Friday 7 November 2014 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Christmas Term Primary Schools participating in The Time 2 Change Project this year have begun to work on their business ideas in the lead up to Christmas. Working in groups of five, students from Years 5 and 6 are setting up small social enterprises aimed at raising money for a range of local and national charities. Soon after Christmas judging will take place when Year 12 BTEC Business students from All Hallows go into the primary schools to select a winning team for The Final Celebration in March 2015. Good luck to all the students participat- ing. Last year over £2000 was raised and distributed to over 15 different charities. PARENTS AS PARTNERS—OUTDOOR WEAR As the weather gets colder, we ask the support of parents in ensuring that College policy is carried out regarding outdoor wear. For Year 7 and 8 students this black rain jacket must be embroidered with the College badge must be worn over the College blazer. Smaller jackets or hoodies are not allowed and will be confiscated. Scarves must be plain, dark, functional and not a fashion style scarf. Students should not wear scarves and coats in the main College buildings during the day. Jumpers are compulsory all year and must be V-necked black in Years 9-11, embroidered with the College badge and V-necked grey in Years 7-8 embroidered with the College badge. Cardigans or other style jumpers are not allowed. Thank you for your co-operation in these matters. PEACE DAY gh As a College on 11th November each year, we mark Remembrance day with services which help our students to reflect not only on the devastation of past wars and the liberties we are able to enjoy as a result of these who died during these wars, but also to help students understand the need for peace both globally and in their own lives. As a Christian community this year we have also planned a cross curricular PEACE DAY which will run throughout the day on Monday 10th November. The day will enable students to reflect on this theme through spiritual reflection/Drama/Sport and Academic study and will provide an opportunity for us as a community to appropriately mark 100 years since the start of WW1. SPECIALISM SUCCESS Prayer of Remembrance We remember those who made the great sacrifice during the two World Wars; We remember those who have given their lives in the service of their country in other conflicts; We pray for those who suffer at this time; We pray for those who have been bereaved; We pray for peace; We pray that we may be worthy of the sacrifice made on our behalf. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. COLLEGE PRAYER There are 5 days left until the start of the Year 11 Mock exams. Students more than one grade below flight path in their mock exams will be required to resit. These resits will take place on a Saturday. YEAR 11 MOCK EXAMS The cost of the average Christmas lunch is estimated at £14 per person but the ingredients could have flown 84,612 miles, producing the same amount of greenhouse gas from planes as 50,000 three-bedroom semis in a year. ECO FACT Meeting Thursday 13 November, 7:00pm—8:00pm for students and parents interested in finding out more about this scheme at All Hallows Catholic College. DUKE OF EDINBURGH’S AWARD

7 november 2014

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Friday 7 November 2014

All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Christmas Term

Primary Schools participating in The Time 2

Change Project this year have begun to work on

their business ideas in the lead up to

Christmas. Working in groups of five, students

from Years 5 and 6 are setting up small social

enterprises aimed at raising money for a range of

local and national charities. Soon after Christmas

judging will take place when Year 12 BTEC

Business students from All Hallows go into the

primary schools to select a winning team for The

Final Celebration in March 2015. Good luck to all

the students participat-

ing. Last year over £2000

was raised and distributed to

over 15 different charities.


As the weather gets colder, we ask the support of parents in ensuring that College policy is carried out regarding

outdoor wear. For Year 7 and 8 students this black rain jacket must be embroidered with the College badge must be

worn over the College blazer. Smaller jackets or hoodies are not allowed and will be confiscated. Scarves must be

plain, dark, functional and not a fashion style scarf. Students should not wear scarves and coats in the main College

buildings during the day. Jumpers are compulsory all year and must be V-necked black in Years 9-11, embroidered

with the College badge and V-necked grey in Years 7-8 embroidered with the College badge. Cardigans or other style

jumpers are not allowed. Thank you for your co-operation in these matters.



As a College on 11th November each year, we mark Remembrance day with services which help our students to reflect not only on the devastation of past wars and the liberties we are able to enjoy as a result of these who died during these wars, but also to help students understand the need for peace both globally and in their own lives. As a Christian community this year we have also planned a cross curricular PEACE DAY which will run throughout the day on Monday 10th November. The day will enable students to reflect on this theme through spiritual reflection/Drama/Sport and Academic study and will provide an opportunity for us as a community to appropriately mark 100 years since the start of WW1.


Prayer of Remembrance

We remember those who made the great sacrifice during

the two World Wars;

We remember those who have given their lives in

the service of their country in other conflicts;

We pray for those who suffer at this time;

We pray for those who have been bereaved;

We pray for peace;

We pray that we may be worthy of the sacrifice

made on our behalf. We ask this through Christ our Lord.



There are 5 days left until the start of the Year 11 Mock exams. Students more than one grade below flight path in their mock exams will be required to resit. These resits will take place on a Saturday.


The cost of the average Christmas lunch is estimated at £14 per person but the ingredients could have flown 84,612 miles, producing the same amount of greenhouse gas from planes as 50,000 three-bedroom semis in a year.


Meeting Thursday 13 November, 7:00pm—8:00pm for students and parents interested in finding out more about this

scheme at All Hallows Catholic College.


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All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Christmas Term

Friday 7 November 2014


Geography drop-in session

KS4/5 students every Thursday 3:30p.m.- 4:30p.m.

The session will provide assistance on case studies,

exam questions and key terms.

Peace and Remembrance Day

Monday 10 November

Year 11 Mock Exams Start

Wednesday 12 November

Duke of Edinburgh Award meeting

Thursday 13 November 7p.m.-8p.m.

Year 7 and 9 Parents’

Consultation Day

Thursday 20 November. 9a.m. –7p.m.

Year 12

Sheffield University Higher Education Day

Thursday 20 November 9a.m - 4p.m

Celebration Assemblies Week Year 7-13

Monday 24 November

Year 11 Retreat

Tuesday 25 Friday 28 November

SRE Parents’ Information Evening

Thursday 27 November. 7p.m.-8p.m.

AHLC Rugby Tournament

Wednesday 3 December. 1p.m.-3p.m.

Carol Service St. Alban’s Church

Thursday 11 December. 7p.m.

GCSE & A Level Awards Evening

Thursday 18 December. 7p.m.-9p.m. (College Hall)

All Hallows Has Talent

Friday 19 December

'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time'

Monday 5 January 2015. For letters see Mrs Michaels in Drama.

First come first served to open to all Years 9-13.


In order to support the College values on stewardship and care of the environment, the College will issue all students’ reports on

line through the Parental Gateway. This brings to an end the issuing of paper reports, unless specifically requested through the

Data and Examinations Office: Mrs Hulme on [email protected]. (A small charge may be made for this request). Please

note that the Parental Gateway registers a “read receipt” for reports and academic reviews. Please ensure that you have viewed

your childs academic review, which are due to be available from Friday 10th November



Parents of students in year 7

and 9 should be aware that not

making appointments on

Parent Consultation Day will be

considered as an unauthorized

absence . Reminder to make

appointments will be sent out

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Friday 7 November 2014

All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Christmas Term

Careers Support:-Mrs J Pilling – Monday and Thursday

Visyon Counsellor: Mrs L Nolan – Tuesday based in the Student Support Office

College Nurse: Mrs J Jones – Wednesday

Family Support: Mrs P Shatwell – Monday to Friday based in office next to rooms A9/A10

Educational Welfare: Mrs J Beard and Mrs P Prince—Tuesday and Thursday based in the Pastoral Office

[email protected]

[email protected] emails will be read by a Senior Teacher

[email protected]


If any parent would like their son or daughter to have a careers interview with Mrs Pilling, our Careers Advisor, this year then please notify the relevant Year Learning Leader who can ensure names are added to the list. Priority is now with the remaining 12 students in Year 11 and also with sixth form students, but other students in Year 9 and Year 10 may also have careers interviews appointments over the next few months. Students in Year 7 and Year 8 are wel-come to attend her lunch time drop in. She uses the Student Support Office based next door to Music.


Students must sign out at the Attendance Office before leaving College to attend a medical appointment. When they return to College the student must sign back in. This ensures registers will be accurate and we know the student is off site should we have a fire alarm. The Attendance Office is currently located along the Science corridor, but will be moving to the RE corridor on Monday 10 November. We thank parents for making medical appointments, where possi-ble, that do not take up a whole day of schooling. This often allows a student to have their legal registration mark for both morning and afternoon sessions and so their overall attendance does not fall.


Most students appreciate the importance of being in College on time. Children who are regularly late do miss out on their education and form bad habits that will not be tolerated in the workplace. Students must be in the registration form class for the register to be taken at 8.45a.m. This means students should arrive 5-10 minutes earlier in College to be on time. Any student who arrives after 8.45a.m. will receive a L code. Two L codes within a week will result in a whole college detention. This is a recent change in procedures and moves the detention away from the form tutor and it will now be seen as a whole college issue. Any student who arrives after 9.05a.m. will receive a U code. This means they will be classed as absent for the whole morning and this may have consequences for overall attendance. Thank you for your support and co-operation in this matter.


Year 7 : held on Wednesday 12 November (11.00a.m.-12.30p.m.)

Year 8: held on Tuesday 16 December (11.45a.m.-1.15p.m.)

Year 9: held on Monday 1 December (9.00a.m.-10.00a.m.)

Year 10: held on Friday 5 December (1.15p.m.-2.00p.m.)

Year 11: held on Monday 8 December (2.30p.m.-3.30p.m.)

These are for parents who would like to discuss any concerns relating to their child. No appointment is necessary but please be prepared to wait. Please contact our Pastoral Assistant,([email protected] 01625 410285), should you require an ap-pointment with a Year Learning Leader at any other time.


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Friday 7 November 2014

All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Christmas Term

No sense of time? - Get used to working under time limits by allocating 10, 20, 30 or 40 minutes to revise a topic, do a test or write an essay. This will make you familiar with time limits you’ll allocate to questions during exams.


Year 11 Mock Exam Timetable 11-21 November 2014

11- 14

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All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Christmas Term

Friday 7 November 2014

The following are the dates for training days in 2014-15. Students are not required to attend on these days unless taking an external exam.

Monday 3 November 2014

Friday 13 February 2015

Friday 22 May 2015

Term College Opens to Students College Closes to Students

Christmas Tuesday 4 November 2014 Friday 19 December 2014

Epiphany Monday 5 January 2015 Thursday 12 February 2015

Easter Monday 23 February 2015 Thursday 2 April 2015

Whitsun Monday 20 April 2015 Thursday 21 May 2015

Trinity Monday 6 July 2015 Tuesday 21 July 2015


Over the last week of College attendance was as follows:

Year 7- 94.7% (down 2.7% on the previous week) Year 8 - 6.70% (down 0.7%) Year 9 -94.7% (down 2.1%) Year 10 - 92.50% (down 2.4%) Year 11 -92.30% (down 0.7% and a third consecutive fall for Year 11) Year 12 –95.46% Year 13 –93.57%

Attendance last week was 94.2% (a decrease from 96.2% in the previous week) but 1.1% up on the same time last year. Our overall attendance since 2 September is 96% We aim for 97%. Last week GIRLS attendance was 94.1% (down 1.3% on the previous week), BOYS attendance was 94.3% (down 2.6%). The overall girls’ attendance since 2 September is 95.6% whilst boys is 96.5%. This was a disappointing end to the half term. Holiday absence from College Holidays have not been authorised since 1st September 2013 under new legislation on all English schools. Requests for holidays must still be made in writing to the appropriate Key Stage leader (Mrs Garvey KS5, Mr Blades KS4/KS3), but in the vast majority of cases they will be unauthorised. A Fixed Penalty Notice may be issued of £60 per parent / carer per student, to be paid within 21 days, otherwise the penalty will rise to £120 per parent / carer to be paid within 28 days. If the penalty remains unpaid then the matter will proceed to the Magistrates Court where you will receive a criminal record if you are found guilty. Please can all holiday requests be made well in advance of the holiday being taken if not before the holiday is booked. Medical absence from College Whilst the College requires parents to contact us on each day of absence, school policy now requires that any student who accumulates 7 or more days of absence during the course of the academic year will be asked to provide medical confirmation of the need to be absent before any further absences are authorised for medical reasons. This is a necessary measure as we closely monitor absence due to illness / medical reasons in order that we can ensure students are supported where needed. For your information medical confirmation does not have to be a doctor's note but can also take the form of a medical appointment card, a copy of a relevant dated prescription or evidence of medication being taken. If no medical evidence is provided then the absence will be coded as unauthorised. Ten or more unauthorised absences may result in you receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice. This incurs a penalty of £60 per parent / carer to be paid within 21 days, otherwise the penalty will rise to £120 per parent / carer to be paid within 28 days. If the penalty remains unpaid then the matter will proceed to the Magistrates Court where you will receive a criminal record if you are found guilty. The link between attendance and achievement is well researched and documented and students should be aiming for an attendance rate of no less than 97% over the year. Thank you for your continued support with this importance issue.















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All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Christmas Term

Friday 7 November 2014

Students are now able to use our fantastic new Fitness Suite. Those

students who have completed a fitness suite induction and wish to use the facilities must sign up on the day using the sign

up sheet on the notice board in the Sports Hall. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, up to a maxi-

mum of 28 students for each session.

The following sessions are available:

Monday - Y7/8 (mixed) until 4.30p.m.

Tuesday - Y7/8 (girls only) until 4.30p.m.

Wednesday - Y9/10/11 (girls only) until 4.00p.m.

Thursday - Y11/Sixth form (mixed) until 4.30p.m.

Friday - Y9/10 (mixed) until 4.30p.m.

The Fitness Suite is also open at lunch (second break).

Any queries please contact Mr Lawson or a member of the PE staff for more




Year 7 student Katie Whyatt attended the

Under 14 Cheshire Netball trials along

with 150 other girls. We are very proud to

hear that Katie has been selected by the

Cheshire coaches and will be attending 3

training sessions with Cheshire over the

summer before a final trial in September

for the Cheshire team. Only 60 girls were

selected from these trials. Katie has done

extremely well especially as she was

competing against girls a year older as

well as her own year group.