5TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - DECEMBER 1953 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2221 CD: 22 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org

5TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND ......b, Medical Officer's Report The Battali>n Command Post as well as each Company Chmmand area received a sanit!U'y inspection once

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    Korean War

    Korean War Project Record: USMC-2221

    CD: 22

    United States Marine Corps History Division

    Quantico, Virginia

    Records: United States Marine Corps

    Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

    Records Group: RG 127

    Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

    Location: College Park, Maryland

    Editor: Hal Barker

    Korean War Project

    P.O. Box 180190

    Dallas, TX 75218-0190



  • Korean War Project USMC-08002568DECLASSIFIED

    f.' ear.WtJ1 J.u.: ;a q;: a idi14(1L#t$Q$1!,%. t.,(i¥t.l.* liil;d I ;;:;; a;.:;


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    l/rej Al2


    der: 0020 8 Jan 1954

    Fii:tST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rd3n 5thl'Jar ltr ser 001 of 5 Jan 1954

    From: To: Via:


    Commanding Officer, 5th !1arinea Command::t~ of the Mari..."le Corps (l) Conrranding General, lat Harine Division, FMF (2) Co~manding General 1 Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

    fhird B

  • Korean War Project USMC-08002569t

    • SECRET


    ..... • 72818 231/eJb &1.. --_.., .._ SeriO 0 8 7 8 ·1111

    FEB 3 i954

    SECOND ENDORSEMENT on 3rdBn 6tbMar 1tr ser 001 ot 5 Jan 1954 From: CoiiiiBanding General, let Marine Division (Reinf), TD To: Commandant ot the Marine Corps V~ft· ~ftMM-ft~4~~ dafta __ , ,Aa+ U--4Ma .__AA ~--4#4a • -Q• VV-Qoi&--.U.~ VliOI'.&&'V .. Q.o&o' ... -..... VVV 4"~.1.-.IA'V 1.•uo~, VVI ~ a,UoL.L ""''-'

    Subj: Command Diary tor Deoember 1953

    1. Forwarded.

    2. The seourity classitioat1on ot th1s endorsement 1s removed when detached trom the basio dooum&nt.

    Copy to: CMC (1) MCS (2) I'MFPao (1) 2d MarDiv (1) 3d MarDiv (1)

    S\-.~-~ UT. P lJJUH.AN

    B7 direction

    MCB, Camp Pendleton (1) let Prov Marine Ai~Ground Task Foroe (1) S&C Files (1)



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    DECLASSIFIED -··· .)


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    ·· AU ' .. ---. ·, .. oer; ~ 0 1 2 6 - S 4 '" •

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    ' F£818 1954

    on 3dBn 6tbMaf ltr ser .OO;J. ot 6 Jan 1954

    From: To:

    Comm~nding General, F;J.e•t llarine Force, Pacific Commandant ot the Mar~11e>Oorp•

    . . '

    Subj: Command Diary for D8~·~~F .. 1963 '- . --~.~-'

    1. For-war-ded. . ·_ . . -,:·>~1; .. ~--- ~... _' . . . 2. This endoreeme..r1t 1s d.6Vrl~jlij_~:(t6 unclaa'li1fied .uPon de-tachment trom the basic d~tlii"'lffi~~('\ ,-~ ----- -- - : • ··'

    Copy to: OG latMarD1v

    ·'. ·~ .

    ' q~l_(}_~.Q r

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    . ~~~d4'l~, ' ·~· ~; . 1 · ' !Ol./bla . )d Bat~liU~nt5~ JMtlMa .. · • ,\l~. lat Mal"ino l>h'W.i\li:(~elnf), FW •Soil 001

    ,Yct un. S~>n ~WQt:O"J.U.fornl.a .'· . 5 li\lUIIl'f 195~ . . . .. ::, '-. ..- ' - --

    ' ;', ·•

    ,. homt. Oo~an.una Ottioar . · .· · ·, · · ,· ' ~~· · O~ndant ot the Marllie. 1)!).-pe . · : .. r> · · ,

    ' -I - - · · · ;,. ' · · -' •: ·-:~s; ·., ,_ · ,.~ ' ,_. -~·)· i I c~

    na• (l) OollrlnnUns Ottiilol;oi .Stn MorWe ';,;., {2) oom.Bndins Oenue.1j lat ~1M';1)ljlf.i~P. (lleiftf),; 1W • (,9) Oollllll)nt\ing Oeiierali Flaot ~~no~iftJI,, i'tloltle ·

    ' ··lll·: .,· ~·, ' ~M~Jt tb_1ti11St~tte.l11aA' tor Pooe.abet ~953 / Jeft li., i'ai'a 114'>1 ~ · . ,.

    {b) JWl'ao Oen ~ n~. . . . '·. ' . ( o) Mapa • Jrorel\1 ii2S,n~o ·

    .•• ~.JIY f.

    c .· : .• ~lns the _,nth ot Dece • .,i' t618 ~\\~tl-m · oot\duOtl., e. M.\NtCX. 6~ t~ t.l).~ ot Tok. Cb.ok ''l'o• .. , .. · ; . '·~· •.·· . . .· · · ·; ·


    ·-~ ..


    ' •· ~ .

    ' .. i \~ ·-,. _i - .• c

    •' . . .. ,

    · l'hle battaU.on relaived the Fl~~t ~··'"~t:>n1 .$tn:e"''l\ lfadll,O,I!~l~. aool?l'... .. •. ' il!IDoe vt.tb. R$~nte.l 'l'tainilig Oi'd~ i.i$' ~ r,~o,~~~:U'• 41111~~ ~;tlon . ,__. ·"' '-/ ot ooeuwtns aM detend11l8 tho Ol'~ f.n }~·f:l.~a'•''tll ~otor. •· · -....., •. -~· . , · · ·

    ' "~ ~riitl.nued t0ltai'o1

  • Korean War Project USMC-08002572DECLASSIFIED

    •. • -,Y~·~·:m:.;i,~!ffr.·'·' ·:-~r.;- ~ •'i0:'1~~·-; •' : ... ~.--,~ Si;ORLT

    . ,,, ~~;;; ,=_:'!~~fl.'--t'-'.

    i/ ... ... 'J· -,_;' ,.. .. -

    . \ ; ··_ -,_ - -·_--,> - ' . -~' . : a, Marine Landing Exeretse .ccn(!uQted; bY aU unite of thS.s ~o.ttaUon

    waa ln progress. ( r..ppend :X ''1) ' · ,

    a. M:JU.EX.

    4 lY!i:C&MBER

    .. ,

    ' .. ,, .·

    - 'i

    ... -_-,

    a. M'.m.mt •

    ') UEOE~l!:R

    a. r,t 12"!1 this 'bt\ttaUon l'd~ t~."llli.H'J!l.Klti ""leived. l.l!t Ba'tc tnlion~ 7th ~.arinee, and r~~R!!'~ .roo~Iw~1ttoty or ooAUwtn.s ~~-~ftM~ 1tat; 0:.1. :.u :-,v~iJ!x::-~tr.:".. s~ot:Jr.

    b, Co.re ana lllllintommce of S~\li~n{ il:nd· weapotlllll,lSsd on.W.RLICX, '!'f

    '· SEGR.>T ,4·~


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  • Korean War Project USMC-08002573'' )

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    • . '

    10 D~OSMIJSR

    bo CDmpany lovel critique· of M'~X.· ~. I


    flo R1utina • ii

    .,. '

    •• Battalion participated 'in a)>i~i~1rm Omunand .roet Ext;~to1ee.

    Battali-..n level ori tiqu~ ot:¥VJ\LU.' d, Teet /,ir l.lert 113'\ . "

    :,ll Conpanies not it'iei\ 1135••

    ' a1 :Routine,

    1.3 D'i>C~R

    a, Routine.

    . ;'

    8, n ... utioo.

    n, R-.utine,

    a, R-;utine,



    ' .,

    b, Dattali ..,n ptil't~oi!)!\tt!d .:'-'\ J!.,~.~-!1~81, ColiiDO.~ l'oe'li J::#oise~ ; - . .

    oo Tost /,ir ',lert 2125 . . 1 ' · '.ll Cnmpanies n">tifled ,,130 .

    SEOR:.'T ;:,..,


    -~-f .. ~;. ,j' . ~ _; i- ~



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    . ' ' -- •. -

  • Korean War Project USMC-08002574

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    l j I



    l ~-


    • 17 D~ CEMBC:ll

    a, Ro~tine,

    a, Routine

    O.c R ")1,.:·. t !.n8 o

    n. R:;utine,..

    b. fd1· J.ler·~ :i_6Z.J :.11 Compml.s nntif~od 1632 ~ir :.lert. ovm: l6h', All Camp:mies lDtH led J.646

    21 oc:csr.m:m

    a, Routine,

    a, HC)utine

    • ••

    b, B:~tt111i 'n p:~rticip~ted in a Divisbn Command •'ost ll:xercise.

    c. Test /.ir J.lart 0843 1•11 CO>mpllllies n~tified ·1848

    23 DLCE?18SR

    e, Routine,

    b. B'lttalbn nartio1'1ptec1 in I U, 8, COI:'-ps tr'lining xorcise '1·.!rc'r·.c w'1ioh time b~tt1e O'nr.itbns were sillllllatea, tnsitbns mannGd 1"~. "'"~ C1"ll'1Unior.ti.·ms testa-'\, Sxorcisa started l:Jn6 ani seouren 1620,




  • Korean War Project USMC-08002575

    ' ~·

    r l (

    f , ~

    ~ l r

    l I


    • • S~Clt~T

    a. ibtttino.

    26 DSC:>!-l!HR

    a. R~utino.

    a, lbuiine,

    b. Test ·.ir '•lort :.. '~''J 1.11 C'lmpnnios n 'ti:''.ec: 1"55

    a1 R-,utine,

    b. Ba,tal1'n participated in a negimental training exerciSe &urirl!; which timO.bot~le conditi,ns were simulated, p0siti'lns manned 101% and o-".i_:·r-;ru:n.i~ati -·ns testc·:l.. StnrtGd 1416 nnd scoured nf'tcr all cJmp11nies were inspected by Bogimontol Inspeot~rs,



    ' ...... ,.i.-~


  • Korean War Project USMC-08002576



    i n. Rautine.









    - I

    ···~5-~~ // &l a V t Ud.'ILJr\Uj•' --

    Lieuten'(rit Colcmel, U. s,· Mtu-ine Corps

    Directives Received

    Direotivea Issued

    Reparts nn1 Summaries

    rtnte>gl'nphi~ Supplam~nt ( ~cg'ltive)

    c~lll!ll)nts nnd T1eor:>mmend.nti •ns



  • Korean War Project USMC-08002577' •

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    ' l '

    '• '

    • S:.CRD.'l'

    1. Directives Recoivod

    a, trders and Memorn~1n

    Ragt 11 Thg Momo 29~53 Regt '1 Tng Moun 3~··53 Regt 11 Tng Mom:> 31-53

    Regt 1 1 Mom0 69-53

    Regt 1l Bulletin 17-53

    Re£t 11 Oi -16-53


    • •

    lraotice Alert for manning OrLR. Cmmoond I'oet Exercise c~mmand ~oat Exercise

    .i'ay fnrcrmati-:>n . Christml'ls l'arty

    Annex Mnn.,; to 5 Mor 0 '-19-53 Wi thdrwo1 fre>rn Bridgehea:1s to Reserve r,ssembly !.rea,

    b, Messagas

    00 5 lhr

  • Korean War Project USMC-08002578DECLASSIFIED

    • •• SEC!lliT . l

    l• Directives Issued1 Negative




    I ,, II~.l



  • Korean War Project USMC-08002579



    • •• I.ppendilt III to 'd Batt'lli 'n, 5th l·'ari.oBs c~::r;:anci Dlni'Y ::c.r Doaemb3r 1953

    i• OYerlayJ D1sposi tiDn dnrl.ng clcrio:i 09l21'lO!-.JJ24'lOI



  • Korean War Project USMC-08002580

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    I i


    • •• Appendix IV to 3d Battalbn. ,5th ~~v.·' -'~'~ [•omr,am Di11ry for December 1953

    1, R:OR>RTS l.NU SUMM:.R:r;;;S

    a, Special SGrvices

    In 'l-i:l.itbn tn rnwios 1 .this batt'>lin had the opportunity to see

    tvo (2) stage Shows ~uring tho month of December 1953• The first of these was • The General Mark Ollll'k Sh,v1 and the second an "l•ll :i.rroy Show",·

    Two ( 2) b~er ratbns ware recoivec1 and rlistributei\ during the

    month and two ( 2) cans of free boer were rna;'le available tn e'lch raan dur-

    ing the OhriStiJIIIS Se'lS·~n.

    Magazines, b~r>ks, anc~ oowspopers ~1ere ·Ustributerl to all c~panies,

    b, Medical Officer's Report

    The Battali>n Command Post as well as each Company Chmmand area

    received a sanit!U'y inspection once weekly nn:l. all rec~11111E1n·1ntbns have

    been adequately c!U'rie-:'1 nut,

    Sick call was conducted :\nily in the \11 Station at 180(1 aM an

    average of twenty-five (25) patients were seen each day.

    During the month three (3) eases of veneral desease were :\iqgnosed

    and tre'lted~ The percentage of veneral deaaose !n this b~tt~li~n is 3/10%

    Innoculati'>ns •u1m1nistere~ 1 I

    538 Influenza injeoti~ns

    c. l'erse>nnel Reprt

    Transferrcn 2 Marine Offio0rs to OONLUS

    TransferreJ 1 Marine Officer '" US Navnl U\visory Gr•up, Rep..tblic

    ot Koren Navy,

    Joine:\ l M

  • Korean War Project USMC-08002581

    ' ,,

    i I I




    • •• SECR!i:T

    Appen,1h: IV to 3d B"tt.,lbr., _5th lt~rines Gomma.ni\ Di'lry fnr December 1953 (C~nt'd)

    - -- - ~ - - ~ - - - -~ ·~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - -- . - -- - . --- - ~ Joined 2 M'lrine Officers fr~m 3d Marino Divisi~n, FMF

    Transferred 1 lfl.rlrino Bnlisto:l to 3il M!lrine Di visbn, FMF

    Transferred 4 Msrine Enlisted Inter-Regiment

    Transferred 3 M!lrine Enliste1 to lstPrav~~s Center, FMF, Camp Fisher, Japan.


    Transferrec1 l M!lrine Enl1steil Inter~Divisbn

    Joined 189 M'lrine ~nlisteil fr'm CO~LUS

    Joined 2 Marino Enliste'\ fr·lm let ProvCasCenter, FMF, Camp Fisher,

    Joineil 3 I~rine Enlisted Intor~Regiment

    Joined l Merino Enlisted Inter-Division

    Transferre~ 9 Na-ey :,;nlistod lntel'-Divisbn

    Transfol'l'ed 1 Navy Enliste1 to USS OONSOL:.TION

    Tl'ansferl'ed l Navy Enlisted lsti~ovC•sContel', FMF, Camp Fisher, Japan

    J~ined l Nqvy Officer Inter-Divisi~n



    .,_ '

    ..... ~ . '

  • Korean War Project USMC-08002582

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    ' L_


    • •• SRCRFJ!' Appendix V! to 3d Betta: ic;~. ·;

  • Korean War Project USMC-08002583


    I {

    l I I

    ' '





    • •• - ...... - ... .. ... -· ·- - . -~ ~- . ' ... - ............... - - -- - - -- - - - - -

    Appendix VI to 3d Ba+.t2lbr,, 5ti1 l'fa.·'.nen~~• obstaub ~rc.ssing 1 gave tho mm tb.a neoossary 'Qnnfidon~a ~:1Gy nJ.:;d0c1 f' n:r· the !:!e·~nal debarking and lend-

    ing, The helicopter t=·eL,,.,., ,..,.a f.~.r'rc time

    c~uld havo bcon spent on th-,se operatnns,

    £.• Thu rno••alo of thv troc.ps >f hul-·up by the

    Amphibious Tro>ps Training Co~mand, &nd a real &oslro on tho pal't of the

    tro-,ps to learn.

    g._ Th~ 2~. :,f De~om·c,3r was sp.mt in r.l aaning gea-:o and preparing for the trin b Ir.ch~r.. t.t ObJD on 2 D~ooniDCI the advance party left tho training ar0a b g0 ab>ard ship, Thoy rrrivcd at IPc!"l~n at 0945. Tho first ochcbn -,f the batt ali on loft by tr·u.ck fer tho Munsani

    railhead at 0330 on 3 De0-ornber, I'' was folbwod s:1ortly by tho 2d ech-elon, Tb.!'. Jirst o~:lwlon a:.-r!.ved H-msard the AP!. 194, USS Sand:wal at 1400.

    (J) E:Keoution of the M',RlEX,

    ~· The ship gnt under way on 4 Ducamber. During tho day of 4 December aband-,n ship and debarkation stati-,n drills wore held.

    T:> insure that the tro0ps know where their debark statbne were, three

    (3) drill ·.rare held, The first was held with life jackets, the SGc>nd with steal helmots and life jackets, and th3 third with steel helmets,

    life jaclrots, and individual and crew served wea!Y'ns. On the evening of

    4 Deczmbcr a cnnf~rence was held with all Captains of ships of CTU 90.8.5

    wave guides_, LVT Company Cmnmandor, and Commanding Officers BLT 3/5. The weather had bac-~rne r·mgh and th0re was e.-,me doubt 1f R day WJuld be

    held, H~wever, during the night the wind died and R day and H h-,ur went

    as scheduled, R day >ras set as 5 Decembar anc1 I! hour as 1000. On 5 Dec~ Gmber BLT 3/5 held a rehaarsal for the D day l> nding on the island -:>f

    Tok Ch:>k 'T-:>. On R day reveille was ·held at 0530, ;,11 070.CI the trovos

    started debarking into tha LOU's, LCM's and LCVP1s for the transfer to




    .... ~

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    • • SECREI' .. - - ----~--

    the LSD. Once abc:>ard the l.l'lD they illlli'.Dil~ atc,l y p-:-n~3~1ad t'l tlwh• ascign~

    ad LVT 1 s. On R day thcra was soma c )U:~-..sJ..-,n durint; the traPsfor ~pGra

    ti'ln. This was dua t~ s~me diffioult.y in dssod the line .-,f d"parturu in o-,r~ reot formati'ln and on time, The first wavo hit the beach at H h"lur, The 2d waTe O!llll'l in well disp3rsed, tho troops walked out of the vehicles,

    dispersed, and m-,ved rapidly acr-,ss the beach t~wards their initial ~b~ jectives. 1.11 succaoding waves landod wall dispersed and the tro . .,ps

    moved very rapidly inland,

    s. Radb and wire communioatinna ::>n D day were ex-cellent, c~ntact between our FI,O and tha air support was excellent. .t

    .all tiroos BLT 3/5 had f"ur (4) aircraft on station, '-t no tiiW did it

    8 ke longer than five (5) minutes t~ got an a~r strike ~n designated targets. :.t appr,ximatcly 12'1') the pr~blam was secured and tl\o tr?"l;JS started ·bhOkloading, This backloading was d~nc; very rapidly and with a

    minimum of c~nfusbn, ¥.Jst :1f the oredi t f-:or the rapid backbading must

    .. e givon t-, tho LVT units who had ccnstruoteci an Ufr bridge on which tho troops c:1uld walk ~ver the LOU's, B~ 3/5 was c•mpletly back ab-,ard ship by 1430.

    ,9.. J.s during the training, the U, S: Marines nnd

    IMl's proved t-, be very interested and did their jobs tn the fullest.

    M-:orale aboard ship W'lS excellent, Tho cleavage that usually exists be-

    tween Marinas and No.vy abo·;rd an '•PA seoJOOd to bo non~existant. -




    ... - ...


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    • • • SS:OREI' ....... -- ... - .. - - ....... - .. -- ...... .,._, .. -..... --~ ~ - ........ - - - -- ....... - ~ .. -.'.pporuUx VI to 3d Battol.bn, 5th M:1r:nns eommt:~nd Diary t'nr :X.cJir 1:!'·1~pq. It was alsJ noted that lllllrcy" ot these .~bsnor.; ~ '.d mt go :1l.ong wl.th tho spirit of the ex-ercise, On D day several ~f thorn didn't ev~n ~ther to go on tho land~ ing i;hat they were eupp1sof to obsorve,

    1', M 120'l on 9 December tho 3d Battalhft, 5th Marinas re1eiYod the 1s~DautB11Qn, 7th ~'lrinos,

