65Ma of climate change: biogeography of the Cenozoic era Mean annual temperatures in NW Europe and NW North America (reconstructed from pollen data) shown in red

65Ma of climate change: biogeography of the Cenozoic era

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65Ma of climate change: biogeography of the Cenozoic era. Mean annual temperatures in NW Europe and NW North America (reconstructed from pollen data) shown in red. Cenozoic climate change: the record from sub-Antarctic waters. thermal maximum. Pal(a)eocene biogeography. Start:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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65Ma of climate change: biogeography of the Cenozoic


Mean annual temperatures in NW Europe and NW North America (reconstructed from pollen data) shown in red

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Cenozoic climate change: the record from sub-Antarctic waters

thermal maximum

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Pal(a)eocene biogeography



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Northern hemisphere

biogeography in the early Cenozoic

(Paleocene/Early Eocene thermal

maximum @ 55My BP)

Sources: Bowen, G.M. et al. 2002. Mammalian Dispersal at the Paleocene/Eocene Boundary. Science 295: 2062 -

2065.Sluijs, A. et al., 2006. Subtropical Arctic Ocean temperatures during the Palaeocene/Eocene thermal

maximum. Nature, 441: 610-613.

Arctic Ocean fresh (floating mats of Azolla algae); CO2 ~2000 ppm (cf. 380 ppm @ PD) Arctic MAT increased from ~18°C (Paleocene) to ~23°C (cf. -20°C @

PD) Early mammals (ancestors of all major groups) likely originated in

Asia in late Paleocene and apparently migrated across the northern continents at or about the time of the thermal maximum.

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Early Tertiary coal deposits, Axel Heiberg Island

(stumps are dawn redwood: Metasequoia)

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Plant macrofossils from early Tertiary coalbeds, Axel Heiberg


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Oligocene palaeogeography


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are needed to see this picture.


John Day N.M.

Major Eocene-Oligocene fossil flora

sites in the PNW

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Eo-Oligocene biogeography of the Pacific NW

• John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon

• Current vegetation: sagebrush “high desert”; mean ann. ppt ~200 mm.

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John Day chrono-stratigraphy

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Deciduous riparian

forest (alder- elm-hickory-

walnut), east-central

Oregon(Whitecap Knoll beds;

late Eocene)

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Eocene-Oligocene fossil

beds near Eugene, OregonWarm temperate forest (alder-oak-sycamore-

sweet clover [Meliosma], dawn

redwood [Metasequoia]

Source: Retallack, G.J. et al., 2004. Eocene-Oligocene extinction and paleoclimatic change near Eugene, Oregon. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 116, 817-839.

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Source: Retallack, G.J. et al., 2004.

Mid-Cenozoic paleoclimate;

west-central Oregon

Eugene @ PD: MAT ~11°C; P ~1300 mm

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Cenozoic climatic decline and

the onset of glaciation

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What prompted Cenozoic climate decline and the onset of

glaciation?Main factors:1. Continental drift

Isolation of Antarctica and initiation of sub-Antarctic oceanic circulation; ice-sheet formationIsolation of Arctic Ocean; sea-ice formation

2. OrogenesisIsolation of continental interiors, particularly of Central Asia, as a result of uplift of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau. High altitude areas = more snow cover = high albedo = regional cooling.

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The Quaternary: endpoint of

Tertiary cooling




1.67 Ma





Colder - Warmer Ter






Holocene10 ka

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When did the first cold

phase occur?

IRDIRD = iceberg-rafted detritus Colder - Warmer

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Local extinctions after the first cold


~ 2.4 Ma = beginning of Quaternary?

Vegetation of Late Pliocene Holland


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Ice and Change:Quaternary Biogeography

Nature of the evidence Chronology Fluctuating climates Glacial phases Interglacial phases

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Iceworld: Wisconsinan glaciation

storm paths

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Glacial - interglacial seesaw:

e.g. 9 glacial phases in last

0.7 Ma?

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Cold continental



(50 - 20 ka BP) in Britain derived

from beetle assemblages







Species ranges

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Pollen analysis:

identification based on shape

and ornamentation

of grain

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Pollen “rain”



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Pollen analysis results:% pollen

and pollen influx

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The last interglacial

- glacial cycle

Glacial / periglacial areas

~ 100 ka

slow cooling

quick w



quick w



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European vegetation

distribution: 13 ka BP

(= late glacial)

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Full-glacial vegetation of eastern North America

Laurentide Ice Sheet

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Bio-indicators of lowered sea level in late Quaternary mammoth teeth freshwater peat oolites(= lake deposits)all continental shelves exposed in glacial phases

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Exposed continental

shelves =

land bridges

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Trans-Beringia mammal migrations during the

QuaternaryBeaverLynxSnow & mountain sheepMooseElkBearsWolverineWolfArctic foxArctic hareBisonMountain goatCoyoteKit fox


(and humans)

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Beringia: Arctic fish refuge?

refuge? refuge?

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Multiple trans-Beringian migrations: the Bison case

Bison priscus

Bison antiquus Bison bison

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Quaternary fluctuations in precipitation in the western



“Provo” relict

shoreline, Lake


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Lake levelsin US

Southwest; full - late glacial

phase = “pluvial”

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Elevation -


relations, Grand

Canyon area:

full-glacial was cooler and wetter

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Douglas-fir: a refuge

relict in the Mexican Sierras?

Glacial Interglacial

pine - fir forest

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Glacial -interglacial migrations


Holocene) Glacial refuge

Interglacial range

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Refuges and migrations: individualistic patterns

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Refuges and migrations: aquatic biota

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migration paths: aquatic biota Glacial refuges

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Ranges and

refuges: the

tropical biotas

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Inferred glacial refuges in

tropical areas:an extreme


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Climatic deterioration

during interglacial



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Climatic optima in early interglacial time: the driving forces

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Evidence for the Holocene hypsithermal

The early part of the Holocene is generally considered to have been a “climatic optimum” with higher temperatures (and lower rainfall?) than at present. Can you find evidence of this in the pollen records from the Pacific Northwest?

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Elsewhere, the ‘hypsithermal’ may have been wetter: (e.g. the central Sahara)

Eroded lake beds,Taouendi

Rock art,Tassili Massif

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Pollen evidence

(after Ritchie)