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  • 7/29/2019 64075d01


    Ipti Mtiit Y Di P

    S U M M A R Y

    Designers o mechatronics products must create highly complex mechtronics systems that successully integrate electrical, mechanical, andinormation-processing components. SolidWorks Premium, integratewith our partners products, can help you meet the unique challengeso mechatronics design, enabling you to use digital modeling to reduphysical prototypes, improve product quality, and streamline your entdevelopment process.

    w h i t e p A p

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01



    The days when mechanical systems and products were strictly mechanical ar

    rapidly coming to a close as products continue to become more capable and

    more complex. To some degree, these increasingly sophisticated products ar

    virtually guaranteed to employ mechatronics. Depending on the product ind

    try, mechatronics can be dened in several dierent ways. Generally, mecha-tronics is the integration o electrical and electronic components into mechan

    cal enclosures and/or mechanical subassemblies.

    Some examples o this denition include multiunction printer/scanner/ax

    machines, digital music players, GPS devices, laptop and desktop computers,

    digital cameras, cell phones, home appliances, and industrial machines. All

    these products include electronic systems that are a synergistic integration a

    packaging o electrical and mechanical subsystems. Although mechatronics

    typically represented in the consumer electronics industry, it also is employed

    across a broader cross-section o industries, including industrial machinery.

    A second way o viewing mechatronics is as a subset o the electronics industry, where mechatronics systems are composed o a systematic integration o

    mechanical, electrical, electronics, and embedded sotware components. Whe

    all these various components are combined, the result is an electromechanic

    system. Within this context, mechatronics is characterized by sotware and el

    tronics that control electromechanical systems. This denition is best exempl

    ed by modern automotive engines and other automotive systems, aerospace

    equipment, and complex production machinery.

    FIgure 1: The keY eleMenTs oF MechaTronIcs (IllusTraTIon courTes

    oF naTIonal InsTruMenTs)

    Mechatronics is also known as a way to achieve an optimal design solution o

    an electromechanical product. Key mechatronics ideas are developed during

    the interdisciplinary simulation process, which provides the conditions or rais

    synergy and the catalytic eect or discovering solutions to complex problem

    This synergy arises rom integrating mechanical, electrical, and computer sys

    tems with inormation systems in order to design and manuacture mechatro

    ics products. Machines that manuacture a wide range o products, rom auto

    motive tires to ood processing, are good examples o this method.

    I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S

    Generally, mechatronics is the

    integration o electrical and elec-tronic components into mechani-

    cal enclosures and/or mechanicalsubassemblies.

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01


    Regardless o how mechatronics is dened, all mechatronics products exhibi

    perormance characteristics that were once dicultor even impossibleto

    achieve without a synergistic approach. The key elements o this synergistic

    approach are shown in Figure 1, which illustrates how mechatronics is the

    result o applying inormation systems to mechanical, electrical, and compute


    Mechatronics systems are excellent candidates or design process optimizati

    due to the high complexity o their designs and their high degree o integrati

    among electrical, mechanical, and inormation-processing components. For th

    design team, the biggest challenges are how to integrate all o these compo-

    nents successully and then choose the right design tools to create complex

    mechatronics systems.

    t callngs of mcaroncs

    A number o critical business issues associated with mechatronics aect the

    engineering and design team as well as the management team. These issuesrange rom improving product quality to reducing costs to maintaining sustain

    ability; rom complying with the Restriction o Hazardous Substances (RoHS)

    directive to shortening the product development cycle with aster time-to-ma

    ket. As a result, your design team is under constant pressure to produce mor

    complex products that not only top your previous designs, but also outperorm

    your competitors productsin less time and at less cost. One o the most

    eective ways to reduce costs is by reducing the number o physical prototyp

    during the product development cycle. You can achieve this by simply making

    digital test and simulation an integral part o the digital design phase.

    As mechatronics systems become more complex, the challenges associated

    with successully executing them also become more demanding. Greater end

    user unctionality and capability, or example, require greater numbers o elec

    tronic components, which in turn necessitates denser electronic component

    packaging. As electronic component density increases, cooling requirements

    also increase. Heat transer becomes more daunting as packages become

    denser, thereby causing more heat ailure. During the design phase, denser

    packaging becomes a critical system issue due to the interoperability require

    ments between electronic CAD (ECAD) and mechanical CAD (MCAD) sotw

    applications. Ultimately, this becomes a quality issue that must be addressed

    I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S

    As mechatronics systems become

    more complex, the challengesassociated with successully

    executing them also becomemore demanding.

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01


    solIDWorks FloW sIMulaTIon Is useD on ThIs PoWer suPPlY To analY

    heaT DIssIPaTIon as cool aIr enTers The box on The leFT anD To exaM

    Ine The eFFecT ThaT has on The PoWer suPPlYs DIscreTe coMPonenT

    Because mechatronics systems are becoming more complex and unctionalit

    demands are increasing, designers are oten replacing or supplementing har

    ware with sotware and rmware. One benet o transitioning rom hardware

    sotware is called postponement, or the ability to include major unctionality

    eatures during the nal stages o production, as a result o the embedded so

    ware system.

    Another critical issue is the sae disposal o hazardous materials that are gen

    erated when electronic products are produced or retired. I treated properly,

    electronic waste can be a valuable source or secondary raw materials; i not

    handled correctly, however, it can become a major source o toxins. This is

    becoming a ast-growing global problem due to rapid technology change, low

    initial cost, and even planned obsolescence. Although technical solutions are

    available, in most cases a legal ramework, a collection system, logistics, and

    other services must be implemented beore a technical solution can be applie

    During the 1990s, some European countries banned the disposal o elec-

    tronic waste in landlls, which in turn created an e-waste processing indu

    try throughout Europe. Early in 2003, the European Union (EU) presented

    the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and Restriction o

    Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directives. Since then, the EU, Japan, Sou

    Korea, and Taiwan have demanded that sellers and manuacturers o elec

    tronics be responsible or recycling 75 percent o these products. Many

    Asian countries have legislated, or are about to legislate, or electronic

    waste recycling.

    In the United States, Congress is considering a number o electronic waste b

    including the National Computer Recycling Act. In the meantime, several stat

    have passed their own laws regarding electronic waste management. Graduathis ongoing problem is receiving deserved attention worldwide.

    Designing and producing a mechatron-

    ics system requires a well-orchestratedeort by many people across a wide

    variety o job roles and unctionsromindustrial design to PCB layout to con-trol logic design to production planning.

    I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01


    t mcaroncs dsgn rocss

    Because mechatronics systems must integrate many dierent types o physi

    cal and digital rmware, processes, and personnel to create a successul end

    product, they present major design and production challenges. Designing and

    producing a mechatronics system requires a well-orchestrated eort by many

    people across a wide variety o job roles and unctionsrom industrial desigto PCB layout to control logic design to production planning.

    Although mechatronics systems dier, they all share six basic process

    elements that take an idea through design to production and ultimately into

    the marketplace.

    1) Defining Preliminary Costs and Performance Specifications

    Beore any product is designed, several criteria must be established, includ-

    ing market easibility. This ensures that the proposed product ullls a genuin

    need. Once easibility and need are determined to be worth the risk o produ

    design and marketing, the anticipated preliminary costs and proposed protmargin are dened.

    When upper management is satised with the products potential nancial su

    cess, the unctionality and perormance specications are dened, along with

    the unctional system requirements. Going orward, this will serve as a genera

    blueprint or all unctional levels. To assure that the unctional requirements

    are met during this phase, the components and materials are specied, and t

    manuacturing processes are then dened.

    2) Optimizing Packaging Design via Modeling and Simulation

    The principles and challenges o mechatronics are rst encountered in the

    packaging design phase. By using digital modeling and simulation techniques

    up ront, you can minimize the cost and time required to produce the nal phy

    cal end product.

    At this stage, a diverse group o design proessionals works cohesively as a c

    laborative team in their respective disciplines. These areas may include indus

    trial design (conceptual and aesthetics); mechanical engineering (conceptua

    unctional, and manuacturing considerations); interaction design (sotware-

    hardware control interace); and electrical/electronic engineering (unctional

    power requirements, and insulation/shielding).

    Simultaneously, a preliminary printed circuit board (PCB) layout and a rough

    3D mechanical CAD model are generated, with the major components and

    interconnections dened. To reduce costs, all collaborative team members

    must constantly check the availability o standardized 3D components.

    By using digital modeling and simu-

    lation techniques up ront, you canminimize the cost and time required

    to produce the inal physical endproduct.

    I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01


    Historically, this stage has encountered problems due to a lack o interopera

    ity between ECAD and MCAD, which oten results in the duplication o eort

    Using digital modeling and simulation rom the outset, however, can enhance

    both intererence detection and the routing between the various mechanical

    and electrical subsystems. In the packaging design phase, design optimizatio

    are perormed or all componentsincluding mechanical, electrical, electronic

    and sotware.

    3) Refining the PCB Layout

    Initially, the PCB layout is constrained by mechanical considerations related t

    the Intermediate Data Format (IDF). In 1992, IDF was developed as a neutra

    ormat or exchanging PCA (printed circuit assembly) inormation between P

    layout design (ECAD) systems and mechanical CAD systems; since then, IDF

    has continually evolved. An IDF le is actually two les: the rst le contains

    inormation about the physical characteristics o the PCB, while the second

    holds data on the size and shape o each PCB component.

    Once the ground rules have been established with an ECAD system, a pre-

    liminary circuit trace layout is created that indicates the keep out areas, as

    well as the locations or plated and nonplated holes or component placemen

    Electrical and electronic design optimizations are perormed to conrm com-

    ponent selection and placement, circuit traces or power and ground conside

    ations, and general circuit logic. Ater one or more iterations, a rened layout

    with components is transerred back via IDF to the mechanical engineers, so

    they can check against the preliminary packaging design or proper t.

    While MCAD sotware is getting easier to use, ECAD sotware ironically is

    becoming harder to use. Due to the rapid changes occurring in the semicon-

    ductor industry, it is also becoming more specialized.

    4) Saving Time and Money via Digital Prototypes

    The digital modeling and simulation that occur during the prototyping stage p

    vide many major benets. Since digital prototypes greatly reduce the number

    physical prototypes, they generate savings in both time and costs.

    Ater determining and conrming as much inormation as possible through

    digital modeling and simulation, a physical, unctional breadboard model is

    built. The design team can create a prototype o an electronic circuit and th

    experiment with circuit designs. A modern breadboard consists o a perora

    ed block o plastic with spring clips located under the perorations. Integratcircuits (ICs) in dual inline packages (DIPs) can be inserted into these pero

    rations. To complete the circuit topology, you can insert interconnecting wir

    and discrete component leads rom capacitors, resistors, or inductors into t

    remaining ree holes.

    Since digital prototypes greatly

    reduce the number o physicalprototypes, they generate savingsin both time and costs.

    I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01


    usIng solIDWorks PreMIuM, You can DescrIbe all The coMPonenTs

    anD cablIng oF an elecTronIc enclosure In 3D. ThIs greaTlY Increas

    accuracY anD Decreases errors In asseMblY ManuFacTurIng.

    The combined breadboard and mechanical packaging design now becomes

    a working prototype that can be scrutinized by a number o parties, including

    technical, marketing, and manuacturing. Regardless o whether digital or phy

    cal prototyping techniques are used, the prototypes are reiterated to rene thinitial concept and prepare it or the nal design stage and manuacture.

    5) Finalizing the Packaging Design

    This last stage includes nalizing and documenting the mechanical and elect

    cal design. Although the primary vendors or various product components and

    manuacturing processes have been in place or some time, second sourcing

    will minimize or eliminate the fow o components, especially the most crucial

    ones. Final product cost and perormance analyses are perormed to ensure

    that regulatory requirements will be met or all aspects o the product design

    and production. Previous to declaring the design nal and reezing it beore

    release to manuacturing, nal design optimizations must also be perormed.

    6) Releasing the Design to Manufacturing

    Prior to releasing the product design to manuacturing, drawings and ormal

    specications or all aspects o the mechanical and electrical and electronic

    subsystems are required, in order to produce the rst abricated article.

    Because design changes or optimizing product unctionality can be made up

    the last minute, embedded sotware is deployed.

    Once the rst article has been veried and validated, all drawings are nalize

    and released to the manuacturing vendors. Final tooling is built, production

    machines are programmed, quality assurance is put in place, and sustained

    production can begin.

    For comprehensive liecycle optimization, however, production is only an

    interim step. New issues, such as product retirement and recycling, can arise

    Thereore, product liecycle optimization brings product development ull circ

    as a successul product will begin the cycle again as a new-generation produ

    Product liecycle optimization brings

    product development ull circle, as asuccessul product will begin the cycleagain as a new-generation product.

    I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01


    ingrang conrols and mcancal smulaon no mcaron

    dsgn rocss

    Much is being made o the positive eects o integrating digital simulationand modeling into mechatronics design, and or good reasonit saves timeand money, reduces risk, and results in more innovative and higher-qualityproducts. An example o how this works is seen in the mechatronics synerg

    that SolidWorks Corporation has ostered with one o its partners, NationalInstruments. Because o the synergy between these two companies, customers have realized great value when moving rom mechanical to electrome-chanical machine design. By integrating National Instruments graphical system design platorm or controls using LabVIEW and NI SotMotion sotwarwith the 3D modeling and mechanics o SolidWorks sotware, this synergy driving product, process, and business improvement through simulation andmodeling.

    MechaTronIcs DesIgn has evolveD FroM The TraDITIonal sequenTIal

    aPProach WITh The PhYsIcal ProToTYPe useD To valIDaTe anD oPTIMIz

    To The MoDern Parallel DesIgn aPProach, leveragIng The vIrTual Pr

    ToTYPe For valIDaTIon anD oPTIMIzaTIon TherebY leaDIng To FasTer a

    More eFFIcIenT ProDucT DeveloPMenT cYcles. (IllusTraTIon courTes

    oF naTIonal InsTruMenTs)

    I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S










    Manufacurngts Sysm



    Suor and




    Mechatronics Parallel Design Approach

    prooyValdaon andOmzaon








    Suor andSrvc


    Manufacurngts Sysm


    Traditional Sequential Design Approach

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01


    In the past, simulating the perormance o a machine that contained both

    mechanical and electrical components was a difcult and time-consuming

    sequential process that required highly skilled specialists. Today, mechatron

    design tools rom National Instruments and SolidWorks are bringing togethe

    the electrical and mechanical worlds to simpliy simulation and subsequent

    design. Beore a single physical part is even ordered, electromechanical simution can bring a digital machine to lie. When the design is transitioned rom

    prototyping to production, the same sotware that was used or simulating th

    machine is reused and implemented in the fnal product.

    As machine builders implement new technology and replace yesterdays gea

    cams, and shats with servo actuators or precision motion, sensors or diagn

    tics, and cameras or inspection, they are embedding more electronics uncti

    alityas opposed to mechanical componentsin the machines controls.

    What was once purely mechanical is now electromechanical, adding an extra

    dimension o complexity to the design process. To achieve efcient machine

    design, engineers need to simulate the integrated mechanical and controldesign in sotware beore moving to the prototype and production stages.

    The InTegraTIon oF solIDWorks 3D caD anD MechanIcal DesIgn valID

    TIon soFTWare WITh naTIonal InsTruMenTs graPhIcal sYsTeM DesIgnPlaTForM For MoTIon conTrol DesIgn, sIMulaTIon, anD DePloYMenT

    ProvIDes a FeeDback looP To DesIgn MechaTronIcs ProDucTs vIrTu-

    allY. (IllusTraTIon courTesY oF naTIonal InsTruMenTs)

    With SolidWorks sotware, you can design machine parts and assemblies using

    amiliar interace with 3D visualization. SolidWorks Motion, an integrated eatur

    utilizes mechanism dynamics to help simulate mechanism motion.

    While SolidWorks Motion is well suited or open-loop motion simulations, a typi

    cal electromechanical system involves closed-loop control. For a true closed-loo

    simulation, engineers must simulate not only the dynamics o a mechanism, but

    also the controls that act on that mechanism in synchronization. LabVIEW grapcal system design sotware is used to design the control system or machines.

    The LabVIEW interace or SolidWorks/SolidWorks Motion provides an interac

    between these two environments, so you can simulate integrated control o com

    plex electromechanical systems. With integration between mechanical and con

    development environments, designers can help drive better design decisions o

    both the mechanical and control aspects o a design earlier in the product dev

    opment cycle.

    I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S

    With integration between mechanical

    and control development environments,designers can help drive better designdecisions or both the mechanical and

    control aspects o a design earlier inthe product development cycle.

    Mcancal Dsgnembddd andConrol Dsgn

    LabView and NiSofMoon


    prooy and Dloy



    Soldworks MoonSoldworks

    Graphical System Design Tools

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01

    10/14I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S

    Making decisions about the mechanical and control design issues streamline

    the machine design process, which results in ewer iterations and a reduction

    i not elimination, o physical prototypes. Virtual prototyping o both mechanic

    and control designs helps you to develop proos o concept beore physical p

    totypes are even produced.

    By having tight integration between a control design environment, suchas LabVIEW, and a mechanical design environment, such as SolidWorks/

    SolidWorks Motion, you can accelerate the design process or complex mech

    tronics systems.

    ho Soldworks funconaly addrsss mcaroncs

    On its own, SolidWorks Premium provides a wealth o eatures and unc-

    tionality or designing mechatronics systems. With partners such as National

    Instruments, the solutions become even more comprehensive and the possib

    ties endless. Below are just some o the solutions oered by SolidWorks and

    partners to help you succeed when designing mechatronics systems.

    exaMPle oF MoTIon ProFIle generaTIon anD valIDaTIon IncluDIng

    checkIng For collIsIons anD ThroughPuT oPTIMIzaTIon In a vIrTual

    sIMulaTIon beFore buIlDIng The acTual MachIne. (IllusTraTIon

    courTesY oF naTIonal InsTruMenTs)

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01

    11/14I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S

    A complete 3D product design solution, SolidWorks Premium equips product

    design teams with all the design engineering, data management, and commu

    cations tools they need in one package. For everything rom consumer produ

    to machine design, SolidWorks Premium helps you gain speed and fexibility

    managing large assemblies. Since components can be designed and changerom within an assembly to ensure optimal t, you get unparalleled perorman

    when designing large assemblies with tens o thousands o parts. You can

    even drag and drop parts and eatures into place. Throughout the entire desi

    process, comprehensive materials libraries speciy the correct material with a

    physical characteristics and properties.

    SolidWorks Intelligent Feature Technologyor SWIFTstreamlines the

    design and optimization processes. By powering a series o tools that diagno

    and cure problems in eature order, mates, sketch relationships, and applying

    dimensions, SWIFT enables you to ocus on design rather than on CAD.

    Although 3D CAD provides tremendous power or the design engineer, it alscreates more complexity. As a result, you are oten orced to become an exp

    in order to leverage this power. SWIFT aims to eliminate the need to learn ho

    3D CAD sotware thinks by making you an expert rom the start. With SWIF

    designers can ocus on what they want to accomplish, not on the rules o 3D

    CAD sotware.

    By providing the greatest number o translation ormats in the industry, includ

    ing IDF, SolidWorks helps to move accurate data to and rom other ECAD

    programs. The IDF data-le importing capabilities o SolidWorks combined w

    those o CircuitWorks, a Gold Partner add-in, provide a true interace as we

    as extensive interoperability between ECAD and MCAD designers. With a ho

    o partners such as National Instruments, SolidWorks provides a comprehens

    mechatronics design solution.

    solIDWorks users can Take aDvanTage oF 3D conTenTcenTral, WhIc

    ProvIDes access To ThousanDs oF Free, DoWnloaDable elecTronIc

    coMPonenTs In naTIve solIDWorks ForMaT.

    Throughout the entire design process,

    comprehensive materials librariesspeciy the correct material with allphysical characteristics and properties.

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01

    12/14I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S

    With 3D ContentCentral, you can easily download the latest vendor compo-

    nents right rom within SolidWorks. 3D ContentCentral oers you direct acce

    to timesaving CAD models, in a number o ormats, rom leading suppliers an

    individual SolidWorks users worldwide. Its purpose is twooldto help custom

    ers nd the components they are looking or in a vendor-certied ormat, and

    provide engineering component manuacturers with a vehicle to deliver inorm

    tion and data about their products.

    SolidWorks eDrawings Proessional sotware, included within SolidWorks

    Premium, helps design teams communicate concepts with users outside the

    SolidWorks Community, such as ECAD and industrial designers and manuac

    turing engineers. Intended primarily or CAD users who need to share produc

    designs and coordinate design reviews, SolidWorks eDrawings Proessional

    generates accurate representations o 2D and 3D product designs that anyo

    can view, mark up, and measure.

    The most popular motion virtual prototyping tool or SolidWorks, SolidWorks

    Motion ensures that your designs will work beore you build them. SolidWork

    Motion is the standard virtual prototyping tool or engineers and designers

    interested in understanding the motion perormance o their assemblies. As a

    result, you can signicantly reduce product development time and physical p

    totyping costs. With the availability o valuable inormation early in the design

    process, SolidWorks Motion also enables you to evaluate more design option

    with less risk.

    Specically tailored or designers and engineers who are not specialists in

    design validation, SolidWorks Simulation helps you improve product quality b

    indicating how SolidWorks models will behave structurally beore you build

    them. Fully embedded inside the SolidWorks interace, SolidWorks Simulatio

    utilizes the SolidWorks FeatureManager design tree as well as many o thesame mouse and keyboard commands. So anyone who can design a part in

    SolidWorks can also analyze it without having to learn a new interace.

    usIng solIDWorks sIMulaTIon, You can quIcklY anD easIlY analYze

    ParTs WITh loaDs aPPlIeD To TheM To verIFY TheIr sTrucTural InTegrIT

    Since SolidWorks Simulation contains the most requently used design valida

    tion tools, you can easily compare alternative designs and then quickly choos

    the optimal design or nal production. SolidWorks Simulation also allows yo

    to study the interaction between dierent assembly components.

    With the availability o valuable inor-

    mation early in the design process,SolidWorks Motion also enables you toconsider more designs with less risk.

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01

    13/14I N C O R P O R A T I N G M E C H A T R O N I C S I N T O Y O U R D E S I G N P R O C E S S

    Unlike other computational fuid dynamics (CFD) programs, SolidWorks

    Flow Simulation combines a high level o unctionality and accuracy with

    ease o use. Fully embedded inside SolidWorks, SolidWorks Flow Simulatio

    is suited or the engineer who needs fow analysis, but is not necessarily

    an expert in the eld o fuid simulation. A goal-oriented approach allows yo

    to gain insight into the perormance o a design under real-world conditions

    Designed to be extremely fexible, SolidWorks Flow Simulation can be used

    a wide range o applications.

    solIDWorks FloW sIMulaTIon greaTlY reDuces MulTIPle heaT

    sTuDIes bY FIrsT TesTIng DesIgns vIrTuallY, TherebY elIMInaTIng

    cosTlY ProToTYPes.

    With PhotoWorks sotware, you have the ability to quickly and predictablycreate photorealistic renderings or presentations and downstream (sales, su

    port, marketing) reuse and repurpose. Additionally, you can present convincin

    design proposals quickly and eectively, produce virtual material studies, and

    reduce prototyping and photography costs, thereby bringing your products to

    market aster.

    SolidWorks Routing enables you to quickly design pipe, tube, and electrical

    routes in mechatronics product designs. For designers o electrical and elec-

    tronic systems, SolidWorks Routing provides additional timesaving tools or

    generating cable and harnessing manuacturing documentation. Because it

    uses the amiliar SolidWorks 3D CAD design environment, SolidWorks Routiis ast and simple to use. The routing application and ttings library is ully

    integrated with SolidWorks, so your routed systems design can be done in

    the same package as your mechanical equipment design.

  • 7/29/2019 64075d01


    w w w . s o l i d w o r k s . c

    Dt sytm sidW cp.300 b acd, Ma 01742 usaP: 1 800 693 9000otid t us: +1 978 371 5011emi: [email protected]


    With SolidWorks Premium, you can bring superior mechatronics products tomarket in less timeand at lower costs. Working with the same sotware toothe same geometry database, and the same user interace, your engineeringand design teams can evaluate unctionality at the concept stage. They canalso generate continually improved digital alternatives beore committing to

    a physical prototype.

    SolidWorks Premium, integrated with our partners products, provides you wit

    advanced mechatronics technologies and development practices to deliver:

    Higher protability through aster, lower-risk, lower-cost development

    Increased eciency due to better understanding, communication,

    collaboration, and integration

    Greater innovation through increased design automation across

    engineering disciplines

    The mechatronics challenges that conront designers today will become

    even more demanding in the uture. To successully address these issues,

    SolidWorks Premium provides a complete 3D product design solution. The

    SolidWorks mechanical simulation and modeling sotware integrated with

    National Instruments graphical system design platorm or motion control

    enables your design team to reduce physical prototypes, improve product

    quality, and accelerate the design processwhile saving your company time

    and money. As complex mechatronics systems continue to evolve, SolidWork

    and National Instruments sotware will continue to redene the uture o

    mechanical design.

    As the unique challenges o mecha-

    tronics continue to evolve, SolidWorkssotware will continue to redene the

    uture o mechanical design.