6132 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 64, NO. 23, DECEMBER 1, 2016 Design of PAR-Constrained Sequences for MIMO Channel Estimation via Majorization–Minimization Zhongju Wang, Prabhu Babu, and Daniel P. Palomar, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Communication systems and radars widely employ sequences of low peak-to-average power ratio (PAR) or unimod- ulus to meet the hardware constraints and maximize the power efficiency. Numerous works have probed the unimodular sequence design especially attempting to obtain good correlation properties. Regarding channel estimation, however, sequences of such prop- erties do not necessarily qualify for the mission. And tailored uni- modular sequences for the specific criterion concerned are more desirable when we have access to the prior knowledge of the chan- nel impulse response. In this paper, we formulate the problem of unimodular sequence design by optimizing minimum mean square error and conditional mutual information, respectively. The prob- lems turn out nonconvex and we develop efficient algorithms based on the majorization–minimization framework with convergence guaranteed. More general, we also examine optimal sequence de- sign with low PAR constraints. Numerical examples demonstrate the improved results of mean square error, signal-to-noise ratio, and conditional mutual information by using our proposed training sequences, with the efficiency of the derived algorithms illustrated. Index Terms—Channel estimation, conditional mutual infor- mation, majorization-minimization, minimum mean square error, peak-to-average power ratio (PAR), unimodular sequence. I. INTRODUCTION S EQUENCES with the peak-to-average power ratio (PAR) constraints find many applications in both single-input single-output (SISO) and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) communication systems. For example, the M -ary phase-shift keying techniques allow only symbols of constant-modulus, i.e., unimodulus, to be transmitted [1]. In MIMO radars and code-division multiple-access (CDMA) applications, the practical implementation demands of hardware such as radio frequency power amplifiers and analog-to-digital converters re- quire the transmitted sequences to be unimodular or of low PAR [2]–[4]. In this paper, we consider the design of unimodular and low PAR sequences for channel estimation. There is an extensive literature on designing unimodu- lar sequences with good correlation properties such that the Manuscript received February 24, 2016; revised July 19, 2016; accepted August 28, 2016. Date of publication September 8, 2016; date of current version October 6, 2016. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Hongbin Li. This work was supported in part by Hong Kong RGC under Grant 16206315 and in part by the Hong Kong RGC Theme-based Research Scheme under Grant T21-602/15R. Z. Wang and D. P. Palomar are with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). P. Babu was with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. He is now with CARE, IIT Delhi, Delhi 110016, India (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2016.2607181 autocorrelation of the sequence is zero at each nonzero lag. Whereas such properties are usually difficult to achieve, alterna- tive metrics of “goodness” have been suggested where autocor- relation sidelobes are suppressed rather than exactly eliminated. Minimizing integrated sidelobe level (ISL) and maximizing ISL-related merit factor (MF) are put forward in [5] with cyclic algorithms (CA) proposed to solve the formulated optimization problems. In [6], a further computationally efficient algorithm called MISL for minimizing ISL is proposed, reporting lower autocorrelation sidelobes with less computational complexity. The more general weighted ISL is addressed in [5], [7]. The good correlation properties of a single unimodular se- quence are also extended to a set of sequences so that the spatial diversity is further exploited. Apart from good autocorrelation properties for each sequence, the good cross-correlation re- quires each sequence to be nearly uncorrelated with time-shifted versions of the other sequences [3]. Some other numerical algorithms quest for refined sequence sets with enhanced good correlation properties [8]. Similarly, [9] explores methods to synthesize a desired beam pattern while maximally suppress- ing both the autocorrelation and cross-correlation sidelobes at/between given spacial angles. The aforementioned ISL and ISL-related metrics indeed por- tray no more than the impulse-like correlation characteristics. Sequences with such properties enable matched filters at the receiver side to easily extract the signals backscattered from the range bin of interest and attenuate signals backscattered from other range bins [3]. Nevertheless, matched filters take no ad- vantage of prior information of the channel impulse response as the unimodular low-ISL sequences are employed for the en- suing estimation. Such prior information, however, is usually available without incurring considerable expenses. Herein we will harness the potential of the second order channel statistics in the sequence design. On the other hand, the unimodular constraint is a special case of the low PAR constraint, i.e., unit-PAR. The low PAR con- straint, as a structural requirement, has been well studied in the design of tight frames [2]. Although we can adjust the individ- ual vector norms of a frame to maximize, e.g., sum-capacity of communications links, [2] has not established the optimality re- garding specific performance measures. Furthermore, the algo- rithm they proposed is based on alternating projection that often suffers a slow convergence rate. General optimization problems with quadratic objectives derived from, e.g., SNR maximization, have also been studied in [10], [11]. Within the PAR constraints, rather than exploit only the spatial diversity, we design sequences tailored for specific performance measures with channel covariance incorporated and expectedly 1053-587X © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.


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Page 1: 6132 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING ......6132 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 64, NO. 23, DECEMBER 1, 2016 Design of PAR-Constrained Sequences for MIMO Channel


Design of PAR-Constrained Sequences for MIMOChannel Estimation via Majorization–Minimization

Zhongju Wang, Prabhu Babu, and Daniel P. Palomar, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Communication systems and radars widely employsequences of low peak-to-average power ratio (PAR) or unimod-ulus to meet the hardware constraints and maximize the powerefficiency. Numerous works have probed the unimodular sequencedesign especially attempting to obtain good correlation properties.Regarding channel estimation, however, sequences of such prop-erties do not necessarily qualify for the mission. And tailored uni-modular sequences for the specific criterion concerned are moredesirable when we have access to the prior knowledge of the chan-nel impulse response. In this paper, we formulate the problem ofunimodular sequence design by optimizing minimum mean squareerror and conditional mutual information, respectively. The prob-lems turn out nonconvex and we develop efficient algorithms basedon the majorization–minimization framework with convergenceguaranteed. More general, we also examine optimal sequence de-sign with low PAR constraints. Numerical examples demonstratethe improved results of mean square error, signal-to-noise ratio,and conditional mutual information by using our proposed trainingsequences, with the efficiency of the derived algorithms illustrated.

Index Terms—Channel estimation, conditional mutual infor-mation, majorization-minimization, minimum mean square error,peak-to-average power ratio (PAR), unimodular sequence.


S EQUENCES with the peak-to-average power ratio (PAR)constraints find many applications in both single-input

single-output (SISO) and multi-input multi-output (MIMO)communication systems. For example, the M -ary phase-shiftkeying techniques allow only symbols of constant-modulus,i.e., unimodulus, to be transmitted [1]. In MIMO radarsand code-division multiple-access (CDMA) applications, thepractical implementation demands of hardware such as radiofrequency power amplifiers and analog-to-digital converters re-quire the transmitted sequences to be unimodular or of low PAR[2]–[4]. In this paper, we consider the design of unimodular andlow PAR sequences for channel estimation.

There is an extensive literature on designing unimodu-lar sequences with good correlation properties such that the

Manuscript received February 24, 2016; revised July 19, 2016; acceptedAugust 28, 2016. Date of publication September 8, 2016; date of current versionOctober 6, 2016. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscriptand approving it for publication was Prof. Hongbin Li. This work was supportedin part by Hong Kong RGC under Grant 16206315 and in part by the Hong KongRGC Theme-based Research Scheme under Grant T21-602/15R.

Z. Wang and D. P. Palomar are with the Hong Kong University of Scienceand Technology, Hong Kong (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).

P. Babu was with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong. He is now with CARE, IIT Delhi, Delhi 110016, India (e-mail:[email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2016.2607181

autocorrelation of the sequence is zero at each nonzero lag.Whereas such properties are usually difficult to achieve, alterna-tive metrics of “goodness” have been suggested where autocor-relation sidelobes are suppressed rather than exactly eliminated.Minimizing integrated sidelobe level (ISL) and maximizingISL-related merit factor (MF) are put forward in [5] with cyclicalgorithms (CA) proposed to solve the formulated optimizationproblems. In [6], a further computationally efficient algorithmcalled MISL for minimizing ISL is proposed, reporting lowerautocorrelation sidelobes with less computational complexity.The more general weighted ISL is addressed in [5], [7].

The good correlation properties of a single unimodular se-quence are also extended to a set of sequences so that the spatialdiversity is further exploited. Apart from good autocorrelationproperties for each sequence, the good cross-correlation re-quires each sequence to be nearly uncorrelated with time-shiftedversions of the other sequences [3]. Some other numericalalgorithms quest for refined sequence sets with enhanced goodcorrelation properties [8]. Similarly, [9] explores methods tosynthesize a desired beam pattern while maximally suppress-ing both the autocorrelation and cross-correlation sidelobesat/between given spacial angles.

The aforementioned ISL and ISL-related metrics indeed por-tray no more than the impulse-like correlation characteristics.Sequences with such properties enable matched filters at thereceiver side to easily extract the signals backscattered from therange bin of interest and attenuate signals backscattered fromother range bins [3]. Nevertheless, matched filters take no ad-vantage of prior information of the channel impulse responseas the unimodular low-ISL sequences are employed for the en-suing estimation. Such prior information, however, is usuallyavailable without incurring considerable expenses. Herein wewill harness the potential of the second order channel statisticsin the sequence design.

On the other hand, the unimodular constraint is a special caseof the low PAR constraint, i.e., unit-PAR. The low PAR con-straint, as a structural requirement, has been well studied in thedesign of tight frames [2]. Although we can adjust the individ-ual vector norms of a frame to maximize, e.g., sum-capacity ofcommunications links, [2] has not established the optimality re-garding specific performance measures. Furthermore, the algo-rithm they proposed is based on alternating projection that oftensuffers a slow convergence rate. General optimization problemswith quadratic objectives derived from, e.g., SNR maximization,have also been studied in [10], [11].

Within the PAR constraints, rather than exploit only the spatialdiversity, we design sequences tailored for specific performancemeasures with channel covariance incorporated and expectedly

1053-587X © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Page 2: 6132 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING ......6132 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 64, NO. 23, DECEMBER 1, 2016 Design of PAR-Constrained Sequences for MIMO Channel


improve the quality of constructed estimators. As to sequencedesign for channel estimation, many studies have been con-ducted for both frequency-flat and frequency-selective fadingchannels with minimum mean square error (MMSE) minimiza-tion and conditional mutual information (CMI) maximization.Those optimization problems, however, address only the en-ergy constraint without addressing the unimodular or low PARconstraints; see [12]–[19] and references therein on training se-quence design for flat MIMO channels.

More related to our work is training sequence design forfrequency-selective fading channels as high-speed transmis-sion applications entail [20]. Optimal sequences design for theMMSE channel estimation has been studied; see, e.g., [21].MIMO radar waveform design for extended target identifica-tion is investigated in [22] based on MMSE and CMI criteriaassuming the covariance matrix of the target impulse responseis known. By a different approach, MIMO radar waveforms aredesigned to maximize the SINR with statistics of target and/orclutter impulse response [23]. The low PAR constraints, how-ever, are not considered in those optimization problems, whichoften results in a deteriorated performance compared with un-optimized low PAR reference waveforms [24]. In addition, atwo-stage approach—obtaining an optimal waveform covari-ance matrix followed by shaping PAR-constrained waveformsaccordingly—has been suggested [25]. Nevertheless, the opti-mality of the designed waveforms with respect to the MMSEor the CMI was not validated. Moreover, this approach is sus-ceptible to the fact that the optimal waveform covariance matrixis often unattainable. Some other heuristic methods are alsoproposed to capitalize on, e.g., the similarity constraint given agood reference sequence [24] or spectral containment restric-tions with pre-specified amplitudes [26], [27].

We formulate the problem of designing optimal unimodularsequences based on the MMSE and the CMI. Both problems arenon-convex with the bothersome unimodular constraint. With-out assuming any amenable structures on the prior channel andnoise covariance matrices, the problems are also challengingeven if only the power constraint is imposed. To tackle thoseissues, we employ the majorization-minimization (MM) tech-nique to develop efficient algorithms. Note that [6]–[8] haveused the MM method to devise algorithms for unimodularsequence design, yet the optimization problems addressed inthis paper are formulated by different criteria, which has de-ployed the prior channel statistics to benefit the estimation. Byrewriting the objective functions in a more appropriate way, weobtain the majorizing/minorizing functions for the minimiza-tion/maximization objective. As a result, the original problemsare solved instead by a sequence of simple problems, each ofwhich turns out to have a closed-form solution. Convergence ofour proposed algorithms is guaranteed, and we provide an accel-eration scheme to improve the convergence rate. For low PARconstraints, similar problems can be formulated, and the devel-oped algorithms need only a few modifications to be applied.The numerical examples demonstrate the superior performanceof our proposed sequences in the resulting MSE and CMI; also,the output SNR has been improved, which justifies our accountof prior channel information.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, wedescribe the channel model and then formulate the problems ofoptimal unimodular sequence design. In Section III, derivationsof algorithms for both the MMSE minimization and the CMImaximization are presented, followed by a brief analysis ofconvergence properties and an acceleration scheme. The optimaldesign under the low PAR constraints is discussed in IV. Wepresent some numerical examples in Section V, and draw aconclusion in Section VI.

Notation: Scalars are represented by italic letters. Boldfaceuppercase and lowercase letters denote matrices and vectors,respectively. C is the set of complex numbers. The identitymatrix is denoted by In , where the subscript n denotes thesize; in the cases where the subscript is undeclared, the sizeis implicit in the context. The superscripts (·)T , (·)H , and (·)∗denote respectively transpose, conjugate transpose, and com-plex conjugate. By vec(X), the vector is formed by stack-ing the columns of X. The Kronecker product is denotedby ⊗. And E(·) takes the expectation of a random variable.Tr(·) is the trace of a matrix. ‖ · ‖F is Frobenius norm of amatrix.


We consider a block-fading or quasistatic multi-input multi-output (MIMO) channel. Assume the number of transmit an-tennas and receive antennas are Nt and Nr , respectively, andthe channel impulse response is described as a length-(K + 1)sequence of matrices H0 , . . . ,HK ∈ CNr ×Nt . In the train-ing period, a length-N sequence is sent through the chan-nel from each transmit antenna or, equivalently, a length-Nt

vector un from the set of transmit antennas at the time in-stant n = 1, . . . , N . For simplicity, we still call this sequenceof vectors as a sequence, which is denoted by U = [un,m ] =[u1 · · · uN ]T ∈ CN ×Nt . Considering the unimodular con-straint with energy budget Tr(UH U) = α, we want to designU ∈ U , where

U ={U

∣∣∣∣ |un,m | =√


NNt, n = 1, . . . , N ;m = 1, . . . , Nt


(1)And the received sequence is given by

yn =K∑


Hkun−k + vn , (2)

where un = 0 when n ≤ 0 or n > N , and vn is an Nr × 1noise vector. Equation (2) can be written in a matrix form as



yTN +K




uT1 0...

. . . uT1

.... . .



. . ....

0 uTN






⎤⎥⎦ +



vTN +K


. (3)

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Let Y = [y1 · · · yN +K ]T ∈ C(N +K )×Nr be the receivedmatrix, and

S = T (U) =


uT1 0...

. . . uT1

.... . .



. . ....

0 uTN

⎤⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦∈ C(N +K )×(K +1)Nt (4)

be a block Toeplitz convolution matrix with [UT 0 ]T beingthe first block and remaining blocks are obtained by a downwardcircular shift of the previous block. Note that since Tr(UH U) =α, then Tr(SH S) = α(K + 1). H = [H0 · · · HK ]T ∈C(K +1)Nt ×Nr is the channel impulse response with matrix-form taps, and V is the noise matrix. Thus, we can write in acompact way the received signal as

Y = SH + V. (5)

It can be easily seen that each column of Y corresponds toa received sequence for one of the Nr receive antennas, i.e.,a multi-input single-output (MISO) channel. Let y = vec(Y),h = vec(H), and v = vec(V), and based on vec(XYZ) =(ZT ⊗ X)vec(Y), we have

y = (INr⊗ S)h + v. (6)

A. Heuristic Existing Methods

Most of the current works on unimodular sequence designfocus on good auto- and cross-correlation properties; see [3]on MIMO radar unimodular codes and references therein. Thegood correlation properties are particularly desired in that thematched filter is employed in subsequent channel estimation.As a matter of fact, the obtained channel estimate is closelyrelated to maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Assume h inthe channel model (6) is a constant (thus no prior on the channelimposed), and the vectorized noise follows a circularly complexGaussian distribution, v ∼ CN (0, σ2I). The MLE of channelimpulse is [28]

hML =((INr

⊗ S)H (INr⊗ S)


⊗ S)H y (7)


⊗ SH S)−1

(INr⊗ S)H y, (8)

where the second equality is due to (X ⊗ Y)(M ⊗ N) =XM ⊗ YN. And the corresponding MSE is given by

E = Tr((

(INr⊗ S)H (INr

⊗ S))−1


= Tr((




= NrTr((

SH S)−1

). (11)

To minimize the error of MLE, the training sequence should bea solution to the optimization problem

minimizeU ,S

E subject to S = T (U) ,U ∈ U . (12)

Lemma 1 ([30]): Let X ∈ CM ×N be such that Tr(XH X) ≤μ for some constant μ. The minimum of Tr((XH X)−1) isachieved when XH X = μ

N I, provided that inverse of XH Xexists.

An approximation to problem (12) is as follows. Accordingto Lemma 1, the objective function (11) is minimized when(Tr(SHS) = α(K + 1))

SH S =α

NtI(K +1)Nt

, (13)

if only the energy constraint is considered. Therefore, a heuristicapproximation of the optimal sequence design for MLE couldbe formulated as

minimizeU ,S

∥∥∥SH S − αNt



subject to S = T (U) ,U ∈ U .(14)

The optimal S satisfying (13) portrays an impulse-like cor-relation shape pursued in [3], [8], where the aperiodic cross-correlation is defined as

rm 1 ,m 2 (k) =N∑


un,m 1 u∗n−k,m 2


for m1 ,m2 = 1, . . . , Nt and lags k = 0, . . . , N − 1.Equation (15) also defines the autocorrelation for the sequenceof each transmit antenna when m1 = m2 . Accordingly, the cor-relation matrices for different lags k = −(N − 1), . . . , 0, . . . ,(N − 1) are given by

Σk =


r1,1 (k) r1,2 (k) · · · r1,Nt(k)

r2,1 (k) r2,2 (k) · · · r2,Nt(k)


. . ....

rNt ,1 (k) rNt ,2 (k) · · · rNt ,Nt(k)

⎤⎥⎥⎥⎦ , (16)

with rm 1 ,m 2 (−k) = r∗m 1 ,m 2(k), and Σ−k = ΣH

k . Let us definethe correlation matrix for a sequence S as

Σ = SH S, (17)

and then we have

Σ =


Σ0 Σ−1 · · · Σ−K

Σ1 Σ0 · · · Σ−(K−1)...

.... . .

...ΣK ΣK−1 · · · Σ0

⎤⎥⎥⎥⎦ . (18)

Note that Σ only describes correlations at lags of interest,which in this case is determined by the length of the channelimpulse response. To achieve the optimality dictated by (13),we can rewrite approximation problem (14) as


(K + 1)∥∥∥Σ0 − α



+ 2K∑

k=1(K + 1 − k) ‖Σk‖2


subject to U ∈ U .


The objective function of (19) is indeed the weighted correlationminimization criterion within the lag interval k = 0, . . . , K[3], for which algorithms WeCan and CAD were proposed.

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Another formulation is also presented in a similar attempt toprocure the good correlation property as


∥∥∥Σ0 − αNt


F+ 2

N −1∑k=1


subject to U ∈ U ,


for which an algorithm called CAN was developed in [5], andWeCAN can be employed as well. In [8], both problems (19)and (20) were studied by considering a more general weightedformulation, and efficient algorithms were proposed.

We can see that sequences with good auto- and cross-correlation properties are desirable in general as no prior in-formation on the channel is taken into account in the ensuingchannel estimation task. Channel statistics, however, are oftenavailable on both the transmitter sides and receiver sides, andincorporating those priors into the design of the training se-quence will improve the performance of channel estimator. Inthe following subsections, we will formulate the unimodular se-quence design problem based on the MMSE minimization andthe CMI maximization, both of which have been adopted ascriteria in various estimation problems. In order for the channelmodel (6) to be general, we assume h ∼ CN (h0 ,R0), and thenoise v ∼ CN (0,W), where both the channel covariance R0and the noise covariance W are arbitrary.

B. Optimal Sequence Design by Minimizing the MMSECriterion

Given the channel model (6), by minimizing the MSEE{‖hMMSE − h‖2}, the MMSE estimator of the channel im-pulse h is given by

hMMSE = R0 SH(SR0 SH + W

)−1 (y − Sh0

)+ h0 ,

(21)where S = INr

⊗ S [28]. And the error covariance matrix is

R = E{(

hMMSE − h)(

hMMSE − h)H


= R0 − R0 SH(SR0 SH + W

)−1SR0 (23)


0 + SH W−1 S)−1

, (24)

where the last equality is due to the matrix inversion lemma[29]. The MMSE is thus given by

MMSE (S) = Tr (R) , (25)

and the following problem can be formulated

minimizeU ,S

MMSE (S) subject to S = T (U) ,U ∈ U ,

(26)which gives the optimal unimodular training sequence for theMMSE channel estimation.

C. Optimal Sequence Design by Maximizing the CMICriterion

Apart from the MMSE criterion, another popular statisti-cal measure in channel estimation is the conditional mutual

information (CMI) between the channel impulse response andthe received sequence, e.g., [12]. The CMI is defined as

CMI (S) = I (h;y |S ) (27)

= H (h) − H (h |y,S ) , (28)

where H(·) is the differential entropy of a distribution [31].Under the linear model (6) with Gaussian distributed channelimpulse and noise, we have the conditional distributionh|y,S ∼CN (h,R). Then CMI(S) can be written as

CMI (S) =12

log((2πe)(K +1)Nt Nr det (R0)


− 12

log((2πe)(K +1)Nt Nr det (R)



log det(R0R−1) . (30)

By maximizing CMI(S) we reach the following optimizationproblem

maximizeU ,S

CMI (S) subject to S = T (U) ,U ∈ U . (31)

Remark: It should be mentioned that channel model (6) in-cludes the SISO channel as a special case. A lot of efforts havebeen made to construct unimodular sequences for SISO chan-nels via either analytical methods or computational approaches.Apart from early works on binary sequences and polyphase se-quences, e.g., [32], [33], numerical algorithms are provided todesign unimodular sequences of good correlation properties [5],[6]. Let Nt = Nr = 1 and u denote the training sequence, thenS = T (u) is a Toeplitz convolution matrix and expression (16)reduces to a scalar that gives autocorrelations at different lags forthe sequence u. And similar formulations as (19) and (20) areproposed in order to obtain sequences of good autocorrelationproperties. However, as we have seen in the previous discussion,the resulting channel estimate cannot benefit from the availableknowledge of channel statistics. Therefore, designing optimaltraining sequences by minimizing the MMSE criterion or max-imizing the CMI criterion will be beneficial in terms of finalestimation performances. Without any modifications, formula-tions (26) and (31) can be deployed in the context of SISOchannels.


In this section, we develop efficient algorithms to solve prob-lems (26) and (31). There is an extensive literature dealing withoptimization problems of similar objective functions with onlypower constraint on S where, assuming some special struc-ture for the prior covariance matrices of channel and noise, theproblems are reformulated as power allocation with waterfilling-like solutions. In our formulations, however, it is not only theToeplitz structure of S but also the tough unimodular constraintthat prevents us from adopting the same approach.

It is worth mentioning that a possible approach to problem(26) is a two-stage procedure [22] related to correlation shaping.If the channel noise is independent and identically distributed,i.e., W = σ2I for some power density σ2 , the objective function

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MMSE (S) = Tr


0 +1σ2 SH S



= Tr


0 +1σ2 INr

⊗ Σ)−1

), (33)

where the second equality follows from substitution of thecorrelation matrix Σ = SH S. Consider only the constraintTr(Σ) = (K + 1)α induced by the energy budget in (26), min-imizing (33) with respect to Σ (instead of S) can be rewrittenas an SDP by resorting to the Schur-complement theorem [34],which yields the optimal correlation matrix Σ� . Once Σ� isobtained, the problem boils down to recovering sequences fromits correlation matrix, which is to solve the following approxi-mation problem

minimizeU ,S

‖SH S − Σ�‖F

subject to S = T (U) ,U ∈ U ,(34)

if zero error is achievable. For a single sequence and without theunimodular constraint, problem (34) can be tackled by means offilter design [35]. However, constructing a unimodular sequencethat presents a prescribed correlation shape is challenging. Asa special case, [3] and [8] have studied this problem only whenthe correlation matrix is an identity. On the other hand, it isnot guaranteed that the objective in (34) can reach zero whenminimized. For example, when the number of sequences is rel-atively large for the training length, it is impossible to designsequences such that correlation matrix is an identity, i.e., auto-and cross-correlation cannot be made small simultaneously [3].

Therefore, it is advisable to solve problems (26) and (31)directly with the colored noise considered. In the following,we will devise algorithms for both problems based on themajorization-minimization framework.

A. Majorization-Minimization Framework

The majorization-minimization, or MM method is a generalframework for solving an optimization problem indirectly. Inthis section, we will briefly introduce the idea of the MM methodfor a minimization problem, and the details can be found in [36],[37].

The MM method tackles a difficult optimization problem bysolving a series of simple approximation problems. Given aminimization problem


f(x) subject to x ∈ X , (35)

and a feasible starting point x(0) ∈ X , the MM method mini-mizes a sequence of surrogate functions g(x,x(t)), t = 0, 1, . . .instead. Each surrogate function is a majorization function off(x) at x(t) that satisfies:

g(x(t) ,x(t)

)= f


), (36)


)≥ f (x) for every x ∈ X , (37)


x(t+1) ∈ arg minx∈X


). (38)

According to the rules (36) and (37), we have


)≤ g

(x(t+1) ,x(t)

)≤ g

(x(t) ,x(t)

)= f



(39)and consequently, the MM method produces a sequence ofpoints x(t) , for which the original objective function of (35)is monotonically decreased. Provided that the objective func-tion is bounded below, it is guaranteed that the MM algorithmwill converge to a stationary point.

The key question is then how to find a good majorizationfunction g(x,x(t)) such that the resulting problems (38) areeasy to solve. Although there is no universal rule to determinethe function g(x,x(t)), the structure of the problem at hand cannevertheless provide helpful hints and some tricks are suggestedin [36].

B. MM-Based Algorithms

Let us introduce P = SR0 SH + W, and by (23) the objec-tive function for the MMSE minimization problem (26) can bewritten as

MMSE (S) = Tr(R0 − R0 SH P−1 SR0

). (40)

Lemma 2: The function f(X,Z) = Tr(XH Z−1X) is a ma-trix fractional function and is jointly convex in Z 0 and X[34, pp. 108–111].

By Lemma 2, MMSE(S) = Tr(R0 − R0 SH P−1 SR0) isjointly concave in {S,P} (recall that S = INr

⊗ S). Since aconcave function is upper-bounded by its supporting hyper-plane, MMSE(S) can be majorized as follows:




= MMSE(S(t)


( (A(t)


SR0 SH A(t))

− 2Re{





, (42)

where S(t) = INr⊗ S(t) with S(t) = T (U(t)), and A(t) =

(S(t)R0(S(t))H + W)−1 S(t)R0 . To solve problem (26), it suf-fices to solve iteratively the following problem:

minimizeU ,S


)subject to S = T (U) ,U ∈ U ,


For problem (31), the objective function can be written as

CMI (S) =12

log det(R0

(R0 − R0 SH P−1 SR0



(44)Lemma 3: Given a positive semidefinite matrix M, the func-

tion h(Z,X) = M − MXH Z−1XM is matrix concave overX of an appropriate size and Z 0 [34, pp. 108–111]. Since− log det(·) is matrix convex and decreasing over positive

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definite cone, − log det(M − MXH Z−1XM) is convex in{Z,X}.

Owing to Lemma 3, CMI(S) is jointly convex in {S,P}, andwe can obtain the following minorization

CMI (S) ≥ gCMI



= Re{



)−1 (A(t)




= − 12Tr


)−1 (A(t)


SR0 SH A(t))

+ CMI(S(t)

), (47)


R(t) = R0 − R0





+ W)−1

S(t)R0 (48)

= R−10 +



W−1 S(t) . (49)

As a result, solving the CMI maximization problem (31) isequivalent to solving the series of minorized problems

maximizeU ,S


)subject to S = T (U) ,U ∈ U .


Notice that problems (43) and (50) share a similar form ofobjective function. Let

g(S;S(t) ,V(t)

)= Tr




SR0 SH A(t))

− 2Re{







where V(t) = I for the MMSE minimization problem andV(t) = (R(t))−1 for the CMI maximization problem. After re-versing the sign of objective function of (50) and ignoring theconstants and the scaling factor, the following unified problemis obtained

minimizeU ,S

g(S;S(t) ,V(t)

)subject to S = T (U) ,U ∈ U .


Lemma 4: Given Hermitian M ∈ Cn×n and Z ∈ Cm×m

and any X(t) ∈ Cm×n , the function Tr(ZXMXH ) can be ma-jorized by −2Re{Tr((λX(t) − ZX(t)M)H X)} + λ‖X‖2

F +const, where λI MT ⊗ Z for some constant λ.

Proof: Given λI MT ⊗ LLH for some constant λ, wehave


)= vecH (X) vec (ZXM) (53)

= vecH (X)(MT ⊗ Z

)vec (X) (54)

≤ −2Re{

vecH (X)(λI − MT ⊗ Z




+ vecH(X(t)

) (λI − MT ⊗ Z




+ λvecH (X) vec (X) (55)

= −2Re{

Tr(λXH X(t) − ZX(t)MXH


+ λ ‖X‖2F + vecH


) (λI − MT ⊗ Z





Notice that the third term of the last equation is simply a con-stant. And a scalar version of Lemma 4 can be found in [8,Lemma 1]. �

To solve problem (52), yet a second majorization can beapplied with Lemma 4 (note that ‖S‖2 = Nr (K + 1)α):

g(S;S(t) ,V(t)


≤ −2Re{


λ(t)SH S(t) − A(t)V(t)(A(t)


S(t)R0 SH


− 2Re{





+ const (57)

= −2Re{


λ(t)S(t) − A(t)V(t)(A(t)



+ A(t)V(t)R0)H S

)}+ const, (58)

where λ(t)I RT0 ⊗ A(t)V(t)(A(t))H . The tightest upper

bound will be λ(t) = λmax(RT0 ⊗ A(t)V(t)(A(t))H ). But com-

puting the largest eigenvalue is costly especially when the sizeof the matrix is large, and thus an alternative is advisable. Sinceboth R0 and A(t)V(t)(A(t))H are positive semidefinite matri-ces, the largest eigenvalues are bounded as

λmax (R0) ≤ ‖R0‖1 , (59)










where ‖ · ‖1 is maximum column sum matrix norm [38]. Withλmax(X ⊗ Z) = λmax(X)λmax(Z), we propose

λ(t) = ‖R0‖1



1. (61)

Let B(S(t) ,V(t)) = λ(t)S(t) − A(t)V(t)(A(t))H S(t)R0 +A(t)V(t)R0 , and considering S = INr

⊗ S with S = T (U),

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we have

U(t+1) ∈ arg min|un , m |=


N N t

− 2Re


(( ∑i,j

B[i, j])H



(62)where B[i, j] is a submatrix of B with rows from (N +K)(i − 1) + j to (N + K)(i − 1) + N + j − 1 and columnsfrom Nt(K + 1)(i − 1) + Nt(j − 1) + 1 to Nt(K + 1)(i −1) + Ntj, for i = 1, . . . , Nr , and j = 1, . . . , K + 1. To findthe next update U(t+1) , note that (62) can be equivalentlywritten as

U(t+1) ∈ arg min|un , m |=


N N t

∥∥∥∥∥∥U −∑i,j

B[i, j]



. (63)

And the minimum is achieved by projection onto a complexcircle, which is

U(t+1) =√


NNtej arg(∑

i , j B [i,j ]), (64)

where arg(·) is taken element-wise.The whole procedure is summarized in Algorithm 1. The

iterations are deemed to be converged, e.g., when the differencebetween two consecutive updates for U is no larger than someadmitted threshold. The Algorithm 1 mainly involves a matrixinverse operation and several matrix multiplications in eachiteration. We assume (N + K)Nr > (K + 1)NrNt , thus thenumber of entries in the received sequences is greater than thatof channel coefficients. With the Gaussian eliminations, the periteration computational complexity is in the order of O((N +K)3N 3

r ).

C. Convergence Analysis

Algorithm 1 is essentially based on the majorization-minimization framework, which has been shown to convergeto a stationary point for bounded objective functions. The gen-erated sequence of points U(t) , t = 0, 1, . . . , monotonically de-creases or increases the objective function for minimization andmaximization problems, respectively. In this section, we givea detailed analysis of the convergence for Algorithm 1. With-out loss of generality, we only consider minimizing the MMSEcriterion.

For a constrained minimization problem with a smooth objec-tive function, a stationary point is obtained when the followingfirst-order optimality condition is satisfied.

Proposition 1: Let f : RN → R be a smooth function. Apoint x� is a local minimum of f within a subset X ⊂ RN if

∇f(x�)T y ≥ 0,∀y ∈ TX (x�), (65)

where TX (x�) is the tangent cone of X at x� .Provided Proposition 1, the convergence of our proposed

algorithm is guaranteed as follows.Theorem 1: By solving the series of problems (62) in

Algorithm 1, a sequence of points {U(t) , t = 0, . . . } is obtained,of which every limit point is a stationary point of problem (26).

Proof: A similar proof has been given in [6]. For detailsplease refer to [6, Theorem 5]. �

Algorithm 1: Design of Unimodular Training Sequence forthe MMSE Minimization (26) or the CMI Maximization(31).

1: Set t = 0, and initialize u(0)n,m , n = 1, . . . , N ; m = 1,

. . . , Nt .2: repeat3: S(t) = T


), and S(t) = INr

⊗ S(t)

4: A(t) =(S(t)R0



+ W)−1


5: V(t) ={

I, for the MMSE minimizationR(t) , for the CMI maximization

6: λ(t) = ‖R0‖1




7: B(S(t) ,V(t)

)= λ(t)S(t) − A(t)V(t)



S(t)R0 + A(t)V(t)R0

8: U(t+1) =√

αN Nt

ej arg(∑i , j B [i,j ])

9: t ← t + 110: until convergence

D. Accelerated Algorithm

To develop Algorithm 1 for solving problems (26) and (31),the original function was majorized/minorized twice, whichmay result in a loose surrogate function; see (41), (45) and(57). And the performance of the MM method is susceptible tothe slow convergence as EM-like algorithms. Then followingthe same idea in [6], [8], we employ an off-the-shelf method,called squared iterative method (SQUAREM) [39], to accelerateAlgorithm 1. SQUAREM was originally proposed to improvethe convergence of EM-type algorithms and simultaneouslykeep its simplicity and stability. It can be easily applied toaccelerate the MM algorithms as well. For details of conver-gence analysis, also refer to [39]. Without loss of generality,we only consider acceleration of Algorithm 1 for the MMSEminimization problem. For the CMI maximization problem, asimilar procedure can be followed.

Given the current point U(t) , we call iterative steps 3 to 8of Algorithm 1 collectively as one MM update, denoted byMMupdate(U(t)). The accelerated computing scheme is givenby Algorithm 2. The step length is chosen by the Cauchy-Barzilai-Borwein (CBB) method. And the back-tracking stepis adopted to maintain the monotone property of generated it-erates. To guarantee its feasibility, projection to the constrainedset U in steps 8 and 9 are applied. The main computationalcost comes from the two MM updates in each iteration, whosecomplexity is in the order of O((N + K)3N 3

r ). Empirically,the accelerated algorithm converges to an acceptable solutionwithin ten iterations, which is much faster than Algorithm 1.



The unimodular constraint on the training sequence originatespartly from the low peak-to-average power ratio (PAR) demand,

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Algorithm 2: Accelerated Scheme for Designing OptimalUnimodular Training Sequence for the MMSE Estimation.

1: Set t = 0, and initialize u(0)n,m , n = 1, . . . , N ; m = 1,

. . . , Nt .2: repeat3: U1 = MMupdate


)4: U2 = MMupdate (U1)5: L1 = U1 − U(t)

6: L2 = U2 − U1 − L17: Step length l = −‖L1 ‖F

‖L2 ‖F

8: U(t+1) =√

αN Nt

ej arg(U ( t )−2lL1 + l2 L2 )

9: while MMSE(S(t+1)




10: l ← l−12 , and go to step 2

11: t ← t + 112: until convergence

e.g., in MIMO radar systems. Low PAR sequences have foundmany applications in practice because they can mitigate thenon-linear effects at the transmitter side while enabling moreflexibility of the designed sequences compared with unimodularones; see [2], [29] and references therein. In this section, weconsider the problem of designing optimal sequences with lowPAR.

For a sequence of vectors U ∈ CN ×Nt , U:,m denotes thelength-N sequence sent from the mth antenna, for m = 1,. . . , Nt . And PAR is usually defined for each sequence trans-mitted by a single antenna as

PAR(U:,m ) =max

n{|un,m |2}1N αm

, (66)

provided that the training energy for the mth antenna is‖U:,m‖2 = αm . Determining training energy for each transmitantenna may depend on power distribution among antennas sat-isfying


m=1 αm = α. And it follows that 1 ≤ PAR(U:,m ) ≤N . When PAR(U:,m ) = 1, PAR constraint reduces to the uni-modular constraint. Given the PAR constraints for each transmitantenna

PAR(U:,m ) ≤ ξm ,m = 1, . . . , Nt (67)

the optimal sequence design problem for minimizing MMSE isthen formulated as

minimizeU ,S


subject to S = T (U) ,‖U:,m‖2 = αm ,


{|un,m |} ≤√

αm ξm

N ,m = 1, . . . , Nt


where MMSE(S) is given by (40). For the CMI maximization,an optimization problem can be similarly formulated, whichmaximizes CMI(S) (44) under the same constraints as that of(68).

Following the same procedure of applying the MM frame-work in Section III-B, the following majorized (minorized)problems can be obtained for problem (68) for the MMSE

Algorithm 3: Design of Optimal Training Sequence for theMMSE Minimization (26) or the CMI Maximization (31)under the PAR Constraint.

1: Set t = 0, and initialize U(0) such that maxn

{|u(0)n,m |}



N ,m = 1, . . . , Nt .2: repeat3: S(t) = T


), and S(t) = INr

⊗ S(t)

4: A(t) =(S(t)R0



+ W)−1


5: V(t) ={

I, for the MMSE minimizationR(t) , for the CMI maximization

6: λ(t) = ‖R0‖1




7: B(S(t) ,V(t)

)= λ(t)S(t) − A(t)V(t)



S(t)R0 + A(t)V(t)R0

8: U(t+1):,m ∈ arg min

maxn {|u n , m |}≤√

α m ξ mN

‖U : , m ‖2 = α m

‖U:,m − cm‖2 ,

m = 1, . . . , Nt

9: t ← t + 110: until convergence

minimization (CMI maximization)


∥∥∥U −∑

i,j Bi,j



subject to ‖U:,m‖2 = αm ,


{|un,m |} ≤√

αm ξm

N ,m = 1, . . . , Nt


It is obvious that problem (69) can be separated into Nt

problems as

minimizeU : , m

‖U:,m − cm‖2

subject to ‖U:,m‖2 = αm ,


{|un,m |} ≤√

αm ξm

N ,


for m = 1, . . . , Nt , where cm is the mth column of∑

i,j Bi,j .Problem (70) is a nearest vector problem with low PAR con-straint and has been well studied in [2] via Karush-Kuhn-Tucker(KKT) conditions. By using the well-developed algorithms in[2] to solve each problem (70), the overall algorithm is sum-marized in Algorithm 3. Note that Algorithm 3 shares the sameconvergence property as that of Algorithm 1. Furthermore, theacceleration scheme based on the SQUAREM method is alsoapplicable here, and the procedure is similar to Algorithm 2.The additional computational cost of Algorithm 3 is incurred bysolving Nt nearest vector problems in each iteration. Specifi-cally, solving each problem requires a sorting operation of com-putational complexity O(N log N) and inner loops with worstcase computational complexity O(N 2); and the number of in-ner loops varies from a few dozens to one hundred. For details,please refer to [2].

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In this section, we employ proposed algorithms to designunimodular and low PAR sequences for channel estimation. ForSISO channels, we compare the MSE, output SNR, and theCMI of our proposed sequences with that of low sidelobes orrandom phases. For MIMO channel estimation, the MSE andCMI are compared among proposed sequences, sequences ofgood auto- and cross-correlation properties, and sequences ofrandom phases. Then we show the advantage of optimal lowPAR sequences over unimodular ones in the MIMO channelestimation.

A. Unimodular Sequences for SISO Channel Estimation

In this subsection, numerical results are presented to illustratethe advantage of considering the prior information in the designof unimodular sequences for channel estimation and CMI maxi-mization. Let Nt = Nr = 1, and we can apply Algorithm 1 andAlgorithm 2 to design optimal unimodular training sequencesfor a SISO channel. We compute the MMSE estimates withour proposed sequences, sequences of low sidelobes, and se-quences of random phase, and then compare the resulting MSEwith matched filtering (MF) using low sidelobes sequences.

The true channel impulse response is chosen by htrue ∼CN (0K +1 ,Rtrue) with length K + 1 = 20, and (Rtrue)i,j =0.9|i−j |0.9

i−12 0.9

j −12 for i, j = 1, . . . ,K + 1. The channel is

thus correlated with exponentially decreasing power with re-spect to time delay, which corresponds to the correlated scat-tering environment with multipath fading in wireless commu-nications [40]. The length of training sequence is N = 10.The channel noise is set to be v ∼ CN (0N +K ,W) with(W)i,j = 0.2|i−j | for i, j = 1, . . . , N + K. Considering the in-accuracy of channel covariance matrix in hand, the optimalunimodular sequence u is designed under the assumed priorh0 ∼ CN (0K +1 ,R0) and (R0)i,j = 0.8|i−j |0.8

i−12 0.8

j −12 . The

mean square error (MSE) of the channel estimator is then

MSE(hMMSE) = ‖hMMSE − htrue‖22 , (71)

where hMMSE is given by (21) and S = T (u). Based on the truechannel covariance matrix, the conditional mutual informationobtained with training sequence u is

CMI (u) =12

log det(I + RtrueSH W−1S

). (72)

The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of transmit sequences isdefined as

SNR = 10 log10‖u‖2 /N

Tr (W) /(N + K)(dB) . (73)

The output SNR by MMSE estimation is given by

SNRout = 10 log10‖hMMSE − Fv‖2

‖Fv‖2 (dB), (74)

where F = R0 SH (SR0 SH + W)−1 . For different values ofSNR, the resulting MSE and CMI are approximated by running200 times Monte Carlo simulations. In our simulations, bothAlgorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 are initialized with unimodularsequences of random phases uniformly distributed in [0, 2π].

Fig. 1. MSE of SISO channel estimates with different unimodular trainingsequences. The results are averaged over 200 Monte Carlo simulations.

And the algorithms are considered to be converged when thedifference between two consecutive updates is no larger than10−6 , i.e., ‖u(t+1) − u(t)‖2 ≤ 10−6 .

Fig. 1 shows the MSE of different channel estimates bytraining with different unimodular sequences. Both CAP andCAN were proposed to design sequences with low sidelobes,or good correlation properties, and sequences designed by CAPwas employed to estimate channel impulse response with thematched filter [5]. It was claimed that MISL could further reducethe sidelobes of the designed unimodular sequences [6], withwhich channel estimate by matched filtering was also compared.The resulting MSE of MMSE-optimal accel. by the acceleratedscheme Algorithm 2 is lower than that of low sidelobes andthat of random phases, especially in the low SNR scenarios.Therefore, the good correlation properties do not guarantee agood channel estimate when the length of the training sequenceis limited with respect to the length of the channel impulseresponse. Note that sequence MMSE-optimal by Algorithm 1achieves almost the same performance as that of MMSE-optimalaccel., but the resulting MSE degrades a little bit in the high SNRcase as it needs more iterations to converge. The convergence ofAlgorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 will be illustrated in Section V-D.The output SNR with MMSE estimation and matched filtersare also compared in Fig. 2, showing the improvement of ourproposed sequences.

The obtained CMI for different unimodular sequences areshown in Fig. 3. Although by definition (72), the resulting CMIonly depends on the channel statistics without being affectedby the channel realizations, Monte Carlo simulations are stillconducted for 200 times to avoid the effects from local minima.Expectedly, sequences obtained by CAN and MISL producesalmost the same CMI. By incorporating the prior channel infor-mation into the sequence design, however, the CMI obtained isimproved.

B. Unimodular Sequences for MIMO Channel Estimation

In this subsection, we compare the optimal unimodular se-quences with those of good correlation properties [8] or randomphases for MIMO channels. As in the case of SISO channels,

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Fig. 2. Output SNR of SISO channel estimates with different unimodulartraining sequences. The results are averaged over 200 Monte Carlo simulations.

Fig. 3. The CMI with different unimodular training sequences for SISOchannels. The results are averaged over 200 Monte Carlo simulations.

two performance metrics are considered, namely the channelMSE and CMI.

Suppose the MIMO channel has Nt = 3 transmit antennasand Nr = 3 receive antennas, with the length of the chan-nel impulse K + 1 = 20. The vectorized channel impulseresponse htrue is drawn from a circular complex Gaussiandistribution CN (0Nt Nr (K +1) ,Rtrue). Each channel coefficient(htrue)i , i = 1, . . . , NtNr (K + 1) is associated with a tripleset (nt, nr , k), where nt = 1, . . . , Nt and nr = 1, . . . , Nr

are indices of transmit and receive antenna, respectively, andk = 0, . . . ,K is the channel delay. And each entry (Rtrue)i,j

of the covariance matrix describes the correlation betweenthe channel coefficient of the triple set (nt1 , nr1 , k1) and(nt2 , nr2 , k2). Without loss of generality, consider

Rtrue = Rr ⊗ Rd ⊗ Rt (75)

Fig. 4. MSE of MIMO channel estimates with different unimodular trainingsequences. The results are averaged over 100 Monte Carlo simulations.

where (Rr )nr 1 ,nr 2 = ρ|nr 1 −nr 2 |1 and (Rt)nt 1 ,n t 2 = ρ

|nt 1 −nt 2 |3

characterizes, respectively, the correlation between transmitantennas and the correlation between receive antennas, and(Rd)k1 ,k2 = ρ

|k1 −k2 |2 is an exponentially decaying correlation

with respect to the channel delay. For the true channel impulseresponse htrue , we set ρ1 = ρ3 = 0.9 and ρ2 = 0.7. In the opti-mal unimodular training sequence design, the channel prior h0is assumed to follow a circularly complex Gaussian distributionwith zero mean and covariance matrix R0 of the same corre-lation structure as (75) and ρ1 = ρ3 = 0.8 and ρ2 = 0.6. Eachcolumn of noise matrix V in model (5) corresponds to a MISOchannel, and the vectorized noise is assumed to be coloredwith a Toeplitz correlation and vec(V) ∼ CN (0(N +K )Nt

,W),with Wi,j = 0.2|i−j |, i, j = 1, . . . , (N + K)Nr . The optimalunimodular training sequences, sequences of good auto- andcross-correlations properties, and sequences of random phasesare transmitted and then the corresponding MMSE channelestimators can be obtained. The MSE for each estimate iscalculated by (71) with S = T (U). The CMI is similarlydefined by (72). The SNR is defined as

SNR = 10 log10‖U‖2

F /(NNt)Tr (W) /((N + K)Nr )

(dB) . (76)

The setting for algorithm initialization and convergence arethe same as the unimodular case. And the MSE and CMI areaveraged over 100 times Monte Carlo simulations for differentvalues of SNR.

Fig. 4 shows the MSE of MMSE channel estimates withdifferent unimodular training sequences and SNR’s. The lengthof sequence for each transmit antenna is N = 10. It is obviousthat the optimal unimodular sequences, both MMSE-optimal byAlgorithm 1 and MMSE-optimal accel. by Algorithm 2, producesmaller MSE than that of random phases or good auto- and cross-correlation properties (Good-Corr). Also notice that there is agap between two curves of MSE of MMSE-optimal and MMSE-optimal accel. This is because Algorithm 1 needs much more

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Fig. 5. The CMI with different unimodular training sequences for MIMOchannels. The results are averaged over 100 Monte Carlo simulations.

Fig. 6. MSE with different low PAR training sequences for MIMO channels.PAR = {5, 5, 5} with equal power for three antennas. The results are averagedover 100 Monte Carlo simulations.

iterations to be converged for MIMO channel training sequencedesign than that of the SISO case. The convergence propertiesare shown in Section V-D.

In the CMI maximization for MIMO channels, the perfor-mances of different unimodular sequences are shown in Fig. 5with N = 10. For different SNR, the optimal unimodular train-ing sequences can achieve larger CMI than sequences of eitherrandom phase or good correlation properties.

C. Low PAR Sequences for MIMO Channel Estimation

Consider the MIMO channel of the same conditions describedin Section V-B. We employ Algorithm 3 and its acceleratedscheme to design low PAR sequences for MMSE channel es-timation. In Fig. 6, MMSE-optimal and MMSE-optimal accel.

Fig. 7. MSE for SISO channel estimation with PAR-constrained sequencesor unimodular sequences. The results are averaged over 100 Monte Carlosimulations.

Fig. 8. Convergence of algorithms for optimal unimodular sequence designfor SISO channel estimation, SNR = −5 dB.

are obtained by Algorithm 3 and its accelerated scheme, re-spectively. It is demonstrated that both optimal training se-quences achieve much smaller MSE than unimodular sequences.Like the results for Algorithm 1 and 2 in the previous sub-sections, MMSE-optimal renders an larger MSE than MMSE-optimal accel. especially in the high SNR cases. An exampleof convergence of both algorithms are shown in Section V-D.Fig. 7 shows resulting MSE of sequences with different valuesof PAR.

D. Convergence of Proposed Algorithms

Experimental results are given to show the convergenceproperties of proposed algorithms for the MMSE minimizationproblem and the CMI maximization problem with unimodularconstraints or low PAR constraints. The setting for algorithm

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Fig. 9. Convergence of algorithms for optimal unimodular sequence designfor MIMO channel estimation, Nt = 3, Nr = 3, and SNR = −5 dB.

Fig. 10. Convergence of algorithms for optimal low PAR sequence design forMIMO channel estimation, Nt = 3, Nr = 3, and SNR = −5 dB.

initialization and convergence criteria are the same as previoussubsections. First, we experiment with Algorithm 1 andAlgorithm 2 for both MMSE minimization and CMI maximiza-tion in SISO channel unimodular training sequence design.Fig. 8 shows the objective values with respect to algorithm itera-tions. In both problems, Algorithm 1 converge monotonically toa stationary point though slowly. With acceleration techniques,however, Algorithm 2 renders an very fast convergence. Thesame convergence properties can be seen in Fig. 9, whereunimodular sequences for MIMO channel estimation are con-sidered with Nt = 3, Nr = 3. Within the same MIMO channelsetting, Algorithm 3 and its accelerated scheme are applied todesign low PAR sequences. The convergence of both algorithmsare shown in Fig. 10. Note that in those three examples, thealgorithms Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 3 converge slower thanthe accelerated scheme especially in designing sequences for

MIMO channels with large values of SNR. This is due to suc-cessive majorizations or minorizations applied in the derivationof algorithms and thus explains the difference between twotraining sequences in terms of the resulting MSE and CMI.


In this paper, optimal training sequences with unimodular andlow PAR constraints are considered. The optimal sequence de-sign problem is formulated by minimizing the MMSE criterionor maximizing the CMI criterion. The formulated problems arenonconvex and efficient algorithms are developed based on themajorization-minimization framework. Furthermore, the accel-eration scheme is derived using the SQUAREM method. All theproposed algorithms are guaranteed to monotonically convergeto a stationary point. Numerical results show that the optimalunimodular sequences can improve either the accuracy of chan-nel estimate or the CMI compared with those sequences withgood correlation properties or random phases. Under the samecriteria, the optimal sequence design with low PAR constraintis also studied, for which the similar algorithms to unimodularcase are derived. Numerical examples show that the optimal lowPAR sequences can improve on the unimodular sequences.


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Zhongju Wang received the B.Eng. degree in com-munication engineering from the University of Elec-tronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu,China, in 2013. He is currently working toward thePh.D. degree in electronic and computer engineeringat Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong SAR. His research interests include ap-plications of convex optimization to signal processingand machine learning.

Prabhu Babu received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from theUppsala University, Sweden, in 2012. He is currently with CARE, IIT Delhi,Delhi, India.

Daniel P. Palomar (S’99–M‘03–SM‘08–F‘12) re-ceived the electrical engineering and Ph.D. degreesfrom the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC),Barcelona, Spain, in 1998 and 2003, respectively.He is a Professor in the Department of Electronicand Computer Engineering, Hong Kong Universityof Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong,which he joined in 2006. He had previously heldseveral research appointments, namely, at King’sCollege London, London, UK; Stanford University,Stanford, CA; Telecommunications Technological

Center of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain; Royal Institute of Technology,Stockholm, Sweden; University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy; and Prince-ton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. His current research interests include appli-cations of convex optimization theory, game theory, and variational inequalitytheory to financial systems, big data systems, and communication systems. Since2013, he is a Fellow of the Institute for Advance Study (IAS) at HKUST. He re-ceived a 2004/06 Fulbright Research Fellowship, the 2004 and 2015 (co-author)Young Author Best Paper Awards by the IEEE Signal Processing Society, the2015–16 HKUST Excellence Research Award, the 2002/03 best Ph.D. prize inInformation Technologies and Communications by the UPC, the 2002/03 RosinaRibalta first prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Information Technologies andCommunications by the Epson Foundation, and the 2004 prize for the best Doc-toral Thesis in Advanced Mobile Communications by the Vodafone Foundationand COIT. He is a Guest Editor of the IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS

IN SIGNAL PROCESSING 2016 Special Issue on Financial Signal Processing andMachine Learning for Electronic Trading and has been an Associate Editor ofthe IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY and the IEEE TRANSAC-TIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, a Guest Editor of the IEEE Signal ProcessingMagazine 2010 Special Issue on Convex Optimization for Signal Processing,the IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS 2008 SpecialIssue on Game Theory in Communication Systems, and the IEEE JOURNAL ON

SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS 2007 Special Issue on Optimization ofMIMO Transceivers for Realistic Communication Networks.