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7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

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Page 1: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Passive Voice&

Causative Forms

Pack VII

Page 2: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Use (Kullanımı)

1. Eylemi gerçekleştiren kişi (“agent”) açıkca metinden anlaşılıyorsa

e.g. He has been sentenced to 20 years in jail. (The judge sentenced him.)

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2.Cümlenin öznesi “people”, “he”, “she”, “they”, “one”, “somebody”, vb. ise.

e.g. They think he’s extremely rich.It is thought that he’s extremely rich He is thought to be wealthy.

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3.Eylemi gerçekleştirenden çok eylemin bizzat kendisi ile ilgileniyorsak

e.g. The new bridge will be opened next Thursday.

(by the mayor).

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4- Nezaketen eylemi gerçekleştiren kişiyi söylemek istemediğimizde

(You’ve broken the vase. Demenin yerine)

e.g. The vase on the dining table has been broken. (Denir)

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Exercise: Aşağıdaki cümlelerin neden Passive yapıldığını belirtiniz.

1 ______ The murderer were sentenced to five-year detention.

2 ______ You see, my orders have been underestimated in this office.

3 ______ Two Monnets were stolen from the British Museum last year.

4 ______ The herbs are picked up from the forest. Then, they are processed in the plant.

5 ______ Ronaldo was dismissed from the national match last night.






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6 ______ Many speculations are made about the private lives of the people in the high society.

7 ______ Some kinds of aromas are added to canned juices before they are bottled.

8 ______ Why are your tasks overlooked?

9 ______ The construction in the villa had been completed by the time the residents moved in.

10______ The rangers found that two black bears were killed.






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Important notes on the passive voice

1.Passive formunda make, hear, see, help ardına to + infinitive alır.

e.g. They made me overwork.

I was made to overwork.

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2.“let” ‘in passive formu yoktur; bunun yerine “be allowed to” kullanılır. Öznesi ve nesnesi aynı ise reflexive pronoun ile birlikte bare infinitive kullanılır.

e.g. People didn’t let me go in.I wasn’t allowed to go in.

Don’t let them tease you.Don’t let yourself be teased.

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3. Assume, believe, consider, feel, know, report, say, think, understand, vb. iki şekilde passive yapılır.

a) it + passive + that – clause

e.g. They think she is a liar.

It is thought that she is a liar.

b) subject + passive + to – infinitive

e.g. They think she is a liar.

She is thought to be a liar.

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4. allow, ask, give, lend, send, gibi birtakım fiiller ardına iki nesne alır.

e.g. He showed me the way to the door. I was shown the way to the door.The way to the door was shown to me.

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5. Passive voice “by” veya “with”.

By + agent

e.g. Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel.


with + material past participles

(such as filled, packed, etc.)

e.g. Mike was killed with a knife.

Irish coffee is made with whisky.

The stadium was crowded with thousands ofspectators.

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6. Ardına preposition alan fiiler passive halde de preposition’ı ardına alır.

e.g. His colleagues accused the accountant of theft.

The accountant was accused of theft.

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7.Hareket bildiren edatlarla kullanılan fiiller (Prepositional Verbs of movement) benzer anlama sahip başka bir fiille passive yapılır.


Columbus reached/arrived in America in 1492. America was reached (NOT arrived in) by

Columbus in 1492. The royal couple entered/went into the room arm

in arm. The room was entered (NOT gone into) by the

royal couple arm in arm.

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8. Modal fiil + active infinitive Modal fiil + passive infinitive

They can’t repair the The bombed building can’t

bombed building. be repaired.

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9- Passive bir tümcede to be’nin tense uygun hali ve asıl fiilin past participle hali birlikte bulunur.

The roads are washed almost everyday.

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10- Active fiilin doğrudan nesnesi passive fiilin öznesi haline getirilir.

My mother cooks the meal.

The meal is cooked by mother.

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11- Active fiilin öznesi passive fiilde “agent” halini alır ve “by” ile birlikte tarafından yapıldığı anlamını vermek amacıyla istenirse kullanılır.

The mayor unveil the statue tomorrow.

The statue will be unveiled by the mayor tomorrow.

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12- Yalnızca ardına isim alan “transitive verbs” passive yapılabilir.

My father was brought up in the suburb.

His parents grew up in a small village.

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13. Günlük dildeki birtakım ifadelerde be yerine ‘get’ kullanılabilir.

e.g. Tom will get (=be) sacked if he keeps being late for the next meeting.

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14. have + object + past participle kullanımı eylemin kaza veya şanssızlık sonucu olduğunu vermek amacıyla passive yerine kullanılabilir.

e.g. My father had his arm broken. (=His arm was broken.)

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15. by+agent aşağıdaki durumlarda çıkarılır.

a) a pronoun b) one, someone, people c) açıkca anlaşılıyorsa.

e.g. Someone destroyed the evidence.

The evidence was destroyed.

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Yapısal Özellikleri

Structure Active Voice Passive Voice

Simple Present

Simple Past

She makes the cake.

She made the cake.

The cake is made.

The cake was made.

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Structure Active Voice Passive VoicePresent Continuous

Past Continuous

She is making cake.

She was making the cake.

The cake is being made.

The cake was being made.

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Structure Active Voice Passive Voice

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

She has made the cake.

She had made the cake.

The cake has been made.

The cake had been made.

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Structure Active Voice Passive Voice


Future Perfect

She will make the cake.

She will have made the cake.

The cake will be made.

The cake will have been made.

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Structure Active Voice Passive Voice


Conditional Perfect

She would make the cake.

She would have made the cake.

The cake would be made.

The cake would have been made.

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Structure Active Voice Passive Voice

Present Infinitive

Perfect Infinitive

She ought to make the cake.

She ought to have made the cake.

The cake ought to be made.

The cake ought to have been made.

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Active Voice Passive Voice


Perfect Gerund

He likes people asking him to sing.

He never forgets his boss having reprimanded him.

He likes being asked to sing.

He never forgets having been reprimanded by his boss.

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A. Turn the following sentences from active into passive or vice versa.

1. The company will have finished renovating the flat by the time my parents get back from holiday.Renovating the flat will have been finished by the time my parents get back from holiday.

2. Which car did they sell?

The salaries are going to be increased.

3. The firm is going to increase the salaries.

Which car was sold?

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4. While she was moving into her new flat, she damaged the sofa.

While she was moving into her new flat, the sofa was damaged.

5. He is known to have discovered the penicillin.The penicilin is known to have been discovered (by him).

6. Don’t let people tease you.

Don’t let yourself be teased.

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7. Will he be made to obey the new regulations at the office?

Will they make him obey the new regulations?

8. When I was at high school, I wasn’t allowed to go out at nights.

When I was at high school, they didn’t let me go out at nights.

9. He ought to have given away all the information he had been sent.

He ought to have given away all the information they had sent to him.

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10. She loves being followed by her admirers everywhere.

She loves her admirers following her.11. They know he has left the office.

He is known to have left the office.

12. He had his flat burgled.

His flat was burgled.

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13. Don’t let her make fun of you.

Don’t let yourself be made fun of.

14. Who assassinated President John F. Kennedy?Who was President JFK assassinated by?

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STATIVE PASSIVEThe Meaning of Stative

Passiveİngilizcede bir sıfat olarak kullanılan “stative” sözcüğü “durum bildiren” anlamına gelir. Edilgen yapı, yani BE + VERB (Past Participle Form).Past Participle Form’un sıfat olarak görev yaptığı durumlarda cümlede ele alınan konuya ilişkin özelliklerin anlatılmasında kullanılabilir. Örneğin,

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There can not be anyone in the flat. Look, all the lights are turned off.

(Dairede büyük ihtimalle kimse yok. Baksana, ışıklar kapalı.)

At home, the lights are turned off by my father before we go to bed.

(Evde ışıklar yatmadan önce babam tarafından kapatılır.)

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Bir durum cümlesi olan birinci cümlede “are” cümlenin yüklemidir ve “turned off” ışıkların durumunu bildiren bir sıfattır. Yani, “turned off” ışıkların şu anki durumunu açıklamaktadır. Bu durum daha önceden yapılan eylemin sonucunda ortaya çıkmıştır.Someone turned off the lights. (Birisi ışıkları kapatmış.)Now they are turned off. (Şimdi ışıklar kapalı.)

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Ancak, bir eylem cümlesi olan ikinci cümlede “are turned off” cümlenin yüklemidir ve edilgen yapıda kurulmuştur. Yapısal olarak stative passive ve edilgen yapı aynı formun kullanılmasıyla elde edilmektedir. Ancak stative passive durum bildirirken edilgen yapı eylem birdirmektedir.Stative passive durum bildirdiği için, yani yapılmakta olan bir eylem söz konusu olmadığı için, eylemi yapan kişiyi belirtmek için kullanılan by-phrase stative passive yapılarda kullanılmaz.

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Ayrıca, bu iki formun doğru yorumlanması, bu formların geçtiği cümlelerde duruma mı yoksa eyleme mi vurgu yapıldığının anlaşılmasına bağlıdır.


The Brooks have bought a Mercedes at a low price because it is damaged on the rear. However, they like it simply because it is silver.

I can’t open the door. It is stuck.

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Örneklerde verilen “kayıp olmak” anlamındaki “be lost” burada yok anlamına gelen “be gone” ve “bitirmek” anlamındaki “be finished with” ve “be done with” yapıları etken yapıdan türetilmiş yapılar değildir.

Deyimleşmişlerdir ve bu formda kullanılırlar.

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We can’t find our way out and you don’t know which way we should go, do you? It’s certain that we are lost!

(.. kaybolduk)I can’t find my linguistics books. They are gone!After I’m finished with the ironing, we can go for a walk.

(.. burada yoklar)We have sold all the newly-exported clothes.They are sold out. (…tükendi)

Mark (On the phone): Sorry honey, I’ll be late because the road is blocked. (…kapalı)

I can’t wear my blue dress to the party. It’s torn. (...yırtık)

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Stative passive yapısında kullanılan sıfatlar isimlerle ilişkilendirilirken bir preposition ile birlikte kullanılırlar.

Örneğin, “bir şeyle ilgilenmek” anlamına gelen “interested” sıfatı “in” ile birlikte kullanılır. Benzer şekilde, “be equipped with” ve “be worried about” da aynı haldedir.

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My aunt is known as an accomplished novelist. She has been interested in writing detective stories for more than ten years.

The room was equipped with the state-of-the-art technology.

Everybody is worried about the future economic situation in the country.

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BE absorbed in Many students will be absorbed in the term project towards the end of the term.

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BE accustomed to

Fortunately, I was accustomed to long journeys, so I didn’t get bored during the voyage to Bombay

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BE acquainted with

I can’t recognize that man. Are you acquainted with him ?

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BE addicted to

Unfortunately, some teenagers are addicted to alcohol or even drugs.

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BE amazed atastonished at

Everyone was amazed at her excellent stage performance last night.

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annoyed at / about someone

annoyed with something

His father was annoyed at George because he had left the computer turned on before he went to bed last night.

Since the boss is annoyed with last-minute notices, you had better tell him that you won’t be here next week in advance.

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BE ashamed of Look what you’ve done. You should be ashamed of yourself!

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BE associated with

In terms of meaning it denotes, the word “modal” is closely associated with “mood”

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BE based on The theory of evolution is based on the argument about natural selection.

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BE blessed with

Mozart was blessed with such a musical talent that he composed his first symphony at the age of six.

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BE bored with / of

I’m bored with writing exercises. Let’s go out and get some fresh air.

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BE committed to

Brad is a man of philanthropy. He is committed to helping the needy.

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BE composed of

The main board of a computer is composed of a number of processing agents.

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BE concerned about

The local practitioner of twelve years’ standing was concerned about the increased incidence of myelomas (a type of bone marrow cancer) in his area.

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BE confused about

Due to the complex structures used in the text, I was really confused about the meaning the writer intended to communicate.

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BE connected to / with

The way we see the other is connected to the way we see ourselves.

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BE convinced of

The members of the jury weren’t convinced of the testimony that the accused had given.

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BE coordinated with

She was electronically coordinated with more than 100 computer users online for computerized warfare.

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BE covered with / in

You know children; they are usually covered with mud after they play in the garden.

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BE crowded with

The road was crowded with the people who were curious about the accident.

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BE dedicated to

Their book titled The Ultimate Guide to KPDS is dedicated to the authors’ parents.

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BE defined as

“Serendipity” is defined as pleasant coincidences.

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BE delighted with / at

Six months ago I acquired a Rottie and can honestly say I am absolutely delighted with my dog.

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BE derived from

The verb “communicate” is derived from the Latin word “communicare.”

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BE disgusted at / with

In those days I was thoroughly disgusted with these fat cats eating whatever they found in the garbage.

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BE devoted to

Sarah is a doctor and she is devoted to her career as an academician.

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disappointed in someone

disappointed with something

I was disappointed in her because of the quality of the photographs and graphs as I had expected her to produce a better work.

I’m disappointed with the decision and I shall be asking for a detailed explanation of the management committee’s decision.

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BE discriminated against

She claimed that she had been discriminated against on the grounds of sex, contrary to the Sex Discrimination Act 1975.

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BE divided into / from

The big hall is now divided into two different sections, each of which is used as a separate office.

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BE divorced from

The natural sciences cannot be divorced from one another as all of them are connected to each other in one way or the other.

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BE done with

I’m done with typing the reports. Let’s leave now.

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BE dressed in

Since Jennifer Lopez is dressed in transparent clothes in her latest clip, the clip is harshly criticized by some conservatives.

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engaged to

engaged in

Jessica is engaged to an Irish man (nişanlı)

He has been engaged in banking for years.

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BE equipped with

Because they are equipped with the highest level of proficiency in English, they face no difficulty in preparing exercises.

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BE excited about / for

The little girl was very excited about going to the zoo.

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BE exhausted from

He was at the end of his twenties, exhausted from a tormented marriage and addicted to opium.

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BE exposed to

If your garden is exposed to wind all the time, you must build something around it for protection.

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BE filled with

After the explosion, everywhere in the building was filled with dirt and smoke.

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BE finished with

She was utterly hopeless: she was finished with planning, with striving, with looking forward. She wanted everything to let go.

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BE frightened of This was a chance, but I was frightened of taking it, frightened of exposing myself and failing.

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BE furnished with

The hotel itself is very comfortably furnished with a large airy lounge and bar and a good, reasonably priced restaurant.

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BE impressed with

The Chairman of the company told him he was most impressed with the contribution he’s made to the business, and that he could go right to the top if he keeps it up.

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BE interested in

I have always been interested in educating an orchestra from the musical point of view and at the level of human contact.

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BE involved in

If members of staff are involved in this process, it emphasizes unity and partnership within the school.

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BE known for

known as

Holland is known for its unique tulips.

Adam Smith is known as the father of economics.

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BE limited to Sales will initially be limited to the US, although Rover may launch the car in other markets, including the UK.

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BE located in / on / at / between..

Turkey is located between Asia and Europe.

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BE made of

made from

made out of

The statue was made of local limestone, not marble, and roughened by weather.

Provolone, another hard Italian cheese, was originally made from buffalos’ milk (as was Mozzarella), but is now made from cows’ milk.

Enzymes, a form of protein, are made out of a very precise order of amino acids.

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BE married to

I’d been married to a witch before I got divorced.

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BE opposed to

I’m opposed to all kinds of discrimination, whether it be gender or age discrimination.

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BE pleased with / about

Despite the difficulties of being an archeologist, he is pleased with his job.

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BE preoccupied with

Jason is not an absent-minded person actually, but these days his mind is preoccupied with that lady with dark hair.

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BE prepared for Life is full of surprises and it seems impossible to be prepared for everything.

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BE provided with Guests will be provided with two main meals each day.

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BE qualified for

I’ll vote for the second candidate since he is much more qualified for this kind of position.

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BE referred to (as)

A woman who has never been pregnant is referred to as nulligravida; a woman pregnant first time as primigravida, and at later pregnancies as multigravida.

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BE related to Important keywords which are related to the topic must be examined and learnt.

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BE remembered for

remembered as

Nasureddin Hodja is mainly remembered for his quick wit.

Hemingway is remembered as one of the milestones in American literature.

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BE satisfied with Since the workers were not satisfied with the wages, they decided to go on strike.

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BE scared of Weren’t you scared of the mad look he gave?

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BE separated from

Efficiency measures are only possible when outputs are separated from each other and possess uniform characteristics.

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BE shocked at

When I was in the Bodleian, I was shocked at the existence of hundreds of letters the writers had marked “Burn!”

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BE surprised at I told her that I was surprised at her remarks last night at the party because I knew that she wasn’t the kind of girl to use such a bad language.

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BE synchronized with

The mechanical scanning is synchronized with the scan of a television tube.

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BE thrilled at / with

She said she was delighted to hear from him; he was thrilled at the sound of her voice.

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BE terrified of

During the war in Vietnam, the Vietnamese soldiers were terrified of the American troops.

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BE tired of

tired from

I’m tired of country villages where everybody lives in everybody else’s pocket!

My father was always so tired from running about the library all day that he fell straight to sleep.

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BE upset with someone

He is upset with the Prime Minister for not trying harder to create a non-aligned peace formula to end the Gulf War.

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BE used for

used to something

The computer is primarily used for data storage purposes.

They are used to noise as they have six children.

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BE worried about

Monica was too late for home and that’s why her parents were worried about her.

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B. Complete the following sentences by using the correct preposition.

1 Some children are addicted _________computer games, playing for at least 3 hours a day.

2 Jack is married __________a children’s nurse from Essex; having a British spouse usually makes citizenship automatic.

3 Nobody can be 100 per cent satisfied ___________ his irrelevant explanation.




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4 Most speech recognizers are limited ________ small vocabularies and require training by the speaker before the systems can be used.

5 About a hundred policemen are equipped _____ vehicles, guns, truncheons and two-way radios, before going out of the police station.

6 The book is dedicated ______ Keneally’s father who died in 1985.




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7 Mr. Lee is convinced _____________the need to integrate Korea into the world economy to strengthen democracy at home.

8 Mr. Chow said he did not think his son’s death was related ___________pressure from work, adding that he enjoyed his job despite the heavy workload.

9 She told the court that she and her husband were provided __________a double bed with clean sheets, blankets and pillows, and her two-year-old daughter had a bed of her own during their four-month stay at a refugee education camp in England.




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10He is used _________facing and using the media-therefore he fully knows the power of the medium.

11The police said that the suspect is associated ___________ the two crimes in New York.

12 I can start cooking when I am finished ____________ this repair.




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13You should not be exposed _______ sunshine for long periods. Please take this hat.

14I am tired ______ sitting at home all day. I must do something for a change.

15 The stadium is filled _______ the fanatics of Barcelona and Real Madrid.




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16Jack is going to be engaged __________a Swedish girl called Malin. They are planning to go to Hawaii for their honeymoon.

17I am not accustomed _____________traveling by plane. I think we had better go by bus.

18 My brother is interested ____________visiting different countries and learning more about their people and culture.




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19I am not acquainted ____________the woman working at that school. Do you know who she is?

20Except a man, everybody was so elegant at the party. He was dressed _____________a wholly inappropriate fashion.



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PASSIVE WITH “GET”Durum bildirme

I wasn’t able to enter the building yesterday as the lock was broken.

Stative passive yapının kullanıldığı ve bir durum cümlesi olan birinci cümlede konuşmacı, “kilit kırık olduğu için dün building giremediğini” söylemektedir. Kilidin durumunu anlatmak için “broken” sıfatını kullanmıştır.

Mike : What happened to this lock?Harry : Oh sorry. As I was fixing the lock, it got broken.

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Eylem bildirme

Diğer yandan bir eylem cümlesi olan ikinci cümlede Harry “anahtarı tamir ederken kırıldığını” söylemektedir. Bunu anlatmak amacıyla da GET + Verb (Past Participle Form) yapısını kullanmıştır. Bu yapı, edilgen anlam veren eylem cümleleri kurmak amacıyla kullanılabilir.

The Turkish economy is getting more and more powerful since all the balances concerning financial markets are finely controlled.

Page 123: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Nesnenin durumundaki değişiklik

Bu cümlede konuşmacı, “Türk ekonomisinin gittikçe daha da güçlenmekte olduğunu” GET+ADJECTIVE yapısını kullanarak anlatmaktadır.

Page 124: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Special use of need, want, require and necessitate:

Edilgen anlam

Look, how dirty here is! And it has long been so. I can’t live in this flat as it is. It needs cleaning thoroughly.

Generally speaking, your lesson plans are acceptable but they still require revising.

Page 125: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

“need, want, require, necessitate” fiilleri kendilerinden sonra Ving yapısıyla birlikte kullanıldıklarında edilgen bir anlam verirler.

İlk cümlede konuşmacı “dairenin son derece kirli olduğunu” söyledikten sonra “temizlenmesi gerektiğini” “need + Ving” yapısıyla anlatmaktadır.

Benzer şekilde ikinci cümlede konuşmacı, “genel olarak ders planlarının kabul edilebilir nitelikte olduğunu” söyledikten sonra, “yine de gözden geçirilmesi gerektiğini” “require + Ving” yapısıyla anlatmaktadır.

Page 126: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Edilgen anlam

“Open, close, sell, read, transfer vb.” Fiiller yapısal açıdan etken yapıda kurulmuş cümlelerde de olsa edilgen bir anlam ifade ederler.

Page 127: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

•The windows unexpectedly opened. First we couldn’t understand what the reason was but later we discovered that it was the wind.

•Lady Diana’s biography has sold more than a million copies in Europe.

•I’m sure you’ll like this young writer’s first novel; it reads well.

Page 128: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

•“Camlar beklenmedik bir biçimde “açıldı.”

•“Bankalar saat 9:30’da açılır ve 17:30’da kapanır.”

•“Leydi Diana’nın biyografisi Avrupa’da bir milyondan fazla sattı / satıldı.“

•“Bu genç yazarın ilk romanını eminim ki beğeneceksin. Kolay okunuyor.“

Page 129: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Structural Conversion

1. It is said that this poem was written by Elytis.

This poem was written by Elytis, so it is said.

Elytis is said to have written this poem.This poem is said to have been written by


Page 130: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

2. Nothing more can be done about this matter.There’s nothing more to be done about this matter.With regard to this matter, there’s nothing

more to be done.

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3. My jewels were stolen.I was robbed of my jewels.Someone stole my jewels.I had my jewels stolen.

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4. They don’t allow smoking in hospitals.Smoking isn’t allowed in hospitals.Smoking is forbidden in hospitals.

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5.I’d love you to take me out.I’d love to be taken out (by


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6. No actor can be expected to remember all the plays he has acted in.

No one can expect an actor to remember all the plays he has acted in.

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7.Your contract says that you are to be present by

8 every day.You are expected to be present by 8 every day according to your contract.

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8. I wasn’t taken in by her story.Her story didn’t deceive me.

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9. He wore a hat so that no one would recognize him.

He wore a hat to avoid being recognized.

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10. I love people asking for my autograph.I love being asked for my autograph.I love it when I’m asked for my autograph.

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11. They couldn’t hear him.He couldn’t make himself heard.

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12. They saw him steal the money.He was seen to steal the money.

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13. Who made this dress?Who was this dress made by?

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14. He lets himself be laughed at.He lets people laugh at him.

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C.Finish the following sentences without changing the meaning of the sentences printed before them.

1.It is said that she was the greatest singer of all time.

She is

2.Who painted this picture?

Who was

3.He lets himself be taken advantage of.

He lets people

said to have been the greatest singer of all time.

this picture painted by?

take advantage of him.

Page 144: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

4.She locked the door so that nobody would disturb her.

She locked the door to

5.His claim that he was starving didn’t deceive me.


6.My aunt’s car has been stolen.


avoid being disturbed.

wasn’t taken in by his claim that he was starving.

has stolen my aunt’s car.

Page 145: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

7.She was seen to enter the restaurant.


8.Parking isn’t allowed here.


9.No student can be expected to know every word in the book.

Nobody can

saw her enter the restaurant.

do not allow parking here.

expect any students to know every word in the book.

Page 146: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

10. The agreement states that you are to pay once a month.

You are

11. There’s nothing further to say about this.


12. I hate people asking me personal questions.

I hate being

expected to pay once a month.

further can be said about this.

asked personal questions.

Page 147: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

13.They couldn’t understand him.

He couldn’t

14.She allows people to distract her from her work.

She allows herself

15.I’d love you to give me some time off.

I’d love to

make himself understood.

to be distracted from her work.

be given some time off.

Page 148: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form


İngilizcede “ettirgen yapı (causative)”, bir eylemi bir başkasına yaptırmak veya eylemin başkası tarafından yaptırılması anlamını taşıyan özel fiillerle kurulur. Örneğin;

Nicky had David tidy up her room.

Page 149: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Bu cümlede eylemi (tidy up) yaptıran “Nicky”dir. Eylemi yapan ise, “David”dir.

Bu nedenle, “Nicky had David tidy up her room,” cümlesi “Nicky, David’e odasını toplattı,” şeklinde çevrilebilir. Ettirgen yapı,


fiilleriyle kurulur.

Zamana ilişkin çekim ekleri sadece bu fiillere getirilir.

Page 150: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form


Bir kişiye bir işi belirli bir ücret karşılığı yaptırmak veya bir işi yapmasını rica ederek yaptırma(ask sb to do sth)

I will have the technician repair the computer.(Servis elemanına bilgisayarı tamir ettireceğim)

The professor has had her assistant score the exam papers.

The landlord called the porter and had him remove everything but one bottle of brandy.

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Bir kişiye bir işi zorla yaptırmak (force someone to do something)

The boss made the watchman check the seals again.

(The boss forced the watchman to check the seals again.)

(Patron bekçiye kilitleri yeniden kontrol ettirdi.)

The police have announced that they will make the residents evacuate the area due to the danger of an earthquake.

They were talking about how to make him operate in a manner for which he had been previously criticized.

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Bir kişiye bir işi ikna yoluyla yaptırmak (persuade someone to do something)

The boss is getting the staff to re-examine the balance sheet once more.

(Patron çalışanlara bilançoyu yeniden inceletiyor.)

The son got his father to pay for the damage.

Schools should get students to desire to participate actively in civic life of the community.

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Diğer yandan, eylemin yaptırıldığı kişi önemli değil veya bilinmiyorsa, diğer bir deyişle eylemden etkilenen nesne ön plandaysa, aşağıda belirtilen yapılar kullanılabilir.

Page 154: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form


I will have the computer repaired (by the technician)

(Bilgisayarı (teknisyene) tamir ettireceğim.)

They are planning to have the shareholders murdered one by one.

I’m late because I have been having my car serviced.

Page 155: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form


The boss is getting the balance sheet re-examined (by the staff) once more.

(Patron (çalışanlara) bilançoyu yeniden inceletiyor.)

The gang will get the sheriff garroted by a private six-killer.

Could you get these documents Xeroxed for me?

Page 156: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form


To identify the run-away prisoner, the prisoners were made to form fives.

(Kaçak mahkumu tespit etmek için, mahkumlar beşli sıraya sokuldular.)

To prevent the inundation, the farmers were made to build a one-meter wall before their lands.

He was, in fact, reluctant to attend the conference; however, he was made to be there with the instruction of the chief.

Page 157: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct from of the verbs in parentheses. Use part participle form of the verbs where necessary.1 Of course, the illusion of art is _________ (make)

one ________ (believe) that great literature is very close to life, but exactly the opposite is true. Life is amorphous, but literature is formal.

2 The books that help you most are those which make you _________(think) that most. The hardest way of _______(learn) is that of easy reading: but a great book that comes from a great thinker is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth and beauty.

3 Many programs on TV are trying _________(get) people ________(stop) _________(use) drugs.

to makebelieve


to getto stop using

Page 158: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

4 My English teacher made me __________(apologize) for _________(be) late.

5 Macau customs authorities confiscated more than 40 Honk Kong mobile phones last month, fined the owners and made them ___________(wait) several days before getting their units back.

6 The children had a birthday party. They didn’t let their parents __________(join) the party.




Page 159: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

7 The teacher had his students _____________ (read) five short stories during the summer holiday.

8 I have lost my keys. We had better _______ (get) a locksmith ______ (open) it.

9 The lightning flash made the children _______ (run) quickly into their house.


getto open


Page 160: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

10 Don’t touch the broken switch. Although we got it ________(repair), now we will have to _____ (get) an electrician _______ (repair) it again.

11She thought herself an angel or a fairy from heaven and that the people around her were evil and made her ________ (lose) much of her magical power.

12Jennifer saw a fly ______ (lie) in her meal, so she had the waiter _______ (bring) her a new one.

repaired getto repair



Page 161: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

13The earthquake tragedy made everyone _______(cry).

14Please ________ (have) your secretary ________ (post) the necessary documents as soon as possible.

15Do you know a way how parents can get their children _______ (read) more ?


have post

to read

Page 162: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

16Teachers have the first grade students of primary school ____________(write) the same letters and words hundreds of times.

17The robbers had the hackers _______ (show) them how _______ (enter) the bank accounts.

18Would you like ________ (have) any of your slacks _______ (iron)?


showto enter

to haveironed

Page 163: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

19Julia made me ________________ (take off) my shoes in front of the door. She said she just had it ______ (clean).

20He only wanted to be a “casual” member but his sharpness, perceptiveness and former police background made him ________________(stand) out from the crowd.

21Politicians try _______________(make) everyone _____________(believe) that they can cope with all the problems of the society.

take off



to makebelieve

Page 164: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

22Before he let us ________(leave), he made us __________(promise) ___________(not, tell) anybody about what we had heard.

leavepromise not to tell

Page 165: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

B.Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the sentences printed before them.1. His motorbike is in the garage being repaired. He is ___________________________________________________2. The dentist checked her teeth. She ___________________________________________________3. Someone cut the grass in my garden. I ___________________________________________________4. Someone is making her a wonderful ball-gown. She ___________________________________________________5. The typist has typed all her letters. She ___________________________________________________

having his motorbike repaired in the garage.

had her teeth checked.

had the grass in my garden cut.

is having a wonderful ball-gown made.

has had all her letters typed.

Page 166: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

6. Someone is decorating Julie’s house. Julie ___________________________________________________7. The optician tested Cherry’s eyes. Cherry ___________________________________________________8. The odd-job man will shovel the snow away for Lady

Wilberforce.Lady Wilberforce _______________________________

9. Mrs. Barrington’s groceries will be delivered to her house. Mrs. Barrington _______________________________10. Someone was making Mary coffee when the doorbell

rang.Mary _________________________________________

is having her house decorated.

had her eyes tested.

will have the odd-job man shovel the snow.

will have her groceries delivered.

was having coffee made when the doorbell rang.

Page 167: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

11. He posted Marlene’s letters. Marlene __________________________________

12. The hairdresser styled Gwendoline’s hair. Gwendoline ___________________________________13. She will ask someone to clean her swimming pool.

She______________________________________14. Mr. Osbourne asked a solicitor to draw up his will.

Mr. Osbourne _____________________________15. The furniture company will deliver her furniture today.

She _____________________________________

had her letters posted.

had the hairdresser style her hair.

will have her swimming pool cleaned.

had a solicitor draw up his will.

will have her furniture delivered.

Page 168: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

16. Someone came to repair their central heating yesterday.

They_________________________________________17. It’s not possible to install a washing machine because there isn’t enough space in her kitchen.

She _________________________________________18. The gardener is planting new trees in Lady Moar’s

garden.Lady Moar ___________________________________

had their central heating repaired yesterday.

cannot have a washing machine installed.

is having new trees planted in her garden.

Page 169: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

19.Mark’s legs were broken in the car crash. Mark______________________________________

20.I’d like him to finish the work by 4 o’clock. I’d like to ____________________________________

21. I wish I’d asked her to clean my skirt yesterday.I wish I had _____________________________________

had his legs broken in the car crash.

have the work finished by 4 o’clock.

had my skirt cleaned yesterday.

Page 170: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

22.Don’t print this document! Don’t have________________________________________23.The vet treated the girl’s dog. The girl __________________________________________24.She’ll ask someone to collect the parcels. She _____________________________________________

this document printed!

had her dog treated.

will have the parcels collected.

Page 171: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

25. Their new house will have been built by next year.They will ________________________________________

26.Someone is servicing John’s television. John ____________________________________________

27. The dressmaker was fitting Sue’s wedding dress when she fainted.Sue ___________________________________________

have their new house built next year.

is having his TV serviced.

was having her wedding dress fit when she fainted.

Page 172: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

28. The tailor made James a new suit. James ___________________________________________29. Don’t redecorate the house! Don’t have _______________________________________30. I asked someone to polish my shoes.


had the tailor make a new suit .

the house redecorated!

had my shoes polished.

Page 173: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Structural Conversion

1. Somebody is going to water the flowers for her.

She’s going to have the flowers watered.

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2. Your hair needs cutting.You’ll have to have your hair cut.You should have your hair cut.

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3. I’m having my house decorated.My house is being decorated.Someone is decorating my house.

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4. Is anyone checking your answers?Are you having your answers checked?

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5. Someone twisted her arm.She had her arm twisted.She got her arm twisted.Her arm was twisted.

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6. I hate her asking someone else to do her homework.

I hate her having her homework done by someone else.

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7. I’d love it if someone cut the grass for me.I’d love to have the grass cut.

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8. The hairdresser permed my hair.I got my hair permed at the hairdresser’s.

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C. Finish the following sentences using the causative form without changing the meaning of the sentences printed before them.1. The arrangements were made by his secretary.

He had _________________________________

2. She got her hands burnt during the fire.Her hands ________________________________

his secretary make the arrangements.

were burnt during the fire.

Page 182: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

3. They’re going to put my leg in plaster.I’m going ______________________________

4. I’ll have to have this tooth taken out.This tooth ______________________________

to have my leg put in plaster.

will have to be taken out.

Page 183: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

5. Someone played a joke on him.He had _________________________________

6. Our dog needs vaccinating.We’ll have ______________________________

a joke played on.

to have our dog vaccinated.

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7. Their film was developed in 24 hours.They got________________________________8. Are you going to have the roof repaired before winter?Are they ________________________________

the film developed in 24 hours.

going to have someone repair the roof before winter?

Page 185: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

9. He got his house valued by professionals.His house__________________________________

10. My bag was stolen.I had ______________________________________

was valued by professionals.

my bag stolen.

Page 186: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

11. Someone will take care of the delivery of your goods.

We will _____________________________________12. A newspaper published her story.

She got _____________________________________

have the delivery of your goods taken care of.

her story published.

Page 187: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

13. I’d love it if someone cleaned my room.I’d love to ____________________________________

14. They had to get someone to proof-read the manuscript.

The manuscript _______________________________15. The windows need draught-proofing.

You’ll _______________________________________

have my room cleaned.

had to be proof-read.

have to have the windows draught-proofed.

Page 188: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

QUESTIONS ON PASSIVE VOICE & CAUSATIVE1.-24. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1.I only _______ defects when the machine ________.

a) realized/was deliveredb) have been realized/had been deliveredc) realized/deliveredd) realized/will delivere) had realized/have delivered

Page 189: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

2.When the coffin _______, it ________ in the wrong direction unlike everyone thought.

a) buries/is puttingb) buried/putsc) was buried/was putd) has been buried/is puttinge) had been buried/have been put

Page 190: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

3. New amendments about the bill of rights _______ by the members of the Parliament in the last session.

a) are being consideredb) were consideredc) has consideredd) considerede) had been considered

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4.To my surprise, the trial _______ by the Judge unexpectedly.

a) delayed b) delaysc) is delaying d) has delayed

e) has been delayed

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5.The chef made the cooks _______ the damage to the wall of the kitchen.

a) repair b) repairsc) repaired d) repairing

e) being repaired

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6.I am sure he could have accepted our offer if he ________.

a) convincedb) has been convincedc) had been convincedd) was being convincede) had convinced

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7.No one ______ that everything ________ by the volunteers to change the present situation.

a) knows/has been doneb) was known/has donec) is known/was doned) knows/had donee) had been known/did

Page 195: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

8.The reason of the war Troy is believed _______ a love affair.

a) to be b) beingc) to have been d) to have

being e) having been

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9.The side effects of antibiotics ______ by many people.

a) ignored b) are ignoring

c) have ignored d) were ignoringe) have been ignored

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10.By the time the boss came back to the office, the reports _______ .

a) should have been completedb) should have completedc) had better completed) will have been completede) have been completed

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11.I _______ by the staff at the front desk that I ______ at 12 o’clock at latest.

a) warned/checked outb) was warned/had to check outc) was warning/was checked outd) had been warned/ was to be checked oute) have warned/have to check out

Page 199: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

12.The robbers are thought ______ the gallery through the tunnel under the exhibition hall.

a) to enterb) having been enteredc) to have enteredd) to have been enterede) being entered

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13.It _______ in the report that most of the rivers in our country _____ at a very fast rate.

a) is stated/are being pollutedb) was stated/are being pollutedc) has stated/have been pollutedd) stated/were pollutinge) had been stated/had polluted

Page 201: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

14.By the time we get home, I’m sure most of the food _______ .

a) has been eatenb) had eatenc) will have been eatend) will have eatene) were eaten

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15.After the train crash, the number of casualties _________ by the authorities yet.

a) won’t declareb) hasn’t declaredc) weren’t declaredd) won’t have declarede) hasn’t been declared

Page 203: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

16.During the process of production at the factory, all types of foods ________, because there may be some germs on them.

a) will be sterilizedb) should be sterilizedc) had to be sterilizedd) must be sterilizinge) were sterilizing

Page 204: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

17.As I ________ by my aunt, I miss her a lot more than my own mother.

a) brought upb) am bringing upc) was bringing upd) have been bringing upe) was brought up

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18.All kinds of medicine at home _______ out of reach of children.

a) should be keptb) had better keepc) is supposed to be keepingd) can keepe) mustn’t be kept

Page 206: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

19.During the hard times of our constitutional democracy, from time to time some laws _______even by the rulers.

a) must be violatedb) was violatingc) have been violatedd) can’t be violatinge) had been violated

Page 207: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

20.Most of the knowledge during lifetime is acquired through life experience, _______ .

a) unfortunately they are thought to be the main issues of the doctors nowadays

b) although it is believed to be gained by the books we study

c) but the practical solution to those who have difficulties is complicated

d) whereas the others claim that they were all mislede) while some tests have been applied to prove these


Page 208: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

21.Most of the illnesses that people have been suffering from ______.

a) are thought to have inherited from generation to generation

b) were the main issue of the geography teachersc) will have been a mystery rather than a well-known

subjectd) had been discussed by the experts for a couple of

decadese) are known to have been found in the ruins of the


Page 209: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

22.When different blood type is injected into the body, ______.

a) the victims in the vicinity suffered from that kind of actionb) some symptoms on the plant has been observed clearlyc) it is rejected by the body itself by some certain reactionsd) no one expected what was going to happene) the results surprised everyone in the ward but me

Page 210: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

23.Due to the recent economic crisis, _____.

a) the practices of some customs used to be condemned

b) the number of the books on the shelves will have decreased substantially

c) some of the workers have been made redundantd) even though they had already taken certain

precautionse) developing countries should have been aided by the more developed ones

Page 211: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

24.______; however, most of them simply expect significant social changes during the education at universities.

a) They have been established to enlarge the capacity of students

b) Authorities tried to force the limit of their brainsc) Those who involved in such crimes have been

arrestedd) The reason why students have chosen a career at

universities is obviouse) Whether it is artificial or not is still under debate

Page 212: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

1.-50. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. A baby starts learning the meanings of words as they ____ by others and later uses them in sentences.

A) spokeB) speakC) are spokenD) were spokenE) had spoken

Page 213: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

2.It was not until that I was broke with no social insurance and no means of financial support that I realized that I ______ Mr. Sander’s job offer.

A) couldn’t have acceptedB) didn’t need to acceptC) might not have acceptedD) wouldn’t acceptE) shouldn’t have accepted

Page 214: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

3. Some parents prefer ______ their children to private schools because they believe the children will have a better education.

A) to have sentB) to be sentC) to be sendingD) to have been sentE) to send

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4. After Clarence Day’s book Life with Father _____ as a play, it ran for six years on


A) rewroteB) has rewrittenC) was rewrittenD) had rewrittenE) has been rewritten

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5. When adult children _____ too much frustration, their behavior ceases to be integrated.

A) to be experiencingB) to have experienceC) to be experiencedD) experienceE) to have experienced

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6. On March 30, 1981, President Reagan _____ as he was leaving the Washington Hotel.

A) was shootingB) has been shotC) to have shotD) was shotE) to have been shot

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7. The latest report ______ that the patient’s temperature was near normal and her lungs were partially cleared.

A) was indicatedB) indicatedC) has been indicatedD) to have indicatedE) to have been indicated

Page 219: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

8.A vast quantity of radioactive material _____ when a hydrogen bomb explodes.

A) is producedB) producesC) has been producedD) to have been producedE) is producing

Page 220: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

9.Genes have several alternative forms, alleles, which _____ by mutations.

A) produceB) are producingC) producedD) to have been producedE) are produced

Page 221: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

10. Each line of poetry written in blank verse has ten syllables which ______ alternately.

A) stressed and unstressedB) are stressed and unstressedC) are stressing and unstressingD) to be stressed and unstressedE) to have stressed and unstressed

Page 222: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

11. By the beginning of the 1980’s, fifteen states _______ no-fault insurance laws.

A) had already adoptedB) were adoptedC) have already been adoptedD) were already adoptingE) adopted

Page 223: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

12. Patty Berg, the top tournament winner in women’s golf, _____ 83 golf tournaments from 1935 through 1964.

A) was wonB) has been wonC) had been wonD) wonE) has won

Page 224: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

13. Factor analysis _____ to discover how many abilities ______ in intelligence test performance.

A) is using/have been involvedB) used/involvedC) is used/are involvedD) uses/involveE) has been using/have involved

Page 225: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

14. Telegraph service across the Atlantic _____ successfully in 1866.

A) was establishedB) establishedC) has been establishedD) to have establishedE) was establishing

Page 226: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

15. Coronary occlusion results from a disease in which fatty substances with a large amount of cholesterol _____in the arteries.

A) is depositingB) was depositingC) depositedD) are depositedE) has deposited

Page 227: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

16. Her money _____back as soon as she threatened to take the matter to court.

A) was payingB) has been paidC) has been payingD) paidE) was paid

Page 228: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

17. The scholarship that he_____ to study at Cambridge presented a unique opportunity.

A) was receivedB) receivedC) has been receivedD) is receivedE) was receiving

Page 229: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

18.The legislator believed that it was an honor _____ to a position on the council.

A) to have namedB) to be namingC) to have been namingD) to be namedE) having named

Page 230: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

19. Because the type on the typewriter the student ______ is not very clear, he should find another one.

A) is usingB) is usedC) to be usingD) to have usedE) being used

Page 231: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

20. The judge was in favor of having the Federal Government _____ the prosecution of the case.

A) to take overB) to be taken overC) take overD) to have been taken overE) to be taking over

Page 232: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

21. In economics, “diminishing returns” ______ the relationship between resource and production.

A) is describedB) is describingC) describesD) has been describedE) will be described

Page 233: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

22.When lava ______ the surface, its temperature can be ten times as high as that of boiling water.

A) is reachedB) has been reachedC) has been reachingD) will be reachedE) reaches

Page 234: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

23. Rarely can have the gardener _____ the entire root of a dandelion because of its length and sturdiness.

A) removeB) be removedC) to be removedD) to have removedE) to have been removed

Page 235: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

24. Tungsten has the highest melting point of all metals, and for this reason it _____ in equipment that must withstand high temperatures.

A) is usingB) is usedC) has been usingD) was to have usedE) is to be using

Page 236: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

25.People tend ______ their opinions first in small groups or among friends and acquaintances.

A) to have voicedB) to be voicedC) to have been voicedD) to having voicedE) to voice

Page 237: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

26.In the quantitative course, the professor presented a unit with a unique approach ______ this sort of problem.

A) to solveB) to be solvedC) to being solvedD) to solvingE) to having been solved

Page 238: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

27.U.S Census figures indicate that people with only elementary education ______ just as much as college graduations.

A) to have been earnedB) having earnedC) to having earnedD) to having been earnedE) earn

Page 239: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

28.Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, _____ in June 1937 while attempting to fly around the world.

A) disappearedB) has disappearedC) has been disappearedD) is disappearingE) was disappeared

Page 240: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

29.Plants that sprout, grow, bloom, produce seeds, and die within one year _______ as annuals.

A) has been classifyingB) were classifyingC) are classifyingD) to be classifyingE) are classified

Page 241: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

30.The middle ear ______ to the back of the throat by the Eustachian tube.

A) is attachingB) was attachedC) is attachedD) has been attachedE) has been attaching

Page 242: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

31.Certain authorities claim that the costumes that people wear to parties _____ subtle insights into their personalities.

A) are givenB) has been givenC) to be givenD) to giveE) give

Page 243: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

32.Mars’ two small moons, Phobos and Deimos, _______ with craters irregularly.

A) shape and coverB) are shaped and coveredC) to shape and coverD) to have shaped and coveredE) to be shaped and covered

Page 244: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

33.In any matter, heat tends _____ from the hotter parts to the cooler parts.

A) to be flowedB) to have been flowedC) to having flowedD) to having been flowedE) to flow

Page 245: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

34.Sulfa drugs _____ to treat bacterial infection until penicillin became widely available.

A) was usingB) has been usingC) had been usedD) had been usingE) had had to use

Page 246: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

35.Plans for both the International monetary fund and the World Bank _____ at the Bretton Woods Conference.

A) were drawn upB) has been drawn upC) were drawing upD) has been drawing upE) had been drawing up

Page 247: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

36.In 1958, the largest recorded wave, with a height of 500 meters, _____ in Lituya Bay, Alaska.

A) was occurringB) occurredC) had occurredD) had been occurredE) had been occurring

Page 248: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

37.Unlike the traditional red fire engines, the new fire engines which ______by the department recently are yellow.

A) have been purchasedB) have been purchasingC) purchasedD) had been purchasedE) have purchased

Page 249: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

38.The insurance package which ______ by that company is exactly like the package our company offers.

A) is offeringB) has been offeringC) is offeredD) was offeringE) was to have offered

Page 250: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

39.As they _____ with the hotel accommodation last year, they have decided to try another hotel this year.

A) were not satisfyingB) haven’t satisfiedC) hadn’t satisfiedD) haven’t been satisfiedE) were not satisfied

Page 251: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

40.As the main highway _____ at this hour, the driver should try to find another route to the stadium.

A) was crowdedB) had been crowdedC) to be crowdedD) to have been crowdedE) is crowded

Page 252: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

41.Pittsburg ______ its smog by requiring more complete oxidation of fuel cars, and other cities should do the same thing.

A) has reducedB) has been reducedC) was reducedD) had been reducedE) had been reducing

Page 253: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

42.Up to World War II almost all important research in physics ______ in universities with only university funds.

A) had been madeB) has to be madeC) was makingD) had been makingE) has been made

Page 254: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

43.As the plan that _____ yesterday is no longer feasible, the manager had to choose other alternatives.

A) was makingB) has been madeC) should be makingD) was madeE) had to make

Page 255: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

44.The result of the failure to plan for the future is that a child from an urban area _____ to the country to see nature.

A) must be takingB) must have takenC) are takingD) has to takeE) must be taken

Page 256: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

45.This machine can print on a single piece of paper, but only if the lever ______ the front of the machine.

A) is facedB) has been facedC) should be facedD) must be facedE) is to face

Page 257: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

46.Unlike other architects of the early modern movement, Alvar Aalto ______ informality, personal expression, and rationality in his works.

A) was stressedB) has been stressedC) had been stressingD) had stressedE) stressed

Page 258: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

47.Sports medicine is a medical specialty which _____ the identification and treatment of injuries to persons involved in sports.

A) deals withB) had been dealing withC) was dealt withD) was dealing withE) has to be dealt with

Page 259: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

48.American public school curriculum _____ at the state or local level rather than the federal level.

A) has been determiningB) is determiningC) was determiningD) is determinedE) had been determined

Page 260: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

49.In the northern and central parts of the state of Idaho _____ majestic mountains and churning rivers.

A) are foundB) has been findingC) had been foundD) would findE) used to find

Page 261: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

50.The type of jazz known as “swing” ______ by Duke Ellington when he wrote and recorded “It Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got That swing.”

A) would have introducedB) was introducedC) was introducingD) has been introducingE) had been introducing

Page 262: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

1.-5. Sorularda cümleleri tamamlayan en uygun ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. When a different blood type is injected into the body, ______.

a) the victims in the vicinity suffered from that kind of actionb) some symptoms on the plant has been observed clearlyc) it is rejected by the body itself by some certain reactionsd) no one expected what was going to happene) the results surprised everyone in the ward but me

Page 263: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

2. Most of the illnesses that people have been suffering from ______.

a) are thought to have been inherited from generation to generationb) were the main issue of the geography teachersc) will have been a mystery rather than a well-known subjectd) had been discussed by the experts for a couple of decadese) are known to have been found in the ruins of the Aztecs

Page 264: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

3. Most of the knowledge during a lifetime is acquired through life experience, _______.

a) unfortunately they are thought to be the main issues of the doctors nowadaysb) although it is believed to be gained by the books we studyc) but the practical solution to those who have difficulties is complicatedd) whereas the others claim that they were all mislede) while some tests have been applied to prove these speculations

Page 265: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

4.Due to the recent economic crisis, ____.

a) the practices of some customs used to be condemnedb) the number of the books on the shelves will have decreased substantiallyc) some of the workers have been made redundantd) even though they had already taken certain precautionse) developing countries should have been aided by the more developed ones

Page 266: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

5.______; however, most of them simply expect significant social changes during the education at universities.

a) They have been established to enlarge the capacity of studentsb) Authorities tried to force the limit of their brainsc) Those who were involved in such crimes have been arrestedd) The reason why students choose a career at universities is obviouse) Whether it is artificial or not is still under debate

Page 267: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form


1.-50. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz .

1. In the USA, women _____ to vote until the first quarter of the 20th century, when the women’s protest against the discrimination _____.

A) hadn’t allowed/was startingB) hasn’t been allowed/would startC) didn’t allow/had startedD) wasn’t allowed/startedE) wouldn’t be allowed / have started

Page 268: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

2.When I _____ at a university in Birmingham, where I ______ before, I was living with my family in Kent.

A) accepted/was neverB) was accepted/had never been C) have been accepted/will never beD) have accepted/wouldn’t beE) will be accepted/was never going to be

Page 269: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

3.During winter, the mountain village ______ by sleighs and helicopters due to the snow, which _____ by the local people.

A) reached/preferredB) have reached/was preferringC) were reached/has been preferredD) reach/preferE) are reached/is not preferred

Page 270: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

4.It isn't necessary to bring skis as they ______ in the package.

A) has included B) was includingC) is included D) are included

E) included

Page 271: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

5.Luckily, Peter _____ with an offense when the police _____ him stealing the first time.

A) wasn’t charged/caughtB) hadn’t charged/was catchingC) was charging/caughtD) has been charged/will catchE) won’t charge/will catch

Page 272: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

6.Their parents _____ when they _____ safe and sound from their hiking trip.

A) were relieved/arrivedB) has relieved/were arrivingC) relieved/arrivedD) were relieving/were arrivingE) are relieving/are arriving

Page 273: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

7. My colleagues and I ______ for four months; therefore, we ______ to protest the administration by leaving the company 30 minutes earlier.

A) haven’t paid/have plannedB) weren’t paid/plannedC) hadn’t been paid/would planD) haven’t been paid/are planningE) weren’t paying/were planning

Page 274: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

8.This project focuses on issues that ______ into consideration when planning a new course.

A) need to takeB) need to have takenC) didn’t need to takeD) needed to takeE) need to be taken

Page 275: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

9.At last, an advanced level implementation _____ to give people an example of the type of global planning that _____ for a new route.

A) provides/requiresB) provided/requiredC) is provided/is requiredD) has provided/has been requiredE) being provided/was required

Page 276: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

10.Generally, the argument for authentic materials is that the materials _____ what learners _____with in every day life when using English.

A) should represent/will be confrontedB) ought to be represented/will confrontC) would be represented/confrontedD) could be represented/confrontingE) can be represented/will be confronting

Page 277: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

11.If a foreign language is required for a profession, tasks should be more real-world orientated; besides, they ______ on the exact type of language _____in the specific profession.

A) needn’t have based/requiringB) didn’t have to base/requiresC) should be based/requiredD) didn’t need to base/has requiredE) ought to have based/having required

Page 278: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

12.As students who _____ to speak English only with other non-native speakers should not have to worry as much about listening skills as those who _____ to communicate principally with native speakers.

A) are expected/are supposedB) expect/supposeC) expecting/supposingD) expected/supposedE) to expect/to suppose

Page 279: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

13.There are just a few important questions that _____ when planning a new marketing strategy.

A) needn’t have askedB) didn’t need to askC) to need to askD) need to be askedE) needed to ask

Page 280: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

14.Investors expect _____ a business plan that _____a realistic financial picture of the anticipated growth of the company.

A) seeing/paintingB) saw/paintedC) to see/ paintsD) to have seen/being paintedE) to be seen/to have painted

Page 281: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

15.A business plan is a document that _____a profile of your company, and a vision of its future.

A) containingB) to containC) to be containedD) to have been containedE) contains

Page 282: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

16.In order to succeed, entrepreneurs must _____a growing base of satisfied customers.

A) be attracted and retainedB) have attracted and retainedC) be attracting and retainingD) attract and retainE) have been attracted and retained

Page 283: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

17.Students who_____ to travel to the USA in order to study need _____the following visa requirements.

A) wanted/metB) want/to meetC) wanting/meetingD) have wanted/being metE) have been wanted/to be met

Page 284: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

18.His daughter continued _____ until he could not _____ any longer.

A) crying/have seenB) to be crying/have been seenC) to have cried/seeD) to be crying/have seenE) to cry/be seen

Page 285: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

19.Unfortunately, my next door neighbor _____with murder when the police _____ his finger prints in the victim’s house.

A) was charging/was findingB) charged/findC) had charged/being foundD) was charged/foundE) has charged/be found

Page 286: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

20.Although he had been able to do the job successfully for some time, he _____the position.

A) wasn't givenB) didn’t giveC) hasn’t givenD) hadn’t givenE) wouldn’t give

Page 287: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

21.As you improve your English skills and your grammar understanding advances, you _____that building your vocabulary is the key to becoming an excellent speaker of English.

A) will be discoveredB) are discoveredC) will have been discoveredD) will discoverE) discovered

Page 288: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

22.If you voluntarily disclose personal information on a bulletin board, chat room or on any other user or member generated pages, that information can _____by others.

A) be collected and usedB) not have collected and usedC) be collecting and usingD) not collect and useE) not have been collected and used

Page 289: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

23.The New York Times Company announced today that in December 2005 advertising revenues for the Company's business units _____8.2% _____with December 2004.

A) are increased/comparingB) increases/comparesC) being increased/have comparedD) increased/comparedE) increasing/comparing

Page 290: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

24.Actor Christopher Penn, brother of Sean Penn, _____dead in his bed by a housekeeper late Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 24, 2006.

A) was foundB) foundC) findsD) to have foundE) to have been found

Page 291: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

25.The topic for your research paper _____ by Professor Atkinson.

A) should have been approvedB) should have approvedC) should be approvingD) should approveE) should have been approving

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26.The foundation _____ by the construction workers before they quit for the May Day.

A) would have finishedB) could have finishedC) might have finishedD) should have been finishedE) might finish

Page 293: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

27.Workers training for a specific job have a strong possibility of _____ by a machine.

A) replacedB) having been replacingC) have replacedD) having replacedE) being replaced

Page 294: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

28.In English these questions _____ by changing the word order of a statement, whereas in other languages the word order remains the same.

A) being madeB) to have been madeC) having to be madeD) have to be madeE) have to make

Page 295: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

29.He was not able to define the process by which the body _____ by immunological system.

A) had been protectedB) protectedC) had protectedD) has protectedE) has been protected

Page 296: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

30.During this period, 206 Dollars _____ annually on food by families in the lower third income bracket.

A) was spendingB) was spentC) spentD) has been spendingE) has spent

Page 297: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

31.In a recent survey of Americans, more than 75% expressed the view that the government ____ a more active role in health care.

A) should be takenB) should have been takenC) must have been takenD) should takeE) would rather be taken

Page 298: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

32.The Military Academy at West Point _____ on the west bank of the Hudson River, north of New York City.

A) is locatingB) locatesC) locatedD) being locatedE) is located

Page 299: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

33.A word processor is necessary for any project that _____ in this program.

A) has undertakenB) couldn’t have undertakenC) didn’t undertakeD) is undertakenE) shouldn’t have been undertaken

Page 300: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

34.When the first bill _____, the Senate immediately began work on different bills.

A) was defeatedB) defeatedC) has been defeatedD) could have been defeatedE) had defeated

Page 301: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

35.The police had very few opportunities to catch the thief who _____ a great number of crimes.

A) has committedB) was committedC) had been committedD) had committedE) has been committed

Page 302: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

36.It is better to go shopping in the late evening as there are fewer people in the market, and you _____ a number of tasks in a short period of time.

A) have accomplishedB) can accomplishC) are accomplishedD) should have accomplishedE) could have accomplished

Page 303: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

37.For the wedding reception, the caterers ______ a large amount of food to serve a large number of people.

A) should have been preparedB) could have been preparedC) were to be preparedD) must have been preparedE) are preparing

Page 304: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

38.Many job opportunities exist in the field of nurse if you are willing _____ a low-paying position.

A) to acceptB) to have acceptedC) to be acceptedD) to have been acceptedE) to being accepted

Page 305: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

39.Through aquaculture, or fish farming, 500 million tons of fish _____ each year.

A) have producedB) are producedC) have been producingD) must have producedE) ought to produce

Page 306: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

40.The legal system has many safeguards _____ the right of a defendant to an impartial jury.

A) to protectB) to have protectedC) having been protectedD) being protectedE) protects

Page 307: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

41.Presidential elections _____ every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

A) holdsB) are holdingC) should have heldD) must have heldE) are held

Page 308: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

42.The population of the earth ______ at a tremendous rate and soon will be out of control.

A) increasedB) should be increaseC) must have been increasedD) is increasingE) has been increased

Page 309: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

43.Studies of carcinogenesis in animals _____ data on differences in human susceptibility.

A) can provideB) can be providedC) would be providedD) could have been providedE) will be provided

Page 310: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

44.Before the newspaper became widespread, a town crier _____ throughout a village or town singing out the news.

A) are walkingB) might have been walkedC) would walkD) have been walkingE) had to be walked

Page 311: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

45.All of NASA’s manned spacecraft projects _____ at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston.

A) had to headquarterB) are headquarteredC) would have headquarterD) needn’t have headquarteredE) should headquarter

Page 312: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

46.The cards attaching the computer to its printer _____ before they wear out.

A) must replaceB) need to be replacedC) must have replacedD) would replaceE) needn’t have replaced

Page 313: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

47.Before the report _____, the information in my colleagues notes and ours _____.

A) finalizes/proofB) is finalizing/are proofingC) could finalize/can be proofedD) is finalized/must be proofedE) must finalize/may be proofed

Page 314: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

48.Helicopters ______ more and more in emergency situations because of their ability to reach out-of-the-way places.

A) ought to useB) have to useC) must have usedD) should have usedE) are being used

Page 315: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

49.The air traffic controller _____ for the accident because he had strictly followed the correct procedures.

A) was not blamedB) should have blamedC) needn’t have blamedD) has been blamedE) would have blamed

Page 316: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

50.The worker _____ by the chemical company because he refused to work with certain dangerous chemicals.

A) have firedB) could have firedC) had to fireD) was firedE) would have fired

Page 317: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

1.-5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The transatlantic slave trade produced one of the largest (1) _____ migrations in history. (2) _____ the early 16th to the mid-19th centuries, more than one million Africans were taken from their homes, herded onto ships where they were sometimes so (3) _____ packed that they could barely move and sent to a strange new land. Since others died before boarding the ships, Africa’s loss of population was (4) _____ greater. By far the largest importers of slaves (5) _____ Brazil and the Caribbean colonies; together, they received more than three-quarters of all Africans brought to the America.

1.A) forcedB) dedicatedC) separatedD) enclosedE) captured

Page 318: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The transatlantic slave trade produced one of the largest (1) _____ migrations in history. (2) _____ the early 16th to the mid-19th centuries, more than one million Africans were taken from their homes, herded onto ships where they were sometimes so (3) _____ packed that they could barely move and sent to a strange new land. Since others died before boarding the ships, Africa’s loss of population was (4) _____ greater. By far the largest importers of slaves (5) _____ Brazil and the Caribbean colonies; together, they received more than three-quarters of all Africans brought to the America.

2.A) OntoB) BetweenC) FromD) NearE) Since

Page 319: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The transatlantic slave trade produced one of the largest (1) _____ migrations in history. (2) _____ the early 16th to the mid-19th centuries, more than one million Africans were taken from their homes, herded onto ships where they were sometimes so (3) _____ packed that they could barely move and sent to a strange new land. Since others died before boarding the ships, Africa’s loss of population was (4) _____ greater. By far the largest importers of slaves (5) _____ Brazil and the Caribbean colonies; together, they received more than three-quarters of all Africans brought to the America.

3.A) sparinglyB) tightlyC)

irresponsibly D) divinely

E) movingly

Page 320: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The transatlantic slave trade produced one of the largest (1) _____ migrations in history. (2) _____ the early 16th to the mid-19th centuries, more than one million Africans were taken from their homes, herded onto ships where they were sometimes so (3) _____ packed that they could barely move and sent to a strange new land. Since others died before boarding the ships, Africa’s loss of population was (4) _____ greater. By far the largest importers of slaves (5) _____ Brazil and the Caribbean colonies; together, they received more than three-quarters of all Africans brought to the America.

4.A) someB) hardC) thenD) evenE) only if

Page 321: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The transatlantic slave trade produced one of the largest (1) _____ migrations in history. (2) _____ the early 16th to the mid-19th centuries, more than one million Africans were taken from their homes, herded onto ships where they were sometimes so (3) _____ packed that they could barely move and sent to a strange new land. Since others died before boarding the ships, Africa’s loss of population was (4) _____ greater. By far the largest importers of slaves (5) _____ Brazil and the Caribbean colonies; together, they received more than three-quarters of all Africans brought to the America.

5.A) had beenB) has beenC) wereD) beingE) were


Page 322: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

1.-5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The potato is a new food for Europeans, but it was a staple food for South American Indians long before 200 BC. Spanish slavers brought (1) _____ to Europe in the 16th century. At first people refused (2) _____ it because they thought that it (3) _____ several serious illnesses. (4) _____ 200 years, the potato became accepted everywhere. In fact, in Ireland the potato became so popular that farmers didn’t plant (5) _____ crop.

1. A) themselves

B) itselfC) theirs

D) themE) it

Page 323: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The potato is a new food for Europeans, but it was a staple food for South American Indians long before 200 BC. Spanish slavers brought (1) _____ to Europe in the 16th century. At first people refused (2) _____ it because they thought that it (3) _____ several serious illnesses. (4) _____ 200 years, the potato became accepted everywhere. In fact, in Ireland the potato became so popular that farmers didn’t plant (5) _____ crop.

2.A) eatB) be eatenC) to be

eatenD) to eatE) eating

Page 324: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The potato is a new food for Europeans, but it was a staple food for South American Indians long before 200 BC. Spanish slavers brought (1) _____ to Europe in the 16th century. At first people refused (2) _____ it because they thought that it (3) _____ several serious illnesses. (4) _____ 200 years, the potato became accepted everywhere. In fact, in Ireland the potato became so popular that farmers didn’t plant (5) _____ crop.

3.A) affected

B) infected

C) madeD) hadE) caused

Page 325: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

4.A) ForB) DuringC) WithinD) UntilE) By

The potato is a new food for Europeans, but it was a staple food for South American Indians long before 200 BC. Spanish slavers brought (1) _____ to Europe in the 16th century. At first people refused (2) _____ it because they thought that it (3) _____ several serious illnesses. (4) _____ 200 years, the potato became accepted everywhere. In fact, in Ireland the potato became so popular that farmers didn’t plant (5) _____ crop.

Page 326: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The potato is a new food for Europeans, but it was a staple food for South American Indians long before 200 BC. Spanish slavers brought (1) _____ to Europe in the 16th century. At first people refused (2) _____ it because they thought that it (3) _____ several serious illnesses. (4) _____ 200 years, the potato became accepted everywhere. In fact, in Ireland the potato became so popular that farmers didn’t plant (5) _____ crop.

5.A) othersB) any otherC) anotherD) some otherE) the other

Page 327: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

1.-5. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

In a natural disaster a hurricane, flood, tornado, volcanic eruption, or other calamity- minutes and even seconds of warning can be the (1) _____ between life and death. Because of this, scientists and government officials are working to use the latest technological advances (2) _____ when and where disasters will happen. They are also studying (3) _____ best to analyze and communicate this information once it (4) _____. The goal is to put technology to effective use in saving lives and property when nature unleashes its power (5) _____ devastating results.

1.A) differenceB) linkC) disturbanceD) relevanceE) means

Page 328: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

In a natural disaster a hurricane, flood, tornado, volcanic eruption, or other calamity- minutes and even seconds of warning can be the (1) _____ between life and death. Because of this, scientists and government officials are working to use the latest technological advances (2) _____ when and where disasters will happen. They are also studying (3) _____ best to analyze and communicate this information once it (4) _____. The goal is to put technology to effective use in saving lives and property when nature unleashes its power (5) _____ devastating results.

2.A) predictingB) predictC) to predictD) predictedE) having to


Page 329: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

In a natural disaster a hurricane, flood, tornado, volcanic eruption, or other calamity- minutes and even seconds of warning can be the (1) _____ between life and death. Because of this, scientists and government officials are working to use the latest technological advances (2) _____ when and where disasters will happen. They are also studying (3) _____ best to analyze and communicate this information once it (4) _____. The goal is to put technology to effective use in saving lives and property when nature unleashes its power (5) _____ devastating results.

3.A) whenB) whereC) thatD) the fact

thatE) how

Page 330: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

In a natural disaster a hurricane, flood, tornado, volcanic eruption, or other calamity- minutes and even seconds of warning can be the (1) _____ between life and death. Because of this, scientists and government officials are working to use the latest technological advances (2) _____ when and where disasters will happen. They are also studying (3) _____ best to analyze and communicate this information once it (4) _____. The goal is to put technology to effective use in saving lives and property when nature unleashes its power (5) _____ devastating results.

4.A) was

obtained B) obtains

C) is obtainedD) is obtainingE) to obtain

Page 331: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

In a natural disaster a hurricane, flood, tornado, volcanic eruption, or other calamity- minutes and even seconds of warning can be the (1) _____ between life and death. Because of this, scientists and government officials are working to use the latest technological advances (2) _____ when and where disasters will happen. They are also studying (3) _____ best to analyze and communicate this information once it (4) _____. The goal is to put technology to effective use in saving lives and property when nature unleashes its power (5) _____ devastating results.

5.A) onB) inC) atD) withE) by

Page 332: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The earliest known use of money occurred in Mesopotamia around 2500 BC. Replacing the barter system, (1) _____ one good was exchanged for (2) _____, the use of money brought about an explosion in the variety of goods available. In a barter economy a barley farmer, (3) _____, could only acquire those goods that people (4) _____ willing to trade for barley. With money, people could easily (5) _____ exactly what they wanted or needed.

1.A) whenB) in whichC) whichD) thatE) whose

Page 333: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The earliest known use of money occurred in Mesopotamia around 2500 BC. Replacing the barter system, (1) _____ one good was exchanged for (2) _____, the use of money brought about an explosion in the variety of goods available. In a barter economy a barley farmer, (3) _____, could only acquire those goods that people (4) _____ willing to trade for barley. With money, people could easily (5) _____ exactly what they wanted or needed.

2.A)the otherB)the othersC)anotherD)each otherE)one another

Page 334: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

3.A) for exampleB) in contrastC) howeverD) eventuallyE) since

The earliest known use of money occurred in Mesopotamia around 2500 BC. Replacing the barter system, (1) _____ one good was exchanged for (2) _____, the use of money brought about an explosion in the variety of goods available. In a barter economy a barley farmer, (3) _____, could only acquire those goods that people (4) _____ willing to trade for barley. With money, people could easily (5) _____ exactly what they wanted or needed.

Page 335: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

4.A) had beenB) areC) would beD) will beE) were

The earliest known use of money occurred in Mesopotamia around 2500 BC. Replacing the barter system, (1) _____ one good was exchanged for (2) _____, the use of money brought about an explosion in the variety of goods available. In a barter economy a barley farmer, (3) _____, could only acquire those goods that people (4) _____ willing to trade for barley. With money, people could easily (5) _____ exactly what they wanted or needed.

Page 336: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

5.A) embezzleB) apprehendC) loanD) purchaseE) lease

The earliest known use of money occurred in Mesopotamia around 2500 BC. Replacing the barter system, (1) _____ one good was exchanged for (2) _____, the use of money brought about an explosion in the variety of goods available. In a barter economy a barley farmer, (3) _____, could only acquire those goods that people (4) _____ willing to trade for barley. With money, people could easily (5) _____ exactly what they wanted or needed.

Page 337: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Weather has played a large, and sometimes direct, part in human history. 1)_______climatic changes that have caused the gradual drift of populations (for example the desertification of the Middle East , and ice ages in Northern Europe ), extreme weather events have caused smaller scale population movements and intruded 2) ________ on the course of human history. One such event that 3) ______ is the saving of Japan from invasion by the Mongol fleet of Kublai Khan by the Kamikaze winds in 1281. The Little Ice Age of the 14th to 18th centuries had wide ranging effects in the northern4) _______ , including decimating the fledgling Viking colonies of greenland, catalyzing the formation of leagues among the Native Americans groups in North America, and forcing the change of patterns of agriculture 5) _______ Europe to accommodate the shortened growing season.

1.A) fromB) throughC) aside fromD) untilE) even

Page 338: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Weather has played a large, and sometimes direct, part in human history. 1)_______climatic changes that have caused the gradual drift of populations (for example the desertification of the Middle East , and ice ages in Northern Europe ), extreme weather events have caused smaller scale population movements and intruded 2) ________ on the course of human history. One such event that 3) ______ is the saving of Japan from invasion by the Mongol fleet of Kublai Khan by the Kamikaze winds in 1281. The Little Ice Age of the 14th to 18th centuries had wide ranging effects in the northern4) _______ , including decimating the fledgling Viking colonies of greenland, catalyzing the formation of leagues among the Native Americans groups in North America, and forcing the change of patterns of agriculture 5) _______ Europe to accommodate the shortened growing season.

2.A) approximatelyB) directlyC) roughlyD) deliberatelyE) fairly

Page 339: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Weather has played a large, and sometimes direct, part in human history. 1)_______climatic changes that have caused the gradual drift of populations (for example the desertification of the Middle East , and ice ages in Northern Europe ), extreme weather events have caused smaller scale population movements and intruded 2) ________ on the course of human history. One such event that 3) ______ is the saving of Japan from invasion by the Mongol fleet of Kublai Khan by the Kamikaze winds in 1281. The Little Ice Age of the 14th to 18th centuries had wide ranging effects in the northern4) _______ , including decimating the fledgling Viking colonies of greenland, catalyzing the formation of leagues among the Native Americans groups in North America, and forcing the change of patterns of agriculture 5) _______ Europe to accommodate the shortened growing season.

3.A) is celebratingB) was celebratingC) is celebratedD) had been celebratingE) will be celebrating

Page 340: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Weather has played a large, and sometimes direct, part in human history. 1)_______climatic changes that have caused the gradual drift of populations (for example the desertification of the Middle East , and ice ages in Northern Europe ), extreme weather events have caused smaller scale population movements and intruded 2) ________ on the course of human history. One such event that 3) ______ is the saving of Japan from invasion by the Mongol fleet of Kublai Khan by the Kamikaze winds in 1281. The Little Ice Age of the 14th to 18th centuries had wide ranging effects in the northern4) _______ , including decimating the fledgling Viking colonies of greenland, catalyzing the formation of leagues among the Native Americans groups in North America, and forcing the change of patterns of agriculture 5) _______ Europe to accommodate the shortened growing season.

4.A) hemisphereB) presentationC) celebrityD) conclusionE) apprehension

Page 341: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Weather has played a large, and sometimes direct, part in human history. 1)_______climatic changes that have caused the gradual drift of populations (for example the desertification of the Middle East , and ice ages in Northern Europe ), extreme weather events have caused smaller scale population movements and intruded 2) ________ on the course of human history. One such event that 3) ______ is the saving of Japan from invasion by the Mongol fleet of Kublai Khan by the Kamikaze winds in 1281. The Little Ice Age of the 14th to 18th centuries had wide ranging effects in the northern4) _______ , including decimating the fledgling Viking colonies of greenland, catalyzing the formation of leagues among the Native Americans groups in North America, and forcing the change of patterns of agriculture 5) _______ Europe to accommodate the shortened growing season.

5.A) across B) betweenC) amongD) asE) off

Page 342: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Christmas is a Christian holiday held on December 25, which celebrates the birth of Jesus. Eastern Orthodox Churches, 1) ______ use the Julian Calendar to determine feast days, celebrate on January 7 by the Gregorian Calendar. Both dates are merely traditional and 2) ________ is thought to be the actual birth date of Jesus. Christ's birth, or nativity, is said 3) ______ Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of a messiah, or savior. 4) ______ Western countries, Christmas has become the most economically significant holiday of the year. The popularity of Christmas can be traced in part to its status 5) ________ a winter festival. Many cultures have their most important holiday in winter because there is less agricultural work to do at this time.

1.A) whichB) thatC) whereD) whenE) how

Page 343: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Christmas is a Christian holiday held on December 25, which celebrates the birth of Jesus. Eastern Orthodox Churches, 1) ______ use the Julian Calendar to determine feast days, celebrate on January 7 by the Gregorian Calendar. Both dates are merely traditional and 2) ________ is thought to be the actual birth date of Jesus. Christ's birth, or nativity, is said 3) ______ Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of a messiah, or savior. 4) ______ Western countries, Christmas has become the most economically significant holiday of the year. The popularity of Christmas can be traced in part to its status 5) ________ a winter festival. Many cultures have their most important holiday in winter because there is less agricultural work to do at this time.

2.A) neitherB) someC) severalD) noneE) others

Page 344: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Christmas is a Christian holiday held on December 25, which celebrates the birth of Jesus. Eastern Orthodox Churches, 1) ______ use the Julian Calendar to determine feast days, celebrate on January 7 by the Gregorian Calendar. Both dates are merely traditional and 2) ________ is thought to be the actual birth date of Jesus. Christ's birth, or nativity, is said 3) ______ Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of a messiah, or savior. 4) ______ Western countries, Christmas has become the most economically significant holiday of the year. The popularity of Christmas can be traced in part to its status 5) ________ a winter festival. Many cultures have their most important holiday in winter because there is less agricultural work to do at this time.

3.A) to fulfillB) to be fulfilledC) to have been fulfilledD) having fulfilledE) having been fulfilled

Page 345: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Christmas is a Christian holiday held on December 25, which celebrates the birth of Jesus. Eastern Orthodox Churches, 1) ______ use the Julian Calendar to determine feast days, celebrate on January 7 by the Gregorian Calendar. Both dates are merely traditional and 2) ________ is thought to be the actual birth date of Jesus. Christ's birth, or nativity, is said 3) ______ Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of a messiah, or savior. 4) ______ Western countries, Christmas has become the most economically significant holiday of the year. The popularity of Christmas can be traced in part to its status 5) ________ a winter festival. Many cultures have their most important holiday in winter because there is less agricultural work to do at this time.

4.A) OutB) WithinC) InD) AmongE) Between

Page 346: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Christmas is a Christian holiday held on December 25, which celebrates the birth of Jesus. Eastern Orthodox Churches, 1) ______ use the Julian Calendar to determine feast days, celebrate on January 7 by the Gregorian Calendar. Both dates are merely traditional and 2) ________ is thought to be the actual birth date of Jesus. Christ's birth, or nativity, is said 3) ______ Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of a messiah, or savior. 4) ______ Western countries, Christmas has become the most economically significant holiday of the year. The popularity of Christmas can be traced in part to its status 5) ________ a winter festival. Many cultures have their most important holiday in winter because there is less agricultural work to do at this time.

5.A) likeB) alikeC) similarD) asE) different

Page 347: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

Christmas is a Christian holiday held on December 25, which celebrates the birth of Jesus. Eastern Orthodox Churches, 1) ______ use the Julian Calendar to determine feast days, celebrate on January 7 by the Gregorian Calendar. Both dates are merely traditional and 2) ________ is thought to be the actual birth date of Jesus. Christ's birth, or nativity, is said 3) ______ Old Testament prophecies concerning the coming of a messiah, or savior. 4) ______ Western countries, Christmas has become the most economically significant holiday of the year. The popularity of Christmas can be traced in part to its status 5) ________ a winter festival. Many cultures have their most important holiday in winter because there is less agricultural work to do at this time.

5.A) likeB) alikeC) similarD) asE) different

Page 348: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

A chimney is a system for venting hot flue gases or smoke from a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere. They are typically almost vertical to ensure 1) _______ the hot gases flow smoothly, drawing air into the combustion 2) _______ the chimney effect also known as the stack effect. The space inside a chimney 3) _______ a flue. Chimneys may be found in buildings, steam locomotives and ships. In the US, the term smokestack -colloquially, stack- is also used when 4) ______ to locomotive and ship chimneys. The term funnel is sometimes used to refer to locomotive chimneys. Chimneys are tall to increase their draw of air for combustion and to disperse pollutants in the flue gases over a greater area 5) _______ reduce the pollutant concentrations in compliance with regulatory or other limits.

1.A) whenB) howC) whereD) thatE) which

Page 349: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

A chimney is a system for venting hot flue gases or smoke from a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere. They are typically almost vertical to ensure 1) _______ the hot gases flow smoothly, drawing air into the combustion 2) _______ the chimney effect also known as the stack effect. The space inside a chimney 3) _______ a flue. Chimneys may be found in buildings, steam locomotives and ships. In the US, the term smokestack -colloquially, stack- is also used when 4) ______ to locomotive and ship chimneys. The term funnel is sometimes used to refer to locomotive chimneys. Chimneys are tall to increase their draw of air for combustion and to disperse pollutants in the flue gases over a greater area 5) _______ reduce the pollutant concentrations in compliance with regulatory or other limits.

2.A) throughB) offC) withinD) aroundE) across

Page 350: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

A chimney is a system for venting hot flue gases or smoke from a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere. They are typically almost vertical to ensure 1) _______ the hot gases flow smoothly, drawing air into the combustion 2) _______ the chimney effect also known as the stack effect. The space inside a chimney 3) _______ a flue. Chimneys may be found in buildings, steam locomotives and ships. In the US, the term smokestack -colloquially, stack- is also used when 4) ______ to locomotive and ship chimneys. The term funnel is sometimes used to refer to locomotive chimneys. Chimneys are tall to increase their draw of air for combustion and to disperse pollutants in the flue gases over a greater area 5) _______ reduce the pollutant concentrations in compliance with regulatory or other limits.

3.A) has called

B) is calledC) will have calledD) had been calledE) will be calling

Page 351: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

A chimney is a system for venting hot flue gases or smoke from a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere. They are typically almost vertical to ensure 1) _______ the hot gases flow smoothly, drawing air into the combustion 2) _______ the chimney effect also known as the stack effect. The space inside a chimney 3) _______ a flue. Chimneys may be found in buildings, steam locomotives and ships. In the US, the term smokestack -colloquially, stack- is also used when 4) ______ to locomotive and ship chimneys. The term funnel is sometimes used to refer to locomotive chimneys. Chimneys are tall to increase their draw of air for combustion and to disperse pollutants in the flue gases over a greater area 5) _______ reduce the pollutant concentrations in compliance with regulatory or other limits.

4.A) being referredB) to referC) referringD) to have referredE) having been referred

Page 352: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

A chimney is a system for venting hot flue gases or smoke from a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere. They are typically almost vertical to ensure 1) _______ the hot gases flow smoothly, drawing air into the combustion 2) _______ the chimney effect also known as the stack effect. The space inside a chimney 3) _______ a flue. Chimneys may be found in buildings, steam locomotives and ships. In the US, the term smokestack -colloquially, stack- is also used when 4) ______ to locomotive and ship chimneys. The term funnel is sometimes used to refer to locomotive chimneys. Chimneys are tall to increase their draw of air for combustion and to disperse pollutants in the flue gases over a greater area 5) _______ reduce the pollutant concentrations in compliance with regulatory or other limits.

5.A) so thatB) so as toC) thereforeD) butE) still

Page 353: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The portrait, as it is known today, was born in the Renaissance. In fact, portraits (1) _____ before the Renaissance, of course: (2) _____ think of the Pharaohs with their colossal statues, or the busts of the Roman emperors, (3) _____ those figures seemed very (4) _____. Renaissance artists, by contrast, sought to create not just a likeness of their subjects, but also (5) ______ of their spirit.

1.A) existB) would existC) have existedD) would have existedE) had existed

Page 354: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The portrait, as it is known today, was born in the Renaissance. In fact, portraits (1) _____ before the Renaissance, of course: (2) _____ think of the Pharaohs with their colossal statues, or the busts of the Roman emperors, (3) _____ those figures seemed very (4) _____. Renaissance artists, by contrast, sought to create not just a likeness of their subjects, but also (5) ______ of their spirit.

2.A) JustB) AlreadyC) AlwaysD) UsuallyE) Previously

Page 355: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The portrait, as it is known today, was born in the Renaissance. In fact, portraits (1) _____ before the Renaissance, of course: (2) _____ think of the Pharaohs with their colossal statues, or the busts of the Roman emperors, (3) _____ those figures seemed very (4) _____. Renaissance artists, by contrast, sought to create not just a likeness of their subjects, but also (5) ______ of their spirit.

3.A) whenever B) when C) butD) while E) so far as

Page 356: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The portrait, as it is known today, was born in the Renaissance. In fact, portraits (1) _____ before the Renaissance, of course: (2) _____ think of the Pharaohs with their colossal statues, or the busts of the Roman emperors, (3) _____ those figures seemed very (4) _____. Renaissance artists, by contrast, sought to create not just a likeness of their subjects, but also (5) ______ of their spirit.

4.A) principalB) prospectiveC) enthusiasticD) recentE) remote

Page 357: 7-Passive Voice & Causative Form

The portrait, as it is known today, was born in the Renaissance. In fact, portraits (1) _____ before the Renaissance, of course: (2) _____ think of the Pharaohs with their colossal statues, or the busts of the Roman emperors, (3) _____ those figures seemed very (4) _____. Renaissance artists, by contrast, sought to create not just a likeness of their subjects, but also (5) ______ of their spirit.

5.A) manyB) anythingC) somethingD) anyE) few