6tramt)(mt9 anu ttailroabi. LBANY DAT LINE SELL , i i.r..neb til kell to Bil point* via 1(1 DS 'N HIV I. U aud NIAGARA FALLS. A T~__tasros and ne.V-knul.and. Waddi Hill, Nsir.iiraneett Pier, Rnr Harbor. BTOMX'i.TCX 14NR 1N8IPI: Rot IE. Steamers le.n e flinn nrw Pier SS. Berth River, one Work SBarS Cnn:'! si., et 5 p. m. d.illv. ext.'pt sunday: a new (ram still, v-i'im Bars rv* lintnn sibelle) Itel**t-on steamer's lam.ut ami i'o.t.rn « "'Ut .'liaitie. P. W. P' iPPLK. Cen. rsa*. Art., P. O. Box 8.011 V T iVi:\V-HAYKSr> I EAMBOAt CO'S STEAM*- _1> BBS. C. ll. NORTHAM AND CONTINBNTAl* BBTB J" E il HRS ( ll. NORTH A XI AND I ON I INi ill IA l_s leavo lvrk SUB, Pl' Ba. 3ft K. H.. st I p. m. emt ll p. ra. (hundavs Jl a m.l, omnertlnaat New Haven with speelal train* for KllililDks. HARTFORD, spniNOPIKLl). HOLTOBB, Ac. Tickets s.,ld and baggagl¦¦ 'becked at Uti R iliad way, ls. V »nt1 4 Court-si, Broakli- Excursion to New-Haven sud tatara, SI 60._,_, X'oRwini lise, for boston, worces- JN TtR, FITCBBUBO. PORTJ.A.ND. NKW LONDON, «oPWD ll will TK Mi >cN TAI Ms sud all K»«teni point*. >'io. Pier 4*0. North River, N Y_, foot of Watte *l .(Bell Biri sbov* pest.ro-.ee* "-neel Frrrv), at bp te dally sicepl e-uu.'si*, (-trainer* ( 1 N OF WO Ri KHTeR and CITY Of Jtw'VURK Heal rome la WATCH HILL and BLOCK ift 4ND. Rerniains July 6. connection will bo med* at .Viii LONDON with stea.*i BLOCH Isl.AND to aud ilum WATVU KILL end BLOCK IBI.AND . _C.KOROK W RRAPT, Agent. r-ATBKILL KV ES 1X0 LINE. **L'Bos( and Leanest route to the CATSkI Lt. M OD NT AI NS *ie*'oars KAA 'lYKART Ll. and CATSKILL leave foot of J«v st rv. ry «eek day et e p m., connel tiny «n!i de i ate- %.' Mountain and Cairarallrsads Bpeelal can lani n lu tue __.___.i-.ji ULO"* ot hoi«es ami c»rr!«re* rA BB OB Lt ON K PULLAR. Pend to Piei toi list ol bou*r», rat** rte or addree* W J B Cull Bits, Treas., Catskill, N. Y. IKH'ULAR RFIOUE LINK for Boston, Provi¬ dence. w«t.'h HUI Narrarani'f'.' P.rr. New; rt -n a,, Bsa Kui 'sn Pointe. AU raia Hom O.iud Connel D' pot. Sj r i> ireiu* daily (Snndav* ri(epu*n at 8 a nt. 2 p. m. kpai m rer* *ttat berti sud ll p. ni twith p.,ia»-e sleeping ibis), I- ie'ar tia.ns ina. n_b, wita palate pai loi o*i s, 11 p. m. wilA Bia tatt sieepieg oar*. N,«rpoit I-kines* leaves Nrw ft otk 2 15B. IB. with parlor cara, aMTea Nawaart S.S0 ft ol daily, ext il Sundays I. W. ^JFPl.-, Agent. 1 I ARI KM RIVER BRANCH J 1 NKW-YORK NBW HAVPN mid HARTFORD RR. s Wavo Harlem Ren Station, caraar l*i3d-st, and Un nib see seal Th.rd Avenue Biuine «. o* Harlem ft--.,, nurd Aveuoe Elevated Rsiiroad), du dr t ai tl 46, 7 90. 9 IO, 10. ll 56 a. in _! 1". 8 55, 4 '. sn ii IR, * lt' so p- ni-- 'o- Port Morrl*, Cass o a '>»< 3c ni. Hunt . feint. W.»l launs. Van ISest, Wr»i Uhester, % ...n's. B»v Clteelai n'elhsm B»J'.'Bitrtow (City Ulan i). ) ..ii M»u r *nd New i o balle, connect:!.*; et New B * with trains Isl sllaotnts ea u.e n sji -un* of the tw-York, Nsw Haven en! Hartford Railroad, Snore Lino A'l Line DivielOB* Rew-CsBSaB Middletown, New i. .:r and -u-n.-lri bran' !:..* and Boston ai'd al! point! ea«f. Kilt tram for New Hoc! S le an.l all iBteini-diale »ta- t 12 lea m. dam. ec . . i \rw Rochell* ami -til Intrrnrd.jt* s's t ,t 9 s. au. 1801 aad S:S0 p. m., ths latter train canaeet. I . «rttb way tram* to -stamford. i"|»\Y LINK IJ) lin Ll i'"lNT COMFORT. Norfolk. Vn., and Booth. v:i I'iii] K. K.4.40 pt m. Parlor car* lo Baltimore. Palace steamer*, arri vina at Old Poiut 8 16 a m. k Ua .. H. V. TOMPKINS, Oen'l Pa-*. Ageut. _818 Broadway. S Y. .VEW-iORIv AND LONG BRANCH RAIL* Je ROAD . RED RANK LOM. BRANCH. OCBAN OBOVE. Aft KY PAl'.K OCBAN BK.UH SPRING LAKE Pu I N'T LEABAN in .u'lnn J nnr ?*.. IS96, tn.lns leave New York, foot of Ca rudt and Pt sbroese* *is 7 10 P clines*, a in. , Pi noon, "li: H lOeiprc** i 40 express lexi enl it-ri ll*nk) 4 10 ex- *u.-s. b, 8 50 v m. (sunday* 7 lo, 9 a in 6 p tu From foot of I..Berty st 4. HTS. 11 express, a tn. 1 HO ex- mrmmm. t ,10 eipre*s, 4. 4 SOSSBBBSS, 5 HO eipress. 8 15 u m poe.'.av* 9 a. m., 4 p. ut. t-unday trams tin not stop ut Ocean 1_lro<. or A*biiry Park. J. K. Wu Ul). Ji! PCB BI.ODOETT, Kup't. Oen Pass. Agt PRR. a tl. BAX-VOCB. li. P. aud Xleket Agt P. A ii. BL a. lleJEW-TORK CENTRAL . ANO HUDSON il RIVBB RAILBOAD..Coataisnclag Jnne 21, ISM 1 .', irsin* will ieav* Ontud Central Depot K ¦ -i uti r Kipr..**, through drawing-room cars to a 1:-.- -. us* aud Rochester. pfia ru. fsar.ilina. laikr- i.eoree end Montreal Preeial *> ar* Io Trnr, BarSlegB, Calli wall * sntreal BatmCar. B Y. to saratoga . I.m.l.sL" with tlinior cars, stopping at Altany I tlra. Kvracnse, R»rha*(er, Buffalo. N'neara Falls. > levelaad iad Toll lo. ai riv.ug at Cbiuagu '.'.JO ta nt. aud Bt onls 7 4" p rn next.t»v lu ;" v m.. ' 'li ago Biplane, drswlng room ears to R>rh- _Seki >|ir1ng*. latiandaigna, RothesUr, Nia),'*is -fal.* and Waftele, ill in a m.. Wrst»rn New-York *n1 Northern Kxpress, ¦Bu.. .Iran lng r..t>_u esra 3 .m p. m Albeay, Troy, Raraiog* ann Cttea Fxprt-** .ith Ciwmg-rooniai'd Buffet cars to Troy and .-aratuga. Run* to kc '.t-t-rae ni -Saturdayson.y. ¦ \ ..1,irm.Jatiou Ut Albany and Troy. .I. S. m.. Chlcseeeud it. Louis * pros*, with sleeptng-csr-i -M N »g»ra I » 1*. Iliiffslo. Clucinnatl, Toledo, Detroit, Chi- BSi'itand rsi Louis. D'.iuug-ar Nsw.York lo Albany. I -i p. m., Me:.*re»l Kxpie** with sli-ep-ng-cais lo fSyTScuso an'l to Auburn road and to Saratoga, al»o to Moutrc.. p. rn Pa.-iili i'.ipre**, willi sleepies-iitrs (ut Kot-hee. |tt. Il -.fl ilo Niagara Far*, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit »..¦. ( ¦;¦ 'ir car* to OKdeusbuig daily except 1**1 unlay - * . uiayte . I I Eipn**, with slreplbg tars toAlbsny nnd 1 rnr. Cenaerts witii iii* Dernla/t/ralnifer tbswssl Bod loi the Nor:?; iel. rot Hatui'Jav nignli. -saturday train lo ->^tai..e». el* un *.*>¦ *t t.i^i't ('t-iitral nrj-oi, No. 7 I-ittrrv F ¦, i- .... f, Harlem Depot. 1'.' ri ¥.¦ V r.i,,.:. . 1 lj.rtue Ult. rm n Tali place tnear ...1 Di2 Broadway am! 69 Vnt 126t!i»L, New. S Wss .' n and "CO Fulton »ts.. Bronklyu. sa 1 79 4 I a drawing-room and sleep!'ig car* ran be j st soy ol ,he ticket uOiiestu New-Wit City, ant I utiisgiu '-st.. Brook toi and eas* ned fiom rai lally. All others ilsllj en ept Sunday. «l ilail'-'.u ,i..f.-t. a:,d 41 - V. D. M, Ki.NP,.Ii K, r^l .>":-r:'i'en(*e-.t. Genera! Feesenger Affent VEWBURCvH PAY l.l\ Xl r JAMKH r. PRPTT except Sunday) al ll s. -m.; V.,r;'i f 11. ..rn k«. Cranstou'a Wes! Point, 'li. 1 lc .'." FALL RIVER LINE..For Boston. Newpon, un. PILGRIM, BRISTOL,PROV. j LD COLONY. Two \ tl"" RANI) 1. KKTRA ..r..1 esl tn .<. h. 1*1 .- (tdd Nod N. H., tiHttol Mnnav-st. at lil Ki sud n 1., P. I . :.-, Boat loni bes at Bewp..ii as do.a also tlie i-BBday Boa1 from Nea-Yorli River and Beaten, Wltlte .MoiintaiDs Bl North. Capt Cod, Martha's Vlncvard, .\..:.rut 1, .' a cc _\ tl \i trom Brooklyn, S p. bu Iee- B»y <iity.4 p. m. 01. ran lu obtained la New Vi.ik at 207, '. : '.;: .! "s ......, |5S BoweTT 1 '.! 1 ssl ; I West 125th-st Astt r Hnuseabil W ni'lsurHotel Lrtu lilli e. Pn r 'J* N" lt.. ami on linanv ra. KU., it LOVELL |.. L.CONNOH, Aac.it*. I,eli. I'l.s. Anent. B-jatb anb Uooms. East Side. WALLACE'S, 121 _Hh-BTe.;hstBdsomely fur- Blahed rooms 'or gt otu au n ai*o at 50 ii vlnj laen I -CHOICK APARTMENTS, 194 Madisoa* .1 . .ne, pritsle lalde )f dia.resi nfri'tncist'Kliiii.j 1' *> EA8T IrfrH-ST..Deairabls largs and ." . ttell furi.lsliifl wit', bo ,!,'. rt-ft rt in s. VkEAST lorii-Sr.-A New-Enjfland lady Jt'I deslieea lew eulect boanlejH; rsSMenees lequiii il. .Jsi 'MAl)l<DN-AVE., COK. 2STH-.ST.^- Room* with boaxiL R Weet Si ls. E3PON8IBLE panie-i can find flnt-dau rnuii,s wan j: tal* b.iU.s aud board lor wiuu-r ut V er! IBUl et. Beti! lice* cltl.itnK' d. "riJKKv. pciitU'iiici can sesors lar^e, wall* ' d i.. ia*, w.th or without board. 112 West 4 li. '. _ .>( I \V KS I 17 I H-S r.-H.'unl- m. Iv fumi-Iicd tell n tonia, witli boaisl; Lrauslebto taken i Briakr arrange 4QTH-8T;, No. 72 vVEST.-Elegaal pleasaal »" roon h. (ii s.i te or m kde eitcnslun ditUng-rouni: . pei't- t; references. l-oorb and Kooma CDantei. BOARD W \NTED.-For i wo ladiea: private preferred i slats tocaUea.ef essa and larne iel- *. i gimn snd rnQalred Addi ABLlsLB, inbuiie Uptown circe, L-tSA Broadway. Jlals anb Boc ms 80 tel. C CUMBERLAND, r.th-tive., Broadway, 22d-st Ap.,itineiits to let fm Beadsmen univ; every taaesn '-¦.'¦' ciit'tii (tup. Apply toentterutteudent, ¦VT L A. 1 UflK-illA.NK dt t-tt., lin l.miMle.iy. MODER A I B RENTS -Sif.Klc flats, 7 atpTs lai^e riH.ic.*, ail tmprov. meats, K.t pin un- iuouiiI.uks, ttatuialgiound; ou'y retiu. d leinlllee retiived, no children. MKN Pl LUCK. 8_i6Ka_tSl lilith SL rr UK MADISON, 26 Mailiwia-ave. A Apartmenis.il suite aud ungie; rooms RnftUBt.ksdOt t ri.au.nant. A TA KIM EXT- Tuu BACU£LORS.~feaperb sreoannodatiras, *uit.-* flnishid la bael woodn view tnt*iii|..i*s,-d, eontliern rtpoeure, perfect plumb,.,,., atiend- a appoiuuueui* aral ela** ALPINE. Corner »:*d *L hud P.roailway. For Lrx*. :i..'. ri, Stlon, A « uji :\ la J. ROilAlNi. 1 BOW B, SI Vi'SSt H'M »t ^.j^ l**to?rrie £ot galt anb do ta. toa cit,) amain**,)*. Ia. i 1.1.* fi,fc A. .41i, r_ (( 1,11, e 177 ^UHiSlt yE16UTS.^arty rooms j -I ru . '"-<li0"M)- H. \V.bjli;i:j;ii.L, Eouuirr) pioprng lox Bois aub Zo la AGENCY FOB M(iNTCLAIR._HarLMiinaiU U\ rsetdeai r , r.,;,rrty and bnfldiBg site* 11, , : ,, ,;!1U _.^_CLAniAi L il. TLbRa. b »45_____K_sm ALL COL'S I RY PROPERTY ou. _*.,.¦,., div- A\ rarma, i HllsilH. rolt*,*. rverv whe,e; lu J £ ,,'U,-V' IlllLLllisA HU.]..*,, I,, b ;.,. Jiu.ld.ng. piUSM.K-r-it.'tti-n i«tLu,«L -Vhoici: hoid and A tUlsatas. Vsry Use loeation. 47 acree. ._., A. YOLMJ, a.ug,i.ntr, Ac.,JO) L-tiliaiiKu Place 1/i'K SALE or TO RENT at Great Nt-okTiTT A l*,., flue i,»irtii.<<* situated on Majibaaa.i Saw, _______! ' BB Sf arte, of skSSes land. Cue la" n ul -lil** 'larSr CT.'* tt !!*d "f"..»**»* **¦-***. -*.*¦ »tW, tmanmwtwX. l»ruii,labed raatly lor oocupei.cy, boll, ai* verv ToamlbJ; tuii.e., 16 nanutea inati Uaiti or t,*i, b ttHu". e*uTwt, *_-.;_.__J. B. BILL, ureal N^£ _, 1'" MONTCLAIR, *N. J. ib specialtyi, rti«i(ience Ida ^tT1?**' TXU&Rt **** »_-_____ some UuwaiB., BBie-ltd/eiit B0W_APA*»O*tt,T8d*___rBfc,_S x HEAL ESTATE.. BUSINESS AT TUE EXCHANGE. Although the afio-eicito nmount of lineine-iN AtAta Soring th* test week shows but slight Ineresse over pwvions flgaree the aadertone et the market ls an rn st akatile. At a rule dnrlng tlie Bummer months business In real estetel* BBBBB! euUrely suspended. WkBs during the last sea* ut ians- at Mob* have been r. porte t .lally. H.'llers, however, must not¬ es peet faecy price*. While lhere 1* a drone disposition to buy property St Its fair msrket raine, this ls bb" Beam" whloh Jnstltlee extra vngant prieos by eel le rs. positive bann 1* done bv statement* profesniix to show tliat there ls a tn st re»l estate " boom " In progress. No such movement exi*t* Thei else fair demand for good pionertv at leglt'in.ite prue*. The following table eentm-ita the RgL'rri;*te emonnt if anet.Bl ssle* during the lust week, tho prodding weuk end the i-orrespou.ug week of Issi y, at Week enrtliiK W- el. ending Correspond).,. Hept I Aug. VU. Week In 1*1.5. New-York.ShO.SoO Non*. >14ii 1153 Ilrooklyn. SjBSl tlb.o-i 6,729 The eeles i*tn>orted at private eon trait for the wi*ek aggregsted MBBSSB against pbdi.'ilb f.r the preceding week. This Includes the sale of a plot of ground. lOOilOO. on the northeast corner nf Tenth ncr ont N!netr-sevenlhai..forB:((i,6oO; a three storr browu»ton bansa, tfe 4K Wost Onehuudr..d auiUweiity'Uth st. for $1«,000 a Ute Wetf apartment house. No. i'll West Forty ninth-et, for BHl.oOO; S five Mort- d.iiibl* brick (enemrnt-houss. No. (165 Vii!'' ave for 123.000: a four st..rv brownstone hausa. lu 66x100, mi Hie south gide Bl Beventy llilrd st.. between Lei- maloii incl K.turth aves, for Si.ll.VH5 s four-story stone front dwelling bones C2__.'.(i-,<i, No. l.r.i Poor. av*, for (-17.6001 a four-slorysad baeenun' lir.ienitoiin houee, VSttiiikl"'). Nfl .i'.'s West TweBtv-ihini-et.. for j:.0,no(i i and a three story brownstone ilweillnK-house In Elghty-seventh-eL, t N.ntli und Tenih aves., fol $1(1,500. Al the brokers'nrteoiinu lhere wns s rall for imstness pron. turin th» lower p.irt of the cttv to east fi.m. S16.0O0 t.i *'_lS.t)'Hl| niuo business property In Washlnirtou. ll nilson end Pienlilln sts., to co*t from SVo.OoO to $75,000. A five story lir.ck tuiildlng, itlxH. tn Pine st.. renting for SH,(Kio, wae . -Hii.ooo eight three starr brid, building*. 138x99. Nos Kn lo 7ft Msnrln st.. for _plft.niMi; two or lhr(>e apartment houses, 35x05x76, raoh in Waverly-plst.e. renting iorSS.050 each, Inr *--<4,(>(H>; a Tlveatoiv (artnrv lu Fifteenth aad All- t.t mil sis.. Bear Ntath-avs, ior SI .1,000 a yeal on leese i a tlat'lionse overlooking Hryant Park. Nos. 67 and BS W *t Petty sornnd st., to rt nt for B1.-.00 eaeh; two flvr «tnt-v ¦tone doable Sal homes. WxBOxlOOee*., No*, lue sad Hil Keel highly nlulh st.. tor B37,6O0 cai li N..*. '.'14 to 220 last Oiie-hiiiidrcil-atitl-eighth lt., Betel fonr storr brick Ant hons.*. for SIS.ooii earli ¦ thres -".'"IT t'rnwns'one tlwelllng honse Nn. 6H H'ril Ono. huiidii'l Stiiltwenly-sev. nth st.. for SIS.OCO, smtli, 10 It) ii.* BBd plot of (.round. 1 '.tr.*; 175. at Plainfield, N. .P. for ttl 6'M), sud ¦! 'erin nf n; aeri** wi! h boiiae, tarra sud outbui.J- tegalB Kout ('minty, R. I., for lfl,HM). ? BBW-YOBB. Pstiirnsr. .""spf. 4. 100\ Nessi * nerf mnile at tho Exchange and Aucti.'.i Bsea__ la-dar. _ The total Amount real lied Bl (he Kxrhangt-rind Anetlon Roon fr "tn public suction wi ie* of i ny real estate tot the weak BB dad tutti .-atu.'d y, Bept. I, sn. J-10,800. LIST cl ATJCTfOBB. For tbs '.cit v matins with Betnidnr, Beyi ll, th" following sales ere simonneed to be held atitae Kxcbaage aad Anctlon llo<-ii i: Tl'1>DAY. PErT. 7. . Ey Pogo it Html I n e. Pnliilrjin lion side, 1 lot 15.9xl(M) and .'Lstnrr dwelling. No .iib Wtst litSdat, ii *, 184.8 ft w of 7th ave, Bealevard. Ry Smyth et Ryun. Puhl'.t sin dion sale, 2 lots VftxKSi aach, ss Pavonls-sve. 150 fl e ¦¦' LriinsiMck ive....l lot .'.'JklOlt, S s BUi-St, UltO fI s ol Coll s st, .li ls--i V. />!,' A. J. Hleeekrr** Snn * Co. Pnblic nm Hos sala, pint ul land Tux loo arni i-hurtli on Ave I, m coi ot 4 il nt, Bayonne City, NJ. WXDVEBDAT. SI PT. 8. Pu tof/g rf Ratline. Forerlosnre sale. *W Brass, referee, l lot 26x118 aad 2 3-story buildings, So 198 1 i*t Broadway, running to Nos Ino and 186*3 im .on st. Bear Norfolk st! THUBHDAT. SHPT. 9. Ily .lohn '/'. Jio,/(1. Foreclosure sate. J Koch, referee, 1 lot __!5xlix>.l 1, ss of West IK-'t.V-.t. ..".ult W ..' Mh-sve. (similar sale, Chas II Hubltell, referee, 1 lot 22x58 and R-story dwelling, No 785 oreenwich-st, i s, l*. tween w est 12th sad Bank *U. Hy Rickard T. Hornett * Cn. Puhlie aiKtion sale, plot of laud slB7x aban! 800 anti S rot;hgt s ou Proa.lv.ay, at Loug Rrtunh, N J. ITUMAY. SEPT. 10. Ru john E. c. 8mvUx Foreclosure sale, \V ll huller, referee, 1 int 90x60, nn w s of lst-Ave, 77.6 ft v. .l Vin ri. Hy Riclidtit T. Harnett rf- Co. For(vloa'irr tale, u B Nev. ombe, referee, r'"' of lnnd 102.2s Ho amil 4 story Louse on lilt STSlde-Sve, n S cor ol Olst-st. saturday, sept, ii. Hy John E. H. Smylh. Foreclosure sale. Rc ll.m. referee, ithd of l.-md .X142.1X 112.6x17.4, es Ht Nicbtdae ate, 14H.ll It * of 133d-st. RKCORnEDRFAL K'sTA t'K TU 1 V4t"T*-l-1-V. T. CITY. The following *how* the rettl estate transactions recorded in the Register's OiBce to-day: 33d st, ss, 70 ft w of lst-ave, 30x98.0; E Arlodt( r and wife to All opwr.. *_25,500 6l)lh-*t, ss, illtO ft v, of Hth-iive, 2.ix_.'(,'i.l0 to n s of SHth-st. x26xS00.10i 1) K ScHuiiell to The N Y I (tm sud Iinprme'it ne co. 1 Fordham eve, >*¦ *. 108.2ft ii of lloun.e-st, 10r<.'_.'\*,ii 10Sx85i w H al ber snd erlfe to J H Brown l,:on llOlh-st. ss. 76 ft w of lslave, 7."'xl00.11; Iiavlil 8 Hoi.'iliiialo f> F Porter.. 10 Motholn-STB, 160-3 fl wot Albany Pom Road, ll'Ox 60; TB nara st al to Annie Uarnaj. rot Unction Snlcs of Ufal (?3tnte. "IMPORTANT 8ALE~ MANUFACTURING PROPERTY IN BRIDGEPORT, COBB. Notice is hereby arran that te pursuance rta Seores o' th" Connty, passed J. IO, 18*18 forecloslnir s cert t'' titled January 1, 1--4, sn u,,.dt- by the Howe Sdarhlns Co. in ' 'o',n i'. !.:¦ City o'. New-York, nnd Charil « R. Hotchkl**, of the 'lift ii of Bridgeport, li ur kuance of the power of eele ct inortgage, CM' Will hr sold Bt .tl tin 'I j'.-l In Ute Conrt Hoose in eeld City ol Bridgeport, on ** July 24,1886. Bl IO.ark In Ute foreneou. or on any sabeV quent day rn tl.it * lo r 1... li be sale u sj ls r-t'.!- ol SSld Ce bru « tm i, iv builil'itge, aWell.ig in othei ... | el..itt.; _.. I. .. in m.!.. !... 'toi together tl lill tonal pi .,..'. tyoovi bj i, ,, ena. Bald property will I t lo e prior mortgage Ut tb* City (savings Bank of Hiidgeporl, and alao snbjeol s tn favor of nnme, tVebster ...¦. ( o.. and Cc other In favor of the Credit Company, Limited, both of Lea. don. Pnelniet. t*a.'i l.rnjK-rtv will ti* sold a* an eitflrefv and mnsl le psnl 1..,.i.:« ol ll,,-i olliC..nt. se. med I.y Mutt ii tn ik.tt. i- st t lie; in ¦. is I.i nilli"; 10 pel e. nt ol Cm pnrrhaee lo tte peld ri the tin the bal. anns within twenty days theresfu-r, snd sn sinoiutl eaoal si lenr( lo the sum' of S1.62& 84, and all expanses at thessls must be psld In cash. JAMBS BTAPLE8, 'er, it'll, Ct,linet tl. nt. TtebImtbsalekaathiadajrbeea adlonrned, \c-,), tin- ron. tent af all Ilia parties in Interest, te tim 3d day of Ootobsr, lh*6. ttl tin- s;niie bom m:,il j-lin B Ottttil Rrldti-poit "lin. filly 2!. 13°". JAM i.s STA PLEB, hiterlal cnmiiilrdi'b'r. Ciin propcrtQ Co Cn. 1 ST LOFTS TO LET at 165 William, 'JA aad I 60 I'tH-kuien st*., ni*" ethel d.treble loft* Bad (1H1 rt, io let In t.U vicinity, kli.a.vu <k whpii.no, a iteckuinu-st. rPO LEASE.No. 757 Madlson-ave..Hand- A somi nen l-storj high stoop honsa _!___.g-rooin eiten- lion ; 5 yeal' lease, tpplj on pi rv m m to CU A RI.KR RL1.K A CO. 600 Msdlsnn-ave. .j'O LKT..A ni'ulv titted up btore, 50 Beck- 1 BiBB-st*. near WUliam-el KULANDA WHITIN'I, 5 peidcmnn.st. <_Til_> profitrlg Sot Sale. \TTENTI0N ib called to those eleffanl tirst- liauaes Nos. 4 In Iii! Eesl hOlb-st. A univ on liroin- tees to owners. '. N an.l N. A \\T f.l.l a m*. 1iM)K BALE in FoBrtta Ward, large lot, 13,000 suuiU't feet, s'liliiltle or facloiv. i.l'UNU* B'HITINO, 5 Pet' in «t. Dusiiues projjcriu -"ot Gale anb Co L'ci. ax.* 'll TO LKT.-Por. :i3d-«f. and Broadway. e new :it"i large »ton *, In *'zos to snit U KOHAINE BRO vi N, a \\ ,-i 33d .-t., di ai Bruadway. Snmmcr Uc5ort3 ' \ BB UH Y PARK. vi. I\THE UKI.IK VIK-A*. Ocean end of Wesley Lake, good dramaae; artesian wa't>r Bret-.aee table._.RB. ii. I ¦¦ l.tilt. i-iLAFLIN H0D8E, BECKET, MASS. .o' Anion " the "Bl KK-sH Ilk lill.I.s. 1,20(1 feel shove Kio sea. Nmi.'i sraaoti. A neli-'htfui snm. mer ho net '-tr trios mm --tint rmi so 1 rtcreaiton. Cur refer- euee. *ortlo»onoilv«-iirca.ar a»l Irett A. i». i Rona, Ptop. /MiLSCLNT VALLEY HOUSE \j PAULI.l, VBBMONT. House open niittl No'emin r. Pt mil.lullJ kteSted fltnnnx the tireen Bonn...; gu*, i 11 trie balls and ali iinnieri) spplV ance* *'|tiiiit l, partridge, salps hnnUnx, limit arni lade ii»n- mg terms, S7 Ut BlO pei *tW. 1 A ll. \ I.s I, Manager. CCOUNTRY board oeAr baj snd ocean ruf / and still bathing- ssillng, rowing snd liding: large ground*aud aha.,. JOHN SV. I I 1 ll LL. f-p.'in.lt. I. 1. ^.ll_** l-l LASS BOARD at Kmr I'lices in s modern rottage centrally loosttsl. Address Slr*. .*. VAN V KO. l CV ('* r'rmt-su. i*ar*(o=-a -l;irines, N. Y. * I 'hM OF l ilK CATSKILLS," VJI HAINKJ-'HI ALI is, p.o. t, ill Bl "1'N'i'V, X. V. (x.intlly I'KMte'l; eiisy walking dlstsaes to sh pointe ef tn I. rt -st Kisilui esl rsl.* nu Sepleatlisi end OetolM itioniii* lu Ut" caleit,U*. For farther particular* _N. 'J. m Ktii.SLii, Rroprl n"l(iHLAM> DELL HOU8E..Onea umil Nov.aber. Elevstloe 1,300 fast, ea «i>tir erl niue Ridge, bi-twneu Itelaware Wad r Cap and MtrouilsDurg, i'"i tito beautiful valley*. I'M.til. Pi.it it ular* adtl res* _l.t. FQUHkK, Btrouilsburg, Penn, i AKE GE0UGK-.MOIIIC.VN HOUBE A AT m'Li un. N. Y. SIB te S21 per week. _C. WINB1 PAVILION HOTEL, Islip. Looa lalaad, it. in jins ol" b during the tull, lim.-i bee ti o .< iiii -l"4:n. _JAMKtS HLA 1 I I. EPTEMBER AT TUE GEORGE lim BL <wi:i* r> h. gent drive*, ballting, flatniig. yarblmg. rhooting lawn teuu *, bowling and every anni* int nt tl.nl caa br alu., bed le * hotel. .. .Voil, nit* price*.'' 1 Sj Boure from .Sea Hoik Cirea pom; m. _.., I ulua bijuaja. ol OJ.ulilt I. iln'J !.!_, L.oa JW. k J.,.uh.' ol .-. rrUECOLUMBIAN HOTEL 1 AND W1IITK (SULPHUR I*PRIN',s. *:ro, N V., I aiallli ___lnuiii_.ui* Ir avon le res' ti I Kew vs cam !''. mni low tann* lur bupU-lnlx-r. r*eiid lol Hlnsiislwl proapt-tu*._li. LVON, 237 MrtraOway._ THE A-LAIr-E, 1 I-PHINO UKK REACH. N. J. Tbe mott rbaiu.UJ lot aluin ou lb*, tx-ae.b. Mu<lrni ip^idni- ¦aitulo.___h.M. RlCHARLm-ui*. I O Mle ATIJINTTO HOU8B. oue bundi od yanla froiu ihe mit Onsen Ui ve, N. J. ieXlLN AU. Ilia YEAR. CllABLKS J. HUNT. _Bmnitifr Huons. flblROHDACK MOUNTAINS LAKE GEORGE. BEACHED ONLY RY THE DELAWARE AND HUD* Kin railroad. Hie Favorite Tourist Ponte to t*arstnr,, Isvet hamplsin, Ansable Cbaam, Sharon SnTings, l«r*ojiei»iown. the drsvltv Railroad, eto. Th* short line between New-York ami MontrnaL J or Illustrated guille, hoUil and boarding-house list, tune tsbu-s, tn»ps, etc. addi. J. SV. BL'RD I CE, Oenersl rassenger Agent. _ A Ibany, N. T. aRBYTTHOTELr- BADI LON, ta L, open iNTii, ni T.iiirn t. arterial re-ri«ed rute* fnr Angnst end Bentembee Tine yarhiine and Bahlng. Mn*lr thrice dally. (splendid drives, it.Usht.ul lotaUou. (_. Ircular ami diagram* on application. ,_A. H. ll AS Kl NM, Manag.tr. HOWLAND HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, WII remain open until late In September, V. ALTER A WILKINSON, Proprietor*. INDIAN HARBOR HOTEL, GREENWICH, CONN. 45 SIINCTKS VHOM NEW'.YORK BY EXPRESS*. AVQVWt AND BE ITl. MR KR RKSORT. Disitable room* st special rate* balance ol steans. ,_ WM. h. i.r.~. COOPER HOUSE. OTUSO LAMM, eoOl'KHKTOWN. N. Y. Open until October 1 vt ry re.isniiril.'e prleea _BL B. (mrtendkn. MIZZEN TOP HOTEL. QUAKER HIM.. DI, H'lU'-is ( (j.. N. Y 1 ''I feet shove tide wat. r. Mill tomlin open until1 Olio- ber L Accessible ri i Harli HOWE A (.ilma Proprietors. Al.it mm.iul r* ol Hie NKW PirTNCF.ss HOTEL, HAMILTON, BKBMTDJL PROSPECT HOUSE, NYACk'i.N III DOON, «ii; fSBM.I BBBB Batt (b lnburor Ister. Enlarged sud ^furnished, il. POBTBB. ¦BFfUUMk- IN THE CATSKII.IA THE NEW GRAND HOTEL RKMAIN.-t OPEN I NTIL OCT. 1. RATES BX.'Ul ED FOB THE MuNTII OF sxrrBkBXB. Address F. A. nil.LF.TT. M.insg«r, Fnrnmit Mountain Post Ofllce, Claise co,, N. Y. BRANFCRD POINT HOUSE, tu: IKTOBD, CONN. ThispopalsrresoTt(aalr two hours ami twaaty minutes fruin New-York Ityl rrtll remain open a few wt ek* longer. Also the itoiMiit Holyoke Beaee, Holvoke, Mm*. (ne*r Mt-s. Tom nml II tlyoke), wBI reuiatnoreu tfirough thc autumn nnd tt u,u-r Tonus ino l' GILBERT JOHNSON, l')n|ir;i to". J)ELA\\7\ BE WAI ER GAP, PEN N ~ THE KITTATINNY Win n n.niii open nnt.i Novimbt r. aSbrdlng iiii importunity visit this popnlai mountain rason donni tue diiight-'ul autumn mm i ha. Bend lol Ircnlar. _W. A. buodhkad .v PONS. A PEW GUESTS can find first-class accom* a niotlKtlinis at a lieuiittfiil private ct.nntry n melon he Mpteinl'cr and later, about an hour from New-York local i"ii Mvii. bot and cold water and gas through Ihs lot ise. bath¬ room; large stoKinlt .tu I la*-. ;is. stabling. Address IL A., Tribune Ofllce. I. AKE TLACID. The most beautiful (ind popular r sort in BBS Ai'lrondack Mountains. The A 1.1.EN BOUSE, Lake I'lai ld, « ill remain oin n until Noveinb.'i 1, in deference tollu-n Sslaf (leiii'inils for acrnmiiiod.limns through September and October, larg'' BB_* fcflabls, trill n. SttendaBOS and ImIiIb unsur¬ passed. Ihe.Mien House ts lt tl In ..: i of tn- lust huming lt K'on ni pl lie* .'itt! eip< i-ci.I rn. des furnished. r-pet'lal tums Ior '.lie it _ellidi i o _HEN RT ALLEN, eke Placid, N. T. I AME VIEW ROUSE, Lake St. Catherine, li I' Uu Oreen Mountaine. threx li oin Hu- village ol I'oulutey, '. ... good Usiiing an.l hu ii tin ir. i iuel and lawn lennie: Bm i..-* tabla .'.I leonis foi r,.r i'l 1 i.lt J. i.I.I i ll, y, vt. {)0tcl3. HOTEL BRISTOL. ..'. ll IV '.. tt l-U-.-sT. ros n i- imtih. Larai rnsets It'll"!:.. W. I-. WOOI.LKY MANSION HOUSE, li I" iKLYN Hi.", toiir m iilllUlltdsli'i * : 'rill'-. I'lli'liM'.l HESTA UR ANT. 224 West t four mlnn-eswa-TB from i¦. pst. ferries sad the is; sir pt nor st t iiiiiuntd»li'i bott '."(' c. ii. ni iiui'!', Pro Daniicra anb Brokers. J. & W. SELIGMAN & CO., RA Mk. LU.-*. NO. 41 TmilAit.-*!.. .K'V.TOrtK. Enr »n 1 l-r.ll Exchaiitte, *cd issuu Co'U'ir.r 1*1 sod Trsvel WptpodltA. BTS-Bblt) til ALL PARTS Oil' iiiit WORLD. P. W. GALLAUQET & CO., HA.~ta-fc.HM, CC-ELBCTAL PAPER, STOCKS AND BOND* UNITEO BANE BUlLDlNOt V Al I. M., CORN En BROADWAT. H. FITCH. Jr.. tikW-YOU, aratub- B. Y. stock Excnangia Vermilye & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 16 AND IS V\SSAU--»T__. RKW VO.tH CITY. Dealers in Investment Securities, BUY anuhell ow commiisaion iron casb ur ol? Maro IB -.ll six uki iles lusiku ai new yor_ block ¦***'***e**-»** U.i'U-il 13 til'.i E. v-'l 1) ANO INTERE.-iT ALU) VRB ON lla___flO_*i ouiui.ci BO ui.i_.si -i dio-i Punbcnb JCoticco ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COM 48TB **KMI ANHTJALCABB 1HVI1 A dividend oil lire. Hlnl I Hall |8_ Peg Cen! In -BBS ess lt li lin 1*1 isl, pat... I ' |.l fin tl, 1, 1 "smO. kl shill eliiiluer* Ul tin Illinois CenU»l Railroad Company, as registered ut Ibo of business August 10. Mntk tr;uis!"i bouks ttUl be closed Hutu August io undi Kepternber 4, is-'l. * william j BAP RiAC. Secretary. ST. V- ¦¦¦ lr. Alie. 2ri, lrUSlC VOTK H. . Tlie coudous of thc St. LrO.is, ls Kn ii sss anti .Noltlieru Heal Est.it- mid Itsllway lion.ls due k. iiieinber 1, end tbs i<tii|mns of ii ht. l.oui*, Connell Bluff* and omaha Amt mortgage Imnds tins Jnly 1 lest. «ill be paid on presentation at Ute National Lank ul (. uiuiiii-rce, Btm.rt*mnnRimnhxmjlfaVm.itvm .1 BOMAfl c. l il i. I »..."¦""-- financial. BBW-TOBS, Ang. 'lb. 1880. 1~*UK ntitiual incftiiij* of ths stock holden of Uti ('un*..muled Electric Light nnip.uiv fur Uieelee- tlon ni tl.iri.tii trnetee* BBd imi m.*pi t,tfi- tnui »l the neil siinual eb rilli, mn! tm th. tnu.-"f tum or biisili.** Ib-'l "...i .ie bi mle llo io. Bil ,,t tv onipenv, Mntnel I Ifi '- N " mi^. .-, nn Wedni-eilay, Krptentlter IS, l-.sn, al 12 o'cluok i,....,. 'Rolls "i -ii trout 12 i" 1 !'¦ m. ..,,, j ¦.. ., lust oi. -p'' mber 1 an t r. tm, D ob Ke| t. tn. b,, i ;. HENRY C. 1'AVIB. Weeretaiy pru lem. Vi IC Ul (J AN AND" OHIO KA1LKUAD <fl RXOBOAMZATION. A darn* barn gbeeai Blared orSsrlM Ute sals of th. JOV '.'.''*'¦ """'' '" o.' __siU.l«oi the .Mn!, g.m anti tiln'o I'allrnad Comp»uv, wbn d'-elre to avail Ih. of th- beii.i.i-.,( t,,e ni..!, pro;...-".! bv the oii.lermgneil coin- ivill depi.st if rr bon I* with fbi ( entr.il Iruat Lom pony ot .sew to, .it" BEFORE OCT. L Coules of tbs plan of rsergsaiSBtlon maj he o''tftini,. on aii- pll. M.oii Ul Un i ebtlsl 'I I ust ' iiiitpany or at li..-...i. .m U li iir..*.. Urn- 20 Naeeaa rt.. cllj . ni.ctrcO.i.inuan, ) H T wi i.hiiV. riittee. *- V "I 1.1. Ul'J-M-lS, ) r-Wk.Ant.ll.ieSR_, lam: erie ami western i ihht-s la t. & W. r-ANlit-*KY DP. F1RHTB. ,1 tleposlUof theebnve biiiiiU will be r.« rl-s-l by the .,i up to BeBSasBkee IB ISSS. ls !.* bsM fm furil.er Sepeell BBSet the Bgnaesm of february 1. l"rt In Ihe event of adoption of tbe prop .s-.l mo.1,11. allon of *uob agreeineiit. of srlmh i.tdic* ba* herebtlore been given, bo* s i»« to be returu ibiu to deposi.rs. Nsw-Tortc. Aug. 30, UM R HOLLINS. HENRY BT. i-MllH. V 11.1 liU A HEAlt, ( LA HEM E CA Itv. luri baaing ( ouuultlee. Guaranteed Farm Mortgages. A laser number ol arefutl> eeleeted Uiort_gagea ll. baud rreily fordellverv entail or Urge amounts i aeren mtlliou* lu vealed Wit^utUtea QKS ksn TRDffr t0>^ " IBS Broadlea/. _iioflncifll. IE MERCANTILE TRUST CO,, IO WAL- BT-BEXT. CAPITAL, « $2,000,000 DIRECTORS. Lois f.tsjmil, PrttidtsL Joist. Tiitv,?.?. leary ttri»,t.r. We.LSsatf-m-rj.T.i Hi___7 L Biirltmt. Id wini t. Tm-low. Tilljus L Sln-ifr ErarvO In-j.ii Ti.muliitlMl I. L Dunila Ir.ell SsfS. hain M. EkiiKl VsraCss tirCtf. Irvjt timider. Inytcn Irrn J. t. Raado-jk. ld_y Min. TkiniiT Iii! Jobn I. SeCook. KtrV-.a Grs«n. fr**. L Ima Etan B. Sou**-. J _ T Hii'w. J. Eiajtlsa Robb. Uw_4 A. Saistu* HreryBiy. J. Minmi TalllM- ¦escTjiL Kirai Lc_rl Irria, Ir. ham lulus Tho-u T. kksrt limnN. Unitiv. "ima lcir___ IBJBT C. SUI M. lee'j uti Tn**. _iMTpESTJLLOwiD OM DEPOSITS. To the Holden of thc Mortgage Bonds ot the Wabash, Rt. I/mis and Pacific Raihvay Coinpany East ol tfii? MtatalpP" River. At e meting nf the holder* of KSCtgBgS florid* of thS Wabash, St. lyells and I's. tl.: Hallway Company (BB lib's east of thu MlaalsstBfl River; thc following resolution vrss sdopted: Resolved. Thst the repnrt of thc committee (nf bondholder*' be accepted, uni! tbal Ibe tstodbolders here sesembled sn itly reran ri nd tbs pr.jil asst nt of the ld( rs of all of th* nt rtfragpson Hu-lim ¦ ....*! ol the Mlaetsslppl Riverie the prop, sitlon* of the lui h is br onimltt-ss, it modified In arrordsnre with the advise ol the Bondholders' Comollttee as git cn in the Mid repnrt A.tcptlb? lli.-miHlllltnflons of the BOBdhehMI *' CB.MMBSB snd nntlcipstintr (hs pinctic.il BMBBBfas BBcasssiy toa fell rompliai r* therewith, the I un liasini; Coiimiiitee now Invite hi'l'l'i ml*, m the mein lines east nf th* Mis¬ sissippi Liver to ass*iit to the pro; ositioli* turf tWatO submit- ted ns BSBS&dsd by tl latlO.I ot the ltotiilholdtrs' I. e. Ts .-ur-, in mrlv'compliance, with th" propo.ilinns a* module.i i,y tie report si BM SsmHiolilns' Cen.ilttaa a prompt aertsloa on the p.trt nt the bondholders le tedie- psossMs, llnt.k-t tat IBs sign.*,»uris r,.' the l.oi idho.I rs ure open st tho ;:.».( oiiiiiiiiiei', .\o. IBS Broadway, where printed lunns nt*y also be ebtalaad Wt lha onu nu nie ut residents out of the city. jami:*- c. JOT, 1 T. I) ll Ul Vl:H, I'lit-chaslng EDGART. WELLES, ommlttse. (i. H. ASH I.KY, J New.Tork. hap. 14, l**si,.____ To the Stockholders ot thc Wabash, $1. Louis and Pacific Ra_w:.iy Companys Not.c, lt her*diy given, that after September 13. 1886, no SSrttSsatSSOf stock of the Wabash. St. Louis sntl I'aclflo Hallway Company will be received In exchange for certlH- cstes of th* Ihirchsslng Cumiidttee. eatltllne the holder to share* of *Uic!t lu the reorgiinUed company. The Hmo above innntiunei! t* absolutely th* latest ibtie on which snch ex- cheugecau be mad". Block received wlU be suIiJub t to the io! the instalments nml Interest tin. roon from April JO, 1»*)(J, and one dollar per share penalty. I'm the Purel-asing Cnuinuitee, New-York, Aug. U, ISM, 0, D. ABHLXT, Secretary. ~T0 THE HOLDERS OF TEXAS & PACIFIC RAILWAY GO.'S INCOME ANO LAND GRANT MORTGAGE BONOS. Your Committee BBBOB.ee that (hey now control ft majority of your booda, mui they hersey give Bedes thal on account of their lii.i>iiiii>'to deliver rn .! !lf.BeatSS printed frum steel engraved plates, they havo STtSlldSd tie) time for refelviii.' st ths Ceatnl Trust Coeipaajr until last_,whsa such teri.Ii, -les w ill bc lc edy ut H.t. Cintra! lin .1' .imp my. SH! LON J. DR A li.-', CHRIBTO-HKB .HEYER, M. C. llM.li, I WARUM J. I'AMIA, Ul 1.1.1 A.U MTBAIM-, Beet i. Southern Pacific TL. R. Co. NOTICE OF BEDBJIPTION* Al! persons : 'the Bontl ern Ps-lflc el in re la uo. lu the i, undi r the tu 11 -nil: ol Ocr Illili!:' i. i esaeaaS lt..liar* (Old, Which, !::i.i"r il. of lill , at ai Ibu unouut Railroad i o ;. § £!5BbhWI ¦¦.- Ohio (.catral Kiver Division Reorganization* Boldi rs of i ('oi'ipanv. ts- ., .tn ti..posit j, River Btvision lucouis BouiUol Ute Ohio uti. i. I road mi -i. nv, sre bi roby DOtifled n at ti" ]..i) the h...ney rt h..m..nu lb bi i'l Uioreon, et upon the Income bond* deposited, to the entral rn i lot C ii .i . .; I ..... -ie ..' m. ii UtaI l.ue lbeir Ul be tnrtolied. ol ,, ... |] Ko. LO VYsU-sL, Bsw-Yurh. Ans. 10,1 fcllWIN DUH, ( him mau. WM. SL BARNUM. **ecretnry._ RICHMOND AI\D DANVILLE R. R, CO., .2 Vi ALI. rsl., B8W.T0BB_.Aag Ul, 1880. The Richmond »nd Danv.lle II. ll ( B niters bi Hie holder* Of Its debi hundred snd eighty dollars la Sts mt teat ooneolidated gold bouda be.in« .terrs! fro October, 1 s~.it. sntl i*only i.in* M 1"" tloiUi- iu <a*h lor eaoit one thousand dollar debenture bond, a llb ad aui sid coupons . Ita' bed, in c. tinlani¦.. with terms of thu piopositlull obUlu- Sb.e al ll.e oibce ot Ibu i timi .my. A. 8. LL i'HU) I'lesi'lenL TO ti:e income aud LA5D guam BONDHOLDERS OF THE TKXAS A.\D PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Notice ls hereby given thut ths tic.e within whit ti yo'ir bond* will be itrcclved by the Fanners' Loan aud Trust Com¬ pany ls ll.Bed (o SZPTKKBEB 30, arter whloh (.Ss the lemas rattfsd ts tasaass aad hvaS gnat boodhaldars aadst 'i plan will be absolutely withdrawn. Bl respect to the boa.I that bsrebeea dopositod on or before that date -sith tin- Taneett Lam anti Traatl iriip*.ny. l**AAC J. WWTASL .lOU.N'.nARttdl, ito ii kui ill nix;, ( H. Ne-HBB, J \COIt ll.-.(Ill I-F, V 0.1JAB 1). WINSOR, JOHN N. Ill iClllS-sO*a_ C. E. >ATTK11LEE. .-»eci'clar7. KSW Toes, Bept i, 1S88,_ " MEXICAN NATIONAL RAILWAY. Beadhoblers aee invited to Sepeell ttt. ir bea.i with the tl.MKAL TKl'ST COMPANY of n.w York, aadse a plan of le...gan.Hali..ii pi. pal ed by tho Rnii.IltoideiV ( oniinlt. Kie. Copies of this plan and agrnxui. it may lie sMaBBSd from the('ei,ii.il Trust Company, or _-t tim oiliest of the committee, Nd. ic; Rasaae-st, New-York. ¦PXBI I ll 1 H.t.-It, BXLAB CIIAMIiKULAIN, JuII.N DBBDTTBB, IIK.M'.Y AMY, OBOBOI BUBBRA!**, CBABLBBJ. CANDA, t.tMLLL H. BABBOBB, ^^M. B. lt. .-tiuKli-). ALLUM Hil ILN, Cominmae. ( ir. lice. Lab Erie a_i Western Railroal Company. -.. .mn. ni. itnf A p.-. .BB i .iv.s sew reaalTed suttteient sigiiatuiea to lender ino sa ¦'. those ItoutUioltlsrs ¦si.,, Lair noi v s.K-uisl. ami Bbo Wl»U Ut avail them*. ti :-. in I.:- ..f -ti' '. .ii. ie. mt nt. ai. uotlflod to sign Min d' ["'sit ll., '.I :- v. ;l, Hi. i.'i.n liusi oinpaiiy at onon. aa Ibo foin iosuie proovesiliif. will *oou culmlnete in a sale. L. i A.-lil.KY. lll.M'.Y K. BUBL005, I ,.l R. I) 1 Al'I'KN, (.1.1)1.i,K r. BTOBB, OLUiUtL W. i'AJt Parehaelas l om.'.tte. CttniBiuns. A DELIGHTFUL TRIP. »IAt Il CIIO K. Ct KN OVOKO, AND SWITCIIIIACK KXl ClCtlUNS. I.Eli 1(111 VALLEY RAILROAD, WEltNESLAY, BliPTEMliER S. K\( URSION TICKET, fi lb. BWITCURACK, 60 CENTS EXTRA. Trains leave cortieadi or Leabroaee* su. st 8,10 a. m.. and Pen._Tlvau_a Auuei, foot of 1"ulum-eL. lirwolHyu, st t* a. m. lor tull petr.euler* aud IK kele apply al LE11I0U VALJJSY RAILROAD OKNERAX KASTKl'.N _OT-flC-L 'itt BROADWAY. MSW-YUHK._ 1.0_«tO BEACH, I.OIU I-sI.AJID UAILBOAD. Leeve Lons Uland City, oppoelte fcsst lUUi-*l. weekaleys- fliftO. B.-IM .ll):lt».UH*S___a lrttiw *aiOA. tlOtX .tilttX 0:OJ HUSOA^e^Ht^O, 9.35.10:60 B. BLI liSU *:ia » 05. 4.06. £. di 7.1 5, s _I6 n. ul _,., Annal Ibntl loaves Pine^t, Pier 17, XX Ii, oonnooU with U.u* iua_ted \ t-xrarBiontj. THE YACHT RACE. GRAND OPPORTUNITY TO PEE TITR INTERN A. TION AL YACHT RACK BETWEEN TIIK MAYFLOWER AND l.A UTE A, TUESDAY, BEPT 7, AND THURSDAY, WEPT S. Til"! IRON STEAMER FRANCES Will leave Stonington Line lier (New) No. SC N. B.. one BlBSB above Canal-st, on Tuesday at '.) ni) a. io., also fruin Pier 29 N. R., foot WeeenwnL, Bli a. m.; ou Thursday from I'ier 8flst8 a m. and Pier 29st H.l.la. m., following the yachts over the course anti retnniing to Her H6 N. II. Entire number of BsfeeM sidd will tte GOO. Tare for each race, $1 50. Tickets 0-1 s»1e st the following place*- SWAN A LEWIS, Ast-.r lions.. Batata. WILLIAM WI-Hi;HR, ii 17 Broadway. W. W. M IA KI M. 7S8 Broad way. OKOROE BEAMAN. B4_! Rroiulw.sy. P.A. Cdl.KMAN. Windsor Hot. 1. And at Piers 'JO and 'M Not th Itrvt-r. NOTK st...tiner leaves '.) a. m. on Tu.*...:y him - m. oa ] AMERICA'S CUP INTERNATIONAL YACHT KAI E. . MAYFLOWER AMI Uti. ATE V 1 I SHAT, BATT, 7 ANH THO BSDAT, SKIT. 9. MAMMOTH OCBAN sr ka ME its GRAND REPUBLIC AND COL.HBIA Will arcontptinv th* v.n bl I over"tbs entire loans, Having a* lotions: cor.rMr.r \ cn and ri-: rc nt. ic West 2'.'.|.»t., N. K. {inn a. m. Jewell * w hurt. Ukin.'.) a m. \\ rsl loth st.. B. il., '¦. Ifi a. rn PlerS, N. lt.. B. Y..11 -"a. m. 1'i'T (1, N. il. ll Un.1. iii. .I.r vi Ity (SBBBX) 8:SS . SS, Tlaksta fsrsttherbeal (aaasoer Ballad) *i BA -.it oa the pier or st the company's once. Ko South- st.. Now York._^^^^ INTERNATIONAL _ACHT HACKS. Thone. Iron ... ,.m iteeiBfhlp BRR IKW \TI'R. nf the Old Dominion *>.->. OB* Will mmmpanv the yarhts on I'ues iv 7th, liisiilit Kat o, and Tliursd.t.- nth. Outside Ram. letving fool r.t .1 '. it, nh. 'm. bl, sinir;). The Breakwater will he aa. 'l tl - nai the s. s. Richiiiiiiiil i-t year, runt b*tng ono of the tim st mniTtlBB ilesstars out of'.lie port, passsngers ire .iss'iro-t nf Btfety SB comfort. Ticket*, $2 bl) seaber m ted tt) 460. lo he hail .it ISO Cheaiben st., ta l al Beet se taja at i a ... Lum h, c-tt., can be had on beard. Ca cr. T. lt. Mullins'. JAS. E. BOBBIE TO THK INTERNATIONAL REGATTA. ('i ni 1 n aralon Steamer T'.Ml'l UK BTATE '..'.'.'><> 'onsi will follow the yarhts, tartan pn-r S Nor'h River, Tncsdsy, the 7th, at di.), aud Thursday, tim ii: ii, at 10 a. ui. Kara. RL First li ss restaurant on lm,iid. TUM ONLY ALL WATER BOUTB DIREi T TO THE COBBY ISLAND AND I.ONU BRANCH IRON I'l HHS. TIIE RE'7 EXCURSION BTEAMBOAT SERVICE IN THK V. (Ht I.I). TO-DAY'S TIME-TABLE FOB CONBY ISLAND: LEA*. V. WEHT -Vii' ST V IL. B 1", ll (I. BL l'J m., 1, 1.13, li: 80, 8:15, I 10, 5 (M). 6:00. T:lK), H00. Odin p. m., LEAVE PIER (NEW) No. !. N. lt. (llattt-rv Tive Beuton KlevaK-d llnaili H HO. Ill lld. 1 lin a n.. 1 "HO. 1 At), 2:15, 3, AAb, 4:40, 6:.>() 'l 80, 7 30, is .10, I'-IK) p. ut. ROT t un'm. LEAVE CONEY KLAN li OLD PIER 10:10 ft. m., 15:10 9.40.4:10. lil'., 7 io. lt: nip rt... LEAVE CONKY ISLAND NEW I'l KR. 11:10 a. rn, 1:40, :. I'...'. tsi. 8:40, s it), in nt. p. w. and ns mnrh oftener as the uecessltj olWBTsl may rcnnlre. The lasl boat from Coney t.'snd lands only nt Pier So. 1, B. R. LO/tCI HKAXt'lII. TWO TRIPS DIRECT TO TIIK OCEAN PIER. TIME TA RLE: Leave Wes! 2r.d st.. N. H.. () lids. BL aiul I SO p. m. Loave 1'ior (Semi No. 1. N. lt., 10 a. m. and I it. m. UKI KM N.i Leave Lonjj.Branch l'J l.t ann 0 lo|i. m. SUNDAY, At Ol ST 20. Extra trips from Wast -3 l.-t. st w 10 a. ni. and 2 p. in.; from Pier No. 1, N, R., at !K». m. and 8:30 p. ni. EU1E Tu LoMl BRANCH AND RETURN, T.l CENTS, Excursion Tickets sold at all DOVYN TRACK stations elevated mads, with frsr transfer betweea Booth Purr aud nattery-(dace for 2d and 3d r*._ A MERICA'8 CUP RACKS bi IWI >u thc y.K hts MAY ['LOW kt: sad iat LT-A, \ Y. BEPT 1. THURSDAY, SKPT. 9, r*Al PDA Y. SEPT. ll. THE IRON BTE tMBOAT COMPANY'S areli known sesaoms stee.er* BIRI I .-* and KI" I.I. .-, vi-.:: a. ci p mv li c cst lita over ths r -, , leaving .is follows FOTI TTEBDAY*S RAI I West .'..i-f., N. R..BSOB,Bl.| !...», l.:..oklyii, o.sO a. m.. Pier (New) No. 1, N. C.. 9:10 a. m. FOR Pl Weal _.' ld *t . N. H., sm' Bridge Dir k lln-ollyn, biilOa. in Mer (New) No. 1, B. li 9 a m. 'I lil TW ONE-HALF H '. '¦" NtsKD CAPACITY OF 'I BB BOAT T't'.-et-now on * (ie al the Iron »'|.'snib~_f Compnn v's of. n ii. .so. t, _*.. ii-, it u. m. FARE, Bl .'ti .m. li .lay. NUMBER fl I' »*** .m.1 Ile* Wi I.T, HE MM fl ER 1-j t.N I,-J IA I ll I. IH NtsKD CAPAI OF 'I BB BOAT . the iron Ktnsmheat Con West iivlsL, N. C.. lew) No. 1 .HIL KOfrftMACTI- rCL BUM MER RR- BOB* IN THE WORLD \ BasttBSl Px hine Pish '.ne. 'i wo Orsnl Cono«rt« d div. Marniflcent co ls. Want Til* AnlmelMtd F sh snit Hoe Mon-, rv Klein I cifni'Muii I. tn struct loo anl Amus*- meqt. BbaB'sTlsl Pert.'t Rind Reel Rhode, isisnd clem Psksa Fme Diuuers. a ia carte. "i-ne pern cf the l*eaid."-\V ,-' L "the I'prsiil** on 'r srti'.',-TTlbn-ie, Cue ol Ult »t_rhis o( NewYork.*.Tl.s»(fc "A trulv basir'ilu: .not." t*nn. ecenesuf bewUdtnus beauty.".Herald, SH AHHCsLK.IV K Dslt.Y Pier IS, N. T.'en rt ( miar«t-*t., tttt, BBB, 1WABa. tn 12 m.: 1130,1¦-.to, $,?(¦ p. ai. Jeweb'e ** ber'. Bns5klvn, 9. 10. ll a. m., V.-.U.. lib. S:'r\ ttl B. m. ttAWU E. &., B. T_, 11(30, 10i30. IJrJOam.: 11:46. Billi. S:lf\ 4ilt. 6.44 p. tn. flBTTRNIVO. l.c.ATK «I.-W tRRJXRB HOIHI.Y EXTRA ON erNDAYS. -Boats leave 83J st*. E. R., ©Sn a. m.. and every 30 minute* thereafter until 4.15 p. m. Spewa' boat al 6.46. _Oc. EXCUlttSIOXTICIvETsS. 40c. EXCVRBIONB TO TnE PAIBTXAZn) CONCERTI BY THE SEA, FAMOUS 7TH REOIMENT BAND EVEHY EVKNINU KX( EPT MI'S. LAY. THE LOVELIEST SPOT NEAR BBW-TOBK- MARVELOL'B ELECTRICAL FOUBTAINfS, iio.n tho R.ilUirp al 7,7:30,9 alni h. in. R.-at bed by all Elet ab tl Roads. Newbury & West Point. Onad Daflf Kxcaratee (exrepl i*uud:iy; by tho fast ami Slcaaul Day Lui" Ms .tim is. Al.DANY A: C VlnnVHD. From flrookl.i. Fnltnn.st. (by Ann .). « A. M. New.Y-rW, Vestry-st. Pier.8:40 A. M. still West _l'_.'il st. Pier tironii'tly at . e A. M. I xi 'iiisioinsta will havo tbree Im ir* al Weet Point or one hour .nt three uuniLr* at Newbury rfcturultijfr reach New- York 6:8u, Rrooklyu OHO P. M. _ML'KlC_ tiik ."si:w una Ri-Mw-i-n NP.W-YOKK. PiHI.AD-LIMUA, and UlltlUMi. OLK POUVT COTIFORT, AND THE HOCTH. SIX HOUR9 BROBTB- THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE. "niuidafU-r May IT, 188S, BlPreet (or Cape Charlee, Old Point ('. inlttrt snit Norfolk, via the New York. Philadnllihta mid Norlo'k Railroad, b-avee Pennsylvania lUllruatl bUtloiv New \ork,»t A p. ni. ''.ally, arrivuin at ol 1 Point Comfort 7:36 a'u. daily Norfolk rt.115 Ain. Mleeplnit Car through li,mi Kew.York io( ap.* ('barlee, lickeuand sleepme-lterln* rae oe secured al .mi' 11.lllol Ulill* of Ultu Peiiusylv.mta RaU- r.al Coiiipai v. il. W. Ul NNK, R. B. COOKE, bupsuiiiiein't-'nt. Oen'l Pass, sud Frelaht Anent. MANHATTAN BEACH. LEAVE RArsT 3IT1I -<T. PERRY Dally,Bnndai '". 10 '-'''. -1 '-'''*. Pa WB8 (astra race train*, l'_l:5()and 1:601. USO, BBB and half hourly Uun*- sfier (o ii BS o. m A.l'litioual lr.u sen. days, ti.il) 0. m. nu .-sunday*, L6H p. in. ftpectai Parlor Cai Haiu al 1 p. m. (Kate daj'i only.) LAY lUltliK ll'il. 1 K I eave dally Whitehal,1-U. BaStk Ferry tormiuiis of all " L'' ned* hourly fiotn U:lua m. lo lulu p. li. i. xUa boals uu rat u at* al 11 tn a in. and 12 I') I', m. A bl'LLlAL LOA'I I.VltMM i.Y F' ll MANHATTAN RKAl ll PAtsM .Ni.l i.s. 1 !.uisiou UtlttlA 60 CEN . rs. lo tsp m. atop al ra*.o irauk ou race daya UlLilOKK'S I.HEAP HAND Afternoon end I'veiiiug Concerts. r.LW Ml sic A.MPII1TI1BATU- PAIN'S lirilVIVtl OK WO-rt'OW. *"*'*-7_l'*'__!s_''X0*'pl "uu'la/ and Mon lay. CUN-Y INLAND. Uo quick by llie mka LEACH on Hit hour* sud hali hour* trout Wblleliall-at ^_'.Qi ii Kt.nf. CHEAP.HT, BBST."_ DAILT KXCDHSIONS lo CATSKILL MOUNTAIN RFSORTS, BABA- 7.O0A, LAKE UKORIiE. ADIRONDACKS. CANADA MALARA FALLS AND ALL POPCLAlt NodlTllKRN Ht'MM KR RESORTS, RY I'KTti KKSUL'K TOURIST HOUTK,* WICST HlloRK HAILROAD D.lUklaT. VI LICK. COOL AND KilDuUl AI1LK HOI lt . Fieiirsi.tn itcveuon salo every day until fnrthsr nottoa. Call on eeenle Wiet shorn llailnetd, al ibid ur Mit liru_t.lt.sy. .UUouaTitotJay-«l..or Weel 4itUL. New-York. All Waelt- luaUiuat,. or Am..'i, tout luit-.u »L, limoAUru, l'o.us/l- eaula lUUrsad aialim*. J ersey cu/. 3Lmuflxmento. mg WALLACE-. I? wa?nnd AOih-tf, Mr. Lester Wa.tu k. Bole Proprietor aud Manacer. TlckoU purchas-d (rora speculator* not received st the deal A OREAT mush-il and comedy success. josep-inb bold by her sisters. johephiwr bold ry her sisters. josephine **"n.D RY HER -sISTi:P.\ A ith.,ruted fr..lu. lob . by Uie. . MoCA DLL OBBBA DOW-BUB COMPANY, Jno. A McCeulL Propr.ttor and Man .uer. | pDEN MUSER. */>:M-st. bff. 5th & «th-nve<«. AJ ("'KN icm ll in ll. SUNBATH, ITO IL ..i.'iv -,:¦..>,rig new. nnfinuod *>ticcea» of PRI S'CE I.I' li I'T-1 si KINS HUNG IRIAN (."i PBY RAND. THU Ol'AN'll ON. KRIS EVERY AFTERNOON AM) KVF.NINH. AdlnieelOB, SO ..¦::-, ...mn '..'i cents. THB WYHTIFY INO CHESS ttUTOMATOB, AJEEB. F~ IFT1I AVKN! F. IHi'.AlKK. OPENIM.T 1'n.l.i.eto. nu.! MauagST.Mr. John Stetson Monday M\ ililli -, Si |.t. iii'..-r ¦!, Thc Po; ii'itt trish lom-sl un nnd Vocalist, MK. JOSEPH MURPHY (His tlrst npimai im o at this theatre) lu Ile- sr.-at. si ..I all Irish dramas, THK KERRY (.ow. Erasing St *:. Mal noes Wednesday BBd Saturday. GREAT BASEBALL TO-DAY. AT SAINT OE0B0E, staieu 1- A sflent*'.' . ,'!. 'on ly cn, ibo* anil I .. RA LIT MOR KS vs. v ROPOUTABB. Osma st .) I', b m. _Bests Iron 'i-s. GRAND OPERA BOUSE. RAO BABY. Beeereed s.-sts (Orcbi itnClnda and Beleoar). Wc i". nine* at A.1 A RAd RAin'. Wed. and Sal Mit'*.'.'* Th* larttfhiaj I...)> it i,u.. ic. Kextw .-li- Kirelfv Hm*.' SI EBA._ HAR RIO A N'S PARR THEA Ki.. El WARU HARRIOAN.Proprietor. M W. li \ni.i v. S " r. AN ARTISTIC I'ICMPIT sr. I POPULAR SCI CESS. U(D HARRIOAN'S » INVBttTIOATIOB." INTI N'-' .IL Fun Tom the if' t" the Ksll of the certain. "ON UNION SQUARE" NI'HII'IY RNCOBB '. HAVE li ka li am sad bis Po.mi.ir (u lt..tra. Every Evenlne. Wedneeday and Salo rnay Melli . | OVELi ST. OKORUK, STATEN h'.lND AA A cool, delightful. oe«»n sb W .""'. .v -jI.ny. GRAND 7TH REOsJJ DOMierB I I u e V ll xe. illneti il J.iji^u. !'. :."--' Ulm (nab d Pa First-rises Restaurant Posts fro-i lin Battery, lue. Admission, Cte. with c.iiinHt*.cs orixinAi OfsBss.mml Josephine ls s gu and no mistake"^-WurhL The otters seor*-I an InsTantaneous »D<- wt ll deeervsd »m cess..Tinea T^o~*iames were very rut, snd appropriate and the *,,i.ea| all Html could be ih slits! . Telegram. Tbera were many reen.s sud ,~n..r t> .ts snd the prtnflA ital* i-istMsl before Ibe eui Ula at the cud of tl.e me* <n_d' m I -rn Ile: aid. _ Tue en rt* I n wes rn ri a np several t!-ne. s«Vr fie flr*t _tnS second ael*. sad lb" perTumuT" railed out to rt- Ive Cietf mond uf prai.so.loud applause.- New* Colonel Mi Cadi ia to tm ton.rratu_.iUsd npna bernis: tba iTe»fe*t tlnant il tues <* of the s ....ou. Josephine w ,11 ri ova armuaniaal Wall* k'*. -Telegram. JEVENINOP ATS. SATURDAY MATIVFl* AT ". TJgt W&OSST" ALTHOCC.n TUE SUCCESS IS OREATKB TH A2_r EVER AND SBB0L01 ELY RWAMALLxWLBB. BUiTALO HILL'S j WILD WES C. I THOt RANI'S op KN rm -:\>ll( PMOBtM DAFtY. ninon pbbjobblabom simply imminshi AT LOVELY KU AS ll \ \ BTATI I i-i.tv* AND YOU CAN OETTHKP.K KOR 10 CKN'. I PFUCORMANCi;i AT 3 AND X P M ALL MKlTiIIlIt. FYom the Battery l rm'-msof »'I RleSBBtd Ro-t-ls , THROUOH cvi.Y toe The f'ntm (.lind fer.boats rim* ur. lins-al > aint llrsti'Ke <vlth tram* ttlTsv-t (or Kns.m* etv. in- Battery lol aftrniion p<rh-tinan..at ll do, li ll 1. lrSB, 'I. 3:10. 2 M. Kor STS.IB* i*u_ul!.iauc*i al b. li, ti o. ,'. Slamer fOHN BTtifBSrBBISBTSS Weet ItU-sf 1 lfl IOU,.st.. 1 jo Pier ii. N". K., 1 Ct. K.'.uiuw trio -West Hs*. et.. Kit.*! I0l.b au i:IO\ dor d. N. lu/. Karv BMsMk -"teamerTHOMA-sA. MOTlf. *,V1ea*-c««irr.t,.,1 tstind r<-rr Dock, at Kitti"-, lo rrotiDibt, 1:16 p. nt.: tj:.*,0 p. m. AU writer route, onlv Li couts. BROOKLYN--**!, imer FLOR.NUB le..v..« Bridge Iw>clc. Fulton Kerry, st IOHO a. m., n. n.i ,; i.*,p. ,,, In oday* '.ni'ii ia. Round trip 'tb c-iits. ChlMran maud Irli l'sriltss leaving New.Y'ork can retnrn to llrmklrn tllrort. Petes! min lue brits sLuwnou Iii e lu ll sv ni trio ADMISSION 50 CENTS, CHILD BBB 'il CENP*. Come early. Weeder (br "tch eamp Doorso^ien 13-:tOsnd Tn. m. Suntl.ivs, Campoven for inupe, t'nri, 'lb cento. I.JOU OPERA H0U8E. Moodar, Beni. 13. MIL V. C. doo HW IN. Sui d'or tesl by Mile* A linrii n > Knrleeiine Company In the neel sunrise _TITTLE i.SiK SHEPPARD. __ CASINO. Knra I*.* sn1 :i:lth-s; Erenlnes»t«. Mttinee-tarurlavati Sl.'i Mouth it. ni ss CrowtlniL TUM CASINO'S MOST PRONOUNCED COMIC OPBR l BCCCE8SL I'. If MINI B. ..nKCEIYIT) WITH ROARS OF LU'dHTKR'* .-. Bes! Qardsa Preaisaads concert »:ier the operik A Inns*...n. .it idine botii eiitertalii'uoiita, -boo. li M AMlA'l'TAN BEACH. N TAIN'S BTJ-NINQ Ol .MO-*CO\V. IlAl'TLK BCENBB, riBBWOIU.k THE 0BABDB8T BPKCTAC.B IN THE WORLDt AQI ATIO SCINI'li.l..MINO KOCNTAINS 1 -v "indar and Monday. I1BL0 S. r_ast week of Tn:: Kin m.ky BROS.' M- ll Plc --iii.' ¦:.'! Pi Alto l ND THB WORLD IN HU LAY'S. With the Superb Corp* de Rtli.-k monday, ski-i i mhkris, theodora. VEVVCEXTRAL PARK (i'lr.lon r('.>!h-.t.Sth uf IN I'OPl l.AR All. Nil K.Miol'H'S BUMMER ORAND ORCHE8TBV. NIOHT BVEBY EVEN INO ATB, CON.ERTB ADMISSION MCXBTM, lASt Weeli of l'i.- *-e_i«ii'l. MONDAY, tsewL ti, Ueriuau Conipo-iers' N1>M TJOOLE'.S THEATRE. 1 Pm ILKS THEATRE. POOLE'S TH.A I HE. BRO A It WA Y A N I) E1 ii 11 T II RT. JOHN r.FOOLE ... PROPRIETOIl AND M INAOEB. OPENS THIS (M iNDAY) KVENING. OPENS rHI8 (MONDAY) EVEN IBO. WUh thc Pnpiilsr YoiiiiK ('.i-iie.ti.in .tud VocaluS. W. I. Sll A NI. AN, I SV 1. SCAN LAN, In ll - lin it mu.«*, SHANK SA LAWN. 1IATINEL*! WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY A.T X Vc. m, fi, 75, SO sad W caa Is. CTAE THEATRE. BAKREIT. O Sei mid Week. Monday, t-ept es. jiu LAWRENCE BARRETT, Mundar sud Tuesdsy nmhts sad satnntay matinee, FRAN! K-B' A DA RIMINI. Wednes.li. HAM LE I i biiis.lny, RK IIEI.IEU. Fri.ty sm! bat.rda* ("ititi*. » double mil, MERCHANT Ol' \ EMt E sad DAVID I.ARRICB. Third week. Sept. IS: Herna.ij H_.ultt. Harebell, ot Ute bl. in o' Airlie, am 1 V hard III. THE NEW CYCLORAMA 1 OK THK III Cl LES Of VIC KS BU Rt. ». leral Orant'e BTeateet Tictary, ls aawepea ss fis rtiMia daily irom » a m. Ui 11 p. in. lake iii oed way car or ('Ut Av* euue L road Ut Sereutb ave' au.l o jlu-su_ (ITU MONTH. */ MERRIMAC AN*D ^fOyITOR NAVAL PlOlir Nola u ivitr_t nlcture t lt au .1:1-1*1 l*tUl MB4S Martliou»ve. sn Wth-St. open ter ui ii (lt P.atfot-oooieit by powsrmi fsa*. 1 I III STI-EEl'THKAl RB. Cor tith-uve. I *_ Tborouirhiy RediK-orstisL A New bealle. MoNDVY E\ AN INO. HEIT. S, OCR RICH (ill BIB.t.A New ( omedf Ul R HU ll COUBIB Every Ev,uuik, Wt-'n .liv 'in I Sst unlay Matluoo. FOPL'LAR PRICES._ -3 Clie _nrL BROOKLYN JOCKEY CLUB. "OFFICIAL" THK IN \l Ol RAL MEETINO. SIX RA( ES EACH DAY. NEXT RACE DA Yr* Bl' N DA Y.fet.X I WEDNESDAY Sejt. Bj Kill LA "l. Belit. Kl. FIRST BACE AT 2 O'CLOCK EACH DAY*. "" PHILIP J. DWYER, mtlllBJ. H. D. MiI.NTYHi:1. SeireUry. ONLY DIRECT ROUTES XITK "CCI.VER ROUTE." From tatt of WT.lflial! Si, .rmionaofalleleveted railiosvls. «v, ry M uiiuutea '3 minutes p_TUie'eveu hour and ball hawk I.ONO IhLA.sli RAILROAD, Stteclal race iraiu* leave _____st BStfa OX IVdO o. m. IS SOL l"5o siwl 1 'Ju I'- '*'¦. sUi,i;nii)C al Eaat New-York Sd inluut.I lalor, aud couuixtuis wiOt thu LllouKLYN "L "ROAD. CULVER'S raOSraOl PARK AND CONEY ISLAND ou RAILKOAL. BROOKLYN. I'.-imt. Hlb-ave. and idlti st.. Trains have everr 1ft minutes l)ep«'l reached by hone cate fruin Kulutu. Cal..las. Mall. bttuUt sud Uaii.tiwi ave. tcruesaliil L»*l .'toi lindie. LONO ISLANH RAILROAD vivrial lace tralu* leave t'Utbtiah ave. 11:20 a m.. 12 *\ lSiBV and I:*! i>. m., atopplna at Bedford suuon tti-aukllai »\« BlGiraud. Euia»iou.Troraud LL. a ave*, j iriCUL NOTICE. All excursion tickets issued over any ot tbe for-vluf ronlea wi 1 IteatxepUsl un ibo rt-liiruovnr auy ut Ute aauio tviteS wiliiuul mus ib-aige ul anuiiaiitie ol Uokuk a H'm iel tiirvct uiiu for Mauh_tttBU Re_tch and bheepelieaS luy wiil leave Ute Um At al i loss, of raoea f BU1GI110N BEACH RACES. MONDAY, HEPlKMRER tl. BENEFIT DE Tm. CHARLLBTON BCFFERERS. Adtti.-ou Oraud suuu »1, Fluid stand 60 cents. li. RoiiiNooK. iTea.lent, JAB. McOOWAN. Seeretary. . /XhNEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB. \J ACTCMN MKEITNIA lltedL COMBENClNO BA I I'RDA Y ALtlLSTUd, AND EV KUY TL.SDAY, THURSDAY AND BAlUKDAY TO SEPT. BL, -ALES PROMPI'LY AT S (VCLOOK.,_,_. LBOBABO W. JEROME, lresldsaa, I. O. K. LAWRJCNCK, becmary.

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · 6tramt)(mt9 anu ttailroabi. LBANY DAT LINE SELL, i i.r..neb til kellto Bil point* via 1(1 DS 'N HIVI. U aud NIAGARA FALLS. T~__tasrosA and ne.V-knul.and

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · 6tramt)(mt9 anu ttailroabi. LBANY DAT LINE SELL, i i.r..neb til kellto Bil point* via 1(1 DS 'N HIVI. U aud NIAGARA FALLS. T~__tasrosA and ne.V-knul.and

6tramt)(mt9 anu ttailroabi.

LBANY DAT LINE SELL, i i.r..neb til kell to Bil point* via


AT~__tasros and ne.V-knul.and.Waddi Hill, Nsir.iiraneett Pier, Rnr Harbor.BTOMX'i.TCX 14NR 1N8IPI: Rot IE.

Steamers le.n e flinn nrw Pier SS. Berth River, one WorkSBarS Cnn:'! si., et 5 p. m. d.illv. ext.'pt sunday: a new (ramstill, v-i'im Bars rv* lintnn sibelle) Itel**t-on steamer's lam.ut

ami i'o.t.rn « "'Ut .'liaitie.P. W. P' iPPLK. Cen. rsa*. Art., P. O. Box 8.011 V T


lvrk SUB, Pl' Ba. 3ft K. H.. st I p. m. emt ll p. ra. (hundavsJl a m.l, omnertlnaat New Haven with speelal train* forKllililDks. HARTFORD, spniNOPIKLl). HOLTOBB,Ac. Tickets s.,ld and baggagl¦¦ 'becked at Uti R iliad way, ls.V »nt1 4 Court-si, Broakli- Excursion to New-Haven sudtatara, SI 60._,_,X'oRwini lise, for boston, worces-JN TtR, FITCBBUBO. PORTJ.A.ND. NKW LONDON,«oPWD ll will TK Mi >cN TAI Ms sud all K»«teni point*.>'io. Pier 4*0. North River, N Y_, foot of Watte *l .(BellBiri sbov* pest.ro-.ee* "-neel Frrrv), at bp te dally siceple-uu.'si*, (-trainer* ( 1 N OF WO Ri KHTeR and CITY OfJtw'VURK Heal rome la WATCH HILL and BLOCKift 4ND. Rerniains July 6. connection will bo med* at.Viii LONDON with stea.*i BLOCH Isl.AND to audilum WATVU KILL end BLOCK IBI.AND. _C.KOROK W RRAPT, Agent.

r-ATBKILL KVES 1X0 LINE.**L'Bos( and Leanest route to the CATSkI Lt. M OD NT AI NS*ie*'oars KAA 'lYKART Ll. and CATSKILL leave foot ofJ«v st rv. ry «eek day et e p m., connel tiny «n!i de i ate-

%.' Mountain and Cairarallrsads Bpeelal can lani n lu tue__.___.i-.ji ULO"* ot hoi«es ami c»rr!«re*

rABB OBLt ON K PULLAR.Pend to Piei toi list ol bou*r», rat** rte or addree*

W J B Cull Bits, Treas., Catskill, N. Y.

IKH'ULAR RFIOUE LINK for Boston, Provi¬dence. w«t.'h HUI Narrarani'f'.' P.rr. New; rt -n

a,, Bsa Kui 'sn Pointe. AU raia Hom O.iud Connel D' pot.Sj r i> ireiu* daily (Snndav* ri(epu*n at 8 a nt. 2 p. m.

kpai m rer* *ttat berti sud ll p. ni twith p.,ia»-e sleeping ibis),I- ie'ar tia.ns ina. n_b, wita palate pai loi o*i s, 11 p. m. wilABia tatt sieepieg oar*.

N,«rpoit I-kines* leaves Nrw ft otk 2 15B. IB. with parlorcara, aMTea Nawaart S.S0 ft ol daily, ext il Sundays

I. W. ^JFPl.-, Agent.


s Wavo Harlem Ren Station, caraar l*i3d-st, andUn nib see seal Th.rd Avenue Biuine «. o* Harlemft--.,, nurd Aveuoe Elevated Rsiiroad), du dr

t ai tl 46, 7 90. 9 IO, 10. ll 56 a. in _! 1". 8 55,4 '. sn ii IR, * lt' so p- ni-- 'o- Port Morrl*, Cass o a '>»<

3c ni. Hunt . feint. W.»l launs. Van ISest, Wr»i Uhester,% ...n's. B»v Clteelai n'elhsm B»J'.'Bitrtow (City Ulan i).) ..ii M»u r *nd New i o balle, connect:!.*; et NewB * with trains Isl sllaotnts ea u.e n sji -un* of the

tw-York, Nsw Haven en! Hartford Railroad, Snore LinoA'l Line DivielOB* Rew-CsBSaB Middletown, New

i. .:r and -u-n.-lri bran' !:..* and Boston ai'd al! point! ea«f.Kilt tram for New Hoc! S le an.l all iBteini-diale »ta-

t 12 lea m. dam. ec .

. i\rw Rochell* ami -til Intrrnrd.jt* s'st ,t 9 s. au. 1801 aad S:S0 p. m., ths latter train canaeet.

I. «rttb way tram* to -stamford.

i"|»\Y LINKIJ) lin Ll i'"lNT COMFORT. Norfolk. Vn., and Booth.

v:i I'iii] K. K.4.40 pt m. Parlor car* lo Baltimore.Palace steamer*, arri vina at Old Poiut 8 16 a m.

k Ua .. H. V. TOMPKINS, Oen'l Pa-*. Ageut._818 Broadway. S Y.



LEABANin .u'lnn J nnr ?*.. IS96, tn.lns leave New York, foot of

Ca rudt and Pt sbroese* *is 7 10 P clines*, a in. , Pi noon,"li: H lOeiprc** i 40 express lexi enl it-ri ll*nk) 4 10 ex-*u.-s. b, 8 50 v m. (sunday* 7 lo, 9 a in 6 p tuFrom foot of I..Berty st 4. HTS. 11 express, a tn. 1 HO ex-

mrmmm. t ,10 eipre*s, 4. 4 SOSSBBBSS, 5 HO eipress. 8 15 u m

poe.'.av* 9 a. m., 4 p. ut. t-unday trams tin not stop ut Ocean1_lro<. or A*biiry Park. J. K. Wu Ul).

Ji! PCB BI.ODOETT, Kup't. Oen Pass. Agt PRR.a tl. BAX-VOCB. li. P. aud Xleket Agt P. A ii. BL a.

lleJEW-TORK CENTRAL . ANO HUDSONil RIVBB RAILBOAD..Coataisnclag Jnne 21, ISM1 .', irsin* will ieav* Ontud Central Depot

K ¦ -i uti r Kipr..**, through drawing-room cars toa 1:-.- -. us* aud Rochester.pfia ru. fsar.ilina. laikr- i.eoree end Montreal Preeial

*> ar* Io Trnr, BarSlegB, Calli wall* sntreal BatmCar. B Y. to saratoga

. I.m.l.sL" with tlinior cars, stopping atAltany I tlra. Kvracnse, R»rha*(er, Buffalo. N'neara Falls.> levelaad iad Toll lo. ai riv.ug at Cbiuagu '.'.JO ta nt. audBt onls 7 4" p rn next.t»vlu ;" v m.. ' 'li ago Biplane, drswlng room ears to R>rh-

_Seki >|ir1ng*. latiandaigna, RothesUr, Nia),'*is -fal.* andWaftele,

ill in a m.. Wrst»rn New-York *n1 Northern Kxpress,¦Bu.. .Iran lng r..t>_u esra

3 .m p. m Albeay, Troy, Raraiog* ann Cttea Fxprt-** .ith

Ciwmg-rooniai'd Buffet cars to Troy and .-aratuga. Run* tokc '.t-t-rae ni -Saturdayson.y.

¦ \ ..1,irm.Jatiou Ut Albany and Troy..I. S. m.. Chlcseeeud it. Louis * pros*, with sleeptng-csr-i

-M N »g»ra I » 1*. Iliiffslo. Clucinnatl, Toledo, Detroit, Chi-BSi'itand rsi Louis. D'.iuug-ar Nsw.York lo Albany.

I -i p. m., Me:.*re»l Kxpie** with sli-ep-ng-cais lo fSyTScusoan'l to Auburn road and to Saratoga, al»o to Moutrc..

p. rn Pa.-iili i'.ipre**, willi sleepies-iitrs (ut Kot-hee.|tt. Il -.fl ilo Niagara Far*, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit »..¦.

( ¦;¦ 'ir car* to OKdeusbuig daily except 1**1 unlay- * . uiayte



I Eipn**, with slreplbg tars toAlbsnynnd 1 rnr. Cenaerts witii iii* Dernla/t/ralnifer tbswsslBod loi the Nor:?; iel. rot Hatui'Jav nignli. -saturday train

lo ->^tai..e».el* un *.*>¦ *t t.i^i't ('t-iitral nrj-oi, No. 7 I-ittrrv

F ¦, i- .... f, Harlem Depot. 1'.' ri¥.¦ V r.i,,.:. . 1 lj.rtue Ult. rm n Tali place tnear

...1 Di2 Broadway am! 69 Vnt 126t!i»L, New.S Wss .' n and "CO Fulton »ts.. Bronklyu. sa 1 79

4 Ia drawing-room and sleep!'ig car* ran be

j st soy ol ,he ticket uOiiestu New-Wit City, antI utiisgiu '-st.. Brook

toi and eas* ned fiom railally. All others ilsllj en ept Sunday.«l ilail'-'.u ,i..f.-t. a:,d 41 -

V.D. M, Ki.NP,.Ii K,.¦ r^l .>":-r:'i'en(*e-.t. Genera! Feesenger Affent


except Sunday) al ll s. -m.; V.,r;'if 11. ..rn k«. Cranstou'a Wes! Point,

'li. 1 lc .'."


j LD COLONY. Two \ tl"" RANI)1.KKTRA ..r..1 esl tn .<. h.

1*1 .- (tdd Nod N. H., tiHttol Mnnav-st. at lil Ki sud n 1., P.I. :.-, Boat loni bes at

Bewp..ii as do.a also tlie i-BBday Boa1 from Nea-YorliRiver and Beaten, Wltlte .MoiintaiDs

Bl North. Capt Cod, Martha's Vlncvard, .\..:.rut *¦ 1, .' acc _\ tl \i trom Brooklyn, S p. bu Iee-

B»y <iity.4 p. m.01. ran lu obtained la New Vi.ik at 207,

'. : '.;: .! "s ......, |5S BoweTT 1 '.! 1 ssl; I West 125th-st Astt r Hnuseabil W ni'lsurHotel

Lrtu lilli e. Pn r 'J* N" lt.. ami on linanv ra.KU., it LOVELL |.. L.CONNOH,

Aac.it*. I,eli. I'l.s. Anent.

B-jatb anb Uooms.East Side.

WALLACE'S, 121 _Hh-BTe.;hstBdsomely fur-Blahed rooms 'or gt otu au n ai*o at 50 ii vlnj laen

I -CHOICK APARTMENTS, 194 Madisoa*.1 . .ne, pritsle lalde )f dia.resi nfri'tncist'Kliiii.j

1' *> EA8T IrfrH-ST..Deairabls largs and." . ttell furi.lsliifl wit', bo ,!,'. rt-ft rt in s.

VkEAST lorii-Sr.-A New-Enjfland ladyJt'I deslieea lew eulect boanlejH; rsSMenees lequiii il.

.Jsi 'MAl)l<DN-AVE., COK. 2STH-.ST.^-Room* with boaxiL

RWeet Sils.

E3PON8IBLE panie-i can find flnt-daurnuii,s wan j: tal* b.iU.s aud board lor wiuu-r ut

V er! IBUl et. Beti! lice* cltl.itnK' d.

"riJKKv. pciitU'iiici can sesors lar^e, wall*' d i.. ia*, w.th or without board. 112 West

4 li. '._

.>( I \V KS I 17 I H-S r.-H.'unl- m. Iv fumi-Iicdtell n tonia, witli boaisl; Lrauslebto taken i Briakr arrange

4QTH-8T;, No. 72 vVEST.-Elegaal pleasaal»" roon h. (ii s.i te or m kde eitcnslun ditUng-rouni:. pei't- t; references.

l-oorb and Kooma CDantei.

BOARD W \NTED.-For i wo ladiea: privatepreferred i slats tocaUea.ef essa and larne iel-

*. i gimn snd rnQalred AddiABLlsLB, inbuiie Uptown circe, L-tSA Broadway.

Jlals anb Bocms 80 tel.

CCUMBERLAND, r.th-tive., Broadway, 22d-stAp.,itineiits to let fm Beadsmen univ; every taaesn

'-¦.'¦' ciit'tii (tup. Apply toentterutteudent,¦VT L A. 1 UflK-illA.NK dt t-tt., lin l.miMle.iy.

MODERA I B RENTS -Sif.Klc flats, 7 atpTslai^e riH.ic.*, ail tmprov. meats, K.t pin un- iuouiiI.uks,

ttatuialgiound; ou'y retiu. d leinlllee retiived, no children.MKN Pl LUCK. 8_i6Ka_tSl lilith SL

rrUK MADISON, 26 Mailiwia-ave.A Apartmenis.il suite aud ungie; rooms RnftUBt.ksdOtt ri.au.nant.

A TA KIM EXT- Tuu BACU£LORS.~feaperbsreoannodatiras, *uit.-* flnishid la bael woodn view

tnt*iii|..i*s,-d, eontliern rtpoeure, perfect plumb,.,,., atiend-a appoiuuueui* aral ela**

ALPINE.Corner »:*d *L hud P.roailway.For Lrx*. :i..'. ri, Stlon, A « uji :\ laJ. ROilAlNi. 1 BOW B, SI Vi'SSt H'M »t

^.j^ l**to?rrie £ot galt anb do ta.

toa cit,) amain**,)*.Ia. i 1.1.* fi,fc A. .41i, r_ (( 1,11, e

177 ^UHiSlt yE16UTS.^arty roomsj-I ru .

'"-<li0"M)- H. \V.bjli;i:j;ii.L,

Eouuirr) pioprng lox Bois aub Zo laAGENCY FOB M(iNTCLAIR._HarLMiinaiUU\ rsetdeai r , r.,;,rrty and bnfldiBg site* 11, , : ,, ,;!1U_.^_CLAniAi L il. TLbRa. b »45_____K_smALL COL'S I RY PROPERTY ou. _*.,.¦,., div-A\ rarma, i HllsilH. rolt*,*. rverv whe,e; luJ £ ,,'U,-V'IlllLLllisA HU.]..*,, I,,b ;.,. Jiu.ld.ng.piUSM.K-r-it.'tti-n i«tLu,«L -Vhoici: hoid andA tUlsatas. Vsry Use loeation. 47 acree.._., A. YOLMJ, a.ug,i.ntr, Ac.,JO) L-tiliaiiKu Place1/i'K SALE or TO RENT at Great Nt-okTiTTA l*,., flue i,»irtii.<<* situated on Majibaaa.i Saw, _______!' BB Sf arte, of skSSes land. Cue la" n ul -lil** 'larSrCT.'* tt !!*d "f"..»**»* **¦-***. -*.*¦ »tW, tmanmwtwX.l»ruii,labed raatly lor oocupei.cy, boll, ai* verv ToamlbJ;tuii.e., 16 nanutea inati Uaiti or t,*i, b ttHu". e*uTwt,*_-.;_.__J. B. BILL, ureal N^£ _, 1'"MONTCLAIR, *N. J. ib specialtyi, rti«i(ienceIda ^tT1?**' TXU&Rt **** »_-_____ some UuwaiB.,BBie-ltd/eiit B0W_APA*»O*tt,T8d*___rBfc,_S x


Although the afio-eicito nmount of lineine-iN AtAtaSoring th* test week shows but slight Ineresse over pwvionsflgaree the aadertone et the market ls an rn st akatile. At arule dnrlng tlie Bummer months business In real estetel*BBBBB! euUrely suspended. WkBs during the last sea* ut ians-

at Mob* have been r. porte t .lally. H.'llers, however, must not¬es peet faecy price*. While lhere 1* a drone disposition tobuy property St Its fair msrket raine, this ls bb" Beam"whloh Jnstltlee extra vngant prieos by eel le rs. positive bann1* done bv statement* profesniix to show tliat there ls a tn stre»l estate " boom " In progress. No such movement exi*t*Thei else fair demand for good pionertv at leglt'in.ite prue*.The following table eentm-ita the RgL'rri;*te emonnt if

anet.Bl ssle* during the lust week, tho prodding weuk endthe i-orrespou.ug week of Issi y, at

Week enrtliiK W- el. ending Correspond).,.Hept I Aug. VU. Week In 1*1.5.

New-York.ShO.SoO Non*. >14ii 1153Ilrooklyn. SjBSl tlb.o-i 6,729The eeles i*tn>orted at private eontrait for the

wi*ek aggregsted MBBSSB against pbdi.'ilb f.rthe preceding week. This Includes the sale of a plotof ground. lOOilOO. on the northeast corner nf Tenth ncr ontN!netr-sevenlhai..forB:((i,6oO; a three storr browu»ton bansa,tfe 4K Wost Onehuudr..d auiUweiity'Uth st. for $1«,000 aUte Wetf apartment house. No. i'll West Forty ninth-et, forBHl.oOO; S five Mort- d.iiibl* brick (enemrnt-houss. No. (165Vii!'' ave for 123.000: a four st..rv brownstone hausa. lu66x100, mi Hie south gide Bl Beventy llilrd st.. between Lei-maloii incl K.turth aves, for Si.ll.VH5 s four-story stone frontdwelling bones C2__.'.(i-,<i, No. l.r.i Poor. av*, for (-17.6001a four-slorysad baeenun' lir.ienitoiin houee, VSttiiikl"'). Nfl.i'.'s West TweBtv-ihini-et.. for j:.0,no(i i and a three storybrownstone ilweillnK-house In Elghty-seventh-eL, tN.ntli und Tenih aves., fol $1(1,500.Al the brokers'nrteoiinu lhere wns s rall for imstness pron.

turin th» lower p.irt of the cttv to east fi.m. S16.0O0 t.i*'_lS.t)'Hl| niuo business property In Washlnirtou. ll nilson endPienlilln sts., to co*t from SVo.OoO to $75,000. A five storylir.ck tuiildlng, itlxH. tn Pine st.. renting for SH,(Kio, wae

. -Hii.ooo eight three starr brid, building*. 138x99.Nos Kn lo 7ft Msnrln st.. for _plft.niMi; two or lhr(>e apartmenthouses, 35x05x76, raoh in Waverly-plst.e. renting iorSS.050each, Inr *--<4,(>(H>; a Tlveatoiv (artnrv lu Fifteenth aad All-t.t mil sis.. Bear Ntath-avs, ior SI .1,000 a yeal on leese i atlat'lionse overlooking Hryant Park. Nos. 67 and BS W *tPetty sornnd st., to rt nt for B1.-.00 eaeh; two flvr «tnt-v

¦tone doable Sal homes. WxBOxlOOee*., No*, lue sadHil Keel highly nlulh st.. tor B37,6O0 cai li N..*.'.'14 to 220 last Oiie-hiiiidrcil-atitl-eighth lt., Betelfonr storr brick Ant hons.*. for SIS.ooii earli¦ thres -".'"IT t'rnwns'one tlwelllng honse Nn. 6H H'ril Ono.huiidii'l Stiiltwenly-sev. nth st.. for SIS.OCO, smtli,10 It) ii.* BBdplot of (.round. 1 '.tr.*; 175. at Plainfield, N. .P. forttl 6'M), sud ¦! 'erin nf n; aeri** wi! h boiiae, tarra sud outbui.J-tegalB Kout ('minty, R. I., for lfl,HM).


BBW-YOBB. Pstiirnsr. .""spf. 4. 100\Nessi * nerf mnile at tho Exchange and Aucti.'.i Bsea__


The total Amount reallied Bl (he Kxrhangt-rind AnetlonRoon fr "tn public suction wi ie* of i ny realestate tot the weakBBdad tutti .-atu.'d y, Bept. I, sn. J-10,800.

LIST cl ATJCTfOBB.For tbs '.cit v matins with Betnidnr, Beyi ll, th" following

sales ere simonneed to be held atitae Kxcbaage aad Anctlonllo<-ii i:

Tl'1>DAY. PErT. 7. .

Ey Pogo it Html I n e.Pnliilrjin lion side, 1 lot 15.9xl(M) and .'Lstnrr dwelling. No.iib Wtst litSdat, ii *, 184.8 ft w of 7th ave, Bealevard.

Ry Smyth et Ryun.Puhl'.t sindion sale, 2 lots VftxKSi aach, s s Pavonls-sve. 150

fl e ¦¦' LriinsiMck ive....l lot .'.'JklOlt, S s BUi-St, UltO fI s olColl s st, .li ls--i V.

/>!,' A. J. Hleeekrr** Snn * Co.Pnblic nm Hos sala, pint ul land Tux loo arni i-hurtli on Ave I,m coi ot 4 il nt, Bayonne City, NJ.

WXDVEBDAT. SI PT. 8.Pu tof/g rf Ratline.

Forerlosnre sale. *W Brass, referee, l lot 26x118 aad 2 3-storybuildings, So 198 1 i*t Broadway, running to Nos Ino and186*3 im .on st. Bear Norfolk st!

THUBHDAT. SHPT. 9.Ily .lohn '/'. Jio,/(1.

Foreclosure sate. J Koch, referee, 1 lot __!5xlix>.l 1, s s of WestIK-'t.V-.t. ..".ult W ..' Mh-sve.

(similar sale, Chas II Hubltell, referee, 1 lot 22x58 and R-storydwelling, No 785 oreenwich-st, i s, l*. tween w est 12th sadBank *U.

Hy Rickard T. Hornett * Cn.Puhlie aiKtion sale, plot of laud slB7x aban! 800 anti S rot;hgt sou Proa.lv.ay, at Loug Rrtunh, N J.

ITUMAY. SEPT. 10.Ru john E. c. 8mvUx

Foreclosure sale, \V ll huller, referee, 1 int 90x60, nn w s oflst-Ave, 77.6 ft v. .l Vin ri.

Hy Riclidtit T. Harnett rf- Co.For(vloa'irr tale, u B Nev. ombe, referee, r'"' of lnnd 102.2sHo amil 4 story Louse on lilt STSlde-Sve, n S cor ol Olst-st.

saturday, sept, ii.Hy John E. H. Smylh.

Foreclosure sale. Rc ll.m. referee, ithd of l.-md .X142.1X112.6x17.4, es Ht Nicbtdae ate, 14H.ll It * of 133d-st.

RKCORnEDRFAL K'sTA t'K TU 1 V4t"T*-l-1-V. T. CITY.The following *how* the rettl estate transactions recorded in

the Register's OiBce to-day:33d st, ss, 70 ft w of lst-ave, 30x98.0; E Arlodt( r

and wife to Allopwr.. *_25,5006l)lh-*t, ss, illtO ft v, of Hth-iive, 2.ix_.'(,'i.l0 to n s of

SHth-st. x26xS00.10i 1) K ScHuiiell to The N YI (tm sud Iinprme'it ne co. 1

Fordham eve, >*¦ *. 108.2ft ii of lloun.e-st, 10r<.'_.'\*,ii10Sx85i w H al ber snd erlfe to J H Brown l,:on

llOlh-st. ss. 76 ft w of lslave, 7."'xl00.11; Iiavlil 8Hoi.'iliiialo f> F Porter..10

Motholn-STB, 160-3 fl wot Albany Pom Road, ll'Ox60; TBnara stal to AnnieUarnaj. rot

Unction Snlcs of Ufal (?3tnte.


IN BRIDGEPORT, COBB.Notice is hereby arran that te pursuance rta Seores o' th"

Connty, passed J. .¦ IO, 18*18 forecloslnir s cert t''titled January 1, 1--4, sn u,,.dt- by the Howe Sdarhlns Co. in

' 'o',n i'. !.:¦ City o'. New-York, nndCharil « R. Hotchkl**, of the 'lift ii of Bridgeport, li ur

kuance of the power of eele ct inortgage,CM' Will hr sold Bt .tl tin 'I j'.-lIn Ute Conrt Hoose in eeld City ol Bridgeport, on **

July 24,1886. Bl IO.ark In Ute foreneou. or on any sabeVquent day rn tl.it * lo r 1... li be sale u sj lsr-t'.!- ol SSld

Ce bru « tm i, iv builil'itge, aWell.ig inothei ...|el..itt.; _.. I. .. in m.!.. !... 'toi together tl lilltonal pi .,..'. tyoovi bj i, ,, ena.

Bald property will I t lo e prior mortgage Ut tb*City (savings Bank of Hiidgeporl, and alao snbjeol

s tn favor of nnme, tVebster ...¦. ( o.. and Ccother In favor of the Credit Company, Limited, both of Lea.don. Pnelniet.

t*a.'i l.rnjK-rtv will ti* sold a* an eitflrefv and mnsl le psnl1..,.i.:« ol ll,,-i olliC..nt. se. med I.y Mutt

ii tn ik.tt. i- st t lie; in ¦. is I.i nilli"; 10 pel e. nt ol Cm pnrrhaeelo tte peld ri the tin the bal.

anns withintwenty days theresfu-r, snd sn sinoiutl eaoal silenr( lo the sum' of S1.62& 84, and all expanses at thesslsmust be psld In cash.

JAMBS BTAPLE8, 'er,it'll, Ct,linet tl. nt.

TtebImtbsalekaathiadajrbeea adlonrned, \c-,), tin- ron.tent af all Ilia parties in Interest, te tim 3d day of Ootobsr,lh*6. ttl tin- s;niie bom m:,il j-lin B

Ottttil Rrldti-poit "lin. filly 2!. 13°".JAM i.s STAPLEB, hiterlal cnmiiilrdi'b'r.

Ciin propcrtQ Co Cn.1 ST LOFTS TO LET at 165 William, 'JA aadI 60 I'tH-kuien st*., ni*" ethel d.treble loft* Bad (1H1 rt, iolet In t.U vicinity, kli.a.vu <k whpii.no, a iteckuinu-st.

rPO LEASE.No. 757 Madlson-ave..Hand-A somi nen l-storj high stoop honsa _!___.g-rooin eiten-lion ; 5 yeal' lease, tpplj on pi rv m m to

CU A RI.KR RL1.K A CO. 600 Msdlsnn-ave.

.j'O LKT..A ni'ulv titted up btore, 50 Beck-1 BiBB-st*. near WUliam-el

KULANDA WHITIN'I, 5 peidcmnn.st.

<_Til_> profitrlg Sot Sale.

\TTENTI0N ib called to those eleffanl tirst-liauaes Nos. 4 In Iii! Eesl hOlb-st. A univ on liroin-

tees to owners. '. N an.l N. A \\T f.l.l a m*.

1iM)K BALE in FoBrtta Ward, large lot, 13,000suuiU't feet, s'liliiltle or facloiv.

i.l'UNU* B'HITINO, 5 Pet' in «t.

Dusiiues projjcriu -"ot Gale anb Co L'ci.

ax.* 'llTO LKT.-Por. :i3d-«f. and Broadway.e new :it"i large »ton *, In *'zos to snit U

KOHAINE BRO vi N, a \\ ,-i 33d .-t., di ai Bruadway.

Snmmcr Uc5ort3 '


Ocean end of Wesley Lake, good dramaae; artesian wa't>rBret-.aeetable._.RB. ii. I ¦¦ l.tilt.

i-iLAFLIN H0D8E, BECKET, MASS..o'Anion " the "Bl KK-sH Ilk lill.I.s.

1,20(1 feel shove Kio sea.Nmi.'i sraaoti. A neli-'htfui snm.mer ho net '-tr trios mm --tint rmi so 1 rtcreaiton. Cur refer-euee. *ortlo»onoilv«-iirca.ar a»l Irett A. i». i Rona, Ptop./MiLSCLNT VALLEY HOUSE

\j PAULI.l, VBBMONT.House open niittl No'emin r. Pt mil.lullJ kteSted fltnnnx

the tireen Bonn...; gu*, i 11 trie balls and ali iinnieri) spplVance* *'|tiiiit l, partridge, salps hnnUnx, limit arni lade ii»n-

mg terms, S7 Ut BlO pei *tW. 1 A ll. \ I.s I, Manager.

CCOUNTRY board oeAr baj snd ocean ruf/ and still bathing- ssillng, rowing snd liding: large

ground*aud aha.,. JOHN SV. I I 1 ll LL. f-p.'in.lt. I. 1.

^.ll_** l-l LASS BOARD at Kmr I'licesin s modern rottage centrally loosttsl. Address Slr*. .*.

VAN V KO. l CV ('* r'rmt-su. i*ar*(o=-a -l;irines, N. Y.

* I 'hM OF l ilK CATSKILLS,"VJI HAINKJ-'HI ALI is, p.o. t, ill Bl "1'N'i'V, X. V.

(x.intlly I'KMte'l; eiisy walking dlstsaes to sh pointe ef tnI. rt -st Kisilui esl rsl.* nu Sepleatlisi end OetolMitioniii* lu Ut" caleit,U*. For farther particular*

_N. 'J. m Ktii.SLii, Rroprl

n"l(iHLAM> DELL HOU8E..Onea umilNov.aber. Elevstloe 1,300 fast, ea «i>tir erl niue Ridge,

bi-twneu Itelaware Wad r Cap and MtrouilsDurg, i'"i

tito beautiful valley*. I'M.til. Pi.it it ular* adtl res*_l.t. FQUHkK, Btrouilsburg, Penn,


SIB te S21 per week. _C. WINB1

PAVILION HOTEL, Islip. Looa lalaad,it. in jins ol" b during the tull, lim.-i bee ti o .< iiii -l"4:n.


EPTEMBER AT TUE GEORGE lim BL<wi:i*r> h.gent drive*, ballting, flatniig. yarblmg. rhooting lawn teuu *,

bowling and every anni* int nt tl.nl caa br alu., bed le * hotel... .Voil, nit* price*.'' 1 Sj Boure from .Sea Hoik Cireapom; m. _.., I ulua bijuaja. ol OJ.ulilt I. iln'J !.!_, L.oa JW. kJ.,.uh.' ol .-.

rrUECOLUMBIAN HOTEL1 AND W1IITK (SULPHUR I*PRIN',s.*:ro, N V., I aiallli ___lnuiii_.ui* Ir avon le res' ti I Kew vs

cam !''. mni low tann* lur bupU-lnlx-r. r*eiid lol Hlnsiislwlproapt-tu*._li. LVON, 237 MrtraOway._THE A-LAIr-E,1 I-PHINO UKK REACH. N. J.Tbe mott rbaiu.UJ lot aluin ou lb*, tx-ae.b. Mu<lrni ip^idni-¦aitulo.___h.M. RlCHARLm-ui*.

I O Mle ATIJINTTO HOU8B.oue bundi od yanla froiu ihe mit Onsen Ui ve, N. J.


_Bmnitifr Huons.flblROHDACK MOUNTAINS


Kin railroad.Hie Favorite Tourist Ponte to

t*arstnr,, Isvet hamplsin, Ansable Cbaam, Sharon SnTings,l«r*ojiei»iown. the drsvltv Railroad, eto.Th* short line between New-York ami MontrnaLJ or Illustrated guille, hoUil and boarding-house list, tune

tsbu-s, tn»ps, etc. addi. .«J. SV. BL'RD I CE, Oenersl rassenger Agent.


A Ibany, N. T.


open iNTii, ni T.iiirn t.arterial re-ri«ed rute* fnr Angnst end Bentembee Tine

yarhiine and Bahlng. Mn*lr thrice dally. (splendid drives,it.Usht.ul lotaUou. (_. Ircular ami diagram* on application.

,_A. H. ll AS Kl NM, Manag.tr.


WII remain open until late In September,V. ALTER A WILKINSON, Proprietor*.



Disitable room* st special rate* balance ol steans.

,_WM. h. i.r.~.


Open until October 1 vt ry re.isniiril.'e prleea_BL B. (mrtendkn.


1 ''I feet shove tide wat. r. Mill tomlin open until1 Olio-ber L Accessible ri i Harli

HOWE A (.ilma Proprietors.Al.it mm.iul r* ol Hie


PROSPECT HOUSE,NYACk'i.N III DOON, «ii; fSBM.I BBBB Batt (b lnburorIster. Enlarged sud ^furnished, il. POBTBB.




Address F. A. nil.LF.TT. M.insg«r,Fnrnmit Mountain Post Ofllce, Claise co,, N. Y.


ThispopalsrresoTt(aalr two hours ami twaaty minutesfruin New-York Ityl rrtll remain open a few wt ek* longer.Also the itoiMiit Holyoke Beaee, Holvoke, Mm*. (ne*r

Mt-s. Tom nml II tlyoke), wBI reuiatnoreu tfirough thc autumnnnd tt u,u-rTonus ino l'

GILBERT JOHNSON,l')n|ir;i to".


THE KITTATINNYWin n n.niii open nnt.i Novimbt r. aSbrdlng iiii importunity («visit this popnlai mountain rason donni tue diiight-'ulautumnmm i ha. Bend lol Ircnlar.

_W. A. buodhkad .v PONS.

A PEW GUESTS can find first-class accom*a niotlKtlinis at a lieuiittfiil private ct.nntry n melon he

Mpteinl'cr and later, about an hour from New-York local i"ii

Mvii. bot and cold water and gas through Ihs lot ise. bath¬room; large stoKinlt .tu I la*-. ;is. stabling. Address

IL A., Tribune Ofllce.

I.AKE TLACID.The most beautiful (ind popular r sort in BBS Ai'lrondack

Mountains. The A 1.1.EN BOUSE, Lake I'lai ld, « ill remain

oin n until Noveinb.'i 1, in deference tollu-n Sslaf (leiii'inils foracrnmiiiod.limns through September and October, larg'' BB_*

fcflabls, trill n. SttendaBOS and ImIiIb unsur¬

passed. Ihe.Mien House ts lt tl .¦ In ..: i of tn- lust huminglt K'on ni pl lie* .'itt! eip< i-ci.I rn. des furnished.

r-pet'lal tums Ior '.lie it _ellidi i o

_HENRT ALLEN, eke Placid, N. T.

I AME VIEW ROUSE, Lake St. Catherine,li I' Uu Oreen Mountaine. threxli oin Hu- village ol I'oulutey, '. ... good Usiiing an.l hu ii tin ir.

i iuel and lawn lennie: Bm i..-*

tabla .'.I leonis foi r,.ri'l 1 i.lt J. i.I.I i ll,

y, vt.


..'. ll IV '.. tt .» l-U-.-sT.ros n i- imtih.

Larai rnsetsIt'll"!:..



toiir m

iilllUlltdsli'i * :

'rill'-. I'lli'liM'.l HESTAURANT. 224 Westt

four mlnn-eswa-TBfrom i¦. pst. ferries sad the is; sir

pt nor st t iiiiiuntd»li'ibott '."('

c. ii. ni iiui'!', Pro

Daniicra anb Brokers.

J. & W. SELIGMAN & CO.,RA Mk. LU.-*.

NO. 41 TmilAit.-*!.. .K'V.TOrtK.Enr »n 1 l-r.ll Exchaiitte, *cd issuu Co'U'ir.r 1*1 sod Trsvel

WptpodltA. BTS-Bblt) til ALL PARTS Oil' iiiit WORLD.

P. W. GALLAUQET & CO.,HA.~ta-fc.HM,



aratub- B. Y. stock Excnangia



Dealers in Investment Securities,BUY anuhell ow commiisaion iron casb ur ol?Maro IB -.ll six uki iles lusiku ai new yor_block ¦***'***e**-»**U.i'U-il 13 til'.i E. v-'l 1) ANO INTERE.-iT ALU) VRB

ON lla___flO_*i ouiui.ci BO ui.i_.si -i dio-i

Punbcnb JCoticco


48TB **KMI ANHTJALCABB 1HVI1A dividend oil lire. Hlnl I Hall |8_ Peg Cen! In -BBS ess

lt li lin 1*1 isl, pat... I ' |.l fin tl, 1, 1 "smO. kl shill eliiiluer* Ul

tin Illinois CenU»l Railroad Company, as registered ut Iboof business August 10. Mntk tr;uis!"i bouks ttUl be

closed Hutu August io undi Kepternber 4, is-'l.* william j BAPRiAC. Secretary.ST. V- ¦¦¦ lr. Alie. 2ri, lrUSlC

VOTK H.. Tlie coudous of thc St. LrO.is,ls Kn ii sss anti .Noltlieru Heal Est.it- mid Itsllway lion.lsdue k. iiieinber 1, end tbs i<tii|mns of ii ht. l.oui*, ConnellBluff* and omaha Amt mortgage Imnds tins Jnly 1 lest. «illbe paid on presentation at Ute National Lank ul (. uiuiiii-rce,

Btm.rt*mnnRimnhxmjlfaVm.itvm.1 BOMAfl c. l il i. I »..."¦""--

financial.BBW-TOBS, Ang. 'lb. 1880.

1~*UK ntitiual incftiiij* of ths stock holden ofUti ('un*..muled Electric Light nnip.uiv fur Uieelee-

tlon ni tl.iri.tii trnetee* BBd imi m.*pi t,tfi-tnui »l the neil siinual eb rilli, mn! tm th. tnu.-"f tum or

biisili.** Ib-'l "...i .ie bi mle llo io. Bil,,t tv onipenv, Mntnel I Ifi '- N "

mi^. .-, nn Wedni-eilay, Krptentlter IS, l-.sn, al 12 o'cluoki,....,. 'Rolls "i -ii trout 12 i" 1 !'¦ m.

..,,, j ¦.. ., lust oi. -p'' mber 1 an t r. tm, D ob Ke| t. tn.

b,, i ;. HENRY C. 1'AVIB. Weeretaiy pru lem.

Vi ICUl(JAN AND" OHIO KA1LKUAD<fl RXOBOAMZATION.A darn* barn gbeeai Blared orSsrlM Ute sals of th.

JOV '.'.''*'¦ """'' '" o.' __siU.l«oi the .Mn!, g.manti tiln'o I'allrnad Comp»uv, wbn d'-elre to avail Ih.of th- beii.i.i-.,( t,,e ni..!, pro;...-".! bv the oii.lermgneil coin-

ivill depi.st if rr bon I* with fbi ( entr.il Iruat Lom

pony ot .sew to, .it" BEFORE OCT. LCoules of tbs plan of rsergsaiSBtlon maj he o''tftini,. on aii-

pll. M.oii Ul Un i ebtlsl 'I I ust ' iiiitpany or at li..-...i. .m Uli iir..*.. Urn- 20 Naeeaa rt.. cllj

. ni.ctrcO.i.inuan, )H T wi i.hiiV. riittee.*- V "I 1.1. Ul'J-M-lS, )

r-Wk.Ant.ll.ieSR_,lam: erie ami western i ihht-s

la t. & W. r-ANlit-*KY DP. F1RHTB.,1 tleposlUof theebnve biiiiiU will be r.« rl-s-l by the

.,i up to BeBSasBkee IB ISSS. ls !.* bsMfm furil.er Sepeell BBSet the Bgnaesm of february 1. l"rt

In Ihe event of adoption of tbe prop .s-.l mo.1,11. allon of *uob

agreeineiit. of srlmh i.tdic* ba* herebtlore been given, bo*

s i»« to be returu ibiu to deposi.rs.Nsw-Tortc. Aug. 30, UM R HOLLINS.

HENRY BT. i-MllH.V 11.1 liU A HEAlt,( LA HEM E CA Itv.

luri baaing ( ouuultlee.

Guaranteed Farm Mortgages.A laser number ol arefutl> eeleeted Uiort_gagea ll. baud rreily

fordellverv entail or Urge amounts i aeren mtlliou* lu vealed

Wit^utUtea QKS ksn TRDffr t0>^" IBS Broadlea/.




Lois f.tsjmil, PrttidtsLJoist. Tiitv,?.?. leary ttri»,t.r. We.LSsatf-m-rj.T.iHi___7 L Biirltmt. Id wini t. Tm-low. Tilljus L Sln-ifrErarvO In-j.ii Ti.muliitlMl I. L DunilaIr.ell SsfS. hain M. EkiiKl VsraCss tirCtf.Irvjt timider. Inytcn Irrn J. t. Raado-jk.ld_y Min. TkiniiT Iii! Jobn I. SeCook.KtrV-.a Grs«n. fr**. L Ima Etan B. Sou**-.J _ T Hii'w. J. Eiajtlsa Robb. Uw_4 A. Saistu*HreryBiy. J. Minmi TalllM-¦escTjiL Kirai Lc_rl Irria, Ir. ham lulusTho-u T. kksrt limnN. Unitiv. "ima lcir___

IBJBT C. SUI M. lee'j uti Tn**.

_iMTpESTJLLOwiD OM DEPOSITS.To the Holden of thc Mortgage Bonds ot theWabash, Rt. I/mis and Pacific RaihvayCoinpany East ol tfii? MtatalpP" River.

At e meting nf the holder* of KSCtgBgS florid* of thSWabash, St. lyells and I's. tl.: Hallway Company (BB lib'seast of thu MlaalsstBfl River; thc following resolution vrss

sdopted:Resolved. Thst the repnrt of thc committee (nf bondholder*'be accepted, uni! tbal Ibe tstodbolders here sesembledsn itly reran ri nd tbs pr.jil asst nt of the ld( rs of all

of th* nt rtfragpson Hu-lim ¦ ....*! ol the Mlaetsslppl Riveriethe prop, sitlon* of the lui h is br onimltt-ss, it modified Inarrordsnre with the advise ol the Bondholders' Comollttee asgit cn in the Mid repnrtA.tcptlb? lli.-miHlllltnflons of the BOBdhehMI *' CB.MMBSB

snd nntlcipstintr (hs pinctic.il BMBBBfas BBcasssiy toa fellrompliai r* therewith, the I un liasini; Coiimiiitee now Invitehi'l'l'i ml*, m the mein lines east nf th* Mis¬sissippi Liver to ass*iit to the pro; ositioli* turftWatO submit-ted ns BSBS&dsd by tl latlO.I ot the ltotiilholdtrs'

I. e.

Ts .-ur-, in mrlv'compliance, with th" propo.ilinns a*module.i i,y tie report si BM SsmHiolilns' Cen.ilttaa aprompt aertsloa on the p.trt nt the bondholders le tedie-psossMs,

llnt.k-t tat IBs sign.*,»uris r,.' the l.oiidho.I rs ure open st tho;:.».( oiiiiiiiiiei', .\o. IBS Broadway, where

printed lunns nt*y also be ebtalaad Wt lha onu nu nie utresidents out of the city.

jami:*- c. JOT, 1T. I) ll Ul Vl:H, I'lit-chaslngEDGART. WELLES, ommlttse.(i. H. ASH I.KY, J

New.Tork. hap. 14, l**si,.____To the Stockholders ot thc Wabash, $1. Louisand Pacific Ra_w:.iy Companys

Not.c, lt her*diy given, that after September 13. 1886, noSSrttSsatSSOf stock of the Wabash. St. Louis sntl I'aclfloHallway Company will be received In exchange for certlH-cstes of th* Ihirchsslng Cumiidttee. eatltllne the holder toshare* of *Uic!t lu the reorgiinUed company. The Hmo aboveinnntiunei! t* absolutely th* latest ibtie on which snch ex-

cheugecau be mad". Block received wlU be suIiJub t to theio! the instalments nml Interest tin. roon from April

JO, 1»*)(J, and one dollar per share penalty.I'm the Purel-asing Cnuinuitee,

New-York, Aug. U, ISM, 0, D. ABHLXT, Secretary.



Your Committee BBBOB.ee that (hey now control ft majorityof your booda, mui they hersey give Bedes thal on account oftheir lii.i>iiiii>'to deliver rn .! !lf.BeatSS printed frum steelengraved plates, they havo STtSlldSd tie) time for refelviii.'

st ths Ceatnl Trust Coeipaajr until last_,whsasuch teri.Ii, -les w ill bc lcedy ut H.t. Cintra! lin .1' .imp my.


Beet i.


Al! persons : 'the Bontl ern Ps-lflcel in re la uo. lu the

i, undi r the tu 11-nil: ol Ocr

Illili!:' i. i esaeaaS lt..liar* (Old, Which, !::i.i"r il.

of lill

, atai Ibuunouut

Railroad i o ;.

§ £!5BbhWI ¦¦.-

Ohio (.catral Kiver Division Reorganization*Boldi rs of i ('oi'ipanv. ts-

., .tn ti..posit j, River Btvision lucouis BouiUol Ute Ohiouti. i. Iroad mi -i. nv, sre bi roby DOtifled n at ti"

]..i) the h...ney rt h..m..nu lb bi i'l Uioreon, etupon the Income bond* deposited, to the entral rn i

lotC ii .i. .; I ..... -ie ..' m. ii UtaI l.ue lbeir

Ul be tnrtolied.ol ,, ... |]

Ko. LO VYsU-sL, Bsw-Yurh. Ans. 10,1fcllWIN DUH,

( him mau.WM. SL BARNUM.


.2 Vi ALI. rsl.,B8W.T0BB_.Aag Ul, 1880.

The Richmond »nd Danv.lle II. ll ( B niters bi Hie holder* OfItsdebi hundred snd eighty dollars la Stsmt teat ooneolidated gold bouda be.in« .terrs! froOctober, 1 s~.it. sntl i*only i.in* M 1"" tloiUi- iu <a*h lor eaoitone thousand dollar debenture bond, a llb ad aui sid coupons. Ita' bed, in c. tinlani¦.. with terms of thu piopositlull obUlu-Sb.e al ll.e oibce ot Ibu i timi .my.

A. 8. LL i'HU)I'lesi'lenL

TO ti:e income aud LA5D guamBONDHOLDERS OF THE TKXAS

A.\D PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.Notice ls hereby given thut ths tic.e within whit ti yo'ir

bond* will be itrcclved by the Fanners' Loan aud Trust Com¬

pany ls ll.Bed (o SZPTKKBEB 30, arter whloh (.Ss the

lemas rattfsd ts tasaass aad hvaS gnat boodhaldars aadst'i plan will be absolutely withdrawn.

Bl respect to the boa.I that bsrebeea dopositod on or before

that date -sith tin- Taneett Lam anti Traatl iriip*.ny.l**AAC J. WWTASL.lOU.N'.nARttdl,ito ii kui ill nix;,( H. Ne-HBB,J \COIt ll.-.(Ill I-F,V 0.1JAB 1). WINSOR,JOHN N. Ill iClllS-sO*a_

C. E. >ATTK11LEE. .-»eci'clar7.KSW Toes, Bept i, 1S88,_

" MEXICAN NATIONAL RAILWAY.Beadhoblers aee invited to Sepeell ttt. ir bea.i with the

tl.MKAL TKl'ST COMPANY of n.w York, aadse a

plan of le...gan.Hali..ii pi. pal ed by tho Rnii.IltoideiV ( oniinlt.

Kie. Copies of this plan and agrnxui. it may lie sMaBBSd from

the('ei,ii.il Trust Company, or _-t tim oiliest of the committee,Nd. ic; Rasaae-st, New-York.¦PXBI I ll 1 H.t.-It, BXLAB CIIAMIiKULAIN,JuII.N DBBDTTBB, IIK.M'.Y AMY,OBOBOI BUBBRA!**, CBABLBBJ. CANDA,t.tMLLL H. BABBOBB, ^^M. B. lt. .-tiuKli-).

ALLUM Hil ILN,Cominmae.

( ir. lice.

Lab Erie a_i Western Railroal Company.-.. .mn. ni. itnf A p.-. .BB i .iv.s sew reaalTed suttteient

sigiiatuiea to lender ino sa ¦'. those ItoutUioltlsrs¦si.,, Lair noi v s.K-uisl. ami Bbo Wl»U Ut avail them*.ti :-. in I.:- ..f -ti' '. .ii. ie.mt nt. ai. uotlflod to sign Min d' ["'sitll., '.I :- v. ;l, Hi. i.'i.n liusi oinpaiiy at onon. aa Ibofoin iosuie proovesiliif. will *oou culmlnete in a sale.

L. i A.-lil.KY.lll.M'.Y K. BUBL005,I ,.l R. I) 1 Al'I'KN,(.1.1)1.i,K r. BTOBB,OLUiUtL W. i'AJt

Parehaelas l om.'.tte.






Trains leave cortieadi or Leabroaee* su. st 8,10 a. m.. and

Pen._Tlvau_a Auuei, foot of 1"ulum-eL. lirwolHyu, st t* a. m.

lor tull petr.euler* aud IK kele apply al



Leeve Lons Uland City, oppoelte fcsst lUUi-*l. weekaleys-fliftO. B.-IM .ll):lt».UH*S___a lrttiw *aiOA. tlOtX .tilttX 0:OJ

HUSOA^e^Ht^O, 9.35.10:60 B. BLI liSU *:ia » 05. 4.06.£. di 7.1 5, s _I6 n. ul _,.,

Annal Ibntl loaves Pine^t, Pier 17, XX Ii, oonnooU withU.u* iua_ted \






IRON STEAMER FRANCESWill leave Stonington Line lier (New) No. SC N. B.. oneBlBSB above Canal-st, on Tuesday at '.) ni) a. io., also fruin Pier29 N. R., foot WeeenwnL, Bli a. m.; ou Thursday from I'ier8flst8 a m. and Pier 29st H.l.la. m., following the yachtsover the course anti retnniing to Her H6 N. II.Entire number of BsfeeM sidd will tte GOO. Tare for each

race, $1 50.Tickets 0-1 s»1e st the following place*-SWAN A LEWIS, Ast-.r lions.. Batata.WILLIAM WI-Hi;HR, ii 17 Broadway.W. W. M IA KI M. 7S8 Broad way.OKOROE BEAMAN. B4_! Rroiulw.sy.P.A. Cdl.KMAN. Windsor Hot. 1.

And at Piers 'JO and 'M Not th Itrvt-r.NOTK st...tiner leaves '.) a. m. on Tu.*...:y him - m. oa





GRAND REPUBLIC AND COL.HBIAWill arcontptinv th* v.n bl I over"tbs entire loans, Having a*lotions:

cor.rMr.r \ cn and ri-: rc nt. icWest 2'.'.|.»t., N. K. {inn a. m. Jewell * w hurt. Ukin.'.) a m.\\ rsl loth st.. B. il., '¦. Ifi a. rn PlerS, N. lt.. B. Y..11 -"a. m.1'i'T (1, N. il. ll Un.1. iii. .I.r vi Ity (SBBBX) 8:SS . SS,

Tlaksta fsrsttherbeal (aaasoer Ballad) *i BA-.it oa the pier or st the company's once. Ko South-

st.. Now York._^^^^INTERNATIONAL _ACHT HACKS.Thone. Iron ... ,.m iteeiBfhlp BRR IKW \TI'R. nf the Old

Dominion *>.->. OB* Will mmmpanv the yarhts on I'ues iv

7th, liisiilit Kat o, and Tliursd.t.- nth. Outside Ram. letvingfool r.t .1 '. it, nh. 'm. bl, sinir;). The Breakwater will he aa.'l tl - nai the s. s. Richiiiiiiiil i-t year, runtb*tng ono of the tim st mniTtlBB ilesstars out of'.lie port,passsngers ire .iss'iro-t nf Btfety SB comfort. Ticket*, $2 bl)

seaber m ted tt) 460. lo he hail .it ISO Cheaiben st.,ta l al Beet se taja at i a ... Lum h, c-tt., can be had on beard.Ca cr. T. lt. Mullins'. JAS. E. BOBBIE

TO THK INTERNATIONAL REGATTA.('i ni 1 n aralon Steamer

T'.Ml'l UK BTATE '..'.'.'><> 'onsiwill follow the yarhts, tartan pn-r S Nor'h River, Tncsdsy,the 7th, at di.), aud Thursday, tim ii: ii, at 10 a. ui.

Kara. RLFirst li ss restaurant on lm,iid.




LEA*. V. WEHT -Vii' ST V IL. B 1", ll (I. BL l'J m., 1, 1.13,li: 80, 8:15, I 10, 5 (M). 6:00. T:lK), H00. Odin p. m.,

LEAVE PIER (NEW) No. !. N. lt. (llattt-rv Tive BeutonKlevaK-d llnaili H HO. Ill lld. 1 lin a n.. 1 "HO. 1 At), 2:15,

3, AAb, 4:40, 6:.>() 'l 80, 7 30, is .10, I'-IK) p. ut.ROT t un'm.

LEAVE CONEY KLAN li OLD PIER 10:10 ft. m., 15:109.40.4:10. lil'., 7 io. lt: nip rt...

LEAVE CONKY ISLAND NEW I'l KR. 11:10 a. rn, 1:40,:. I'...'. tsi. 8:40, s it), in nt. p. w.

and ns mnrh oftener as the uecessltj olWBTsl may rcnnlre.The lasl boat from Coney t.'snd lands only nt Pier So. 1,

B. R.


TIME TA RLE:Leave Wes! 2r.d st.. N. H.. () lids. BL aiul I SO p. m.Loave 1'ior (Semi No. 1. N. lt., 10 a. m. and I it. m.

UKI KM N.iLeave Lonjj.Branch l'J l.t ann 0 lo|i. m.

SUNDAY, At Ol ST 20.Extra trips from Wast -3 l.-t. st w 10 a. ni. and 2 p. in.; from

Pier No. 1, N, R., at !K». m. and 8:30 p. ni.EU1E Tu LoMl BRANCH AND RETURN, T.l CENTS,Excursion Tickets sold at all DOVYN TRACK stations

elevated mads, with frsr transfer betweea Booth Purr audnattery-(dace for 2d and 3d r*._

A MERICA'8 CUP RACKSbi IWI >u thc y.K hts

MAY ['LOW kt: sad iat LT-A,\ Y. BEPT 1.


THE IRON BTE tMBOAT COMPANY'Sareli known sesaoms stee.er*BIRI I .-* and KI" I.I. .-,

vi-.:: a. ci p mv li c cst lita over thsr -, ,

leaving .is followsFOTI TTEBDAY*S RAI I West .'..i-f., N. R..BSOB,Bl.|

!...», l.:..oklyii, o.sO a. m.. Pier (New) No. 1,N. C.. 9:10 a. m.

FORPl Weal_.' ld *t . N. H., sm' Bridge Dir k lln-ollyn, biilOa. in Mer

(New) No. 1, B. li 9 a m.


OF 'I BB BOATT't'.-et-now on * (ie al the Iron »'|.'snib~_f Compnn v's of.

n ii.

.so. t, _*.. ii-, it u. m.

FARE, Bl .'ti .m. li .lay.NUMBER fl I' »*** .m.1 Ile* Wi I.T, HE MM fl ER1-j t.N I,-J IA I ll I. IH NtsKD CAPAI

OF 'I BB BOAT. the iron Ktnsmheat Con

West iivlsL, N. C.. lew) No. 1



\ BasttBSl Px hine Pish'.ne. 'i wo Orsnl Cono«rt«d div. Marniflcent co ls.Want Til* AnlmelMtdF sh snit Hoe Mon-, rv

Klein I cifni'Muii I.tn struct loo anl Amus*-

meqt.BbaB'sTlsl Pert.'t RindReel Rhode, isisnd clem

Psksa Fme Diuuers. a iacarte.

"i-ne pern cf the l*eaid."-\V ,-' L"the I'prsiil** on 'r srti'.',-TTlbn-ie,Cue ol Ult »t_rhis o( NewYork.*.Tl.s»(fc"A trulv basir'ilu: .not." t*nn.ecenesuf bewUdtnus beauty.".Herald,


Pier IS, N. T.'en rt ( miar«t-*t., tttt, BBB, 1WABa. tn12 m.: 1130,1¦-.to, $,?(¦ p. ai. Jeweb'e ** ber'. Bns5klvn, 9. 10.ll a. m., V.-.U.. lib. S:'r\ ttl B. m. ttAWU E. &., B. T_,11(30, 10i30. IJrJOam.: 11:46. Billi. S:lf\ 4ilt. 6.44 p. tn.

flBTTRNIVO. l.c.ATK «I.-W tRRJXRB HOIHI.YEXTRA ON erNDAYS. -Boats leave 83J st*. E. R., ©Sn

a. m.. and every 30 minute* thereafter until 4.15 p. m. Spewa'boat al 6.46.





iio.n tho R.ilUirp al 7,7:30,9alni h. in.

R.-at bed by all Elet ab tl Roads.

Newbury & West Point.Onad Daflf Kxcaratee (exrepl i*uud:iy; by tho fast ami

Slcaaul Day Lui" Ms .tim is.

Al.DANY A: C VlnnVHD.From flrookl.i. Fnltnn.st. (by Ann .). « A. M.New.Y-rW, Vestry-st. Pier.8:40 A. M.still West _l'_.'il st. Pier tironii'tly at . e A. M.

I xi 'iiisioinsta will havo tbree Im ir* al Weet Point or one

hour .nt three uuniLr* at Newbury rfcturultijfr reach New-York 6:8u, Rrooklyu OHO P. M.

_ML'KlC_tiik ."si:w una

Ri-Mw-i-n NP.W-YOKK. PiHI.AD-LIMUA,and UlltlUMi.


SIX HOUR9 BROBTB- THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE."niuidafU-r May IT, 188S, BlPreet (or Cape Charlee, Old

Point ('. inlttrt snit Norfolk, via the New York. Philadnllihtamid Norlo'k Railroad, b-avee Pennsylvania lUllruatl bUtloivNew \ork,»t A p. ni. ''.ally, arrivuin at ol 1 Point Comfort7:36 a'u. daily Norfolk rt.115 Ain. Mleeplnit Car throughli,mi Kew.York io( ap.* ('barlee, lickeuand sleepme-lterln*rae oe secured al .mi' 11.lllol Ulill* of Ultu Peiiusylv.mta RaU-r.al Coiiipai v.il. W. Ul NNK, R. B. COOKE,

bupsuiiiiein't-'nt. Oen'l Pass, sud Frelaht Anent.


Dally,Bnndai '". 10 '-'''. -1 '-'''*. Pa WB8 (astrarace train*, l'_l:5()and 1:601. USO, BBB and half hourly Uun*-sfier (o ii BS o. m A.l'litioual lr.u sen. days, ti.il)0. m. nu .-sunday*, L6H p. in.

ftpectai Parlor Cai Haiu al 1 p. m. (Kate daj'i only.)LAY lUltliK ll'il. 1 K

I eave dally Whitehal,1-U. BaStk Ferry tormiuiis of all " L''ned* hourly fiotn U:lua m. lo lulu p. li.

i. xUa boals uu rat u at* al 11 tn a in. and 12 I') I', m.A bl'LLlAL LOA'I I.VltMM i.Y F' ll MANHATTAN

RKAl ll PAtsM .Ni.l i.s.1 !.uisiou UtlttlA 60 CEN . rs.

lo tsp m. atop al ra*.o irauk ou race dayaUlLilOKK'S I.HEAP HAND

Afternoon end I'veiiiug Concerts.r.LW Ml sic A.MPII1TI1BATU-

PAIN'S lirilVIVtl OK WO-rt'OW.*"*'*-7_l'*'__!s_''X0*'pl "uu'la/ and Mon lay.

CUN-Y INLAND.Uo quick by llie mka LEACH on Hit hour* sud hali

hour* trout Wblleliall-at^_'.Qi ii Kt.nf. CHEAP.HT, BBST."_



Fieiirsi.tn itcveuon salo every day until fnrthsr nottoa.Call on eeenle Wiet shorn llailnetd, al ibid ur Mit liru_t.lt.sy..UUouaTitotJay-«l..or Weel 4itUL. New-York. All Waelt-luaUiuat,. or Am..'i, tout luit-.u »L, limoAUru, l'o.us/l-eaula lUUrsad aialim*. J ersey cu/.


WALLACE-. I? wa?nnd AOih-tf,Mr. Lester Wa.tu k. Bole Proprietor aud Manacer.

TlckoU purchas-d (rora speculator* not received st the dealA OREAT

mush-il and comedy success.

josep-inbbold by her sisters.

johephiwrbold ry her sisters.

josephine**"n.D RY HER -sISTi:P.\

A ith.,ruted fr..lu. lob

.by Uie.

. MoCA DLL OBBBA DOW-BUB COMPANY,Jno. A McCeulL Propr.ttor and Man .uer. |

pDEN MUSER. */>:M-st. bff. 5th & «th-nve<«.AJ ("'KN icm ll in ll. SUNBATH, ITO IL

..i.'iv -,:¦..>,rig new. nnfinuod *>ticcea» ofPRI S'CE I.I' li I'T-1 si KINS


EVERY AFTERNOON AM) KVF.NINH.AdlnieelOB, SO ..¦::-, ...mn '..'i cents.


F~IFT1I AVKN! F. IHi'.AlKK. OPENIM.T1'n.l.i.eto. nu.! MauagST.Mr. John Stetson

Monday M\ ililli -, Si |.t. iii'..-r ¦!,Thc Po; ii'itt trish lom-sl un nnd Vocalist,

MK. JOSEPH MURPHY(His tlrst npimai im o at this theatre)lu Ile- sr.-at. si ..I all Irish dramas,

THK KERRY (.ow.Erasing St *:. Mal noes Wednesday BBd Saturday.GREAT BASEBALL TO-DAY.

AT SAINT OE0B0E, staieu 1-A sflent*'.' . ,'!. 'on ly cn, ibo* anil I ..


Osma st .) I', b m.

_Bests Iron 'i-s.

GRAND OPERA BOUSE. RAO BABY.Beeereed s.-sts (Orcbi itnClnda and Beleoar). Wc

i". nine* at A.1 A RAd RAin'.Wed. and Sal Mit'*.'.'* Th* larttfhiaj I...)> it i,u.. ic.

Kextw .-li- Kirelfv Hm*.' SI EBA._HARRIOAN'S PARR THEA Ki..



Fun Tom the if' t" the Ksll of the certain."ON UNION SQUARE" NI'HII'IY RNCOBB '.

HAVE li ka li am sad bis Po.mi.ir (u lt..tra.Every Evenlne. Wedneeday and Salornay Melli .

| OVELi ST. OKORUK, STATEN h'.lNDAA A cool, delightful. oe«»n sb W .""'..v -jI.ny. GRAND 7TH REOsJJ DOMierB

I I ue V ll xe. illneti il J.iji^u.!'. :."--' Ulm (nab d Pa

First-rises RestaurantPosts fro-i lin Battery, lue. Admission, Cte.

with c.iiinHt*.cs orixinAi OfsBss.mmlJosephine ls s gu and no mistake"^-WurhLThe otters seor*-I an InsTantaneous »D<- wt ll deeervsd »mcess..TineaT^o~*iames were very rut, snd appropriate and the *,,i.ea|all Html could be ih slits! . Telegram.Tbera were many reen.s sud ,~n..r t> .ts snd the prtnflAital* i-istMsl before Ibe eui Ula at the cud of tl.e me* <n_d' m I -rn

Ile: aid._

Tue enrt* In wes rn ria np several t!-ne. s«Vr fie flr*t _tnSsecond ael*. sad lb" perTumuT" railed out to rt- Ive Cietfmond uf prai.so.loud applause.- New*

Colonel Mi Cadi ia to tm ton.rratu_.iUsd npna bernis: tbaiTe»fe*t tlnant il tues <* of the s ....ou. Josephine w ,11 ri ovaarmuaniaal Wall* k'*. -Telegram.




j WILD WES C. ITHOt RANI'S op KN rm -:\>ll( PMOBtM DAFtY.ninon pbbjobblabom simply imminshi


PFUCORMANCi;i AT 3 AND X P M ALL MKlTiIIlIt.FYom the Battery l rm'-msof »'I RleSBBtd Ro-t-ls ,

THROUOH cvi.Y toe The f'ntm (.lind fer.boats rim*ur. lins-al > aint llrsti'Ke <vlth tram* ttlTsv-t (or Kns.m* etv.in- Battery lol aftrniion p<rh-tinan..at ll do, li ll 1.lrSB, 'I. 3:10. 2 M. Kor STS.IB* i*u_ul!.iauc*i al b. li, ti o. ,'.Slamer fOHN BTtifBSrBBISBTSS Weet ItU-sf 1 lflIOU,.st.. 1 jo Pier ii. N". K., 1 Ct. K.'.uiuw trio -West Hs*.

et.. Kit.*! I0l.b au i:IO\ dor d. N. lu/. Karv BMsMk-"teamerTHOMA-sA. MOTlf. *,V1ea*-c««irr.t,.,1 tstind r<-rr

Dock, at Kitti"-, lo rrotiDibt, 1:16 p. nt.: tj:.*,0 p. m. AU writerroute, onlv Li couts.BROOKLYN--**!, imer FLOR.NUB le..v..« Bridge Iw>clc.Fulton Kerry, st IOHO a. m., n. n.i ,; i.*,p. ,,, Inoday*'.ni'ii ia. Round trip 'tb c-iits. ChlMran maud Irli

l'sriltss leaving New.Y'ork can retnrn to llrmklrn tllrort.Petes! min lue brits sLuwnou Iii e lu ll sv ni trioADMISSION 50 CENTS, CHILDBBB 'il CENP*.Come early. Weeder (br "tch eampDoorso^ien 13-:tOsnd Tn. m.Suntl.ivs, Campoven for inupe, t'nri, 'lb cento.

I.JOU OPERA H0U8E. Moodar, Beni. 13.MIL V. C. doo HW IN.

Sui d'or tesl by Mile* A linrii n > Knrleeiine CompanyIn the neel sunrise


CASINO. Knra I*.* sn1 :i:lth-s;Erenlnes»t«. Mttinee-tarurlavati

Sl.'i Mouth it. niss CrowtlniLTUM CASINO'S MOST PRONOUNCED


..nKCEIYIT) WITH ROARS OF LU'dHTKR'*.-. Bes! Qardsa Preaisaads concert »:ier the operik

A Inns*...n. .it idine botii eiitertalii'uoiita, -boo.







1 -v "indar and Monday.I1BL0 S.

r_ast week ofTn:: Kin m.ky BROS.'

M- ll Plc --iii.' ¦:.'! PiAlto l ND THB WORLD


With the Superb Corp* de Rtli.-kmonday, ski-i i mhkris,


VEVVCEXTRAL PARK (i'lr.lon r('.>!h-.t.Sth ufIN I'OPl l.AR All. Nil K.Miol'H'S


CON.ERTB ADMISSION MCXBTM,lASt Weeli of l'i.- *-e_i«ii'l.

MONDAY, tsewL ti, Ueriuau Conipo-iers' N1>MTJOOLE'.S THEATRE.




WUh thc Pnpiilsr YoiiiiK ('.i-iie.ti.in .tud VocaluS.W. I. Sll A NI. AN, ISV 1. SCAN LAN,

In ll - lin it mu.«*,SHANK SA LAWN.


CTAE THEATRE. BAKREIT.O Sei mid Week. Monday, t-ept es.jiu LAWRENCE BARRETT,

Mundar sud Tuesdsy nmhts sad satnntay matinee,FRAN! K-B' A DA RIMINI.

Wednes.li. HAM LE I i biiis.lny, RK IIEI.IEU.Fri.ty sm! bat.rda* ("ititi*. » double mil,

MERCHANT Ol' \ EMt E sad DAVID I.ARRICB.Third week. Sept. IS: Herna.ij H_.ultt. Harebell, ot Ute

bl. in o' Airlie, am 1 V hard III.

THE NEW CYCLORAMA1 OK THK III Cl LES Of VICKS BU Rt.». leral Orant'e BTeateet Tictary, ls aawepea ss fis rtiMiadaily irom » a m. Ui 11 p. in. lake iii oed way car or ('Ut Av*euue L road Ut Sereutb ave' au.l ojlu-su_(ITU MONTH.*/ MERRIMAC AN*D ^fOyITOR NAVAL PlOlir

Nola u ivitr_t nlcture t lt au .1:1-1*1 l*tUl MB4SMartliou»ve. sn Wth-St. open ter ui ii (lt

P.atfot-oooieit by powsrmi fsa*.

1 I III STI-EEl'THKAl RB. Cor tith-uve.I *_ Tborouirhiy RediK-orstisL A New bealle.


Every Ev,uuik, Wt-'n .liv 'in I Sst unlay Matluoo.FOPL'LAR PRICES._ -3

Clie _nrL



NEXT RACE DA Yr* Bl' N DA Y.fet.X IWEDNESDAYSejt. Bj Kill LA "l. Belit. Kl.



XITK "CCI.VER ROUTE." From tatt of WT.lflial! Si,.rmionaofalleleveted railiosvls. «v, ry M uiiuutea '3 minutesp_TUie'eveu hour and ball hawk

I.ONO IhLA.sli RAILROAD,Stteclal race iraiu* leave _____st BStfa OX IVdO o. m. IS SOL

l"5o siwl 1 'Ju I'- '*'¦. sUi,i;nii)C al Eaat New-York Sd inluut.Ilalor, aud couuixtuis wiOt thu LllouKLYN "L "ROAD.

CULVER'S raOSraOl PARK AND CONEY ISLANDou RAILKOAL. BROOKLYN.I'.-imt. Hlb-ave. and idlti st..

Trains have everr 1ft minutes l)ep«'l reached by hone catefruin Kulutu. Cal..las. Mall. bttuUt sud Uaii.tiwi ave.tcruesaliil L»*l .'toi lindie.

LONO ISLANH RAILROADvivrial lace tralu* leave t'Utbtiah ave. 11:20 a m.. 12 *\

lSiBV and I:*! i>. m., atopplna at Bedford suuon tti-aukllai»\« BlGiraud. Euia»iou.Troraud LL. a ave*, j

iriCUL NOTICE.All excursion tickets issued over any ot tbe for-vluf ronlea

wi 1 IteatxepUsl un ibo rt-liiruovnr auy ut Ute aauio tviteSwiliiuul mus ib-aige ul anuiiaiitie ol Uokuk

a H'm iel tiirvct uiiu for Mauh_tttBU Re_tch and bheepelieaSluy wiil leave Ute Um At al i loss, of raoea f


BENEFIT DE Tm. CHARLLBTON BCFFERERS.Adtti.-ou Oraud suuu »1, Fluid stand 60 cents.

li. RoiiiNooK. iTea.lent,JAB. McOOWAN. Seeretary. .




I. O. K. LAWRJCNCK, becmary.