www.irised.com ©2010 IRIS Educational Media 7 Secretos Escolares An Academic Success Program for Students Ages Seven and Older An Academic Success Program for Students Ages Seven and Older WHO can benefit from this program? Parents, students and school staff can all benefit from 7 Secrets of School Success. The video program and supplemen- tary materials provide practical, easy-to-follow steps targeted to parent and student needs. School staff will benefit by reading the parent and student materials and by learning ways to make parents feel welcome in the school. WHAT are the secrets of school success? Students who have good study habits and families who support their efforts are most likely to succeed in school. 7 Secrets of School Success is a study-skills program that fosters both student and family efforts. Parents and students learn how to set up a good study environment, how to ensure that students complete their homework assignments, and how to make sure students are ready for school each morning. A little later in this guide, we’ll describe the seven secrets and tell you exactly how to put them into practice and make them work. HOW can parents get started with the program? It’s easy. Parents just follow these steps: • Watch the video, 7 Secrets of School Success with their child, which is in Spanish with English subtitles. • Read the Letter to Parents and the Letter to Students. There are English and Spanish versions of both letters. • Ask their child to read the Letter to Students. • Read the The Seven Secrets of School Success with their child. There is an English and a Spanish version. • Sit down with their child to plan a good study routine that will work in their family, using the Seven Secrets as they do their planning. 7 Secrets of School Success

7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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Page 1: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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7 Secretos Escolares An Academic Success Program for Students Ages Seven and Older

An Academic Success Program for Students Ages Seven and Older

WHO can benefit from this program?

Parents, students and school staff can all benefit from 7 Secrets of School Success. The video program and supplemen-tary materials provide practical, easy-to-follow steps targeted to parent and student needs. School staff will benefit by reading the parent and student materials and by learning ways to make parents feel welcome in the school.

WHAT are the secrets of school success?

Students who have good study habits and families who support their efforts are most likely to succeed in school. 7 Secrets of School Success is a study-skills program that fosters both student and family efforts. Parents and students learn how to set up a good study environment, how to ensure that students complete their homework assignments, and how to make sure students are ready for school each morning.

A little later in this guide, we’ll describe the seven secrets and tell you exactly how to put them into practice and make them work.

HOW can parents get started with the program?

It’s easy. Parents just follow these steps:

• Watch the video, 7 Secrets of School Success with their child, which is in Spanish with English subtitles.

• Read the Letter to Parents and the Letter to Students. There are English and Spanish versions of both letters.

• Ask their child to read the Letter to Students.

• Read the The Seven Secrets of School Success with their child. There is an English and a Spanish version.

• Sit down with their child to plan a good study routine that will work in their family, using the Seven Secrets as they do their planning.

7 Secrets of School Success

Page 2: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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7 Secretos Escolares Éxito Académico para Estudiantes de Siete Años en Adelante

Estimados Padres de Familia,

Ustedes están tomando un paso importante. Al ver el video de 7 Secretos Escolares con sus hijos, están emprendiendo el camino hacia el éxito escolar. El éxito en la escuela a menudo se transforma en éxito en la vida, así que estos esfuerzos que están haciendo ahora les servirán de ayuda a sus hijos ahora y en el futuro también.

Algunos padres piensan que si no pueden leer los libros de sus hijos ni entender las materias que están cursando en la escuela, que entonces no pueden ayudarles en la escuela. No se preocupen de eso. Si ustedes siguen los consejos que damos y practican los secretos, obtendrán resultados muy positivos.

Sigan los Siete Secretos y sus hijos aprenderán a estudiar, a tener mayor éxito en la escuela y a sentirse mejor acerca de sí mismos.

El estudio y las tareas pueden ser trabajo difícil. Al principio, ustedes estarán imponiendo límites para sus hijos. Gradualmente, los límites impuestos se convertirán en auto-diciplina. Al suceder esto, sus hijos se irán organizando más, aprenderán a terminar las cosas a tiempo y a cooperar con los demás. Estas habilidades son importantes para la escuela, para el trabajo y para la vida familiar.

Empieza por poner metas realistas de estudio. Un buen comienzo puede ser de 15 minutos de estudio cada día. Incremente el tiempo gradualmente hasta que todas las tareas se estén completando de manera consistente. Tenga paciencia y aliente a sus hijos reconociendo sus esfuerzos y el progreso que han demostrado.

Pregúntenles todos los días cómo les está yendo en la escuela. Traten de ver el mundo a través de sus ojos y muéstrense preocupados e interesados ante las dificultades que puedan estar pasando. ¿Les fue mal en algún examen? Sean comprensivos y apoyadores. Háganles saber que con eventualidad las cosas mejorarán siempre que sigan con la rutina que ustedes han impuesto. Asegúrense de premiar a sus hijos regularmente con actividades especiales y apoyo moral.

Buena suerte y los mejores deseos,,

Brion Marquez

Ideas para los Premios

• Imanes o calcomanías

• Frutas favoritas cortadas sobre un plato

• Un disco compacto (CD) o una película para ver en casa

• Una entrada para el cine

Ideas para dar Aliento y Apoyo Moral

• Eres el (la) mejor estudiante.

• Tienes muy buenos hábitos.

• ¡Increíble!

• Estas haciendo algo bueno para ti mismo(a)

• Estas haciendo un buen trabajo.

• Estoy orgulloso(a) de ti.

Page 3: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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Incentive Ideas

• Magnets or stickers

• Favorite fruits sliced on a saucer

• CD or movie rental

• Movie ticket

Praise & Encouragement Ideas

• You’re an excellent student.

• You’ve got great study habits.

• Awesome!

• You are doing something good for yourself.

• You’re doing a great job.

• I’m proud of you.

7 Secretos Escolares An Academic Success Program for Students Ages Seven and Older

You are taking an important step. By watching 7 Secrets of School Success with your children, you are both starting down the path to school success. Success in school often mean success in life, so these efforts you’re making now will help your children today and tomorrow.

Some parents think that if they can’t read their children’s textbooks or understand the subjects they are studying, they can’t help their child in school. Don’t worry about this. If you follow the advice we give and practice the secrets, you will get great results.

Follow the Seven Secrets and your child will learn to study, become successful in school and feel better about him or herself.

Studying and homework can be hard work. In the beginning, you will be setting limits on your children. Gradually, the imposed limits will become self-discipline. As this happens, your children will become organized, learn to meet deadlines, and cooperate with others. These skills are important in school, at work and in family life.

Start by setting realistic study goals. A good start might be 15 minutes of study time each day. Gradually increase this until all your child’s homework is getting completed. Be patient and encourage your children by recognizing their effort and progress.

Everyday, ask your children about how school is going. Look at the world through their eyes and be sympathetic to difficulties. Did they do poorly on a test? Be understanding and encouraging. Let them know that eventually things will improve if they follow the routine you have set up. Be sure to reward your children regularly with special activities, treats and praise.

Good luck and best wishes,

Brion Marquez, For the crew of 7 Secrets of School Success

Dear Parents,

Page 4: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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7 Secretos Escolares Éxito Académico para Estudiantes de Siete Años en Adelante

Estimados Estudiantes,

Si tienen siete años o son mayores de siete, este programa es para ustedes. 7 Secretos Escolares es un programa para entrenar al cerebro. Al ejercitar al cerebro diariamente, aprenderán habilidades importantes que les ayudarán a tener éxito en la escuela y en la vida.

Para recibir los beneficios de este programa, necesitarán ejercitar sus cerebros regularmente. De esa manera aumentarán sus habilidades de concentración y de estudio. Apegarse a una rutina de ejercicio puede resultar difícil de hacer. Es por eso que sus padres les van a ayudar. Ellos van a ayudarles a organizar un espacio y un horario para estudiar. También revisarán sus tareas cada día. Ellos les preguntarán cómo les está yendo en la escuela y a menudo les harán comentarios positivos para darles aliento.

Para realmente poner a sus cerebros en forma, sigan estos pasos:

Dénles a sus cerebros una rutina diaria de trabajo, estudiando a una hora regularmente. Incremente de manera gradual el tiempo que pasan estudiando conforme se vayan fortaleciendo sus cerebros.

Establezcan metas razonables. Si las metas son demasiado grandes, puede que se empiecen a sentir desanimados y pueden hasta darse por vencidos. Lo más importante al comienzo es que puedan alcanzar sus metas para que aprendan que ustedes sí pueden alcanzar el éxito.

Hablen con sus padres acerca de la escuela. Díganles lo que han estado haciendo en la escuela cada día. Tengan paciencia con ellos mientras aprenden lo que hace un estudiante en la escuela durante todo el día.

Presten atención en clase. Miren a sus maestros para que sepan que sí están prestando atención. Tomen notas para que se acuerden de lo que hablaron en las clases. Asegúrense de tener los libros y los materiales adecuados y debidos para cuando estén trabajando en algún proyecto.

Sean líderes positivos. Mientras se convierten en buenos alumnos, algunos de sus compañeros tal vez se empiecen a sentir amenazados y tal vez hasta se burlen de ustedes. No se dejen influenciar. Por lo contrario, traten de influenciarlos a ellos. Compartan los Siete Secretos con ellos y aliéntenlos para que se conviertan en buenos alumnos también.

Buena suerte y los mejores deseos,

Brion Marquez

De parte del grupo de los 7 Secretos Escolares

Page 5: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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7 Secretos Escolares An Academic Success Program for Students Ages Seven and Older

Dear Students,

If you are seven or older, this program is for you. 7 Secrets is a brain-training program. By exercising your brain everyday, you’ll learn important skills to help you succeed in school and in life.

To get the benefits of this program, you need to exercise your brain regularly. That way you’ll build up your ability to study and concentrate. But sticking to an exercise routine can be difficult. That’s why your parents are going to be helping you. They are going to help you organize a study space and set up a study schedule. They’ll also check with you about your school work each day. They’ll ask about how school is going and encourage you often.

To really get your brain in shape, follow these tips:

Give your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger.

Set reasonable goals for yourself. If your goal is too big, you might feel discouraged and give up. The most important thing in the beginning is to accomplish your goals and learn that you can succeed.

Talk with your parents about school. Tell them what you’ve done at school each day. Be patient with them as they learn about what a student does all day in school.

Pay attention in class. Look at your teachers so they will know you are paying attention. Take notes so you can remember what they said. Have the right books and materials out when you are working on an assignment.

Be a positive leader. As you become a good student, some of your friends might feel threatened and make fun of you. Don’t let them influence you. Instead, try to influence them. Share the Seven Secrets with them and encourage them to become good students too.

Good luck and best wishes,

Brion Marquez, For the crew of 7 Secrets of School Success

Page 6: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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7 Secretos Escolares Éxito Académico para Estudiantes de Siete Años en Adelante

7 Secretos Escolares

El Lugar • Para hacer un buen trabajo al estudiar, los estudiantes necesitan tener un buen medio ambiente para el estudio. Necesitan un lugar sin ruido, que tenga buena luz y espacio libre para trabajar. También necesitan un lugar donde no vayan a ser interrumpidos por sus hermanos, por llamadas telefónicas, por la televisión, o por las actividades de otra gente.

El Cuaderno • Para organizarse y permanecer organizados, los estudiantes necesitan una carpeta de tres anillos. La carpeta deberá tener tres divisores para cada clase, una cartuchera para plumes y lápices, y una sección especial donde puedan anotar las tareas de cada día. La carpeta deberá usarse todos los días y deberá acompañar al estudiante de la casa a la escuela y de vuelta a la casa. Cada día, los padres deberán buscar en la carpeta para asegurarse de que está bien organizada y para repasar la hoja con las tareas anotadas.

El Horario • Para poder ser disciplinados en el estudio, los estudiantes necesitan seguir un horario regular de estudio. Necesitan estudiar a una hora regular y por un tiempo definido todos los días de la semana escolar.

Para fijar una rutina buena de estudio, averigüe la cantidad necesaria de tiempo. Para estudiantes que no tienen la costumbre de estudiar regularmente, empiece con 15 minutos. Conforme se acostumbren a esta cantidad de tiempo, agregue 5 minutos más. Vaya aumentando el tiempo de manera gradual hasta que empiecen a completar sus tareas en el tiempo dado y sus calificaciones sean buenas. Una vez que se realicen estas metas, entonces no

será necesario seguir aumentando el tiempo de estudio.

Para estudiantes que ya están estudiando pero que no están recibiendo buenas calificaciones, agregue 15 minutos al total de tiempo que ya están estudiando, y siga aumentando tiempo gradualmente hasta que estén completando todas sus tareas y mejorando sus calificaciones. Si están estudiando 45 minutos y todavía no están terminando sus tareas, contacten a la escuela para conseguir ayuda.

Aunque los estudiantes no tengan tarea, deberán sentarse en su lugar designado para estudiar y deberán hacer ejercicios de gramática, matemáticas, escritura de cuentos, lectura, o vocabulario (buscar palabras en el diccionario y definirlas y utilizarlas en oraciones).

Convierta el tiempo para estudiar en una prioridad de la familia. Los padres necesitarán re-acomodar sus horarios de la familia para asegurar que haya un lugar sin ruido y tiempo para estudiar. Si hay eventos especiales que posiblemente interrumpan la hora fijada para el estudio, haga planes para anticipar los cambios y fije una hora alternativa para el estudio. A veces, sin embargo, la vida es difícil de predecir. Sea flexible.

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7 Secretos Escolares Éxito Académico para Estudiantes de Siete Años en Adelante

La Supervisión • Los padres pueden ayudar a los estudiantes para que éstos sigan la rutina establecida al estar presentes durante la hora de estudio. Esto asegurará que los estudiantes vayan a su lugar de estudio y trabajen en las actividades relacionadas con la escuela. Al estar presentes, los padres también les dan por entendido a los estudiantes que les interesa lo que están haciendo.

Las Visitas Escuela • La idea de visitar la escuela tal vez ponga nerviosos a los padres. Esto se entiende, pero las visitas son muy importantes. Al visitar la escuela, los padres están mostrando que piensan que la escuela es importante. Todos—los maestros, los consejeros y los estudiantes—reconocerán el interés.

Los Premios • Todos merecen ser premiados por su esfuerzo, y los estudiantes que reciban premios estarán más motivados para atenerse al horario de estudio. Los padres y los estudiantes pueden trabajar juntos para crear una lista de premios que puedan disfrutar los estudiantes.

El Aliento • Es fácil dar aliento. Un abrazo tierno, unas palabras cariñosas, o el decir “¡buen trabajo!” son maneras simples de mostrarles a los niños que son importantes y que ustedes los quieren y que reconocen el esfuerzo que están haciendo. Una dosis diaria de apoyo rinde mucho. El apoyo ayudará a sus hijos a mantenerse en el camino de manera más efectiva que el castigo.

Page 8: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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7 Secretos Escolares An Academic Success Program for Students Ages Seven and Older

The 7 Secrets of School Success

Place to Study • To do a good job studying, students need a good study environment. They need a quiet spot that has good lighting and a clear working space. They also need a place where they will not be interrupted by brothers and sisters, phone calls, the TV, or other people’s activities.

Notebook • To get and stay organized, students need a well-organized three-ring binder. The notebook should have dividers for each subject, a pouch for pens and pencils, and a special section where daily homework assignments are written down. The notebook should go back and forth to school with the student every day. Each day, the parent should look over the notebook to make sure it is well organized and to review the page that lists homework assignments.

Schedule • To become disciplined about studying, students need to follow a regular study schedule. They need to study at a regular time for a set amount of time each day during the school week.

To set up a good study routine, figure out how much study time is needed. For students who do not study regularly, start with 15 minutes. As they become accustomed to this amount of time, add 5 minutes. Gradually build up until they are getting all their assignments done and their grades are good. Then stick with this amount of time.For students who are already studying but don’t get good grades, add 15 minutes to the amount of time they are already studying, gradually adding time until they are also getting all their as-signments done and their grades improve. If they are studying 45 minutes and are still having trouble completing their homework, contact the school for help.Even if students do not have a homework assignment, they should sit in their study area and do skill-building exercises like spelling or math practice, writing a story, reading a book or looking up words in the dictionary. Make study time a family priority. Parents may need to rearrange the family schedule to make sure there is a quiet spot and time for studying. If special events are going to interfere with scheduled study times, then plan ahead to set up an alternative time. Sometimes though, life is unpredictable. Be flexible.

Page 9: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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7 Secretos Escolares An Academic Success Program for Students Ages Seven and Older

Supervision • Parents can help students adhere to a routine by being nearby during study time. This will ensure that students go to their study area and work on school-related activities. Being nearby also lets students know that parents are interested in what they are doing.

School Visit • The idea of visiting the school might make some parents nervous. This is understandable, but visiting is very important. By visiting the school, parents are showing that they think school is important. Everyone—teachers, counselors and students—will recognize this interest.

Incentives • Everyone deserves to be rewarded for their efforts, and students who get rewards will be motivated to stick with their study schedule. Parents and students can come up with their own list of rewards that the student will enjoy.

Encouragement • Encouragement is easy to give. A warm hug, a few kind words, or saying, “Good job!” are simple ways to show your children that you care and recognize their efforts. A daily dose of encouragement goes a long way. Encouragement will help your child stay on track more than punishment.

Page 10: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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7 Secretos Escolares Un Programa para el Éxito Académico para Estudiantes de Siete Años en Adelante

Los 7 Secretos Escolares

Page 11: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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7 Secretos Escolares An Academic Success Program for Students Ages Seven and Older

Information for School Staff


• Getting parents involved in their children’s education at home and at school is a key ingredient in fostering student success. The 7 Secrets offer a com-plete program for getting parents involved at home. Here are some effective ways to encourage parent involvement in the school:

• Organize open-houses, ensuring that communications sent home with chil-dren can be understood by their parents.

• Invite parents to come to the school three to four times a year to discuss their children’s progress. Stress that the meeting will be relaxed and that their child has not done anything wrong.

• Invite parents to help on school outings or during special events.

• Organize a cultural awareness day and invite parents to bring favorite foods, clothes, and folktales from their family’s country of origin.

• Work with other groups to provide outreach programs, such as English-as-a-second language classes.


• Provide an interpreter for parents who do not speak English, or who may be uncomfortable speaking English at the school.

• Print material sent home with students should be available in English and Spanish. In addition, prepare materials that are easy to follow for parents who may not read well. For example, whenever possible, in-clude calendars, clocks, and other graphics in place of words.

• Communicate regularly by phone, in person, and with print material sent home. Face-to-face communication is particularly important.


Recognize cultural differences that may influence parents’ attitudes. For example, parents might be reluctant to become involved because they don’t want to appear disrespectful of the teacher’s role. Explain why it is important for them to become involved and let them know you appreciate their efforts.

Consider the possibility that reluctant parents might have had poor school experiences themselves. As a result, they might feel ill-equipped to help their child academically. Reassure them that they can make a big difference simply by showing interest, visiting the school, and helping organize study times.

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7 Secretos Escolares Éxito Académico para Estudiantes de Siete Años en Adelante

Resumen de la Historieta

7 Secretos Escolares comienza cuando Oscar, el dueño de la tienda del barrio, abre las puertas de su negocio. Observamos, mientras le da la bienvenida a sus primeros clientes matutinos. No toma mucho tiempo para darse cuenta uno mismo que Oscar es más que el dueño de una tienda. El conoce su comunidad bastante bien y añade recomendaciones y una buena dosis de consejos junto con las cosas que va sumando en la caja registradora.

En la mañana en que comienza nuestra historieta, el viejo señor Carrasco entra tambaleándose pidiendo una taza de café y un pastel. Mientras Oscar lo atiende y lo sienta en una mesa junto a la ventana, Laura y Carlos, dos de los jóvenes del barrio, pasan caminando rumbo a la escuela.

“¿No son ellos los hijos de Hernández y García?” pregunta el viejito. “Como han crecido y se ven tan bien.”

Y así la escena está lista para el cuento de los siete secretos para el éxito escolar y cómo Oscar ayudó a transformar las vidas de Carlos y Laura.

“Ah sí, pero ¿recuerdas todos los problemas que tenían?” Preguntó Oscar.

Al parecer Carlos había tenido muchos problemas de comportamiento en la escuela y Laura había sufrido de depresión y tenía muy pocos amigos. Además de todo, a ninguno de los dos le iba bien en la escuela.

Siendo la mayor de la familia, Laura tenía muchísimos deberes en la casa, y esto afectaba su trabajo en la escuela. El papá de Carlos estaba muy enojado por los problemas escolares que tenía y porque no hacía sus tareas.

“¿Dime qué pasó con estos muchachos que les hizo cambiar?” Interrumpió impacientemente el Sr. Carrasco.

“Por supuesto, eso es lo que te voy a contar. Déjame hacerlo.”

Un día cuando los dos jóvenes llegaron a la tiendita tristes y desilusionados, Oscar adivinó que estaban teniendo otra vez problemas en la escuela y les dijo que necesitaban hacer más ejercicio.

“¿Ejercicio? Dijeron. Y fue allí cuando Oscar les dijo que necesitaban un tipo especial de ejercicio: ejercicio mental. Les aseguró que sus ídolos—los astronautas de Carlos y los cantantes de Laura—no llegaron a ser lo que son

sin mucho esfuerzo mental. También necesitaron ayuda y apoyo de sus padres, añadió.

“Mi papá no me va a querer ayudar. El está muy enojado conmigo,” respondió Carlos.

“Yo no creo que mi mamá tenga tiempo para ayudarme,” dijo Laura.

Y así es como Oscar decidió hablar con los padres y con la consejera de la escuela para ver qué se podía hacer al respecto.

Al principio los padres de Carlos y Laura no estaban muy dispuestos a participar con el plan que tenía Oscar. Ernesto, el papá de Carlos, pensaba que era mejor castigar que apoyar. Y María, la mamá de Laura, pensaba que, como ella no entendía cómo hacer la tarea que traía

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7 Secretos Escolares Éxito Académico para Estudiantes de Siete Años en Adelante

Laura de la escuela, que ella no podía ayudarle. Finalmente sin embargo, lograron ser convencidos y acordaron ir a visitar a la consejera de la escuela.

Cuando conocieron a la Sra. Morales, la consejera de la escuela, y aprendieron acerca de los siete secretos para el éxito escolar, se convencieron aún más. Podían ver que era un plan simpe y efectivo.

Esa noche, en las familias Hernandez y García, los padres se sentaron con sus hijos. Repasaron el plan y empezaron a planear de acuerdo a las ideas sugeridas por los siete secretos.

Poco tiempo después, ambos Laura y Carlos tenían un buen lugar para estudiar (secreto #1). Empezaron a utilizar un cuaderno especial (secreto #2) para organizar sus tareas. También tenían un horario regular para estudiar (secreto #3).

Las cosas avanzaban bien. Los padres estaban supervisando las horas de estudio (secreto #4) porque ya habían visitado la escuela (secreto #5). Sus padres también se aseguraban de darles dulces y premios (secreto #6) y apoyo (secreto #7). Lo mejor de todo es que lentamente sus calificaciones empezaron a mejorar y empezaron a disfrutar un poco más de la escuela y de hacerse de más amigos entre sus compañeros de clase.

Para ese entonces en la historieta, hasta el dudoso Sr. Carrasco estaba convencido.

“¡Qué maravilloso programa de estudio!” dijo, pidiendo que Oscar repase los siete secretos.

Al terminar la historieta, el Sr. Carrasco sale tambaleándose, tal como entró, pero entonces sus pasos eran un poco más ligeros. Tan ligeros, que sus huesos viejos no podían resistir celebrar lo que acababa de aprender con un pequeño bailecito.

Page 14: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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7 Secretos Escolares An Academic Success Program for Students Ages Seven and Older

Storyline Synopsis

7 Secrets of School Success begins as Oscar, the neighborhood shopkeeper, opens the doors to his shop. We watch as he welcomes and helps his first early-morning customers. It doesn’t take long to realize Oscar is more than just a shopkeeper. He knows his community well and hands out recommendations and a good dose of free advice with the items he rings up at the cash register.

On the morning our story begins, crotchety old Mr. Carrasco hobbles in for a morning coffee and pastry. As Oscar settles him in at the window-side table, Laura and Carlos, two neighborhood teenagers, walk by on their way to school.

“Aren’t those the Hernandez and Garcia kids,” asks the old man? They’ve really grown up and they’re looking so well.”

And thus the stage is set for the tale of the seven secrets of school success and how Oscar helped turn around Laura’s and Carlos’ lives.

“Oh yes, but do you remember all the problems they had?” asked Oscar.

It seems Carlos had been a trouble-maker at school and Laura was depressed and had few friends. And to make matters worse, neither one was doing well in school.

Being the oldest in the family, Laura had so many responsibilities at home it affected her schoolwork. And Carlos’ father was angry that his son was getting into trouble and avoiding his homework.

“Tell me what happened to these kids to make them change?” interrupted old Mr. Carrasco impatiently.

“Of course, that’s what I’m going to tell you. Give me a chance.”

One day when the two children came into the store looking sad and discouraged, Oscar took a guess that they were having problems at school again, and told them they needed more exercise.

“Exercise?” they said. And that’s when Oscar told them they needed a special kind of exercise: brain exercise. He assured them their heroes—Carlo’s astronauts and Laura’s singers—didn’t get where they were without lots of mental effort. They also needed help and encouragement from their parents, he continued.

“My dad isn’t going to want to help me. He’s really angry at me,” replied Carlos.

“I don’t think my mom has time to help me,” said Laura.

And that’s how Oscar decided to talk with the kids’ parents and call the school counselor to see what could be done.

At first Laura’s and Carlos’ parents were reluctant to get involved in Oscar’s plan. Carlos’

Page 15: 7 Secrets of School SuccessGive your brain a daily workout by studying at a regular time. Gradually increase your study time as your brain gets stronger. Set reasonable goals for yourself

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7 Secretos Escolares An Academic Success Program for Students Ages Seven and Older

father, Ernesto, thought punishment was better than encouragement. And Laura’s mother, Maria, thought that since she didn’t understand Laura’s school work, she couldn’t help. Finally though, they were convinced and agreed to visit the school counselor.

When they met Mrs. Morales, the school counselor, and learned about the seven secrets of school success, they were even more convinced. They could see that it was a simple and effective plan.

That night, in the Hernandez and Garcia families, the parents each sat down with their children. They went over the plan and began to set up the idea suggested in the seven secrets.

Soon, both Laura and Carlos had a good place to study (secret #1). They began using a special notebook (secret # 2) to keep their homework organized. They also had a regular study schedule (secret #3).

Things were going well. Their parents were supervising study time (secret #4) because they had already visited the school (secret #5). Their parents were also making sure Carlos and Laura got special treats and rewards (secret #6) and encouragement (secret #7). And best of all, slowly, their grades began to improve and they started enjoying school and making friends with more of their classmates.

By this time in the tale, even skeptical old Mr. Carrasco was convinced.

“What a wonderful study program,” he said,” asking Oscar to review the seven steps.

As the story ends, Mr. Carrasco hobbles out, just as he hobbled in, but now his step is a little lighter. So light in fact, his old bones can’t resist celebrating what he has learned with a little jig.