7 DAY SKIN DETOX GUIDE The ultimate guide for healthy & vibrant skin. 7 day grocery list, natural skin detox ideas and 7 day skin detox wall planner

7 Day Skin Detox Guide

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The ultimate guide for healthy & vibrant skin.7 day grocery list, natural skin detox ideas and 7 day skin detox wall planner

Page 2: 7 Day Skin Detox Guide

Beauty Tip: Drink about ½ your body weight in ounces of ȴOWHUHG�ZDWHU�D�GD\

Beauty Tip: Ex-ercise 3-4 times a week.

Beauty Tip: Get outside. Take in the sunshine and fresh air.








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Read the Food Matters Skin Care Buy-ing Guide to understand the amazing EHQHȴWV�RI�QDWXUDO�EHDXW\�SURGXFWV�DQG�JRLQJ�DX�QDWXUHO�

Try to commit to each of the detox DFWLYLWLHV��RU�DW�OHDVW�SLFN���DFWLYLWLHV�WR�do for the week.



Page 3: 7 Day Skin Detox Guide

Food Matters 7 Day Skin Detox

DAY 1 - Perfect Green Juice


3 organic sticks celery

1 lebanese cucumber (peeled if not organic)

2 stems kale

1/4 fennel bulb

1 lemon, peeled

1 green apple (peeled if not organic)

1/2 slice of ginger, peeled

Tools You'll Need

A cold-press or centrifugal juicer.


Put all ingredients through your juicer. Strain through your sieve to remove all residual pulp. Have straight away but sip slowly and enjoy.

Note:This juice is an excellent source of easily digestible alkaline minerals, such as potassium which is particularly helpful when cleansing.

Make sure to get your celery organic if nothing else, as con-ventional celery is renowned for being heavily laden with chemical residues.

Page 4: 7 Day Skin Detox Guide

Food Matters 7 Day Skin Detox

Day 2 - Skin Beauty SaladOn the menu today is one salad that is sure to feed your body the nutrients it needs to glow and make you feel beautiful, inside and out.


2 handfuls of young arugula (rocket)

2 handfuls of baby spinach

1 carrot, grated or shredded

2 radishes, sliced paper thin with a mandolin

2 small cucumbers, sliced in half lengthways

1 small red onion, sliced super thin with a mandolin

3 limes, juiced

1 hass avocado

1 Tbsp raw apple cider vinegar

1 pinch of cayenne pepper

1 tsp raw honey

1 handful of fresh soft herbs (works best with dill, cori-ander or basil leaves)


Tools You’ll Need:

A mandolin or sharp knife



�bPut the sliced onion in a small bowl with the lime juice to soak for at least 10 minutes. If you do this ahead of time, leaving it to soak for an hour or more creates an even softer, sweeter, pinker result.

�bScoop the seeds out of the cucumbers with a teaspoon and throw the seeds into your blender; chop the cucum-bers

�bIn a large bowl, arrange the leaves, cucumber, carrot and radish. Take the onion out of the lime juice and add this to the salad too.

�bAdd to the blender the left-over lime juice, avocado, vine-gar, cayenne, honey, herbs and salt. Blend until smooth; you may need to add a dash of water to facilitate blend-ing. Adjust seasoning to taste.

�bDollop dressing generously on your salad, mix through before eating.

Note: Onions and arugula (rocket) are high in sulfur, a beautifying mineral which cleanses the liver and skin. Additionally rad-ishes and cucumbers are high in silica, which is necessary for the strengthening and moisturizing of hair, skin and nails.

Page 5: 7 Day Skin Detox Guide

Food Matters 7 Day Skin Detox

Day 3 - Dry Ski n Body Brushi ng

Why Sweep The Skin?

1. Stimulates blood circulation

2. Aids digestion

3. Cleanses the lymphatic system

4. Removes dead skin

5. Tightens skin, making you look younger

6. Helps remove cellulite


8. Makes you feel energized

9. Helps prevent premature aging

Did you know...

Brushing your skin for 5 minutes a day helps increase circulation and break down fatty deposits within your body.

It’s time to grab out your body brush and give your body a sweep! Before you jump into the shower today, brush your skin from head to toe using small, quick circular movements.

Note: Start with light pressure if you’ve never done this be-fore, and make sure to use a natural bristled brush or a loofah as a second option.

Page 6: 7 Day Skin Detox Guide

Food Matters 7 Day Skin Detox

Day 4 - Body Scrub2N�� WRGD\�PLJKW�JHW�D� OLWWOH�GLUW\��EXW� LWȇV�GHȴQLWHO\�ZRUWK� LW��Prep yourself with some tunes to sing in the shower and get ready to give yourself a seriously good body scrub.

Salt scrub ingredients


½ cup of organic coconut oil or grapeseed oil

Juice of 1 lemon

Mix up all the ingredients in a bowl and go get dirty in the VKRZHU��ΖWȇV�EHVW�WR�ZHW�\RXU�VNLQ�D�OLWWOH�DQG�WKHQ�WXUQ�R�WKH�shower and scrub away just using your hands and creating a circular motion. When your skin is slightly pink and stimulat-HG��WXUQ�RQ�WKH�VKRZHU�DQG�ZDVK�LW�DOO�R��0DNH�VXUH�WR�ZDVK�R�DOO�WKH�VFUXE�LI�LW�JHWV�RQ�WKH�VKRZHU�ZDOOV�

Why scrub with salt?

Sea salts and epsom salts have been used for centuries to promote health and wellness, treat skin disorders, detoxify the body and prevent illness. Using salt as a body scrub can feed and nourish the skin and body through its balanced min-erals.


By gently exfoliating the skin with a salt scrub in circular mo-tions removes dead skin cells. These layers of dead skin cells FDQ�PDNH�WKH�VNLQ� ORRN�GU\�DQG�ȵDN\��H[IROLDWLRQ�ZLWK�D�VDOW�scrub revels the moist, shiny skin hidden underneath. This abrasive action associated with scrubbing also invigorates the skin and helps to improve circulation. Improved circula-tion will give the skin a natural glow!

As salt also has antiseptic qualities, a salt scrub will help re-move bacteria from the skin and unclog pores. Removing bac-WHULD�ZLOO�DLG�LQ�UHGXFLQJ�LQȵDPPDWLRQ�DORQJ�ZLWK�DQ\�LWFKLQJ�and pain associated with a bacterial-related skin disorder.

Page 7: 7 Day Skin Detox Guide

Food Matters 7 Day Skin Detox

Day 5 - Dreamy Detoxifyi ng Bath Today is all about relaxation and allowing your mind and body to completely forget about day to day worries. A healthy mind is a healthy body. So, what better way to relax, than with a hot, detoxifying bath. Light some candles, put on some relax-ing music and ENJOY!

Run a hot/warm bath and add:

1 cup baking soda

1 cup epsom salts

5 drops lavender essential oil

5 drops chamomile essential oil

5 drops lemongrass essential oil

The baking soda will help to neutralize acids in toxins stored LQ�\RXU�ERG\��7KH�HSVRP�VDOWV�ZLOO�KHOS�WR�GUDZ�ȵXLG�DQG�WR[-ins out of the skin. The lavender oil works as a great antiseptic DQG�UHOD[DQW��7KH�FKDPRPLOH�RLO�LV�JUHDW�IRU�DQWL�LQȵDPPDWR-U\�SURSHUWLHV�DQG�DOVR�FDOPLQJ�HHFWV��7KH�OHPRQJUDVV�RLO�ZLOO�help to revitalize your skin and invigorate your body.

*If you don’t have all of the essential oils above, that’s ok! Mix and match whatever you have on hand and make a bath that smells beautiful and calming for you. Even just having an ep-som salts bath will do wonders for your body.

Beauty Tip

Now is a perfect time to practise your deep breath-ing and positive visualiza-tions. Think yourself beau-tiful :)

Page 8: 7 Day Skin Detox Guide

Food Matters 7 Day Skin Detox

Day 6 - Yogurt and Honey FacialIngredients:

1 Tbsp organic, whole yoghurt

1 tsp raw organic honey


Whisk together in a small bowl. Apply to clean face, leave for �����PLQXWHV�WKHQ�ULQVH�R�ZLWK�ZDWHU�

Note: Yogurt contains high amounts of Lactic Acid, an AHA SURYHQ�WR�EH�VXFFHVVIXO�LQ�UHȴQLQJ�SRUHV��H[IROLDWLQJ�WKH�VNLQ�and stimulating collagen production. Unlike most other exfo-liants that are harsh (e.g. salylic acid), it gently cleans the skin and is suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. Honey is an all-natural humectant; it retains water to help keep the skin soft and moisturised. It also functions as an antimicrobial agent and can even be used to treat minor burns and cuts.

Beauty Tip

Keep your hair silky and smooth by washing it only 2 to 3 times a week

Page 9: 7 Day Skin Detox Guide

Food Matters 7 Day Skin Detox

Day 7 - Glowing Green Smoothie (serves 2)This recipe is from one of our favorite beauty nutritionists out there, Kimberly Snyder. We wholeheartedly believe in her phi-ORVRSK\�WKDW�Ȋ2XWHU�%HDXW\�LV�D�5HȵHFWLRQ�RI�ΖQQHU�+HDOWKȋ��/RWV�RI�SHRSOH�VZHDU�E\�WKH�*ORZLQJ�*UHHQ�6PRRWKLH�IRU�FOHDU�VNLQ��and also say they feel a boost of energy!



6 cups spinach, chopped

5 cups organic romaine lettuce, chopped

2 stalks of organic celery

1 organic apple, cored and chopped

1 organic pear, cored and chopped

1 organic banana

1-2 Tbps fresh organic lemon juice

Optional extra goodness:

Ice cubes (extra coldness can help newbies with taste)

½ cup of organic cilantro

½ cup of organic parsley

Tools you’ll need:

Blender (preferably high powered)


�bAdd water, spinach and chopped romaine to the blender. Starting the blender on a low speed; mix until smooth.

�b*UDGXDOO\�PRYH�WR�KLJKHU�VSHHGV�DQG�DGG�WKH�KHUEV��FHO-ery, pear, and apple. Add the banana and lemon juice last.

*for 1 serving, cut out one of the fruits and the celery.

Beauty Tip

Cleanse and nourish your face and skin reg-ularly using 100% natu-ral and organic beauty products

Page 10: 7 Day Skin Detox Guide

Food Matters 7 Day Skin Detox

Food Matters Ski n Detox Grocery GuideTake this guide with you when you go shopping.

Hopefully you have most of these ingredients at home. Re-member, this week is all about pampering your body. It’s not essential to do every single activity, but aim to do at least 3 activities during the week. Your skin will love you for it!

Day 1 - Perfect Green Juice

3 organic sticks celery

1 lebanese cucumber (peeled if not organic)

2 stems kale

1/4 fennel bulb

1 lemon, peeled

1 green apple (peeled if not organic)

1/2 slice of ginger, peeled

Day 2 - Skin Beauty Salad

2 handfuls of young arugula (rocket)

2 handfuls of baby spinach

1 carrot

2 radishes

2 small cucumbers

1 small red onion

3 limes

1 hass avocado

1 Tbsp raw apple cider vinegar

1 pinch of cayenne pepper

1 tsp raw honey

1 handful of fresh soft herbs (works best with dill, cori-ander or basil leaves)


Day 3 - Dry Skin Body Brushing

Natural bristle brush or loofa

Day 4 - Body Scrub

½ cup of ground Himalayan salt or sea salt

½ cup of organic coconut oil or grapeseed oil

Juice of 1 lemon

Day 5 - Dreamy Detoxifying Bath

1 cup baking soda

1 cup epsom salts

5 drops lavender essential oil

5 drops chamomile essential oil

5 drops lemongrass essential oil


any other essential oils

Day 6 -Yogurt and Honey Facial

1 Tbsp organic, whole yoghurt

1 tsp raw organic honey

Day 7 - Glowing Green Smoothie

6 cups spinach

5 cups organic romaine lettuce

2 stalks of organic celery

1 organic apple

1 organic pear

1 organic banana

1 organic lemon

optional extras:

½ cup of organic cilantro

½ cup of organic parsley

Beauty Tip

Drink and eat rich, raw foods like watermelon, green smoothies, green juices and salads