Apium repens Diving beetle Agabus brunneus Great crested newt Triturus cristatus Great tassel stonewort Tolypella prolifera Grey partridge Perdix perdix Herring Clupea harengus Irish lady's-tresses Spiranthes romanzoffiana Linnet Carduelis cannabina Lunar yellow underwing Noctua orbona Lundy cabbage Coincya wrightii Narrow-bordered bee hawk Hemaris tityus Natterjack toad Bufo calamita Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus Otter Lutra lutra Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium Pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus Plaice Pleuronectes platessa Red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris Red-backed shrike Lanius collurio Reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus Roseate tern Sterna dougallii Sallow guest weevil Melanapion minimum Sand lizard Lacerta agilis Sea bryum Bryum warneum Silver-studded blue Plebejus argus Skylark Alauda arvensis Small-flowered catchfly Silene gallica Song thrush Turdus philomelos Southern damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale Spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata Stag beetle Lucanus cervus

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

English Name Latin Name Sword-grass Xylena exsoleta Three-lobed crowfoot Ranunculus tripartitus Tree sparrow Passer montanus Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur

Water vole Arvicola terrestris amphibious

White-beaked dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris Whiting Merlangius merlangus

7.26 The maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is 13, with a further two locations reporting at least ten species. Across all sample locations, 66.9% (261) report a single species, 95.9% (374) report ≤ five species.

7.27 Of the 50 species recorded, 21 (42.0%) are on a single site (aquatic warbler, bottle-nosed whale, brown-banded carder bee, cod, common fan-foot, creeping marshwort, diving beetle, herring, Irish lady’s tresses, lunar yellow underwing, Lundy cabbage, narrow-bordered bee hawk, plaice, sallow guest weevil, sand lizard, sea bryum, small-flowered catchfly, southern damselfly, stag beetle, three-lobed crowfoot and white-beaked dolphin), with 33 (66.0%) on ≤ five sites and 34 (68.0%) on ≤ ten sites. Five species (great crested newt, pipistrelle, skylark, song thrush and water vole) have been recorded on at least 100 sites.

7.28 Taking account of contemporary records only (those records from 1988 onwards), the 3,790 records cover 228 grid references and 136 separate locations and 30 individual CRoW Act species. The maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is seven, with six further locations reporting at least five species.

7.29 Across all sample locations, 75.0% (171) report a single species, 98.7% (225) report ≤ five species.

7.30 Of the 30 species recorded, ten (bottle-nosed whale, brown-banded carder bee, corn bunting, cornflower, lunar yellow underwing, Lundy cabbage, red-backed shrike, sallow guest weevil, three-lobed crowfoot and white-beaked dolphin) are recorded on a single site, 17 (56.7%) from ≤ five sites and 20 (66.7%) from ≤ ten sites.

7.31 Between the two time periods (pre and post-1988) there is a high turn over of recording sites, with 162 locations for which there are no records post-1988 and 175 new recording sites. Overall, there has been a net increase in the total locations covered from 215 pre-1988 to 228 post-1988.

7.32 In terms of individual CRoW Act species, 20 have no records post-1988 (aquatic warbler, bittern, bottle-nosed dolphin, cod, common fan-foot, creeping marshwort, diving beetle, herring, Irish lady’s tresses, narrow-bordered carder bee, nightjar, plaice, roseate tern, sand lizard, sea bryum, small-flowered catchfly, southern damselfly, stag beetle, sword-grass and whiting) and ten are newly reported species (not previously reported in the MBW) (bottle-nosed whale, brown-banded carder bee, great tassle stonewort, lunar yellow underwing, Lundy cabbage, pennyroyal, sallow guest weevil, silver-studded blue, three-lobed crowfoot and white-beaked dolphin). Overall, there has been a net decrease in the total numbers of CRoW Act species recorded across the MBW, from 40 pre-1988 to 30 post-1988 (21 species from 2000 onwards).

7.33 Of the 50 CRoW Act species recorded within the MBW, 43 are included on the UK BAP list (23 recorded post-1988: bottle-nosed whale, brown-banded carder bee, common porpoise,

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common scoter, cornflower, great crested newt, great tassle stonewort, grey partridge, lunar yellow underwing, Lundy cabbage, otter, pennyroyal, red squirrel, red-backed shrike, reed bunting, sallow guest weevil, silver-studded blue, skylark, spotted flycatcher, tree sparrow, turtle dove, water vole and white-beaked dolphin) and 18 on the Wirral local (Wirral) BAP list (17 of which were recorded post-1988: bullfinch, common porpoise, corn bunting, great crested newt, grey partridge, linnet, natterjack toad, otter, pipistrelle, reed bunting, silver-studded blue, skylark, song thrush, spotted flycatcher, tree sparrow, water vole and white-beaked dolphin).

Aggregated Sites 7.34 Taking the separate grid references and aggregating these to larger sites (according to site

names provided by rECOrd), the 8,035 records cover 211 individual sites. The maximum number of species recorded at a single site reference is 13 (Dee Estuary), with a further five locations reporting at least ten species. Across all sample locations, 43.1% (91) report a single species and 87.7% (185) report ≤ five species.

7.35 Of the 50 species recorded, 20 are reportedly present on a single site (aquatic warbler, brown-banded carder bee, cod, common fan-foot, creeping marshwort, diving beetle, herring, Irish lady’s tresses, lunar yellow underwing, Lundy cabbage, narrow-bordered bee hawk, pennyroyal, plaice, sallow guest weevil, sand lizard, small-flowered catchfly, southern damselfly, stag beetle, three-lobed crowfoot and white-beaked dolphin), with a further 14 on ≤ five sites. Eleven species have been recorded on at least 20 sites (bullfinch, common porpoise, great crested newt, grey partridge, linnet, pipistrelle, red squirrel, reed bunting, skylark, song thrush and water vole) and, of these, two (pipistrelle and water vole) on at least 60.

NERC Act Species of Principal Importance 7.36 Section 40 of NERC Act (2006) states that: 'Every public body must, in exercising its functions,

have regard, so far as is consistent with the proper exercise of those functions, to the purpose of conserving biodiversity.' This section of the NERC Act is often referred to as 'the biodiversity duty' and it excludes the day-to-day professional roles of public bodies and looks instead at what the organisation is doing for biodiversity outside of its core function. Section 41 lists a range of 56 habitats and 943 species, representing those considered important for conserving biodiversity in England.

7.37 Considering the 166 NERC Act species for which there are records within the MBW collectively (Figure 7.4), there are 8,035 records dating from 1851 to 2007, of which 3,790 (%) are from 1988 onwards, covering 117 species.

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

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Figure 7.4 Distribution of All NERC Act Species Records for the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral











































































































































































































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# Historical (pre 1988)

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All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

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# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI


7.38 These records are from 807 unique locations (separate grid references) and 317 individual sites (specified site names).

Table 7.4 List of NERC Act Species Recorded on at least One Occasion within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral

English Name Latin Name Aquatic warbler Acrocephalus paludicola August thorn Ennomos quercinaria Autumnal rustic Paradiarsia glareosa Bastard balm Melittis melissophyllum Beaded chestnut Agrochola lychnidis Bewick's swan Cygnus columbianus Bittern Botaurus stellaris Black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa Blood-vein Timandra griseata Blunt bryum Bryum calophyllum Bottle-nosed dolphin Tursiops truncatus Broom moth Ceramica pisi Brown hare Lepus europaeus Brown long-eared bat Plecotus auritus Brown-banded carder bee Bombus humilis Brown-spot pinion Agrochola litura

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

English Name Latin Name Buff ermine Spilosoma luteum Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula Centre-barred sallow Atethmia centrago Chamomile Chamaemelum nobile Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae Common fan-foot Pechipogon strigilata Common porpoise Phocoena phocoena Common scoter Melanitta nigra Common seal Phoca vitulina Common toad Bufo bufo Corn bunting Miliaria calandra Corn buttercup Ranunculus arvensis Cornflower Centaurea cyanus Creeping marshwort Apium repens Crescent Celaena leucostigma Cuckoo Cuculus canorus Curlew Numenius arquata Dark brocade Mniotype adusta Dark spinach Pelurga comitata Dark-barred twin-spot carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata Darnel Lolium temulentum Deep-brown dart Aporophyla lutulenta Dingy skipper Erynnis tages Divided sedge Carex divisa Diving beetle Agabus brunneus Dot moth Melanchra persicariae Double dart Graphiphora augur Downy willow Salix lapponum Dunnock Prunella modularis Dusky brocade Apamea remissa Dusky thorn Ennomos fuscantaria Dusky-lemon sallow Xanthia gilvago Ear moth Amphipoea oculea Eel Anguilla anguilla Feathered gothic Tholera decimalis Figure of eight Diloba caeruleocephala Fine-leaved sandwort Minuartia hybrida Flounced chestnut Agrochola helvola Galium carpet Epirrhoe galiata Garden dart Euxoa nigricans Garden tiger Arctia caja Ghost moth Hepialus humuli Goat moth Cossus cossus Grape-hyacinth Muscari neglectum Grass snake Natrix natrix

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

English Name Latin Name Grasshopper warbler Locustella naevia Grayling Hipparchia semele Great crested newt Triturus cristatus Great tassel stonewort Tolypella prolifera Green-brindled crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae Greenweed flat-bodied moth Agonopterix atomella Grey dagger Acronicta psi Grey partridge Perdix perdix Grizzled skipper Pyrgus malvae Harvest mouse Micromys minutus Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes Haworth's minor Celaena haworthii Heath rustic Xestia agathina Hedge rustic Tholera cespitis Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus Hen harrier Circus cyaneus House sparrow Passer domesticus Knotgrass Acronicta rumicis Knowlton's thread-moss Bryum knowltonii Lackey Malacosoma neustria Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Large nutmeg Apamea anceps Latticed heath Semiothisa clathrata Lesser spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos minor Lesser water measurer Hydrometra gracilenta Linnet Carduelis cannabina Lunar yellow underwing Noctua orbona Lundy cabbage Coincya wrightii Marsh stitchwort Stellaria palustris Minor shoulder-knot Brachylomia viminalis Moss carder bee Bombus muscorum Mottled rustic Caradrina morpheus Mouse moth Amphipyra tragopoginis Mud snail Lymnaea glabra Narrow-bordered bee hawk Hemaris tityus Natterjack toad Bufo calamita Neglected rustic Xestia castanea Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus Noctule Nyctalus noctula Oak hook-tip Drepana binaria Oblique carpet Orthonama vittata Otter Lutra lutra Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium Peus’s long-back spider Mecopisthes peusi Pheasant's eye Adonis annua

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

English Name Latin Name Pilot whale Globicephala melaena Polecat Mustela putorius Powdered quaker Orthosia gracilis Raitt's sand-eel Ammodytes marinus Red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris Red-tailed carder bee Bombus ruderarius Reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus Rest harrow Aplasta ononaria Ring ouzel Turdus torquatus Roseate tern Sterna dougallii Rosy minor Mesoligia literosa Rosy rustic Hydraecia micacea Rustic Hoplodrina blanda Sallow Xanthia icteritia Sallow guest weevil Melanapion minimum Sand lizard Lacerta agilis Sand running spider Philodromus fallax Scaup Aythya marila Sea barley Hordeum marinum Sea bryum Bryum warneum Sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus Sea stock Matthiola sinuata September thorn Ennomos erosaria Shaded broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata Shoulder-striped wainscot Mythimna comma Silver-studded blue Plebejus argus Skylark Alauda arvensis Slow-worm Anguis fragilis Small heath Coenonympha pamphilus Small phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata Small square-spot Diarsia rubi Small-flowered catchfly Silene gallica Song thrush Turdus philomelos Soprano pipistrelle Pipistrellus pygmaeus Southern damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale Spinach Eulithis mellinata Spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata Stag beetle Lucanus cervus Starling Sturnus vulgaris Streak Chesias legatella Thorow-wax Bupleurum rotundifolium Three-lobed crowfoot Ranunculus tripartitus Tree pipit Anthus trivialis Tree sparrow Passer montanus Tubular water-dropwort Oenanthe fistulosa

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

English Name Latin Name Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur Twite Carduelis flavirostris Viviparous lizard Lacerta vivipara V-moth Semiothisa wauaria Wall Lasiommata megera Water germander Teucrium scordium Water vole Arvicola terrestris amphibious White ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda White letter hairstreak Satyrium w-album White-beaked dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris White-spotted sable moth Anania funebris Wild candytuft Iberis amara Willow tit Parus montanus Wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella

7.39 The maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is 39, with a further 13

locations reporting at least 20 species. Across all sample locations, 56.9% (459) report a single species, 89.3% (721) report ≤ five species and 95.8% (773) report ≤ ten species.

7.40 Of the 166 species recorded, 46 (27.7%) are from a single site, with 97 (58.4%) on ≤ five sites and 119 (71.7%) on ≤ ten sites. Four species (common toad, grayling, small heath and wall) have been recorded on at least 100 sites and a further eight species on at least 50 (brown hare, dunnock, great crested newt, hedgehog, skylark, small heath, song thrush and starling).

7.41 Taking account of contemporary records only (those records from 1988 onwards), the 3,790 records cover 555 separate locations and 115 individual NERC Act species. The maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is 33, with a further three locations reporting at least 20 species.

7.42 Across all sample locations, 58.7% (326) report a single species, 93.2% (517) report ≤ five species and 98.0% (544) report ≤ ten species.

7.43 Of the 115 species recorded, 28 (24.3%) are recorded on a single site, 73 (63.5%) from ≤ five sites and 90 (78.3%) from ≤ ten sites.

7.44 Between the two time periods (pre and post-1988) there is a high turn over of recording sites, with 251 locations for which there are no records post-1988 and 429 new recording sites. Overall, there has been a net increase in the total locations covered from 377 pre-1988 to 555 post-1988.

7.45 In terms of the individual NERC Act species, 49 species have no records post-1988 and 25 are newly reported (not previously reported in the MBW), of which eight are reported from 2000 onwards (divided sedge, great tassel stonewort, Haworth’s stonewort, lesser water measurer, lunar yellow underwing, mud snail, red-tailed carder bee and soprano pipistrelle). Overall, there has been a net decrease in the total numbers of NERC Act species recorded across the MBW, from 143 pre-1988 to 115 post-1988 (90 species from 2000 onwards).

7.46 Of the 166 NERC Act species recorded within the MBW, 141 are included on the UK BAP list (72 recorded post-1988) and 30 on the Wirral local (Wirral) BAP list (25 of which were recorded

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post-1988: brown hare, brown long-eared carder bee, bullfinch, common porpoise, corn bunting, dingy skipper, great crested newt, grey partridge, harvest mouse, house sparrow, lapwing, linnet, natterjack toad, noctule, otter, reed bunting, silver-studded blue, skylark, song thrush, soprano pipistrelle, starling, tree sparrow, water vole, white-letter hairstreak and yellowhammer).

Aggregated Sites 7.47 Taking the separate grid references and aggregating these to larger sites (according to site

names provided by rECOrd), the 8,035 records cover 317 individual sites. The maximum number of species recorded at a single site reference is 48 (Thurstaston Common), with a further 18 locations reporting more than 20 species. Across all sample locations 35.3% (112) report a single species and a further 115 (36.3%) report ≤ five species.

7.48 Of the 115 species recorded, 45 are reportedly present on a single site, with a further 56 on ≤ five sites. Six species have been recorded on at least 50 sites (brown hare, common toad, hedgehog, small heath, wall and water vole) and, of these, three (brown hare, hedgehog and small heath) on at least 70.

RDB Species 7.49 These are lists of species across Britain whose continued existence is threatened. RDB

species are classified into different categories of perceived risk. Each RDB usually deals with a specific group of animals or plants (for instance, birds, vascular plants, reptiles, insects or mosses).

7.50 Considering the 51 RDB species for which there are records within the MBW collectively (Figure 7.5), there are 411 records dating from 1864 to 2006, of which 68 (16.5%) are from 1988 onwards, covering 24 species (Table 7.5).

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

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Figure 7.5 Distribution of All RDB Species Records for the Metropolitan Borough Of Wirral






























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# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI































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# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI


7.51 These records are from 174 unique locations (separate grid references) and 126 individual sites (specified site names).

Table 7.5 List of RDB Species Recorded on at least One Occasion within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral

English Name Latin Name Aquatic warbler Acrocephalus paludicola Bird's-nest stonewort Tolypella nidifica Blandow’s tamarisk moss Helodium blandowii Blunt bryum Bryum calophyllum Bottle-nosed dolphin Tursiops truncatus Bottle-nosed whale Hyperoodon ampullatus Breckland thyme Thymus serpyllum Chalk notchwort Lophozia perssonii Cheddar pink Dianthus gratianopolitanus Common porpoise Phocoena phocoena Corncockle Agrostemma githago Cornflower Centaurea cyanus Creeping marshwort Apium repens Crucian carp Carassius carassius Downy woundwort Stachys germanica Esthwaite waterweed Hydrilla verticillata

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

English Name Latin Name Fly honeysuckle Lonicera xylosteum Grape-hyacinth Muscari neglectum Grass-poly Lythrum hyssopifolia Great crested newt Triturus cristatus Great tassel stonewort Tolypella prolifera Greater yellow-rattle Rhinanthus angustifolius Harvest mouse Micromys minutus Jacob’s-ladder Polemonium caeruleum Knowlton's thread-moss Bryum knowltonii Large yellow-sedge Carex flava Little-robin Geranium purpureum Lundy cabbage Coincya wrightii Mandarin Aix galericulata Meadow clary Salvia pratensis Northern yellow-cress Rorippa islandica Peach-leaved bellflower Campanula persicifolia Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium Pheasant's eye Adonis annua Physarum nudum Physarum nudum Pigmyweed Crassula aquatica Purple spurge Euphorbia peplis Purple viper's-bugloss Echium plantagineum Pycnoporus cinnabarinus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus Red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris Rock cinquefoil Potentilla rupestris Sea bryum Bryum warneum Sea stock Matthiola sinuata Slender centaury Centaurium tenuiflorum Slender marsh-bedstraw Galium constrictum Southern damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale Spotted cat's-ear Hypochaeris maculata Thorow-wax Bupleurum rotundifolium Three-lobed crowfoot Ranunculus tripartitus Water germander Teucrium scordium Welsh groundsel Senecio cambrensis

7.52 The maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is 11, with an additional location reporting six species. Across all sample locations, 90.8% (158) report a single species.

7.53 Of the 51 species recorded, 31 (60.8%) are from a single site, with 46 (90.2%) on ≤ five sites and 48 (94.1%) on ≤ ten sites. Two species (great crested newt and red squirrel) have been recorded on at least 60 sites.

7.54 Taking account of contemporary records only (those records from 1988 onwards), the 68 records cover 53 separate locations and 24 individual RDB species (bird’s nest stonewort, bottle-nosed whale, Breckland thyme, common porpoise, cornflower, crucian carp, Esthwaite

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waterweed, grape-hyacynth, great crested newt, great tassel stonewort, greater yellow-rattle, harvest mouse, little-robin, Lundy cabbage, mandarin, pennyroyal, Physarum nudum, pigmyweed, purple spurge, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, red squirrel, slender centaury, slender marsh-bedstraw and three-lobed crowfoot). The maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is two.

7.55 Across all sample locations, 92.5% (49) report a single species and the remaining four sites report two species.

7.56 Of the 24 species recorded, 13 (54.2%) are recorded on a single site, 22 (91.7%) from ≤ five sites and all but one species (great crested newt) from ≤ ten sites.

7.57 Between the two time periods (pre and post-1988) there is a high turn over of recording sites, with 120 locations for which there are no records post-1988 and 44 new recording sites. Overall, there has been a net decrease in the total locations covered from 129 pre-1988 to 53 post-1988.

7.58 In terms of the individual RDB species, 27 have no records post-1988 and 16 are newly reported (not previously reported in the MBW). Overall, there has been a net decrease in the total numbers of RDB species recorded across the MBW, from 35 pre-1988 to 24 post-1988 (12 species from 2000 onwards; bird’s nest stonewort, common porpoise, crucian carp, Esthwaite waterweed, grape-hyacinth, great crested newt, harvest mouse, mandarin, pennyroyal, pigmyweed and slender centaury).

7.59 Of the 51 RDB species recorded within the MBW, 25 are included on the UK BAP list (seven recorded post-1988: bird’s nest stonewort, common porpoise, grape-hyacinth, great crested newt, great tassel stonewort, harvest mouse and pennyroyal) and four on the local (Wirral) BAP list (three of which were recorded post-1988: common porpoise, great crested newt and harvest mouse).

Aggregated Sites 7.60 Taking the separate grid references and aggregating these to larger sites (according to site

names provided by rECOrd), the 411 records cover 128 individual sites. The maximum number of species recorded at a single site reference is 11 (Thurstaston Common). Across all sample locations, 22.1% (91) report a single species and 30.4% (125) report ≤ five species.

7.61 Of the 51 species recorded, 31 are reportedly present on a single site, with a further 15 on ≤ five sites. Three species have been recorded on at least 20 sites (common porpoise, great crested newt and red squirrel).

UK BAP Species 7.62 Considering the 163 UK BAP species (all those for which there are records within the MBW)

collectively (Figure 7.6), there are 6,136 records dating from 1851 to 2007, of which 2,874 (46.8%) are from 1988 onwards, covering 106 species (Table 7.7), of which 26 are also local BAP priority species for the Wirral (brown hare, brown long-eared bat, bullfinch, common porpoise, dingy skipper, great crested newt, grey partridge, harvest mouse, house sparrow, lapwing, linnet, natterjack toad, noctule, otter, polecat, reed bunting, silver-studded blue, skylark, song thrush, spotted flycatcher, starling, tree sparrow, water vole, white letter hairstreak, white-beaked dolphin and yellowhammer).

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Figure 7.6 Distribution of All UK BAP Species Records for the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral




































































































































































































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# Historical (pre 1988)

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All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

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# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

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# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI


7.63 These records are reported from 528 unique grid locations (separate grid references) and 198 specific locations (site names as supplied by rECOrd).

7.64 The maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is 35 (two sites), with a further seven locations reporting at least 20 species. Across all sample locations, 57.6% (457) report a single species, 90.6% (719) report ≤ five species and 96.2% (764) report ≤ ten species.

Table 7.6 List of UK BAP Species Recorded on at least One Occasion within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirralk

Common Name Latin Name Aquatic warbler Acrocephalus paludicola Arctic skua Stercorarius parasiticus August thorn Ennomos quercinaria Bastard balm Melittis melissophyllum Beaded chestnut Agrochola lychnidis Bird's-nest stonewort Tolypella nidifica Bittern Botaurus stellaris Black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa Black-throated diver Gavia arctica Blunt bryum Bryum calophyllum Bottle-nosed dolphin Tursiops truncatus

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name Latin Name Bottle-nosed whale Hyperoodon ampullatus Brown hare Lepus europaeus Brown long-eared bat Plecotus auritus Brown-banded carder bee Bombus humilis Brown-spot pinion Agrochola litura Buff ermine Spilosoma luteum Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula Centre-barred sallow Atethmia centrago Chamomile Chamaemelum nobile Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae Cod Gadus morhua Common porpoise Phocoena phocoena Common scoter Melanitta nigra Common seal Phoca vitulina Common toad Bufo bufo Corn buttercup Ranunculus arvensis Cornflower Centaurea cyanus Creeping marshwort Apium repens Crescent Celaena leucostigma Cuckoo Cuculus canorus Curlew Numenius arquata Dark spinach Pelurga comitata Dark-barred twin-spot carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata Darnel Lolium temulentum Deep-brown dart Aporophyla lutulenta Dingy skipper Erynnis tages Divided sedge Carex divisa Diving beetle Agabus brunneus Dot moth Melanchra persicariae Double dart Graphiphora augur Downy willow Salix lapponum Dusky brocade Apamea remissa Dusky thorn Ennomos fuscantaria Dusky-lemon sallow Xanthia gilvago Ear moth Amphipoea oculea Eel Anguilla anguilla Feathered gothic Tholera decimalis Figure of eight Diloba caeruleocephala Fine-leaved sandwort Minuartia hybrida Flounced chestnut Agrochola helvola Galium carpet Epirrhoe galiata Garden dart Euxoa nigricans Garden tiger Arctia caja Ghost moth Hepialus humuli Goat moth Cossus cossus

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Common Name Latin Name Grape-hyacinth Muscari neglectum Grass snake Natrix natrix Grasshopper warbler Locustella naevia Grass-poly Lythrum hyssopifolia Grayling Hipparchia semele Great crested newt Triturus cristatus Great tassel stonewort Tolypella prolifera Green-brindled crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae Greenweed flat-bodied moth Agonopterix atomella Grey dagger Acronicta psi Grey partridge Perdix perdix Grizzled skipper Pyrgus malvae Harvest mouse Micromys minutus Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes Haworth's minor Celaena haworthii Heath rustic Xestia agathina Hedge rustic Tholera cespitis Hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus Herring Clupea harengus House sparrow Passer domesticus Irish lady's-tresses Spiranthes romanzoffiana Knotgrass Acronicta rumicis Knowlton's thread-moss Bryum knowltonii Lackey Malacosoma neustria Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Large nutmeg Apamea anceps Lesser water measurer Hydrometra gracilenta Linnet Carduelis cannabina Lunar yellow underwing Noctua orbona Lundy cabbage Coincya wrightii Marsh stitchwort Stellaria palustris Minor shoulder-knot Brachylomia viminalis Moss carder bee Bombus muscorum Mottled rustic Caradrina morpheus Mouse moth Amphipyra tragopoginis Narrow-bordered bee hawk Hemaris tityus Natterjack toad Bufo calamita Neglected rustic Xestia castanea Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus Noctule Nyctalus noctula Oblique carpet Orthonama vittata Otter Lutra lutra Pennyroyal Mentha pulegium Peus’s long-back spider Mecopisthes peusi Pheasant's eye Adonis annua

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name Latin Name Plaice Pleuronectes platessa Polecat Mustela putorius Powdered quaker Orthosia gracilis Raitt's sand-eel Ammodytes marinus Red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris Red-backed shrike Lanius collurio Red-tailed carder bee Bombus ruderarius Reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus Rest harrow Aplasta ononaria Ring ouzel Turdus torquatus Rock cinquefoil Potentilla rupestris Roseate tern Sterna dougallii Rosy minor Mesoligia literosa Rosy rustic Hydraecia micacea Rustic Hoplodrina blanda Sallow Xanthia icteritia Sand lizard Lacerta agilis Sand running spider Philodromus fallax Scarce crimson and gold Pyrausta sanguinalis Scaup Aythya marila Sea barley Hordeum marinum Sea bryum Bryum warneum Sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus Sea stock Matthiola sinuata September thorn Ennomos erosaria Shaded broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata Shoulder-striped wainscot Mythimna comma Silver-studded blue Plebejus argus Skylark Alauda arvensis Slow-worm Anguis fragilis Small heath Coenonympha pamphilus Small phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata Small square-spot Diarsia rubi Small-flowered catchfly Silene gallica Song thrush Turdus philomelos Southern damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale Spinach Eulithis mellinata Spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata Stag beetle Lucanus cervus Starling Sturnus vulgaris Stenodema laevigatum Stenodema laevigatum Straw belle Aspitates gilvaria Streak Chesias legatella Sword-grass Xylena exsoleta Thorow-wax Bupleurum rotundifolium

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Common Name Latin Name Three-lobed crowfoot Ranunculus tripartitus Tree pipit Anthus trivialis Tree sparrow Passer montanus Tubular water-dropwort Oenanthe fistulosa Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur Wall Lasiommata megera Water germander Teucrium scordium Water vole Arvicola terrestris amphibious Weevil Melanapion minimum White ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda White letter hairstreak Satyrium w-album White-beaked dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris White-spotted sable moth Anania funebris Whiting Merlangius merlangus Wild candytuft Iberis amara Wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella

7.65 Of the 163 species recorded, 52 (31.9%) are on a single site, with 101 (62.0%) on ≤ five sites and 118 (72.4%) on ≤ ten sites. Four species (common toad, grayling, small heath and wall) have been recorded on at least 100 sites and a further six species on at least 50 (brown hare, great crested newt, hedgehog, skylark, song thrush and water vole).

7.66 Taking account of contemporary records only (those records from 1988 onwards), the 2,874 records cover 528 separate grid locations and 106 individual UK BAP species. The maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is 30, with two further locations reporting at least 20 species.

7.67 Across all sample locations, 60.2% (318) report a single species, 37.8% (495) report ≤ five species and 98.5% (520) report ≤ ten species.

7.68 Of the 106 species recorded, 25 (23.6%) are recorded on a single site, 64 (60.4%) from ≤ five sites and 81 (76.4%) from ≤ ten sites.

7.69 Between the two time periods (pre and post-1988) there is a high turn over of recording sites, with 265 locations for which there are no records post-1988 and 405 new recording sites. Overall, there has been a net increase in the total locations covered from 388 pre-1988 to 528 post-1988. Over this same period, the numbers of records across all UK BAP species has decreased from 3,255 to 2,874.

7.70 In terms of individual UK BAP species, 57 species have no records post-1988 and 23 newly reported species (not previously reported in the MBW) (see Tables 7.7 and 7.8). Overall, there has been a net decrease in the total numbers of BAP species recorded across the MBW, from 140 pre-1988 to 106 post-1988 (83 species have been reported from 2000 onwards).

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Table 7.7 First and Last Records and the Numbers of Sites for the 23 Recent UK BAP Species Recorded (Post-1988) within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, Including the Numbers of Records, Numbers of Sites, First Recorded Year and Last Recorded Year *Denotes Local (Wirral) BAP priority species

Common Name Post-1988 Records

Post-1988 Sites

First Recorded

Last Recorded

August Thorn 3 1 1996 2003Bird's-nest stonewort 2 2 2001 2001Bottle-nosed whale 2 1 1998 1998Brown-banded carder bee 1 1 1999 1999Corn buttercup 1 1 1997 1997Civided sedge 1 1 2006 2006Cowny willow 4 3 1999 1999Cusky-lemon sallow 2 1 1996 1997Fine-leaved sandwort 2 1 1993 1993Great tassel stonewort 2 2 2001 2001Haworth's minor 1 1 2000 2000Lesser water measurer 1 1 2001 2001Lunar yellow underwing 1 1 2003 2003Lundy cabbage 1 1 1999 1999Marsh stitchwort 3 3 1993 1999Pennyroyal 3 2 1995 2002Polecat* 3 1 1996 1996Red-tailed carder bee 1 1 2005 2005Sea barley 2 1 1993 1993September thorn 8 4 1993 2003Silver-studded blue 205 11 1994 2004Weevil 1 1 1991 1991White-beaked dolphin* 1 1 1989 1989

Table 7.8 UK BAP Species for which there are No Contemporary Records (Post-1988) within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, Including the Numbers of Records, Numbers of Sites, First Recorded Year and Last Recorded Year *Denotes Local (Wirral) BAP priority species.

Common Name Pre-1988 Records

Pre-1988 Sites

First Recorded

Last Recorded

Aquatic warbler 1 1 1982 1982Bastard balm 1 1 1894 1894Bittern 2 2 1892 1982Blunt bryum 2 1 1902 1903Bottle-nosed dolphin* 6 4 1905 1985Chamomile 3 2 1974 1987Cod 1 1 1976 1976

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name Pre-1988 Records

Pre-1988 Sites

First Recorded

Last Recorded

Common seal 6 4 1907 1985Creeping marshwort 1 1 1977 1977Darnel 3 3 1981 1987Diving beetle 1 1 1975 1975Double dart 46 6 1903 1982Ear moth 47 2 1922 1965Eel 3 3 1967 1981Feathered gothic 24 1 1922 1927Flounced chestnut 1 1 1904 1904Goat moth 1 1 1949 1949Grass snake 6 6 1905 1987Grass-poly 1 1 1894 1894Greenweed flat-bodied moth 1 1 1887 1887Grizzled skipper 2 2 1948 1951Hawfinch 3 3 1970 1976Herring 1 1 1981 1981Irish lady's-tresses 1 1 1970 1970Knowlton's thread-moss 1 1 1903 1903Lackey 5 3 1903 1923Large nutmeg 2 2 1904 1904Moss carder bee 1 1 1982 1982Narrow-bordered bee hawk 1 1 1887 1887Neglected rustic 1 1 1904 1904Nightjar 4 4 1970 1975Pheasant's eye 1 1 1977 1977Plaice 1 1 1981 1981Raitt's sand-eel 1 1 1981 1981Rest harrow 2 2 1985 1987Rock cinquefoil 1 1 1894 1894Roseate tern 2 2 1968 1982Sand lizard 3 1 1910 1941Sand running spider 2 1 1906 1906Scarce crimson and gold 1 1 1970 1970Scaup 4 4 1975 1986Sea bryum 2 1 1864 1903Sea lamprey 1 1 1981 1981Sea stock 1 1 1894 1894Slow-worm 2 2 1904 1958Small-flowered catchfly 1 1 1981 1981Southern damselfly 1 1 1975 1975Stag beetle 1 1 1977 1977Stenodema laevigatum 1 1 1982 1982Straw belle 1 1 1903 1903Sword-grass 11 3 1903 1926

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Common Name Pre-1988 Records

Pre-1988 Sites

First Recorded

Last Recorded

Thorow-wax 1 1 1894 1894Three-lobed crowfoot 1 1 1988 1988Water germander 1 1 1970 1970White-spotted sable moth 2 2 1942 1947Whiting 2 2 1976 1981Wild candytuft 1 1 1981 1981

7.71 Range sizes (numbers of sites on which a species is recorded) for 35 species showed a net increase between the two year groups (excluding those for which there were no records pre-1988), of these, nine at least doubled, and four increased by at least 300% (cinnabar, dusky thorn, grey partridge and shaded broad-bar; Table 7.9).

Table 7.9 Species with the Greatest Change in the Numbers of Recording Sites Between the Two Time Periods (Pre- and Post-1988)

Common Name Pre-1988 Sites Post-1988 Sites % change Centre-barred sallow 1 4 300.0Cinnabar 9 37 311.1Dusky thorn 1 5 400.0Grey partridge 7 29 314.3Shaded broad-bar 3 15 400.0Small phoenix 1 4 300.0

7.72 Conversely, 30 species have shown a decrease in the range size for the MBW, of these, 16

have declined by more than half (a further 57 are no longer recorded). Eighteen species have shown no net change in range size. Care should, however, be taken when interpreting these ‘range’ changes as this measure may not reflect genuine population expansion but increased survey coverage/effort for particular species (Table 7.10).

Table 7.10 First and Last Records, Numbers of Sites Pre- and Post-1988 for Each UK BAP Species, Including the Number of Sites Recorded Pre-1988 and the Number of Sites Recorded Post-1988 *Denotes Local (Wirral) BAP priority species, NLR denotes no longer recorded and CO denotes contemporary records only.

Common Name Pre-1988 Sites Post-1988 Sites % Change Aquatic warbler 1 NLRArctic skua 2 2 0.0August thorn 1 COBastard balm 1 NLRBeaded chestnut 1 2 100.0Bird's-nest stonewort 2 COBittern 2 NLRBlack-tailed godwit 2 7 250.0Black-throated diver 1 1 0.0Blunt bryum 1 NLR

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Common Name Pre-1988 Sites Post-1988 Sites % Change Bottle-nosed dolphin* 4 NLRBottle-nosed whale 1 COBrown hare* 43 55 27.9Brown long-eared bat* 14 12 -14.3Brown-banded carder bee 1 COBrown-spot pinion 2 2 0.0Buff ermine 5 8 60.0Bullfinch* 16 16 0.0Centre-barred sallow 1 4 300.0Chamomile 2 NLRCinnabar 9 37 311.1Cod 1 NLRCommon porpoise* 17 8 -52.9Common scoter 4 6 50.0Common seal 4 NLRCommon toad 73 31 -57.5Corn buttercup 1 COCornflower 2 1 -50.0Creeping marshwort 1 NLRCrescent 1 1 0.0Cuckoo 12 3 -75.0Curlew 13 13 0.0Dark spinach 2 2 0.0Dark-barred twin-spot carpet 2 4 100.0Darnel 3 NLRDeep-brown dart 2 1 -50.0Dingy skipper* 10 35 250.0Divided sedge 1 CODiving beetle 1 NLRDot moth 4 10 150.0Double dart 6 NLRDowny willow 3 CODusky brocade 6 4 -33.3Dusky thorn 1 5 400.0Dusky-lemon sallow 1 COEar moth 2 NLREel 3 NLRFeathered gothic 1 NLRFigure of eight 1 3 200.0Fine-leaved sandwort 1 COFlounced chestnut 1 NLRGalium carpet 2 2 0.0Garden dart 1 2 100.0Garden tiger 10 7 -30.0Ghost moth 4 6 50.0

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Common Name Pre-1988 Sites Post-1988 Sites % Change Goat moth 1 NLRGrape-hyacinth 3 2 -33.3Grass snake 6 NLRGrasshopper warbler 9 6 -33.3Grass-poly 1 NLRGrayling 23 85 269.6Great crested newt* 52 11 -78.8Great tassel stonewort 2 COGreen-brindled crescent 1 3 200.0Greenweed flat-bodied moth 1 NLRGrey dagger 9 10 11.1Grey partridge* 7 29 314.3Grizzled skipper 2 NLRHarvest mouse* 6 4 -33.3Hawfinch 3 NLRHaworth's minor 1 COHeath rustic 2 2 0.0Hedge rustic 6 2 -66.7Hedgehog 52 13 -75.0Herring 1 NLRHouse sparrow* 22 29 31.8Irish lady's-tresses 1 NLRKnotgrass 3 1 -66.7Knowlton's thread-moss 1 NLRLackey 3 NLRLapwing* 10 20 100.0Large nutmeg 2 NLRLesser water measurer 1 COLinnet* 26 26 0.0Lunar yellow underwing 1 COLundy cabbage 1 COMarsh stitchwort 3 COMinor shoulder-knot 2 2 0.0Moss carder bee 1 NLRMottled rustic 5 3 -40.0Mouse moth 4 8 100.0Narrow-bordered bee hawk 1 NLRNatterjack toad* 18 4 -77.8Neglected rustic 1 NLRNightjar 4 NLRNoctule* 22 13 -40.9Oblique carpet 1 2 100.0Otter* 10 4 -60.0Pennyroyal 2 COPeus’s long-back spider 1 3 200.0

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name Pre-1988 Sites Post-1988 Sites % Change Pheasant's eye 1 NLRPlaice 1 NLRPolecat* 1 COPowdered quaker 5 10 100.0Raitt's sand-eel 1 NLRRed squirrel 30 3 -90.0Red-backed shrike 3 1 -66.7Red-tailed carder bee 1 COReed bunting* 19 18 -5.3Rest harrow 2 NLRRing ouzel 6 1 -83.3Rock cinquefoil 1 NLRRoseate tern 2 NLRRosy minor 5 5 0.0Rosy rustic 6 6 0.0Rustic 3 3 0.0Sallow 4 7 75.0Sand lizard 1 NLRSand running spider 1 NLRScarce crimson and gold 1 NLRScaup 4 NLRSea barley 1 COSea bryum 1 NLRSea lamprey 1 NLRSea stock 1 NLRSeptember thorn 4 COShaded broad-bar 3 15 400.0Shoulder-striped wainscot 4 4 0.0Silver-studded blue* 11 COSkylark* 22 60 172.7Slow-worm* 2 NLRSmall heath 63 129 104.8Small phoenix 1 4 300.0Small square-spot 7 7 0.0Small-flowered catchfly 1 NLRSong thrush* 19 39 105.6Southern damselfly 1 NLRSpinach 1 1 0.0Spotted flycatcher* 11 2 -81.8Stag beetle 1 NLRStarling 26 36 38.5Stenodema laevigatum 1 NLRStraw belle 1 NLRStreak 1 1 0.0Sword-grass 3 NLR

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August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name Pre-1988 Sites Post-1988 Sites % Change Thorow-wax 1 NLRThree-lobed crowfoot 1 NLRTree pipit 8 3 -62.5Tree sparrow* 14 8 -42.9Tubular water-dropwort 40 3 -92.5Turtle dove 1 2 100.0Wall 58 91 56.9Water germander 1 NLRWater vole* 49 12 -75.5Weevil 1 COWhite ermine 6 9 50.0White letter hairstreak* 7 21 200.0White-beaked dolphin* 1 COWhite-spotted sable moth 2 NLRWhiting 2 NLRWild candytuft 1 NLRWood warbler 4 3 -25.0Yellowhammer* 11 10 -9.1

Aggregated Sites 7.73 Taking the separate grid references and aggregating these to larger sites (according to site

names provided by rECOrd), the 6,136 records cover 314 individual sites. The maximum number of species recorded at a single site is 42 (Hilbre Island and Thurstaston Common), with a further 15 locations reporting more than 20 species, of these six report at least 30 species (Bidston Hill, Bromborough Pool, Hilbre Island, Hoylake and Meols Ward, Keswick Avenue: Bromborough Moreton Brick Pit: Moreton, Thurstaston Common and Wallasey Ward).

All Local BAP Species Records Collectively 7.74 Considering all local (Wirral) BAP species (all those for which there are records within the

MBW) collectively (Figure 7.7), there are 3,624 records dating from 1851 to 2007, of which 2,017 (55.7%) are from 1988 onwards, covering 52 species (Table 7.11), of which 23 are also UK BAP priority species for the Wirral (bottle-nosed dolphin, brown hare, brown long-eared bat, common porpoise, dingy skipper, great crested newt, grey partridge, harvest mouse, house sparrow, lapwing, noctule, otter, polecat, reed bunting, silver-studded blue, skylark, slow-worm, spotted flycatcher, tree sparrow, water vole, white letter hairstreak, white-beaked dolphin and yellowhammer).

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Figure 7.7 Distribution of All Local (Wirral) BAP Species Records for the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral










































































































































































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#S #













































































































# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI











































































































































































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# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI



# Historical (pre 1988)

Contemporary (post 1988)


All Statutory Protected Areas and SBI


7.75 These records are reported from 759 unique locations (separate grid references) and 285 unique locations (as specified by the site names within the database supplied by rECOrd.

Table 7.11 All Local (Wirral) BAP Species Recorded at least Once within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral

Common Name Latin Name Barn owl Tyto alba Belted beauty Lycia zonaria Black poplar Populus nigra subsp. betulifolia Black-necked grebe Podiceps nigricollis Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta Bottle-nosed dolphin Tursiops truncatus Brown hare Lepus europaeus Brown long-eared bat Plecotus auritus Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula Cabbage Coincya monensis Common porpoise Phocoena phocoena Corn bunting Miliaria calandra Daubenton's bat Myotis daubentoni Dingy skipper Erynnis tages Great crested newt Triturus cristatus Grey partridge Perdix perdix

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Common Name Latin Name Grey seal Halichoerus grypus Harvest mouse Micromys minutus House sparrow Passer domesticus Isle of Man cabbage Coincya monensis subsp. monensis Ivy-leaved crowfoot Ranunculus hederaceus Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Leisler's bat Nyctalus leisleri Linnet Carduelis cannabina Mackay's horsetail Equisetum x trachyodon Mud wasp Podalonia affinis Natterer's bat Myotis nattereri Natterjack toad Bufo calamita Noctule Nyctalus noctula Otter Lutra lutra Pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus Polecat Mustela putorius Reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus Sandhill rustic Luperina nickerlii subsp. gueneei Sea-lavender Limonium britannicum subsp. celticum Silver-studded blue Plebejus argus Skylark Alauda arvensis Slow-worm Anguis fragilis Small eggar Eriogaster lanestris Song thrush Turdus philomelos Spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata Starling Sturnus vulgaris Tree sparrow Passer montanus Variable damselfly Coenagrion pulchellum Vernal colletes Colletes cunicularius Water vole Arvicola terrestris amphibious Whiskered bat Myotis mystacinus White letter hairstreak Satyrium w-album White-beaked dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella

7.76 The maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is 15, with a further 13 locations reporting at least ten species. Across all sample locations, 70.4% (534) report a single species, 94.3% (716) report ≤ five species and 98.6% (748) report ≤ ten species.

7.77 Of the 52 species recorded, 6% are on a single site (Leisler’s bat, mud wasp, polecat, ringlet, sea-lavender and white-beaked dolphin), with 15 (%) on ≤ five sites and 20 (%) on ≤ ten sites. One species (bluebell) has been recorded on more than 200 sites and a further seven species on at least 50 (brown hare, great crested newt, pipistrelle, skylark, song thrush, starling and water vole).

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7.78 Taking account of contemporary records only (those records from 1988 onwards), the 2,017 records cover 538 separate locations and 45 individual local (Wirral) BAP species. The maximum number of species recorded at a single grid reference is 11, with one further location reporting at least ten species.

7.79 Across all sample locations, 74.5% (401) report a single species, 79.7% (429) report ≤ five species and 82.4% (453) report ≤ ten species.

7.80 Of the 46 species recorded, six (black-necked grebe, corn bunting, polecat, ringlet and white-beaked dolphin) are recorded on a single site, 19 from ≤ five sites and 22 from ≤ ten sites.

7.81 Between the two time periods (pre- and post-1988) there is a high turn over of recording sites, with 213 locations for which there are no records post-1988 and 431 new recording sites. Overall, there has been a net increase in the total locations covered from 326 pre-1988 to 544 post-1988.

7.82 In terms of individual local (Wirral) BAP species, six species have no records post-1988 (Table 12; bottle-nosed dolphin, Leisler’s bat, sea-lavender, slow-worm, small eggar and variable damselfly) and seven are newly reported species (Table 7.13; cabbage, polecat, ringlet, sandhill rustic, silver-studded blue, vernal colletes and white-beaked dolphin). Overall, there has been a net increase in the total numbers of local (Wirral) BAP species recorded across the MBW, from 43 pre-1988 to 45 post-1988 (36 species from 2000 onwards).

Table 7.12 UK BAP Species for which there are No Contemporary Records (Post-1988) within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, Including the Numbers of Records, Numbers of Sites, First Recorded Year and Last Recorded Year * Denotes UK Local (Wirral) BAP priority species.

Species Number of Records

Number of Sites

First Recorded

Last Recorded

Bottle-nosed dolphin* 6 4 1905 1985 Leisler's bat 1 1 1961 1961 Sea-lavender 2 1 1978 1987 Slow-worm* 2 2 1904 1958 Small eggar 7 6 1899 1904 Variable damselfly 3 3 1975 1975

Table 7.13 First and Last Records and the Numbers of Sites for the Eight Recent UK BAP Species Recorded (Post-1988) within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, Including the Numbers of Records, Numbers of Sites, First Recorded Year and Last Recorded Year *Denotes UK BAP priority species

Species Number of Records

Number of Sites

First recorded

Last recorded

Cabbage 4 4 1997 1999 Polecat* 3 1 1996 1996 Ringlet* 1 1 1992 1992 Sandhill rustic 45 14 1996 2002

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Species Number of Records

Number of Sites

First recorded

Last recorded

Silver-studded blue* 205 11 1994 2004 Vernal colletes 20 19 1996 2003 White-beaked dolphin* 1 1 1989 1989

7.83 Range sizes (numbers of sites on which a species is recorded) for 18 species showed a net

increase between the two year groups (excluding those for which there were no records pre-1988), of these, ten at least doubled and three increased by at least 400% (barn owl, grey partridge and Mackay’s horsetail).

7.84 The largest range change is for barn owl, which has expanded its range from five sites to 27. Conversely, 17 species have shown a decrease in the range size for the MBW (excluding the six species which are no longer recorded), of these, ten have declined by more than half (common porpoise, corn bunting, Daubenton’s bat, great crested newt, grey seal, Isle of Man cabbage, natterjack toad, otter, spotted flycatcher and water vole). Three species have shown no net change in range size (black-necked grebe, bullfinch and mud wasp). Care should, however, be taken when interpreting these ‘range’ changes as this measure may not reflect genuine population expansion but increased survey coverage/effort for particular species.

7.85 Of the 52 local (Wirral) BAP species recorded within the MBW, 23 are included on the UK BAP list (21 recorded post-1988: brown hare, brown long-eared bat, common porpoise, dingy skipper, great crested newt, grey partridge, harvest mouse, house sparrow, lapwing, noctule, otter, polecat, reed bunting, silver-studded blue, skylark, spotted flycatcher, tree sparrow, water vole, white letter hairstreak, white-beaked dolphin and yellowhammer).

Aggregated Sites 7.86 Taking the separate grid references and aggregating these to larger sites (according to site

names provided by rECOrd), the 3,624 records cover 213 individual sites. The maximum number of species recorded at a single site reference is 12 (Heswall Ward), with a further five locations reporting more than nine species. Across all sample locations, 44.1% (94) report a single species and 85.4% (182) report ≤ five species.

7.87 Of the 52 species recorded, just one is reportedly present on a single site (white-beaked dolphin), with a further four on ≤ five sites (bottle-nosed dolphin, polecat, silver-studded blue and slow-worm). Six species have been recorded on at least 30 sites (brown hare, great crested newt, house sparrow, noctule, skylark and water vole) and two (brown hare and water vole) on at least 60.

Coverage by Protected Areas/Land Designations 7.88 Consideration has been made of the coverage by each protected area/land designation for

which information has been collated for the MBW, including all statutory protected areas designated for biological diversity: SSSI, SPA, SAC, Ramsar, National Nature Reserve (NNR) and LNR; NGO protected areas: Woodland Trust and Wildlife Trust Sites; non-statutory protected areas: SBI, Conservation Areas; protected land designations: countryside stewardship; and general greenspaces: urban green space, allotments, playing fields, IBA and greenbelt. In addition, various collective summaries have been considered as follows: all statutory protected areas, all statutory protected areas and SBI, all protected designations and all green spaces (all of the above together).

7.89 Those records which have not been identified to species level were excluded from these analyses (i.e. those identified as ‘bats’ only).

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Methods 7.90 Taking each conservation designation separately, records for each species were overlaid with

shapefiles of the above land types using the ‘Select by Theme’ option in Arc View. All species records intersecting the protected area boundaries were exported to Access for analysis.

WCA Schedule 5 and 8 Species

Statutory Protected Areas 7.91 LNRs cover the lowest numbers of WCA species within the MBW (Table 7.14), with 17 species

taking all records into account (13 species pre-1988 and five species considering post-1988 records only). In contrast, SSSI cover the greatest numbers of WCA species, with 61 reported within the boundaries of these sites across all records (with 53 pre-1988 and 42 considering post-1988 records only).

7.92 The relative coverage of WCA priority species has decreased for all statutory protected area types except SSSI between the two time periods (pre- and post-1988). Specifically, the greatest decline was for species reported from Ramsar sites, which declined from 61.0% to 40.4% (Table 7.14). Conversely, coverage for SSSI increased from 68.8% to 73.7%.

Non-Statutory Protected Areas/Protected Land Designations 7.93 RSPB and Woodland Trust sites cover the lowest numbers of WCA priority species within the

MBW (Table 7.14), with respectively none and three species pre-1988 and five and three post-1988. By contrast, SBI cover the greatest numbers of WCA species, with 50 reported within the boundaries of these sites across all records (40 pre-1988 and 31 post-1988). Countryside Stewardship Areas also covered more than 20% of the WCA species.

7.94 Coverage by all the non-statutory protected sites/land types increased between the two time periods (Table 7.14).

Other Land Designations 7.95 The lowest coverage of WCA species was shown for allotments, with a single species reported

from within these areas. By contrast, green belt land covers the greatest numbers of WCA species (and also the largest total area), with 67 species reported across all years, and 55 considering both pre and post-1988 records separately.

7.96 Coverage of WCA priority species decreased between the two time periods for IBAs, common land and greenbelt, the greatest decline being for IBAs from 61.0% (47) pre-1988 to 47.4% (27) more recently (Table 7.14). Conversely, the coverage of WCA species increased for the remaining three land categories, with the greatest increase shown for green belt, although the total numbers of species covered remained the same for both time periods (55).

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Table 7.14 Coverage and % Coverage of WCA Species within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral Considering All Years and those Records Pre- and Post-1988 Only

Number of WCA Species % WCA Species Designation

All Records



All records



Statutory Protected Areas

Ramsar Sites 53 47 23 58.89 61.04 40.35

SAC 57 51 28 63.33 66.23 49.12

SPA 53 47 24 58.89 61.04 42.11

SSSI 61 53 42 67.78 68.83 73.68

LNR 17 13 5 18.89 16.88 8.77

Non-Statutory Protected Areas/Other Protected Land Types

SBI 50 40 31 55.56 51.95 54.39

RSPB 5 0 5 5.56 0.00 8.77

Woodland Trust 5 3 3 5.56 3.90 5.26

Countryside Stewardship Areas 26 13 13 28.89 16.88 22.81

Conservation Areas 13 6 6 14.44 7.79 10.53

Other Land Types

IBA 55 47 27 61.11 61.04 47.37

Allotments 1 1 1 1.11 1.30 1.75

Playing Fields 4 4 0 4.44 5.19 0.00

Common Land 13 5 5 14.44 6.49 8.77

Urban Green space 23 21 13 25.56 27.27 22.81

Greenbelt 67 55 55 74.44 71.43 96.49

Collective Summaries

All Statutory 63 55 43 70.00 71.43 75.44

Statutory and SBI 72 61 48 80.00 79.22 84.21

All protected land type*1 72 61 48 80.00 79.22 84.21

All green areas*2 83 41 53 92.22 53.25 92.98

*1 denotes all statutory protected areas and protected land types, and all available non statutory protected areas and land types collectively.

*2 denotes all protected land types combined with the other land types listed above (IBA, Playing Fields, Common Land, Urban Green Space and Greenbelt).

Collective Summaries 7.97 Considering each of the summary categories, in all cases the coverage of WCA species

increased between the two year periods (Table 7.14). Additionally, more than 70% of all WCA species have been recorded at least once within each of the collated categories (post-1988), and more than 50% pre-1988. Nonetheless, it should be noted that 35.1% (20) of the 57 WCA listed species recorded on SBI/Statutory protected sites post-1988 are reported from a single site only (black redstart, black-necked grebe, bottle-nosed whale, branched horsetail, Daubenton’s bat, goldeneye, greylag goose, hobby, kingfisher, Lapland bunting, little ringed plover, little tern, Lundy cabbage, Mediterranean gull, pigmyweed, pilot whale, red squirrel,

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snow bunting, whiskered bat and white-beaked dolphin). Furthermore, an additional 18 WCA listed species are reported from ≤ five SBI/Statutory protected areas post-1988 (barn owl, black tern, black-tailed godwit, brambling, brown long-eared bat, common porpoise, common scoter, great crested newt, greenshank, Leach’s petrel, merlin, natterjack toad, noctule, otter, purple sandpiper, smooth newt, water vole and whimbrel). Although these species have been reported from within the boundaries of protected areas, it is well recognised that presence on very small numbers of sites is not sufficient to enable the future persistence of a species. It is, therefore, essential that these priority species are recorded across (and persist within) a range of protected sites.

Species Not Covered by Protected Areas 7.98 Of the 57 WCA species within the MBW (post-1988 records only), nine species are absent from

all statutory sites and SBI collectively. Of these, six are very rare and have been reported from a single site (firecrest, golden oriole, osprey, red-backed shrike, slender centaury and whooper swan), with the remaining three (Natterer's bat, pennyroyal and pintail) on just two sites.

7.99 Action should be taken to ensure that all WCA species are protected within all statutory protected areas and SBI, thus additional survey work is required to determine the current status of these species and to take action to both increase their range and protect the remaining individuals.

CRoW Act Section 74 List of Species of Principal Importance for the Conservation of Biological Diversity in England

Statutory Protected Areas 7.100 LNRs cover the lowest numbers of CRoW Act priority species within the MWB (Table 7.15),

with seven species taking all records into account (seven species pre-1988 and two species considering post-1988 records only). In contrast, SSSI cover the greatest numbers of CRoW Act species, with 33 reported within the boundaries of these sites across all records (with 27 pre-1988 and 19 post-1988 records).

7.101 The coverage of CRoW Act priority species has decreased for all statutory protected areas between the two time periods (pre- and post-1988). Specifically, species reported from LNR declined from 17.5% to 6.7% (Table 7.15). Coverage exceeded 50% for all but LNR pre-1988 and remained above 50% post-1988 for SAC and SSSI only.

Non-Statutory Protected Areas/Protected Land Designations 7.102 Woodland Trust sites cover the lowest numbers of CRoW Act priority species within the MWB

(Table 7.15), with two species covered post-1988 (none pre-1988). SBI cover the greatest numbers of CRoW Act species, with 21 reported within the boundaries of these sites across all records (17 pre-1988 and 16 post-1988).

7.103 Coverage by all the non-statutory protected sites/land types increased between the two time periods (Table 7.15). RSPB reserves and Woodland Trust sites both increased from no coverage pre-1988 to respectively 10.0% and 4.0% post-1988. Although the proportional coverage of Conservation Areas and Countryside Stewardship sites increased between the two time periods, this is attributed to the overall decline in the numbers of CRoW Act species reported within the MBW, as the numbers of species covered by Conservation Areas remained stable (nine species) and that covered by Countryside Stewardship decreased from nine species to eight.

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Other Land Designations 7.104 Greenbelt land covers the greatest numbers of CRoW ACT species (and also the largest total

area), with 31 species reported across all years and 24 considering post-1988 records only. IBAs also cover more than 50% (22) of the CRoW ACT species pre-1988 but fell to 46.7% (14) post-1988.

7.105 Coverage of CRoW Act priority species decreased between the two time periods for urban green spaces and IBAs, from 40.0% (16) species pre-1988 to 23.3% (seven) species more recently (Table 7.15). Conversely, the coverage of CRoW Act species increased for the remaining four land categories. The largest increase was for greenbelt from 60.0% to 80.0%, although the total numbers of species remained stable at 24.

Table 7.15 Coverage and % Coverage of CRoW Act Species within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral Considering All Years and those Records Pre and Post-1988 Only

Number of CRoW Act Species % CRoW Act Species Designation All

Records Pre-1988


All records



Statutory Protected Areas

Ramsar Sites 25 20 14 50.00 50.00 46.67

SAC 27 23 15 54.00 57.50 50.00

SPA 25 20 14 50.00 50.00 46.67

SSSI 33 27 19 66.00 67.50 63.33

LNR 7 7 2 14.00 17.50 6.67

Non-Statutory Protected Areas/Other Protected Land Types

SBI 21 17 16 42.00 42.50 53.33

RSPB 5 0 5 10.00 0.00 16.67

Woodland Trust 2 0 2 4.00 0.00 6.67

Countryside Stewardship Areas 12 9 8 24.00 22.50 26.67

Conservation Areas 9 9 9 18.00 22.50 30.00

Other Land Type

IBA 27 22 14 54.00 55.00 46.67

Allotments 1 1 1 2.00 2.50 3.33

Playing Fields 1 0 1 2.00 0.00 3.33

Common Land 8 4 4 16.00 10.00 13.33

Urban Green space 17 16 7 34.00 40.00 23.33

Greenbelt 31 24 24 62.00 60.00 80.00

Collective Summaries

All Statutory 33 28 19 66.00 70.00 63.33

Statutory and SBI 38 30 24 76.00 75.00 80.00

All protected land type*1 39 31 24 78.00 77.50 80.00

All green areas*2 46 36 28 92.00 90.00 93.33

*1 Denotes all statutory protected areas and protected land types, and all available non statutory protected areas and land types collectively.

*2 Denotes all protected land types combined with the other land types listed above (IBA, Playing Fields, Common Land, Urban Green Space and Greenbelt).

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Collective Summaries 7.106 Considering each of the summary categories, coverage of CRoW Act species increased

between the two year periods (Table 7.15), with the exception of all statutory sites collectively. Coverage by all collective categories exceeded 75% of the CRoW Act species pre-1988 and more than 60% post-1988 (at least 80% for all but all statutory). Additionally, more than 70% of all CRoW Act species have been recorded at least once within each of the collated categories (post-1988), and more than 62% in all cases pre-1988. Nonetheless, it should be noted that eight of the 30 CRoW Act listed species recorded on SBI/Statutory protected sites post-1988 are reported from a single site only (bottle-nosed whale, brown-banded carder bee, Lundy cabbage, sallow guest weevil, red squirrel, three-lobed crowfoot, tree sparrow and white-beaked dolphin). Furthermore, an additional ten CRoW Act listed species are reported from ≤five SBI/Statutory protected areas post-1988 (bullfinch, common porpoise, common scoter, great crested newt, great tassel stonewort, grey partridge, natterjack toad, otter, spotted flycatcher, water vole).

7.107 Although these species have been reported from within the boundaries of protected areas, it is well recognised that presence on very small numbers of sites is not sufficient to enable the future persistence of a species. It is, therefore, essential that these priority species are recorded across (and persist within) a range of protected sites.

Species Not Covered by Protected Areas 7.108 Of the 30 CRoW Act species within the MBW (post-1988 records only), six species are absent

from all statutory sites and SBI collectively. Of these, four are very rare and occur on a single site (corn bunting, cornflower, Lunar yellow underwing and red-backed shrike) and the remaining two species (pennyroyal and turtle dove) on just two sites.

7.109 Action should be taken to ensure that all CRoW Act species are protected within all statutory protected areas and SBI, thus additional survey work is required to determine the current status of these species and to take action to both increase their range and protect the remaining individuals.

NERC Act Section 41 Species of Principal Importance in England

Statutory Protected Areas 7.110 LNRs cover the lowest numbers of NERC Act priority species within the MWB (Table 7.16), with

24 species taking all records into account (16 species pre-1988 and 11 species considering post-1988 records only). In contrast, SSSI cover the greatest numbers of NERC Act species, with 111 reported within the boundaries of these sites across all records (with 88 pre-1988 and 81 post-1988 records).

7.111 The coverage of NERC Act priority species has decreased for SAC and LNRs between the two time periods (pre- and post-1988). Specifically, species reported from SAC declined from 57.3% (82) to 54.5% (63) and from 11.2% (16) to 9.6% (11) for the LNRs (Table 7.16). Conversely, coverage for Ramsar sites, SPA and SSSI all increased, with coverage by SSSI exceeding 70% post-1988.

Non-Statutory Protected Areas/Protected Land Designations 7.112 RSPB and Woodland Trust sites cover the lowest numbers of NERC Act priority species within

the MWB (Table 7.11), with ten species covered post-1988 (one pre-1988). SBI cover the greatest numbers of NERC Act species, with 79 reported within the boundaries of these sites across all records (63 pre-1988 and 55 post-1988).

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7.113 Coverage by all the non-statutory protected sites/land types increased between the two time periods (Table 7.16).

Other Land Designations 7.114 Allotments did not cover any of the NERC Act priority species recorded within the MWB. By

contrast, greenbelt land covers the greatest numbers of NERC Act species (and also the largest total area), with 121 species reported across all years, and 95 considering pre-1988 records only and 90 post-1988. IBAs also cover more than 50% (66) of the NERC Act species considering contemporary records only (46.8 % pre-1988).

7.115 Coverage of NERC Act priority species decreased between the two time periods for playing fields and urban green spaces, from two to one for playing fields and 49 to 30 species for urban green spaces (Table 7.16). Conversely, the coverage of NERC Act species increased for the remaining four protected land categories. The largest increase was for common land from 8.4% to 20.9%.

Table 7.16 Coverage and % Coverage of NERC Act Species within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral Considering All Years and those Records Pre- and Post-1988 Only

Number of UK BAP Species % UK BAP Species Designation All

Records Pre-1988


All records



Statutory Protected Areas Ramsar Sites 83 66 60 50.00 46.15 52.17

SAC 97 82 63 58.43 57.34 54.78 SPA 83 66 60 50.00 46.15 52.17 SSSI 111 88 81 66.87 61.54 70.43 LNR 24 16 11 14.46 11.19 9.57 Non-Statutory Protected Areas/Other Protected Land Types SBI 79 63 55 47.59 44.06 47.83 RSPB 10 1 10 6.02 0.70 8.70 Woodland Trust 10 1 10 6.02 0.70 8.70 Countryside Stewardship Areas 52 39 35 31.33 27.27 30.43 Conservation Areas 32 19 19 19.28 13.29 16.52 Other Land Types IBA 84 67 66 50.60 46.85 57.39 Allotments 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Playing Fields 3 2 1 1.81 1.40 0.87 Common Land 29 12 24 17.47 8.39 20.87 Urban Green space 57 49 30 34.34 34.27 26.09 Greenbelt 121 95 90 72.89 66.43 78.26 Collective Summaries All Statutory 112 91 81 67.47 63.64 70.43 Statutory and SBI 128 103 97 77.11 72.03 84.35 All protected land type*1 130 105 98 78.31 73.43 85.22 All green areas*2 152 125 109 91.57 87.41 94.78

*1 denotes all statutory protected areas and protected land types, and all available non statutory protected areas and land types collectively.

*2 all protected land types combined with the other land types listed above (IBA, Playing Fields, Common Land, Urban Green Space and Greenbelt).

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Collective Summaries 7.116 Considering each of the summary categories, in all cases the coverage of NERC Act species

increased between the two year periods (Table 7.16), although the total numbers of species recorded has declined in each case. Coverage by all statutory sites and SBI collectively increased from 72.0% to 84.4%. Additionally, more than 69% of all NERC Act species have been recorded at least once within each of the collated categories (post-1988), and more than 80% for all categories except all statutory. Nonetheless, it should be noted that 36.1% (35) of the 97 NERC Act listed species recorded on SBI/Statutory protected sites post-1988 are reported from a single site only. Furthermore, 42 (43.3%) of NERC Act listed species are reported from ≤ five SBI/Statutory protected areas post-1988.

7.117 Although these species have been reported from within the boundaries of protected areas, it is well recognised that presence on very small numbers of sites is not sufficient to enable the future persistence of a species. It is, therefore, essential that these priority species are recorded across (and persist within) a range of protected sites.

Species Not Covered by Protected Areas 7.118 Of the 115 NERC Act species within the MBW (post-1988 records only), 20 species are absent

from all statutory sites and SBI collectively. Of these, 15 are very rare and occur on a single site (August thorn, corn bunting, corn buttercup, cornflower, deep-brown dart, fine-leaved sandwort, knotgrass, lesser water measurer, lunar yellow underwing, mud snail, polecat, ring ouzel, spinach, streak and willow tit), with the remaining five species on ≤ five sites (brown-spot pinion, centre-barred sallow, great-brindled crescent, pennyroyal and turtle dove).

7.119 Action should be taken to ensure that all NERC Act species are protected within all statutory protected areas and SBI, thus additional survey work is required to determine the current status of these species and to take action to both increase their range and protect the remaining individuals.

RDB Species

Statutory Protected Areas 7.120 LNRs do not cover any of the RDB priority species within the MWB (Table 7.17), with Ramsar

sites and SPA covering six species across all years (five species pre-1988 and one species considering post-1988 records only). In contrast, SSSI cover the greatest numbers of RDB species, with 14 reported within the boundaries of these sites across all records (with ten pre-1988 and five post-1988 records).

7.121 The coverage of RDB priority species has decreased for all categories except LNRs between the two time periods (pre and post-1988). Specifically, species reported from SAC declined from 22.9% to 8.3% (Table 7.17).

Non-Statutory Protected Areas 7.122 RSPB sites do not cover any of the RDB priority species within the MWB (Table 7.17). Of the

remaining categories, the lowest coverage is for Woodland Trust sites, with just two species covered across all years (one pre-1988 and one post-1988). The greatest coverage is for the SBI, with eight species pre-1988 to ten post-1988.

7.123 Coverage by all the non-statutory protected sites/land types increased between the two time periods (Table 7.17), with the exception of Conservation Areas. The numbers of RDB species covered by Countryside Stewardship areas remained stable at four, however, given that the total number of RDB species recorded across the MBW has declined from 35 to 24, the relative proportion has increased.

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Other Land Designations 7.124 Neither playing fields nor allotments covered any of the RDB priority species recorded within

the MWB. By contrast, green belt land covers the greatest numbers of RDB species (and also the largest total area), with 37 species reported across all years and 20 considering post-1988 records only.

7.125 Coverage of RDB priority species decreased between the two time periods for IBAs and urban green spaces, from 14.3% pre-1988 to 4.2% more recently for IBAs and from 14.3% to 12.5% for urban green spaces (Table 7.17). Conversely, the coverage of RDB species increased for greenbelt and common land. Although the largest proportional increase was for greenbelt land, the actual numbers of species reported declined from 22 to 20.

Table 7.17 Coverage and % Coverage of RDB Species within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral Considering All Years and those Records Pre- and Post-1988 Only

Number of RDB Species % RDB Species Designation

All Records



All records



Statutory Protected Areas

Ramsar Sites 6 5 1 11.76 14.29 4.17

SAC 9 8 2 17.65 22.86 8.33

SPA 6 5 1 11.76 14.29 4.17

SSSI 14 10 5 27.45 28.57 20.83

LNR 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Non-Statutory Protected Areas/Other Protected Land Types

SBI 16 8 10 31.37 22.86 41.67

RSPB 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Woodland Trust 2 1 1 3.92 2.86 4.17

Countryside Stewardship Areas 6 4 4 11.76 11.43 16.67

Conservation Areas 5 5 0 9.80 14.29 0.00

Other Land Types

IBA 6 5 1 11.76 14.29 4.17

Allotments 0.00 0.00 0.00

Playing Fields 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Common Land 4 2 2 7.84 5.71 8.33

Urban Green space 7 5 3 13.73 14.29 12.50

Greenbelt 37 22 20 72.55 62.86 83.33

Collective Summaries

All Statutory 14 10 5 27.45 28.57 20.83

Statutory and SBI 25 14 14 49.02 40.00 58.33

All protected land type*1 26 15 15 50.98 42.86 62.50

All green areas*2 45 28 24 88.24 80.00 100.00

*1 All statutory protected areas and protected land types, and all available non statutory protected areas and land types collectively.

*2 All protected land types combined with the other land types listed above (IBA, Playing Fields, Common Land, Urban Green Space and Greenbelt).

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Collective Summaries 7.126 Considering each of the summary categories, coverage of UK BAP species increased between

the two year periods (Table 7.17) for all but ‘all statutory’. The greatest increase was for all green areas, which increased from 80% to 100% coverage between the two time periods, despite an overall decrease in the actual number of species. Coverage of ‘all statutory’ declined from 28.6% (ten species) to 20.8% (five species). Nonetheless, it should be noted that 25.3% (10) of the 14 RDB listed species recorded on SBI/Statutory protected sites post-1988 are reported from a single site only and the remaining four were reported from ≤ five site.

7.127 Although these species have been reported from within the boundaries of protected areas, it is well recognised that presence on very small numbers of sites is not sufficient to enable the future persistence of a species. It is, therefore, essential that these priority species are recorded across (and persist within) a range of protected sites.

Species Not Covered by Protected Areas 7.128 Of the 24 RDB species within the MBW (post-1988 records only), 11 species are absent from

all statutory sites and SBI collectively. Of these, five are very rare and occur on a single site (cornflower, crucian carp, purple spurge, slender centaury and three-lobed crowfoot), and the remaining five species have been reported from ≤ five sites (great tassel stonewort, mandarin, pennyroyal, pigmyweed and red squirrel) and one from eight sites (common porpoise).

7.129 Action should be taken to ensure that all RDB species are protected within all statutory protected areas and SBI, thus additional survey work is required to determine the current status of these species and to take action to both increase their range and protect the remaining individuals.

UK BAP Species

Statutory Protected Areas 7.130 LNRs cover the lowest numbers of UK BAP priority species within the MWB (Table 7.18), with

65 species taking all records into account (45 species pre-1988 and 47 species considering post-1988 records only). In contrast, SSSI cover the greatest numbers of UK BAP species, with 106 reported within the boundaries of these sites across all records (with 85 pre-1988 and 74 post-1988 records).

7.131 The proportional coverage of UK BAP priority species has increased for each statutory protected area type. Nevertheless, only LNRs shown an actual increase in the total numbers of species covered. Increasing proportional coverage shown for the remaining categories can be attributed to the decreased total number of UK BAP species within the MBW (from 140 to 106). Although only slight, the greatest decline in the proportion of species covered was shown for SAC, from 55.6% pre-1988 to 53.8% post-1988.

Non-Statutory Protected Areas/Protected Land Designations 7.132 Woodland Trust sites cover the lowest numbers of UK BAP priority species within the MBW

(Table 7.18), with eight species covered post-1988 (one pre-1988). By contrast, SBI cover the greatest numbers of UK BAP species, with 71 reported within the boundaries of these sites across all records (58 pre-1988 and 47 post-1988).

7.133 Coverage by all the non-statutory protected sites/land types increased between the two time periods (Table 7.18) for each category except Countryside Stewardship sites. In addition, although the proportional coverage increased, the absolute numbers of species covered declined for SBI and Conservation Areas. Although only slight, the greatest increase in coverage was shown for RSPB sites, from 0.7% (one) to 8.5% (nine) of species.

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Other Land Designations 7.134 Allotments did not cover any of the UK BAP priority species recorded within the MWB. By

contrast, greenbelt land covers the greatest numbers of UK BAP species (and also the largest total area), with 115 species reported across all years, and 90 considering post-1988 records only.

7.135 Proportional coverage of UK BAP species increased for IBAs, common land and greenbelt. In contrast, coverage decreased for playing fields and urban green space. Taking account of the absolute change in numbers of UK BAP species, declines were seen for all categories except common land, which increased from 13 species to 19 between the two time periods.

Table 7.18 Coverage and % Coverage of UK BAP Species within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral Considering All Years and those Records Pre- and Post-1988 Only

Number of UK BAP Species % UK BAP Species Designation

All Records



All records



Statutory Protected Areas

Ramsar Sites 76 60 55 46.63 42.86 51.89

SAC 89 75 57 54.60 53.57 53.77

SPA 76 60 55 46.63 42.86 51.89

SSSI 106 85 74 65.03 60.71 69.81

LNR 65 45 47 39.88 32.14 44.34

Non-Statutory Protected Areas/Other Protected Land Types

SBI 71 58 47 43.56 41.43 44.34

RSPB 10 1 9 6.13 0.71 8.49

Woodland Trust 8 1 8 4.91 0.71 7.55

Countryside Stewardship Areas 23 20 11 14.11 14.29 10.38

Conservation Areas 29 18 15 17.79 12.86 14.15

Other Land Types

IBA 79 63 55 48.47 45.00 51.89

Allotments 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Playing Fields 3 2 1 1.84 1.43 0.94

Common Land 25 13 19 15.34 9.29 17.92

Urban Green space 49 43 23 30.06 30.71 21.70

Greenbelt 115 90 83 70.55 64.29 78.30

Collective Summaries

All Statutory 106 88 74 65.03 62.86 69.81

Statutory and SBI 123 99 88 75.46 70.71 83.02

All protected land type*1 125 101 89 76.69 72.14 83.96

All green areas*2 149 124 98 91.41 88.57 92.45

*1 denotes all statutory protected areas and protected land types, and all available non statutory protected areas and land types collectively.

*2 denotes all protected land types combined with the other land types listed above (IBA, playing fields, common land, urban green space and greenbelt).

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Collective Summaries 7.136 Considering each of the summary categories, in all cases the proportional coverage of UK BAP

species increased between the two year periods (Table 7.18), although the actual numbers of species covered declined in all cases. The greatest increase in proportional coverage was shown for all statutory and SBI collectively, from 70.7% to 83.0%. Nonetheless, it should be noted that 13.3% (12) of the 106 UK BAP listed species recorded on SBI and Statutory Protected Sites post-1988 are reported from a single site only (black-throated diver, bottle-nosed whale, brown-banded carder bee, crescent, divided sedge, dusky-lemon sallow, Haworth's minor, Lundy cabbage, red-tailed carder bee, sea barley, weevil and white-beaked dolphin). Furthermore, an additional 34 of these UK BAP listed species are reported from ≤ five SBI/Statutory protected areas post-1988.

7.137 Although these species have been reported from within the boundaries of protected areas, it is well recognised that presence on very small numbers of sites is not sufficient to enable the future persistence of a species. It is, therefore, essential that these priority species are recorded across (and persist within) a range of protected sites.

Species Not Covered by Protected Areas 7.138 Of the 106 UK BAP species within the MBW (post-1988 records only), 18 species are absent

from all statutory sites and SBI collectively (August thorn, brown-spot pinion, centre-barred sallow, corn buttercup, cornflower, deep-brown dart, fine-leaved sandwort, green-brindled crescent, knotgrass, lesser water measurer, lunar yellow underwing, pennyroyal, polecat, red-backed shrike, ring ouzel, spinach, streak and turtle dove). Of these, 13 are very are rare and occur on a single site (August thorn, corn buttercup, cornflower, deep-brown dart, fine-leaved sandwort, knotgrass, lesser water measurer, lunar yellow underwing, polecat, red-backed shrike, ring ouzel, spinach and streak), with the remaining five on ≤ five sites (brown-spot pinion, centre-barred sallow, green-brindled crescent, pennyroyal and turtle dove).

7.139 Action should be taken to ensure that all UK BAP species are protected within all statutory protected areas and SBI, thus additional survey work is required to determine the current status of these species and to take action to both increase their range and protect the remaining individuals.

Local (Wirral) BAP Species

Statutory Protected Areas 7.140 LNRs cover the lowest numbers of local (Wirral) BAP priority species within the MWB (Table

7.19), with 14 species taking all records into account (11 species pre-1988 and five species considering post-1988 records only). In contrast, SSSI cover the greatest numbers of local (Wirral) BAP species, with 40 reported within the boundaries of these sites across all records (with 31 pre-1988 and 33 post-1988 records).

7.141 The coverage of local (Wirral) BAP priority species has decreased for all statutory protected area categories between the two time periods (pre- and post-1988), with the exception of SSSI. Specifically, the greatest decline in the percentage of species covered was shown for LNR, from 25.6% (11) to 11.1% (five). In contrast, the numbers of species covered by SSSI increased from 72.1% (31) to 73.3% (33).

Non-Statutory Protected Areas 7.142 Woodland Trust sites cover the lowest numbers of local (Wirral) BAP priority species within the

MBW (Table 7.19), with six species covered post-1988 (one pre-1988). In contrast, SBI cover the greatest numbers of local (Wirral) BAP species, with 36 reported within the boundaries of these sites across all records (31 pre-1988 and 30 post-1988).

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7.143 Coverage by all the non-statutory protected sites/land types increased between the two time periods (Table 7.19), with the exception of SBI. The greatest percentage increase was shown for RSPB sites which covered 2.3% of species pre-1988 (one) and 13.3% (eight) post-1988. Conversely, coverage by SBI decreased slightly between the two time periods from 72.1% (31) pre-1988 to 66.7% (30) post-1988.

Other Land Designations 7.144 Allotments and playing fields covered the lowest number of local (Wirral) BAP priority species

(respectively one and two species only). By contrast, greenbelt land covers the greatest numbers of local (Wirral) BAP species (and also the largest total area), with 44 species reported across all years, and 39 considering post-1988 records only.

7.145 Coverage of local (Wirral) BAP priority species decreased between the two time periods for all categories (Table 7.19), with the exception of greenbelt which increased slightly. Although IBA, allotments and common land coverage remained the same in terms of the total numbers of species covered between the two time periods, given that the total numbers of local (Wirral) BAP species reported within the MBW increased from 43 to 45, the proportional coverage declined slightly. The same is true for greenbelt land, which showed an increase in the overall numbers of species covered from 37 to 39 but the proportional coverage remained largely stable at 86%.

Table 7.19. Coverage and % Coverage of Local (Wirral) BAP Species within the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral Considering All Years and those Records Pre and Post-1988 Only

Number of Local (Wirral) BAP Species

% Local (Wirral) BAP Species Designation

All Records



All records



Statutory Protected Areas

Ramsar Sites 35 28 24 67.31 65.12 53.33

SAC 37 30 27 71.15 69.77 60.00

SPA 35 28 24 67.31 65.12 53.33

SSSI 40 31 33 76.92 72.09 73.33

LNR 14 11 5 26.92 25.58 11.11

Non-Statutory Protected Areas/Other Protected Land Types

SBI 36 31 30 69.23 72.09 66.67

RSPB 8 1 8 15.38 2.33 17.78

Woodland Trust 6 1 6 11.54 2.33 13.33

Countryside Stewardship Areas 27 17 23 51.92 39.53 51.11

Conservation Areas 17 9 11 32.69 20.93 24.44

Other Land Types

IBA 35 28 28 67.31 65.12 62.22

Allotments 1 1 1 1.92 2.33 2.22

Playing Fields 2 1 1 3.85 2.33 2.22

Common Land 15 8 8 28.85 18.60 17.78

Urban Green space 27 21 19 51.92 48.84 42.22

Greenbelt 44 37 39 84.62 86.05 86.67

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Ref No. 090412 Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council

August 2009 Biodiversity Audit of the Wirral

Number of Local (Wirral) BAP Species

% Local (Wirral) BAP Species Designation

All Records



All records



Collective Summaries

All Statutory 41 36 34 78.85 83.72 75.56

Statutory and SBI 47 39 41 90.38 90.70 91.11

All protected land type*1 47 40 41 90.38 93.02 91.11

All green areas*2 50 41 44 96.15 95.35 97.78

*1 denotes all statutory protected areas and protected land types, and all available non statutory protected areas and land types collectively.

*2 denotes all protected land types combined with the other land types listed above (IBA, Playing Fields, Common Land, Urban Green Space and Greenbelt).

Collective Summaries 7.146 Considering each of the summary categories, the proportional coverage of local (Wirral) BAP

species decreased between the two year periods (Table 7.19) for ‘all statutory’ and ‘all protected land types’ (Table 7.19). Nevertheless, in terms of the actual numbers of species covered, only ‘all statutory’ declined from 36 to 34 species. Nonetheless, it should be noted that seven of the 44 local (Wirral) BAP priority listed species recorded on SBI/Statutory protected sites post-1988 are reported from a single site only (black-necked grebe, Daubenton’s bat, harvest mouse, ringlet, tree sparrow, whiskered bat and white-beaked dolphin). Furthermore, an additional 17 local (Wirral) BAP priority species are reported from ≤ five SBI/Statutory protected areas post-1988 (barn owl, black poplar, brown long-eared bat, bullfinch, cabbage, common porpoise, great crested newt, grey partridge, grey seal, Isle of Man cabbage, Mackay’s horsetail, natterjack toad, noctule, otter, spotted flycatcher, water vole and yellowhammer).

7.147 Although these species have been reported from within the boundaries of protected areas, it is well recognised that presence on very small numbers of sites is not sufficient to enable the future persistence of a species. It is, therefore, essential that these priority species are recorded across (and persist within) a range of protected sites.

Species Not Covered by Protected Areas 7.148 Of the 44 local (Wirral) BAP species within the MBW (post-1988 records only), four species are

absent from all statutory sites and SBI collectively (corn bunting, ivy-leaved crowfoot, Natterer’s bat and polecat). Of these, two are very rare and occur on a single site (corn bunting and polecat), with the remaining species occurring on ≤ four sites only.

7.149 Action should be taken to ensure that all local (Wirral) BAP priority species are protected within all statutory protected areas and SBI, thus additional survey work is required to determine the current status of these species and to take action to both increase their range and protect the remaining individuals.