6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

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Page 1: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13More Enjoyment • Less Suffering


Friday, January 4, 13

Page 2: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

Why Are You Here?

Seems like the perfect time of year for this subject. Hopefully, we can all have fun, meet someone new, and learn something we can use going forward.

I am not a doctor or a scientist, but have experience in cooking, and healing. Please ask questions anytime.

No need to take notes, email me for the datadump. [email protected]

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 3: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

My StoryI grew up on fast food and violence. My reaction to difficulty was to fight or run. I had every childhood illness you can imagine. At 18, I sought answers, made gradual changes over the years, and enjoy better results.

My journey brings me understanding and joy in helping others. I still have difficulties, but I’m grateful.

I like philosopher/author Daniel Dennet’s words: The Secret to happiness is to find something more important that you are and dedicate your life to it.

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 4: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

The Power Of Food

When I’m not eating, I’m thinking about eating, or shopping, cooking, buying a cookbook a new gadget for my kitchen. Are you a foodie? What’s your favorite food?

Here on Earth we turn food into life, and food is central to our lives. At church, school, the beach, the bank, even at trade shows, we are all about the food.

Food is very powerful in today’s world, where convenience, technology and profits trump health and balance.

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 5: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

Nobody Agrees On FoodHistory teaches that many world powers fe# right a$er consumption of sugar rose to a#-time highs. We are free to eat anything, but it’s very difficult to make sane choices.

There is evidence that eating less, naturally, and plant-based can lead to a longer and happier life. It also leads to peace, less suffering, and a cleaner world.

Everything does change. But it will take time before we see the damage we have done with our choices. The Farm Bill? This too shall pass.

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 6: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

Reserve a Table At HomeWhen I took Driver’s Ed. 32 years ago, I was taught to drive defensively. This involved anticipating dangers, and always leaving an out. This works well with eating.

Restaurant meals are generally very low quality, with too much salt, sugar, oil, butter, meat, chemicals and germs. We eat too much, and too late in the day, and we don’t take a nice walk afterwards. Then we pay a price.

1. Cook your own meals for health, wealth, to be more self-sufficient, for fun and to teach the kids

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 7: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

Eat Meals at Home Notes

• When we cook our own meals, we appreciate what goes into them more, and we tend to get more out of them

• We can control the ingredients, as well as get better service and eat when we want and more comforably

• When we do go out, choose higher quality restaurants and skip heavy sauces, appetizers, alcohol and desserts

• Lots more resources at www.davidsorganic.com

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 8: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

Animals Are Companions

Plants are building blocks. We are not meant to eat much animal foods. You can tell by comparing our teeth, fingernails, intestines, etc. When we do, we introduce all kinds of toxins, disease and stress. Poor countries where people eat mainly grain and vegetables have virtually no heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.

Eat a well-balanced plant-based diet, with occasional organic animal products for fun, used with care and prayer.

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 9: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

Plant Based Diet Notes

• Plant-based diets are all the rage right now, for good reason. They save money, help the environment, and cause fewer acute and chronic illnessness

• Choosing organic meats, eggs and dairy foods is a wise choice, as they have fewer pesticides, hormones, additives, etc., and promote less animal suffering

• More online at www.davidsorganic.com

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 10: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

The Human DietThe good news is that plant-based foods can be inexpensive, beautiful, healthy and TASTE GREAT!

The other good news is that there are thousands of vegetarian/vegan cookbooks, online recipes and cooking classes available in your area. I’m here too!!

3. A balanced plant-based diet consists of whole grains, well-cooked land and sea vegetables, some raw vegetables and fruits, beans and bean products, nuts and seeds, oils and condiments.

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 11: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

What to Eat Notes

• Have brown rice daily, and millet, barley, quinoa and oats often. Also enjoy spelt, wheat berries, amaranthe, teff, buckwheat and corn. Tortillas and sourdough rule

• Cauliflower, broccoli, winter squash, onions, carrots and green cabbage are great, as are radishes and turnips

• Sea veggies, sea salt, miso and sesame seeds rock

• Sesame, safflower, olive and sunflower oils are best, and for beverages, room temp water and kukicha twig tea

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 12: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

Our Universe, Our ‘HoodSnow! Evidence that we are living in winter. The seasons change, and so must our eating. Supermarkets are not working. Kiwis don’t grow here. Yin is not yang.

Eat seasonal for better health and fewer illnesses. Also adjust when moving, aging, changing careers, etc. Pro athletes need to eat more/heartier than bank tellers.

4. Eat a seasonal diet. In the winter, longer cooking times, more salt, soups, root vegetables and some fish keep us healthy and satisfied.

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 13: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

Energetics Notes

• Make your own soup throughout the year, richer and more often in cold weather, but watch sodium

• Limit raw fruits to summer, raw veggies to spring through fall, and avoid tropical foods in the northeast

• Cook things to yangize them, and note that sushi is animal food as yin as possible for balance (Japan=smart)

• Learn more about the energetics of food (and life!) online or by reading a book on Macrobiotics

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 14: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

Habits Around FoodMost Americans don’t care about the quality of their food, eat an enormous quantity of food, ignoring yin and yang. But that’s not all.

We don’t chew, we don’t sit, we eat too late, we skip meals, we eat unconsciously, and as a result many of us are obese, yet undernourished, and unsatisfied with our meals. So we snack. And health problems are rampant

5. Sit for regular meals and light conversation. Be present, chew well, don’t eat late, eat a pickle!

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 15: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

Eating Habits Notes

• Eating less and chewing more seems obvious, but it really works. Shut off the TV and appreciate your food, and you will actually have better nutrition and digestion. Try it!

• Eating late is very bad for the liver, and is a major cause of mood and digestive issues

• Denny Waxman has a great book called The Great Life Diet, see if you can find it on Amazon. His tips work!

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 16: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

We Eat Ideas Too

Food is key. It gives us life. But we also eat ideas. If we watch the news, or violent television/movies/video games, and argue at dinner, we get tighten, limiting our circulation. No good. Hang loose!

6. Treasure peace. Meditate, be kind to strangers, family, animals, and the Earth. See the best in yourself and others, and forgive easily. Take nature walks. Enjoy plants and natural objects, and wear organic clothing. Get plenty of sleep.

Friday, January 4, 13

Page 17: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

Lifestyle Notes

• We nourish ourselves with ideas and thought, when it’s positive. The nightly news and violence cause damage

• With more peace in our bodies, we can help create more peace in our homes, communities, and on Earth. Read The World Peace Diet, by Will Tuttle, PhD.

• Remember when relationships, hobbies, dancing, and music were pursuits? Facebook and Twitter are winning

• Do a daily body rub, and enjoy massage or chiropractic

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Page 18: 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 - David’s Organic · 6 FOOD IDEAS FOR ’13 More Enjoyment • Less Suffering DAVID L. KAGAN Friday, January 4, 13

6 Eating Ideas Repeated

1. Cook your own meals and eat quality meals out

2. Eat a well-balanced plant-based diet

3. Organic, boiled grains, sea vegetables, etc.

4. Eat seasonal, local and for your age and lifestyle

5. Improve your eating habits, especially chew!

6. Be peaceful and light in body, mind and spirit

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Questions & Resources

Please see my blog, top 10 list, recipes and links at www.davidsorganic.com

Email me anytime at [email protected]

Thank you so much!! Have a wonderful 2013 and hope to see you soon...

Friday, January 4, 13