ThemeDelta: Dynamic Segmentations over Temporal Topic Models Samah Gad, Member, IEEE, Waqas Javed, Member, IEEE, Sohaib Ghani, Member, IEEE, Niklas Elmqvist, Senior Member, IEEE, Tom Ewing, Keith N. Hampton, and Naren Ramakrishnan, Member, IEEE Abstract—We present ThemeDelta, a visual analytics system for extracting and visualizing temporal trends, clustering, and reorganization in time-indexed textual datasets. ThemeDelta is supported by a dynamic temporal segmentation algorithm that integrates with topic modeling algorithms to identify change points where significant shifts in topics occur. This algorithm detects not only the clustering and associations of keywords in a time period, but also their convergence into topics (groups of keywords) that may later diverge into new groups. The visual representation of ThemeDelta uses sinuous, variable-width lines to show this evolution on a timeline, utilizing color for categories, and line width for keyword strength. We demonstrate how interaction with ThemeDelta helps capture the rise and fall of topics by analyzing archives of historical newspapers, of U.S. presidential campaign speeches, and of social messages collected through iNeighbors, a web-based social website. ThemeDelta is evaluated using a qualitative expert user study involving three researchers from rhetoric and history using the historical newspapers corpus. Index Terms—Language models, time-series segmentation, text analytics, visual representations Ç 1 INTRODUCTION S EVERAL visual analytic applications require the analysis of dynamically changing trends over time. Example con- texts include studies of idea diffusion in scientific communi- ties, the ebb and flow of news on global, national, and local levels, and the meandering patterns of communication in social networks. Trends, each representing a particular key- word or concept, that converge into topics at different points in time, then just as unpredictably diverge into new defined topics at a later time, are key patterns of interest to an analyst. Both experts and casual users alike need mecha- nisms for understanding such evolving trends for analysis, prediction, and decision making. While much research exists in data mining and visualiza- tion, we posit that they are insufficient to address the needs of these emerging applications. Existing visualization techni- ques such as ThemeRiver [1] and streamgraphs [2] are aimed to capturing overall trends in textual corpora but fail to cap- ture their branching and merging nature. Concomitantly, data mining algorithms have evolved greatly over the past years, especially for topical text modeling [3], but capturing key breakpoints in topic evolution and defining appropriate visual representations for such breakpoints is an under- studied problem. In this paper, we present THEMEDELTA,a visual analytics system for accurately extracting and portray- ing how individual trends gather with other trends to form ad hoc groups of trends at specific points in time. Such gath- ering is inevitably followed by scattering, where trends diverge or fork to form new groupings. Understanding the interplay between these two behaviors provides significant insight into the temporal evolution of a dataset. We built THEMEDELTA to support hypothesis generation by focusing on developing a system for exploring and navigating trends. A natural extension to ThemeDelta is expanding the system capabilities to further support robust knowledge generation, but this is beyond the scope of this paper. There has been significant research in capturing the dynamic evolution of topics underlying text corpora. Most of these efforts are focused on extending the classical proba- bilistic model of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [3] to a time-indexed context. Our ThemeDelta temporal topic modeling approach is differentiated by its emphasis on automatically identifying segments where topic distribution is uniform and segment boundaries around which signifi- cant changes are occurring. We embed a temporal segmen- tation algorithm around a topic modeling algorithm to capture such significant shifts of coverage. A key advantage of our approach is that it integrates with existing topic modeling algorithms in a transparent manner; thus, more sophisticated algorithms can be readily plugged in as research in topic modeling evolves. Similar to how ThemeRiver [1] uses a single stacked graph centered around a horizontal timeline that resembles a physical river, our ThemeDelta visualization is composed of multiple individual trend streams, or trendlines, repre- sented by sinuous and variable-width lines that branch and W. Javed is with General Electric, San Ramon, CA, USA. E-mail: [email protected]. N. Elmqvist is with University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA. E-mail: [email protected]. S. Ghani is with the KACST GIS Technology Innovation Center, Umm Al- Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia. E-mail: [email protected]. K. N. Hampton is with the Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. E-mail: [email protected]. S. Gad, T. Ewing, and N. Ramakrishnan are with Virginia Tech, Blacks- burg, VA, USA. E-mail: {samah, etewing, naren}@vt.edu. Manuscript received 2 Jan. 2014; revised 26 Nov. 2014; accepted 21 Dec. 2014. Date of publication 31 Dec. 2014; date of current version 1 Apr. 2015. Recommended for acceptance by H. Qu. For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: [email protected], and reference the Digital Object Identifier below. Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TVCG.2014.2388208 672 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS, VOL. 21, NO. 5, MAY 2015 1077-2626 ß 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

672 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND …people.cs.vt.edu/naren/papers/07001093-themedelta.pdf · grouping of words into topics. Another similar design is TimeNets [24], which

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Page 1: 672 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND …people.cs.vt.edu/naren/papers/07001093-themedelta.pdf · grouping of words into topics. Another similar design is TimeNets [24], which

ThemeDelta: Dynamic Segmentations overTemporal Topic Models

Samah Gad,Member, IEEE, Waqas Javed,Member, IEEE, Sohaib Ghani,Member, IEEE,

Niklas Elmqvist, Senior Member, IEEE, Tom Ewing, Keith N. Hampton, and

Naren Ramakrishnan,Member, IEEE

Abstract—We present ThemeDelta, a visual analytics system for extracting and visualizing temporal trends, clustering, and

reorganization in time-indexed textual datasets. ThemeDelta is supported by a dynamic temporal segmentation algorithm that

integrates with topic modeling algorithms to identify change points where significant shifts in topics occur. This algorithm detects not

only the clustering and associations of keywords in a time period, but also their convergence into topics (groups of keywords) that may

later diverge into new groups. The visual representation of ThemeDelta uses sinuous, variable-width lines to show this evolution on a

timeline, utilizing color for categories, and line width for keyword strength. We demonstrate how interaction with ThemeDelta helps

capture the rise and fall of topics by analyzing archives of historical newspapers, of U.S. presidential campaign speeches, and of social

messages collected through iNeighbors, a web-based social website. ThemeDelta is evaluated using a qualitative expert user study

involving three researchers from rhetoric and history using the historical newspapers corpus.

Index Terms—Language models, time-series segmentation, text analytics, visual representations



SEVERAL visual analytic applications require the analysisof dynamically changing trends over time. Example con-

texts include studies of idea diffusion in scientific communi-ties, the ebb and flow of news on global, national, and locallevels, and the meandering patterns of communication insocial networks. Trends, each representing a particular key-word or concept, that converge into topics at differentpoints in time, then just as unpredictably diverge into newdefined topics at a later time, are key patterns of interest toan analyst. Both experts and casual users alike need mecha-nisms for understanding such evolving trends for analysis,prediction, and decision making.

While much research exists in data mining and visualiza-tion, we posit that they are insufficient to address the needsof these emerging applications. Existing visualization techni-ques such as ThemeRiver [1] and streamgraphs [2] are aimedto capturing overall trends in textual corpora but fail to cap-ture their branching and merging nature. Concomitantly,data mining algorithms have evolved greatly over the pastyears, especially for topical text modeling [3], but capturing

key breakpoints in topic evolution and defining appropriatevisual representations for such breakpoints is an under-studied problem. In this paper, we present THEMEDELTA, avisual analytics system for accurately extracting and portray-ing how individual trends gather with other trends to formad hoc groups of trends at specific points in time. Such gath-ering is inevitably followed by scattering, where trendsdiverge or fork to form new groupings. Understanding theinterplay between these two behaviors provides significantinsight into the temporal evolution of a dataset. We builtTHEMEDELTA to support hypothesis generation by focusingon developing a system for exploring and navigating trends.A natural extension to ThemeDelta is expanding the systemcapabilities to further support robust knowledge generation,but this is beyond the scope of this paper.

There has been significant research in capturing thedynamic evolution of topics underlying text corpora. Mostof these efforts are focused on extending the classical proba-bilistic model of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [3] toa time-indexed context. Our ThemeDelta temporal topicmodeling approach is differentiated by its emphasis onautomatically identifying segments where topic distributionis uniform and segment boundaries around which signifi-cant changes are occurring. We embed a temporal segmen-tation algorithm around a topic modeling algorithm tocapture such significant shifts of coverage. A key advantageof our approach is that it integrates with existing topicmodeling algorithms in a transparent manner; thus, moresophisticated algorithms can be readily plugged in asresearch in topic modeling evolves.

Similar to how ThemeRiver [1] uses a single stackedgraph centered around a horizontal timeline that resemblesa physical river, our ThemeDelta visualization is composedof multiple individual trend streams, or trendlines, repre-sented by sinuous and variable-width lines that branch and

� W. Javed is with General Electric, San Ramon, CA, USA.E-mail: [email protected].

� N. Elmqvist is with University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.E-mail: [email protected].

� S. Ghani is with the KACST GIS Technology Innovation Center, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia. E-mail: [email protected].

� K. N. Hampton is with the Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.E-mail: [email protected].

� S. Gad, T. Ewing, and N. Ramakrishnan are with Virginia Tech, Blacks-burg, VA, USA. E-mail: {samah, etewing, naren}@vt.edu.

Manuscript received 2 Jan. 2014; revised 26 Nov. 2014; accepted 21 Dec. 2014.Date of publication 31 Dec. 2014; date of current version 1 Apr. 2015.Recommended for acceptance by H. Qu.For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:[email protected], and reference the Digital Object Identifier below.Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TVCG.2014.2388208


1077-2626� 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Page 2: 672 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND …people.cs.vt.edu/naren/papers/07001093-themedelta.pdf · grouping of words into topics. Another similar design is TimeNets [24], which

merge in a fashion reminiscent of real-world river deltas.We use the width of each trendline to communicate theprominence of its trend in the dataset at a particular time,and its color to communicate category or overall weight ofthe trend. A heuristic layout technique calculates the orderof trends for each timestamp while minimizing the numberof trendline crossings. Interaction techniques allow forhighlighting individual trendlines, changing the layoutorder, and drilling down into the data.

As demonstrated later, there are several potential usagescenarios for our novel ThemeDelta system. We dedicate themain part of this paper to explore three scenarios: (1) histori-cal U.S. newspaper data from four months in the year 1918during the second wave of the Spanish flu pandemic; (2) thesimilarities and differences in trends and themes being dis-cussed by the two candidates in the U.S. 2012 presidentialcampaign; and (3) social messages exchanged between vir-tual communities via the i-Neighbors web-based application[4]. These applications are intended to demonstrate thatThemeDelta provides an interesting insight into datasets notimmediately apparent through other representations.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Wefirst survey the literature on text visualization, temporalvisualization, and temporal topic modeling. We then pres-ent an overview of ThemeDelta system followed by detailedreview of the temporal topic modeling algorithm and visualrepresentation. The next three sections deal with the presi-dential campaign, iNeighbors, and newspaper applications.We then discuss the results of a qualitative user study, per-formed to measure the effectiveness of the system whenused by experts. We close with a discussion, conclusions,and future plans.


Textual data is one of the most common forms of data today[5] and is ubiquitously available from a wide variety ofsources such as websites, books, reports, newspapers, andmagazines. Reading and understanding many textual data-sets is often impossible due to their massive scale or havinglimited time to review them [6]. Tools such as informationretrieval, data mining, and visualization have been sug-gested to help in this activity, often by summarizing textsand highlighting important themes. Here we survey themost relevant among such tools.

2.1 Text Visualization

Text visualization uses interactive visual representations oftext that go beyond merely the words themselves to showimportant features of a large dataset [7]. The simplest fea-ture is word frequency; tag clouds (or word clouds) [8], [9]are the most common text visualization technique and usegraphical variables like font, color, weight, and the size ofthe word to convey its importance in the source text. Varia-tions include Wordle [10] and ManiWordle [11] for produc-ing more compact and aesthetically pleasing layouts. Moreadvanced text visualization techniques convey not onlyword frequency but also structural features of the text cor-pus (or corpora), often using a graph structure. Examplesinclude [12], Phrase Nets [13], and GreenArrow [14], whichall used variants of a dynamic graph to convey the structure

in the document. Clustered word clouds [15], [16] tookanother approach by using word structure to modify thelayout in a tag cloud, which is similar to the themescaperepresentation used by IN-SPIRE [17].

2.2 Temporal Text Visualization

Text data may often be analyzed over time to expose aspectsof the data that evolved during a specific time period; forexample, recent studies have highlighted the importance oftime and causality in investigative analysis [18]. While lesssaturated than general text visualization, several pieces ofwork exist that visualize text over time in this field.

Perhaps one of the earliest and most seminal of these isThemeRiver [1], which essentially can be thought of as ahorizontal arrangement of a large number of one-dimen-sional tag clouds over time; the keywords become bands ina stacked graph evolving on a timeline. Byron and Watten-berg [2] later formalized these representations into so-calledstreamgraphs, and applied them to many other types ofdata. Several approaches exist that are similar to the basicThemeRiver stacked chart. Tufte [19] showed an illustrationof changing themes of music through the ages. NewsLab[20] applied a ThemeRiver representation to visualize a col-lection of thousands of news videos over time. NameVoy-ager [21] used streamgraphs to show temporal frequenciesof baby names. TIARA [22] blended tag clouds onto tempo-ral stacked charts for important themes. However, becausestacked charts group themes into a single visual entity,none of these techniques are capable of conveying the struc-tural features of the corpus.

A select few techniques provide both temporal andstructural information. Parallel tag clouds (PTCs) [23]integrated one-dimensional tag cloud layouts on a set ofparallel axes, each which could potentially be used for atime or date. However, while visually similar to our The-meDelta technique, PTCs did not explicitly convey thegrouping of words into topics. Another similar design isTimeNets [24], which used colored lines to show group-ings over time for genealogical data. In fact, “Movie Nar-rative Charts (comic 657) of the web comic XKCD

1 alsoused sinuous lines to convey groupings of characters intime and space for famous movies. Finally, Turkay et al.[25] presented two techniques for visualizing structuralchanges of temporal clusters that are reminiscent of The-meDelta; while not specifically designed for text, the clus-ters used in their work could very well stem from textualcorpora. ThemeDelta uses a similar visual metaphor butfocuses on text and is intrinsically tied to the scatter/gather temporal segmentation component as well.

A very relevant work is ParallelTopics, a visual analyticssystem that integrated LDA with interactive visualization[26]. The system used the parallel coordinate metaphor topresent document topic distributions, with applications toexploring National Science Foundation awarded proposals,VAST publications, as well as tweets. This system presentedthe underlying probabilistic distributions in the LDA modelfrom a temporal perspective using multiple aggregationstrategies and interactions. The system can capture thetopics and their evolution over time but only by using fixed

1. Available online at: http://xkcd.com/


Page 3: 672 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND …people.cs.vt.edu/naren/papers/07001093-themedelta.pdf · grouping of words into topics. Another similar design is TimeNets [24], which

time frames. In contrast, our ThemeDelta approach discov-ers time frames automatically based on topic reorganiza-tions across time.

Finally, TextFlow [27] is perhaps the closest related workto ThemeDelta and used tightly integrated visualizationand topic mining algorithms to show an evolving text cor-pus over time. However, whereas we draw upon the samebasic visual representation as TextFlow, our focus in thiswork is segmenting time based on topic shifts and theninterfacing with standard topic modeling using a novelalgorithm. Furthermore, ThemeDelta does not aggregatekeywords into stacks or glyphs but instead puts moreemphasis on an interactive layout.

2.3 Temporal Topic Modeling

Text visualization techniques are only as good as theextracted features they are visualizing. Text mining is theconcept of deriving high-quality features from text [28].One of the current most promising lines of research in textmining is topic modeling [3], where documents are modeledas distributions (mixtures) over topics, and topics in turnare distributions over the vocabulary used in the corpus.LDA is considered a generalization of Probabilistic LatentSemantic Analysis (PLSA), proposed by Hofmann [29]. Thedifference between LDA and PLSA is that the topics distri-butions in LDA are assumed to be distributed according toa Dirichlet prior.

Temporal topic modeling algorithms started to appeararound 2006, with most of them being generalizations ofstatic topic models. The difference between our goals andthose of previous work is that we aim to automaticallyidentify segment boundaries that denote shifts of cover-age and, in this manner, extract temporal relationshipsfor examination. Therefore, we are not proposing a newtopic model but instead are proposing how we can “wraparound existing topic modeling algorithms to segmenttimestamped data.

Classical work in this space was done by Blei and Laff-erty [30], who extended traditional state space models toidentify a statistical model of topic evolution. They alsodeveloped techniques for approximating the posterior infer-ence for detecting topic evolution in a document collection.Wang and MacCallum [31] proposed a non-Markov modelfor detecting topic evolution over time. They assume thattopics are associated with a continuous distribution overtimestamps and that the mixture distribution over topicsthat represent documents is influenced by both word co-occurrence relationships and the document timestamp.Thus, in their model, topics generate both observed time-stamps and words. Iwata and Yamada [32] also proposed atopic model that enabled sequential analysis of the dynam-ics of multiple time scale topics. In their proposed model,topic distributions over words are assumed to be generatedbased on estimates of multiple timescale word distributionsof the previous time period. Finally, Wang et al. [33] haverecently proposed a model that replaced the discrete statespace that was originally proposed by Blei and Lafferty [30]with a Brownian motion law [34] to model topic evolution.They assumed that topics are divided into sequentialgroups so that topics in each slice are assumed to evolvefrom the previous slice.

This line of research has been extended to mining textstreams, e.g., as done in [35]. Here, the authors study theproblem of mining evolving multi-branch topic trees insidea text stream by proposing an evolutionary multi-branchtree clustering method. In their method, they adopt Bayes-ian rose trees to build multi-branch trees and used condi-tionals prior over tree structures to keep the informationfrom previous trees as well as maintain tree smoothnessover time. To keep the consistency of trees over time, theydefine a constraint tree from triples and fans to compute thetree structure differences.

Other work focused on multiple text streams. Wang et al.[36] and [37] aimed to “align time series streams so as to iden-tify correlated and/or common topics across disparatestreams. Our algorithm was designed to analyze a singletime-indexed corpus as opposed to multiple time (and asyn-chronous) text streams. The work of Leskovec et al. [38]stringed together individual tweets (meme) into a thread.The authors placed additional constraints in identifyingthese threads (e.g., that they originate in a single meme). Thegranularity of analysis in our work is clusters rather thantweets; the desired output is rich scatter-gather relationsbetween clusters rather than simple branching patterns. Thework presented by Gao et al. [39] is the closest to our work.The authors conducted topic modeling and investigate bothscattering and gathering possibilities of cluster organization.The difference is that our work automatically determinessegmentation boundaries where significant shifts of topicdistributions occur, whereas the work of Gao et al. incremen-tally clustered every time point separately and then aimed tomake splitting andmerging decisions.


ThemeDelta is intended to convey local and global temporalchanges in the distribution of evolving trends. The systemdetects and visualizes how different trends converge anddiverge into groupings at different points in time, as well ashow they appear and disappear during a time period. Thesystem consists of two major components: a backenddata analytics component, and a frontend visualizationcomponent:

� The analytics backend is responsible for accepting alarge temporal text corpus and automatically identi-fying segments that characterize significant shifts ofcoverage. The algorithm responsible for this taskwas originally developed to detect deliberation insocial messages [40]. For ThemeDelta it was modi-fied to detect and work with named entities: geo-political, person, organization, as well as possiblyuncategorized entities.

� The visualization frontend is responsible for graphi-cally representing the discovered trending of topics.While originally designed for timestamped text col-lections, we see many additional applications suchas for genealogy (e.g., [24]), communication graphs(e.g., [41]), and general dynamic graphs.

In this section, we review the data format expected by thedifferent components of the system and then discuss imple-mentation details.


Page 4: 672 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND …people.cs.vt.edu/naren/papers/07001093-themedelta.pdf · grouping of words into topics. Another similar design is TimeNets [24], which

3.1 Data Format

The backend accepts a text dataset consisting of time-stamped data. The frontend takes the output of the backendfor visualization. The backend output consists of trends ,topics (groups of trends at a specific point in time), andsegments (a closed interval of time, modeled as a group oftopics).

The exact mapping of these general concepts to a datasetis domain-specific. For example, for a timestamped docu-ment collection, trends could represent the terms extractedfrom the documents, and the topics would model how theseterms converge into groupings at different points in time.

3.2 Implementation

ThemeDelta is web-based application that is built to becapable of running in any modern web browser. To realizethis the backend of ThemeDelta was built using Javaand this includes all data preprocessing, clustering, andsegmentation.

The frontend was built using JavaScript and SVG. Thecurrent implementation is fully interactive and animated,and is built using the Rapha€el2 toolkit for scalable vectorgraphics.


The ThemeDelta backend is responsible for the segmenta-tion and discovering the trending topics from the inputdataset.

Our segmentation algorithm expects the input data to bein a bag-of-word format. The preprocessing needed is thusto tokenize the text into individual words, followed by stan-dard processing steps such as: lower case conversion, stem-ming, stop words removal, spell checking, and punctuationremoval.

The main task of the segmentation algorithm is to auto-matically partition the total time period defined by thedocuments in the collection such that segment boundariesindicate important periods of temporal evolution and re-organization.

The algorithm moves across the data by time and evalu-ates two adjacent windows assuming a given segmentationgranularity (e.g., discrete days, weeks, or months). Thisgranularity varies from application to another and it isdecided by domain experts. We evaluate adjacent windowsby comparing their underlying topic distributions andquantifying common terms and their probabilities.

We chose to quantify common terms based on the overlapbetween them. The overlap can be captured using a contin-gency table. Fig. 2 shows a simplified example of two seg-ments, each comprising three topics and the correspondingcontingency tablemeasuring the overlap between these distri-butions. For example, topic 1 ðZ1Þ in segment 1 and topic 1ðZ01Þ in segment 2 overlap inw1 andw6. This resulted in add-ing the count 2 in the contingency table cell that correspondsto the overlapping cell between the two topics from the twosegments. Wewould like the topic models of the two adjacentwindows to be maximally independent, which will happen ifthe table entries are near uniform.

Formally, given the input data to be indexed over a timeseries T ¼ ft1; t2; . . . ; ttg, the segmentation problem we aretrying to tackle is to express T as a sequence of segments or

windows: ST ¼ ðStat1; S


; . . . ; StltkÞ where each of the win-

dows Stets; ts � te denotes a contiguous sequence of time

points with ts as the beginning time point and te as the end-ing time point.

Each window Stets

has a set of topics that is discoveredfrom the set of documents that fall within this window. Thetopics are discovered by applying LDA [3]. Applying thisalgorithm will result in two main distributions: document-topic distribution (representing the distribution of the dis-covered topics over the documents) and topic-terms distri-bution (representing the distribution of the discoveredtopics over the vocabulary).

Topics within each window is represented as Stets¼

fz1; z2; . . . ; zng where n is the number of top topics z discov-ered. Each topic is represented by a set of terms w as follow:zi ¼ fw1; w2; . . . ; wmg where m is the number the top termsextracted from the topic-terms distribution resulted fromapplying LDA on the documents within a window. Numberof top topics n and top terms representing a topic m varyfrom application to another.

We represent two adjacent windows as Ste1ts1

and Ste2ts2. To

evaluate two adjacent windows, we construct the contin-gency table for two windows. The contingency table is ofsize r� c where rows r denote topics in one window andcolumns c denote topics in the other window. Entry nij incell ði; jÞ of the table represents the overlap of terms

between topic i of Ste1ts1

and topic j of Ste2ts2.

We used a contingency table because it enable thereplacement of LDA with any emerging topic modelingvariants. As presented in [42] we can embed any vectorquantization clustering algorithm in a contingency tableframework. For instance, distributions inferred from a moresophisticated model can be compared using the contingencytable formulation introduced here.

Then to check the uniformity of the table, three stepsshould be accomplished: first, calculate the following twoquantities:

� Column-wise sums ni: ¼P

j nij

� Row-wise sums n:j ¼P

i nij

These two quantities will be used to quantify the overlapbetween the topics discovered from two adjacent windows.In our implementation for this step, each topic is repre-sented by its top assigned terms. The contingency table iscreated from these terms (here we chose 20 terms and thechoice of the number of terms is inherently heuristic andspecific to the application). A probabilistic similarity mea-sure such as the KL- or JS-divergence between the distribu-tions being compared is another possibility.

Second, we define two probability distributions, one foreach row and one for each column:

pðRi ¼ iÞ ¼ nij

ni:; ð1 � j � cÞ (1)

pðCj ¼ jÞ ¼ nij

n:j; ð1 � i � rÞ: (2)

2. Available online at: http://raphaeljs.com/


Page 5: 672 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND …people.cs.vt.edu/naren/papers/07001093-themedelta.pdf · grouping of words into topics. Another similar design is TimeNets [24], which

Third, we calculate the objective function F to capturethe deviation of these row-wise and column-wise distribu-tions with regard to the uniform distribution.

The objective function is defined as follows:

F ¼ 1




DKL RikU 1


� �� �þ 1




DKL CjkU 1


� �� �(3)



P ðiÞlogQðiÞP ðiÞ : (4)

This objective function can reach a local minimum, which isacceptable given that we are trying to segment time basedon shifts in topics and this approach capture the first shift intopics (as opposed to detecting an optimal segmentationwhich would require a more exhaustive search throughbreakpoint layouts).

Here, DKL denotes the KL-divergence that is used to cal-culate the distance between the row-wise and the uniformdistribution. Likewise, it is used to calculate the distancebetween the column-wise distributions and the uniform dis-tribution. Then the values resulting from using the DKL willbe used in calculating the objective function F .

The algorithm repeats the above mentioned steps for allpermutations of the two sliding window sizes. The goal isto minimize F , in which case the distributions observed inthe contingency table are as close to a uniform distributionas possible, in turn implying that the topics are maximallydissimilar.

There are two stopping conditions for this algorithm: (1)if conversion of F is achieved, or (2) the maximum size forboth windows was achieved. Detailed description of thealgorithm is shown in Algorithm 1.

Putting all these ideas together into a working Theme-Delta application involves several implementation deci-sions. Model selection (i.e., choosing the ‘right’ numberof topics) is a key underlying issue and Bayesian criteriasuch as the AIC or BIC or information-theoretic criteriasuch as perplexity can be utilized for this purpose. Moreformally, a hierarchical Dirichlet process (HDP) modelcan be employed. An inordinate number of topics wouldlead to an under-determined system and inference ofredundant topics. Here, we apply a simple word filteringtechnique on the discovered topics within and acrosssegments to eliminate repeated topics and repeatedterms. This can potentially alter the number of topics ineach segment and number of words used to representeach topic.


ThemeDelta‘s visual representation draws on TextFlow[27], and uses a basic visual encoding consisting of sinu-ous trendlines—each representing a trend in the dataset—stretching from left to right along a timeline mapped tothe horizontal axis (Fig. 3). The horizontal space alongthis axis is divided equally among different time seg-ments (t1, t2, and t3 in Fig. 3). Topics for each segment areperceptually conveyed by clustering the trendlines for thegrouped trends next to each other along the vertical axes,

leaving a fixed amount of empty vertical space betweenadjacent topics. Vertical lines, one for each time segment,partition their horizontal positions.

Algorithm 1. Topic Modeling Based Segmentation

Input: T ¼ ft0; t1; t2; t3; . . . ; ttgx ¼min. window size.y ¼max. window size.

Output: ST ¼ fg //Set of all segments between t0 and ttW1Start ¼ t0W1Size ¼ xF ¼ Initialize objective function with a large number.whileW1StartþW1Sizeþ x � tt andW1Size � y do//x is added to W1 to take into account the data availabilityfor W2.

Conversion = False//Reset start and size of W2.W2Start ¼ W1StartþW1Sizeþ 1dayW2Size ¼ xwhileW2StartþW2Size � tt andW2Size � y doApply LDA separately onW1 andW2Calculate F 0 forW1 andW2if F 0 > F orW1Size ¼¼ y orW2Size ¼¼ y do//Conversion or max. window size limit reach.AddW1 andW2 to ST

W1Start ¼ W2StartþW2Sizeþ 1dayW1Size ¼ xConversion = TrueBreak

F ¼ F 0

W2Sizeþ ¼ x //Expand W2.if !Conversion doW1Sizeþ ¼ x

if leftover data exists do//leftover data starts at W1Start and ends at tt.Apply LDA on leftover data.Add window of leftover data to ST .

return ST

5.1 Visual Design

Given this basic design, many design parameters remainopen. Below we review the most important of these andmotivate our decisions for the visualization technique. Avisualization developer using the same basic visual repre-sentation may make different choices than these dependingon the application.

Shape. To communicate the organic nature of evolvingtrends, we use splines to yield smooth curves. The resultinglines are continuous, predictable, and appealing. An alter-native design would have used rectilinear or sharp angles,but curves are likely easier to perceive and more aestheti-cally pleasing.

Thickness. Trendline thickness is a free visual variable.While it is possible to use a uniform thickness for all trend-lines, it can also be used to convey scalar data for each timesegment. Because increasing thickness will raise the visualsalience of a trendline, we tend to use it to convey theweight of each keyword calculated by our segmentationalgorithm.

Furthermore, our visual representation uses verticaldashed lines to partition time segments on the visual space.


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The thickness of these lines is another free variable that can,e.g., be used to indicate the relative extent of each time seg-ment. This is useful since time segments may be irregular;some segments are significantly longer than others.

Color. Color is another free parameter in our visual repre-sentation, and can convey either a quantity (using a colorscale) or a category (using discrete colors). The choicedepends on the application. For example, we use it both toshow the strength of a correlation, as well as to conveywhich entity class a particular trendline belongs to.

Discontinuities. Trendlines can begin and end at any timesegment, sometimes only to reappear later in time. We com-municate this using a tapered endpoint of the line (see bordersin Fig. 3). An alternative design could have dashed the trend-lines for the periods of time where there is no associatedvalue, similar to the use of different trend shapes in TextFlow[27].We chose to avoid this tominimize visual complexity.

Labels. We draw the names of each trendline on the lineitself for each time segment. While this is redundant (oneinstance of the label is sufficient) and potentially a source of

visual clutter, it prevents the user from having to trace anundulating trendline back to a single label at the far end ofthe visualization. We also scale the label size based onthe trendline‘s thickness, similar to word scaling in wordclouds.

Duplicated Trends. Sometimes a trend may exist in morethan one topic for a particular time segment (see trend A attime t2 in Fig. 3). To make the visualization consistent, aswell as to convey the fan-out, we are forced to fork thetrendline into two or more pieces. Analogously, in a timesegment following a duplicated trend instance, the trend-lines should be merged to maintain consistency. In situa-tions when there is more than one candidate to fork fromor merge to, we choose the two trend instances that arevertically closest to each other (see the layout algorithmdiscussed below).

5.2 Interaction

Several interaction techniques are meaningful for Theme-Delta frontend. First of all, geometric zoom and pan allowsfor being able to magnify a certain part of the visualizationto see details. Furthermore, hovering over a trendline willhighlight the line, including all of its branches in other partsof the visualization (even past a discontinuity). Fig. 1 showsthis interaction, where the trend lines associated with thekeyword energy are highlighted in response to a mousehover interaction.

The interface also supports searching for trendlines byname. In addition, we provide a combined filtering andresorting operation. Clicking on a trendline will add it to afilter box, causing the layout to be recomputed with theselected trendline at the top of the screen. The new layoutwill only include trendlines that are connected to theselected trendline, i.e., which in at least one time segment

Fig. 1. ThemeDelta visualization for Barack Obama‘ campaign speeches during the U.S. 2012 presidential election (until September 10, 2012).Green lines are shared terms between Obama and Romney. Data from the “The American Presidency Project” at UCSB (http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/).

Fig. 2. Contingency table used to evaluate independence of topic distri-butions for two adjacent windows [40].


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belong to the same topic as the selected trendline. Followingthe example presented in Fig. 1, clicking on the trend linefor the keyword energy performs the filtering operation, andthe visual layout is changed such that the filter keyword ispositioned at the top (Fig. 4). Additional trendlines can beadded to the filter box, yielding a conjunctive filter (onlytrendlines which are connected to all selected trendlinesare shown).

5.3 Layout

The ThemeDelta frontend visualization layout divides theavailable horizontal space equally between time segments,while vertical space is divided locally between the topicsassociatedwith each time segment. Due to the ever-changingtopic groupings over time aswell as the dynamic appearanceand disappearance of trends, it is typically not possible torepresent trends as straight lines. In fact, a single trend couldappear in a different topic and at a different vertical positionwith each new time segment. This is the reason for usingsmooth splines to convey this organic trend evolution.

Of course, this in turn means that trendlines will fre-quently cross one another while connecting the multipleoccurrences of a single term across different time segments.Research in graph drawing has shown that the ease withwhich a user can follow an edge depends on the number ofcrossings with other lines in its path [43].

Tanahashi and Ma [44] discussed a set of layout designprinciples for better legibility of storyline visualizations likeThemeDelta. However, the complexity of their algorithmmakes it difficult to achieve real-time layout updates. Otherwork proposed by Liu et al. [45] trade-off optimal layoutwith algorithm performance to achieve real-time updates.The algorithm used for ThemDelta is similar to the one pro-posed by Liu et al. [45]. However, contrary to their

algorithm, we do not have hierarchical relationships in theunderlying data and to facilitate the identification of indi-vidual topics by supporting a constant reasonable verticalspace between them, the layout algorithm used in this paperdoes not perform the topic alignment step. Moreover, toachieve real time interactivity our implementation mini-mizes line crossings through a single iteration across differ-ent time segments.

In particular, ThemeDelta relies on a deterministic layoutalgorithm that minimizes trendline crossings by first sortingthe vertical positioning of different topics, followed by sort-ing the trends within each topic. While sorting topics at aparticular time segment ti, a topic p1 is placed beforeanother topic p2 if the average vertical position of the trendscontained in topic p1 is less than the terms present in topicp2 at the previous time segment ti�1. Topic position in thefirst time segment is either determined randomly, or usingsome attribute of the underlying data.

After sorting topics it is time to sort the trends withineach topic. Except for the first time segment, trendswithin a topic are sorted such that their relative verticalposition remains the same as it was in the previous timesegment. Once all trends are sorted, the trends containedwithin topics of the first time segment are sorted suchthat their vertical position remains the same as in the sec-ond time segment.

Fig. 5 shows the progressive decrease in the number oftrendline crossings at different stages of the layout. InFig. 5a the dataset is visualized without any sorting. Thisresults in a total of twelve crossings between trendlines,connecting multiple occurrences of terms across the twotime segments t1 and t2. Fig. 5b shows the resulting layoutafter topic sorting. As shown in the figure, the topics withintime segment t2 are now ordered based on the average verti-cal position of their corresponding terms within time seg-ment t1. This ordering of topics has reduced the number ofline crossings from 12 to 6. Finally, Fig. 5c shows the result-ing layout after trend sorting. Here again it is evident thatthe number of line crossings is reduced even further. All inall, as a result of the layout algorithm, the number of trend-line crossings has been reduced from 12 to 2.


Political speeches, especially during an election cam-paign, are particularly interesting document collections to

Fig. 3. Basic visual representation used by ThemeDelta.

Fig. 4. ThemeDelta visualization after performing a filtering operation, based on the keyword “energy”, in the visualization presented in 1.


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analyze because the political discourse tends to changeand evolve as different candidates respond and challengeeach other over the course of the campaign. Visualizingthe speeches of different candidates would allow for com-paring the trends of each candidate with each other. Tostudy such effects, we used the U.S. 2012 presidentialelection campaign speeches.

The U.S. presidential election takes place every fouryears (starting in 1792) in November (the 2012 election daywas November 6), and is an indirect vote on members of theU.S. Electoral College, who then directly elect the presidentand vice president. In 2012, the Republican and Democratic(the two dominant parties, representing conservative vs. lib-eral agendas) conventions were held on the weeks ofAugust 27 and September 3, respectively. The two opposingcandidates were Republican nominee Mitt Romney, andDemocratic nominee Barack Obama (incumbent Presidentof the United States). The ThemeDelta for both candidates isshown in Figs. 1 and 6.

6.1 Data

In collecting data for the United States presidential election,we used campaign speech transcripts for both candidatesfrom the UCSB American Presidency Project.3 For MittRomney, we used transcripts from 46 speeches over a 62-week period: from announcing candidacy on July 29, 2011,to August 14, 2012. This corpus included speeches fromboth the Republican primary election (settled on May 14,2012 as the main competing nominee Ron Paul withdrew).For Barack Obama, we used transcripts from 40 speechesover a 44-week period: November 7, 2011 to September17, 2012.

6.2 Discussion

Visualizations of the two candidates Barack Obama andMitt Romney are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 6. Trendlines inboth visualizations represent characteristic keywords thateach candidate uses as a theme in his speeches. Demo-cratic trendlines are colored blue, Republican ones arered, and trendlines for keywords that both candidatesshare are green.

For the Romney dataset (Fig. 6), there is a clear impact oftime on keywords and topics that the candidate is using.Romney’s message starts out relatively simple with onlytwo main topics, but quickly branches out in complexity astime evolves. The effect of main competitor Ron Paul

withdrawing in May is clear: before this date, Romney istrying to win the party nomination, whereas afterwards, heis going for the presidential seat. As a result, his messagebecomes more simple again: both the number of keywordsand the number of topics decreases during the last threesegments, presumably to focus on key issues in the Republi-can election platform.

For the Obama dataset (Fig. 1), a good portion of theidentified keywords are common with Mitt Romney (i.e.,green in color). This could be seen as Obama discussingmany of the issues that has become central to the U.S. presi-dential race. Furthermore, there is a clear presence of key-words such as “health,” “insurance,” and “care,” whichmay refer to the president’s health care reform from 2010(informally called Obamacare). This is a controversial issuethat still causes a major divide between voters; a Reuters-Ipsos poll in June 2012 indicated that a full 56 percent ofAmericans were against the law.

Taken as a whole, both datasets have a heavy empha-sis on economics keywords. This is commensurate withthe overall theme of the 2012 presidential race, whichlargely has focused on the poor economic situation of theUnited States.


The Internet facilitates informal deliberation as well ascivic and civil engagement. Web-based applications forinformal deliberation (e.g., i-Neighbors [4]) facilitate thecollection of data that we can analyze to provide insightinto how neighborhoods with different poverty levels useICTs for informal deliberation. Using ThemeDelta, we cancharacterize differences and detect common interests ininformal deliberation between advantaged and disadvan-taged communities.

The goal of this application was to study two basicquestions: what lengths of time neighborhoods with dif-ferent poverty levels spend discussing topics? And whatis the average similarity in topics discussed betweenneighborhoods with different poverty levels, and the sim-ilarity in topics discussed between neighborhoods withsimilar poverty levels?

7.1 Data

The data for this application was collected through the i-Neighbors system. The site is open for anyone in the UnitedStates or Canada to create a virtual community that matches

Fig. 5. Comparison of different stages of the layout sorting algorithm used for the ThemeDelta technique.

3. Available online at: http://presidency.ucsb.edu/


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their geographic neighborhood and start conversations onlocal issues, announce events, disseminate information, etc.

When we collected the data in 2010, the i-Neighbors web-site had over 100,000 users who had registered more than15,000 neighborhoods. Over 1,000 neighborhoods wereactive with more than 7,000 unique messages contributingto neighborhood discussion forums. We collected data fromsix geographically diverse communities located in Georgia,Maryland, New York, and Ohio. We selected the threegroups located in areas with concentrated levels of poverty(a poverty rate of 25 percent or more, 2009 American Com-munity Survey, US Census Beureau) who exchanged themost messages, and the three most active groups in moreadvantaged areas.

7.2 Discussion

We applied our temporal segmentation algorithm on the sixselected neighborhoods. Topics within each segments canbe examined using the visualization to find topic similaritiesbetween neighborhoods. Segmentation labels indicatingsegments size can be used for comparing the time spent bydifferent neighborhood discussing certain topics.

A partial segmentation output is shown for a disadvan-taged neighborhood in Figs. 8 and 9 for a more advantagedneighborhood. From these two examples, the segmentssizes are not very different and we can conclude that boththe disadvantaged and advantaged neighborhoods spendsimilar amounts of time discussing topics.

Examining the words groupings in both neighborhoodscan lead to discovering differences and similarities in theirdiscussions. For example, in the low-poverty neighborhoodin segment [Feb 1, 2009 to Nov 1, 2009], there is a topic thathas the words “watch” and “neighbor,” which lead us toconclude that there were some arrangements or discussionsabout a neighborhood watch. This topic is not found in thethe disadvantaged neighborhood visualization. If the usersearched for the word “watch” this will result (Fig. 7) in

only showing the topics that has the this word and anyother related topic.

Similarly, an example of similarities of topics discussedbetween neighborhoods can be shown by examining thesegment [Jan 03, 2010 to Sept 3, 2010] in the advantagedneighborhood (Fig. 9) and segment [Feb 4, 2010 to Oct 4,2010] in the disadvantaged neighborhood (Fig. 8). In bothsegments, there exist two topics in which both communitiesdiscuss a park-related project.


Newspaper stories are precisely the type of ongoing,evolving trend datasets for which ThemeDelta wasdesigned. Below we review the source, segmentation, andvisualization for a dataset consisting of historical U.S.newspaper stories from 1918.

8.1 Data

Our data source was a historical newspapers databasehosted on the Chronicling America website,4 a Library ofCongress resource that provides an Internet-based, search-able database of historical U.S. newspapers. The website ismaintained by the National Digital Newspaper Program(NDNP), a partnership between the National Endowmentfor the Humanities (NEH) and the Library of Congress.

Some of newspapers included in this example are: TheWashington Times (Washington, DC), Evening Public Ledger(Philadelphia, PA), The Evening Missourian (Columbia, MO),El Paso Herald (El Paso, TX), and The Holt County Sentinel (Ore-gon,MO).We gathered data from them, restricting the time tothe period September 1918 throughDecember 1918. From thisdataset, we extracted only paragraphs that mention the word“influenza” resulting in 2,944 paragraphs. This correspondsto the 1918 flu pandemic (also known as the “Spanish flu”)

Fig. 6. ThemeDelta visualization for Mitt Romney campaign speeches for the U.S. 2012 presidential election (as of September 10, 2012). Green linesare shared terms between Obama and Romney speeches. Data from the American Presidency Project at UCSB (http://presidency.ucsb.edu/).

4. Available online at: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/


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which spread around the world from January 1918 toDecember 1920, resulting in some 50 million deaths.

8.2 Discussion

Applying the above dataset to ThemeDelta using a weeklysegment granularity yields four discrete time segments overthe four-month time period. Fig. 10 shows a visualization ofthe result, where the transparency value of each trendlinehas been mapped to the global ranking of the keyword cor-responding to the trendline. The thickness of the trendlineconveys the ranking of each keyword for a particular timesegment, calculated by our segmentation algorithm.

Fig. 10 offers several observations that summarize thequalitative nature of trends exposed by ThemeDelta. Theoutput is showing many events that were related tothe 1918 pandemic in the data. For example, in the first timesegment, September 9 until October 9, there are a topic thatcontain the terms “mask” and “German.” This correspondsto advisories and guidelines recommending people to usemasks to protect themselves from the ongoing influenzapandemic during World War I. In the same segment, thewords “liberty,” “loan,” and “campaign” appeared in one

of the topics, and continued appearing in the following seg-ment, October 10 until December 5, because a liberty loancampaign were issued to support the army during WorldWar I. Also, in the October 10-December 5 segment, thearmy men left the camps to go back home from service andstay with their families; this explains the topic with thewords “family,” “home,” “serves,” “spent,” “wife,” and“son.” This topic appeared along with the topic with

Fig. 8. Partial output from a high-poverty neighborhood.

Fig. 9. Partial output from a low-poverty neighborhood.

Fig. 7. Result of searching for the word “watch” in low-povertyneighborhood.

Fig. 10. ThemeDelta visualization for newspaper paragraphs during theperiod September to December in 1918. Color transparency for differenttrendlines signify the global frequency for that keyword.


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the words “case,” “disease,” “mask,” “cross,” and “red”because the returning soldiers were exposed to the diseaseand some of them were sick. As a result, families wereadvised to take protective measures.

World War I ended on November 11, 1918, whichexplains the disappearance of the word “German,” but thecountry continued suffering from the disease. The word“mask” reappeared back along with “epidemic,” “hospital,”and “disease” in the December 14 until December 28 seg-ment, which aligns with the second influenza wave. Again,during this time people were advised to wear masks toslow down the spread of the disease. The Red Cross was fre-quently mentioned in the last three segments, which isindicative of the second, deadlier wave of the pandemicthat began in October. In both the December 6 to December13 and December 14 to December 28 segments, the terms“people,” “ban,” and “meet” appeared because people werebanned from meeting each other as a precaution measure tolimit the spread of the disease. The term “president”appeared in the last segment along with “service” appearedinitially in the first segment and then returned with signifi-cant strength in the last segment, illustrating the seriousnessaccorded to the national scale of the pandemic.


To validate the utility of the ThemeDelta system, includingboth its temporal segmentation algorithm as well as itsvisual representation, we conducted a qualitative user studyinvolving expert participants. The purpose was to study thesuitability of the approach for in-depth expert analysis ofdynamic text corpora. Because of our existing collaborationwith historians (the sixth author of this work is a historian),we opted to use the historical U.S. newspaper dataset andengage experts from the history department at one of ourhome universities.

9.1 Data

We used historical data from five U.S. newspapers for ourqualitative evaluation from three different areas: New York,Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia. The data was collectedfrom the Chronicling America website5 and focused on the1918 influenza epidemic, which killed as many as 50 millionpeople worldwide and has long been recognized as one ofthe most deadly disease outbreaks in modern world history.Historians are interested in reconstructing the timeline ofevents, with a view to understanding previously concealedor neglected connections between public opinion, healthalerts, and prevailing medical knowledge.

9.2 Method

We recruited three graduate students as participants: onefrom the history department and two from the Englishdepartment at our university. The participants were allrequired to have prior knowledge of America around theGreat War/First World War period. Two participants werePh.D. students and one was a Masters student. We requiredno particular technical skill prior to participation. While thenumber of study participants may appear to be low, we

want to emphasize that these participants represent a highlyexpert population and that our study protocol is focusedmore on an expert review [46] rather than a comparative orperformance-based user study.

The total study time was an hour. The procedure wasas follows: Participants were first asked to fill out abackground questionnaire. Then the study moderatorexplained the tool and its features, followed by the taskthe participants were asked to perform using the tool.After that, the participants were asked to solve severalhigh-level tasks (reviewed below) using the tool. Finally,they were asked to complete a post-session questionnaireto collect feedback on the tool.

The tasks that we asked the participant to accomplishwith the help of our system was answering some questionson the 1918 influenza pandemic. Participants were encour-aged to refer to the visualization in their answers by men-tioning segments names, giving examples, or taking screencaptures from the visualization. Tasks were divided intochange and connection questions, to allow us to determinewhether the visualization and algorithmic choices we madewere helpful or not. The change-focused questions were:

� How did the newspapers describe the spread ofinfluenza?

� How does the description of the pandemic changeover time?

� Are there different times when the influenza pan-demic becomes less important? What are those timeperiods?

Questions that were focused on connections were:

� What are the categories that appear to be associatedwith influenza in different newspapers?

� Was there a specific feeling that surrounded theinfluenza reporting in the newspapers?

9.3 Results

All three participants were successful in accomplishing thetask using ThemeDelta. We determined this by comparingtheir answers to the task questions with model answersprovided by the history faculty collaborator (reviewed inSection 8). They correctly reported the sentiments thatsurrounded the influenza from the five newspapers.They also successfully described the change in reportingof the influenza spread. Finally, they all succeeded indiscovering the connection between influenza and othercategories (e.g., schools, war, and hospitals).

The subjective results of the study were overall positiveand the participants all vouched for the helpfulness of thesystem and the need for such systems in their research.None of the participants had previous experience using anyvisual analytics systems. This implies that the participantsfound ThemeDelta to be understandable and easy to use.

All the three participants finished the tasks within theallocated time. They also uniformly reported that the sametype of task, if done manually as part of their own research,would normally take several days if not weeks. This high-lights an additional strength to our system: minimizing thetime spent on manual analysis of large amounts of text,allowing the analyst to focus on collecting insight instead.5. Available online at: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/


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In the post-session questionnaire, participants wereasked to give their feedback on specific ThemeDelta fea-tures. The features that were reported as very useful werelabels, line thickness, duplicate trends, and discontinua-tions. Participant ratings for other features ranged fromvery useful to not useful at all, the latter typically becausethey did not use that particular feature. Some of the identi-fied weaknesses of the tool included not being able to seefull phrases or word combinations, managing keyword fil-tering, controlling the dynamic layout, and high complexityfor large datasets.


ThemeDelta excels at discovering trending topics and visual-izing not just the discovered topics, but also their evolutionover time. We have demonstrated the utility of our analyticscomponent by applying it to several types of text corpora. Fur-thermore, we have also shown that the visualization part ofThemeDelta can be applied to other types of data beyond text;the FriendShare app is one example of how the technique canbe used to show temporal edges in a dynamic graph, i.e., foredges that appear at specific points in time. However, whileThemeDelta hasmany strengths, it is also balanced by severalweaknesses and areas of future improvement.

10.1 Visual Design

For the visualization component, limitations appear inthe presence of many trends, long time periods, and highvisual complexity. While existing techniques such asTextFlow [27] take a macroscopic approach to summariz-ing massive text corpora using high-level overviews, The-meDelta uses a trend-level design that does not scale aswell when the number of trends or time segmentsincreases. While we have not derived a formal limit, evenmany of the examples presented in this paper skirt theboundary of the utility of the technique. In practice, largedatasets (in either trends or time, or both) yield high visualcomplexity, particularly in the number of trendline cross-ings as well as incident trendlines. Such effects make per-ceiving the visualized data more difficult.

Several possible strategies can solve this problem, such asfiltering, sampling, or aggregation. Fig. 11 shows Friend-Share, a social media application for Facebook that we havedeveloped to showcase one such strategy. FriendShare doesnot use the temporal segmentation algorithm proposed inthis paper, but instead aggregates a Facebook user‘s interac-tionswith friends in their socialmedia network on amonthlybasis. This data is collected and aggregated using the Face-book Graph API. Each friend becomes a trendline thatappears and disappears for the periods when that friendinteracts and does not interact, respectively, with the selecteduser. The example in Fig. 11 shows that “Andrew Smith” hasseveral friends that regularly keep in touch with him, illus-trated by themany unbroken trendlines in the visualization.

10.2 Topic Modeling

The underlying algorithm of ThemeDelta has limitationsstemming from non-adaptive window sizing and fixednumber of discovered topics. The minimum and maxi-mum window sizes have to be pre-specified before thesegmentation algorithm is run. This introduces the prob-lem of force-adding a segmentation point when the maxi-mum window size is reached, to overcome this weincrease the maximum window size which can result in aslower running algorithm. The fixed number of topics dis-covered from each segment can introduce redundanttopics. Overcoming this weakness effectively and system-atically is a direction of future work.

10.3 Evaluation

We opted to not run a controlled quantitative experimentusing ThemeDelta, Instead, we choose to run a qualitativeexpert review [46]. One reason for this choice is that wefound no suitable technique to use as a baseline comparisonfor such an experiment. While techniques such as TextFlow[27] and TIARA [22] do provide insight on trends evolvingover time, they cluster keywords together and focus on pro-viding overview instead of detail at the level of individualkeywords. In this sense, parallel tag clouds [23] are perhapsthe closest technique to ThemeDelta in that it visualizes

Fig. 11. FriendShare for Facebook app visualizing ego-centric communication patterns for the period October 2011 to September 2012 for a personnamed “Andrew Smith” (highlighted in dark blue). Trendlines representing male friends use a blue color, females use a pink color, and undisclosedgender (or entities) use green. The inset shows details for June 2012. Note the high number of connections in the month of November, Andrew‘sbirthday month.


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individual keywords, yet PTCs do not show the clusteringof trends into topics over time. This makes direct compari-son difficult. While our qualitative review did not compareThemeDelta to other techniques, it did give rise to muchmore qualitative and generally useful results.


We have presented ThemeDelta, a visual analytics systemfor discovering and representing the evolution of trend key-words into ever-changing topic aggregations over time.While ThemeDelta builds on earlier text visualization tech-niques and text analytics algorithms, its main advantage isan emphasis on how keywords scatter and gather across adataset. To showcase the applicability of ThemeDelta, weapplied it to the political speeches of the two main candi-dates for the U.S. 2012 presidential campaign, social mes-saging practices in the i-Neighbors system, and historicalU.S. newspaper data on the deadly Spanish Flu pandemicduring the last part of 1918. We evaluated our system byconducting a qualitative expert user study using five differ-ent newspaper corpora. The study confirmed that Theme-Delta helped our expert participants in answering typicalresearch questions in their fields.

A major future direction for this work is to extend The-meDelta to be a complete visual analytics system wherein itsupports knowledge generation as well. As mentioned in[47], and echoed in our own earlier work [48] this requiresthoughtful integration of analyst’s discovery processesthrough additional interfaces and metaphors. Our futurework will also study aggregation methods—time-based andkeyword-based alike—for ThemeDelta that would increasethe scalability of the system. Another focus will be to enablethe automatic detection and visualization of the diffusion ofideas in scientific communities. From the algorithmic per-spective, we will be looking to extend the segmentationalgorithm ability to work with nonparametric bayesianmodels as Hierarchal Dirichlet Process (HDP) proposed byTeh et al. [49]. Unlike LDA, number of topics in the HDPmodel is automatically inferred. Currently, our algorithmonly supports parametric Latent Dirichlet allocation giventhat they are the most commonly used in practice andresearch. We also intend to continue to study applying addi-tional advanced visualization and algorithmic techniqueswithin the context of social websites such as Facebook.


Special thanks to the qualitative user study participants.


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Samah Gad received the Bachelor and Masterdegrees in computer engineering from the ArabAcademy for Science and Technology in Alex-andria, Egypt, and the PhD degree from Vir-ginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA, in 2014. She iscurrently the chief technology officer and Co-Founder of KustomNote a SaaS company. Herresearch interest is data mining, visual analyt-ics, and machine learning. She is a member ofthe IEEE.

Waqas Javed received the Bachelor of Sciencein electrical engineering from the University ofEngineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan,in 2007, and the PhD degree from Purdue Univer-sity in West Lafayette, IN, in 2013. Currently he isworking as a HCI researcher at General Electricin San Ramon, CA. His research interests includeinformation visualization, visual analytics, andhuman-computer interaction. He is a member ofthe IEEE.

Sohaib Ghani received the Bachelor of Sciencein electrical engineering from the University ofEngineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan,in 2007, and the PhD. degree fromPurdue Univer-sity in West Lafayette, IN, in 2013. Currently he isworking as an assistant professor at KACST GISTechnology Innovation Center, UmmAl-QuraUni-versity, Makkah, Saudi Arabia. His research inter-ests include information visualization, and visualanalytics. He is amember of the IEEE.

Niklas Elmqvist received the PhD degree fromChalmers University of Technology in G€oteborg,Sweden, in 2006 . Currently, he is an associateprofessor in the College of Information Studies atUniversity of Maryland, College Park, MD. Hewas previously an assistant professor in theSchool of Electrical & Computer Engineering atPurdue University in West Lafayette, IN. Beforethat he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Avizgroup at INRIA Saclay in Paris, France. He is asenior member of the IEEE.

Tom Ewing received the BA degree from Wil-liams College, Williamstown, MA, and the PhDdegree in history from the University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, MI. He currently the associate deanfor Graduate Studies, Research, and Diversity inthe College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciencesand professor of History at Virginia Tech, Blacks-burg, VA. His articles on digital history haveappeared in Perspectives on History, Computer(IEEE), Social Education, and The Journal ofWomen’s History.

Keith N. Hampton received the BA degree insociology from the University of Calgary, Calgary,AB, Canada, in 1996, and the MA and PhDdegrees from the University of Toronto, Toronto,ON, Canada, in 2001 and 1998, respectively. He iscurrently an associate professor in the Departmentof Communication at Rutgers University, NewBrunswick, NJ. His research interests focus on therelationship between new information and commu-nication technologies, social networks, democraticengagement, and the urban environment.

Naren Ramakrishnan received the PhD degreein computer sciences from Purdue University,West Lafayette, IN, in 1997. He is currently theThomas L. Phillips Professor of Engineering inthe Department of Computer Science at VirginiaTech, Blacksburg, VA. His research has beensupported by NSF, DHS, NIH, NEH, DARPA,IARPA, ONR, General Motors, HP Labs, NECLabs, and Advance Auto Parts. He has served asboth program chair and general chair of the IEEEInternational Conference on Data Mining (ICDM).

He is a member of the IEEE.

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